UVODNIK Prvi Međunarodni dan žena, proslavljen pre više od 100 godina, obeležio je tekuću borbu za pravo žene na rad, glasanje, da obavlja javnu funkciju i okonča rodnu diskriminaciju. Od tada je postignut veliki napredak, ali ne smemo zaboraviti da su žene u mnogim delovima sveta i dalje ugrožene i bez najosnovnijih prava i sloboda. U 2015. su svetski lideri usvojili ciljeve održivog razvoja, stavljajući ravnopravnost polova i osnaživanje svih žena i devojaka u srž Programa za održivi razvoj 2030 (Agenda 2030). Postizanje ovih ciljeva, uključujući okončanje siromaštva, promovisanje inkluzivnog i održivog ekonomskog rasta, smanjenje nejednakosti unutar i između zemalja, i postizanje rodne ravnopravnosti i osnaživanje svih žena i devojaka, počiva na ostvarenju punog potencijala žena u svetu rada. U skladu sa tim, UN je odlučio da tema Međunarodnog dana žena u 2017. bude “Žene u promenljivom svetu rada: Planet 50-50 do 2030. godine”. Cilj ove teme je da se razmotri kako da se ubrza Agenda 2030, kako da se dođe do momenta za efikasno sprovođenje novih Održivih razvojnih ciljeva, posebno cilja broj 5: postizanje rodne ravnopravnosti i osnaživanje svih žena i djevojaka; i broj 4: osiguravanje inkluzivnog i kvalitetnog obrazovanja za sve i promovisanje doživotnog učenja. Važno je zapamtiti da slobode koje žene uživaju danas potiču od napornog rada žena pionira, koje su imale hrabrosti i smelosti da traže da jednakost sa muškarcima bude propisana zakonom. Najbolji način da se ispoštuju njihovi napori, jeste da odvojimo vreme na ovaj Međunarodni dan žena i da razmislimo o napretku koji je postignut, da pozovemo na promenu i slavimo hrabra i odlučna dela običnih žena, koje su imale izvanrednu ulogu u istoriji svojih zemalja i zajednica.
“For You” je slu`bena publikacija KFOR-a, proizvedena i finansirana od strane KFOR-a. Štampa se na Kosovu i distribuira besplatno. Sadr`aj magazina ne odra`ava uvek stavove koalicije ili bilo koje zemlje ~lanice pojedina~no. KFOR prihvata i tra`i vaša mi{ljenja, neka od njih }e i objavljivati, verovatno u skra}enoj formi. Ako autor pisma tako `eli, njegovo/njeno ime ne}e biti objavljeno. KFOR ne}e objavljivati anonimna, maliciozna ili klevetni~ka pisma. Glavni urednik: Leonora Shabanaj Nik{i} Novinari: Ali Rexha, Asmir Nik{i}, Violeta Matovi} Fotografije: Ekipa “4U” Design & Layout: Bekim Shabani Uredni{tvo mo`ete kontaktirati na telefon: 038/503-603-2139 Pisma mo`ete slati na adresu: HQ KFOR - Kosova Film. “For You” magazin; Strasbourg Building; 10000 Pri{tina E-mail: leonorashabanaj@gmail.com; http://www.magazineforyou.com
2 for you
2-3: Uvodnik, sadržaj 4-5: Škola meseca: Osnovna škola “ Jovan Cvijić”, Zubin Potok; Upitnik: Šta za Vas predstavlja 8. Mart? 6-7: Pomoć Dancon Marša za dve škole i sklonište za medvede 8-9: Moda: Pokloni koji su više od poklona: rukotvoren dan majki 10-11: Music Box: Nevena Božović: Anđeoski glas i nestvarna lepota 12-13: Big Bend: “Muzika i druženje pre svega” 14-15: Neverovatne
životinje koje menjaju svoju boju 16-17: Poster: Nevena Božović 18-19: Moviemania: John Wick: chapter 2; The Lego Batman movie; Beauty and the Beast; Power Rangers 20-21: OK “Partizan, Lipljan” 22-23: Hi-Tech 24-25: Maltretiranje – fenomen koji moramo iskoreniti 26-27: RADIO KFOR 28-29: Vaš ugao ... 30: Enigmatski ugao 31-32: Pisma čitalaca
Sportski ugao: “OK PARTIZAN”
DANCON Marš 2-3: Editorial, index 4-5: School of the month: Primary school “Jovan Cvijić”, Zubin Potok; Questionnaire: What do you know and what is you opinion about 8th of March? 6-7: DANCON March assists two schools and the bear sanctuary 8-9: Fashion: Gifts that go beyond: A handmade Mother’s Day 10-11: Music Box: Nevena Bozovic: The angelic voice and incredible beauty 12-13: Big Band: “Music and friendship above all”
14-15: Animal Kingdom: Amazing colour-changing animals 16-17: Poster: Nevena Bozovic 18-19: Moviemania: John Wick: chapter 2; The Lego Batman movie; Beauty and the Beast; Power Rangers 20-21: Sports corner: VBC “Partizan, Lipljan” 22-23: Hi-Tech 24-25:Bullying – A phenomenon we must eradicate 26-27: RADIO KFOR 28-29: Your corner ... 30: Puzzle 31-32: Reader’s letters
The first International Women’s Day celebrated over 100 years ago marked the ongoing struggle for a woman’s right to work, vote, hold public office and end gender discrimination. Since then a lot of progress has been achieved, yet we must not forget that in many parts of the world, women remain vulnerable without the most basic rights and freedoms. In 2015 world leaders adopted the Sustainable Development Goals, placing gender equality and empowerment of all women and girls at the heart of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Achievement of the goals, including ending poverty, promoting inclusive and sustainable economic growth, reducing inequalities within and between countries, and achieving gender equality and empowerment of all women and girls, rests upon unlocking the full potential of women in the world of work. In line with this, the UN has decided that the 2017 theme of International Women’s Day is “Women in the Changing World of Work: Planet 50-50 by 2030”. The idea of this theme is to consider how to accelerate the 2030 Agenda, building momentum for the effective implementation of the new Sustainable Development Goals, especially goal number 5: Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls; and number 4: Ensure inclusive and quality education for all and promote lifelong learning. It is important to remember that the freedoms enjoyed by women today stem from the relentless demands and hard work of female pioneers who had the courage and audacity to demand equality with men under the law. The best way to honour their efforts is by taking time on this International Women’s Day to reflect on progress made, to call for change and to celebrate acts of courage and determination by ordinary women who have played an extraordinary role in the history of their countries and communities.
‘For You’ is an official publication of KFOR, produced and financed by KFOR, printed in Kosovo and distributed freely.The contents do not necessarily reflect the official point of view of the coalition or that of any of its member states. KFOR accepts and welcomes your opinions, it will publish some of these, eventually in a condensed form. If requested the name of the writer will be withheld but no anonymous, defamatory or malicious letters will be printed. Chief Editor: Leonora Shabanaj Niksic Journalists: Ali Rexha, Asmir Niksic, Violeta Matovic Photos by: “4U” team Design & Layout: Bekim Shabani The editorial staff can be contacted on: 038/503-603-2139 Any letters can be sent at: HQ KFOR - Film City; For You magazine; Strasbourg building; 10000 Pristina; E-mail: magazineforyou2003@gmail.com; http://www.magazineforyou.com
for you 3
škola meseca
Direktorka Verica Vučetić
snovna škola “ Jovan Cvijić” je najveća škola u Ibarskom Kolašinu, prostoru koji obuhvata područje između planine Rogozne, Mokre gore i Ribarićke klisure. Prosvetiteljstvo i kultura u ovom kraju svoje korene vuku iz 14. veka, kada je bila aktivna tkz. “Domaćička škola”, kraljice Jelene Anžujske. Prva škola u ovom kraju osnovana je 1891.godine, a Osnovna škola u Zubinom potoku nasledila je i produžila tradiciju. Godine 1953.potekla je ideja da škola dobije ime po istaknutom srpskom naučniku svetskog glasa, humanisti i naprednom političaru Jovanu Cvijiću, koji je istraživao i u ovim krajevima. Današnja osnovna škola ima preko 3000 m2 i nalazi se u centru Zubinog Potoka. Zgrada matične škole je nova, izgrađena je
Pavle Galjak (14 godina) 8.Mart ili Dan žena proslavljamo svake godine, obično muškarci na taj dan kupuju poklone ženama. Žene su se izborile za svoja prava, to obeležavamo ovog datuma, a muškarci trebaju da ispoštuju ovaj dan i kupe poklone svojim lepšim polovinama i mislim da svaka žena treba da dobije poklon na ovaj dan. Pavle Galjak (14) We celebrate March 8 or the Women’s Day every year, and usually men on that day buy gifts for women. Women have fought for and won their rights, and that is what we celebrate on this day, so men need to respect this day and buy gifts for their better halves and I think that every woman should receive a gift on this day.
4 for you
2003. godine. Škola ima tri izdvojena odeljenja u selima Velji Breg, Crepulja i Dren, a školu pohađa 541 đaka. U razgovoru za naš magazin, direktorka ove škole Verica Vučetić kaže da se današnji rad i uspeh škole ogledaju u uspehu učenika, u nagradama i priznanjima koje đaci ostvaruju na raznim takmičenjima, slobodnim aktivnostima i sportu, kao i u saradnji škole i sredine u kojoj deluje. Prema njenim rečima ovde deluje veliki broj kulturno-umetničkih sekcija, a vredno je i napomenuti da je iz ove škole potekao i rukometni klub “ Mokra gora”. “ Nekadašnji učenici ove škole su danas kvalifikovani radnici, inženjeri, doktori nauka, lekari. Imamo uvek čime da se pohvalimo, jer naša deca osvajaju nagrade na raznim takmičenjima. Takođe na prijemnim ispitima pokazuju izuzetne rezultate i upisuju željene škole i fakultete”, ističe Verica. U školi se uči ruski i engleski jezik, nastavni kadar je visoko- stručan, škola je moderno opremljena sa raspoloživim kabinetima, velikom bibiotekom i novom fiskulturnom salom, kojoj za sada nedostaju sportski rekviziti. Direktorka Verica Vučetić provela je 38 godina dug radni vek školstvu, diplomirani je pedagog po struci, a ono što posebno izdvaja kao neophodnost u danasnjem školovanju dece je sinergija obrazovanja i vaspitanja. “ Mi smatramo da je osnovno obrazovanje osnova za svako drugo obrazovanje, zato što se prva znanja stiču u osnovnoj školi. Ranije je bilo drugačije, uporedo smo radili na obrazovanju i vaspitanju
Grozdan Popović (14 godina) Mislim da je ovaj dan poseban za žene, jer je baš posvećen njima. Muškarci im obi čno tada kupuju poklone, cveće. Ipak ja mislim da ženama treba posvećivati pažnju svakog dana, a ne samo na ovaj datum. Grozdan Popovic (14) I think this is a special day for women because it is dedicated precisely to them. Men usually buy gifts and flowers for women on that day. However, I think that women should be paid attention to every day, not just on this date.
