For You - Serbian ( December 2015 )

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Veliki pozdrav dragi ~itaoci, Nadam se da }ete mi oprostiti što }u ovoga puta, dok pišem ovaj uvodnik, biti manje formalna nego ina~e. Verujem da razumete kakvo je zadovoljstvo, i meni i celoj redakciji magazina For You, to {to smo sa vama u kontaktu punih 13 godina. Smatram da smo tokom ovih godina, preko stranica na{eg magazina, svi zajedno porasli u li~nom, akademskom i profesionalnom smislu. Za nas je još ve}e zadovoljstvo kada pomislimo da vas je tokom ovog perioda naš rad mo`da inspirisao, informisao ili ~ak zabavio. Ako smo postigli ovo, onda bez sumnje mo`emo da ka`emo da smo ostvarili svoju misiju. Ujedno, dozvolite mi da jo{ jednom putem ovog uvodnika, kao i mnogo puta do sada, ka`em veliko hvala svima onima koji su ostali naši verni ~itaoci i što nam pišu redovno. Ovo posebno raduje našu redakciju, jer pokazuje da smo na pravom putu i da vam je naš rad va`an, a samim tim je va`an i nama. Stoga vam se svi mi iz redakcije, u ovom prazni~nom izdanju, srda~no zahvaljujemo na podršci. Tako|e Vam obe}avamo da }emo nastaviti maksimalno da se trudimo u ispunjavanju svih vaših zahteva i `elja. Što se ti~e sadr`aja magazina, ovoga puta Vam predstavljamo neke ~lanke koji su po našem mišljenju mo`da bili najva`niji ovog meseca. Na kraju, ostaje mi da Vam po`elim dobro zdravlje i napredak tokom slede}e godine naše saradnje. Naravno, `elimo Vam puno uspeha u 2016. godini.

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Sve najbolje, Leonora

“For You” je slu`bena publikacija KFOR-a, proizvedena i finansirana od strane KFOR-a. Štampa se na Kosovu i distribuira besplatno. Sadr`aj magazina ne odra`ava uvek stavove koalicije ili bilo koje zemlje ~lanice pojedina~no. KFOR prihvata i tra`i vaša mi{ljenja, neka od njih }e i objavljivati, verovatno u skra}enoj formi. Ako autor pisma tako `eli, njegovo/njeno ime ne}e biti objavljeno. KFOR ne}e objavljivati anonimna, maliciozna ili klevetni~ka pisma. Glavni urednik: Leonora Shabanaj Nik{i} Novinari: Ali Rexha, Asmir Nik{i}, Merita Gjoni Fotografije: Ekipa “4U” Design & Layout: Bekim Shabani Uredni{tvo mo`ete kontaktirati na telefon: 038/503-603-2139 Pisma mo`ete slati na adresu: HQ KFOR - Kosova Film. “For You” magazin; Strasbourg Building; 10000 Pri{tina E-mail:;

2 for you

2-3: Uvodnik, sadr`aj 4-5: [kola meseca: Osnovna {kola „Knez Lazar“ - Donja Gu{terica 6-7: Radio K4 8-9: For you fashion: Kako da ukrasite ku}u za novogodišnju `urku 10-11: Music Box: Adele 12-13: Vremena se menjaju, menjamo se i mi! 14-15: @ivotinjsko carstvo: 10 vrsta koje su prešle zaista dug put da bi bile ovde gde su danas

16-17: Poster: Kalendar 2016 18-19: Moviemania: Shaun the sheep movie; Minions; Burnt; Vacation 20-21: Sportski ugao: Lewis Hamilton 22-23: Hi-Tech 24-25:Pomirenje re{enje koje donosi razvoj i blagostanje 26-27: Upitnik: [ta biste promenili kod vašeg druga ili drugarice? 28-29: Verovali ili ne ... 30: Enigmatski ugao 31-32: Pisma ~italaca






2-3: Editorial, index 4-5: School of the month: Primary school “Knez Lazar” - Donja Gusterica 6-7: Radio K4 8-9: How to decorate your house for New Year’s eve party 10-11: Music Box: Adele 12-13: Time is changing, so are we! 14-15: Animal kingdom: 10 species who took really long roadtrips to get where they are today


16-17: Poster: Calendar 2016 18-19: Moviemania: Shaun the sheep movie; Minions; Burnt; Vacation 20-21: Sports corner: Lewis Hamilton 22-23: Hi-Tech 24-25: Reconciliation the solution that brings development and welfare 26-27: Questionnaire: What would you change about your friend? 28-29: Did you know ... 30: Crossword puzzle 31-32: Readers’ letters

EDITORIAL Greetings dear readers, I hope you will forgive me that this time while I write this editorial I will be a little bit less formal than usual. I believe you also understand what a pleasure is for me and the whole staff of the For You magazine, to have the opportunity and the pleasure to stay in contact with you for 13 years now. I feel that during these years, through the pages of this magazine, we have all grown together in a personal, academic and professional level. The pleasure is even greater for us when we think that during this time our work might have inspired, informed or even entertained you. If we have achieved this, then without a doubt we can claim that we have achieved our mission. At the same time allow me to once more, through this editorial, as many times in the past, say a big thank you to all of you that have remained our faithful readers and for writing regularly to us. This is particularly satisfying to our editorial office as it shows us that we are on the right path and that our work is as important to you as it is for us. Therefore in this festive edition our editorial office thanks you for your support. We also promise you that we will continue to put our best efforts to respond to your requests and wishes. As for the contents of the magazine this time it is appropriate that we bring to you some of the stories we consider to have been the most important ones at this year end. Finally, I have nothing else to say but to wish you good health and prosperity during the next year of our cooperation. I also wish you a lot of success for the New Year 2016. All the best, Leonora!

‘For You’ is an official publication of KFOR, produced and financed by KFOR, printed in Kosovo and distributed freely.The contents do not necessarily reflect the official point of view of the coalition or that of any of its member states. KFOR accepts and welcomes your opinions, it will publish some of these, eventually in a condensed form. If requested the name of the writer will be withheld but no anonymous, defamatory or malicious letters will be printed. Chief Editor: Leonora Shabanaj Niksic Journalists: Ali Rexha, Asmir Niksic, Merita Gjoni Photos by: “4U” team Design & Layout: Bekim Shabani The editorial staff can be contacted on: 038/503-603-2139 Any letters can be sent at: HQ KFOR - Film City; For You magazine; Strasbourg building; 10000 Pristina; E-mail:;

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škola meseca



vuk {kolskog zvona uvek podseti na one lepe |a~ke dane bezbri`nog detinjstva. A, tek {kolsko dvori{te preplavljeno razdraganom de~icom, uvek u~ini da pomislimo „eh, da mi je vratiti se u {kolu“. No, kao mladi i nezreli, ~esto smo pravili propuste u u~enju, koji nam se kad tad vrate kao bumerang, {to nam je potvrdio i dirketor Osnovne {kole ’’Knez Lazar’’ u Donjoj Gu{terici, Milorad Filipovi}. „Ranije, na{e generacije nisu imale toliko uslova i sredstava za u~enje, kao {to je danas slu~aj. Zato uvek

raznim u~ilima. Na taj na~in se pobolj{ao kvalitet nastave, u cilju da deca znaju {to vi{e, da budu obrazovanija, i da ta saznanja budu na vi{em nivou. Direktor se pohvalio da imaju nov kabinet informatike koji je finansiran od strane Evropske Unije. [kola broji 530 u~enika i oko 103 nastavnog i pomo}nog osoblja. Direktor, kao jedna pozitivna li~nost, svojom predano{}u uti~e na svoj kolektiv i u~enike, {to rezultira jednom pozitivnom energijom i disciplinom u {koli. „Saradnja izme|u svih nas je veoma

savetujem mladima da u~e {to vi{e, jer danas, recimo, imaju mogu}nosti da u~e vi{e stranih jezika, {to im automatski pru`a vi{e {ansi za bolji posao i bolji `ivot“, kazao je direktor Filipovi}, po struci profesor istorije. Prema re~ima direktora Filipovi}a, {kola je osnovana 1883. godine, a 1909. godine škola je preba~ena u novi objekat. Kada je direktor stupio na ovu funkciju 1992. godine, njegov prvi zadatak je bio organizovanje kabinetske nastave, kako bi se olak{ao rad nastavnika i doprinelo boljem u~enju i upoznavanju u~enika sa stru~nim predmetima, metodama i

dobra, pre svega, osnovana je na pedago{ko-vaspitnim principima i pravilniku pona{anja nastavnika i u~enika, od ulaska u {kolu do obla~enja. Atmosfera je veoma prijatna, sre}om, nemamo ovde nekog nasilja, {to je vrlo bitno”, dodao je direktor Filipovi}. Dobro je ~uti da se taj trend u na{im {kolama jo{ uvek ne praktikuje, i nadamo se da }e tako i ostati. No, pored ove akcije, gospodin Filipovi} nam je pomenuo i akcije ~i{}enja {kolskog dvori{ta, jedinog parka u toj sredini, koji me{tanima slu`i kao mesto okupljanja, te se ponekad

4 for you

Direktor {kole Milorad Filipovi} desi da mladi zaborave da otpatke treba bacati u korpu za sme}e. To je idealna prilika da se uti~e na mlade od prvih {kolskih dana da ~uvaju svoju okolinu, ali, i roditelji su du`ni da sudeluju u vaspitavanju dece, ne samo kada je ure|ivanje `ivotne sredine u pitanju, nego i {tednja vode i elelektri~ne energije.

Za kraj, direktor Osnovne {kole „Knez Lazar“, Milorad Filipovi} kao dugogodi{nji prosvetni radnik, poru~io je mladima slede}e: „U~ite, ne poku{avajte nekim drugim i lak{im metodama da do|ete do rezultata. Bolje vam je da iza svojih ocena stojite znanjem i ve{tinama, jer }e vam se to znanje jednoga dana itekako isplatiti“.

school of the month



he sound of a school bell always reminds me of those nice boyhood days of carefree childhood. And then a school yard flooded with boastful little ones always makes you think “Eh, if I coul go back to school.” However, while young and immature, we often skipped things while studying and that would eventually come right back at us like a boomerang, confirmed for us the acting chairman of the Primary School ‘’Knez Lazar’’ in Donja Gusterica, Milorad Filipovic, as well. “Previously, our generation did not have so many conditions and learning resources, as is the case today. Therefore,

New school building director came to this position in 1992, his first task was to organize classes in order to facilitate the work of teachers and contribute to better learning and familiarization of students

Former school building I always advise young people to learn as much as possible, because today, for example, they have the opportunity to learn more foreign languages, which automatically provides them with more chances for a better job and a better life,” said direiktor Filipovic, a history teacher by profession. According to the director Filipovic the school was founded in 1883, and in 1909 the school was moved to a new facility. When the

with the vocational subjects, methods and various teaching aids. In this way, the quality of teaching has been improved so that the children know as much as possible, to be educated, and that the knowledge they aquire is at a higher level. The director praised that they have a new Informatics workshop which was funded by the European Union. The school has 530 students and about 103 teachers and support staff. Director, as a positive personality,

affects his staff and pupils with his devotion, which results in a positive energy and discipline in the school. “Cooperation between all of us is very good, above all, it is founded on the pedagogical and educational principles and code of conduct for teachers and students from entering the school to dress code. The atmosphere is very pleasant, fortunately, we haven’t had any violence, which is very important”, added the director Filipovic. It is good to hear that the trend is still not practiced in our school, and we hope it will remain so. But in addition to this action, Mr. Filipovic mentioned the actions of cleaning the school yard, the only park in the area, which the locals use as a meeting place, and

it sometimes happens that young people forget that trash should be disposed of in a garbage can. This is an ideal opportunity to influence the youth on their first school day to preserve their environment, but parents are required to participate in the upbringing of children, not only when the environment is concerned, but also with saving water and electricity. In the end, the director of the elementary school “Knez Lazar” Milorad Filipovic, as a longtime educator, said to young people the following: “Study, do not attempt to get results through some other easier methods. It is better if you stand behind your grades with knowledge and skills, as one day this knowledge will be very profitable indeed.”

