For You Srb / Eng - April 2017

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UVODNIK Šta je nada? “Nada je sposobnost da se vidi svetlost i pored duboke tame”. Nada je ta koja šapuće: “Prevazići ćeš i ovu nedaću.” Ona nam uliva sigurnost, umirujući naš um podsećajući nas da će “život krenuti na bolje.” Naši životi su prožeti bolom i patnjom. Međutim, neki ljudi proživljavaju više ovih negativnih simptoma ljudskog postojanja od drugih. Ipak, poteškoće je moguće prevazići uz pomoć nade. Nada nam uliva snagu da pobedimo tugu i očajanje izazvane zlom sudbinom. Nada nas motiviše da istrajemo kroz tamu, dok idemo napred, bez obzira na prepreke koje nam blokiraju životni put i bez obzira što ne znamo kako, kada, gde, niti zašto će našoj životnoj priči doći kraj. Psiholozi smatraju da je nada sastavljena od tri elementa: uverenja, cilja i puta. Osoba koja se nada veruje da će on/ona uspeti. Zatim, ta osoba ima određeni cilj ili pravac koji sledi ili odredište. I treće, ta osoba zna kurs ili put kojim treba da se kreće kako bi postigla željeni ishod. Isto tako, nada je i način razmišljanja, volja i odlučnost da se veruje da će nedaće biti prevaziđene. Nada takođe pruža i mapu putanje kojom će se postići željeni rezultat. A kakve sve koristi nam nada donosi? Nada je lek za sve nevolje i nedaće. Nada nisu puste želje, niti magijsko razmišljanje. Nada je emocija, stanje uma, verovanje, motivacija da verujete da će uprkos neuspesima i preprekama, uprkos nedaćama i nesrećama, na kraju sve ipak biti u redu. Ako imate nadu možete uraditi neverovatne stvari. Glumac Kristofer Riv, koji je ostao paralizovan i kvadriplegičar nakon što je pao s konja, a zatim bio prinuđen da dugi niz godina proživi vezan za invalidska kolica i da diše uz pomoć ventilatora, je rekao: “Sve je moguće kada odaberete nadu”. Do meseca maja, ostajte mi dobro dragi prijatelji!






“For You” je slu`bena publikacija KFOR-a, proizvedena i finansirana od strane KFOR-a. Štampa se na Kosovu i distribuira besplatno. Sadr`aj magazina ne odra`ava uvek stavove koalicije ili bilo koje zemlje ~lanice pojedina~no. KFOR prihvata i tra`i vaša mi{ljenja, neka od njih }e i objavljivati, verovatno u skra}enoj formi. Ako autor pisma tako `eli, njegovo/njeno ime ne}e biti objavljeno. KFOR ne}e objavljivati anonimna, maliciozna ili klevetni~ka pisma. Glavni urednik: Leonora Shabanaj Nik{i} Novinari: Ali Rexha, Asmir Nik{i}, Violeta Matovi} Fotografije: Ekipa “4U” Design & Layout: Bekim Shabani Uredni{tvo mo`ete kontaktirati na telefon: 038/503-603-2139 Pisma mo`ete slati na adresu: HQ KFOR - Kosova Film. “For You” magazin; Strasbourg Building; 10000 Pri{tina E-mail:;

2 for you

2-3: Uvodnik, sadržaj 4-5: Škola meseca: Osnovna škola “Desanka Maksimović”, Kosovska Kamenica Upitnik: Na šta vas podseća 1. April? 6-7: “Kosovska policija, deo bezbednosti naše zajednice” 8-9: Moda: Najbolje odevene na dodeli Oskara 2017. 10-11: Music Box: Od ‘True Grit’ do “Pitch Perfect” pop muzike: Hejli Stajnfeld 12-13: „Budimo Razumni“ zarad boljeg

okruženja 14-15: Najšarenije životinje na svetu 16-17: Poster: Hailee Steinfeld 18-19: Moviemania: Chips; Smurfs: the lost village; The fate of the furious; The comet kids 20-21: Sportski ugao: Mešovite borilačke veštine 22-23: Hi-Tech 24-25: Predavanja za podizanje svesti o minama 26-27: RADIO KFOR 28-29: Vaš ugao ... 30: Enigmatski ugao 31-32: Pisma čitalaca








Sport: Mešovite borilacke veštine


“BUDIMO RAZUMNI” 2-3: Editorial, index 4-5: School of the month: PS “Desanka Maksimović” Kosovska Kamenica Questionnaire: What comes to your mind when April 1st is mentioned? 6-7: Kosovo police, part of the security of our community! 8-9: Fashion: The best dressed at the 2017 Oscars 10-11: Music Box: From ‘True Grit’ to pitch perfect pop: Hailee Steinfeld 12-13: “Making Sense” for a better environment

14-15: Animal Kingdom: Most colorful animals in the World 16-17: Poster: Hailee Steinfeld 18-19: Moviemania: Chips; Smurfs: the lost village; The fate of the furious; The comet kids 20-21:Mixed marshal arts 22-23: Hi-Tech 24-25:Awareness raising lectures about mines 26-27: RADIO KFOR 28-29: Your corner ... 30: Puzzle 31-32: Reader’s letters

What is hope? “Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all the darkness.” Hope is the one that whispers, “You’ll overcome this hardship.” It reassures us, soothing our minds by reminding, “life will improve.” Our lives are infused with pain and suffering. Some people experience more of these regrettable symptoms of the human condition than others. Yet, we can overcome hardship with hope. Hope provides us with strength to conquer misery and despair, caused by misfortune. Hope motivates us to persevere, into the darkness, to journey onward, despite the obstacles blocking the trail of life, despite not knowing how, or when, or where, or why our life’s story will conclude. According psychologists, hope includes three elements: a belief, a goal, and a path. The person who is hopeful believes that he/she will succeed. Secondly, the person has a specific goal or direction or destination. Thirdly, the person knows the route or path he/she will take to achieve the desired outcome. And so, hope is a mind-set, the will and determination to believe that you’ll overcome. Hope also provides you with a map of the route on how to achieve the desired outcome. What are the benefits of hope? Hope is a remedy for all sorts of hardships and misfortunes. Hope is not wishful thinking, nor is it magical thinking. Hope is an emotion, a mindset, a belief, a motivation, that despite setbacks and obstacles, despite hardship and misfortune, you believe that your life will work out. You can do incredible things when you have enough hope. It was Christopher Reeves, a former actor who became paralyzed, a quadriplegic, after being thrown from his horse, and then forced to live for many years strapped to a wheelchair, breathing from a ventilator, who said, “Once you choose hope, anything’s possible.” Until month of May, stay well my friends! Leonora

‘For You’ is an official publication of KFOR, produced and financed by KFOR, printed in Kosovo and distributed freely.The contents do not necessarily reflect the official point of view of the coalition or that of any of its member states. KFOR accepts and welcomes your opinions, it will publish some of these, eventually in a condensed form. If requested the name of the writer will be withheld but no anonymous, defamatory or malicious letters will be printed. Chief Editor: Leonora Shabanaj Niksic Journalists: Ali Rexha, Asmir Niksic, Violeta Matovic Photos by: “4U” team Design & Layout: Bekim Shabani The editorial staff can be contacted on: 038/503-603-2139 Any letters can be sent at: HQ KFOR - Film City; For You magazine; Strasbourg building; 10000 Pristina; E-mail:;

for you 3

škola meseca


Direktorka Jadranka Vasić


snovna škola “Desanka Maksimović” u Kosovskoj Kamenici, osnovana je davne 1870.godine. U početku, škola radi u sastavu tamošnje crkve, a 1906.godine prelazi u posebnu zgradu. Škola je započela rad sa svega 15 učenika, čiji se broj postepeno povećavao. Škola u Kosovskoj Kamenici postaje matična škola u ovom kraju 1959., godine, a u njen sastav ulaze isturena odeljenja u Berivojcu, Boscu, Miganovcu i Bušincu. Škola je najpre nosila naziv “Osmogodišnja škola 16. novembar”, da bi na inicijativu nastavnika i lokalne zajednice, škola ponela ime poznate srpske pesnikinje Desanke Maksimović. Ono što ovu školu karakteriše je multietnička komponenta, jer isto školsko


dvorište deli sa jednom albanskom školom, a interakcija među decom je svakodnevna, obzirom da su im školske zgrade u neposrednoj blizini, kaže direktorka Jadranka Vasić. “Ne propuštamo da unapređujemo naše međuljudske odnose i gradimo dobru atmosferu u radu sa mladim naraštajima, a ugled i promocija škole je važan segment našeg rada, koji kontinuirano i dalje unapređujemo”, dodaje direktorka Vasić. Prema njenim rečima, ovu školsku godinu, započelo je oko 300 đaKa, koji su raspoređeni u 32 odeljenja. Školska zgrada je moderna i prostrana i zahvata površinu od 2212 m2 sa svim neophodnim kabinetima i sportskom salom. Struktura nastavnog kadra omogućava kvalitetnu realizaciju svih aktivnosti u školi, dok su nastavnici permanentno motivisani za svoj profesionalni i lični napredak na svom stručnom usavršavanju. Direktorka Vasić ističe i neophodnost stalne modernizacije nastavnog procesa i razvijanje posebnih programa za podršku učenicima u procesu učenja. U ovoj školi postoje brojne vannastavne sekcije i sportske aktivnosti, a veliki broj pehara, medalja i diploma koji krase učionice i prostorije škole, više od reči govori o kvalitetu njenih učenika i nastavnog procesa,koji se ovde odvija. Direktorka ove škole beskrajno veruje u kvalitet njenih učenika i ističe da u školi nema vršnjačkog nasilja, kao i da postoji puna saradnja sa članovima Školskog odbora i Savetom roditelja.

“Zanimljiva, dinamična i podsticajna atmosfera za rad u školi “Desanka Maksimović”, usmerava učenike nastavnike i roditelje u pravcu napredovanja u postignućima i saznavanju, naglašava Vasić i dodaje da su dobri međuljudski odnosi, tolerancija i podrška- osnovna pretpostavka dobre saradnje na svim nivoima. Ona je takođe podvukla dobru saradnju koju škola ima sa predstavnicima KFOR-a, koji im je nekoliko puta pomagao prilikom sanacijE prostora, kao i u dopremanju raznog školskog materijala. Govoreći o planovima za budućnost, direktorka ove škole, inače diplomirani geograf po struci, kaže da će,u skladu sa raspoloživim resursima, nastaviti da rade na opremanju škole da bi je što više učinili prijatnim okruženjem za učenje i boravak. U narednom periodu planiraju i opremanje kompletne školske ambulante i stomatološke ordinacije. Zalagaće se da narednih godina postanu škola otvorena za partnerstvo sa svim ljudima i institucijama dobre volje. Direktorka O.Š.”Desanka Maksimović”, Jadranka Vasić, na kraju razgovora za Magazin 4U poručuje svojim učenicima,kao i našim čitaocima da ostanu uvek nasmejani, puni ljubavi i radosti, da nikome ne žele zlo i da uživaju u životu i žive kao da im je svaki dan poslednji.


