For You - Serbian ( January 2016 )

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UVODNIK Pozdrav dragi ~itaoci, I ovog meseca se sre}emo u nadi da }e vas najnovije izdanje vašeg omiljenog magazina For You zate}i u lepom raspolo`enju i dobrom zdravlju. Kao i uvek, pripremili smo mnogo novih i zanimljivih stvari samo za vas. Predstavi}u ih redom: Ovog meseca posetili smo Poljoprivrednu {kolu Le{ak, gde smo imali priliku da se bolje upoznamo sa mnogim u~enicima ove škole. U rubrici o modi mo}i }ete da vidite neke od ideja “Kako da izgledate sjajno a da ne potrošite mnogo novca”. Za ljubitelje muzike pripremili smo ekskluzivan intervju sa “ZAA” Bendom koje smo imali priliku da ih sretnemo tokom njihovog nastupa u NGOM Fest-u. Ako `elite da saznate neke od najinteresantnijih detalja o njihovom bendu, onda pro~itajte muzi~ku rubriku. U rubrici @ivotinjsko carstvo ima}ete priliku da saznate koje su “Naj~udnije lete}e `ivotinje”, dok Vam Moviemania donosi najnovije filmove iz inostrane produkcije. Ukoliko `elite da saznate nešto više o Ninjutsu ve{tini - pa`ljivo pro~itajte sportski kutak. Koje su `elje mladih na Kosovu za 2016.godinu, saznajte u našem upitniku. Pozivamo vas da pa`ljivo pro~itate i društvene teme ovog meseca: “Bezbednost u saobra}aju tokom zime”, “KFOR”, i “Obele`avanje 3 decembra - me|unarodnog dana osoba sa invaliditetom”. U ovom broju }e se na}i i vaša pisma, poslednje tehnologije, kao i najnovije rubrike “Va{ kutak” i “Radio KFOR”. Sve ovo donosimo samo za vas u najnovijem broju ~asopisa. ^itajte pa`ljivo, listajte polako stranice, i na}i }ete se u svom svetu snova. Slede}i sastanak Vam zakazujem za februar. Do tada srda~an pozdrav, Leonora

“For You” je slu`bena publikacija KFOR-a, proizvedena i finansirana od strane KFOR-a. Štampa se na Kosovu i distribuira besplatno. Sadr`aj magazina ne odra`ava uvek stavove koalicije ili bilo koje zemlje ~lanice pojedina~no. KFOR prihvata i tra`i vaša mi{ljenja, neka od njih }e i objavljivati, verovatno u skra}enoj formi. Ako autor pisma tako `eli, njegovo/njeno ime ne}e biti objavljeno. KFOR ne}e objavljivati anonimna, maliciozna ili klevetni~ka pisma. Glavni urednik: Leonora Shabanaj Nik{i} Novinari: Ali Rexha, Asmir Nik{i}, Merita Gjoni Fotografije: Ekipa “4U” Design & Layout: Bekim Shabani Uredni{tvo mo`ete kontaktirati na telefon: 038/503-603-2139 Pisma mo`ete slati na adresu: HQ KFOR - Kosova Film. “For You” magazin; Strasbourg Building; 10000 Pri{tina E-mail:;

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2-3: Uvodnik, sadr`aj 4-5: [kola meseca: Poljoprivredna škola Lešak 6-7: Bezbednost u saobra}aju tokom zime 8-9: For you fashion: Kako da izgledate sjajno a da ne potrošite mnogo novca 10-11: Music Box: ZAA - istinu i ljubav 12-13: Obele`avanje 3 decembra me|unarodnog dana osoba sa invaliditetom 14-15: @ivotinjsko carstvo: Naj~udnije lete

-}e `ivotinje 16-17: Poster: ZAA bend 18-19: Moviemania: Kung fu panda 3; Star wars: The force awakens; Sisters; Daddy’s home 20-21: Sportski ugao: Ninjutsu - znanje i veština 22-23: Hi-Tech 24-25:KFOR 26-27: Upitnik: Koje su vaše `elje za novu 2016. godinu? 28-29: Verovali ili ne ... 30: Enigmatski ugao 31-32: Pisma ~italaca







2-3: Editorial, index 4-5: School of the month: Agricultural school - Lešak 6-7: Wintertime traffic safety 8-9: How to look great on a budget 10-11: Music Box: ZAA Truth and love 12-13: Marking 3 december- International Day of Persons with Disabilities 14-15: Animal kingdom: Strangest flying animals 16-17: Poster:


ZAA band 18-19: Moviemania: Kung fu panda 3; Star wars: The force awakens; Sisters; Daddy’s home 20-21: Sports corner: Ninjutsu - Knowledge and skills 22-23: Hi-Tech 24-25: KFOR 26-27: Questionnaire: What are your wishes for New Year 2016? 28-29: Did you know ... 30: Crossword puzzle 31-32: Readers’ letters

Hello dear readers, This month we meet again in the hope that the latest edition of your favourite magazine For You will find you in a good mood and good health. As always, we have many new and interesting things for you. I’ll introduce them in order: This month we visited the Agricultural School Lesak, where we had a chance to get better acquainted with many of the students of this school. In the section about fashion you will be able to see some of the ideas, “How to look great without spending a lot of money.” For music lovers, we have prepared an exclusive interview with “ZAA” band that we had the opportunity to meet during their appearance in NGOM Fest. If you want to find out some of the most interesting details about the band, read the music section. In the column Animal Kingdom you will have the opportunity to find out what are “The strangest flying animals,” while the Moviemania brings the latest films from international production. If you want to learn more about the art of Ninjutsu carefully read the Sports Corner. In our questionnaire you can find out what are the desires of young people in Kosovo in 2016. We also invite you to read carefully about social issues presented this month: “Safety in traffic during the winter”, “KFOR” and “Marking 3 December - International Day of Persons with Disabilities”. This issue will also contain your letters, the latest technologies, and the latest publications of columns “Your Corner” and “Radio KFOR”. We bring to you all this in the latest issue of the magazine. Read carefully, slowly brows the pages and you will find yourself in a dream world. I hereby schedule our next meeting in February. Until then, best regards, Leonora

‘For You’ is an official publication of KFOR, produced and financed by KFOR, printed in Kosovo and distributed freely.The contents do not necessarily reflect the official point of view of the coalition or that of any of its member states. KFOR accepts and welcomes your opinions, it will publish some of these, eventually in a condensed form. If requested the name of the writer will be withheld but no anonymous, defamatory or malicious letters will be printed. Chief Editor: Leonora Shabanaj Niksic Journalists: Ali Rexha, Asmir Niksic, Merita Gjoni Photos by: “4U” team Design & Layout: Bekim Shabani The editorial staff can be contacted on: 038/503-603-2139 Any letters can be sent at: HQ KFOR - Film City; For You magazine; Strasbourg building; 10000 Pristina; E-mail:;

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škola meseca


Direktor poljoprivredne {kole g. Ivica Mihajlovi}


ako izgleda ići u školu u kojoj je osnovno i neophodno nastavno sredstvo, na primer krava? Ili kombajn? Odgovor na to pitanje našli smo u Poljoprivrednoj školi iz Prištine koja je nakon ’99 godine. izmeštena u Lešak. “Poljoprivredna škola osnovana je 04.12.1946. godine u Prištini kao prva stručna škola na Kosovu”, rekao nam je na početku razgovora gospodin Ivica Mihajlović, direktor Poljoprivredne škole, inače diplomirani inženjer agronomije koji je već 27 godina na ovoj funkciji. Za sada škola koristi suterenske prostorije Osnovne škole “Stana Bačanin”, ali kako nam je gospodin Mihajlović objasnio, u proleće


2016. godine, oni će preći u novi školski objekat koji ima 2000 m² namenskog tipa sa kabinetima i običnim učionicama. Dalji planovi su izgradnja prvog đačkog doma u okviru kruga škole i izgradnja fiskulturne sale. „Vizija naše škole je da se razvije u modernu školsku instituciju poznatu po dostignućima njenih učenika i da se kao ravnopravan partner uključi u savremene obrazovne tokove. Objedinjavanjem sopstvenih stručnih, materijalnih i resursa iz okruženja, poljoprivredna škola - Lešak, donekle zadovoljava potrebe naših učenika, zaposlenih, roditelja, lokalnih i socijalnih partnera u celini. Osnovni zadatak škole, kao obrazovne ustanove, je obrazovanje u oblasti ratarstva i povrtarstva, stočarstva, zaštite bilja, hortikulture, premena poljoprivredne mehanizacije, voćarstva i vinogradarstva, veterine i prehrambene tehnologije kompatibilno sa trendovima obrazovanja u regionu, uz maksimalno i stalno inoviranje nastavnih sadržaja“, objasnio nam je direktor Mihajlović. Danas, ovu školu pohađa preko 150 učenika koji su smešteni u 10 razreda, od I do IV godine. Predmeti su uglavnom stručni, a opšteobrazovni su isti


Danica Biševac (15) Moja želja je da pređemo u novi školski objekat, da bi svi imali bolje uslove za rad. Želim da završim školu koju sam upisala i da postanem ono što želim. U 2016. godini želim mir u svetu, ljubav, slogu, prijateljstvo, da svako dete ima dom i porodicu i takođe ljubav i pažnju. Danica Biševac (15) My desire is to move to a new school building, to ensure that we all have better working conditions. I want to finish school I enrolled and to become what I want. In 2016, I want world peace, love, harmony, friendship, that every child has a home and family as well as love and attention.

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kao i u drugim školama. Ono što je za svaku pohvalu jeste da su svi profesori koji predaju stručne predmete visoko obrazovani, a ima ih ukupno 35 i 3 doktora veterine. „U skladu sa reformskim tokovima profesori se stručno usavršavaju, i inovativne ideje unose u svoj rad i time obogaćuju stečeno iskustvo“. Raspored nastave je takav da deca četiri dana imaju teoretsku nastavu, a jedan ceo dan provedu na praksi na školskoj farmi nedaleko od Leška. Tokom ove posete najinteresantnije nam je bilo upravo na školskoj farmi. Tamo deca uče da rade sve poslove sa kojima će se po završetku školovanja susresti. Zbog dobre nege stočnog fonda, u kojoj učenici ove škole aktivno učestvuju, ova farma može da se pohvali sa 10 krava simentalske rase, 500 do 600 tovljenika svinja, 5000 do 6000 tovljenika piladi

Ivan Đurović (15) U Novoj 2016. godini želim da budem najbolji učenik i da postignem što bolje rezultate jer će mi to u životu mnogo značiti. Poželeo bih svojim drugovima, naravno i svojoj porodici, sve ono što im je bilo potrebno u prošloj godini, da im se ostvari u novoj 2016 god. Prvenstveno želim svima puno zdravlja, sreće i ljubavi, a sve ostalo dolazi samo uz to. Ivan Đurović (15) In the New 2016 I want to be the best student and to achieve the best possible results because it will mean a lot to me in life. I would like to wish to my friends, and of course my family, all that they needed in the last year and did not have. First of all I wish everyone a lot of health, happiness and love, and everything else comes only with it.

godišnje, 1000 koka nosilja i 10 ovaca rase Pramenka svrljiškog i sjeničkog soja, “umatičenih”, što će reći sa pedigreom. U zakupu škola ima 45 hektara zemljišta, plus 4 hektara na farmi. Zemljište za farmu škola zakupljuje od Opštine, tako da su troškovi održavanja farme veliki i od prodaje žive stoke i mesa škola nema velike prihode. Po rečima direktora škole, oni ne posluju tržišno, nego u cilju razvoja poljoprivrede ovoga kraja, a sa druge strane sve što imaju na farmi - to su im nastavna sredstva. „Veći deo mehanizacije je uglavnom starije proizvodnje, dosta je i zastarela, ali za kupovinu novih u ovim uslovima poslovanja je nemoguće. Mislim da bi u ovom delu mehanizacije trebalo više investirati, ali verujem da će se sve srediti vremenom“, dodaje direktor Mihajlović. Na kraju je direktor Mihajlović poručio svim mladima Kosova da je vreme za rad jer jedino radom možemo da postignemo dobre rezultate.

