UVODNIK Pozdrav dragi čitaoci, Kao i obično, mi se i dalje na vreme susrećemo sa Vama. Nadam se da smo ovog puta uspeli da Vam u ovim kišnim jesenjim danima donesemo malo topline i svežine najnovijim brojem našeg časopisa. I ovog meseca smo pripremili informacije iz svih oblasti, novitete iz sveta muzike, filma, tehnologije i mnoge druge novosti. Neke od tema o kojima ćemo govoriti su sledeće: Govorićemo o Osnovnoj školi “Banović Strahinja”, u Banjskoj. Modni kutak pokriva sve što je bilo u trendu tokom ovogodišnje dodele ‘MTV VMA’ nagrada. U članku o životinjskom carstvu govorimo o nekim novim životinjama. Najnoviji filmovi inostrane produkcije su: “Moana”, “Max Steel” i “Trolovi”. Evropsko prvenstvo 2016. je nedavno završeno, sledeća stanica je Rusija 2018. i o tome govorimo na sportskim stranicama. Naše učenike pitali smo šta sve čine da bi zaštitili životnu sredinu. Kao i ranije, pripremili smo Vam neke informacije o najnovijim dostignućima u oblasti tehnologije. Takođe možete pročitati članke “Drveće” i “Zaštitimo prirodu”. Ali to nije sve. Morate da pažljivo pregledate ceo časopis, tako da se možete dobro zabaviti. Želim Vam prijatno čitanje, uspeh u školi i sve najbolje u životu.
Do sledećeg susreta, sve najbolje! Leonora
“For You” je slu`bena publikacija KFOR-a, proizvedena i finansirana od strane KFOR-a. Štampa se na Kosovu i distribuira besplatno. Sadr`aj magazina ne odra`ava uvek stavove koalicije ili bilo koje zemlje ~lanice pojedina~no. KFOR prihvata i tra`i vaša mi{ljenja, neka od njih }e i objavljivati, verovatno u skra}enoj formi. Ako autor pisma tako `eli, njegovo/njeno ime ne}e biti objavljeno. KFOR ne}e objavljivati anonimna, maliciozna ili klevetni~ka pisma. Glavni urednik: Leonora Shabanaj Nik{i} Novinari: Ali Rexha, Asmir Nik{i}, Violeta Matovi} Fotografije: Ekipa “4U” Design & Layout: Bekim Shabani Uredni{tvo mo`ete kontaktirati na telefon: 038/503-603-2139 Pisma mo`ete slati na adresu: HQ KFOR - Kosova Film. “For You” magazin; Strasbourg Building; 10000 Pri{tina E-mail: leonorashabanaj@gmail.com; http://www.magazineforyou.com
2 for you
2-3: Uvodnik, sadržaj 4-5: Škola meseca: OŠ “Banović Strahinja” Banjska Upitnik: Kako doprinosite očuvanju zdrave životne sredine? 6-7: Čuvajmo prirodu! 8-9: Fashion: Ove odevne kombinacije sa MTV VMA 2016 će definitivno ostati zapisane u modnoj istoriji 10-11: Music Box: Beyoncé - super žena 12-13: Pravi prijatelj se u nevolji poznaje! 14-15: Životinjsko
carstvo: Životinje od A do Ž 16-17: Poster: Beyoncé 18-19: Moviemania: Max steel; Trolls; Moana 20-21: Sportski ugao: EURO 2016 je završen, sledeća stanica je SVETSKO PRVENSTVO U RUSIJI 2018. 22-23: Hi-Tech 24-25: Drveće 26-27: RADIO KFOR 28-29: Vaš ugao ... 30: Enigmatski ugao 31-32: Pisma čitalaca
EDITORIAL Greetings dear readers,
Sportski ugao: Rusi ja 2018
As usual, we continue to be punctual in our meeting with you. I hope that this time we have managed in these rainy autumn days to bring you a little warmth with our newest edition of our magazine. This month too, we have prepared information from all areas, novelties from the world of music, film, technology and many other innovations. But we will tackle them slowly: We will talk about the Elementary School “Banović Strahinja”, in Banjska. Fashion corner covers everything that was trendy during this year’s “2016 MTV VMA”. Animal Kingdom continues with five new animals according to the alphabet. Newest films from foreign production are: “Moana”, “Max steel” and “Trolls”. “EURO 2016 is over, next station: RUSSIA 2018” is the article that covers the sport pages this month. We asked our school students “What are you doing to protect the environment?” As always you can also read about the latest technological novelties. You may also want to read the articles “Trees” and “Let’s protect the environment”. This, however, is not all you have to carefully browse the entire magazine so you could have a lot of fun. I wish you a pleasant reading, success at school and all the best in our life. Until our next encounter, all the best! Leonora
Drva 2-3: Editorial, index 4-5: School of the month: “Banović Strahinja” primary school - Banjska Questionnaire: What do you do to protect the environment? 6-7: Let’s protect the nature! 8-9: Fashion: These 2016 VMA looks will definitely go down in fashion history 10-11: Music Box: Beyoncé Superwoman 12-13: A friend in need is a friend
indeed! 14-15: Animal Kingdom: Animals from A-Z 16-17: Poster: Beyoncé 18-19: Moviemania: Max steel; Trolls; Moana 20-21: Sports corner: EURO 2016 is over, next stop world cup in RUSSIA 2018 22-23: Hi-Tech 24-25:Trees 26-27: RADIO KFOR 28-29: Your corner ... 30: Puzzle 31-32: Reader’s letters
‘For You’ is an official publication of KFOR, produced and financed by KFOR, printed in Kosovo and distributed freely.The contents do not necessarily reflect the official point of view of the coalition or that of any of its member states. KFOR accepts and welcomes your opinions, it will publish some of these, eventually in a condensed form. If requested the name of the writer will be withheld but no anonymous, defamatory or malicious letters will be printed. Chief Editor: Leonora Shabanaj Niksic Journalists: Ali Rexha, Asmir Niksic, Violeta Matovic Photos by: “4U” team Design & Layout: Bekim Shabani The editorial staff can be contacted on: 038/503-603-2139 Any letters can be sent at: HQ KFOR - Film City; For You magazine; Strasbourg building; 10000 Pristina; E-mail: magazineforyou2003@gmail.com; http://www.magazineforyou.com
for you 3
škola meseca
Direktor Dragan Lazarević
kola ,,Banović Strahinja” u Banjskoj postoji od davne 1913.godine, a pre tri godine obeležila je jubilej 100-godišnjice postojanja. U blizini manastira Banjska, okružena zelenilom drveća, daleko od prometnih saobraćajnica, najstarija je škola na ovim prostorima. Direktor OŠ ,,Banović Strahinja” Dragan Lazarević u razgovoru za 4U Magazin kaže da je škola dobro opremljena, da ima sve neophodne kabinete, medija salu, veliku sportsku salu i sportski teren na otvorenom. Škola je velika, obuhvata prostor od 2000 m2, uči se engleski kao prvi, i ruski jezik kao drugi strani jezik, časovi se kombinuju pa je nastava organizovana zajedno za prvi i treći i drugi i četvrti razred. ,,Kao što su sve škole obavezne da uz redovne aktivnosti imaju i vannastavne, tako
i OŠ “Banović Strahinja”, prati sve standarde, u školi je aktivna sekcija “ Mladi Gorani “, kao i literarna i jezička sekcija. Svi nastavnici su stručno zastupljeni, nastavni kadar je visoko profesionalan, a nastavni proces se odvija u skladu sa novim modernim tehnologijama”, kaže Lazarević. Prema njegovim rečima ono što ovu školu izdvaja je vaspitanje i obrazovanje mladih za zaštitu životne sredine, razvoj ekološke svesti razvijanjem ljubavi i odgovornog odnosa prema prirodi. OŠ ,,Banović Strahinja” je škola koja diše ritmom prirode. Škola se nalazi u blizini reke Banjska u potpuno čistoj prirodi, nema saobraćaja, a odrastanje dece je mnogo zdravije u ruralnim nego, u urbanim sredinama. Zato i nastojimo da sredinu oko nas maksimalno zaštitimo, a sa utvrđenim programskim sadržajima i oblicima škola pruža najveće mogućnosti u izgrađivanju svesti učenika u oblasti ekologije, kaže Lazarević. On dodaje da obrazovni sistem ove škole podrazumeva kontinuirani vaspitno-obrazovni proces i da iako vaspitanje i obrazovanje mladih za zaštitu životne sredine ima svoje polazište u porodičnom vaspitanju, i škola u tom cilju postaje nezamenljiva. ,, Zato se velika pažnja mora posvetiti stalnom stručnom osposobljavanju nastavnika kroz dodatne obuke i seminare. Značajno je koliko i sama škola kao institucija uključuje ozbiljno u aktivnosti koje se organizuju na nivou lokalne sredine.
Vesna Virijević (13) Bitno mi je da priroda oko nas bude čista i nezagađena, ja se uvek trudim da odlažem smeće u kontejnere. Očuvanje životne sredine je bitno zato što je važno da svaki čovek bude zdrav, a čuvajući prirodu, čovek čuva i sebe i svoje zdravlje.
Verica Virijević (13) Mislim da ljudi ne čuvaju prirodu u dovoljnoj meri, često su prema njoj neodgovorni. Ja se trudim da ne budem takva, želim da živim u čistoj životnoj sredini, jer svako zagađenje utiče na zdravlje ljudi, životinja i biljaka. Očekujem da će moji drugovi početi da razmišljanju o negativnim uticajima na životnu sredinu, usvojiti zdrave navike i početi da ih primjenjuju u budućnosti.
Vesna Virijević (13) The important thing is that the nature around us is clean and unpolluted, and I always try to leave trash in the trash containers. Protection of environmental is important because it is important that every person is healthy, and by preserving nature, the man protects himself and his health.
