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UVODNIK Pozdravljam vas dragi moji ~itaoci, Sre}emo se ponovo ovog meseca sa nadom da }e vas najnovije izdanje magazina For You zate}i u dobrom zdravlju. Kao i obi~no, pripremili smo mnogo novih i interesantnih stvari specijalno za vas. Predstavi} emo ih redom: Ovog meseca smo posetili Osnovnu i ni`u srednju {kolu „7. septembar“ u Vitomirici. Tamo smo saznali {ta je to potrebno u školi kako bi u~enici imali povoljnije uslove za u~enje, naravno, imali smo priliku da upoznamo i u~enike ove škole. Modni ugao pokriva najnovije trendove za rukavice za 2015, a kada je u pitanju Muzi~ki kutak, pripremili smo interesantnu biografiju, sada ve} pokojnog peva~a Kemala Montena. Rubrika o @ivotinjskom carstvu govori o “nekim neverovatnim i interesantnim podacima o delfinima”, dok }e vam kutak o savremenoj tehnologiji predstaviti neke ure|aje koji }e vam ulepšati dan. U rubrici Moviemaina }emo vam predstaviti najnovije filmove iz strane produkcije. Pozivam vas da pa`ljivo pro~itate Sportski ugao i saznate više o dostignu}ima ko{arka{a Nemanje Nedovi}a. Ukoliko `elite da znate šta bi mladi na Kosovu promenili u svojim školama, molimo vas da pro~itate naš Upitnike. Tako|e vas pozivamo, da pa`ljivo pro~itate slede}e društvene teme za ovaj mesec: „Stvari koje niko ne treba znati o meni“, „^itanje rukama – pronalazak Brajevog pisma“, i „Sport – izvor istinskih ljudskih vrednosti“. Vesti o poznatim li~nostima, uklju~uju}i i neke neverovatne istinite ~injenice, tako|e ne}e izostati. Sve u novom izdanju magazina je pripremljeno isklju~ivo za vas. Pregledajte ga i pro~itajte pa`ljivo jer }ete se na}i u svetu snova. Nadam se da }emo se ponovo sresti u aprilu mesecu. Dovi|enja! Leonora

“For You” je slu`bena publikacija KFOR-a, proizvedena i finansirana od strane KFOR-a. Štampa se na Kosovu i distribuira besplatno. Sadr`aj magazina ne odra`ava uvek stavove koalicije ili bilo koje zemlje ~lanice pojedina~no. KFOR prihvata i tra`i vaša mi{ljenja, neka od njih }e i objavljivati, verovatno u skra}enoj formi. Ako autor pisma tako `eli, njegovo/njeno ime ne}e biti objavljeno. KFOR ne}e objavljivati anonimna, maliciozna ili klevetni~ka pisma. Glavni urednik: Leonora Shabanaj Nik{i} Novinari: Sanela Kanji`a, Ali Rexha Fotografije: Ekipa “4U” Design & Layout: Bekim Shabani Uredni{tvo mo`ete kontaktirati na telefon: 038/503-603-2139 Pisma mo`ete slati na adresu: HQ KFOR - Kosova Film. “For You” magazin; Strasbourg Building; 10000 Pri{tina E-mail: leonorashabanaj@gmail.com; http://www.magazineforyou.com

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18 19

2-3: Uvodnik, sadr`aj 4-5: [kola meseca: Osnovna i ni`a srednja {kola „7. septembar“ u Vitomirici 6-7: Stvari koje niko ne treba znati o meni 8-9: For you fashion: Trendovi rukavica u 2015. godini 10-11: Music Box: Zbogom Kemo 12-13: Sport - izvor istinskih ljudskih vrednosti 14-15: @ivotinjsko carstvo: Zanimljive i potpuno neverovatne ~injenice o delfinima

16-17: Poster: Kemal Monteno 18-19: Moviemania: Maps to the stars; The second best exotic marigold hotel; Cinderella; Serena. 20-21: Sportski ugao: Nemanja Nedovi} 22-23: Hi-Tech 24-25: ^itanje rukama - pronalazak Brajevog pisma 26-27: Upitnik: [ta biste menjali u svom okru`enju? 28-29: Verovali ili ne ... 30: Enigmatski ugao 31-32: Pisma ~italaca

EDITORIAL Greetings my dear readers,

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2-3: Editorial, index 4-5: School of the month: “7th of September” Primary and Lower High School in Vitomirica 6-7: Things no one should know about me 8-9: For you fashion: Gloves trends in 2015 10-11: Music Box: Last goodbye to Kemo 12-13: Sports - a source of true human values 14-15: Animal kingdom: Cool and absolutely extraordinary dolphin facts

16-17: Poster: Kemal Monteno 18-19: Moviemania: Maps to the stars; The second best exotic marigold hotel; Cinderella; Serena. 20-21: Sports corner: Nemanja Nedovic 22-23: Hi-Tech 24-25: Reading with the hands - the invention of Braille 26-27: Questionnaire: What would you change in your school? 28-29: Did you know ... 30: Crossword puzzle 31-32: Readers’ letters

We are meeting each other again this month with the hope that the newest edition of your favourite For You magazine will find you in good health. As always, we have prepared many new and interesting things especially for you. We will present them in sequence: This month, we have visited elementary and junior high school “7 September”, in Vitomirica. Over there we learned the new renovations that are taking place in the school so that students could have more favourable conditions for learning, where we had the opportunity to acquaint and to know more closely many students of this school. The fashion corner covers the newest trends of gloves for 2015. When it comes to music fans section, we have prepared a very interesting biography about late singer, Kemal Monteno. Animal Kingdom section will talk about “Some amazing and interesting facts about dolphins”, while the modern technology corner will introduce some devices that would adorn your day. In the Moviemaina part, the newest movies from the foreign production will be presented to you. I encourage you to read carefully the sports corner and know more about basketball player Nemanja Nedovic. Should you want to know what the young Kosovans would change in their schools, please go through our questionnaire. We also invite you, as always, to read carefully the social topics of this month, in which they cover the following: “Reading with the hands - the invention of braille”, “Sports - a source of true human values”, and “Things no one should know about me”. News on celebrities, including some incredible true facts, will not be missing, too. All this is prepared exclusively for you in the new edition of the magazine. Read them carefully; browse them carefully because you will find yourself in the world of your dreams. I hope we will meet again in the month of April. Until then, see you! Leonora

‘For You’ is an official publication of KFOR, produced and financed by KFOR, printed in Kosovo and distributed freely.The contents do not necessarily reflect the official point of view of the coalition or that of any of its member states. KFOR accepts and welcomes your opinions, it will publish some of these, eventually in a condensed form. If requested the name of the writer will be withheld but no anonymous, defamatory or malicious letters will be printed. Chief Editor: Leonora Shabanaj Niksic Journalists: Ali Rexha, Sanela Kanjizha Photos by: “4U” team Design & Layout: Bekim Shabani The editorial staff can be contacted on: 038/503-603-2139 Any letters can be sent at: HQ KFOR - Film City; For You magazine; Strasbourg building; 10000 Pristina; E-mail: leonorashabanaj@gmail.com; http://www.magazineforyou.com

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škola meseca


direktorka Draga Baba~i} Markovi}


mamo toliko lepih mesta na Kosovu, lepih {kola i lepu decu u njima. Ali, koliko i {ta znamo o njima? Iz tog razloga i postoji na{ magazin, kako bi vas svakog meseca upoznao sa nekom {kolom na Kosovu, za koju mo`da niste ni znali da postoji. Sa velikim zadovoljstvom vam u ovom broju predstavljamo Osnovnu i ni`u srednju {kolu „7. septembar“ ili „7 Shtatori“ u Vitomirici, op{tina Pe}. Ovu {kolu ~ini posebnom jedan veoma zanimljiv podatak, a to je multietni~nost. Na ~elu ove {kole je gospo|a Draga Baba~i} Markovi}, ina~e profesor pedagogije po struci, koja od 2003. godine, iako u skromnim uslovima,

uspe{no organizuje 907 u~enika i 66 radnika. Me|utim, specifi~nost je u tome {to {kolu poha|aju pet etni~kih zajednica na dva jezika: albanskom i bosanskom. „Od ukupnog broja u~enika, 300 njih su Bo{njaci, 78 Romi, A{kalije i Egip}ani, a ostalo su Albanci. Imamo i jedno istureno odeljenje u Sigi, a nastava se odvija od pred{kolskog do devetog razreda. Nijedan posao nije lak, ali, na sre}u, uz podr{ku mojih kolega, i Albanaca i Bo{njaka, nemamo nikakvih problema kada su me|uljudski odnosi u pitanju“, kazala je na{a

{kolsko dvori{te

4 for you

sagovornica, gospo|a Baba~i} Markovi}. Prema njenim re~ima, pravednost, timski rad i isti ciljevi, najbitniji su u radu gde je prisutno vi{e zajednica. „Sve {to radimo, radimo zajedno, nikada odvojeno. Nikada ni{ta ne radim na svoju ruku a da se ne konsultujem sa kolegama i Albancima i Bo{njacima. Morate ispo{tovati i jednu i drugu stranu. Sve {to imamo u {koli delimo, od zbornice do krede i sun|era. Na`alost, uslovi su skromni, i oskudevamo u mnogo ~emu. Tako da problemi koje imamo uglavnom se ti~u finansijske prirode“.

1936. godne, a koji su u veoma lo{em stanju. ^ak nemamo ni kabinete, kao ni fiskulturnu salu koja je ipak od velikog zna~aja za mlade, obzirom da svi oni vole da se bave sportom“. Direktorka je naglasila da {kola ima mnogo talentovane dece koja posti`u dobre rezultate na {kolskim takmi~enjima, ali i da postoji jedan broj |aka ~iji roditelji nisu mnogo zainteresovani za {kolu i obrazovanje. „Apelovala bih na pojedine roditelje da vi{e rade sa svojom decom, jer upravo od obrazovanja zavisi njihova budu}nost. Ima mnogo dece koja su

nastava na bo{nja~kom jeziku Verovali ili ne prozori na {koli su toliko stari da ih ekserima moraju zakovati kako se ne bi sami otvarali. U svakoj u~ionici se nalazi po jedna furuna pomo}u koje se greju, iako ih lo`e od {est ujutru, u~ionice nisu tako tople tokom prvih {kolskih ~asova. „Bili bismo najsre}niji kada bi {kola imala parno grejanje, osim toga, nama {to{ta nedostaje. Imamo ~etiri aneksa koja su izgra|ena u razli~itim periodima. Pre nekoliko godina zahvaljuju}i KFOR-u izgra|en je aneks u kojem se sada nalazimo. Me|utim, imamo i anekse koji su izgra|eni

stalno okru`ena knjigama ne samo u {koli ve} i ku}i. Svakako da je pored nastavnika, roditelj najva`niji faktor u obrazovanju dece“. Na kraju, direktorka ONS[ „7. septembar“, Draga Baba~i} Markovi}, mladima u Vitomirici je uputila slede}u poruku: „Osnovno obrazovanje vam je dobar “temelj“ za budu}nost. Zato, u~ite i ~itajte {to vi{e kako biste obogatili svoju op{tu kulturu i kako biste imali bogatiji re~nik. Obzirom da ve}ina mladih danas sve vi{e vremena provodi na Internetu, onda ga makar koristite ne samo zabave radi, ve} kako biste pro{irili i svoje op{te znanje“.

school of the month



School building

e have so many beautiful places, beautiful schools and beautiful children in those schools, in Kosovo. But how much and what do we know about them? That is why our magazine exists, to every month present to you a new school, that you might have not known even existed. It is with great pleasure that in this edition, we are presenting the “7th of September” (7. septembar or 7 Shtatori) Primary and Lower High School in Vitomirica in the Pec Municipality. One very interesting fact makes this school special: its’ multiethnicity. Heading the school is Mrs. Draga Babacic Markovic, a professor of pedagogy, who has successfully led the 907 pupils and 66 employees since 2003, albeit the very modest

condition the school finds itself in. However, the distinctiveness of this school is that pupils from five different ethnic communities attend classes in two languages: Bosnian and Albanian. “Out of the total number of pupils, 300 of them are Bosniaks, 78 are Romas, Ashkalis and Egyptians and the rest are Albanian. We have a separate class in Siga, attended by preschool children and pupils up to Grade 9. No job can be called easy but, fortunately, with the support of both my Albanian and Bosniak colleagues, we did not have any inter-personal problems whatsoever”, our interlocutor

Break between the classes

Mrs. Babacic Markovic said. According to her, righteousness, team-work and having common goals are the most important attributes of working in a situation when a number of communities are present. “Everything we do, we do it together, never separately. I never do anything on my own, without consulting both my Albanian and Bosniak colleagues first. Both sides must feel respected. Everything the school possesses, be it the teachers’ room, dusters or chalk, we share. Unfortunately, the means we have at the school are very modest and we lack many things. Thus the problems we have are mainly

they are in a very bad state. We do not have laboratories or a gym, which would be of great importance to young people, given that they all like playing sports”. The school principal stressed that the school is attended by a high number of talented pupils, who have achieved good results at school competitions but that there is also a number of pupils, whose parents do not care much for school and education. I would like to appeal on certain parents to spend more time working with their children since their future hinges on education. There are many children that are surrounded