Marija Durlević (15) Od malena, u novogodišnjoj noći, poželimo da nam se u sledećoj dogodi nešto lepo. Generacijama koje dolaze želim lepo odrastanje i više druženja sa svojim vršnjacima, a manje sedenja za kompjuterom. Želim puno zdravlja i sreće, pre svega sebi, svojoj porodici i društvu. Takođe bih želela da postignem dobre rezultate u rukometu, sportom kojim se bavim. Marija Durlević (15) From an early age, in the New Year’s Eve we wish for something nice to happen in the next year. I wish the generations to come a nice growing up and more socializing with their peers, rather than sitting at a computer. I wish a lot of health and happiness, especially to myself, my family and my friends. I would also like to achieve good results in handball, sport that I am engaged in.

school of the month



hat’s it like to go to a school where the primary and essential means of teaching is, for example, a cow? Or a combine? We have found the answer to this question in the Agricultural School in Pristina, which was relocated after ’99 in Lesak. “Agricultural School was founded on 12.04.1946 in Pristina, as the first professional school in Kosovo,” told us at the beginning of the interview Mr. Ivica Mihajlovic, director of the Agricultural School, an agriculture graduate engineer who’s been in this position 27 years already. For now, the school uses the basement premises of the Primary School “Stana Bačanin” but, as Mr. Mihajlovic explained, in the spring of 2016, they will move into a new school building which has 2000 m² of designated type with workshops and ordinary classrooms. Further plans are to build the first high school dormitory within the school grounds and a gymnasium. „The vision we have of our school is to develop it into a modern academic institution known for achievements of its students, that will join the modern educational trends as an equal partner. By consolidating their own professional, material and resources from the environment, the Agricultural School in Lesak somewhat meets

the needs of our students, staff, parents, local and social partners in general. The main task of the school, as an educational institution, is to provide education in the field of farming and vegetable growing, animal husbandry, plant protection, horticulture, transformation of agricultural mechanization, pomiculture and viticulture, veterinary medicine and food technology, compatible with trends in education in the region, with a maximum and constant innovation of teaching content”, explained director Mihajlovic. Today, this school has over 150 students who are placed in 10 classes, from first to fourth year. Subjects are mostly professional and those related to general education are the same as in other schools. What is commendable is that all the professors who teach vocational subjects are highly


educated, and there is a total of 35 professors and 3 doctors of veterinary medicine. “In accordance with the reform trends, professors develop their professional skills and introduce innovative ideas into their work, thereby enriching their experience.” Teaching schedule is such that children have four days of theoretical classes and then spend one whole day at a practice in the school farm not far from Lesak. During this visit the most interesting for us was precisely at the school farm. There, children learn to perform all the jobs that will be required of them after they graduate. Due to the good care of the livestock, on which students of this school actively participate, this farm can boast with 10 Simmental cows, 500 to


Stefan Nikolić (15) Moja prva želja u 2016. godini je da završim srednju školu, smer veterinarski tehničar, da upišem fakultet i na kraju da dobijem dobar posao. Druga želja je da mi roditelji kupe stan u Beogradu, i voleo bih da posetim Ameriku.

Aleksa Pavlović (15) Od 2016. godine očekujem mnogo. Želim da FK ’Zvezda’ ponovo postane prvak sveta i da ostanem sa devojkom sa kojom sam trenutno u vezi. Od roditelja očekujem da mi kupe auto i da mi omoguće da odem u El Classico. Mojoj porodici, prijateljima i svim ostalima želim da budu zdravi i srećni u Novoj 2016. godini.

Stefan Nikolić (15) My first wish in 2016 is to finish high school and get a degree of veterinary technician, to enroll in college and eventually get a good job. The second wish is that my parents buy an apartment in Belgrade, and I’d like to visit America.

Aleksa Pavlović (15) I expect a lot from the New 2016. I wish for FC Zvezda to become a world champion again and to stay in a relationship with my girlfriend. I expect my parents to me a car and allow me to go to El Classico. To my family, friends and all the others I wish health and happiness in the New 2016.

600 fattening pigs, 5000 to 6000 chickens per year, 1000 laying hens, 10 sheep of Pramenka Svrljig and Sjenica breeds, “propagated”, that is to say with pedigree. The school has leased 45 hectares of land, plus a 4-hectare farm. The school rents the land for the farm from the Municipality and maintenance costs are large, so the school does not have a large income from the sale of livestock and meat. According to the director of the school, they do not operate commercially, but in order to develop agriculture in this region, and on the other hand everything they have on the farm - are their teaching resources. “Much of the machinery is mainly the older generation and is quite outdated, but new acquisitions in these business conditions are impossible. I think that more should be invested in the machinery, but I believe that everything will work out in time,” adds director Mihajlovic. At the end, the director Mihajlovic said to all young people in Kosovo that it is time to work because only by working we can achieve good results.

Muhamed Islamović (14) Novoj godini se svi radujemo, pogotovo ako uz to dobijemo i neki poklon. Očekujem da budem đak generacije i da mi roditelji kupe motor, mobilni i mnogo toga. I na kraju bih čestitao svima Novu 2016. godinu, želim da budu živi, zdravi i veseli. Muhamed Islamović (14) We are all looking forward to New Year, especially if we also receive a gift. I expect to be the best student in my generation, and my parents to buy me a motorcycle, cell phone, and much more. And finally, I would like to wish a happy New Year of 2016, and I wish everyone to be healthy and live in joy.

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BEZBEDNOST U SAOBRAĆAJU TOKOM ZIME Gledaj, slušaj i budi vidljiv. Budi bezbedan pešak.


vako je svestan da je Kosovska policija prva i najvažnija institucija kada je u pitanju bezbednost u saobraćaju. Shodno tome, oni stalno rade na unapređenju i povećanju bezbednosti u saobraćaju. Za uspeh ove misije koju koriste sva sredstva koja su im na raspolaganju počev od organizovanja kampanje za podizanje svesti, do patrola i izricanja novčanih kazni onima koji krše pravila saobraćaja širom Kosova. Međutim, ne smemo zaboraviti da bezbednost saobraćaja važi za pešake i bicikliste isto kao i za vozače. Čak i više tokom zime kada sneg, mraz i led povećavaju rizik od potencijalnih nezgoda. Prve stvari koje nam padnu na pamet kada pominjemo zimu su skijanje, klizanje, sankanje ili samo pravljenje Sneška Belića. Jednostavno rečeno, odrasli i deca uvek imaju lepe uspomene na zimu, jer zadovoljstva koje sneg pruža puno nadilaze zimske hladnoće i mraz. Ono što se često zaboravlja jeste da pored zadovoljstva i igre, zima donosi mnoge rizike, pogotovo za korisnike puteva, vozača i pešaka. Prvi problem koji se javlja u saobraćaju tokom zime je povezan sa nedostatkom dnevne svetlosti. Mi smo svi svesni da u ovom trenutku godine mrak pada vrlo rano, negde između četiri i pet sati popodne. Kada uzmemo u obzir činjenicu da većina škola na Kosovu rade u dve smene, nije teško zamisliti kako lako može da dođe do saobraćajnih nesreća. Zbog kombinacije mraka sa mrazom i ledom vozači nisu u stanju da razlikuju pešake pravilno i da

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pažljivo prate njihovo kretanje. Zbog toga je veoma važno da tokom zime nosimo odeću svetlih boja. Ako to nije moguće, onda je najbolje upotrebiti fluorescentne trake, sigurnosne reflektore ili čak male ručne lampe. Problem tame je još veći kada uzmemo u obzir da u većini slučajeva deca izlaze iz škole vrlo uzbuđena i potpuno fokusirana na zadovoljstva koje pruža igra u snegu. Ona potpuno zaborave koliko je gust saobraćaj oko škola, naročito u velikim gradovima. Drugim rečima, ona nisu svesna opasnosti koju ova situacija predstavlja za njih, i mogu izaći na put ili pokušati da ga pređu ne proverivši da li je bezbedno pre toga. Zbog toga je veoma važno za sve vas koji pohađate nastavu da budete oprezni kada izađete iz škole i da budete svesni svih mogućih pretnji po vašu bezbednost. Činjenica da mislite da vas je vozač video i da je shvatio da želite da pređete put ne znači da ste bezbedni. Ne zaboravite da je mnogo teže zaustaviti auto u ledenim uslovima i da je razdaljina koja se pređe tokom kočenja mnogo duža. Led i mraz su druga glavna pretnja

po bezbednost u saobraćaju tokom zime. Nema mnogo onih koji se u nekom trenutku nisu okliznuli na led i pali. Padanje pored puta predstavlja problem samo po sebi. Izbegavajte hodanje po ivičnjaku kada je gužva na trotoaru, ne gurajte i ne ćuškajte se, i obratite pažnju na automobile koji prolaze pored vas. Istovremeno vozači, a posebno oni mladi, moraju da budu svesni da u ovim uslovima automobil treba voziti smanjenom brzinom. Posebno pažnju treba posvetiti deci i njihovim pokretima jer su deca potpuno nepredvidiva. Sankanje i skijanje u stambenim područjima gradova je uobičajena pojava, ovo uglavnom zato što gradovi nemaju deo predviđen za takve aktivnosti. Nema sumnje da je najmudrije izbegavati izlazak na ulice za te svrhe. Međutim, ako ne možete da se oduprete iskušenju da izađete, barem obavezno nosite odeću svetle boje ili odeću koja reflektuje svetlost. Takođe, izbegavajte sankanje ili skijanje na ulicama i putevima koji nemaju rasvetu jer postoje veće šanse da vas vozači ne primete. Kao što je pomenuto ranije, zadovoljstvo igranja u snegu je jedinstveno, i ne treba da se prekine. Međutim, uživajte u ovom zadovoljstvu odgovorno! Poštujte pravila saobraćaja i obratite pažnju na realne uslove na putu! Nemojte zaboraviti da je jedan sekund nepažnje dovoljan da se vaš život potpuno preokrene, a ovo se odnosi na saobraćaj više nego na bilo šta drugo.



veryone is aware that the Kosovo Police are the first and most important institution when it comes to traffic safety. Accordingly, they are constantly working on improving and increasing traffic safety. For the success of this mission they use all means at their disposal starting from organizing awareness campaigns, to patrols and imposing fines on those who violate traffic rules all over Kosovo. However, we must not forget that traffic safety applies to pedestrians and bikers just as much as drivers. Even more so during winter time when snow, frost and ice increase the risk of potential accidents. First things that come to our mind when we mention winter are skiing, skating, sledding or just making a snowman. Simply said, adults and children always have fond memories of the winter, because the pleasures that the snow provides exceed the winter cold and frost many times over. What is often forgotten is that in addition to the pleasure and the games, winter also brings many risks, especially for road users both drivers and pedestrians. The first problem that arises in traffic during wintertime is related to the lack of daylight. We are all well aware, that at this time of the year dark falls very early, somewhere between four and five o’clock in the afternoon. When we consider the fact that most schools in Kosovo work in two shifts, it isn’t difficult to imagine how easy traffic accidents can

happen. Darkness combined with frost and ice result in drivers not being able to distinguish pedestrians properly and to carefully observe their movements. Therefore it is very important that during winter we wear light coloured clothes. If that is not possible then getting equipped with fluorescent stripes, safety reflectors or even a small handheld light is ideal. The problem of darkness is emphasized even more when we consider that in most cases children get out of school very exuberant and fully focused on the pleasures that playing with the snow offers. They completely forget how heavy traffic is around schools, especially in big cities. In other words, they are not aware of the threat this situation poses for them, and may get on the road or try crossing it without making sure

there is no danger to them. Therefore, it is very important for all of you attending classes to be careful when you get out of school and be aware of any possible threats to your safety. The fact that you may think that a driver has seen you and has understood that you want to cross the road does not imply that you are safe. Do not forget that stopping a car in icy conditions is much more difficult as the necessary breaking distance is much longer. Ice and frost are another major threat to traffic safety during winter. Not many of us at some stage have not slipped on ice and fallen. Falling near the road is a problem on its own. Thus when the footpaths are crowded avoid walking near the curb, don’t push and shove each other and pay attention to cars passing by. At the same time drivers, especially young drivers must be aware that in these conditions a car should be driven at reduced speed. Extra care should be paid to children and their movements as they are completely unpredictable. Sledging and skiing in residential areas of cities is a common phenomenon, this mainly because cities lack the areas dedicated to such activities. There is no doubt that the wisest action would be to avoid going out in the streets for this purpose. However, if the temptation to go out is too strong for you to resist, at least make sure you wear light coloured or light reflecting clothing. Also, avoid sledging or skiing in streets and roads that have no lighting as the chances of drivers not being able to notice you are much higher. As mentioned above the pleasure of playing in the snow is unique, and should not be stopped. However, do enjoy this pleasure responsibly! Obey traffic rules and pay attention to the actual road conditions! Do not forget that one second of carelessness is enough to turn your life upside down; and this applies to traffic more than anywhere else.

for you 7


KAKO DA IZGLEDATE SJAJNO A DA NE POTROŠITE MNOGO NOVCA Clinique i Calvin Klein su odlični... ako imate para. A za nas ostale, i nebrendirani proizvodi će morati da posluže svrsi. Dobra vest je da i oni mogu učiniti da izgledate sjajno ako znate šta da kupite i gde to možete kupiti.