Verica Virijević (13) I think that people do not protect nature sufficiently and often act irresponsibly in that regard. I’m trying not to be like that, I want to live in a clean environment because any pollution affects the health of humans, animals and plants. I expect that my friends will start to think about the negative impacts on the environment, adopt healthy habits and begin to apply them in the future.
4 for you
Savremena ekološka situacija je pokazala da fond znanja iz ekologije nije na potrebnom nivou. Ta znanja sama po sebi ne znače ništa, ali zato imaju ogroman vaspitni potencijal”, ističe direktor Lazarević. On posebno naglašava značaj osnovnog obrazovanja jer prema njegovim rečima škola je osnovni faktor vaspitanja i ekoobrazovanja. Osnovno obrazovanje je bitno za napredak, a da bi deca prolazila lakše kroz život, bitno je da imaju kvalitetno osnovno obrazovanje, jer će tako lakše pronaći posao koji će voleti da rade, jer će tako lakše spojiti lepo i korisno, ističe direktor OŠ ,,Banović Strahinja”, Dragan Lazarević. Prema njegovim rečima Magazin 4U je dosta čitan i popularan u ovoj školi, a direktor je veoma zadovoljan i saradnjom koju imaju sa KFOR-om. On poručuje našim mladim čitaocima da je veoma bitno uvek učiti i da se znanje kad tad isplati. ,,Budite hrabri, sigurni u sebe i istrajni! Znanje i obrazovanje se kad-tad isplate. Bitno je da verujete u sebe, da volite ljude i prirodu oko sebe, budite vredni i marljivi, a uspeh će samim tim već stići”, zaključuje na kraju razgovora za 4U Magazin, direktor OŠ ,,Banović Strahinja”, Dragan Lazarević.
Andrijana Nedeljković (14) Prirodu čuvam tako što je ne zagađujem, uvek pokupim smeće kada vidim da je negde bačeno van kontejnera. Bitno mi je i da se svi ostali ljudi tako ponašaju, ali nažalost nisu svi svesni važnosti očuvanja zdrave životne sredine. Ipak nadam se da će svi to jednog dana shvatiti. Andrijana Nedeljković (14) I protect nature by not polluting it and I always pick up the trash when I see it dropped somewhere outside of the container. It is important to me that all other people act like this, but unfortunately not everyone is aware of the importance of preserving a healthy environment. However I hope that everyone will someday realize it.
school of the month
he “Banović Strahinja” Primary School in Banjska was founded in 1913, three years ago it marked its 100 year jubilee. Close to the Banjska Monastery, surrounded by trees, far from busy roads, this is the oldest school in the area. The Principal of the “Banović Strahinja” Primary School, Dragan Lazarević, said for the 4U Magazine that the school is well equipped, that they have all the needed classrooms, a media hall, a large sports hall and an open sports field. The school building is large and covers an area of 2000 square metres. English is taught as the first foreign language and Russian as the second foreign language, classes are combined with the first and third graders attending lessons together whilst the second and fourth graders also attend lessons together. “As all schools are required to organise extracurricular activities alongside ciricular activities, the “Banović Strahinja” Primary School fulfils all standards and has an active “Mladi Gorani“ (Young
Scouts), literary and language sections. All the teachers are fully trained and the teaching staff is highly professional, the teaching process is carried out using modern technology”, Lazarević said. According to him, the school stands out based on the upbringing and education of the youth when it comes to saving the environment, developing ecological awareness, love and responsibility towards the environment. “The “Banović Strahinja” Primary School is a school which breathes according to nature’s rhythm. The River Banjska is nearby the school, the environment is perfectly clean, there is no traffic and the children are growing up in a rural environment which is much healthier than an urban environment. That is why we are endeavouring to preserve the environment around us, through determined curriculum content and teaching methods which offer the greatest possibilities in building up an awareness for ecology amongst the children”, Lazarević said. He added that the system of education at this school implies a continuous educational process and that, although the starting point for environmental protection education is the family and the way the family brings up its children, formal schools have an irreplaceable part to play in it. “Thus, great attention must be paid to
continuous professional training for the teachers through additional courses and seminars. The school has a significant role when it comes to activities organised at the local level, which the school engages in very seriously. The current ecological situation has shown that collective knowledge on ecological issues is not at the necessary level. Knowledge does not mean much per se but it carries an enormous potential when it comes to the children’s upbringing”, Principal Lazarević points out. He highlighted the importance of primary education since, according to him; primary schools are the foundation of upbringing and eco-education. Primary education is an important factor of progress and a high quality of primary education makes life-journeys easier, as it would allow the children to find future employment which they will love and thus combine beauty with practicality, the principal of the “Banović Strahinja” Primary School, Dragan Lazarević pointed out. According to him, the 4U Magazine is popular and widely read at this school and the principal is very satisfied with the level of cooperation the school has with KFOR. The message he would like to convey to our young readers is that is very important to study incessantly and that knowledge pays off sooner or later. “Be courageous, sure of yourselves and persistent! Knowledge and education pay off sooner or later. It is important that you believe in your selves, that you love people and nature, that you are hard-working and diligent, by then success has already come your way”, the principal of the “Banović Strahinja” Primary School, Dragan Lazarevi, concluded at the end of his talk with the 4U Magazine.
Luka Jovanović (14) Ljudi ne vode dovoljno računa o prirodi, postali su previše sebični, npr. seku šume i potom ih ne pošumljavaju. Bojim se da svojim primerom ne mogu mnogo da utičem na to, ali mi u našoj skoli često organizujemo akcije čišćenja, a to je mali doprinos mojih drugova i mene na očuvanju čiste životne sredine.
Stevan Vasović (12) Mislim da se priroda oko nas ne čuva dovoljno. Ljudi su krivi, zagađuju prirodu, svuda bacaju smeće. Trudim se da to ne radim, a mislim da ljudi moraju biti svesni da kada ne čuvaju prirodu, ne čuvaju ni sebe.
Luka Jovanović (14) People do not take care of the nature enough; they have become too selfish, for instance they cut down woods, without reforesting them afterwards. I’m afraid that I cannot do much to influence this with my own example, but we often organize cleaning campaigns in our school, and that is a small contribution of my friends and me to the preservation of a clean environment.
Stevan Vasović (12) I think that the nature around us is not preserved enough. People are to blame; they pollute nature by throwing trash everywhere. I try not to do it, and I think people should be aware that when they do not protect nature, they do not protect themselves.
Rados Radojković (12) Iako je priroda oko mene, u Banjskoj još uvek čista, najviše mi smeta to što ljudi svuda bacaju otpad. Prirodu trebamo čuvati i ne zagađivati je, jer ćemo tako lepše i zdravije živeti. Nadam se da će ljudi to shvatiti. Rados Radojković (12) Although the nature is around me, in Banjska, is still clean, what bothers me the most is that people throw trash everywhere. We need to protect the nature and not pollute it, because we will live better and healthier in that way. I hope that people will realize that.
for you 5
udska nebriga i nemarnost često dovode u pitanje opstanak planete Zemlje, pa su neki od najvećih problema sa kojima se suočava današnje društvo, briga za ekologiju i životnu sredinu. Postoje mnoge organizacije koje rade na ovim pitanjima i koje sprovode razne akcije povodom njih, ali je i njima neophodna pomoć, kako bi rezultati bili još bolji i efikasniji. Kakva je situacija na severu Kosova po pitanju zaštite životne sredine i kako shvatiti značaj očuvanja ekosistema, neka su od pitanja koja smo postavili Mariji Mijačić, predstavnici Instituta za teritorijalni ekonomski razvoj (InTER) i menadžerki projekta „Dijalog o javnim politikama i razvojne aktivnosti za bolju zaštitu životne sredine“. Ona za naš magazin kaže da su najveći problemi u oblasti ekologije slaba primena zakona, nedostatak administrativnih kapaciteta za sprovođenje zakona i upravljanje projektima u oblasti zaštite životne sredine, nedostatak održivih finansijskih instrumenata za finansiranje „zelenih“ projekata, ali i nedostatak infrastrukture koja bi zadovoljila standarde Evropske unije. “Ne postoji snažna mreža institucija koja bi doprinela unapređenju zaštite životne sredine, a ni sankcije za sve pojedince koji svojim delovanjem negativno utiču na životnu sredinu. Kada je u pitanju komunalni otpad, broj nelegalnih deponija je ogroman i najčešće su locirane u neposrednoj blizini reke Ibar. Što se tiče poljoprivrede, problemi takođe postoje i odnose se na fragmentaciju zemljišta, zagađenje vode i zemljišta usled neadekvatnog korišćenja agrohemikalija (đubriva i pesticidi), eroziju zemljišta, konsolidaciju zemljišta i dr”, objašnjava Mijačić. Ona dodaje da se Istraživanje koje je InTER sproveo u periodu januar - avgust 2016. godine, odnosi na zakonodavstvo u oblasti zaštite životne sredine na Kosovu i uticaj na lokalni ekonomski razvoj, a njime su obuhvaćene 4 teme: komunalni otpad, poljoprivreda, reke i jezera i šumarstvo. “Procenat u kom se šuma na Severu Kosova seče bespravno iznosi čak 95%, nanoseći pritom veliku štetu šumskom ekosistemu. Degradacija šumskog zemljišta, erozija, redukcija emisije kiseonika, uništavanje biodiverziteta, veći rizik od poplava i šumskih požara su neke od glavnih posledica”, istakla je Mijačić. Ona kaže i da projekte u
6 for you
oblasti zaštite životne sredine treba postaviti kao prioritetne projekte opština, ali i da je neophodno obezbediti uslove i povoljnu poslovnu klimu na lokalnom Marija Mijačić nivou, kako bi se privukli preduzetnici i započeli poslovanje u sektoru otpada, poljoprivrede. “Zaštita životne sredine i ekonomski razvoj mogu ići ruku pod ruku, a javne politike u ovoj oblasti igraju ključnu ulogu u kreiranju radnih mesta i podsticanju investicija. „Ozelenjavanje ekonomije“ smanjuje troškove zaštite životne sredine kroz efikasnije korišćenje resursa, dok korišćenje čistih tehnologija doprinosi otvaranju novih radnih mesta, daje podsticaj privredi i stvaranju konkurentosti”, zaključuje Marija Mijačić. InTER će se i ubuduće baviti projektima koji se odnose na razvoj lokalnih kapaciteta za unapređenje zaštite životne sredine i socioekonomskog razvoja na Severu Kosova. Obećavaju da će nastojati da zagovaraju da se veća pažnja posveti upravo „zelenim projektima“ i da se oni svrstaju u grupu prioritetnih, što može doprineti poboljšanju stanja životne sredine.