Nemanja Stanojković (14) 1.april me pre svega asocira na šalu. Volim taj dan jer je pun smeha i uvek se trudim da nekog od mojih drugara prevarim sa nekom dobrom forom. Uglavnom improvizujem mnogo tog dana, a kako ću nekog prevariti zavisi uglavnom od situacije. Naravno, stalno se dešava i da i mene prevare tog dana, ali brzo se zaboravljaju sve te sitne fore.

Veselj Saliji (14) Tog dana se svi šalimo, trudimo se da jedni drugima podvalimo što više. Maksimalno zezamo jedni druge, sad ne mogu konkretno da se setim neke fore, zato što one spontano dođu.Ja najčešće šaljem neke poruke telefonom ili zovem svoje prijatelje pa ih nekako na taj način prevarim.

Luka Nedeljković (13) Uvek se trudim da tog dana prevarim nekog iz porodice ili moje drugare. Planiram da i ove godine prevarim svog najboljeg druga, ali još nisam smislio pravi način. Videću, nešto će već ispasti.

Nemanja Stanojković (14) April 1st above all reminds me of jokes. I love this day because it is full of laughter, and I always make sure to play a good trick on one of my classmates. I mostly improvise a lot on that day, and what the joke will be depends largely on the situation. I, of course, also get pranked, but all those small jokes are quickly forgotten.

Vesel Saliji (14) On that day we all joke and try to prank each other as much as possible. We pull jokes on each other to the maximum; I cannot remember a specific joke right now because they come spontaneously. I usually send hoax text messages or call my friends and fool them in such a way.

Luka Nedeljković (13) I always try to pull a joke on a family member or my friends on April Fools’ Day. This year I’m planning to prank my best friend, but I still haven’t thought up the right joke. I will see, something will come up.

4 for you

school of the month



rimary School “Desanka Maksimovic” in Kosovska Kamenica was founded back in 1870. At first, the school operated as part of the local church, and in 1906, it was moved to a separate building. When it started operating, the school had only 15 students, and their number gradually increased. The school in Kosovska Kamenica became the central school for the area in 1959, and included satellite schools in villages Berivojce, Bosce, Miganovce and Bušince. The school’s first name was “Eight-year school 16 November.” At the initiative of teachers and the local community, the school was later named after the famous Serbian poet Desanka Maksimović. This school is characterized by multi-ethnic component, as it shares the same school yard with an Albanian school, while interaction among children happens on daily basis, given that their school buildings are close to one another, School


Principal Jadranka Vasić said. “We don’t miss out on opportunities to improve our relations and we keep creating a good atmosphere through work with young generations, while the school reputation and promotion is also an important segment of our work, one which we still continuously improve,” Principal Vasić added. According to her, this school year started with around 300 students, divided into 32 classes. The school building is modern and spacious, and covers an area of 2212 m2 with all the necessary science classrooms and a sports hall. The structure of the teaching staff ensures high quality implementation of all activities at the school, while teachers are continuously striving for professional and personal improvement in developing their skills. Prinicipal Vasić emphasizes the necessity of constant modernization of the teaching process and the development of special programs to support students in the learning process. Many extracurricular and sports activities are taking place in this school, while a large number of cups, medals and diplomas which adorn the school classrooms and other premises, speak louder than words about the quality of students and the teaching process taking place here. This school principal endlessly believes in the quality of its students and stresses that there is no peer violence in this school, while there is full cooperation between the school and members of

the School Board and the Parents Council. “An interesting, dynamic and stimulating work atmosphere at the “Desanka Maksimovic” school directs the students, teachers and parents towards progress in their accomplishments and cognition, Vasić underscores, adding that good interpersonal relations, tolerance and support, are the basic precondition for good cooperation at all levels. She also underlined the good cooperation with KFOR representatives, who assisted the school several times in renovating the premises, as well as the shipment of various school supplies. Speaking about plans for the future, the school principal, who holds a degree in geography, says that, in line with available resources, they will continue to work on equipping the school to make it as pleasant an environment as possible for learning and for staying in. In the coming period, they plan to fully equip the school dispensary and a dental office. They will strive to, in the years to come, become a school open to partnership with all people and institutions of good will. At the end of the interview for Magazine 4U, the Principal of Primary School “Desanka Maksimovic” Jadranka Vasić tells her students, as well as our readers, to always stay smiling, full of love and joy, to wish no harm to anyone and to enjoy life and live every day as if it were their last.


Bojana (13) Ja i nisam posebno vešta u varanju drugih. Uvek probam na neku foru da prevarim nekog, ali često mi se desi da ja sama budem prevarena. Bila sam prevarena milion puta, a naravno za ovogodišnji prvi april potrudit ću se da promenim nešto i konačno i ja prevarim nekog.

Anđela Pešić (13) Svakog 1.aprila obavezno pokušam da prevarim svoju sestru, ali mi baš to nešto i ne uspeva. Ali zato mene moji drugovi uspeju večito da nekako nasamare. To se toliko puta desilo, ali sada ne mogu da se setim neke konkretne fore. Nadam se da ću ove godine ja prevariti njih.

Anđela Ristić (12) Ja uvek uspem da nekog prevarim. Svojim drugovima u odeljenju kažem da imamo pismeni i da moraju da uče. Oni mi se posle osvete nekom drugom forom, pa moraću nešto dobro da smislim i ovog 1.aprila.

Bojana (13) I am not particularly good at pranking people. I always try to pull a joke on someone but I often end up being pranked myself. I’ve been pranked million times, and for this year’s April Fools’ Day I will try to change things and finally pull a prank on someone myself.

Anđela Pešić (13) Every April Fools’ Day I try to pull a joke on my sister, but it hasn’t really worked. But on the other hand, I somehow always end up being duped by my friends. It has happened so many times and I cannot remember a specific joke right now. I hope that this year I will pull a joke on them.

Anđela Ristić (12) I always manage to prank someone. For example, I tell my classmates that we are going to have a written test and that we have to study. Then they retaliate with another joke. I will have to come up with something good this April Fools’ Day.

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d svog osnivanja 1999, Kosovska policija je postigla značajne pomake u izgradnji ljudskih, stručnih i organizacionih kapaciteta. Danas, ona ima dovoljno kapaciteta da obezbedi sigurno i bezbedno okruženje za čitavo stanovništvo Kosova, u skladu sa svojom misijom, koja, između ostalog, ima za cilj “da obezbedi profesionalno, delotvorno i efikasno sprovođenje zakona na Kosovu, uz zaštitu života ljudi i imovine, održavanje javnog reda i poretka, sprečavanje i otkrivanje kriminalnih aktivnosti, zaštitu ljudskih prava i sloboda...” Treba naglasiti da su u izvršavanju ove misije, svi policajci opredeljeni da obavljaju svoje

6 for you

dužnosti na profesionalan i etičan način i bez bilo kakvih rasnih, nacionalnih, verskih ili rodnih predrasuda. Kao rezultat toga, Kosovska policija je već dugi niz godina jedna od institucija koje uživaju najveće poverenje građana na Kosovu. Kako bi na najbolji način odgovorila na

potrebe građana Kosova i garantovala uspeh u sprečavanju i suzbijanju svih oblika nelegalnih aktivnosti, poslovi Kosovske policije su podeljeni na pet sektora, među kojima je i Granična uprava. Rad ovog odeljenja je veoma poseban jer pored zaštite života i zdravlja građana, u okviru svojih nadležnosti ima i sprečavanje nelegalnog kretanja robe i ljudi na teritoriji Kosova. Kao što je poznato, rizik od krijumčarenja je dvojak. S jedne strane, ono nanosi štetu kosovskom budžetu preko utaje poreza. S druge strane, krijumčarena roba je sumnjivog kvaliteta i može ozbiljno narušiti zdravlje ljudi. Kosovo se graniči sa četiri zemlje: Albanijom, Srbijom, Crnom Gorom i Bivšom Jugoslovenskom Republikom Makedonijom (Turska priznaje Republiku Makedoniju pod njenim ustavnim imenom BJRM). Ovo odeljenje je

zato podeljeno na tri Regionalne direkcije (RD): Sever, Istok i Zapad. Ove tri direkcije imaju zadatak da kontrolišu kosovsku Zelenu liniju (kopneni teren) i Plavu liniju (vodene površine) sa ovim susednim zemljama. Ovo odeljenje ima odličnu saradnju sa svim stanovnicima Kosova, kao i sa kolegama iz regiona i šire. Još jedna njihova prednost je sjajna saradnja sa KFOR-om. U vezi s tim, potpukovnik Mentor Šabani, direktor Regionalne direkcije Sever, istakao je da se saradnja sa KFOR-om odvija redovno, kako pri planiranju tako i prilikom sprovođenja zajedničkih aktivnosti čiji je cilj održavanje bezbednosti i zaštita života ljudi na Kosovu. I na kraju, potpukovnik Šabani i njegov tim podstiču ljude da sarađuju sa Graničnom policijom Kosova kako bi se sprečili gore navedeni problemi. Takve aktivnosti idu na štetu svih ljudi na Kosovu. On je takođe i apelovao na sve mlade ljude da cene i budu ponosni na Graničnu policiju Kosova, jer je ona deo bezbednosti vaše zajednice.



ince it was established in 1999, the Kosovo Police has made significant advancements in building human, professional and organizational capacities. Today it has sufficient capacities to provide a safe and secure environment for all the people of Kosovo in compliance with its mission, which among other aims: “to provide

professional, effective and efficient law enforcement in Kosovo while protecting life and property, maintaining public law and order, preventing and detecting crime, protecting human rights and freedoms…”. It should be highlighted that while fulfilling this mission all police officers are dedicated to implement their duties in a professional and ethical manner without any racial, national, religious or gender prejudices. Consequently, for many years now Kosovo Police is one of the most trusted institutions of the people in Kosovo. In order to best respond to needs

of the people of Kosovo and to guarantee its success in preventing and fighting all types of illegal activities, the work of Kosovo Police is divided into five departments, among which is also the Department of Borders. The work of this department is very special, because in addition to the protection of the lives and health of citizens, another of its responsibilities is to prevent the illegal movement of goods and people in the territory of Kosovo. As we know the threat from smuggling is twofold. On one side it damages the Kosovo budget through fiscal evasion. On the other hand, the quality of smuggled goods is uncertain and they may seriously damage the health of the people. Kosovo is surrounded by four neighbouring countries: Albania, Serbia, Montenegro and Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (Turkey

recognizes the Republic of Macedonia with its Constitutional name FYROM). Therefore, the department is divided into three Regional Directorates (RDs): North, East and West. These three directorates have to control Kosovo’s green line (land terrain) and blue line (water terrain) with these neighbouring countries. This department has great cooperation with all the people in Kosovo, as well as their colleagues from the region and beyond. Another advantage is the great cooperation they have with KFOR. In relation to this Lt. Col. Mentor Shabani, director of RD North highlighted that the cooperation with KFOR is conducted on regular basis both in planning and conducting joint activities that aim the maintenance of the safety and protection of the lives of people in Kosovo. Finally Lt. Col. Shabani and his team encouraged the people to cooperate with the Kosovo Border Police in preventing the issues highlighted previously. These activities harm all the people of Kosovo. He further appealed to all the young people to appreciate and be proud of the Kosovo Border Police, because they are part of the security of your community.

for you 7




vih 10 dama su plenile izgledom na crvenom tepihu 89. dodele nagrada Akademije. Od somota do metalik nijansi, čipke i crnila - 89. dodela Oskara obeležena je raznolikošću i visokom modom. Pogledajte ko je sve odneo pobedu večeri i pre nego što su nagrade uručene.