Zaboravite na trendove

Trendovi se menjaju praktično iz sata u sat tako da će vas to mnogo koštati. Umesto toga, skoncentrišite se na definisanje sopstvenog stila. Biti jednistven je atraktivnije nego biti kopija modnih časopisa.

Nosite samo ono što vam pristaje

Ukoliko vam je gornji deo tela duži od donjeg i imate mek stomak, nemojte nositi pantalone sa niskim strukom, već se radije opredelite za suknju koja prati liniju tela, tzv. “pencil skirt” - koja je klasika i samim tim uvek u modi, a kao bonus dobijate iluziju savršeno proporcionalne figure.

Kupujte osnovne komade

Kupujte osnovne komade odeće kao što su bele majice i “skini” farmerke koje možete da uparite sa drugim aksesoarima i odećom tako da svaki put kada ih nosite izgledaju novo i drugačije. Nemojte kupovati majicu koja se slaže samo sa jednom kombinacijom.

8 for you

Budite kreativni

Prepravljanje i popravljanje stare odeće može biti jako zabavno.

Nemojte kupovati ekstremno skupe farmerke

Niko neće primetiti razliku između farmerki od 25 dolara i onih koje koštaju 125 dolara. Ali ipak imajte u vidu da ponekad važi izreka “koliko para toliko muzike.”

Nije važno gde kupujete odeću Ono što je bitno jeste da vam određeni komad dobro stoji, da u njemu izgledate odlično, kao i da je odgovarajuće boje. I prodavnice sa nižim i povoljnim cenama vas mogu iznenaditi ponekim dobrim komadom, tako da treba da ih obiđete s vremena na vreme.

Kupujte garderobu iz prošle sezone

Šopingujte na finalnim rasprodajama na kraju sezone. Takođe, kupujte pre i posle božićnih rasprodaja, ali imajte

u vidu da neki komadi, čak i po veoma sniženim cenama, nisu vredni novca koji za njih treba da izdvojite. Odlučite unapred koliko planirate da potrošite za određeni komad i držite se toga.

Kupujte odeću koja je prilagodljiva

Na primer, dobar izbor je košulja na raskopčavanje koja može da se nosi raskopčana preko majice ili zakopčana ispod džempera. Dobijate dodatne poene ako podjednako dobro izgleda uvučena u poslovne pantalone ili svečanu suknju!

Vodite računa da vaša nova odeća može da se pere u veš mašini Odlazak do hemijskog će vam pojesti dodatni novac za uslugu hemijskog čišćenja i za benzin, a niko ne voli da pere veš na ruke.

Pokušajte da se suzdržite od kupovine odeće koja vam nije zaista potrebna Ako kupite nešto što je na

rasprodaji ne znači da ste uštedeli novac osim ako to nije nešto što biste u svakom slučaju kupili.

Ako umete da šijete (a i ako ne umete) nemojte se plašiti da vršite prepravke na odeći

Ako imate stare farmerke koje su iznošene u donjem delu ali vam i dalje odgovaraju u struku, odsecite nogavice i napravite mini suknju. Dobili ste pantalone koje su predugačke? Porubite ih sami. Ako ne umete da šijete onda koristite lepljivu traku koja se fiksira peglom ili (za privremenu upotrebu) koristite selotejp traku kako biste ih zalepili sa unutrašnje strane. A možete da probate i da ih podvijete tako da ivica bude sa unutrašnje strane.

Ne zaboravite na prijatelje!

Od njih možete da pozajmljujete odeću i da je međusobno razmenjujete. (Izvor:


HOW TO LOOK GREAT ON A BUDGET Yes, Clinique and Calvin Klein are great...if you have money. For the rest of us, off-brand products will have to do. The good news is that they can make you look great if you know what to buy and where to buy it.

Ignore trends

They change almost by the hour so it will be costly. Instead, focus on defining your own individual style. Being unique is hotter than being a carbon copy of a fashion magazine.

Only wear what looks good on you If you’re long-waist with a soft tummy, don’t wear lowwaist pants. Instead, go for a pencil skirt - classic, and thus always in fashion, plus (bonus!) you get the illusion of a perfectly proportioned figure.

Buy the basic things

Get some basic items like white t-shirts, skinny jeans, things that you can pair with other accessories and clothes to make them seem new and different every time you wear them. Don’t buy a shirt if it only goes with one outfit.

Be creative

Altering and mending old clothes can be great fun.

Don’t go for the superexpensive jeans

Others will never see a difference between a 25 euros pair and a 125 euros pair. However, be aware that sometimes you do get what you pay for.

Don’t worry about where you shop

The important thing is whether the item fits, is flattering and a good color. Even lowpriced bargain stores can accidentally make something good, so always have an eye out.

Shop for off-season clothing

Look for end of the season clearance sales. Also look for before and after Christmas sales but be aware that, even at a deep discount, some clothes may not be worth the price. Know ahead of time how much you intend to spend on something and try to stick with it.

Look for versatility

For example, look for a button down shirt that looks good open over a t-shirt or buttoned under a sweater. Extra points if it also looks good tucked into dress pants or a skirt for fancy occasions!

Make sure your new clothes are machine washable

Trips to the dry-cleaners can eat up money for gas and service, and no one likes doing their laundry by hand.

Try not to buy clothing unless you actually need it Just because something is on sale doesn’t mean you’re saving money unless you would have bought it anyway.

If you can sew (and even if you can’t) don’t be afraid to alter clothing If you have an old pair

of jeans that are beat up on the bottom but the waist still fits then rip out the inseam and make a mini skirt. Got a pair of pants that are too long? Hem them yourself. If you can’t sew use those iron on strips or (for a temporary fix) use duct tape to tape them up on the inside. Also, try rolling them up so that the cuff is on the inside.

Don’t forget about your friends

You can borrow, use, and swap their clothes. (Source:

for you 9

music box


vreme kada je negacija dominantna kategorija svakodnevice, kruševački bend ZAA trudi se da afirmiše dobrotu, ljubav i istinu uvijene u Reggae, Dub i Ska melodije. Kruševački ZAA, jedinstvena muzička pojava u regionu, bend koji publika i kritika nazivaju svojevrsnom koncertnom atrakcijom, nastao je 2008. godine, kao nastavak benda Dub Orchestra. Doduše, u bitno izmenjenoj postavi. Dub Orchestra je ugašena i rodila se ZAA. Članovi benda su Sanja Vučić (vokal), Ivan Đokić (gitara), Tomislav Ilić (bas), Rastko Uzunović (saksofon), Zoran Vasić (klavijature i dub master) i Zlatko Petković (bubanj i perkusije). ZAA su do sada objavili tri studijska albuma: ZAA (2010), Good Things (2011), What About (2014), dvostruki singl Full Scale Riot/Moonlight (2011) i EP Foot by Foot (2012). Kada im neko prilepi etiketu “najboljeg srpskog reggae benda”, oni skromno odgovaraju da su najbolji među jednakima. A da su stvarno najbolji, uverila se i Kosovska publika, i svi mi koji smo imali priliku da ih slušamo prilikom njihovog nastupa na NGOM Fest-u u Prizrenu. cenu i nešto je što se ne može opisati. Šta Vas je podstaklo da učestvujete na NGOM fest-u? Ovo je drugi put kako učestvujemo na ovom festivalu. Bili smo pre tri godine i vođeni smo dosta pozitivnim iskustvom, i ove godine smo tu sa Vama i verujemo da će da bude još bolje nego pre tri godine.

Zašto baš ZAA? Šta to zapravo znači? Bend nam se zove ZAA zato što smo u prvi plan hteli da istaknemo ono ZA šta jesmo, u vreme kad su svi PROTIV nečega, a ne izjašnjavajući se, pri tom, ZA šta jesu ustvari. Ovo se odnosi na sve segmente društva. Danas je teško, ali donekle i opasno reći: “Eto, mi smo ZA tu ili tu varijantu”, tako da je to naš način da to jasno i glasno kažemo. Drugo A u imenu je tu zbog estetike. Kako biste okarakterisali muziku koju pravite i svirate? Kao ‘crossover’ svih pojava u muzici koje su imale i imaju uticaja na članove benda ponaosob. Svako od nas vezan je za različite muzičke pravce; Sanja sluša Soul, R’n’B i Hip-hop; Toma je jazzer, ali strahovito poštuje punk i alternativnu muziku; Zoka je grunger i kune se u Radiohead; a Zlatko je veliki poklonik benda Nine Inch Nails. Nekako smo sve to

10 for you

zajedno uspeli da smućkamo u koktel koji je osnovu za svoju pitkost našao upravo u reggae, dub i ska muzici. Koje poruke se trudite da pošaljete preko Vaše muzike? Ljubav, istina i dobrota - po svaku cenu. Sigurni smo da stvari mogu da se promene na bolje, jer ne postoji sudbina osim one koju sami pravimo za sebe. Za kratko vreme uspeli ste da nastupate po regionu. Kako se dogovarate za nastupe? Jednostavno su ljudi počeli da nas zovu. Prepostavljamo da je za to zaslužan naš DIY (Do It Yourself) pristup poslu i besplatno skidanje muzike na našem sajtu. Dosta su pomogle i društvene mreže Facebook i MySpace. Ljudi su došli do naše muzike i eto, dopalo im se. Energija koju delimo međusobno i sa publikom na koncertima jednostavno nema

Koliko ste upoznati i koliko pratite muzičku scenu na Kosovu? Skoro smo zapravo saznali za jednu pevačicu koja nam se dosta svidela, verujemo da je baš sad popularna ovde u poslednje vreme a njeno ime je Era Istrefi. Kako Vam se sviđa grad Prizren, kako su Vas dočekali? U najpozitivnijem smislu Prizren izgleda rustično, baš mi se dopada taj ceo duh starog grada. Ljudi su ovde mnogo ljubazni, gostoprimljivi, i gostoljubivi.

Koliko ste upoznati muzičkim ukusom publike na Kosovu? S obzirom da je ovo festival alternativne muzike, verujemo da je to jedan ogromni deo kulture i mislimo da su dosta kulturno obojeni i to je jako, jako dobra stvar. Vi ste jedan od retkih Srpskih bendova koji će večeras nastupiti pred Kosovskom publikom, da li će to možda biti dodatna motivacija za Vas i za što bolji nastup? Naravno, pogotovu kada trebamo da predstavimo sebe u nekom svetlu a da nas pre niko nije slušao, doduše opet pominjemo da smo ovde svirali pre tri godine ali svakako utisak se uvek nanovo menja pogotovo što se i nama verovatno zvuk promenio kroz te tri godine, ali naravno svaki put, svaki nastup je novo oduševljenje, novo iskustvo. Koja je Vaša poruka mladima na Kosovu? Čitajte knjige, čitajte puno knjiga, informišite se o svemu i svačemu. Kultura je najbitnija stvar i jedini način da budete srećni iznutra jeste raditi na sebi, zato čitajte, slušajte muziku, obrazujte se, razgovarajte, i na kraju, budite ZAA!!!

music box


n times when negation is a dominant category of everyday life, Krusevac band ZAA is trying to promote goodness, love and truth wrapped in Reggae and Ska tunes. Kruševac ZAA, a unique musical phenomenon in the region, is a band that audiences and critics called a kind of concert attraction, was founded in 2008 as a continuation of the band Dub Orchestra. However, in substantially altered line-up. Dub Orchestra is off and gave birth to ZAA. Members of the band are Sanja Vučić (vocals), Ivan Djokic (guitar), Tomislav Ilić (bass), Rastko Uzunović (saxophone), Zoran Vasić (piano and dub master) and Zlatko Petkovic (drums and percussion). ZAA have so far released three studio albums: ZAA (2010), Good Things (2011), What About (2014), two single Full Scale Riot / Moonlight (2011) and EP Foot by Foot (2012). When they are labelled as “best Serbian reggae band,” they modestly answer to be best among equals. And that they are really the best assured was the audience in Kosovo and all of us who had the opportunity to listen to them during their performance at NGOM fest in Prizren. bers of the band individually. Each of us is linked to different directions of music; Sanja is listening to Soul, R & B and hip-hop; Toma is jazzer, but tremendously respects punk and alternative music; Zoka is Grunger and swears to Radiohead; Zlatko is a big fan of the band Nine Inch Nails. Somehow we all together managed to perch the cocktail which founds basis for its drinkability, precisely in reggae, dub and ska music. What messages do you try to send through your music? Love, truth and goodness - at any cost. We are confident that things can change for the better, because there is no fate except the one we make for ourselves.