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edan od najčešćih opisa, ili bolje rečeno utisaka, koje sam čuo od bilo koga sa kim sam razgovarao o RADIO K4-u je da pušta najbolju muziku. Svakako da je ovo jedan od najboljih komplimenata koje slušalac može dati radio stanici. Ovakvu tvrdnju prate komentari poput: sviđaju mi se informacije koje daju, veoma su u trendu i moderni, prilagođavaju se ukusima i željama svojih slušalaca, itd. Nema sumnje da su takvi komentari rezultat napornog rada svih zaposlenih u ovoj radio stanici, a posebno voditelja i DJ-eva, ali i njihove veoma bogate audio biblioteke. Menadžer ove radio stanice, g-din Astrit Dushi, poznat svojim slušaocima kao Titi, rekao je: “Prva stvar koja je potrebna radio stanici kako bi bila uspešna je da tehnički funkcioniše besprekorno. Drugim rečima, signal mora imati odgovarajuću snagu i kvalitet, kao i dovoljnu pokrivenost. U tom smislu možemo reći da je RADIO K4 najbolji na Kosovu, jer trenutno pokriva preko 75 % teritorije Kosova, a uskoro

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se očekuje da će ova pokrivenost dostići oko 95 %. S druge strane, kvalitet signala je bez premca, posebno u oblasti Prištine i to od kako smo nedavno počeli sa emitovanjem na novoj frekvenciji 105.4 FM. Uvođenje ove nove frekvencije nam je omogućilo da se čujemo u celoj oblasti Prištine sa najboljim mogućim kvalitetom.” Gospodin Dushi je u nastavku razgovora posebno naglasio važnost tehničkog aspekta. Na ovaj način se kod slušalaca stvara utisak da se mogu osloniti na to da će im RADIO K4 pružiti priliku da slušaju dobru muziku bez obzira na to gde se nalaze. Tako tehnička funkcionalnost stvara kredibilitet što dovodi do povećanog broja slušalaca. Pored pohvala u pogledu tehničkog dela, gospodin Dushi je takođe bio pun hvale za svoje zaposlene. Prema njegovim rečima radio stanica može biti tehnički sjajna, ali bez dobrih voditelja i DJ-eva neće imati duh i identitet. On je tada istakao da

vole. Ovo nisu jedini putevi komunikacije sa slušaocima pošto RADIO K4 ima svoju veb stranicu, koja će uskoro biti u potpunosti obnovljena. Takođe ima svoj Facebook nalog, a oni koje interesuje digitalna tehnologija mogu ga i slušati na internetu. S druge strane, vlasnici android pametnih telefona mogu da preuzmu aplikaciju RADIO K4. Naravno sva ova interakcija sa svojim slušaocima je uticala na organizaciju i pripremu nove programske šeme koja se emituje od 1. novembra 2015. godine. Novu programsku šemu izdvajaju nove emisije kao što su „Prepodnevni program“, koja se emituje svakog dana od 10:00 do 12:00, ali i povratak uspešnih emisija kao što su “Pesme koje volimo”, “Najveći hitovi”, “Happy Hour”, itd. Na kraju, u RADIO K4-u obećavaju da će nastaviti da pružaju kvalitetne programe, čiji će glavna odlika i cilj biti da obezbedi najbolju muziku i najnovije vesti iz celog sveta.

RADIO K4 može da bude ponosan na to što su svi njegovi zaposleni sada veterani ove struke, koji svojim zalaganjem i neumornim radom daju dušu emisijama koje se emituju na RADIO K4-u. Osim toga, Titi je pozvao sve one koji žele da se bolje upoznaju sa čitavim osobljem RADIO K4-a da čitaju časopis „For You“, koji će ih svakog meseca, počevši od januara, upoznavati sa jednim od zaposlenih. Na kraju treba napomenuti da sve postaje još življe u ovoj stanici zbog činjenice da je interakcija sa slušaocima jedan od glavnih aspekata svakodnevnog rada. Stoga pored postojećeg broja 038 722 228, sada je dostupan i novi Viber-broj 049 950 951. Preko ovih brojeva slušaoci mogu komunicirati direktno sa voditeljima emisija koje Astrit Dushi, menadžer Radio KFOR -a najviše



ne of the most common descriptions, or better said impressions, I have heard from anyone I have spoken to about RADIO K4 is that it plays the best music. Certainly this is one of the best compliments a listener can give to a radio station. This claim is then immediately followed by other comments such as: I like the information they give, they are very trendy and modern, they adapt to their listeners’ tastes and wishes, etc. There is no doubt that such comments are a result of the hard work put in by all the employees of this radio station, and especially its show hosts and DJs, but also its very rich audio library as well. The manager of this radio station, Mr. Astrit Dushi, best known to its listeners as ‘Titi’, said: “The first thing a radio station needs to be successful is that it functions technically impeccably. In other words, the signal must have the proper strength and quality as

well as sufficient coverage. In this sense we may say that RADIO K4 is the best in Kosovo as it currently covers over 75 % of the territory of Kosovo, and soon it is expected that this coverage reaches about 95%. On the other hand the quality of the signal is second to none, especially in Pristina region as we have recently started broadcasting on a new frequency 105.4 FM. The introduction of this new frequency has enabled us to be heard in entire Pristina at the best possible quality” Mr. Dushi went on emphasizing that the technical aspect is important because this way the listeners create the impression that wherever they are they can rely on RADIO K4 to provide them the opportunity to listen to good music. Thus, the technical functionality creates credibility which in turn leads to the increased number of listeners. In addition to the good words

for the technical part, Mr. Dushi was also full of praise for his employees. According to him a radio station may be technically great but without good show hosts and DJs it will have no spirit and identity. He then emphasized that RADIO K4 may be proud that all its employees are now veterans of this vocation, who with their commitment and tireless work give soul to the shows that are broadcasted in RADIO K4. Additionally, Titi invited all those who wish to get better acquainted with the entire staff of RADIO K4 to follow Magazine For You, which will introduce one of these employees every month starting from January. Finally it should be mentioned that everything becomes even livelier in this radio station due to the fact that interaction with its listeners is one of the main aspects of everyday work. Therefore in addition to the existing number 038 722 228 a new ‘Viber’ number 049 950 951 is available. Through these numbers the listeneres may communicate directly with the show hosts they like best. These,

are not the only communication chanels with the listeners as RADIO K4 has its webpage, which will soon be completely renewed. Then it also has its Facebook account, and those who are into new digital technology can listen this radio on the Internet as well. Whereas, owners of android smartphones can also download the RAIO K4 application. Certainly all this interaction with its listeners has impacted in the organization and preparation of the new program schedule which has been on air since 1st November 2015. The new program scheme is distinguished with new shows such as “Prepodnevni Program” which is broadcasted every day from 10:00 to 12:00 but also sees the return of successful shows such as “Pesme Koje volimo”, “Greatest Hits”, “Happy Hour”, etc.) In the end at RADIO K4 they promise that they will continue to provide quality programs, whose main feature shall be to provide the best music and latest news from the entire world.

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KAKO DA UKRASITE KUCU ZA NOVOGODIŠNJU ZURKU Novogodišnja noć je savršen izgovor da pustite mašti na volju. Pravi dekor upotpunjava vašu proslavu, ali takođe pomaže vašoj žurci da se izdvoji od svih ostalih ludovanja u novogodišnjoj noći. Ne morate čak ni da potrošite puno novca, možete napraviti većinu ukrasa kod kuće sa nekoliko osnovnih potrepština, ili jednostavno možete nekim predmetima u kući dati drugu svrhu.



ovogodišnja noć je za proslavu i najbolje je oličavaju sofisticirane slavljeničke boje kao što su crna, bela, srebrna i zlatna. Izaberite jednu glavnu boju, npr. metalik srebrnu, i koristite je za najmanje polovinu svog dekora, a čistu crnu, metalik zlatnu i snežno belu koristite za drugu polovinu dekora. Trudite se da sve bude u okviru te šeme boja. Dodajte jednu čistu boju poput ružičaste, crvene ili



urke imaju tendenciju da se vrte oko hrane i pića. Pokrijte sto crnim stolnjakom a zatim prikupite kristalne svećnjake, stavite u njih bele ili srebrne sveće i grupišite ih sve zajedno na jednom srebrnom poslužavniku koji ćete staviti na sredinu stola. Umesto svećnjaka možete koristiti čaše za vino koje ćete okrenuti naopako. Da bi napravili kontrast sa crnom, koristite srebrne podmetače, zlatni pribor za jelo i bele tanjire i činije za svako mesto pojedinačno. Poprskajte šišarke zlatnim sprejom i iznad svakog pribora stavite po jednu, koji će služiti kao držač kartice (s imenom gosta). Obmotajte crne salvete biserima, srebrnom niskom perli ili niskom dijamanata. Postavite srebrne cvetove ili perje ispred salveta, sa salvetom u centru svakog tanjira

plave za male predmete kao što su vaze, sveće i zaobljeni venac, ali neka boje te koje služe za naglašavanje budu svedene na minimum kako bi istakle primarnu šemu boja.



ew Year’s Eve is about celebration, and is best represented by sophisticated, celebratory colors like black, white, silver and gold. Pick one main color, like metallic silver, and use it for at least half of your decor; accent with pure black, metallic gold and snow white for the other half. Try to keep everything within that color scheme. Add a single accent color like pink, red or blue for small items like a vase, candles and beaded garland, but keep colored accents to a minimum to showcase your primary color scheme.

The Table


arties tend to center around food and drinks. Cover the table in a black tablecloth; collect crystal candleholders, fill them with white or silver candles and group them on a silver tray to create a table centerpiece. Alternatively, use upside-down wine glasses. To contrast with the black, use silver placemats or chargers, gold flatware and white plates and bowls for each place setting. Spraypaint pinecones gold and use one at the top of each setting as a place card holder. Wrap black napkins in pearls, silver bead garland or ropes of rhinestones. Place silver flowers or feathers in front of the napkins with a napkin in the center of each plate. (Izvor:

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HOW TO DECORATE YOUR HOUSE FOR NEW YEAR’S EVE PARTY New Year’s Eve is the perfect excuse to get your creative juices flowing. The right decor makes your celebration feel complete, but it also helps your party stand out from all the other New Year’s Eve bashes. You don’t even have to spend a lot of money; you can make most decorations right at home with a few basic supplies, or you can simply repurpose other items around the house.

