Prayer Diary (Oct-Dec 2022)

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TALKING WITH JESUS Let everything that has breath praise the LORD! Praise the LORD! — Psalm 150:6 (ESV)


heard something recently that resonated with me. I was at a conference and the speaker was talking about living an ‘abiding life’. As he talked about contemplation and prayer, he said, ‘There is no such thing as being professionals at prayer. We are always beginners.’ Wow! Now I know some of you reading this might be a little upset by this statement. Perhaps you’ve been praying faithfully for MAF for years and you understand the importance of prayer. Unfortunately, however, it seems that prayer meetings are the least attended in many congregations, with most people in our churches thinking of prayer ministry as being something to which ‘someone else’ is called. But why is that? I think it’s easy to see prayer as something that ‘others do better’, especially in group settings. Have you ever fallen into the trap of thinking, ‘Brother X or sister Y is so much better at articulating their prayers than me’ or, ‘They just seem to know so much Scripture when they pray’? Another quite poignant reason why we might struggle to pray is because there’s a temptation to focus on results rather than relationship. Sometimes, we can even become impatient when we don’t appear to see an immediate answer to our prayers. But when we change the language from ‘praying’ to ‘talking with Jesus’, our focus becomes more relational and two-way. It removes the temptation of having to pray out of a sense of duty or obligation. It also prevents us from just bringing our prayers to God as if they were some kind of sanctified shopping list. Talking with Jesus becomes more relaxed. We ‘come as we are’ and instinctively make space to listen to what He has to say to us. I wonder how many people might benefit from having a different perspective. It’s amazing that, when we spend time talking with Jesus, we just want to keep on talking with Him. As well as this Prayer Diary, you’ll see that we’ve included a Special Edition Prayer Diary to use daily during our Global Week of Prayer, which runs from Sunday 30 October to Sunday 6 November. The theme is ‘Light’, so please consider using this week of prayer as an opportunity to reach out to someone and ignite a fresh passion in them to talk with Jesus on behalf of MAF and those we serve. To order additional copies of the diary, please email You'll also notice that, at the centre of this Prayer Diary, there’s a short survey about prayer. We’d really appreciate it if you could take the time to complete the questionnaire and return it in the envelope provided. Thank you so much for your faithfulness and support. May we embrace prayer as the ‘beginners we are’ and get talking with Jesus with fresh passion and a listening heart. And may we help others to do the same. God bless you

Rev Victoria Fagg Prayer Communications Leader, MAF UK

COVER A woman from Lesotho praying

Grant Strugnell

OCTOBER SATURDAY 1 In the song ‘Talking to Jesus’, worship singer Brandon Lake paints a picture of his grandmother, who modelled a lifetime of prayer that he found both inspiring and contagious. The song ends with Brandon singing ‘What a friend we have in Jesus’. Take a moment to reflect on who inspired you to start talking with Jesus, and thank God for them. Then ask the Holy Spirit to show you someone you can help ignite a friendship with Jesus through prayer. 2 Prayer Diary OCT-DEC 2022



Answer me when I call to You, my righteous God. Give me relief from my distress; have mercy on me and hear my prayer — Psalm 4:1 (NIV) SUNDAY 2 Praise God that flight operations began earlier this year in Guinea, MAF’s newest programme in Africa. Pray for His blessing as we seek to grow our new programme and increase our reach there. MONDAY 3 Lift up frequent MAF flyer MWH Trust Uganda, which celebrated its tenth anniversary in March. The organisation enables farmers in the north of the country to grow a wider variety of vegetables. Please pray that this will help the farmers achieve financial security. TUESDAY 4 Give thanks for the growth of the dama gazelle population in Chad. Although they’re still one of the world’s most endangered species, Becki — the gazelle we transported in 2020 — went on to have three fawns. The three graceful creatures will be vitally important to the survival of this species. WEDNESDAY 5 A recent MAF p a s s e n g e r s a i d , ‘I ’ m n o t a Christian, but when I see how far you’ve come to find me, I can understand what it means to be a Christian.’ Uphold our personnel as they model Christlike behaviour. Pray too that the

seeds sown among those who don’t yet believe will not only grow but thrive. THURSDAY 6 MAF Technologies PNG uploads Christian content and other educational and helpful material onto micro-SD cards. The cards are then distributed by MAF pilots serving rural communities. Pray that the Gospel material will change people’s hearts and we’ll see much spiritual growth. Take time today to consider how God is helping you grow in your faith. FRIDAY 7 Refugees from South Sudan are blessing their host country as they grow crops on land that no one else has tried to farm in Uganda. Pray that these survivors from conflict will know the Lord’s comfort as they seek to rebuild their lives. Give thanks, too, for the MAF flights enabling organisations such as ForAfrika to support those forced to flee from their home country. SATURDAY 8 In Guinea, western Africa, we recently delivered fruit trees for an agricultural project which seeks to improve nutrition in a hard-to-reach area. Pray that the trees will grow well and bear much fruit.

