UVODNIK Zdravo naši dragi čitaoci! Ponovo se srećemo ovog meseca nadajući se da će vas ovo najnovije izdanje vašeg omiljenog magazina naći u dobrom zdravlju. Kao i obično, posebno za vas smo pripremili mnoge nove i zanimljive članke i sada ćemo vam ih predstaviti: Ovog meseca smo posetili Osnovnu školu “Stana Bačanin” u Lešku. Tu smo saznali više o uspesima i dostignućima ove škole i takođe smo imali priliku da upoznamo nekoliko učenika ove škole. U modnoj rubrici možete saznati ko su bile najbolje obučene poznate ličnosti tokom Oskara 2016, a za ljubitelje muzike smo pripremili ekskluzivni intervju sa poznatom pevačicom Jelenom Rozgom. Ako želite da znate koji su najvažniji trenuci u njenom privatnom i profesionalnom životu, pogledajte rubriku o muzici. U životinjskom carstvu smo pisali o žirafi, kolibriju i impali. U rubrici „Moviemania“ ćete naći najnovije filmske produkcije. „Sportski ugao“ je ovog meseca posvećen nedavno preminuloj legendi modernog fudbala, Johan-u Cruyff-u. Koje su najbolje prvoaprilske šale sa kojima su se naši čitaoci našalili sa svojim prijateljima, tema je našeg upitnika. Kao i uvek pozivamo vas da obratite posebnu pažnju na socijalne teme ovog meseca, “Daj krv, budi heroj!” “Ruke pune milosti - poslednja nada stotine porodica u Peći” i “Kosovska policija nastavlja da ulaže napore protiv maloletničke delinkvencije i nasilja”. Takođe ćete naći najnovije hi-tech vesti i našu stranicu sa slagalicama, sve ovo samo za vas u najnovijem broju našeg časopisa. Pažljivo ga pročitajte, prelistajte stranice i naći ćete se u svetu snova. Zakazujem Vam naš sledeći sastanak u maju. Do tada, budite mi dobri. Leonora
“For You” je slu`bena publikacija KFOR-a, proizvedena i finansirana od strane KFOR-a. Štampa se na Kosovu i distribuira besplatno. Sadr`aj magazina ne odra`ava uvek stavove koalicije ili bilo koje zemlje ~lanice pojedina~no. KFOR prihvata i tra`i vaša mi{ljenja, neka od njih }e i objavljivati, verovatno u skra}enoj formi. Ako autor pisma tako `eli, njegovo/njeno ime ne}e biti objavljeno. KFOR ne}e objavljivati anonimna, maliciozna ili klevetni~ka pisma. Glavni urednik: Leonora Shabanaj Nik{i} Novinari: Ali Rexha, Asmir Nik{i} Fotografije: Ekipa “4U” Design & Layout: Bekim Shabani Uredni{tvo mo`ete kontaktirati na telefon: 038/503-603-2139 Pisma mo`ete slati na adresu: HQ KFOR - Kosova Film. “For You” magazin; Strasbourg Building; 10000 Pri{tina E-mail: leonorashabanaj@gmail.com; http://www.magazineforyou.com
2 for you
19 2-3: Uvodnik, sadr`aj 4-5: [kola meseca: Osnovna škola “Stana Ba} anin” - Le{ak; Kakve ste prvoaprilske šale priredili svojim prijateljima? 6-7: Ruke pune milosti - poslednja nada za stotine porodica u Pe}i 8-9: Fashion: Najbolje obu~ene glumice na dodeli Oskara 2016 10-11: Music Box: Jelena Rozga - “Kraljica ne`nog srca” 12-13: Daj krv, budi heroj! 14-15: @ivotinjsko carstvo: @ivotinje od A do @
16-17: Poster: Jelena Rozga 18-19: Moviemania: The Huntsman: Winter’s War; Ratchet & Clank; The Jungle Book; 20-21: Sportski ugao: Johan Cruyff - Otac modernog fudbala 22-23: Hi-Tech 24-25: Kosovska policija nastavlja sa svojim naporima u borbi protiv maloletni~ke delinkvencije i nasilja 26-27: RADIO KFOR 28-29: Va{ ugao ... 30: Enigmatski ugao 31-32: Pisma ~italaca
2-3: Editorial, index 4-5: School of the month: Primary school “Stana Bacanin” - Lesak Questionnaire: What prank did you play on your friend on April fool’s day? 6-7: Hands Full of Mercy - The Last Hope of Hundreds of Families in Peja 8-9: Fashion: The bestdressed actresses from the 2016 Oscars 10-11: Music Box: Jelena Rozga - queen of gentle heart 12-13: Give Blood, Be a Hero! 14-15: Animal Kingdom:
Animals from A-Z 16-17: Poster: Jelena Rozga 18-19: Moviemania: The Huntsman: Winter’s War; Ratchet & Clank; The Jungle Book; 20-21: Sports corner: Johan Cruyff - Father of the modern game 22-23: Hi-Tech 24-25: Kosovo Police Continues its Efforts Against Juvenile Delinquency and Violence 26-27: RADIO KFOR 28-29: Your corner ... 30: Puzzle 31-32: Reader’s letters
EDITORIAL Hello our dear readers! We meet again this month hoping that this latest edition of your favorite For You magazine will find you safe and sound. As usual, we have prepared many new and interesting articles especially for you. We present them further to you: This month we visited Elementary School “Stana Bacanin” in Lesak. There we learned about the successes and achievements of this school and we also had the opportunity to meet several students of this school. In the fashion column you can find out who were the best dressed celebrities during the Oscars 2016. For the music fans we have prepared the exclusive interview with famous singer Jelena Rozga. If you want to know what are the most important moments of her private and professional live, check out the music column. In the Animal Kingdom we write about the giraffe, humming bird and impala. In Moviemania, you will find the latest movie productions. This month’s sports corner column is dedicated to the recently deceased legend of modern football, Johan Cruyff. What is the best April fool’s day joke our readers have done to their friends on 1st of April, is the topic of our questionnaire. As always we also invite you to pay special attention to this month’s social topics “Give Blood, Be a Hero!”, “Hands Full of Mercy – The Last Hope of Hundreds of Families in Peja” and “Kosovo Police Continues its Efforts Against Juvenile Delinquency and Violence”. You will also find the latest hi-tech news and our puzzle page, all this for you in our latest issue of the magazine. Read carefully, browse the pages and you will find yourself in the world of your dreams. I look forward to our next appoint in May. Until then, stay well. Leonora
‘For You’ is an official publication of KFOR, produced and financed by KFOR, printed in Kosovo and distributed freely.The contents do not necessarily reflect the official point of view of the coalition or that of any of its member states. KFOR accepts and welcomes your opinions, it will publish some of these, eventually in a condensed form. If requested the name of the writer will be withheld but no anonymous, defamatory or malicious letters will be printed. Chief Editor: Leonora Shabanaj Niksic Journalists: Ali Rexha, Asmir Niksic Photos by: “4U” team Design & Layout: Bekim Shabani The editorial staff can be contacted on: 038/503-603-2139 Any letters can be sent at: HQ KFOR - Film City; For You magazine; Strasbourg building; 10000 Pristina; E-mail: magazineforyou2003@gmail.com; http://www.magazineforyou.com
for you 3
škola meseca
vde su deca jako dobra, mirna i lepo vaspitana. Imaju mnogo po{tovanja prema odraslima. Verujte mi, danas je prava sre}a imati i raditi sa tako lepom, zdravom i finom decom“, re~i su kojima direktor O[ „Stana Ba~anin” u Le{ku, Vidoje Milojevi}, po~inje ovaj razgovor. Prema njegovim re~ima, uspeh i rezultat le`e u radu, redu i disciplini. “To je na{ moto. Da bi ne{to funkcionisalo na pravi na~in, moraju postojati neka Direktor {kole pravila, kako u ku}i, tako i u {koli, i na Vidoje Milojevi} bilo kom drugom mestu”. Objasnio nam je i koliko je va`na osnovna {kola za jednog ~oveka; ukoliko dete ne savlada znanje u osnovnoj te{ko da }e ga savladati u srednjoj {koli. [to zna~i da je veoma bitan stru~an kadar, kao i uloga roditelja u obrazovanju dece. „Moramo se potruditi da nam {kole ne ostare, da nam deca dolaze u {kole svoje, a ne na{e mladosti. Njihove {kolske klupe koje su ispratile mnoge generacije, odolele su zubu vremena, i dana{njim u~enicima one su, iako ne moderne, najtoplije i najlep{e na svetu“. Mati~na {kola u Le{ku, zajedno sa {est izdvojenih odeljenja u okolnim selima, broji oko 390 u~enika. „Ova {kola je skromna i nenametljiva, karakteristi~na je po znanju i entuzijazmu u~enika. Jedino nam je jo{ potrebna oprema za kabinete, ali se iskreno nadam da }emo u budu}nosti biti {kola sa savremenim nastavnim u~ilima i metodama,“ rekao nam je direktor Milojevi}. [to se ti~e nastave, zastupljena je stru~na nastava sa profesorskim kadrom, po programu imaju sve aktivnosti sa obrazovnog aspekta, redovne ~asove, dodatnu i dopunsku nastavu, i razne sekcije. Saradnja, po{tovanje, razumevanje, dobar i profesionalan pristup, kakvi imaju nastavnici i sam
Uroš Mijatović (13) Odlučio sam da podvalim svojoj najboljoj drugarici Anđeli 1. april prošle godine. Tog dana smo imali matematiku i rečeno nam je da nastavnica planira da nam da pismeni zadatak, a svi znamo da pismeni zadaci iz matematike nisu nešto što učenici smatraju smešnim. Čim sam sreo Anđelu, reko sam joj da je nastavnica iz matematike bila veoma ljuta na nju i da je neće pustiti da radi pismeni i da joj je dala jedinicu. Ona se puno uplašila i brzo krenula ka uglu gde je stajala nastavnica iz matematike. Jedva sam uspeo da je uhvatim na ulazu u učionicu i reko joj ’aprililili’. Bila je ljuta na mene, ali mi je kasnije oprostila. Uros Mijatovic (13) I decided to prank my best friend Andjela on last April Fool’s Day. It was the day we had math and we were told that teacher was planning of having a test organised, and we all know that math tests are something that students don’t find them very amusing. As soon as I met Andjela, I told her that math teacher was very upset with her and that she would not let her attend the math test and that she graded her with F. She was so scared and headed quickly to the corner the math teacher was standing. I barely managed to catch her at the classroom entrance and told her that all this was an April Fool’s Day prank. She was upset with me but right afterwards she forgave me.
4 for you
direktor, prema u~enicima, a koji su odrazili i na tim na{eg ~asopisa tokom ove posete, samo potvr|uje izne{ene ~injenice. „Zahvaljuju}i dobrim nastavnicima i elanu u~enika, posti`emo zapa`ene rezultate na svim takmi~enjima, tako|e, imamo mnogo talentovanih |aka, pored ostalih predmeta, u muzi~kom i likovnom vaspitanju,“ istakao je direktor. Svake godine u {koli ni~u „U~enici generacije“, koji u daljem {kolovanju zadr`e ili oja~aju dobre rezultate. O tome ~esto pi{u u {kolskom listu u~enika „[kolarac“, koji izlazi dva puta godi{nje: na Savindan (januar) i Dan {kole (maj). ^asopis redovno prate noviteti, najlep{i literarni i likovni radovi, a obavezno ga prelistaju svi mladi i stari u okolini. Da itekako brinu o imid`u {kole i svesti u~enika, govore i ~este akcije „^i{}enje `ivotne sredine“. „S tom temom, tako|e, nagra|ujemo i najbolje eseje, ~ime stimuli{emo u~enike da odr`avaju svet oko nas, sade cve}e, ure|uju svoja dvori{ta i parkove, ulep{avaju u~ionice, kao i da vole svoju ~istu prirodu,“ kazao nam je gospodin Vidoje, a pritom je pomenuo, da imaju redovnu saradnju sa raznim NVO, koje ih u tim akcijama podr`avaju potrebnom opremom. „Uvek sam imao saradnju sa raznim organizacijama, kao i sa KFOR-om, i `elim uvek da imam saradnju sa svima njima. ^esto smo imali materijalnu podr{ku od svih njih, i jako sam zadovoljan po tom pitanju.“ Na kraju je gospodin Vidoje Milojevi} kazao slede}e: “Izuzetno je {to ovaj ~asopis “For You” toliko godina `ivi, i veoma je dobro {to su u njemu zastupljena i albanska i srpska populacija. Ovaj ~asopis, na neki na~in je most, jer spaja i decu i nas odrasle. Sam nobelovac Ivo Andri} je rekao: ‘Mostovi spajaju ljude’”.
Aleksandra Vukadinović (14) Ja sam odlučila da podvalim svojoj najboljoj drugarici Anji 1. april prošle godine. Srela sam je na putu do škole i rekla joj da škola ne radi tog dana. Bila je toliko sretna zbog tih vesti da je skrenula s puta i krenula nazad kući. Posle nekog vremena, odnosno kada je već bila blizu svoje kuće, pozvala sam je i rekla joj da je to bila prvoaprilska šala. Bila je jako ljuta na mene i samo je okrenula glavu i krenula u školu. Nije razgovarala sa mnom nekoliko dana, ali onda je shvatila da je sve to bila šala i da nema nikakvog razloga da bude ljuta na mene. Aleksandra Vukadinovic (14) I decided to prank my best friend Anja on last April Fool’s Day. I met her on the way to school and told her that school was off for that day. She was so happy with the news and deviated the road and headed home. After a while, respectively when she was close to her home, I phoned her and told her that it was an April Fool’s Day prank. She was very upset with me and she just turned her head and headed to school. She did not speak to me for couple of days, but then she realised that all this was a prank and she had no reason to be angry at me.