Šta je nosila: Givenchy Haute Couture Zašto: Stoun je širila oskarovske vibracije u zlatnoj haljini iz poslednje kolekcije Rikarda Tišija za Živanši – kreacija sa resama i vezom odlično joj pristaje, a sve je to zaokruženo visećim minđušama iz Tifanija.


What: Givenchy Haute Couture Why: Stone gave Oscar statue vibes in a gilded gown from Ricardo Tisci’s final couture collection for Givenchy - an embroidered, fringed creation that fits her beautifully - finished with Tiffany & Co. diamond drop earrings.


Šta je nosila: Louis Vuitton Zašto: Vikander je dokazana Lui Viton devojka i to s dobrim razlogom – nosi ga odlično. Ova romantična gotik haljina od crne čipke sa korsetom i spuštenim ramenima je još jedan dokaz glumičinog ležernog pristupa visokoj modi.


What: Louis Vuitton Why: Vikander is a tried and true Vuitton girl for good reason - she wears it very well. This romantic gothic black lace gown with corset and off-the-shoulder detail is further proof of the actress’ effortless approach to high fashion.


Šta je nosila: Valentino Haute Couture Zašto: Nega se prva pojavila na crvenom tepihu, ali teško da je brzo zaboravljena, jer je ostavila sve bez teksta u svojoj Valentino haljini od crvene čipke sa visokim okovratnikom koju je specijalno za nju dizajnirao Pjerpaolo Pićoli. Nosila ju je sa crvenim cipelama i predivnim ornamentom na glavi, kao i plavom ACLU trakom

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Šta je nosila: Armani Prive Zašto: Visoko dekoltirana haljina tek sišla sa piste, sa interesantnim vezom u nude nijansi, učinila je da “zvezda filma Lav” zablista na suptilan način, uz savršen finiš jarko crvenim karminom.


What: Armani Prive Why: An off-the-runway high-neck column gown, interesting embroidery and a nude hue make a subtle statement on the “Lion” actress, all perfectly finished with a bold red lip.


Šta je nosila: Gucci Zašto: Džonson nas je iznenadila svojim izgledom na crvenom tepihu ovogodišnje dodele Oskara u dugačkoj svilenoj Guči haljini dugih rukava sa naramenicama i mašnom oko struka, koju je uparila sa vintidž Kartije ogrlicom. Rizik koji se i te kako isplatio!


What: Gucci Why: Johnson took an unexpected turn on tonight’s Oscars’ red carpet in this long-sleeve, strong-shouldered sweeping silk gown with a waist tie, paired with a vintage Cartier necklace. It’s a risk that paid off in spades.

- izgledala je podjednako kao moderna princeza i žena sa političkim stavom.


What: Valentino Haute Couture Why: Negga was the first actress on tonight’s carpet, but she will hardly be forgotten in this custom red lace turtleneck dress, designed by Pierpaolo Piccioli. Worn with matching red shoes and a beautiful headpiece - as well as a blue ACLU ribbon - the look is equal parts political statement and modern princess. Preuzeto sa:




he 10 ladies who won the red carpet at the 89th Annual Academy Awards. From velvet to metallic, lace and a lot of black - 89th annual Academy Awards red carpet had variety and high fashion. See who won the evening before the statues were even handed out.


Šta je nosila: Custom Alberta Ferretti Zašto: Hensonova nam još jednom dokazuje staru izreku da je manje više u savršenoj haljini od ponoćno plavog somota sa spuštenim ramenima. Samim tim se još jedna kliše rečenica nameće – dijamanti su zaista ženini najbolji prijatelji, jer od ove Nirav Modi ogrlice, definitivno zastaje dah.


What: Custom Alberta Ferretti Why: Proving the old adage “less is more”, Henson is perfection in a midnight blue velvet off-theshoulder dress - and at the risk of doubling up on clichés, diamonds are indeed a girl’s best friend, evidenced by this heartstopping Nirav Modi necklace.


Šta je nosila: Calvin Klein By Appointment Zašto: Raf Simons je za ovaj događaj obukao sve nominovane glumce za film Mesečina, ali, u nadi da se elegantni gospodin neće naljutiti, moramo priznati da se Herisova istakla u svojoj beloj šljokičastoj haljin, koju je uparila sa bledožutim sandalama sa kaišićima asimetrično ukrašenim kristalima. Ovo je dokaz da ćemo na crvenom tepihu uskoro sigurno ponovo viđati Rafove kreacije za Kelvin Klajn.


What: Calvin Klein By Appointment Why: Raf Simons dressed each of Moonlight’s nominated actors for the evening, but with no offense to the dapper gentleman, Harris was inarguably the standout in a white sequin dress, worn with sunflower suede sandals featuring asymmetrical crystal straps. I think everyone is ready to see more Raf for Calvin on red carpets coming soon. (Source:


Šta je nosila: Chanel Haute Couture Zašto: Novopridošlica Butela je donela sjaj na svoju prvu dodelu Oskara u ovoj Šanelovoj haljini sa šljokicama i perjem, čime nam je nagovestila da će je crveni tepisi i te kako viđati u godinama koje dolaze.


What: Chanel Haute Couture Why: Newcomer Boutella brought the shimmer to her first Academy Awards in a feathered-sequined couture Chanel gown, making her one to keep an eye on for red carpets to come.


Šta je nosila: Dior Haute Couture Zašto: Danst je izgledala poput princeze u crnoj korset haljini od svilenog krepa bez bretela asimetričnog donjeg dela. Ko god je pomislio da je crno dosadno, ovime je bio demantovan


What: Dior Haute Couture Why: Dunst got her princess moment in a black silk faille strapless corseted gown with a side crossing round neckline and asymmetric skirt. Whoever thought black is boring was just proven very wrong.


Šta je nosila: Oscar de la Renta Zašto: I Larsonova je ostavila utisak u somotu, izgledajući zanosno u crnoj somotskoj haljini golih ramena sa V izrezom i karnerima pri dnu, koju su specijalno za nju dizajnirali novi kreativni direktori Oskara de la Rente Laura Kim i Fernando Garsija.


What: Oscar de la Renta Why: In another velvet moment of the evening, Larson was stunning in a custom black velvet strapless v-neck gown with a ruffle hem from de la Renta’s new creative directors Laura Kim and Fernando Garcia.

for you 9




ailee Steinfield je iskusila jednu vrstu iznenadne slave deteta glumca, slavu koju vrlo mali broj dece uspe da iskusi. U svom prvom igranom filmu u ulozi Meti Ros u ostvarenju braće Koen - “Čovek zvani hrabrost”, bila je nominovana za Oskara za najbolju sporednu ulogu u kada je imala samo 14 godina. Šest godina nakon te uloge, pojavila se u više filmova uključujući Savršeni Korak 2, Enderova igra i The Keeping Room. Ne samo to, ona je krenula ka nekoj vrsti višestruke karijere na koje se mladi umetnici najviše upozoravaju - modeling, potpisivanje ugovora o snimanju prošle godine, objavljivanje debitantni EP (mini album), uključujući i singl “Love Myself” koja postala platinasta u više zemalja. “Love Myself” je elegantna, opuštena, privlačna elektro-pop pesma sa nekim neobičnim stihovima.

Niko nije zaista očekivao to kada si u avgustu prošle godine izdala pesmu “Love Myself”. Koliko dugo već želiš da stvaraš muziku? Pa, muzika je uvek bila nešto što sam želela da radim. Uradila sam film prošle godine, Savršeni Korak 2, koji mi je na

neki način dao savršenu priliku da iskusim kako je to snimati muziku i onda otpevati... i meni se to zasviđalo! Nakon što sam napravila film, ali pre nego što je izašao, otišla sam na jedan događaj u Njujork i srela čoveka po imenu Čarli Vok iz izdavačke kuće Republic Records i počeli smo da pričamo i imali smo nekoliko sastanaka, a onda me je on upisao u tu izdavačku kuću. I ubrzo posle toga, sve se ovo desilo!

u moju izdavačku kuću i tekstopisce i producente kojima sam bila okružena. Definitivno sam znala šta mi se sviđa, i znajući to i uz poverenje u ljude oko sebe, bili smo u mogućnosti da prilično brzo pronađemo moj zvuk.

Koju vrstu muzike si slušala tokom svog odrastanja? Mnogo klasičnog roka se slušalo u kući: AC / DC, The Eagles, Zeppelin, The Police. To je bio tatin zvuk. Moja mama je bila fan klasičnog roka, ali ona je takođe imala i tu R&B stranu- slušala je mnogo Boiz II Men i Luther Vandross. Tako da nekako osećam da je čitav niz različite muzike inspirisao moj zvuk.

Koliko pesama si snimila do sada? Hm... skoro 14? To je zanimljivo jer mi je toliko umetnika i tekstopisaca reklo da prve pesme koje se napišu nikada nisu one koje završe na albumu, jer u vreme kada ih završite, šest meseci kasnije, toliko se promeniš, i kao umetnik i kao osoba.

Kada si potpisala ugovor za snimanje, da li si znala koji zvuk želiš? Mislila sam da znam ono što želim, ali je očigledno da nikad ranije nisam uradila nešto ovako. Pretpostavljam da je deo mene znao ono što želim, ali drugi deo je morao da ima poverenje

10 for you

Kako bi opisala Hejli Stajnfeld zvuk? Pretpostavljam da bih to nazvala, nešto kao, sofisticiraniji pop zvuk.