InTER je osnovan je 2006. godine kao neprofitni, nezavisni nevladin “think tank” sa misijom promocije i unapređenja održivog društveno-ekonomskog teritorijalnog razvoja u zemljama Zapadnog Balkana. Osnovno područje rada InTER-a je pružanje podrške u oblasti procena i kreiranja politika iz oblasti teritorijalnog razvoja, podrška izgradnji kapaciteta institucijama javnog sektora, privatnog sektora i organizacija civilnog društva. Na Severu Kosova InTER realizuje nekoliko projekata koji obuhvataju istraživanja u oblasti zaštite životne sredine, funkcionisanja lokalnih samouprava i ulaganja u ovim opštinama, ali i projekte vezane za razvoj turizma u opštini Zubin Potok (‘Outdoor In’ je veoma uspešna inicijativa, pokrenuta 2013. godine za razvoj aktivnog turizma u Ibarskom Kolašinu).
uman carelessness and neglect often bring the survival of planet Earth into question, and some of the biggest problems society faces today are care for ecology and the environment. There are many organizations working on these issues and which carry out various actions in relation to that, but they also need help to achieve better and more efficient results. What is the situation in northern Kosovo in terms of environmental protection and how to understand the importance of preserving the ecosystem are some of the questions we’ve asked Marija Mijacic, a representative of the Institute for Territorial Economic Development (InTER) and manager of the project “Dialogue on public policies and development activities to improve environmental protection”. She said for our magazine that the biggest problems in the field of ecology are weak law enforcement, lack of administrative capacity for law enforcement and management of projects in the field of environmental protection, the lack of viable financial instruments to finance “green” projects, and the lack of infrastructure to meet European Union standards. “There is no strong network of institutions that would contribute to the improvement of the environmental protection and no sanctions for all individuals who negatively affect the environment with their actions. When it comes to waste, the number of illegal landfills is enormous and they are most often located in the immediate vicinity of river Ibar. As for agriculture, there are also problems related to land fragmentation, water and soil pollution due to inadequate use of agrochemicals (fertilizers and pesticides), soil erosion, land consolidation, etc.,” explains Mijacic. She added that the study conducted by InTER in the period January–August 2016 is about the legislation in the field of environmental protection in Kosovo and the impact on local economic development, and includes 4 subjects: waste, agriculture, rivers and lakes, and forestry.
“The percentage of illegal wood cutting in the north of Kosovo is as much as 95%, thereby causing great harm to the forest ecosystem. Degradation of forest land, erosion, reduction of oxygen emission, destruction of biodiversity, increasing risk of floods and forest fires are some of the main consequences,” said Mijacic. She said that projects in the field of environmental protection should be set as priority projects of municipalities, but it is also necessary to provide conditions and a favorable business climate at the local level in order to attract entrepreneurs who would begin to conduct business in the waste and agriculture sector. “Environmental protection and economic growth can go hand in hand, and public policies in this area play a crucial role in creating jobs and encouraging investment. “Greening the economy” reduces environmental costs through the more efficient use of resources, while the use of cleaner technologies contributes to the creation of new jobs and gives impetus to the economy and to the creation of competitiveness,” concludes Marija Mijacic. InTER will continue to engage in projects related to the development of local capacities to improve the environmental protection and socio-economic development in the north of Kosovo. They promise they will make efforts to advocate for greater attention to be paid to the “green projects” and to place them into a group of priority projects, which could contribute to improving the state of the environment.
InTER was founded in 2006 as a nonprofit, independent non-governmental think-tank with the mission of promoting and advancing sustainable socio-economic territorial development in the countries of the Western Balkans. The primary field of work of InTER is to provide support in the field of assessment and policy-making, territorial development, support the building of capacities of public and private sector institutions as well as civil society organizations. InTER is implementing several projects in the North of Kosovo and these include research in the field of environmental protection, the functioning of local governments and investment in these municipalities, as well as projects related to the development of tourism in the municipality of Zubin Potok (Outdoor In is a very successful initiative, launched in 2013 to develop active tourism in the area of Ibarski Kolasin).
for you 7
Kad god je vreme dodele MTV muzičkih nagrada, ne možemo a da ne gledamo u male ekrane širom otvorenih očiju i čekamo na sledeći veliki, i verovatno prilično otkačeni, modni trenutak. Na kraju krajeva, to je isti šou na kom je Lil ‘Kim nosila svoju poznatu ljubičastu haljinu, a Britni Spirs zmiju, i u pogledu stila skoro sve prolazi. Stoga nismo bili previše iznenađeni kada je ovaj događaj u 2016. godini ponudio isto to. Pročitajte o stilovima koji su se pojavili na crvenom tepihu zbog koji nam je ponovo pala vilica, od Bijonsinog anđeoskog izdanja do Naomi Campbell. Neke stvari se zaista nikad ne menjaju! BEYONCE Prepustite „matici“ (Queen Bey) da da izjavu na crvenom tepihu. Pevačica, koja je nastupala na MTV VMA 2016, privukla je pažnju divnom providnom izvezenom haljinom i perjem. BEYONCE Leave it to Queen Bey to make a statement on the red carpet. The singer, who performed at MTV VMA’s 2016, turned heads in a striking sheer embellished gown and feathers.
BEYONCE I BLUE IVY Bijonse i njena „minija“ Blue Ivy su prošetale crvenim tepihom držeći se za ruke na putu za događaj posut zvezdama. BEYONCE AND BLUE IVY Beyonce and her mini-me Blue Ivy walked the red carpet handin-hand as they made their way inside the star-studded event.
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NICKI MINAJ Ona je senzacionalna! Reperka Nicki Minaj je bila fascinantna u svojoj uskoj poluprovidnoj sečenoj plavoj haljini.
KIM KARDASHIAN Ostajući verna svom stilu, Kim Kardashian je pokazala svoje slavne obline u uskoj providnoj haljini sa kosom koja izgleda kao da je mokra.
NICKI MINAJ She’s electric! Rapper Nicki Minaj made jaws drop in a figure-hugging cut-out sheer blue dress.
KIM KARDASHIAN True to form, Kim Kardashian revealed her famous curves, sporting a figurehugging sheer dress and what appears to be wet hair.
TAYLOR MARIE HILL Model Taylor Marie Hill je pokazala svoje duge noge u haljini sa visokim izrezom. TAYLOR MARIE HILL Model Taylor Marie Hill showed off her long legs in a high-slit dress.
ASHELY GRAHAM Plus size model Ashely Graham sijala je na crvenom tepihu u providnoj izvezenoj haljini. ASHELY GRAHAM Plus-size model Ashely Graham smoldered on the red carpet in a sheer embellished dress.
BRITNEY SPEARS Prošlo je skoro 10 godina od kada je Britney Spears nastupala na MTV VMA dodeli nagrada i pop princeza je priredila sjajan povratak na scenu sa svojim 9. studijskim albumom „Glory“ koji je objavljen 26. avgusta. BRITNEY SPEARS It’s been nearly 10 years since Britney Spears performed at the MTV VMAs and the pop princess made quite the comeback. With her ninth studio album “Glory” set to release on Aug. 26, the pop star returned to the stage.
AMBER ROSE Iako je Amber Rose, model koji je prešao u voditeljke, poznata po svojim smelim odevnim kombinacijama na crvenom tepihu, ovoga puta je bila veoma elegantna u svečanom odelu. AMBER ROSE While Amber Rose is known for her daring red carpet looks, the model turned talk show host kept things classy in a pantsuit.
Whenever the MTV VMAs roll around, we can’t help but stare at our screen, wide-eyed and waiting for the next major, and likely pretty kooky, fashion moment to occur. After all, this is the same show where Lil’ Kim rocked a pasty, Britney Spears wore a snake, and pretty much anything goes in terms of style. So we weren’t too surprised when 2016’s event offered more of the same. Read through for the red carpet style moments that made our jaws drop once again, from Beyoncé’s angel-like ensemble to Hailey Baldwin’s revealing jumpsuit. Some things truly never change! HAILEE STEINFELD Glumica Hailee Steinfeld je nosila višebojnu mini haljinu pre svog govora na sceni na MTV VMA dodeli nagrada. HAILEE STEINFELD Actress Hailee Steinfeld donned a multi-colored mini dress before speaking on stage at the MTV VMA’s.
FUTURE Reper Future je bio istovremeno kul i elegantan na crvenom tepihu pre nego što je izašao na scenu kako bi izveo jednu svoju pesmu.
FIFTH HARMONY Normani Kordei, Dinah Jane, Ally Brooke, Camila Cabello i Lauren Jauregui, iz grupe „Fifth Harmony“ stižu na MTV dodelu muzičkih nagrada. FIFTH HARMONY Normani Kordei, Dinah Jane, Ally Brooke, Camila Cabello and Lauren Jauregui, of Fifth Harmony arrive at the MTV Video Music Awards.
MICHAEL PHELPS I NICOLE JOHNSON Osvajač FUTURE zlatnih Rapper Future kept olimpijskih things cool and classy medalja on the red carpet Michael before hitting the stage Phelps i to perform his song. njegova verenica Nicole Johnson Džonson su sa velikim osmesima na licu pozirali na crvenom tepihu na dodeli nagrada MTV VMA 2016. MICHAEL PHELPS AND NICOLE JOHNSON Olympic gold medalist Michael Phelps and fiance Nicole Johnson were all smiles on the red carpet at the 2016 MTV Video Music Awards.