dece. Mnogo je bitno raditi i na osnovnom vaspitanju dece, jer od tog procesa vaspitanja dece zavisi mnogo i proces obrazovanja. Uzaludno je raditi na obrazovanju deteta, ako ono nema osnovnog vaspitanja, zato treba akcenat uporedo staviti i na ovaj proces, jer čini mi se da to danas manjka u postojećem školskom sistemu”, objašnjava Verica. Ipak ona naglašava da su u ovoj osnovnoj školi deca generalno dobra i vaspitana, nema vršnjačkog nasilja, a sredina u kojoj žive i odrastaju je još uvek zdrava. Kao dokaz tome direktorka O.Š. “ Jovan Cvijić”, izdvaja Učenički parlament koji funkcioniše u ovoj školi, a putem kojeg đaci prilikom raznih vanškolskih aktivnosti prikupljaju pomoć za ugroženu i siromašnu decu u njihovoj opštini, ali i za školu i njene potrebe. Na kraju razgovora, Verica Vučetić kaže da je Magazin 4U rado čitan među decom, ali i nastavnicima i posebno izdvaja kutak gde objavljujemo neke od najboljih literernih radova učenika raznih škola. Učenicima i čitaocima našeg lista poručuje da budu radni, marljivi i poslušni, da paze na časovima, jer tada će im trebati mnogo manje vremena za učenje kući.
Anastasija Ivković (14 godina) Dan žena je lep dan, tog dana pre svega kupujem poklon svojoj mami, ali mislim da tog dana treba davati poklone celokupnoj ženskoj populacijiu. Mislim i da ovaj dan treba proslavljati češće i stalno kupavati poklone ženama, sestrama, bakama, drugaricama jer one to zaslužuju. Anastasija Ivkovic (14) Women’s Day is a great day. On that day I primarily buy a gift to my mother, but I think that gifts should be given to the entire female population on this day. I think that this day should be celebrated more frequently and constantly buy gifts for women, sisters, grandmothers, and girlfriends, because they deserve it.
school of the month
rimary School “Jovan Cvijić” is the largest school in the region of Ibarski Kolasin, which encompasses the area between the mountains Rogozna, Mokra Gora and Ribarica Gorge. Enlightenment and culture in this region have their beginnings in the 14th century, at the time of the so-called “Housewives’ School” established by Queen Helen of Anjou. The first school in the area was established in 1891, and the primary school in Zubin Potok inherited and extended the tradition. In 1953 emerged the idea to name the school after a prominent and in the world renowned Serbian scientist, a humanists and progressive politician Jovan Cvijic, who had done his research in this area. Today’s primary school has over 3000 m2 and is located in the center of Zubin Potok. The main school building is new; it was built in 2003. The school has three separate classes in villages Velji Breg, Crepulja and Dren, and the school is attended by 541 students.
Questionnaire Pavle Jaksić (12 godina) Obično kupim cveće svojoj majci tog dana, nikada ne zaboravim to da uradim. Mislim da sve žene i majke zaslužuju da imaju ovaj svoj dan. Znam da se 8.Mart proslavlja kao Međunarodni dan žena i da je nastao kao dan borbe za ekonomsku, politicku i socijalnu ravnopravnost žena. Pavle Jaksic (12) I usually buy flowers to my mother that day, and I never forget to do it. I think that all women and mothers deserve to have their own day. I know that Mart 8 is celebrated as The International Women’s Day and it was established as a day of struggle for economic, political and social equality of women.
In an interview with our magazine, the director of this school Verica Vucetic said that today’s work and success of the school are reflected in the success of its students, rewards and recognitions that the students achieve at various competitions, leisure activities and sports, as well as in the cooperation of the school and the environment in which it operates. According to her, a great number of cultural and art sections are active here, and it is worth to note that in this school originated the handball club “Mokra gora”. “The former students of this school are now skilled workers, engineers, PhDs, doctors. We always have a lot to be proud of, because our children win prizes in various competitions. Also, they show excellent results in entry exams and enroll desired schools and colleges,” said Verica. The school teaches Russian and English, the teaching staff is highly professional, the school is contemporarily equipped with the available classrooms, a large library and a new gymnasium, which currently lacks sports equipment. Director Verica Vučetić has spent 38 years in education; she is a graduate pedagogue by profession, and what she particularly points out as a necessity in today’s education of children is a synergy of education and upbringing. “We believe that primary education is the basis for all other education because the first knowledge is acquired in a primary school. It used to be different; we used to work simultaneously on education and upbringing of children. It is very important to work on the
WHAT MARCH 8 MEANS TO YOU? Živanović Lucija (12 godina) Ja sa tatom tog dana uglavnom kupujem parfem i cveće za mamu. Mislim da ovaj dan žene zasluženo proslavljaju, jer je ovaj dan nastao kao rezultat borbe za njihova prava. Živanovic Lucija (12) On this day I usually buy with my dad a perfume and flowers for my mom. I think that women celebrate this day deservedly, because this day is a result of the struggle for their rights.
basic upbringing of children because the process of education depends a lot on upbringing. It is useless to work on educating a child if he or she does not have the basic education/upbringing. The emphasis should, therefore, be placed simultaneously on this process as well, because it seems to me that this is what lacks in the existing school system,” Verica explained. However, she highlights that children in this primary school are generally good and well brought up; there is no bullying, and the environment in which they live and grow is still healthy. As evidence of this, Director of Primary School “Jovan Cvijić” singled out the Student Parliament that works in this school, and through which students in various extracurricular activities collect aid for disadvantaged and poor children in their municipality, but also for the school and its needs. At the end of the interview, Verica Vucetic said that the magazine 4U is widely read among children, but also among teachers, and she specially mentioned the corner where we publish some of the best literary works of students from various schools. Her message to the students and readers of our magazine was that they should be hard-working, diligent and respectful, and to pay attention in class because in that way they would need less time to study at home.
Marijana Perović (12 godina) Mislim da ovaj dan treba češće proslavljati, jer žene zaslužuju puno toga i zaslužne su za sve. Taj dan predstavlja dan zahvalnosti za sve ono što one čine u svojim porodicama i na poslu. Majke su zaslužne što su na svet došla deca, one su nas rodile, one nas čuvaju i odgajaju, pa im svu svoju zahvalnost pokazujemo na ovaj dan. Marijana Perovic (12) I think that this day should be celebrated more often because women deserve a lot and they deserve credit for everything. This day is a day of gratitude for all they do for their families and at work. We can thank mothers for bringing children into this world. Mothers give us birth, take care of us and raise us, so we show them all our gratitude on this day.
for you 5
DANCON MARŠ - POMOĆ ZA DVE ŠKOLE I SKLONIŠTU ZA MEDVEDE školi, rekla je da je ta učionica otvorena u periodu 2003-2004. Trenutno rade sa petnaestoro dece različitog uzrasta i intelektualnih sposobnosti. Stoga, njihov rad se zasniva na individualnim planovima u skladu sa sposobnostima dece. Cilj im je da se ova deca razviju i postepeno integrišu u redovnu nastavu. Što se tiče donacije ona kaže: “Danas smo dobili veoma važnu donaciju. Radimo sa projektorom a zato što nismo imali
ANCON marš (ili marš danskog kontingenta) je tradicija koju su započeli danski vojnici kada su bili raspoređeni na Kipru 1972. godine. Od tada pa do dan danas svaki kontingent danskih vojnika tokom službe u inostranstvu organizuje ovakav događaj. Početkom januara 2017. pripadnici danskog odreda KFOR-a 35B, su organizovali još jedan uspešan DANCON marš, u kojem je učestvovalo oko 1000 pripadnika KFOR-a. Zastavnik prve klase Tobijas Dolerup i razvodnik Nils Elsnap su odlučili da sav višak prihoda od ove aktivnosti doniraju dvema školama i skloništu za medvede u Prištini. Prva škola koja je dobila donaciju je Osnovna škola “Ali Keljmendi” u Vučitrnu, gde su sredstva namenjena “priključenom odeljenju” za decu sa posebnim potrebama. Druga škola “Gimnazija” u Orahovcu je dobila tri laptopa. Vrednost svake od tri donacije je iznosila 1000 evra. Škola “Ali Keljmendi” je sredstva iskoristila za renoviranje učionice za decu sa posebnim potrebama. Kupljeni su novi tepih, zavese i police. Kupljen je i
6 for you
usisivač za održavanje novog tepiha. Škola u Orahovcu je ovaj novac iskoristila za kupovinu tri laptopa sa ‘Microsoft Office’ softverom. I na kraju, sklonište za medvede je dobilo 300 kg suve hrane, 50 kg voća, drvo i materijal za igračke. Oni su takođe deo sredstava iskoristili za kupovinu motorola radio stanica za bezbednosne potrebe. Prema rečima zastavnika prve klase Dolerupa, glavni cilj je bio da donacije budu iskorišćene u mestima gde će imati značajan uticaj. Gospođica Tefide Krasnići, jedna od učiteljica dece sa posebnim potrebama u Ali Keljmendi
zavese, dnevna svetlost je sprečavala da deca vide projektovane slike. Police su podjednako važne, jer zahvaljujući njima konačno možemo da sačuvamo
stvari svakog deteta. Tepih i usisivač omogućavaju nam da održimo odgovarajući nivo higijene.” Direktorka srednje škole “Gimnazija” u Orahovcu, Dobrila Vidošević, zahvalila se pripadnicima KFOR-a na njihovim poklonima. Ona je naglasila da su ovi laptopovi više nego dobrodošli za školu. “Mnogo vam hvala. Izuzetno sam srećna zbog ove donacije. Ja jednostavno ne mogu naći prave reči da izrazim značaj ovog gesta, jer su ovi računari veoma neophodni za nas. Zahvaljujući njima, mi ćemo biti u mogućnosti da poboljšamo kvalitet naših predavanja, ali će nam takođe ovi laptopovi koristiti za administrativne poslove. Još jednom hvala od sveg srca “, rekla je direktorka Vidošević. Kao zaključak, danski zastavnik rekao da je veoma zadovoljan jer su on i njegove kolege bili u stanju da obezbede ove skromne donacije. Međutim, reakcija nakon prijema obeju donacija u srednjoj školi “Gimnazija” u Orahovcu i učionici u Vučitrnu pokazala im je da su donacije zaista potrebne i cenjene. “Reakcija dece u pomenutoj učionici, njihova ljubav i zagrljaji su naša najveća satisfakcija. U februaru ćemo se vratiti kući, u Dansku. Imali smo veoma dobru misiju ovde na Kosovu i svuda smo bili dobrodošli. Ove donacije su samo mali izraz naše zahvalnosti”, rekao je Dolerup.
