For You Srb / Eng - January 2017

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UVODNIK Svake godine, nada i promena Kada počne Nova godina puni smo nade. Nada nam pruža novu stranicu da na njoj ispišemo obnovljenu priču o svom životu. Kada se godina završi, donekle smo umorni i razmišljamo o onome što se promenilo. Promena je direktna i ponekad jedva osetljiva i na nas utiče na mogo načina, pa ipak biramo šta ćemo usvojiti a šta. Nada sadrži promenu Nada usmerava naš pogled ka horizontu, a mi treba da prilagodimo svoj pogled dok se Nova godina približava. U nadi, vidimo bolje dane pred sobom, različite mogućnosti, nove stavove i nove akcije. Nada znači da očekujemo promene i upravljamo promenama. Nada sadrži promenu Kako ulazimo u novu godinu, počinjemo da sprovedimo promene. Ulaskom u januar kao da padamo sa ivice u neki svet a nismo sigurni da li možemo da zakoračimo novim putem koji smo dizajnirali u našim mislima. Nebo izgleda tamnije, dani duži. Naša nada za promenu biva pogođena. Ako je nada čudna stvar, onda nisam sigurna šta je nada uopšte. Promena je nešto što možete uraditi samo sami. Promena može biti - i - podržava je zajednica prijatelja, saradnika, i porodice, ali do promene može doći samo ako osoba želi da je prihvati. I da budemo jasni, svi se moramo promeniti na neki način svake nedelje, svakog meseca i godine. Promena je jedina konstanta u ličnom razvoju i dostignućima. Promena se suočava sa izazovima (uvek), a treba da znamo da je potrebno da se malo pomučimo kako bi do nje došlo. Našu promenu podržavaju i drugi, i to više nego što možemo zamisliti. Ritam promene i nade u godini Mi ne možemo da kontrolišemo sve što se dešava, ali možemo kontrolisati kako reagujemo i šta činimo. U okviru toga, ritam nade i promena stvara čudnu, značajnu melodiju. Moramo da održimo nadu u životu. Moramo da održimo promene u životu. Mi treba da budemo predvodnici kada je nada i promena u pitanju. Treba da prihvatimo zajednicu oko nas. Neka tvoja nada i promena budu dobro izbalansirane i imaju svrhu u godini pred nama! Leonora

“For You” je slu`bena publikacija KFOR-a, proizvedena i finansirana od strane KFOR-a. Štampa se na Kosovu i distribuira besplatno. Sadr`aj magazina ne odra`ava uvek stavove koalicije ili bilo koje zemlje ~lanice pojedina~no. KFOR prihvata i tra`i vaša mi{ljenja, neka od njih }e i objavljivati, verovatno u skra}enoj formi. Ako autor pisma tako `eli, njegovo/njeno ime ne}e biti objavljeno. KFOR ne}e objavljivati anonimna, maliciozna ili klevetni~ka pisma. Glavni urednik: Leonora Shabanaj Nik{i} Novinari: Ali Rexha, Asmir Nik{i}, Violeta Matovi} Fotografije: Ekipa “4U” Design & Layout: Bekim Shabani Uredni{tvo mo`ete kontaktirati na telefon: 038/503-603-2139 Pisma mo`ete slati na adresu: HQ KFOR - Kosova Film. “For You” magazin; Strasbourg Building; 10000 Pri{tina E-mail:;

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2-3: Uvodnik, sadržaj 4-5: Škola meseca: Osnovna škola “Vlada Ćetković”- Mitrovica Upitnik: Šta očekujete u novoj 2017.godini? 6-7: Škola fudbala za zajednice u Mitrovici 8-9: Fashion: Najbolje zimske kape i šeširi 10-11: Music Box: Ana Ćurčin - Devojka koja će vas raspametiti svojom muzikom 12-13: “Mladi za bolju budućnost” 14-15: Životinjsko carstvo: Životinje od


A do Ž 16-17: Poster: Kalendar 2017 18-19: Moviemania: Sing; Doctor strange; Fantastic beasts and where to find them; The bounce back 20-21: Sportski ugao: Atletski klub “Prilužje” 22-23: Hi-Tech 24-25: “Misija ljudi dobre volje” u akciji promovisanja hraniteljstva 26-27: RADIO KFOR 28-29: Vaš ugao ... 30: Enigmatski ugao 31-32: Pisma čitalaca







Atletski klub “PRILUZJE”


“Mladi za bolju buducnost” 2-3: Editorial, index 4-5: School of the month: Primary school “Vlada Cetkovic”-Mitrovica Questionnaire: What is your wish for New Year 2017? 6-7: Communities’ football school in Mitrovica 8-9: Fashion: The best winter hats 10-11: Music Box: Ana Ćurčin - A girl that will blow your mind with her music 12-13: “Youth for a better future” 14-15: Animal Kingdom: Animals

from A-Z 16-17: Poster: Granit Xhaka 18-19: Moviemania: Sing; Doctor strange; Fantastic beasts and where to find them; The bounce back 20-21: Sports corner: “Prilužje” athletics club 22-23: Hi-Tech 24-25: “Mission of people of good will” conducts foster care promotion activity 26-27: RADIO KFOR 28-29: Your corner ... 30: Puzzle 31-32: Reader’s letters

Each year, hope and change When a new year starts, we hope and we are hopeful. Hope delivers a fresh page to write a renewed story of our life. When a year ends, we are worn to a certain point and reflect on change. Change is invasive and evasive in that it impacts us in many ways yet we choose what we adopt or not. Hope contains change Hope does lift our eyes and spirit to the horizon ahead, and we need to adjust our view as a new year is ahead. Within our hope, we see better days ahead, different opportunities, fresh attitudes to use, and new actions to take. Hope means we expect change and we drive change. Change Contains Hope As we enter a new year, we begin to implement our changes. Going into January seems like we drop off an edge into a new world and we are uncertain if we can step on to the new path we designed within our thoughts. The skies seem darker, the days longer. Our hope for change takes a hit. If hope is an odd thing, then I am not sure what change is. Change is only something one can do themselves. Change can be - and is - supported by a community of friends, co-workers, and family, but change can only happen by the person needing to adopt a change. And, to be clear, we all need to change in some way, each and every week, month, and year. Change is the only constant to personal growth and achievement. Change has challenges (always), and we just need to know we need to sweat a little more to make it happen. Our change is supported by others, more than we imagine. Each year, hope and change rhythm We cannot control everything that happens, but we can control how we react and act. Within this, the rhythm of hope and change creates a strange, meaningful melody. We need to keep our hope alive. We need to keep our changes alive. We need to lead with hope and change. We need to embrace the community around us. May your hope and change be well-balanced and purposefilled in the year ahead! Leonora

‘For You’ is an official publication of KFOR, produced and financed by KFOR, printed in Kosovo and distributed freely.The contents do not necessarily reflect the official point of view of the coalition or that of any of its member states. KFOR accepts and welcomes your opinions, it will publish some of these, eventually in a condensed form. If requested the name of the writer will be withheld but no anonymous, defamatory or malicious letters will be printed. Chief Editor: Leonora Shabanaj Niksic Journalists: Ali Rexha, Asmir Niksic, Violeta Matovic Photos by: “4U” team Design & Layout: Bekim Shabani The editorial staff can be contacted on: 038/503-603-2139 Any letters can be sent at: HQ KFOR - Film City; For You magazine; Strasbourg building; 10000 Pristina; E-mail:;

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škola meseca


Direktorka, Daliborka Mijailović


vaka obrazovno-vaspitna ustanova daje nemerljiv doprinos opštem obrazovanju i kulturi, a naročito osnovno obrazovanje daje taj prvi korak deci, koji je neophodan za njihovu dalju budućnost. Poručujem đacima da je osnovno obrazovanje najvažnije za uspešan život i želim im svima da budu dobri đaci, pošteni i vredni. Svima čestitam Novu godinu, posebno učenicima želim sve najlepše, budite marljivi i poslušni”, kaže na početku razgovora za 4U Magazin, Daliborka Mijailović, direktorka Osnovne škole ”Vlada Ćetkovic” u Mitrovici. Škola je osnovana 1951.godine, nosi ime po heroju iz Drugog svetskog rata i jedna je od najstarijih na ovom području. Škola se do 1999.godine nalazila u južnoj Mitrovici, a potom je prebačena u prostorije


i da je zahvaljujući lokalnim institucijama obezbeđen prevoz do južne Mitrovice, gde većina đaka živi. Direktorka Daliborka Mijailović dodaje i da sav nastavni kadar ove škole, duguje veliku zahvalnost Osnovnoj školi “Branko Radičević” čije prostorije, kabinete i sportsku salu zajednički koriste. Govoreći o planovima za budućnost, direktorka ističe da je najveći prioritet škole da jednog dana dobije svoj prostor i svoj objekat. Takođe dodaje da su deca koja pohađaju ovu školu uglavnom socijalno ugrožena, da bi veliki broj njih želeo da ima priliku da negde otputuje van Mitrovice, ali da zbog slabog materijlnog stanja njihovih roditelja nisu u toj mogućnosti. Stoga ona apeluje na sve ljude dobre volje da im pomognu koliko su u mogućnosti da i oni dobiju priliku da jednom godišnje otputuju na ekskurzije, poput njihovih ostalih vršnjaka. Na kraju razgovora, poželevši nam srećnu Novu 2017.godinu i puno uspeha u daljem radu, direktorka Daliborka Mijailović kaže da se naš magazin dosta čita u školi, da je veoma popularan, kao i da su veoma zadovoljni saradnjom koju imaju sa KFOR-om.


Sara Jahirović (11) Ja se puno radujem Novoj 2017. godini i očekujem da ću biti još bolji đak. Želim u Novoj godini da se još više družim sa svojim drugarima, a volela bih i da dobijem mnogo poklona ove godine. Sara Jahirović (11) I am really looking to the New Year 2017 and I expect to be an even better student. In the New Year I want to spend more time hanging out with my friends and I would like to get many presents this year.

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Osnovne škole “Branko Radičević” u severnoj Mitrovici. Ovu Osnovnu školu pohađa 180 učenika, mahom romske nacionalnosti, a u školi funkcioniše i pripremni predškolski program. Nastavni kadar je visoko profesionalan i nastavni proces se odvija u skladu sa normama i modernim tehnologijama. Ova škola daje neprocenjiv doprinos u razvoju vaspitanja i obrazovanja, a u vaspitnom radu ostvaruje se dobra saradnja sa roditeljima. Đaci među sobom komuniciraju na tri jezika: romskom, srpskom i albanskom, a od stranih jezika, tokom osmogodišnjeg školovanja, uče engleski, dok je romski jezik zastupljen kao izborni predmet. Prema rečima direktorke ove škole, Daliborke Mijailović, svi zaposleni su maksimalno posvećeni tome da obrazovanje ove dece bude na visokom nivou, a u školi su zastupljene brojne vannastavne aktivnosti i sekcije u kojima aktivno učestvuje većina đaka. “Ova deca su po svemu karakteristična, najviše vole da igraju i pevaju, a za to imaju i najviše talenta. Prvenstveno su veoma vredni i poslušni, redovno pohađaju nastavu, a veoma dobru saradnju imamo i sa njihovim roditeljima, što je od izuzetnog značaja za obrazovanje ove dece. Veliki broj ih je aktivan u recitatorskoj i horskoj sekciji. Takođe dosta je i onih koji učestvuju u raznim sportskim takmičenjima i disciplinama, gde redovno osvajaju prva mesta”, istakla je direktorka Mijailović. Ona posebno naglašava da u školi nema incidenata, niti vršnjačkog nasilja, kao

Anes Tatarović (12) Voleo bih da mi se Novoj 2017. godini dešavaju samo lepe stvari, imam puno želja, a ako mi se ostvari poneka biću veoma zadovoljan. Prethodna godina mi je bila dobra, a za ovu Novu znam da će biti još bolja. Pre svega voleo bih da postignem mnogo dobrih rezultata u fudbalu. Anes Tatarović (12) I wish that only pleseant things happen to me in the new 2017 year, I have a lot of desires and if some of them come true, I will be very pleased. The previous year, was good for me and I hope the New Year will be even better. I was good, but for this new know it will be even better. First of all I would like to achieve many a good result in football.