Zašto si izabrala da pesma “Love Myself” bude tvoj prvi singl? Zaista nije bilo pitanja oko toga da li bi ova pesma trebala da bude išta drugo do prvi singl. Ona nosi tako smelu poruku i toliko je u skladu sa mnom jer osećam kao da sam stvarno naučila u poslednjih nekoliko godina koliko je važno imati tu vrstu samopouzdanja i samoljublja i samo-osnaživanja. Kako si shvatila da je ceo ovaj proces drugačiji od glume? Pa, film oduzima određeno vreme u vašem životu - možda oko četiri meseca od momenta

kada se posao započne do momenta kada se završava. Ali, posle tih četiri meseca, ja sam obavila svoj posao i projekat nije više u mojim rukama. Može se izmeniti na način na koji ga svi vole ili ga svi mrze; mogao bi izaći godinu dana kasnije ili dve godine kasnije. Zato što je to tako nepredvidivo, nikada nisam osećala da imam kontrolu nad tim kao što je imam sa svojom muzikom. Bila sam vrlo originalna u celom ovom procesu sa muzikom i nikada nisam imala taj osećaj da nisam imala kontrolu nad tim. I očigledno je da sa filmom ja pričam neku tuđu priču, dok uz muziku mogu da ispričam svoju. To sam ja i moj glas i moja ličnost, a ne uloga. Da li misliš da će ovaj kreativni proces imati uticaja na tvoju glumu? Definitivno mislim da su ove dve stvari od koristi jedna drugoj. Muzika je uvek bila veliki deo mojih priprema za ulogu. Nisam uradila film otkad sam počela da se bavim muzikom, ali ću uskoro, tako da sam zainteresovana da vidim kako će taj proces koji sam prošla sa mojom muzikom uticati na stvari. Ja mislim da će ekstra iskustvo koje sam stekla ipak pomoći. Na kraju, jesu li tvoji fanovi sebi dali neko ime? Steinfans, a oni su počeli da mene zovu Haiz. Neverovatno je videti sve ove ljude koji nisu ni znali da postojim, da sada pričaju o tome šta oni vole u tome šta ja radim sa tom pesmom. Veoma sam srećna zbog ovakvih reakcija na prvu pesmu; to je stvarno neverovatno.

music box



ailee Steinfeld experienced the kind of sudden child actor fame very few have. In her very first feature film role as Mattie Ross in the Coen brothers’ True Grit, she was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress at the age of 14. In the six years since then, she’s gone on to appear in more than a dozen films, including Pitch Perfect 2, Ender’s Game, and The Keeping Room. Not only that, she’s embarked on the kind of multi-pronged career most young artists are warned against - modelling, signing a recording deal last year, and releasing a debut EP, including a single “Love Myself” that’s gone platinum in multiple countries. “Love Myself” is a sleek, effortlessly catchy electro-pop track with some extraordinary lyrics.

Nobody was really expecting when you dropped “Love Myself” in August last year. How long have you wanted to make music for? Well, music has always been something I’ve wanted to do. I made a movie last year, Pitch Perfect 2, that kind of gave me the perfect opportunity to experience what it was like to record music and then perform it... and

I loved it! After I made the movie, but before it came out, I went to an event in New York City and met a man called Charlie Walk from Republic Records, and we started talking and had a couple meetings and then he signed me to the label. And shortly after, all this happened! What kind of music did you listen to growing up? A lot of classic rock was played in the house: AC/DC, The Eagles, Zeppelin, The Police. That was my dad’s jam. My mom was a classic rock fan, but she also had an R&B side-she’d listen to a lot of Boyz II Men and Luther Vandross. So I kind of feel like there’s a variety of different music that’s inspiring my sound. When you signed your record deal, did you know what sound you wanted? I thought I knew what I wanted, but obviously I’d never done anything like this before. I guess part of me knew what I wanted, but the other part had to put my trust into my label and the songwriters and producers they were surrounding me with. I definitely knew what I liked, and in knowing what I liked and trusting the people around me, we were able to find my sound pretty quickly. How would you describe the Hailee Steinfeld

sound? I guess I’d like to call it, like, a more sophisticated pop. How many tracks have you recorded so far? Um… close to 14? It’s interesting because so many artists and songwriters are telling me that the first songs they write are never the ones that end up on the album, because by the time you finish it six months later, you’ve changed so much as an artist and as a person. Why did you choose “Love Myself” to be the first single? There was really no question as to whether it should be anything other than the first single. It has such a bold message and it resonates with me so much because I feel as though I’ve really learned in the last couple of years how important it is to have that kind of self-confidence and self-love and self-empowerment. How have you found this whole process different to an acting job? Well, with a film, it takes up a certain amount of time in your life - maybe four months from when you get the job to when it wraps. But after those four months, I’ve done my job and the project is out of my hands. It can be edited in a way that makes everyone love it or everyone hates it; it could come out a year later or two years later. Because it’s so unpredictable, I’ve never really felt like I’m in control the way I am with my music. I’ve been very vocal with this whole process and I’ve never felt like I wasn’t in control. And obviously with a film, I’m

telling someone else’s story, whereas with music I’m able to tell my own. This is me and my voice and my personality, not a character. Do you think this creative process will have an effect on your acting? I definitely think that the two things benefit each other. Music has always been a huge part of my preparation for a role. I haven’t made a movie since I started making music, but I’m about to now, so I’m interested to see exactly how the process I’ve been through with my music will affect things. I do think the extra experience I’ve gained will feed into it, though. Finally, have your fans given themselves a tribe name yet? Steinfans, and they started call me Haiz. It’s amazing seeing all these people who didn’t even know I existed before talk about why they like what I’m doing with this song. I’m very lucky to get this kind of reaction with my first song; it’s just insane.

for you 11



EN (Mreža vršnjačkih edukatora) je najveća omladinska nevladina organizacija na Kosovu. Ona je na neki način drugi dom mnogim mladim ljudima u kom se realizuju projekti osnaživanja omladine uopšte, projekti koji promovišu rodnu ravnopravnost i bolje okruženje, kao što je projekat „Budimo razumni“ („Making Sense“). Ova organizacija je aktivna već 8 godina i sve njen aktivnosti su vezane za perspektivu omladine i njihovo uključivanje, kako bi ih osnažili kao građane koji će jednoga dana donositi odluke. Prema rečima direktora ovog projekta, gospodina Trima Iljazija, projekat „Budimo razumni“, koji podržava Evropska komisija, fokusira se na podizanje svesti stanovništva o stanju u našem životnom okruženju. Novina u pogledu ovog projekta je promocija novog tipa osnaživanja

12 for you

građana, kojim se podstiču da postanu amaterski naučnici. Ovaj koncept je poznat kao “Građanska nauka”, a ideja je da im se pruži mogućnost da upoznaju svoju okolinu i preduzmu mere za poboljšanje kvaliteta svog životnog okruženja. U skladu sa tim, od kraja jula 2016. godine u okviru projekta “Budimo razumni “ je započeto merenje kvaliteta vazduha. Kvalitet vazduha se

meri sa malim inovativnim mobilnim uređajima koji se zovu “Airbeam”. Do sada je korištena samo stacionarna (statička) oprema za merenje kvaliteta vazduha na specifičnim mestima. Prednost “Airbeam” uređaja je što se mogu koristiti za merenje kvaliteta vazduha u oblastima koje deca i odrasli pešaci najčešće posećuju kao što je oko škola, u centru grada, u oblastima gde je gust saobraćaj i tako dalje. Prikupljeni podaci se prosleđuju profesoru Denu Mekvilanu (Dan McKuillan) na Univerzitetu Goldsmit u Londonu. On zatim obavlja naučno tumačenje podataka i prevodi ih u praktične termine, kao što su posledice ovog zagađenja kod ljudi, najopasnija žarišta, itd. Ovi podaci se zatim objavljuju u medijima i informativnim portalima na Kosovu na jednostavan i lako razumljiv način. „Ono što je poražavajuće vezano za dosadašnja merenja je da je u zimskom periodu vazduh bio veoma zagađen PM2,5 česticama, ili tzv. finim česticama,“ naglasio je Iljazi. On je dalje naglasio da su ove čestice deo dima koji nastaje sagorevanjem različitih materijala: uglja, smeća, benzin, itd. Razlika između dima i ovih čestica je da su potonje čvrsta i izuzetno sitna tela (ne mogu da se

vide golim okom). Zbog toga, pri disanju, prodiru u naša tela i oslabljuju naš imunitet. Prema postojećem zakonu je limit zagađenja ovim česticama 25 mikrograma po kubnom metru tokom 24 sata. Tokom zimskog perioda (od oktobra do februara) ta granica je na Kosovu premašena četiri do deset puta, dostignuvši veoma opasan nivo za zdravlje. Mora se napomenuti da je američka ambasada u Prištini puno pomogla ovaj projekat kalibracijom “Airbeam” uređaja. Škole su takođe pokazale interesovanje za saradnju u okviru ovg projekta. Kao rezultat toga, u martu 2017. godine, organizovana je obuka sa decom i njihovim nastavnicima i roditeljima u ONSŠ “Faik Konica”. PEN će kasnije, u oktobru, školi obezbediti i uređaj za merenje kvaliteta vazduha, koji će biti dostupan svim učesnicima ove obuke. „Nadam se da će vremenom poboljšanje svesti društva dovesti do akcija sa konkretnim rezultatima. Do sada je životna sredina bila nisko na listi prioriteta i nadamo će se taj trend promeniti. Mogli bismo da ignorišemo okolinu i zagađivanje iste, ali okruženje ne ignoriše nas. Zbog toga, svi mi moramo učiniti nešto u vezi toga što je pre moguće,“ istakao je gospodin Iljazi.



he biggest youth non-governmental organization in Kosovo is PEN (Peer Educator Network). In a way it is the second home for many young people where activities that aim at empowering youth in general. Additionally projects that empower and promote gender equality, and projects that promote a better environment like “Making Sense”, are conducted. This organization has been active for 8 years now and all its activities are related to youth perspective and their inclusion, thus empowering them as decision-making citizens in the future.

their environment and maybe undertake measures to improve the quality of their living environment. With this in mind, “Making Sense” set out to measure the air quality from late July 2016. Air quality is measured with small innovative mobile gadgets that are called “Airbeam”. Until now only stationary (static) equipment has been used to measure the air quality in specific spots. The advantage of “Airbeam” gadgets is that they can be used to conduct measurements in the areas

most frequented by children and adults on foot, such as, in and around schools, city centre, heavy traffic areas and so on. Once the data is collected it is forwarded to Professor Dan McQuillan at the Goldsmith University in London. He then does a scientific interpretation of the data and translates it into practical terms like, the effects of this pollution in humans, the most dangerous hotspots, etc. This data is then published in the media and news portals in Kosovo in a simple and easy way to understand. “What is striking in relation to the measurements so far is that during the winter period the air was highly polluted with PM 2.5 particles, or the so called “Fine particulate matter” Mr. Ilazi emphasized. He further stressed that these particles are part of the smoke released from the burning of various materials: coal, garbage, petrol, etc. The difference between the smoke and these particles is that the latter are solid extremely tiny particles and cannot be seen by the eye. Therefore, while breathing they penetrate our bodies and weaken our immunity.