Why exactly ZAA? What does that mean? Band is called ZAA (for) because we wanted to point out what we are for in the first place, at the time when all are AGAINST something, and at the same time they don’t say FOR what they really are. This applies to all segments of society. Today it is difficult, but somewhat also dangerous to say “Behold, we are for this or that option,” so it’s our way to say it loud and clear. The second A in the name is there for aesthetics. How would you characterize the music you create and play? As a crossover of all phenomena in music that had and have an impact on the mem-

In a short time you were able to perform in the region. How do you arrange your performances? Simply people began to call us. We assume that creditable for this is our DIY (Do It Yourself) approach to business and free downloading of music on our site. Enough helped also social networks Facebook and MySpace. People came to our music and you see, they loved it. The energy that we share with each other and with the audience at the concerts is simply priceless and something that can not be described. What inspired you to participate in NGOM fest? This is the second time we participate in this festival. We were here three years ago and we are guided by quite a positive experience, and this year we are here with you and we believe it will be even better than three years ago.

How familiar are you and how much you follow the music scene in Kosovo? We actually just found out about a singer who we liked a lot, we believe that right now she is popular here lately and her name is Era Istrefi. How do you like the city of Prizren, how were you welcomed? In the most positive sense Prizren looks rustic, I really like the whole spirit of the old city. People here are much more friendly, hospitable and welcoming. How familiar are you with musical taste of the audience in Kosovo? Given that this is a festival of alternative music, we believe that it is a huge part of the culture and we think they are quite culturally colored and it’s very, very good thing. You are one of the few Serbian brands that will perform tonight before Kosovo audience, this may be an additional motivation for you and for even better performance? Of course, especially when you need to present yourself in a way, without being listened to previously, though again we mention that we played here three years ago but certainly impression is always changing again, especially as probably our sound changed through these years, but of course every time, every performance is a new enthusiasm, a new experience. What is your message to young people in Kosovo? Read books, read a lot of books, be informed about everything and anything. Culture is the most important thing and the only way to be happy from the inside is to work on yourself, that’s why you should read, listen to music, educate yourself, discuss, and finally, be ZAA!!!

for you 11


“Invaliditet ne mora biti prepreka za uspeh. Imao sam bolest motornih neurona za praktično sve vreme svog odraslog života. Ipak, nije me sprečila da imam istaknutu karijeru u astrofizici i srećan porodični život”- profesor Stephen W. Hawking


ve reči jednog od najsjajnijih umova čovečanstva danas treba da posluže kao pouka da nije nemoguće za osobe sa invaliditetom, ili bolje rečeno za ljude sa posebnim potrebama, da postignu uspeh u životu. Naprotiv, moramo shvatiti da sam njihov invaliditet znači da treba da slede drugačiji put ka uspehu. U tom smislu, pomoć čitavog društva u stvaranju odgovarajućih uslova za život i dobrobit ovih članova našeg društva je od vitalnog značaja, a samim tim i obaveza za sve nas. U stvari, to je bila jedna od glavnih tema o kojima je razgovarano tokom konferencije održane u Resurs Centru osoba sa invaliditetom/HANDIKOS, u Prištini. Štaviše, moto ove konferencije je “Pristup i osnaživanje osoba sa invaliditetom”. Prvi koji se obratio učesnicima ove konferencije bio je g-din Afrim Maliqi, direktor HANDIKOS-a, koji je ukratko sažeo trenutnu situaciju osoba sa invaliditetom na Kosovu i u svetu. On je takođe istakao

12 for you

značaj podizanja svesti u kosovskom društvu o koristima koje proizilaze iz učešća osoba sa invaliditetom u svim aspektima političkog, društvenog, ekonomskog i kulturnog života. “Ovogodišnje obeležavanje Međunarodnog dana osoba sa invaliditetom treba pružiti priliku da se podigne svest o smetnjama u razvoju, da se promoviše poboljšan pristup i otklanjanje svih prepreka i da se postigne puno i ravnopravno učešće osoba sa invaliditetom u društvu. Samo 11% dece sa posebnim potrebama na Kosovu su uključeni u obrazovanje. To pokazuje koliko je ozbiljna situacija ove dece i njihovih porodica. Takođe pokazuje pristup koji je potreban od strane naših institucija u rukovanju ovom materijom, ne samo Ministarstvo ili uprava za obrazovanje, već sve relevantne institucije. Uprkos svim njihovim naporima potreban nam je multi-sektorski pristup tako da se prvo podigne dobrobit

ovih porodica, onda i da se deci pruži i pravilan prevoz i rehabilitacija i da se na kraju prilagodi postojeća infrastruktura”, istakao je gospodin Maliqi. Pored mnogih problema koji su pomenuti, gospodin Maliqi je takođe imao neke dobre vesti za sve osobe sa invaliditetom, jer je najavio da su Vlada i Skupština Kosova u načelu usvojile Zakon o paraplegičarima i Tetraplegičarima. Nakon gospodina Maliqija reč je uzeo g-din Bujar Kadriu u svojstvu predsednika Kosovskog Foruma za osobe sa Invaliditetom. Izrazio je posebnu zahvalnost Evropskoj komisiji, drugim domaćim i međunarodnim agencijama i institucijama koji su doprineli da ovaj forum preraste u respektabilni mehanizam na Kosovu. On je takođe obećao da će ovaj forum nastaviti da sarađuje sa svim relevantnim akterima kako bi se osiguralo neselektivno i dostojanstveno zastupanje prava osoba sa invaliditetom. Kako bi se fokusirali na rešavanje problema, na zastupanje, osnaživanje i poštovanje prava osoba sa invaliditetom koja su garantovana zakonima i Ustavom Kosova. G-đa Armenda Shala, viši oficir za zaštitu prava osoba sa invaliditetom u

Vladi Kosova, istakla je da se situacija stalno popravlja. “Danas smo bolje nego juče. Najznačajnija novina je da je usvojen u načelu Zakon o paraplegičarima i Tetraplegičarima. Pored toga, drugi zakoni o osobama sa invaliditetom su usvojeni, kao što je Zakon o slepim osobama. Međutim, mi se još uvek suočavamo sa problemima uglavnom zbog nedostatka sredstava. Vi ste svesni da su sve aktivnosti vezane za osobe sa invaliditetom veoma skupe, ali mi stalno radimo na pronalaženju rešenja i mogu reći da smo napravili dobar napredak”, rekla je gospođa Shala. Konačno je apelovala na sve mlade na Kosovu da ne zaboravimo da je naša obaveza kao društvo da garantujemo najbolji mogući život osobama sa invaliditetom, jer su to zaslužili i to je njihovo pravo. Govoreći o poboljšanjima ne može se zaboraviti da je za protekle tri godine KFOR finansirao objavljivanje For you magazina na Brajevom pismu. Imajući u vidu da je do sada ovo jedini časopis na Kosovu koji se objavljue na Brajevom pismu, jasno je koliko je ovo drugo važno za slepe i slabovide ljude na Kosovu. Štaviše, 3 decembra KFOR je podržao osobe sa invaliditetom donacijom školskog materijala.


“Disability need not be an obstacle to success. I have had motor neurone disease for practically all my adult life. Yet it has not prevented me from having a prominent career in astrophysics and a happy family life.” – Professor Steven W. Hawking


hese words of one of the brightest minds of mankind today should serve as a lesson that it is not impossible for persons with disabilities, or better said people with special needs, to achieve success in life. On the contrary, we must realize that their disability only means that they should follow a different path towards success. In this sense, the help of the whole society in creating proper conditions for the life and wellbeing of these members of our society is vital,

and consequently an obligation to all of us. In fact this was one of the main topics that were discussed during the conference held at the Resource Centre of persons with disabilities/ HANDIKOS in Prishtina. Moreover the moto of this conference was “Access and Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities”. The first to address the participants of this conference was Mr. Afrim Maliqi, director of HANDIKOS, who summarized briefly the current situation of persons with disabilities in Kosovo and in the world. He also emphasized the importance of raising awareness in Kosovo’s society on the benefits deriving from participation of persons with disabilities in all aspects of political, social, economic and cultural life. “This year’s marking of the International Day of

persons with disabilities should provide the opportunity to raise awareness about disabilities, to promote the improved access and elimination of all obstacles and to achieve full and equal participation of persons with disabilities in society. Only 11% of children with special needs in Kosovo are included in education. This shows how serious the situation of these children and their families is. It also shows the approach that is required from our institutions in handling this matter, not only the Ministry or Directorates of Education, but all relevant institutions. Despite all their efforts we need a multi-sectorial approach so that we first raise the welfare of these families, then that proper transportation and rehabilitation is provided to the children and finally adapt the existing infrastructure.” Mr. Maliqi emphasized. In addition to many problems that were mentioned, Mr. Maliqi also had some good news for all the persons with disabilities, as he announced that the government and the Assembly of Kosovo have approved in principle the Law on Paraplegics and Tetraplegics. After Mr. Maliqi it was Mr. Bujar Kadriu, in the quality of the President of the Kosovar Forum of Disabilities, who took the floor. He had special thanks for the European Commission, other local and international agencies and institutions, who have contributed in making this forum into a respected mechanism in Kosovo. He also promised that this forum would continue to

cooperate with all relevant actors to ensure an indiscriminate and dignified representation for the rights of persons with disabilities. To also focus in solving problems, advocate, empower and observe the rights of persons with disabilities which are guaranteed by the laws and the Constitution of Kosovo. Mrs. Armenda Shala, senior officer for the protection of rights of persons with disabilities at the government of Kosovo, emphasized that the situation is improving continuously. “Today we are better than yesterday. The most important novelty is that the Law on Paraplegics and Tetraplegics has been adopted in principle. Additionally, other laws on persons with disabilities have been adopted as well, such as the Law for Blind People. However, we are still facing problems mainly due to the lack of funds. You are well aware that all actions related to persons with disabilities are very expensive, but we are working constantly to find solutions and I can say that we have made good progress,” Mrs. Shala said. Finally she appealed to all the youth in Kosovo not to forget that it is our obligation as a society to guarantee the best possible life to persons with disabilities because they deserve it and it’s their right. Speaking of improvements one cannot forget that for the past three years KFOR have financed the publishing of the For You Magazine in Braille. Considering that so far this is the only magazine in Kosovo that is published in Braille, it is clear how important the latter is for the blind and visually impaired people in Kosovo. Moreover, on 3 December KFOR supported people with disabilities with a donation of school materials.

for you you 13 for

životinjsko carstvo

Najčudnije leteće životinje Puno životinja leti i to ne iznenađuje nikoga ko zapravo dolazi sa Zemlje. Međutim, ima dosta “letećih” životinja koje su zapravo verzije drugih životinja koje „klize po vazduhu“. Ne očekujete da jedan prosečni glodar doluta sa neba, a kamoli neka druga stvorenja sa ove liste. Ne, mi obično mislimo na muve ptice i slepe miševe kada mislimo na leteće životinje. Čak i tada, dosta njih nas prepadne. Spremite se da se od sada pa nadalje osećate uznemireno svaki put kada se nalazite na otvorenom.