Anja Jovanović (14) Prošlogodišnju prvoaprilsku šalu je izveo moj otac i to je nešto što ću dugo pamtiti. Čim sam se probudila, otac mi je rekao da se spremim i odem do kola jer je odlučio da me povede sa sobom u posetu mojoj sestri. Bila sam presrećna i počela sam da se spremam brzinom svetlosti. Kada sam se spremila sišla sam dole i sela u auto. Posle nekog vremena, videla sam kako moj otac silazi niz stepenice sa velikim osmehom na licu i kaže: „Sad se polako vrati kući jer ne idemo nigde, aprilili.“ Anja Jovanovic (14) Last year’s April Fool’s prank was prepared by my father and it is something I will remember for a long time. As soon as I woke up, my father told me to get ready and go to the car because he decided to take me with him and go and pay a visit to my sister. I was overjoyed and started to get ready with light’s speed. Once I was all ready to leave, I went downstairs and waited at the car. After a while, I saw my father coming down with a big smile on his face and calmly saying the following line: “Now slowly turn back and let’s go home because we aren’t going anywhere today. This was simply an April Fool’s Day prank.
school of the month
he children here are very good, quiet and well-mannered. They have a lot of respect for adults. Believe me, it’s a true blessing to have and work with such a beautiful, healthy and fine children,” said the Director of Primary School “Stana Bačanin” in Lesak, Vidoje Milojevic, at the beginning of a conversation. According to him, the key of success and result is in work, order and discipline. “That’s our motto. To have something functioning properly there must be some rules, both at home and school, and any other place.” He explained to us how important primary school is for a person; if the child does not master the knowledge in the primary school it will hardly master it in high school. This means that professional working staff, as well as the role of parents in children’s education is very important. “We must make sure that our schools do not grow old, and our children come to school. Their classrooms have seen many generations and withstood the ravages of time,
and to today’s students they are, although not modern, warmest and most beautiful in the world”. The main school in Lesak, along with six isolated departments in the surrounding villages, has about 390 students. “This school is modest and unassuming, known for the knowledge and enthusiasm of the students. The only thing we still need is the equipment for workshops, but I sincerely hope that we will in the future be a school with modern teaching materials and methods,” director Milojevic told us. As for teaching, professional education is represented with the professorial staff; the program consists of all activities related to educational aspect, regular classes, additional and supplementary classes and various sections. Cooperation, respect, understanding, kind and professional approach that the teachers and the director himself, according to his disciples, have and which made an impression on the team of our magazine during the visit, only confirms the presented facts. “Thanks to good teachers and enthusiasm of students, we achieve outstanding results in all competitions, we also have many talented students, among other subjects, in music and arts education,” said the director. Every year in school we have “generation students”, who in further education maintain or strengthen the good results they have already achieved and it is often written about in a students’ newspaper “schoolboy”, which comes out twice a year: on the Day of St. Sava (January) and on the School Day (May). The journal regularly contains novelties, the most beautiful literary and artistic works, and all young and old flip through it. In support of the fact that they care a lot about the image of the school and the minds of students, are frequent actions “Cleaning of Environment” . “We also reward the best essays on this subject, which stimulates students to maintain the world around us, plant flowers, arrange their backyards and parks, decorate classrooms, and love their clean nature,” said mister Milojevic, adding that they have regular contacts with various NGOs, which support them in these actions with the necessary equipment. “I’ve always had cooperation with various organizations, as well as with KFOR, and I always want to cooperate with all of them. We have often received a financial support from all of them, and I am very pleased about that.” In the end, Mr. Vidoje Milojevic said the following: “It is remarkable that this magazine ‘For You’ has been living for so many years, and it is very good that both Albanian and Serbian populations are represented in it. The magazine, in a way, is a bridge that connects children and grownups as well. Nobel Prize winner Ivo Andric said: ‘Bridges connect people’.”
Anđela Badić (13) Pre par godina namestilo se da je 1. April pao na subotu. Čim sam se probudila otrčala sam u sobu moje sestre i rekla: „Budi se, kasniš u školu!“. Istrčala je kao uragan, pogledala je sat, bilo je 07:25, spremila se brzo i otrčala u školu. Posle 20 minute se vratila kući. „Ne znam šta se desilo, škola je zatvorena.“ Nisam mogla više da se uzdržim te sam prasnula u smeh. Tada je shvatila da je sve to bila prvoaprilska šala. Nije bila ni malo ljuta ali je celog dana smišljala prvoaprilske šale. Andjela Badic (13) Years ago, April’s Fool Day happens to be on a Saturday. As soon as I woke up I ran to my sister’s room and said: “Wake up, you’re late for school”. She stormed out so fast, checked the time, which was 07:25 hrs, got ready very quickly and ran to school. 20 minutes later she returned home. “I don’t know what happened because school was closed”. I couldn’t refrain myself anymore and started laughing loudly. She figured out that all this was an April Fool’s Day prank. She was not upset at all, but during that whole day she played all sorts of April Fool’s Day pranks.
Ðorđe Petrović (11) Pozvao sam telefonom mog najboljeg druga Pavla prošle godine i rekao mu da mu je nastavnica dala jedinicu iz njegovog omiljenog predmeta. Takođe sam mu rekao da je bila veoma razočarana njegovim lošim rezultatom na pismenom. On je bio prilično iznenađen i pitao se kako je to moguće. U stvari smo obojica dobili petice na pismenom. Pogledao me je i ja sam počeo da se smejem rekavši: „Aprilili, druže moj!“ Djordje Petrovic (11) I phoned my best friend Pavlo last year and told him that the teacher graded him with F in his favourite subject. I also told him that she was very disappointed with his poor performance in the test. He was rather surprised and said how that can be possible!? The truth was that we were both graded with A in the test. He looked at me and I started laughing using the following line: April Fool’s Day prank, my friend.
Luka Kuzmanović (13) Prošle godine smo na putu do škole ja i moj najbolji prijatelj odlučili da se našalimo sa našim drugovima iz razreda. Čim smo ušli u učionicu rekli smo im da će igrači košarkaške reprezentacije Srbije biti gosti našeg grada. Bili su presrećni zbog ovih vesti, zgrabili su svoje torbe i izjurili iz škole. Ali kad su shvatili da je sve to bila prvoaprilska šala, bili su veoma ljuti na nas i nisu sa nama pričali nekoliko dana. Međutim, na kraju su konačno shvatili da nemaju razloga za ljutnju jer je to bila prvoaprilska šala. Luka Kuzmanovic (13) Last year on the way to school, my best friend and I decided to play a prank on our classmates. As soon as we stepped in the classroom we told them that Serbia’s national basketball team players will be guests of our town. They were overjoyed with the news, grabbed their bags and stormed out of the school. But once they figured out that all this was an April Fool’s prank, they were very upset and did not speak to us for several days, but in the end they finally realised it was an April Fool’s Day prank.
for you 5
februaru su NVO “Duart Plot Mëshirë” (Ruke pune milosti) u Peći posetili predstavnici austrijskog kontigenta KFOR-a koji su donirali ček u vrednosti od dve hiljade i dve stotine evra (2.200 evra) za ovu organizaciju. Ovom prilikom, održana je skromna svečanost tokom zvanične dodele ove donacije. Robert Šmid, oficir za štampu i informisanje 33-eg austrijskog kontingenta KFOR-a je istakao da je ova donacija obezbeđena kroz niz dobrotvornih aktivnosti. Prvo, to je donacija svih prihoda skupljenih prodajom tipičnih specijaliteta u okviru Božićnjeg vašara tokom dva vikenda pred Božić. Nakon toga je usledila prodaja jelke u glavnom štabu KFOR-a “Filmski grad” u Prištini. Treća humanitarna aktivnost bila je organizovanje posete Sveta tri kralja kampovima KFOR-a početkom ove godine. Od svih humanitarnih aktivnosti, dve hiljade i dve stotine evra (2.200 evra) je prikupljeno i poklonjeno organizaciji “Ruke pune milosti”. Organizaciju “Ruke pune milosti” je 1999 osnovala monahinja - sestra Marija Marta iz Kongregacije “Milosne sestre”, dok je kao humanitarna nevladina organizacija registrovana 28. novembra 2001. Od tada, ova organizacija je preuzela brigu o bolesnima ljudima u Peći i okolini, o ljudima koji nisu mogli da priušte lekove ili da idu u bolnicu. Ubrzo nakon početka rada ove organizacije
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postalo je jasno da pored bolesnih postoji i dosta dece sa posebnim potrebama koji su živeli u tim siromašnim porodicama i kojima je pomoć bila potrebna. Prema tome, aktivnost organizacije je počela da se proširuje tako što se počelo i sa pružanjem usluga ovoj deci. Danas, organizacija je proširila svoju delatnost u tri pravca: psihosocijalni program, program kućne posete (nega) bolesnih i program za humanitarnu pomoć. Konkretno, 16 radnika ovog centra pružaju medicinsku negu na dnevnom, nedeljnom ili mesečnom nivou za oko 600 pacijenata, tri časa nedeljno za oko 45 dece sa posebnim potrebama od 7 do 14 godina (pre ili posle redovne školske nastave), kao i osnovnu pomoć za život i grejanje za oko 300 siromašnih porodica na ovom prostoru. Pored toga, tokom protekle četiri godine ova organizacija je poslala četiri slučaja na lečenje u inostranstvo. Još jedna posebna funkcija koju treba napomenuti je da u ovoj organizaciji nema diskriminacije koja god da je vera, rasa, nacionalnost ili pol u pitanju. Ovo najbolje pokazuje činjenica da je veliki deo ljudi i porodica kojima pomoć stiže od organizacije “Ruke pune milosti” pripada manjinskim zajednicama RAE (Roma, Aškalija i Egipćana) i Bošnjaka. Upravnik ovog centra, gospodin Rudolf Krasniqi, istakao je da rad
centra zavisi isključivo od donacija, čiji najveći deo dolazi iz Austrije i Lihtenštajna. U vezi sa odnosom i donacijama ili podrškom od strane lokalnih institucija, gospodin Krasniqi je istakao da je ovaj centar posećen i za svoj rad visoko ocenjen od strane predstavnika institucija na Kosovu. Međutim, dok u vezi finansijske podrške mora se reći da postoji prostor za unapređenje. “Nadamo se da će ubrzo naše institucije moći da nam više pomognu u finansijskom smislu. Ipak, u pozitivnom tonu moram da kažem da nam je u poslednje dve godine opština Peć dodelila dve donacije u vrednosti od po deset hiljada evra (10.000 evra). Onda, dobili smo i donaciju od pet hiljada evra (5.000 evra) od lokalnog privatnog donatora. Ovo nam daje nadu da će se u bliskoj budućnosti stvari poboljšati još više, jer smo često poslednji izvor pomoći ovim ljudima”, rekao je Krasniqi. On je naglasio da je donacija dobijena od austrijskih vojnika KFOR-a od izuzetne vrednosti za centar, s obzirom da su njome potpuno pokriveni godišnji troškovi goriva za grejanje. Neposredno pre odlaska iz centra bili smo svedoci značaja ovog centra kada je u njega došla majka sa svojim sinom kome je bila potrebna ampula tzv “Faktor 8”. Ovaj faktor je u stvari bitan protein za zgrušavanje krvi i njegovo odsustvo je jedan od uzroka hemofilije, odnosno nedostatka kontrole procesa koagulacije krvi (prestanak krvarenja). Osoblje centra nas je obavestilo da je do nedavno ova ampula bila obezbeđena ovoj porodici od strane Kosovskih institucija. Ipak, ovo više nije slučaj i porodica ne može da priušti troškove za ovaj tretman jer jedna ampula košta oko pet stotina evra (500 evra). Dobra vest je da je centar “Ruke pune milosti” uspeo da pribavi ovu ampulu za njih. Na kraju je gospodin Krasniqi apelovao na sve da ne oklevaju da na bilo koji način pomognu kako organizaciju kojom upravlja on, tako i druge organizacije koje rade na pomoći porodicama u nevolji.