MAIN Fruit tree seedlings are carefully unloaded from MAF’s aircraft in Guinea Dave Forney TOP Sahara Conservation partnered with MAF earlier this year to transfer this gazelle to their reserve in Chad’s Ennedi region Becki Dillingham ABOVE Volunteer Marlene Bloch loading micro-SD cards with the Word of God in Papua New Guinea Joy Suarkia OCT-DEC 2022 | Prayer Diary 3



SUNDAY 9 Praise God for Patrick Keller, who leads the team in Madagascar. He has served with MAF for more than 15 years. His enthusiasm and expertise as Pilot and Country Director are such a blessing.

THURSDAY 13 Every role within the MAF family is important to God and is a great blessing to our teams. Today, please pray for Marie and Fara, MAF Madagascar’s cleaners, as they provide a safe, clean environment for our staff.

MONDAY 10 Please uphold Finaritra (right), a patient we flew to Mandritsara. Pray that his leg continues to heal, and that he is able to work again. Give thanks that the assistance he received from MAF was a good witness to him and his family.

FRIDAY 14 The Good News Hospital in Mandritsara is a real blessing to the communities it serves. Please pray for the staff there, and for MAF flights to the hospital which save patients valuable time and help them avoid further injury or discomfort.

TUESDAY 11 We h av e o n e Cessna 208 and two smaller Cessna 182 aircraft serving in Madagascar. Please pray for safety and reliability as our planes continue to carry vital goods and passengers each day.

SATURDAY 15 Please pray for favour and clear communication as our staff interact with aircraft security guards and officials on a daily basis.

WEDNESDAY 12 Uphold Dr Chin and Dr Thiessen as they continue to fly with MAF, providing hardto-reach patients with vital help.

The prayer points on these pages relate to a story featured in Flying for Life, page 5. (We hope this will help inform your prayers for MAF and those we serve.)

He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will abide in the shadow of the Almighty — Psalm 91:1 (ESV)

SUNDAY 16 Praise God for the work of Wycliffe Bible Translators. They are busy translating the New Testament into four of the main languages spoken in Madagascar. Our flights help their staff to reach the remote areas which they need to access. MONDAY 17 Please pray for the completion of a new hangar — a smaller additional building that can house our aircraft to keep them safe from the frequent storms. At present, one of our three planes has to remain outside. T U E S D AY 1 8 O u r r e g u l a r Madagascar Medical Safari flights allow us to take teams of doctors to difficult-to-access areas. Please pray for these flights and for all the people who are treated or examined.

WEDNESDAY 19 In addition to the annual cyclone season, the island of Madagascar has also been struggling with drought for the last two years. Please pray for the nation’s leaders as they help those who have been affected to rebuild their homes and livelihoods, and recover. THURSDAY 20 MAF Pilot Wouter Nagel, his wife Marlies and their two daughters have been serving in Madagascar since 2021. Uphold them in your prayers today, asking for safety in the air and on the ground, energy and good health. FRIDAY 21 Our MAMAFY flights around Madagascar enable local church partners to share the Good News in remote locations. Pray that many people will come to faith through these flights.

SATURDAY 22 Please remember the MAF team in Madagascar. Several new members have joined this year, bringing the total number to 7 international and 20 national personnel. Pray for unity and good friendships as they work alongside each other.