Lessons in albanian language financial problems”. Believe it or not but the windows on the school are so old that they must be nailed to their frames in order not to open by themselves. Every classroom has a wood-stove used to heat them. Although, the wood-stoves are lit up at six o’clock in the morning, the classrooms are not so warm during the first few classes. “We would be very happy if we had central heating but we lack so many other things as well. Our school building has four annexes which were built at different times. A few years ago, thanks to KFOR, the annex in which we are today was built. However, we have annexes which were built in 1936 and

by books both at school and at home. It is undeniable that apart from teachers, parents are the most important factor in a child’s education“. At the end, the principal of the “7th of September” Primary and Lower High School, Draga Babacic Markovic sent out the following message to the youth of Vitomirica: “Primary education is a good foundation for the future. That is why you should study and read more in order to enrich your general knowledge and improve your vocabulary. Given that most of today’s youth are spending more and more time on the Internet, use it not only for fun but to expand your general knowledge”.

for you 5

Pametni telefon: Osetljiviji i od dnevnika

Topljenje podataka zbog lenjosti? Ne mora biti tako.


arijana odlazi do svog starog garderobera, kao što to ~ini svake ve~eri. Iako nema nikoga u ku}i osim njenih roditelja, ona ipak baca pogled preko ramena i proverava da li su vrata njene sobe zaista zaklju~ana. Tek tada }e zavu}i svoju ruku u mali prorez izme|u garderobera i zida, i izveštenim pokretima }e izvaditi malu raskupusanu knjigu. Ona brzo uska~e u svoj krevet, grabi olovku sa svog no}nog sto~i}a, otvara knjigu i po~inje da piše: „Dragi dnevni~e“... Nekima od vas }e ovakva ili sli~na scena biti poznata, dok ostalima mo`da ne}e. Ali, postoji jedna stvar koja svima vama zvu~i poznato: Marijan ne krije ovu knji`icu iz ~istog hira. Ova knjiga sadr`i njene najintimnije misli i ose}anja... misli koji se ti~u samo nje. Bila bi to katastrofa za Marijan ako bi ova knjiga pala u pogrešne ruke.

6 for you

Ne vodite dnevnik? Dobro, a da li mo`da posedujete pametni telefon? Ovo malo ~udo tehnologije, bez kojeg više ne mo`ete da zamislite `ivot, koje uvek nosite sa sobom, koje koristite da surfujete Facebookom, da proveravate svoju elektronsku poštu, ~etujete ili jednostavno da telefonirate. Kladim se da niko od vas nikada nije pomislio da sakrije ovaj korisni ure|aj iza ormara kako ga niko ne bi pronašao. Naravno da niste, jer onda vam ne bi bio na dohvat ruke sve vreme. Sada iskreno, kako biste se ose}ali da izgubite svoj pametni telefon? Dobro, ne biste mogli da ga koriste, ali ima i gore od toga? Vratimo se na pri~u o dnevniku. Ne biste `eleli da neko ne{to sazna o vašim li~nim stvarima. Tako|e, ne `elite da neko ima pristup vašem pametnom telefonu. To bi u mnogim slu~ajevima tako|e bila katastrofa. Da neko ima pristup vašem Facebook profilu, pritiskom na samo jedno dugme, da ~ita sve vaše ~et poruke, proverava vašu elektronsku poštu, ~ak i onu poštu koja sadr`i lozinke koje niste izbrisali iz bezbednosnih razloga. Mislim da nema potrebe da se navodi još primera, koji naglašavaju da je pametnom telefonu, ustvari, mesto iza ormara, baš kao i dnevniku. Jedino, nema svrhe da se on nalazi tamo.

Šta mo`ete da u~inite? Šta je alternativa ormaru? Postoji jedna stvar koju morate znati: mora}ete biti manje lenji, jer je vaša lenjost, na`alost, klju~ svim vašim podacima. Minimalna bezbednosna mera jeste zaklju~avanje telefona pomo}u PIN-a umesto pokreta obrisa ili toga da uopšte nemate zaštitu pristupa. Svi mi trebamo da aktiviramo zaklju~avanje pomo}u PIN-a. Ali šta treba ~initi kada neko `eli samo da pogleda nešto na Internetu preko vašeg pametnog telefona? Ne `elite da iznervirate svoje drugare. Postoji rešenje: vaš Android telefon bi}e mnogo sigurniji uz AppLock, to je program koji štiti pristup vašim aplikacijama uz pomo} numeri~kog koda. Va`no je, me|utim, da se obezbedi aplikacija “podešavanja” sistema uz pomo} numeri~kog koda, jer u suprotnom mo`e da se iskoristi za deaktiviranje AppLock-a. AppLocker mo`ete instalirati na iPhone-u.

Memorijske kartice: korisne ali ne tako bezbedne ^ak i ako je vaš telefon generalno siguran i pojedina~ne aplikacije su dodatno obezbe|ene pomo}u lozinki, vaši podaci su još uvek daleko od toga da su sigurni. Posebno je lako

pro~itati, ~ak i od strane po~etnika, pametne telefone koji su nadogra|eni sa memorijskom karticom. Jer ako se izvadi memorijska kartica, ona se mo`e pro~itati na svakom ra~unaru uz pomo} adaptera. Jedini na~in da se ovo spre~i jeste šifrovanje podataka . Ova funkcija je ve} dostupna za novije generacije pametnih telefona. Mo`ete šifrovati sve podatke na svom Android telefonu, odabirom stavke “sigurnost” u podešavanjima. Kod starijih pametnih telefona mo`ete instalirati aplikaciju File Locker. Morate biti oprezni jer bez PIN koda nema povratka nazad u bilo kom slu~aju! IOS 7 iPhone automatski šifruje podatke. Odsustvo slota za SD kartice je ovoga puta prednost.

Nema zaštite od napada profesionalaca Korisni saveti u ovom ~lanku ne}e zaštiti pametne telefone od profesionalnih napada uz pomo} virusa, trojanaca ili drugih posebnih tehnoloških sredstava. Radoznali drugari ili ljudi koji `ele da saznaju više o vama, namu~i}e se. Zapamtite: dnevnik neko mo`e pro~itati i drugima proslediti ono što je pro~itao. Me|utim, vremenom }e se ovo zaboraviti. Digitalni podaci kao što su fotografije, sms poruke ili lozinke se mogu umno`avati u nedogled preko Interneta. A Internet nikad ne zaboravlja.

More sensitive than a diary: the smartphone

Data meltdown due to laziness? It doesn’t have to be that way.


arijan goes to her old wardrobe as she does every evening. Even though there is no-one in the house but her parents, she takes a look over her shoulder again and makes sure that the door of her room is really locked. Only then does she put her hand into a small shoulderheight gap between the wall and the wardrobe and, with experienced movements, pull out a small battered book. Quickly, she jumps into her bed, grabs a pen from the bedside table, opens the book and begins to write: “Dear diary …” Some of you will be familiar with this or a similar scene. Others may not. But there is one thing you will all be able to relate to: Marijan does not hide this book just on a whim. This book contains her most intimate thoughts and feelings. Thoughts that are of no concern to anyone but herself. It would be a catastrophe for Marijan if this book fell into the wrong hands. You don’t have a diary? Fair enough, but maybe you have a smartphone? This small technical wonder you cannot imagine living without anymore, that you always

have with you, that you use to surf on Facebook, check your e-mails, chat, or simply make a phone call. I bet that none of you would ever think of hiding this useful device behind the wardrobe so that no-one can find it. Of course you wouldn’t, because you would not have it with you and within reach all the time. Honestly though, how would you feel if you suddenly lost it? All right, you wouldn’t be able to use it anymore, but what would be even worse? This brings us back to the diary. You wouldn’t want anybody to read your private book. And you just as well wouldn’t want anybody accessing your smartphone. That, too, would be a catastrophe in many cases. Accessing your Facebook profile at the push of a button, reading all the chat messages, checking all the e-mails, even those containing passwords you haven’t deleted for security reasons. I think there’s no need to list more examples to stress that a smartphone actually belongs behind the wardrobe, just like a diary. The only trouble is that there is no point in it being there.

What can you do? What alternative is there to a wardrobe? There is one thing you must know: you will have to be a little less lazy, because your laziness is unfortunately the key to all your data. Locking your phone with a PIN instead of using a swiping pattern or having no access protection at all offers a minimum of security. Everybody should have activated that. But what should do you do if someone wants to use your smartphone just to look up something on the internet? You don’t want to annoy your friends. There is a solution: it is more secure with AppLock for Android phones, a programme that protects individual apps with a numerical code. It is important, though, to secure the “settings” system app with a numerical code, because it can otherwise be used to deactivate AppLock. You can install AppLocker on an iPhone.

Memory cards: useful but unsafe

Even if your phone is more secure in general and individual apps are additionally secured by passwords, your data is still far from safe. Especially smartphones that have been upgraded with a memory card can be read out with little effort,

even by technical novices. For if the memory card is removed, it can be used in every computer, with an adapter if necessary. The only way to prevent this is to encrypt your data. This feature is already available for the new generation of smartphones. You can encrypt all the data on your Android phone by choosing “security” in the settings. Users of older smartphones can install the File Locker app. You must be careful, though: without a PIN code, there is no turning back in either case! IOS 7 iPhones automatically encrypt data. The absence of a slot for SD cards is an advantage for once.

No protection from attacks by professionals

The useful tips in this article do not protect a smartphone from professional attacks with viruses, Trojans, or other special technical knowledge. Curious classmates or people who want to get one over on you will have their difficulties, though. Remember: a diary can be read and information from it can be passed on. Over time, however, it will mostly be forgotten. Digital data like photos, e-mails, SMS or passwords can be copied again and again and published on the internet. And the internet never forgets.

for you 7


TRENDOVI RUKAVICA U 2015. GODINI Rukavice ne nosimo samo da bi pokrili ruke i zaštitili ih od spoljnih uticaja kao što je izuzetno hladno vreme. One se tako|e nose da bi ukrasili ruke i bili elegantniji. Muškarci nose rukavice iz funkcionalnijih razloga nego `ene, jer se rukavice retko koriste kao elegantan detalj koji dopunjuje ono što oni nose. Rukavice ~ine `ene elegantnijim i igraju veliku ulogu u oblikovanju njihovog modernog izgleda. Neke `ene smatraju da su rukavice neophodne pogotovo u formalnim prilikama ~ak i ako nije zima ili hladno vreme. Nije bitno da li }ete nositi rukavice u funkcionalnu svrhu, koja je da štiti vaše ruke, ili kao elegantne dodatke koji upotpunjavaju ono što nosite, jer }ete u oba slu~aja morati da znate najnovije trendove rukavica koji su predstavljeni za predstoje}e sezone.


ko ste u potrazi za elegancijom i `elite nešto što }e grejati vaše ruke što je više mogu}e, onda se mo`ete odlu~iti za rukavice du`ine do lakta koje }e vam obezbediti klasi~an i moderan izgled koji je dopadljiv. Rukavice du`ine do lakta se tako|e smatraju najboljim izborom za ve~ernje prilike u razli~itim godišnjim dobima koje }e vas u~initi `enstvenijom. Ako vam se ne svi|a ideja nošenja dugih rukavica ili se ose}ate neprijatno kada ih nosite, mo`ete se odlu~iti za kratke rukavice koje nisu ništa manje impresivne od dugih šik rukavica.

8 for you

Da li vam je još uvek neudobno i imate ose}aj da vaši prsti nisu slobodni? Mo`ete da se odlu~ite za neki drugi izbor koji je bez prstiju i kod kojih su vaši prsti slobodniji, a omogu}avaju i da jednostavno koristite ekran na dodir svog mobilnog telefona. Ono što ne znate je da se rukavice bez prstiju nisu nedavno pojavile ve} su stvorene ~ak pre rukavica sa prtsima, što ih ~ini idealnim za vas ako volite da nosite razli~ite komade koji su inspirisani retro izgledom. Da li su vam dosadili tradicionalni modeli rukavica koje obi~no vi|ate i nosite? Zaboravite na njih i idite po nove rukavice. Postoje kreativni i inovativni modeli koji su predstavljeni za novu godinu i koji su se pojavili na raznim modnim revijama poznatih modnih ku}a. Postoje moderni i nezapam}eni detalji koji su dodati novim rukavicama kako bi ih u~inili modernijima. Da li `elite da vaše ruke izgledaju luksuznije? Ako je odgovor da, onda }ete imati šansu da to uradite u narednim sezonama pošto postoje ukrašene rukavice koje su stvorene na jedinstven na~in kako bi pokazale svoj luksuz. One su protkane zlatnom teksturom i ukrašene draguljima da bi bile luksuznije. Ovaj

fascinantni i dopadljivi tip rukavica je jedan od najzna~ajnih trendova koje }ete videti u predstoje}im sezonama i tako|e je idealan za ve~ernje prilike. Bez obzira da li }ete kupiti obi~ne rukavice ili one koje su sa dezenom i printom, morate da napravite pravi izbor kroz odabir para rukavica koji }e odgovarati onome što nosiš i odgovarati doga|aju kojem }ete prisustvovati, i ne zaboravite da su materijal i veli~ina rukavica tako|e od suštinske va`nosti kada je u pitanju udobnost.