n February, the NGO “Duart Plot Mëshirë” (Hands Full of Mercy) in Peja, was visited by representatives of the Austrian KFOR Contingent. The representatives donated a check worth two thousand and two hundred euros (2,200 EUR) to this organization. On this occasion, a modest ceremony was held for the official delivery of this donation. Robert Schmied Press & Information Officer with the 33rd KFOR Austrian Contingent emphasized that this donation was secured through a number of charity activities. Firstly, it was the donation of all income that was gained from the sale of typical food specialties within the Christmas market during the two weekends before Christmas. This was followed by the sale of Christmas trees at KFOR HQ “Film City” in Prishtina. The third humanitarian activity was the organizing of visits of the Holy Three Kings to KFOR camps at the beginning of this year. Out of all humanitarian activities, two thousand two hundred euros (2,200 EUR) were collected, which were donated to the “Duart Plot Mëshirë” organization. The “Duart Plot Mëshirë” organization was established in 1999 by Sister Maria Martha of the “Sisters of Mercy” Congregation. The organization was registered as a humanitarian NGO on 28 November 2001. Since then, this organization has taken care of sick people who could not afford medication or go to the hospital in Peja and its vicinities. Soon after the commencement of this organization’s activities, it became clear that, besides the sick, there were many children with special needs who lived in these poor families
and who were in need of help. Consequently, the activity of the organization began to extend to also provide services to these children. Today, the organization has extended its activity in three directions: Psycho-social Programme, Home Visits Program (care) for the sick and the Humanitarian Aid Program. In more concrete terms, 16 employees of this centre provide medical care on a daily, weekly or monthly basis to about 600 patients, three classes per week are given to about 45 children with special needs from 7-14 years of age (before or after regular school hours), as well as basic aid for living and heating for about 300 poor families in this area. Moreover, during the last four years, this organization sent four cases for treatment abroad. Another special feature that has to be mentioned is that in this organization there is no discrimination as far as religion, race, nationality or gender. This is best demonstrated by the fact that a large part of people and families that are assisted by “Duart Plot Mëshirë” belong to the minority communities of Roma, Ashkali and Egyptian (RAE) and Bosnians. The manager of this centre, Mr. Rudolf Krasniqi, emphasized that the work of the centre depends entirely on donations, the biggest part they receive from Austria and Liechtenstein. While in relation to the donations or support from the local institutions, Mr. Krasniqi emphasized that this centre has been visited and congratulated for its work by representatives of institutions in Kosovo. However, regarding the financial support, it must
be said that there is room for improvement. “We hope that very soon our institutions will be able to help us more financially. Nonetheless, on a positive note I must say that in the last two years Peja Municipality has provided us with two donations of ten thousand euros (10,000 EUR) each. Then, we also received a donation of five thousand euros (5,000 EUR) from a local private donor. This gives us hope that in the near future things will improve even more, as we often are the last source of help to these people,” Mr. Krasniqi said. He went on to stress that the donation received from the Austrian KFOR soldiers was extremely valuable for the centre, given that it completely covered their annual heating fuel costs. Shortly before leaving the centre, we witnessed the significance of this centre when a mother came with her son, who was in need of the so-called “Factor 8” vial. This factor is an essential protein for blood clotting and its absence is one of the causes of haemophilia, respectively lack of control of blood coagulation process (cessation of bleeding). The centre’s staff informed us that until recently this vial was provided to this family by the Kosovo institutions. Nonetheless, this is no longer the case and the family cannot afford the costs for this treatment, as one vial costs around five hundred euros (500 EUR). The good news was that the centre “Duart Plot Mëshirë” had managed to obtain this vial for them. In the end, Mr. Krasniqi appealed to everyone not to hesitate in helping in any way they can both the organization he manages, as well as other organizations that operate to help families in need.
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NAJBOLJE OBUCENE GLUMICE NA DODELI OSKARA 2016 Žene ovogodišnje ceremonije dodele Oskara su donele svoje najbolje u ovoj poslednjoj dodeli nagrada ove sezone, i nisu nas razočarale. U nastavku teksta su najbolje obučene glumice sa dodele Oskara 2016.
Rachel McAdams
Dugom, smaragdno zelenom August Getty Atelier haljinom je kandidat za najbolju sporednu žensku ulogu zapanjila sve na crvenom tepihu. Pored najduže haljine viđene na dodeli Oskara 2016, njena zategnuta figura i noga koja viri je učinilo to da je bilo teško skinuti pogled sa Mekadamsove.
Rachel McAdams
In a floor-length, emerald green August Getty Atelier gown, the Best Supporting Actress nominee stunned on the red carpet. In addition to the longest train seen at the 2016 Oscars, McAdams’ toned physique and peek-a-boo leg made it impossible to look away.
Charlize Theron
Glumica filma “Pobesneli Maks: Autoput besa” je apsolutno privukla pažnju na crvenom tepihu u crvenoj Kristijan Dior haljini. Duboki dekolte u paru sa blistavom, izraženom ogrlicom nije bio nikakva velika mudrost i učinio je da Šarliz izgleda kompletno na dodeli Oskara 2016.
Rooney Mara
Kandidat za najbolju žensku sporednu ulogu kandidat Runi Mara obukla je belu skupocenu Guči haljinu, sa intrigantnim detaljima na prednjem prorezu pa do dodatnih karnera na prednjoj i zadnjoj strani, pa sve do dijamant reza u savršenoj količini. Glumica je uparila haljinu sa jednostavnim ali atraktivnim štiklama sa otvorenim krajevima i besprekornom lepotom izgleda sve od šminke pa do kose.
Rooney Mara
Best Supporting Actress nominee Rooney Mara donned a white Givenchy haute couture number, with intricate detailing from its front slit to the added ruffles in the front and back, to the perfect-amount-of-sexy diamond cut-out. The actress paired the gown with simple but attractive open-toed pumps and flawless beauty looks from makeup to hair.
Oskara u uskoj, dugoj haljini. Bela boja je bila lepo usklađena sa njenim tenom, a detalji u materijalu haljine su savršeni dodatni elementi jednostavnosti reza.
Priyanka Chopra
Charlize Theron
The “Mad Max: Fury Road” actress absolutely stole the spotlight from the red carpet in a red Christian Dior gown. The plunging neckline paired with a sparkling statement necklace was a no-brainer and made the look complete for Charlize at the 2016 Oscars.
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Priyanka Chopra Glumica iz filma “Kvantiko” je debitovala na dodeli
The “Quantico” actress made her Oscar debut in a slim-fitting, floorlength gown. The white contrasts beautifully with her skin tone, and the detail in the material of the dress adds the perfect element to the simplicity of the cut.
THE BEST-DRESSED ACTRESSES FROM THE 2016 OSCARS The women of this year’s Oscars ceremony brought their best to the final show of the awards season, and they did not disappoint. Below are the best-dressed actresses from the 2016 Oscars.
Alicia Vikander
Alisija Vikander, po prvi put nominovana za nagradu Oskar, napravila je svoj debi na crvenom tepihu u kompletu inspirasnom Princezom Belle, u žutoj Luis Viton haljini. Uparivanje polupodignute frizure sa sladostrasnom suknjom sa šljokicama detaljima nas je vratilo u priču “Lepotica i zver” i podesilo veče na pravi način za dobitnicu nagrade za najbolju glumicu.
Alicia Vikander
Alicia Vikander, first-time Oscar nominee, made her Academy Awards red carpet debut in a Princess Belle-inspired ensemble, a yellow Louis Vuitton gown. Pairing with a halfup-half-down hairstyle, the voluptuous skirt with sequin detail took us back to the tale of “Beauty and the Beast” and set the night off right for the Best Actress winner.
Saoirse Ronan
Ova 21 godišnja kandidatkinja je odala priznanje svom irskom poreklu noseći svetlucavu, smaragdno zelenu Kelvin Klajn haljinu. Duboki dekolte i gola leđa su doprinela lepom elementu, a različite minđuše - jedna od bisera, druga od smaragda - bile su zabavno, dodatno iznenađenje koje je začinilo njen izgled.
Saoirse Ronan
The 21-year-old Best Actress nominee honoured her Irish heritage with a shimmering emerald green Calvin Klein dress. The plunging neckline and low back contributed a sexy element, and mismatched earrings - one pearl, one emerald - were a fun added surprise, spicing up the look.
Lady Gaga
Lejdi Gaga je izabrala nekonvencionalni pristup za crveni tepih na ovogodišnjoj dodeli Oskara, noseći belu Brendon Maksvel haljinu koja je podstakla ljude da pričaju o njoj. Udaljavajući se od tipične haljine, kandidatkinja za nagradu za najbolju originalnu pesmu nosila je usklađenu jednodelnu kombinaciju, uparenu sa njenom prepoznatiljivom frizurom zanosne plavuše i toplim tonovima njene šminke.
Lady Gaga
Lady Gaga went for an unconventional approach for this year’s Oscars red carpet, wearing an all-white Brandon Maxwell number that got people talking. Straying from the typical gown, the Best Original Song nominee wore a pantsuit hybrid, paired with her signature blonde bombshell hair and warm tones in makeup.
Margot Robbie
Glumica iz filma “Whiskey Tango Foxtrot” je prošetala u nagradnoj noći u zlatnoj Tom Ford haljini oblika zimske kože. Sa jednostavnom pravom kosom i predivnim osmehom, Robi je izgledala besprekorno.
Margot Robbie
The “Whiskey Tango Foxtrot” actress channelled the award of the night in a gold snakeskin Tom Ford gown. With simple straight hair and a beautiful smile, Robbie was flawless.
Olivia Wilde
Nominovana zajedno sa producentima filma “Bodi tim 12” Dejvidom Dargom i Brinom Muserom za najbolji kratki dokumentarni film, Olivija Vajld je donela svoju A-igru na ovogodišnju dodelu Oskara. Od glave do pete, Vajld glumica, reditelj, humanitarac - je izabrala komplikovani izgled koji je upalio; to je samo pravi iznos komplikovanog. Od isprepletane niske punđe do zavodljive šminke pa sve do kompleta boje slonovače, naborane, Valentino prefinjene
haljine sa dubokim dekolteom, Vajld je zapanjila sve na crvenom tepihu.
Olivia Wilde
Nominated along with “Body Team 12” producers David Darg and Bryn Mooser for Best Documentary Short, Olivia Wilde brought her A-game to this year’s Oscars. From head to toe, Wilde actress, director, humanitarian - went for an intricate look that worked; it was just the right amount of complicated. From the braided low bun, to the sultry makeup to the ivory, pleated, deep-plunging Valentino haute couture gown, Wilde stunned on the red carpet.
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music box
Datum rođenja: 23. Avgust 1977. Mesto rođenja: Split Država: Hrvatska Zanimanje: Pevačica Žanr: Pop Visina: 172 cm Težina: 62 kg Youtube: https://www. youtube.com/JelenaRozgaFanClub Web stranica: www.jelenarozga.com Facebook: https://www. facebook.com/rozga. jelena/ Instagram: rozgajelenaofficial
ežna, romantična i puna optimizma pop zvezda Jelena Rozga, popularnost je stekla u legendarnoj grupi “Magazin” posle koje je ambiciozno nastavila solo karijeru i osvojila publiku širom regiona. Oduvek je znala da je muzika njena sudbina. Sa koliko strasti, ljubavi i vere peva, najbolje oseća njena publika, a tajna leži u iskrenosti jer svaku notu i stih duboko proživljava. 19-og februara ove godine objavila je novi singl! Pesma ‘’Udajem se’’ odmah je postala hit. „Nakon par brzih pesama, bilo je vreme za jednu pesmu za dušu. Jako volim ovu pesmu. Posebna je, budi neku setnu emociju i verujem da će se puno žena s njom poistovetiti.” U nastavku Vas pozivamo da odvojite vreme i pročitate ovaj jedinstveni intervju koji je Jelena Rozga dala za naš magazin.
For You: Postigli ste sve moguće na muzičkom svetu, koja je Vaša motivacija da ostanete na vrhu? Jelena: Znate, neke stvari u životu su sudbinski predodređene i upravo muzika je bila moja sudbina a
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ja sam sretna što sam svoju sudbinu prepoznala i našla se s njom na pola puta. Naravno da tok stvari u životu ne možete planirati jer većina ih se dogodi slučajno i spontano ali ja sam oduvek znala da je muzika i pevanje moj životni
poziv. Ali nekada sudbinu morate uzeti u svoje ruke i učiniti ono što je najbolje za Vas. Nijedan uspeh nije stvar slučajnosti, on je uvek plod velikog rada, odricanja i upornosti, ali kada nešto volite ta žrtva vam teško ne pada. Muziku i pevanje nikada nisam doživljavala kao posao, to je oduvek bilo deo mene, onoga što jesam i način mog izražavanja. For You: Koji je Vaš omiljeni pevač na muzičkoj sceni i zašto? Jelena: Postoji velik broj velikih uspešnih talentovanih muzičara. U ovom trenutku izdvojila bih Adele jer je stvarno napravila kaos na muzičkoj sceni. For You: Koji je Vaš omiljeni muzički festival i zašto? Jelena: U mom srcu oduvek je to bio Splitski festival, održava se početkom leta u mom rodnom Splitu, uz taj festival sam odrasla i vežu me divne uspomene dugi niz godina. Poslednjih par godina nisam učesnik ali rado odem na taj festival kao posmatrač.
gledali? Jelena: Prljavi ples. For You: Koje su Vaše želje za Aladinovu lampu? Jelena: Zdravlje, zdravlje i samo zdravlje. For You: U kom istorijskom periodu biste voleli da živite? Jelena: U vreme Zlatnog doba Hollywood-a, 20-te godine. For You: Jel ljubav samo reč? Jelena: Svako od nas ljubav doživljava na svoj način i tako je iskazuje. Ljubav znači voleti, a voli se pogledom, delom, voli se u tišini, voli se osmehom. Ljubav dolazi u svim oblicima i stanjima, bitno ju je osetiti i prepoznati. For You: Ne možete da živite bez…? Jelena: Ljubavi i dragih ljudi. For You: O čemu razmišljate kad ste pred ogledalom? Jelena: Trenutno živim najsretnije doba svog života, uvek sam nasmejana i vesela i to vidim i u svojim očima kada sam pred ogledalom.
