For You Srb/ Eng - June'16

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UVODNIK Poštovani čitaoci, Mesec za mesecom i stigosmo i do toplog juna. Verujem da ste već svi počeli da razmišljate o letnjem raspustu. Pre svega, želim da vam prenesem da se članovi naše redakcije iskreno nadaju da ste svi zadovoljnim svojim školskim rezultatima, i svi zajedno vam želimo da lepo provedete letnji raspust. A sada, hajde da se osvrnemo na najnoviji broj našeg magazina, koji je, kao što svi znamo, i poslednje izdanje za ovu školsku godinu. Nadamo se da ćete uživati u čitanju članaka i tema koje smo izabrali specijalno za vas. U rubrici “Škola meseca” imaćete priliku da saznate nešto više o osnovnoj školi “Vuk Karadžić” u Zvečanu, dok u rubrici “Životinjsko carstvo” nastavljamo sa predstavljanjem životinja od A do Z. U rubrici “Moda”, donosimo vam zanimljiv članak o “Najmodernijim parovima na ‘Met Gala 2016’” događaju. U rubrici “Music Box”, sigurno ćete uživati u čitanju veoma interesantne biografije pokojnog legendarnog pevača Prinsa, koji je preminuo 21. aprila 2016. godine. U ribrici “Moviemania” donosimo vam neke od najnovijih filmova iz čitavog sveta, kao što su: “Alisa u zemlji iza ogledala”, “Angry Birds”, “Megin plan” i “Prokletstvo Uspavane lepotice”, dok ćete u rubrici “Hi-Tech” moći da pronađete najnovije vesti iz sveta savremene tehnologije. U rubrici “Sports Corner”, donosimo vam detalje u vezi sa Evropskim prvenstvom 2016. I to nije sve što smo pripremili za vas. Zapravo, ovo su samo neki od članaka, a mi vas pozivamo da pažljivo prelistate stranice najnovijeg broja časopisa For You kako biste saznali šta smo još pripremili za vas. I na kraju, želela bih takođe i da vam se zahvalim na vašim pismima podrške. Naša redakcija vam želi sve najbolje tokom letnjeg raspusta, a dozvolite mi još i da vas podsetim da se radujemo našem ponovnom susretu u septembru. Pozivamo vas da nastavite da nam pišete i dalje kako biste nam pomogli da vam se što više približimo! Do našeg skorog ponovnog susreta! A do tada, želim vam sve najbolje dragi moji prijatelji! Leonora

“For You” je slu`bena publikacija KFOR-a, proizvedena i finansirana od strane KFOR-a. Štampa se na Kosovu i distribuira besplatno. Sadr`aj magazina ne odra`ava uvek stavove koalicije ili bilo koje zemlje ~lanice pojedina~no. KFOR prihvata i tra`i vaša mi{ljenja, neka od njih }e i objavljivati, verovatno u skra}enoj formi. Ako autor pisma tako `eli, njegovo/njeno ime ne}e biti objavljeno. KFOR ne}e objavljivati anonimna, maliciozna ili klevetni~ka pisma. Glavni urednik: Leonora Shabanaj Nik{i} Novinari: Ali Rexha, Asmir Nik{i}, Violeta Matovi} Fotografije: Ekipa “4U” Design & Layout: Bekim Shabani Uredni{tvo mo`ete kontaktirati na telefon: 038/503-603-2139 Pisma mo`ete slati na adresu: HQ KFOR - Kosova Film. “For You” magazin; Strasbourg Building; 10000 Pri{tina E-mail:;

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18 2-3: Uvodnik, sadržaj 4-5: Škola meseca: Osnovna škola “Vuk Karadžić”- Zvečan Upitnik: gde i kako ćete provesti letnji raspust? 6-7: Omladinski edukativni klub ‘Sinergija’ u Mitrovici 8-9: Fashion: Najstilizovaniji parovi na Met Gala Večeri 2016 10-11: Music Box: Princ 12-13: “Misli globalno, deluj lokalno” volontiraj! 14-15: Životinjsko carstvo: Životinje od A

do Ž 16-17: Poster: “Evro 2016” 18-19: Moviemania: Alice through the looking glass; The angry birds movie; Maggie’s plan; The curse of sleeping beauty 20-21: Sportski ugao: Evropsko prvenstvo u fudbalu “Evro 2016” 22-23: Hi-Tech 24-25: U zdravom telu zdrav duh 26-27: RADIO KFOR 28-29: Vaš ugao ... 30: Enigmatski ugao 31-32: Pisma čitalaca











2-3: Editorial, index 4-5: School of the month: Primary school “Vuk Karadžić” - Zvečan Questionnaire: Where and how will you spend your annual vacations? 6-7: Youth educational club ‘Sinergija’ in Mitrovica 8-9: Fashion: The most stylish couples on the MET GALA 2016 10-11: Music Box: Prince (1958 - 2016) 12-13: “Think globally, act locally” be a volunteer! 14-15: Animal Kingdom:

Animals from A-Z 16-17: Poster: “EURO 2016” 18-19: Moviemania: Alice through the looking glass; The angry birds movie; Maggie’s plan; The curse of sleeping beauty 20-21: Sports corner: The European Football Championship, “Euro 2016” 22-23: Hi-Tech 24-25: Healthy mind in a healthy body 26-27: RADIO KFOR 28-29: Your corner ... 30: Puzzle 31-32: Reader’s letters

EDITORIAL Dear readers, Month after month and we have come to the warm month of June and I believe that you have all started thinking about your summer holidays. First of all, I would like to tell you that the personnel of our editorial office sincerely hopes that you are all happy with your school results and we all wish you a pleasant summer holiday. And now let’s see the latest edition of our magazine, which as you all know, is the last edition for this school year. We hope that you will enjoy reading the topics and the articles that we have chosen especially for you. In the “School of the Month” column, you will have the opportunity to learn something more about the Elementary School “Vuk Karadzic” in Zvecan, whereas in the “Animal Kingdom” column, we continue with Animals from A to Z. In the “Fashion” column, we will bring in front of you an interesting article on the “The Most Stylish Couples on the ‘Met Gala 2016’”. In the “Music Box” column, you will certainly enjoy reading the very interesting biography of the late legendary singer Prince, who died on April 21st 2016. In the “Moviemania” column, we will bring in front of you some of the latest films from all around the world, such as: “Alice Through the Looking Glass”, “The Angry Birds Movie”, “Maggie’s Plan” and “The Curse Of Sleeping Beauty”, whereas in the “Hi-Tech” column, you will be able to find the latest news from the world of sophisticated technology. In the “Sports Corner” column, we will bring in front of you some details on “EURO 2016”. And this is not all that we have prepared for you. Actually, these are only some of the articles and we invite you to browse carefully through the pages of the latest edition of the For You magazine in order to find out what else we have prepared for you. In the end, I would also like to thank you for your supportive letters. Our editorial office wishes you all the best during the summer holidays and let me also remind you that we look forward to meeting you again in September. We encourage you to continue to write to us in order to help us be as close to you as possible! Looking forward to meeting you again! Until then, stay well my dear friends! Leonora

‘For You’ is an official publication of KFOR, produced and financed by KFOR, printed in Kosovo and distributed freely.The contents do not necessarily reflect the official point of view of the coalition or that of any of its member states. KFOR accepts and welcomes your opinions, it will publish some of these, eventually in a condensed form. If requested the name of the writer will be withheld but no anonymous, defamatory or malicious letters will be printed. Chief Editor: Leonora Shabanaj Niksic Journalists: Ali Rexha, Asmir Niksic, Violeta Matovic Photos by: “4U” team Design & Layout: Bekim Shabani The editorial staff can be contacted on: 038/503-603-2139 Any letters can be sent at: HQ KFOR - Film City; For You magazine; Strasbourg building; 10000 Pristina; E-mail:;

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škola meseca



snovno obrazovanje, kao što mu sam naziv kaže, jeste jako bitno za budućnost svakog deteta, jer je ono stub i temelj svega što se uči kasnije u životu. Osnovna škola je temelj svega, kao što je i temelj osnova svake kuće koja se gradi”, kaže na početku razgovora za 4U magazine, Slađana Fićović, direktorka Direktorka, Slađana Fićović Osnovne škole ,,Vuk Karadžić” u Zvečanu. Na osnovu podataka iz letopisa škole, može se utvrditi da je prva škola počela sa radom davne 1914.godine u selu Korilje, u seoskom hanu. Potom je premeštena u Zvečan i danas ova škola nosi naziv po reformatoru srpskog jezika, piscu prvog rečnika srpskog jezika i sakupljaču narodnih umotvorina, Vuku Karadžiću. Prema rečima direktorke Slađane Fićović, koja je po zanimanju profesor razredne nastave, brojne generacije stručnjaka raznih profila sticali su znanja u ovoj školi, koja je na veoma dobrom glasu upravo zato jer je dala veliki broj obrazovanih ljudi, danas priznatih stručnjaka u raznim oblastima i uspešnih u životu. Osnovna škola ,,Vuk Karadžić” u Zvečanu je jedna od većih škola u severnom delu Kosova, broji preko pet stotina đaka, a ima i istureno odeljenje nižih razreda od 25 đaka u selu Grabovac, udaljenom oko 3 km od matične škole. Ovu školu pored malih Zvečanaca, pohađaju i deca iz okolnih naselja kao što su Rudare, Korilje, Srbovac, Matica i Mali Zvečan.



Miloš Šapić (14) Pre početka leta najbitnije mi je da završim VIII razred i upišem školu koju želim. Posle toga slede planovi za leto. Najverovatnije ću jedan deo raspusta provesti na moru u Crnoj Gori, a drugi deo na selu, kod babe i dede u Suvom Dolu, udaljenom 2-3 km od Mitrovice. Radujem se letu i raspustu i nakon naporne završne godine u osnovnoj školi, odmor mi je stvarno potreban. Miloš Šapić (14) The most important issue for me, before the summer starts, is to complete grade VIII and to enrol in the high school of my choise. After that, I will consider my plans for the summer. Most likely I will spend a part of my summer holidays in Montenegro and another part in Suvi Do, some 2 to 3 kilometres away from Mitrovica, with my grandparents. I look forward to the summer and to the holidays since, after a really hard year in primary school, I deserve some rest.

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Bogato pedagoško nasleđe, proverene nastavne metode i dobra organizacija rada, doprineli su da ova škola postane prepoznatljiva u ovom delu Kosova. Ono što je karakteriše je stručno osposobljen kadar za sve predmete. Od stranih jezika deca uče engleski kao obavezan predmet od I do VIII razreda i francuski kao izborni predmet od V do VIII razreda. U školi postoje timovi za podizanje svesti o vršnjačkom nasilju, kao i mnogi drugi u kojima su predavači nastavnici raznih profila. Đaci ove škole aktivni su u raznim sekcijama, kao što su foto sekcija, likovna, dramska, frankofona i druge. Direktorka O.Š. ,,Vuk Karadžić” u Zvečanu, Slađana Fićović naglašava da je zadovoljna uspehom i disciplinom učenika u ovoj školi. ,,Đaci ove škole su odlični, ima dosta dece iz okolnih sela, mirni su, nemamo nekih posebnih problema što se tiče discipline, u suštini su dosta dobri, osvajaju razne nagrade na mnogim takmičenjima iz različitih predmeta”, kaže ona. Dodaje da škola ima dobru saradnju sa SO Zvečan, koja im uvek izlazi u susret, najviše kada su finansije u pitanju i kada đaci putuju na takmičenja, što bi bilo nemoguće bez njihove pomoći. U školi ,,Vuk Karadžić” odvija se kabinetska nastava, nastavni kadar stalno teži ka nečem novom, a planiraju da u narednom periodu uvedu produženi dnevni boravak kada će deca koja nemaju gde da idu tokom prepodneva, imati prostor gde mogu da se odmore ili da uče. Govoreći o planovima za budućnost, direktorka Fićović kaže i da će u okviru škole napraviti prostor gde bi deca mogla da se okupljaju i proslavljaju svoje rođendane ili obeležavaju neke druge svečanosti. Na kraju razgovora ona poručuje čitaocima našeg magazina da je za svako dete bitno i domaće vaspitanje, koje deca nose iz kuće, da se u školi sve ostalo nadograđuje, kao i da sve ono što se nauči u školi kad-tad dolazi do izražaja, jer je ,,znanje nešto, što ostaje za ceo život”.