Sajana Bajrami (11) Želim da budem dobar đak, želim da budem zdrava i srećna, želim da se što više družim sa svojim drugarima. Volela bih da ove godine popravim sve ocene i da mi se sve želje ostvare. Sajana Bajrami (11) I want to be a good student, I want to be healthy and happy, I want to hang out with my friends as much as possible. I would like to improve all of my grades and for all my wishes to come true.

school of the month



very educational institution gives immeasurable contribution to general education and culture, and especially primary education gives children that first step, which is necessary for their further future. I advise students that basic education is critical to a successful life, and I wish them all to be good, honest and hardworking students. I wish everyone a happy New Year, and I particularly wish all the best to the students; be diligent and respectful,” said at the beginning of the interview for Magazin 4U Daliborka Mijailovic, director of elementary school “Vlada Ćetkovic” in Mitrovica. The school was founded in 1951. It is named after a hero of the Second World War and is one of the oldest in the area. The school was located in southern Mitrovica, until 1999 when it was transferred to premises of the primary school “Branko Radičević” in northern Mitrovica. This elementary school has 180 pupils, mostly Roma, and the school also has a


preparatory preschool program. The teaching staff is highly professional and teaching process is carried out in accordance with the standards and modern technologies. This school provides an invaluable contribution to the development of education and educational work is carried out in good cooperation with parents. Students communicate among themselves in three languages: Romany, Serbian and Albanian, and when it comes to foreign languages, during the eight years of schooling, they learn English, while Roma language is taught as an optional subject. According to the Director of the School, Daliborka Mijailovic, all employees are maximally committed to the education of these children being at a high level, and at school are represented numerous extracurricular activities and sections in which most students actively participate. “These kids are particular in all; they like to play and sing the most, and are most talented for that. They are primarily very hardworking and respectful; they attend school regularly, and we have very good cooperation with their parents, which is of great importance for the education of these children. A large number of them are active in recital and choir section. Also, many of them participate in various sports competitions and events and regularly win the first place,” said director Mijailovic. She emphasizes there are no incidents at school or bullying, and that,

thanks to the local institutions, transportation to southern Mitrovica, where most students live, is provided. Director Daliborka Mijailović adds that all the teaching staff of the school owes gratitude to the Primary School “Branko Radičević” whose premises, classrooms and sports hall they share. Speaking about plans for the future, the director points out that the highest priority of the school is to get its own space and building someday. She also added that the children who attend this school are mainly socially disadvantaged, that a great number of them would want to have the opportunity to travel somewhere outside Mitrovica, but due to poor financial status of their parents they do not have the option. Therefore, she calls upon all people of good will to help them as much as they are able so they would have the opportunity to travel once a year on an excursion, like their peers do. At the end of the conversation, wishing us a Happy New 2017 and a lot of success in further work, director Daliborka Mijailovic said that our magazine is read in this school a lot, that it is very popular, and that they are very satisfied with the cooperation they have with KFOR.


Elvir Gašjani (12) Prošle godine sam imao mnogo dobrih sportskih rezultata, a ove Nove očekujem da ću biti još bolji. Naravno nadam se da ću i u školi biti dobar đak, da ću imati dobre ocene. Takođe bih voleo da još više vremena provodim sa svojim drugarima u dobrom raspoloženju i zabavi.

Sara Krasnići (12) Volela bih da ove godine budem uspešnija nego prethodne, da se stalno igram, radujem i veselim. Očekujem bolju godinu, a želja mi je da dobijem neki dobar mobilni telefon.

Elvir Gašjani (12) Last year I had a lot of good results in sports, and I expect to achieve even better results in the New Year. Of course I hope that I will be a good student in school and that I will have good grades. I would also like to spend more time having good fun with my friends.

Sara Krasnići (12) I would like to be more successful in the New Year than I was in the outgoing year, to constantly play, rejoice and be happy. I expect a better year and my wish is to get a good mobile phone

Alija Beriša (11) Prošla godina mi je bila dobra, a od ove Nove očekujem da mi bude bolja. Treniram fudbal, voleo bih da dobijem neke dobre kopačke. Takođe bih želeo da ove godine idem na more, pošto još nikad nisam bio na letovanju. Alija Beriša (11) Last year was good for me, I expect the New Year to be better. I play football, so I would like to get some good football boots. I would also like to go to the seaside this year because I have never been on a summer holiday.

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ostoje brojni primeri kada je sport uspeo da probije barijere, prevaziđe prepreke i ujedini ljude. Zbog toga, ispravno je smatrati da je sport most koji povezuje i ne poznaje rasu, starost, pol ili nacionalnost. Ovo nije tako veliko iznenađenje, jer uspeh u većini sportova se zasniva na zajedničkim vrednostima kao što su naporni rad, saradnja, karakter, snaga i fer plej, itd. Škola fudbala za zajednice u naselju “2. jul” u južnoj Mitrovici je još jedan tipičan primer kada sport služi kao most za podsticanje i jačanje saradnje između dece različitog etničkog porekla. Ova škola je osnovana u julu 2015, kao deo projekta koji je dizajniran i nad kojim vrši nadzor nevladina organizacija

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Unapređenje omladine Aškalija u Mitrovici (PRAM) i koji finansira Danski savet za izbeglice (DRC). Ova škole je posebno za decu iz romske, aškalijske iil egipćanske zajednice. Gospodin Miljaim Ramadani, izvršni direktor PRAM-a istakao je da bi bilo nemoguće realizovati ovaj projekat bez saradnje i pomoći fudbalskog kluba “Trepča 89” iz Mitrovice. Rezultat ovoga je potpisivanje sporazuma o saradnji koji važi do 2017. Na osnovu ovog sporazuma PRAM je bio u obavezi samo da pokrije troškove trenera škole, koji je bio iz kluba “Trepča 89”. Osim toga, klub je pristao da stavi na raspolaganje ovoj školi sve svoje kapacitete i

sve neophodno za rad ove škole. “Veoma smo zadovoljni dosadašnjom saradnjom sa klubom “Trepča 89”, jer su ispunili sve svoje obaveze, počevši od trenera Ljavdima Behdžetija, koji poseduje licencu UEFE, pa sve do ozbiljne predanosti u radu sa decom koji su uključeni u ovaj projekat. Međutim, ono što me najviše raduje je da od prvog dana nije bilo ni najmanje naznake diskriminacije dece iz romsko-aškalijskoegipćanske zajednice od strane bilo kog klupskog zvaničnika, trenera ili, ono što je najvažnije, druge dece u ovom klubu,” istakao je gospodin Ramadani. Najjači dokaz za ovu tvrdnju je činjenica da je do sada 13 od 51 dece ove škole unapređeno da pohađa redovne treninge kluba “Trepča 89”, a u mnogim takmičarskim utakmicama ova deca su bila u startnoj postavi. Drugim rečima, glavni kriterijum je da li deca imaju talenat i disciplinu da naporno rade i daju sve od sebe na terenu. Još jedan razlog zašto ovaj projekat zaslužuje da bude pohvaljen jeste činjenica da deca ne moraju da plaćaju za bilo šta. Sve što je potrebno da budu deo škole jeste da vole fudbal i da su spremni da naporno rade da bi ostvarili svoj

san da postanu uspešni fudbaleri. Ovo je veoma važno s obzirom na visoku stopu nezaposlenosti u ove tri zajednice. “Bili smo svesni, od samog početka, da uspeh ovog projekta direktno zavisi od uklanjanja svih finansijskih obaveza za decu. Tako da oni moraju samo da plate 1 evro na svakih šest meseci za redovan medicinski pregled, “dodao je Ramadani. Zahvaljujući svim dosadašnjim angažovanjima, deci je takođe dodeljena različita sportska oprema. Glavni donator ovog projekta - DRC – finansirao je nabavku 40 lopti, prsluka i drugih delova opreme. Takođe, portugalski bataljon KFOR-a u saradnji sa UNMIK-om donirao je 47 pari kopački, koje su distribuirane deci. Gospodin Ramadani, međutim, naglasio je da im je i dalje potrebna pomoć i da oni stalno traže nove donatore koji mogu da ih podrže u njihovim naporima. Na kraju je istakao da se sadašnjem projektu bliži datum završetka. Zbog toga, on poziva sve potencijalne donatore da pomognu PRAM-u da nastavi projekat koji je vrlo važan za ovu decu. Prema njegovim rečima ova škola fudbala je most ka međuetničkoj integraciji i saradnji. Međutim najvažnije dostignuće je činjenica da su ova deca dobila mogućnost da se bave sportom i sklone se sa ulice a pritom uče suštinske vrednosti kao što su marljiv rad, posvećenost i disciplina.


Milaim Ramadani


here are numerous examples when sport has managed to break barriers and overcome obstacles and unite people. Therefore, sports are correctly considered a connecting bridge that knows no race, ethnicity, age, gender or nationality. This is no big surprise, because success in most sports is based on common values such as hard work, cooperation, character, strength, fair play, eyc. The communities’ football school in “2 Korriku” neighbourhood in South Mitrovica is another good example, when sport serves as a connection bridge that encourages and strengthens the cooperation between children of various ethnicities. This school was established in July 2015 as part of the project that was designed and is monitored by the nongovernmental organization Youth Advancement of Ashkali

in Mitrovica (PRAM) and financed by the Danish Refugee Council (DRC). This football school is especially for children out of the Roma, Ashkali or Egyptian (RAE) communities. Mr Milaim Ramadani, executive director of PRAM emphasized that this football school has tremendous importance knowing the fact that over 90% of the RAE population in this area are unemployed. Therefore, it would have been impossible to implement this project without the cooperation and assistance from Football Club “Trepça 89” in Mitrovica, who are the current leaders of Kosovo’s top football division. The result of this cooperation is the signing of the cooperation agreement which is valid until 2017. Based on this agreement, PRAM only had to cover the expenses of the school coach, who in, turn was provided by “Trepça 89”. Moreover, the club also agreed to put at this school’s disposal all its facilities and and everything else necessary for the operations of this school. “So far we are very satisfied with our cooperation with “Trepça 89” club, because they have met all their obligations, starting from Coach Lavdim Behxheti, who has a UEFA license, and up to the serious dedication in working with the children involved in this project.

However, the thing that pleases me most is that from day one there wasn’t the slightest sign of discrimination against RAE children from any of the club officials, coaches, and what is most important, other children at this club,” Mr. Ramadani emphasized. The best proof to this claim is the fact that so far 13 of 51 children the school currently has, have been promoted to the regular trainings of “Trepça 89”, and in many competitive games these children have made it in the starting line-up. In other words, the main criterion for playing time is whether the children have the talent, discipline to work hard and give their best on the field. Another reason why this project deserves to be praised is the fact that children don’t have to pay anything. All they need to be part of is football and be willing to work hard to make their dream to become successful footballers come true. This is very important considering the high unemployment rates among the three communities.