DANCON MARCH ASSISTS TWO SCHOOLS AND THE BEAR SANCTUARY classroom was opened in 2003-2004. They currently work with fifteen children of various ages and intellectual abilities. Therefore, their work is based on individual plans in compliance with the children’s skills. The goal of this classroom is to develop and gradually integrate these children in regular classes. With regard to the donation she said: “Today we received a very important donation. We work with a projector and because we had no curtains the daylight made it hard for
he DANCON March (or the Danish Contingent March) is a tradition that was started in 1972 by Danish troops who were deployed in Cyprus. Ever since then each contingent of Danish soldiers has organized an event like this during their overseas deployments. In early January 2017 members of the Danish detachment KFOR 35 B once again organized another successful edition of this march attended by nearly 1000 members of KFOR. Sergeant First Class Tobias Dollerup and Lance Corporal Niels Elsnap decided to donate all the surplus funds from this activity to two schools and the bear sanctuary in Prishtina. The first school to benefit was the Primary School “Ali Kelmendi” in Vushtrri, with the funds directed to the “attached classroom” be used for the children with special needs classroom. The second school “Gimnazija”high school in Rahovec received three laptops. The three donations amounted to the value of € 1000 each. The school “Ali Kelmendi” used the funds to renovate the classroom for children with special needs. They purchased a new carpet, curtains, and shelves for the
room. They also purchased a vacuum cleaner to maintain the new carpet. The school in Rahovec, utilized the funds to purchase three laptops equipped with ‘Microsoft Office’ software. Finally, the Bear Sanctuary received 300 kg of dry food, 50 kg of fruits, wood and some materials for toys. They also used some of the money to purchase motorola radios for security purposes. According to Sergeant First Class Dollerup, the main aim was to provide these donations to locations where they would have a significant impact. Ms. Tefide Krasniqi, one of the teachers of the children with special needs in Ali Kelmendi, said that this
children to see the projected images. The shelves are also just as important because thanks to them we can finally store the belongings of each
child separately. The carpet and the vacuum cleaner enable us to maintain the proper level of hygiene.” The principal of “Gimnazija” high school in Rahovec, Ms. Dobrila Vidosevic, thanked the KFOR members for their gifts. She emphasized that these laptops were more than welcome for the school. “Thank you very much. I am extremely happy for this donation. I simply cannot find the right words to express the importance of this gesture, as these computers are very necessary to us. Thanks to them, we will be able to improve the quality of our lectures, but they will also come in handy for our administrative work. Once more I thank you from the bottom of my heart,” principal Vidosevic said. To conclude, Sergeant First Class Dollerup, said that he was very satisfied that he and his colleagues had been able to provide these modest donations. However, the reaction after receiving them both in the “Gimnazija” high school in Rahovec and the classroom in Vushtrri showed that they were really needed and appreciated. “The reaction of the children in the attached classroom, their love and hugs were our greatest satisfaction. In February we will be back home in Denmark. We had a really good mission here in Kosovo and we felt welcomed. These donations are just a small expression of our gratitude,” said Dollerup.
for you 7
POKLONI KOJI SU VIŠE OD POKLONA: DAN MAJKI Vaša mama vam je dala sve dok ste odrastali, pa iako možda ne možete da uzvratite istom merom, možete joj ulepšati dan nečim opipljivijim. Ove godine preskočite kupovinu i napravite nešto simbolično kako bi joj pokazali šta su vam njeni bezbrojni pokloni značili. Počnite sa personalizovanim dnevnikom – suptilno ukazujući na vašu zajedničku neispisanu istoriju koja će se tek dogoditi u narednim godinama.
Laka noć
Pogledajte film sa mamom
amislite ovo kao otplatu za sve njene neprospavane noći dok je brinula o vama. Domaći čaj od limuna, lavande, nane i kamilice će joj pomoći da se opusti, dok će divna maska za spavanje osigurati da se noć završi onda kada ona to bude želela.
šuškajte se uz neki klasičan film (bilo koji sa Odri Hepbern) ili uz neki staromodan ženski film o odnosu između majke i ćerke („Mamma Mia!“). Organizujte prijatno veče u privatnom bioskopu sa posebno spremljenom ulaznicom i vaučerom za kokice koje ćete mami uručiti ranije kako bi znala da treba da planira da odvoji to vreme samo za vas.
A Good Night’s Sleep
hink of it as payback for all those nights she stayed up taking care of you. Homemade teas in lemon, lavender, peppermint, and chamomile will help her relax, while a dreamy sleep mask ensures that night ends when she says it does.
Doručak u krevetu
Klasičan potez na Dan majki – i to sa dobrim razlogom. Ruže od papira u boji i rukom oslikan porcelan će poširanom jajetu sa slaninom i sveže ceđenom soku od pomorandže dati malo svečaniji izgled.
Breakfast in Bed
classic Mother’s Day move - but for good reason. Tissue-paper posies and hand-painted china will add festive flair to eggs Benedict and freshsqueezed OJ.
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A Movie Night with Mom
uddle up with a classic film (anything starring Audrey Hepburn) or cheesy mother-daughter flick (“Mamma Mia!,”). Give a cozy night in theatrical cache with custom popcorn and a movie card to act as an adorable save-the-date.
Dan za negu
Vaša mama bi, naravno, volela da ode na neko fensi vikend-putovanje, ali kladim se da će je isto tako raznežiti korpa puna proizvoda za negu lica i tela kod kuće. Koža će joj nakon pilinga biti meka i mirisati slatko, dok će joj sapunčići u obliku srca staviti do znanja da je volite.
A Spa Day
ure, Mom would love a fancy weekend retreat, but we bet she’ll be just as touched by a basket of DIY home-spa goodies. Body scrub will leave her skin feeling soft and smelling sweet; while heart-shaped soaps help drive the “I love you” message home.
Nov i zabavan hobi
okom vašeg odrastanja se sve vrtelo oko vas, ali sada je vreme da vaša mama ima druga interesovanja. Mame koje vole ručne radove će oduševiti naš pribor za šivenje u tegli. Ako je “majka zemlja” više odgovarajuć naziv, odnosno vaša
GIFTS THAT GO BEYOND: A HANDMADE MOTHER’S DAY Your mom gave you the world growing up - and while you may not be able to repay her gift in kind, you can make her day with something more tactile. This year, skip the drugstore card and craft a symbolic gesture to show her what her many gifts meant to you. Start with a personalized notebook - a subtle nod to your unwritten history together in the years to come.
Mala transformacija doma
kstremna transformacija vašeg doma možda ne dolazi u obzir, ali šta kažete na malo „zatezanje lica“? Podmetači za čaše sa presovanim cvećem će pripremiti njen sto za zabavu, dok će lampice u obliku šoljica za čaj svetleti divnim, eteričnim sjajem.
A Mini Home Makeover
n extreme home makeover might be out of the question, so how about a face-lift instead? Pressedpansy coasters will ensure that her table is fit for entertaining, while teacup lights lend a lovely, ethereal glow.
Hvala od srca
ama voli kad joj pokažete koliko vam je stalo – ali ponekad voli i da čuje kako kažete te reči. Maca vam pojela jezik? U tom slučaju, odštampajte te reči na ovom prelepo obojenom papiru za poruke.
A Heartfelt Thanks
na je definitivno oprala dovoljan broj tura veša tokom proteklih godina! Dajte joj nešto što je skoro toliko dobro kao da joj perete veš, a to su mirišljave kesice zbog kojih će njene fioke mirisati kao da su upravo izvađene iz mašine.
A Fresh Load of Laundry
he certainly did enough of yours over the years! Give her the next-best thing with sachets that will keep her drawers smelling as though they’re straight from the dryer.
Vaše najlepše uspomene
ecite joj koje su vaše najdraže uspomene uz pomoć fotografija: dodajte svojoj čestitki za Dan majki kutiju ili dnevnik koji je ispunjen značajnim fotografijama i sitnicama.
Memories as Good as Yours
ay it with pictures: Supplement your card with a Mother’s Day scrap box or journal filled with meaningful photos and trinkets.
Vreme za čaj
om loves it when you show her how much you care - but sometimes she likes to hear you say the words, too. Cat got your tongue? Put it in print on this beautiful dip-dyed stationery.
mama više uživa u baštovanstvu, napravite komplet za organizovanje cveća kako bi joj pomogli da pokaže plodove svog rada.
Nova tura veša za pranje
A Fun New Hobby
rowing up, it was all about you, but now it’s time for Mom’s other interests to take center stage. Crafty moms will love our sewing kit in a jar. If “Mother Earth” is a more apropos title, create a flower-arranging kit to help her show off the fruits of her labor.
oklonite joj bašticu različitih čajeva u kutiji kako bi sama pravila mešavine biljnih čajeva. Ako želite da sami napravite takvu bašticu posadite nanu, ružu, žalfiju i lavandu u drvenoj kutiji za vino ili nekoj drugoj kutiji koja ima dobru drenažu.
Tea Time
ive her the supplies she needs to craft a custom blend of herbal tea with a tea garden in a box. To make one, plant mint, rose geranium, pineapple sage, and lavender in a wooden wine crate or other container with ample drainage.
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najviše volite? Volim izrazito crnu čokoladu i slatkiše koji u sebi sadrže crveno voće.
evena Božović rođena je u Mitrovici, 15. juna 1994.godine. Karijeru je započela sa svega trinaest godina, kada je predstavljala Srbiju na Dečjoj pesmi Evrovizije 2007., u Roterdamu i osvojila treće mesto. Nakon pobede na Beosongu 2013., a kao članica grupe Moje 3, takmičila se i kao predstavnica Srbije na Pesmi Evrovizije 2013. u Malmeu. U intevjuu za Magazin 4U Nevena Božović govori o svojim počecima u muzici, otkriva nam bez čega ne može da živi i odgovara nam na pitanja koja ne znamo o njoj. čujem šta me zanima. For You: Ako biste jednog dana vladali svetom, šta biste promenili? Mnogo toga, ali bih krenula redom. Pomogla bih ljudima koji nemaju osnovnih sredstava za život. For You: Koji film ste više puta gledali? Amadeus, Praznik u Rimu. For You: Da imate u rukama Aladinovu lampu, šta biste poželeli? Da mi se sve želje ostvare, haha, šalim se. Nisam puno zahtevna, samo želim da putujem što više. Eto, da obiđem što više zemalja.