MAIN An aerial view of the airstrip at Anjabetrongo, Madagascar Mark & Kelly Hewes TOP LEFT Finaritra during his recovery Jeshiah Thiessen BOTTOM LEFT Patrick and Olivia Keller. Patrick is Country Director for the Madagascar programme Mark & Kelly Hewes BOTTOM RIGHT The MAF Madagascar team at this year’s Global Day of Prayer in May Irina Randriamandrato BELOW A Cessna Caravan serving in Madagascar Irina Randriamandrato

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But in my distress I cried out to the LORD; yes, I prayed to my God for help. He heard me from His sanctuary; my cry to Him reached His ears — Psalm 18:6 (NLT) SUNDAY 23 Praise God that the number of dengue fever cases in Timor-Leste has fallen. Give thanks that MAF medevac flights continue to assist patients needing urgent care, saving them a difficult and long journey to hospital by road.

offers psychosocial support and vocational training, and connects young people with mentors to help them become independent. Uphold We See Hope in your prayers and pray for God’s protection over these vulnerable children.

MONDAY 24 Give thanks that, in 2021, MAF was able to conduct 419 medevacs, enabling people in remote and hard-to-reach communities to reach hospital in time — saving many lives.

THURSDAY 27 Give thanks that those attending Dr Camy Thomas’ dental clinic in Kompiam, PNG, can now receive their treatment more comfortably, thanks to a dental chair delivered by MAF. Before its arrival, people had to sit on a plastic chair or improvise with whatever they could find. Pray that, through the health education provided by our regular Aerial Health Patrols, dental hygiene will improve.

TUESDAY 25 MAF and Rotarians Against Malaria Australia delivered 34,250 mosquito nets to 26 remote airstrips in Papua New Guinea (PNG) earlier this year. Praise the Lord that the nets will save many isolated people from a disease which causes the death of hundreds of thousands of victims globally each year. WEDNESDAY 26 Regular MAF flyer We See Hope is having a long-term impact on thousands of children who would otherwise have an uncertain future in Uganda. The NGO

FRIDAY 28 MAF Madagascar Pilot Patrick Keller flew 400,000 doses of life-saving vaccines for children earlier this year. Many youngsters will now be protected from diseases such as TB, tetanus, polio and measles. With measles cases increasing in Africa, please pray that these valuable vaccines will reach the communities that need them most. SATURDAY 29 Earlier this year, MAF PNG organised a community outreach programme in Mount Hagen — MAF's base — to bring people together and share the love of Jesus. Please pray that those who attended the event will know how deeply God loves and cares for them, and will go on to love and serve Him themselves.

MAIN It’s vaccine delivery time at Marolambo, Madagascar Irina Randriamandrato LEFT The safe arrival of dental equipment for Dr Camy Thomas’ clinic in Kompiam, PNG Camy Thomas



You will turn back to me and ask for help, and I will answer your prayers. You will worship me with all your heart, and I will be with you — Jeremiah 29:12-13 (CEV) SUNDAY 30 Praise God that, in 2021, MAF was able to fly about 101,000 passengers and 4 million kg of freight — with many of our flights being used to share Jesus worldwide. Pray that our partners’ work will have a lasting impact on those who hear God’s life-giving Word. MONDAY 31 For more than 70 years, MAF PNG has been shining the light of God’s Word across the nation, testifying to Jesus’ love for His people. Pray that the Scriptures will continue to be shared among PNG’s people for many more decades to come. TUESDAY 1 According to Wordsower International Founder Kim Smith, ‘Everybody needs to know about MAF. You are given by God so His Word can spread in the hardest of areas.’ The organisation equips pastors, missionaries and teachers with the resources needed to spread the Good News throughout Liberia. Pray that many more people will receive the hope that comes from knowing Jesus Christ. WEDNESDAY 2 Bibles brought to airstrips across PNG often travel further afield. Because their community has an airstrip, sisters Joyce and Vero are blessing other communities with the Bibles and resources delivered by MAF. Pray for Joyce, Vero and everyone who makes long and dangerous journeys across rugged terrain to share Jesus with remote communities. THURSDAY 3 Uphold Evangelical Soul Rescue Mission (ESORM) which, with MAF’s help, delivered Bibles, children’s books and literacy resources to New Hope Christian Academy in Zwedru, Liberia. During the trip, ESORM staff shared the Gospel with more than 75 children. ESORM’s Administrator Terri says, ‘The plane made it possible for us to bring all these materials for the Lord’s work to this school.’