Katarina Đorđević (14) Nadam se da ću najpre uspešno položiti prijemni ispit za upis u srednju školu, a nakon toga idem na more sa roditeljima. Mi uglavnom leta provodimo u Crnoj Gori, u mestu Rafailovići i unapred se radujem suncu i moru. Leto mi je omiljeno godišnje doba, a raspust jedva čekam. Katarina Djordjević (14) First of all, I hope that I will successfully pass the high school entrance exam, after which I will go to the seaside with my parents. We usually spend our vacation in Rafailovici in Montenegro and I look forward to the sun and the sea. Summer is my favourite season and I cannot wait for my vacation.

Tijana Batković (14) Nakon upisa u željenu srednju školu planiram da sa porodicom leto provedem na morskoj obali. Moji roditelji još uvek nisu odlučili gde ćemo provesti odmor, najverovatnije će to biti u Grčkoj. Svi se radujemo odmoru i sa nestrpljenjem očekujem još jedno putovanje i sunčane dane, negde na prelepim peskovitim plažama. Tijana Batković (14) After I enrol in the high school I wish to enrol in, I plan to spend my summer vacation with my family on the beach. My parents still have not decided where we will spend our vacation but it will probably be in Greece. We all look forward to the vacation and we impatiently await another trip and sunny days, somewhere on a beautifuly sandy beach.

school of the month



asic education, as its name suggests, is very important for the future of each child, because it is the pillar and foundation of everything that is learned later in life. Elementary school is the foundation of everything, just as a foundation is the base of each house being built,” says at the beginning of the interview for the 4U magazine, Sladjana Fićović, the Director of the Primary School “Vuk Karadzic” in Zvecan. Based on the school yearbook, it can be determined that the first school began operating back in 1914 in the village of Korilje in rural inn. It was then moved to Zvečan and today this school is named after the reformer of the Serbian language, the writer of the first dictionary of Serbian language and collector of folk tales, songs, and proverbs, Vuk Karadzic. According to the Director Sladjana Fićović, who holds a degree of Bachelor of Science in Education, many generations of professionals of various profiles have gained knowledge in this school, which has a very good reputation precisely because it has raised a large number of educated people who are today recognized experts in various fields and successful in life. The Primary School “Vuk Karadzic” in Zvecan is one of the largest

Questionnaire Jovan Ristić (14) Najpre želim da upišem srednju školu koju želim, zatim ću jedan deo raspusta provesti na moru, ne znam još gde, verovatno Crna Gora ili Grčka. Planiram i da posetim babu u Aranđelovcu, da tamo provedem drugi deo raspusta. Naravno da volim leto i more, treba mi predah od napornog učenja i časova u školi, naročito nakon završetka VIII razreda. Jovan Ristić (14) First of all, I wish to enrol into the high school of my choice, then I will spend a part of my vacation at the seaside, I still do not know where, probably in Montenegro or Greece. I also plan on visiting my grandmother in Arandjelovac for the second part of my vacation. Ofcourse, I love the summer and the sea, I need to rest from all the effort I made during the school year, especially after completing Grade VIII.

schools in the northern part of Kosovo, it has over five hundred students, and it also has a lower classes branch with 25 students in the village of Grabovac, located about 3 km from the main school. This school, besides the young Zvečan kids, is also attended by children from surrounding villages such as Rudare, Korilje, Srbovac, Matica and Mali Zvecan. Due to the rich pedagogical heritage, proven teaching methods and good organization of work, this school has become recognizable in this part of Kosovo. It is characterized by a professionally qualified staff for all subjects. Concerning foreign language subjects, the children have English as a compulsory subject from 1st to 7th grade and French as an optional subject from 5th to 8th grade. There are teams at school whose job is raise awareness about bullying, as well as many other teams in which are involved teachers of various profiles. Students of this school are active in many side courses such as photo, art, drama, Francophone and other courses. The Director of the Primary School “Vuk Karadzic” in Zvecan, Sladjana Fićović emphasizes that she is satisfied with the success and discipline of students in this school. “The students of this school are excellent, there are plenty of children from the surrounding villages, they are peaceful, we have no special problems when it comes to discipline, in fact they are quite good and win various awards at many competitions in different subjects,” she says. She added that the school has good cooperation with MA Zvečan, which always supports them, mostly concerning finances and when students travel to competitions, which would be impossible without their help. The teaching process in the school takes place in workshops as well; teaching staff is constantly striving for something new, and they plan to introduce an extended stay in the school so that the children who have nowhere to go in the morning, would have a space where they can rest or study. Speaking about plans for future, Director Fićović says that within the school is going to be created a space where the kids can get together and celebrate their birthdays or mark some other celebrations. At the end of the interview she tells readers of our magazine that domestic education, the one that children get at home, is also important for every child and then everything else is built on it in school, and everything that you learn in school sooner or later comes to the fore because “knowledge is something that we have for life.”

WHERE AND HOW WILL YOU SPEND THE SUMMER HOLIDAYS? Nikolina Šapić (14) Planiram najpre da upišem društveno-jezički smer u Gimnaziji, potom idem sa roditeljima na more, u Crnu Goru. Planiramo i da jedan deo raspusta provedemo na planini, na Zlatiboru. Radujem se raspustu, a leto najviše volim zato što nema škole i obaveza. Tada mogu da se posvetim svojim omiljenim aktivnostima i hobijima, volim da plivam i da učestvujem na raznim letnjim festivalima koji se tada organizuju. Nikolina Šapić (14) I plan on enrolling in the Grammar School Humanities and Languages Stream, after which I will go with my parents to the seaside in Montenegro. We also plan on spending a part of our vacation in the mountains, in Zlatibor. I look forward to the summer vacation since there is no school and no obligations. I can dedicate all my time to my favourite activities and hobbies. I love swimming and taking part in various summer festivals which are organised in the summertime.

Mihailo Arsić (14) Najbitnije mi je da dobro uradim prijemni ispit za srednju školu. Što se leta i letovanja tiče, najverovatnije ću sa roditeljima ići u Crnu Goru ili Tursku. Ja bih više voleo da idemo u Tursku, ali videćemo. Leto volim zbog opuštene atmosfere, rasterećen sam od škole i mogu da se maksimalno posvetim sportovima i svemu što volim i u čemu uživam. Mihailo Arsić (14) The most important thing is that I do well in my high school entrance exam. As far as the summer and summer vacation is concerned, I will probably visit Turkey or Montenegro with my parents. I would prefer to go to Turkey but we will have to see. I like the summer because of the relaxed atmosphere, no school and the fact that I can dedicate all my time to sports and all the other things I like and enjoy doing.

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mladinski edukativni klub ,,Sinergija’’ je vodeća omladinska nevladina organizacija na severu Kosova. Osnovana je 2012.godine u Mitrovici, broji više od 180 aktivnih članova i ima veliku podršku srednjih škola i roditelja.,,Sinergija’’ je posvećena mladima, razvoju njihovih zdravih životnih stilova, podršci rodne ravnopravnosti, borbi protiv nasilja i razvijanju veština koje će devojkama i mladićima pomoći u procesu sazrevanja. Čine je omladinski radnici i volonteri, koji nastoje da ostvare razne ciljeve, kao što su smanjenje svih oblika nasilja (uključujući maltretiranje i vršnjačko nasilje); povećanje svesti o zdravlju mladih, emocionalno i reproduktivno zdravlje; smanjenje zastupljenosti svih psihoaktivnih supstanci, pre svega narkotika, alkohola i cigareta kod mladih. U okviru ,,Sinergija’’ organizuju se različite aktivnosti i sprovode projekti koji imaju za cilj jačanje kapaciteta i razvoj znanja i veština mladih na severu Kosova. Formiran je i Omladinski volonterski centar koji ima za cilj unapređenje znanja i veština mladih, stvaranje baze volontera i promovisanje volonterizma, kao i uspostavljanje komunikacije volontera i onih kojima su volonteri potrebni. Ono što posebno izdvaja ovu nevladinu organizaciju od ostalih je transparentnost i brojnost, objašnjava programski direktor ove organizacije Stefan Veljković i posebno ističe činjenicu da se u ovoj organizaciji mladi pitaju o svemu. Oni su dosta zainteresovani da budu deo ove organizacije jer su u mogućnosti da daju konkretne predloge o svim aktivnostima, koje bi voleli da sami sprovedu u ,,Sinergiji’’. Svi aktivni članovi imaju mogućnost i da se neformalno obrazuju, da putuju na razne seminare, predavanja i edukativne radionice. Klub ,,Budi muško” je ogranak ,,Sinergije’’, koji okuplja muške članove ove omladinske organizacije. Klub je izuzetno popularan među

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mladim ljudima u Mitrovici i šire, a nazivi kampanja ovog kluba su nadaleko poznati: ,,Budi muško - zaljubi se”, ,,Budi muško - ne budi nasilan”, ,,Budi muško - bilduj mozak!”. Stefan Veljković ističe da je osnovna ideja ovog kluba da se razbiju predrasude o tome da muškarci ne smeju da izražavaju osećanja, da plaču ili rade kućne poslove. ,,Imamo aktivnosti kada naši muški članovi sebe fotografišu dok rade kućne poslove, usisavaju, peru sudove. Hoćemo time da kažemo da smo i mi muškarci sposobni da obavljamo kućne poslove, iako su oni percipirani u javnosti kao ženski poslovi”, objašnjava Veljković. S tim u vezi on je spomenuo akciju ,,Super tata”, čuja je poenta promovisanje aktivnije uloge očeva u roditeljstvu. Ž-tim ili Ženski tim je još jedan ogranak Sinergije i u njegov rad uključeno je više od 60 članica i volonterki ,,Sinergije’’. Članice Ž-tima ravnopravno učestvuju sa članovima kluba ,,Budi muško” u svim akcijama i aktivnostima ,,Sinergije”. Jasmina Krama, aktivna članica i volonterka ,,Sinergije’’ objašnjava da je Ž-tim pandam klubu ,,Budi muško”. Devojke Ž-tima fokusirane su na promenu svesti kod žena i poboljšanju njihovog položaja u društvu. ,,Položaj žena i dalje nije idealan, ali mislim da se situacija po ovom pitanju drastično promenila u odnosu na raniji period. Mi se, kao ‘Sinergija’, trudimo da utičemo na to da žene moraju da izraze svoje mišljenje í da se bore za svoja prava, jer ukoliko bilo šta trpe, ništa time neće postići”, kaže Jasmina. Omladinski klub,,Sinergija” trenutno sprovodi nekoliko projekata koji su u skladu sa napred navedenim vrednostima. Ističu da se svake godine broj njihovih aktivnosti povećava i da se uvek trude da okupe što veći broj mladih i usmere ih na pravi put. Nedavno su sproveli ,,Istraživanje o stavovima i problemima mladih na severu Kosova”, prvo takve vrste na tom području. Rezultati govore da su nezaposlenost, kriminal među mladima i nasilje u porodici, najveći problemi sa kojima se suočava omladina. Iz ,,Sinergije” poručuju da će na osnovu ovog istraživanja, a u cilju suzbijanja istih, isplanirati i organizovati neke nove aktivnosti i kampanje.