For You: Kako su izgledali Vaši počeci u svetu muzike? Kada sam imala 4 godine, počela sam sama da muziciram, sviram klavir i harmoniku i to po sluhu. Čim sam napunila 7 godina, želela sam da se upišem u muzičku školu i tako je sve počelo. :) For You: Koji je Vaš omiljeni pevač/ pevačica na muzičkoj sceni i zašto? Celine Dion. Dopada mi se način na koji je sve ove godine vodila svoju karijeru, dostojanstveno i jednostavno. For You: Da li posećujete muzičke festivale, imate li neki omiljeni? Zbog svoje profesije imam obavezu da posetim s vremena na vreme neke od muzičkih festivala. Ipak, kada je u pitanju haotično stanje i gužva, više volim da odgledam dobar prenos i
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For You: U kom istorijskom period biste voleli da živite? Volela bih da živim u 19. veku, na prvom mestu zbog prelepih haljina koje su se tada nosile i krinolina. For You: Jel ljubav samo reč? Ljubav svakako nije samo reč, ali ljubav treba prepoznati, u pravo vreme. For You: Ne možete da živite bez….? Nažalost, mobilnog telefona...i na svu sreću, bez muzike. For You: Koji je Vaš omiljeni lik iz bajke? Trnova Ružica. For You: Koje slatkiše
For You: Kojih pet slavnih ličnosti biste pozvali na večeru? Nisam razmišljala o tome, ali ajde ako baš moram... Džona Majera na prvom mestu, Džastina Bibera, Juseina Bolta, Celine Dion i Majkl Džordana. Hahaha kakav bi to skup bio!
For You: Šta ljudi ne znaju o Vama? Ne znaju da sam opčinjena sportom, da sam nekada trenirala košarku i da imam stariju sestru koja fenomenalno peva. For You: Planovi za budućnost? Želja mi je da se u budućnosti maksimalno posvetim svojoj autorskoj muzici i da napravim svoj prvi solistički koncert. For You: Koja je Vaša poruka za mlade u regionu? Moja poruka mladima je da se posvete svojoj unutrašnjoj lepoti i da mnogo rade na sebi. Jedino tako se mogu sačuvati od nevaspitanja i poremećenih vrednosti koje nažalost vladaju u današnjem društvu.
music box
candies that contain red fruit.
For You: Which five celebrities would you invite to dinner? I have not thought about it, but if I must ... John Mayer evena Bozovic was born in Mitrovica on 15 June 1994. She began her career when in the first place, Justin she was only thirteen years old, when she represented Serbia in the Junior Eurovision Bieber, Usain Bolt, Celine Song Contest 2007 in Rotterdam and won third place. After winning Beosong 2013, as Dion and Michael Jordan. a member of the singing group Moje 3 (My 3), she competed as a Serbian representative at Hahaha… what an assemthe Eurovision Song Contest 2013 in Malmö. bly would that be! In an interview for the magazine 4U Nevena Bozovic talks about her beginnings in music, reveals what is it that she cannot live without and tells us the things about her we didn’t know. For You: What people do not know about you? to watch a good broadcast and They do not know that I am hear what I’m interested in. fascinated by sports, that I once trained basketball and that I have an older For You: If you ruled the world sister who sings awesomely. some day, what would you change? For You: Plans for the future? Many things, but I would start at I wish to be maximally devoted to my the beginning. I’d help people original music in the future and to make who do not have the basic means my first solo concert. of subsistence. For You: What is your message to For You: Which film have you young people in the region? watched multiple times? My message to young people is to Amadeus, Holiday in Rome. commit themselves to their inner beauty and work a lot on themselves. That For You: If you were holding is the only way they can avoid adopting Aladdin’s lamp, what would bad manners and distorted values that you wish for? unfortunately exist in today’s society. To have anything I desire, haha, just kidding. I’m not too demanding, I just want to travel as much as possible. That’s it – I wish to visit as many countries as possible.
For You: What were your beginnings in the world of music like? When I was 4 years old, I started to make music, play piano and accordion and I did it by only listening, without anyone’s help. As soon as I turned 7 years old, I wanted to enroll in music school and so it all began. :) For You: Who is your favorite singer in a music scene and why? Celine Dion. I like the way she managed her carrier for all these years – in a dignified and simple way. For You: Do you visit music festivals, and do you have a favorite? Because of my profession I have an obligation to visit from time to time some of the music festivals. However, when it is chaotic and crowded, I prefer
For You: In which historical period would you like to have lived? I would like to have lived in the 19th century. Primarily because of the beautiful dresses that were worn at that time are crinolines. For You: Is love just a word? Love is certainly not just a word, but love should be recognized, at the right time. For You: You can not live without....? Unfortunately, mobile phone ... and luckily, without music. For You: What is your favorite fairytale character? Sleeping Beauty. For You: What sweets do you like best? I love extremely dark chocolate and
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rvi rock bendovi formirani su u Mitrovici tokom šezdesetih godina prošlog veka. Davne 1979.godine mali grad na obalama Ibra dobio je svoj prvi Jazz Big Bend. Ovo je bio šesti Big bend koji je nastao u bivšoj Jugoslaviji, uz Novi Sad, Beograd, Ljubljanu, Zagreb i Sarajevo. Bio je to multietnički muzički sastav u kojem su svirali Srbi, Albanci, Turci i Bošnjaci. Za razliku od ostalih ovakvih orkestara, mitrovački su činili amateri. Gazmend Mustafa, bivši trombonista ovog benda kaže: “Mitrovački Big Bend sačinjavalo je od 20 do 23 muzičara zavisno od koncerata”. Prisećajući se tih vremena, on ističe za naš list da su to najpre bila vremena druženja. “Voleo bih da umem to da vam opišem, kako smo se družili, ali bih tada morao biti pisac. To je bilo druženje pre svega i nakon svega, muzika nas je sve povezivala, nikoga nije interesovalo ko si i šta si, nego je bilo bitno da li
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znaš ili ne znaš da sviraš”, naglašava Gazmend. Mitrovački Big Bend privukao je mnoge mlade muzičare i odnegovao svoju muzičku publiku. Gazmendov nekadašnji kolega iz Big Benda, Nenad Ilić je u orkestru zasvirao trombon još kao srednjoškolac. Sećajući se tih vremena,on kaže da je Big Bend bio zaštitni znak grada Mitrovice. Članovi Big Benda poticali su mahom iz starih gradskih porodica i svi oni bili su nastavljači muzičke
tradicije kombo sastava. “Ja sam bio jedan od mlađih članova Big Benda. Svi smo bili različitih nacionalnosti, a u bend smo došli pre svega da bismo svirali. Pre svega nas je sve povezivala ljubav prema muzici”, naglašava Ilić. Evocirajući uspomene, obojica muzičara se slažu da su tadašnja vremena bila lakša, a da ih je sve povezivalo pre svega prijateljstvo. Gazmend Mustafa kaže da o tome danas pokušava da priča
svojoj deci, ali da je njima to teško da razumeju. “Kad pričam mladima o tome, oni će me saslušati, jer su lepo vaspitana deca, ali vidim da im je teško da poveruju”. Ta vremena su bila bolja i iskrenija, kaže Gazmend. Nenad Ilić se slaže i dodaje da je tada bilo mnogo više kuturnih i sportskih sadržaja u gradu, nego što ih ima danas. Big Bend, iako amaterski, pozajmljivao je po potrebi muzičare orkestrima u Skoplju, Prištini i Podgorici. To je bio jedinstven bend i na redovnim jam session-ima tražila se karta više. Njihov repertoar se sastojao najviše od jazz standarda, blu bose i brazilie. Naši sagovornici Mustafa i Ilić rekli su nam da kontakti između muzičara Big Benda iz Mitrovice i dalje postoje, da se čuju i razmenjuju iskustva. Oni poručuju mladima na Kosovu da nastave da sviraju ono što vole, sa onim ljudima sa kojima se slažu i da slušaju dobru muziku. Bolje je svirati, nego se predati nekim porocima. “Muzika je univerzalan jezik, nastavite da je volite i da se bavite njome”, zaključuju za kraj dvojica nekadašnjih kolega iz mitrovačkog Big Benda.
he first rock bands in Mitrovica were established during the nineteen sixties. In 1979, a small town on the banks of Ibar River got its first ‘Jazz Big Band’. This was the sixth big band to emerge in the former Yugoslavia after bands were established in Novi Sad, Belgrade, Ljubljana, Zagreb and Sarajevo. It was a multiethnic music group in which Serbs, Albanians, Turks and Bosniaks played alongside each other. Unlike other similar orchestras, the one in Mitrovica consisted solely of amateurs. Gazmend Mustafa, a former trombonist of the band, stated that “the Mitrovica Big Band would have between 20 and 23 musicians playing dependent on the concert requirements.” While recalling those times, he stressed that it was all about friendship. “I wish I could describe the way we hung out together, but I would have to be a writer to do that.
It was all about being together. Music was our connection, and no one cared who you were or what your nationality was. It only mattered whether you could play music or not,” said Gazmend. The Mitrovica Big Band gathered many young musicians and nurtured its musical audience. Gazmend’s former colleague from ‘Big Band’, Nenad Ilić, started playing the trombone for the orchestra while he was still in high school. Recalling those times, he says that the ‘Big Band’ was Mitrovica’s trademark. Members of the ‘Big Band’ were primarily from old city families, and all of them continued the musical tradition of combo bands. “I was one of the younger members of the ‘Big Band’. We all had different nationalities and
we solely joined the band to play music. This love of music connected us” emphasized Ilić. Recalling their memories from those times, the two musicians agreed that it was easier and that their friendship was based on their musical connection. Gazmend Mustafa says that he tries to talk about this to his children, but it is difficult for them to understand. “When I talk about this young generations listen to me out of respect or good
manners, but I can see it is difficult for them to believe we all got along.” Those times were better and more honest. Nenad Ilić concurred while adding that in the past cultural and sport events were more frequent than today. Despite being an amateur group, the ‘Big Band’ also lent their musicians to other professional orchestras in Skopje, Pristina and Podgorica several times. It was a very unique band and tickets for their regular jam sessions were sold out in seconds. Their repertoire consisted mainly of standard jazz, Blue Bossa and Brazilia. Both Mustafa and Ilic stated that regular contacts between the Mitrovica ‘Big Band’ musicians still exist today and they share experiences and memories. Their message to young people in Kosovo is to continue playing the music they love, with people they get along with, and to listen to good music together. It’s better to play music than to succumb to other vices. “Music is a universal language, keep loving it and playing it,” the two former members of the Mitrovica Big Band concluded.