According to current legislation the pollution limit for these particles is 25 microgram per cubic meter in 24 hours. During the winter period (from October to February) this limit was surpassed four to ten times in Kosovo, reaching very dangerous levels to health. It must be noted that this project has been assisted a lot by the US Embassy in Prishtina, which has also assisted with the calibration of the “Airbeam” gadgets. Schools have also shown interest in cooperating with this project. As a result, in March 2017, a training with children their teachers and parents was conducted in EJHS “Faik Konica”. Later in October PEN shall provide a measuring gadget to the school which will be available to all the participants of this training. Mr. Ilazi stated, “I hope that in time the improvement of the society’s awareness will lead to actions with concrete results. Until now the environment was a low priority and we hope this trend will change. We might ignore the environment and its pollution, but the environment is not ignoring us. Therefore, we must all do something about it as soon as possible”..

According to the manager of this project Mr. Trim Ilazi, “Making Sense” is a project supported by the European Commission, which focuses on raising the awareness of the population about the situation of our living environment. The novelty of this project is the promotion of a new type of citizen’s empowerment by encouraging them to become amateur scientists. This concept is known as “Citizen Science” and the idea is to give them the opportunity to get to know

for you 13

životinjsko carstvo

Najšarenije životinje na svetu

Svaka životinja na zemaljskoj kugli ima neku karakteristiku koja je čini atraktivnom. Šareno perje kod nekih vrsta je zaista neverovatno i jedinstveno. Sledi nekoliko najživopisnije obojenih životinja na svetu. zlatne, bakarne, crvene, zelene, pa sve do crne. Naime, sve vrste žaba - strelica su veoma otrovne. Njihova jarka boja je zapravo pokazatelj koliko su otrovne.

Njihova tela dostižu maksimalnu dužinu od 35,5 cm. Ova živopisna vrsta je uglavnom ptica selica.

Lilac Breasted Roller


Blue Dart Frog

Plava žaba strelica


lava žaba - strelica je podvrsta porodice otrovnih žaba - strelica. Ovo je jedna od najimpresivnije obojenih životinja na zemlji. Boja žaba – strelica može varirati od plave, žute,


lue dart frog is a member of poisonous dart frog family. It is one of the most brilliantly colourful animals on Earth. The dart frog’s colour can be varied as blue, yellow, gold, copper, red, green and black. In fact, all types of dart frogs are very poisonous. Their bright colour is actually an indication of how toxic they are.

Coracias caudatus


oracias caudatus je neobično šarena ptica sa perjem različitih boja. Ove ptice imaju zelenkastu glavu, vrat i grudi prekrivene perjem u lila boji, plavi stomak, zelenkastožute noge i svetloplava krila.

Panter kameleon

telu. Riba klovn u vodi može izvoditi pokrete nalik plesu, što je čini još atraktivnijom.


anter kameleon je najživopisniji gmizavac na svetu. Ove životinje imaju moć promene boje kože, tako da se savršeno stope u okruženje. Panter kameleoni su i jedan od najboljih primera kamuflaže kod životinja. Panter kameleon je u stanju da promeni boju u vremenskom rasponu od 20 sekundi.

Clown Fish


Riba klovn


iba klovn je jedna od najobojenijih riba na svetu. Postoji ukupno 28 različitih podvrsta ribe klovna. Obično su jarkonarandžaste boje sa karakterističnim belim štraftama po

Panther Chameleon


anther chameleon is the most colourful reptile in the world. They have the power to turn into different colours that blend perfectly with their surroundings. Panther chameleons are also one of finest examples of camouflaging in animals. Panther chameleons can vary their colour in a time span of 20 seconds.

14 for you

ilac breasted rollers are one brilliantly coloured bird whose feathers come in a variety of colours. They have a greenish head, lilac coloured throat and chest, blue belly, greenish yellow legs and light blue wings. Lilac breasted rollers have a maximum body length of 14 inches. This colourful species is an average migratory bird.

lown fishes are one of most colourful fishes in the world. There are 28 different groups of clown fishes in total. They commonly found in bright orange colours with distinctive white bars on the body. Clown Fish can perform the dance like movement in the water. It makes this fish more attractive.



svetu postoji četrdeset različitih vrsta tukana. Njihov 20 centimetara dug raznobojan kljun je njihova glavna karakteristika. Njihov atraktivan kljun može biti crne, plave, braon, zelene, crvene ili žute boja, a mogu se naći i tukani raznobojnog kljuna. (Preuzeto sa:

animal kingdom

Most colorful animals in the world

Every animal on Earth has some kind of attraction. The colourful coat or feather of some species is truly amazing and incomparable. The followings are most colourful animals in the world. upečatljivog kolora. Takođe su i veoma društvene i pametne ptice. Osim toga, imaju i veoma jak i lep kljun.

nici porodice ljubavnih papagaja ne govore, njihova druželjubivost ih čini jednom od najneodoljivijih vrsta ptica.

Scarlet Macaw


Love Birds


Ljubavni papagaji


gapornide, poznati kao ljubavni papagaji, su veoma popularni kućni ljubimci širom sveta. Ono što ih pre svega čini atraktivnim je njihovo perje različitih jarkih boja. Osim toga, ljubavni papagaji su i druželjubivi i neodoljivi. Mogu vam biti prijatelj na duge staze, jer im je životni vek preko 20 godina. U svetu postoji sedam različitih vrsta Agapornida koje se međusobno razlikuju po boji perja. Iako pripad-

ovebirds are one of the popular pets in the world. The mixed bright coloured feathers are the main attraction of love birds. They are also very adorable and social. Lovebirds can be a long term companion for you because they live more than 20 years. There are seven different species of lovebirds in the world that varies in colour. Even though a member of parrot family love birds can’t talk, but can be one of most adorable social bird ever.

potiče od ćelijskog pigmenta. Neobičan oblik glave je druga prepoznatljiva karakteristika mandarinske ribe.

Mandarin fish

Mandarinska riba


traktivna mandarinska riba ima blistave nijansi plave, zelene, narandžaste i žute boje. Njihov atraktivan izgled


he attractive mandarin fish display brilliant hue of blue, green, orange and yellow. The attractive coloration of mandarin fish is due to the cellular pigment. The board unusual head shape is the other distinguishing feature of mandarin fish.



here are forty different species of toucans are in the world. The long eight inch sized coloured bill is the main attraction of toucans. Their attractive bill comes in black, blue, brown, green, red, yellow colours. The mixed coloured bills are also found in toucans. (Source:

Crveno-modra ara


rveno-modre are imaju perje crvene, žute i plave boje, a popularni su zbog svog

carlet macaw’s feathers have a mixed colour of red, yellow and blue. Scarlet macaws are very popular for their striking coloration. They are also very social and intelligent bird. They also have very strong and beautiful bill. glave. Mužjaci mandarinske patke koriste svoj upečatljiv kolorit kako bi privukli ženke. Mandarinske patke žive u velikim jatima.

Mandarin Duck


užjaci mandarinske patke su atraktivnijeg izgleda od ženki. Perje im je u osnovi zlatne boje, sa ljubičastim grudima, svetlozelenom glavom i narandžastozlatnim i zelenobakrenim perjem na vrhu


he male mandarin ducks are more attractive than females. They have a golden appearance with purple chest, light green head, orangegold feathers and greencopper crest. The male mandarin ducks use their striking coloration to attract females. Mandarin ducks live in large flocks.



Mandarinska patka


azani su jedne od najlepših i najraznobojnijih ptica na svetu. U svetu postoji 35 različitih vrsta fazana. Mužjaci svih vrsta fazana karakteriše perje impresivnih boja i atraktivan dug rep. Njihove boje variraju od zlatne, braon, ljubičaste, zelene do bele. Glava fazana je crvene boje i ima prelepu krestu. Boja perja ženki fazana je manje intenzivna od boje mužjaka.


heasants are one of most beautiful and colourful birds in the world. There are 35 different species of pheasants in the world. The male bird of all species of pheasant has brilliantly coloured feathers and attractive long tail. Their colour varies as golden, brown, purple, green and white. The head of pheasants comes in red and also has a beautiful crest. Female pheasants are paler in colour than males.

for you 15

moviemania CHIPS Uloge: Vincent D’Onofrio, Kristen Bell, Rosa Salazar, Michael Peña, Adam Brody, Dax Shepard Režija: Dax Shepard Scenario: Dax Shepard Žanr: Komedija

Radnja ilm, smešten u sadašnje vreme, prati avanture saobraćajnih policajaca Frensisa “Ponča” Pončerela i Džona Bejkera koji na motorima patroliraju kalifornijskim putevima.


Synopsis he film, set in present day, will follow the adventures of of California Highway Patrol motorcycle officers Francis “Ponch” Poncherello and Jon Baker.


THE COMET KIDS Uloge: Xavier West, Tiriel Mora, Marty Rhone, Reg Gorman, Lulu Mc-

THE COMET KIDS Cast: Xavier West, Tiriel Mora, Marty Rhone, Reg Gorman,

18 for you

Lulu McClatchy, Jessica Leighton Director: Glenn Triggs Writers: Bethia De Groot, Glenn Triggs Genre: Adventure

Clatchy, Jessica Leighton Režija: Glenn Triggs Scenario: Bethia De Groot, Glenn Triggs Žanr: Avantura

Synopsis n order to protect his father’s discovery, Lucas and his five friends go on the adventure of a lifetime to find the piece of a passing Comet that crash lands near their hometown in the 1950’s.


CHIPS Cast: Vincent D’Onofrio, Kristen Bell, Rosa Salazar, Michael Peña, Adam Brody, Dax Shepard Director: Dax Shepard Writer: Dax Shepard Genre: Comedy

Radnja a bi zaštitio otkriće svog oca, Lukas, zajedno sa još petoricom prijatelja, kreće u avanturu njihovog života u potrazi za parčetom komete koja je pala u blizini njihovog rodnog grada pedesetih godina.




