For You Srb / Eng - December 2016

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UVODNIK Dragi čitaoci našeg magazina, Nadamo se da vam je protekla godina bila uspešna kao što verujemo da je nama bila, a vreme je da pozdravimo neverovatnu godinu koja će uskoro početi. Kako se ova godina bliži kraju, tako svi razmatraju o onome što se izdešavalo u njoj. Sigurna sam da su mnogi od vas imali veoma različita iskustva u 2016.godini. To je ništa drugo nego očigledna potvrda da se puno toga dogodilo u protekloj godini, a nema boljeg trenutka da se napravi promena nego što je to Nova godina. Lično nisam nikada bila ljubitelj rezolucija, jer one jednostavno ne traju, ali verujem da je početak nove godine odlično vreme za promene. Tajni sos, ako uopšte postoji neki, jeste doslednost. Ne znam koje ćemo priče ispričati ove godine. Ne znam koje ćemo eksperimente izvesti. Ali znam da će ovo biti jedna nova avantura, kao i svake godine. Nadam se da ćemo se svi dobro zabaviti! Tokom ovog perioda obično primamo i šaljemo puno prazničnih čestitki, ali ona koju tek trebamo da čujemo je: „Želim ti veoma Novu godinu!“ Možda zvuči previše dvosmisleno za pravu čestitku, bolje da poželimo jedni drugima sreću nego novost. Ali šta ako uđemo u januar kao da ulazimo u neku neotkrivenu zemlju? Potpuno novi početak! Želimo vam sve najlepše dok se spremate za nove izazove, odmeravate nove visine i istražujete nove mogućnosti. Hvala vam svima na vašoj podršci, vremenu i čitalaštvu.







Od tima magazina „For You“ SREĆNA NOVA GODINA!

“For You” je slu`bena publikacija KFOR-a, proizvedena i finansirana od strane KFOR-a. Štampa se na Kosovu i distribuira besplatno. Sadr`aj magazina ne odra`ava uvek stavove koalicije ili bilo koje zemlje ~lanice pojedina~no. KFOR prihvata i tra`i vaša mi{ljenja, neka od njih }e i objavljivati, verovatno u skra}enoj formi. Ako autor pisma tako `eli, njegovo/njeno ime ne}e biti objavljeno. KFOR ne}e objavljivati anonimna, maliciozna ili klevetni~ka pisma. Glavni urednik: Leonora Shabanaj Nik{i} Novinari: Ali Rexha, Asmir Nik{i}, Violeta Matovi} Fotografije: Ekipa “4U” Design & Layout: Bekim Shabani Uredni{tvo mo`ete kontaktirati na telefon: 038/503-603-2139 Pisma mo`ete slati na adresu: HQ KFOR - Kosova Film. “For You” magazin; Strasbourg Building; 10000 Pri{tina E-mail:;

2 for you

2-3: Uvodnik, sadržaj 4-5: Škola meseca: Osnovna škola “Vuk Karadžić” - Prilužje Upitnik: Kako na najbolji način proslaviti novogodišnju noć? 6-7: Mine 8-9: Fashion: Top trendovi u nakitu za 2017. od kojih zastaje dah 10-11: Music Box: Charlie Puth – njegovo vreme tek dolazi 12-13: Zajedno smo jači 14-15: Životinjsko

carstvo: Životinje od A do Ž 16-17: Poster: Kalendar 2017 18-19: Moviemania: Middle school: the worst years of my life; Sully; The magnificent seven; Storks 20-21: Sportski ugao: Neymar 22-23: Hi-Tech 24-25: Komandant KFOR-a, sve~ano otvorio Most 167 26-27: RADIO KFOR 28-29: Vaš ugao ... 30: Enigmatski ugao 31-32: Pisma čitalaca



Greetings dear readers,





Sportski ugao: NEYMAR 12

Zajedno smo jaci 2-3: Editorial, index 4-5: School of the month: Primary school “Vuk Karadzic” Priluzje Questionnaire: What is the best way to celebrate New Year? 6-7: Mines 8-9: Fashion: Most breath-taking jewellery trends in 2017 10-11: Music Box: Charlie Puth - His time is coming 12-13: Together we are stronger 14-15: Animal Kingdom: Animals

from A-Z 16-17: Poster: Calendar 2017 18-19: Moviemania: Middle school: the worst years of my life; Sully; The magnificent seven; Storks 20-21: Sports corner: Neymar 22-23: Hi-Tech 24-25: COM KFOR inaugurates Bridge 167 26-27: RADIO KFOR 28-29: Your corner ... 30: Puzzle 31-32: Reader’s letters

We hope the year gone by has been as successful for you as we believe it’s been for us, and here’s to this one incredible year that is about to start. As the year draws to a close, everyone is busy taking stock of the year gone by. I am sure many like you had a very divergent experience of the year that was 2016. It’s nothing but an obvious claim that a lot happened in the last year, but there is no better time to make a change than at the beginning of the New Year. Personally, I have never been a fan of resolutions, they just don’t last, but I do believe that the start of a new year is a great time for change. The secret sauce, if any, lies in consistency. I don’t know what stories we’ll tell this year. I don’t know what experiments we’ll try. But I do know this is going to be a new adventure, just as every other year. I hope we all have fun! During this period we usually get and send a lot of holiday greetings, but one we have yet to hear is: “Have a Very New Year!” Perhaps it sounds too ambiguous for a real felicitation; safer to wish upon each other happiness rather than newness. But what if we rolled into January as if we were rolling into an undiscovered country? A brand new start! Our best wishes to you as your gear up to face new challenges, scale new heights and tap into new opportunities. Thank you all for your support, your time and your readership. From the team at Magazine ‘For You’, HAPPY NEW YEAR!

‘For You’ is an official publication of KFOR, produced and financed by KFOR, printed in Kosovo and distributed freely.The contents do not necessarily reflect the official point of view of the coalition or that of any of its member states. KFOR accepts and welcomes your opinions, it will publish some of these, eventually in a condensed form. If requested the name of the writer will be withheld but no anonymous, defamatory or malicious letters will be printed. Chief Editor: Leonora Shabanaj Niksic Journalists: Ali Rexha, Asmir Niksic, Violeta Matovic Photos by: “4U” team Design & Layout: Bekim Shabani The editorial staff can be contacted on: 038/503-603-2139 Any letters can be sent at: HQ KFOR - Film City; For You magazine; Strasbourg building; 10000 Pristina; E-mail:;

for you 3

škola meseca


Direktor Srđan Zdravković


snovnim obrazovanjem ostvaruje se osbosobljavanje za život i rad svakog mladog bića, njegovo osposobljavanje za sticanje znanja i umeća, razvoj intelektualnih sposobnosti, kritičkog odnosa, samostalnosti i drugih etičkih svojstava ličnosti. Osnovno obrazovanje treba da bude temelj obrazovanja, zapravo u osnovnoj školi se uči kako da se uči i stiče se samostalnost u učenju, jer ukoliko se neke osnovne stvari propuste, kasnije se javljaju veliki problem u školovanju, kaže na početku razgovora za Magazin 4U, Srđan Zdravković, direktor Osnovne škole “Vuk



Miljana Terentić (14) Planiram da Novogodišnju noć provedem sa svojim prijateljima, jer je ovo poslednja godina da smo zajedno u odeljenju, pa želim da se svi okupimo i zajedno proslavimo odlazak Stare i dolazak Nove 2017.godine. Meni je najbolji način provoda za Novu godinu da budem sa ljudima koji su mi dragi. Miljana Terentić (14) I plan on spending New Year’s Eve with my friends, since this will be the last year in which we will all be in the same grade, so I want us to get together and celebrate the passing of the old year and welcome the New Year 2017. For me, the best way to celebrate New Year’s Eve is to spend with people who are dear to me.

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Karadžić” u Prilužju. Ova Osnovna škola je prva srpska osnovna škola u vučitrnskom kraju, osnovana je daleke 1865. godine i jedna je od najstarijih škola na Kosovu. O.Š. “Vuk Karadžić” u Prilužju broji 270 đaka, koji je pohađaju od prvog do osmog razreda i koji su grupisani u 15 odeljenja. U školi takođe funkcionišu dva predškolska odeljenja, a od stranih jezika uče se engleski i francuski. Nastavni kadar je adekvatan za svaki predmet i svih 30 nastavnika koji predaju u ovoj školi su stručno osposobljeni. Škola “Vuk Karadžic” u Prilužju naročito je prepoznatljiva po vannastavnim aktivnostima i po uspesima njenih đaka na raznim republičkim i regionalnim takmičenjima. U školi su aktivne brojne sekcije, počev od onih umetničkih, kao što su muzička, likovna, literarna do sportskih sekcija po kojima je ova škola najprepoznatljivija. “Fudbalska, košarkaška, odbojkaška, teniska i svakako atletska sekcija koja je priključena Atletskom klubu i koja redovno ostvaruje najzapaženije rezultate su svakako najznačajniji brend za prepoznavanje i ugled ove škole i van prostora Kosova. U okviru muzičke sekcije, najuspešniji su hor i školski orkestar, koji takođe na raznim manifestacijama ostvaruju izuzetne rezultate, a poslednji primer za to je odličan plasman koji su postigli na poznatoj muzičkoj manifestaciji pod nazivom “Cvrkuti sa Ibra”, kaže direktor Srdjan Zdravkovic. Dodaje da je ponosan na uspehe svojih učenika i zadovoljan je njihovom disciplinom u školi, jer nema onih koji su problematični, a kako kaže sve su to deca “patrijarhalno

Aleksa Milić (14) Planiram da Novogodišnju noć provedem sa svojim drugarima, pošto će to biti poslednja proslava na kojoj ćemo biti svi zajedno. Još se nismo odlučili koje će to mesto biti tačno, možda ćemo biti kod nekog kući, ili u nekom kafiću, ali bićemo svi ovde, u Prilužju. Aleksa Milić (14) I plan on spending New Year’s Eve with my mates, since this will be our last holiday together. We have not decided where we will celebrate, perhaps at someone’s house or at a café but we will all be here in Prilužje.

vaspitana, vredna i željna znanja”. Direktor Osnovne škole “Vuk Karadžić” ističe da škola ima dobru saradnju sa lokalnom samoupravom i da je u planu da se uz njihovu pomoć, u narednom periodu dogradi nekoliko učionica i toaleta. Prema njegovim rečima, ono što školi najviše nedostaje je fiskulturna sala, što je skoro neverovatno, imajući u vidu rezultate koje đaci redovno postižu na raznim sportskim takmičenjima. Za sada se časovi fizičkog vaspitanja i svi sportski treninzi odvijaju u balon sali, koja se, zbog hladnoće, ne može koristiti tokom jesenjih i zimskih meseci. Magazin 4U se dosta čita u ovoj školi, redovno ga dobijaju, a naročito je popularan kod učenika od V do VIII razreda, jer su im bliske teme o kojima se piše, rekao nam je direktor Zdravković, dodajući da je i saradnja sa vojnicima KFOR-a, koji ih redovno obilaze, izuzetna. Na kraju razgovora za naš magazin, direktor kratko poručuje našim čitaocima da za uspeh u životu nije dovoljna samo inteligencija, već neprestan i vredan rad, a da je na njima da odgovornim ponašanjem ostvare kvalitetan i uspešan život.