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životinjsko carstvo
Neverovatne životinje koje menjaju boju
Brza promena boje kože je jedna od najneverovatnijih stvari koje možemo videti u životinjskom carstvu. Način na koji se ove životinje stapaju sa svojom okolinom je potpuno čudesan. Predstavljamo vam nekoliko neverovatnih životinja koje menjaju svoju boju.
uba zvana zlatna kornjača je mali insekt koji obitava u Severnoj Americi. Često ih nazivaju i “zlatne bube” zbog upadljive zlatne boje. Sposobnost da brzo promeni boju je ono što bubu zlatnu kornjaču čini tako posebnom u porodici buba. Kada je ugrožene, buba zvana zlatna kornjača će promeniti svoju boju u sjajnu zlatastonarandžastu. Za to je potrebno 2 ili 3 minuta. Nakon što zlatne bube promene boju, izgledaju kao neki otrovan insekt. To će takođe iznenaditi predatora. Tako zlatne bube uz pomoć brze promene boje mogu da za dlaku izbegnu opasnost.
Činjenice o bubi zvanoj zlatna kornjača • Duge su samo 5-7 mm. • Zlatne bube menjaju boju tako što kontrolišu protok tečnosti kroz kanal ispod oklopa. • Zlatne bube obično žive
na biljkama kao što su slatki krompir i ladolež.
he golden tortoise beetle is a tiny insect that native to North America. They often called as ‘golden bugs’ because of the striking golden coloration. The ability to change colour rapidly is the one thing that makes golden tortoise beetle so special among the family of beetles. When threatened, the golden tortoise beetle will change their colour to brilliant goldish orange. This change of colour will happen in 2 or 3 minutes. Once golden bugs change their colour, they will look like a poisonous insect. It will also surprise the predator. Thus, golden bugs could make a narrow escape by their rapid colour change.
Facts about Golden Tortoise Beetle
•They only measure 5-7 mm in length. •Golden bugs change their colour by controlling the fluid flow through the channel under the shell. •Golden tortoise beetles normally host on plants like sweet potato and morning glory.
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imikrijske hobotnice su inteligentne i neverovatne vodene životinje poreklom iz indo-pacifičkog regiona. Nazvane su po svojoj sposobnosti da oponašaju različite morske životinje, uključujući ribu lava, morske zmije, raže i meduze. Pored pokreta i oblika, takođe mogu da imitiraju boju životinja koje žele da oponašaju. Ovu tehniku promene boja koriste i kako bi se stopile sa okolinom. Mimikrijska hobotnica je prva poznata vodena vrsta životinje koja ima sposobnost da oponaša druge životinje. One koriste ovu tehniku kako bi izbegle
predatore ili ulovile plen. Njihovo mimikrijsko ponašanje zavisi od vrste plena ili predatora koji se približava.
Činjenice o mimikrijskoj hobotnici
• Većina životinja koje mimikrijske hobotnice biraju da oponašaju su otrovne. • Mimikrijske hobotnice kopaju rupe i tunele u morskom dnu. • Mimikrijske hobotnice su dovoljno inteligentne da znaju koja vrsta životinja bi mogla da ih odbrani od prilazećeg predatora pa se tako i ponašaju. • Ako ne pronađu nikakav drugi izvor (Izvor: https://themysteriousworld.com)
animal kingdom
Amazing colour-changing animals
The rapid changing of skin colour is one of the most amazing things we can see in the animal kingdom. The way such animals blend in with their surrounding is definitely a miracle play. Here are some amazing colour-changing animals in the world. hrane, mimikrijske hobotnice će jesti jedne druge.
he mimic octopus is an intelligent and amazing aquatic animal that native to the Indo-Pacific region. They are named after their ability to mimic various sea animals including lion fish, sea snake, stingrays and jellyfish. In addition to body movement, they can also turn into the colour of animals they choose to mimic. They also use the colour changing technique to blend with the surroundings. The mimic octopus is the first known aquatic species with the ability to mimic other animals. They use this technique to avoid the predators and to catch the prey. Their mimicry behaviour is based on the type of prey or predators approaching.
Facts about Mimic Octopus
•The majority of animals choose by the mimic octopuses to mimic are poisonous. •They make burrows and tunnels on the seafloor. •Mimic octopuses are intelligent enough to know what type of animal could defend their current predator and they act accordingly. •If no other food sources found, mimic octopuses will eat each other. (Source:https://themysteriousworld.com)
iba iverak je odličan primer adaptivnog kamufliranja. Može lako da menja boju tela u zavisnosti od staništa. Obično su braon boje sa različitim šarama, koje menjaju onda kada se presele u novo stanište. Štaviše, iverak može da se uklopi u svako novo stanište za samo 5-8 sekundi. Onda kada iverak stigne u novo stanište, njihovo telo će koristiti svetlost primljenu preko mrežnjače da detektuje boju površine. Zatim će telo osloboditi različite pigmente u ćelije kože kako bi njihovu boju izjednačile sa bojom novog staništa. Pored tehnike maskiranja, iverak je noćna riba i lovi samo noću. Zbog toga ih mogući predatori, kao što su ajkule i jegulje, teško primete.
Činjenice o iverku
• Iverak može da bude dužine od 12 do 63 cm. • Obično ostaju nepomične na morskom dnu i uklapaju se u sredinu. • Iverak iz zasede napada plen u koji spadaju rakovi, škampi i male ribe. • Iverak koristi svoj vid, hormone i specijalizovane ćelije kože da promeni boju u skladu sa okruženjem.
lounder fish is an excellent example of adaptive camouflaging. They can easily alter the body colour depend on the habitat. Flounders are usually found in brown colour with different markings. It will change when they move to a new habitat. In fact, the flounders can blend in with any new habitat in just 5-8 seconds. Once a flounder fish reaches in a new habitat, their body will use the light received through the retina to detect the colour of the surface. Then the body will release different pigments to the skill cells to turn into the colour of new habitat. In addition to the camouflage technique, flounders have nocturnal behaviour, only hunt at night. It makes them hard to detect by the potential predators like sharks and eels.
Facts about Flounder
•Flounders can grow up to a length of 5 to 25 inches. •They usually remain motionless on the seafloor and blend in with the surroundings. •Flounders make surprise attack on preys including crabs, shrimps and small fishes. •Flounders use their vision, hormones and specialized skin cells to change the colour in accordance with the surroundings.
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Sažeti pregled ilm „Lepotica i Zver“ prikazuje fantastično putovanje Bele – bistre, prelepe i nezavisne mlade žene koju je Zver zarobila u svom zamku. Uprkos strahu, Bela postaje prijatelj sa začaranim osobljem zamka i postaje sposobna da iza strašne i ružne spoljašnjosti Zveri vidi dobro srce pravog princa u njoj.
LEPOTICA I ZVER Uloge: Ema Votson, Ian Mekgregor, Den Stivens, Luk Evans, Ema Tompson, Gugu Mbata-Ro Režiser: Bil Kondon Žanr: fantazija Studio: „Disney“
Synopsis eauty and the Beast” is the fantastic journey of Belle, a bright, beautiful and independent young woman who is taken prisoner by a Beast in his castle. Despite her fears, she befriends the castle’s enchanted staff and learns to look beyond the Beast’s hideous exterior and realize the kind heart of the
BEAUTY AND THE BEAST Cast: Emma Watson, Ewan McGregor, Dan Stevens, Luke Evans, Emma Thompson, Gugu Mbatha-Raw Director: Bill Condon Genre: Fantasy Studio: Disney true Prince within..
LEGOV FILM O BETMENU Uloge: Dženi Slejt, Ralf Fajns, Rozario Doson, Zek Galifi-
anakis, Majkl Sera, Maraja Keri Režiser: Kris Mekej Žanr: animacija Studio: „A World in Motion“
Sažeti pregled il Arnetov Betmen će biti u fokusu sledećeg LEGO filma, koji će biti spinoff animiranog hit filma iz 2014.
V 18 for you
Cast: Jenny Slate, Ralph Fiennes, Rosario Dawson, Zach Galifianakis, Michael Cera, Mariah Carey Director: Chris McKay Genre: Animation Studio: A World in Motion Synopsis ill Arnett’s Batman will be the focus of the next LEGO movie, a spinoff of the 2014 hit animated feature.
moviemania JOHN WICK: CHAPTER 2 Cast: Keanu Reeves, Common, Ian McShane, Ruby
Rose, Riccardo Scamarcio, Peter Stormare Director: Chad Stahelski Genre: Action Studio: Lionsgate
Synopsis eanu Reeves returns in the sequel to the 2014 hit as legendary hitman John Wick who is forced to back out of retirement by a former associate plotting to seize control of a shadowy international assassins’ guild. Bound by a blood oath to help him, John travels to Rome where he squares off against some of the world’s deadliest killers..
DŽON VIK: POGLAVLJE 2 Uloge: Kianu Rivs, Komon, Jan Mekšejn, Rubi Rouz,
Rikardo Skamarćio, Piter Stormer Režiser: Čed Štahelski Žanr: akcija Studio: „Lionsgate“
Sažeti pregled ianu Rivs se vraća na velike ekrane u nastavku filma iz 2014. godine kao legendarni ubica Džon Vik koji zbog duga bivšem kolegi, koji želi da preuzme kontrolu nad mutnim međunarodnim udruženjem ubica, mora da se povuče iz penzije. Vezan krvnom zakletvom da mu pomogne, Džon putuje u Rim gde se suočava sa nekim od najsmrtonosnijih ubica na svetu.
MOĆNI RENDŽERI Uloge: Naomi Skot,
Ar-Džej Sajler, Beki G., Elizabet Benks Režiser: Din Izraelit Žanr: animacija Studio: „Lionsgate“ POWER RANGERS
Sažeti pregled riče i likove „Moćnih rendžera“ su prigrlile generacije publike u više od 20 godina postojanja, a danas su moćniji nego ikada. Priča o moćnim rendžerima je priča o grupi srednjoškolaca koji dobijaju jedinstvene supermoći ali moraju da njima ovladaju i da ih koriste kao tim ako žele da imaju bilo kakvu šansu da spasu svet.