ALICIA KEYS Pre nego što je izašla na scenu da bi izvela najavu, rođena Njujorčanka Alicia Keys je prošetala crvenim tepihom u svoj dugoj crvenoj haljini. ALICIA KEYS Before hitting the stage to present, New York native Alicia Keys took the red carpet in a red floor-length dress.
NAOMI CAMPBELL Kraljica modnih pista Naomi Campbell je dodala malo sjaja crvenom tepihu svojim sjajnim crvenim ružem i haljinom u boji mente sa visokim izrezom. NAOMI CAMPBELL Runway royalty Naomi Campbell added a touch of sparkle to the red carpet, donning glittery red lipstick teamed with a high-slit mint dress.
NICK CANNON I HEIDI KLUM Niick Cannon i model Heidi Klum su zajedno pozirali na crvenom tepihu. NICK CANNON AND HEIDI KLUM Nick Cannon and model Heidi Klum posed on the red carpet together.
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music box
Beyoncé Knowles je višestruka dobitnica Grammy nagrada i izdala je nekoliko platinastih ploča, poznata je po svojim vokalnim sposobnostima, spotovima i koncertnima. Evo nekoliko zanimljivih podataka o ovoj pevačici, dobitnici Grammy nagrada, supruzi i majci - Beyoncé.
Pravo ime joj je Beyoncé Giselle Carter-Knowles. Rođena je 14. septembra 1981. u Hjustonu, Teksas. Dobila je ime po devojačkom prezimenu njene majke. Her full name is Beyoncé Giselle Carter-Knowles. She was born September 4, 1981 in Houston, Texas. She was named after her mother’s maiden name. Sa pevanjem je počela kada je imala 8 godina, i njen pevački talenat je otkriven sasvim slučajno na času plesa, kada je Beyonce zapevala zajedno sa svojom učiteljicom, završivši pesmu visokim notama. Beyoncé’s singing talent was discovered at the age of 8 in a dance class, when her teacher was singing a song and she finished it hitting all the high notes.
Buduće članice grupe Destiny’s Child, Kelly Rowland i LaTaviu Robertson, upoznala je takođe sa osam godina, na audiciji za girl bend ‘Girl Tyme’, gde su učestvovale još tri devojčice. At 8 she met her future Destiny’s child band mates Kelly Rowland and LaTavia Robertson in an audition, they were placed with three other girls as part of the all-girl group Girl’s Tyme
Kao devojčica, pobedila je na školskom takmičenju pevajući numeru „Imagine“ od Johna Lennona. As a young girl, she won a school singing competition with John Lennon’s “Imagine”
Vrlo je darežljiva. Beyoncé je zajedno sa bivšom pripadnicom grupe ‘Destiny’s Child’, Kelly Rowland, osnovala Survivor fondaciju, koja pomaže žrtvama prirodnih nepogoda. She is a generous person. Beyoncé joined former Destiny’s Child bandmate, Kelly Rowland, to create the Survivor Foundation, which provides relief to victims of natural disasters.
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Njen debitantski album “Dangerously In Love” osvojio je pet Grammy nagrada. Her debut album Dangerously in Love, earned her five Grammys.
Njena majka je frizerka i kostimograf po imenu Tina Beyonce. Njen otac je muzički menadžer po imenu Mathew Knowles. Her mother is a hairstylist and a costume designer named as Tina Beyonce. Her father is a record manager named as Mathew Knowles “Jersey Shore” je njena omiljena TV serija. “A Star is Born” je njen omiljeni film svih vremena. “Jersey Shore” is her favorite television show. “A Star is Born” was her favorite movie of all time.
Udala se za repera Jay-Z 4. aprila 2008. godine. She married rapper, Jay-Z, on April 4, 2008.
music box Beyoncé Knowles is a multi-platinum, Grammy Award-winning recording artist who’s acclaimed for her thrilling vocals, videos and live shows. Here are some interesting things you may not have known about the chart-topping, Grammy winning singer, wife and mother - Beyoncé.
2010. godine su ušli u Ginisovu knjigu kao najmoćniji par muzičke industrije, jer su za samo godinu dana inkasirali 122 miliona dolara!
Prvu solo turneju je izvela 2004. godine.
In 2010, Guinness World Records named them the Highest Earning Power Couple, after earning $122 million that year.
Her first solo tour was in 2004.
Vest o njenoj trudnoći ušao je u Ginisovu knjigu rekorda kao vest koja ima najviše tvitova po sekundi na društvenoj mreži Twitter. Beyoncé’s pregnancy announcement earned the Guinness World Book of Records title for most tweets per second
Septembra 2010. proglašena je za najlepšu ženu sveta od strane časopisa People. In September 2010 she was named The World’s Most Beautiful Woman by People magazine.
Prva ćerka ovog para, Blue Ivy Carter, rođena je 7. januara 2012. Dva dana kasnije Blue je postal najmlađa osoba čiji je glas stigao do Billboard liste, jer njen plač je snimljen na pesmi “Glory” koju je izveo Jay-Z.
Njena sestra, Solange, je takođe uspešna pevačica. Her sister, Solange, is also a successful singer.
The couple’s first daughter, Blue Ivy Carter, was born on Jan. 7, 2012. Two days later Blue became the youngest person to land on the Billboard charts, as her cries were recorded on the Jay-Z track “Glory.”
Beyoncé je postavljena za ambasadorku Svetskog humanitarnog dana 2012. godine. Beyoncé served as ambassador for the 2012 World Humanitarian Day.
Nakon uspeha španske verzije njene pesme Irreplaceable, Beyoncé je odlučila da izda špansku verziju albuma “B’Day,” čak je i sarađivala sa Shakirom na pesmi Beautiful Liar. Following the success of the Spanish version of her hit song Irreplaceable, Beyoncé decided to release a Spanish version of her album “B’Day,” even collaborating with Shakira on her song Beautiful Liar.
Pozajmljuje glas kraljici Tari u novom animiranom filmu Epic. She plays the voice of Queen Tara in the new animated film Epic.
Beyoncé je igrala Foxxy Cleopatra, lepoticu iz 70-tih, u ‘Goldmember’ u iz serijala filmova o Austin Powers-u. Beyoncé played Foxxy Cleopatra, a 70s bombshell, in Austin Powers in Goldmember.
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Potpukovnik Volker Thomas, Dragan Radisavljević i pukovnik Reto Fluhmann
uslovi za rad učenika. Imamo teren na otvorenom za fizičko vaspitanje, uskoro ćemo imati i fiskulturnu salu, pa nam je ova vaša pomoć svakako dobrodošla. Saradnja sa KFORom je veoma dobro, stalno nas zovu i pitaju kako mogu da pomognu. Naša deca vole da čitaju 4U Magazin i te novine su veoma popularne kod nas u školi”, ističe Grković. Dragan Radisavljević, direktor Osnovne škole “Vuk Karadžić”, takođe je zadovoljan ovom donacijom. Kako je on istakao, đaci ostvaruju značajno veći nivo fizičke aktivnosti tokom dana u kojima je organizovan čas fizičkog vaspitanja, a donacija KFOR-a unaprediće časove fizičkog obrazovanja. U ovoj školi dosta pažnje se obraća na modernizaciju nastave, na inovacije u obrazovanju i efikasnost nastavnog procesa , ali prema rečima direktora ove škole i fizičko obrazovanje predstavlja bitan segment u odrastanju i pravilnom razvoju dece. “Hvala Vam što ste posetili našu školu i uručili nam ovu donaciju. Naši đaci će se potruditi da maksimalno iskoriste i upotrebe pre svega ove lopte, jer u našoj školi ima puno mladih perspektivnih sportista, koji treniraju košarku i odbojku. Nadam se da ćemo nastaviti saradnju sa KFOR-om, naša škola nema veliki budžet, pa nam je svaka pomoć bitna”, rekao je Radisavljević. Donacije su uručene i Poljoprivrednoj školi u Lešku, koja od ove školske godine održava nastavu u novosagrađenom objektu, pa je prema rečima Ivice Mihajlovića, direktora ove škole, bitna svaka donacija. “Činjenica je da nam je u ovom novom objektu, potrebno dosta materijala i opreme. U moje ime, i u ime učenika ove škole zahvaljujem se na ovoj sportskoj opremi koju nam je KFOR doneo i očekujem i dalje dobru saradnju sa Vama”. Potpukovnik Volker Thomas, u ime KFOR-a, ističe da KFOR istrajava u svojim nastojanjima da pomogne obrazovanje novih generacija jer su one budućnost Kosova. Prema tome, ulaganje u njihovo obrazovanje predstavlja najbolji način da se stvori svetla i uspešna budućnost za sve ljude na Kosovu. Razgovoru sa direktorima škola je prisustvovao i komandant Združenih regionalnih odreda (JRD) Sever, pukovnik Reto Fluhmann. On je takođe naglasio da je pravilno obrazovanje ključni element istinski demokratskog društva i zbog toga će, prema njegovim rečima, KFOR nastaviti da na svaki mogući način podržava škole širom Kosova.