For You: Ako biste jednoga dana vladali svetom, šta biste promenili? Jelena: Potrudila bih se ublažiti bol svima onima koji imaju manje sreće u životu. Kompletan članak možete pročitati na: www.magazineforyou.com For You: Koji ste www.facebook.com/Magazine4Usrpski film više puta
music box Date of birth: 23 August, 1977 Place of Birth: Split Country: Croatia Occupation: Singer Genre: Pop Height: 172 cm Weight: 62 kg Youtube: https://www. youtube.com/JelenaRozgaFanClub Website: www.jelenarozga.com Facebook: https://www. facebook.com/rozga. jelena/ Instagram: rozgajelenaofficial
entle, romantic and full of optimism pop star Jelena Rozga, has gained popularity in the legendary group “Magazin” after which she ambitiously continued solo career and captivated audiences across the region. She has always known that music is her destiny. Her audience knows best with how much passion, love and faith she sings, and the secret lies in honesty, because she profoundly experiences every note and verse. She announced a new single on the 19th of February this year! The song ‘’I’m getting married’’ was an immediate hit. “After a couple of fast songs, it was time for a song for the soul. I really love this song. It is a special song that brings about a emotion and I believe that a lot of women will be able to identify with it.” Below, we invite you to take the time and read this unique interview Jelena Rozga did for our magazine.
For You: You have achieved everything possible in the music world, what is your motivation to stay on top? Jelena: You know, some things in life are predetermined by fate and precisely the music was my destiny and I’m happy that I recognized my destiny and met her halfway. Of course, you cannot plan the course of things in life because most of them occur randomly and spontaneously but I always knew that music and singing is my life’s calling. But sometimes you have to take fate into your own hands and do what is best for you. No success is a matter of chance, it is always the result of great work, sacrifice and perseverance, but when you love something the sacrifice is not hard to bear. I have never experienced music and singing like a job, it’s always been part of me, of what I am, and my way of expression. For You: What is your favourite singer on the music scene and why? Jelena: There are a large number of successful talented musicians. At this point I would single out Adele because she really made turmoil on the music scene. For You: What is your favourite music festival and why? Jelena: In my heart it has always been the Split Fes-
JELENA ROZGA QUEEN OF GENTLE HEART tival, held in early summer in my hometown of Split; I grew up with the festival and wonderful memories for many years bind me with it. I have not participated in it for the last couple of years but I gladly go to this festival as an observer. For You: If you would one day rule the world, what would you change? Jelena: I would try to alleviate the pain for those who are less fortunate in life. For You: What movie have you watched several times? Jelena: “Dirty Dancing”. For You: What are your wishes for Aladdin’s lamp? Jelena: Health, health and only health. For You: In which historical period would you like to live? Jelena: The Golden
Age of Hollywood, 1920’s. For You: Is love just a word? Jelena: We all experience love in our own way and express it in our own way. Love means loving, and you love with a look, with action, you love in silence, with a smile. Love comes in all shapes and conditions, it is important to feel and recognize it. For You: You cannot live without...? Jelena: Love and nice people. For You: What are you thinking when you are in front of the mirror? Jelena: I live the happiest time of my life, I’m always smiling and cheerful and I can see that in my eyes when I’m in front of a mirror.
You can read the full article at: www.magazineforyou.com www.facebook.com/Magazine4Usrpski
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, v r k j a D
ko 70 pripadnika portugalskog KTM bataljona u KFOR-u je 29. Februara u kampu KFOR-a „Slim Lines“ dobrovoljno dalo krv kako bi pomogli Kosovskom Nacionalnom Centru za Transfuziju Krvi (KNCTK). Ova akcija je organizovana zahvaljujući dobroj saradnji između KNCTK-a i medicinskog odseka KFOR-a (JMED) i prati sličnu aktivnost već izvođenu 8. februara od strane američkih vojnika raspoređenih u Multinacionalnu borbenu grupu Istok . Prema inicijatoru ove donacije krvi, poručniku Goncalo Cardoso, lekaru iz KTM bataljona, ovo je veoma uobičajena aktivnost za vojnike u njegovoj domovini, Portugalu. Prema tome, ideja da pokuša i organizuje nešto slično na Kosovu je veoma prirodna. Prema njegovim rečima entuzijazam među vojnicima da učestvuju u ovoj akciji je bio veoma visok. “U Portugalu imamo moto ’Daj krv, budi heroj!’ To je glavna tema i ovde jer je ovo način da se pomogne u rešavanju problema ovde na Kosovu. Zdravlje je važno i ako ste zdravi i imate priliku da date krv, onda molim vas učinite to jer davanje krvi ne košta ništa, ali čuva živote drugih,” rekao je poručnik Cardoso. Kapetan Karen Vandor iz JMED-a je istakla da u zavisnosti od rezultata postignutih tokom ove akcije, cilj će biti da se redovno organizuje davanje krvi vojnika KFOR-a, od četiri do šest puta godišnje. Među davaocima krvi u ovoj akciji bio je i komandant bataljona KTM, potpukovnik Carlos Macieira, koji je rekao da je ovo bio prvi put da je dao krv. Međutim, smatrao je da treba da služi za primer jer je davanje krvi još jedan način da KFOR ispuni svoju misiju na Kosovu, a to je da pomogne stanovništvu Kosova. Jedan od mnogih lekara i predstavnika KNCTK koji su bili prisutni u kampu „Slim Lines“ bio je i direktor ovog centra dr. Hysen Sadriu, koji je izjavio da ovaj centar organizuje akcije doniranja krvi širom Kosova. “Akcije doniranja krvi su uvek važne, danas čak i više pošto nam KFOR pomažu u svim oblastima života, a sada je odlučio da pomogne i davanjem krvi. Ovde možete videti da krv nema granice i da je univerzalna, jer svaka osoba bilo gde u svetu koja odgovara mojoj krvnoj grupi, može da mi spasi život, ili bih ja mogao da spasim njen, bez obzira na pol, rasu, uzrast, ili veru. To je razlog zašto ovo je dragocen poklon svim našim pacijentima i zahvaljujem KFOR-u još jednom što i pored sve njihove pomoći do danas, nastavlja da nam pomaže i na ovom humanitarnom nivou,” rekao je dr. Sadriu. Nastavio je tvrdeći da je najpozitivnija vest u vezi davanja krvi na Kosovu je to što je ove godine nivo svesti kod stanovništva o dobrovoljnom davanju krvi veoma visok. Dr. Sadriu je istakao da je ova pozitivna situacija
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rezultat činjenice da su mladi ljudi, i stanovništvo Kosova u celini, veoma dobro informisani. Oni su postali svesni važnosti doniranja krvi, a ove godine imamo neverovatno veliki broj davalaca krvi. To je razlog što su predstavnici KNCTK uvereni da ako se ovaj trend nastavi, Kosovo će biti prva u regionu koja će ispuniti cilj EU da ima 50 davalaca krvi na 1000 stanovnika. Na kraju je dr. Sadriu podsetio sve ljude na Kosovu da ne zaborave da postoji mnogo načina na koje ljudi mogu da pomognu jedni drugima. Krv je, međutim, najvredniji poklon koji možemo dati nekom, jer spašava živote!
, d o o l B Give
Centre (KNBTC). This action was organized thanks to the good cooperation between the KNBTC and KFOR’s Medical Branch and follows a similar activity already performed on the 8th of February by U.S. soldiers deployed in support of KFOR and assigned to Multinational Battle Group East. According to the initiator of this blood drive, Lieutenant Goncalo Cardoso, medical doctor of the KTM Battalion, this is a very common activity for the soldiers back in his home country in Portugal. Consequently, the idea to attempt and organize something similar in Kosovo was very natural. According to him, the enthusiasm amongst soldiers to participate in this action was very high. “In Portugal we have a motto ‘Give Blood, Be a Hero!’ This is the main theme here as well, because this is a way to help resolve problems here in Kosovo. Health is important and if you are healthy and have the opportunity to give blood, then please do it, because giving blood doesn’t cost you anything, but it saves the lives of others,” Lieutenant Cardoso stated. Captain Karen Vandor from JMED emphasized that depending on the results achieved during this action, the goal is to organize blood drives for KFOR soldiers on a regular basis, up to four to six times per year. Among the blood donors in this action was the Commander of the KTM Battalion, lieutenant colonel Carlos Macieira, who said that this was the first time he gave blood. However, he saw it fit to lead by example, because giving blood is another way for KFOR to fulfil its mission in Kosovo that is to assist the population of Kosovo. One of the many doctors and representatives of the KNBTC present in Slim Lines was the director of this centre Dr. Hysen Sadriu, who stated that this centre organizes blood drives all over Kosovo. “Blood drives are always important, today even more so based on the fact that KFOR has been assisting us in all fields of life and now it has decided to assist by giving blood. You can see here that blood has no boundaries and is universal, because any person anywhere in the world that matches my blood type can save my life, or I could save his, regardless of gender, race, age, or religion. This is why this is a precious gift to all our patients and I thank KFOR once more, that besides all their help to this day, they still keep assisting us in this humanitarian level as well,” Dr. Sadriu said. He went on to say that the most positive news regarding blood donation in Kosovo is that this year in particular there is a great awareness among the population about donating blood. Dr. Sadriu emphasized that this positive situation is a result of the fact that young people and Kosovo’s population in general, are very well informed. They have become more aware on the importance of donating blood, and this year we have an incredibly high number of blood donors. This was the reason why representatives of the KNBTC were convinced that if this trend continues, Kosovo shall be the first in the region to fulfil the EU objective of having 50 blood donors per 1000 inhabitants. Finally, Dr. Sadriu reminded all the people in Kosovo not to forget that there are many ways humans can help each other. Blood, however, is the most valuable gift we can give to someone else, because it saves lives!
Be a HERO!
n the 29th February 2016 at KFOR’s Slim Lines camp in Prishtina about 70 members of the Portuguese KTM Battalion contingent at KFOR volunteered for a blood drive in aid of the Kosovo National Blood Transfusion
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žIvotinjsko carstvo
Fascinantne su činjenice o nekim od najneverovatnijih životinja na svetu. Od južnoafričkog mravojeda do zebre, naš životinjski svet, od A do Ž, će vas garantovano inspirisati.
irafa je najviši sisar na svetu, kod kog su čak i novorođene bebe uglavnom više od većine ljudi. Činjenice o žirafi • Bebe žirafe mogu da ustanu u roku od pola sata nakon rođenja i nakon samo 10 sati mogu da trče uz svoje porodice. • Žirafe provode veći deo spavaju i porađaju se stojeći. svog života stojeći; čak ta do dva sata dnevno • Žirafe provode samo od 10 minu imaju najmanje potrebe koji ra sisa spavajući. Jedne su od za snom. do oko 5 meseci sta• Mlade žirafe se druže u grupama njihove majke brste dok dno zaje ju rosti; odmaraju se i igra u daljini. koje se retko bore. • Žirafe su društvene, mirne životinje nazivom ′necking′ pod je ašan Mužjaci ispoljavaju oblik pon međutim, ovi susreti (eng.), gde se sudaraju vratovima; i retko dovode do retko traju duže od nekoliko minuta povreda. ne postoje dve žirafe • Kao pahuljice i ljudski otisci prstiju, koje imaju iste šare.
eki kolibri su tako mali da je poznato da se dešavalo da ih uhvate konjici i bogomoljke, da se upetljaju u paukovu mrežu, da ih zgrabe žabe ili se zakače za čkalj. Činjenice o kolibrijima • Svaka vrsta kolibrija različito zuji, u zavisnosti od broja zamaha krila u sekundi. • Oni mogu da lebde u vazduhu brzim mahanjem krila, 1290 puta u sekundi (u zavisnosti od vrste). • Oni mogu da lete unazad, i jedina su grupa ptica koja je u stanju da to radi. • Mogu da lete brzinama preko 15 m/s ili 54 km/h. • Imaju tako male noge da ne mogu da hodaju po zemlji, i nezgodno im je da se gegaju po grančicama. • Imaju kratak, piskav i kreštav zov. • Kolibri mora da jede dva puta više od svoje ukupne telesne težine svaki dan, a da bi to uradio mora da poseti stotine cvetova dnevno.
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i su do • Čak i jezici žirafa su ogromni. Dug guće omo da eni gođ prila su 45cm i posebno e drug bi koje će drve e brst da žirafama ija koje životinje izbegavale, kao što je akac je veoma trnovita.
iraffes are the tallest mammals in the world, with even new-born babies being taller than most humans.
Fac ts abo ut gira ffes •Ba by Gira ffes can stan d with in half an hou r and afte r only 10 hou rs can actu ally run alon gsid e thei r fam ily. •Gir affe s spe nd mos t of thei r lives stan ding up; they eve n slee p and give birth stan ding up. •Gir affe s only spe nd betwe en 10 min utes and two hou rs asle ep per day. The y
• Kolibri uglavnom jedu nektar, mada mogu da uhvate i insekta s vremena na vreme kako bi uneli malo proteina. • Crvenogrli kolibri ima samo oko 940 pera na celom telu.
ome hummingbirds are so small, they have been known to be caught by dragonflies and praying mantis, trapped in spider’s webs, snatched by frogs and stuck on thistles. Facts about hummingbirds •Each species of hummingbird makes a different humming sound, determined by the number of wing beats per second. •They can hover in mid-air by rapidly flapping their wings 12–90 times per second (depending on the species). •They can fly backwards, and are the only group of birds able to do so. •They can fly at speeds exceeding 15 m/s or 54 km/h. •Their feet are so tiny that they cannot walk on the ground, and find it awkward to shuffle along a perch.