“We were aware from the start that the success of this project was directly dependent on the removal of all financial obligations for the kids. Thus, they only have to pay 1 Euro every six months for their regular medical checks,” Mr Ramadani added. Thanks to all the engagement so far, the children have also been helped with various sports equipment. The main donor of this project – DRC – has financed the purchase of 40 balls, vests and other training equipment. Also the KFOR Portuguese Battalion in cooperation with UNMIK provided 47 pairs of football shoes, which were given to the children. Mr Ramadani, however, emphasized that the project still needs assistance and they continuously seek new donors that can support them in their endeavours. Finally he emphasized that the current project is nearing its end date. Therefore he called all possible donors to help PRAM to continue this important project for these children. According to him this football school has been a successful bridge towards interethnic integration and cooperation. The most important achievement, however, is the fact that these children have been provided with the opportunity to participate in sports and get away from the streets, while also learning core values to success in life such as hard work, dedication and discipline.

for you 7


NAJBOLJE ZIMSKE KAPE I ŠEŠIRI Otarasite se te velike, kabaste vunene kape i zamenite je ovim stilovima Verovatno ste čuli onaj stari mit da gubimo polovinu telesne toplote kroz naše glave. To nije istina. Mit datira iz 1970 godine, iz priručnika za preživljavanje vojske SAD, koji procenjuje da se između “40 do 45 odsto telesne toplote” gubi kroz glavu. Ali činjenica je raskrinkana u izveštaju iz 2008. godine u Britanskom medicinskom žurnalu, koji je utvrdio da se samo 7 do 10 procenata telesne toplote izgubi kroz glavu. Šta to zapravo znači ? To znači da treba da prestanete da mislite o kapama ili šeširima samo u smislu robe široke potrošnje. Ono na šta treba da se fokusirate pri izboru svoje zimske kape je stil. Naš savet? Neka bude jednostavno. Ključ je da se držite siluete koja ide uz vaš oblik lica i u skladu je sa vašom odećom - ne želite da vam šešir zaseni ostatak vašeg izgleda. Od osnovne bejzbol kape do prave fedore, ovde su najbolje nove verzije za vašu kolekciju.

Ovčja koža

UGG je možda poznat po svojim čizmama, ali šešir “ovčja koža” je takođe napravljen da se bori sa oštrim vetrovima. Koristite Suede protektor sa spoljne strane da bi vam šešir potrajao.

The Sheepskin

UGG might be known for its boots, but this sheepskin is also made to brave brutal winds. Use a suede protector on the outside to make it last.

Kačket vašeg tima

Ako ćeš nositi kačket svog tima, odluči se za minimalistički dizajn i boje. Stills je ovaj lično dizajnirao.

The Team Hat

If you’re going to wear your team’s hat, opt for a minimalist design and color. Stills designed this one personally.

Štrikana kapa Pilotska kapa

Canada Goose brend se odlično nosi sa zimom. Ova pilotska kapa može da se podešava, tako da je možete nositi od blagih zimskih dana pa sve do jakih, snežnih oluja. Ovo može biti jedan od skupljih odabira, ali ima doživotnu garanciju, tako da se isplati da je kupite.

The Pilot

Canada Goose does winter like nobody’s business. This shearling pilot hat is adjustable, so you can wear it from mild winter days all the way through brutal snowstorms. It might be one of the pricier picks, but it has a lifetime warranty, so it’s worth shelling out.

8 for you

Tamna, dragulj boja na ovoj kapi olakšava vam da je uskladite sa garderobom u vašem ormaru, ali je i ozbiljna nadogradnja od vaše osnovne svakodnevne crne kape.

The Cable Knit

The dark, jewel-tone color on this beanie makes it easy to incorporate into your wardrobe, but is a serious upgrade from your go-to basic black.



THE BEST WINTER HATS Get rid of that big, bulky wool cap, and replace it with these styles instead You’ve probably heard that old myth that we lose half of our body heat through our heads. It’s not actually true. The myth dates back to a U.S. army survival manual from 1970, which estimated that between “40 to 45 percent of body heat” is lost from the head. But the fact was debunked in a 2008 report in the British Medical Journal, which found that only about 7 to 10 percent of your body heat is lost through your head. What does this mean to you? It means you should stop thinking about hats in only utilitarian terms. What you should be focusing on, when selecting your winter hats, is style. Our advice? Keep it simple. The key is to stick with a silhouette that flatters your face shape and makes sense with the outfit - you never want the hat to outshine the rest of your look. From basic baseball to full-fledged fedora, here are the best upgrades to your collection.

Vunena kapa

Ovaj elegantni stil će vas utopliti kao vuna.


Podignite vašu standardnu vikend odeću na sledeći nivo sa ovom oštrom fedorom.

The Wool

The Fedora

This sleek style will keep you warm like wool without the bulk.

Take your standard weekend outfit to the next level with a sharp fedora.


Šta je zima bez ijedne smešne kape? Sviđa nam se kako ova kapa koristi nijanse jedne boje - to je suptilan način da nosi Pom-Pom.

The PomPom


Vaša omiljena zimska kapa, ali sa kul obrascem. Sitne mrlje boje je održavaju jednostavnom, ali zanimljivom.

The Beanie

Your favourite winter hat shape, but with a cool pattern. The tiny flecks of colour keep it simple but interesting.

What’s winter without at least one fun hat? We like how this one uses shades of a single colour - it’s a subtle way Vaš bejzbol kačket treba da sazreva to rock a pom-pom. sa vama. Mi volimo ovu jednostavnu formu u suptilnoj bordo boji.


The Cap

Your baseball cap should mature with you. We like this simple shape in a subtle maroon color. (Source:

for you 9

music box


sposobna ne moram da se sad bavim time. For You: U kom istorijskom periodu biste voleli da živite? Ana: Nisam baš sigurna, za žene su periodi kroz istoriju malo nezahvalni. Još ako želim da se bavim umetnošću i da nosim farmerke, čini mi se da ne bih dobro prošla. Hajmo da ostanemo tu gde smo, nezavisno od toga kako je. For You: Jel ljubav samo reč? Ana: O ne, ali nikako, iako jeste i reč. Ljubav je mnogo više od toga što možemo reći.

For You: Kako su izgledali Vaši počeci u svetu muzike? Ana: Rekla bih da ih je bilo više. Muzika je bila prisutna u mom životu od detinjstva, u početku kroz nižu muzičku školu, nešto kasnije sam počela da pevam i sviram, a onda sam zalupila klavir iz protesta prema muzičkoj školi zbog stroge profesorke. Pre 4 godine sam krenula sa javnim nastupima u Beogradu, taj početak je za sad poslednji, pa ću samo reći da je bio divan i strašan, sa puno treme i adrenalina. For You: Koji je Vaš omiljeni/a pevač/ ica na muzičkoj sceni i zašto?

Ana: Nemam jednu omiljenu pevačicu ili pevača, slušam raznu muziкu, može se reći da svakog dana istražujem nešto novo. Danas sam npr. pustila novi album Ben Watt-a pod nazivom Fever Dream. For You: Koji je Vaš omiljeni muzički festival i zašto? Ana: Pre nekoliko godina je to bio Exit, ne samo zbog muzike, jer sada težim više kamernim koncertima, ali je to nekoliko puta bio sjajan provod. Prošle godine tokom turneje po Crnoj Gori sam uspela da odem i na Festival Southern Soul na Adi Bojani, a mogu da izdvojim koncert Matthew Halsall-a na plaži dok zalazi sunce. For You: Ako biste jednoga dana vladali svetom, šta biste promenili? Ana: Toliko moramo da menjamo i da se menjamo da ne znam odakle bih počela, a pitanje je da li bih uspela. Ali sasvim sigurno ne bih želela da vladam svetom.

Ime/prezime: Ana Ćurčin Datum rođenja: 1. oktobar 1985 Mesto rođenja: Bagdad Visina: 174 Boja očiju: zeleno

10 for you

braon Boja kose: smeđa Omiljena hrana: varira. Omiljena muzika: slušam sve što me “dira” Omiljena boja: oker.

For You: Koji ste film više puta gledali? Ana: Hm, pa zavisi u kom doba. Kao mala je to bio i Aladin, “Moje pesme moji snovi”, “Prljavi ples” i slično. Film “Izgubljeni ples” i “Plava je najlepša boja” su mi sad aktuelni. For You: Koje su Vaše želje za Aladinovu lampu? Ana: Da ne moram da dignem kredit, ali uzimajući u obzir da nisam kreditno-

For You: Ne mozete da živite bez…? Ana: Ljubavi. For You: Koji je Vaš omiljeni lik iz bajke? Ana: Srećni princ. For You: Koje slatkiše najviše volite? Ana: Čokoladu. For You: Omiljeno voće i povrće? Ana: Maline i spanać. For You: Kojih pet slavnih ličnosti biste pozvali na večeru? Ana: Više volim večeri sa bliskim pirateljima, dobrom hranom i muzikom. For You: Omiljena pesma za djuskanje, film za gledanje i najbolja balada svih vremena? Ana: Za đuskanje: “Gucci Vamp” - Shta Shtil, balada: “Da te Bogdo ne volim” Bijelo Dugme i gledaću uskoro: “When Marnie was here”.. pa hajde da vidimo kakav je.. For You: Šta mislite o mladima u regionu i koja je Vaša poruka za njih? Ana: Ušla sam u tridesete, iako se često ponašam kao tinejdžerka, a i čini mi se da se sad već dosta razlikujemo u željama. Svirajući u poslednjih par godina po regionu sam upoznala divne osobe, stekla nove prijatelje. Nisam odrasla u Srbiji, već u Rusiji, od svoje 10. godine. Rekla bih da je važno da budemo otvoreni jedni prema drugima i da razmenjujemo iskustva.

music box

ANA ĆURČIN - A GIRL THAT WILL BLOW YOUR MIND WITH HER MUSIC that I do not know where I would begin, the question is whether I would succeed. But certainly I would not want to rule the world. For You: Which movie have you watched repeatedly? Ana: Hmmm, so depending upon which age we are talking about. When I was little, it was Aladdin, “My Songs My Dreams,” “Dirty Dancing” and the like. The films “Lost Dance” and “Blue Is the Best Color” have now jumped on my list. For You: What do your beginnings in music look like? Ana: I would say that there was more than one beginning. Music has been present in my life since childhood, initially through the elementary music school, a little later I started to sing and play the piano until I banged shut the piano in protest against the music school because of a strict professor. Four years ago I started with public performances in Belgrade; this beginning the last one for now, so I will just say it was wonderful and awesome, with a lot of nervousness and adrenaline. For You: Who is your favorite singer on the music scene and why? Ana: I do not have a favorite singer or singers, I listen to different kinds of music, I could say that every day I am exploring something new. Today, for example I listened to the new Ben Watt album titled Fever Dream. For You: What is your favorite music festival and why? Ana: A few years ago it was Exit, not only because of the music, because now I drift more towards chamber music concerts, but I had a great time a few times. Last year, during a tour in Montenegro, I was able to go to the Southern Soul Festival at Ada Bojana, I can single out Matthew Halsall’s concert on the beach with the sun setting in the background. For You: If you would rule the world for a day, what would you change? Ana: We need to change so much and we need to change ourselves so much

For You: What would you wish from Aladdin’s lamp? Ana: That I would not have to take a loan out, but considering that I am not credit-worthy at the moment, we do not have to deal with that now.

would you invite to dinner? Ana: I prefer evenings with close friends, good food and music. For You: What is your favorite song for dancing to, film to watch and the best ballad of all time? Ana: For dancing to: Gucci Vamp Shta Shtil, ballad: Bijelo Dugme - Da te Bogdo ne volim, and i will soon watch: “When Marnie was here”, so we will what it is like. For You: What do you think about the youth in the region and what is your message to them? Ana: I am my thirties, although I often act like a teenager and it seems to me that we now prefer different things. Playing in the region for the last few years, I have met wonderful people and made new friends. I did not grow up in Serbia, since my tenth year I grew up in Russia. I would say that it is important to be open to one another and to exchange experiences.