ŠTRUMPFOVI: IZGUBLJENO SELO Uloge: Joe Manganiello, Demi Lovato, Mandy Patinkin, Rainn Wilson, Jack McBrayer,

Cast: Joe Manganiello, Demi Lovato, Mandy Patinkin, Rainn Wilson, Jack McBrayer, Danny Pudi Director: Kelly Asbury Writers: Karey Kirkpatrick, Peyo, Chris Poche, Pamela Ribon, David Ronn, Jay Scherick Genre: Animation

Danny Pudi Režija: Kelly Asbury Scenario: Karey Kirkpatrick, Peyo, Chris Poche, Pamela Ribon, David Ronn, Jay Scherick Žanr: Animirani film

Radnja ilm prati Štrumpfetu i njenu braću kako lutaju kroz neistraženu Začaranu šumu sa misijom da pronađu legendarno selo Štrumpfova, pre nego što to učini njihov neprijatelj, zli Gargamel. Tokom njihove avanture biće otkrivene neke od najvećih tajni o poreklu malih plavih stvorenja: da li postoje Štrumpfovi i u drugim bojama? Da li su njihove kućice od pečuraka organske? I… zašto ima 99 Štrumpfova, a samo jedna Štrumpfeta?


Synopsis et Smurfy finds Smurfette and her brothers trekking through the uncharted Enchanted Forest to try and discover a fabled Smurfs village


before their nemesis, the evil wizard Gargamel, does. Along the way, some of the mysteries of the little blue creatures’ origins are brought to light: do Smurfs come in any other colours? are their mushroom houses organic? And... why are there 99 boys and only one girl???

Radnja adnja poslednjeg nastavka serijala “Paklene ulice” se odvija u Njujorku.


PAKLENE ULICE 8 - THE FATE OF THE FURIOUS Uloge: Dwayne Johnson, Charlize Theron, Jason Statham, Scott Eastwood, Lucas Black, Helen Mirren Režija: F. Gary Gray Scenario: Chris Morgan, Gary Scott Thompson Žanr: Akcija


Synopsis he latest instalment of the Fast & Furious franchise will take the action to New York.


Cast: Dwayne Johnson, Charlize Theron, Jason Statham, Scott Eastwood, Lucas Black, Helen Mirren Director: F. Gary Gray Writers: Chris Morgan, Gary Scott Thompson Genre: Action

for you 19

sportski ugao



ešovite borilačke veštine (MMA) je ful-kontakt borilački sport koji omogućava i udarce i rvanje, stojeći i na zemlji, koristeći tehnike iz drugih borilačkih sportova i borilačkih veština. To je sportska disciplina koja postoji već neko vreme. Ali, pre nego što je dobio na popularnosti koju danas uživa, ovaj sport je evoluirao kroz veoma dug proces.

Rana istorija U antičkoj Grčkoj postojao je sport pod nazivom “Pankration”, koji je predstavljao kombinaciju veština rvanja i udaraca sličnih onima u modernom MMA. Pankration je nastao kombinacijom već uspostavljenih tradicija rvanja i boksa i, u Olimpijskim smislu, prvi put je uključen u sadržaju 33 Olimpijade, 648 godine pre Hrista. Prema studijama nijedna grana atletike nije bila popularnija od Pankrationa. Od svojih početaka u antičkoj Grčkoj, pankration je kasnije usvojen od strane Rimljana.

20 for you

Devetnaesti vek Sredinom devetnaestog veka novi sport “Savate” je postao popularan u Francuskoj. U to vreme, francuski borci su hteli da isprobaju ovaj sport protiv tradicionalnih borbenih stilova svog vremena. 1852, takmičenje je održano u Francuskoj između francuskih Savatista i engleskih golorukih boksera. Od tada, druga slična takmičenja su se takođe odvijala od kraja 19 pa sve do sredine 20 veka, između francuskih Savatista i drugih borbenih stilova. Dvadeseti vek Na više načina, Brazil se može smatrati rodnim mestom modernog VMA. 1920, sporedne borbe pod nazivom “Vale Tudo” (na engleskom: sve ide) su postale veoma popularne. Postali su poznati kao “Grejsi izazov” u skladu sa imenom porodice Grejsi, koja je razvila Brazilski Đijuđicu. Tokom kasnih 1960ih do ranih 1970-ih, koncept kombinacije elemenata više borilačkih veština je popular-

izovan na zapadu od strane Brus Lija preko njegovog sistema Jeet Kune Do. Li je verovao da “najbolji borac nije Bokser, karate ili džudo osoba. Najbolji borac je neko ko može da se prilagodi svakom stilu, da bude bez oblika, da usvoji sopstveni stil pojedinca, a ne prateći sistem stilova.” 1970, Rorion Grejsi iz čuvene Grejsi porodice je emigrirao u SAD i predstavio Vale Tudo na novom tržištu kada je pomogao osnivanje Ultimate Fighting

Anderson Silva (Brazil) – učinak u borbama - 348-0 (PobedeIzgubljeneNerešene)

IU poslednjih nekoliko godina, Anderson “Pauk” Silva je zacementirao svoju zaostavštinu kao jedan od najvećih boraca u istoriji MMA. Dugo priznat kao jedan od elitnih Muaj taj i stojećih boraca u ovoj igri, Silva je sve češće dopunjavao svoju ranije upečatljivu dominaciju sofisticiranom i opasnom igrom savijanja i garda, čime je oslobodio svoje precizne napade nogom i to ga je uvelo u elitne nivoe u igri. Iako je Silva začinio celokupnu svoju MMA karijeru značajnim nokaut

Žorž Sen Pjer (Kanada) 25-2-0 (Pobede-IzgubljeneNerešene)

Nakon nastupa u sportskim karate takmičenjima u mladosti, Žorž Sen Pjer je započeo svoju profesionalnu karijeru u mešovitim borilačkim veštinama 2002 godine, pobedivši značajne borce poput Ivana Menjivara i Pita Sprata, pre nego što je debitovao u UFC-u 2004 godine sa pobedama nad Karo Parisianom i Džejom Hieronom. Nakon sastavljanja jednog od najupečatljivijih pobedničkih nizova u istoriji velter kategorije uzastopnim rušenjem Džejsona “Maihem” Milera, Frenka Triga, Šona Šerka i BJ Pena, Sen Pjer je uzeo UFC velter prvenstvo od Meta Hjua u UFC-65 2006 godine. Iako je izgubio prvu odbranu titule od teškog gubitnika Meta Sera, Sen Pjer se vratio pobedom nad Džošom Kosčeckom a potom in ad Metom Hjuom za privremeno prvenstvo. On je tada povratio titulu u revanšu go-

Championship (UFC) MMA promotivne kompanije 1993 godine. Prvobitno je bilo promovisano kao takmičenje koje će da pronađe najefikasnije borilačke veštine za stvarne goloruke borbe, takmičari iz različitih stilova borbe su bili suprotstavljeni jedni protiv drugih u takmičenjima sa relativno malo pravila. Kasnije, pojedini borci koriste

dinu dana nakon što ju je izgubio na UFC 83.

Georges St. Pierre (Canada) 25-2-0 (Win-LossDraw)

After competing in sport karate competitions at a young age, Georges St. Pierre began his professional mixed martial arts career in 2002, defeating notable fighters Ivan Menjivar and Pete Spratt, before debuting in

više borilačkih veština u svom stilu. MMA promoteri su bili izloženi pritisku da usvoje dodatna pravila za povećanje bezbednosti takmičara, u skladu sa sportskim pravilima kao i da se proširi mejnstrim prihvatanje sporta. Nakon ovih promena, sport je dobio na popularnosti u plati-pogledanju biznisu koji se može meriti sa boksom i profesionalnim rvanjem.

Najznačajniji šampioni

pobedama, njegovi ključni trenuci nisu došli sve do njegovog ulaska u UFC srednju kategoriju 2006 godine, u kojoj je njegov opasan stojeći stil desetkovao ljude poput Krisa Lebena, Rik Frenklina, Nejta Markuardta i druge čime je počela njegova višegodišnja vladavina u kojoj je efikasno počistio svoju konkurenciju.

Most notable champions Anderson Silva (Brazil) – Pro Record 34-8-0 (Win-Loss-Draw)

Most notable champions


sports corner 1970s, Rorion Gracie of the famous Gracie family immigrated to the United States and introduced Vale Tudo to a new market when he helped found the Ultimate

In recent years, Anderson “The Spider” Silva has cemented his legacy as one of the greatest fighters in the history of MMA. Long recognized as one of the elite Muay Thai and standup fighters in the game, Silva increasingly complemented his early striking dominance with a sophisticated and dangerous submission and guard game, which freed up his pinpoint attacks on the feet and vaulted him into the game’s elite levels. Though Silva has peppered his entire MMA career with notable knockout victories, his signature moments did not come until his 2006 entrance into the UFC’s middleweight division, where his standup decimated the likes of Chris Leben, Rich Franklin, Nate Marquardt and others and began a multi-year championship reign that effectively cleaned out his division. the UFC in 2004 with wins over Karo Parisyan and Jay Hieron. After putting together one of the most impressive winning streaks in welterweight history with consecutive demolitions of Jason “Mayhem” Miller, Frank Trigg, Sean Sherk, and BJ Penn, St. Pierre took the UFC Welterweight Championship from Matt Hughes at UFC 65 in 2006. Although he lost his first title defense to heavy underdog Matt Serra, St. Pierre rebounded by beating Josh Koscheck and then Matt Hughes for the interim championship. He then reclaimed the title in a rematch one year after losing it at UFC 83.

nation of grappling and striking skills similar to those found in modern MMA. Pankration was formed by a combination of the already established wrestling and boxing traditions and, in Olympic terms, first featured in the 33rd Olympiad, 648 B.C. According to studies no branch of athletics was more popular than the pankration. From its origins in Ancient Greece, pankration was later passed on to the Romans.

Nineteenth century


ixed Marshal Arts (MMA) is a full-contact combat sport that allows both striking and grappling, both standing and on the ground, using techniques from other combat sports and martial arts. It is a sports discipline that has been around for quite some time. But before getting the popularity it enjoys today it evolved through a very long process.

Early history

In Ancient Greece there was a sport called “pankration”, which featured a combi-

In the mid nineteenth century a new sport “savate” became popular in France.

At that time, French fighters wanted to test out the sport against the traditional combat styles of its time. In 1852, a contest was held in France between French savateurs and English bare-knuckle boxers. Since then other similar contest also occurred by the late 19th to mid-20th century between French Savateurs and other combat styles.