Leteće veverice


k, što se tiče letećih životinja, leteće veverice su gotovo svakodnevna pojava, tj. barem je većina nas čula za njih, iako smo je najbliže videli u crtanom filmu u društvu lososa. Prva životinja je prilično čudna. Izgleda kao da je neko ispeglao hrčka i naterao ga da skače sa drveća. Leteće veverice su nosioci svetskog rekorda među letećim životinjama, tj. među svim životinjama koje klize po vazduhu a koje zovemo letačima, idu najdalje, i postižu zapanjujućih 88 metara u jednom skoku!

Leteći lemuri


ve životinje se zovu leteći lemuri jer naziv “strašna zver koja jedri po vazduhu” sadrži previše

možete videti, njihovi udovi i rep su povezani režnjevima kože, koja je pritom povezana sa njima sve do njihovih samih krajeva, čime se povećava njihova površina, čineći ih na taj način boljim jedriličarima.

Flying Lemurs


reči . Verovali ili ne, to je stvor koji je na svetu najbliži primatima, a da pritom nije jedan od njih. Takođe ih nazivaju colugos i, pored slepih miševa, oni su sisari koji su najviše prilagođeni letenju. Kao što

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hese things are called flying lemurs because “air sailing horror-beast” was too wordy. Believe it or not, that is the closest thing on earth to being a primate without actually being one. They are also called colugos and outside of bats, they are the mammals most highly adapted for flight. As you can see, their limbs and tail are connected by flaps of skin that connect out to the very ends of them, thereby increasing their surface area and making them better gliders.

Flying Squirrels


kay, as flying animals go, flying squirrels are almost mundane; at least most of us have heard of them, although the closest we have come to seeing one was when one hung out with a cartoon moose. The real animal is pretty strange; it looks like someone ironed out a hamster and made it jump from trees. Flying squirrels are the world record holders for “flying” animals, which is to say, of all the gliding animals that are called fliers, they go the farthest, reaching a stunning 288 feet in a single jump!

Leteća žaba


ajzad prelazimo sa strašnih životinja na one koje su interesantne. Leteće žabe su očigledno evoluirale od nekoliko različitih vrsta žaba, i to u većini mesta na svetu gde postoje tropske žabe koje žive na drveću. One su razvile svoju “padobransku” sposobnost kao način da izbegnu predatore i na svu sreću nemaju sposobnost prepadanja kao što imaju leteći gušteri i zmije, jer bi čak i gigantska žaba veličine kuće bila simpatična.

have apparently evolved from several different lines of frog, in most places in the world where there are tree-dwelling tropical frogs. They developed their “parachuting” ability as a means of predator evasion, and fortunately lack the pants-wetting ability of flying lizards and snakes because even a giant house-sized frog would be inherently adorable.

Flying Frog


inally, we move past horror animals into merely curious. Flying frogs


Strangest flying animals

animal kingdom

Plenty of animals fly; this is no surprise to anyone who actually comes from Earth. However, there are plenty of “flying” animals that are really gliding versions of other animals. You don’t expect your average rodent to come drifting from the skies, let alone some of the other creatures in this list. No, we typically think of flies, birds and maybe bats when we think of flying animals. Even then, quite a few of them creep us out. Get ready to feel unsettled every time you are in an open field from now on.

Leteći gušter

slagalica pretvori u mašinu za ubijanje.


ušteri, barem oni mali, su nekako simpatični. Oni često imaju velike srneće oči i oslobođaju svet o buba. Poznato je da mnogi klize po vazduhu do 59 metara, dok gube samo 30 stopa u visini od početnog skoka. Za razliku od letećih sisara, nemaju opuštenu kožu između ruku i nogu za kliženje, već imaju prilično proširena rebra, što ih čini jedinim stvorom u prirodi koja dobija supermoć kada se kao

Leteća zmija


ko se plašite zmija, verovatno ne biste trebali da znate da u nekim delovima sveta one mogu da skliznu sa krošnji drveća i slete na vas. Žao mi što sada znate. Leteće zmije su “blago otrovne”, što znači da imaju otrov, ali nije opasan za ljude.

Flying Snake


f you are afraid of snakes, you probably did not need to know that in some parts of the world, you are in danger of them gliding out of the forest canopy and landing on you. Sorry about that. The flying snakes are “mildly venomous”, which means they have poison, but it is not harmful to humans.

Flying Lizard


izards, at least the small ones, are kind of cute. They often have big doe-like eyes and rid the world of bugs. They have been known to glide as far as 195 feet while only losing 30 feet in height from the initial jump. Unlike the flying mammals, they don’t have loose skin strung between their arms and legs for gliding, but rather extended ribs, which makes them about the only thing in nature to achieve a super power by being blended with one of Jigsaw’s murder machines.

Klizeći mravi


redu, postoje vrste mrava koji lete sa krilima, pa šta je toliko zanimljivo kod “klizećih” mrava? Ovo su mravi koji nemaju krila i zadovoljavaju veoma specifičan podskup uslova, kao što je dobar vid, život u kišnim šumama u kojima su česte poplave, i nabavljanje hrane na krajevima grana. Oni takođe obično imaju oklop. Kada padnu sa drveta, oni se fokusiraju na svetlije boje stabla drveta nasuprot tamnijoj pozadini šume, a zatim im glava, noge i stomak postanu pljosnati i od slobodnog pada, klizeći, prelaze u let kojim prave oblik slova J, kada se zakače za drvo. Čini se da su ceo postupak razvili kao način da izbegnu padove sa drveća i budu pojedeni na tlu šume.

interesting about “gliding” ants? These are unwinged ants that fall into a very specific subset of requirements, like having good eyesight, living in rain forests that flood, and forage for food at the ends of branches. They also tend to be armored. When they fall from trees, they focus on the lighter color of the trunk against the darker forest background, and then flatten their head, legs and abdomen and then glide from free-fall to a J-shaped flight, and then grasp the tree. The whole thing seems to have developed as a way to avoid falling out of trees and being eaten on the forest floor.

Gliding Ants


kay, so there are species of ant that fly with wings, so what is so


for you 15

moviemania DADDY’S HOME Cast: Linda Cardellini, Mark Wahlberg, Will Ferrell Director: Sean Anders Genre: Comedy Studio: Paramount Pictures

Synopsis mild-mannered radio executive strives to become the best stepdad to his wife’s two children, but complications ensue when their freewheeling and freeloading real father arrives, forcing him to compete for the affection of the kids.



Will Ferrell Režiser: Sean Anders Žanr: komedija Studio: Paramount Pictures

Sinopsis irektor radija blage naravi teži da postane najbolji očuh deci svoje supruge, ali nastaju komplikacije kada stigne njihov neobuzdani otac koji je uz to i grebator, i primorava ga da se takmiči sa njim za naklonost dece.

Uloge: Linda Cardellini, Mark Wahlberg,


SISTERS SISTERS Uloge: Amy Poehler, John Cena, James Brolin

Cast: Amy Poehler, John Cena, James Brolin Director: Jason Moore Genre: Comedy Studio: Universal Studios

Režiser: Jason Moore Žanr: komedija Studio: Universal Studios

Synopsis wo sisters decide to throw one last house party before their parents sell their family home.

T Sinopsis ve sestre odlučuju da naprave poslednju kućnu zabavu pre nego što njihovi roditelji prodaju svoju porodičnu kuću.

D 18 for you

STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS Cast: Harrison Ford, Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher Director: J.J. Abrams Genre: Action, Adventure, Fantasy Studio: Walt Disney Studio


moviemania Synopsis continuation of the saga created by George Lucas and set thirty years after Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi (1983).


Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher Režiser: J.J. Abrams Žanr: akcioni/avanturistički/ naučno-fantastični Studio: Walt Disney Studio

Sinopsis astavak sage koju je stvorio George Lucas čija se radnja odvija trideset godina nakon Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi (1983).


KUNG FU PANDA Cast: Jack Black, Angelina Jolie, Dustin Hoffman Directors: Alessandro Carloni, Jennifer Yuh Genre: Animation, Action, Adventure Studio: 20th Century Fox Synopsis


KUNG FU PANDA Uloge Jack Black, Angelina Jolie, Dustin Hoffman Režiseri: Ales-

sandro Carloni, Jennifer Yuh Žanr: animirani/akcioni/ avanturistički Studio: 20th Century Fox

Sinopsis astavljajući svoje “legendarne avanture fenomenalnosti”, Po mora da se suoči sa dve izuzetno epske, ali različite pretnje: jednom natprirodnom i drugom koja je malo bliža njegovom domu. Kada se Po-ov


davno izgubljeni otac iznenada ponovo pojavi, ponovo ujedinila dvojac putuje u tajni raj pandi i sreće mnoštvo novih zabavnih pandi. Ali kada natprirodni negativac Kai počinje da pravi pometnju širom Kine i pobeđuje sve kung-fu majstore, Po mora da učini nemoguće - da nauči selo puno njegove zabavne, nespretne braće da postanu vrhunski tim kung-fu Pandi.

ontinuing his “legendary adventures of awesomeness”, Po must face two hugely epic, but different threats: one supernatural and the other a little closer to his home. When Po’s long-lost panda father suddenly reappears, the reunited duo travels to a secret panda paradise to meet scores of hilarious new panda characters. But when the supernatural villain Kai begins to sweep across China defeating all the Kung Fu masters, Po must do the impossible-learn to train a village full of his fun-loving, clumsy brethren to become the ultimate band of Kung Fu Pandas.

for you 19

sportski ugao


Trener Slobodan Stanisavljevi}


ećina ljudi kad razmišlja o sportu, seti se prvo onih uobičajenih poput košarke, rukometa ili fudbala. Nismo ni svesni koliko sportova ima koji nisu toliko popularni i opšte poznati, a čine nas boljim osobama time što jačaju naš karakter, duh i telo. Jedan od takvih sportova, ili možda bolje rečeno veština je ninjutsu. Za razliku od drugih borilačkih veština, ona pojedinca uči, pruža mu životno znanje i nije veština koja je isključivo takmičarskog karaktera. „Ninjutsu nije samo sport, kad ga se jednom upozna shvati se da je mnogo više“, tvrdi trener Ninjutsu kluba “Shinobi Kosovo”, (Laplje Selo), g-din Slobodan Stanisavljević, koji nam je objasnio detalje ove veštine. Sam za sebe kaže kako su ga oduvek zanimali svi sportovi, a najviše borilački. ˝Sve je počelo sa testiranjem vlastitih sposobnosti i treniranjem raznih poteza iz raznih borilačkih veština kod kuće, da bi nakon nekog vremena pokušao trenirati u klubu, sa svojim prijateljima.˝

Posebnosti ninjutsua

Ono što ovu veštinu čini drugačijom od ostalih, iz Slobodanove perspektive, je to što ona u njemu budi ljubav i želju za usavršavanjem samog sebe i razumevanje sveta u kojem živimo i kako on funkcioniše. U kratkim crtama, ninjutsu kao veština uključuje devet tradicionalnih škola ninjutsua od koje svaka uči ponešto, kao na primer goloruke borbe, borbe s više napadača, borbe

20 for you

sa štapovima, lancima, užetom, oštrica raznih dužina, skrivenim oružjem (specijalnim oružjem koje su ninje same za sebe dizajnirale). Tu su i razne borbene taktike poput prerušavanja, maskiranja, glume, mentalnih treninga, treninga u svim vremenskim uslovima. ˝Što više stvari naučim, vidim da je sve više stvari bitno, svaki segment ima svoje mesto u borbi i daje joj određeni smisao. Ninjutsu je meni dao dublji smisao “borbe” i ne gledam je više istim očima kao pre,˝ za Slobodana to nisu samo tehnike i taktike, već konstantno učenje. Posebnost ove veštine je u samom pristupu učenju, ninjutsu je drugačiji od nekih borilačih sportova jer nije takmičarskog tipa, cilj nije sama borba, cilj je znanje. Učenje i treniranje se bazira na shvatanju što je borba i kako se u njoj postaviti da bi došli do svoga cilja, a to je preživeti borbu. Vežbanjem ninjutsua se ne trenira samo snaga, brzina, izdržljivost i tehnike borbe već se uči sama priroda čoveka, uči se kakva smo mi ljudska bića te koliko smo sposobni učiniti, koliko možemo izdržati pa i naučiti.