GLOVES TRENDS IN 2015 Gloves are not worn for just covering our hands and protecting them from the surrounding conditions such as the extremely cold weather. They are also worn for accessorizing our hands and increasing our elegance. Wearing gloves for men is more functional than it is for women as it is rarely used by men as elegant accessories that complement what they wear. For women, wearing gloves enhances their elegance and plays a great role in forming their fashionable look. Wearing gloves is also considered for some women as a necessity especially on formal occasions even if it is not in winter or cold weather. It does not matter whether you are going to wear your gloves for a functional purpose which is protecting your hands or as elegant accessories that complement what you wear because in both cases you will need to know the latest gloves trends that are presented for the upcoming seasons.


f you are looking for elegance and want something that keeps your hands as warm as possible, then you can opt for elbow length gloves which provide you with a classic and fashionable look that is eye-catching. Elbow length gloves are also considered to be the best choice for evening occasions in different seasons to make you more feminine. If you do not like the idea of wearing long gloves and feel that they are

uncomfortable for you when you wear them, then there is no problem as you can opt for short gloves which are not

less impressive than those chic long gloves. Do you still feel that you are not comfortable and your fingers are not free? You can opt for another choice which is mitts that can make your fingers freer and allow you to easily use the touch screen of your mobile phone. What you do not know is that mitts have not recently appeared and they were even created before gloves which makes them perfect for you if you like wearing different items which are inspired by retro looks. Are you bored with the traditional designs of gloves that you usually see and wear? Forget about them and go for the new gloves. There are creative and innovative designs that are presented for the new year and appeared in different fashion shows of famous fashion houses. There are modern and unprecedented touches that are added to the new gloves to modernize them. Do you want to give your hands a luxurious look? If it is yes, then it is your chance to do it in the upcoming seasons as you have

ornamented gloves which are created in a unique way to show their luxury. They are decorated through using golden textures and are adorned with jewels for more luxury. This fascinating and eyecatching type of gloves is one of the most noteworthy trends that you are going to find in the upcoming seasons and it is also ideal for evening occasions. Whether you are going to purchase plain gloves or those which are patterned and printed, you have to make the right choice through selecting the pair of gloves that matches what you wear and suits that occasion that you are going to attend and do not forget that the material and size of your gloves are also essential to make your hands comfortable.

for you 9

music box



egendarni kantautor, tekstopisac, kompozitor i {ansonjer, Kemal Monteno, preminuo je 21. januara ove godine u Zagrebu, sahranjen je u Sarajevu 28. januara. Montena je odlikovao poseban lirski, romanti~arski muzi~ki izraz, u kojem su na jedinstven na~in objedinjeni motivi bosanske sevdalinke sa mediteranskim {armom italijanske kancone. Njegovi su tekstovi iskrena ispovest pesnika koji je okusio `ivot i ljubavnu bol, te ih na svojstven na~in pretapa u pitku pesmu jasnog i jednostavnog izraza. Njegove su pesme himna ve~itoj ljubavi, ~ak i onda kad stihovi govore da je svemu kraj.

Biografija Ro|en je 17. septembra 1948. u Sarajevu od oca Italijana I majke Muslimanke. U rodnom gradu je u drugoj polovini {ezdesetih godina 20.veka otpo~eo peva~ku karijeru nastupom na festival „Va{ {lager sezone” 1967. Od tada je redovno osvajao prve nagrade kao izvo|a~, autor muzike i autor teksta. Za „[lager sezone“ nastale su neke od njegovih najlep{ih {ansona, a krajem sedamdesetih na ovom festivalu izvedene su i njegove poznate pesme „Sarajevo ljubavi moja“ (1976) i „Zemljo moja“ (1977). Iako se glavni, ljubavni motiv pojavljuje jo{ od Montenove prve kompozicije, Monteno se ipak nikada nije ponavljao u svojim {ansonama, nego je isti motiv spretno varirao na hiljadu razli~itih na~ina. Utopljene u harmoni~ki kostim melodije, koja ne robuje turobnoj balkanskoj tradiciji, nego se okre}e raspevanom mediteranu i jo{ vi{e, potkad setnoj, italijanskoj kanconi, napose onoj sa

10 for you

festivala „San Remo“, Kemal Monteno je stvarao jedinstven muzi~ki izraz, kojem nema premca na teritoriji cele biv{e Jugoslavije. U toku karijere kantautora, Monteno je stvorio ne samo vlastiti muzi~ki potpis na doma}oj zabavnomuzi~koj sceni, nego je svojim pesmama znao doprineti i uspehu svojih kolega peva~a-prijatelja. U toj muzi~koj saradnji sa tako zvu~nim doma}im imenima kao {to su Arsen Dedi}, Zdravko ^oli}, Oliver Dragojevi}, Tereza Kesovija, Gabi Novak, Mahir Palo{, Neda Ukraden, Ismeta Krvavac, Dra`en @eri} @era, Toma Zdravkovi} i drugi, Monteno nije gledao vlastitu korist, nego svojevrstan na~in dru`enja sa svojom rajom i prijateljima, svojstven jednom skromnom i plemenitom ~oveku kao {to je Monteno i bio. Kemo, kako su ga zvali njegovi prijatelji, tokom 1990-tih sa istim je kolegama izvo|a~ima ostvario niz dueta, a pored gore navedenih za mikrofonom su mu se pridru`ili i: Rade [erbed`ija, Boris Novkovi}, Faud Backovi} Din, Danijela, Maja Od`aklijevska i drugi. Kemal Monteno je `iveo na relaciji izme|u Sarajeva i Zagreba, a njegov je muzi~ki put bio ispunjen brojnim nastupima na doma}im festivalima i bogatom koncertnom aktivno{}u po gotovo svim zemljama biv{e Jugoslavije.

(1976), „Cvite bili iz |ardina“ (1977), „Sunce djetinjstva“ (1978), „Putovanja“ (1978), „Adrijana“ (1979), „Zvono djetinjstva“ (1980), „Pri~aju stare none“ (1995), „Kad ja ne mogu“ (1997), u meni ima{ dom (2002), i „Da je moja mandolina znala“ (2005), ne samo da su potvrda tih Montenovih muzi~kih sklonosti, nego je svojevrstan dokaz stilske opredeljenosti Kemala Montena kao autora i interpretatora ka ovoj strani zabavnomuzi~ke obale kod nas. Rado vi|en gost Monteno je bio na Opatijskom festivalu, te na Zagrebfestu, naro~ito u drugoj polovini 1970-tih godina, a tradiciju

Festivali Svoju muzi~ku karijeru Kemal Monteno Podaci: otpo~eo je u drugoj Puno ime: Kemal Monteno polovini 1960-tih Datum ro|enja: 17. septembar 1948. godina nastupima na Mesto ro|enja: Sarajevo presti`nim doma}im Datum smrti: 21.januar 2015. festivalima zabavne Aktivan period: 1967 — 2015. muzike. Velike Instrument: Vokal, Gitara uspehe zabele`io je @anr: Pop na prvim festivalima Zanimanje: Peva~ „Va{ {lager sezone“ u Sarajevu, gde je postao miljenik pubnastupanja na festivalima Monteno je naslike svog rodnog grada i svojevrsni za{titni tavio i u drugoj polovini 1990-tih godina, kad znak Festivala. Prvi nastup bio je jo{ sa se pojavio na Radijskom festivalu i Festivalu pesmom „Lidija“ 1967. koja je osvojila prvu dalmatinske {ansone u [ibeniku. nagradu, a usledile su pesme kao: „Sviraj mi o njoj“ (1971), „La`“ (1972), „Spavaj, cvijete Uspesi moj“ (1973, koju je otpevao Mahir Palo{), „Ljubavna bol“ (1977), a svojevrsnu himnu Uz brojne festivalske nastupe, Kemal MonteSarajevu, pesmu „Sarajevo ljubavi moja“ no poznat je i po ~itavom nizu ve~nih hitova, pevao je na 10. jubilarnom [lageru sezone koji su objavljeni na njegovim albumima to1976. Velike uspehe Monteno je imao i sa kom bogate karijere, a veliki deo njih i danas nizom dalmatinskih {ansona izvedenim na je jednako tako aktuelan, kao i u trenutku Splitskom festivalu. Izme|u 1976. i 2005. prvog objavljivanja. Pored gore spomenutih Monteno je nanizao ~itav |erdan pitkih {anfestivalskih uspeha ovde treba izdvojiti i ossona, u kojima je do izra`aja posebno do{la tale velike Montenove hitove, koji se i danas Montenova sklonost za italijansku kanconu i slu{aju sa istom pa`njom kao i pre. vedru mediteransku kantolinu. Pesme poput „Hiljade bijelih marama“ Izvor: http://sr.wikipedia.org



egendary singer-songwriter, composer and chanson singer, Kemal Monteno, died on January 21 this year in Zagreb. He was buried in Sarajevo on 28 January. Monteno was famous for a special lyrical and romantic musical style, which in a unique way combined motives of Bosnian Sevdalinka with the Mediterranean charm of Italian canzone. His lyrics are sincere accounts of a poet who experienced life and love pain, which he then transformed in his own unique way into melodious songs of clear and simple style. His songs are odes to eternal love, even when lyrics say that love is forever gone.


He was born on September 17, 1948 in Sarajevo to an Italian father and a Bosnian Muslim mother. He started his career as a singer in the second half of the sixties when he performed at his hometown festival “Your Hit of the Season” in 1967. From then on he regularly won first prizes as singer, composer and songwriter. He made some of his most beautiful songs for the “Hit of the Season.” His famous songs “Sarajevo ljubavi moja” (Sarajevo my love, 1976) and “Zemljo moja” (My country, 1977) were performed at this festival in late Seventies. Although the main love motive appears again and again since MONTENO’s first song, Monteno never repeated himself, and rather skillfully varied the same motive in thousand different ways. Merged into harmonic tunes that don’t surrender to the gloomy Balkan tradition, and rather turn to the playful Mediterranean, and over yet to sometimes melancholic

Italian canzone, especially that of the “San Remo” festival, Kemal Monteno has created a unique musical expression, unparalleled in the territory of the entire former Yugoslavia. During his career of singer-songwriter, Monteno not only left his own unique mark in the domestic music and entertainment industry, but his songs contributed to the success of his fellow singer-friends as well. In cooperation with famous fellow artists such as Arsen Dedic, Zdravko Colic, Oliver Dragojevic, Tereza Kesovija, Gabi Novak, Mahir Palos, Neda Ukraden, Ismeta Krvavac, Drazen Zeric Zera, Toma Zdravkovic and others, Monteno was not looking to benefit himself. Rather, it was his own way to socialize with his pals and friends, which distinguishes humble and noble people like Monteno used to be. Kemo, as he was called by his friends, created a series of duets with the same fellow artists in the 1990s. In addition to the above mentioned performers, he also performed together with Rade Serbedzija, Boris Novkovic, Faud Backovic Din, Danijela, Maja Odzaklijevska and others. Kemal Monteno lived between Sarajevo and Zagreb, and he tirelessly performed in numerous festivals and had a very rich concert activity in almost all countries of the former Yugoslavia throughout his musical career.

music box djetinjstva” (1978), “Putovanja“ (1978), “Adrijana“ (1979), “Zvono djetinjstva“ (1980), “Pricaju stare none“ (1995), “Kad ja ne mogu“ (1997), “U meni imas dom” (2002), and “Da je moja mandolina znala” (2005), not only confirmed Monteno’s musical predilection, but also in a way stood as a proof of Kemal Monteno’s stylistic orientation as singer and songwriter towards this side of music and entertainment coast of the domestic scene. Monteno used to be a welcome guest at the Opatija and Zagrebfest festivals, especially in the second half of the 1970s, and he continued his tradition of festival performances in