outh Educational Club ‘Sinergija’ (Synergy) is a leading youth organization in the north of Kosovo. It was founded in 2012 in Mitrovica, and it has more than 180 active members and has great support of secondary schools and parents. ‘Sinergija’ is dedicated to young people, the development of their healthy lifestyles, supporting gender equality, combating violence and to developing the skills that will help girls and boys in the process of maturation. It consists of youth workers and volunteers (age 14 to 25) who are trying to achieve various objectives, such as reducing all forms of violence, including harassment and bullying; increasing awareness of youth health, emotional and reproductive health; reducing the presence of all psychoactive substances, especially drugs, alcohol and tobacco among young people. Within ‘Sinergija’ various activities are organized and projects are implemented and aimed at capacity building and the development of knowledge and skills of young people in the north of Kosovo. A Youth Volunteer Centre, which aims to improve the knowledge and skills of young people, was also formed creating a database of volunteers and promoting volunteerism, establishing communication between volunteers and those who need volunteers. What particularly distinguishes this NGO from others is transparency and abundance, explains program director of the organization Stefan Veljkovic and emphasizes the fact that young people in this organization are asked about everything. They are very interested in being part of this

organization because they are able to give concrete proposals on all the activities that they would like to conduct themselves in ‘Sinergija’. All active members have the opportunity to informally educate themselves, to travel to a variety of seminars, lectures and educational workshops. Club “Be a man” is a branch of ‘Sinergija’ which gathers male members of the youth organization. The club is very popular among young people in Mitrovica and elsewhere, campaign names of the club are famous: “Be a man - fall in love,” “Be a man - do not be violent,” “Be a man – build your brain!” Stefan Veljković points out the basic idea of this club is to break the prejudice that men are not allowed to express feelings, to cry, or do household chores. “We have activities such as when our male members take pictures of themselves doing household chores, vacuuming, washing their dishes. We want to say that we men are able to do the chores, even though they are perceived in public as female chores”, said Veljkovic. He also mentioned the “Super Dad” action, a campaign that promoted a more proactive position of fathers in parenting. Z-team or Female team is another branch of “Sinergija” and its work includes more than 60 members and volunteers of ‘Sinergija’. Members of the Z-Team participate equally with members of the club “Be a man” in all actions and activities of ‘Sinergija’. Jasmina Krama, an active member and volunteer of ‘Sinergija’ explains that the Z-team is counterpart to club “Be a man”. Girls of Z-Team are focused on the change of awareness among women and improving their status in society. “The position of women is still not ideal, but I think that the situation in this respect has changed drastically compared to the previous period. We, as ‘Sinergija’, we try to influence that women have to express their opinions and to fight for their rights, because if they don’t they will not achieve anything,” says Jasmina. Youth club ‘Sinergija’ is currently implementing several projects that are in line with the above values. They point out that every year the number of their activity increases and they always try to gather as many young people and direct them to the right path. They recently conducted a “survey on the attitudes and concerns of young people in the north of Kosovo,” the first of its kind in this area. Results show that unemployment, crime and violence among young people and domestic violence are the biggest problems facing young people. From the ‘Sinergija’ they say that on the basis of this research they plan and organize new activities and campaigns in purpose of combating these issues.

for you 7


NAJSTILIZOVANIJI PAROVI NA MET GALA VECERI 2016 Može biti da je Met Gala veče u potpunosti vezano za modu (i umetnost, naravno), ali dok smo fokusirani na haljine koje promiču crvenim tepihom, ne možemo, a da se ne osvrnemo i na najlepše parove koje vidimo tokom te noći. Shodno tome, zapitamo se: Ogledalce, ogledalce na zidu, koji je najlepši par na svetu? Nema šanse da to sigurno i odredimo, ali suočeni sa izazovom čija je tema bila „Moda u vremenu tehnologije”, neki parovi su koncept shvatili bukvalno poput Zayn Malik-a i Gigi Hadid, dok su ga Kanye i Kim u potpunosti ignorisali i po njihovom običaju, uradili ono što su želeli. Naći se na listi najbolje obučenih je jedna stvar i to je lakše postići kada ste solo, posebno ako ste npr. Beyonce, ali ako se vi i vaš partner na njoj pojavljujete zajedno, vaš zajednički „look“, svedoči i o vašoj vezi. Nije jednostavno izboriti se sa svim svetlima, kamerama i blicevima koji sevaju ka vama, ali barem parovi mogu da se oslone jedno na drugo u trenucima njihove najveće slave. Sledi lista najbolje obučenih parova MET GALA večeri 2016.



ozdravite kralja i kraljicu modne maturske večeri 2016! Nije čudno što se par po prvi put pojavio u javnosti baš na crvenom tepihu na Met balu i nakon poziranja za naslovnu stranu majskog izdanja časopisa Vogue. Gigi je obukla po meri krojenu haljinu Tomija Hilfingera sa korsetom ukrašenim sitnim metalik perlama, dok je Zain nosio crno Versaći odelo, čiji su rukavi bili prekriveni metalnim detaljima.



ay hello to 2016’s king and queen of fashion prom! It makes sense that the couple made their red carpet debut at the Met Ball, after starring in a cute cover together in May’s Vogue. They even coordinated outfits, with Gigi in a custom Tommy Hilfiger gown featuring an embellished corset and highwaist briefs covered in metallic micro beads and Zayn wearing actual metal sleeves over his black tie Versace suit.



oja je jedina stvar lepša od Alexander McQueen haljine od šifona sa srebrnim mesecima na Nikol Kidman? Njen muž!



he only thing dreamier than Nicole’s silver moon embroidered chiffon dress and cape (both Alexander McQueen)? Her husband.

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a njihovom četvrtom uzastopnom pojavljivanju na Met Gala večeri, par je imao jedan od svojih boljih trenutaka po pitanju odabira i uskla đ ivanja garderobe, ponevši Balmain modele: srebrnu ,,svetlucavu i slatku robot” haljinu koju je Kim uklopila sa ukrasom za uho Lorena Švarca, a što se savršeno slagalo sa jaknom prekrivenom kristalom, koju je Kanje nosio uz svoje pocepane farmerke marke Fear of God.



or their fourth consecutive Met Gala appearance, the couple pulled one of their best matchymatchy moments to date in coordinating Balmain ensembles: a silver “blingy cute robot” gown on Kim with a coordinating custom Lorraine Schwartz ear cuff and a crystalcovered jacket on Kanye, worn with his goto, ripped Fear of God jeans and blue contacts.



THE MOST STYLISH COUPLES ON THE MET GALA 2016 The Met Gala might be all about the fashion (and the art, of course) but while we’re focused on the gowns heading down the red carpet, you can’t forget about the sweetest couple moments you see throughout the night. And then comes the question: Mirror, mirror on the wall, who’s the cutest couple of them all? There’s no way to determine that for sure, but challenged with “Manus x Machina: Fashion in an Age of Technology” theme, some couples took the concept quite literally like Zayn Malik and Gigi Hadid, while Kanye and Kim ignored it entirely by doing their own thing as usual. Landing on a best-dressed list is one thing, it’s way easier to achieve solo, especially if you’re Beyoncé, but if you and your partner can be on it together, that’s a testament to the relationship itself. With all of those lights, cameras, and flashes coming at you, it can be a lot to deal with, but at least these couples have each other to lean on during peak fame. Below is the list of the best dressed couples of MET GALA 2016.



h, kad ja ponesem svoju Živanši haljinu ... “, manekenka je podelila slike svoje crne haljine bez bretela na Instagramu, dok stoji pored svog muškarca, koji je sav obučen u crno.



hen I rock my Givenchy dress…” the model shared of her strapless black design on Instagram, standing alongside her man, dressed in an all-black tux.



lumica je doslovce zaustavila saobraćaj na crvenom tepihu svojom haljinom marke Dolce & Gabbana za kojom su se svi okretali i koja je sve prisutne, (uključujući i njenog muža) ostavila bez daha.



he actress stopped red carpet traffic in her head-turning Dolce & Gabbana gown and took everyone’s breath away (including her husband’s) with the train. (Source:



ok čekamo da vidimo šta će ovaj par nositi kada budu izgovarali sudbonosno ,,da’’, gledamo predivnu fotografiju para: paprat zelenu Zuhair Murad Couture korset-haljinu na supermodelu i klasični smoking na bivšem igraču Jenkija (Yankee).



hile we wait to see what this couple wears to say their “I do’s,” we have this gorgeous photo of the couple in black tie, a fern green Zuhair Murad Couture bustier gown on the supermodel and a classic tuxedo on the former Yankee.



ožete pomisliti da je najiznenađujućiji modni detalj na ovoj slici Twigsin komplikovani ukras za glavu, međutim ako malo bolje pogledate videćete da njen verenik, obučen u Dior Homme, na ušima nosi „lisice„.



ou may think the most surprising accessory in this photo is FKA Twigs’ intricate head piece, but if you look closely, you’ll see that her Dior Homme-clad fiancé is wearing ear cuffs.

for you 9

music box

PRINC (1958–2016) Poreklo i rani period života

Čuveni pevač, tekstopisac i muzički inovator, Princ je rođen kao Princ Rodžers Nelson 7. juna 1958. u gradu Mineapolisu, u američkoj državi Minesoti. Njegovi roditelji su bili Džon Nelson (poznat kao Princ Rodžers), muzičar i Meti Šo, džez pevačica. Za muziku se zainteresovao u mladosti i sam naučio da svira klavir, gitaru i bubnjeve. Roditelji su mu se razveli kada je imao oko 10 godina, pa su on i njegova sestra boravili naizmenično kod svojih roditelja. U srednjoj školi, Princ formira svoj prvi bend Grand Central (kasnije poznat kao Champagne) sa Andreom Andersonom i Morisom Dejom. 1978. Godine, Princ potpisuje ugovor sa producentskom kompanijom „Warner Bros Records“.

Uspon karijere: “Controversy” i “1999”.

Princ je izdao svoj album prvenac pod nazivom “For You” (Za tebe) 1978.godine, a zatim “Prince” (1979). Praktično je sam svirao sve instrumente na albumima, a drugo izdanje sadrži njegov prvi hit koji je dospeo u Top 20, “I Wanna Be Your Lover” (Želim da budem tvoj

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ljubavnik). Na albumu “Controversy” (Kontorverza) iz 1981. je nastavio da se igra sa temama kao i na prethodnom albumu, što se vidi po naslovnoj dens-pesmi, koja je stigla do mesta br. 3 na top listama R&B, kao i pesme poput “Sexuality” (Seksualnost) i “Do Me Baby” (Budi sa mnom dušo).