For You: In which historical period would you like to live? Ana: I am not sure; certain periods throughout history have been a little ungrateful for women. I also want to be an artist and to wear jeans; it seems that I would not fare too well. Let us stay where we are, regardless of how it is. For You: Is love just a word? Ana: Oh, no, or not at all, although it is a word too. Love is so much more than we can say. For You: What cannot you live without ...? Ana: Love. For You: What is your favorite fairytale? Ana: The Happy Prince.

Name/Surname: Ana Ćurčin Date of Birth: 1st October 1985 Place of birth: Baghdad Height: 174 Eye color: green

brown Hair Color: brown Favorite food: it varies Favorite music: I listen to everything that “touches me” Favorite color: ocher

For You: What sweets do you like best? Ana: Chocolate. For You: What are your favorite fruits and vegetables? Ana: Raspberries and spinach. For You: Which five celebrities

for you 11



isija OEBS-a na Kosovu, Sektor za razvoj bezbednosti zajednice Odeljenja za bezbednost – je od 18. do 20. novembra 2016. podržala treći omladinski kamp “Mladi za bolju budućnost”. Ovaj kamp je organizovan u okviru četvrte faze zajedničkog projekta OEBS-a i ambasade Kraljevine Norveške na Kosovu “Podrška inicijativi za bezbednost zajednice kroz lokalne Odbore za javnu bezbednost (LOJB)”. Ovu inicijativu implementira LPSC iz opštine Kačanik i LPSC naselja “2 Korriku” u Južnoj Mitrovici. Prema zvaničnicima OEBS-a, glavni cilj ove aktivnosti je bio da se unaprede znanje i veštine učesnika vezane za zastupanje i pregovaranje. Drugi važan cilj ovog kampa jeste promocija multietničke saradnje između različitih etničkih grupa, poboljšanje vidljivost navedenih LOJB-a, kao i uspostavljanje kontakata između mladih iz ove dve opštine sa LOJB, Kosovskom policijom i drugim akterima koji rade u ovoj oblasti bezbednosti zajednice. Tokom ovog kampa je oko 60 mladih Albanaca, Aškalija i bošnjačkih

12 for you

devojaka i mladića, uzrasta od 16 do 23 godina, imalo je priliku

da bude zajedno u hotelu “Dukađini” u prelepom gradu Peći. Pored obuke u pregovoranju i zagovaranju, ovi mladići i devojke su takođe učestvovali u praktičnim vežbama zasnovanim na teorijskim predavanjima, kao i u mnogim rekreativnim aktivnostima. Kosovare Murselji, predsednica LOJB-a u Kačaniku, a ujedno i jedan od inicijatora ovog kampa je izjavila je da ovo nije prvi put da učestvuje u ovakvom kampu. Međutim, naglasila je da je veoma zadovoljna ovim događajem, naročito činjenicom da je ovo bio multietnički kamp

zasnovan na principu nediskriminacije. “Već četiri godine sam deo LOJB-a u Kačaniku. Na osnovu mog rada i dosadašnjih aktivnosti mogu da kažem da mladi znaju veoma malo o radu ovih odbora za javnu bezbednost. To je bio i razlog zašto sam se zalagala za organizaciju ovog omladinskog kampa. Po mom mišljenju, ovo je idealan način da se oko 60 mladih iz različitih etničkih grupa upoznaju sa LOJBom, javnom bezbednošću, ulogom koju mogu da igraju u ovim oblastima

i da nauče kako da zagovaraju i pregovaraju o pitanjima koja su važna za njih,” rekla je gospođa Murselji o ovoj aktivnosti. Na kraju je pozvala mlade Kosova da se angažuju na osnaživanju volonterskog

rada i posebno LOJB-a. Prema njenim rečima, kroz takvo angažovanje će naučiti koliko su oni sami važan faktor za javnu bezbednost, jer je Kosovskoj policiji potrebna saradnja svih ljudi da bi obezbedila bezbedno okruženje. Predsednik LOJBA-a iz naselja “2 Korriku” u Južnoj Mitrovici, gospodin Milaim Ramadani, istakao je da je veoma zadovoljan ovim omladinskim kampom. “Odbor kojim ja predsedavam je organizovao 25 mladih Albanaca, Aškalija i Bošnjaka da učestvuju u ovom kampu. Iako su u početku roditelji malo oklevali, sve je prošlo u savršenom redu i ja sam jako zadovoljan ovom aktivnošću,” rekao je gospodin Ramadani. Naglasio je da je jedini nedostatak u vezi sa ovim kampom to što traje prekratko, dok je najveći uspeh istakao to što je pomogao u uspostavljanju kontakta između mladih koji su učestvovali u ovom njemu. Na kraju je gospodin Ramadani pozvao sve relevantne aktere da organizuju više aktivnosti za mlade. Osim toga, on smatra da ove aktivnosti treba da obuhvate i studijske posete u inostranstvu, tako da mladi ljudi mogu imati koristi od iskustva njihovih vršnjaka u drugim zemljama.



rom 18th to 20th November 2016 the Sector for Developing Community Security of the Department for Security OSCE Mission in Kosovo - supported the third youth camp “Youth for a Better Future”. This camp was organized as part of the fourth phase of the joint project of the OSCE and Royal Norwegian Embassy in Kosovo - “Supporting Initiatives for Community Security through Local Public Safety Committees (LPSC)”. This initiative was implemented by the LPSC from Kaçanik Municipality and the LPSC from “2 Korriku” neighborhood in Mitrovica South. According to OSCE officials, the main aim of this activity was to promote the improvement of the participants’ knowledge and skills in relation to advocacy and negotiation. Another important goal of this camp was to promote

the multi-ethnic cooperation between various ethnic groups, improve the visibility of the mentioned LPSCs, as well as establish contacts between the youth from these two municipalities with the LPSCs, Kosovo Police and other actors operating in this area of community security. During this camp about 60 young Albanian, Ashkali and Bosniac girls and boys, aged 16 to 23 years old, had the opportunity to stay together at Hotel “Dukagjini” in the beautiful town of Peja/ Pec. In addition to the training session on negotiations and advocacy, these boys and girls participated in practical exercises that were based on theoretic lectures, as well as many recreational activities. Kosovare Murseli, president of the LPSC in Kaçanik, one of the initiators of this camp, stated that this was not the first time she attended a camp like this. However, she emphasized

that she was very satisfied with this event, especially the fact that this was a multi-ethnic camp based on the principle of nondiscrimination. “It is four years now that I am part of the LPSC in Kaçanik. Based on my work and activities so far, I can say that the youth have very little knowledge regarding the importance and the work of these committees for public safety. This was also the reason why I supported the organization of this youth camp. In my opinion this was the ideal way for about 60 youngsters of different ethnicities to learn about LPSCs, public safety, the role they could play in these fields and to learn how to advocate and negotiate about matters that are important to them,” Mrs. Murseli said about this activity. In the end, she called the Kosovo youth to engage on empowering voluntary work and LPSCs in particular. According to her, through such engagement they will learn what an important

factor they are to public safety, because Kosovo Police needs the cooperation of all the people to provide a safe and secure environment. The president of the LPSC from “2 Korriku” neighborhood in Mitrovica South, Mr. Milaim Ramadani, emphasized that he was very satisfied with this youth camp: “The committee that I preside encouraged 25 young Albanians, Ashkali and Bosniacs to participate in this camp. Although, initially there was some hesitation from the parents, everything went perfectly well, and I am very satisfied with this activity”. He went on to stress that the only deficiency regarding this camp is that it is too short. Whereas its greatest achievement was it helped in establishing contacts between the youngsters that participated in this camp. In the end, Mr. Ramadani called all the relevant actors to engage in organizing more youth activities. Moreover, these activities should also include study visits abroad so the young people may benefit from the experiences of their peers in other countries.

for you 13

životinjsko carstvo

Ž A E J N I T ŽIVO Br ze čin jen ice

Vrs ta: Riba Ishr ana : Sva štoj ed Živo tni vek : 2 to 5 yea rs Veli čina : 3.2c m do 5cm vod e Sta ništ e: Ama zon ske prio baln e is illar Max tella Nau čni naz iv: Pris

Sv e o Pr ist eli

Zlat na •Pri stel a je tako đe poz nata kao a zeb na zlat ena Vod i a Tetr Pris tela je svo rita zbo g bled og zlat nog kolo prov idne kož e. •Ov a riba ima koš tanu unu traš nju stru ktur u poz natu kao Veb erov apa čne zvu upi pok da ratu s koji se kori sti om tala se i koji dop rino si njen om oštr a. sluh čulu to •On e su nev erov atno mirn e i čes sa ama vrst im drug a tole rant ne prem . išta stan ja svo dele a kojim


Kada su u krdu, izrazite pruge zebre se spajaju u veliku masu i otežavaju predatorima da iz mase izdvoje pojedinačne životinje.


When they are in a herd the zebra’s distinct stripes merge into a big mass and make it hard for predators to single out individual animals.

14 for you

Fascinantne činjenice o nekim najneverovatnijim životinjama na svetu. Od afričkog mravojeda do zebre, naša azbuka životinjskog sveta garantovano će vas inspirisati.

•Mla di pris tele se naz ivaju ‘Fris ’. •Žen ka pris tele pola že 300 - 400 iji. jaja tako što ih rase je po veg etac već u izlež se da inju poč di Mla pos le 24 sata i pos taju slob odn i pliva či u roku od nek oliko dan a. •Pri stel a prve nstv eno lovi glist e, inse kte i mal e rako ve koji žive u blizi ni rečn og kori ta. •Sm atra se da im je tran spa rent anos t kož e obli k zaš tite, jer je pred u e uoč i ađu pron torim a tešk o da ih i. vod j avo tluc sve i iji etac gus toj veg • Za pris telu je najv eća opa sno st zag ađe nos t vod e.

proviNajizraženija karakteristika Pristele je telo, malo o dan sloj kože koja pokriva njen . vom vidlji o jasn čineći kičmu ove ribe

Quick Facts

Type: Fish Diet: Omnivore Lifespan: 2 to 5 years Size: 3.2cm to 5cm Habitat: Amazon coastal waters Scientific name: Pristella Maxillaris

Tetra All about the X-Ray n as the •The X-Ray Tetra is also know er Golden Pristella Tetra and the Wat

Brze činjenice

Vrsta: Sisar Ishrana: Biljojed Životni vek: Oko 25 godina Veličina: 3.5-5 stope - visina do ramena Težina: 200-450 kg Stanište: Pašnjaci, savane, šume, planine, šipražja i priobalna brda Naučni naziv: Zebra je vrsta životinja koja pripada porodici konja

Sve o Zebri

•Baš kao i ljudski otisci prstiju, raspored zebrinih pruga je jedinstven za svaku jedinku. • Zebre su veoma društvene i ići će na spavanje samo ako su susedi blizu, kako bi mogle biti upozorene ako naiđe predator. One takođe vole da pasu zajedno i


X - X-RAY TETRAof the X-Ray The most distinctive feature that Tetra is the translucent layer of skin fish’s the ing mak , covers its small body backbone clearly visible.

rGoldfinch due to the faint golden colo . skin ation of their translucent ture •This fish has a bony internal struc which s, ratu appa erian Web the as n know es, wav is used in picking up sound e and contributes to their acute sens of hearing. •They are incredibly peaceful and are often tolerant of the other species that they share their habitats with. •X-ray tetra’s young are called ‘Frys’. •The female X-Ray Tetra lays 300 - 400 eggs by scattering them

da timare jedne druge. •Zebre su hrabre životinje koje jako brinu o članovima svojih grupa. Kada je član grupe ranjen od napada predatora, ostale zebre će stati u njegovu odbranu, okružiće povređenog pojedinca i pokušavati da oteraju predatore. •Majke zebre su veoma brižne i zaštitne. Mladunčad zebre mogu da stoje, hodaju i sisaju ubrzo nakon rođenja i nastaviće da piju majčino mleko u prvoj godini života. •Sve zebre su bliske s majkama, ali i formiraju jake veze sa svojim očevima. •Zebre međusobno komuniciraju kroz različite glasovne izraze, uključujući njuškanje i kopitanje, ali i kroz položaj ušiju i repa. Mogu da okreću svoje uši u skoro svim pravcima i koriste tu sposobnost da iskažu svoje raspoloženje, na primer kada su ljute uvuku

uši unazad, ili ih drže uspravno kada se osećaju mirno i prijateljski.