akon CIMIC-ovih donacija koje su dodeljene u maju 2016. godine, KFOR-ovi mediji su u septembru nastavili akciju doniranja simboličnim donacijama u nekoliko škola širom Kosova. Iako su se ove donacije sastojale uglavnom od promotivnog materijala KFORovih medija (magazin For You i RADIO KFOR) kao što su fudbalske, košarkaške i odbojkaške lopte, kompleti za prvu pomoć i sportske majice, reakcije direktora ovih nekoliko škola su pokazale da su i ovakve skromne akcije više nego dobrodošle. Posetili smo ukupno 5 škola - Osnovnu školu “Radoš Tošić” u Osojanu, opština Istok, Osnovnu školu “Vuk Karadžić” u selu Sočanica u opštini Leposavić, Srednju poljoprivrednu školu u Lešku, Osnovnu i nižu srednju školu “Mitrush Kuteli” u Prištini, Osnovnu i nižu srednju školu “Hasim Maliqaj” u selu Poslište u opštini Prizren. Zoran Grković, direktor Osnovne škole “Radoš Tošić” u Osojanu zahvalan je na donaciji koja je uručena njegovoj školi. On je istakao da je svaka pomoć dobrodošla i posebno se osvrnuo na dobru saradnju koju ova škola ima sa predstavnicima KFOR-a. “Donacije nam u ovoj situaciji znače dosta, da bi Srednja poljoprivredna škola - Lešak se uopste poboljšali
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Agricultural high school in Lesak
to conduct these classes. In this school a lot of emphasis is put on the modernization of teaching methods, educational innovations and teaching process efficiency. However, according to the school principal, physical education is an important segment for the proper development of the children. “Thank you for visiting our school and for your donation. Our students shall maximally utilize these items, especially the balls, because we have many young athletes with a bright future ahead of them. I hope that our cooperation with KFOR shall continue, our school operates on a small budget, thus any assistance we get is important,” added Mr. Radisavljevic. This donation was also organized in Agricultural School in Lesak, which only this year moved into a new school building. Therefore, according to Mr. Ivica Mihajlovic, principal of this school, any donation is important. “”It is a fact that in this new school building we need quite a lot of materials and equipment. On my personal behalf and on behalf of all the students of this school I thank KFOR for providing us with this this sports equipment and I must say that I expect this good cooperation to continue in the future as well.” On behalf of KFOR, Lt. Col. Volker Thomas, emphasized that KFOR remains dedicated to try and help the education of new generations as they are the future of Kosovo. Thus, investing in their education is the best way to ensure a bright and prosperous future for all the people in Kosovo. The meetings with all three above mentioned school principals were attended by the JRD North Commander Reto Fluelhmann. He also emphasized, on his part, that proper education was the building block for a truly democratic society. Which is why, according to him, KFOR will continue to support schools throughout Kosovo in every way possible.
fter the CIMIC donations that were conducted during May 2016, this September KFOR media continued with a symbolic action of donations to several schools throughout Kosovo. Although donations mainly consisted of promo materials of KFOR media (For You Magazine and RADIO KFOR) such as footballs, basketballs, volleyballs, first aid kits and sport t-shirts, the reactions from the principals of the receiving schools proved that modest actions like these are more than welcome. In total 5 schools were visited – Primary School “Rados Tosic” in Osojane, Istog Municipality, Agricultural High School in Lesak, Primary School “Vuk Karadzic” in village Socanica in Leposavic Municipality, Elementary and Junior High School (EJHS) “Mitrush Kuteli” in Prishtina, and EJHS “Hasim Maliqaj” in village Poslishte in Prizren Municipality. Mr. Zoran Grkovic, principal of Primary School “Rados Tosic” in Osojane, was thankful for the donation to his school. He said that any help is welcome and emphasized in particular the good cooperation this school has with KFOR. “Donations that improve the working conditions for the children mean a lot to us. We have an open field for physical education classes and we will soon get e sports hall. Therefore this help is more than welcome. Our cooperation with KFOR is really good; they continuously call us and ask how they can help. Our children love reading 4U Magazine and this magazine is very popular at our school,” added Mr. Grkovic. Mr. Dragan Radisavljevic, principal of Primary School “Vuk Karadzic”, was also very satisfied with this donation. He emphasized that the students are very active during classes of physical education and this donation will Elementary school “Rados Tosic” - Osojane improve the capabilities
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životinjsko carstvo
Fascinantne činjenice o nekim najneverovatnijim životinjama na svetu. Od afričkog mravojeda do zebre, naša azbuka životinjskog sveta garantovano će vas inspirisati.
Facts about Sea Turtle
S - Jastrebokljuna morska kornjačakorn jače mog u
Jast rebo klju ne mor ske drug e da se hran e sun đeri ma koji su za vni. živo tinje otro
•The Hawksbill Turtle is one of the smallest spesponges Hawksbill Turtles are able to feast on cies of turtle. It is that are toxic to other animals. characterized by a narrow, pointed beak and a beautiful patterned shell, them up and return to the sea and it inhabits the leaving their eggs behind. The warm, tropical coastline waters eggs will remain buried for of the world’s oceans. around 60 days until they hatch. •Turtles leave the sea to lay their •Coral reef sponges are the eggs on the beach. They will Hawksbills primary source a hole, choose a spot, dig of food. They also eat sea lay their eggs, anemones, mollusks, jellyfish cover and are known to be opportunistic predators. •Their beautiful gold and brown patterned shells, also known as “tortoiseshell”, are hunted and sold illegally on the black market. They are used to create ornamental products and valuable jewelry.
S - Sea Turtle (Hawksbill)
dan a, dok se ne izle gnu . • Sunđeri sa koralnih grebena su primarni izvor hrane za jastrebokljune kornjače. One takođe jedu morske sase, mekušce, meduze i poznato je • Jastrebokljuna morska annajm da su veoma vešti predatori. kornjača je jedna od se kuje Odli . • Ove kornjače ljudi love jače jih vrsta korn prei om kljun zbog njihovog lepog zlatnotim šilja m, uski a , pom smeđe obojenog oklopa, divno dizajniranim oklo prio ske trop e, koji je takođe poznat kao naseljava topl na. okea skih „kornjačevina“ i prodaje svet vode ke bals e se ilegalno na crnom • Kor njač e nap ušta ju mor na jaja tržištu. Koristi kak o bi polo žile i brat oda se za izradu će plaž i. One ukrasnih proizmes to, isko pati rupu , polo žiti vode i vrednog jaja , pok riti ih i vrat iti se jaja ja svo jući nakita. vlja mor u, osta ti osta će Jaja om. sob za zak opa na oko 60
Činjenice o morskim kornjačama
S - Galeb
Galebovi uče, pamte i čak prenose oblike ponašanja, kao što je lupkanje stopalima u grupi kako bi oponašali kišu i prevarili gliste da izađu na površinu.
S - Seagull
Seagulls learn, remember and even pass on behaviors, such as stamping their feet in a group to imitate rainfall and trick earthworms to come to the surface.
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Činjenice o galebovima
• Galebovi su pažljivi i brižni roditelji. Mužjak i ženka se pare tokom celog života i smenjuju se u inkubaciji jaja, hranjenju i zaštiti mladih. • Galebovi imaju kompleksan i visoko razvijen repertoar za komunikaciju koji obuhvata niz vokalizacija i pokrete tela. • Galebovi mogu da piju i slatku i slanu vodu. • Mala kandža na sredini podkolenice im omogućava da sede na visokim platformama, a da ih ne odnese vetar.
Facts about seagulls •Seagulls are attentive and caring parents. The male and female pair for life and they take turns incu-
bating the eggs, and feeding and protecting the chicks. •Gulls have a complex and highly developed repertoire for communication which includes a range of vocalizations and body movements. •Seagulls can drink both fresh and salt water. •A small claw halfway up their lower leg enables them to sit and roost on high ledges without being blown off.
animal kingdom
S - Zmija
Gmižući naokolo stotinama miliona godina, zmije su toliko stare i postojale su čak i u doba dinosaurusa!
Činjenice o zmijama
• Zmije su, kao i drugi gmizavaci, hladnokrvne. To znači da se njihova telesna temperatura me Slithering around for hun nja dreds of millions u zavisnosti od temperaof years, snakes are so old that they exture okoline, za razliku isted when dinosaurs roa od med the Earth! toplokrvnih životinja čija temperatura ostaje kon stantna. Zmije koje žive hladnim klimatskim uslovi u ma će stoga hibernirati zimi, jer bi inače bilo previše hladno za njih da prežive. • Zmije ne mogu da griz u svoju hranu već su sta nju da izmeste svoju vilicu kako bi progut ale ceo plen. • Pošto zmije imaju spo r metabolizam, ne moraju da jedu tako često kao druge životin je. Kraljevska kobra mo že da preživi, a da ne jede mesecima. • Zmije mirišu jezikom. • Koža zmije ne raste sa telom na isti način kao kod ljudi. Svake godine, zmija skida svo ju kožu (presvlači se) 3-6 puta kako bi se omogućio dalji rast. Ov aj proces obično traje nek oliko dana. • Dvoglave zmije nisu sam o mitska bića – zaista se mogu pojaviti u retkim prilikama! Dve glave se često bore me đusobno za hranu, uprkos tome što dele isto telo.
S - Snake
Facts about snakes
•Snakes, like other reptile s, are cold-blooded. Th is means that their body temperature changes in according to the temperature of their environment, unlike warm-blooded animals whose temperature remains constant. Snakes which live in col der climates will therefore hibernate in win ter as it would otherwise be too cold for them to survive. •Snakes cannot bite the ir food so in order to eat large prey, they will unhinge their jaw to swallow the food whole . •Because snakes have a slow metabolism rate, they don’t have to eat as often as other animals. The King Cobra can go months without having to eat. •Snakes use their tongue to smell. •A snake’s skin does not grow with the body the sam e way it does in humans. Each year, sna kes will shed their skins 3-6 times to allow for further growth. Th is process usually lasts for a few days. •Two-headed snakes are not just mythical creatures - the y can occur on rare occasions! Often the two heads will fight each oth er for food despite sharing the same body.
a ako je već na drvetu čvrsto će se priljubiti celim telom uz deblo. • Veverice su životinje koje veoma veruju drugima, i jedna su od retkih divljih životinjskih vrsta koje hoće da jedu iz čovekove ruke. • Veverice su veoma inteligentna stvorenja. Poznato je da znaju da naprave čitavu predstavu Veverice međusobno komuniciraju različitim lažnog zakopavanja hrane kako bi vokalizacijama i obeležavanjem mirisom. prevarile posmatrače. Cilj lažnog Takođe koriste svoje repove kao signalni zakopavanja je da prevari potenuređaj, i trzaju ga kad su uznemirene kako cijalne lopove kao što su druge bi upozorile druge veverice na potencijalnu veverice ili ptice, kako bi pomislile opasnost. da one tu skladište svoju hranu. Svi koji planiraju da se dočepaju Squirrels communicate with each other zaliha će se fokusirati na through various vocalizations and scent pogrešno mesto, a veverice marking. They also use their tails as a signalće tada moći da prave ing device, twitching it when uneasy to alert zalihe zakopaju na other squirrels of potential danger. bezbednom mestu.