Kemal Monteno’s musiInfo: cal career began in the Full name: Kemal Monteno second half of the 1960s Date of birth: September 17, 1948 with performances in Place of birth: Sarajevo prestigious international Date of death: January 21, 2015. pop music festivals. He Active career: 1967 — 2015. was very successful at Instrument: Vocals, Guitar the first “Your Hit of the Genre: Pop Season” festivals in SaOccupation: Singer rajevo, where he became an audience favorite in his hometown and a sort of a trademark of the festival. the second half of the 1990s, with his appearHe performed his debut song “Lidija” in 1967, ances at the Radio Festival and the Dalmawhich won the first prize, followed by “Sviraj tian Chanson Festival in Sibenik. mi o njoj“ (1971), “Laz“ (1972), “Spavaj, cvijete moj“ (1973, performed by Mahir Palos), Successes “Ljubavna bol“ (1977), and “Sarajevo ljubavi In addition to numerous festival appearmoja,“ a sort of tribute to Sarajevo, which he ances, Kemal Monteno is famous for a wide performed at the 10th jubilee edition of the range of everlasting hits that were released “Hit of the Season” festival in 1976. Monteno in his albums throughout his rich career, a also achieved great success with a number large number of them being equally popular of Dalmatian chansons performed at the Split today as they were at the time they were first Festival. Between 1976 and 2005, Monteno published. In addition to the above-mentioned performed a string of melodious chansons, festival successes, Monteno’s other hits that which especially accentuated Monteno’s people still listen to with the same interest as penchant for Italian canzone and cheerful before are also worth being mentioned here. Mediterranean kantolina. Songs such as “Hiljade bijelih marama” Source: http://sr.wikipedia.org (1976), “Cvite bili iz djardina” (1977), “Sunce

for you 11

glavnih igra~a u prvih jedanaest koji iz nedelje u nedelju brane boje kraljevskog tima. S druge strane, nema~ki fudbalski d`in Bayern Munich me|u 31 prvotimcem ima 13 stranaca. Manchester United ima 19 stranaca, a PSG ukupno 14 stranih igra~a. Ako bi ovi klubovi danas odlu~ili da ovim stranim igra~ima nije mesto u njihovim timovima zbog toga odakle dolaze, ili zbog boje njihove ko`e, ne samo da bi izgubili polovinu svojih igra~a, ve} bi izgubili i sposobnost da pobe|uju u predstoje}im „Imao sam preko 9000 promašaja tokom svoje karijere. Izgubio sam skoro 300 utakmica. 26 puta mi je poveren odlu~uju}i koš za utakmicu i promašio sam. U `ivotu sam iznova i iznova do`ivljavao neuspehe. Zato sam i uspeo“. – Michael Jordan


ajbolji ambasador jednog društva ili zajednice, najbolje oblikuje karakter, najbolja priprema za `ivot, nastavnik koji vas u~i da u `ivotu ne mo`ete pobediti dok ne nau~ite kako da gubite, samo su neki od epiteta koji se s pravom pripisuju sportu. Me|utim, ono što se verovatno ~esto previ|a jeste da je sport najverovatnije jedina aktivnost gde se zaboravljaju svi problemi, ~ak i problemi koji su vekovima vladali u mnogim drugim oblastima `ivota. Jer, najbitnija stvar u vezi sa sportom i njegova glavna karakteristika jeste da ne poznaje rase, nacije ili religije. Jedina bitna stvar u sportu jeste koliko si dobar. Zamislite obrnutu situaciju, gde bi se o sportistima sudilo na osnovu njihove rasne, nacionalne ili verske pripadnosti i sli~no.

12 for you

To bi zna~ilo da ve}ina njih nikada ne bi postali istaknuti sportisti. Da bismo bolje razumeli ovaj koncept, uze}emo za primer jedan od najpopularnijih sportova u svetu i neke od najve}ih fudbalskih klubova kao što su: Real Madrid, Manchester United, Barcelona, Bayern Munich, Paris Saint Germain (PSG), itd. Naime, od 25 prvotimaca Real Madrida, njih 13 su stranci koji dolaze iz Portugala, Francuske, Nema~ke, Velsa, Hrvatske, Brazila, Kolumbije, itd. Jasno je da ovaj tim ima igra~e koji dolaze ne samo iz raznih zemalja, ve} i sa tri razli~itih kontinenata. Štaviše, ve}ina ovih igra~a ~ine jezgro

me~evima, a samim tim i titule šampiona. Me|utim, to nije sve, jer bi ovi klubovi time izgubili i veoma va`ne izvore prihoda. Igra~i iz razli~itih zemalja i sa razli~itih kontinenata zna~e i ve}u bazu navija~a

širom sveta. Ko mo`e da zaboravi efekat koji je David Beckham imao, prvo kao igra~ Manchester United, a zatim i Real Madrida, na finansije ovih klubova zahvaljuju}i njegovoj popularnosti u Aziji, jednom od najve}ih svetskih tr`išta? Ako stvari posmatramo iz druga~ijeg ugla, Maradona, jedan od najve}ih igra~a svih vremena, postigao je svoje najve}e klupske uspehe sa Napolijem. Dvojica najpoznatijih legendi Real Madrida i svetskog fudbala, Alfredo di Stefano i Ferenz Puskas, su poreklom iz Argentine i Ma|arske. Messi je iz Argentine a Cristiano Ronaldo iz Portugala, ali obojica igraju u Španiji. A od njenog osnivanja 1992. godine do danas, igra~i iz 99 zemalja sveta su igrali u Premijer ligi, jednoj od najja~ih svetskih liga. Inter i Lazio su dva velika italijanska kluba gde albanski i srpski igra~i igraju zajedno. I nisu jedini u tome. Onda se s pravom treba zapitati zašto ove razlike koje van sportskih terena deluju tako bitne i nepremostive, potpuno nestaju u sportu. Mo`da to ima veze sa onim što sportisti nau~e tokom treninga: Uvek se trudi da sara|uješ sa drugim igra~ima u timu koji su u boljoj poziciji da postignu pogodak. Drugim re~ima, od malih nogu sportisti se u~e da igraju kao deo tima. Oni u~e da jedinstvo donosi snagu i uvek su spremni da pomognu jedni drugima.

On the other hand, the German football giant Bayern Munich out of 31 first team players has 13 foreigners. Manchester United has 19 foreigners, and PSG a total of 14 foreign players. If these teams would decide today that these foreign players should not have a place in their teams because of where they come from, or what is their skin color, not only would they lose half of their players but they would also lose the ability to win their upcoming matches, and consequently their champion’s titles. However, this is not all, because, these clubs would also lose very important sources of revenue. Players from different countries and “I’ve missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I’ve lost almost 300 games. 26 times, I’ve been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed.” - Michael Jordan


he best ambassador of a society or community, the best character builder, best preparation for life, the teacher that teaches you that you cannot win in life without learning how to lose, these are just some of the labels that have rightfully been attributed to sports. However, what is probably often overlooked is that most likely sport is the only activity where all problems are forgotten, even problems that in many other fields of life have prevailed for centuries. Because, the thing about sports is its main feature that it does not know races, nations or religions. The only important thing in sports is how good you are. Imagine a reversed situation, if an athlete would be judged depending on his race, nationality or religion, and so on. This would mean that most of them would have never come to prominence. To better understand this concept we will take as an example some of the greatest

football clubs, as one of the most popular sports in the world, such as: Real Madrid, Manchester United, Barcelona, Bayern Munich, Paris Saint Germain (PSG), etc. So, out of Real Madrid’s 25 first team players 13 are foreigners who come from Portugal, France, Germany, Wales, Croatia, Brazil, Columbia etc. It is clear that this team not only has players from various countries but also from three different continents. Moreover, most of these players constitute the core of the main players of the first eleven, which defend the colors of the Royal Team week in week out.

continents translate in the widening of the fan base all over the world. Who can forget the effect of David Beckham first in Manchester United’s and then Real Madrid’s finances thanks to his popularity in Asia, one of the world’s greatest markets?

If we take a look from another angle, Maradona, one of the greatest players of all times, achieved his greatest club successes with Napoli. Two of the most famous legends of Real Madrid and world football Alfredo di Stefano and Ferenz Puskas, came from Argentina respectively Hungary. Messi is from Argentina and Cristiano Ronaldo from Portugal but, they both play in Spain. Whereas, since its foundation in 1992 to this day, players from 99 countries of the world have played in the Premier League, one of the world’s strongest leagues. Internazionale and Lazio are two great Italian clubs where Albanian and Serbian players play together. They are not the only ones. It is fair then to ask why these differences that outside the sports fields seem so important and impassable completely disappear in sports. Maybe it has to do with the teachings given to an athlete during trainings: Always look to cooperate with your teammates who are in a better position to score. In other words, from an early age athletes are taught to operate in a team. They learn that unity brings strength and they are always ready to help each other.

for you 13

životinjsko carstvo

ZANIMLJIVE I POTPUNO NEVEROVATNE ČINJENICE O DELFINIMA Delfini se ~esto smatraju najdivnijim i najpopularnijim od svih morskih `ivotinja. Ovi predivni morski sisari su poznati po svojoj superiornoj inteligenciji i veseloj naravi. Me|utim, postoji mnogo više zanimljivih ~injenica o delfinima koje mo`da niste znali. Na primer, da li ste znali da delfini koriste samo polovinu svog mozga dok spavaju, ili da mogu da pojedu oko 13 kilograma ribe dnevno? Ovo je samo par ~injenica o delfinima. Dakle, ako ste ljubitelj delfina (`ivotinja), ili jednostavno `elite da saznate nešto novo o svetu prirode uopšte, pro~itajte ove zanimljive i ~udesne ~injenice o delfinima (ne}ete za`aliti).

• Delfini su u stanju da proizvedu širok spektar zvukova koriste}i nazalne kese koje se nalaze tik ispod otvora za disanje. Mo`e se razlikovati pribli`no tri vrste zvukova: zvi`duci koji se prenose frekvencijskom modulacijom, eksplozivno-pulsni zvuci i kliktaji. • Delfini su sve popularniji izbor za terapiju uz pomo} `ivotinja kod psihi~kih problema i smetnji u razvoju. • Delfini su poznati po svom razigranom ponašanju, a jedna od njihovih najimpresivnijih igara je pravljenje vazdušnih prstenova u vodi. • Kit ubica je najve}i ~lan porodice delfina. Oni mogu narasti i do 9 metara u du`inu i plivati brzinom i do 48 kilometara na ~as.

• Delfini mogu da plivaju brzinom i do 40 kilometara na ~as kada se `ure, iako naj~eš}e plivaju brzinom 12 do 13 kilometara na ~as. • Dokaz njihove neobi~no visoke inteligencije je ~injenica da odrasli delfini ponekad u~e svoje mladunce da koriste alate. Na primer, oni pokrivaju svoje njuške sun|erom kako bi ih zaštitili dok su u potrazi za hranom. • Delfini su izuzetno društvene `ivotinje, ~esto `ive u jatima od oko desetak jedinki, iako veli~ina i struktura jata varira u zavisnosti od vrste i staništa. • Najmanji delfini su

duga~ki oko 120 cm, dok oni najdu`i mogu dosti}i du`inu od 9 metara. Njihova te`ina se kre}e od 40 kg do preko 11 tona.

• Ko`a delfina je vrlo osetljiva i lako se mo`e povrediti u kontaktu sa drugim površinama. Zato je prilikom interakcije sa delfinima obavezno ukloniti sve oštre predmete kao što je na primer prstenje. • Period gestacije kod delfina varira u zavisnosti od vrste. Kod malih vrsta kao što su Tucuki delfini, ovaj period traje 11 do 12 meseci, dok Orke nose mladunce pribli`no 17 meseci. • Delfini u svojim ustima imaju oko 100 zuba. Koriste ih kako bi uhvatili plen, ali ne i za `vakanje, ve} hranu gutaju ~itavu. • Ime delfin poti~e od starogr~ke re~i „delphís” koja zna~i „s matericom“ tako da bi ime delfin zna~ilo „riba sa matericom“.

• Svi delfini dišu ali se intervali udisanja vazduha razlikuju. Neki moraju da isplivaju na površinu svakih 20 sekundi kako bu uzeli vazduh, dok druge vrste to ~ine tek svakih 30 minuta. Delfini udišu i izdišu vazduh kroz otvore za disanje, ne na usta. • Ve}ina vrsta `ivi u slanoj vodi, ali neke vrste (na primer Iravadijski delfin) nastanjuju i slatke vode. • Delfini su jedina vrsta sisara kod kojih se mladunci ra|aju tako što prvo ide rep, a ne glava. • Delfini koriste eholokaciju kako bi pronašli hranu i orijentisali se u prostoru pri kretanju.

• Delfini mogu da zarone i do 300 metara u dubinu, ali obi~no ne rone veoma duboko. Mnogi Tursiops (Bottlenose) delfini `ive u relativno plitkim vodama.

• Delfini ~esto koriste taktiku pri lovu gde kru`e oko jata riba dok ih ne nateraju da formiraju ~vrstu loptu. Zatim naizmeni~no prolaze kroz centar lopte i hrane se.

• Delfini grade jake me|usobne veze u okviru grupe. Uo~eno je da veoma bri`no vode ra~una o bolesnim, starim ili povre|enim jedinkama.

• Delfini moraju da budu u svesnom stanju da bi disali. To zna~i da nikada ne mogu da spavaju u potpunosti, ve} im je jedna polovina mozga uvek „budna“ dok druga „spava“. • Delfini su izuzetno razigrane i radoznale `ivotinje. ^esto se igraju jedni s drugima, igraju se s morskom travom, ali se tako|e igraju i sa drugim vrstama, kao što su psi i ma~ke. • Delfin mo`e da isko~i iz vode do šest metara uvis. • Odrasli delfin mo`e da pojede i do 13 kilograma ribe dnevno.