Sanja Kostić (14) Planiram da za “najluđu noć” sa svojom sestrom otputujem u Niš. Tamo se svake godine za doček organizuje neki muzički program na gradskom trgu, pa mi planiramo da tu budemo, a kasnije će nam se u stanu pridružiti nekoliko drugarica. Najbolji način za odličan provod tokom najluđe noći je svakako društvo prijatelja i najbližih. Sanja Kostić (14) I plan on spending the “merriest night” in Nis, where I will travel with my sister. There they organize a music concert in the city square every New Year’s Eve, we plan on being there and then meet up with our friends in our apartment. The best way to have a great time during the “merriest night” is to be in the company of your friends and family.

school of the month



reparation of every young person for life and work is realized through primary education; it is the foundation that enables them to acquire knowledge and skills, develop intellectual abilities, critical attitude, independence, and other ethical personality traits. Primary education should be the basis of education, in fact, in elementary school children are taught how to study and they acquire independence in learning, because if some basic things are missed a major issues appears later in education, says director of Primary School “Vuk Karadzic” in Prilužje, Srđan Zdravkovic, at the beginning of the interview with Magazin 4U. This primary school is the first Serbian elementary school in Vučitrn area. It was established back in 1865 and is one of the oldest schools in Kosovo. Primary School “Vuk Karadzic” in Prilužje has 270 students from first to eighth

Questionnaire Aleksa Milošević (14) Ne znam koji je najbolji način za dobar provod tokom Novogodišnje noći. To je individualno, svi smo različiti, neko voli da bude u društvu, neko u krugu porodice. Ja ću Novogodisnju noć dočekati u Prokuplju sa svojom porodicom, jer već godinama mi na taj način proslavljamo doček Nove godine i to nam je postala tradicija. Aleksa Milošević (14) I do not know what is the best way to have a good time on New Year’s Eve. It is an individual question, we are all different, some people like being with their friends whilst others like being with their family. I will spend New Year’s Eve in Prokuplje with my family, since we have been celebrating New Year’s Eve in this manner for years and it has become a tradition.

grade and are grouped into 15 classes. The school also has two preschool classes, while the foreign languages that are taught are English and French. The teaching staff is appropriate for each subject and all 30 teachers who teach in this school are vocationally qualified. “Vuk Karadzic” school in Prilužje is particularly known for extracurricular activities and achievements of its students at various national and regional competitions. The school has numerous active sections, starting with art, such as music, painting, literature, as well as sport sections for which this school is best known. “Football, basketball, volleyball, tennis and, of course, the athletics section, which is connected to the Athletic Club, and regularly achieves notable results, are certainly the most significant brand for the recognition and reputation of this school even abroad Kosovo. Within the music section, the most successful are the school choir and orchestra, which also at various events achieve exceptional results, and the latest example of this is the excellent result they achieved in the famous musical event called “Cvrkuti sa Ibra (Tweets of the Ibar River),” says director Srdjan Zdravkovic. He adds that he is proud of his students’ successes and is satisfied with their discipline at school because there are none that are problematic, and says they are all children “raised in patriarchal manner, diligent and eager for knowledge.”

WHICH IS THE BEST WAY TO CELEBRATE THE NEW YEAR? Lidija Mašić (14) Prošle godine sam bila sa društvom, a ove godine planiram da Novogodišnju noć dočekam u krugu porodice, uz svečanu trpezu i dobro raspoloženje. Svakako mi je najbitnije da tokom te noći budem okružena ljudima koje volim, i koji mene vole i žele mi sve najbolje. Lidija Mašić (14) Last year I was with my friends, I plan to celebrate the upcoming New Year’s Eve with my family with festive food and merriment. It is of utmost importance that I spend that night with people whom I love and who love me and want the best for me.

The director of Primary School “Vuk Karadzic” says the school has good cooperation with the local government and there is a plan to build in the future several additional classrooms and a toilet with their help. According to him, what the school misses the most is a school sports hall, which is almost unbelievable given the results that the students regularly achieve in various sports competitions. For now, classes of physical education and all sports training sessions take place in a bubble hall, which, because of the cold, cannot be used during the autumn and winter months. 4U Magazine is very popular in this school; the students receive it regularly, and it is especially popular among the students who attend fifth to eighth grade, because they are familiar with the topics that are written about, told us director Zdravkovic, adding that the cooperation with KFOR soldiers, who visit them regularly, is exceptional. At the end of the interview for our magazine, the director briefly told our readers that intelligence only is not enough to succeed in life, but continuous and hard work, and that it is up to them to have a good quality and successful life by acting responsibly.

Aleksa Mašić (14) Do sada sam Nove godine dočekivao u krugu porodice, a za ovu predstojeću planiram ili da negde otputujem ili da je provedem sa drugarima. Ja bih najviše voleo da Novu godinu dočekam negde gde ima neki dobar muzički program ili neki koncert, na primer išao bih tamo gde bude svirao Lexington bend. Ipak najvažnije mi je da Novu godinu dočekam u dobrom raspoloženju i uz drage ljude. Aleksa Mašić (14) Up to now, I celebrated New Year’s Eve with my family, for the upcoming new Year’s Eve, I plan on travelling somewhere else or spending it with my friends. I would like to spend New Year’s Eve somewhere where there is good music or a concert. For example I would like to attend a concert by the Lexington Band. However, the most important thing is that I spend that evening in a good mood and with people dear to me.

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eć skoro sedamnaest godina, narod na Kosovu, živi u miru i zajedno radi ka stvaranju bolje budućnosti. Stooga da nas ne treba začuditi da se često previđa pretnja koju predstavljaju mine i neeksplodirana ubojna sredstva, iako i sada predstavljaju opasnost. Ubojna sredstva predstavljaju stvarnu opasnost i svi moramo biti obazrivi. Zahvaljujući radu raznih organizacija, broj mina i neeksplodiranih ubojnih sredstava na Kosovu je bitno smanjen, sa vrlo dobrim rezultatima. Kako bi predstavili pravu sliku o opasnosti koja vreba, bitno je da znamo da je, od 1999. godine pa do danas, 117 ljudi poginulo, a 459 je

6 for you

Burim Perteshi povređeno od mina i drugih neeksplodiranih ubojnih sredstava na Kosovu. Mnogi će tvrditi da su se većina ovih slučajeva dogodila 1999. godine i da je problem prevaziđen. Iako je ova tvrdnja možda istinita, to ne umanjuje činjenicu da se i dan danas dešavaju incidenti. Proteklih godina, statistike pokazuju da se incidenti događaju jedanput ili dvaput godišnje, ali ovo pokazuje da opasnost i dalje postoji. Svaki izgubljeni život ili svaka zadobijena povreda je nepotrebna. Imajući ovo u vidu, bitno je da svi budu oprezni i da budu svesni o opasnostima koje mine i neeksplodirana ubojna sredstva predstavljaju. Ovo možemo postići tako što ćemo znati da prepoznamo mine i neeksplodirana ubojna sredstva i da znamo koje korake da preduzmemo ukoliko

ih otkrijemo. Ni pod kojima uslovima ne treba dodirivati mine i neeksplodirana ubojna sredstva jer posledice mogu biti pogubne. Najbolje je da bez oklevanja prijavimo njihovo postojanje nadležnima kako bi oni mogli da ih profesionalno neutrališu. Slučaj gospodina Burima Pertešija iz opštine Suva Reka je ekletantan primer toga kako jedna pogrešna odluka može da nam preokrene život. Tokom razgovora sa gospodinom Pertešijem o tom kobnom danu, on nam je rekao: “Nesreća se dogodila 19. juna 1999. godine. Tog dana sam izašao da se igram sa dvojicom drugara. Tokom igre, pronašao sam minu. Podigao sam je i bacio. To je dovelo do eksplozije i kao posledica eksplozije, izgubio sam nogu, srećom dvojica mojih drugara su prošli sa lakšim povredama”. On je naglasio da

tada nije imao bilo kakvih informacija o minama: “Nisam znao jer sam bio vrlo mlad i nismo bili svesni koliko su mine opasne i koje su moguće posledice.” Na kraju, gospodin Perteši je rekao da svi ljudi na Kosovu moraju imati na umu da i dalje ima mina. Gospodin Miljaim Fazljiu je takođe stanovnik Kosova koji je povređen od mina. Kao i gospodin Perteši, gospodin Fazljiu se priseća kako je izašao da se igra i da je pronašao minu. Tada je imao samo petnaest godina i uopšte nije bio informisan o riziku i mogućim posledicama koje mine predstavljaju. Ova neinformisanost je dovela do nesreće koja je za posledicu imala to što je izgubio nogu, a druga mu je povređena. “Život mi je sada vrlo težak, tako da pozivam sve ljude da se informišu o minama, da nauče o znacima opasnosti i o tome kako izgledaju različite mine i neeksplodirana ubojna sredstva, da ukoliko ih pronađu ne diraju ih, već da odmah obaveste policiju i KBS,” naglašava gospodin Fazljiu. Kao što možemo videti iz ova dva slučaja, bitno je da podignemo svest među stanovništvom, pogotovu kada je u pitanju prepoznavanje mina i neeksplodiranih ubojnih sredstava i o koracima koji moraju biti preduzeti kako bi umanjili opasnost od njih. Treba odmah obavestiti KP ili KBS.

time he had almost no information at all about mines: “I had no knowledge as I was at a very young age and we were not aware of how dangerous mines are and what their consequences are.” In the end Mr Perteshi appealed to all the people in Kosovo to remember that there are still mines out there.


t has been almost 17 years now that people of Kosovo have been living in peace and working together towards a brighter future. It is therefore not surprising that the threat from mines and other unexploded ordinances (UXO) is often overlooked, despite the danger they continue to pose. The danger from these devices is very real and it is important for everyone to remain vigilant. With thanks to the work of various organizations the number of mines and UXO’s in Kosovo has been reduced significantly with very good results. In order to present an accurate picture of this ongoing threat it is important to note that since 1999 up to the present date, there has been a total

Milaim Fazliu of 117 fatalities, with a further 459 cases of injuries from mines and other UXOs in Kosovo. Many might argue that most of these cases occurred during 1999 and that this problem has been overcome. Whilst this argument might be true it doesn’t detract from the fact that there are still incidents right up to the present date. In later years records show there has been one or two cases per year, however this demonstrates that the threat continues to remain very real. Each and every life lost or any injury incurred is one too many. Against this backdrop it is very important that everyone remains vigilant by maintaining an awareness about mines and UXOs. This can be achieved by knowing how to identify them and also by knowing what steps to take in the event of their

discovery. Under no circumstances should anyone touch them, as the consequences may be very severe. The best course of action is to report them to the relevant authorities without delay, so this action can be taken to neutralise them in a professional manner. Mr Burim Perteshi’s case from Suhareka Municipality is a prime example of how one wrong decision may turn our lives upside down. During our conversation with Mr Perteshi about the day of his accident he said: “The accident took place on 19 June 1999. That day I went out with two friends to play. While we were playing I found a mine. I picked it up and then threw it. This caused the mine to explode and as a result I lost my leg, fortunately my two friends got away with lighter injuries”. He went on to emphasize that at the

Mr Milaim Fazliu is another inhabitant of Kosovo who got injured by mines. Just as Mr Perteshi, Mr. Fazliu also recalls that he had gone out to play when he had found a mine. At the time he was only fifteen years old and he had received no information whatsoever about the risk or their consequences, this lack of awareness led to the accident, as a result of which Mr Fazliu lost one leg and injured the other. “Life is now very difficult, therefore I would ask all the people to get informed about mines, to learn the warning signs and learn how different mines and UXOs look, and if they find them to not touch them but immediately notify the police and the KSF,” Mr Fazliu emphasized. As we see from the two cases above, it is therefore important to raise awareness amongst the population, especially in relation on how to identify them and take appropriate steps to lessen the danger they present. The KP or KSF should be notified without delay.

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TOP TRENDOVI U NAKITU ZA 2017. OD KOJIH ZASTAJE DAH Nošenje raznih komada nakita kao što su ogrlice, narukvice, prstenje i minđuše igra ogromnu ulogu u isticanju vaše lepote i naglašavanju vaše ženske elegancije. Izaberite efektne komade nakita koji mogu da upotpune odeću koju nosite i da učine da izgledate božanstveno i impresionirate ljude u različitim prilikama, naročito svečanim. Različiti komadi nakita se međusobno razlikuju po svom dizajnu, pa čak i materijalu od kojeg su napravljeni. Možete naći komade nakita od zlata optočene dijamantima i oni se smatraju najskupljim. Postoji i drugačiji nakit koji je napravljen od jeftinijih materijala kao što su srebro, koža i drugi materijali koji ne koštaju mnogo i tako vam pružaju mogućnost da kupite ono što odgovara vašem budžetu. A kako biste odabrali najefektnije i najmodernije komade, morate da pratite trendove u nakitu koji se predstavljaju svake godine. Donosimo vam neke od top trendova koji oduzimaju dah za 2017. godinu, među kojima možete izabrati najatraktivniji komad za vas.

“Kaf” minđuše

Da li želite da vam uši brzo i jednostavno izgledaju atraktivnije? Uz pomoć “kaf” minđuša vaše uši će biti privlačnije. Pojavile su se devedesetih i sada ponovo vratile u modu da bi postale jedan od najatraktivnijih trendova u nakitu koji je predstavljen za sledeću godinu. Možete da nosite tradicionalne minđuše, ali kaf minđuše su nešto potpuno drugačije pošto ukrašavaju veći deo ušne školjke. Postoje dva tipa kaf minđuša, one za bušene i za nebušene uši, tako da svaka dama može lako da pronađe ono što joj odgovara i što će je učiniti lepšom.

Ear cuffs

Do you want to easily and quickly get catchier ears? Ear cuffs can help you to make your ears more stunning. They appeared in the 1990s and come back again to be one of the hottest jewellery trends that are presented for the next year. You can wear those traditional earrings, but ear cuffs are known to be completely different since they decorate a larger part of your ears. Ear cuffs are available in two different types. You can find piercing and nonpiercing ear cuffs to help you easily find what suits you and makes you more gorgeous.