Izvucite iz ostave božićne ukrase i obmotajte bele treperave sijaličice oko grana obojenih sprejom i svih velikih biljaka ili drveća u kući kako bi stvorili atmosferu “zemlje čuda”. Postavite male sveće nasumično na svakom stolu. Posprejte loptice od pene zlatnom i obesite ih na plafon uz pomoć strune i bele slikarske trake.



tavite puno satova na kamin, jedan preko drugog kako bi označili prolaženje godine; neke postavite sa strane ili pod uglom kako bi izgledalo interesantnije. Posprejte gole grančice drveta belom ili koristite gole grane jasike; stavite hrpu grančica u vazu kao ukras sa strane na stolu.



tack clocks on the mantel to signify the passing of the year; place some sideways or at an angle to add interest. Spray-paint bare tree branches white or use bare aspen branches; stack them in a vase for a display on a side table. Pull the Christmas decorations back out and wrap white twinkle-light strands around the spray-painted branches and any large interior plants or trees to create a wonderland atmosphere. Place tea candles randomly on every table and the mantel. Spray foam balls gold and hang them from the ceiling using string or monofilament fishing line and white painter’s tape.



vakoj žurci treba početak razgovora, tako da koristite goli zid da izrazite nešto. Napravite foto-montažu tako što ćete staviti crnobele slike svojih gostiju na tom zidu. Rasporedite fotografije u obliku broja Nove godine, i pričvrstite ih gitom tako da lako možete da ih skinete nakon što se zabava završi. Na ostalim zidovima, okačite vence kuglica i klasične crno-bele fotografije.

The Walls


very party needs a conversation starter, so use a bare wall to make a statement. Create a photo montage by putting black-and-white pictures of your guests on the wall. Arrange the photos in the shape of the numbers of the New Year, and fasten them using putty so you can easily take them down when the party is over. On other walls, hang bead garland wreaths and classic black-and-white photos. (Source:

for you 9

music box


“Ne pišem pesme o konkretnim ili neuhvatljiim stvarima. Ja pišem o ljubavi, a svi znaju kako je imati slomljeno srce.” - Adele

Ime/Prezime: Adele Laurie Blue Adkins Zanimanje: Pevačica Datum rođenja: 5. maj 1988. (27 godina) Obrazovanje: Škola BRIT za scenske umetnosti i tehnologiju Mesto rođenja: London, Velika Britanija Znak u horoskopu: Bik

muzici. Volela je da sluša Lauryn Hill, Mary J. Blige i evačica Adele je dobitnica više GRAMMY Destiny’s Child. Međutim, nagrada čiji nostalgičan, soul zvuk joj je doneo trenutak koji joj je otvorio oči dogodio se kada je međunarodni uspeh sa hitovima “Rolling in the sa 15 godina u lokalnoj Deep” i “Someone Like You.” prodavnici naletela na kompilaciju pesama Etta Kratka biografija James i Ella FitzgerAdele je rođena u severnom Londonu, ald. “U našoj porodici nije postojala u Engleskoj, 5. maja 1988. godine, nikakva muzička tradicija. Znala sam pohađala je školu BRIT za scenske samo za muziku sa top lista, tako da umetnosti i tehnologiju. Njena prva je slušanje Ella i Etta, znam da zvuči dva albuma, 19 i 21, donela su joj otrcano, bila neka vrsta buđenja.” Dok pohvale kritike, i nivo komercijalnog je još pohađala školu, Adele je snimila uspeha neprevaziđen od strane njenih tri demo pesme za jedan projekat u vršnjaka, sa milionima prodatih albuma školi, koje su završile na Myspaceširom sveta i osvojenih više Grammy u. Kada su menadžeri muzičke kuće nagrada. Adele je dobila i Oskara za XL-Recordings čuli pesme, kontaktirali pesmu “Skyfall” koju je napisala za film su pevačicu, i u novembru 2006, samo James Bond-a. Nakon što se ostvarila četiri meseca nakon što je završila kao majka, Adele se vratila na top liste školu, potpisali ugovor sa njom. u jesen 2015. sa baladom “Hello”, prvi singl za njen predstojeći album 25.


Komercijalni uspeh

Rane godine i uzori

Adele Laurie Blue Adkins je rođena 5. maja 1988. u severnom Londonu, u Engleskoj, kao jedino dete “arti mame” Penny Adkins koja je tek napunila 18 godina kada je rodila Adele, i oca Velšanina, Mark Evansa, koji je napustio porodicu kada je Adele imala samo 4 godine. Evans je ostao u kontaktu sa ćerkom sve do njenih tinejdžerskih godina, kada se njihov odnos pogoršao zbog njegovih problema sa alkoholom i sve većim otuđenjem od ćerke. Adele je, s druge strane, postala privržena majci, koja je svoju ćerku podsticala da “istražuje, i da se ne drži jedne stvari”. Adele je već u ranom dobu razvila strast prema

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Adele debi album, 19, koji je dobio ime po njenim godinama starosti kada je počela snimanje ovog projekta, pušten je u prodaju početkom 2008. godine. Sa vodećim singlovima “Hometown Glory” i “Chasing Pavements” ovaj album je lansirao Adele u svet slavnih. Adele je zacementirala svoj komercijalni uspeh gostovanjem u emisiji Saturday Night Live u oktobru 2008. godine. Za vreme snimanja emisije, album je bio na 40 mestu iTunes liste. U roku od manje od 24 sata, album se našao na mestu br. 1 ove liste. Na dodeli Grammy awards 2009. god. Adele je ponela nagradu za najboljeg novog izvođača.

Pored toga, zahvaljujući ovom albumu, proglašena je za proboj godine u 2008. godini od strane BBC-ja. Iste godine dodeljena joj je i BRIT awards u kategoriji izbora kritičara.

Blokbasterski drugi album: ‘21’

Njen dugo očekivani drugi album, 21, opet nazvan po njenim godinama u vreme snimanja, nije razočarao nakon objavljivanja 2011. godine. Oslanjajući se još više na Adelinu ljubav prema američkom klasičnom R&B i džez zvuku, ovaj album je bio ogroman hit sa 352,000 prodatih primeraka u toku prve nedelje. Sa proslavljenim hitovima “Rolling in the Deep” i “Someone Like You,” albumom ‘21’ Adele se svrstala u sam muzički vrh. Adele je bila apsolutna pobednica dodele Grammy Awards 2012. godine, osvojivši šest nagrada, uključujući nagradu za album godine. 2013. Adele je osvojila svoj sedmi Grammy awards (za najbolju pop vokalnu izvedbu) za hit single “Set Fire to the Rain”. Iste godine, pevačica je dobila zlatan globus i Oskara za numeru “Skyfall”, koju je napisala za istoimeni film iz franchise o James Bond-u iz 2013.

Album kombinovanja: ‘25’

U oktobru 2015. godine Adele je izdala baladu “Hello”, čuvenu pesmu koja ponovo kombinuje njen raskošan glas sa klasičnim pop tonovima. Prateći video spot sa glumcem Tristan Wilds, kao predmetom romantičnog interesovanja, režirao je obećavajući mladi francuski reditelj, Xavier Dolan, a spot je navodno prvi muzički video spot koji je snimljen IMAX kamerama.


Adele grew close to her mom, who encouraged her young daughter Name/Sur“to explore, name: Adele and not to stick Laurie Blue with one thing.” Adkins Early on, Adele Occupation: developed a pasSinger sion for music. Birth Date: She gravitated May 5, 1988 toward the songs (age 27) of Lauryn Hill, Education: Mary J. Blige and BRIT School for Destiny’s Child. Performing Arts But her true, eye& Technology opening moment Place of Birth: came when she London, United “I don’t write songs about a specific, elusive was 15 and she Kingdom happened upon a thing. I write about love, and everyone knows Zodiac Sign: collection of Etta what it is like to have your heart broken.” - Adele Taurus James and Ella Fitzgerald records at a local shop. inger Adele is a Grammy Award-winning “There was no musical heritage in artist whose throwback, soulful sound has our family,” Chart music was all I made her an international success with hits ever knew. So when I listened to like “Rolling in the Deep” and “Someone Like You.” the Ettas and the Ellas, it sounds so cheesy, but it was like an awakening”. While Synopsis at school, Adele cut a three-track Adele was born in North London, England, demo for a class project that on May 5, 1988, eventually attending the was eventually posted on her performing arts BRIT School. Her first two MySpace page. When execualbums, 19 and 21, earned her critical praise tives at XL Recordings heard and a level of commercial success unsurthe tracks, they contacted passed among her peers, with the artist the singer and, in November selling millions of albums worldwide and 2006, just four months after winning multiple Grammys. She also received Adele had graduated school, a songwriting Oscar for the James Bond signed her to a record deal. track “Skyfall.” After becoming a mom, Adele returned to the charts in autumn 2015 with the ballad “Hello,” the lead single for her forthcom- Commercial Sucing album 25. cess Adele’s debut album, 19, which is named for the Early Years and Influences singer’s age when she Adele Laurie Blue Adkins was born on began recording the May 5, 1988, in North London, Engproject, went on sale in land. She was the only child of Penny Adkins, an “arty mom” who was just 18 early 2008. Led by two popular lead singles, at the time of her birth, and a Welsh “Hometown Glory” and father, Mark Evans, who left “Chasing Pavements,” the family when Adele was the record rockonly 4 years old. Evans eted Adele to fame. remained in contact with Adele cemented her his daughter up until commercial success her teen years, when his problems with al- with an appearance in October 2008 on cohol and increasSaturday Night Live. ing estrangeAt the taping of the ment from his show, the album was daughter caused their ranked No. 40 on iTunes. Less than 24 relationhours later, it was No. ship to 1. At the 2009 Grammy deteriorate. By contrast, awards, Adele took home


music box Best New Artist. In addition, the album earned the singer the distinction of being named the “Sound of 2008” by the BBC. That same year, she earned the Critics’ Choice prize at the BRIT Awards.

Blockbuster Follow-up: ‘21’

Her much anticipated follow-up album, 21, again named for her age at time of recording, did not disappoint upon its release in early 2011. Tapping even deeper into Adele’s appreciation for classic American R&B and jazz, the record was a monster hit, selling 352,000 copies within its first week. Anchored by hits like “Rolling in the Deep” and “Someone Like You,” 21 placed Adele in rarified air. In 2012, Adele swept the Grammy Awards, taking home six wins, including Album of the Year. In 2013, Adele won her seventh Grammy (Best Pop Solo Performance) for her hit single “Set Fire to the Rain.” That same year, the singer won a Golden Globe and an Academy Award for “Skyfall,” the theme song for the 2013 James Bond film of the same name.

Make-Up Album: ‘25’

Ocotober 2015 Adele released the ballad “Hello,” an epic track that again showcased her soaring voice over classic pop craft. The accompanying visual clip, featuring actor Tristan Wilds as the romantic interest, was directed by up-and-coming filmmaker Xavier Dolan and is reportedly the first music video to be shot with IMAX cameras.