14 for you

COOL AND ABSOLUTELY EXTRAORDINARY DOLPHIN FACTS • Dolphins are capable of making a broad range of sounds using nasal air-sacs located just below the blowhole. Roughly three categories of sounds can be identified: frequency modulated whistles, burst-pulsed sounds and clicks. • Dolphins are an increasingly popular choice of animal-assisted therapy for psychological problems and developmental disabilities. • Dolphins are famous for their playful behavior and one of the most fascinating playful display is creating bubble rings.

animal kingdom

Dolphins are often considered the most amazing and popular of all sea For instance, they cover their animals. These adorable marine mammals snouts with sponges to proare famous for their superior intelligence and tect them while foraging. cheerful disposition. But there are many more interesting dolphin facts that you might not know. For • Dolphins are highly example, did you know that dolphins only use half of social animals, often living their brains while sleeping? Or did you know that in pods of up to a dozen Dolphins can eat about 30 pounds of fish a day? individuals, though pod These are just a couple of dolphin facts. So if sizes and structures vary you are a dolphin fan (the animal), or simply greatly between species and like to learn about nature in general, check out locations. these cool and extraordinary dolphin facts (you wont be sorry). an• The smallest dolphins are about breath. imal’s 4 feet long while the longest can This means name can reach up 30 feet in length. Their that they cannot fully therefore be interpreted as “a fish weight ranges from 90 pounds to sleep. Rather, dolphins let with a womb”. more than 11 tons. half of their brain sleep at • The skin of a dolphin is very delicate and it can easily be damaged by contact with other surfaces. That is why you are obliged to remove all sharp objects such as rings when interacting with the animals.

• Dolphins can dive up to 1,000 feet but they usually do not dive very deep. Many bottlenose dolphins live in fairly shallow water. • The bonds of dolphins within a group are intense. They have been observed to handle the sick, the elderly, and those that have been injured with great care. • All dolphins breathe air but their breathing intervals differ. Some need to get to the surface every 20 seconds while others only need it every 30 minutes. In order to inhale and exhale they must breathe through their blowhole, not their mouth.

• The Killer Whale is the largest member of the dolphin family. They can reach 30 feet in length and swim as fast as 30 miles per hour.

• Their gestation period varies with species. For small species such as the Tucuxi dolphin, the period is around 11 to 12 months, while the orca is around 17 months.

• Dolphins can swim at speeds up to 25 miles per hour when they are in a hurry, although they usually swim at speeds of 7 to 8 miles per hour.

• There are about 100 teeth in the mouth of a dolphin. They use the teeth to grab their prey but they don’t chew it. All food is swallowed whole.

• One proof of their unusually high intelligence is the fact that adult individuals sometimes teach their young how to use tools.

• The name “dolphin” is originally from the Greek word “delphís”, which was related to the Greek “delphus” meaning “womb”. The

a time so that one half is always awake. • Dolphins are extremely playful and curious animals. They play-fight with each other and also play with seaweed. They have also been known to play with other animals such as dogs or cats. • Dolphins can travel as far as 20 feet in the air when jumping out of the water.

• Most species of dolphins live in saltwater but some of them (for example the irrawaddy dolphin) thrive in freshwater. • The dolphin is the only mammal that gives birth with the tail first instead of the head. • Dolphins use echolocation to find food and navigate. • Dolphins often use a hunting tactic of circling schools of fish and forcing them to make a tight ball. Then they will take turns going through the center of the ball to feed.

• An adult dolphin can eat up to 30 pounds of fish every day.

• Dolphins have to be conscious in order to

for you 15

moviemania toga podrugljivo nazivaju Pepeljuga. ^ini se da bi Ela lako mogla da izgubi svaku nadu, ali uprkos svim okrutnim stvarima koje je do`ivela, Ela je odlu~na da ispoštuje poslednje re~i svoje majke da bude hrabra i milostiva. Ne}e se predati o~aju i ne}e prezirati one koji je zlostavljaju. A tu je i markantni stranac koga je upoznala u šumi...

CINDERELLA Uloge: Lily James, Cate Blanchett, Richard Madden, Holliday Grainger, Helena Bonham Carter and Hayley Atwell. Re`ija: Kenneth Branagh @anr: Porodi~ni film Studio: Walt Disney Pictures Sinopsis ri~a o Pepeljugi prati sudbinu mlade Ele, ~iji otac, trgovac, se ponovo


o`enio nakon tragi~ne smrti njene majke. U `elji da podr`i svog bri`nog oca, Ela toplo prima svoju novu ma}ehu Ledi Tremejn i njene k}erke Anastasiju i Drizelu u svoj porodi~ni dom. Ali, kada Elin otac iznenada i neo~ekivano umre, ona pada u nemilost svoje nove ljubomorne i okrutne porodice. Na kraju spada na to da bude obi~na slu`avka, umazana pepelom, koju zbog CINDERELLA

Cast: Lily James, Cate Blanchett, Richard Madden, Holliday Grainger, Helena Bonham Carter and Hayley Atwell. Director: Kenneth Branagh Genre: Family Studio: Walt Disney Pictures

Synopsis he story of Cinderella follows the fortunes of young Ella whose merchant father remarries following the tragic


death of her mother. Keen to support her loving father, Ella welcomes her new stepmother Lady Tremaine and her daughters Anastasia and Drisella into the family home. But,



Uloge: Bradley Cooper, Jennifer Lawrence, Rhys Ifans, Toby Jones and Sam Reid. Re`ija: Susanne Bier @anr: Drama Studio: Magnolia Pictures

Cast: Bradley Cooper, Jennifer Lawrence, Rhys Ifans, Toby Jones and Sam Reid. Director: Susanne Bier Genre: Drama Studio: Magnolia Pictures

Sinopsis ilm „Serena“ prati mladence D`ord`a i Serenu Pemberton koji putuju iz Bostona do planina Severne Karoline, gde postavljaju temelje svog carstva za preradu drveta 1929. Serena ubrzo dokazuje da je jednaka svakom muškarcu, tako što nadzire radnike, lovi zve~arke, ~ak i u divljini spasava jednog ~oveka. Kralj i kraljica vladaju svojim carstvom tako što proteruju ili ubijaju svakog ko bi stao na put njihovim ambicijama. Kada Serena sazna da nikad ne}e mo}i da rodi dete, ona namerava da ubije `enu koja je D`ord`u rodila sina pre njihovog braka. Kada Serena posumnja da D`ord` štiti svoju vanbra~nu porodicu, itenzivna i strastvena pri~a o braku Pembertonovih se razvija i nazire se šokantni kraj.


18 for you

when Ella’s father suddenly and unexpectedly passes away, she finds herself at the mercy of a jealous and cruel new family. Finally relegated to nothing more than a servant girl covered in ashes, and spitefully renamed Cinderella, Ella could easily begin to lose hope. Yet, despite the cruelty inflicted upon her, Ella is determined to honor her mother’s dying words and to “have courage and be kind”. She will not give in to despair nor despise those who abuse her. And then there is the dashing stranger she meets in the woods...

Synopsis erena” follows newlyweds George and Serena Pemberton who travel from Boston to the mountains of North Carolina where they begin to build a timber empire in 1929. Serena soon shows herself to be the equal of any man: overseeing crews, hunting rattle-snakes, even saving a man’s life in the wilderness. Together, this king and queen rule their dominion, killing or vanquishing all who stand in the way of their ambitions. But when Serena learns that she can never bear a child, she sets out to murder the woman who bore George a son before his marriage. And when she starts to suspect that George is protecting his illegitimate family, the Pembertons’ intense, passionate marriage begins to unravel as the story moves toward its shocking reckoning.


THE SECOND BEST EXOTIC MARIGOLD HOTEL Sinopsis ajbolji Egzoti~ni Marigold Hotel 2 je ekspanzionisti~ki san Sonija Kapura, koji mu oduzima više vremena nego što on ima na raspolaganju, s THE SECOND obzirom na to da }e uskoro sklopiti BEST EXOTIC brak sa Sunaionom, koja je ljubav MARIGOLD HOTEL njegovog `ivota. Soni je bacio oko na perspektivnu nekretninu, pošto je njeUloge: Maggie Smith, gov prvi poduhvat Najbolji Egzoti~ni Bill Nighy, Richard Marigold Hotel za Starije i Lepe Gere, Judi Dench, toliko uznapredovao da ima samo Celia Imrie, Dev Patel, još jednu slobodnu sobu, koja }e se Tamsin Greig, David pokazati baksuznom za najnovije Strathairn and Penelogoste Gaja i Laviniju. Evelin i Daglas pe Wilton. su se priklju~ili radnoj snazi D`aipura Re`ija: John Madden i sada se pitaju kuda vode njihove @anr: Drama redovni sudari u pala~inkarnici ^ila. Studio: Fox Searchlight Norman i Karol plove zamu}enim Pictures vodama ekslukzivne veze. Dok oko Med` obletaju dva podobna i veoma imu}na prosca. Mo`da jedina osoba koja zna sve odgovore jeste novopostavljena ko-upravnica hotela, Mjurijel, koja ~uva tajne svih. I dok zahtevi tradicionalne indijske svadbe prete da ih sve progutaju, otvara im se neo~ekivani put.



MAPS TO THE STARS MAPS TO THE STARS Uloge: Robert Pattinson, Julianne Moore, John Cusack, Sarah

Sinopsis va savremena pri~a istra`uje demone našeg društva koje je opsednuto poznatim li~nostima. Pri~a prati porodicu Vajs,


THE SECOND BEST EXOTIC MARIGOLD HOTEL Cast: Maggie Smith, Bill Nighy, Richard Gere, Judi Dench, Celia Imrie, Dev Patel, Tamsin Greig, David Strathairn and Penelope Wilton. Director: John Madden Genre: Drama Studio: Fox Searchlight Pictures

Synopsis he Best Exotic Marigold Hotel 2 is the expansionist dream of Sonny Kapoor, and its making more claims on his time than he has available, considering his imminent marriage to the love of his life, Sunaina. Sonny has his eye on a promising property now that his first venture, The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel for the Elderly and Beautiful, has only a single remaining vacancy posing a rooming predicament for fresh arrivals Guy and Lavinia. Evelyn and Douglas have now joined the Jaipur workforce, and are wondering where their regular dates for Chilla pancakes will lead, while Norman and Carol are negotiating the tricky waters of an exclusive relationship, as Madge juggles two eligible and very wealthy suitors. Perhaps the only one who may know the answers is newly installed co-manager of the hotel, Muriel, the keeper of everyone’s secrets. As the demands of a traditional Indian wedding threaten to engulf them all, an unexpected way forward presents itself.


MAPS TO THE STARS Cast: Robert Pattinson, Julianne Moore, John Cusack, Sarah Gadon, Synopsis contemporary tale exploring the demons of our celebrity-obsessed society, story follows the Weiss family, which is led by Stafford, a psychotherapist and life coach who made his fortune with self-help books. His wife is the overbearing mother-manager of their 13-year-old son, a TV star recently out of drug rehab. Their estranged daughter


Gadon, Mia Wasikowska and Olivia Williams. Re`ija: David Cronenberg @anr: Komedija / Drama Studio: Focus World na ~ijem ~elu se nalazi Staford, psihoterapeut i `ivotni savetnik koji se obogatio na knjigama o samopomo}i. Njegova supruga je nesnosna majka i menad`er njihovom 13-godišnjem sinu, poznatoj TV zvezdi koji je do nedavno bio na odvikavanju od droga. Njihova otu|ena }erka je upravo otpuštena iz psihijatrijske bolnice i sprijateljila se sa voza~em limuzina koji je tako|e glumac u usponu. Jedna od Stafordovih poznatih klijenata je Havana, glumica koja ima neobi~nog novog asistenta. Havanin san da reprizira glavnu ulogu, koju je njena pokojna majka igrala 1960. polako se urušava dok dolazi do sudaranja duhova, smrti i svih mogu}ih poroka. Mia Wasikowska and Olivia Williams. Director: David Cronenberg Genre: Comedy /Drama Studio: Focus World has just been released from a psychiatric hospital and befriended a limo driver who is also an aspiring actor. One of Stafford’s celebrity clients is Havana, an actress with an unusual new assistant. Havana’s dream of reprising her dead mother’s starring role from the 1960s slowly crumbles while ghosts, death and all manner of vices collide.

for you 19

sportski ugao


emanja Nedovi} (ro|en 16. juna 1991.) je srpski profesionalni košarkaš koji igra za klub Valenciaa u ACB ligi. On je tako|e predstavljao srpsku košarkašku reprezentaciju na me|unarodnom nivou. S obzirom na njegovu visinu od 1.91 m, mo`e da igra na obe odbrambene pozicije.

Profil igra~a Nedovi}eve jake strane su njegove veštine upravljanja loptom i vrhunski atleticizam, po{to se pokazao kao jedan od najboljih sportista u evropskoj košarci. Poznat je po odli~nom prvom koraku i lako igra iznad oboda. U 2013 NBA Draft su ga neki ESPN analiti~ari ozna~ili kao “evropskog Derrick-a Rose-a” zbog njegovog atleticizma, eksplozivnosti, svestranosti, sli~ne veli~ine i sposobnosti da igra na obe odbrambene pozicije. Nakon što ga je izabrao klub Golden State Warriors, Mark Jackson, selektor, rekao je da je Nedovi} “veoma dobar sportista veoma varljive brzine.”