Z A S L A M I AN hav e one of the sho rtes t slee p requ irem ents of any mam mal . •You ng gira ffes han g out in nurs ery grou ps unti l they are arou nd 5 mon ths old, rest ing r and play ing toge ther whi le thei e. anc dist the mot hers fora ge in •Gir affe s are soc iabl e, pea ceful anim als whic h rare ly figh t. Mal es do perf orm a beh avio r call ed ‘nec king ’ whe re they will hit nec ks; how eve r thes e enc oun ters rare ly last mor e than a cou ple of min utes and seld om resu lt in inju ry. •Jus t like sno wfla kes and hum an e fing erpr ints , no two gira ffes hav ern. patt t the sam e spo •Eve n gira ffes tong ues are hug e. The y are up to 45c m long and are spe ciall y ada pted to allo w gira ffes to fora ge on tree s that othe r animal s wou ld avo id, such as aca cias whic h are very thor ny.
•They have a short, highpitched squeaky call. •The hummingbird needs to eat twice its bodyweight in food every day, and to do so they must visit hundreds of flowers daily. •Hummingbirds eat nectar for the most part, although they may catch an insect now and then for a protein boost. •The ruby-throated hummingbird has only approximately 940 feathers on its entire body.
animal kingdom Fascinating facts about some of the world’s most amazing animals. From Aardvarks to Zebras our A-Z of the animal world is guaranteed to inspire.
ećina mladih impala se rode sredinom dana po što je to najsigurnije vreme za porođaj, jer se većina njih ovih neprijatelja tada odma ra. Polovinu novorođenčad i ubiju grabljivice u prvih nekol iko nedelja života. Činjenice o impalama • Mužjaci su poznati kao ovnovi, a ženke se nazivaju ovcama i ne maju rogove. Mužjaci impale imaju rog ove zaokružene u obliku lire, dužine do 75 cm. Rogovima mužjaka može biti potre bni i do nekoliko godina da dostignu punu dužinu, zbog čega mlade životinje teš ko mogu da uspostave dominantnu poziciju i teritoriju za razmnožavanje. • Mužjaci impale proizv ode miris iz žlezde na čelu kako bi objavili svoj status rivalima. • Majke mogu da odlož e porođaj za mesec dana ako su vre menski uslovi oštri, kao što je to u kiš nom periodu. • Impale smanjuju šanse za napad kada žive u krdima. On e skaču i rastrče se na sve stran e kada su napadnute kako bi zbunile predatora. • Impale se retko viđaju same. Ženke i mladunci formir aju stada koja se sastoje od najviše 100 jedinki, dok mužja ci žive u momačkoj grupi od oko 60 životinja. • U predatore spadaju lavovi, leopardi i gepardi.
Kao i druge antilope, impala je uvek spremna za opasnost i ima izuzetno oštra čula sluha, vida i mirisa. One mogu da oslobode miris iz svojih žlezda na petama, koji može da im pomogne da ostanu zajedno. To izvode visokim udarcem svojim zadnjim nogama . • Naziv ‘impala’ potiče iz jezika Zulu i znači “gazela”.
ost young impalas are born around mid-day as this is the saf est time to give birth since most of the ir enemies are resting. Half of newb orn are killed by predators within the firs t few weeks of life.
Facts about impalas •Males are known as ram s, while females are referred to as ewes and have no horns. Male impalas have Lyr e-shaped and ringed horns, up to 75cm long. The male’s horns can take many years to rea ch full length, which is why young animals are unlikely to establish a dominant position and breeding territory. •Male impalas produce a scent from a gland on their foreheads to ad vertise their status to rivals. •Mothers can delay giv ing birth for a month if the weather conditions are harsh, such as during the wet season. •Impalas decrease the ir risk of being attacked when living in herds. Th ey leap and scatter in all directions when being attacked to confuse the predator. •The impala is rarely see n on its own. Females and young anima ls form herds of up to 100 individuals, while ma les live in a bachelor group of about 60 anima ls. •Predators include lion s, leopards and cheetahs. Like other an telope, the impala is constantly alert to dang er and has extremely acute senses of hearing , sight and smell. They can release a scent fro m their glands on their heels, which can help them stay together. Th is is done by performing a high kick of their hind legs. •The name ‘Impala’ com e from the Zulu language meaning ‘gazelle’.
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moviemania THE HUNTSMAN: WINTER’S WAR Uloge: Emily Blunt, Chris Hemsworth, Jessica Chastain, Charlize Theron, Sam Claflin, Sophie Cookson Režiser: Cedric Nicolas-Troyan Žanr: akcioni Studio: Universal Pictures Sinopsis antastični svet Snežane i lovca se širi i otkriva kako su sudbine lovca Erika i kraljice Ravene duboko i opasno isprepletene. Puno pre nego što se mislilo da je Snežana savladala zlu kraljica Ravenu, ona je tiho gledala kako njena sestra Freja pretrpela srceparajuću izdaju i pobegli iz njihovog kraljevstva. Uz pomoć sposobnosti da zamrzne svakog neprijatelja, mlada ledena kraljica je provela decenije u udaljenoj hladnoj palati gde je pripremala legiju smrtonosnih lovaca,
uključujući i Erika i ratnicu Saru, da bi na kraju saznala da njeni najbolji borci nisu ispunili njen zahtev da zauvek učine svoja srca neosetljivim na ljubav. Kada Freja saznaje za smrt svoje sestre, ona poziva svoje preostale vojnike da donesu magično ogledalo jedinoj preostaloj čarobnici koja može da iskoristi njegovu moć. Međutim, kada Freja otkrije da može vaskrsnuti Ravenu iz njegovih zlatnih dubina, zle sestre počinju da pretstavljaju pretnju ovoj čarobnoj zemlji sa duplo crnom silom koju je iko ikada video. Sada će se njihova rastuća vojska pokazati nepobedivom... osim ako proterani lovci koji su prekršili glavno pravilo njihove kraljice ne budu mogli da nađu put jedni do drugih.
Cast: Emily Blunt, Chris Hemsworth, Jessica Chastain, Charlize Theron, Sam Claflin, Sophie Cookson Director: Cedric NicolasTroyan Genre: Action Studio: Universal Pictures
Synopsis he fantastical world of Snow White and the Huntsman expands to reveal how the fates of The Huntsman Eric and Queen Ravenna are deeply and dangerously intertwined. Long before the evil Queen Ravenna was thought vanquished by Snow White’s blade, she watched silently as her sister, Freya (Blunt), suffered a heart-breaking betrayal and fled their kingdom. With Freya’s ability to freeze any enemy, the
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young ice queen has spent decades in a remote wintery palace raising a legion of deadly huntsmen, including Eric and warrior Sara, only to find that her prized two defied her one demand: Forever harden your hearts to love. When Freya learns of her sister’s demise, she summons her remaining soldiers to bring the Magic Mirror home to the only sorceress left who can harness its power. But once she discovers Ravenna can be resurrected from its golden depths, the wicked sisters threaten this enchanted land with twice the darkest force it’s ever seen. Now, their amassing army shall prove undefeatable... unless the banished huntsmen who broke their queen’s cardinal rule can fight their way back to one another.
RATCHET & CLANK Uloge:James Arnold Taylor, David Kaye, Jim Ward, Kevin Michael Richardson, Armin Shimerman,
Marc Graue Režiser: Jericca Cleland&Kevin Munroe Žanr: animacija Studio: Rainmaker Entertainment and Blockade Entertainment
Sinopsis ilm „Račet and Klenk“ je priča o dvojici različitih junaka koji se bore da zaustave podlog vanzemaljca po imenu Predsednik Drek da uništi svaku planetu u galaksiji Solana. Kada dvojac naiđe na opasno oružje koja je u stanju da uništi čitave planete, moraju da udruže snage sa timom živopisnih juna-
moviemania THE JUNGLE BOOK THE JUNGLE BOOK Uloge: Scarlett Johansson, Idris Elba, Bill Murray, Christopher Walken,
Cast: Scarlett Johansson, Idris Elba, Bill Murray, Christopher
Lupita Nyong’o, Giancarlo Esposito Režiser:Jon Favreau Žanr: animacija Studio: Disney
njiga o džungli” je potpuno nova akciona epska avantura o Mogliju, čoveku - mladunčetu kog je odgajila porodica vukova. Međutim, Mogli shvata da nije više dobrodošao u džungli kada strašan tigar Šir Kan, koji nosi ožiljke
ka koji se zovu Galaktički Rendžeri kako bi spasili galaksiju. Usput će naučiti puno o junaštvu, prijateljstvu i značaju otkrivanja sopstvenog identiteta.
koje mu je naneo čovek, obećava da će eliminisati ono što on vidi kao pretnju. Pozvan da napusti jedini dom za koji je znao, Mogli kreće na očaravajuće putovanje samospoznaje, dok ga vodi pantera Bagere i medved slobodnog duha Balua. Pri tome, Mogli nailazi na bića u džungli koja mu ne misle baš najbolje a među kojima je Kaa, piton čiji zavodljivi glas i pogled hipnotišu čoveka-mladunče, i slatkorečivi kralj Luj, koji pokušava da navede Moglija da oda tajnu neuhvatljivog i smrtonosnog crvenog cveta: vatre.
RATCHET & CLANK Cast: James Arnold Taylor, David Kaye, Jim Ward, Kevin Michael Richardson, Armin Shimerman,
Walken, Lupita Nyong’o, Giancarlo Esposito Director: Jon Favreau Genre: Animation Studio: Disney
Synopsis he Jungle Book” is an all-new live-action epic adventure about Mowgli, a man-cub who’s been raised by a family of wolves. But Mowgli finds he is no longer welcome in the jungle when fearsome tiger Shere Khan, who bears the scars of Man, promises to eliminate what he sees as a threat. Urged to abandon the only home he’s ever known, Mowgli embarks on a captivating journey of self-discovery, guided by panther-turned-stern mentor Bagheera and the free-spirited bear Baloo. Along the way, Mowgli encounters jungle creatures who don’t exactly have his best interests at heart, including Kaa, a python whose seductive voice and gaze hypnotizes the man-cub, and the smooth-talking King Louie, who tries to coerce Mowgli into giving up the secret to the elusive and deadly red flower: fire.
Marc Graue Director: Jericca Cleland&Kevin Munroe Genre: Animation Studio: Rainmaker Entertainment and Blockade Entertainment
Synopsis atchet and Clank tells the story of two unlikely heroes as they struggle to stop a vile alien named Chairman Drek from destroying every planet in the Solana Galaxy. When the two stumble upon a dangerous weapon capable of destroying entire planets, they must join forces with a team of colorful heroes called The Galactic Rangers in order to save the galaxy. Along the way they’ll learn about heroism, friendship, and the importance of discovering one’s own identity.
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sportski ugao
Jedna od najvećih ikona svetskog fudbala, Johan Cruyff, umro je od raka 24. marta 2016., u dobi od 68 godina. U čast njegovoj zaostavštini pozivamo Vas da pročitate članak koji je objavio britanski dnevnik “The Guardian”.