Twentieth century

In many ways Brazil could be considered as the birth place of modern MMA. In 1920 fighting sideshows under the name “Vale Tudo” (in English: everything goes) became very popular. They became renowned with the “Gracie challenge” according to the name of the Gracie family, who developed the Brazilian JiuJitsu. During the late 1960s to early 1970s, the concept of combining the elements of multiple martial arts was popularized in the west by Bruce Lee via his system of Jeet Kune Do. Lee believed that “the best fighter is not a Boxer, Karate or Judo man. The best fighter is someone who can adapt to any style, to be formless, to adopt an individual’s own style and not following the system of styles.” In the

Fighting Championship (UFC) MMA promotion company in 1993. Originally promoted as a competition to find the most effective martial arts for real unarmed combat, competitors from different fighting styles were pitted against one another in contests with relatively few rules. Later, individual fighters employed multiple martial arts into their style. MMA promoters were pressured to adopt additional rules to increase competitors’ safety, to comply with sport regulations and to broaden mainstream acceptance of the sport. Following these changes, the sport has seen increased popularity with a pay-per-view business that rivals boxing and professional wrestling.

for you 21

hi - tech

PROLECNO CIŠCENJE UZ VISOKU TEHNOLOGIJU SA PET NOVIH UREDAJA Dolazak proleća znači da je vreme da razmislimo o tome kako da osvežimo svoje domove za novu sezonu. Svrha ovih 5 tehnoloških uređaja je da vam pomognu u ovom procesu i što je više moguće olakšaju da svoj životni prostor dovedete u red. no luksuzni proizvod i možda ne bi bio efikasan u prevelikoj kući ili prostoriji, osim ako ne uključite robota par puta.

iRobot Braava jet 240 – robot za čišćenje podova


Robot Braava jet 240 Mopping Robot uklanja prljavštinu i mrlje sa površina kojima je teško prići, npr. ispod kuhinjskih delova i oko WC šolje. Jednostavno prikačite Braava jet sunđer za čišćenje, a robot će sam izabrati mokro čišćenje podova, vlažno prebrisavanje ili suvo prebrisavanje, u zavisnosti od vrste izabranog sunđera. Braava jet je predviđen za čišćenje samo tvrdih podova, a ne za uklanjanje ogrebotina i starih fleka. Tehnologija senzora pokreta i giroskop omogućavaju robotu da ’oseti’ veličinu prostorije i čak napravi mapu. Prednosti: Ova naprava je neverovatno intuitivna i može očistiti podove u roku od par minuta, u zavisnosti od veličine sobe. Mane: ovo je definitiv-

22 for you

iRobot Braava jet 240 Mopping Robot


he iRobot Braava jet 240 Mopping Robot tackles dirt and stains in hardto-reach places, like under kitchen cabinets and around toilets. Just attach a Braava jet Cleaning Pad and the robot automatically selects wet mopping, damp sweeping, or dry sweeping, based on the chosen pad. Braava jet is designed to clean hard floors only, and is not meant to clean set-in scuff & stains. Motion sensor technology and a gyroscope enable the robot to ‘sens’ the size of the room and actually build a map. Pros: This gadget is incredibily intuitive, and can clean floors in a matter of minutes--depending on the size of the room. Cons: This is definitely a luxury product, and might not be effective for an oversized house or room unless you run the robot several times.

Neato Botvac Connected – usisivač


eato Botvac Connected je robotski usisivač. Ovaj specifični model je jedinstven jer omogućava korisniku da preko aplikacije, sa udaljene lokacije i uz pomoć bežičnog interneta, javi robotu kada i kako da očisti prostor. Prednosti: Ovaj robotski usisivač može sam sebe da podigne kada se nađe u teškoj ili komplikovanoj situaciji i ne zahteva puno pažnje tokom čišćenja. Mane: Ima veoma malo loših strana, koje se mogu naći kod ovog proizvoda, kao na primer da ovakav usisivač spada u skuplje proizvode, a s druge strane – rezultati opravdavaju cenu.

Lilumia – čistač četkica za šminku


vako ko nosi tečnu šminku ili šminku u formi pudera i koristi četkice za nanošenje, zna kako je mukotrpno stalno čistiti četkice – ako ih uopšte čisti! Preporučuje se da se četkice čiste jedanput nedeljno, kako bi se izbeglo nagomilavanje proizvoda na dlačicama, a s obzirom da četkice dodiruju vaše lice – što čišće to bolje. Ova mašina, u stvari, rotira četkice unapred i unazad, a može istovremeno da čisti do 12 četkica. Prednosti: Najprivlačnija karakteristika ovog aparata je to što

Neato Botvac Connected


he Neato Botvac Connected is robotic vacuum. This particular model is unique because it allows the user to communicate through an app to tell the robot when and how to clean the space remotely via Wi-Fi. Pros: This robot vacuum can actually “lift” itself out of difficult or tight situations and does not require a lot of attention during the cleaning cycle. Cons: There are very few cons to report with this product, like this vacuum is on the higher end of the spectrum, but the results match the price.

možete da ga uključite, a zatim potpuno zaboravite na njega. Mane: Uređaj daje najbolje rezultate nakon prve runde čišćenja, ukoliko četkice nisu previše zaprljane. Ako korisnik, pak, ne čisti svoje četkice često, može biti potreban dodatni ciklus čišćenja.


hi - tech

SPRING CLEAN THE HIGH-TECH WAY WITH THESE 5 GADGETS With the coming of spring, it’s time for some start thinking about ways to refresh our homes for the new season. These 5 tech gadgets aim to help with the process and minimize the amount of elbow grease needed to get your space in its best shape.

Dyson Pure Cool – prečišćivač vazduha


rolećno čišćenje podrazumeva i čistiji zrak i pronalaženje načina da omogućite ljudima u vašem domu da

PhoneSoap 2.0 – uređaj za dezinfekciju mobilnih telefona


udimo iskreni, ljudi stalno dodiruju prljave stvari, a zatim uzmu u ruke svoj telefon, prebacujući na taj način

Lilumia Makeup Brush Cleaner


s someone who wears liquid or powder makeup

udišu svežiji vazduh. Dyson Pure Cool čistač vazduha ima puno korisnih osobina, ukljućujući sposobnost da eliminiše potencijalno toksična isparenja i mirise. Prečišćava vazduh tokom cele godine, a leti vas čak i hladi kao ventilator. Prednosti: ovaj prečišćivač je tih, ali ne bešuman i ima ugrađeni hronometar uz pomoć kog

bakterije na ovaj uređaj. Možda peremo ruke, ali koliko često čistimo svoje telefone? Uređaj PhoneSoap je lak za upotrebu i sve što treba da uradite jeste da stavite telefon u futrolu, zatvorite poklopac i punjač PhoneSoap-a koristi UV zrake da dezinfikuje i očisti telefon. Prednosti: PhoneSoap ima

and uses a brush to apply it, one might know the familiar hassle of cleaning your brushes regularly - if they clean them! The suggested cleaning schedule is once a week to prevent build-up, and since the brushes touch your face, the cleaner the better. This machine actually rotates brushes in a backand-forth motion and can clean up to 12 brushes at a time. Pros: Favourite feature of this machine is the “set it and forget it” style motor. Cons: The machine delivers the best results after 1 round if the brushes are not overly soiled. If the user tends not to clean their brushes often, a second cycle might be necessary.


se može podesiti da radi do 9 sati, što je korisno ako ga koristite dok spavate. Mane: Iako je uređaj mali (dužine od oko 20 cm i težine 3,5 kg) ipak je prilično visok – 1 m.

Dyson Pure Cool purifier fan


pring cleaning can also mean cleaner air, and finding ways to help the people in your home breath fresher air. The Dyson Pure Cool air purifier fan

na jednom kraju USB koji možete uključiti. Zatim možete da drugi kraj kabla provučete kroz „tajni prolaz“ i priključite ga direktno na uređaj dok traje proces dezinfekcije. Ovo se može lako uraditi tokom noći. Mane: Ovo je veoma jednostavan uređaj sa jednom svrhom tako da i nema nekih mana, ali bi bilo korisno da ima alarm koji bi se oglasio naporedo sa plavim svetlima koja su već ugrađena i koja se uključe kada se ciklus dezinfekcije završi nakon 5 minuta.

PhoneSoap 2.0


et’s face it, people constantly touch dirty things and then grab their phone, transferring that bacteria to the device. We may wash our hands, but how often do we clean our phone? PhoneSoap is easy to use, and you just place the cell phone into the case, close the lid, and the PhoneSoap

has many helpful features, including its ability to eliminate potentially toxic fumes and odours. It purifies all year round, and keeps you cool in the summer as a fan as well. Pros: This purifier is quiet, but not silent, and it has a built-in sleep timer that can be set for up to 9 hours, which is helpful if using while you sleep. Cons: Although the machine has a small footprint at 7.72 inches, and weighs 7.72 pounds, it is a tall machine, with a height of 40 inches.

Charger uses UV light to sanitize and clean the cell phone. Pros: PhoneSoap lets you plug in the USB end of your specific charger. Then thread the charging end through the “secret passage way” and plug straight into the device while it is sanitizing. This can easily be done at night. Cons: This device is a one-trick pony, so there are not really any cons, but a helpful tool would be for the PhoneSoap to audibly beep or sound when the 5 minute cycle is complete, in addition to its already built-in feature of the blue lights going out when the cycle is finished.

for you 23


Mine i neeksplodirana sredstva su opasna, ako ih vidite nemojte ih dirati, pozovite Policiju ili KBS.


d 16. januara do 10. marta, 2007. godine, instruktori deminiranja KBS-a su sproveli informativnu kampanju o opasnostima koje predstavljaju mine i druga neeksplodirana ubojita sredstva (NUS). Predavanja su održana po osnovnim i srednjim školama u 26 opština širom Kosova. Glavni cilj ove informativne kampanje bio je da se podigne svest među decom o opasnostima koje predstavljaju mine i druga NUS. Ova predavanja dopunjuju tekuće aktivnosti deminiranja na Kosovu i bila su primarno namenjena deci iz svih etničkih zajednica. Jedan od instruktora koji držao predavanja, Roljand Rešitaj, naglasio je da broj incidenata vezanih za mine i druga NUS je u opadanju, u poređenju sa proteklim godinama. Međutim, i pored ovog pada u broju incidenata, opasnost i dalje postoji tako da napori ka podizanju svesti o opasnostima se moraju nastaviti kako bi njihova opšta bezbednost bila poboljšana. Predavanja su tako osmišljena da budu prosta i da ih deca mogu lako razumeti. Posebna pažnja je posvećena fotografijama različitih mina i drugih NUS sa kojima bi deca mogla da se susretnu. Takođe je posvećena pažnja tzv. regionalnim vrućim tačkama tj. lokacijama na kojima bi mogli da se nalaze ova sredstva. Deci su pokazane fotografije različitih znakova upozorenja na koja bi mogla da naiđu