TOP Steven and Margot Biggs. Steven is a pilot and Margot is a volunteer nurse at ELWA hospital in Monrovia, Liberia MIDDLE Pilot Tim Neufeld (right) distributing Bibles at Simogu airstrip, PNG Mandy Glass ABOVE Collecting the ESORM team from Tapeta, Liberia ESORM

FRIDAY 4 MAF helps bring Jesus to communities where witchcraft and sorcery are commonplace. Recent flights to Chukudum, South Sudan, enabled Wycliffe Bible Translators staff to deliver training courses aimed at overcoming the fear of witchcraft and the lure of divination. Give thanks that, despite the darkness of such practices, Jesus’ light can never be extinguished. SATURDAY 5 MAF Pilot Steven Biggs has flown families translating the New Testament into local languages in Liberia. He and his wife Margot recently attended a ceremony celebrating the translation of the New Testament into Manya. Praise God that communities can now read Scripture in their own language.

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SUNDAY 6 Praise God for nearly 50 years of MAF flights in Arnhem Land, northern Australia. Serving the indigenous people of this remote, beautiful wilderness presents challenges and rewards in equal measure, and remains a unique posting for MAF families who heed God’s call. MONDAY 7 Pray for the Yolŋu people of the Aboriginal homelands, for whom Arnhem Land is a legally recognised reserve. Poverty, heat, humidity and huge physical distances between communities dominate every day of their lives. TUESDAY 8 Please pray for the 14 international and 6 national staff serving at the MAF bases at Gove and Elcho Island in the north and Ramingining in the west. Ask the Lord to bless them greatly with peace, protection and provision as they serve and support the Yolŋu. WEDNESDAY 9 Historically, the Yolŋu and other ‘first Australians’ suffered under colonial rule to the point where social and material poverty have become endemic. 8 Prayer Diary OCT-DEC 2022


Please pray that our aircraft continue to play a pivotal part in alleviating the problems faced by Australia’s indigenous peoples. THURSDAY 10 Ask God for His continued blessing on our programme’s eight aircraft. Without them being in constant use, men, women and children would have very limited access to healthcare, education and development opportunities. FRIDAY 11 Our Arnhem Land fleet ensures that the Yolŋu can attend funerals. These sacred ceremonies often last for months. Pray for the power of the Holy Spirit to be with our pilots as they fly mourners to events where traditional beliefs remain prevalent. SATURDAY 12 Walking alongside those we serve is a vital part of MAF Arnhem Land’s ministry. Pray for our personnel as they strive to learn the indigenous culture — including the Matha or Yolŋu tongue — and interact graciously with local leaders.

The LORD says, ‘I will guide you along the best pathway for your life. I will advise you and watch over you’ — Psalm 32:8 (NLT)

MAIN Soaring over Arnhem Land Annelie Edsmyr TOP Pilot Anton Zhang Anton Zhang ABOVE MAF’s base at Gove Airport, Arnhem Land Annelie Edsmyr RIGHT Matt Henderson, Programme Director in Arnhem Land FAR RIGHT Crisis Accommodation Gove — one of the refuge’s MAF serves in Arnhem Land Crisis Accommodation Grove

Prayer has, and always will be, foundational at MAF. One of the things I love about my role is to imagine our individual prayers lighting up across the world, connecting together like a circuit board and bringing something of God’s Kingdom to earth. It’s incredible when people unite and pray. Things start to happen — circumstances change, doors open, lives are transformed and hearts are revived. Even when the future is unknown and hope seems fragile, God’s faithfulness is everlasting. Not only that, but when we spend time with God in prayer, His presence compels us to reach out — whether that’s through a kind gesture, an encouraging word or a sacrificial gift. We want to continue to provide quality resources to enable you to pray for MAF’s ministry. With that in mind, it would be really helpful if you could take a few minutes to complete the short survey below to inform our plans for the future. Once completed, please remove the survey from the Prayer Diary and return it to us using the prepaid envelope, or by using the Freepost address below: FREEPOST RTKH–HJEY–BTJL MAF UK Castle House Castle Hill Avenue FOLKESTONE CT20 2TQ Thank you so much for your time and faithful prayer support. We really value your prayers and fellowship!