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raj godine se bliži i pored veselog raspoloženja tokom ovog prazničnog perioda, ovo je takođe i vreme kada mi svi se osvrćemo na ono šta smo postigli tokom proteklih godinu dana. Ovo je takođe vreme kada donosimo odluke šta treba promeniti, kako bi bili još uspešniji u narednoj godini. Kada već govorimo o promenama, već neko vreme smo se pripremali za neke promene u našem magazinu. Verujemo da ćete uživati u tim promenama i shodno tome, For You magazin će vam biti još bliži. Prva promena se odnosi na mogućnosti koje digitalna tehnologija pruža našim čitaocima da komuniciraju što je više moguće sa našom redakcijom u pripremi svakog broja časopisa. Da bi to postigli, ključnu ulogu zauzima naša internet stranica Preko ove stranice, svi vi koji volite da pišete priče, pesme ili čak volite da slikate možete poslati vaše radove nama. Nakon procesa selekcije od strane naše redakcije, Vaši radovi će biti objavljeni u časopisu For You kao i na gore pomenutoj internet stranici. Pored svojih radova možete takođe da nam pišete o tome o čemu biste želeli da čitate u svakom narednom izdanju časopisa. Drugim rečima, počevši od januara, For You časopis uvodi kolumnu Vaš kutak. Na našoj veb stranici možete naći još dve novine, koje su u stvari dve nagradne igre. Prva je kviz koji će proveriti vaše znanje o časopisu For You. Svakog meseca oni koji dobiju najveći broj bodova u najkraćem roku će biti proglašeni pobednicima kviza. Pobednici će biti nagrađeni sa različitim promotivnim materijalima. A njihov uspeh će takođe biti objavljen u narednom broju časopisa i na našoj veb stranici. Selfiji su svetski fenomen. U skladu sa tim donosimo Vam našu drugu nagradnu igru, naš vlastiti izbor za najbolji selfi. Tokom ovog

12 for you

takmičenja svakog meseca ćemo objaviti selfi temu. Onda će naša redakcija izabrati pobednike, čiji selfiji će se objaviti u našem časopisu i na našoj veb stranici. Naravno, i ove pobednike nagrađujemo našim promotivnim materijalima. Tu će biti i noviteta među rubrikama našeg časopisa. Na primer uz rubriku ‘Vaš kutak’ donosimo Vam još jednu novu rubriku koja je posvećena radio stanici sa najboljom muzikom na Kosovu: “Radio K4”. Ali, to nije sve, tako da je na vama dragi čitaoci da pročitate časopis, pronađite promene i da nas obavestite da li vam se sviđaju ili ne. Kao što smo pomenuli, možete to da uradite preko naše veb stranice, preko Vaših pisama koja objavljujemo na zadnjoj stranici našeg časopisa ili na kraju krajeva preko našeg Facebook naloga:



he end of the year is close and together with the festive mood of the holiday season, this is also the time when we all assess what we have achieved during the past year. This is also the time to decide what we shall change so that we are even more successful during the

upcoming year. Speaking of changes, for quite some time we have been preparing several changes to our magazine, which we believe you will enjoy and consequently they will bring the “For You” magazine even closer to you. The first change is related to the opportunities that the digital technology provides to our readers to interact as much as possible with our editorial staff in the preparation of each issue of the magazine. In order to achieve this, a key reference point shall be our internet webpage Through this page, all of you who like to write stories, poems or even like to paint can send your work to us. After undergoing a process of selection at our office they will be published in the For You magazine as well as the above mentioned webpage. In addition to your work you may also write to us and tell us which topics you would like to read about in each issue of the magazine. In other words, starting from January the For You magazine will introduce the “Your corner” column. On o u r w e b p a g e y o u w i l l f i n d t w o m o r e novelti e s , w h i c h i n f a c t a r e t w o p r i z e g a m e s . The first on e i s a q u i z t h a t w i l l t e s t y o u r k n o w l e d g e about t h e F o r Yo u m a g a z i n e . E a c h m o n t h t h o se who ge t t h e h i g h e s t n u m b e r o f p o i n t s i n t h e shorte s t t i m e s h a l l b e a n n o u n c e d a s t h e w i n n ers of the qu i z . T h e w i n n e r s s h a l l b e r e w a r d e d w i t h prizes

of various promotional materials, and their score shall also be published in the following issue of the magazine and our webpage. Selfies are a worldwide phenomenon. In line with this we bring to you our second prize game, our very own selfie competition. For this competition every month we shall publish a selfie theme. Then our editorial office shall choose the winners who shall be announced in our magazine and our webpage. Of course, these winners shall be rewarded with prizes of our promotional materials. There will be novelties among the columns of the magazine as well. For example, in addition to the “Your corner” column we will also introduce a new column dedicated to the radio station with the best music in Kosovo: “RADIO K4”. But, this is not all, so it is up to you dear readers to read the magazine, find the changes and let us know whether you like them or not. As we mentioned you can do this through our webpage, your letters in the last page of the magazine and last but not least our Facebook account:

for you you 13 for

životinjsko carstvo

10 VRSTA KOJE SU PREŠLE ZAISTA DUG PUT DA BI BILE OVDE GDE SU DANAS Bilo da žive u našem komšiluku ili u zoološkom vrtu, svaka životinja ima svoje mesto porekla i priču o tome kako su dospele tamo gde danas žive. Isuviše često pretpostavljamo nečije poreklo na osnovu njihovog trenutnog prebivališta i statusa. Međutim, čak i u životinjskom svetu ovakav način razmišljanja nas može navesti na pogrešne zaključke. Predstavljamo vam neke od poznatih životinja koje imaju prirodnu istoriju kakvu možda niste očekivali.

5. Lame /alpake


o pre tri miliona godina, južnoameričke životinje su evoluirale nezavisno od svih drugih kontinenata zbog svoje geološke izolacije (ovo naravno ne važi za naše prijatelje iz reda caviomorpha čija je postojbina Afrika). Izdizanje zemljine kore rezultiralo je stvaranjem konekcije između Severne i Južne Amerike poznate kao Panama. Ovo je omogućilo veliku američku razmenu, odnosno masovnu razmenu životinja između dva kontinenta. Lame i alpake su bile među onim vrstama koje su emigrirale iz Severne u Južnu Ameriku. U stvari, skoro polovina životinjskog sveta koji naseljava Južnu Ameriku moderng doba vodi poreklo iz Severne Amerike. Uspeh severnjačkih životinja je najverovatnije posledica činjenice što im se stanište graničilo sa azijskim, evropskim i afričkim životinjama

pre nego što je došlo do razdvajanja kontinenata. Zahvaljujući ovoj činjenici severnoameričke životinje su bile znatno konkurentnije u odnosu na južne autohtone vrste.

5 Llamas/alpacas


p until three million years ago, South American animals evolved independently from all the other continents due to geological isolation (except for our Africa-based caviomorph friends, of course). When the Earth’s crust rose it exposed the connection between North and South America known as Panama. This allowed for the Great American Interchange, a broad-scale swapping of animals between the two continents. The llamas and alpacas were among those to travel from North to South America. In fact, almost half of the animals present in South America in modern times are of North American origin. The success of the northerners may have been a consequence of sharing borders with Asian, European, and African animals before continental drift split them apart. This made the North American species tougher competition against the southern natives.

ostatke civilizacije Maja (ko bi ih krivio zbog toga?). Nekoliko vrsta rakuna i dalje posle tri miliona godina žive u Južnoj Americi, kao i njihovi rođaci, koati i kinkažu.

4 Raccoons

4. Rakuni


rema opšteprihvaćenom mišljenju rakuni su poreklom iz Severne Amerike. Ovo dodatno potkrepljuje činjenica da je svaki stanovnik Severne Amerike nekad u životu morao da počisti nered koju su za sobom ostavili ovi mali lupeži cepajući kese za otpatke u potrazi za ostacima večere. Međutim, suprotno opšte uvreženom shvatanju, rakuni zapravo potiču iz Južne Amerike, kao deo porodice procyonidae. Oni su jedna od retkih grupa koje su tokom velike američke razmene emigrirale u Severnu Ameriku preko panamskog kopnenog mosta, suprotno od lama koji su napustile sever da bi obišle

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ccording to common knowledge, raccoons are native to North America. This is supported by the fact that every North American has had to clean up after these rascals every time they decided to destroy garbage bags for last dinner’s scraps. Contrary to common knowledge, raccoons actually originated from South America as part of the family Procyonidae. They were one of the few groups to travel to North America during the Great American Interchange via the Panamian land bridge, opposite to the llamas that left the north to check out the Mayan ruins (who would blame them?). A few species of raccoons still live in South America after three million years, as well as their relatives, the coati and kinkajou.

3. Majmuni novog sveta


no što karakteriše majmune novog sveta je njihov jedinstven rep prilagođen hvatanju za grane, što ih čini jedinom grupom među majmunima koji mogu provesti duži vremenski period skačući s grane na granu uz pomoć repa. Neke od vrsta obuhvaćene ovom grupom su tamarini, urlikavci i kapucini. Mnogi veruju da su i ovi majmuni bili među emigrantima koji su tokom velike američke razmene prešli iz Severne u Južnu Ameriku. Međutim, istraživanja na fosilima vršena 2003. i 2015. god. pokazala su da oni imaju malo zajedničkog sa fosilima bilo kojih endemskih američkih primata ili majmuna, ali da imaju sličnosti sa afričkim vrstama. Naučnici nisu sigurni kako je to moguće, ali su uspeli da ustanove da su njihovi afrički preci dospeli na južnoameričku obalu pre najmanje 26 miliona godina. Moguće je da su plutali okeanom zajedno sa afričkim glodarima (jao, (Izvor:


animal kingdom

Whether they are our next-door neighbours or the animals at the zoo, everything has a place of origin and a story of how they got to where they are now. Too often, we assume one’s background by where they live and their present status. However, even in the animal world, that can be misleading. Here are some common animals that have a natural history that you may not have expected.

2. Afričke mačke


ronično je da lavovi i leopardi spadaju u afričku veliku petorku s obzirom na to da njihovi koreni nisu u Africi. Do pre 15 miliona godina, Afriku i Evroaziju je razdvajalo more Tetis. Usled pomeranja kontinenata Afrika i Evroazija su se približile smanjivši Tetis od koga je ostao današnji Mediteran. Putujući sa ostrva na ostrvo, mnoge vrste su tada prešle iz Evroazije u Afriku i tu se proširile, uključujući i velike mačke. Dokaz za ovu teoriju je pronađen 2010. godine, kada su paleontolozi otkrili četiri miliona godina staru lobanju mačke na Tibetu, i proglasili je za najstariju veliku mačku među fosilnim ostacima. Na osnovu toga se može zaključiti da su lavovi i leopardi zapravo azijskog porekla, zajedno sa svim ostalim mačkama. Istraživači procenjuju da su se mačke počele razdvajati u različite vrste još zamislite da morate da spavate pre 16 miliona godina. pored bodljikavog praseta!).

3 New World Monkeys


hat is unique about the New World monkeys of South America is their prehensile tails, which are the only monkey tails in the world that can grip onto branches for extended periods of time. Some species included in this group are tamarins, howler monkeys, and capuchins. Some believe that these monkeys were also immigrants from North America as part of the Great American Interchange. However, fossil examinations from 2003 and 2015 showed that they have little in common with any endemic American primate or monkey fossils, but they do have similarities with African species. Scientists are not sure how it happened, but they can estimate that the African ancestors reached South American shores at least 26 million years ago. It is possible that they were rafting buddies with the African rodents (imagine having to sleep next to those porcupines, ouch).