80-te: “Purple Rain” i dalje

Sa svojim bendom The Revolution, Princ je 1984. izdao album “Purple Rain” (Purpurna kiša), koji je poslužio kao muzika za istoimeni film. Zajedno sa Apolonijom Kotero i Dejom, film je dobio Oskara za najbolju originalnu pesmu. Melanholična naslovna numera “Purple Rain” je stigla do mesta br.2 na listi Billboard Hot 100, dok su hitovi “When Doves Cry” (Kada golubice plaču) i “Let’s Go Crazy” (Hajde da poludimo) bili na mestu br. 1. Princ je istovremeno postao poznata vizuelna ikona sa loknama kao zaštitnim znakom, širokom jaknom i pocepanom punk odećom. 1986.godine, Princ je objavio svoj osmi studijski album “Parade” , na kome se našao i njegov top pop i R&B hit br. 1 “Kiss” (Poljubac).

Rane 90-te: The New Power Generation

Rane 90-te godine obeležene su početkom rada Prinčevog novog benda The New Power Generation, koji je predstavljao spoj savremenog R&B, hip-hopa, džeza i soula, zajedno sa vokalima iz Rozi Geins. Princ je postigao uspeh sa svojim albumom “Diamonds And Pearls” (Dijamanti i biseri), na kojem su se nalazile i pesme, poput romantične balade s istim nazivom, zatim “Gett Off” (Siđi), ili razigrani hvalospev “Insatiable” (Nezasit) i bezobrazan singl broj 1 “Cream” (Šlag).

Privatni život

Princ je držao mnogo do svoje privatnosti i ličnog života, pa je više voleo da provodi vreme u svom kompleksu u Pejsli Parku, daleko od reflektora slave. Tokom 1980-ih, Princ je imao burnu dugu vezu, punu raskida i mirenja sa pevačicom i tekstopiscem Suzanom Melvoin. Na Valentinovo 1996. godine, Princ se oženio pratećim vokalom i plesačicom Mejtom Garcija. Par je dobio sina koji je rođen 16. oktobra 1996. godine, a umro je nedelju dana kasnije od Fajfer sindroma. Njihov brak je poništen 1999. godine ali su se zvanično razveli 2000. 2001.godine, Princ je

oženio svoju drugu suprugu Manuelu Testolini, a njihov brak je okončan 2006. godine. Nakon ovog razvoda, imao je vezu sa jednom od svojih muzičkih štićenica, pevačicom Briom Valente.


U martu 2016., objavljeno je da je Princ radio na memoarima, čiji je radni naziv “The Beautiful Ones” (Oni koji su divni) i čije je izdavanje bilo zakazano za jesen 2017. ,,Ovo je moja prva (knjiga). Moj brat Den mi pomaže. On je dobar kritičar i to je ono što mi treba. On uopšte nije čovek koji lako kaže ,,da’’ stvarno mi pomaže da prođem kroz ovo. Počinjemo od mojeg prvog sećanja i nadam se da možemo da dođemo do Super Bola.”


Princ je pronađen mrtav 21. aprila 2016. godine, u svom kompleksu u Pejsli Parku u Minesoti. Njegovi posmrtni ostaci su spaljeni, a njegova uža porodica i prijatelji okupili su se na privatnoj sahrani 23. aprila. Priznanja jedinstvenom umetniku su stizala od obožavaoca širom sveta, a o tome svedoče mnoga obeležavanja i proslave njegovog rada. Hiljade ožalošćenih je te noći kada je umro, pevalo “Purple Rain” u centru Mineapolisa, gradu gde je Princ rođen i gde je živeo.

music box

PRINCE (1958–2016) Background and Early Life

Famed singer, songwriter and musical innovator Prince was born as Prince Rogers Nelson on June 7, 1958, in Minneapolis, Minnesota. His parents were John Nelson (aka Prince Rogers), a musician, and Mattie Shaw, a jazz singer. He became interested in music at a young age and taught himself how to play the piano, guitar and drums. His parents broke up when he was about 10, and he and his sister split their time between their parents’ homes. In high school, Prince formed his first band ‘Grand Central’ (later known as Champagne) with André Anderson and Morris Day. In 1978, Prince was signed to Warner Bros. Records.

Career Takes Off: ‘Controversy’ and ‘1999’

In 1978, Prince dropped his debut album, ‘For You’, which was followed by ‘Prince’ (1979). He played practically all of the instruments on the albums, and the sophomore release contained his first top 20 pop hit, “I Wanna Be Your Lover.” ‘Controversy’ (1981) continued playing with the themes of its pre-

decessor, as seen with the dance-oriented title track, which reached No. 3 on the R&B charts, as well as songs like “Sexuality” and “Do Me Baby.”

The ‘80s: ‘Purple Rain’ and Beyond

With his band the Revolution, Prince went on to create the classic album ‘Purple Rain’ (1984), which also served as the soundtrack to the film of the same name. Co-starring Apollonia Kotero and Day, the movie garnered an Academy Award for Best Original Song Score. The melancholy title track “Purple Rain” reached no. 2 on the Billboard Hot 100, while the hits “When Doves Cry” and “Let’s Go Crazy” both reached no. 1. Prince simultaneously became a well-known visual icon with his trademark curls, flowing jackets and ruffled attire with punk embellishments. In 1986 Prince released his eighth studio album ‘Parade’, which included his pulsating no. 1 Pop/R&B single “Kiss”.

The Early ‘90s: The New Power Generation The early 1990s marked the launch of the ‘New Power Generation’,

Prince’s latest band that featured a blend of contemporary R&B, hiphop, jazz and soul along with the vocals of Rosie Gaines. Prince found success with his album ‘Diamonds and Pearls’, which included the romantic title ballad, the industrial strength “Gett Off,” the playful paean “Insatiable” and the saucy No. 1 single “Cream.”

Personal Life

Prince was extremely private about his personal life, and he preferred to spend time at his Paisley Park compound, away from the celebrity spotlight. In the 1980s, Prince had a long on-and-off relationship with singer-songwriter Susannah Melvoin. On Valentine’s Day 1996, Prince married backup singer and dancer Mayte Garcia. The couple had a son, who was born on October 16, 1996 and died a week later from Pfeiffer Syndrome. Prince and Garcia’s marriage was annulled in 1999 and they were divorced in 2000. In 2001, Prince married his second wife, Manuela Testolini, their marriage ended in 2006. After their divorce, he had a relationship with one of his musical protégées, singer Bria Valente.


In March 2016, it was announced that the pop su-

perstar was working on a memoir, tentatively titled ‘The Beautiful Ones’, that was scheduled for a fall 2017 release. According to Billboard magazine, Prince spoke to an audience at a music industry event about the memoir. “This is my first (book). My brother Dan is helping me with it. He’s a good critic and that’s what I need. He’s not a ‘yes’ man at all and he’s really helping me get through this. We’re starting from the beginning from my first memory and hopefully we can go all the way up to the Super Bowl.”


On April 21, 2016, Prince was found dead at his Paisley Park compound in Minnesota. His remains were cremated and his close family and friends gathered for a small, private funeral on April 23. Tributes to a profoundly unique artist have poured in from fans across the globe, as evidenced by impromptu memorials and celebrations of his work. With love especially hailing from the city where Prince was born and continued to live, thousands of mourners sang to “Purple Rain” in downtown Minneapolis on the night of his death.

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,,MISLI GLOBALNO, DELUJ LOKALNO” VOLONTIRAJ! Nije lako biti osamnaestogodišnjak! azlog je vrlo jednostavan, ovo je životno doba kada svako od nas mora da otkrije ko je i šta će biti u budućnosti. U tom kontekstu moramo i da odgovorimo na jedno od najvažnijih pitanja u životu: šta da studiram? Imajući u vidu značaj ovog pitanja, ,,Dobrovoljna inicijativa Vučitrna’’ je 7. i 8. maja organizovala seminar o izgradnji kapaciteta i profesionalnoj orijentaciji. Seminar je održan u Kosovskoj Akademiji za javnu bezbednost, obrazovanje i razvoj (KAJB). Glavno obeležje ovog projekta je to što predstavlja otelotvorenje motoa ,,misli globalno, deluj lokalno”. Drugim rečima, glavni cilj ove dobrovoljne inicijative bio je da motiviše mlade ljude iz Vučitrna da nastave školovanje i da im pomogne da odluče šta će studirati, pritom uvažavajući njihove želje i potrebe tržišta rada na Kosovu. Tvorac ovog seminara g. Gazmend Preteni je istakao da su glavni podsticaji za razvoj ove ideje bili veoma jednostavni: ,,Vučitrn ima dovoljan intelektualni kapital, jer su mnogi ljudi iz Vučitrna postali uspešni u svojim oblastima kako na Kosovu tako i u inostranstvu. Problem je u tome što se taj kapital ne koristi u dovoljnoj mjeri da bi motivisao i druge, pre svega mlade ljude, maturante srednjih škola, ili bolje rečeno buduće studente”, dodao je Preteni. Rezultat ovog projekta je taj da je u njemu učestvovalo 80 učenika iz tri srednje škole u Vučitrnu: Gimnazije, Tehničke škole i Zanatske škole. Interesovanje za učešće na ovom seminaru je bilo podjednako visoko i među predavačima, jer je ukupno njih 18 pristalo da održe predavanja za ove studente na volonterskoj bazi. Među predavačima je bio i g. Burim Brahimi iz Rajfajzen banke, koji ima diplomu magistra u oblasti poslovne administracije univerziteta Staffordshire u Velikoj Britaniji, kao i diplomu postdiplomskih studija iz oblasti lokalnog razvoja univerziteta Galway u Irskoj. U svom predavanju gospodin Brahimi je govorio o tendencijama na tržištu rada na Kosovu. Pored toga, pružio je i praktične primere iz svog radnog iskustva u oblasti ljudskih resursa i zapošljavanja, osvrnuvši se na glavne karakteristike koje poslodavci traže kod potencijalnih radnika. U izjavi za ,,For You’’ magazin, gospodin Brahimi je naglasio da je pristao da volonterski učestvuje u ovoj aktivnosti sa nadom da će njegovo iskustvo pomoći ovim mladim ljudima u donošenju teških odluka koje su pred njima u ovoj fazi njihovog života. Još jedan predavač sa kojim smo imali priliku da razgovaramo je gospodin Bledian Salihu, koji je deo programa EPUS istraživač, pripravnik na Tehnološkom univerzitetu u Slovačkoj, i student na Tehnološkom univerzitetu u Beču. Gospodin Salihu je istakao da je volonterski rad najbolji način da se stekne radno iskustvo koje svi poslodavci traže. Dodao je da je to što danas studira na gorepomenutim univerzitetima direktna posledica volonterskog rada koji


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je počeo da obavlja u prvoj godini srednje škole: ,,Ono što svi treba da shvate je da korist ne moraju uvek da osete pojedinci. Ponekad je najveća korist kolektivna.” I na kraju je g. Preteni rekao: ,,Nadam se da će ovaj seminar pružiti nova saznanja i pomoći ovoj deci u njihovom daljem školovanju. Moja poruka svim mladim ljudima na Kosovu je ista ona poruka koju su svi predavači tokom ovog seminara uputili za ovih 80 maturanata srednjih škola ,,Šta god da odlučite da studirate ili radite u životu, potrudite se da to bude nešto što stvarno volite i uspeh je zagarantovan.”