Rev Victoria Fagg Prayer Communications Leader, MAF UK




2. How regularly do you pray for MAF? Daily




*This is helpful for us to know, even if you don't complete any further questions. PLEASE CONTINUE OVERLEAF

3. Which resources do you use to pray? Prayer Diary

Flying for Life

Partner in Prayer Video MAF Website

(Please tick all that apply)

MAF Devotion

News for Prayer

Flight Log

MAF Prayer Group

Overseas Staff Prayer Letters

For the Sake of the World 4. How helpful are the resources you use? (Please tick on the scale for each one you use, where 5 is extremely helpful and 1 is not helpful)

Prayer Diary Flying for Life MAF Devotion Flight Log Partner in Prayer Video News for Prayer MAF Prayer Group MAF Website Overseas Staff Prayer Letters For the Sake of the World 5. Please tick any other resources you'd like to receive or access Additional copy of the Prayer Diary/Flying for Life for a friend MAF Devotion (monthly email to inspire and challenge you in your walk with Jesus) Flight Log (monthly MAF story plus prayer point) Partner in Prayer Video (monthly video devotion) News for Prayer (a twice monthly email with news stories to fuel your prayers) Start an MAF Prayer Group Join an MAF Prayer Group Overseas Staff Prayer Letters For the Sake of the World (mission-focused prayer communities)

6. Is there another prayer resource you think might be helpful?

7. Do you have any further comments about our prayer resources?

8. Have you taken part in the Global Week of Prayer in previous years using the Special Edition Prayer Diary enclosed with Flying for Life? Yes


No, but I plan to this year

9. Would you be interested in receiving an MAF Church Prayer Pack? (This is not available yet, but could be a resource to share MAF with your church family)



Not sure


NAME EMAIL ADDRESS POSTCODE Unless you are requesting prayer resources, please do not feel that you have to share your details with us. Your opinions are valuable to us, with or without your name.

Don't worry about anything, but pray about everything. With thankful hearts offer up your prayers and requests to God. Then, because you belong to Christ Jesus, God will bless you with peace that no one can completely understand. And this peace will control the way you think and feel. — Philippians 4:6-7 (CEV)

The prayer points on these pages relate to a story featured in Flying for Life, pages 8-9. (We hope this will help inform your prayers for MAF and those we serve.)

SUNDAY 13 Praise God for the peace He has brought to areas of the world that were once torn apart by violence and death. On Remembrance Sunday, let’s also give thanks for the sacrifices made by many Australian soldiers in two world wars. MONDAY 14 ‘I find joy in being able to serve as a cog in the machinery of God’s work of growing the Yolŋu Church in Arnhem Land,’ says MAF Pilot Anton Zhang. Pray for our continued role in helping to nurture an indigenous church — one that didn’t exist when we first began flying in Australia’s Northern Territory in 1973. TUESDAY 15 Please pray for our partnership with Nungalinya College, which provides courses in Media, Music and Discipleship, Christian Ministry and Theology, and Bible Translation. Give thanks that we can transport staff to remote locations so they can attend student graduation ceremonies in local churches.

WEDNESDAY 16 Last year, MAF flew census papers to remote Yolŋu communities so their needs could be fully represented in the Australian census. Please pray that centuries of prejudice and discrimination against the Aboriginal people and Torres Strait Islanders will finally be laid to rest. THURSDAY 17 Lift up Matt Henderson (below), who has recently taken over as Programme Director in Arnhem Land. Pray for wisdom and strength as Matt settles into his new role.

FRIDAY 18 Pray for the many victims of domestic violence — something that’s horribly prevalent in remote communities. MAF flights are on standby to carry abused adults and children to places of sanctuary. SATURDAY 19 The slogan of MAF partner Miyalk Domestic and Family Violence Shelter is ‘Strong hearts. Strong minds. Strong families. Free from violence’. Pray for its success in providing sanctuary for women and children rescued from domestic abuse. Pray too for an end to this destructive cycle. OCT-DEC 2022 | Prayer Diary 9


FLYING FOR JESUS Call to me and I will answer you, and will tell you great and hidden things that you have not known — Jeremiah 33:3 (ESV)

SUNDAY 20 Without planes, our missionary pilots couldn’t fly. Praise God for the gifts pledged by faithful donors which enabled us to purchase a new Cessna Caravan for the MAF fleet. MONDAY 21 Uphold the students currently enrolled at the MAF Flight Training Centre in Mareeba, Australia. May many experience Jesus’ call to fly for MAF overseas. TUESDAY 22 Earlier this year, an aircraft maintenance engineer from MAF Madagascar carried out regular maintenance on two of our planes in Chad. Today, let’s pray God’s blessing on those who use their skills to keep our aircraft safe — advancing His Kingdom by enabling our pilots to soar on wings like eagles. WEDNESDAY 23 Give thanks for opportunities to reopen old airstrips in Chad, and pray for good relationships with the Timor-Leste Government as we seek to construct new airstrips in some extremely isolated areas. Pray too for the construction of a new airstrip in Angola to help supply a remote health clinic and assist the surrounding villages.