S - Veverica
S - Squirrel
Činjenice o vevericama
• Postoji preko 265 vrsta veverica širom sveta. • Kada je veverica uplašena i oseća da je u opasnosti, ona će u početku ostati nepokretna. Ako je na zemlji otrčaće do obližnjeg drveta i popeti se na sigurno,
Fascinating facts ab out some of the world’s most amazing animals. Fro m Aardvarks to Zebras our A-Z of the animal world is guara nteed to inspire.
at first remain motionless. If it is on the ground, it will run to a nearby tree and climb to safety, and if it is already in a tree it will circle the trunk and press up against the bark tightly with its body. •Squirrels are very trusting animals, and are of the very few wild animal species which will eat out of a person’s hand. •Squirrels are extremely intelligent creatures. They are known to put on elaborate bogus food burying displays to deceive onlookers. The fake burials are to trick potential thieves, such as other squirrels or birds, into thinking that they have stored their food stock there. Any observers planning on taking the stash will then focus on the bogus burial site, allowing the squirrel to bury the real stash elsewhere safely.
Facts about squirrels
•There are over 265 species of squirrel worldwide. •When a squirrel is scared and feels that it is in danger, it will
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moviemania MOANA Uloge: Dwayne Johnson Režija: Ron Clements, John Musker Žanr: Animirani film Studio: Disney
Sinopsis a pradavnom svetu Okeanija u Južnom Tihom Okeanu, Maona, rođena mornarka, krenuće u potragu za bajkovitim ostrvom. Tokom neverovatnog putovanja udružiće se sa svojim herojem, legendarnim polubogom Mauije, preploviće otvoreni okean i susretaće se sa raznim ogromnim morskim bićima, podzemnim svetovima i pradavnim folklorom.
MOANA Synopsis n the ancient South Pacific world of Oceania, Moana, a born navigator, sets sail in search of a fabled island. During her incred-
Cast: Dwayne Johnson Director: Ron Clements, John Musker Genre: Animation Studio: Disney
MAX STEEL Uloge: Ben Winchell, Ana Villafañe, Andy Garcia,
ible journey, she teams up with her hero, the legendary demi-god Maui, to traverse the open ocean on an action-packed voyage, encountering enormous sea creatures, breathtaking underworlds and ancient folklore.
Maria Bello Režija: Stewart Hendler Žanr: Akcioni film Studio: Warner Bros
ax Steel” je priča of tinejdžeru Maksvelu Mekgratu i njegovom saputniku iz svemira Stilu, koji zna da kombinuje posebne turbo-energetske moći i tako generiše neverovatnog super heroja Maks Stila. Radnja se uglavnom bavi stvaranjem pozitivnog super heroja koji je prijemčljiv deci, kroz saradnju, smeh i drugarstvo.
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moviemania TROLLS Cast: Anna Kendrick, Justin Timberlake, Gwen Stefani, James Corden, TROLLS
Kunal Nayyar, Ron Funches Director: Mike Mitchell, Walt Dohrn Genre: Animation Studio: DreamWorks
Synopsis he film will be a grand scale musical comedy centring on how the ‘Trolls’ came into their vibrant and colourful hair.
Uloge: Anna Kendrick, Justin Timberlake, Gwen Stefani, James Corden, Kunal Nayyar, Ron Funches Režija: Mike Mitchell, Walt Dohrn Žanr: Animirani film Studio: DreamWorks
Sinopsis vo je veličanstvena muzička komedija o tome kako su Trolovi dobili njihovu živopisnu i šarenu kosu.
MAX STEEL Cast: Ben Winchell, Ana Villafañe, Andy Garcia, Maria Bello Director: Stewart Hendler Genre: Action Studio: Warner Bros
ax Steel” tells the story of teenager Maxwell McGrath and alien companion Steel who can combine special turbo-energy powers to generate sensational superhero Max Steel. The storyline centres on bringing a positive and relatable hero to kids, drawing upon turbo-charged teamwork, laughter and friendship.
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sportski ugao
avršetkom Evropskog prvenstva u fudbalu, pažnja ljubitelja najpopularnijeg sporta na svetu je okrenuta ka kvalifikacijama za Svetsko prvenstvo koje će se održati 2018. godine u Rusiji. Ukupno 32 timova će se takmičiti u finalu turnira u Rusiji. 31 od njih ćemo znati nakon kvalifikacionih utakmica, a 32. tim je domaćin (Rusija), koji se kvalifikuju automatski. 32 finalista biće iz 6 različitih konfederacija ili zona: Afrika, Azija, Evropa, Severna Amerika, Centralna Amerika i Karibi, Okeanija i Južna Amerika. Po završetku svih kvalifikacionim mečevima u skladu sa već dodeljenim žrebovima, određen broj timova iz svake zone će se kvalifikovati za završni turnir. Iz Evrope (UEFA) 13 timova, Afrike (CAF) 5 timova, Azije (AFC) 4.5 timova, Severne Amerike, Centralne Amerika i
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Kariba (CONCACAF) 3.5, Južne Amerike (CONMEBOL) 4.5 timova i Okeanije (OFC) 0.5 timova. Konfederacije sa dodeljenim nejednakim brojem žrebova imaće dodatne utakmice sa timovima iz drugih zona. Pobednik iz zone Okeanije igraće protiv petoplasirane reprezentacije u CONMEBOL zoni. Tim koji se plasira ne četvrto mesto u CONCACAF zoni igraće sa pobednikom četvrtog kola
AFC zone. Naravno da nas najviše zanimaju kvalifikacije u okviru UEFA. Ovog puta biće ukupno 54 timova, podeljenih u devet grupa sa po šest timova. Devet pobednika po grupama kvalifikuju direktno za prvenstvo u Rusiji i osam drugo-plasiranih timova sa najviše poena sastaju se jedni protiv drugih u drugom kolu. Četiri pobednika sa ovih utakmica popuniće preostala četiri slota za Rusiju. Prve kvalifikacione utakmice već su odigrane i Srbija je započela sa remijem kod kuće protiv Republike Irske. Kao što većina vas verovatno već zna, Srbija je u Grupi D zajedno sa Velsom, Austrijom, Republikom Irskom, Gruzijom i Moldavijom.
nce the European Football Championship was over, the attention of the fans of the most popular sport in the world switched towards the qualifications for the World Cup that will be held in 2018 in Russia. In total 32 teams shall compete in the final tournament in Russia. 31 of them shall be revealed after the qualification games, whereas, the 32nd team is the host (Russia), who get qualified automatically. The 32 finalists come from 6 different confederations or zones: Africa, Asia, Europe, North, Central America and Caribbean, Oceania and South America. Upon the conclusion of all the qualifying matches in accordance with the already allocated berths a set number of teams from each zone shall qualify for the final tournament. From Europe (UEFA) 13 teams, Africa (CAF) 5 teams, Asia (AFC) 4.5 teams, North, Central America and Caribbean (CONCACAF) 3.5, South America (CONMEBOL) 4.5 teams and Oceania (OFC) 0.5 teams. The confederations with uneven allocated
sports corner
berths shall have additional games with teams from other zones. The winner of the Oceania zone shall play against the fifth placed team in the CONMEBOL zone. Fourth placed team from CONCACAF zone meets the winner of the fourth round of the AFC zone. Of course we are most interested about the qualifications within the UEFA. This time around there is 54 teams in total, divided in 9 groups with 6 teams each. The nine winners of their groups qualify
directly to Russia and eight of the second teams with the most points accrued are then drawn against each other for a second round of games. The four winners of these games shall determine the remaining four slots that get to go to Russia. The first qualifying games have already been played and Serbia started with a draw at home to the Republic of Ireland. As most of you probably know already, Serbia is in Group D together with Wales, Austria, Republic of Ireland, Georgia and Moldova.
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hi - tech
NAJUTICAJNIJI GEDZETI SVIH VREMENA Tehnologija koja je zauvek promenila način na koji živimo, radimo i igramo se
azmislite o opremi bez koje ne možete da živite: Smartfon koji stalno proveravate. Kamera koja ide sa vama na svaki odmor. TV koji služi kao portal za gledanje programa i igranje igrica. Svaki od ovih uređaja duguje svoj uticaj jednom modelu koji je promenio tok tehnologije zauvek. To su ti uređaji koje smo naveli u ovoj listi najuticajnijih gedžeta svih vremena. Neki od njih, poput Soni vokmena, bili su prvi iz svoje vrste. Drugi, kao što je Ajpod, lansirali su već postojeće ideje u mejnstrim. Neki su bili neuspešni komercijalno, ali su ipak bili uticajni. A nekoliko njih predstavljaju uzbudljive, ali nedokazane, nove koncepte.
Google Glass
Makerbot Replikator
MakerBot Replikator nije bio ni prvi ni najbolji 3-D štampač za običnog potrošača. Ali to je model koji je po prvi put učinio da ova tehnologija postane široko dostupna. Replikator koristi nešto nalik inkdžet tehnologiji štampača kako bi istisnuo toplu plastiku koja onda poprima trodimenzionalni oblik u vidu umetničkih dela, mehaničkih delova itd.
Relativno snažan računar koji se nosi na glavi je predstavio važan signal za budućnost nosive tehnologije. Glass je pokazao da se dizajneri koji rade na nosivim računarskim uređajima suočavaju sa drugačijim skupom pretpostavki i izazova. Glass, na primer, je olakšao korisnicima da krišom snime video, što je dovelo do toga da neki restorani, barovi i bioskopi zabrane ovaj uređaj.