O klubu i treninzima Trener Stanisavljević je jedan od prvih trenera ninjutsua na ovim prostorima, a njegov klub je ujedno i prvi klub u Lapljem Selu koji je počeo izučavati ninjutsu. Klub ima oko 30 aktivnih članova, koji vežbaju ninjutsu i oko 15-ro koji vežbaju Tajlandski boks dok ih je kroz klub „Shinobi Kosovo“ prošlo na stotine.


Uobičajeni trening ninjutsua se sastoji od zagrejavanja,

istezanja, vežbi snage, nakon toga koordinaciski trening savladavanja prepreka i zadataka koje zadaje senseiučitelj. Posle toga počinje trening po grupama: početni i napredni. Početni rade na osnovnim tehnikama padova, stavova, udaračkih tehnika i početnih poluga dok napredni rade slične stvari samo sa oružjem, ili više segmenata borbe koje treba znati povezati u jednu određenu tehniku, a to zahteva veću veštinu i znanje. Trener Stanisavljević naglasuje kako su treninzi naporni i fizički i psihički, jer nemaju svi ljudi isti nivo znanja i izdržljivosti. Nekima je fizički teško podneti sve, a neki koji ne razumeju osnovne elemente borbe, doživljavaju trening psihički teškim jer je potrebna velika koncentracija te kontrola vlastitog tela da bi se mogle izvesti određene tehnike i zadaci. ˝Uspeh koji mi je ninjutsu pružio mogao bi opisati na razne načine, pomogao mi je u shvatanju mnogih stvari i ljudi. Sada znam kako ljudsko telo funcioniše, kako ga čuvati, kako mu zadati bol, kako se nositi sa izazovima života. Ninjutsu me je naučio dosta stvari, i još me uči, još nisam gotov i još uvek me zanima kako sve funkcioniše,˝ mislimo da bolje pozivnice da se okušate o ovoj veštini od trenerovih reči nema. Na kraju našeg razgovora, trener Slobodan Stanisavljević, svim mladima na Kosovu poručuje: “Bavite se što više sportom, maknite se ulice, kompjutera i tih nekih stvari koje u životu neće Vam ništa služiti i od kojih nećete imati nikakve koristi. Idite kroz život rečima ove stare poslovice: “Pazite na svoje misli - one postaju vaše reči, pazite na svoje reči - one postaju vaša dela, pazite na vaša dela - one postaju vaše navike, pazite na vaše navike - one postaju vaš karakter’’.

sports corner


Coach Stanisavljević is one of the first coaches of ninjutsu in this region, and his team is the first club in Laplje Selo that began to teach ninjutsu. The club has about 30 active members who practice ninjutsu and about 15 who practice Thai boxing, while hundreds have already passed through the club “Shinobi Kosovo”.



hen thinking about sports, most people remeber those that are the most common ones, like basketball, handball or soccer. We are not even aware of the number of sports that are not so popular and well known but make us better persons by strenghtening our character, spirit and body. One of such sports, or better said skills, is ninjutsu. Unlike other martial arts, it teaches an individual, it provides him/her with knowledge of life, and it is not solely competitive. “Ninjutsu is not just a sport, once you get to know it you realize there is much more,” said coach of Ninjutsu Club “Shinobi Kosovo” (Laplje Selo), Mr. Slobodan Stanisavljevic, who explained the details of the martial art. He says that he was always interested in all sports, and the most in martial arts. It all started with testing his own abilities and training in a variety of moves from various martial arts at home, and after a while he tried to train at the club, with his friends.˝

more things that are important, each segment has its place in the fighting/combat and gives it a specific meaning. Ninjutsu has given me a deeper meaning of “fight” and I do not see it the same as before.” These are not only technique and tactics for Slobodan, but constant learning. The specificity of this art is in the approach to the learning, ninjutsu is different from some other martial arts because it is not a competitive type, the aim is not the fight-

Particularities of ninjutsu

What makes this martial art different from other martial arts, in Slobodan’s view, is that it inspires in him love and desire for self-improvement and understanding of the world in which we live and the ways it it works. In short, the art of ninjutsu includes nine traditional schools of ninjutsu and each teaches something, such as unarmed combat, fighting off multiple attackers, fighting with sticks, chains, rope, blades of various lengths, hidden weapons (special weapons that the ninjas themselves have designed). There are also a variety of combat tactics such as disguise, camouflage, acting, mental training, training in all weather conditions. “The more things I learn, I find more and

ing itself; the goal is knowledge. Learning and training is based on the understanding of what is fighting and how to position ourselves in order to reach our goal, which is to survive the fight. By practicing ninjutsu one doesn’t only train strength, speed, stamina and fighting techniques, it also teaches us about the very nature of man, about what we are like as human beings, and how much we are able to do, what we can endure and even learn.

The usual practice of ninjutsu consists of warming up, stretching, strength training, then coordination training of overcoming obstacles and tasks specified by the sensei master. After that, the training in groups begins: beginners and advanced. The beginners work on basic techniques of falls, postures, hitting techniques and initial levers, while the advanced students are doing similar things only with guns, or more segments of fighting that need to be connected to one specific technique, which requires greater skill and knowledge. Coach Stanisavljević emphasizes how trainings are strenuous both physically and mentally, because not everyone has the same level of knowledge and endurance. Some find physically difficult all of it, and some who do not understand the basic elements of combat, find the training to be mentally tough because it requires great concentration and control of their own bodies in order to be able to perform certain techniques and tasks. “The success that my ninjutsu provided me with could be described in many ways; it helped me in understanding many things and people. Now I know how the human body functions, how to protect it and how to inflict pain, how to deal with the challenges of life. Ninjutsu taught me many things, and still teaches me, I have not yet finished and I’m still interested in how everything works,” and we think there is no better invitation to try this martial art than the coach’s words. At the end of our conversation, coach Slobodan Stanisavljevic, says to all young people in Kosovo: “be engaged in sports as much as you can, get away from the street, computers, and some things alike that will not be of any use to you in life. Go through life following the words of the old proverb: “Watch your thoughts - they become your words, watch your words - they become your actions, watch your actions - they become your habits, watch your habits - they become your character.”

for you 21

Hi - Tech

LUKSUZNI AUTOMOBILI KOJI NUDE ZANIMLJIVE FUNKCIJE VISOKE TEHNOLOGIJE Luksuzni automobili nisu samo uzor za klasu i stil - oni se često koriste kao test poligon od strane proizvođača automobila koji žele da uvedu potpuno nove tehnologije i mogućnosti na tržištu. Hajde da pogledamo luksuzne automobile koji nude zanimljive funkcije visoke tehnologije.

2012 Acura TL: Kontrola temperature povezana sa GPS-om


vuči kao nešto iz naučne fantastike: sistem kontrole klime koji komunicira sa GPS satelitom koji orbitira iznad glave kako bi pratio položaj vozila u odnosu na sunce. Zauzvrat, ove informacije se koriste da bi osunčane strane putničkog prostora bile hladne kao i one u senci, obezbeđujući tako uravnoteženu temperaturu unutar vozila.

2011 Volvo S80: Lični auto komunikator sa senzorom otkucaja srca


ična bezbednost nema isto značenje za sve ljude i prema mišljenju kompanije VOLVO, rukovodioci koji su ciljno tržište za 2011 Volvo S80 sedan, imaju opravdan strah od otmice ili napada na izolovanim parkiralištima ili garažama. Kao rezultat toga, Volvo je instalirao senzor otkucaja srca unutar Volvo-a S80 koji može da detektuje da li se osoba krije u vozilu. Ova informacija se zatim prenosi na Volvo-ov lični auto komunikator, upozoravajući vlasnika vozila o potencijalnim opasnostima pre nego otvore vrata vozila.

2012 Mercedes-Benz S-Klasa: Asistent za održavanje pažnje


ak i najmarljiviji vozač može se naći u situaciji kada mu koncentracija odluta tokom dugog putovanja, posebno tokom noćnih sati kada se čini da se pejzaž spaja u neprekidnoj crnoj mrlji koja se zatvara duž ivice autoputa. 2012 Mercedes-Benz S-Klase nudi funkciju ‘pomoć za održavanje pažnje’ koja je dizajnirana da otkrije kada vozač prikazuje ponašanje koje bi moglo da ukaže da je ili zaspao ili da je preusmerio svoju pažnju sa puta. Asistent za održavanje pažnje u tom slučaju pušta niz audio i video uputstava koja su dizajnirana da skrenu pažnju - i um - natrag na obavljanje zadatka pri ruci i da drži sve putnike u vozilu dalje od pospanosti od koje podilaze žmarci.

2012 Acura TL: GPSlinked Temperature Control


t sounds like something out of science-fiction: a climate control system that communicates with a GPS satellite orbiting overhead in order to track a vehicle’s position relative to the sun. In turn, this information is used to keep sunnier sides of the passenger compartment as cool as those in the shade, ensuring a balanced temperature inside the vehicle.

2011 Volvo S80: Personal Car Communicator with Heartbeat Sensor


ersonal security means different things to different people, and according to Volvo the executives who are the target market for the 2011 Volvo S80 sedan have a legitimate fear of being kidnapped or assaulted in isolated parking lots or garages. As a result, Volvo has installed a heartbeat sensor inside the Volvo S80 that can detect whether a person is hiding in the vehicle. This information is then transmitted to the Volvo Personal Car Communicator, warning owners of the potential danger before they open the door.

2012 Mercedes-Benz S-Class: Attention Assist


ven the most diligent driver can find their concentration drifting on a long road trip, especially during the nighttime hours when the scenery seems to merge into a continual black smear zipping along the edge of the highway. The 2012 Mercedes-Benz S-Class offers an Attention Assist feature that is designed to detect when the sedan’s pilot is displaying behavior that could indicate that they are either falling asleep or diverting their attention from the road ahead. Attention Assist deploys a series of audio and visual prompts that are designed to draw the eye - and the mind - back to the task at hand and keep all vehicle occupants safe from creeping drowsiness. (Izvor:

22 for you

Hi - Tech

LUXURY CARS THAT OFFER INTRIGUING HIGH TECH FEATURES Luxury cars aren’t just paragons of class and style - they’re also frequently used as test beds by automakers looking to introduce brand new technologies and features to the market. Let’s take a look at luxury cars that offer intriguing high tech features.

2012 Lexus LS: Napredni sistem navođenja parkiranja


aralelno parkiranje može predstavljati veliku gnjavažu, posebno u sedanu sa dugim međuosovinskim rastojanjem. 2012 Lexus LS je opremljen naprednim sistemom navođenja parkiranja, koji nudi gotovo u potpunosti automatizovano paralelno parkiranje. Vozači samo moraju da se postave ispred mesta koje su izabrali, poravnaju automobil u skladu sa raspoloživim prostorom unakrsnog sistema za navigaciju na ekranu i uključe ovu funkciju. Napredni sistem navođenja parkiranja preuzima upravljanje i vodi Lexus LS uz

2011 BMW 7 Serija: Noćno osmatranje sa detekcijom pešaka


oćna vožnja može predstavljati stresno iskustvo, posebno na nepoznatim seoskim putevima gde nagle krivine ili divlje životinje se ne mogu videti, koje vrebaju u mraku. 2011 BMW 7 Serija pomaže da se ublaže uslovi vožnje u mrklom mraku sa funkcijom BMW Noćno osmatranje, koja integriše infracrvenu kameru sa navigacijom na ekranu vozila kako bi se obezbedio jasan pogled na put. Tehnologija detekcije pešaka, u paketu sa sistemom za noćno osmatranje je takođe u stanju da detektuje stvorenja i ljude koji se nalaze sa strane kolovoza i da vozaču pošalje upozorenje putem instrument table ili displeja.

2012 Buick LaCrosse: Sistem upozorenja na mrtvi ugao


eliki automobili obično imaju širi mrtvi ugao od svojih manjih rođaka, a 2012 Buick LaCrosse limuzina nije izuzetak. U cilju pomoći da se smanje šanse nesreće izazvane mrtvim uglom, LaCrosse dolazi sa sistemom upozorenja za mrtvi ugao koji koristi sonar talase da prati saobraćaj sa obe strane automobila. Ukoliko je neko vozilo primećeno, mala ikona zasvetli na spoljašnjem retrovizoru, dajući upozorenje da bi promena trake bila nepromišljen potez sve dok područje nije sasvim čisto. Sistem je veoma osetljiv, što mu omogućava da detektuje bicikliste i pešake isto kao i automobile.

ivičnjak, oslanjajući se na vozača samo u tome da on reguliše brzinu kretanja pomoću kočnice.