Moguće je da je do ove iznenadne specifikacije dovelo postepeno povećanje nadmorske visine na tibetanskoj visoravni.

2 African Felines


t is ironic that lions and leopards are part of the African Big Five, considering their roots are not African. Until 15 million years ago, Africa and Eurasia were separated by the Tethys Sea. Continental drift eventually brought the two closer together, shrinking the Tethys Sea into what is now known as the Mediterranean. Through island hopping, many species were then able to cross from Eurasia into Africa and spread, with big cats being among them. The proof presented itself in 2010, when palaeontologists discovered a four million-year-old feline skull in Tibet, naming it the earliest big cat in the fossil record. This suggested that lions and leopards are actually of Asian origin, along with all other felines. Researchers estimate that felines began separating into different species as early as 16 million years ago. This sudden speciation may have been because of gradual increases in altitude that occurred in the Tibetan Plateau.

1. Ljudi


a, čak je i istorijat naše rase diskutabilan. Prema opšteprihvaćenom mišljenju, koreni ljudskog roda su u Africi, da bi se zatim ljudi proširili na ostatak sveta. Ovo je faktički istina, međutim, ljudski rod se u ovom slučaju uzima kao sinonim za našu rasu, homo sapiens, koja ne obuhvata sve hominide (čovekolika bića). Drevni fosili pronađeni u Španiji ukazuju na to da hominidi možda vode poreklo u Evroaziji, a da su se zatim vratili u Afriku nakon smanjivanja mora Tetis. Idući još dalje u prošlost vidi se da su njihovi preci bili majmuni čiji su koreni u Africi, ali koji su je napustili da bi, suprotno lavovima, prešli u Evroaziju pre 14 ili 15 miliona godina kada se more Tetis prvi put povuklo.

1 Humans


es, even the history of our race is up for debate. Common knowledge states that humanity began in Africa and then eventually spread to the rest of

the world. This, to all intents and purposes, is true. However, humanity in this instance is synonymous with our species Homo sapiens, not with all hominids (human-like beings). Ancient fossils found in Spain suggest that hominids may have originated from Eurasia, and then traveled back to Africa after the Tethys Sea shrank. But, looking even further into the past, their ancestors were apes that originated in Africa but left for Eurasia opposite the lions, 14 or 15 million years ago, when the Tethys Sea first disappeared. (Source:

for you 15


VACATION Cast: Ed Helms, Christina Applegate, Skyler Gisondo, Steele Stebbins, Leslie Mann.

Director: John Francis Daley, Jonathan Goldstein Genres: Action/Adventure, Comedy Studio: Hopper Stone/Warner Brothers

Synopsis usty Griswold, the youngest child from 1983’s National Lampoon’s Vacation is all grown up with a family of his own and fond childhood memories of a certain family road trip to Walley World, “America’s Favorite Family Fun Park.” Like his father, Clark, Rusty wants to forge closer bonds with his own family - wife Debbie and boys James and Kevin - so he buys a souped-up van and convinces them to set off on their own crazy cross-country jaunt to Walley World.


VACATION Uloge: Ed Helms, Christina Applegate, Skyler Gisondo, Steele Stebbins, Leslie Mann. Režija: John

Francis Daley, Jonathan Goldstein Žanr: Akcija/ avantura, komedija Studio: Hopper Stone/Warner Brothers

Sinopsis usty Griswold, najmlađe dete iz filma Vacation koji je izašao 1983, je sada odrastao čovek, ima svoju porodicu i lepe uspomene iz detinjstva kada je na porodičnom odmoru bio u Walley World, omiljenom


porodičnom zabavnom parku u Americi. Kao i njegov otac Clark, Rusty želi da se zbliži sa svojom porodicom - suprugom Debbie i sinovima James-om i Kevin-om - tako da kupuje nabudženi kombi i ubeđuje ih da krenu na ludo putovanje do Walley World-a.

BURNT BURNT Uloge: Bradley Cooper, Sienna Miller, Alicia Vikander, Lily James,

Omar Sy. Režija: John Frankish Žanr: Komedija, drama Studio: The Weinstein Company

Sinopsis uvar Adam Jones je imao sve - i sve je izgubio. Rokzvezda s dve Michelin - ove zvezdice, lošim navikama i reputacijom bivšeg “nevaljalog momka” pariske ugostiteljske

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scene, svaki bi put sve učinio - drugačije. Jedino do čega mu je ikad stalo bilo je uzbuđenje stvaranja eksplozije ukusa. Ali, da bi dobio svoju kuhinju i onu treću zvezdicu koju Michelin dodeljuje, a njemu neprestano izmiče, moraće na svoju stranu da pridobije one najbolje, uključujući prelepu Helen. BURNT je neverovatno smešna i emotivna priča o ljubavi ka hrani, o ljubavi između dvoje ljudi i o snazi dobijanja druge prilike.

BURNT Cast: Bradley Cooper, Sienna Miller, Alicia Vikander, Lily James, Omar Sy. Director: John Frankish Genres: Comedy, Drama Studio: The Weinstein Company Synopsis hef Adam Jones had it all - and lost it. A twostar Michelin rock star with the bad habits to match, the former ‘enfant terrible’ of the Paris restaurant scene did


everything different every time out, and only ever cared about the thrill of creating explosions of taste. To land his own kitchen and that third elusive Michelin star though, he’ll need the best of the best on his side, including the beautiful Helene. BURNT is a remarkably funny and emotional story about the love of food, the love between two people, and the power of second chances.


MINIONS Cast: Sandra Bullock, Jon Hamm, Michael Keaton, Allison Janney, Steve Coogan. Director: Pierre Coffin Genres: Animated, Comedy, Family Studio: Universal Pictures.

MINIONS Uloge: Sandra Bullock, Jon Hamm, Michael Keaton, Allison Janney, Steve

Coogan. Režija: Pierre Coffin Žanr: Animacija, komedija, porodični film Studio: Universal Pictures.

Sinopsis riča o Minions-ima počinje od početka vremena. Počeli su kao jednoćelijski žuti organizmi, a razvijali su se vekovima i uvek su služilli najgroznijim gospodarima. Stalno neuspešni u zadržavanju ovih gospodara, od T.Rex-a do Napoleon-a, Minions-i su ostali bez gospodara kome bi služili i pali su u depresiju. Ali jedan Minions po imenu Kevin, ima plan i on će, uz pomoć bezobraznog tinejdžera Stuart-da i dražesnog Bob-a otići u svet da nađe novog zlog šefa kog će njegova braća slediti. Ovaj trojac će krenuti na uzbudljivo putovanje koje će ih na kraju dovesti do sledeće potencijalne gospodarice, Scarlet Overkill, prvog najvećeg ženskog zlikovca na svetu. Oni će putovati od hladnog Antarktika do Njujorka ‘60-ih, a završiće u Londonu gde će se susresti s najvećim izazovom do sad: spasavanjem Minons-a od istrebljenja.


SHAUN THE SHEEP MOVIE Cast: John Sparkes, Omid Djalili, Tim Hands, Andy Nyman,

SHAUN THE SHEEP MOVIE Uloge: John Sparkes, Omid Djalili, Tim Hands, Andy Nyman,

Synopsis he story of Minions begins at the dawn of time. Starting as single-celled yellow organisms, Minions evolve through the ages, perpetually serving the most despicable of masters. Continuously unsuccessful at keeping these masters, from T. rex to Napoleon, the Minions find themselves without someone to serve and fall into a deep depression. But one Minion named Kevin has a plan, and he, alongside teenage rebel Stuart and lovable little Bob, ventures out into the world to find a new evil boss for his brethren to follow. The trio embarks upon a thrilling journey that ultimately leads them to their next potential master, Scarlet Overkill, the world’s firstever female super-villain. They travel from frigid Antarctica to 1960s New York City, ending in mod London, where they must face their biggest challenge to date: saving all of Minionkind...from annihilation.


Synopsis n this delightful family film, a sheep takes the day off to have some fun and gets more than he anticipated when a mix up with a farmer, a caravan and a steep hill leads to a big-city adventure. It becomes the whole flock’s responsibility to embark on a whimsical mission and bring everyone home.

Simon Greenall Director: Mark Burton Genres: Comedy, Family Studio: Lionsgate Films


Simon Greenall Režija: Mark Burton Žanr: Komedija, porodični film Studio: Lionsgate Films

Sinopsis ovom sjajnom porodičnom filmu, Shaun odluči da uzme slobodan dan kako bi se malo odmorio, ali upada u čitav niz nevolja, kada se sretne sa farmerom, prikolicom i stmroglavom nizbrdicom. Čitavo stado će morati da se čudesno angažuje kako bi se svi vratili kući.


for you 19

sportski ugao tom. Hamilton je završio na trećem mestu u konačnom plasmanu. Godine 2003. je osvojio prvenstvo a iste godine je takođe debitovao u Formuli tri.


ewis Carl David Hamilton rođen je 7 januara 1985. godine u Stevenage, Hertfordshire od majke Carmen Larbalestier i oca Anthony Hamilton čiji su roditelji emigrirali iz Grenada u Veliku Britaniju tokom 1950-ih. Lewi’s-ovi roditelji su se razveli kada je imao dve godine i tada je otišao da živi sa majkom i polusestrama. Kada je Lewis imao šest godina, njegov otac mu je kupio auto na radio - upravljanje, a zatim i karting. Hamilton senior je rekao Lewis da dokle god je on dobar u školi, on kao otac će podržati strast svog sina za trke. Lewis je počeo sa go-karting trkama 1993. godine kada je imao osam godina u vreme kada je išao u školu John Henry Newman. Do deset godina je osvojio svoje prvo britansko Karting prvenstvo i već tada se upoznao sa Ron Dennis, svojim budućim gazdom, i jasno mu rekao da će voziti jedan od njegovih F1 automobila. Između 1998 i 2000. godine, uz Dennis-ovu podršku, Hamilton je osvojio obe evropske i svetske Karting titule. 2000. godine, sa 15 godina, Hamilton je krunisan kao karting svetski broj jedan - i ostaje najmlađi broj jedan sve do danas. Michael Schumacher je rekao za njega: “On je kvalitetan vozač, veoma jak sa samo 16 godina. Ako nastavi ovako siguran sam da će doći do F1. To je nešto posebno kada vidite dete njegovog uzrasta na stazi. Očigledno je da poseduje pravi trkački mentalitet.” Godine 2002. je učestvovao u Formula Renault 2000 UK seriji sa Manor Motorspor-