Minđuše na jednom uhu

Želite li da izgledate drugačije i privučete više pažnje? Volite minđuše, ali vam se ne dopada ideja da ih i nosite? Možete probati da nosite minđuše koje ukrašavaju samo jedno uvo. Ovo nije prvi put da se ovaj atraktivan trend u nakitu pojavljuje, pošto je viđan i proteklih godina, a nastaviće da bude veliki trend i naredne godine. Ove minđuše se mogu naći u različitim oblicima. Nose ih mnoge poznate ličnosti, kao što je Anđelina Džoli, što ih čini još popularnijim.

Single earrings

Want to look different and attract more attention? Do you love earrings but do not like the idea of wearing them? You can try wearing single earrings to decorate just one ear. It is not the first time for this catchy jewellery trend to appear as it was seen before during the past years and continues to be a big jewellery trend in the next year. Single earrings are available in different designs. They are worn by many celebrities such as Angelina Jolie making them more popular.

Čoker ogrlice

Čoker ogrlice su bile moderne tokom devedesetih u vidu crnih čoker ogrlica sa priveskom i plastičnih čoker ogrlica nalik na tetovažu, koje su bile veoma popularne među mladim devojkama. Čoker ogrlice su se vratile na modnu scenu, ali sa drugačijim modelima i od drugačijih materijala. Možete naći zlatne čoker ogrlice, heklane, staklaste, od perja i raznih drugih materijala, među kojima možete da izaberete komad sa kojim ćete se osećati potpuno udobno i koji će vas učiniti lepšom.

Choker necklaces

Choker necklaces were present during the 1990s in the form of black pendant chokers and plastic tattoo chokers that were very common among girls. Those chokers come back again but in other designs and materials. You can find gold chokers, crochet chokers, glassy chokers, feathered chokers and more materials from which you can select what makes you completely comfortable and more gorgeous.

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Predimenzionirane ogrlice i privesci

Zaboravite na male i jednostavne priveske, jer je došlo vreme za predimenzionirane. Predimenzionirani privesci su definitivno efektniji od malih. Možete probati da nosite predimenzionirane priveske i ogrlice ukoliko smatrate da su male ogrlice dosadne i da vas ne čine dovoljno privlačnom. Postoji veliki broj impresivnih modela koji će naglasiti vašu lepotu i vaš izgled učiniti upečatljivijim u različitim prilikama, naročito svečanim. (Izvor:


MOST BREATH-TAKING JEWELLERY TRENDS IN 2017 Wearing different jewellery pieces such as necklaces, bracelets, rings and earrings plays a major role in increasing your beauty and enhancing your elegance as a female. You need to choose those catchy jewellery pieces that can complement what you wear and provide you with the stunning look you need to impress others on different occasions especially the formal ones. Jewellery pieces differ in their designs and even the materials from which they are made. You can find gold jewellery pieces that are encrusted with diamonds and are considered to be the most expensive. There are other jewellery pieces that are made of cheaper materials such as silver, leather and more materials that do not cost a lot of money to allow you to purchase what suits your budget. In order to choose the catchiest and most stylish jewellery pieces, you have to check out the jewellery trends that are presented every year. Here are some of the most breath-taking jewellery trends for 2017 to select the catchiest for you.

Višeslojne ogrlice

Ako ste i dalje ljubitelj malih privezaka i ne dopada vam se ideja da nosite predimenzionirane ogrlice i priveske jer oni ne odgovaraju vašoj ličnosti, to je u redu. Možete nositi ogrlice sa malim privescima, ali u velikom broju i u više slojeva. To znači da nošenje samo jedne ogrlice sa malim priveskom nije u trendu, dok su slojevite ogrlice trend za koji se možete opredeliti kako biste uživali u malim privescima.

Multi-layered necklaces

Više prstenova na jednoj ruci

Neke žene veruju da nošenje samo jednog ili dva prstena nije dovoljno da učini njihove ruke atraktivnim. Misle da što više prstenja nose, to će njihove ruke izgledati atraktivnije. Ako ste i vi jedna od žena sa takvim uverenjem, onda slobodno možete da nosite koliko god prstenja želite u sledećoj godini jer će to biti veliki trend u nakitu. Bilo da je prstenje malo ili veliko, sjajno ili u boji, imate mogućnost da pravite efektne kombinacije koliko vam je volja i na taj način ulepšate svoje ruke.

Multiple rings on one hand

There are some women who believe that wearing just one or two rings is not enough to get catchy hands. They think that the more rings they wear, the catchier their hands will be. If you are one of those women who believe in such a thing, then you can wear the number of rings you like in the next year as it is going to be a big jewellery trend. Whether the rings are large or small, shiny or coloured, you can create the catchy combination you like to increase the beauty of your hands.

If you still love those small pendants and do not like the idea of wearing statement necklaces and pendants because they do not suit your personality, then there is no problem. You can wear those necklaces with small pendants but in large number and multiple layers. This means that wearing only one necklace with small pendant is not trendy and multi-layered necklaces are the jewellery trend you can opt Ovaj nakit je jedan od najzapaženijih trendova for to enjoy your small pendants. u nakitu za sledeću godinu. Kićanke, ne samo da se koriste u različititim komadima nakita koje žene nose kao što su narukvice, minđuše i ogrlice, već se mogu naći i u drugim predmetima koji su posebno napravljeni za žene, kao što su tašne, pa čak i ženska Forget the small and simple odeća. Ako želite da izgledate božanstveno, pendants because it is time for onda nosite nakit od bisera i dijamanata sa those statement ones. Statement kićankama od kojih jednostavno zastaje dah. pendants are undoubtedly catchier

Nakit sa kićankama

Statement pendants and necklaces

than the tiny ones. You can try wearing those statement pendants and necklaces if you find that the small ones are boring and do not provide you with the catchy look you need. There are many impressive designs that can increase your beauty and make you catchier on different occasions especially the formal ones.


Tassel jewellery

Adding tassels is one of the most noteworthy jewellery trends you are going to find in the next year. Tassels are not just added to different jewellery pieces women wear such as bracelets, earrings and necklaces. They can also be found in other things that are especially made for women such as handbags and even the clothes women wear. If you want to look gorgeous, then you need to opt for those pearl and diamond tassel jewellery pieces that are more than stunning.

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music box



erovatno ste do sada već čuli na radiju neki od hitova Čarlija Puta. Bilo da je u pitanju “See You Again” sa Viz Kalifom ili “Marvin Gaye” sa Megan Treinor, “One Call Away,” ili njegov poslednji singl sa Selenom Gomez “We Don’t Talk Anymore,” Čarlijev muzički talenat mu je pomogao da postane neizbežna zvezda u usponu u svetu pop muzike. On je umetnik u pravom smislu reči jer ne samo da peva, već i svira klavir, pored toga što piše muziku koju objavljuje, a njegov talenat će ga bez sumnje odvesti daleko. POPSUGAR je nedavno imao priliku da sedne i porazgovara sa ovom zvezdom o njegovim budućim nastupima u šouu The Voice, o tome koje slavne ličnosti po njegovom mišljenju donose pozitivne promene u Holivud, i sa kojim umetnikom bi želeo da sarađuje sledeći put. PS: Tokom obeležavanja Meseca prevencije nasilnog ponašanja u oktobru, sarađivao si sa kompanijom CustomInk na njihovoj šestoj godišnjoj kampanji ‘Budite dobri jedni prema drugima’. Šta te je privuklo ovom projektu? Čarli Put: Rečenica “Budite dobri jedni prema drugima” je za mene veoma važna i nešto što bih želeo da je češće govoreno kada sam ja bio srednjoškolac. Biti jedinstven, što je natpis na mojoj majci, je stav koji je na neki način bio omalovažavan. U vreme kada sam ja odrastao, morao si da se prilagodiš okolini i radiš sve isto kao i drugi. Ja bih otišao kući i pravio muziku i to me je činilo srećnim, ali znam da za neke ljude to predstavlja pravi izazov, tako da sam se priključio ovoj kampanji jer mi se to činilo sasvim prirodnim i kao sjajan

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način da raširim celu ovu priču. PS: Da li si i sam bio žrtva vršnjačkog nasilja dok si odrastao? Čarli Put: Da, u mom slučaju to je bilo više verbalno, kroz ponižavanje i suptilne komentare zbog kojih bi se jeo sam u sebi. Odlazio bih sa časova i bio deprimiran 15 minuta a onda bih skrenuo misli sa toga tako što sam pravio muziku. Znam da nisu svi muzičari, ali bitno je pronaći nekakav zanat i uložiti u njega svu svoju energiju. Radi se o tome da se distancira od loših vibracija i ide tamo gde su dobre vibracije. PS: Koji savet bi uputio ljudima koji su žrtve vršnjačkog nasilja? Čarli Put: Teško je dati odgovor na to pitanje, jer znam da je svaki

slučaj drugačiji, ali savet za koji bih želeo da sam dao sam sebi u mlađim danima, jeste da ne treba pridavati značaja tome šta drugi ljudi misle. Deset godina prođe veoma brzo. Približava mi se 10. godišnjica mature i ljudi će biti potpuno drugačiji kada se nađem sa njima. A neki od tih ljudi su mi još uvek prijatelji. Posle toliko vremena više nema ljutnje. PS: Za koje druge poznate ličnosti smatrate da donose pozitivne promene protiv nasilnog ponašanja? Čarli Put: Ališa Kiz (Alicia Keys). Ona je totalno posvećena širenju poruke ljubavi i uspešna je u tome u svojim pesmama kao i tokom njenog nedavnog nastupa na dodeli MTV-jevih muzičkih nagrada (VMAs). Težim tome da postanem kao ona, ne samo kao muzičar, već i uopšte kao osoba. PS: Kako uspevaš da ostaneš pozitivan u muzičkoj industriji? Čarli Put: Moj odnos prema Holivudu je kao prema mojoj srednjoj školi. Izađem iz Holivuda, odem negde drugde i tamo stvaram muziku, a onda kada moram da se vratim na posao, pokušam da ponesem sa sobom koliko god mogu onoga što sam pokupio u spoljašnjem svetu nazad u Holivud.

PS: Kada govorimo o muzici, ti ćeš biti i mentor u ovoj sezoni šoua The Voice. Kakvo je bilo to iskustvo? Čarli Put: Ališa me je pozvala i pitala da li bih želeo da budem deo toga i ja sam naravno odmah odgovorio pozitivno. Tako sam upoznao neke zaista izuzetne ljude. Potpuno mi je ludo da oni pevaju bolje od mene a traže moj savet. Trebalo mi je neko vreme da se naviknem na to, ali oni od mene u suštini nisu tražili savet kako da tehnički budu bolji pevači, već kako da se ponašaju kao umetnici. PS: Da li je bilo smešnih situacija tokom snimanja? Čarli Put: I ja i Ališa sviramo klavir tako da se nekoliko puta desilo da smo sve u studiju podigli na noge dok smo improvizovali njenu pesmu “Fallin.” Ja bih svirao levom rukom dok je ona solirala desnom, a atmosfera je bila neverovatna. PS: U protekle dve godine ste sarađivali sa izuzetnim umetnicima — koja vam je do sada omiljena saradnja? Čarli Put: Mislim, znam da zvučim kao pokvarena ploča, ali moram da kažem da je to bilo sa Ališom Kiz. Takođe sam sarađivao i sa Stivijem Vonderom, i to je bilo još jedno sjajno iskustvo. PS: Sa kojim umetnikom bi želeo da radiš u budućnosti? Čarli Put: Voleo bih da sarađujem sa Džonom Majerom, koga sam imao zadovoljstvo da upoznam pre nekoliko meseci. Mislim da je on fantastičan. I on je “Berklijevac.” Bili smo u istoj sobi u studentskom domu - pozdrav za sobu 737 – tako da smo momentalno pronašli zajedničke teme za razgovor. A ja jednostavno obožavam njegove promene akorda i njegovo znanje o tome šta sve treba da sadrži jedan album. To je i bio njegov glavni predmet na Berkliju, a i ja sam studirao isto to, tako da imamo dosta toga zajedničkog. (Izvor:

music box



y now, you’ve definitely heard one of Charlie Puth’s hit songs on the radio. Whether it was “See You Again” featuring Wiz Khalifa, or “Marvin Gaye” featuring Meghan Trainor, “One Call Away,” or his latest single with Selena Gomez “We Don’t Talk Anymore,” Charlie’s musical talent has helped him become an unescapable rising star in the pop music world. He is a true artist in that he can not only sing, but he can play the piano, in addition to writing the music he releases, and there is no doubt his talent will take him far. POPSUGAR recently had a chance to sit down with the star, and talk about his upcoming appearance on The Voice, which celebrities he thinks are making a positive change in Hollywood, and the one artist he would love to work with next. PS: In celebration of National Bullying Prevention Month in October, you are partnering with CustomInk for its sixth annual ‘Be Good to Each Other campaign’. What drew you to this project? Charlie Puth: The phrase “Be Good to Each Other” is very important to me and something that I wish had been said more when I was in high school. Being unique, which is the design of my t-shirt, was kind of looked down upon. When I was growing up, you had to conform and do the same thing that everyone else was doing. I would just go home and make music and be able to make myself happy, but I know that’s more of a challenge for some people, so I signed on with this campaign because it just felt very natural and it was a great way to spread that overall message. PS: Did you experience bullying when you were growing up?