Being 18 is not easy! he reason is very simple, this is the time when we have to figure out who we are and what shall we be in the future. In this context we also have to answer one of the most important questions of our life: what shall I study? Considering the importance of this matter, on the 7th and 8th May “Iniciativa Vullnetare e Vushtrrisë” (Voluntary Initiative of Vushtrri/Vucitrn) organized a seminar on capacity building and career orientation. The seminar was held at the Kosovo Academy for Public Safety, Education and Development (KAPS). The main feature of this project was that it embodied the motto “think globally, act locally.” In other words, the main goal of this voluntary initiative was to motivate the young people of Vushtrri/Vucitrn to continue


their studies and help them choose what to study, while observing their wishes and the demands of the labour market in Kosovo. The creator of this seminar Mr. Gazmend Preteni emphasized that the main incentives in developing this idea were very simple: “Vushtrri/Vucitrn has sufficient intellectual capital, because many people from Vushtrri/Vucitrn have become successful in their respective fields both in Kosovo and abroad. The problem is that this capital is not being used sufficiently to motivate others, especially the young, high school graduates or better said future students,” Mr. Preteni added. The result of this project was that it was attended by 80 students from three high schools in Vushtrri/Vucitrn: the Gymnasium, the Technical School and the Vocational school. The interest to participate in this seminar was equally high among the lecturers, as in total 18 of them agreed to voluntary conduct lectures for these students. Among the lecturers was Mr. Burim Brahimi from Raiffeisen Bank, who has a Master in Business Administration, from Staffordshire University, UK, and Local Development, and Post-graduate diploma on Local Development from Galway University, Ireland. In his lecture Mr. Brahimi spoke about the tendencies of the labour market in Kosovo. He also provided practical examples from his work experience in human resources and recruitment on the main features employers seek in potential employees. In a statement for ‘For You’ magazine, Mr. Brahimi emphasized that he agreed to voluntary participate in this activity with the hope that his experience would help these youngsters in making the tough decisions that are ahead of them at this stage of their lives. Another lecturer we had the opportunity to meet was Mr. Bledian Salihu, who is part of the EPUS Research Student at the University of Technology in Slovakia and also studies at the Vienna University of Technology. On his part Mr. Salihu emphasized that voluntary work is the best way to get the work experience all employers ask for. He went on stating that he is studying today at the above mentioned universities as a direct result of the voluntary work he started doing since 9th grade in junior high school: “The thing everybody needs to understand is that the benefits must not always be individual. Sometimes the greatest benefits are collective.” In the end Mr. Preteni said: “I hope that this seminar will provide new knowledge and help these kids in their further education. For all the young people in Kosovo I have the same message all lecturers emphasized to the 80 high school graduates during this seminar: whatever you decide to study or do in your life, make sure you really love it and success is guaranteed.”

for you 13

životinjsko carstvo


Fascinantne činjenice o nekim najneverovatnijim životinjama na svetu. Od afričkog mravojeda do zebra, naša azbuka životinjskog sveta garantovano će vas inspirisati.

L - Los


užjaci losa imaju veliki podbradak, tj. kožu koja im visi pod bradom. Veličina i oblik podbradka ukazuju na nivo dominantnosti mužjaka. Mužjaci takođe koriste podbradak da bi njime, tj.svojim mirisom obeležili ženku, tako što trljaju podbradak o nju tokom sezone parenja.

M - Moose

Činjenice o losu a na svetu.

• Los je najveća vrsta jelen mužjak ima • Samo mužjaci imaju rogove. Svaki daju svake otpa im oni va, rogo karakterističan oblik enjuju ih zam a , mbra nove eca mes m godine toko novi, veći rogovi tokom proleća. Primarna funkcija rogova kod mužjaka losa je da impresioniraju ženke tokom sezone parenja. Rogovi mogu biti


male moose has a ‘dewlap’, a dangling flap under the chin. The size and shape of the dewlap may indicate dominance dugi i level. Males also use the dewlap do 1,8 to scent mark females by rubbing it ra. meta against them during the mat•Losovi su •Uprkos ing season. miroljubive svojoj veličini i težini, životinje koje losovi su veoma veoma retko postsposobni plivači. aju agresivne. Oni će Oni su u stanju jaci se ipak braniti kada su ugroženi, a muž da preplivaju po ne su obično veoma napeti tokom sezo nekoliko kilometara ljavaju parenja. “Agresivno” ponašanje ispo i mogu da gnjure pod u, ali tako što blefiraju da će jurnuti u borb vodom u trajanju od 30 borbe sa tako zapravo ostaju bezbedni jer do sekundi. . drugim mužjacima najčešće i ne dođe a • Ženke losa često donose na svet dva, e majke brižn vrlo su One . unca mlad tri i ponekad Mladunci koje vode računa o svom podmladku. sti, a staro lje nede 3 n nako •Moose are the largest of all the losa prate majku već ostaju , Ipak eci. mes 5 oko sa ju deer species in the world. sisa da prestaju . dana nu godi •Only male moose (bulls) have sa svojim majkama najmanje 35 do om brzin ti kreta u mog antlers. The particular • Losovi se shape differs from animilja na čas i mogu da pređu i do 32 kilmetara tokom sat vremena mal to animal and they . kasa og staln are shed every year

Facts about moose

D - Daždevnjak Činjenice o daždevnjacima


aždevanjaci imaju sposobnost regeneracije udova, očiju, kičmene moždine, srca, creva, gornje i donje vilice!

• Ženke daždevanjaka polažu po jedno jaje na posebno odabranom delu podvodnih biljaka. Ženka najpre omiriše list da se uveri da u njemu postoji tačan udeo celuloze i onda nakon polaganja jajeta zatvara list oko njega svojim stražnjim nogama i lepi ga oko jajeta.

• Velika mrmoljka, najveći vodozemac u Britaniji, može ewts have the ability to regenerate da naraste dva limbs, eyes, spinal puta više od ostalih cords, hearts, intesdaždevanjaka - do 18 tines, and upper and cm dužine, dok je životni lower jaws! vek daždevnjaka i do 15 godina. • Velika mrmoljka je crna i bradavičasta, sa narandžastim i crnim tačkama na trbuhu, a svaka •The Great Crestjedinka ima karakteristične oznake. U sezoni parenja razvija veliki ed Newt, Britain’s talasastu krestu na leđima. largest amphibian, can • Mužjaci mrmoljka imaju razrađen ritual udvaranja. To podragrow twice as big as other newts - up to zumeva da mužjak stoji na svojim prednjim nogama ispred ženke 18cm long and live for up to 15 years. sa isturenim leđima dok talasa repom i krestom. •The Great Crested Newt is black and warty in appearance with • Mužjaci glatkog daždevanjaka imaju manju krestu za prikazivanan orange and black spotted underside, with the markings charje ženkama, dok mužjaci zrakastog daždevnjaka imaju spojene acteristic to each individual. In the mating season he develops a noge i bič na kraju repa.

N - Newt


14 for you

Facts about newts

animal kingdom


Fascinating facts about some of the world’s most amazing animals. From Aardvarks to Zebras our A-Z of the animal world is guaranteed to inspire.

around November, being replaced g. The with larger ones the forthcoming sprin during lay disp for is rs antle of tion func primary grow can y The on. the competitive mating seas nd. to-e up to 1.8 m long endaučnici su otkrili da orangutani h very rarely •Moose are peaceful animals whic imaju osećaj empatije i mimikrije koji ever defend become aggressive. They will how su važni za formiranje smeha. s can become themselves if threatened and male on. ng seas more highly strung during the mati vior beha ive” ress “agg mon com t mos The they that so ge, cientists have found that orangutans have a sense is however bluffing to char bat. com for need the of empathy and out ishrana u remain safe with twins, to birth give mimicry which forms an often s) (cow divljini sastoji se uglavnom ales •Fem are essential part of laughter. od biljaka i delova biljaka (vo and even sometimes triplets. They će, ers. moth e ectiv semenke, lišće, kora i cveće) prot very attentive and , ali i od manjih životinja i njihovih proizvoda Calves are able kao što su insekti, jaja, galon se ptic brow to e i sitni sisari. side their mothers after around 3 weeks and are •There are two separate spe weaned at about 5 cies recognized depending on physical characteristics months. They however and where they live, the Sumatran Orangutan (Pongo stay with their mothers abe lil) and the Borneo • Postoje dve posebne vrs Orangutan (Pongo pygma te, koje eus for at least a year. ). se razlikuju po fizičkim karakt •Orangutans have been sho eriswn to display individual •Moose can travel at speeds up tikama i po tome gde žive, per sonalities. for dily Sumato 35mph, and can trot stea transk orangutan (Pongo abe •Orangutans are renowned lil) for their high intelligence. 32 km in just an hour. i Bor nej ski The ora ir use of tools even extend ngu tan (Pongo s beyond foraging and •Despite their size and weight, pig maeus). nest building. moose are very adept swimmers. • Dokazano je da orangutan •Orangutans have one of the i most prolonged developThey are able to swim for several imaju individualne osobenost ments of any mammal. You subly i. total be even ng orangutans are highly miles and can • Orangutani su poznati po dependent on their mother’s svojoj love and care for survival, merged under the water for visokoj inteligenciji. Način na and for the first few years of life nds. koji around 30 seco they hold on tight to koriste različite alatke prevaz their mother’s body as she ilazi makes her way through the i njihove potrebe u potrazi forest canopy. Male orangu za tans may not develop the hranom i pravljenjem gnezda fatt y cheek pads that characteri . ze full adulthood until • Orangutani, među sisarim they are between 15-19 yea a rs old . Females will have imaju jedan od najdugotrajnih their first infant between 1215 years of age and only perioda odrastanja. Opstanak give birth every 7-8 years afte r that. This low repromladih orangutana mnogo ductive rate means popula zavisi od tion s are highly susceptible majke, njene ljubavi i brige. to the rapid habitat deforesta Tokom tion that has taken place prvih nekoliko godina života over the last few decades. drže se čvrsto uz telo majke, dok Both species are currently ona npr. sebi krči put kroz šum considered highly u. Mali orangutani ne razvijaju ma end angered. sne naslage u obrazima jagodi •Diet in the wild ce, koji karakterišu punu zrelost, sve consists mainly of dok large wavy crest down his back. ne napune 15-19 godina. Žen pla nts and plant ke će •Male Great crested newts have an roditi svoju prvu bebu između par ts (fruit, 12 i elaborate courtship display. It involves a 15 godina starosti i rađaće seeds, leaves, nak on male standing on his front legs in front of a toga svakih 7 do 8 godina. bark and Ovako female with an arched back while he waves mala stopa reprodukcije zna flow ers) či da his tail and crest around. je populacija orangutana pod but ani mal ložn a •Male smooth newts have a smaller crest to display negativnom uticaju, posebn prey such o to females, whilst palmate males have palmed feet zbog ubrzane seče šuma koja as insects, and a whip at the end of the tail. se događa poslednjih nekolik egg s, birds o •Female newts lay one egg at a time on a specially decenija u njihovim staništ and small ima , pa selected piece of pond plant. She sniffs the leave se orangutani trenutno sm mammals atraju to make sure it has the right cellulose amount and veoma ugroženom životinjs are also kom then after laying one egg closes the leaf around it vrstom. eaten. with her back legs and glues it shut over the egg. • Njihova

O - Orangutan


O - Orangutan


Činjenice o orangutanima

Facts about orangutans

for you 15


THE ANGRY BIRDS MOVIE Uloge: Jason Sudeikis, Josh Gad, Danny McBride, Bill Hader, Sinopsis aznajte zašto su ptice tako besne. Kada čudni zeleni prasići posete ostrvo nastanjeno srećnim pticama




ind out why the birds are so angry. When an island populated by happy, flightless birds is visited by mysterious green piggies, it’s up to three unlikely outcasts - Red, Chuck and Bomb - to figure out what the pigs are up to.

koje ne lete, trojica autsajdera Crveni, Čak i Bomba dobijaju zadatak da otkriju šta to prasići smeraju.