Makerbot Replicator
The Makerbot Replicator was neither the first nor the best consumer-level 3-D printer. But it was the model that made the technology widely accessible for the first time. The Replicator used inkjet printer-like technology to extrude hot plastic that took three-dimensional form as artwork, mechanical parts and more.
Google Glass
The relatively powerful head-mounted computer provided important signals for the future of wearable technology. Glass showed that designers working on computing devices that are worn face a different set of assumptions and challenges. Glass, for example, made it easy for users to surreptitiously record video, which led some restaurants, bars and movie theaters to ban the device.
Segway, promovisan i ismevan kao što je bio, je definitivni primer prevoza “poslednje milje”, električni skuter dizajniran da hodanje učini zastarelim. Simbolički uticaj
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ovog skutera je u mnogome premašio njegov komercijalni uspeh.
T h e S e g w a y, a s h y p e d a n d a s m o c k e d a s i t has been, is a defining example of “last mile” transportation, an electric scooter designed t o m a k e w a l k i n g o b s o l e t e . T h e S e g w a y ’s symbolic impact greatly exceeded its commercial success. (Izvor: http://www.times.com)
hi - tech
The tech that forever changed the way we live, work, and play
hink of the gear you can’t live without: The smartphone you constantly check. The camera that goes with you on every vacation. The TV that serves as a portal to binge-watching and -gaming. Each owes its influence to one model that changed the course of technology for good. It’s those devices we’re recognizing in this list of the most influential gadgets of all time. Some of these, like Sony’s Walkman, were the first of their kind. Others, such as the iPod, propelled an existing idea into the mainstream. Some were unsuccessful commercially, but influential nonetheless. And a few represent exciting but unproven new concepts.
Yamaha Clavinova Digitalni Klavir
Yamahin popularni digitalni klavir je “prisvojio” izgled i kompaktnost Spineta (manji, kraći klavir) sa modernim kvalitetima skromnog sintisajzera. Sa uverljivim izbalansiranim radom i uštedom prostora, postao je veliki hit za roditelje koji žele da u svoje domove uvedu muzikalnost bez održavanja, koju nikada nećete morati štimujete, i sve to bez žrtvovanja ogromnih delova vašeg životnog prostora.
Yamaha Clavinova Digital Piano
Yamaha’s popular digital piano married the look and compactness of a spinet (a smaller, shorter upright piano) with the modern qualities of a modest synthesizer. With a plausibly pianistic weighted action and space-saving footprint, it’s become a staple for parents looking to bring maintenance-free musicality, you never have to tune it, into households, all without sacrificing huge swathes of living space.
Raspberry Pi
Raspberry Pi je računar od jedne ploče. Nema za cilj da zameni svakodnevne računare, već se Pi koristi u učionicama širom sveta da pomogne učenicima da savladaju veštine programiranja. Sa osam miliona Pi računara prodatih prošle godine, svi su izgledi da će neki nov Mark Zuckerberg imati svoj početak igrajući se sa jednim od ovih računara.
(Source: http://www.times.com)
DJI Phantom
Mali dronovi uskoro bi mogli da nam isporučuju pakete, snimaju naša porodična druženja i pomažu kao prva pomoć ljudima koje je zadesila neka nesreća. Za sada, oni su u velikoj meri igračke za hobiste i snimatelje. Kineska firma DJI pravi najpopularnije dronove na svetu, iz linije Phantom. Njegova najnovija verzija, Phantom 4, koristi tzv računarski vid da vidi i izbegava prepreke bez ljudske intervencije. To olakšava upravljanje dronom pilotima novajlijama, što čini dronove dostupnijim nego ikada.
DJI Phantom
Small drones may soon be delivering our packages, recording our family get-togethers and helping first responders find people trapped in a disaster. For now, they’re largely playthings for hobbyists and videographers. Chinese firm DJI makes the world’s most popular, the Phantom lineup. Its latest iteration, the Phantom 4, uses socalled computer vision to see and avoid obstacles without human intervention. That makes it easier for rookie pilots to fly one, making drones more accessible than ever.
Raspberry Pi
The Raspberry Pi is a single-board computer. Not meant to replace everyday computers, the Pi is being used in classrooms worldwide to help students learn programming skills. With eight million Pi’s sold as of last year, the odds are decent that the next Mark Zuckerberg will have gotten his or her start tinkering with one.
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ada bi pokušali da opišemo moderno društvo jednom rečju onda nema sumnje da bi brzina bila vrlo blizu ovoj definiciji. Svi mi želimo da budemo sve brži i brži, želimo brže mreže, brže automobile, brže avione i brodove, i lista se nastavlja. Međutim, brzina koju tražimo u našim životima ima visoku cenu. Da bi se to postiglo potrebno je koristiti sve naše prirodne resurse u izuzetno velikom obimu, kakav nikada ranije nismo videli. Kao da smo nekako zaboravili koliko su važna neka sredstva koja stoje mirno tokom čitavog svog životnog ciklusa; pod uslovom da ih ljudi ne uklone. Ironično je to da mi želimo veću brzinu u našim životima dok su statični objekti poput drveća (šuma) od vitalnog značaja za postojanje samog čovečanstva. Sigurno se svi sećamo časova biologije i lekcija o fotosintezi, ili drugim rečima procesu tokom kojeg drveće apsorbuje ugljen-dioksid (CO2) i proizvodi kiseonik. Dakle, drveće čisti vazduh koji dišemo. Nije moguće da u vreme kada se raspravlja o globalnom zagrevanju i uništavanju ozonski omotač na globalnom nivou, mi još uvek nismo svesni koliko je važna zaštita šuma. Naravno, pravilan razvoj šuma zahteva kontrolisano sečenje šuma koje je zatim neposredno praćeno pošumljavanjem. Problem leži u nekontrolisanoj i nelegalnoj seči šuma koja dovodi do uništenja hiljada hektara šuma. Da stvar bude još gora, u ovim slučajevima nema pošumljavanja. Postoji stara izreka da jedina stvar koja je neophodna za
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trijumf zla jeste da dobri ljudi ne učine ništa. Naša ćutnja kad vidimo uništenja šuma nije ništa drugo nego prećutno odobrenje koje nam omogućava da krivicu za tu povredu majke prirode svalimo na nekog drugog. Ako je potrebno selo da se odgaji dete, onda nema sumnje da je potrebno celo društvo da se odgaji drvo. Mnogi će reći da je zaštita šuma pitanje kojim treba da se bave odrasli. Ovo je, međutim, daleko od istine. Ako ne verujete zapitajte se sledeće: koliko vas i koliko ljudi koje znate mogu da kažu da su zasadili po jednu mladicu tokom celog svog života? S druge strane, svi vi ste sigurno kupili flaširanu vodu, a zatim je bacili polupunu. Šta ako bi ste umesto toga zalili drvo pre nego što bacite bocu? Takvi postupci garantovano nisu uzaludni. Ne smemo zaboraviti da se šume sastoje od drveća i svako stablo, bez obzira na to gde se zasađeno, je važno. Briga za drveće mora početi u vašem komšiluku. Sadnja sadnica ili zalivanje stabala su aktivnosti koje od tebe ne zahtevaju mnogo vremena, novca niti napora. Sve što je potrebno je svest o tome da je drveće važno i svi možemo i treba da doprinesemo razvoju te svesti. Na kraju krajeva, drveće neće pobeći, ostaće da stoji na jednom mestu, kao što to čini vekovima. Nadajmo se da ćemo mu dozvoliti da to radi i u budućnosti.
f we would try to describe modern society in one single word then no doubt speed would come very close to this definition. We all want to be faster and faster, we want faster networks, faster cars, faster airplanes and ships, the list goes on. The speed we seek for in our lives comes at a high price though. In order to achieve it we must use all our natural resources at an extremely large scale, never seen before. As if we have somehow forgotten how important some resources that stand still during their entire lifecycle are; provided that humans don’t remove them. It’s ironic that while we seek more speed in our lives, static objects like trees (forests) are vital for the existence of mankind itself. For sure, we all remember the biology lessons on photosynthesis, or in other words the process during which trees absorb carbon dioxide (CO2) and produce oxygen. So, trees clean the air we breathe. It is not possible that at a time when global warming and the destruction of ozone layers are discussed globally, we are still not aware how important forest protection is. Of course, the proper development of forests requires controlled cutting of woods which is then followed by the immediate reforestation. The problem lies with the uncontrolled illegal wood cutting which results in the destruction of thousands of hectares of forests.
To make matters even worse in these cases no reforestation is provided. There is an old saying that the only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing. Our silence evry time we witness the destruction of our forests is nothing else but a masked approval that enables us to blame on someone else for this violation of Mother Nature. If it takes a village to raise a child, then there is no doubt that it takes the whole society to raise a tree. Many may argue that forest protection is a grownups thing. This, however, is far from the truth. If you don’t believe that ask yourselves this: how many of you and how many of the people you know can claim to have planted a single sapling during their entire lives? On the other hand, you have all for sure bought bottled water and then thrown away always half of it. What if you would instead water a tree before you throw away the bottle? It is guaranteed that such actions are not in vain. We must not forget that forests are made of trees and each tree no matter where it is planted is important. Care for trees must commence in your neighbourhood. Planting saplings or watering trees are activities that don’t require much time, money or efforts from you. All it takes is the awareness that trees do matter and we all can and should contribute. After all, it’s not like the trees are going to run away they stand still in one place as they have done for centuries. Let’s hope that we shall allow them to do that in the future as well.