Profesionalna karijera Rane godine Nedovi} je po~eo da trenira u Italiji u košarkaškom klubu Ascoli kada je imao 11 godina. Tamo je `iveo jer je njegov otac igrao profesionalni rukomet lokalno sa klubom Ascoli Cannoli. Nakon toga je trenirao dve godine u Novoj Varoši. U 2005. godini je prešao u Crvenu zvezdu u dobi od 15

20 for you

godina. Imao je uspeha u juniorskoj konkurenciji kao i 2008. godine, kada je postao šampion sa juniorskim timom Crvene zvezde. Nakon toga je prešao u prvi tim gde je kona~no, profesionalno, napravio proboj. U svojoj prvoj sezoni sa timom postizao je dvocifreni broj poena, primoravaju}i menad`ment tima da produ`i ugovor sa njim još jednu sezonu. Ostao je u klubu do juna 2012. godine. Lietuvos Rytas U leto 2012. Je potpisao ugovor sa timom Litvanije Lietuvos Rytas Vilnius. U svojoj prvoj sezoni Evrolige sa Rytasom je u proseku imao 9.8 poena, 2,5 skokova i 2,1 asistenciju po utakmici. Golden State Warriors Dana 27. juna 2013. godine, Nedovi}a je klub Phoenix Suns odabrao kao poslednjeg pika prve runde NBA drafta (regrutacije novih igra~a). Kasnije je zamenjen za drugog igra~a tokom no}i drafta, i tako ga je dobio klub Golden State Warriors. Sa njima je i potpisao ugovor 9. jula 2013. godine. Tokom svoje prve sezone je imao više zadu`enja sa klubom Santa Cruz Warriors Razvojne lige NBA. U julu 2014. se Nedovi} pridru`io Warriors tokom Letnje lige NBA 2014, gde je u proseku postigao 9,4 poena, 2,0 skokova i 2,2 asistencije u pet utakmica. Warriors-i su ga otpustili 11. novembra 2014. godine. Valencia Nedovi} je 14. novembra 2014. potpisao dvogodišnji ugovor sa klubom Valencia basket iz ACB lige.


Srpska reprezentacija Nedovi} je bio ~lan U20 košarkaške reprezentacije Srbije 2009., 2010. i 2011. godine, na Evropskom prvenstvu u košarci do 20 godina. U 2012. je igrao sa košarkaškom reprezentacijom Srbije u kvalifikacijama za Evropsko prvenstvo u košarci 2013. Tokom Eurobasketa 2013, Nedovi}eva igra je imala mnoge uspone i padove kada je vodio veoma mlad i neiskusan, ali ipak talentovan tim Srbije, igraju}i odli~no protiv Litvanije i posebno Francuske u eksplozivnoj utakmici završenoj rezultatom 77-65, u kojem je nadigrao jedan od svojih uzora, Tony-ija Parker-a, postigavši 17 poena na 5/8 šuteva za trojke. Srbiju je na kraju lako po~istila Španija u ~etvrtfinalu pošto su Nedovi} i cela ekipa Srbije imali problema sa ofanzivnom igrom.

Li~ne informacije

Br. 8 – Valencia basket Pozicija

plejmejker / bek šuter


Liga ACB Euroleague


16. jun, 1991. ( 24godine) Nova Varoš, SR Srbija, SFR Jugoslavija



Navedena visina

6 ft 3 in (1.91 m)

Navedena te`ina

192 lb (87 kg)

Karijera NBA draft

2013 / Runda: 1 / Pik: 30.

Izabrao ga klub

Phoenix Suns

Profesionalna karijera


Istorija karijere 2008–2012

Crvena zvezda Beograd


Lietuvos Rytas


Golden State Warriors


→Santa Cruz Warriors



Uspesi i nagrade tokom karijere

Izvor: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/

LKL All-Star (2013)

sports corner


emanja Nedovic (born 16 June 1991) is a Serbian professional basketball player who plays for Valencia Basket of the Liga ACB. He also represented the Serbian national basketball team internationally. Standing at 6 ft 3 in (1.91 m), he can play both guard positions.

Player profile

Nedovic’s strong points are his ball handling skills and elite athleticism, as he proved to be one of the very best athletes in European basketball. He is known for an excellent first step and can play easily above the rim. He was labeled during the 2013 NBA Draft as “The European Derrick Rose” by some ESPN analysts because of his athleticism, explosiveness, versatility, similar size, and ability to play both guard positions. After he was drafted by the Golden State Warriors, Mark Jackson, the team coach, has said that Nedovic “is a very good athlete with highly deceptive speed.”

Professional career Early years Nedovic began to train in Italy with Ascoli basketball when he was 11 years of age. He lived there because his father was playing professional handball locally with the Ascoli Cannoli. After that, he trained for two years in Nova Varos. In 2005, he moved to Crvena zvezda at the age of 15. He had success in the junior competi-

tion, as in 2008, when he became champion with the junior team of Crvena zvezda. After that, he moved to the first team where he finally made a breakthrough professionally. In his first season with the team, he was scoring in double digits, forcing the team management to extend a contract with him for one more season. He stayed in the club until June 2012. Lietuvos Rytas In the summer of 2012, he signed a contract with the Lithuanian team Lietuvos Rytas Vilnius. In his first Euroleague season with Rytas he averaged 9.8 points, 2.5 rebounds and 2.1 assists per game. Golden State Warriors On June 27, 2013, Nedovic was selected with the 30th overall pick in the 2013 NBA draft by the Phoenix Suns. He was later traded to the Golden State Warriors on draft night. On July 9, 2013, he signed with the Warriors. During his rookie season, he had multiple assignments with the Santa Cruz Warriors of the NBA Development League. In July 2014, Nedovic joined the Warriors for the 2014 NBA Summer League where he averaged 9.4 points, 2.0 rebounds and 2.2 assists in five games. On November 11, 2014, he was waived by the Warriors. Valencia On November 14, 2014, Nedovic signed a two-year deal with Valencia Basket of the Liga ACB. Serbian national team Nedovic was member of U20 Serbia national basketball team in 2009, 2010 and 2011 at FIBA Europe Under-20 Championship. In 2012 he played with Serbia national basketball team at FIBA EuroBasket 2013 qualification. During Eurobasket 2013, Nedovic’s game saw many ups and downs as he led a very young and inexperienced, but nonetheless talented Serbia team, showing great performances against Lithuania and particularly France in a

77-65 blowout, in which he outplayed one of his role models, Tony Parker, scoring 17 points on 5/8 shooting for three. Serbia ended up being swept easily by Spain in quarterfinals as Nedović and the entire Serbia team struggled offensively. Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ 2013 No. 8 – Valencia Basket Position

Point guard / Shooting guard


Liga ACB Euroleague

Personal information Born

June 16, 1991 (age 23) Nova Varos, SR Serbia, SFR Yugoslavia



Listed height

6 ft 3 in (1.91 m)

Listed weight

192 lb (87 kg)

Career information NBA draft

2013 / Round: 1 / Pick: 30th

Selected by the

Phoenix Suns

Pro career


Career history 2008–2012

Red Star Belgrade


Lietuvos Rytas


Golden State Warriors


→Santa Cruz Warriors



Career highlights and awards LKL All-Star (2013)

for you 21

Hi - Tech

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22 for you

Logitech Bluetooth Multi-Device Keyboard


he Logitech® Bluetooth® Multi-Device Keyboard K480 is designed for use with up to three devices, regardless of computing platform. Now, you can work on a report on your computer and with the flick of the Easy-Switch dial, respond to a message on your smartphone or type a tweet on your tablet – all from the Logitech Bluetooth Multi-Device Keyboard K480.



he iFusion is an integrated communications docking station for the Apple iPhone. Combining the capabilities of many top-selling iPhone accessories into a single device, the iFusion utilizes built-in Bluetooth technology, a full duplex speaker phone and a patented ergonomic design to deliver superior voice quality that meets the requirements of today’s home and business consumer.

Logitech Type-S


he Logitech Type-S is a thin and light protective keyboard case for the Samsung Galaxy Tab S 10.5 and protects both sides of your Galaxy Tab S from accidental bumps, scratches and spills. Its built-in Bluetooth® keyboard and wellspaced keys provide a fast and comfortable typing experience. The dual-view stand caters to different activities from typing to reading to chatting online, and includes an auto-wake auto-sleep feature so that the tablet wakes when you open the case.

Livescribe Echo Smartpen


he Livescribe Echo Smartpen allows you to record audio while you’re taking notes, and then play them back later. You can save and share interactive notes to your computer, iPad or iPhone via a micro-USB connector that also allows you to recharge your pen. The memory storage holds 400 or 800 hours of recorded audio, depending on the model, and includes an OLED display that makes it easy to navigate smartpen apps.

WOWee One Slim


he WOWee One Slim is a compact portable speaker unit which provides a full range frequency response. It is intended for use as both a fixed and portable solution for all iPod, iPad, mp3, mp4, mobile phone and computer applications. It uses the same hybrid technology as the WOWee ONE and produces an incredible bass sound with a 40Hz - 20kHz sound range. ( Izvor : http://vvv.itbusinessedge.com )

Hi - Tech

Whether you are on the go, in your office or at home, tech gadgets can introduce great time-saving advantages into your day, as well as make life easier. In this text, we’ve highlighted 10 hot new gadgets you may want to consider adding to your collection.



koliko imate potrebu za ve} om brzinom, iskoristite mo} G DRIVE ev SSD. Sa ekstremno visokim performansama u ~vrstom stanju, povezan preko USB 3.0, dobi}ete brzinu prenosa do 400MB/s. Na drajvu se nalazi 512GB memorije i kompatibilan je sa Mac OS 10.6, Windows 7, 8 i Vista sistemima. Dolazi sa trogodišnjom garancijom. Koristite ga samostalno ili sa G - DOCK ev sa Thunderbolt i do`ivite brzinu prenosa do 480Mb/s, što je krajnje fleksibilno i pru`a mogu}nosti proširivanja koje današnji kreativni profesionalaci iziskuju.



yrenPro je be`i~ni Bluetooth zvu~nik, otporan na vremenske prilike, namenjen koriš}enju u otvorenom prostoru. Poseduje True Wireless Stereo uparivanje, koje vam omogu}ava da kreirate vlastiti be`i~ni stereo sistem, uz pomo} dva zvu~nika. Zvu~nici se mogu priklju~iti u uti~nicu ili mogu raditi uz pomo} dopunjivih baterija, do ~etiri sata, tako da mo`ete u`ivati u muzici bilo gde. Zvu~nici pru`aju zvuk u opsegu od 360 stepeni, otporni su na vremenske prilike i na UV zrake i kompatibilni su sa ve}inom Bluetooth ure|aja.

LaCie RuggedKey


aCie RuggedKey je napravljena da izdr`i padove sa visina daleko iznad onih na koje bi o~ekivali da nai|ete na putu do kancelarije. Napravljen je od gume koja izdr`ava pad sa 100 metara visine. To pru`a vrhunsku zaštitu vašim klju~evima i vašim podacima, u svim onim trenucima kada posrnete. RuggedKey ima USB 3.0 interfejs i brzinu prenosa datoteka do 150 MB/s, ali je tako|e kompatibilan sa USB 2.0.

NEC VE281 mobilni projektor


EC VE281 mobilni projektor je osmišljen da obezbedi jako osvetljenje za mala i srednja preduze}a, obrazovne institucije, korporacijske konferencijske sale i mobilnost aplikacije u prostorijama gde je prisutno jako ambijentalno osvetljenje, ali prostor nala`e mali projektor. Ovaj lagani model ima 3D-spremnu tehnologiju, veliki kontrast na slikama i mo}an zvu~nik ja~ine 7W.

iPad skener fotografija


vo je skener koji ~uva dragocene fotografije direktno na vašem iPad-u dok dr`i i dopunjuje baterije ure|aja. Kontroliše se preko besplatne aplikacije, a skenira stranice tako da poma`e da se sa~uvaju i dele, u digitalnom formatu, nasle|ene fotografije i dokumenti. Za samo 12 sekundi, fotografija se pretvara u JPEG sliku, u punoj boji i oštrine od 300-tpi ili 600-tpi, koja se mo`e prikazivati na ekranu u stvarnom vremenu ili se mo`e sa~uvati u IPad galeriju fotografija.



ith a need for speed - take the power of the G-DRIVE ev SSD with you. With extreme solid-state performance connected with USB 3.0, you’ll get transfer rates up to 400MB/s. The drive comes with 512GB of storage capacity and is compatible with Mac OS 10.6, Windows 7, 8 and Vista. It comes with a threeyear warranty. Use it alone or with the G-DOCK ev with Thunderbolt and experience up to 480MB/s for the ultimate flexibility and expandability that today’s creative professionals demand.



he SyrenPro is a wireless weather-resistant outdoor Bluetooth speaker with TrueWireless Stereo pairing, which lets you create your own stereo system wirelessly using two speakers. The speakers can be plugged into an electrical outlet or run by rechargeable battery for up to four hours, so you can enjoy your music anywhere. The speakers provide 360-degree sound, are weather/ UV resistant, and work with most Bluetooth devices.