članku kojim je obeležio Cruyffov 50. rođendan 1997. godine, holandski pisac Hubert Smits tvrdi da je Cruyff učinio više od bilo koga da oblikuje savremenu Holandiju. Cruyff se sukobljavao sa fudbalskim vlastima, inspirisao je, zapanjivao i oduševljavao svoje savremenike i razbijao stare obrasce popustljivosti. Starim “namesnicima”, koji su vodili zemlju on je bio glas mladih koji je rekao: “Sada je red na nas.” Neki od njegovih saigrača u holandskom timu koji su trebali da osvoje Svetski kup 1974. godine imali su dugu kosu i nosili ljubavne kuglice, ali Cruyff nikada nije bio hipi. On je bio izuzetno takmičarski nastrojen i interesovao ga je novac. Kako je sam istakao: “Kad se moja karijera završi, ne mogu da odem u pekaru i kažem: ’Ja sam Johan Cruyff, dajte mi malo hleba’.” U još uvek u velikoj meri amaterskom svetu holandskog fudbala, igra za reprezentaciju je smatrana čašću, ali Cruyff je tražio isplatu. Kada je otkrio da su holandski FS zvaničnici bili osigurani za putovanja u inostranstvo a igrači ne, zahtevao je - i prisilio ih - na promenu. Počeo je da postavlja pitanja koja je cela generacija
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postavljala: zašto se stvari organizuju na ovaj način? I nikad nije prestao da postavlja takva pitanja ni na terenu ni van njega. „Totalni fudbal“ koji se pojavio u Ajaksu je proizvod nekoliko izvanrednih talenata koji su provocirali i inspirisali jedni druge. Međutim, Cruyff je bio suštinski genije iza ove operacije. On je uticao na događaje na terenu, ne samo kao vanserijski nadareni i originalni igrač - jednak Dijegu Maradoni ili Peleu - već i kroz njegovu naviku velikog taktičkog prilagođavanja tokom utakmice bez obaveštavanja „klupe“ tj. trenera i drugih igrača. „Totalni fudbal“ je Ajaks odveo do tri uzastopna Evropska kupa (1971-73) i omogućio Holandiji da zaseni i zadivi svet na Svetskom kupu 1974. godine. Osim toga, bez Cruyff-a bi ta filozofija umrla u ranim 1980-im, u vreme kada se većina fudbalera „totalnog fudbala“ penzionisala i kada je odbrambeni fudbal postao moderan čak i u Holandiji. U Ajaksu je Cruyff vratio principe „totalnog fudbala“. Vremenom su njegove ideje postale nova ortodoksija u Holandiji. On je u Ajaksu reorganizovao sistem za mlade igrače i učio ih svom stilu igranja fudbala, a zatim je ponovio trik sa većim budžetom u Barseloni. Mi uzimamo zdravo za gotovo to da je Španija zemlja elegantnog, promišljeno kreativnog fudbala. Cruyff je taj koji ga je učinio takvim. Otišao je u Barselonu kao igrač 1973. godine samo zato što su ga njegovi saigrači u Ajaksu uvredili izglasavši Pita Kajzera za kapitena. Dvadeset tri godine kasnije, Josep Luis Nunez ga je otpustio kao trenera Barselone nakon što je „tim snova“ koji je on napravio počeo da stari. Krojf se kasnije osvetio kada je orkestrirao pobedu Nunezovog rivala, Joana Laporte. Godine
1983. Ajaksov predsednik Ton Harmsen je sumnjao u sposobnost tada 36-godišnjeg Cruyff-a da nastavi da privlači mase. Ponižen i ljut, Cruyff se pridružio Fejenordu, i odmah im doneo dve titule. Dugotrajni sukob sa najboljim golmanom holandske nacije Jan Van Beverenom, na primer, doveo je do toga da Cruyff ubedi Mihelsa da umesto Van Beverena povede Jan Jongbloda na Svetsko prvenstvo 1974. godine. Jongblod je smatran suviše starim i ekscentričnim, ali je Cruyff primetio da je bio dobar sa nogama i da je mogao da ode daleko od gola. Kada bi mogao da igra i kao pomoćni branilac, Holandija bi mogla da napadne na terenu jače nego obično. Rođen je koncept eng. sweeper-keeper (golmana-čistač). Bez Cruyff-a nikada ne bismo imali takve sjajne moderne praktičare kao što je Manuel Nojer. Cruyff je direktno uticao na zapažen broj najvažnijih fudbalskih timova modernog doba. Moderna Barselona i Španija i sadašnji Bajern Minhen i nemačke reprezentacije dokazuju ovu tvrdnju. Isto tako i Arigo Sačijev nepobedivi tim Milana krajem 80-tih i Arsenalova nepobedivost od 2003-04. To je zato što je Cruyff rešio, kako je holandski pisac Artur van den Bogard rekao, “metafizički problem” fudbala. Ono što je hteo da kaže jeste da ako dovoljno dobro igraš Cruyff-ovim stilom sa dovoljno talentovanih igrača teško je izgubiti. On je, u stvari, otac modernog fudbala. (Izvor:http:// www.theguardian. com/football/2016/ mar/24/johancruyff-dies-aged68-holland-football-legend)
sports corner
JOHAN CRUYFF - FATHER OF THE MODERN GAME were insured for foreign trips but players were not, he demanded – and forced – a change. He started asking questions that the whole generation was asking: why are things organised this way? And he never stopped asking On 24th March 2016 Johan Cruyff, one of the greatest icons such questions on of world football, died of cancer at the age of 68. In honour the field or off. to his legacy below we invite you to read an article that was The Total published by the British daily newspaper “The Guardian”. Football that emerged at Ajax was the product of n an article to mark Cruyff’s 50th several remarkable talents provoking and birthday in 1997 the Dutch writer Hubert inspiring each other. Cruyff, however, was Smeets argued that Cruyff had done the essential genius behind the operation. more than anyone to shape the modern He influenced events on the field not only Netherlands. Cruyff clashed with football as a preternaturally gifted and original authorities, inspired, astonished and player – the equal of Diego Maradona or delighted his contemporaries and smashed Pelé – but also through his habit of making old patterns of deference. To the old major tactical adjustments during a match “regents” who ran the country he was the without reference to the bench. Total voice of youth who said: “Now it’s our turn.” Football swept Ajax to three successive Some of his team-mates in the HolEuropean Cups (1971-73) and enabled land team who should have won the 1974 Holland to dazzle and delight the world at World Cup had long hair and wore love the 1974 World Cup. Moreover, without beads but Cruyff was never any sort of Cruyff the philosophy would have died in hippy. He was ferociously competitive and the early 1980s, a time when most total interested in money. As he pointed out: footballers had retired and defensive foot“When my career ends, I cannot go to the ball had become fashionable even in the baker and say: ‘I’m Johan Cruyff, give me Netherlands. At Ajax Cruyff reinstated total some bread.’ In what was still the largely principles. Over time his ideas became amateur world of Dutch football, playing the new orthodoxy in the Netherlands. for the national team was considered an He reorganised the Ajax youth system honour but Cruyff demanded payment. to educate players to play his style, then When he discovered Dutch FA officials repeated the trick with a bigger budget at Barcelona. We take it for granted that Spain is the land of elegant, thoughtful creative football. It was Cruyff who made it that way. He went to Barcelona as a player in 1973 only because his Ajax team mates had insulted him by voting Piet Keizer as captain. Twenty-three years later, Josep Lluís Núñez sacked him as the Barça coach after the Dream Team he had built began to age. Cruyff later had his revenge when he orchestrated the victory of Núñez’s rival, Joan Laporta. In 1983 the Ajax chairman Ton Harmsen doubted the then 36-year-old Cruyff’s ability to keep
drawing the crowds. Mortified and angry, Cruyff joined Feyenoord, and promptly won them the double. A long-running feud with the nation’s best shot-stopping goalkeeper Jan van Beveren, for example, led to Cruyff persuading Michels to take Jan Jongbloed to the 1974 World Cup instead. Jongbloed was widely considered too old and eccentric but Cruyff had spotted he was good with his feet and he could roam far from goal. If he functioned almost as an auxiliary defender, Holland could press even higher up the field than usual. The concept of the sweeper-keeper was born. Without Cruyff we would never have had such brilliant modern practitioners as Manuel Neuer. A remarkable number of the most important teams of the modern era have been directly influenced by him. Modern Barcelona and Spain and the current Bayern Munich and German national teams bear out the point. So did Arrigo Sacchi’s all-conquering Milan team in the late 80s and the Arsenal Invincibles of 2003-04. This is because, as the Dutch writer Arthur van den Boogaard said, Cruyff solved the “metaphysical problem” of football. What he meant was that if you play a Cruyffian style well enough with sufficiently talented players it is hard to lose. He was, in effect, the father of the modern game. (Source: http://www.theguardian. com/football/2016/mar/24/johan-cruyffdies-aged-68-holland-football-legend)
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hi - tech
NAJBOLJI GEDZETI I TEHNOLOGIJE SA CES-a 2016 CES 2016, prva i po mnogima najvažnija konferencija potrošačke elektronike godine je završena. Predstavljeni su određeni glavni nosioci ovogodišnje konferencije kao što su Oculus Rift, HTC Vive i novi masivni televizori izuzetno visoke definicije, ali i mnogo novih stvari koje su predstavljale potpuno iznenađenje. Ovo su nekih od gadžeta i novih tehnologija predstavljenih na ovogodišnjem CES-u:
Samsung Modularni TV
vo je više koncept tehnologije nego bilo šta drugo, ali ideja modularne televizije je priznajemo zanimljiva. U suštini, svaki od ovih ekrana se mogu koristiti samostalno kao i što se mogu sastaviti i formirati ekran u različitim formatima slike. Zaista kul stvar je da kada se stave zajedno, to je potpuno usklađeno, što znači da ne možete da vidite linije između ekrana na mestima gde se spajaju u jedno.
Samsung Modular TV
his one is more a tech concept than anything else, but the idea of a modular television is admittedly an interesting one. Essentially, each of these pieces of the screens can be used independently, as well as move together and form screens in different as-
pect ratios. The really cool thing is that when they form together, it’s totally seamless, meaning you can’t see the lines between the individual pieces.
Samsung Noutbuk 9
DietSensor SCiO skener hrane
okušaj evidencije onoga šta jedete je važno za ljude na dijeti, ali je još važnije za one sa bolestima poput dijabetesa. Ono što ovaj mali uređaj radi je da skenira hemijski sastav hrane ili pića na licu mesta, analizira da li je to nešto što bi trebalo da jedete uzimajući u obzir vaš propisani režim ishrane. Može da radi sa samo jednim komadom hrane po redu i mora da koristi aplikaciju od više koraka kako bi odradio posao, ali je pre svega zapanjujuće što uopšte postoji uređaj koji ovo radi.
DietSensor SCiO Food Scanner
rying to track what you’re eating for dieters is important, but it’s even more important for those with conditions like Diabetes. What this little gadget does is scan the chemical makeup of the food or drink at hand, analysing whether or not it’s something you should eat given your dietary conditions. It can only do one piece of the food at a time and has to use a multi-step app to do the job, but it’s kind of astounding that it even works in the first place.
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amsung je poznat po kopiranju svakog Ejpl koraka, a Noutbuk 9 se po tome ne razlikuje. Međutim, ono što je Samsung ovde uradio je da je uzeo ceo taj “tanak i lagan” laptop mentalitet i zaista nešto uradio sa tim. Ne samo da je Noutbuk 9 neverovatno tanak, već je i pakovanje udarno, ide do maksimuma sa i7 Intel Core procesorom, 8 GB RAM memorije i 256GB memorije za skladištenje. Jedino pravo razočarenje je ekran od 1080p, kojem će biti teško se nosi sa laptop računarima kao što je MacBook Pro ili Dell XPS. Po pravoj ceni doduše (što je trenutno nešto se razmatra), Noutbuk 9 bi mogao biti jedan od velikih izvanrednih proizvoda 2016.
Samsung Notebook 9
amsung is known for copying every one of Apple’s steps, and the Notebook 9 is no different. However, what Samsung has done here is take the whole “thin and light” laptop mentality and really run with it. Not only is the Notebook 9 incredibly thin, it also packs a punch, maxing out with an Intel Core i7 processor, 8GB of RAM, and 256GB of SSD storage. The only real disappointment is the 1080p display, which will have a hard time comparing to laptops like the MacBook Pro or Dell XPS. At the right price though (which is currently TBD), the Notebook 9 could be one of the big laptop standouts of 2016. (Izvor: http://www.pastemagazine.com)
hi - tech
THE BEST GADGETS AND NEW TECH OF CES 2016 CES 2016, the first and debatably most important consumer technology show of the year, is over. There are some mainstays of the show such as the Oculus Rift, the HTC Vive, and new ultra super definition massive televisions but also a lot of new stuff that was a complete surprise. These are the some of the gadgets and pieces of new technology presented in this year’s CES:
Ehang putnički dron
Livestream Movi
kcione kamere su svuda gde pogledate ovih dana ali ono što je Livestream kompanija učinila sa svojim novim proizvodom Movi deluje neverovatno intuitivno. Ova mala 4K kamera je namenjena za snimanje uživo događaja koji je u toku, što je nešto što ljudi žele da rade sve više i više ovih dana. Movi se povezuje pravo na vaš Ajfon i koristi odgovarajuću aplikaciju koja vam dopušta da editujete do 9 virtuelnih kamera, sve u hodu. Možete zumirati, seći, pa čak i podesiti da neka kamera prati lica osoba, sve u okviru aplikacije. Za samo 399 dolara Movi izgleda kao sledeći veliki korak u mogućnostima striminga uživo.
Livestream Movi
ction cams are everywhere you look these days, but what Livestream has done with its new product Movi feels incredibly intuitive. This little 4K camera is meant to be used to capture live events as they happen, which is something people want to do more and more these days. The Movi connects right to your iPhone and uses the corresponding app to let you edit up to 9 virtual cameras all on the fly. You can zoom, pan, cut, and even let the camera follow faces, all within the app. At just $399, the Movi feels like the next big step in livestreaming capabilities.
Faraday Future FFZero1 koncept
voju veliku premijeru na konferenciji je imala nova kompanija pod nazivom Faraday Future. Ona je prikazala svoj novi koncept automobila visokih performansi, FFZero1, koji izgleda tako slično Betmobilu, kao što smo videli na stvarnom automobilu. To je potpuno električni auto za koji tvrde da postiže brzinu od 0 do 60 za manje od tri sekunde, a može dostići brzinu od preko 200 milja na čas. Iako je FFZero1 samo koncept automobila, ne možemo a da željno ne iščekujemo kakav će to auto Faraday Future zapravo staviti u masovnu proizvodnju već kasnije ove godine.
nogo dronova je imalo svoj nastup na CES-u 2016, ali nijedan nije ovako. Ehang putnički dron ne služi za snimanje impresivnih video snimaka ili pak za nešto tako maštovito kao što je dostava paketa preko Amazona, on služi da prevozi upravo tebe. Ehang putnički dron nije mogao da poleti na samoj konferenciji, ali nas je ceo koncept jednog u potpunosti električnog helikoptera koji može da se kreće do odredišta sa osobom unutra potpuno oduševio i učinio da željno čekamo da ovu stvar vidimo u akciji.