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drugom mestu u svetskom šampionatu na tabeli iza Sebastian Vettel, koji je oborio britanski rekord kao najmlađi šampion. U 2011. godini, Hamilton je imao još jednu razočaravajuću takmičarsku sezonu kada je kao peti završio na rang listi Lewis Svetskog prvenstva i po prvi put je njegov Hamilton je jedan timski kolega Jenson Button bio uspešniji od najmlađih F1 svetskih završivši sezonu na drugom mestu. šampiona u istoriji ovog sporta. 2012. godina, njegov poslednja sa Samo je nekoliko vozača ušlo u McLaren-om, izgledala je otvorena Formula One Racing sa tako velikim za svakog da kući ponese titulu i praskom kao Lewis Hamilton, čija sensedam različitih vozača je osvozacionalna debitantska sezona 2007 jilo prvih sedam trka. Hamilton godine - u kojoj je izgubio na svetskom je osvojio Grand Prix Kanade po prvenstvu za samo jedan bod - ostaje treći put i stigao je prvi na Velikoj jedna od najznačajnijih Nagradi Mađarske 29 jula 2012. početničkih godine. Njegova konačna pobeda u kampanja u sezoni bila je u Teksasu, ali, praćen istoriji. lošom srećom i padovima završio je kao četvrti. U 2013. godini Hamilton je potpisao ugovor na tri godine sa Mercedes Benz timom i završio sezonu na četvrtom mestu. Nova pravila za sezonu 2014 su dozvolila vozačima da izaberu jedinstveni broj automobila koji će koristiti tokom cele svoje Slobodno mesto karijere. Hamilton je uzeo broj 44, isti broj je se ukazalo u McLaren-u koristio i tokom svojih karting dana. krajem 2006. godine, a posle Hamilton je uživao u nastavku višemesečnih nagađanja oko Mercedesove dominacije tokom sezone toga ko će se pridružiti Fer2015, jer je novi W06 Hibrid završio sa nando Alonso u ekipi, Hamilton je izabran. više krugova u pred-sezoni testiranja nego To je objavljeno 24 novembra 2006. godine. bilo koji rivalski automobil i to koristeći Hamilton-ova prva trka kao vozača samo jedan agregat. Uoči Monako Grand Formule jedan je bila na Australijskom Prix-a, Mercedes je objavio Grand Prix 2007. godine. Kvalifikovao se da je produžio ugovor kao četvrti i završio na trećem mestu kao sa Hamilton-om na tri što je osvanulo u štampi u Velikoj Britaniji i dodatne godine, da britanskoj javnosti o tome kako bismo mogli će ga držati u timu da dobijemo novog svetskog šampiona. do kraja sezone Završio u prvih pet u njegovih prvih pet 2018 i da je Hamiltrka i osvojio svoj prvi Grand Prix u Kanadi, ton dobio pravo da nastavljajući sa još jednom pobedom u održava svoje pravo Americi. Kada je otišao u Silverston-u na na imidž, što se britanski Grand Prix postao je vodeći u smatra neobičnim u svetskom šampionatu. Frustrirajuće, u Braovom sportu, kao i da zilu, u poslednji trci u sezoni, on je završio zadrži za sebe autokao sedmi i propustio je Svetsko prvenstvu mobile kojima je osvojio za samo jedan bod. šampionate, kao i trofeje Hamilton je stupio u sezonu 2008. sa koje je osvojio. velikim nadama. Na Australijskom Grand Prix, je uzeo pol poziciju i nastavio sa laganom pobedom. Međutim, ubrzo je Ferrari postao rival McLaren-u i Hamilton je imao razočaravajuće rezultate u Maleziji, Baharain-u, Španiji i Turskoj. Tako je bilo sve do Monaka 2008. godine gde je prvi prešao liniju. Zatim je osvojio Britanski Grand Prix, rundu u Šangaju i, uprkos ponovnom petom mestu u Brazilu, u poslednjoj trci sezone osvojio je svetsko prvenstvo na bodove u svojoj 23 godini. 2009. godina nije bila toliko uspešna kao prethodne godine za Hamilton-a koji je završio kvalifikacije van prvih deset najmanje četiri puta i pobedio u samo dve trke. 2010. godine je bio uspešniji u sezoni kada je završio na

sports corner Lewis Hamilton is one of the youngest F1 world champions in the history of the sport. Few drivers have entered Formula One racing with as big a bang as Lewis Hamilton, whose sensaewis Carl David Hamilton tional maiden season in was born on 7 January 1985 2007 - in which he lost out on the world in Stevenage, Hertfordshire championship by a single point to Carmen Larbalestier and Anthony remains one of the most remarkHamilton whose parents emigrated from able rookie campaigns in Grenada to the UK in the 1950s. Lewis’ formed history. parents separated when he was two and he him his was going to drive one of his F1 cars. Between 1998 and 2000, with the backing of Dennis, Hamilton won both European and World Karting titles. In 2000, aged 15, Hamilton was crowned Karting World Number One –he remains the youngest ever to this day. Michael Schumacher said of him: “He’s a quality driver, very strong and only 16. If he keeps this up I’m sure he will reach F1. It’s something special to see a kid of his age out on the circuit. He’s clearly got the right racing mentality.” In 2002 he participated in the Formula Renault 2000 UK series with Manor Motorsport. Hamilton finished third in the final standings. In 2003 he won the championship in 2003 and also made his debut in Formula Three. A vacancy appeared at McLaren at the end of 2006 and after months of speculation over who would be joining Fernando Alonso at the team, Hamilton was selected. The announcement was made public on 24 November 2006. Hamilton’s first race as a Formula One driver was at the Australian Grand prix in 2007. He qualified fourth, finished in third as it dawned on the UK press and British public went to live with his mother and halfthat we could be looking at a new World sisters. When Lewis was six, his father Champion. bought him a radio-controlled car and He finished in the top five then a go-kart. Hamilton senior told of his first five races and won his first Lewis that as long as he did well at Grand Prix in Canada, going on to win school he’d support his son’s pasagain in America. When he went to Silsion for racing. verstone for the British Grand Prix he Lewis started go-kart racing was leading the world championship. in 1993 aged eight years in while Frustratingly, in Brazil, the last race of studying at the John Henry Newthe season, he finished seventh and man School. By the age of missed out on the World Championten he had won his first British ship by just one point. Karting Championship and Hamilton went into the 2008 seahad already met Ron Dennis, son with high hopes. At the Australian his future boss, and cheekily inGrand Prix, he took pole position and


went on to win comfortably. However, Ferrari soon became McLaren’s rivals and Hamilton had disappointing results in Malaysia, Bahrain, Spain and Turkey. That’s until Monaco 2008 where he crossed the line first. He then went on to win the British Grand Prix, the Shanghai round and, despite coming in fifth in Brazil again, the final race of the season- he clinched the World Championship on points at the age of 23. 2009 was not as successful as the previous year with Hamilton qualifying outside the top ten at least four times and he only won two races. 2010 was a more successful season as Hamilton finished second in the World Championship table behind Sebastian Vettel, who broke the Brit’s record as the youngest champion. In 2011, Hamilton had another disappointing racing season as he finished fifth in the World Championship rankings and for the first time his team-mate Jenson Button was more successful finishing in second place. 2012, his last with McLaren, seemed open for anyone to take home the title as seven different drivers won the first seven races. Hamilton won the Canadian Grand Prix for the third time and came first at the Hungarian Grand Prix on 29 July 2012. His final win of the season was in Texas but, dogged by back luck and crashes, he finished fourth. In 2013 Hamilton signed a three year contract with Mercedes Benz and finished the season in fourth. A new rule for the 2014 season allowed the drivers to pick a unique car number that they will use for their entire career. Hamilton picked No. 44, the same number he used during his karting days. Hamilton enjoyed a continuation of Mercedes’ dominance heading into the 2015 season, as the new W06 Hybrid completed more laps in pre-season testing than any rival car, and did so using just one power unit. Ahead of the Monaco Grand Prix, Mercedes announced they had extended the contract with Hamilton for three additional years, keeping him at the squad until the end of the 2018 season and granted Hamilton the right to maintain his own image rights, which is considered unusual in the sport, and keep his championship winning cars as well as the trophies he collects.

for you 21

Hi - Tech

TOP GEDŽETI 2015 Od GoPro do Jawbone UP3, ovo su najbolji gedžeti u ovoj godini, odlični za prazničnu kupovinu u poslednjem času.

Video zvono na ulaznim vratima

ljubazno uskraćujete ulazak ili da nešto civilizovanije kažete: “dolazim!”


amislite savršena ulazna vrata. Nešto kao ljudsko obezbeđenje, koje će vam reći ko je bio napolju i omogućiti Vam da razgovarate sa njima pre nego što ih pustite unutra. Sistem video zvona na vratima radi upravo to: to je malo zvono sa kamerom koje komunicira sa telefonom, omogućavajući Vam da vidite ko je napolju pre nego što ih pustite unutra. Možete razgovarati sa njima dok im


The Ring Video Doorbell

magine the perfect front door. Like a human security guard, it would tell you who was outside and allow you to talk with them before you let them in. The Ring Video Doorbell system does just that: it’s a small ringer with a camera that communicates with your phone, allowing you to see who is outside before you let them in. You can then talk to them as you politely deny them entry, or call out a more civilized “coming!”

iPad Air 2

Apple nastavlja svoju seriju ugradnje vrhunske tehnologije u najmanji mogući prostor, nešto kao dodavanje svežeg preliva u mali burito. IPad Air 2 je najtanji IPad ikada i takođe je najmoćniji, sadrži A8Ks čip, kameru od 8 megapiksela i najmanje 16GB memorije u tankom okviru od samo 6.1mm.

iPad Air 2


pple is continuing its run of putting cutting edge technology into the smallest space possible, like stuffing fresh toppings into a tiny burrito. The iPad Air 2 is the thinnest iPad ever and it’s also the most powerful, containing an A8X chip, an 8 megapixel camera and at least 16GB in a 6.1mm-thin frame.

Jawbone UP3


awbone je na putu da nas sve učini super fit sportistima ili brutalno efikasnim kiborzima koji funkcionišu samo na odnosu podataka. Koliko minuta REM faze sna sam dobio sinoć? Koja je razlika između pulsa mog srca dok se odmaram i tokom treninga? Koliko sam hidratisan? Koliko kalorija sam sagoreo na mom poslednjem trčanju? Jaw-

Mophie Space pack


va najveća problema sa vašim iPhone-om: baterija se troši isuviše brzo i ne skladišti dovoljno muzike i fotografija. Mophie space pack rešava oba ova pitanja, dodajući do 64GB meorije za podatke i 8 sati razgovora za iPhone 5 i iPhone 5s.

bone UP3 odgovara na sva ta pitanja bolje nego bilo koji drugi Jawbone do sada.

Jawbone UP3


awbone is on the road to making us all super fit athletes or brutally efficient cyborgs who operate by data alone. How many minutes of REM sleep did I get last night? What’s the difference between my heart rate while resting and during a workout? How hydrated am I? How many calories did I burn on my last run? Jawbone UP3 answers all those questions better than any other Jawbone did before.

Mophie Space Pack


he two biggest problems with your iPhone: it runs out of battery too quickly, and it doesn’t store enough music and photos. The Mophie space pack solves both of those issues, adding up to 64GB of extra data and 8 hours talk time to the iPhone 5 and iPhone 5s.