LaCie RuggedKey


he LaCie RuggedKey is built to withstand accidental drops from heights far above what you’d encounter on your way to the office. Its rubber construction is 100-meter drop-resistant. That means ultimate protection for your key – and your data – for all of life’s little stumbles. The RuggedKey has a USB 3.0 interface and file transfer speed of up to 150 MB/s, but it’s also backward compatible with USB 2.0.

NEC VE281 Mobile Projector


EC’s VE281 mobile projector is designed to provide high brightness for small-to-medium-sized businesses, education environments, corporate conference rooms and mobility applications where heavy ambient light is present but the space requires a small projector. This lightweight model includes 3D-ready technology, highcontrast images and a powerful 7W speaker.

Photo iPad Scanning Dock


his is the scanner that saves treasured photos directly to an iPad while it docks and charges the device. Controlled by a free app, the sheet-fed scanner makes it simple to preserve and share heirloom photos and documents as digital files. In as little as 12 seconds, a photo is converted to a crisp 300- or 600-dpi color JPEG image that is displayed on screen in real time and saved to the iPad’s camera roll. (Source: http://www.itbusinessedge.com)

for you 23

ČITANJE RUKAMA -PRONALAZAK BRAJEVOG PISMA slepe ljude u Parizu. Tamo je nau~io kako da koristi takozvano no}no pisanje, metod koji je izmislila francuska vojska kako bi omogu}ila da se nare|enja prenose i no}u. Ovo pismo koje se sastojalo od do šest reljefnih ta~aka na papiru, navelo je de~aka da intenzivno radi na pismu za slepe. Nakon pet godina, u svojoj 16. godini, završio je svoj posao: izmislio je sopstveno pismo za slepe osobe. Do današnjeg dana, Brajevo pismo, nazvano po njemu, i dalje se sastoji od šest ta~aka, ali, za razliku od no}nog pisma, raspore|ena su u dva vertikalna reda od po tri. Ovaj raspored omogu}ava 64 mogu}ih kombinacija, dovoljno da prika`emo sva slova azbuke, sve brojeve od nule do devet i ~ak posebne znakove kao što su ta~ka i zarez.

Pre 206 godina ro|en je ~ovek koji je omogu}io slepim ljudima širom sveta da ~itaju.

Strah od paralelnog postojanja


ulo vida je najva`nije ~ulo za ve}inu ljudi. U svetu postoji 45 miliona ljudi, koji ne mogu da vide jer su slepi. Mo`ete rudimentarno testirati kakav je ose}aj biti slep putem malog eksperimenta. Zatvorite o~i ili stavite povez preko o~iju i onda jednostavno šetajte kroz vaš dom. Ve}ina vas }e neminovno udariti u nešto, naleteti na okvir od vrata ili udariti u sto. Teško, zar ne? Samo zamislite da morate provesti ceo dan u ve~nom mraku. Ne bi više mogli da gledate televiziju; mogli biste samo da ~ujete glasove iz zvu~nika. Ne biste mogli da surfujete na Internetu na vašem ra~unaru ili igrate kompjuterske igrice. ^ulo vida je od suštinskog zna~aja za sve ove stvari, kao i za ~itanje.

24 for you

Slepi ljudi poma`u jedni drugima Danas slepi ljudi mogu da ~itaju pomo}u tzv. Brajevog pisma, nazvan po Francuzu Luju Braju. Braj je ro|en u francuskom selu Kupvre 1809. godine. Mali Luj nije ro|en slep, mogao je da vidi do nesre}e koju je do`iveo kada je imao tri godine. De~ak se nenamerno ubo u desno oko sa šilom, alatom koji je koristio njegov otac, sedlar. Zbog naknadne upale Luj je izgubio vid na oba oka pre nego što je napunio pet godina.

Dug put do Brajevog pisma Tih dana je takva povreda normalno zna~ila krajnje siromaštvo. Da bi ga sa~uvali od ove sudbine, njegovi roditelji su ga poslali u jednu od prvih svetskih škola za

Dok je Brajevo pismo prvobitno primljeno sa entuzijazmom u Lujevoj školi, situacija se naglo promenila kada se upravno telo promenilo. Novi direktor je odlu~io da je pismo diskriminatorno jer bi se slepi ljudi izolovali koriste}i pismo koje je nepoznato ljudima koji su mogli videti, i tako ga je zabranio. U~enici u školi koji su `eleli da nastave da u~e Brajevo pismo su morali da to ~ine u tajnosti. Nakon školskih dana, Luj Braj je izumeo više pisama za slepe i slabovide osobe, uklju~uju}i, na primer, muzi~ki zapis koji je zasnovan na njegovih šest ta~aka i u upotrebi je i danas.

Trijumf šest ta~aka Brajevo pismo nije zvani~no uvedenu u Francuskoj kao pismo za slepe i slabovide osobe do 1850. ali nakon uvo|enja se brzo proširilo

Louis Braille

širom sveta. Odobreno je u Nema~koj kao zvani~no dr`avno pismo za slepe ljude u 1879. i mnoge druge zemlje su uradile isto tokom narednih decenija. Danas Brajevo pismo koriste slepe i slabovide osobe širom sveta. Pored knji`evnog pisma, izmišljeno je bezbroj izmenjenih verzija za posebne namene. Na primer, postoji vrsta Brajevog pisma za ra~unare koje omogu}ava slepim ljudima da pišu svoje kompjuterske programe. Brajevo pismo je tako|e prilago|eno za jezike sa slovima druga~ijim od latinskih koja mi koristimo.

Proglašenje nacionalnim herojem Braj nije do`iveo da vidi kako se njegovo pismo širi, jer umire u Parizu 6. januara 1852. od tuberkuloze, bolesti plu}a. Bolest je verovatno izazvana katastrofalnim sanitarnim uslovima u školi za slepe. Povodom 100-godišnjice njegove smrti, retka ~ast je ukazana Luju Braju: francuska vlada je njegove ostatke prebacila u Panteon u Parizu. Junaci Francuske su sahranjeni u Panteonu. Ovu ~ast je dobilo samo 36 ljudi u dugoj istoriji zemlje. Me|u nacionalnim herojima koji su sahranjeni u Panteonu su ljudi poput filozofa Voltera, nau~nice Marije Kiri, ili autora Aleksandra Dume. Šake Luja Braja, šake koje su izumele pismo za slepe, odvojene su od tela. One se i dalje dr`e u Kupvreu, mestu njegovog ro|enja, i ~uvaju se kao blago.


suffered at the age of three. The boy inadvertently poked his right eye with an awl, a tool used by his father, who was a saddler. The subsequent inflammation caused Louis to lose his sight in both eyes by the age of five.

The long road to the braille script

Seeing is

206 years ago, a man was born who enabled blind people all over the world to read.


he sense of vision is the most important sense for most people. 45 million people in our world, however, cannot see, because they are blind. You can rudimentarily test what it feels like to be blind by doing a little experiment. Close your eyes or blindfold them and then just simply walk through your home. Most of you will inevitably bump into something, walk into a door frame or get stuck at the table. Difficult, isn’t it? Just imagine you had to spend the whole day in eternal darkness. You wouldn’t be able to watch TV anymore; you could only hear the voices from the speaker. You couldn’t surf on the internet on your PC or play computer games anymore.

essential for all these things, as well as for reading.

A blind man helps the blind

Nowadays, blind people can read by using the so-called braille script, named after the Frenchman Louis Braille. Braille was born in the French village of Coupvray in 1809. Little Louis was not born blind; he was able to see until an accident he

In those days, such an injury normally meant extreme poverty. To save their son from this fate, his parents sent him to one of the world’s first schools for blind people in Paris. There, he was taught how to use so-called night writing, a method invented by the French military to enable orders to be transmitted at night as well. This script, which consisted of up to six dots embossed in paper, prompted the boy to work intensively on a script for the blind. After five years, at the age of 16, he had finished his work: he had invented his own script for blind people. To this day, the braille script, named after him, still consists of six dots, but, unlike in night writing, they are arranged in two vertical rows of three. This layout allows 64 possible combinations to be formed, enough to display all the letters of the alphabet, all the numbers from zero to nine and even special characters like the full stop and comma.

Fear of a parallel existence

While braille was initially received enthusiastically at Louis‘s school, the situation altered abruptly when the governing body changed. The new headmaster ruled that the script was discriminating because blind people would isolate themselves by using a script that was unknown to people who could see, and so he banned it. The students at

the school wanting to continue to learn braille had to do so in secret. After his schooldays, Louis Braille invented more scripts for blind people, including, for example, a musical notation that was based on his six dots and is still in use today.

The triumph of the six dots

Braille was not officially introduced in France as a script for blind people until 1850, but after its introduction it quickly spread around the world. It was approved in Germany as the official script for blind people in 1879, and many other countries followed suit during the next decades. Today, braille is used by blind people all over the world. In addition to the literature script, countless modified versions have been invented for special purposes. For example, there is a type of braille for computers that enables blind people to write their own computer programmes. Braille has also been adapted for languages with letters other than the Latin ones we use.

Pronouncement as a national hero

Braille did not live to see his script spread, dying in Paris on 6 January 1852 from tuberculosis, a lung disease. The illness was probably caused by the catastrophic sanitary conditions at the school for the blind. On the 100th anniversary of his death, a rare honour was bestowed on Louis Braille: the French government had his remains transferred to the Panthéon in Paris. The heroes of France are entombed in the Panthéon. This honour has been granted to only 36 people in the country’s long history. Amongst the national heroes who have been entombed in the Panthéon are people like the philosopher Voltaire, the scientist Marie Curie, or the author Alexandre Dumas. Louis Braille’s hands, the hands which invented the script for the blind, were removed from the body. They are still kept in Coupvray, the place of his birth, and guarded like a treasure.

for you 25

Upitnik Lejla Kurga{ (14) Mnogo toga bih menjala u svom okru`enju, ali bih najvi{e toga promenila u na{oj {koli, jer u njoj najvi{e vremena provodimo. Nedostaje nam sportska sala, sportska oprema, muzi~ki instrumenti, itd. Potrebni su nam i kabineti, jer nemamo nijedan. Generalno, potrebno je renovirati celu {kolu. Lejla Kurgas (14) I would like to change many things in my environment, mostly in our school, because this is where we spend most of our time. We need a gymnasium, sports equipment, musical instruments, etc. We also need science classrooms, because we don’t have a single one. In general, our entire school needs renovation.

Ĺ TA BISTE MENJALI U SVOM OKRUZENJU? D`eneta To{i} (14) Moje okru`enje je puno zelenila, u ~emu u`ivamo kada su topli dani. Me|utim, zimi nam je te{ko da iza|emo napolje i da odr`imo ~as fizi~kog vaspitanja jer je hladno. Ali, nije ni re{enje da uvek budemo u u~ionici jer ometamo ostale u~enike i nastavnike u {koli. Tako da nam je zaista neophodna sportska sala, kao i sportska oprema.

Dzeneta Tosic (14) My environment is full of green spaces, something we enjoy very much during warm days. However, in winter time it is rather difficult to go out and have physical education classes because it is too cold. But staying in the classroom all the time because we may disturb other students and teachers in the school, is not a solution. Therefore, we really need a sports hall and sports equipment.

Mejra Bali} (14) [to se ti~e mog okru`enja puno je stvari koje bih promenila. Za po~etak menjala bih sve {to se ti~e moje {kole. Na prvom mestu je sportska sala i sportska oprema, a posebno bih volela da postoji kabinet muzike. Ekskurzije, jednodnevni izleti i sportski turniri su nam veoma retki, tako da bih volela da se i to promeni.

change in my environment. To begin with, I would change everything about my school, primarily a gymnasium and sports equipment, and I especially wish we had a music classroom. Excursions, one-day trips and sports tournaments are very rare here, so I’d like this to change as well.

Mejra Balic (14) There are many things I would like to

Poku{ajte da slo`ite {est (6) delova slagalice koji su prikazani i dobi}ete jednu KFOR poruku.

26 for you



Haris Mandak (15) Ja bih voleo da se kod Doma u Vitomirici naprave parkovi. Isto va`i i za {kolsko dvori{te. Voleo bih da imamo klupe gde bismo ponekad mogli da odr`imo i ~as o `ivotnoj sredini. Moram da pomenem da nam je zaista neophodna sportska sala

u {koli, koja bi bila simbol spajanja mladih u Vitomirici.

Emina Seferovi} (14) Ono o{to je u mom okru`enju neophodno je sportska sala koja bi bila u sklopu {kole. [to se ti~e {kolske zgrade, na njoj je potrebno mnogo izmena, od kompletnog renoviranja do kre~enja. Volela bih da se higijena redovno odr`ava u njoj, kao i da se sme}e oko nje kupi svakoga dana. Volela bih da dobijemo i pozori{te.

be a part of the school. As for the school building, it requires many changes, from a complete renovation to painting. I wish school hygiene was maintained properly, and that waste around the school is disposed on daily bases. I also wish we get a theather.

Emina Seferovic (14) Something really indispensable for my environment is a sports hall that would

Haris Mandak (15) I would like a park to be made near the Community Center in Vitomirica. The same goes for the schoolyard. I wish we had benches where we could occasionally hold classes on environment. I have to say that we really need a gymnasium in the school, one that would be a symbol of connection between young people of Vitomirica.