Cast: Naomi Scott, RJ Cyler, Becky G., Elizabeth Banks Director: Dean Israelite Genre: Animation Studio: Lionsgate Synopsis he Power Rangers stories and characters have been embraced by generations of audiences for more than 20 years, and today they are more powerful than ever. The Power Rangers tells a story of a group of high school kids who are infused with unique and cool super powers but must harness and use those powers as a team if they have any hope of saving the world.
for you 19
sportski ugao
edan od najuspešnijih i najstarijih sportskih klubova na Kosovu, muški odbojkaški klub “Partizan iz Lipljana” osnovan je 50-ih godina prošlog veka, dok zvanično učestvuje u takmičenjima od 1960 god. Ženski klub je osnovan 1985. ali nije funkcionisao od 1999.-2013. kada je ponovo pokrenut. Klub trenutno radi i funkcioniše u sali OŠ “Vuk Karadžić” u Lepini. Aleksandar Rašić - sportski direktor OK “Partizan Lipljan”, doskorašnji kapiten seniorske ekipe, a sada trener mlađih kategorija i škole odbojke u klubu, kaže za naš magazin da je odbojka sinonim za Lipljan, kao i da svaka generacija da ponekog vrhunskog igrača. “Odbojka je za naš Lipljan pravi sinonim, a po odbojci je Lipljan i nadaleko poznat. Kada smo 2013. pokrenuli školu odbojke za devojčice i dečake u Lepini, odaziv je bio ogroman. Imali smo oko 60-oro dece iz Lipljana i okoline, pa čak i iz Gračanice i Lapljeg sela, pa smo bili prinuđeni da rad podelimo u nekoliko grupa, pošto
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raspolažemo samo sa jednom salom. Iz te generacije uspeli smo da “napravimo” dobre igrače, koji su danas nosioci igre seniorskih ekipa, a neki od njih su u prvoligaškim klubovima u Srbiji. Svakako da su dobri rezultati i osvajanje medalja na velikim takmičenjima naših ženskih i muških reprezentacija godinama unazad uticale na popularnost odbojke kod nas, pa samim tim su i decu pokrenula da treniraju ovaj sport”, objašnjava Rašić.
On dodaje da je u poslednje vreme interesovanje devojčica za ovaj sport mnogo veće, kao i da je veoma bitno da se deca usmere na bilo koji sport,jer će se tako odvojiti bar na trenutak od računara. Prema njegovim rečima talenata ima, poslednjih godina sport je dosta popularizovan, pa iako nema zadovoljavajuće infrastukture, ipak je sve veći broj sportova na raspolaganju deci. Rašić ističe da je potrebno da se deca na vreme opredele za određeni sport, jer je bitno da pored talenta budu veoma uporni, potrebno je i malo odricanja i naravno velika podrška i pomoć roditelja. On je ubeđen da će u skorijoj budućnosti i sa ovog prostora biti sve više vrhunskih sportista. Govoreći o planovima za budućnost, Aleksandar Rašić kaže da su planovi ovog kluba skromni. Najbitnije im je da opstanu i da se klub ne ugasi, jer činjenica je da funkcionišu u teškim uslovima, a troškovi takmičenja su visoki. Neophodna im je ozbiljna pomoć lokalne samouprave, jer imaju veliki problem sa nedostatkom sportske opreme i rekvizita. Ipak i pored teškoća u kojima se ovaj klub nalazi, rezultati govore da je ponekad dovoljno i zrno entuzijazma, pa Rašić poručuje mladima da se što više bave bilo kojim sportom, da budu uporni, da treniraju, a treneri će prepoznati talenat. “Samo radom će uspeti da to materijalizuju i jednog dana postanu poznati sportisti i reprezentativci, zaključuje trener OK “Partizan Lipljan” Aleksandar Rašić.
sports corner
ne of the most successful and oldest sports clubs in Kosovo, men’s volleyball club “Partizan Lipljan” was founded in the 50s of the last century, while it formally participates in competitions since 1960. Women’s Club was founded in 1985 but it did not work from 1999 to 2013, when it was relaunched. The club currently works and functions in the sports hall of elementary school “Vuk Karadzic” in Lepina. Aleksandar Rasic - Sports Director of VBC “Partizan Lipljan”, former captain of the senior team, and now youth team coach and coach of volleyball school at the club, told our magazine that volleyball is synonymous with Lipljan, and that each generation gives some top player. “Volleyball is real synonym for our Lipljan, and Lipljan is widely known because of volleyball. When in 2013 we started the volleyball school for girls and boys in Lepina, the turnout was huge. We had about 60 children from Lipljan and the surrounding area, and even from Gra-
canica and Laplje Selo, so we were forced to split the work into several groups, since we have only one sports hall. From that generation we have managed to “make” good players, who are now key players of senior teams, and some of them are in major league clubs in Serbia. Definitely, good results and winning of medals at major competitions by our female and male team for years, have influenced the popularity of volleyball in our area, and therefore this has triggered the children to practice this sport” said Rasic. He added that in recent times the interest of girls in this sport is much higher, and that it is very important for children to focus on
any sport, because it will separate them from the computer for at least a moment. According to him there are talents, in recent years sport is popularized, and although there is no satisfactory infrastructure, still there is growing number of sports available to children. Rasic points out that it is necessary for the children to opt for a particular sport on time, because it is important that, in addition to talent, they are very persistent, needed is also a bit of sacrifice and of course great support and assistance of parents. He is convinced that in the near future and from this area there will be more and more top athletes. Speaking about plans for the future, Aleksandar Rasic said that the plans of the club are modest. The most important thing for them is to survive and that the club does not go out, because the fact is they work in harsh conditions, competition costs are high. They need some serious help of local government, because they have a huge problem with the lack of sports equipment and accessories. Nevertheless, despite the difficulties that club is facing, the results show that sometimes it is enough to have a grain of enthusiasm, so Rasic’s message to young people is to engage more in any sport, to be persistent, to practice and coaches will recognize the talent. “Only with work they will be able to materialize that and one day become famous athletes and national team representatives, concludes coach of VBC “Partizan Lipljan” - Aleksandar Rasic.
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hi - tech
VISOKO-TEHNOLOŠKI KUHINJSKI UREDAJI Želite da poboljšate svoju kuhinju bez puno promena? Investirajte u ove „pametne“ alate koji su dizajnirani tako da olakšaju kuvanje i čišćenje.
rop je vagica za hranu sa wi-fi vezom koja ima aplikaciju za recepte kako bi olakšala pečenje. Ako imate manjak nekog sastojka, može da podesi mere, ponudi zamene i prikazuje, sliku po sliku, ilustrovane instrukcije dok pripremate hranu.
Wi-Fi-equipped food scale, Drop works with a recipe app to make baking simpler. If you’re short on an ingredient, it can adjust measurements, offer substitutions and give you screen-byscreen, illustrated instructions as you cook.
Days Ago
iste sigurni kada ste beše otvorili tu teglu marinare ili koliko su dugo već ti ostaci hrane u frižideru? DaysAgo je digitalni aparat koji možete prikačiti na teglu npr. kada je otvorite, uključite tajmer i on će pratiti koliko je dana prošlo od otvaranja. Jednostavno i korisno.
Days Ago
ot sure when you opened that jar of marinara or how long those leftovers have been in the fridge? DaysAgo is a digital tracker with a suction cup; attach it to an item when you first open it, start the timer, and it will record how many days have passed. Simple. Helpful.
Crock-Pot pametni uređaj za sporo kuvanje sa WeMo
R Hiku
vaj uređaj je najbolji magnet za frižider ikada, jer kreira vašu listu namirnica. Možete ga koristiti da skenirate bar-kodove, ili snimite na njemu stvari koje ne sadrži. Pritom dodaje stavke aplikaciji koja je spremna kad krenete u prodavnicu.
he ultimate fridge magnet, this smart device creates your grocery lists. Just use it to scan barcodes, or speak into it for things that don’t have them. It adds items to an app that’s at the ready when you’re hitting the grocery store.
22 for you
adili ste do kasno u noć? Uključite ovaj uređaj ujutru, zatim proveravajte temperaturu tokom dana preko telefona ili ga isključite, a sve to sedeći za radnim stolom na poslu. Večera će biti spremna isto kada i vi.
Crock-Pot Smart Slow Cooker With WeMo
ate night at the office? Set this Crock-Pot in the morning, then check the temperature throughout the day on your phone, or turn it off from your desk. Dinner will be ready as soon as you are.
hi - tech
HIGH-TECH KITCHEN GADGETS Want to upgrade your kitchen without remodeling? Invest in these smart tools designed to make cooking and clean-up easier.
Taylor digitalna posuda za merenje
reciznost je od kritičnog značaja kada pečete nešto. Ova precizna posuda za merenje meri težinu umesto volumena, i može automatski da prebaci mere iz unci u grame.
Range termometar
ilj ovog uređaja je da učini pečenje manje zastrašujućim: ubacite ga u najdublji deo parčeta mesa koje obrađujete, podesite idealnu temperaturu, a aplikacija na termometru će vas obavestiti kada je večera spremna (i savršeno pečena).
Range Thermometer
he Range aims to make roasting less intimidating: Insert into the deepest part of your cut of meat, set the ideal doneness temperature, and its app will notify you when dinner is ready (and cooked perfectly).
ačinite svoj late sa ovom „olovkom sa začinom“, koja vam omogućava da pišete kao po torti koristeći tanku liniju mlevenih začina. .
azz up your latte with this “spice pen,” that lets you write, cake frostingstyle, using a thin line of ground spices.
Taylor Digital Measuring Cup
recision is critical when you’re baking. This precise measuring cup goes by weight instead of volume, and can automatically convert from ounces to grams.
Smarter Kettle
ko često kuvate čaj, ovo kuvalo sa wi-fi vezom tvrdi da može da vam uštedi i do dva dana godišnje kad je kuvanje u pitanju, tako što vam omogućava da preko aplikacije zagrejete kuvalo do temperature ključanja. Izaberite temperaturu, a zatim skuvajte čaj kad vam odgovara, gde god da se nalazite u tom trenutku.