2012 Lexus LS: Advanced Parking Guidance System


arallel parking can be a major hassle, especially in a sedan with a long wheelbase. The 2012 Lexus LS flagship has been outfitted with the Advanced Parking Guidance System, which offers almost completely automated parallel parking. Drivers simply have to pull ahead of the spot they have selected, line up the car with the space available using the system’s crosshairs on the navigation display, and engage the feature. The Advanced Parking Guidance System takes over the steering and guides the Lexus LS alongside the curb, relying on the driver only to regulate its speed by using the brake.

2011 BMW 7 Series: Night Vision with Pedestrian Detection


riving at night can be a stressful experience, especially on unfamiliar rural roads where sudden curves or wild animals could be lurking unseen in the darkness. The 2011 BMW 7 Series helps to mitigate pitch black driving conditions with the BMW Night Vision feature, which integrates an infrared camera with the vehicle’s navigation display in order to provide a clear view of the road ahead. Pedestrian Detection technology, bundled with the Night Vision system is also capable of detecting both creatures and people positioned to the side of the roadway, and provides an alert via both the dash and the head-up display.

2012 Buick LaCrosse: Blind Spot Warning System


arge cars typically have more extensive blind spots than their smaller cousins, and the 2012 Buick LaCrosse sedan is no exception. In order to help reduce the chance of a blind spotrelated accident, the LaCrosse comes with a Blind Spot Warning System that uses sonar waves to keep track of traffic located on both sides of the automobile. Should a vehicle be detected a small icon illuminates on the exterior mirror, providing a warning that a lane change would be ill-advised until the area is all clear. The system is quite sensitive, allowing it to pick up cyclists and pedestrians as well as automobiles. (Source:

for you 23

Kosova. Priča o uspehu se tu ne zaustavlja. Kroz aktivnosti CIMIC-a (civilnovojna saradnja), KFOR je investirao stotine i hiljade evra u različite vidove društvenog života, kao što su poboljšanje puteva i infrastrukture u različitim opštinama, izgradnja i obnova velikog broja školskih igrališta i sportskih objekata, kao i zdravstvenih ustanova. CIMIC je donirao neophodnu opremu lokalnim bolnicama, klinikama, školama itd. KFOR je takođe investirao u renoviranje i obnovu velikog broja škola i na taj način realizovao jednu od najznačajnijih investicija u


vremena na vreme, mi kao ljudska bića moramo da napravimo pauzu i temeljno proanaliziramo naše dosadašnje napore i aktivnosti kako bismo utvrdili da li smo na pravom putu, i stekli jasniju sliku o tome kuda idemo, a zatim nastavimo dalje. Međutim, nisu samo pojedinci ti koji treba da se pozabave ovakvom sveobuhvatnom analizom, već i društvene organizacije kao što su preduzeća, vladine institucije, kao i mirovne misije poput KFOR-a na Kosovu. Ono što zaista želimo da saznamo kroz jednu takvu analizu jeste da li je određena osoba ili organizacija bila uspešna tokom određenog vremenskog perioda ili ne. Kada se osvrnemo na proteklih šesnaest godina tokom kojih je KFOR aktivan na Kosovu, najvažnija stvar koju ćete primetiti jeste da je tokom ovog perioda KFOR uspeo da obezbedi sigurno i bezbedno okruženje na Kosovu. Ovo je postignuto zahvaljujući neprekidnom zalaganju hiljadama vojnika, muškaraca i žena koji su napustili svoje domove i porodice kako bi služili i dali svoj doprinos ovde na Kosovu. Za sve to vreme, ovi muškarci i žene koji

24 for you

služe u sklopu KFOR-a su izvršavali svoje dužnosti sa visokim profesionalizmom, jakom odlučnošću i posvećenošću. Na taj način su postigli da KFOR postane simbol poverenja, profesionalizma, nepristrasnosti i podrške za stanovništvo Kosova. U skladu sa tim, vojnici KFOR-a su dobrodošli dok nastavljaju da obavljaju svoje svakodnevne zadatke i da budu prisutni na čitavoj teritoriji Kosova, od Leposavića do Dragaša, i od Peći do Podujeva i Gnjilana. Međutim, ne treba da izgubimo iz vida da iako je primarni zadatak KFOR-a da obezbedi bezbedno i sigurno okruženje, to ne znači da je to njihov jedini zadatak. Zapravo, KFOR je proširio svoje već rasprostranjene aktivnosti na čitavu teritoriju

obrazovanje i unapređenje budućih generacija. KFOR je takođe fokusiran na ženska prava, jer one imaju veliki uticaj na poboljšanje položaja porodice na Kosovu. KFOR takođe kontinuirano podržava i finansira mnoge projekte čija je svrha promocija ljudskih prava, međuetnička tolerancija i saradnja, u cilju stvaranja bolje budućnosti za sve ljude na Kosovu. Nakon svih ovih godina ispunjenih snažnim zalaganjem, napornim radom i saradnjom sa raznim domaćim i međunarodnim institucijama, kao i sa stanovništvom Kosova, KFOR može biti apsolutno ponosan na doslovno sve što je postigao. Zahvaljujući velikom angažovanju vojnika KFOR-a i naroda Kosova da obezbede napredak i izgrade još veću međusobnu povezanost, KFOR mora da izvrši nove pozitivne izmene u svom pristupu. Ove promene zahtevaju takođe i od građana Kosova da nastave da naporno i odgovorno rade da bi izgradili bolju budućnost za nas same i za buduće generacije.

(Civilian Military Cooperation) activities, KFOR has invested hundreds and thousands of Euros in different aspects of social life, such as the improvement of roads and infrastructure in different municipalities, the construction and reconstruction of many school playgrounds, sports facilities, and health care facilities. CIMIC has donated necessary equipment to local hospitals, clinics, schools, etc. KFOR has also invested in the renovation and reconstruction of many schools and has thereby managed to make one of the most important investments in the education and advancement of future


rom time to time, as human beings, we have to stop for a while and thoroughly analyse our previous efforts and activities in order to understand whether we are on the right path, to gain a clearer image of where we are heading, and to move further. It is not only individuals who have to pass through this comprehensive analysis, but also social organizations such as business activities, governing institutions as well as peacekeeping missions, such as KFOR in Kosovo. When we carry out such an analysis, what we really want to find out is whether a certain person or organization has been successful during a certain period of time or not. If we take a look at the past sixteen years or so, the time during which KFOR has been active in Kosovo, the most important thing we will notice is that during this time KFOR has managed to provide a safe and secure environment in Kosovo. This has been achieved thanks to the continuous commitment of hundreds and thousands of servicemen and servicewomen who have left their homes and families to serve and contribute here in Kosovo. During all this time, these servicemen and servicewomen have been

generations. KFOR has also focused on female issues because women have a big impact in improving the situation for families in Kosovo. KFOR has also continuously supported and financed lots of projects, which aim to promote human rights, interethnic tolerance and cooperation in order to provide a better future for all the people in Kosovo. After all these years of strong commitment, hard work and cooperation with various local and international institutions as well as the residents of Kosovo, KFOR can definitely be proud of all of its achievements, in a very literal sense of the word. Thanks to the strong commitment of KFOR troops and the people of Kosovo to ensure progress and build a stronger cohesive relationship, new adjustments in a positive direction needs to be made in the KFOR approach. These changes also require for the citizens of Kosovo to continue to work hard for our responsibility in building a better future for ourselves and future generations.

carrying out their duties with a high level of professionalism, strong determination and commitment. Thus they have managed to make KFOR a symbol of trust, professionalism, impartiality and support for the people in Kosovo. It follows that KFOR soldiers are made welcome as they continue to carry out their daily tasks and be present throughout Kosovo, from Leposaviq/Leposavic to Dragash/Dragas, from PejÍ/ Pec to PodujevÍ/Podujevo and Gjilan/Gnjilane. We should not forget, however, that even though KFOR’s primary task is to ensure a safe and secure environment, it does not mean that this has been the only one. As a matter of fact, KFOR has extended its already widespread activities throughout Kosovo. The success story does not end here. Through CIMIC

foryou you 25 13 for

Vaš domacin - Zoran R

adio je nastao prvenstveno kao informator, a tek posle toga kao zabava. Radijske informacije su jednostavne, što je i razlog njihove prihvatljivosti za većinu slušalaca. Pogotovo treba imati na umu da se radio trenutno sluša uz neki drugi posao: dok se vozi, doručkuje, radi po kući. Stoga nije uopšte čudno zašto je važno za sve radio stanice da imaju dobre voditelje emisija. Idealan voditelj je spona između radija i slušatelja, on je domaćin, animator, intervjuist, interpretator različitih tekstova, ujedinitelj raznolikih priloga, ravnopravan sagovornik, čovek koji stimulira sagovornika da saopšti novost. Zoran Popović je jedan od voditelja Radio KFOR-a koji od februara 2004. godine zabavlja i informiše slušaoce ovog radija. U vezi njegove profesije g.Popović, naglašava da se može reći da je njegova karijera počela još u osnovnoj školi. „Naravno, da nisam bio toga svestan, ali sam često učestvovao u recitacijama, glumačkim sekcijama i kao voditelj programa školskih proslava. Kasnije sam snimao reklame i oglase i pozajmljivao glas za emisije jedne lokalne radio stanice dok konačno nisam počeo samostalno da vodim program. Za ovaj posao ne postoji posebna škola. Ipak potrebno je da voditelji ispune određene uslove, a to su pre svega talenat, komunikativnost, energičnost, spontanost. Visoko obrazovanje,

26 for you

različiti kursevi i treninzi mogu samo da pomognu voditeljima da budu uspešniji u svom poslu,” rekao je g.Popović. Druga, veoma posebna karakteristika profesije radio voditelja, prema g.Popoviću, je muzika, zato što popravlja raspoloženje i pomaže u obavljanju ovog posla. Dok je prednost Radio KFOR-a da je to jedna savremena radio stanica, a program je zabavnog karaktera. Zato voditelji mogu da budu opušteni, spontani i zabavni. Uz to, voditelji obavljaju i posao tonaca (Dj-eva), odnosno sami vode program i sami puštaju muziku tačnije rade uključenja uživo, što nije slučaj u drugim radio stanicama. A kad je reč o novinarstvu onda radio novinarstvo i ne razlikuje se mnogo od onog u štampi ili televiziji. To su slična zanimanja i u velikoj meri su obaveze iste. Zadatak je pravovremeno obaveštavanje onih koji prate vaš medij. Priprema emisija ili novinskih članaka, prikupljanje informacija, istraživanje, sve su to procesi koje moraju da prođu novi-

nari ili voditelji kako bi što kvalitetnije odradili emisiju ili napisali članke. Razlikuje se samo način prezentovanja informacija. Na kraju g.Popović je imao sledeću poruku za sve čitaoce magazina For You: „Ovo je prava profesija za one koji žele da budu informisani o svemu, da stalno dolaze do novih saznanja, da svakog dana nauče nešto novo. Mladima bih poručio da veruju u sebe, u talenat koji imaju i da kroz školovanje nadograđuju svoje znanje koje će im pomoći da izgrade što bolje poslovne karijere. Ipak, da i u toj nameri budu umereni i da čuvaju porodicu i prave prijatelje jer se do njih danas teško dolazi.“