22 for you

Hi - Tech

TOP GADGETS OF 2015 From GoPro to Jawbone UP3, these are the best gadgets of the year, perfect for last-minute holiday shopping.



ada je GoPro izašao u javnost ove godine, pokazalo se da kompanija koja je usavršila umetnost snimanja visokoletećih podviga može da napreduje. HERO4 GoPro se oslanja na postojeće tehnologije kompanije sa poboljšanom rezolucijom, unapređenim audio sistemom i mogućnostima za noćne scene pri najmanjoj osvetljenosti.



hen GoPro went public this year, it proved that a company that perfected the art of recording high-flying exploits could thrive. The HERO4 GoPro builds on the company’s existing technology with improved resolution, upgraded audio systems, and time lapse capabilities for ultra low-light scenes at night.

iPhone 6 Plus


eće je bolje, ili su barem tako kritičari zahtevali, pozivajući Apple da napravi telefon super veličine. To je bilo pre nego ih je Apple umirio predstavljanjem iPhone 6 plus u septembru, najvećeg iPhone telefona koji je kompanija ikada proizvela. Sa primamljivim 5,5 - inčnim ekranom sa kojim se oseća nešto kao prenosivi iPad, ovaj telefon je izazov za veće modele kompanije Samsung. Zajedno sa snažnom kamerom od 8 megapiksela i baterijom koja traje duže, ovaj telefon je više izjava nego odgovor.

iPhone 6 Plus


igger is better, or so the critics cried, calling for Apple to make a supersized phone. That was before Apple quieted them with the release of the iPhone 6 Plus in September, the company’s largest iPhone ever. With an alluring 5.5-inch display that makes it feel something like a portable iPad, the phone is is a challenge to Samsung’s larger models. Along with a powerful 8-megapixel camera and longer battery life, the phone is more a statement than an answer.

SmartThings Starter Kit


d upozorenja kada vaša deca dolaze kući iz škole pa sve do kuvanja kafe pre nego što se probudite, umrežena kuća obećava da će biti nevidljivi pomoćnik kojeg smo oduvek želeli. Nekoliko kompanija “pametnih kuća” kao što je SmartThings rade na tome, nudeći set koji povezuje nepokretne objekte u vašoj kući na vašem telefonu. Koristite ga da postavite senzore u svojoj kući i programirate pametne predmete, od brave do šerpe i uskoro ćete živeti kao Džetsonovi.

Apple Watch


pple Watch (sat) želi da uradi tvom zglobu ono što je iPhone uradio tvom džepu: da tamo postavi računar. Oni koji će nositi ovaj sat moći će da pristupe aplikacijama, vremenskoj prognozi, fotografijama, tekstovima, mejlovima, plaćanjima i, da kroz Apple-ov softver HomeKit, kontrolišu termostate, brave, televiziju i osvetljenje. Elegantan interfejs sat montiran je na podesivom kaišu i zapravo ne čini da izgledaš baš kao štreber.

SmartThings Starter Kit


rom alerting you when your kids get home from school to brewing your coffee before you wake up, the connected home promises to be the invisible aide we’ve always wanted. Few smart home companies are doing it as well as SmartThings, which offers a kit that connects inanimate objects in your house to your phone. Use it to attach sensors to your home and program smart objects from locks to crockpots and soon you’ll be living like the Jetsons.

Apple Watch


he Apple Watch wants to do to your wrist what the iPhone did to your pocket: stick a computer there. Watch wearers will access apps, weather, photos, texts, emails, payments and, through Apple’s HomeKit software, control thermostats, door locks, televisions and lights. The watch’s sleek interface is mounted on a customizable strap, and it actually doesn’t make you look like a geek. (Source:

for you 23



oznata je ~injenica da nastavak sukoba košta mnogo više nego dug i te`ak proces pomirenja. Kao posledica sukoba, društva koja su prošla kroz njih trpe direktne ekonomske gubitke u milionima i milijardama evra {tete, u ekonomiji i infrastrukturi. Ne smemo zaboraviti ljudske gubitke i štete u dve najva`nije oblasti u svakom društvu, medicini i obrazovanju, koje }e uzrokovati posledice u budu}nosti i na mladim generacijama, ~ak i za one koji još uvek nisu ro|eni. Pomirenje predstavlja jedino prakti~no re{enje koje obe} ava razvoj i blagostanje, ali, ujedno predstavlja i najte`e rešenje. Nego, zašto se ovo dešava?! Po psiholozima, proces pomirenja se suo~ava sa tri glavne prepreke: gordost, bes i strah. Prva predstavlja ogromnu prepreku. Kada insistiramo da smo u pravu oko ne~ega, mi u stvari odbijamo ~injenicu da je nešto što smo uradili ili nismo uradili, moglo da ima ulogu u tom sukobu. I zato prebacujemo krivicu na drugu stranu i ~ekamo na tu stranu da napravi prvi

24 for you

korak. Kada dvoje ljudi insistiraju da su u pravu – pomirenje je nemogu}e. Tek kada se smanji zna~aj dileme oko toga ko je u pravu ili nije u pravu, stvori} e se prilika za obe strane da budu delimi~no u pravu. Druga prepreka - bes je prirodan odgovor na nepravdu za koju verujemo da nam je u~injena. Ipak, ne smemo zaboraviti da }e nas baš taj bes vremenom istrošiti. Zato je neophodno da se pre ili kasnije odreknemo besa i krenemo napred. Strah je tre}a prepreka koja stvara sumnju u to kako }e druga strana reagovati ako odlu~imo da oprostimo. Upravo taj strah i sli~ne sumnje u nama uzrokuju nesposobnost da se odlu~imo na pomirenje sa nekim, jer nam strah ne dozvoljava da u~inimo taj jednostavan, ali presudan korak i oprostimo. Mo`da je ovo rešenje i za Gordijev ~vor: opraštanje ne podrazumeva zaboravljanje ili nepostojanje ose}aja tuge za onim što se dogodilo. Ustvari, opraštanjem dose`emo do tog stanja u kojem jednostavno odbijamo da dalje

hranimo svoju mr`nju prema nekome. Da bi to uradili, moramo da razumemo da oproštaj nije nešto što ~inimo radi drugih. Zapravo, kada oprostimo, to moramo u~initi radi sebe. Svaka situacija tako|e se mo`e posmatrati iz više stavova, ali onaj koji oprašta, sebi otvara put ka `ivotu koji `eli, usredsre|uju}i svu svoju energiju na ostvarivanje svojih `ivotnih ciljeva. Naravno, moramo prihvatiti da ljudi nisu savršeni i da svi mi pravimo greške, i da svaki sukob bez obzira na kom je nivou, u sebi ima dve strane koje mu doprinose. Baš kao što se lepo izrazio pesnik Aleksandar Popa: „Ljudski je grešiti, a bo`anski je praštati.“ Ali, iznad svega ne smemo zaboraviti da svi imamo moralnu obavezu da obezbedimo najbolji mogu}i `ivot za naredna pokolenja. Ako `ivimo naš `ivot u mr`nji, ne ~inimo ništa drugo sem što našim budu}im generacijama prenosimo nasle|e koje se sastoji od sukoba, koji iako nema nikakve veze sa njima, pori~e njihovu budu}nost i sre}u.



t is a well known fact that the continuation of a conflict costs much more than the long and difficult process of reconciliation. The inflicted societies after a conflict suffer direct economic losses of billions of Euros as a consequence of the detriment of economy and infrastructure. Not to forget the human losses and the damages in the two most vital fields of every society: medicine and education. Damage in these vital fields generates consequences for the future of the young generation, even for those who have not been born. Reconciliation is the only practicable solution that promises development and welfare, but it is also the most difficult one. Why is it like that? According to psychologists the process of reconciliation is faced with three main obstacles: pride, anger and fear. The first one presents a huge obstacle. When we insist that we were right about something, we refuse the fact that something that we have done – or have not done – could have initiated that conflict. Thus, we put the blame on the other party and wait for that party to

make the first step towards reconciliation. When two people insist on being right, reconciliation is almost impossible. Only when we do not pay much importance to the question who is right or wrong, the opportunity for both parties to be partially right can be created. The second obstacle, anger, is the natural response towards the injustice that we believe has been done to us. We should not forget that this anger will burn us after some time. Therefore, it is necessary sooner or later to renounce anger, and look forward. Fear is the third obstacle, from which doubts are generated on how the other party will react if we decide to forgive. Precisely this fear and such doubts make us not being able to decide to reconcile with someone, because fear does not let us make that simple but crucial step: forgiveness. Maybe the latter could be the origin for the solution of the Gordian knot: to forgive does not mean to forget or not to feel sadness for what has happened. In fact, to forgive is to reach to that state, when we simply refuse to feed

our hatred towards someone else. In order to do so, we must understand that forgiveness is not something that we do for somebody else. In fact, when we forgive we must do it for ourselves. Every situation can be seen from different angles, but the one who forgives opens the road for oneself to live the life desired, using all energy to accomplish their goals. Of course, we must accept that people are not perfect and we all make mistakes and every conflict, regardless of what level it is, has two parties that contribute to it. The poet Alexander Pope beautifully expressed it when he wrote: “to make a mistake is human, to forgive is divine”. Above all, we must not forget that all of us have the moral obligation to ensure the best possible life for the upcoming generations. If we live our lives in hatred, we do not do anything else but pass on to our next generations a heritage that consists of a conflict, which even if it has nothing to do with them, will again deny them their future, as well as their happiness.

for you 25



Irena Mladenović (14) Moja drugarica je veliki fan grupe “ONE DIRECTION“, veoma mi je teško kad slušamo muziku a ona pusti jednu od njihovih pesama koju ja ne slušam. Ne znam kako da joj to kažem, mnogo je volim i ne bih da je povredim kada bih joj rekla istinu. To mi jedino smeta i to bih promenila. Irena Mladenovic (14) My friend is a great fan of the ONE DIRECTION band, it is very difficult for me when she plays one of their songs since I do not listen to their songs. I do not know how to tell her about it since I really love her and would not want to hurt her feelings by telling her the truth. That is the only thing that bothers me about her and that is the only thing I would change about her.

Slagalica Poku{ajte da slo`ite {est (6) delova slagalice koji su prikazani i dobi}ete jednu KFOR poruku.

26 for you

Anđela Vučić (14) Kod svoje drugarice bih jedino želela da promenim to da kada se bavimo nekim sportom da se ne raspravlja ni sa kim. Andjela Vucic (14) I would only like to change one thing about my friend and that is, when we are playing sports, I would like her not to get into arguments with anyone.

Marija Ristić (14) Kod moje drugarice bih promenila to da se posveti više učenju a da manje vremena provodi na izlascima i druženju. Marija Ristic (14) I would like to change my friend so that she spends more time studying rather than going out and socialising.

Questionnaire Nikola Dekić (14) Moj najbolji drug voli da se puno šali, možda bi trebao da obrati pažnju s kim je u društvu jer svako ne može da shvati njegov smisao za humor. To je to, inače ništa drugo ne bih promenio. Nikola Dekic (14) My best friend likes to make jokes, perhaps he would be more careful in whose company he is making jokes because not everyone understands his sense of humour. That is the only thing, otherwise I would not change anything else about him.


Predrag Tokić (14) Moj drug se ne razlikuje puno od mene, prema tome ima samo jedna stvar koju bih promenio kod njega, a to je da kad igramo fudbal ili košarku ne izmišlja nova pravila igre. Predrag Tokic (14) My friend is not very different from me and thus I would only change one thing about him and that is, when we are playing football or basketball, he should not invent new rules of the game.