THE ANGRY BIRDS MOVIE Cast: Jason Sudeikis, Josh Gad, Danny McBride, Bill Hader, Maya Rudolph, Peter Dinklage Directors: Clay Kaytis & Fergal Reilly Genre: Animation Studio: Sony Pictures



Postava: Julianne Moore, Travis Fimmel, Ethan Hawke, Maya Rudolph, Bill Hader, Greta Gerwig Režija: Rebecca Miller Žanr: Komedija Studio: Sony Pictures

Cast: Julianne Moore, Travis Fimmel, Ethan Hawke, Maya Ru-

Sinopsis egin plan da bude samohrana majka se izjalovio onog trenutka kad se zaljubila u Džona, oženjenog muškarca koji zbog nje ostavlja nestabilini brak i brilijantnu Džordžetu.


18 for you

Maya Rudolph, Peter Dinklage Režija: Clay Kaytis & Fergal Reilly Žanr: Animirani Studio: Sony Pictures

dolph, Bill Hader, Greta Gerwig Director: Rebecca Miller Genre: Comedy Studio: Sony Pictures

Synopsis aggie’s plan to have a baby on her own is derailed when she falls in love with John, a married man, destroying his volatile marriage to the brilliant Georgette.


moviemania braće Grim. Tomas Kaiser nasleđuje vilu koja je generacijama pripadala njegovim precima, ali tada shvata i da je nasledio drevno prokletsvo koje potiče još iz vremena krstaških ratova. Primoran je da se u svojoj novoj ulozi THE CURSE Hall, Bruce Davi“zaštitnika”, OF son, James Adam odupre zlim SLEEPING Lim, Scott Alan demonima BEAUTY Smith u kući, da Režija: Pearry otkrije tajne Postava: Ethan Reginald Teo koja kuća Peck, India Eisley, Žanr: Fantazija krije i da Briar Rose, Natalie Studio: Disney probudi usnulu i Sinopsis prelepu rokletstvo uspaBriar Rouz, zatočenu u vane lepotice” je strašnom podzemnom potpuno novo, svetu, koji je on već viđao mračno viđenje klasika u svojim snovima.


Sinopsis astavak blokbastera iz 2010. -Alisa u zemlji čuda.


ALICE THROUGH THE LOOKING GLASS Uloge: Johnny Depp, Anne Hathaway, Helena Bonham Carter, Michael Sheen, Mia Wasikowska, Alan Rickman Režija: James Bobin Žanr: Animacija Studio: Disney

Synopsis THE CURSE Bruce Davison, he OF James Adam Curse of SLEEPING Lim, Scott Alan Sleeping BEAUTY Smith Beauty” is an Director: entirely new, Cast: Ethan Pearry Reginald dark vision of the Peck, India EisTeo classic Brothers ley, Briar Rose, Genre: Fantasy Grimm adventure. Natalie Hall, Studio: Disney Thomas Kaiser inherits an ancestral mansion that has been in his family for generations, only to learn that he has also inherited an ancient curse stemming back to the Crusades. Forced into his new role as “protector”, the guardian appointed to keep the evil demons in the house at bay, Thomas must unravel the mystery of the house, while struggling to awaken the beautiful Briar Rose held captive in a terrifying netherworld seen previously in his dreams.


ALICE THROUGH THE LOOKING GLASS Cast: Johnny Depp, Anne Hathaway, Helena

Bonham Carter, Michael Sheen, Mia Wasikowska, Alan Rickman Director: James Bobin Genre: Animation Studio: Disney

Synopsis followup to the 2010 blockbuster Alice in Wonderland.


for you 19

sportski ugao



reme je za Evropsko prvenstvo u fudbalu. „Evro 2016“ ili „Francuska 2016“ i, kao i uvek, poster na stranicama našeg časopisa „For You“ će vam omogućiti da zabeležite sve rezultate prvenstva, a tako će vam ostati i uspomena na ovo prvenstvo. Novina u ovogodišnjem šampionatu je da će u njemu učestvovati 24 tima, pošto je format od 16 timova proširen. 24 reprezentacije su podeljene u šest grupa, u svakoj grupi su po četiri tima, i najbolje dve ekipe iz svake grupe će se kvalifikovati za narednu rundu, šesnaestinu finala. Međutim, zbog proširenog formata takmičenja, četiri tima koji će imati najbolje rezultate u kvalifikacijama iz drugog dela, pridružiće se onim timovima koji su prošli prvi deo. Dakle, ukupan broj reprezentacija koji će ići u narednu rundu biće 16. Utakmice će se igrati na 10 stadiona, dok će se finalni meč održati 10. jula 2016., na stadionu “Stade de France”, koji se nalazi u Sen-Denisu, oko 10km severno od Pariza. Na istom stadionu je Francuska 1998. godine pobedila Brazil i postala svetski šampion. Ovde možete naći timove u grupama i uz njihova imena možete upisati broj bodova koji će svaki tim uspeti da sakupi do kraja faze grupa na ovom fudbalskom događaju.

20 for you

sports corner



he European Football Championship, “Euro 2016” or “France 2016” is here and as always through our pages of For You magazine poster will provide you the opportunity to record all results of the championship. This way you will have a memory from this championship too. The news in this year’s championship is that tournament will be contested by 24 teams, having been expanded from the 16-team format. The 24 national teams are divided in six groups, each group with four teams and from each group first two teams will qualify for the next round, the 16th of finals. But, due to the expanded format of tournament, four teams that will have the best qualifying score from the other part will join to 12 teams. So, the overall number of national teams that will go in the next round will be 16. Matches will take place in 10 stadiums, while the final match will take place on July 10, 2016 in the “Stade de France” stadium, located in Saint-Denise, around 10km in the north of Paris. In 1998, in the same stadium, France has beaten Brazil to become world champion. Here you can find the teams in the groups and along their names you can write the number of points each team will manage to accumulate until the end of the phase of groups in this football event.

for you 21

hi - tech

TOP 10 NAJNOVIJIH UREDAJA KOJE NE SMETE DA PROPUSTITE U 2016. Živimo u tehnološkom društvu, gde svakog meseca do nas dolaze vesti sa svih strana sveta da je lansiran i izbačen neki novi gedžet, pametni telefon ili uređaj. Veliki brendovi se utrkuju u tome ko će nadmašiti i poraziti druge vodeće brendove, koji nude vrhunske tehnološke uređaje. Predstavljamo vam top 10 najnovijih gedžeta koji će biti u modi u 2016. godini. ... nastavak iz prošlog izdanja

7. Prenosni USB gramofon


vaj prenosni USB muzički uređaj poseduje priključak za slušalice, stereo zvučnike, pomoćni ulazni i izlazni priključak, pomoćni ulaz i RCA izlaz. Ovo je zasigurno nezaobilazan gedžet za sve ljubitelje muzike.

7. Executive Portable USB-Enabled Turntable


his portable USB music gadget offers headphone jack, stereo speakers, auxiliary input and output jack, auxiliary input, RCA output, and headphone jack. It is for sure a must have for the music lovers.

8. Canon Power Shot D30 vodootporni digitalni fotoaparat sa HD video zapisima


abeležite najlepše trenutke sa ovim BSI-CMOS senzorom, rezolucije 12 megapiksela. On poseduje i odgovarajući F3.94.8 objektiv od 28-140mm sa optičkom stabilizacijom slike (optički zum od 5x). Možete praviti HD video zapise od 1080/24p, kao i veoma usporene zapise od 640×480. Ovaj digitalni fotoaparat je potpuno vodootporan, a pruža vam još bezbednije iskustvo sa otpornošću na udarce i padove sa visine do 2m.

8. Canon Power Shot D30 Waterproof Digital Camera with HD Videos


apture the best memories with this 12MP, BSICMOS sensor. It has 28140mm F3.9-4.8 equivalent lens with optical image stabilization (5x optical zoom). You can make 1080/24p HD videos plus super slow motion videos at 640×480. This digital camera is totally waterproof and provides you a safer experience with its capacity of being shockproof to 2m.

22 for you

hi - tech

TOP 10 LATEST MUST HAVE TECH GADGETS OF 2016 It is a geek world where almost every month we hear about the launch and release of new gadgets, smartphones and devices from across the globe. Big brands are running a race where they want to surpass and subdue other leading brands offering their high class tech devices. Well, here you can read what top 10 latest must have tech gadgets are in fashion for the year 2016. .... continues from previous number

9. Bluesmart pametni ručni kofer


luesmart nije samo kofer, već i vaš lični organizator putovanja. Ovo je u osnovi ručni kofer koji ima mogućnost bežičnog povezivanja sa vašim pametnim telefonom, tako da ga uvek možete locirati i zaključati kada je to potrebno. Mobilna aplikacija vam omogućava da na jednom mestu vidite sve vaše podatke i istorijat putovanja.

9. Bluesmart Smart Carry On Luggage for Travellers


luesmart is not only a suitcase, it´s your private travel assistant. It is basically a carry-on suitcase that links wirelessly to your smartphone so that you can locate it and also lock it when it is needed. The mobile app lets you see all your data and travel history in one place.

10. Univerzalni daljinski upravljač u obliku jastuka


oš niko nije video nešto slično ovome - univerzalni daljinski upravljač koji je ujedno i jastuk, uz koji se osećate kao kod kuće, opušteno i udobno smešteni, a možete ga koristiti za TV, DVD, audio prijemnike, satelit, video rekorder itd. Totalno je mekan i obložen mekim 100% poliesterskim platnom, a mogu mu zatrebati 2 AAA baterije.