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“Dobro jutro! dobro došli na talase KFOR radija! želim vam uspešan novi radni dan!”
ada na KFOR radiju čujete ovakav pozdrav, onda je sa vama Zoran Popović. Proveravali smo sve o “Buđenju”, kako Zoran priprema ovu emisiju, šta je važno u jutarnjem programu i još mnogo toga. Jutarnji program mora da probudi slušaoce! Zato ova emisija i ima takav nazin “Buđenje”. Počinje svakog jutra u osam časova i traje do deset. Razlikuje se vikend izdanje koje traje do 12 časova, jer vikendom slušaoci vole duže da spavaju! Za voditelje jutarnjeg programa izležavanje u krevetu ne važi. Voditelj mora da se probudi pre svih, da se pripremi i da kasnije u toku emisije širi tu pozitivnu ener-
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giju kako bi je preneo na slušaoce. Slušaoci vole da na radiju čuju dobru muziku i zanimljive informacije. Moze se reći da voditelj odabirom informacija utiče na njihovo raspoloženje. Zato voditelj u pripremi ove emisije mora pažljivo da bira informacije i teme koje deli sa slušaocima. Takođe, puno zavisi i od načina na koji se prezentuju vesti. “Ako ih čitam kao da mi se srušio čitav svet onda ću i slušaocima pokvariti jutro, a to naravno nikako ne želim. Zato glas voditelja mora da zvuči prijatno, zabavno i nasmejano”, objašnjava Zoran. On dodaje i da slušaoci ne
znaju kako izgleda okruženje u kojem se voditelji nalaze, a studio KFOR radija je zbog zvučne izolacije bez prozora, Ipak to, prema njegovim rečima, ne sme da utiče na raspoloženje voditelja, da utiče na razvoj emisije i kvalitet jutarnjeg programa. “Iako je to u stvari jedna mračna prostorija, tehnički je dobro opremljena, a uskoro dobijamo savremeniji studio, koji će se sigurno dopasti i slušaocima”, ističe Zoran. On ističe da je jutarnji program najvažniji deo programa, slušaocima najdraži i sigurno najslušaniji. Ovaj program popravlja raspoloženje, ali isto tako slušaoci dobijaju servisne informacije, lokalnog karaktera, vesti iz kulture, sporta, najave događaja, itd. Informacije određuju i kakva će se muzika slušati u toku jutarnjeg programa. Pošto je emisija ‘Buđenje’ puna pozitivnih informacija, onda je i muzika živahna, bržeg ritma i dodatno ulepšava dan slušaocima, zaključuje na kraju razgovora za 4U magazin, voditelj Zoran Popović.
“Good morning! welcome to radio KFOR! I wish you a successful new working day!” W
hen you hear this greeting on KFOR radio, then you have Zoran Popović with you. We checked everything about “Awakening”, how Zoran prepares this show, what is important in the morning program, and more. Morning program has to wake listeners! That’s why this show has such a name - “Awakening”. It starts every morning at eight o’clock and lasts up to
ten. Weekend edition differs and it lasts up to 12 hours, as listeners prefer to sleep longer during the weekends! Resting in bed does not apply to radio presenter of the morning program. Presenter must wake up before all, to prepare and later in the show spread this positive energy so that he conveys it to the audience. Listeners like to hear good music and interesting information on the radio. It can be said that presenter affects listeners’ mood with his selection of information. Therefore, during the preparation of this show, the presenter must carefully choose the information and topics that he would share with the audience. Also, a lot depends on the way the news is presented. “If I read them as though my whole world crashed then I’ll spoil listeners’ morning too, but I don’t want to do this of course. Therefore, the voice of radio presenter must sound pleasant, fun and smiling” said Zoran. He adds that listeners do not know what presenter’s environment looks
like, a KFOR radio studio has no windows due to sound insulation, however, according to him this should not affect the mood of the present nor it should influence the development of show and the quality of the morning program. “Although this is actually a dark room, it technically well-equipped, and soon we will get modern studio, which will surely appeal to the audience,” says Zoran. He points out that the morning program is the most important part of the radio program, it is audience’ favorite program and is certainly the most listened one. This program improves mood, but also listeners receive service information, info on local events, news from culture, sports, event announcements, etc. Information also determines what music will be heard in the course of the morning program. Since the “Awakening” is the show full of positive information, then the music is also lively, at faster pace and it further brightens listeners’ day, concludes at the end of the interview for 4U magazine, radio presenter Zoran Popović.
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g a z im po i p r a v im n je m u d a g a sa mo P o s m a z a ik r a z li č it k u p lj a m ih b o ja t ram Svaka o je o m je g r a n k r o š n je v o ć a . il je n o . a sakr žutu d g o d iš n d o b a je il a p o u n ju il je le i n t o c e s . r k e i tak M je o u k la v e n u ja b u k u u t r e b a p s e n im a s v e đ u t im i p . je a O o osmat s e n ji m ju u p r ne r a t i i d je č a r i, k o je Ž iv im je s e n ja o z a ik . Vo li m e d iv a n iv it i im u grad u, se k iš a , d k u kući s v o je a otvo ada pada s a d v o a li n a s v u s . sobe, r reću, im r iš t e m cveća, prozor da uda vazdu ,g v hnem h i da S v a k o o ć a i d r u g o g d e im a sve o s e t im d u n ja . g z m ir is ž ž Tu je i u d v o r d a n a p o s m a e le n il a . u t ih p užurba iš t tram b n o u k o n e k a p t ic a il jk e o k t o b r u . N a jl e p š e lj , k o ja š u u, kad lj b n iv o u je s u u sa g a p o č in š a r e n il rane. G nosi suvu u li c u , je je s e u o b o ja le d a m lj u n . To it m is li m s v o ju p a p r ik d i n o s e d r v a d a n i n a k v u s li k u p u , kupu , r ir o d e a jv e c i s mogu v i n s, e se deč um na ij a g r a k u d ž u r e . Č u o k t o b a c r t a t i, o v a k o e t n ic i n e ja . I d e je uhvate r. J e s e kao m ca žur jo e n umetn e da je s e n je š p o k o ji z r ic a ” p o t a ” v r h u n s k s e c ak top g sunc a u ž iv a m d lo g , a. o u p r e a r il a n a m je S v i n e d le p o m g a d e ju r e i ž se ne p r ir o d e š a r e n il os ur . Po u i p r e d iv v r ć e n a le p o e , n ik o c r v e n o s m a t r a m li š t u p r ir a n će ,z m o z a ik ode neće p n a r a n d e le n o , z la t n b o o ja n a k o, v o žasto, lj ji a se s t i. t o ji m k braon, a mno r a j p r o A ja , ja i d a štvo n lj p zo e r e le p o ij a n mogu m o k t o r a i u ž iv a m da odr si ne b u a r s e k d im . om da Ponek nu. i li Sara Đ s e d r ž s t i d a lj e urić, V i v is o k O 1 . Š . ,,B r o na k r o š n ja Radič anko ma drv ev eća i hrabr Sever ić” os na p ir e v e e o d u Mitrov t r u . Ve ica ć in d r u g ih li s t o v a a p r e k r il je a staz u i travu u d v o r iš m o m t u . Vo li m da se ig r d v o r iš a m u tu prepunom li š ć a , v o li m da
28 for you
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for you 29
30 for you
Pisma citalaca v
Zdravo, Ja sam Vesna Virijević, živim u Banjskoj, u opštini Zvečan i osmi sam razred. Moja omiljena glumica je Victoria Just, a omiljeni pevač Rasta. Redovno čitam Vaš magazin i volela bih da u njemu objavite poster Camerona Dallas-a. Od sportova najviše volim odbojku. Pozdravljam sve čitaoce! Vesna Virijević OŠ ,,Banović Strahinja” - Banjska
Ćao, Ja se zovem Hristina Petrović, zivim u
Banjskoj i osmi sam razred. Volim da slušam pop muziku. Omiljeni pevać mi je Saša Kovačević. U slobodno vreme bavim se odbojkom. Omiljena ličnost mi je Cameron Dallas, čiji bih poster volela da objavite. Veliki pozdrav svima! Hristina Petrović OŠ ,,Banović Strahinja” - Banjska Pozdrav svima, Zovem se Verica Virijević, imam 14 godina i živim u Banjskoj. Volim pop muziku i omiljeni pevač
mi je Relja Popović. Treniram odbojku, pa bih volela da u sledećem izdanju magazina 4U objavite poster srpske odbojkašice Tijane Bogdanović. Sve Vas pozdravljam. Verica Virijević OŠ ,,Banović Strahinja” - Banjska
Ćao svima, Ja sam Andrijana
Nedeljković, imam 14 godina, osmi sam razred i živim u Banjskoj. U slobodno vreme igram odbojku i idem u muzičku školu. Volela bih da u Magazinu 4U objavite poster Saše Kovačevića, koji je moj omiljeni pevač. Pozdravljam sve čitaoce i čekam novi broj magazina. Andrijana Nedeljković OŠ ,,Banović Strahinja” - Banjska
for you 31
Readers’ letters Hello, I’m Vesna Virijevic. I live in Banjska, in the municipality of Zvecan, and I am an eighth grader. My favorite actress is Victoria Just, and my favorite singer is Rasta. I regularly read your magazine and I’d like you to publish a poster of Cameron Dallas. Volleyball is my favorite sport. Regards to all readers! Vesna Virijevic Primary School “Banović Strahinja” Banjska
Nedeljkovic. I’m 14 years old and attend the eighth grade in school and I live in Banjska. In my spare time I play volleyball and go to music school. I wish you to publish a poster of Sasa Kovacevic in the 4U Magazine, as he is my favorite singer. Regards to all of your readers and I am waiting for the new issue of the magazine. Andrijana Nedeljkovic Primary School “Banović Strahinja” Banjska
Hi everyone, I am Andrijana
Hi, My name is Hristina
Petrovic. I live in Banjska and attend the eighth grade in school. I like to listen to pop music. My favorite singer is Sasa Kovacevic. In my spare time I play volleyball. My favorite character is Cameron Dallas, whose poster I’d like you to publish. Warm regards to all! Hristina Petrovic Primary School “Banović Strahinja” Banjska Greeteings to all, My name is Verica Virijevic, I’m 14 years old and I live in Banjska. I love pop music and my
favorite singer is Relja Popovic. I play volleyball, so I would like you to publish a poster of Serbian female volleyball player Tijana Bogdanovic in the next edition of the magazine 4U. Regards to everyone, Verica Virijevic Primary School “Banović Strahinja” - Banjska