Ehang Passenger Drone
ots of drones made appearances at CES 2016, but none quite like this. The Ehang Passenger Drone isn’t for taking impressive video or even something as fanciful as delivering packages through Amazon, it’s for you. The Ehang Passenger Drone wasn’t available for taking flights at the show, but the whole concept of an all-electric helicopter that can navigate itself to a destination with you inside got us really excited to see this thing in action.
concept car, the FFZero1, which looks as close to the Batmobile as we’ve seen in an actual car. It’s fully electric, claims a 0-60 speed in less than three seconds, and can travel over 200mph. Even though the FFZero1 is just a concept car, we can’t help but eagerly anticipate what kind of car Faraday Future will actually be putting into mass production as soon as later this year.
Faraday Future FFZero1 Concept
aking its big premiere at the show was a new company called Faraday Future. It showed off its new high-performance
(Source: http://www.pastemagazine.com)
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rošla godina se može smatrati veoma uspešnom godinom za Kosovsku policiju, odnosno za Upravu za rad policije u zajednici i njenim naporima u sprečavanju maloletničke delikvencije i nasilja. U okviru svoje misije i vizije da se identifikuju, istraže i pred lice pravde privedu počinioci, Kosovska policija stavlja poseban akcenat na prevenciji raznih kriminalnih akata, a posebno maloletničke delikvencije kao najosetljiviji i najkomplikovaniji od njih. Preko Direkcije za rad policije u zajednici i prevenciju već nekoliko godina zaredom organizovane su različite aktivnosti na pred-univerzitetskim obrazovnim institucijama sa ciljem da se podigne svest maloletnika o negativnim pojavama i drugim pitanjima mladih. Rezultat ovih napora je da u odnosu na 2014, u 2015 godini nije registrovan nijedan slučaj maloletničke delikvencije sa smrtnim ishodom u nekoj od škola na Kosovu. Međutim, prema rečima policijskog službenika Mentora Cakolli-ja, ima još mnogo posla da se uradi kako bi se u školama iskorenile sve vrste slučajeva maloletničke delinkvencije i nasilja. “Nastavnici i profesori nisu jedini odgovorni za praćenje i podizanje svesti učenika o nasilju u školama. To je pre svega dužnost roditelja, da obrazuju i svoju decu upute kako da koriste nenasilne metode u komunikaciji i rešavanju njihovih problema”, rekao je Cakolli. On je rekao da je nasilje među učenicima u školama jedan od najozbiljnijih problema kojima se ugrožava razvoj, zdravlje, blagostanje, osnovna prava, dostojanstvo i koje može čak dovesti u opasnost živote učenika. Najgori scenario je da se nasilje protiv učenika ne prijavljuje. Učenici se često plaše da prijave nasilje u školama ili oni uopšte ne vide nasilje kao nešto pogrešno ili neobično, već ga vide kao razumnu kaznu za svoje postupke ili neaktivnosti. Imajući ovo u vidu, Kosovska policija, u saradnji sa učenicima i drugim organizacijama koje imaju za cilj da se poboljša kvalitet preduniverzitetskog obrazovanja na Kosovu, radi na
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poboljšanju opšte bezbednosti učenika i posebno bezbednosti u i oko škola. U tu svrhu tokom 2015 rad u okviru projekta “Prevencija nasilja i maloletničke delikvencije” zaslužuje posebnu pohvalu. Ovaj projekat je sproveden u osam škola (osnovnim i srednjim) u Prištini. Razne teme su obuhvaćene i diskutovane, kao što su rad policije u zajednici, maloletnička delinkvencija, bezbednost saobraćaja, sprečavanje zloupotrebe narkotika, internet obrazovanje sa posebnim naglaskom na društvene mreže. Drugi uspešni projekti su predavanja u školama u Uroševcu, Gnjilanu, Suvoj Reci, Đakovici, Žuru, Prizrenu, Srbici i Peći u okviru programa za podizanje svesti o bezbednosti u zajednici, okrugli stolovi sa učenicima osnovnih škola iz Prištine, Gnjilana, Novog Brda i Peći itd. Gospodin Cakolli je naveo da je zbog uspeha projekta o prevenciji nasilja prošle godine, ove godine Kosovska policija planira da isti proširi na škole širom Kosova. Takođe se planira da se proširi program za podizanje svesti o bezbednosti u zajednici. Dok je najvažnija novina to da Kosovska policija planira da organizuje dva omladinska kampa ove godine. Posebna stvar u vezi sa ovim kampovima je da će u njima učestvovati deca različitih nacionalnosti i iz različitih škola. Na kraju je gospodin Cakolli istakao: “Ovo su samo neki od glavnih projekata koje Kosovska policija ima za cilj da ih sprovede tokom 2016 godine, uveravam vas da će Kosovska policija nastaviti svoju posvećenost sprečavanju nasilja nad decom uopšte kroz veoma uspešan koncept rada policije u zajednici. Međutim, mi apelujemo na sve, maloletnike naročito, da ukoliko znaju za nekoga ko pokuša da izvrši ili vrši bilo koju vrstu nasilja, da o tome odmah obavesti svog razrednog starešinu, roditelje i policiju.”
ast year could be considered a very successful year for Kosovo Police, respectively Directorate for Community Policing and the efforts in preventing juvenile delinquency and violence. Within its mission and vision to identify, investigate, apprehend and bring perpetrators to justice, Kosovo Police puts special emphasis on preventing various crimes and especially juvenile delinquency as the most sensitive and complicated one. Through the Directorate for Community Policing and Prevention for several years in a row various activities have been organized on pre-university educational institutions to raise awareness amongst minors on negative phenomena and other delinquency issues. The result of these efforts is that compared to 2014, in 2015 not a single case of juvenile delinquency with fatal outcomes was registered in any of the schools in Kosovo. However, according to police officer Mentor Cakolli there is still much work to do so that all kinds of cases of juvenile delinquency and violence in schools are eradicated. “Teachers and professors are not the only ones responsible to monitor and raise the awareness of students to violence in schools. It is primarily the parents’ duty to educate and instruct their children to practice non-violent methods in communicating and solving their problems,” Mr. Cakolli said. He went on to say that violence among students in schools is one of the most serious problems that threatens their development, health, wellbeing, fundamental rights, dignity and could even put the students’ lives at risk. The worst case scenario is that violence against students goes unreported. Students are often afraid to report violence in schools, or they do not consider violence at all as something wrong or extraordinary but, rather as
a reasonable punishment for their actions or inactions. Having this in mind, Kosovo Police in cooperation with the students and other organizations, who’s aim is to improve the quality of pre-university education in Kosovo, are working to improve the general security of students and in particular safety in and around schools. To this purpose during 2015 the work in the project “Prevention of Violence and Juvenile Delinquency” deserves special praise. This project was conducted in eight schools (both primary and secondary) in Prishtina. Various topics such as community policing, juvenile delinquency, traffic safety, prevention of narcotics abuse, internet education with special emphasis on social media were addressed. Other successful projects were lectures in schools in Ferizaj, Gjilan, Suhareka, Gjakova, Zhur, Prizren, Skenderaj and Peja within the program for raising awareness on community safety, round table discussions with students of primary schools from Prishtina, Gjilan, Novoberdo and Peja, etc. Mr. Cakolli stated that due to the success of the project on violence prevention last year, this year Kosovo Police plan to expand it in schools all over Kosovo. It is also planned to expand the awareness raising program on community safety. Whereas, the most important novelty is that Kosovo Police are planning to organize two youth camps this year. The particular thing about these camps is that they shall be attended by children of various nationalities and schools. Finally Mr. Cakolli emphasized: “These are only some of the main projects that Kosovo Police aims to conduct during 2016. I can assure you that Kosovo Police shall continue its commitment to prevent violence against children in general through its very successful concept of community policing. However, we do appeal to everyone, minors in particular, that if they know of anyone who attempts to, or exercises any kind of violence, to immediately notify their homeroom teacher, parents and police.”
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Ivana Z
nate je kao Ivanu, a tokom protekle četiri godine ona vas je informisala i zabavljala na talasima Radija K4. U odnosu na većinu kolega sa kojima radi na ovoj radio stanici, ona se može smatrati početnikom kada su u pitanju godine iskustva. To međutim ne znači da je ona manje važna ili dobra u svom poslu. Naprotiv, ono što nije stekla iskustvom ona nadoknađuje kroz ljubav i posvećenost ovoj profesiji. “Kada volite svoj posao, onda ništa nije teško ili nemoguće. Svaki dan dolazim na posao najmanje pola sata ranije kako bih obavila završne pripreme za moju emisiju. Prvo prođem kroz materijal koji treba da čitam, a zatim odem u studio i vodim emisiju, snimam radio džinglove ili objavljujem vesti na našoj veb stranici. Ali najbolji deo mog posla je ipak to što volim muziku i volim da komuniciram sa svojom publikom”, kaže Ivana. Kada smo je zamolili da prokomentariše uspeh, Ivana je bez oklevanja odgovorila da uspeh dolazi svim sposobnim, kvalifikovanim, prijatnim ljudima sa kojima je zadovoljstvo sarađivati. Prema njenim rečima, posao di-džeja i radijskog voditelja nije fizički zahtevan, ali ako nemate gore pomenute kvalitete najverovatnije ćete imati poteškoće u obavljanju posla. I najzad, iako
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se radijski di-džejevi ne vide, ljudi im često prepoznaju glas. I njoj se desilo više puta da joj ljudi na ulici priđu i pitaju je da li radi na Radio K4 jer im je njen glas zvučao poznato. To znači da uvek morate da date maksimum od sebe, jer cilj ovog posla je kako da informišete tako i da zabavite svoje slušaoce. Na pitanje da uporedi rad na radiju K4 sa drugim radio stanicama, kao i sa drugim medijima (televizija i štampa) Ivana kaže: “Razlika u odnosu na druge radio stanice je uglavnom u činjenici da Radio K4 ima bolju opremu i drugačiji način rada. A što se tiče televizije, svest o tome da ljudi mogu i da me vide bi učinila da se osećam malo nelagodnije, dok novinarstvo u štampi nije u mojoj prirodi jer sam ja više tip osobe koja voli da priča tako da mi radio najviše odgovara. Posao radijskog voditelja mi omogućava da budem u
kontaktu sa muzikom i da direktno ili indirektno komuniciram sa drugim ljudima”. I za kraj, Ivana je poručila da svi treba da težimo ka lepšoj i boljoj budućnosti. Naši ideali su bolji život i bezbedniji svet i zato nam je potrebno nešto novo i drugačije, nešto što će nas sve zajedno učiniti srećnim i zadovoljnim.
ou know her as Ivana and for the past four years she has been informing and entertaining you through the waves of Radio K4. Compared to most of her colleagues in this radio station she might be considered as a beginner experience wise. However, this does not mean that she is less important or good at her job. On the contrary, what she lacks in experience she compensates with the love and dedication towards this occupation. “When you love your job than nothing is difficult or impossible. Every day I come to work at least thirty minutes earlier and I make the final preparations for my show. I go through the material I have to read, and then I go to the studio I host my show, record radio jingles or post news on our webpage. However, the best part of my job is that I love music and I love to communicate with my audience,” Ivana says. When asked about success without any hesitation Ivana answered that success comes to all those who are competent, qualified, likeable and pleasant to cooperate with. According to her being a radio DJ is not a physically demanding job but if you don’t have the above mentioned qualities most likely you will have a tough time at work. After
all, radio DJ’s are not seen but people can recognize your voice as it has often happened to her that people have approached her on the street and asked whether she worked at radio K4 because the voice seemed familiar to them. This means that you have to always give your maximum because the purpose of this work is to both inform and entertain your listeners. When asked to compare the work at radio K4 and other radio stations as well as other media products (television and press) Ivana said: “The difference with other radio station is mainly in the fact that Radio K4 has better equipment and a different meth-
od of work. As far as television is concerned, knowing that people would also see me I think would make me a bit more uncomfortable. Whereas printed journalism is not in my nature because I am more of a talking person so radio suits me best. Being a radio host makes it possible for me to be near music, and also communicate directly or indirectly to other people.” In the end Ivana reminded everyone that we all strive to a better future. Our ideals are a better life and a safer world. Therefore, we need something new and different, something that shall make us all happy and satisfied.