Sead Mandak (13) U na{em {kolskom dvori{tu ima mnogo zelenila, ali bi to trebalo jo{ da se ukrasi. U {koli nemamo sportsku salu u kojoj po potrebi mo`emo da organizujemo razne kulturne i sportske manifestacije, kao i ono najva`nije, a to je ~as fizi~kog vaspitanja. Naglasio bih da u mom okru`enju nedostaju i de~ja igrali{ta kako bi deca u`ivala u svom detinjstvu. Sead Mandak (13) There is a lot of greenery in our school yard but it should be a bit more embellished. Also, we don’t have a sports hall in our school, where, as needed, we could organize various cultural and sports events, and most importantly, where we could have physical education classes. I would emphasize that in my environment we also lack playgrounds for children to enjoy their childhood.

Cut these six pieces and try to put them together and you will get a message from KFOR.

for you 27

MITSKA STVORENJA KOJA NIKADA NISU NI POSTOJALA, ALI SU LJUDI VEROVALI U NJIH BEZ OBZIRA NA SVE Kroz istoriju je bilo bezbroj pri~a o mitskim stvorenjima, legendarnim ~udovištima i natprirodnim bi }ima. Uprkos nejasnom poreklu, ova mitska stvorenja imaju mesto u folkloru i u mnogim slu~ajevima su deo pop kulture. Neverovatno, postoje ljudi širom planete koji još uvek sna`no veruju da ova stvorenja postoje uprkos nedostatku dokaza koji to dokazuju. Dakle, naša lista danas govori o 25 legendarnih i epskih mitskih stvorenja koja nikada nisu postojala, ali još uvek mnogi ljudi veruju druga~ije.

12 Sukujant Sukujant je prema karipskim urbanim legendama, posebno dominikanskim, trinidadijanskim i guadeloupijanksim, egzoti~na crna~ka verzija evropskog vampira. Od usta do usta i iz generacije u generaciju sukujant je postao deo lokalnog folklora. Pri~e o njima govore o gnusnoj starici po danu koja se po no}i transformiše u zgodnu mladu crnkinju, nalik boginji. Ona tada zavodi svoje `rtve svojim izgledom i svojom igrom kako bi mogla da im sisa krv ili da ih na~ini svojim ve~nim robovima. 12 Soucouyant The soucouyant is, according to Caribbean urban legend, specifically in Dominican, Trinidadian, and Guadeloupean folklore, the exotic black version of the European vampire. From mouth to mouth and generation to generation the soucouyant became

11 Lamasu Prema mesopotamijskoj mitologiji i predanju, lamasu je zaštitno bo`anstvo kojeg nekoliko ljudi, koji tvrde da su ga videli, u svojim opisima predstavljaju kao stvorenje sa telom bika i krilima, dok drugi tvrde da su videli stvorenje sa telom lava, krilima orla i glavom muškarca. Neki su ga opisali kao muško stvorenje zastrašuju}eg izgleda dok se drugima u~inio kao `ensko bo`anstvo sa dobrim namerama. Naravno da nikada ne}emo znati šta je ta~no bio lamasu jer on postoji samo u glavama nekih ljudi.

28 for you

11 Lamassu According to Mesopotamian mythology and legend, the lamassu was supposed to be a protective deity whom a few people claimed to have seen and in their descriptions portrayed as a creature with a bull’s body and wings, while others saw a creature with a lion’s body, eagle’s wings, and a man’s head. Some described it as an intimidatinglooking male creature while others as a female deity with good intentions. Of course we will never know what exactly a lamassu was since its existence was only in the heads of some people.

part of local folklore, and tales about them talk about a hideous-looking old woman by day who transformed to a gorgeous-looking young black woman by night resembling a goddess. She then seduced her victims with her looks and her dance only so she could suck their blood or make them her eternal slaves.

10 Meduza Prema jednoj verziji pri~e, Meduza je jedna od Ateninih devica, koju je napao Posejdon dok je bio zauzeo oblik konja u Ateninom hramu. Atena, besna zbog ~injenice da nije mogla da se direktno suprostavi Posejdonu, iskalila je bes na jadnoj Meduzi i pretvorila je u ru`no ~udovište puno mr`nje sa glavom punom zmija, umesto kose. Meduzina ru`no}a je bila toliko odvratna da ko god bi pogledao u njeno lice pretvorio bi se u kamen. Na kraju je Persej ubio Meduzu uz pomo} Atene, koja se ophodila prema svojoj nekada lepoj devici na najgori mogu}i na~in.

10 Medusa According to one version of the story, Medusa was a beautiful maiden of Athena who was raped by Poseidon while in the shape of a horse in Athena’s temple. Athena, enraged by the fact that she could not confront Poseidon directly, took it out on poor Medusa and transformed her into an unattractive, hateful monster with a head full of snakes rather than hair. Medusa’s ugliness was so hideous that whoever looked at her face turned to stone. Eventually Perseus killed Medusa with the help of Athena who had treated her once beautiful, virgin maiden in the worst possible way.

MYTHIC CREATURES THAT NEVER EXISTED BUT PEOPLE BELIEVED IN ANYWAY Throughout history there have been countless stories about mythical creatures, legendary monsters, and supernatural beings. Despite their unclear origin, these mythical creatures have a place in folklore and in many cases are part of pop culture. Amazingly, there are people across the globe who still strongly believe these creatures exist in spite of the lack of proof that they do. So, our list is about 25 legendary and epic mythic creatures that never existed yet many people believe otherwise.

9 Draugr Draugr je prema norveškom folkloru i mitologiji zombi koji nosi miris trulenja mrtvih i neverovatno je mo}an. Verovalo se da jedu ljude, piju krv, imaju mo} da uti~u na ljudski um i tako nateraju ljude da polude. Tipi~an draugr tako|e je mogao da u|e u snove smrtnika da bi upozorio svoje `rtve na ono što }e uskoro uslediti. U biti, draugr je bio nalik Jason Voorheesu ili Frediju Krugeru, dva poznata lika iz horor filmova 80-ih i 90-ih, ~ije stvaranje izgleda vodi poreklo iz pri~a o nordijskim ~udovištima. 9 Draugr A draugr, according to Norse folklore and mythology, is a zombie that has the

8 Lernejska hidra Lernejska hidra je mitsko vodeno ~udovište sa nekoliko glava nalik na velike zmije, a koju je Herakles ubio tokom drugog od svojih dvanaest trudova. Ovo surovo ~udovište `ivelo je u Lerni, malom selu nadomak Argosa, i po Lerni je dobilo svoje ime. Prema legendi, kada je Herakles odsekao jednu glavu, dve su se pojavile. Iz tog razloga, Heraklesov ne}ak, Jolaj, spaljivao je koren svake glave nakon što bi ih njegov stric odsekao, tek tada su glave prestale da se razmno`avaju. Kada je Herakles odsekao poslednju glavu, koja je bila najve}a i verovalo se da je besmrtna, on ju je sahranio u zemlju kako se ne bi digla iz mrtvih i ponovo terorisala ovu oblast. 8 Lernaean Hydra The Lernaean Hydra was a mythical water monster with

putrid smell of the dead and is amazingly powerful. It was believed that they could eat humans, drink blood, and had the power to play mind-games and drive people insane. A typical draugr could also enter a mortal’s dreams just to warn their victims of what would soon follow. Basically, a draugr was the typical bastard, a la Jason Voorhees and Freddy Krueger, two well-known horror film characters from the ’80s and ’90s, whose creation seems to have partial origin in the Nordic monster’s tales.

many heads that resembled big snakes, and which Heracles killed in the second of his twelve labors. The ferocious monster lived in Lerna, a small village near Argos, from which it took its name. According to legend, when Heracles cut off one head, two emerged. For this reason, Heracles’s nephew, Iolaus, burnt the root of each head once his uncle cut it off, only then did they stop multiplying. When Heracles cut off the last head, which was the biggest one and believed to be immortal, he buried it in the earth so it would not rise from the dead and terrorize the area again.

7 Broka Prema jevrejskoj urbanoj legendi broka je agresivna i zastrašuju}a ptica, koja je napadala koze zbog mleka ili, retko, sisala ljudsku krv tokom no}i. Legenda o brokama je postala poznata u Severnoj veropi tokom srednjeg veka, kada su ljudi verovali da bi broka uzela oblik veštice ili demona i napadala ljude. 7 Broxa According Jewish urban legend the Broxa is an aggressive, intimidating-looking bird that attacked goats for their milk or, in rare cases, would go for human blood during the night. The Broxa legend became famous in Northern Europe during the Middle Ages where people seemed to believe that it took the appearance of a witch in its female form or of a demon in its male form and attacked people.

nastavak u slede}em broju ... (to be continued ...)

for you 29

30 for you

Pisma citalaca v

Zdravo, Svi|a mi se magazin zato {to pi{ete o stranim li~nostima, kao {to je Rihanna i mnogi drugi, i volela bih da objavite neki poster sa stranim li~nostima. One Direction mi je jedan od omiljenih stranih bendova. Gospodar Prstenova je po meni najbolji film svih vremena. Igram odbojku u slobodno vreme. Esmeralda Buti} O[ „Knez Lazar“ Donja Gu{terica Pozdrav, Amadeus bend je bend koji rado slu{am. Ameri~ki nind`a je film koji mi se posebno dopada. U slobodno vreme se uglavnom bavim sportom, a omiljeni sportovi su mi: karate, fudbal i odbojka. Za

kraj bih naglasio da mi se ~asopis veoma dopada. Stefan Pereni} O[ „Knez Lazar“ Donja Gu{terica

Po{tovani, Ja sam Ertan iz Draga{a, i javljam Vam se u nameri da }ete objaviti moje pismo. Jedna od najomiljenih peva~ica mi je folk peva~ica Seka Aleksi}. Bruce Lee mi je najomiljeniji glumac, i samo njegove stare filmove volim da gledam. Od sportova mi se dopadaju fudbal i tenis. Alija Ertan O[ „Svetlost“ Draga{ ]ao! Mene posebno zanima kosovska istorija, i volela bih da pi{ete nekad i na tu temu.

Tako|e, volim i narodne bajke, pa ne bi bilo lo{e da nekad objavite neku od njih. ono {to bih volela da u na{em Draga{u imamo jeste fakultet, gde bi mladi mogli da studiraju a da ne putuju negde dalje. Azemina Sopi O[ „Svetlost“ Draga{ Po{tovani, Lady Gaga je jedna od najboljih stranih peva~ica, svaka njena pesma je hit. Sama njena pojava i glas ostavljaju ljude bez daha. Tako|e, volim da slu{am i na{eg peva~a - Dina Merlina. Indiana Jones i Sharon Stone su glumci koje je te{ko prevazi}i u bilo ~emu, njih bih posebno izdvojio. Hadis Ku~lar O[ „Svetlost“ Draga{

Zdravo! U slobodno vreme volim da slu{am muziku, a najvi{e mi se svi|a Funky G. Od filmova mi se dopada film Fana. Tako|e, volim da gledam i serije, a po meni najbolja je [eherezada. Fudbal i ko{arka su sportovi koji mi se posebno dopadaju. D`eljo Muabera O[ „Svetlost“ Draga{


for you 31

Readers’ letters

Hello, I like your magazine because you write about foreign celebrities, such as Rihanna and many others, and I would like you to publish a poster with foreign celebrities. One Direction is one of my favorite foreign bands. In my opinion, Lord of the Rings is the best movie ever. In my free time I play volleyball. Esmeralda Butic Primary School “Knez Lazar“ Donja Gusterica

Greetings, I like to listen to Amadeus band. American Ninja is a movie that I particularly like. One of my main interests in my free time is sport, and my favorite sports are: karate, soccer and volleyball. In the end I would like to

point out that I really like the magazine. Stefan Perenic Primary School “Knez Lazar“ Donja Gusterica

Sir, I am Ertan from Dragas, and I am writing in hope that you will publish my letter. One of my favorite singers is folk singer Seka Aleksic. Bruce Lee is my favorite actor, and I like to watch only his old movies. As for sports, I like soccer and tennis. Alija Ertan Primary School “Svetlost“ Dragas Hi! I am particularly interested in the Kosovo history, and I would like you to occasionally write on this subject too. I

also like folktales, so it wouldn’t hurt if you publish some of them from time to time. What I would like to have in our Dragas is a college, where young people could study without having to travel somewhere else. Azemina Sopi Primary School “Svetlost“ Dragas Sir, Lady Gaga is one of the best foreign singers, her every song is a hit. Here mere appearance and voice leave people breathless. Also, I like to listen to our singer Dino Merlin. Indiana Jones and Sharon Stone are unsurpassed actors, which is why I would particularly single out the two of them. Hadis Kuclar Primary School “Svetlost“ Dragas

Hello! In my free time I like to listen to music, and I like Funky G the most. As for movies, I like the film Fana. I also like to watch series, and in my opinion the best one is Scheherazade. Football and basketball are my favorite sports. Dzeljo Muabera Primary School “Svetlost“ Dragas


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