Nikoleta Petković (14) Kod moje njabolje drugarice bih promenila njen način ponašanja. Ne ponaša se adekvatno u određenim situacijama i počinje da mi smeta. Volela bih samo to da promenim kod nje. Nikoleta Petkovic (14) I would change my friend’s behaviour. She is not behaving appropriately in some situations and it is starting to bother me. I would like to change just that about her.

Puzzle Cut these six pieces and try to put them together and you will get a message from KFOR.

for you 27


a, te čokoladice su definitivno ukusne, ali ima mnogo toga što verovatno niste znali o čokoladi! Da li želite da saznate? Pa, evo ih!

Da li ste znali cinjenice o cokoladi? • Miris čokolade povećava moždane talase teta, što izaziva opuštanje. • Bela čokolada tehnički nije čokolada, jer ne sadrži tvrdi kakao, niti kakaov liker. • Potrebno je oko 400 zrna kakaa da se napravi jedna funta (450 gr) čokolade. • Pronalazač keksa Chocolate Chip Cookie prodao je ideju kompaniji Nestle Toll House u zamenu za doživotno snabdevanje čokoladom. • M & Ms su nastali 1941. godine kao način da vojnici uživaju u čokoladi a da im se ne topi. • Najveća čokolada na svetu

je bila teška 5.792 kg. • Čokoladni magnat Milton Herši je otkazao svoju rezervaciju za mesto na Titaniku u poslednjem trenutku zbog poslovnih obaveza. • Postoji čips potopljen u mlečnu čokoladu. • Svakodnevno konzumiranje tamne čokolade smanjuje rizik od srčanih oboljenja za jednu trećinu. • U 2013. godini, Belgija je objavila ograničeno izdanje markica sa ukusom čokolade. • Prosečna čokolada sadrži 8 delova insekata. • Nutela je izmišljena tokom Drugog svetskog rata kada je

italijanski poslastičar umešao lešnike u čokoladu kako bi mu zalihe kakaa duže trajale. • Najvrednija čokolada na svetu je 100-godišnja čokolada Cadbury koju je sa sobom nosio kapetan Robert Scott na svojoj prvoj istraživačkoj ekspediciji na Antarktiku. Prodata za $ 687 na aukciji 2001.godine. • Nemačka čokoladna torta (German chocolate cake) nema nikakve veze sa Nemačkom. Nazvana je tako po svom izumitelju, Sam German. • U istoriji Maja, zrnevlje kakaa je korišćeno kao valuta. Pojedinačna zrna su bukvalno bila kovanice i čak su bila i falsifikovana! A jedini ljudi koji su konzumirali čokoladu su bili oni izuzetno bogati koji su imali višak za trošenje. • Tamna čokolada ima flavonoide, koji imaju antioksidantni, antiinflamatorni i zaštitni efekat. Flavonoidi su povezani sa smanjenjem rizika od srčanih bolesti. Ali tamna čokolada ima najveću količinu flavonoida sa 536 miligrama po porciji od 40 grama. • Nedavna istraživanja po-

28 for you

kazuju da čokolada nije loše za vaše zube i da bi čak mogla biti dobra za njih! Ali ne počinjite još uvek da perete zube sa toplom čokoladom. Naučnici su otkrili da su zrna kakaa zapravo ta koja

sprečavaju propadanje usne duplje i zuba a da čokolada ima anti-bakterijski efekat, tako da žvakanje čokolade nije najbolji lek, ali kakao zrna mogu pomoći! • Da li ste znali da kuvari u stvari ‘kale’ čokoladu da bi dobili najbolju čokoladu? Kaljenjem tretiraju čokoladu na takav način da kada je vi kasnije jedete ona prijatno krcka - a ipak ima odličan ukus i još uvek se topi u ustima. (Izvor:

Did you know facts about chocolate? Y es those candy bars sure taste good, but there’s a lot you probably didn’t know about chocolate! Do you want to find out? Well, here goes!

• The smell of chocolate increases theta brain waves, which triggers relaxation. • White Chocolate isn’t technically Chocolate, as it contains no cocoa solids or cocoa liquor. • It takes approximately 400 cacao beans to make one pound (450 gr.) of chocolate. • The inventor of the Chocolate Chip Cookie sold the idea to Nestle Toll House in return for a lifetime supply of chocolate. • M&Ms were created in 1941

as a means for soldiers to enjoy chocolate without it melting.

• The World’s Largest Chocolate Bar Weighed 5,792 kg.

German chocolate cake has nothing to do with Germany. It’s named after its

• Chocolate magnate Milton Hershey canceled his reservations for the Titanic due to last minute business matters. • There are Potato Chips Dipped in Milk Chocolate.

• In 2013, Belgium issued a limited edition of chocolate flavored stamps. • The average chocolate bar contains 8 insect parts.

• The most valuable chocolate bar in the world is a 100-yearold Cadbury’s chocolate bar that was brought along on Captain Robert Scott’s first Discovery Expedition to the Antarctic. It sold for $687 at auction in 2001.

• Dark Chocolate has flavonoids, which give off antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and cell-protective effects. Flavonoids have been linked to lowering the risk of heart disease. But dark chocolate has the highest amount of flavonoids with 536 milligrams per 1.4-ounce serving. • Recent studies show that chocolate isn’t bad for your teeth and might actually be good for them! Don’t start brushing your teeth with hot fudge just yet. Scientists found that cocoa beans actually prevent mouth and tooth decay and that chocolate has an antibacterial effect so chewing on a chocolate bar isn’t the best remedy. But cocoa beans might help!

• Eating dark chocolate every day reduces the risk of heart disease by one-third.

• Nutella was invented during WWII, when an Italian pastry maker mixed hazelnuts into chocolate to extend his cocoa supply.

the extremely wealthy who had extra to waste.

inventor, Sam German. • In Mayan history, cacao beans were used as currency. The beans were literally coins and were even counterfeited! And the only people who consumed chocolate were

• Did you know that chefs actually ‘temper’ the chocolate to get it to its best form? Tempering treats the chocolate in such a way that it then has that pleasant crack when you break it – and yet it tastes yummy, and still melts in your mouth.


for you 29

30 for you

Pisma citalaca v

Zdravo! Enrique Iglesias je moj omiljeni peva~, i njegov poster bih volela da objavite. Treniram rukomet, moja omiljena rukometa{ica je Andrea Leki}. Kad odrastem volela bih da se bavim glumom. U slobodno vreme volim da slu{am Rihanna-u „One Direction“. Film „Titanik“ mi je najomiljeniji. Tamara \or|evi} O[ „Vuk Karad`i}“ So~anica

]ao! U slobodno vreme volim da pratim fudbal, posebno ligu {ampiona. Ina~e, navija~ sam Galatasaray-a. Redovno ~itam magazin „For You“. Jennifer Lopez mi je omiljena peva~ica. A od glumica mi se posebno dopada Angelina Jolie. Voleo bih da objavite poster turskog fudbalera Burak-a Yilmaz-a. Suat Ljokanovci ONS[ „Zenuni“ Brod, Draga{ Pozdrav, Ja sam Anita iz Draga{a. Pre svega, volela bih da pozdravim sve mlade na Kosovu, kao i Va{u redakciju. Film „Sam u

ku}i“ je ja verujem jedan od filmova koji je svaki moj vr{njak odgledao. Angelina Jolie je glumica koju posebno volim, zato {to je i dobra glumica a i lepa `ena. Odbojka mi je najdra`i sport. Anita Mandak ONS[ „Zenuni“ Brod, Draga{ Draga redakcijo, Linkin Park i Eminem su muzi~ari koje posebno volim i cenim, zato bih Vas zamolio da objavite njihov poster u narednom izdanju ~asopisa „For You“. Dodao bih, da mi je fudbal najomiljeniji sport. A u slobodno vreme najvi{e volim da surfujem po Internetu ili igram igrice na kompjuteru. \afer Ramadani ONS[ „Svetlost“ Kru{evo, Draga{

Zdravo! Volim boks i redovno ga pratim, i `elja mi je da imam poster Muhammad-a Ali-ja. Zato se nadam da }e mi Va{ list „For You“, koji mi se mnogo svi|a i koji rado ~itam, ostvariti ovu `elju. U ovom ~asopisu najvi{e mi se dopada rubrika Verovali ili ne. Na kraju, uputio bih veliki pozdrav svima Vama u redakciji. Benjamin Tairovci ONS[ „Svetlost“ Kru{evo, Draga{


Po{tovani, Javljam Vam se iz Draga{a u nadi da }ete objaviti i moje pismo. Napisa}u Vam ne{to o mojim interesovanjima ne bi li ste ponekad pisali o tome. Shakira je jedna od najboljih peva~ica i trbu{nih plesa~ica svih vremena. „Titanik“ je film koji je osvojio srca svih ljudi. A

glumac Brad Pitt jednostavno je najbolji. D`anselj Haruni ONS[ „Zenuni“ Brod, Draga{

for you 31

Readers’ letters

Hello! Enrique Iglesias is my favourite singer and I would like for you to publish a poster of him. I play handball and my favourite female handball player is Andrea Lekic. When I grow up, I would like to be an actress. In my free time, I like listening to Rihanna’s “One Direction”. The “Titanic” is my favourite movie. Tamara Djordjevic “Vuk Karadzic” Primary School - Socanica

Dear, I am writing to you from Dragas and I hope that you will publish my letter. I will write a bit about my interests so that you could write more about them. Shakira is one of the best singers and belly dancers of all time. “Titanic” is a film that captured the hearts of all. The actor Brad Pitt is simply the best. Djanselj Haruni

“Zenuni” Primary and Lower High School - Brod, Dragas Ciao! I my free time I like following football, especially the Champions’ League. Otherwise, I support Galatasaray. I read the “For You” magazine regularly. Jennifer Lopez is my favourite singer. The actress I really like is Angelina Jolie. I would like if you would publish a poster of the Turkish footballer Burak Yilmaz. Suat Ljokanovci “Zenuni” Primary and Lower High School - Brod, Dragas Greetings, I am Anita from Dragas. First of all, I would like to send out a greeting to all of the youth in Kosovo and to your team. I believe that the film “Home Alone” that all of my peers

have seen. I particularly like the actress Angelina Jolie because she is a good actress and a beautiful woman. Volleyball is my favourite sport. Anita Mandak “Zenuni” Primary and Lower High School - Brod, Dragas Dear Editor, I particularly like and respect Linkin Park and Eminem and that is why I would kindly ask you to publish posters of them in the next issue of the “For You” magazine. I would like to add that football is my most favourite sport. In my spare time, I like surfing the Internet and playing computer games. Dzafer Ramadani “Svetlost” Primary and Lower High School - Krusevo, Dragas Hello! I like boxing and follow the

sport regularly. I wish to have a poster of Mohammed Ali. I hope that your “For You” magazine, which I like very much and gladly read, will fulfil my wish. In your magazine, I like the Believe It Or Not section the most. At the end, I would like to send my greetings to your editorial team. Benjamin Tairovci “Svetlost” Primary and Lower High School Krusevo, Dragas


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