Charlie Puth: Yeah, it was more verbal for me. It was more about people just putting me down, kind of just subtle comments that would eat at me. I would leave school and be bummed out for 15 minutes, and then I would take my mind of things by making music. I know not everyone is a musician, but it’s important to find that craft and put all of your energy into that. It’s about leaving the bad vibes and going to where the good vibes are. PS: What advice would you give to people who are being bullied? Charlie Puth: It’s a hard question to answer, because I know every case is different, but the advice that I wish I would have given myself is to not care about what other people are thinking. Ten years goes by really quickly. I’m approaching my 10-year reunion, and people are going to be completely different when I meet up with them. And some of these

people I’m still friends with. You don’t hold in that anger. PS: What other celebrities do you think are making a positive change against bullying? Charlie Puth: Alicia Keys. She’s all about spreading the love, and she does that successfully in her music and during her recent appearance at the VMAs. She’s someone I aspire to be like musically and just overall as a person. PS: How do you manage to stay positive in the music industry? Charlie Puth: I treat Hollywood as my high school. I leave Hollywood, I go somewhere else and make some music, and then, when I have to go back to work, I try and take as much that I get from outside Hollywood back with me. PS: Speaking of music, you’re also going to be a mentor on The Voice this season. How was that experience? Charlie Puth: Alicia called me up and asked me to be a part of that and so of course I said yes right away. I met some pretty amazing people. It’s just crazy to me that they’re better at singing than me, and yet they’re seeking my advice. It took me a couple tries to get used to that, but it wasn’t so much about them asking advice about how to technically be a

better singer, it was more about advice on how to carry yourself as an artist. PS: Were there any fun behind-the-scenes experiences? Charlie Puth: Alicia and I are both piano players, so there were a few times where we would be holding everyone up because we would be vamping on her song “Fallin’” and I would play on the left hand and she would be soloing on the right hand and it was pretty amazing. PS: You’ve done some incredible collaborations within the past two years — what is your favorite to date? Charlie Puth: I mean, I know I’m a broken record, but I would have to say Alicia Keys. I’ve also collaborated with Stevie Wonder before, that’s another great one. PS: Who is one artist you would love to work with in the future? Charlie Puth: I would love to collaborate with John Mayer, who I got the pleasure of meeting a couple months ago. I think he’s fantastic. He’s another Berkeley cat. We stayed in the same dorm room - shout-out to 737 - so immediately we had something to talk about. And I just love his chord changes and his knowledge of what goes into a record. That was his major at Berkeley and that’s what I studied as well, so we have a lot in common. Source: (

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logan “Zajedno smo jači” je najbolji opis za skromnu donaciju koju je kontingent danske garde iz KFOR-og kampa u Novom Selu, u opštini Vučitrn, organizovao 19. oktobra 2016. Nakon uspešnog organizovanja još jednog izdanja marša DANCON na Kosovu, vođa garde, vodnik prve klase Johan-Emil Veht, uz pomoć zastavnika 1. klase Kenta Mosgarda, odlučio je da sav višak sredstava preostalih od ove aktivnosti donira i na taj način doprinese lokalnoj zajednici u Vučitrnu. “Tradicija je da se veći deo viška iz DANCON marša donira nekoj vrsti dobrotvorne organizacije. Obično pomažemo veteranima u Danskoj, ali ovaj put smo hteli da uradimo nešto drugačije. Početkom septembra smo Johan i ja razgovarali o tome šta da radimo sa viškom. Odlučili smo da ga doniramo nekim lokalnim školama kako bi ljudima i deci na Kosovu dali nešto zauzvrat”, rekao je zastavnik 1. klase Mosgard o ovoj donaciji. Naglasio je da je lokalno stanovništvo oduvek bilo ljubazno prema njima, te su želeli da daju nešto zauzvrat. “Organizovali smo neke sastanke i pitali direktore dveju škola - albanske škole u Novom Selu i srpske škole u Prilužju – šta im je najviše potrebno. Albanski direktor nam je rekao da im trebaju nove školske table, dok je srpski direktor rekao da su im potrebni ormarići za cipele,” dodao je Mosgard. Po prijemu donacije je gospodin Ruždi Igrišta, direktor osnovne i srednje škole “Rilindja” u Novom Selu, naglasio je da je donacija sedam tabli veoma značajna za ovu školu. “Ove godine je opština završila izgradnju naše nove školske zgrade, jer stara datira iz 1946. Godine. Međutim, nismo bili u

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mogućnosti da počnemo da koristimo ovu novu školsku zgradu, jer nismo imali školske table ni u jednoj od učionica. Donacija sedam tabli od strane danskih vojnika poslužila je kao veliki podsticaj za našu opštinu da obezbedi preostalih osam tabli koje su nam potrebne, tako da ćemo već sledeće nedelje konačno biti u stanju da se preselimo u našu novu zgradu. Zbog toga ćemo uvek biti zahvalni za ovu donaciju vojnika KFOR-a koja nam znači tako puno”, rekao je Igrišta. Gospodin Srđan Zdravković, direktor OŠ “Vuk Karadžić” u Prilužju, kazao je da je ova donacija danskog kontigenta KFOR-a svedočanstvo velike saradnje koju je ova škola imala sa KFOR-om u poslednjih 15 godina. “Kad god nam je nešto potrebno uvek možemo da razgovaramo sa KFORom, i oni nam pomognu kad god mogu. Ovaj put smo dobili 10 ormarića za cipele koji su nam bili potrebni. Ova donacija je važna jer poboljšava higijenu u našoj školi. Svaki učenik će sada imati gde da stavi svoje cipele koje su nošene napolju, što je veoma važno u toku jesenjeg i zimskog perioda kada napolju ima puno blata i kiše,” dodao je gospodin Zdravković. Zastavnik 1. Klase Kent Mosgard je s druge strane naglasio da je ova donacija zasluga vojnika iz 21 nacije koji služe u KFOR-u, a koji su učestvovali u maršu DANCON. “Važno je pomenuti da su svi učesnici marša pomogli da se napravi višak. Oni su iz Portugala, SAD-a, Grčke, Mađarske, Poljske, Italije, Nemačke, Kanade, Austrije, Hrvatske, Irske, Holandije, Češke, Slovenije, Bivše jugoslovenske republike Makedonije-BJRM , Albanije, Danske, Finske, Luksemburga, Španije i Ukrajine, kao i iz drugih organizacije, kao što su KBS, EULEKS i UN. “



he slogan “Together we are stronger” was used to describe the modest donations presented on the 19th October 2016 by the Danish Guard contingent based in KFOR camp in Novo Selo in Vushtrri Municipality. Having successfully organized another edition of the Dancon March in Kosovo, Chief of Guard sergeant first class Johan-Emil Vecht with the help of Command Sergeant Major Kent Mosgaard decided to donate all the surplus funds from this activity to the best benefit of the local community in Vushtrri. Command Sergeant Major Mosgard stated: “It is a tradition that most of the surplus from the Dancon March is donated to some kind of charity. Normally we support veterans in Denmark but this time we wanted to do something different. Early in September Johan and I talked about what to do with the surplus. We decided that we would donate to some local schools in order to give something back to the people and children of Kosovo”. He went on to stress that the local population had always been kind towards KFOR and therefore they wanted to give something back. “We set up some meetings and asked the principals of two schools – Kosovo Albanian school in Novo Selo and Kosovo Serbian school in Priluzje – what they needed most. The Kosovo Albanian principal told us they needed new blackboards, whereas the Kosovo Serbian principal said they needed lockers for shoes,” Mosgard added. Upon receiving the donation Mr. Ruzhdi Igrishta principal of Elementary and Junior High School “Rilindja” in village Novo Selo stressed that the donation of seven blackboards meant a lot for this school. “This year the municipality has finished the construction of our new school building because the old one dates from 1946. However, we were not able to start using this new school building because we had no blackboards in any of

our classrooms. The donation of seven blackboards by the Danish soldiers served as a great incentive for our municipality to provide the remaining eight that we needed, so already next week we will finally be able to move into our new building. It is for these reasons we will always be grateful for this donation from KFOR soldiers, it means so much to us,” Mr. Igrishta said. Mr. Srdjan Zdravkovic, principal of Elementary School “Vuk Karadzic” in Priluzje said that this donation from the KFOR Danish Contingent is a testimony of the great cooperation this school has had with KFOR over the past 15 years. “Whenever we need something we can always talk to KFOR, and whenever they can they help us. This time we received 10 shoe lockers which we needed. This donation is important because it improves the hygiene in our school. Every student will now have somewhere to put their outdoor shoes, which is very important during the fall and winter period when there is a lot of mud and rain outside,” Mr. Zdravkovic added. Command Sergeant Major Kent Mosgaard emphasized that this donation is attributable to soldiers from 21 different nations serving in KFOR, who enthusiastically participated in the Dancon March. “It is important to mention that all the participants in the march have helped to create a surplus. They come from Portugal, USA, Greece, Hungary, Poland, Italy, Germany, Canada, Austria, Croatia, Ireland, The Netherlands, Czech Republic, Slovenia, FYROM , Albania, Denmark, Finland, Luxembourg, Spain and Ukraine, as well as other organizations such as KSF, EULEX and UN.”

for you 13

životinjsko carstvo

Ž A E J N I T ŽIVO Činjenice o vukovima

• Vukovi su najveći članovi porodice pasa. • Vukovi su čuveni zbog svog zavii, a janja od kojeg se diže kosa na glav mljeni Usa . aciju unik kom za ste kori koje vuk zavija kako bi privukao pažnju jansvog čopora, dok se grupnim zavi od ke poru lne orija terit i slat u jem mog jednog čopora drugom. tvenu • Imaju veoma organizovanu druš simak ava guć omo im koja strukturu iraju malnu saradnju kada love, komunic ili brane teritoriju. nato • Vukovi žive i love u čoporu. Poz da mož e, aljin razd e velik aze prel je da 20 km u jednom danu. • Vukovi su veoma teritorijalne životinje i generalno uspostavljaju teritoriju koja je daleko veća nego što im je potrebno da bi preživeli, a to čine kako bi osigurali stabilan priliv plena. • Ove društvene životinje sarađuju kada love plen. Vuk je u stanju da ulovi i ubije jelena bez pomoći, ali kada love u čoporu vrebaju mnogo veće životinje kao što su jeleni, losovi i musevi.

C - Carić

Carići su stidljivi i tajanstveni po prirodi. Najbolji način da nađete nekog, jeste da slušate njegovu glasno treperavo pevanje i prekorno kliktanje.

W - Wren

Wrens are shy and secretive by nature. The best way to find one is listening to its loud musical trills and scolding clicks.

14 for you

Fascinantne činjenice o nekim najneverovatnijim životinjama na svetu. Od afričkog mravojeda do zebre, naša azbuka životinjskog sveta garantovano će vas inspirisati.

Vukovi takođe jedu manje sisare kao što su ptice, ribe, gušteri, zmije, ali i veće. • Vukovi nisu naročito brzi, kreću se maksimalnom brzinom od oko 45 km / h. njaju Umesto brzine, oni se radije osla kako sa miri čula i a sluh na svoje čulo bi otkrili plen. no • Kada vukovi nađu partnera, obič ta. živo a kraj do ostaju zajedno • Vukovi imaju samo jednu sezonu parenja godišnje - tokom zime.

lves Facts about womem bers of the •Wolves are the largest dog family.

Činjenice o carićima

• Carić se lako prepoznaje po svom šiljastom repu koji je uperen naviše i brzom letu. • Carić je ptica koju je teško uočiti, jer mu je perje braon boje i male je veličine. • Carić se hrani uglavnom insektima, a jede larve, kao i odrasle jedinke. Zbog posebnog načina ishrane, teško je obezbediti hranu carićima na uobičajenom baštenskom stočiću za hranjenje ptica. • Glavna pretnja ovoj maloj ptici jeste hladno vreme. • Preko 60 carića je izbrojano prilikom ulaska u kutiju-gnezdo tokom oštre zime. • Carić je dobio ime ‘kralj ptica’ u

V - Vuk (sivi)

Vukovi razvijaju bliske odnose i jake duboku društvene veze. Oni često pokazuju se čak i dici poro oj svoj st ženo privr žrtvuju kako bi zaštitili porodicu.