Your host - Zoran

adio was created primarily as an information tool, and only after that as fun. Radio information is simple, which is the reason of their acceptability for most listeners. Especially should be borne in mind that the radio is currently listened to with some other work in progress: while driving, during breakfast, working around the house. So it is not any wonder why it is important for all radio stations to have good show host. The ideal host is a link between the radio and the listener; he is the host, animator, interviewer, interpreter of the various texts, the unifier of diverse contributions, equal interlocutor and the man who stimulates interviewees to tell the news. Zoran Popović is one of the show hosts of Radio KFOR who as of February 2004 entertains and informs listeners of this radio. Regarding his profession Mr. Popović emphasizes that it can be said that his career began back in elementary school. “Of course, I was not aware of this, but I often participated in recitals, acting sections and I was leading programs of school celebrations. Later, I was shooting commercials and ads and provided voice for emissions of a local radio station until I finally started to run my own program. For this work there is no specific school. However it is necessary that show host fulfills certain conditions, which are primarily talent, communication, energy, spontaneity. Higher education, different courses and training can only help show hosts to be more

successful in their work” said Mr. Popović. Another, very special feature of a radio host, according to Mr. Popović, is the music, because it improves mood and helps in performing this job. While the advantage of Radio KFOR is that it is a modern radio station and the program is of entertaining character. Therefore radio hosts can be relaxed, spontaneous and entertaining. In addition, hosts perform a job of sound engineer (DJ), that is, they run the program and play music, and precisely they perform live feed, which is not the case in other radio stations. And when it comes to journalism, radio journalism is not much different from that in the press or television. These are similar occupations and are largely the same obligations. The task is timely informing those who follow your media. Preparations of

show or newspaper articles, information gathering, and research... all these are processes that journalists or hosts must undergo in order to perform the show or write articles in higher quality. It differs only the way of presenting information. In the end, Mr. Popović had the following message for all readers of For You, “This is the right profession for those who want to be informed about everything, to constantly come up with new knowledge, to learn something new every day. To young people I would say to believe in themselves, in the talent they have and that through the education they build on their knowledge which will help them to build a better business career. However, in this intention they should be moderate and they should preserve family and real friends because today they are hard to find.”

for you 27


po{tov an jaka, b je ljudi koji s esku}n u ika, inv druga~iji (pr naroda os alida, iz druge beglica v po{tov ), anje m ere i druge b oje i{lj da su o na ta~n enja drugih lj ko`e, udi - b njihovih a ili ne ada po nu ilo - kao i prava {tujem TOLER u razvoju. p i T o{tova o O o b L a d E v ecu ANCIJ R e z nje A a N . CIJA je A jedni d kulture osnova ruge. M je kada uva . T o `avam zna~ o ljud se zov druge o e Kristi ja drugarica vere, b i po{tovati p ske iz odelj na i Ro da to n ripadn it i p lj o u magati b enja mk em ike svima. azan prema joj pom a veze. Ja i inja je i ja mis v o svima, T , oleran ljubav a`emo moje d lim cija je prema rugaric na ~ Nadam ponizil drugar e e i mno asu, nikada se da } roditeljima, je rodbin stg g e o nam la do{la u n u is v n s m v a i. etu za o re je n pa ba{ nij ~ biti toleran TOLER a{e odeljenje drago {to je e tako. cija, ia r godina ANCIJ . ko sad TO L E R A je ka vidimo a to A da sta ka, rod NCIJA je po vo}a, a ricu kako no {etamo i { it to e s mi joj p lja, sta i vanje Ja bih ri|emo punu korpu joj. prepor rijih, ali i mla nastavnii pomo u |ih ~ antni, d gnemo ila svim TO L E R a ne b a da b od nas. ANCIJ i ud n b ismo s ilo sva A stane n vi jeda |e i bit u tolera nosi} je kada mi o n k s e. v n s TO L E e ljude ,an arod a . treba p Ipak, jka pog RANCIJA je e ujede me. T O o{tova LERAN leda dr kada m ti CIJA je ugog, o a ja m d e i ali voli k m v a o d u a o neko I onda samo m ljude, b prostimo. K joj e ada vo zgre{i, ez obz TOLER ja ne zamerim ne. limo s ir N a au~io s koje su ANCIJ am da nacion ve A je ka … roditelj d b a alnosti i svako budem da i op zbog lo roste detetu TOLER o tolerantni. ga dana treb . {e oce ali A ne. TO L E R mi{ljen NCIJA je prih ja ljudi, ANCIJ v a titi ra A je pogled r navijam e na sv azli~ita shva zli~ita za “Crv kada tanja e n t, Zvezdu amern enu pra{ta e ”, ti ljudim i sva|ati gre{ke, ne ni{ta ru a ne ka`em a nes `n starijim e sa tizan” ( o za “Para . fudbals zna~i b Tolerancija ki klubov iti kultu i iz Beo ran. grada, ve~iti r iva Razmi{ TOLER li). lj A u~enik anja kada p NCIJA je a o{tujem O. [. “ o znak “Z Sta ABRAN B a~anin na NO PU JE[E iz Le{ ” TO L E R N J E ” . ka o to ANCIJ leranc A iji je prihvatanje i

28 for you

of the d a t io n n u o f e is t h e that w ANCE to means TO L E R u lt u r e . T h is h e r r e li g io n , e . t c n o o n f y a r o ve ers hum h e lp e t h e memb o t t c , e e p n res eryo e for ip , lo v few d to ev b e k in e is f r ie n d s h p e t h a t in a c o n w il l .Ih To le r a la t iv e s d in t h e w o r ld t h e e r , s t paren is n o t in w o r t h e m a lt h o u g h t h is a years rance, chb e To le t n o w. the tea er r o f il t h c h c t ig ung spe case r respec E is r e o ld e r a n d y o o n e e C w N n A e is w h TO L E R n t s , p e o p le e n d t o e v e r y ANCE ach . l re m TO L E R d is a b il it ie s w e r e s p e c t e , ers, pa I can recom e any quarre h s it n s . b e w t s la h o o n u c t w n ot is dre re me than a r a n t . N h e le s s w e a ANCE the sa m R le o m o E t o R L r f e TO e is nd to b vert u ld and sh M y f r ie t le . N e io n - w e s h o o t h e r. e is K r is t in a e s n ’t m a t t e r. nd bat t a a n m same the t h is d o her na a ll t h e o p le . h e r in eone k that lp e e in h w h t t a ll p e e n som d I c e n w e h a , p s , w s r and d e e r f o r g iv e C E is y f r ie n il ia t e h la s s . ERAN take, and we e c L r I and m never hum O u T o we a m is e a ll t h ame to nd we c la s s , m a k e s w h e n w e lo v e ir n a t io n a lt s h e c n w e w a lk a h a h t d it th ’s a r e g la N C E is w h e b a g f il le d w o u ld tter of h im . I t A a no ma d that we sh h e r. , lp le e p h o TO L E R ld la d y w it h e o pe o h her t e le a r n d a y. ds ent . I hav pproac a wasp stan see an y ry a it e e v e w t d iff e r t p d n e n n a nd c e a r . c h , e a le it to is w fru gm in g s a be to C E is rstand ANCE n ’t s t in r ie n d N e s R A d e E R n o L u E d t TO nd TO L y g ir lf iff e r e n ly nose a w h e n m s t il l lo v e s o n io n s , d w o r ld , t o f o r in is on my p o E C t N e u h A t a b R n o y t bo ir u t TO L E v ie w s on the n o t h e r d f a u lt w it h … o r a le t p o a t o e t s no lo o k ’t f in rent f g iv e p akes, d I don n a pa d m is t r p e o p le . e . d e n m e . A n N C E is w h e d e t a e w gr A it h o ld be TO L E R c h il d f o r a lo I s u p p o r t f ig h t w e m e a n s t o y a is s n h c e I n s h d a e w r n iv a is g To le da”, ANCE d. out a Zvez TO L E R c u lt u r e “ C r v e n t h in g b a d a b a ll o b n ot f the an” (fo ghts o “ P a r t iz m B e lg r a d e , u o h T ro of c lu b s f g e s t r iv a ls ) . pupils school ig b o is y tw r E a C m AN in” Pri Bacan ut TO L E R r e s p e c t a n a t S o e “ b w a n sak whe “NO om Le r f n ig s the nce To l e r a ING”. S M O K C E is a c AN TO L E R n d r e s p e c t ga c e p t in p le w h o a r e o in g p e t h e n u s nt d iff e r e , h o m e le s s rs a g a b il i(beg w it h d is e n t le r peop e o f d iff , p e o p le e s ) , w h o a r e e n t c o lo r o f f fuge d iff e r io n s o t ie s , r e a n d h a v e a e o p in y h t , n g io in r e li g e the spect tter ar k in , r e t h e ir s o p le - n o m a s a e o t h e r p ls e - a s w e ll a f t r true o e ir r ig h t in g t h r e s p e c a t io n s . li g and ob


for you 29

30 for you

Pisma citalaca v

Zdravo, Dragana Mirković mi je najomiljenija pevačica sa ovih prostora. Jednostavno je najbolja u svakom pogledu. Najviše bih se obradovala kada bih u narednom broju časopisa For You ugledala njen poster. Moj omiljeni glumac je legendarni Radoš Bajić. U slobodno vreme najviše volim da gledam TV i igram košarku. Marijana Lešević Poljoprivredna škola - Lešak

Ćao, Mnogo volim da gledam filmove, gde bih posebno pomenula „Titanik“, u koji smo svi zaljubljeni. To je film koji možete gledati i do deset puta, a da vam jednostavno nikada ne dosadi. Glumicu koju bih posebno pomenula je Angelina Jolie. Najbolji muzički bend koji obožavam je Dubioza kolektiv. Kristina Simonović Poljoprivredna škola - Lešak Poštovani, Obzirom da je naš Nole svetski prvak u tenisu, nekako je i logično da svi mi mladi volimo i podržavamo

taj sport. Volela bih da u narednom broju bude poster Novaka Đokovića. Međutim, kada je muzika u pitanju, najviše volim da slušam Tropico Band. Miljana Aksentijević Poljoprivredna škola - Lešak Najdraži, Pre svega, voleo bih da naglasim da ste najbolji !!! U slobodno vreme ja mnogo volim da igram fudbal ili da čitam knjige. Naravno, volim i da slušam muziku, a posebno Beogradski Sindikat. Rado bih želeo u narednom broju poster grupe Beogradski Sindikat. Marko Stefanović Poljoprivredna škola - Lešak Ćao! Ja sam Vladinka i sve vas

pozdravljam. U slobodno vreme volim da šetam sa svojim drugaricama jer se tako sjajno provodimo. Košarka i odbojka su mi omiljeni sportovi, a Angelina Jolie ubedljivo najomiljenija glumica. Volela bih da u vašem magazinu vidim poster Cece Ražnatović, koja mi je omiljena pevačica. Vladinka Spasojević Poljoprivredna škola - Lešak


Pozdrav! U slobodno vreme najviše volim da slušam muziku. Pevačica koja mi se trenutno najviše dopada je Marija Šerifović. Ona je ujedno i dobra osoba, kao i dobro vaspitana devojka koja svima može služiti kao

primer. Takođe, volim da gledam filmove, a omiljena glumica je Angelina Jolie. Ajsela Ejupović Poljoprivredna škola - Lešak

for you 31

Readers’ letters

Hello, Dragana Mirković is my favorite regional singer. She is simply the best in every way. I would be most happy to find her poster in the next issue of the For You magazine. My favorite actor is the legendary Radoš Bajić. My favorite leisure time activities are watching TV and playing basketball. Marijana Lešević Agricultural High School Lešak

Greetings! My favorite free time activity is listening to music. The singer I like the most for the moment is Marija Šerifović. She is also a nice person, and a wellmannered girl that everyone can have as a role-model. I also like to watch movies and my favorite actress is

Angelina Jolie. Ajsela Ejupović Agricultural High School Lešak

Hi, I love to watch movies, and I would single out “Titanic,” a movie we’re all in love with. It’s a film you can watch up to ten times, and you just never get tired of it. The actress I would mention in particular is Angelina Jolie. The best music band which I absolutely worship is Dubioza kolektiv. Kristina Simonović Agricultural High School Lešak Dear all, Given that our Nole is the world tennis champion, it’s kind of logical that all of us young people love and support this sport. I would

like you to publish a poster of Novak Đoković in your next issue. But when it comes to music, Tropico Band is my favorite. Miljana Aksentijević Agricultural High School Lešak Dearest, First of all, I would like to stress out that you are the best!!! In my free time, I love to play soccer or read books. Of course, I also like to listen to music, especially Beogradski Sindikat. I would be happy to get a poster of this band in your next issue. Marko Stefanović Agricultural High School Lešak Hi! My name is Vladinka and I’d like to greet you all. In my

free time I like to take a walk with my girlfriends because we have such a great time together. My favorite sports are basketball and volleyball, and Angelina Jolie is by far my favorite actress. I’d like to see a poster of my favorite singer Ceca Ražnatovic in your magazine. Vladinka Spasojević Agricultural High School Lešak


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