Smarter Kettle
f you boil a lot of tea, this Wi-Fi-enabled kettle claims to be able to save you up to two days a year in boiling time by allowing you to pre-boil your kettle via app. Pick your temperature, then heat things up your tea time from wherever you are.
for you 23
a li ste ikada bili žrtva ili svedok maltretiranja u školi? Pre nego što date odričan odgovor, razmislite još jednom, da li vam se ikada dogodilo da vas vaši školski drugari naprestano zadirkuju i nazivaju pogrdnim imenima. Ili, možda ste se smejali dok je neko drugi ismejavan zbog svog izgleda, boje kože ili načina na koji govori? Ako je vaš odgovor pozitivan, u vezi sa bilo kojim od ta dva gore pomenuta slučaja, imajte na umu da maltretiranje dogodilo. Stalno zadirkivanje nekoga u vezi karakterističnih osobina kao što su rasa, religija, nacionalnost, pol, izgled, nošenje i upotreba markirane opreme, predstavlja jedan on najuobičajnijih tipova maltretiranja u školama. Najgore u vezi toga je da se ova vrsta problema najčešće prenebregava bez pružanja odgovarajuće pažnje tom problemu. S druge strane, ona izaziva dugoročne posledice i duboke emotivne ožiljke na maltretiranim osobama. Zato su žrtve maltretiranja sklone ulasku u začarani krug koji može da uključi alkohol i drogu, depresiju, ponašanje vezano za samoizolaciju, povlačenje iz društvene okoline, i u najtežim slučajevima samoubistvo. Brojne studije širom sveta pokazuju da maltretiranje u školama predstavlja društveni fenomen u porastu. Štaviše, u zemljama poput Velike Britanije, maltretiranje u školama predstavlja jedan od najakutnijih problema sa kojim se susre}u mladi ljudi. Nažalost, ni škole na Kosovu nisu imune na ovu pojavu. Sve vrste maltretiranja su podeljene u tri glavne grupe: emotivno, usmeno i fizičko koje predstavlja najnasilniji oblik maltretiranja. Često se može primetiti da su zavist i netrpeljivost, najčešći motivi koji pokreću nasilnike. Takodje, u većini slučajeva, proizilazi da maltretiranje
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predstavlja dobar način za te osobe da poboljšaju svoje samopouzdanje, zato što ih zlostavljanje drugih čini da se osećaju superiorno. Oni koji maltretiraju, zlostavljanje vide kao izraz normalnog ponašanja u društvu. Na kraju, ovakvo ponašanje prouzrokovano je okruženjem u kojem živi onaj koji zlostavlja. Bez obzira na
motive, jedno je sigurno, takvo ponašanje je apsolutno neprihvatljivo i uopšte se ne treba tolerisati. Ustvari, to je jedan od glavnih problema u vezi maltretiranja. Često se dešava u našem prisustvu da svojim nereagovanjem guramo žrtvu u samoizolaciju i pokoravanje osobi koja vrši maltretiranje. Prema studijama, razlozi za izostajanje reakcije su višestruki.
To se obično dešava zato što svedoci maltretiranja ne reaguju, jer se plaše da bi oni mogli postati sledeća žrtva siledžija. Za njih je sasvim dovoljno to što oni sami, ne predstavljaju metu maltretiranja. Mnogi ljudi, u većini slučajeva, jednostavno ne reaguju zato što im nedostaje volja da se suoče sa počiniocem i pomognu žrtvi. Drugi oblik maltretiranja, koje se pojavljuje u sve većem broju slučajeva, poznat je kao sajber-maltretiranje. Lako se može razumeti da je ova vrsta maltretiranja direktna posledica razvoja Internet tehnologije. Sve je više i više izveštaja u kojima korisnici društvenih mreža postaju žrtve maltretiranja. U većini slučajeva, posledice su podjednako teške, kao i kod “konvencionalnih” oblika maltretiranja. Neograničen broj korisnika društvenih mreža pruža platformu za izuzetno brzo širenje zlostavljanja. Treba naglasiti da pre sprečavanja maltretiranja trebamo shvatiti da svako nazivanje pogrdnim imenima, širenje glasina, pretnje, isključivanje iz zajedničkih aktivnosti, izbegavanje komunikacije, zastrašivanje, izazivanje nelagodnosti drugima, kao i fizički udarci, predstavljaju tipično ponašanje nasilnika. Zato, nikada nemojte dozvoliti ni sebi niti ostalima da se na ovakav način ophode. Ne zaboravite na vaš uticaj u oblikovanju jedni drugih, baš kao što čine i vaši roditelji, nastavnici i društvo u celini. Stoga, pomozite svojim prijateljima da odrastu zdravi sa samopouzdanjem. Na taj način pomoćićete i sebi. Poštujući druge, učite da cenite sebe i verujete u svoje sposobnosti. A kada se to dogodi, bićete spremni da preuzmete svoje društvene odgovornosti da biste pomogli izgradnju budućnosti koju želite, i samo nebo će vam predstavljati granicu!
ave you ever been a victim or witness of bullying at your school? Before you say no, think once more as to whether it has occurred in your school that friends continuously teased you or called you degrading names. Have you laughed when someone else was ridiculed over their appearance or because of their skin colour, or perhaps the way they speak? If your answer is yes, for any of the two above mentioned cases then be aware that bullying has occurred. Continuous teasing of someone by their peers due to distinguishing features such as race, religion, ethnicity, gender, appearance, use of brands and such, is one of the most common types of bullying at schools. What’s worse is that most of the time this type of behaviour is seen without showing the proper attention towards this problem. It causes long term consequences and deep emotional scars to the people that are bullied. The bullied victims are prone to enter a vicious circle
that can include alcohol and drug abuse, depression, auto-isolation behaviour, social withdrawal, and in most severe occasions suicide. Numerous studies around the world show that bullying, at schools in particular, is an increasing social phenomenon. In countries like Great Britain, school bullying is one of the most acute problems for young people. Unfortunately, schools in Kosovo are not immune to this phenomenon either. Bullying is divided into three major types: emotional, verbal and the most violent, physical bullying. It has often been noticed that the most common motives that drive the bullies are envy and resentment. In most cases, bullying is an attempt for these persons to improve their self-confidence by abusing others and making themselves feel superior. Bullies see their behaviour as a normal standard of social behaviour. Finally, this improper behaviour is quite often a reflection of the family environment of the bully. Regardless of the motives, one thing is certain, such behaviour is absolutely unacceptable and it should not be tolerated at all. In fact, this is one of the main problems in relation to bullying. It often occurs in our presence and by not reacting we push the victim to self-
because they lack the will to face the perpetrator and help the victim. Another form of bullying which is becoming increasingly concerning is known as cyber-bullying. It is easily understandable that this type of bullying is a direct result of the development of internet technology. There are more and more reports of social networks users becoming victims of bullying. In most cases the consequences are just as grave as those of “conventional” forms of bullying. The unlimited number of users of social networks provide the platform for the abuse to rapidly become even more widespread. It should be emphasised that to prevent bullying we should realise that calling names, spreading rumours, threatening, excluding others from activities, not communicating, intimidating or causing discomfort to others, and physical harm, are all typical behaviours of bullies. Therefore do not ever allow yourself or someone else to behave like this. Do not forget, you have an impact on other people’s lives just as much as your parents, teachers and society in general. Therefore, help your friends grow up healthy and with selfconfidence. This is a way you will help yourself. By appreciating others, you will learn to appreciate yourself and believe in your abilities. When this happens, you will be ready to take over your social responsibilities to help build the future you want, and the sky will be your limit!
isolation and submission to bullying. According to studies, there are many reasons for not reacting. It usually takes place because the witnesses of the bullying fear they might become the next victim of the bully. For them, it is sufficient that they are not the intended target. Many people do not react simply
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“Sve za Dž i Dž za sve”
misija “Sve za Dž ili Dž za sve” jedna je od najslušanijih emisija na talasima KFOR radija. U potpunosti je posvećena slušaocima i njihovim muzičkim željama, a na 96,6 MHz emituje se u udarnom terminu od 15.00 do 17.00 sati radnim danima, dok je tokom vikenda termin ove emisije od 12.00 do 16.00. sati. Tokom razgovora za naš magazin jedan od voditelja i urednika ove emisije, DJ Pajče kaže da je za “Sve za Dž ili Dž za sve” karakteristično to što je fokusirana pre svega na mlađu populaciju i njihov izbor pesama. DJ Pajče dodaje da su zbog velike slušanosti emisije, napravili izuzetak, pa zbog želja svojih slušalaca puštaju
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i malo drugačiju vrstu muzike. “Da bi našim slušaocima omogućili da čuju ono što i požele, mi smo u terminama predviđenim za emitovanje emisije koja se bavi ispunjavanjem vaših muzičkih želja, malo i iskočili iz okvira urbane muzike i novijih hitova strane i domaće produkcije koji su zaštitni znak našeg radija. Dakle u emisiji “Sve za Dž ili Dž za sve” naši slušaoci mogu da čuju i folk muziku novije produkcije, kao i sve zastupljeniji domaći rep. Ako bi se bavili statistikom, došli bi do zaključka da su najtraženije pesme i muzički pravci-oni domaći. Pre svega folk, domaći rep i hip hop, a od izvođača najtraženiji su Ceca, Peđa Medenica, Jelena Rozga, Toše Proeski itd”, objašnjava DJ Pajče. Ekipa radija KFOR koja realizuje ovu emisiju potrudila se da što je više moguće olakša pristup svojim slušaocima tako da pored standardnog broja telefona koji slušaoci mogu pozvati, tu je i sve prisutniji Viber, tako da su pozivi i slanje muzičkih želja sada besplatni za sve. Tu je i facebook stranica https://www.facebook.com/RadioKfor966/ putem koje takođe možete slati vaše muzičke želje. Ne oklevajte, pridružite nam se u za sve “Sve za Dž ili Dž za sve” radnim danima u terminu od 15h do 17h, kao i vikendom u terminu od 12h do 16h, poručuje vam DJ Pajče.
“All for Free and Free for all”
ve za Dž ili Dž za sve” (All for Free or Free for All) is one of the most popular Radio KFOR shows. The show is completely dedicated to the listeners and their music wishes. It is broadcast on 96.6 MHz during prime time from 15:00 to 17:00 hours on weekdays, while on weekends the show is on between 12:00 and 16:00 hours. In an interview for our magazine, one of the show hosts and editors, DJ Pajče, says that what characterizes “Sve za Dž ili Dž za sve” show is that it focuses primarily on younger population and their musical preferences. DJ Pajče adds that due to the high popularity of the show, they have made an exception and decided to play somewhat different types of music to accommodate wishes of their listeners. “To allow our audience to listen to exactly what they wished for, during hours meant for broadcasting shows dedicated to fulfilling your music wishes, we slightly strayed off our urban music and fresh foreign and domestic hits format, our radio station trademark. Thus, the “Sve za Dž ili Dž za sve” show also plays more recent folk music for our listeners, as well as the increasingly popular domestic rap
music. If we resorted to statistics, we would come to the conclusion that the most wanted songs and musical genres are the domestic ones, above all folk, domestic rap and hip-hop. As for performers, the most wanted are Ceca, Peđa Medenica, Jelena Rozga, Toše Proeski etc,” DJ Pajče explained. Radio KFOR team producing the show has made efforts to facilitate, as much as possible, access to the listeners, so that in addition to the usual phone number available to the listeners, there is also the increasingly popular Viber, which now allows listeners to call and send their music wishes for free. There is also our Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/RadioKfor966/ through which you can also send your music wishes. Do not hesitate, join us in “Sve za Dž ili Dž za sve” show from 15 to 17 hours on working days, and from 12 and 16 hours on weekends, DJ Pajče says.