W - Wolf (Grey) Wolves develop close relationships and strong social bonds. They often demonstrate deep affection for their family and may even sacrifice themselves to protect the family unit.

•Wo lves are legend ary bec aus e of thei r spin e-tin glin g how l, whi ch wol f they use to com mun icat e. A lone his of n ntio atte the act attr to how ls pac k, whi le com mun al how ls may sen d terr itori al mes sag es from one pac k to ano ther. •Th ey hav e a high ly orga nize d soc ial stru ctur e ena blin g it to enjo y max imu m coo pera tion whe n hun ting , com mun icat ing and defe ndin g terr itory. •Wo lves live and hun t in pac ks. The y are kno wn to roam larg e dist anc es, perh aps 20 km in a sing le day. •Wo lves are high ly territor ial anim als, and gen eral ly esta blis h terr itori es

folkloru. Lete više od orla tako držeći se za njegova leđa, a zatim se odbace i lete sami kada se ova ptica veća od njih umori.

Facts about wrens

•The wren is easily recognized by its upward pointing tail and darting flight. •The wren is a difficult bird to spot due to its brown coloring and small size. •The wren feeds mainly on insects, eating the larvae as well as the adults. Due to their specialized diet, it is difficult to provide food for the wren on the common garden bird table. •The principal threat to this tiny bird comes from the cold weather. •Over 60 wrens were counted enter-

animal kingdom

ANIMALS A-Z far larg er than they requ ire to surv ive; in orde r to ass ure a stea dy sup ply of prey. •Th ese soc ial animal s coo pera te on thei r pref erre d prey. A sing le wol f is capab le of catc hing and killi ng a dee r una ided but whe n hun ting as a pac k it prey s on muc h larg er anim als suc h as dee r, elk, and moo se. Wo lves also eat sma ller mam mal s, bird s, fish , liza rds, sna kes , and frui t. •Wo lves are not par ticu larly fast , with a top spe ed of abo ut 45 km/ h. The y inst ead rely on its hea ring and sen se of sme ll to detect pre y. •On ce a wol f has foun d a mat e, they usu ally stay toge ther for life. •Wo lves hav e only one bree ding sea son per yea r - in the win ter.

ing one nest box during a severe winter. •The wren earned the name ‘king of the birds’ in folklore. It flew higher than an eagle, by clinging to its back and only flying off when the larger bird tired.

Fascinating facts about some of the world’s most amazing animals. From Aardvarks to Zebras our A-Z of the animal world is guaranteed to inspire.

Č in je ni ce o pl av im ki to vi m a

ml ad un če . • Be ba pla vo g kit a (te le) se rađ a sa tež ino m do 2.7 00 kg i du žin e do 8m . • Te le do ji u vo di, pij e viš e od 60 0 lita ra ml eka dn ev no i do bij a na tež ini ok o 90 kg dn ev no tok om prv e go din e. • Sm atr a se da kit ov i os eć aju em oc ije .

K - Kit (plavi)

Plavi kit je najveće stv orenje je ikada živelo na Zemlji. Samo njihov jezik moze da tež i kao jedan slon. Njihova src a, koliko i automobil.

• Je da n od ras li pla vi kit mo že da po jed e 3.6 00 kg rač ića dn ev no . • Ug lav no m lov e hra nu do k ron e, a sp uš taj u se do du bin e od ok o 50 0m . • Iak o pla vi kit lov i u The Blue Whale is the du bo kim vo da ma , ka largest o creature ever to have lived on sis ar, mo ra do ći do earth. Their tongues alo po vrš ine mo ra ka ko ne can weigh as much as an elephant. bi dis ao . Ka da iza đe Their hearts, as much as a car. na po vrš inu , izd ah ne va zd uh iz rup e za dis an je u ob lak u pa re •T ho ug h we ca n’t he ar po d pri tis ko m ko ji the m, blu e wh ale s are on e • A sin gle ad ult blu e se ve rtik aln o uz diž e wh ale of the lou de st an im als on the ca n co ns um e 3,6 00 izn ad vo de do 9m . kg of kri ll pla ne t, co mm un ica tin g wit h a da y. • Pla vi kit ov i po vre ea ch oth er us ing a se rie s •T he y ma inl y ca tch me no pli va ju u ma lim the ir of low fre qu en cy pu lse s, foo d by div ing , an d gru pa ma , ali ob ičn o de sc en d gro an s, an d mo an s. to de pth s of ap pro xim pli va ju sa mi ili u ate ly •F em ale s bre ed on ly on ce 50 0m . pa rov im a. ev ery thr ee ye ars an d ge sta •A lth ou gh the blu e wh • Up rko s sv ojo j ale is tio n is be tw ee n 11 -12 mo nth s. a de ep -w ate r hu nte tež ini , ov i gra cio zn i r, as a Fe ma les us ua lly on ly ha ve ma mm pli va či krs tar e al, it mu st co me to on e yo un g. the su rfa ce of the se a to ok ea no m brz ino m bre ath e. •A ba by blu e wh ale (ca lf) Wh en it su rfa ce s, it od pre ko 8k m/ h, a ex ha les em erg es we igh ing up to air ou t of a blo wh ole in mo gu da do sti gn u 2,7 00 kg an d up to a 8m lon g. clo ud of pre ss uri ze d brz inu od pre ko va po r •T he ca lf is su ck led in the tha t ris es ve rtic all y 30 km /h. ab ov e the wa ter, dri nk ing mo re tha n wa ter for up to 9m . • Iak o ne mo že mo 60 0 lite rs of mi lk ea ch da y •B lue wh ale s oc ca sio da ih ču jem o, na lly an d ga ini ng ab ou t 90 kg ev sw im in sm all gro up pla vi kit ov i su jed ne s bu t ery da y for its firs t ye ar. us ua lly alo ne or in od na jgl as nij ih •It is tho ug ht tha t pa irs . živ oti nja na pla nwh ale s fee l em o•In sp ite of eti , a ko mu nic ira ju tio ns . the ir bu lk, jed ni sa dru gim a the se gra ce ko ris teć i niz im pu lful sw im me rs sa , uz da ha i jau ka cru ise the nis kih fre kv en cij a. oc ea n at • Že nk e se pa re ov er 8k m/ h, sa mo jed no m an d ca n rea ch u tri go din e, a sp ee ds tru dn oć a tra je od of ov er 11 do 12 me s30 km /h. ec i. Že nk e ob ičn o im aju sa mo jed no

W - Whale (Blue)

F ac ts ab ou t bl ue w ha le s

for you 15

moviemania SULLY

Sinopsis riča o Česliju Salenbergeru koji je postao heroj nakon što se spustio avionom klizeci po reci Hadson spasivši 155 putnika.


Uloge: Tom Hanks, Lora Lini, Džeri Ferara, Eron Ekhart, Otum Rizer, Sem Hantington Režija: Klint Istvud Žanr: drama Studio: „Warner Bros Pictures“

SULLY Cast: Tom Hanks, Laura Linney, Jerry Ferrara, Aaron Eckhart, Autumn Reeser, Sam Huntington Director: Clint Eastwood Genre: Drama Studio: Warner Bros Pictures

Synopsis he story of Chesley Sullenberger, who became a hero after gliding his plane along the water in the Hudson River, saving all of his 155 passengers.


THE MAGNIFICENT SEVEN Cast: Denzel Washington, Chris Pratt, Haley Bennett, Ethan Hawke, Vincent D’Onofrio, Luke Grimes Director: Antoine Fuqua Genre: Action Studio: IMAX

THE MAGNIFICENT SEVEN Uloge: Denzel Vošington, Kris Pret, Hali Benet, Itan Hok, Vinsent D’Onofrio, Luk Grajms Režija: Antoan Fukva Žanr: akcioni Studio: „IMAX“ Sinopsis edmorica revolveraša na starom zapadu se postepeno združe kako bi pomogli siromašnom selu protiv opasnih lopova.


18 for you

Synopsis even gun men in the old west gradually come together to help a poor village against savage thieves.


moviemania STORKS Cast: Andy Samberg, Kelsey Grammer, Keegan Michael Key, Jordan Peele Director: Nick Stoller & Doug Sweetland Genre: Animation Studio: Warner Bros

STORKS Uloge: Endi Semberg, Kelsi Gramer, Kigan Majkl Kej, Džordan Pil Režija: Nik Stoler i Dag Svitlend Žanr: animacija Studio: „Warner Bros“

Synopsis torks have moved on from delivering babies to packages. But when an order for a baby appears, the best delivery stork must scramble to fix the error by delivering the baby.




ode su prešle sa isporuke beba na isporuku paketa. Ali kada se pojavi narudžbina za bebu, najbolja roda poštar mora da ispravi grešku tako što će isporučiti bebu.



Uloge: Loren Grejam, Adam Peli, Rob Rigl, Efren Ramirez, Grifin Glak, Izabela Mouner Režija: Stiv Kar Žanr: komedija Studio: “Lionsgate” Sinopsis REDNJA ŠKOLA: NAJGORE GODINE U MOM ŽIVOTU prikazuje iskušenja i pobede Rafe dok se bori sa nasilnicima, hormonima i tiraninom upravnikom Dvajtom.

Cast: Lauren Graham, Adam Pally, Rob Riggle, Efren Ramirez, Griffin Gluck, Isabela Moner Director: Steve Carr Genre: Comedy Studio: Lionsgate


Synopsis IDDLE SCHOOL: THE WORST YEARS OF MY LIFE chronicles the trials and triumphs of Rafe as he battles bullies, hormones and the tyrannical Principal Dwight.


for you 19

sportski ugao


Pozicija: Napadač Visina: 1.75 m Težina: 64 kg Starost: 24

Datum rođenja: 5. februar 1992 Mesto rođenja: Brazil



osta često pojavljuju se mladi brazilski napadači, koji imaju neverovatni potencijal, pa ih odmah upoređuju sa najboljim igračem svih vremena: Peleom. Međutim, za ovog o kojem danas govorimo kažu da mu je stil igre bliži stilu Garinča, a da je Romario njegov idol u dresu Selekaa. Postoje naznake da ovaj vrlo talentovan napadač ima potencijala da postane jedan od velikana brazilskog fudbala. Iako u periodu dok se još formirao kao igrač, Nejmar je najpre zablistao u brazilskoj domaćoj ligi i kao reprezentativac mlade selekcije. Ipak, uprkos molbama Pelea nije pozvan da zaigra za Svetsko prvenstvo 2010. od strane selektora Dungea, ali je Nejmar postao centralna figura brazilskog fudbala i odigrao je 65 utakmica za seniorsku reprezentaciju. Igra za Santos od

20 for you

2003., svoj debi je imao sa 17 godina i brzo se proslavio kada je pobedio 2010. Kampeonato Paulista, gde je ujedno i proglašen za najboljeg igrača šampionata. Biva pozajmljen Mančester Sitiju, a nakon što se vratio svom matičnom klubu imao je impresivan broj golova po odigranoj utakmici i zablistao je pored svog saigrača, sa istim stilom, Robinja. U avgustu 2010. Čelsi nudi 23 miliona funti za njega, ali on odbija ponudu i nastavlja karijeru u Brazilu. Ovo se pokazalo kao mudra odluka jer je Nejmar postigao go kada je Santos pobedio Penarol u junu 2011, i tako po prvi put od 1963. godine obezbedio titulu Kopa Libertadoresa. Brzonogi napadač je nagrađen Puskas nagradom od strane FIFE, za postizanje senzacionalnog solo gola protiv Flamenga i krenuo je stazom koju su utabali Diego Maradona, Ziko i Pele tako što je 2011. proglašen za fudbalera godine Južne Amerike. Sa postignutih 100 golova, pre svog dvadesetog rođendana, sledeći zadatak za Nejmara je bio da svoje klupske uspehe prebaci na međunarodni teren, ali nije bio uspešan kada je Paragvaj pobedio Brazil u četvrt-finalu Kopa Amerike 2011. Međutim postigao je tri gola na londonskim Olimpijskim igrama 2012., kada je Brazil izgubio od Meksika u finalu i time izgubio i zlatnu medalju. Nejmarovo sazrevanje je konačno dostiglo vrhunac kada je dao prvi gol na Kupu konfederacija 2013., to je bio neverovatan polu-volej u trećem minutu protiv Japana. Nejmar je dominirao ovim takmičenjem jer je postigao ukupno četiri gola, uključujući i jedan protiv Španije u finalnoj utakmici koja je završena rezultatom 3:0. Zlatni dečak brazilskog fudbala je tog leta prebačen u Barselonu, gde je prvi go dao u prvom ciklusu španske Superkope, kada je Barselona pobedila Atletiko Madrid. Postigao je još 14 golova, ali je Barselona izgubila titulu La Lige u finalu, međutim Nejmar je uglavnom bio odsutan zbog povrede. Sve oči su bile uprte u Nejmara na početku Svetskog kupa 2014. godine i on nije razočarao kada je postigao četiri gola za Brazil. Međutim morao je da odustane od ovog takmičenja nakon što mu je napukao kičmeni pršljen tokom utakmice protiv Kolumbije u četvrtfinalu. Brazil je dobio ovu utakmicu rezultatom 2:0. Bez povređenog Nejmara, Brazil je doživeo svoj najveći poraz u Svetskom kupu, kada je deplasiran u polu-finalu od strane Nemačke rezultatom 7:1. Jači i odlučniji Nejmar se oporavio od povrede kičme i poveo Barselonu ka šestoj uzastopnoj pobedi, uključujući i 14