10. Universal Pillow Remote Control


obody has seen something like this pillow remote control which makes you feel at home, at peace and completely lay back when you can use it for TV, DVD, audio receivers, satellite, VCR and more. It is has totally soft padding and it gives you a 100% polyester soft experience that possibly requires 2 AAA Batteries.

for you 23



iti dosta vode, jesti voće i povrće, imati dovoljno sna i na kraju, ali ne najmanje važno – imati dovoljno fizičke aktivnosti predstavljaju četiri osnovna stuba zdravog života. Dok su prva tri prilično jednostavna i laka za ispunjavanje, izgleda da je fizička aktivnost ta, za koju većina ljudi ima poteškoća da je se pridržava. Najčešći izgovor jeste: ,,Nemam vremena da idem u teretanu.” Rene - oficir iz vojske Danske i lični trener, kaže da vreme nije uopšte problem: ,,Da biste živeli zdravo sve što treba da uradite jeste da se bavite fizičkim aktivnostima barem jedan sat dnevno. To ne mora da bude neka intenzivna aktivnost, dovoljno je da osetite da vaše srce pumpa. To čak i ne mora da bude sat vremena odjedanput. Može se podeliti na 5 minuta ovde, 10 minuta tamo, 10 ili 20 minuta negde drugde. Gde god da se osećate raspoloženim za trening, odradite ga. Ako postoje dani kada nije moguće da

24 for you

trenirate punih sat vremena, onda je bolje da odradite i 30 minuta nego da ne trenirate uopšte. Dakle, kad god možete, između časova u školi ili kada imate malo slobodnog vremena kod kuće, samo izađite, zgrabite loptu i igrajte sa prijateljima.” Rene insistira na tome da se mnoštvo vežbi za telesnu težinu mogu uraditi bez posebne opreme ili prostora ili bez izlaska iz dnevnog boravka, kao što su: sklekovi, trbušnjaci, čučnjevi itd. Za svaku vežbu treba raditi od 12 do 18 ponavljanja ili dve do tri serije. Prema njegovim rečima, svaka fizička aktivnost će uticati na telo, zbog čega treba najpre odraditi dve ili tri vežbe koje će pokrenuti naše telo i koje će povećati otkucaje srca. Iz svog iskustva ličnog trenera, Rene kaže da je najveći problem u vezi s viškom kilograma prevelika konzumacija jela i da praktično jedemo više nego što smo sagoreli, zato je vežbanje toliko važno. On je takođe naglasio da je normalno da u početku

kada krenete sa vežbama, telo oseća bol i to bi moglo da traje pet ili šest dana, ali i da će telo ovaj problem prevazići onda kada uđete u ritam i kada znate vežbe. S druge strane, vežbanje će pomoći da bolje spavate noću. Dan posle, kada se probudite sa više energije, vaše telo i vaš um biće više fokusirani, a vi ćete biti koncentrisaniji u školi i učićete bolje, kada ste fizički aktivni. Još jedna važna stvar koju treba imati na umu u vezi sa vežbanjem jeste da telo treba da ima dovoljno energije. To znači da je pravilna ishrana podjednako važna. Najbolje rešenje za telesnu energiju jesu tri glavna obroka tokom dana - doručak, ručak i večera i između obroka male užine od voća ili povrća, dovoljnih za održavanje stabilnog nivoa šećera u krvi tokom dana. Na kraju Rene ima sledeću poruku za sve For You čitaoce: ,,Moja poruka je da saznate šta vas motiviše i da to uradite opet! To je najvažnija stvar. Ako vam se ne sviđa ono šta radite, onda nećete ni uspeti u tome. Ako voliš da igraš fudbal, a treniraš košarku, onda ćeš prestati da je treniraš, jer samo kada nešto voliš, tada ćeš hteti da to ponovo radiš.”



rinking plenty of water, eating fruits and vegetables, getting enough sleep and last but not least doing physical activities, are the four pillars of healthy living. While the first three are pretty simple and easy to follow, it seems that doing physical activities is the one most people have difficulties to observe. The most common excuse being: “I don’t have time to go to the gym.” Warrant officer Rene, from the Danish Army and personal trainer, says that time is not a problem at all: “In order to live healthy you have to do physical activities for at least one hour a day. It does not have to be that intense, just so that you feel your heart is pumping. It doesn’t even have to be one full hour at once. It can be divided 5 minutes here, 10 minutes there, 10 or 20 somewhere else. Wherever you feel like, just do it. If there are some days when it is not possible for you to train for a full hour, it is better to do 30

minutes than not training at all. So whenever you can between classes in school or when you have some free time at home just go out grab a ball and play around with friends.” Rene insists there are plenty of bodyweight exercises that can be done without any particular equipment or space or without going out of the living room, such as: air squats, pushups, crunches, squat thrusts etc. For each exercise one should do 12-18 repetitions and 2-3 sets. According to him every physical activity will affect the body, which is why one only needs to do two or three exercises that will make our body work and increase our heart rate. From his experience as a personal trainer Rene says that the biggest issue about overweight is eating too much and basically consuming more than we burn, which is why exercising is so important. He also stressed that it is normal that in the beginning when you start exercising the body

will feel sore and this could last for five or six days, but once you get in the rhythm and you know the exercises the body will overcome it. On the other hand, training will help you sleep better at night. The day after you wake up with more energy, your body and your mind are more focused and you are more concentrated at school so you will learn better when you are physically active. Another important thing to have in mind in relation to training is that the body needs to have sufficient energy. This means that proper eating is just as important. The best result for having energy in the body is to have three major meals during the day morning, lunch and dinner and between the meals you just have a little snack fruits, vegetables just for keeping the blood sugar stable through the day. In the end Rene had this message for all For You readers: “My message would be find out what motivates you and do it again! That is the most important thing. If you don’t like what you are doing you won’t succeed in it. If you like playing football but you train basketball you will quit training because only when you like something you will keep doing it again.”

for you 25

Jelena Stojanovic: Uvek težite da radite ono što volite! K

ada ona priča, svi slušaju, jer ona ima dara da i nezanimljive teme učini zanimljivim, a uz to je vedra i zabavna osoba koju svi vole. Ona je Jelena Stojanović, radio voditeljka radija K4. Njen osobeni glas koji karakteriše grleni izgovor slova „R“ prepoznatljiv je slušaocima radija K4 već unazad nekoliko godina. U razgovoru za For You magazin kaže nam da se poslom radio voditelja bavi već sedam godina i da je karijeru počela na jednoj lokalnoj stanici, na nagovor porodice i prijatelja. Smatra da je pored obrazovanja, za posao radio voditelja neophodno iskustvo i ljubav prema ovom pozivu. Na posao uvek dolazi ranije, jer ne voli kašnjenja, a potom priprema emisije koje će se emitovati tokom njene smene, kao i najave, muzičke numere i sve ostalo što će se pustiti u etar. Jelena ističe da joj se u ovom poslu sviđa to što je informisana o svemu i što ima pristup raznim dešavanjima, a pritom joj ne treba mnogo napora da ga uspešno obavlja. „Mislim da mi snalažljivost i iskustvo najviše pomažu da ostanem uspešna u ovom poslu. Najteže mi je pao rad na terenu, zato što na početku svoje karijere nisam imala iskustva na tom polju, ali za sve postoji prvi put“, kaže Jelena odgovarajući na pitanje šta joj je bilo najteže tokom njenih prvih meseci radijskog posla. Ona dodaje da svaka profesija ima svoje poteškoće, a što se njenog poziva tiče, izdvaja tehničke probleme i probleme sa izvorima informacija. Priroda posla i radno vreme delimično utiču na njen privatni život,

26 for you

jer je, od kada radi na radio stanici upoznala mnogo ljudi, a dešava joj se i da je u mestu u kom živi prepoznaju po njenom specifičnom glasu, mada, kako kaže „reakcije su uvek pozitivne“. Jelena Stojanović naglašava da se njen posao u lokalnoj radio stanici gde je počela posao voditelja, dosta razlikuje od posla u Radiju K4, kako zbog vrste i karaktera emisija, tako i zbog tehničke opremljenosti. „Radio K4 ima mnogo savremeniju opremu, ali i pruža mogućnost da naučimo tj. usavršimo strane jezike, pošto se dosta susrećemo sa ljudima druge nacionalnosti i stičemo nova poznanstva“, objašnjava Jelena. Ona dodaje i da joj je radio novinarstvo uvek predstavljalo veću ljubav i izazov u odnosu na štampane i tv medije, pa stoga i preporučuje mladima da se bave ovom profesijom. Za to je, prema njenim rečima, najpre potrebno da se ovaj posao voli i sa uživanjem obavlja, a kako je posao novinara dosta tražen i svaki deo planete je medijski pokriven, uvek postoji i potreba za dobrim novinarem. To je i razlog zašto bi ona, ako bi mogla da bira ponovo, opet izabrala ovu profesiju, koju je vremenom veoma zavolela. Od posebnih trenutaka izdvaja

onaj, kada je kao medijski predstavnik prisustvovala jednom muzičkom festivalu, što je za nju bilo izuzetno korisno iskustvo, jer je tom prilikom naučila mnogo korisnih stvari o svom poslu. „Mladi treba da se bore da svakim danom napreduju, usavršavaju se, dopunjuju svoje znanje. Budućnost je u našim rukama, s toga ne treba dozvoliti da nas vodi neznanje, jer će i buduće generacije zavisiti od toga koliko smo mi napredovali. I naravno uvek težite da radite ono što volite!“, poručuje na kraju našim čitaocima Jelena Stojanović.


hen she talks, everybody listens, because she has that gift to make uninteresting topics so interesting, and she is a bright and fun person that everyone loves. She is Jelena Stojanovic, a radio host in the Radio K4. Her distinctive voice, characterized by a guttural pronunciation of the letter “R”, is recognizable to the listeners of the Radio K4 for several years already. In an interview with For You magazine she told us that she has been a radio host for seven years now and began her career at a local station, at the urging of family and friends. She believes that in addition to education, the profession of a radio host requires experience and love for this calling. She always comes to work early because she does not like delays, and then she prepares the shows that will be broadcast during her shift, as well as announcements, music tracks and everything else that is to be aired. Jelena stressed that what she likes in this business is that she is informed about everything and has access to a variety of events, and does not need to make much effort to do it successfully. “I think my resourcefulness and experi-

Jelena Stojanovic: Always strive to do what you love! ence help me the most to stay successful in this business. The hardest is the work on the ground, because at the beginning of my career I had no experience in this field, but there is first time for everything,” says Jelena answering the question of what was the most difficult thing for her during the first few months of her radio job. She added that each profession has its difficulties, but concerning her job, she singled out technical problems and problems with sources of information. The nature of work and work hours partly affect her private life, because she has met many people since she works at a radio station, and it happens that people recognize her distinctive voice in the place where she lives although, as she says, “reactions are always positive.” Jelena Stojanović emphasizes that her job at a local radio station, where she started to work as a radio host, is quite different from the work in the Radio K4, due to the type and nature of radio shows, but also because of the technical equipment. “The Radio K4 has much

more up-to-date equipment, but also provides an opportunity to learn i.e. refine foreign languages skills because we meet many people of different nationalities and make new acquaintances,” says Jelena. She adds that the radio journalism has always been a greater love and a challenge to her than the print and TV media, and therefore recommended the young people to engage in this profession. According to her, one needs to love and do the job with passion, and since journalists are much needed and every part of the planet is covered by the media, there is always a need for a good journalist. This is the reason why, if she could choose again, she would

choose again this profession that she got to love very much. From the special moments, she singled out the one when she attended a music festival as a media representative, which for her was a very useful experience, because she has learned many useful things about his job on that occasion. “Young people should strive every day to advance, improve themselves, and increase their knowledge. The future is in our hands; therefore we should not allow to be led by ignorance, as future generations will depend on how we progress. And of course – always strive to do what you love!” Jelena Stojanovic says at the end of our interview to our readers.