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šta je “ ma na je lj ž ena, ko ma”, to je za udsko me ja me je bić koja na mi je s rodila, ne bila jedna s je rod e, čovek, žen ve želj čuvala e is a ila n shvata koja na aučila i još pu , odgajila, m šta je punjavala. A i koja m je živ no više li tek s moja Ona je . o da nau jedno p majka zapra ad čimo s t dala. Pomo Majka o s o vo r b av vo a, za s gla nam a to je ve spre o čudo. Jaka . “mama je prve korak je p o m m o e, prve ”. ć, mam n Od ob reči, a je tu, a - ako treba mama m ako že sve do lačenja, spre je tu, a lim neš m prvog d ko me je tu. O to b ana vrti anja, kupanja škole, o na je k on ća - os ao anđ li nešto - mam je u ne novne e učila p a je bila ta, k k a o im tren , uvek a i na k o uc je šta bi m raju NA ja nas je vod eni mo ima ne vidim tu, iako se još il U a , Č ja , ti svojih IL ja znam to m A , a . velik ma Sećam prv nisam to!“ „Ak a moja“, „Ne rekla „Možeš znala m ih problema u školi o b noženje moja m , uspeće nešto ne usp oj se, mozeš a ti eš, ne š drugi mnom ma, je ta koja sa 5. Ona br p ponavlj se je dan a!“ Sve ut, jer se u živ ini se, i noć s to nauč dila, trudila s o te reči a i onda e i muč i, n mene o tu sve te ila d naučila o kao i uvek hrabru kad sa se uviek seti - uspela a me sam. ju, m poče m je Nakon la izlaz , draga moja mama it par go . ti i I v s a i n trud se bila ta, dina, ta rila „Sa o koja m sa društvom j sav m m o išla u s pet pokazao , i p je amin uvek g , tad ka rednju Uvek ti amet u glavu ovona bila š d k !“ je o s a lu , gde s to b m . To su da sam am se ta vrem ja sretn ilo bitno - da plašila eznaš čuvam a i da s od ispit tova, p .A e a, tesrez Šta još sve drugo, b pazim, da se stvari - entacija i slič is reći za nih op mamu? e nekako re sunce, bila ta- et je moja ma šilo. k Ona je a d p ada kiš ko ma kad pa ono a, ona podrža ja me je u tom daju su ti da vala i o ze, ona osećaš hrabrlv ti želi s je osmeh Svaki p m r a k a , la. vetlo k ma ona za sva ut, ad gd je bila tuž kad sam nikad z a. Bila si uz m najbolja mam na, kad aborav a e sam se nečeg n e, to ne iti, majko ja te pla ću volim, se sva šila, kad sam majko neću te đala sa n pr ma - m A drag ikad ostaviti. ama je ijateljii moji č bila ta, koja je itatelji čitatelj videla i k e d a me nešto m vašu m zato cenite uči, on a jk u a je to oseti , jer je NEŠ la TO što ona bila ta, i ona je svako o d nas im ko a ili je pomog ja mi je i u ima svom s la. rcu dalj o sam sta Sad kad i č u e v a. Ti si rij najbolj vidim k a, sad tek ž e n a a , najbo oliko m lji drug i masrce m , tvo jka zna e je po slalo n je či. najbolj a i Da, zn p ala drug i n ut. Ti si najbo lji ajbolja sam ja žena, i ja tebe i V pre, NAJVIŠ OLIM, MAJK O, E od s vega. Martin a Rado š
28 for you
if I want is there, g r e th o m omethin help, my er is there, if s e an d e e n I k - if moth as li ee . She w ing - my someth mother is there times I do not s t y a id m n a ve s , , eve hurts ys there other would ha y, you a lw a l, ange t worr t my m rry, , “Do no ow wha her, I kn o it, my big girl” eed, do not wo c d c n u “You ca “If you do not s cause time, be se things !” it d n o o d c n e s a c da ll the itself!” A member l succee il ts w n a u a e o p m y o re re g in life rson, a w I always ing out everythin me, and then ing, a pe ht us and go e b d e n rt a hum taug n I sta urage e o h c who n w e e h d S n She is a irth, raised us, o the ne s life. ear. A u d re b e e y v s w m a u , u g e u o , ,y yo who gav . A mother who ps, first words s, Mom !” ore ith friend “Just be smart ortant - to t ste m w rs fi h r c u u o , m p id rn im a a t s le a d d th s to tI always thing an ays foun and careful, tha helped u rd is “mama”. a lw b a , g u o in Y n o y a uld w p n o le e p e c w a , m and th ing else mom? at I am h ssing up rten - ele r know th elf. And everyth fo From dre ay of kinderga ho led us, ys e to say one w e first d watch m solve. What els , she gives lly a tu up to th l, she was the n e w ins v oo who e someho sun, when it ra , blems ro p tary sch s and the one t t a rs fi ro th . ars d p r my gu She is when te ght when membe ltiplication by 5 teachin e re il I . m s S l li TU mu you a nt day est ou to fee TAUGH I did not know who spe tried wants y nd she is the b e l, e n o h o o s h e c th a , , e is at s rk w m r a e u d o ere wn with y moth ys you feel all the times. Y at, She - m with me, sat do is, but as alwa r fo rget th th ht mother l never fo er, I will il and nig ed to teach me . w I , e gu with m learned ou, Moth efforts and pla eded - I ll the mother’s r I love y Therefore, e e c th c o u s M . h ,a – she te ave you w years as in hig never le aders apprecia After a fe at time when I w en I was re h r , e a w d h e e s s d v e se my again pro ese were the tim ntations and r becau r mothe e h e u s T n ach of o re o l. y e p t o e , a o th h ts th sc s, tes r was thing e e m a th m x o o e s m f n , is ad and nd e afraid o gs - again, my or has h r heart. ed me a time, s rt a o h in p s p th u u r ry his/he that s simila me. Eve n I eeps in woman, d k e ll g ti s ra u e co wh e best as sad, You’re th ; your heart when I w of something, nd id best frie e to the best was afra as arguing tm has sen e the best when I w ds - mother u’r o n Y path. with frie e who saw e best n o n a e d d th n ie fr s was th you, a I LOVE ething w woman, MORE that som e, she felt it R, gm MOTHE ing. botherin the one who th s y wa than an and she at I’m th w o N e. helped m I can see how w o artina n s to r, e old er mean , M oš th o m y Rad much m new that before ,Ik s e r” Y e . th e o m m hat “the I knew w was a woman all e this is, for m ne that fulfilled o e y me, th what m e birth to I realize who gav . But only now es mu wish . ctually is acle. a mother mir l a re She is a , ready erson Strong p ing th for every
for you 29
30 for you
Pisma citalaca v
Zdravo, Zovem se Mateja Kragović i osmi sam razred osnovne skole u Leposaviću. Moj omiljeni pevač je Aca Lukas, a glumac Bred Pit i njegov bih poster voleo da objavite u Vašem magazinu. U slobodno vreme treniram karate i nadam se da ću u ovom sportu biti u budućnosti veoma uspešan. Pozdravljam sve svoje drugove. Mateja Kragović, O.Š. “Leposavić”, Leposavić
Zdravo, Ja sam Mladen. Moj omiljeni pevač je Rambo Amadeus, čiju muziku slušam nonstop. Slobodno vreme volim da provodim sa drugovima, sa kojima često boravim u prirodi. Moj omiljeni glumac je Milorad Mandić Manda i voleo bih da njegov poster objavite u nekom od sledećih brojeva Vašeg magazine. Takođe se bavim i košarkom. Pozdrav svima, Mladen Vukićević, O.Š. “Leposavić”, Leposavić
Pozdrav, Ja sam Vanja. Osmi sam razred i idem u OŠ “Leposavić” u Leposaviću. U slobodno vreme volim da čitam knjige, slušam muziku i gledam filmove. Najviše volim da slušam bendove kao što su Azra, Bijelo dugme, Parni valjak… Od filmova najviše volim romantične komedije i tinejdžerske, a jedan od omiljenih mi je Kapoor &Sons. Imam puno drugova i drugarica koje puno pozdravljam. Vanja Tanasković, O.Š. “Leposavić”, Leposavić Ćao svima, Zovem se Željko, imam 12 godina i mnogo volim da čitam vaš magazin, jer u njemu ima dosta zanimljivih
stvari. Posebno volim postere koje objavljujete, kao i intervjue sa muzičarima. Slobodno vreme provodim trenirajući košarku ili se igrajući sa svojim drugovima. Voleo bih da u nekom od sledećih brojeva objavite poster Selene Gomez. Pozdravljam sve svoje vršnjake. Željko Jakovljević, O.Š. “ Vuk Karadžić” Severna Mitrovica
Ćao, Ja sam Teodora Miladinović, imam 14 godina i iz Leposavića sam. U slobodno vreme najviše volim da slušam muziku, posebno onu koju nazivaju Ex YU rock. Takođe volim da gledam
horor filmove. Sportom se za sada ne bavim i volim da jedem. Mislim da bi u životu trebali sve da probamo, jer imamo samo jednu šansu. Teodora Miladinović, O.Š. “Leposavić”, Leposavić
for you 31
Readers’ letters Hello, My name is Mateja Kragovic and I am an 8th grade student at primary school in Leposavic. My favorite singer is Aca Lukas and actor Brad Pitt and I would like very much if you could publish his poster in your magazine. In my spare time I train karate and I hope I will one day be very succesfull in this sport. Greetings to all my friends! Mateja Kragovic P.S. “Leposavic” Leposavic Hi, My name is Teodora Miladinovic, I am14 years old and I am from Leposavic. In my free time I like the most to listen to music, especially Ex YU rock. I also like to watch
horror movies. Currently I am not doing any sports and I like food a lot. I think in life we should try everything because we get only one chance. Teodora Miladinovic P.S. “Leposavic” Leposavic Hello, I am Mladen. My favourite singer is Rambo Amadeus, and I liten to his music non-stop. I spend my free time with my friends most often outdoors in nature. My favourite actor is Milorad Mandic – Manda and I would really like if you could publish his poster in one of the editions of your magazine. I also play basketball. Greetings to all! Mladen Vukicevic
P.S. “Leposavic” Leposavic Greetings! I am Vanja. I am an 8th grader and I attend P.S. “Leposavic”in Leposavic. In my free time I like to read books, listen to music and watch movies. I like the most to listen to bends such as Azra, Bijelo Dugme, Prani Valjak… Romantic and teenage comedies are the movies I like best. One of my favourites is Kapoor & Sons. I have a lot of friends that I would like to say hello to. Vanja Tanaskovic P.S. “Leposavic” Leposavic Hello to you all! My name is Zeljko, I am 12
years old and I like reading your magazine, because it contains a lot of interesting topics. I especially like the posters that you publish and your interviews with musicians. In my free time I train basketball or play with my friends. I would like to have a poster of Selena Gomez. Greetings to all my peers! Zeljko Jakovljevic, P.S. “Vuk Karadzic” Mitrovica North