postignutih golova tokom La Lige 2014-2015. Postigao je i poslednji gol u finalu Lige Šampiona, gde je Barselona pobedila Juventus rezultatom 3-1. Ponovo, sve nade za dobijanje još jednog međunarodnog pehara za Brazil, su pale na Nejmarova ramena tokom Kopa Amerike 2015 u Čileu. Međutim, Nejmar biva kažnjen zbog komentara koji je uputio sudiji tokom utakmice protiv Kolumbije, koju je Brazil izgubio sa 1-0. Kažnjen je neigranjem na četiri utakmice. Prednosti: Genije sa loptom. Nejmarova brzina, driblovanje, savršeni završeci i besprekorna tehnika čine ga opasnim protivnikom. Njegova zadivljujuća budnost i inteligencija tokom utakmice, podrazumevaju da može da igra i po širini i po dubini. Slabosti: Njegov temperament je pod znakom pitanja nakon brojnih disciplinskih problema, optužuju ga i da je sebičan i da se bavi mračnim fudbalskim veštinama. Vrhunac karijere: Bio je deo neumoljivog prvog reda sa Lionelom Mesijem i Luisom Suarezom. Nejmar je pomogao Barseloni da postigne šestu uzastopnu pobedu tokom sezone 2014-2015. Pad u karijeri: Septembra 2010, Nejmar je pokazao svoju svadljivu stranu kada je prvi započeo makljažu tokom utakmice protiv Ceare, onda se svađao sa trenerom Dorivalom Juniorom, jer ga je prevideo za izvođenje penala protiv Guaranije. Dorival ga je suspendovao, ali je onda sam Dorival otpušten. Stil: Naelektrisan, inovativan, nezaustavljiv i opasan napadač. Citati: “Dobro je kada vas upoređuju sa najboljim igračem (Peleom). Ali moj tata mi je pričao o Garinči koji bi pritrčao napred, napadao i driblao. Garinčin stil je bliži Nejmarovom stilu.” Nejmar, januar 2011. Zanimljivosti: Preko 14 000 Brazilaca je potpisalo peticiju zahtevajući da selektor Dunga uvrsti Nejmara u reprezentaciju za finale Svetskog kupa 2010. (Izvor:

sports corner


Position: Forward Height: 1.75m Weight: 64 kg Age: 24

Date of Birth: February 5, 1992 Place of Birth: Brazil

Profile very so often a young Brazilian forward of such dazzling potential emerges that comparisons are immediately made with the greatest of all, Pele. However, he has said that his style is closer to that of Garrincha, and that Romario is his hero in the Selecao shirt. The early indications are that this hugely talented forward might just have the potential to join the ranks of Brazil greats. Though still in his formative years, Neymar has already dazzled in Brazilian domestic football and at youth level for his country. Since being overlooked for the 2010 World Cup by Dunga, despite pleas from Pele himself, Neymar has become the central figure for Brazil, amassing a total of 65 caps for the senior side. A Santos player since 2003, he made his debut aged 17 and quickly shot to fame when winning the Campeonato Paulista in 2010 and being named the best player in the competition. Maintaining an impressive strike-rate, he shone alongside his stylistic soul-mate Robinho upon his loan return to the club from Manchester City, and was the subject of a 23-million-pound offer from Chelsea in August 2010, which he rejected to continue his career in Brazil. It proved to be a wise choice as Neymar was on the scoresheet when Santos defeated Penarol in June 2011 to claim their first Copa Libertadores title since 1963. The fleet-footed forward was awarded the FIFA Puskas award for his sensational


solo goal against Flamengo and followed in the footsteps of Diego Maradona, Zico and Pele by winning the 2011 South American Footballer of the Year. With 100 goals already to his name by his 20th birthday, Neymar’s next task was to transfer his club form to the international side though he failed to make an impact at the 2011 Copa America, where Brazil were defeated by Paraguay in the quarterfinals. However, he did score three goals in the London 2012 Olympics as Brazil lost out on the gold medal to Mexico in the final. Yet, Neymar’s coming of age finally arrived at the 2013 Confederations Cup when he opened the scoring with a tremendous half volley in the third minute of the opening match against Japan. This was to be Neymar’s tournament as he scored four goals, including one in the 3-0 final victory over Spain. A big money move to Barcelona transpired that summer for Brazil’s golden boy and he opened his account for the club in the first leg of Barcelona’s Spanish Supercopa victory over Atletico Madrid. A further 14 goals followed as Barcelona missed out on the La Liga title on the final day -- though Neymar was largely absent for their run-in as a result of injury. All eyes were on Neymar at the start of the 2014 World Cup, and he did not disappoint in scoring four goals for Brazil. However, his tournament was cut short when he suffered a fractured vertebra in his back during Brazil’s 2-0 quarterfinal victory over Colombia. With Neymar injured, Brazil suffered their worst ever World Cup defeat, a 7-1 dismantling against Germany in the semifinals. A stronger and more determined Neymar returned from that back injury and helped lead Barcelona to a second Treble, including 22 goals during the 2014-15 La Liga campaign and the final strike for Barcelona in their 3-1 Champions League

final triumph over Juventus. Once again, all hopes for another international trophy for Brazil fell on Neymar’s shoulders at the 2015 Copa America in Chile, yet Neymar failed to complete the event after being suspended for four matches due to comments made to the referee following Brazil’s 1-0 group stage defeat to Colombia. Strengths: A genius with the ball at his feet, Neymar’s pace, dribbling, expert finishing and impeccable technique make him a fearsome opponent. His impressive awareness and match intelligence also mean he can operate wide or through the middle. Weaknesses: His temperament is open to question following a number of disciplinary problems and he has been accused of being selfish, as well as indulging in some of football’s dark arts. Career high: Forming a devastating forward line with Lionel Messi and Luis Suarez, Neymar helped lead Barcelona to the club’s second Treble during the 201415 season. Career low: In September 2010, Neymar displayed his petulant side when first sparking a ruckus in a match against Ceara, and then arguing with coach Dorival Junior when overlooked to take a penalty against Guarani. Dorival suspended the player, and was sacked as a result. Style: Electric, inventive, irrepressible, a dangerous forward. Quotes: “It is good to be compared with the best player [Pele]. But my dad told me about Garrincha’s style as he moved forward, went up, attacked and dribbled. Garrincha’s style is more similar to Neymar’s.” Neymar, January 2011. Trivia: Over 14,000 Brazil fans signed a petition demanding that Neymar be called up by Dunga for the 2010 World Cup finals. (Source:

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Tehnologija koja je zauvek promenila naš način života, rada, i igre

azmislite o opremi bez koje ne možete da živite: pametni telefon koji stalno proveravate, foto-aparat koji ide sa vama na svaki odmor, TV koji služi kao portal za opsesivno gledanje programa i igranje video igrica. Svaka ova naprava duguje svoj uticaj jednom modelu koji je promenio tok tehnologije za sva vremena. To su oni uređaji koje prepoznajemo na ovoj listi najuticajnijih uređaja svih vremena. I neki od njih, poput „Sonijevog“ vokmena, bili su prvi svoje vrste. Drugi, kao što je iPod, lansirali su postojeću ideju u glavne tokove. Neki su bili neuspešni komercijalno, ali ipak uticajni, dok nekoliko naprava predstavlja uzbudljive, ali nedokazane nove koncepte.

Sony Discman D-50

Nakon uspeha vokmena, kompanija Soni (Sony) je 1984. otkrila ovaj prenosivi CD plejer, samo godinu dana nakon što je muzička industrija usvojila ovaj format. Uređaj i kasnije prenosni CD plejeri su pomogli da kompaktni disk nadvlada kasete kao dominantni muzički format širom sveta za manje od jedne decenije.

Sony Discman D-50

Following up on the success of the Walkman, Sony unveiled this portable CD player in 1984, just a year after the music industry adopted the format. The device and later portable CD players helped the compact disc usurp cassettes as the dominant music format all over the world in less than a decade.

Nokia 3210

Za mnoge je Nokiin šareni model 3210 u obliku čokoladice definisao mobilni telefon nakon što je pušten u prodaju u 1999. Model 3210 nije samo predstavio mobilni telefon novoj publici već je uspostavio i nekoliko važnih presedana. Model 3210 se smatra prvim telefonom sa unutrašnjom antenom i prvi koje je bio sa fabrički instaliranom igricom kao što je Zmija.

Nokia 3210

For many, Nokia’s colorful candy bar-shaped 3210 defined the cell phone after it was released in 1999. The 3210 did more than just introduce the cellphone to new audiences. It also established a few important precedents. The 3210 is regarded to be the first phone with an internal antenna and the first to come with games like Snake preloaded.

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HP DeskJet

Zamenjujući bučnu i lošu Dot-matriks tehnologiju, uređaj kao što je HP DeskJet 1988 omogućio je vlasnicima računara da mirno odštampaju grafiku i tekst brzinom od dve stranice u minuti. Čak i u svetu gde se papir sve manje upotrebljava, tehnologija Inkjet živi u u 3-D štampačima, koji su u osnovi isti uređaji, koji umesto boje istiskaju istopljenu plastiku.

HP DeskJet

Obsoleting noisy, lousy dot matrix technology, devices like 1988’s HP DeskJet gave computer owners the ability to quietly output graphics and text at a rate of two pages per minute. Even in an increasingly paper-less world, the inkjet’s technology lives on in 3-D printers, which are fundamentally the same devices, only extruding molten plastic instead of dye.


Ništa ne govori toliko o zaostavštini kompanije Ivata (Iwata) koliko Wii koji je promenio način igranja video igrica. Nintendova biserno-bela kutijica, puštena u prodaju 2006. godine, a koju korisnici koriste uz pomoć štapića kojima se kontroliše kretanje, podigao je mame i tate i dede i bake na noge kako bi igrali virtuelni golf ili plesali. Nijedan sistem za video igre nije bolje ilustrovao omni-generacijsku privlačnost interaktivne zabave.


Nothing speaks to Iwata’s legacy more than the company’s game-changing Wii (pun intended). Nintendo’s tiny pearlwhite box, released in 2006, and which users engaged with motion control wands, had moms and dads and grandpas and grandmas out of their seats and swinging virtual golf clubs or dancing. No game system has done more to illustrate the omni-generational appeal of interactive entertainment. (Izvor:

hi - tech

THE MOST INFLUENTIAL GADGETS OF ALL TIME The tech that forever changed the way we live, work, and play


hink of the gear you can’t live without: The smartphone you constantly check. The camera that goes with you on every vacation. The TV that serves as a portal to binge-watching and -gaming. Each owes its influence to one model that changed the course of technology for good. It’s those devices we’re recognizing in this list of the most influential gadgets of all time. Some of these, like Sony’s Walkman, were the first of their kind. Others, such as the iPod, propelled an existing idea into the mainstream. Some were unsuccessful commercially, but influential nonetheless. And a few represent exciting but unproven new concepts.

Sony PlayStation

Bilo bi teško navesti samo jednu karakteristiku plejstejšna (PlayStation) koja je sama transformisala industriju video igara. Ono što je kompaniju Soni učinilo ikonom u porodičnim sobama je opsednuto nabijanje najsofisticiranije tehnologije u uglađene kutije koje imaju pristupačne cene, umesto da svu tu moć učini lako dostupnom programerima.

Sony PlayStation

You’d be hard pressed to name a single PlayStation feature that by itself transformed the games industry. It’s been Sony’s obsession with compacting high-end tech into sleek, affordable boxes, then making all that power readily accessible to developers, that’s made the PlayStation family an enduring icon of the living room.

Amazon Kindle

Amazon je počeo kao onlajn knjižara, pa nije ni čudo što je njihov najuticajniji komad hardvera promenio način na koji čitamo. Kindle je brzo preuzeo tržište elektronskih čitača i postao najprodavaniji proizvod u istoriji u 2010. godini.