for you 27
esto pit am dru ponajv ge nedosta i{e nar od tak tole , a i sebe, da i bezbr nemira rancije li je oj razlo ima. Lako je mrzeti i mr`nje uzrok r ga za sam su r e tk i - ume i pron a vi{e m ju da p to, ali samo lad i ne me|u ljudim tova, iskustv oni pra a} r a { a dostaje taju. . Mo`d o, pa m vi i a m i nostav Alen M nije ne se sve ~ini m i `ivotno is go {to nogo je sigurno Re~an lim ustv dz e - Dra kada o nam - da me ari jeste. Ali, ga{ se je ne sebi, s tim ne~iji pog izmerno boli dno amo za led pun i pe~e SU@IV to istim je mr`nje OT JE zikom. {to je ~uo da na NA[E Z n da jedn a{to up e p r i~ BLAGO amo i druge orno p Stvara oku{av prome prilago n je ljudskih sa duh nimo, u amo dimo i v o r prihvati v mesto e oni jes da kojih p nim i materija dnosti je izm mo u - ma oti~u k e lnim vr kojim je ljude onakvim se u ednosti {ano lt se zva v urne, u rednos zikom a kakv li? Zna m m a iz ti p e , i r tn a i~ i~ke ali, ma koje mo ni{ta n stvaran kako e pitaju da se obi~n ja ljuds su se stvorile i nau~ne i ljudi ba u ratu kih dru volje u - kako tokom id {tava i { ~e za dan koje su procesa a{njos znamo stvuju u njem a protiv svoje K u lt u t, r vr n d tako i z u i moza a budu edne ik zem prineti a obi~ni ljudi . Ali, isto tako me|uk lj } tome d sigurno e no u s lt am mo eracija urne komunik e stvara po{to st. ovim p , kao { rostorim ir ve} jednom gu doa vanjem c ij e izm to prava, za a me|us bez ob su: dostojans e|u genobno r . Samo tolera vlada zira tvo az nc etni~ku pozitiv ne rezu umevanje mo ija i pripadn na kulturu, v i ljudska eru, jez g o lt u s a t, te d S p oneti . Ka amo ol it ik, rasu besa u da bi samo o , zbli`iva zajedni~ke v d. stupila se}anja r n e ju d n i o saradn mesto s m ti S r p ` to o n ma`u ga, sv je i ji izme na{ih p toleranciji gra|an i smo zadu`e |u razli~itih ve}ina roblem nacija. s n a k i u d b `ivot b a gaji i mor odr`iva i nam b ila bi re{ena , mirna alnu svest ka mo su`ivot uz i io mno ^injen ko bi s sredina tako i u go la ice e , kako celoku jnje vre ukazuju da je k{i. u porod stvorila p z n e o m m lj me da k e d ici, r r a je u { v tv a`na s pro svoje p njeni s amo ak u. Sloboda je oglede menimo ta n dne o o v u n na `ivo n ici. Svi i da na i svi za t zavisim joj u`ivaju sv m obra visimo i o z o o jedni o rad i re d op{te moram v dd d budu anje, o g prior`ivotinje da po{tujemo dobrostanja. rugih iteti. M S ora sva stv i orenja, toga, se bore biljke koje i prihva mo shvatiti ljude, titi stva za odr` rno vazduh a onakvo a, vode vanje m kakv st i zemlje koji su a ona jeste i na da prirodn {e zajedni~k zauvek nam jedanpu o, o dobro t bude ja .Z odnosi sno da sada{n zasnov dravi jost ne an istini, te m prome raju na i na niti pro o`e s p da se { o lo n ali da p a{am st, ro i da ga o kako treba mo`e u {lost jimo sim ni{titi b p prema ud nost. T drugim atije oleranc u} a iz tako {to b e ija je gava potreb i mr`nju mo generaliz na poacije . jedincim Svi treb a a da zna u poro da opro mo disti elimini{ mo i da cama, a emo m r` u`ivali u mirno nju, kako j i beri} jimo za bismo etn je `ivimo dni~ku solida oj budu}nosti rn samo z . Gaa sebe ost i razume v , i sirom a{ne lj ve} za svu de anje. Ne ude. cu, okru`e Ako dete odr stare no ljub aste av jom, on lju i tolerancio }e zn ati d i da bu de tole a voli rantno.
28 for you
s future, a ent and ed s re rm p fo e is re for th ountry a treasu tructure of a c munication bes mained l m o ra uman ltural c e cultu well. Th ting the intercu s: dignity and h ion, g c a e h p re , suc ure, li by res E C erations a person’s cult N n e A g R n f e . etc ck o twe s of TOLE it the la gardles nicity, gender, onnection often is , turmoil and ghts, re c th ri e rs e , e th e th c o ons. e, ra s help of wars looks self and rent nati languag ommon value fe if d ask my that is a cause be everything n e e ate too e Only c ay tion betw to cultiv toleranc ong people. M , because I am co-opera all responsible awareness e th re m is e a d y ll n th d a re ral hatre an it rea gh. But, ent, as re, we a and mo to me, th erienced enou ibly when I Therefo ce with a civil ceful environm hin p rr simpler x o ten pea nt wit full nd not e rts me h co-exis tainable e prese se only s b u n s a young a g I know. It hu t me with eyes g a c re a in kin for a mo family this also try makes sen hin is one th body is looking eard me spea e e g n ving wit a f a coun h e h y c within th m e edom o every person li each other feel so use th ying to re a tr F c . e e ty b w g t ie y n b sti jus t on soc y are enjoyed of hate l penden d of adju ge. Wh hen it is . We are all de on the genera t langua istently instea r who they are w n re fe if t y rs d n tr fo e e t n p d c u le n t e o o p pe ha sp er s peo that c dy is de s, we re eak or w each oth and accepting everybo eir nation. Thu d humans, they sp t nobody d e s n g e a a lv u e g a n ours w th h lan g of th res a e We kno tter whic n it is wellbein union of creatu protection of th e - no ma me they have? t anything whe th m e re m th a o in hich na ou ts for the c ants kind of ople ab nd plan r and earth, w tions particip an e a g p n ls li a ry il a w in la c n ate anim asks ord and they are u rdinary people Only ealthy re ot last w e ir and n urces of life. H to act properly to e. a a c im a rt th e a p w w f o a n to us reso e also k lishmen bring natural it of trust push s others by it. But, w to the reestab rstanding can ir rd p a s w e to te de in th athy contribu and mutual un e symp ent and hate. v a h n d to re d e n e b a r g iv e a judgm could fo re toleranc sults. r p e to ld g g u n le in o a ab re sw nd avoid u ld b e te fo r positive ngs of hatred a of our problem for We s h o fe e li n g o f h a t r s ie o s m a If feeli e uch nce and te th e by tolera would be so m high time to e li m in a o f a p e a c e fu l placed is fe , us e li it n k t t d o a a e ti n us th ed a re. L th e s duca be solv cts are telling u s fu tu o f m u tu a l d that e s. We o n r a e p fe s li o fa of re tie pr us. The r perspective ome our priori ay it a c u lt u dw ou u lt iv a te n d u n d e r s ta n ec c e b e g th ld n u ty a li o h a a h c s y re r it t ly r e e p n a e rd o t th do acc s o li d n o t li v e r all tha work an derstand and e and fo change the . L e t u s , b u t fo r th e c n g n u o in to e z e li s t hav e d rea s e lv e canno enow an fo r o u r th e o ld a n d th present the past can d is right , ls n t ia e u d u r b n c h il d e ha past, . Individ lly o p le , th e e s e future g poor pe stroy th s, and especia fu e r , th e ilie e. c a p p e d o p le w h o and fam need toleranc pe hate nations a n d a ll s lu c k y a s easy to a t o n e It is very and find nuar a t if a e n s a id th lo v e t o a e is th It r . som fo s u s in reason r a is e d nd merous c h il d is to le r a n c e , ly few a n o t u b h to hatred, a n d w it n th a t c h il d are able he people l w a n re e e th he th u p , h e /s grows forgive. Mislim a b le to h Alen w il l b e Dragas – n ve a ç Re g iv e lo be to and ENCE T t. S n I a r X le E to CO-
d tertwine lues is in es a v n a um lu tion of h nd material va he crea la a u it ir p s with the h originated hic w f o t u o cienc and s ti is rt a l, ra were cultu s, which e lu a v c tifi e during th formed f human o creation d have ren a ty ie c so
for you 29
30 for you
Pisma citalaca v
Zdravo dragi moji, Eto i mene da Vam se javim! Zovem se Milena, imam 15 godina, i `ivim u So~anici. Moja omiljena muzi~ka grupa je ‘One Direction’, i svaka njihova pesma mi se jako dopada. Od glumica najvi{e volim Slobodu Mi}alovi} koja je bila glavni lik u seriji „Ranjeni orao“. I svakako bih volela da objavite njen poster. U slobodno vreme volim: da igram raznorazne igrice na kompjuteru; da idem kod mojih najboljih drugarica; da u~im, gledam TV ili igram odbojku. Milena Jev~i} O.[. „Vuk Karad`i}“ So~anica
Zdravo, Javljam se u nadi da }ete objaviti i moje pisamce. @elim da znate da najvi{e volim muzi~ku grupu ‘One Direction’, i njihove pesme su mi NAJ. Omiljena glumica mi je Sloboda Mi}alovi}, a zamolila bih vas kada biste objavili poster Justin-a Bieber-a. Ve}inu vremena provodim na Facebook-u, a ponekad volim sa mojim najboljim drugaricama da igram tenis ili odbojku. Petranka Petrovi} O.[. „Vuk Karad`i}“ So~anica Pozdrav redakciji, Na po~etku bih da Vas zamolim, ukoliko mo`ete, da objavite poster mog najomiljenog glumca Antonioija Banderas-a. Mnogo volim da gledam njegove filmove, a tako|e volim i da slu{am muziku, a
najvi{e slu{am „Grand“ hitove i Radmilu Manojlovi}. Nakon {to zavr{im doma}e zadatke, igram igrice na kompjuteru ili iza|em napolje da igram fudbal sa drugarima. Nikola Vujovi} O.[. „Vuk Karad`i}“ So~anica ]ao, Zovem se Sonja. Slobodno vreme provodim ~itaju}i knjige, a nekada sam trenirala tenis, me|utim, vi{e nemam uslova za to. Svakako, uvek na|em vremena da posetim moje dobre drugarice sa kojima mogu da pri~am o svemu. ^esto }askamo o omiljenim peva~ima, kao {to je Sa{a Kova~evi} ili o glumcima, gde je neizostavan prelepi Vin Diesel, ~iji poster uvek skupljamo. Sonja Vujovi} O.[. „Vuk Karad`i}“ So~anica Zdravo, Moja omiljena muzi~ka grupa je Ministarke, i redovno slu{am
njihove pesme. [to se glumaca ti~e, ne bih mogao da ne pomenem Vin-a Diesel-a. A bio bih Vam jako zahvalan, kada bih u nekom od izdanja ovog magazina, video poster filma Fast&Furious 7. U ku}i sam uvek aktivan, i volim u svemu da poma`em svojim roditeljima, kao i oni meni. Tako|e, kada sam slobodan, volim da igram fudbal ili rukomet, a naravno tu su i kompjuterske igrice. Filip Radovi} O.[. „Vuk Karad`i}“ So~anica
]ao! Ja sam An|elija iz So~anice. Hteo bih da Vam ka`em ne{to o mojim interesovanjima, kako biste lak{e ure|ivali magazin „4U“. Pre svega, mnogo volim da slu{am muziku, a najvi{e Rihanna-u i Jennifer Lopez. Kao i ve}ina mojih vr{njaka, volim sport, i to meni najomiljeniji - fudbal i tenis. Svoje slobodno vreme provodim za
TV-om, gledaju}i filmove, i voze}i bicikl, itd. Srda~an pozdrav! An|elija Simi} O.[. „Vuk Karad`i}“ So~anica
for you 31
Readers’ letters
Hello my dears, Here I am! My name is Marina, I am 15 years old, and I live in Socanica. My favourite band is ‘One Direction’, and I really like every song they have. Among actresses I like Sloboda Mićalović who was the main character in the series “Wounded Eagle”. I definitely would love you to publish a poster of her. In my spare time I like: to play various computer games, to visit my best friend, to study, watch TV, or play volleyball. Milena Jevčić Primary School “Vuk Karadžić” Sočanica
Ciao! I am An|elija from Socanica. I want to tell you something about my interests, to help you edit the magazine “4U”. First of all, I really like to listen to music, and most of all Rihanna and Jennifer Lopez. Like most of my peers, I love sport, and my favourites are football and tennis. I spend my free time watching TV, movies and
riding a bike, etc. Best regards! Andelija Simić Primary School “Vuk Karadžić” Sočanica
Hello, I am writing in hope that you will publish my letter. I want you to know that I love the band ‘One Direction’, and their songs are in my opinion THE BEST. My favourite actress is Sloboda Mićalović, and I would like to ask you to publish a poster of Justin Bieber. Most of the time I spend on Facebook, and sometimes I like to play tennis or volleyball with my best girlfriends. Petranka Petrović Primary School “Vuk Karadžić” Sočanica Greetings to the editorial, At the beginning I would like to ask you, if possible, to publish a poster of my favourite actor Antonio Banderas. I really like to watch his movies, and I also like to listen to music, and I mostly listen to the “Grand” hits and
Radmila Manojlovic. After I finish my homework, I play computer games or go outside to play football with my friends. Nikola Vujović Primary School “Vuk Karadžić” Sočanica Ciao, My name is Sanja. I spend my free time reading books, and I used to play tennis, however, I am not into position to do that anymore. Of course, I always find time to visit my good friends with whom I can talk to about everything. We often chat about their favourite singers, such as Sasa Kovacevic, or actors, among which is always beautiful Vin Diesel whose posters we collect. Sonja Vujović Primary School “Vuk Karadžić” Sočanica Hello, My favourite band is ‘The (female) Ministers’ and I regularly listen to their songs. Talking about actors, I
would have to mention Vin Diesel. And I could be very grateful if would see a poster of the movie Fast & Furious 7 in one of the editions of this magazine. I am always very active around the house, and I like to help my parents with everything, and they like to help me as well. Also, when I’m free, I love to play football or volleyball, and of course, there are also video games. Filip Radović Primary School “Vuk Karadžić” Sočanica