Don’t forget the Advent Adventure begins next week! Please see the back page for more information

10 Prayer Diary OCT-DEC 2022

THURSDAY 24 In March, Jack Hemmings — one of our founders — returned to the controls of a 1947 Miles Gemini aircraft. The 100-year-old’s flight was in honour of Stuart King, another of MAF's beloved founders, who died in 2020. ‘It was,’ Jack said, ‘a suitable way to remember all he achieved.’ Pray that a new generation of pilots, pioneers and engineers will fly for Jesus, following in Stuart’s and Jack’s footsteps.

FRIDAY 25 Praise God for an increase in flying hours in Liberia, and the new shuttle flights launched between Dili and Atauro Island in Timor-Leste. May our flights bless everyone who needs them, whether it’s a team of Bible translators flying far above the clouds to access isolated destinations or disaster victims in need of food, shelter and clean water on the ground below. SATURDAY 26 However different the nations of the world might be — or whatever their differences — our common humanity unites us all. As President Kennedy once said, ‘For in the final analysis, our most basic common link is that we all inhabit this small planet. We all breathe the same air, we all cherish our children’s futures, and we are all mortal.’ Ponder this for a moment, then uphold the MAF pilots coming from various countries, speaking different languages and serving diverse communities. SUNDAY 27 Praise God that we’ve received approval to import the Kodiak plane that was named PK-MJL in memory of Pilot Joyce Lin, who tragically died on 12 May 2020. Pray that this addition to our Indonesia fleet will bless Papua’s people for many years to come.

MONDAY 28 Please pray for i n c re a s e d p a r t n e r s h i p w i t h churches and mission groups in Liberia — asking Jesus to bless the flights we’ll be carrying out for Christian NGO Mercy Ships early next year. T U E S D AY 2 9 U p h o l d P i l o t and Country Director David Jacobsson, who leads our team in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo. Despite the violence perpetrated by rebel militia, may MAF’s 8 missionary families and 26 national staff keep their eyes fixed on Jesus as they continue serving the Congolese people. WEDNESDAY 30 Every year in Chad, Harmattan dust settles in the air and affects visibility. Pray for our pilots’ continued ability to fly safely — upholding also those serving in countries where extreme heat, treacherous terrain and heavy rainfall are constant challenges. THURSDAY 1 In March, angry protestors in Haiti burnt two non-MAF aircraft. Give thanks for God’s protection of our planes worldwide, and pray for MAF personnel living in areas afflicted by civil war, political unrest and tribal warfare. May they find shelter in the shadow of His wings.

FRIDAY 2 The MAF Kenya team is delighted that, for the first time in 12 years, we’ve been able to resume our evangelistic eye safaris. Pray that Jesus, the light of the world, will use these flights to give sight to the blind — enabling people’s lives to be full of light rather than darkness. SATURDAY 3 Our pilots never know what each new day will bring as they soar on the wings of the wind (2 Samuel 22:11), whether it’s flying Bible translators in Liberia so they can finish translating the New Testament into the Manya language, airlifting victims of domestic violence in Arnhem Land or PNG, or enabling medical safari teams to examine patients in countries such as Madagascar. Praise Jesus for our pilots’ unflappable flexibility as they continue serving God, whatever the challenge or situation in which they find themselves.

MAIN Atauro Island, Timor-Leste — a 2-3 hour boat ride from the capital Dili, but only 15 minutes by air Mark Hewes ABOVE Africa Mercy, one of Mercy Ships' fleet Mercy Ships LEFT Pilot Joyce Lin, who served in Papua Mark Hewes OCT-DEC 2022 | Prayer Diary 11


LIVING FOR JESUS SUNDAY 4 Praise God for the UK staff serving worldwide. They live out their faith in practical ways and in obedience to God’s call. Thank Him for providing for their needs and for the lives being transformed through their partnership with Jesus. MONDAY 5 As we open our Advent calendars and light our Advent candles, let’s pray for God to open doors for our staff to shine His light in the communities in which they live and work. Pray too for opportunities to share their faith. May all they do bear fruit.