Amazon Kindle

Amazon began as an online bookstore, so it’s no surprise that it’s most influential piece of hardware changed the way we read. The Kindle quickly took over the e-reader market, becoming the best-selling product in the history of in 2010. (Source:

Toshiba DVD Player

Proizvođači elektronike su se već bavili samostalnim optičkom skladištenjem u ranim 1990-im, ali prvi je na tržište izašao Tošibin SD-3000 DVD plejer u novembru 1996. godine. Zamenivši bučnu magnetnu traku sklonu mršenju, DVD plejer je omogućio da se gledaju jasni digitalni filmovi sa male ploče koja je imala samo 12 centimetara u prečniku – što je i dalje de facto veličina za mejnstrim optičke medije (kao što je Blu-rej) danas.

Toshiba DVD Player

Electronics manufacturers were already fiddling with standalone optical storage in the early 1990s, but the first to market was Toshiba’s SD-3000 DVD player in November 1996. Obsoleting noisy, tangle-prone magnetic tape, the DVD player made it possible to watch crisp digital movies off a tiny platter just 12 centimeters in diameter - still the de facto size for mainstream optical media (like Blu-ray) today.

Commodore 64

Komodorov 8-bitni braon i tupe lo-fi 1982 remek-delo je u Ginisovoj knizi rekorda najprodavaniji računar u istoriji. Nije ni čudo pošto je zdepasti sistem u tastaturi po relativno pristupačnoj ceni, koji korisnici priključuju na TV sa RF modulatorom, učinio više da popularizuje ideju o ličnom kućnom računaru nego bilo koji uređaj pre njega.

Commodore 64

Commodore’s 8-bit brown and taupe lo-fi 1982 masterpiece ranks with record-keeper Guinness as the best-selling single computer in history. No surprise, as the chunky, relatively affordable keyboard-housed system users plugged the whole thing into a TV with an RF box - did more to popularize the idea of the personal home computer than any device since.

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KOMANDANT KFOR-a, SVEČANO OTVORIO MOST 167 Nakon utvrđivanja da postoje ozbiljni problemi u temeljima mosta, zaključili su da je stari most previše opasan za korišćenje. Zbog toga je odlučeno da se izgradi novi most. Štaviše, pored starog mosta izgrađen je metalni most (MabeyJohnson) za saobraćaj u jednom pravcu, koji nije u potpunosti ispunjavao uslove za slobodan protok saobraćaja. “Mostovi spadaju u najmoćnije simbole veze,saradnje i harmonije. Oni povezuju ljude, oni otvaraju trgovinske puteve,oni donose prosperitet i saradnju”. Komandant KFOR-a, Major general Giovanni Fungo


va uvodna rečenica koju je izgovorio Komandant KFOR-a tokom ceremonije otvaranja novo-izgrađenog mosta na reci Bistrici, na putu između opština Zvečan i Leposavić, najbolje dočarava zašto mostovi imaju toliku simboliku i važnost u stavovima i životima ljudi. Nesumnjivo je da je simbolički aspekt uslovljen praktičnim, pošto nedostatak mostova na putevima znači i nepostojanje prometa ljudi i robe. Sa druge strane taj nedostatak uslovljava nedostatak ekonomskog razvoja, ali što je jos važnije nedostatak kontakata i veza među ljudima, što su dva glavna preduslova za postojanje tolerancije i prosperiteta. Najzanimljivija stvar koja se tiče Mosta 167, čak i pre nego što je konstruisan je to što je on uspevao da poveže ljude. Konstruisanje ovog mosta,

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koštalo je oko 400 000 evra i jedna je od najvećih KFOR-ovih investicija koju su finansirale zemlje članice NATO-a. Most je projektovala srpska kompanija sa Kosova, dok je njegovu izgradnju sprovela kompanija”Euroing” iz Suve Reke, u vlasništvu Mufail-a Gashija-a. On je pre početka otvaranja ceremonije izjavio: “Ovaj most je važna tačka povezivanja, zato što omogućava slobodno kretanje ljudi i robe na putu ka graničnom prelazu Jarinje i takođe povezuje Albance i Srbe”. Sa druge strane kapetan Aykut Kas, oficir KFOR-a za puteve i mostove je naglasio da su 2012.godine inžinjeri KFOR-a izvršili inspekciju starog mosta, zajedno sa predstavnicima kosovskih institucija.

Komandir LMT-a za JRD Sever, kapetan Dimitrios Papaiounnu je istakao, pre ceremonije da je izgradnja mosta veoma važna, kako za lokalnu zajednicu, tako i za sve ljude koji žive na Kosovu. ”Ovaj most povezuje opstine Leposavić i Zvečan, samim tim i sever i jug Kosova. Pored slobode kretanja, ovaj most je izgrađen u skladu sa evropskim bezbednosnim standardima i kao takav je veoma važan za ekonomiju Kosova, jer obezbeđuje slobodan protok robe i ljudi prema Beogradu”. U svom govoru tokom ceremonije otvaranja mosta JRD Sever, pukovnik Martin Schuler je naglasio: “Dolazim iz Švajcarske, zemlje u kojoj različite kulture, sa četiri različita jezika, različitim religijama i tradicijama žive zajedno

u harmoniji i miru, već vekovima. Lično, ja želim ovom mestu ono što ovaj most metaforički predstavlja i da pronađete način da premostite prepreke koje vas dele, kako biste naglasili vaše sličnosti umesto razlika”. Jedan od lokalnih građana, koji je bio prisutan tokom ceremonije otvaranja ovog mosta, navodi da će od sada putovanje biti mnogo bezbednije za sve ljude i učesnike u saobraćaju. On kaže: “Na prvom mestu, mostovi bi trebalo da povezuju ljude. Ovaj novi most je sada prostraniji i mnogo bolji, pa će samim tim i saobraćaj na ovom pravcu biti olakšan”. Prilikom ceremonije otvaranja mosta, Com KFOR-a, Major general Giovanni Fungo posebno je pohvalio sve ljude koji su omogućili da ovaj most bude izgrađen. ”Pre svega, moram da izrazim svoju zahvalnost inžinjerima koji su izradili planove, kao i radnicima koji su izgradili most. Vaše znanje, profesionalizam i posvećenost su učinili da ovaj most postane realnost. Bez vaše efikasnosti i spretnosti u prevazilaženju nepredviđenih prepreka, ne bismo danas otvarali ovaj most. Uveren sam da će ovaj projekat biti dobra preporuka za vaš budući rad. Veoma dobro obavljen posao!”, naglasio je Major general Fungo. KFOR je trajno posvećen svim projektima i akcijama koje poboljšavaju sigurnost, bezbednost i slobodu kretanja svim građanima Kosova, bez obzira na njihovu etničku pripadnost.

COM KFOR INAUGURATES BRIDGE 167 people and goods in this road towards the Jarinje border point and it also connects Albanians with Serbs.” Captain Aykut Kas, KFOR officer for road and bridges, mentioned that in 2012 KFOR Joint Engineers inspected the old bridge together with representatives of Kosovo institutions. After finding serious problems on its foundations they

“Bridges are among the most powerful symbols of connection, cooperation and harmony. They connect people, they open trading routes, and they bring prosperity and tolerance.” COM KFOR Major General Giovanni Fungo


his opening sentence of the COM KFOR speech during the inauguration ceremony of the newly built bridge on the Bistrica River between Zvecan and Leposaviq municipalities, best epitomizes why bridges enjoy such symbolic and practical importance in peoples’ minds and lives. There is no doubt that the symbolic aspect is affected by the practical one, since lack of bridges on roads means lack of circulation of people and goods. It implies lack of economic development,

but most importantly lack of access and interaction between people, two of the main preconditions for the existence of tolerance and prosperity. The most interesting aspect in the case of Bridge 167 is that even before it was constructed it actually managed to connect people. The construction of this bridge is one of the largest KFOR investments in Kosovo. It was financed by NATO member nations and cost approximatively 400.000 Euros. The bridge was designed by a Kosovo Serb company, and the construction itself was conducted by “Euroing” a company from Suhareka, owned by Mr Mefail Gashi. As stated at the ceremony “this bridge is an important connecting point because it enables the free movement of

concluded that the old bridge was too dangerous to continue using and decided that a new bridge was necessary. First, KFOR constructed a one lane metallic (Mabey-Johnson) bridge next to the old one, but it did not provide long term solution. The commander of a Liaison Monitoring Team in JRD-N, Captain Dimitrios Papaionnou emphasized before the ceremony that the construction of this bridge is very important both for the local community and the people in Kosovo. “This bridge connects Leposaviq and Zvecan municipalities, and consequently it also connects the south and north of Kosovo. Besides freedom of movement this bridge meets European safety standards and as such it is also very important for the economy of Kosovo as it ensures the safe

movement of people and goods towards Belgrade.” During his speech at the inauguration ceremony of the bridge JRD-N Commander, Colonel Martin Schuler stated: “I come from Switzerland, a country where different cultures with four different languages, different religions and traditions, have lived together in harmony and peace for centuries… Personally I wish to this place the same thing this bridge metaphorically represents; namely that you find a way to bridge the gaps that divide you so that you may embrace your similarities instead of differences.” One of the local inhabitants present during the opening of this bridge noted that from now on travelling will be much safer for all travelers. He also added: “Bridges should first of all connect people. The bridge has been enlarged and considering it is now much better, then traffic shall also be more regular.” On this occasion, COM KFOR Major General Giovanni Fungo, reserved a special praise for all the people that made this bridge a reality. “First of all I have to express my gratitude to the engineers who drew the plans and workers who actually build it. Your knowledge, professionalism and commitment have made this bridge possible. Without your efficiency and skillfulness in overcoming unforeseen obstacles, we would not be opening this bridge today. I am convinced this project will be an excellent reference for your future work. Very well done!” emphasized Major General Fungo. KFOR is committed to projects and actions that improved safety, security and the freedom of movement of all people of KOSOVO, regardless of their ethnicity.

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Na talasima K4 Radija sledi Zujanje!!!


adio K4 najčešće je među slušaocima prepoznatljiv po kvalitetnom programu, po precizno utvrđenoj programskoj šemi, po najraznovrsnijoj i najkvalitetnijoj muzici koju slušaju sve generacije, kao i po kontaktzabavno-muzičkim i informativnim emisijama. Jedna od onih koja privlači posebnu pažnju i ima veliku slušanost je emisija“Zujanje”. Glavni sadržaj ove emisije, koja počinje svakog dana u 13.00h, a završava se dva sata kasnije, u 15.00h, su najnovija dešavanja u svetu muzike, kao i najbitnije informacije sa Kosova, a sa voditeljkom ove emisije,

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Jelenom Stojanović proveravali smo kako je priprema. Prema njenim rečima “Zujanje” je emisija u kojoj se može čuti dosta korisnih informacija, a pritom uživati uz najnovije domaće i strane hitove, što je najbolja i nepogrešiva kombinacija za održavanje slušanosti svake emisije. “Zujanje je emisija RADIO KFOR-a bez koje radni dan svih nas prosto ne bi bio potpun. U “Zujanju” možete čuti razne servisne informacije, informacije o snabdevanju vode i električne energije, kao i o stanju na putevima”, objašnjava Jelena. Sve ove informacije Jelena

prikuplja putem direktnih telefonskih razgovora sa zvaničnim predstavnicima raznih institucija, čime se dolazi do informacija iz prve ruke o svakodnevnim temama, važnim za sve građane Kosova. Značajno mesto u okviru ove emisije zauzima i Facebook- stranica Radio KFOR-a: RadioKfor 96.6 Srpski, na kojoj svi slušaoci mogu poslati svoja pitanja, ali i proslediti najnovije servisne informacije iz njihovog mesta. Voditeljka emisije “Zujanje” kaže da joj posebno zadovoljstvo predstavlja to što u ovoj emisiji može zabaviti, ali i informisati svoje slušaoce. “Poručujem svima: kada ste na poslu, ili u kući, ili u automobilu, a vremena nema za čitanje novina ili gledanje TV, vi samo uključite Radio KFOR i slušajte Zujanje! Da budete u toku događaja, da saznate sve što vam treba, da čujete šta je novo, budite sa nama, jer nam je tako mnogo bolje, lepše i zabavnije”, zaključuje na kraju razgovora za Magazin 4U Jelena Stojanović.