Quick Facts

Type: Mammal Diet: Herbivore Lifespan: Around 25 years Size: 3.5-5 ft tall at the shoulder Weight: 200-450 kg Habitat: Grasslands, savannas, woodland, mountains, scrubland and coastal hills Scientific name: Zebra species are members of the genus Equus

All about the Zebra

•Just like human fingerprints, Zebra stripe pat-

animal kingdom


uglavnom na zemlji, tragajući za semenkama, insekatima, paukovima, pa čak i škorpijama. Mogu da uhvate zmije, koje ubijaju amongst vegetation. tak o što ih tresnu o tvrdu Fascinating facts The fry begin to hatch as pod logu. Oni gutaju svoj about some of the wo early as 24 hours later, rld’s ple n ceo, dopuštajući da swim most amazing animals and become free . nesvarljivi delovi prođu . days few Fro a in m with Aardvarks to Zebras ming kroz njihov sistem za our A-Z of the animal •X-ray tetra primarily world var enje. and is guaranteed to inspir hunt worms, insects e. •Bilo je izveštaja o ovim that ans tace small crus pticama kako sa neslive close to the river bed. trpl jenjem čekaju kod •The transparency of jaz bin a mungosa, željni da to ght thou their skin is Vrsta: Ptica započnu potragu. n ectio prot of form a be Ishrana: Svaštojed - voće, • Žutokljuna ptica-nosorog as predators find it much semenke, lišće, insekti, ma ima veoma prepoznatljiv them nji harder to spot Takođe ih nazivaju i “let sisari. kokodakajući zov. Kada eće banane” n tatio vege e dens amongst zbo g svojih ogromnih kljunov Živ jed otn na i vek ptic : a 35a koji su zap 40 godina očne zov, and shimmering water. žute boje i izgledaju baš Vel cel ičin a a: gru kao 48pa 60c ban se m čes ane! u to to duž pridruži, ini, •The biggest threat raspon krila stvarajući kakofoniju zvuka. r wate is Tetra the X-Ray Stanište: Uglavnom savane •Ova ptica može biti samica , , pollution. suva polja, listopadne šum ali se može naći u parovima ei šipražje. ili malim grupama. Naučni naziv: Tockus Leu They are also called ‘fly •Aktivne su tokom dana, ali ing bananas’ comelas because of their huge bill uglavnom u zoru i u sumrak s that are . yellow and look just like Gnezde se visoko u drveću bananas! tokom noći. •Žutokljune ptice-nosoroz i se •Th ey fee d ma inly on gnezde u rupama u drveću the gro un d, . One popfor ag ing for see ds, ins ect unjavaju rupu suvom trav s, spi • Žutokljune ptice-nosoroz om i lišćem. de rs an d eve n sco rpi on i •Se s. zon Th ey a par enja je od septembra do odlikuju se veoma velikim ma y cat ch sna kes , wh , ma ich rta the (ug y lav nom okt obar/novembar). naniže zaobljenim žutim kill by ba shi ng the m on Ženke blatom i pljuvačkom ag ain st a kljunom. zatvore ha rd sur fac e. Th ey sw sebe i svoja jaja u svojim allo w the ir •Hrane se rupama. pre y wh ole , let tin g ind ige stib le pa rts pa ss thr ou gh the ir dig estive sys tem . terns are unique to the individual. •Th ere ha ve be en rep Type: Bird ort s of • Zebra are highly social and will ho rnb ills wa itin g exp ect Diet: Omnivore - fruit, see an tly at ds, leaves, only go to sleep if they are close mo ng oo se bu rro ws , ea insects, small mammals. ge r for the to neighbors so that they can be for ag ing to be gin . Lifespan: 35-40 years warned if a predator approaches. •Th e Ye llow Bil led Ho rnb Size: 48-60cm in length, win ill ha s gspan They also prefer to graze together a ver y dis tin ctiv e clu cki Habitat: Mainly savannah ng cal l. bushveld, and will groom each other. On ce on e bir d sta rts cal dry thorn fields, deciduous ling , the woodlands, •Zebra are brave animals that wh ole gro up wil l oft en and scrubs. join in, care deeply about their group cre ati ng a cac op ho ny Scientific name: Tockus Leu of sou nd . comelas members. When a group member •Th e bir d can be sol ita ry bu t is wounded by a predator atare als o fou nd in pa irs or sm all tack, other zebras will come to their defense, circling gro up s. the injured individual and attempting to drive the •Th ey are act ive du rin g the da y, predator(s) away. bu t mo stly at da wn an d du • The Yellow-Billed Hornb sk. •Mother zebra are very caring and protecills are Th ey roo st hig h in tre es du rin g tive mothers. Infant zebras (foals) are able to distinguished by their the nig ht. stand, walk and suckle shortly after birth, and very large, do wn •Ye llow -Bi lled Ho rnb ills ne st in will continue to drink their mother ’s milk for wa rdl y cur ved ho les in tre es. Th ey line the cav the first year of life. yel low ity wit h dry gra sse s an d lea ves . •All zebra are close to their mothers, but males be aks . •Br ee din g sea son is Se pte mb er also form strong bonds with their fathers. to Ma rch (m ain ly Oc tob er/ No •Zebra communicate with each other through vem be r). Th e fem ale s sea l the mvarious vocal expressions including sniffing and sel ves an d the ir eg gs ins ide the ir balking, but also through the position of their ears ho llow s wit h mu d an d sal iva . and tail. They can turn their ears in almost any direction and harness this ability to communicate their mood e.g. pulled backwards when angry, or standing erect when feeling calm and friendly.

Brze činjenice



Sve o Žutokljunoj ptici-nosorogu

Quick Facts

All about the YellowBilled Hornbill

for you 15


SING Uloge: Taron Egerton, Scarlett Johansson, Matthew McConaughey, Reese Witherspoon, Seth MacFarlane, Nick Offerman Režiser: Garth Jennings Žanr: animacija Studio: “Universal Pictures” Sinopsis mešten u svet poput našeg, ali koji naseljavaju samo životinje, „Pevajmo“ predstavlja Bastera Muna (oskarovac Metju Mekonahju), uglednu koalu koja je direktor nekadašnjeg velikog pozorišta koje je vremenom propalo. Baster je večiti optimista, možda malo živi u zabludi, ali voli svoje pozorište iznad svega i učiniće sve da ga zadrži. Suočen s propadanjem svoje životne ambicije, ima poslednju šansu da vrati ovom izbledelom dragulju nekadašnju slavu tako što će producirati najveće svetsko takmičenje u pevanju. Pojaviće se pet najozbiljnijih kandidata:


Synopsis et in a world like ours but entirely Cast: Taron Egerton, inhabited by animals, Scarlett Johansson, MatSing stars Buster Moon, a thew McConaughey, Reese dapper Koala who presides Witherspoon, Seth Macover a once-grand theatre Farlane, Nick Offerman that has fallen on hard Director: Garth Jennings times. Buster is an eternal Genre: Animation optimist - okay, maybe a bit Studio: Universal Pictures of a scoundrel - who loves his theatre above all and miš koji will do anything to preserve it. Now facing the pevuši crumbling of his life’s ambition, he has one final jednako chance to restore his fading jewel to its former dobro kao što vara glory by producing the world’s greatest singing ljude; stidljiva slonica competition. Five lead contestants emerge: A tinejdžerka, koja ima užasnu tremu od mouse who croons as smoothly as he cons, nastupa; Rosita, premorena majka koja a timid teenage elephant with an enormous ima 25 prasića; mladi gorila gangster koji case of stage fright, an overtaxed mother run traži način da pobegne od porodičnog ragged tending a litter of 25 piglets, a young kriminala i pank-rok bodljikavo prase koja gangster gorilla looking to break free of his pokušava da se otrese svog arogantnog family’s felonies, and a punk-rock porcupine dečka i postane solo pevačica. Sve struggling to shed her arrogant boyfriend and životinje će doći na Basterovu augo solo. Each animal arrives under Buster’s diciju verujući da je to njihova šansa da marquee believing that this is their shot to promene svoj život. change the course of their life. SING

THE BOUNCE BACK Uloge: Shemar Moore, Matthew Taylor, Nadine Velazquez, Matthew Willig, Kali Hawk, Nishi Munshi, Michael Beach Režiser: Youssef Delara Žanr: romansa Studio: “Viva Pictures” Sinopsis tac, autor i uopšte dobar momak, Metju Tejlor

O 18 for you

je na vrtoglavoj turneji promocije svoje nove knjigu, „Podigni se“. On je od onih koji su „sve provalili“ sve dok ne upozna pronicljivu Kristinu Peralta, koja je terapeut u svom tok-šou, a koja je ubeđena da je on običan šarlatan. Metjuov život se okreće naglavačke kada se neočekivano zaljubi u Kristin i mora da se suoči sa bolnom istinom vezanom za njegovu prethodnu vezu.


THE BOUNCE BACK Cast: Shemar Moore, Matthew Taylor, Nadine Velazquez, Matthew Willig, Kali Hawk, Nishi Munshi, Michael Beach Director: Youssef Delara Genre: Romance Studio: Viva Pictures Synopsis ather, author and all around good guy, Matthew Taylor is on a whirlwind tour promoting his new book, The Bounce Back. He’s got it all figured out until he meets the acerbic Kristin Peralta, a talk show circuit therapist who’s convinced he’s nothing but a charlatan. Matthew’s life is turned upside down when he inadvertently falls for Kristin and has to face painful truth of his past relationship.



FANTASTIC BEASTS AND WHERE TO FIND THEM Uloge: Eddie Redmayne, Newt Scamander, Katherine Waterston, Ezra Miller, Alison Sudol, Dan Fogler Jenn Murray Režiser: David Yates Žanr: fantazija Studio: “Warner Bros. Pictures”

Sinopsis adnja filma „Fantastične zveri i gde ih naći“ se dešava 1926. godine pri kraju putovanja Njuta Skamandera po svetu tokom kog je dokumentovao neverovatan niz magičnih stvorenja. Dolazi na kratko u Njujork, gde bi sve prošlo bez problema da nije naleteo na Džejkoba, koji igrom slučaja poseduje magične sposobnosti, ali je greškom u nemagičnom svetu, a došlo je i do bekstva nekih od Njutovih fantastičnih životinja, koje mogu da izazovu probleme u oba sveta..


dr Stivenu Strejndžu, kojem će se život promeniti zauvek kad mu posle užasne saobraćajne nesreće ruke ostanu paralizovane. Pošto mu tradicionalna medicina ne može pomoći, on će biti primoran da lek potraži u misterioznoj enklavi poznatoj kao Kamar-Tadž. Ubrzo će shvatiti da DOCTOR STRANGE ovo nije samo centar za lečenje već i prva Uloge: Benedict Cumberborbena linija protiv batch, Tilda Swinton, Chiwetel mračnih sila koje Ejiofor, Rachel McAdams, žele da unište našu Michael Stuhlbarg, Amy stvarnost. Uskoro će Landecker Strejndž, naoružan Režiser: Scott Derrickson novim magičnim Žanr: avantura moćima, biti primoStudio: “Marvel Studios” ran da odabere da li želi da se vrati u život pun bogatstva Sinopsis i slave ili da ostavi sve z studija Marvel stiže to za sobom i da se „Doktor Strejndž”, bori protiv najmoćnijeg priča o svetski čarobnjaka na svetu. poznatom neurohirurgu


Cast: Eddie Redmayne, Newt Scamander, Katherine Waterston, Ezra Miller, Alison Sudol, Dan Fogler Jenn Murray Director: David Yates Genre: Fantasy Studio: Warner Bros. Pictures

Synopsis antastic Beasts and Where to Find Them” opens in 1926 as Newt Scamander has just completed a global excursion to find and document an extraordinary array of magical creatures. Arriving in New York for a brief stopover, he might have come and gone without incident…were it not for a No-Maj (American for Muggle) named Jacob, a misplaced magical case, and the escape of some of Newt’s fantastic beasts, which could spell trouble for both the wizarding and No-Maj worlds.