for you 27


čudnu to je kao plinu. Bilo m i je lep da se te o. crvene , indigo jarko žute, va Izgledalo treno plave m jedna d a sam po rugu n odlaza e smeta rlje uvijaju, g a prito k na otv kušavala da rle m jući jed es aranje mamin n izbija iz neka čudna og izložbe kiviram pozitiv a drugoj, te ispre slika bio sam školskog dr na ene Nisam ug o rgija ni čula pletanosti. nom sli taj što se ra a. Razlog nij roditelj nisam e dilo o a karstvu e u s pstraktk , koje ja da shv sa mno pela da im o ako me zovu ati nikako bjasnim , m, niti bez dr m, već i što n e m s o mamin uš sa š a gu prekor m obratila pa ta je Danim tva, koje dug m trebala ići ni pogle ne pre žnju na as o ds d ne ode am smišljala nisam videla On mi tavim njenom što se učtivo . m, kao razloge to š što su pa žur da sam os nije zamerio kolskom dru pos ka gu. , jer je tala be je i rez najboljeg dru eta zubaru, sh z daha slikom er gara, č . I dan pred n vatio da ak mi putova vni plan bio a jegovo s se se rekao nje! M m da ća eđutim iznenadno izgovo svog p svako umetn m da mi je ništa o ra nije osmatr d mojih pomog ič odlično k o delo tr ač lo, je traži sv po aži og ume a, i da svaka se ne o znaje našeg r moja mama impres tnika. Z jem, je zubara država ija r a s to u ju ,ž mama mi uti ovo i a sutra zna i d baš tako kas urke me ček sci sa izložb zapisua nikud no, a otputo e Sutra!. aju dru a neću va ..J ge stva snažni, iznena I eto m ti. ri. ovanje ao, idem na da ene na iznena za Beo Sve je otvara dno pu gr moram n baš ka tko sam ju izložbe! da se p ad. Izvini dne v vniče, a z a k a tno da ujem. S mišljala viđenij ti pišem u . Svi i lju utiske tra ću veroslikari, di su tu, pes sa puto nici, lekari. A ngelin vanja! I dok r pričaju a oditelj sa O.Š. ,,B Knežević V poznan svojim brojn i II r im icima, Severn anko Radiče 3 a moj b vić” a Mitro skakuć rat e izme vica đu zva ja razg nica, led na. Nik am slike i pla ad mi n te jasno š ta tu lju će biti di vide ali pola , ko da se in i ja počinjem teresu Uvek le jem. Pažnju p m Vredno a, doterana, enada i je izng privuklo mejana lica, nasogrom p , nih dim latno, Ona le enzija, či decu u uglu , ga bake, d eke, sam is lerije! Stala pred n I s v e ljude jega i ostala , duše meke, b Posma ez daha. A kad trajući sk te snene, lopi oči mrlje, to pznam d lih boja a sanja i mene. samo sam sa m osetila Iva Va sić O.Š. ,,B V2 r Severn anko Radiče vić” a Mitro vica


28 for you

yself to cing m old u d o tr h in id not olitely at l. He d r not p look fo d from schoo e realised th h tn e in ie s a u fr p her his beca st me before t he told in s a s g le a h c it tha ft spee is day its I was le ember to th art requires m f e o ssion r e I e r . c ing ry imp ry pie e e v v e e t am t ith an me tha erver and tha This is why I e up w g of s m t. s o b s n c o nin n arti own ing to ressio the ope ays try s its ow my imp ng, tomor spent d r not going to om’s friend. require is because tr so s o fo m riting th xhibition are excuse ibition of my at he painted w xh ut th ee rise it. rasp, b an art e was not only from th r things awa ing on a surp annot g there o e n c st g o I th s u h o a m m ic e a row go ...I ry, I , wh The r orrow! Sorry my dia bly write ictures osed to have not p m p t o p c T u a s tr . ba abs I was ich I elgrade will pro cause ds, wh ing trip to B . Tomorrow I ! also be ny of my frien nt days think my ip tr e ow th ta e. I spe pack n ssions from dentist, withou long tim s visiting the -up plan re p a im in y n m see back uch a 3 g rty, my uses, s ool vic VII up exc d’s house pa wever, nothin t Kneze Primary Sch a n s n li o ti e ie H n g fr ! e vic An best ise trip s our d Radice a surpr y mom know last until that ranko B a ic was – v t m o o l Mitr do n ave , since North ill not tr parties helped house nows that I w , ll e w very om k e d my m the blue. late an ing of th it of t e open ht ere ou th g h t u w a o y p n th a ded u s as I So I en verything wa , people t ade up known E ils ! ll n e io w it ’s ib utiful, m e, with rs. Wh n a to w e c exh b to o s d e c y ters, rous All th Alwa ulous fa will be. e, poets, pain to their nume a metic h it r g g e W in in p th were , as hop ere talk , grand a smile ents w my brother w using hildren c ls r my par , a e s e p e h ar tanc She I was s r be cle acquain the invitees, randpa ith a soft ill neve s w g t It mas, g n s ti . g s s, w n in r g a e n p ti th amo e o in s a And all e in the rt to be h the p throug at people se I sta ly n w loses h o soul, lo ti w but s atten n she c to me y e h M w . d d An es, engage enly drawn epy ey dd her sle e only was su ery’s corner, sh all I know f me. to the g a huge painto s m a dre od in where to s I ! g ing hun and was ic V2 f it o t n Iva Vas adičević o By fr . s s le R ech , Branko School left spe those stains y r ing Prima ica observ urs, I Mitrov rm colo mth. a w North e s r a tho w e strang eem as too felt od. It s g I felt o right yellow, b e if those nd indigo blu da e r d y e r g e fi ug ound, h bent ar bother each ot ergy stains ut did n f positive en b r o rt the nge so nt. each o d a stra ir entangleme ts when n a r e n e oth e r th a p m d fro r my manbeame ot even hea r e h it e e, I n I did n m g in ll ere ca to them they w explain ing to aged e p n as hap what w r did I o to me n tion n e tt pay a om’s m y to m chful reproa





for you 29

30 for you

Pisma citalaca v

Ćao svima, Zovem se Marija Virijević, živim u Zvečanu i imam 13 godina. Moja omiljena pevačica je Milica Pavlović. Od filmova najviše volim „Sam u kući“, a omiljen glumac mi je Ian Somerhalder. Volela bih i da u magazinu 4U objavite poster Ariane Grande. Inače u slobodno vreme volim da gledam TV i da se družim sa mojim drugarima, ili da igram odbojku. Želim vam sve najbolje i sa nestrpljenjem očekujem novi broj magazina. Marija Virijević OŠ „Vuk Karadžić“ - Zvečan

Ćao, Ja sam Aleksandar Ralić i imam 14 godina. Volim da slušam Daru Bubamaru, to mi je omiljena pevačica. Od filmova najviše volim da gledam „Titanik“, a omiljeni glumac mi je Ian Somerhalder. U vašem magazinu želeo bih da objavite poster Tom Cruise-a, jer i njega izuzetno cenim kao glumca. Ono što još mogu da kažem o sebi je da profesionalno igram odbojku, a jednog dana nadam se da ću zaigrati u nekom većem i poznatijem klubu. Mnogo Vas sve pozdravljam! Aleksandar Ralić OŠ „Vuk Karadžić“ - Zvečan Zdravo svima, Zovem se Janko i imam 13 godina. Redovno pratim magazin 4U i očekujem da uskoro objavite

plakat Transformersa, mog omiljenog filma. Od muzike, najviše slušam Big Time Rush. U slobodno vreme igram tenis, želeo bih da se u budućnosti profesionalno bavim ovim sportom i zaigram u inostranstvu. Želja mi je i da u tenisu budem No.1! Pozdravljam sve čitaoce. Janko Jakovljević OŠ „Vuk Karadžić“ - Zvečan Ćao, Ja sam Trajko Imentijević i učenik sam VII razreda. Živim u Grabovcu, a pohađam školu „Vuk Karadžić“ u Zvečanu. Omiljena grupa mi je „One Direction“. U slobodno vreme volim da gledam razne serije na TV-u, jedna od omiljenijih mi je „The Walking Dead“ i nadam se da ćete objavite poster iz te serije. Takođe se bavim sportom, treniram košarku i dobar sam u tome. Vidimo se na nekoj utakmici! Trajko Imentijević OŠ „Vuk Karadžić“ - Zvečan

Zdravo svima, Zovem se Anastasija Todosijević i imam 14 godina. Živim u Zvečanu. Od muzike najviše volim da slušam Milicu Todorović, a omiljeni film mi je „Sam u kući“. Nina Dobrev i Ian Somerhalder su mi najdraži glumački par i volela bih da objavite njihov poster. U slobodno vreme, volim da se družim, da pevam i igram odbojku. Toliko od mene, veliki pozdrav! Anastasija Todosijević OŠ „Vuk Karadžić“ - Zvečan


Veliki pozdrav, Ja sam Jovan Radenković i učenik sam sedmog razreda. Moja omiljena ličnost je jutjuber Yasserstain i želeo bih da u magazinu 4U vidim njegov poster. Omiljeni glumac mi je Nikola Kojo, a od filmova najviše volim „Curse of Chucky“. Slobodno vreme provodim baveći se sportom, treniram košarku. Šaljem

veliki pozdrav svim čitaocima 4U magazina. Jovan Radenković OŠ „Vuk Karadžić“ - Zvečan

for you 31

Readers’ letters Hi everyone, My name is Marija Virijevic, I live in Zvecan and I am 13 years old. My favourite singer is Milica Pavlovic. My favourite film is “Home Alone”, while my favourite actor is Ian Somerhalder. I wish you would publish a poster of Ariana Grande in 4U magazine. Otherwise, in my free time I like to watch TV and hang out with my friends, or play volleyball. I wish you all the best and look forward to the new issue of the magazine. Marija Virijevic Primary School “Vuk Karadzic” - Zvecan Greetings, I Jovan Radenković and I am a student of the seventh grade. My favourite character is a YouTuber Yasserstain and I’d like to see his poster in the 4U magazine. My favourite actor is Nikola Kojo and my favourite film is „Curse of Chucky“. I spend my free time playing sports, and I train basketball. Regards to all

readers of 4U magazine, Jovan Radenkovic Primary School “Vuk Karadzic” - Zvecan Hi, I am Aleksandar Ralic and I’m 14 years old. I love listening to Dara Bubamara, she is my favourite singer. Among the films I like to watch “Titanic” and my favourite actor Ian Somerhalder. In I’d like you to publish a poster of Tom Cruise in your magazine, because I admire him as an actor. When it comes to me, I can also say that I play professional volleyball, and one day I hope to play in a bigger and better known club. Many greetings to all! Aleksandar Ralic Primary School “Vuk Karadzic” - Zvecan Hello everyone, My name is Janko and I am 13 years old. I read 4U magazine regularly and expect you to soon publish a poster of „Transformers“,

my favourite movie. When it comes to music, I mostly listen to the band Big Time Rush. In my spare time I play tennis, and in the future I would like to play tennis professionally and also play abroad. My wish is to be No.1 in tennis! Regards to all readers, Janko Jakovljevic Primary School “Vuk Karadzic” - Zvecan Hi, My name is Trajko Imentijevic and I’m a student of 7th grade. I live in Grabovac, and attend the school “Vuk Karadzic” in Zvecan. My favourite band is One Direction. In my free time I like to watch different TV series on TV, and one of my favourite is “The Walking Dead” and I hope you will publish a poster of the series. I also play sports, I play basketball and I’m good at it. See you at one of the games! Trajko Imentijevic Primary School “Vuk Karadzic” - Zvecan

Hello everyone, My name is Anastasija Todosijevic and I’m 14 years old. I live in Zvecan. When it comes to music I like to listen to Milica Todorovic and my favourite movie is “Home Alone”. Nina Dobrev and Ian Somerhalder are my favourite Hollywood couple and I would love you to post a poster of them. In my spare time I like to hang out, to sing and play volleyball. That’s all from me, best regards! Anastasija Todosijevic Primary School “Vuk Karadzic” - Zvecan


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