Buzzing follows on the waves of Radio K4 !!!

adio K4 is most commonly recognized among listeners for its quality program, precisely established program schedule, most comprehensive and highest quality music listened by all generations, as well as by contact-funmusic and news programs. One of those that attracts special attention and has a large audience is the show called “Buzzing”. The main content of this show, which begins every day at 13.00 and ends two hours later at 15, are the latest developments in the world of music and important information from Kosovo. With presenter of this show, Jelena Stojanovic, we checked on how she prepares it. According to her, “Buzzing” is a program where you can hear a lot of useful information while enjoying the latest domestic and foreign music hits, which is the best and unmistakable combination for the maintenance of the audience for each show. “Buzzing is the RADIO KFOR show without which

the working day for all of us would simply not be complete. In “Buzzing” you can hear a variety of service information, information on water supply and electricity, as well as on roads condition,” says Jelena. Jelena collects all this information through direct telephone conversations with the official representatives of different institutions, which means obtaining information first-hand about everyday topics, important for all people of Kosovo. An important place in the framework of this program takes the Facebook page of Radio KFOR: RadioKfor 96.6 in Serbian language, at which all listeners can send their questions, but also

they can forward the latest service information from their place. The host of “Buzzing” says she especially enjoys the fact that in this show she can entertain, but also inform her listeners. “My message to everyone: when you are at work or at home or in the car, but without time to read newspapers or watch TV, you just turn Radio KFOR and listen to Buzzing! To be in course of events, to find out everything you need, to hear what’s new, be with us, because it is so much better with us, it is nicer and it’s more fun” concludes Jelena Stojanovic at the end of the interview for Magazine 4U.

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Oseća la tr e n u tk s a m s e z a is il a s a m ta p o s u eb ja k o m zauvek . Ovaj dan ć svega u z a is ta n o u to m a la , im . O d to tr i g o d a g la V p a m ti ti o d s li a a m n in e . D o m as m sv ga dogod i se duboko Ž iv o t b o ju s e s tr u n v e s e p r o m e io s e ta u r e z a o đ a j k o ji a n il o . e z n je jv iš e n da us ne bi b p a m ti m a io p o tp s v e tu . z a c e o i o s ta o m i je e ć a n je u probud Sara Đ n. il a ja k o ž iv o t. To g ju d a g a u tr a s a m č it a v u O .Š . “ r ić , V /1 n o ć b il r a n o . Č in i m B ranko i se da se ab svane, Sever sam n a M it R a d ič e v ić ” , g le d a ju u d n a . Č e k a r o v ic a la li š to p ći prem re a proz sam da oru ne jo š u v e u g le d a la z r ake su k spav n c a . T b ih ao. ti h o u a ta je p o lu m U s ta la s a m raku s se spr o b e i p n a p r s ti m a emam o č e la za važ sam n da an ov p u t, b e u h a lj in u r o z d a n . O b u k la e z Ta ta je m a m in e p o m b o je i p r v i u s ta o , o p o g le d ć i v e z a la r e p o lj u b p. ao me io . O b je i o je važan d a n . U s m o z n a li d a n e ž n o brzo s Sećam je o v o mo s h o d n ik e … tr č a la s a b il i u b o ln ic i. om sa m dug orodic kama! a je N a k r a b u k e to m r u a č k im n as nađ utočište gde ža u ru ju h o d e svoj svako n ik a s mama Mesto mir od k s a b e b ta ja la je m o o o me se , toplinu i za s m e ja h o o m š Brzo s u m titu. v u e n n k a a vr licu. U ruč mo svi poz mojoj p atimo sa itivni i s p u s ti o d o š li k u ć i. T ju . o z p r a odici s roblem a ta je njih ne bebu n u a a p o to m podršk . Mama i tata ma nerešivih u m o je ja s tu k , a a u s u k r il o . B s je to m v m e oja veli mu: u mojim il a o ja m a ško ka že la m a la p postoji ljama i potre li, u učenju, r e le p a s e s tr a , b v a e m li k p a o pove S v e lu r in c e z na iskr a tk e s a renje k . Između nas enosti, m o s ta . oje u drug r a a n z c v u ij il m us i. Moju a evanju se gradilo p m i je b o b u . S e s tr a i toler o č r od ine i dv il a k a o e mlađ icu lu tk a , n a jl e p ta e k s o da s estre a li ša. Mo jo j n ij e b il činimo vi zajedno o k r a ja s r e ć i je d nu čvr .T je n o n stenu, stu - s to p z e le fo n ko v o n io . talasi n ji ni najveći Svi su e mog r a s p it iv u da sruše. a b e b i, a Znam li n is u li o d m a me u d a je v o životu id e . J e g li i ružni čekaju i lepi d in o s a m ja trenuc im a la i, d čekaju tu p r iv il e usponi a me g ij u d a a i pado li isto ta m vi… d a u ž iv o g u me uve ko znam da am će k čekati pored najtop moja n je li ja k olevka p o č it a sigurn i moja v os dan. porodic t koju čini m oja a.




M in ja Da O .Š . “ č e t o v ić , V /1 Brank o S e v e r R a d ič e v ić ” , n a M it r o v ic a

28 for you


NEVER U O Y S THING ET years FORG ly three d was on emaine

PORTP U S FAMILY PPORT FOR SU BEST REN ll f in d e w e a io n . CHILD r e h w tect e lt e r

o is a s h r m t h a n d p r o w it h a m il y t a w c , o ba k ace all, I that r o u r p e w e a lw a y s g m il y e v e r y m t s n n e y r e v e p e fa ap e was v en an mory h A p la c . I n m y r e n o u n s o lv is is wh my me life. That e face a h in t e d r old. Th n e e o y v h t e m r for engra a s m il e, and ad are med membe deeply p o s it iv M o m a n d d h e s c h o o l, g to re y early. It see I is in e th n t e . o s : r t. ed, som I woke up ve h e r e is r y t h in g r o b le m all nigh ing a b le p p p o r t in e v e n d n e e d s . T awake g ok lo , e m a u mornin t I had been been o a g r e a t s , m y w is h e s , w h ic h h a s a ray wn to c s d g to me th g for the da nticipation of ietly u n in een in g a study itin ow in a sleeping. I qu d st betw understand ers d u was wa r t in t w a t y, an gre still s the g e r s is in c e r it gloom toward y father was t il t o n s M y t w o y o u n , room’s u u p e b M I . th . n y y u in ce. of s toe ig da a m il r the b t o le r a n p a r t o f m y f e r t time, p on tip o stood u etting ready fo nd for the firs lp. th e ls g a s to are g he ,a a ll o f u k , w h ic h started w pink dress my mother ’s ently t a h t c so ro ut ne e and g on my il witho a s o li d a s h e d b y b ig ponyta p, looked at m an impormake h m t a s o e b e d t a b m ld n ’t w tha it was u o woke u w s o n r o o c k e n h s I t th k in the My fa aves. omen e both e were g e s t w l a n d u g ly m me. W ough e and u kissed Before long w s running thr in li if t e in f a beau s m y. w e a f s I d o o t r d … n f ta ea to s and ber r a r e a h e w il l b e u p remem bouque r, my mothe a h it r o w pital. I e r o know s. that th e corrid corrido u t I a ls a d le b . . a long t the end of th by in her arm y on . s cr down b A ba rmest l hands! ding with the ad laid the ba little m y w a y r e f u g e w il t a h t n y D . ta m il e s m m a . a o f e w h was s y m y lap. It the and m e there for e came Soon w and then on m cess. I put all ke a sb y a lw li a , in r as a pillow gorgeous p /1 sister w my ović, V om. My l one. o r r sister, e Dačet th a j fu o l n ti i e u o th M o ea ry Sch ević”, dolls in , the most b appiness had e Prima h ič me on y d h a M to p R ll e o h d ko s. T “Bran n Mitrovica no limit stop ringing. er ’t North wouldn was asking e n , but Everyo e baby about th ldn’t see u they co I had the ly n O y beher. to enjo day e g e il priv e all her sid ing by really special felt will long. I ents. I m e om er this s o th in t ememb really r er. From tha v e s r a fo h y g da thin ter , every day on I love my sis . d e g in chan thing an any er more th life without h y rld. M the wo . te le mp ’t be co n ld u o w /1 urić, V Sara Đ ol o h y Sc Primar Radičević”, o “Brank rn e h t r No a ic Mitrov



for you 29

30 for you

Pisma citalaca v

Pozdrav svima, Ja sam Luka Mirković, imam 12 godina, šesti sam razred i živim u Prilužju. U slobodno vreme treniram fudbal. Od pevača najviše volim da slušam repera Jalu Brata i njegov bih poster voleo da vidim u Magazinu 4U. Omiljen glumac je Milorad Mandić. Ćao svima! Luka Mirković, OŠ “Vuk Karadžić” - Prilužje

Pozdrav svima, Zovem se Aleksandra Zdravković, imam 12 godina i živim u Prilužju. Omiljena pevačica mi je Ceca, čiji bih poster volela da vidim u magazinu. Omiljeni sport

mi je odbojka. Slobodno vreme uglavnom provodim na internetu ili igrajući se. Moja omiljena glumica je Anđelka Prpić, a film Enklava. Ćao svima! Aleksandra Zdravković, OŠ “Vuk Karadžić” Prilužje Ćao, Ja sam Željko Jakovljević, imam 12 godina i živim u Prilužju. Voleo bih da u Magazinu 4U objavite poster moje omiljene glumice Slobode Mićalović. U slobodno vreme treniram fudbal ili provodim vreme sa drugarima. Moj najdraži film je Selo gori , a baba se češlja. Pozdravljam sve čitaoce 4U Magazina. Željko Jakovljević, OŠ “Vuk Karadžić” Prilužje

Pozdrav, Zovem se Lazar Arsić, idem u šesti razred i iz Prilužja sam. U slobodno vreme najviše volim da igram igrice ili da provodim vreme na internetu. Omiljena pevačica mi je Svetlana Ražnatovic - Ceca i voleo bih da objavite njen poster. Omiljeni film mi je Žikina dinastija. Ćao svima. Lazar Arsić, OŠ “Vuk Karadžić” - Prilužje


Ćao svima, Zovem se Aleksa, živim u Prilužju i šesti sam razred Osnovne škole Vuk Karadžić. Moja omiljena grupa je YU grupa, a fim Herkul i Njuškalo. Magazin 4U redovno čitam, a slobodno vreme provodim gledajuci TV ili igrajući fudbal i tenis. Pozdrav svim čitaocima! Aleksa Vuksanović, OŠ “Vuk Karadžić” - Prilužje

Ćao, Zovem se Kristina Disić i imam 12 godina. Idem u šesti razred. Moja omiljena pevačica je Aleksandra Radović. U slobodno vreme uglavnom se igram sa drugarima. Volim Magazin 4U jer ima dosta zanimljivih stvari, a posebno me raduju posteri koje objavljujete. Volela bih da u nekom od narednih brojeva objavite poster Selene Gomez ili Andrije Miloševića, koji je moj omiljeni glumac. Veliki pozdrav svima! Kristina Disić, OŠ “Vuk Karadžić” - Prilužje

for you 31

Readers’ letters Hi everyone, I am Luka Mirkovic. I’m 12 years old; I attend the sixth grade and live in Priluzje. In my spare time I play football. Among singers I like the most to listen to rapper Jala Brat and I would like to see his poster in 4U Magazine. My favorite actor is Milorad Mandic. Regards to all! Luka Mirkovic, Primary School “Vuk Karadzic” - Priluzje Hi to all, My name is Aleksa, I live in Priluzje and I attend the sixth grade in the elementary school “Vuk Karadzic”. My favorite band is YU grupa, and my favorite film is Hercules and Sniffer. I read 4U Magazine regularly, and I spend my free time watching TV or playing football and tennis. Greetings to all readers! Aleksa Vuksanovic, Primary School “Vuk Karadzic” - Priluzje

Hi, My name is Kristina Disic and I’m 12 years old. I attend the sixth grade in school. My favorite singer is Aleksandra Radovic. In my spare time I mostly play with my friends. I love 4U Magazine because there are a lot of interesting things in it, and I am extremely pleased with the posters you publish. I wish you would publish a poster of Selena Gomez and Andrija Milosevic, who is my favorite actor, in one of the future editions. Many greetings to all! Kristina Disic, Primary School “Vuk Karadzic” - Priluzje Hi everyone, My name is Aleksandra Zdravkovic. I’m 12 years old and I live in Priluzje. My favorite singer is Ceca, whose poster I’d like to see in the magazine. My

favorite sport is volleyball. I usually spend leisure on the Internet or just playing. My favorite actress is Anđelka Prpic, and my favorite film is “Enclave”. Regards to all! Aleksandra Zdravkovic, Primary School “Vuk Karadzic” – Priluzje Hi, I am Zeljko Jakovljevic; I’m 12 years old and I live in Priluzje. I wish you could publish in 4U Magazine a poster of my favorite actress Sloboda Micalovic. In my spare time I play football or spend time with friends. My favorite movie is “Village is burning, while gramma is combing her hair”. Regards to all readers of 4U Magazine, Zeljko Jakovljevic, Primary School “Vuk Karadzic” – Priluzje

Greetings, My name is Lazar Arsic; I attend the sixth grade and I am from Priluzje. In my spare time I like to play games or surf the Internet. My favorite singer is Svetlana Raznatovic – Ceca, and I would like you to publish her poster. My favorite film is “Žika’s dynasty”. Regards to all, Lazar Arsic, Primary School “Vuk Karadzic” – Priluzje


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