What you have said in the dark will be heard in the daylight, and what you have whispered in the ear in the inner rooms will be proclaimed from the roofs — Luke 12:3 (NIV)

TUESDAY 6 Today, let’s uphold the Operations Managers in our programmes, including John Feil in South Sudan and Becki Dillingham in Chad. Ask God to give them wisdom as they plan routes, make schedules, balance the needs of staff and passengers, and organise cargo. WEDNESDAY 7 Cairns, Australia, isn’t a place you’d automatically associate with MAF, though it contributes significantly to our work. Daniel Simkins serves in the Finance Department which pays the bills, ensures that our staff receive their wages, and deals with taxes and fees to keep things running smoothly. Pray for Daniel, the finance team, and all those living for Jesus in Cairns. THURSDAY 8 Tim and Georgie Vallance-Webb moved to Arnhem Land in 2018. Their four children have been assisting MAF’s work by selling ice lollies to raise funds to help the mothers of newborn babies in Nhulunbuy. They’ve also put together stationery and learning packs to send to schools affected by flooding in Queensland. Pray for all the MAF children living for Jesus. FRIDAY 9 Uphold the Sibthorpe, Knighton and Beckwith families returning to the UK on home assignment. Pray for times of rest, reflection, refreshment and reconnecting with family and supporters. Pray too for those maintaining the fleet and training new pilots in Mareeba while they’re away. SATURDAY 10 Eddie Askew, former International Director of Leprosy Mission International, wrote, ‘Lord, I base my life on the compass point of Your love. Lead me to it whatever road [or flight path] I take. And help me point others to it, by all I do and say.’ Let’s offer up this prayer today as we seek to live for Jesus. Pray too for all who work, volunteer, give, pray, encourage and benefit from MAF’s work. 12 Prayer Diary OCT-DEC 2022

MAIN Pilot Becki Dillingham flying in Chad Becki Dillingham TOP Andy Symmonds serves as a pilot in PNG Annelie Edsmyr ABOVE Joe Knighton serves in Mareeba, Australia, as a Senior Flight Instructor Jenny Beckwith



Pray at all times — 1 Thessalonians 5:17 (GNT) SUNDAY 11 Praise God for Bryan Mathews who leads MAF Technologies PNG. His heart for serving and helping PNG’s people to grow in their faith is a real blessing. MONDAY 12 Pray for MAF’s team in Kalimantan. They have been reaching out to different church denominations with a learning initiative called Hati, which means ‘heart’. Not only does this enable churches to get to know each other, but it also helps children to read. TUESDAY 13 Pray for Training Officer Tracy Norbury as she helps our staff grow, learn and develop in their God-appointed roles in PNG. W E D N E S D AY 1 4 W e a r e so thankful for MATC in the Netherlands, where some MAF pilots receive their flight training. They also obtain sound Christian teaching which helps them in their walk with Jesus. Please pray for the staff there and for the trainees’ future service overseas.

THURSDAY 15 Every year, new MAF staff and their families attend All Nations Christian College as part of their training for overseas service. Please pray for those studying there. May the knowledge they gain help deepen their faith and increase their effectiveness. FRIDAY 16 Praise the Lord for the reopening of the remote Vanimo airstrip and buildings in PNG earlier this year. Please pray for our flights there as we deliver books and supplies for education projects, helping the children of the surrounding villages to learn. Our outreach to the communities there allows us to build connections and let them know that Jesus loves them. SATURDAY 17 Uphold Building Maintenance and Projects Manager Dave Moore as he shares his 30 years’ experience with fellow MAF PNG team members, helping them to grow, adapt and accomplish their work to a high standard.

MAIN The Property Vehicle and Maintenance Department in MAF PNG. Dave Moore appears back row on the right Annelie Edsmyr TOP Children in Kalimantan developing their reading skills thanks to the Hati project Tyler Schmidt ABOVE Tracy Norbury is our Training Officer in PNG Annelie Edsmyr