DOCTOR STRANGE Cast: Benedict Cumberbatch, Tilda Swinton, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Rachel McAdams, Michael Stuhlbarg, Amy Landecker Director: Scott Derrickson Genre: Adventure Studio: Marvel Studios Synopsis octor Strange tells the story of worldfamous neurosurgeon Dr. Stephen Strange whose life changes forever after a horrific car accident robs him of the use of his hands. When traditional medicine fails him, he is forced to look for healing, and hope, in an unlikely place-a mysterious enclave known as Kamar-Taj. He quickly learns that this is not just a centre for healing but also the front line of a battle against unseen dark forces bent on destroying our reality. Before long Strangearmed with newly acquired magical powers-is forced to choose whether to return to his life of fortune and status or leave it all behind to defend the world as the most powerful sorcerer in existence.


for you 19

sportski ugao



tletičari atletskog kluba “Prilužje” i učenici OŠ “Vuk Karadžić” pod vođstvom trenera kluba i nastavnika fizičkog vaspitanja Dejana Dimitrijevića, već dugi niz godina prepoznatljivi su po izuzetnim rezultatima koje postižu na raznim takmičenjima na Kosovu i šire. Postoje od 2005. godine i u kratkom vremenskom periodu uspeli su da postanu prepoznatljivi zbog odličnih rezultata koje redovno postižu. Osnivač ovog kluba, veliki zaljubljenik u sport i zdrav život, profesor Dejan Dimitrijević u razgovoru za Magazin 4U kaže da deca-sportisti ovog kluba beleže izuzetne rezultate i osvajaju brojne medalje na raznim okružnim i regionalnim krosevima, zahvaljujući pre svega upornosti i brojnim treninzima koje retko kad propuštaju. Ipak on naglašava da mu je mnogo bitnije da ovu decu izvede na “ pravi put” i da oni jednog dana postanu dobri ljudi, koji znaju da prepoznaju prave vrednosti u životu. Profesor Dimitrijević dodaje da je sve veći

20 for you

broj mladih koji su zainteresovani za atletiku, a da ih on u svet atletike i sporta uvodi kroz razne igre, jer je kod dece bitno pobuditi interesovanje da im ne bi bilo monotono i dosadno. Ipak prema rečima ovog vrsnog pedagoga, za decu u pubertetskom periodu pre svega je neophodno obratiti pažnju na pravilan razvoj, naročito u ovim modernim vremenima. “Bitno je da se deca pravilno razvijaju. Svi znaju da je problem 21. veka to što i deca i stariji, suviše vremena provode pored kompjutera. Meni je najveći motiv da ih sklonim sa stolice, jer je bolje da dva sata provedu trenirajući, nego sedeći pored kompjutera”, naglašava Dimitrijević. Govoreći o neophodnosti bavljenja sportom u fazi puberteta, on ističe da je bitno obratiti pažnju na to da kod dece ne dođe do deformiteta, da se redovno moraju obavljati morfološko-motorička testiranja još od V. razreda osnovne škole. Prema njegovim rečima dešava se da deca u fazi puberteta naglo izrastu, a tada može doći do raznih poremećaja,

u medicini poznatih kao skolioza i kifoza kičme. “Da do toga ne bi došlo mnogo vremena posvećujem korektivnim vežbama, za jačanje trbušnih i leđnih mišića. Danas deca imaju dosta problem ravnih tabana, iskrivili su se, a mi kao treneri i profesori fizičkog vaspitanja moramo imati mnogo razumevanja za ove stvari i učinite sve da do toga ne dođe u njihovom razvoju”, kazao je prof. Dimitrijević Osvrćući se na priču o mladim atletičarima iz

Prilužja on kaže da su deca ovog sportskog kluba najbolji ambasadori tog mesta i da uprkos tome što im fali odgovarajuća staza za trening, ipak zahvaljujući svojoj posvećenosti i ljubavi prema sportu, postižu i odlične rezultate. U atletici ne zavisite od drugih, zavisite samo od sebe, ako ste trenirali kako treba uspeh je neminovan, imate svoju stazu i dovoljno je da je istrčite, objašnjava Dimitrijević. Iako za sada ovi mladi atletičari svoje treninge trčanja obavljaju na putu koji vodi ka susednoj Plemetini, kada se budu stvorili bolji uslovi, povećaće se i broj zainteresovane dece za atletiku, “a kada vidim da ima potencijala i želje sa njihove strane, to i meni daje dodatnu motivaciju da im pomognem” podvukao je Dejan. Profesor i trener atletskog kluba “Prilužje” na kraju poručuje našim mladim čitaocima da je poželjno da počnu da se bave sportom koji vole što ranije, da je on sportista od svoje 10.godine i da je zahvaljujući svojim trenerima od malena naučio da su alkohol i cigarete najveći protivnici sporta i zdravog života.

sports corner



he athletes of the “Prilužje” Athletics Club and students of the “Vuk Karadzic” Primary School, under the leadership of the club’s coach and the Physical Education teacher Dejan Dimitrijevic, for many a year have distinguished themselves through exceptional results they achieved at various competitions in Kosovo and beyond. The club was exists since 2005 and in a short period of time managed to become recognizable because of the excellent results achieved on a regular basis. The founder of this club, a great lover of sport and a healthy lifestyle, Professor Dejan Dimitrijevic in an interview for the 4U Magazine says that the children-athletes of the club achieved exceptional results and won numerous medals at various district and regional

cross-country runs, foremost owing to to their persistence and numerous trainings that they rarely miss. However, he stresses that it is more important to see these children embark upon the “right path” and that one day they will become good people who will know how to recognize the true values in life. Professor Dimitrijevic adds that there is a growing number of young people who are interested in athletics, and that he introduces them to the world of sports and athletics through a variety of games, because it is important to arouse the children’s interest and that the games are not monotonous or boring. Yet according to this excellent educator, for children in puberty it is primarily necessary to pay attention to their proper development, especially in these modern times. “It is important for children to develop properly. Everyone knows

that the problem of the 21st century is that both children and adults spend too much time behind computers. For me, the biggest motivation to get them out of their chairs, because it is better to spend two hours practicing than sitting behind their computers”, Dimitrijevic says. Speaking about the necessity of playing sports when in puberty, he points out that it is important to pay attention that children do not develop deformities, to regularly perform morphological-motor testing as early as the 5th grade. According to him, it often happens that children in puberty grow rapidly and this can to a variety of disorders, known in medicine as scoliosis and kyphosis of the spine. “In order to prevent such a problem, I dedicate a lot of time to corrective exercises to strengthen the abdominal and back muscles. Today, many children

are flat-footed and bent over, we as coaches and Physical Education teachers have to have a lot of understanding for these things and do everything so this does not happen in their development,” Professor Dimitrijevic said. Referring to the story of young athletes from Prilužje, he said that the children of this sports club best are the best ambassadors of this town and that despite the fact that they lack an adequate training track, they however achieved excellent results, owing to their dedication and love for sports. In athletics you do not depend on others, you depend only on yourself, if you have trained as you should have, success is inevitable, you have your track ahead of you and it is sufficient to run to the finish line, Dimitrijevic explains. Although these young athletes currently practice on the road, leading to neighbouring Plemetina, when better conditions are created, there will be an increase in the number of children interested in athletics, “and when I see their potential and desire, I am given extra motivation to help them” Dejan underlined. The Professor and coach of the “Prilužje” Athletics Club at the end tells our young readers that it is desirable to begin to play sports they love as early as possible, that he has been an athlete since he was 10 and that he learnt from his is thanks to my coaches in childhood that alcohol and cigarettes are the biggest opponents of sports and a healthy lifestyle.

for you 21

hi - tech

NAJUTICAJNIJI UREDAJI SVIH VREMENA Tehnologija koja je zauvek promenila naš način života, rada i igre


azmislite o opremi bez koje ne možete da živite: pametni telefon koji stalno proveravate, foto-aparat koji ide sa vama na svaki odmor, TV koji služi kao portal za opsesivno gledanje programa i igranje video igrica. Svaka ova naprava duguje svoj uticaj jednom modelu koji je promenio tok tehnologije za sva vremena. To su oni uređaji koje prepoznajemo na ovoj listi najuticajnijih uređaja svih vremena. I neki od njih, poput „Sonijevog“ vokmena, bili su prvi svoje vrste. Drugi, kao što je iPod, lansirali su postojeću ideju u glavne tokove. Neki su bili neuspešni komercijalno, ali ipak uticajni, dok nekoliko naprava predstavlja uzbudljive, ali nedokazane nove koncepte.

Apple iPad

BlackBerry 6210

Apple iPad

BlackBerry 6210

Lansiranje Ipad-a 2010. je podstaklo mnoštvo naslova sa pitanjem da li će ili ne tablet zameniti laptop kao najvažniji lični računar. Eplov (Apple) iPad nije bio prvi tablet, ali je radikalno drugačiji od onoga što je izašlo pre njega. Raniji uređaji, kao što su GriDPad i Palm Pilot, imali su ekrane koji su bili manje osetljivi na dodir koje su korisnici morali da koriste uz pomoć olovke. Mikrosoft je predstavio tablet koji je koristio Windows XP u 2002. godini.

The iPad’s 2010 launch spurred a slew of headlines questioning whether or not the tablet would replace the laptop as the most important personal computer. Apple’s iPad wasn’t the first tablet, but it was radically different from what came before. Earlier devices, like the GriDPad and Palm Pilot, had smaller touchscreens users had to operate with a stylus. Microsoft unveiled a tablet that ran Windows XP in 2002.

Nintendo Game Boy

Čudo je da nismo uništili svoj vid igranjem igrica na malom maslinasto-zelenom ekranu gejmboja (Game Boy), s obzirom na to koliko ih je Nintendo prodao. Zdepast, pomalo jadan prljavo-beli uređaj sa upadljivim drečavo crvenim tasterima, Nintendov ručni uređaj iz 1989 doneo je prvu modernu mobilnu igru. Njegova skromna snaga i anemičan ekran primorali su programere da prečiste i izvuku suštinu žanrova prenesenih iz konzole.

Nintendo Game Boy

It’s a wonder we didn’t destroy our eyes gaming on the Game Boy’s tiny 2.6-inch olive green screen, considering how many Nintendo sold. A chunky, somewhat dismal looking off-white object with garish cerise-colored buttons, Nintendo’s 1989 handheld invented the modern mobile game. Its modest power and anemic screen forced developers to distill the essence of genres carried over from consoles.

22 for you

Blekberi (BlackBerri) je napravio džepne uređaje preko kojih se može pristupiti elektronskoj pošti u hodu pre modela 6210, ali ovaj uređaj je prvi koji kombinuje surfovanje internetom i imejl u okviru telefona. Model 6210 omogućava korisnicima da provere e-poštu, da telefoniraju, šalju tekstualne poruke, upravljaju svojim kalendarom, a sve to na jednom uređaju.