OCT-DEC 2022 | Prayer Diary 13


REFLECTING JESUS Give all your worries and cares to God, for He cares about you — 1 Peter 5:7 (NLT) SUNDAY 18 Praise God for our partnership with those bringing the Good News to some of the world’s remotest communities. Pray that, no matter where people live, they will all have an opportunity to hear the amazing story of how Christ came into this world to save us. MONDAY 19 Uphold everyone involved in raising money to further the work of God’s Kingdom through MAF. May the presence of the Lord shine through each one as they tell others about our work. TUESDAY 20 In northern Kenya, the nomadic Rendille people worship spirits and the inanimate objects around them. Give thanks that, through the love and care shown to them in the name of Jesus, there has been an openness to the Gospel. Pray for the MAF flights that enable missionaries to share Jesus with the Rendille. WEDNESDAY 21 In 2022, we were able to resume a number of in-person events, introducing people to MAF’s transformative work. Pray that future initiatives will demonstrate the importance of MAF’s ministry as our volunteers, pilots and personnel reflect Jesus. THURSDAY 22 Several areas in South Sudan continue to suffer from intercommunal violence. Pray specifically for Leer and Pibor — where MAF flies — and for our partnership with organisations such as Peace Canal. One of its personnel recently remarked, ‘MAF works for peace, to encourage harmony. That’s why we chose MAF.’ May the peace of the Lord descend on these troubled regions. FRIDAY 23 Christ is the Answer Ministries shares the Gospel in some of the hardest to reach corners of Kenya. Pray for our partnership with this organisation which enables remote communities to experience the lifechanging power of Jesus’ birth, death and resurrection. SATURDAY 24 On the eve of Jesus’ birth, let’s remember that Christ came to gather the nations into the peace of His Kingdom. Reflect for a moment on the 25 countries MAF serves and pray that they will experience the hope and peace that has come through Jesus’ birth. MAIN MAF flights continue to support Peace Canal in its efforts to encourage dialogue between communities in the Greater Pibor Administrative Area, South Sudan Jenny Davies TOP LEFT In 2018, people gathered in Korr, northern Kenya, to celebrate the translation of the New Testament into the Rendille language David Gargule, Rendille Church TOP RIGHT Some of the MAF team of staff and volunteers who attended Big Church Festival 2022 14 Prayer Diary OCT-DEC 2022



Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need — Hebrews 4:16 (NIV) SUNDAY 25 Praise God that the baby born in the manger is the Wonderful Counsellor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father and Prince of Peace (Isaiah 9:6). Happy Christmas, and thank you so much for your prayers for MAF over the past year. MONDAY 26 Let’s remember those living in countries where food is scarce and finding money to buy even the simplest of gifts for others is often impossible. Pray specifically for our staff in South Sudan as they minister to those living in financially challenging situations in remote locations.

UK to serve in Uganda early next year. Pray that they and their three children will settle in quickly. THURSDAY 29 Pray for the MAF personnel who’ve begun serving in Guinea, our newest programme. Pray that we will quickly establish great links with those who would benefit most from our services. FRIDAY 30 Pray for MAF UK’s HR team as they meet with candidates for overseas service, hear their stories and help them to discern the Lord’s leading. SATURDAY 31 As we come to

TUESDAY 27 Pray for our new aircraft maintenance engineer and pilot trainees who start at the beginning of January 2023. As they begin their journey, may they stay focused and progress well in their studies.

the end of the year, please pray

WEDNESDAY 28 Uphold Mark and Steph Draper, who leave the

people will come forward to serve

for greater understanding of the Lord’s command, ‘I have made you a light for the Gentiles, that you may bring salvation to the ends of the earth’ (Acts 13:47, NIV). Pray also that many more overseas in the coming year.

MAIN Christmas nativity in an MAF cockpit in PNG Mandy Glass TOP Mark and Steph Draper and their daughters Evelyn, Lexi and Raya ABOVE Flying high over Guinea Emil Kündig OCT-DEC 2022 | Prayer Diary 15

The MAF Advent Adventure is back this Christmas! Yes, we did just say ‘Christmas’ and yes, we know it’s only September! We’d like to invite you to come on a journey around the MAF world with our trusty trio of friends — Mike, Alpha and Foxtrot — discovering fascinating facts and great stories about MAF along the way. Order a printed Advent calendar* so you and your family can enjoy opening the doors each day to find out who — or what — Mike is transporting in his MAF plane each day during Advent. Then, simply head online to to explore that day’s destination in more detail. Find out how MAF helps the people there, watch inspiring videos, download fun Christmas activity sheets, complete a daily kindness challenge and — of course — enter the grand competition! To avoid disappointment, pre-order your printed Advent calendar now by visiting or phone 01303 852819. Sign up for daily email reminders starting on 30 November by visiting now!

*We’re asking for a suggested donation of £4 per calendar to cover postage and packaging

MAF UK Castle House, Castle Hill Avenue, Folkestone, Kent CT20 2TQ Scotland Office Challenge House, 29 Canal Street, Glasgow G4 0AD T 01303 852819 E MAF UK





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