BlackBerry made pocket-sized gadgets for accessing email on-the-go before the 6210, but this was the first to combine the Web-browsing and email experience with the functionality of a phone. The 6210 let users check email, make phone calls, send text messages, manage their calendar, and more all from a single device.

Apple iPod

Bilo je MP3 plejera i pre ajpoda (iPod), naravno, ali je Eplov hit uređaj taj koji je ubedio ljubitelje muzike da masovno nadograde svoje CD plejera. IPod je istovremeno učinio pirateriju privlačnijom, tako što je ljudima omogućio da u džepu nose svoje zbirke od hiljadu pesama, a istovremeno oživeo i klimavu muzičku industriju sa prodavnicom Ajtjuns (iTunes Store), koja je kasnije postala najveća svetska muzička prodavnica.

buster device that convinced music fans to upgrade from their CD players en masse. The iPod simultaneously made piracy more appealing, by letting people carry their thousandsong libraries in their pockets, while also providing a lifeline to the flailing music industry with the iTunes Store, which eventually became the world’s biggest music retailer.

Apple iPod

There were MP3 players before the iPod, sure, but it was Apple’s block(Izvor:

hi - tech



The tech that forever changed the way we live, work, and play

hink of the gear you can’t live without: The smartphone you constantly check. The camera that goes with you on every vacation. The TV that serves as a portal to binge-watching and -gaming. Each owes its influence to one model that changed the course of technology for good. It’s those devices we’re recognizing in this list of the most influential gadgets of all time. Some of these, like Sony’s Walkman, were the first of their kind. Others, such as the iPod, propelled an existing idea into the mainstream. Some were unsuccessful commercially, but influential nonetheless. And a few represent exciting but unproven new concepts.

IBM Model 5150

Kako bi tržište računara izgledalo danas bez IBM PC? Naravno, svet je imao personalne računare pre nego što je model 5150 uveden 1981. Međutim, IBM-ovo uvođenje korporativne računarske hrabrosti Big Blua u domove – pomogli su da ovo bude neverovatno uspešan proizvod.

IBM Model 5150

What would the computer market look like today without the IBM PC? Sure, the world had personal computers before the 5150 was introduced in 1981. But IBM’s sales pitch - bringing Big Blue’s corporate computing prowess into the home helped make this a wildly successful product.

Apple iPhone

Kompanija Epl (Apple) je bio prva kompanija koja je zaista moćan računar smestila u džepove miliona kada je lansirala ajfon (iPhone) u 2007. Pametni telefoni su faktički postojali već godinama, ali nijedan nije bio tako pristupačan i lep kao iPhone. Eplov uređaj je uveo novu eru ravnih telefona sa ekranom na dodir, sa tasterima koji se pojavljuju na ekranu po potrebi, koji je zamenio nezgrapnije telefone sa tastaturom na izvlačenje i statičkim tasterima. Međutim, ono što je zaista učinilo iPhone tako izvanrdnim je njegov softver i prodavnica aplikacija za mobilne uređaje, uvedena kasnije. IPhone je popularizovao aplikaciju za mobilne uređaje, zauvek promenivši način na koji komuniciramo, igramo video igre, kupujemo, radimo, i obavljamo mnoge svakodnevne zadatke. IPhone je porodica veoma uspešnih proizvoda. Međutim, još značajnije od toga je to što je fundamentalno promenio naš odnos prema računarstvu i informatici – a to je promena, koja će verovatno imati posledice decenijama. (Source:

Sony Walkman

Sonijev vokmen je bio prvi muzički plejer koji je spojio prenosivost, jednostavnost i pristupačnost. Iako su ploče i dalje bile najpopularniji muzički format, vokmen je reprodukovao muziku sa mnogo manjih kaseta i bio je dovoljno mali da stane u tašnu ili džep. Uveo je fenomen privatnog prostora u javnosti koji nastaje zbog izolacionog efekta slušalica.

Sony Walkman

Sony’s Walkman was the first music player to combine portability, simplicity and affordability. While vinyl records were still the most popular music format, the Walkman, played much smaller cassettes and was small enough to fit in a purse or pocket. It ushered in the phenomena of private space in public created by the isolating effect of headphones.

Apple iPhone

Apple was the first company to put a truly powerful computer in the pockets of millions when it launched the iPhone in 2007. Smartphones had technically existed for years, but none came together as accessibly and beautifully as the iPhone. Apple’s device ushered in a new era of flat, touchscreen phones with buttons that appeared on screen as you needed them, replacing the chunkier phones with slide-out keyboards and static buttons. What really made the iPhone so remarkable, however, was its software and mobile app store, introduced later. The iPhone popularized the mobile app, forever changing how we communicate, play games, shop, work, and complete many everyday tasks. The iPhone is a family of very successful products. But, more than that, it fundamentally changed our relationship to computing and information - a change likely to have repercussions for decades to come.

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ostoje brojni razlozi i okolnosti, kada su deci uskraćene mogućnosti da odrastaju uz svoje biološke roditelje. Ukoliko dođe do ovakve situacije, moguće je da je potrebno da deca budu smeštena u drugu porodicu, što je poznato pod nazivom hraniteljska porodica. Hraniteljstvo je organizovana forma zaštite koja ovoj deci pruža mogućnost da odrastaju u porodičnom okruženju, kao neophodnoj sredini za pravilan i skladan razvoj ličnosti. “Program hraniteljskih usluga i razvoj komunikacije u okviru rada sa zajednicom”, naziv je projekta koji od avgusta 2016. godine sprovodi nevladina organizacija “Misija ljudi dobre volje” iz Zvečana. Prema rečima Jelene Milićević, menadžera ove organizacije, hraniteljstvo je pre svega namenjeno deci koja su doživela tragičan gubitak roditelja, ili koja su napuštena, zanemarena i zlostavljana od strane roditelja ili njihovi roditelji nisu u mogućnosti da im pruže adekvatnu brigu. Ona u razgovoru za Magazin 4U kaže da porodica kao prirodno okruženje za rast i razvoj svakog deteta pruža sigurnost i osećaj pripadanja, stvara mogućnost da dete razvija svoje sposobnosti,

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usvaja znanja i veštine, priprema se za život u zajednici i osamostaljuje, ali da ima puno dece koja ne žive u ovako idealnim okolnostima. “Ovim projektom NVO “Misija ljudi dobre volje” želi da podigne svest građana o deci bez adekvatnog roditeljskog staranja. Želimo uspostavljanje efikasne i operativne mreže da bismo podržali ove mališane, a tu nam je pre svega potrebna podrška lokalne samouprave”, objašnjava Jelena Milićević. Prema njenim rečima neophodno je da je hraniteljska porodica u okviru propisane procedure stekla opštu podobnost za bavljenje hraniteljstvom. “Hraniteljstvo je po svom karakteru privremeno. Zbrinjavanje dece može biti kratkoročno do razrešenja krizne situacije u prirodnoj porodici deteta ili na duži vremenski period do osamostaljivanja deteta. Potrebne su nam porodice koje su otvorene i spremne da prihvate brigu o detetu i da mu pruže svu neophodnu toplinu porodičnog doma”, ističe ona. Milićević naglašava da se od hranitelja očekuje između ostalog i da omoguće detetu osposobljavanje za samostalni život, da rade u partnerstvu sa stručnjacima, imaju veštine i

poštuju pravila timskog rada, da štite dete od zlostavljanja i zloupotrebe, da obezbeđuju sigurno okruženje za dete, kako u porodici tako i u širem okruženju, da razumeju potrebe deteta i da ga neguju, vaspitavaju i obrazuju. „Zainteresovanost građana za hraniteljstvo raste, ali su za tu oblast potrebna nova znanja i novi standardi. Hraniteljstvo je proces koji se uči, a rezultati se najpre mogu sagledati kroz napredak dece u takvim porodicama“, zaključuje Milićević. Projekat “Program hraniteljskih usluga i razvoj komunikacije u okviru rada sa zajednicom” podržan je od strane UNICEF-a i sprovodiće se do septembra 2017.godine. ‘Misija ljudi dobre volje’ je da aktivno učestvuje u razvoju civilnog društva, promociji građanskih i kulturnih vrednosti, kroz rad sa mladima, lokalnom zajednicom, unapređenjem kvaliteta obrazovanja i podizanjem nivoa svesti o značaju zaštite životne sredine, uključujući i ruralne sredine. Organizacija postoji od 2001., godine i do sada je sprovela više projekata iz ovih oblasti.



or many various reasons and circumstances children may not able to live within their biological family unit. If this is the case, it may be required that they be placed into another family, this is known as foster care. Foster care is an organized form of care which provides the opportunity for these children to be raised in a family environment, in order to promote necessary and harmonious development of personality. The ‘Foster Family Program and Development of Communication within Community Work’ was established in is August 2016. It is an ongoing project being conducted by the NGO ‘Mission of People of Good Will’ based in Zvečan. According to Jelena Milićević, manager of the organization, foster care above all intended for children who have experienced the tragic loss of parents, have been abandoned, neglected or abused by their parents, or their parents are unable to provide proper care. During the interview with 4U magazine Jelena Milićević also stated, “That family, as the natural environment for the growth and development of every child, offers security and a sense of belonging, creates the opportunity for children to develop their skills, acquire knowledge and skills, prepare for life in the community and become independent,

but that there are many children who don’t live in such ideal circumstances’’. Through the medium of this project ‘The Mission of People of Good Will’, are seeking to raise awareness with regard to children without adequate parental care. Additionally they are also seeking to raise the interest in the provision of foster care, “We want to establish an effective and operational network that would allow us to support these kids, and in this regard, we primarily need the support of local governments,” stated Jelena Milićević. In accordance with what she has stated, a foster family must acquire general eligibility for foster care activities, in accordance with the prescribed procedure. “In its character foster care is temporary. A child can be placed in foster care for a short time until the resolution of crisis in the natural family, or for a longer period until the child gains independence. We need families that are open and ready to accept the responsibility to take care of a child without parental care and to give the child all the necessary warmth of the family home,” she further added. Milićević emphasized that foster parents are expected, among other things, to enable the child to become independent, to work in partnership with professionals, to have the necessary skills and to respect teamwork rules, to protect the child

from abuse and exploitation, to provide a safe environment for the child, both within the family and in a wider environment, to understand the children’s needs, and to nurture, educate and teach them manners. There is a growing interest in foster care amongst citizens. However there is still a requirement to develop knowledge and standards in this area. Foster care is a process that requires continuous learning and development, the positive results can be seen above all through children’s progress within such families, Milićević concluded. The project “Foster Family Program and Development of Communication within Community Work” is supported by UNICEF and will be implemented by September 2017. The “Mission of People of Good Will” is to actively participate in the development of civil society, in promotion of civic and cultural values by working with the youth and the local community, by improving the quality of education and raising awareness about the importance of environmental protection, including rural areas. The organization has existed since 2001 and has so far implemented several projects in the said areas.

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Svakog jutra na talasima K4 Radija slušajte “Prepodne”!


misija “Prepodne” na talasima Radio KFOR-a je pravo mesto za sve one koje žele da čuju najnovije filmske, muzičke i vesti o kulturi, dok je veliki segment programa posvećen najauktelnijim sportskim dešavanjima. Počinje svakog dana u 10.00 časova i emituje se do podneva. Proveravali smo kako voditelj ove emisije Vlada Veličković priprema ovu emisiju i na šta je važno obratiti pažnju da bi emisija privukla što više slušalaca. On na početku razgovora za Magazin 4U ističe da je bitno da svaka prepodnevna emisija popravi raspoloženje slušaocima, pa stoga

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voditelj biranjem informacija koje plasira u etar, zapravo direktno utiče na sve one koji ga slušaju. “Svakog dana u ovom terminu pričamo vam priče koje još niste čuli - neobične, nove, dirljive, vesele. Emisija je tačno koncipirana i usmerena na različite oblasti, a izvori se, uglavnom, nalaze na internetu, mada ima i originalnog sadržaja koji Radio KFOR sam proizvodi. Pozivam Vas da budete sa nama svakog radnog dana!”, kaže Vlada. On dodaje da uz pomenute priče, emisiju krasi i najbolja domaća i strana muzika, odnosno sve sami aktuelni hitovi. Prema njegovim rečima ukoliko vas interesuje kada će vaš omiljeni izvođač izdati novu pesmu ili želite da saznate kada će se održati neka pozorišna predstava u vašem kraju, “Prepodne” će vas o tome blagovremeno obavestiti. Voditelj emisije “Prepodne”, Vlada Veličković posebnu pažnju tokom ove emisije posvećuje sportskim dešavanjima, fudbalskoj Ligi šampiona, najnovijim filmovima i serijama, zanimljivostima iz nauke i ljudske domišljatosti, ali i kako nam

je rekao, i gluposti. On kaže da u emisiji “Prepodne” ima stvari koje najviše interesuju slušaoce, kao što su učestale vremenske prognoze, prikazi kulturnih događaja, prelistavanje dnevne štampe, servisne informacije, najviše o saobraćaju, izveštaji iz Hitne pomoći, reportaže iz naših krajeva, pokoji zapis o neobičnim zanimanjima, navikama, hobijima. Sve ovo čini jednu pravu i dobru formula da “Prepodne” bude veoma slušano i popularno. Autor emisije “Prepodne” Vlada Veličković poručuje na kraju i našim čitaocima da uključe radio KFOR i slušaju “Prepodne” svakog radnog dana na 96,6 mhz , jer će na taj način uvek biti informisani o svim aktuelnim temema, a takođe i sve slušaoce poziva da i oni budu novinaridopisnici ,da daju svoje predloge i na taj način aktivno učestvuju u kreiranju emisije “ Prepodne”. Svoje predloge slušaoci mogu ostaviti i na Facebook stranici Radio KFOR-a: RadioKFOR 96,6 Srpski, ili na istom mestu proslediti najnovije zanimljive informacije koje se tiče njihovog mesta.


Every morning, listen to “Morning!” show on K4 Radio

he show “Morning” on the waves of Radio KFOR is the right place for those who want to hear the latest news about movies, music and culture, while a large segment of the program is dedicated to the most current sports events. It starts every day at 10:00 and is broadcasted until noon. We were checking out on how presenter of this show Vlada Veličković prepares the show and what is most remarkable to note so that show attracts more listeners. At the beginning of the interview for Magazine 4U he emphasizes that it is essential that each morning show improves mood of the audience, therefore, the presenter’s selection of information that are placed on the air actually has a direct impact on all those who listen to him. “Every day in this time period we’re telling you stories that you have not heard yet unusual, new, moving, happy stories. The show is conceived and precisely focused on

different areas and sources are mainly found on the Internet, although there is also original content that KFOR Radio produces. I invite you to be with us every working day!” says Vlada. He also says that, in addition to the aforementioned stories, the show is also adorned with the best domestic and foreign music, all current music hits. According to him, if you are interested in when your favorite artist is releasing a new song or you want to know when a theater performance will be held in your area, then “Morning” show will inform you in timely manner. Host of “Morning” show, Vlada Veličković, pays special attention to sports events during this show, to football’s Champions League, latest movies and TV shows, interesting science and human ingenuity, but also, as he told us, to foolishness. He says that in “Morning” show there are things in which listeners are mostly interested in, such as frequent weather reports, presentations of cultural events, look at the daily press, service information, mostly traffic reports, emergency ward report, reports from our areas,

few notes on unusual professions, habits, hobbies. All this makes a true and good formula for “Morning” show to be very popular and listened to. Author of “Morning” show Vlada Velickovic at the end conveys the message to our readers to turn on the KFOR radio and listen to “Morning” show every working day on 96.6 MHz, as in this way they will always be informed about all current topics, and he also calls on all the listeners to become journalists-correspondents and give their proposals and thus actively participate in the creation of the “Morning” show. Listeners can leave their proposals on the Facebook page of Radio KFOR: 96.6 Radio KFOR Srpski, or on the same page they can forward the latest interesting information concerning their place.

for you 27


zajedn ički pro ve jedni d rugima dene. Kada sm de koje sm o znali lili poklone z o žele. a da ih n stvo, p aši prij rve ljub osmes a telji Prijate avi, is ljska lj čak i u u ono što čo prvi reda ubav je ili kako veku d ostaje dn urezan ubokoj staro ja je v d olim da og raz n e poro sti o u src na prv kaže dice u i dan š na ma kole, p . Sećanja slovo, turi, is , se ne završ m r v kre prv on av može r tu da n u dobijenu p apisano astavit no prijateljst a v i eticu s as i u n o č je ak i tad dino sm u ajtežim iskuše a r p t . r ij A a živ god živ li teljstvo nji e ž nam sn ma oraspolo otnim Ko bi m uspomene n ivi, dok že i da agu da a ju o nastav S dru koje sm gao da zabo njega. im o g e d alj st ravi su o proli tanak ze li jedni sa sob rane svaki ra e. trenutk s om no e s a drug k dozu t a d a s i im smo se smejali i poseb ug b do bes a, nu Rastan e, očaja i bo smo čin ez razloga? vesti la. ak jedn Stvari ili jedn og raz pre sv koje i za dr jamno e r e g d a a je , u sr raspla g msava dne porodice maštan ećni i sebi d e, uzau na ov ja i am bicije s oljni. Naša nešto osećan ma različita č u e takođe g ja. ostarim a ćemo se trenuta Toliko divnih s o e . ćati ka ka da Da li s sa oso provedenih e bama z a v r š š kole pr koje su moj živ ijatljstv avanjem osn ot ulep il ovne o ne z i s e š a pak za i obog atili niz vali vršava avršava, is k lj učivo n ? Izbo om uspom r je a nam ena. S a . v e naše t ajn nje i sv e, ljut ađe su Neman doprin j ele da Ariton a o naša v vić, VI O.Š. “ ez II1 Vu k poveza a i K nost aradži ć” ojača. Priluž Neizos j e t a van de os novogo u i dišnje noći


28 for you

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for you 29

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Pisma citalaca v

Ćao svima, Zovem se Anes, živim u Mitrovici i imam 12 godina. Mnogo volim da čitam Vaš časopis, a želja mi je da uskoro objavite poster mog omiljenog fudbalera Nejmara. U slobodno vreme bavim se fudbalom, gledam tv i družim se sa mojim drugarima.Želim Vam da u Novoj godini budete još bolji I da nas uvek iznenadite sa dobrim posterima. Anes Tatarović OŠ “Vlada Ćetković” - Mitrovica

Ćao, Ja sam Sara i imam 11 godina. Pohađam školu “Vlada Ćetković” u Mitrovici. Redovno čitam Vaš magazin, a omiljeni film mi je “Sam u kući”. U slobodno vreme volim da se igram, da se družim i igram odbojku. Pozdravljam sve čitaoce i svima želim srećnu Novu godinu. Sara Jahirović, OŠ “Vlada Ćetković” - Mitrovica Ćao svima, Ja se zovem Elvir i iz Mitrovice sam. Imam dvanaest godina i treniram fudbal. Zato bih voleo da što više objavljujete sportskih fudbalskih vesti.

Od muzike najviše volim da slušam Big Time Rush. U slobodno vreme osim treninga, najviše volim da se družim sa svojim drugarima. Sve najbolje u Novoj godini i očekujem nov broj. Elvir Gašjani OŠ “Vlada Ćetković” - Mitrovica Srdačan pozdrav svima, Najpre sve najbolje u Novoj godini. Ja sam Alija iz Mitrovice, imam jedanaest godina. Redovno čitam vaš magazin, a u slobodno vreme igram fudbal i slušam muziku. Voleo bih da u magazinu objavite poster Camerona Dallas-a, koji je moja omiljena ličnost. Sve Vas pozdravljam! Alija Beriša OŠ “Vlada Ćetković” - Mitrovica Zdravo svima, Ja sam Sara Krasnići iz Mitrovice. Imam jedanaest

godina i redovno čitam Vaš magazin. Moj omiljeni pevač je Saša Kovačević, čiji bih poster volela da objavite. U slobodno vreme družim se sa drugaricama, gledam TV ili provodim vreme na internetu. Takođe želim da vam čestitam Novu godinu i nadam se da ćete nastaviti da budete sa nama. Pozdravljam sve čitaoce magazina! Sara Krasnići OŠ “Vlada Ćetković” - Mitrovica


Pozdrav svima, Ja sam Sajana Bajrami i imam 11 godina. Živim u Mitrovici i najpre želim da vas sve pozdravim i čestitam Novu godinu. Nadam se da će Magazin 4U I ove godine nastaviti da nas redovno obraduje nekim lepim pričama. Moja omiljena grupa je “One direction”, a omiljeni glumac

mi je Ian Somerhalder, čiji bih poster volela da vidim u magazinu. Sve vas puno pozdravljam. Sajana Bajrami OŠ “Vlada Ćetković” - Mitrovica

for you 31

Readers’ letters Hi everyone, My name is Anes; I live in Mitrovica and I’m 12 years old. I really love to read your magazine, and I wish you to publish as soon as possible a poster of my favorite player Neymar. In my spare time I play football, watch TV and hang out with my friends. I wish you to be even better in the upcoming year and always surprise us with good posters. Anes Tatarovic Primary School “Vlada Ćetković” - Mitrovica Greetings to everyone, I am Sajan Bajrami and I’m 11 years old. I live in Mitrovica and I would firstly like to greet you all and wish you a happy New Year. I hope that the magazine 4U will this year continue to regularly treat us with some beautiful stories. My favorite band is “One direction” and my favorite actor is Ian Somerhalder, whose

poster I’d like to see in your magazine. Kind regards to everyone. Sajana Bajrami Primary School “Vlada Ćetković” - Mitrovica Hi, I’m Sara and I’m 11 years old. I attend the school “Vlada Ćetković” in Mitrovica. I read your magazine regularly, and my favorite film is “Home Alone”. In my spare time I like to play, socialize and play volleyball. I welcome all readers and wish you all a happy New Year. Sara Jahirovic, Primary School “Vlada Ćetković” - Mitrovica Hi everyone, My name Elvir and I am from Mitrovica. I’m twelve years old and I train football. Therefore, I would like you to publish as much sports football news as possible. When it comes to

music, I like to listen to Big Time Rush. In my spare time, besides training football, I like to hang out with my friends. All the best in the New Year and I’m looking forward to the new issue of the magazine. Elvir Gasjani Primary School “Vlada Ćetković” - Mitrovica Warm greeting to all, First of all, I wish you all the best in the New Year. I am Alija from Mitrovica and I am eleven years old. I read your magazine regularly and in my spare time I play football and listening to music. I would like you to publish in a poster of Cameron Dallas, who is my favorite person. Best regards! Alija Berisa Primary School “Vlada Ćetković” - Mitrovica Hello everyone, I’m Sara Krasniqi from Mitrovica.

I am eleven years old and I regularly read your magazine. My favorite singer is Sasa Kovacevic, whose poster I’d like you to publish. In my free time I hang out with my friends, watch TV or spend time on the internet. I also want to wish you a happy New Year and I hope that you will continue to be with us. Regards to all readers of the magazine! Sara Krasnici Primary School “Vlada Ćetković” - Mitrovica


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