24 for you

u već poznatim lokacijama gde ova opasnost vreba. Glavna poruka ove informativne kampanje je stalno ponavljana deci tokom predavanja. Ukoliko naiđete sa mine, NUS ili druga sumnjiva sredstva ne dodirujte ih, ne pomerajte ih i ne bacajte ih; ukoliko vidite znakove o opasnosti od mina, ne idete dalje, vratite se nazad! Jedna od škola u kojoj je održana edukativna sesija o minama je i Gimnazija u Kosovskoj Kamenici. Narednik Mehdi Abazović kaže da je veoma zadovoljan održanim časovima u ovoj školi. On je istakao da pored redovnih 24-satnih aktivnosti koje njegova jedinica svakodnevno sprovodi, svake godine krajem sezone održavaju i edukativnu

nastavu u školama, na srpskom i albanskom jeziku. Abazović dodaje da je cilj ovih predavanja da se učenici edukuju i upoznaju sa rizikom koji nose eksplozivne naprave, kojih, prema njegovim rečima ima još uvek na Kosovu. “Tu smo da deci i mladima pokažemo i ukažemo kako da se ponašaju ukoliko naiđu na eksplozivno sredstvo, edukujemo ih kako da postupaju u slučaju pronalaska eksplozivne naprave i na koji način treba da obaveste nadležne institucije, policiju, KFOR ili KBS”, istakao je Abazović. Druga lokacija na kojoj je održano ovo predavanje je bila srednja škola “Ruždi Beriša” u opštini Dragaš. Sedamnaestogodišnja Nezafeta Ginski je bila među prisutnim učenicima. Na kraju izlaganja ona je istakla da joj se ovo predavanje veoma dopalo jer je bilo jednostavno, jasno i direktno. “Ono što ću zapamtiti sa ovog predavanja jeste da bez obzira na to da li sam sa svojim nastavnicima, roditeljima, ili prijateljima, ukoliko uočim minu ili neki drugi sumnjivi predmet, ne treba da ga diram, već da smesta obavestim Kosovsku policiju, KBS ili čak KFOR”, istakla je gospođica Ginski. I za kraj, njena poruka za vršnjake je ista ona koju je upravo ponela sa predavanja. Zapamtite, ako uočite mine ili neke druge sumnjive predmete NE DIRAJTE IH! NE POMERAJTE IH! NE BACAJTE IH! Pozovite 192 ili 112 BESPLATNO



uring the period from the 16th of January 2017 to the 10th of March 2017, KSF demining instructors conducted an information campaign regarding the issue of mines and other Unexploded Ordnances (UXO’s). The lectures were conducted in primary and secondary schools across 26 municipalities in Kosovo. The main goal of this information campaign was to raise the children’s awareness about the threat from mines and other UXOs. These lectures compliment the ongoing demining activities in Kosovo and they were targeted primarily at children of all ethnic backgrounds. One of the lecturing instructors, Roland Reshitaj, emphasized that in comparison to previous years, the amount of incidents with mines and other UXO’s is in decline. However, despite this decline, the threat still remains and efforts to raise public awareness on how to improve their general safety in this regard should continue. The lectures were structured so as to be quite simple and easily understood by the children. There was a high emphasis on pictures of the various types of mines and UXOs likely to be encountered. Also highlighted were regional hotspots, which identified locations where these devices are more likely to be found. The children were also shown pictures of the various warning signs likely to be

encountered in known danger areas. The main message of the information campaign was continuously repeated to the children throughout the lectures. If you encounter mines, UXO’s or any other suspicious objects, don’t touch them, don’t move them and don’t throw them; if you see any mine warning signs don’t walk any further, go back! One of the schools that received the briefing was the “Gymnasium” in Kamenica Municipality. The principal, instructor Mehdi Abazovic said that he was very satisfied with this lecture. According to him besides the regular 24 hour activities his unit conducts daily, each year at the end of the season they also conduct lectures in

both Serbian and Albanian schools. Abazovic added that the aim of these lectures is to teach the students and make them aware of the threat these UXOs pose, which according to him can still be found in Kosovo. “We are here to tell the children and the youth how to act if they encounter any UXOs. We also teach them how to inform the competent authorities Kosovo Police, KSF or KFOR” highlighted Abazovic. Another location this lecture was conducted at was the “Ruzhdi Berisha” high school in Dragash Municipality. Seventeen year old Nezafeta Ginski was one of the attending students. At the end of the lecture she emphasized that she liked it very much because it was simple, clear and direct. “I will remember from this lecture that regardless of whether I am with my teachers, parents, or friends, if I encounter mines or other suspicious objects I will not touch them. I shall immediately notify the Kosovo Police, KSF or even KFOR,” Miss Ginski emphasized. On a final note she stated the same message she had just received to her peers. Remember, if you encounter mines or suspicious objects DON’T TOUCH THEM! DON’T MOVE THEM! DON’T THROW THEM! Call 192 or 112 FREE OF CHARGE

for you 25

Planet Dance: Club weekend nights (Planetarni ples: klupske noci vikendom) na Radio KFOR-u od Titija


emisiji za emisijom i pitanju za pitanjem smo vam do sada predstavljali sve programe Radio KFOR-a i stigli smo do noći vikendom. Ovo je veoma poseban vremenski okvir u programskoj šemi Radio KFOR-a. Podrazumeva noći petkom, subotom i nedeljom i za sve je zadužen - ′iskreno vaš’ Titi. U ovim terminima slušaoci radio KFOR-a mogu da slušaju najbolje “sindicirane DJ emisije” kako ih u profesionalnom žargonu nazivaju. Da ne ulazimo previše u detalje, a da na najbolji način opišemo ove emisije, dovoljno je da kažemo da se u ovim terminima emituju najbolji i najnoviji miksovi najboljih DJ-eva na svetu. U programu koji se

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emituje petkom uveče, odnosno počinje u 22:00 i završava se u subotu u 03:00 časova ujutru, slušaoci mogu da čuju najbolje hitove sledećih izvođača: Roger Sanchez, Gogo, Heartfeldt Radio, Steve Aoki, Armin Van Buuren, Sexy By Nature, Paul Oakenfold, i Pacha Ibiza Radio Show. Subotom se, pak, program emituje od 22:00 do 02:00, a u njemu se mogu čuti sledeći DJ-evi: Afrojack, Ferry Corsten, Paul Van Dyk, Hardwell, Spinnin Records, Toolroom, i W & W Mainstage. S obzirom da je nedelja poslednji dan u vikendu, emisija se emituje od 19:00 časova uveče, a završava se u ponoć. Tako se svi oni koji moraju ustati rano sledećeg jutra mogu odmoriti i pripremiti za sledeću nedelju. Imena kao što su Dusty Records, Defected In The House, Nicky Romero, Tiesto i Revealed radio garantuju da kvalitet muzike ostaje isti uprkos tome što je emisija malo kraća i završava se ranije. Tako da, za sve one koji se spremaju da izađu u neki klub ili prave žurku - “Planet Dance: Club Weekend Nights” pušta najbolju muziku u gradu. Drugim rečima: najbolje za najbolje od najboljeg – na 96.6 FM na Radio KFOR-u!


Planet Dance: Club weekend nights in Radio KFOR by Titi

how after show and issue after issues we have now presented to you all the Radio KFOR shows to come down to weekend nights. This is a very special time slot in Radio KFOR’s programme schedule. It includes Friday, Saturday and Sunday nights and everything is taken care by yours truly Titi. During this time Radio KFOR listeners get to listen the best “DJ syndicated shows” as they are called in the professional jargon. Without going into many details the best description for these shows is that during this time the best and latest mixes of the world’s best DJ’s are broadcasted. In the Friday night show which starts at 20:00 and ends on Saturday at 3:00 o’clock in the morning the listeners may listen the latest hits by: Roger Sanchez, Gogo, Heartfeldt Radio, Steve Aoki, Armin Van Buuren, Sexy By Nature, Paul Oakenfold, and Pacha Ibiza Radio Show. Whereas, every Saturday starting from 20:00 and ending at 02:00 o’clock the next morning it time for the following DJ’s: Afrojack, Ferry Corsten, Paul Van Dyk, Hardwell, Spinnin Records, Toolroom, and W & W Mainstage. Since Sunday is the last day of the weekend the show is broadcasted from 19:00 in the evening and ends on midnight. This way everybody that needs to wake up early in the morning gets the chance to rest and prepare for the next week. Names like: Dusty Records, Defected In The House, Nicky Romero, Tiesto and Revealed radio guarantee that despite the fact that the show is a bit shorter and ends earlier the music quality is not impacted at all Therefore, all those who are getting ready to go out in the club or are planning a party “Planet Dance: Club Weekend Nights” provides the best music in town. In other words: The Best for The Best from The Best – at 96.6 FM in Radio KFOR!

for you 27


k o ji in ače m P r ič e k o ž d a n e b i s t e k li o je s im a p r e d s p a t a r ij i p r ič a ju . va unucda nau č e m n n je p o m a ž u ogo to im i da ra ga zv d r u š t v ij u in t e r e s o v o ž iv o t u en a M n o g a a d e š a v a n ja n je z a deca s i društv e n a t a a k t iv n o s t i. e n im v j n a č in rednos li n a m a t im a , a u č e poput li i pošten zahva ln o s t i, ja , d o b v r v e r e it rote, odrast e ć in a d. a ju u u na t o č iš t u D e c a k o ja p r u ž a ju u s p o m s im a d r a g e k o je im ene na bake i im a ju js t v a k dane d deke p v o iš e r sa bak je s m o t in s t a r ij im e p o š t o v a n ir o d n o ama i provod ja d a e il i prema . neki o kama. d n ji h Mnoga provod I dok su p o s le d e c il i v bakam a šk a i d e k s u lu d a z a d r u g i s o le s a s v o ji m r e m e s a o n u im a li i u ig n u c im r a ju k lj m a i s m a t r a v o ji h s a n ji m p r il ik u a , u ju č voj sva n u u lo da a sam da bud g k o tok u r e c e p t o d n e v n ic i. D u u n ji h o L ju b a v o m p r a z n ik e eca vo a. baka i le il i t a t in s v o ji h b a k a deka p m a n ji s e a mam s t reh o v im r a n e s in v o ja o unu je o g r o s e ć a n k o ji m a iz r a ž e m n a , a c im a ja , a z a m v a ju a ju auzvra o b il je često ih i r a z lj u b a v t p r imaze. h r a n i e u .D On v id u u u dobu ku s a s v o e c a s e la k o kada n i su ji h b a k povez sne e m a ju druge u ju ama i k o ji s e obave de ze ig r a ju tako d s a n ji m k a m a , u zatv a mog , or u a kod d a p r iu kuće ih is t o e n o m , a li št tako v ig r a ju e d a s e ode u večern sa svo je ji m u n u c im p a r k o v š e t n je il i u a i da e il i s t s lj u b a v a d io n e gde se lj u ig r a ju v a r a ju p r e g o sa d r u g a r im a s a n ji m . L ju b a a. P r is u s z n o tvo ba st, pa ka i deka n e v e r o ž n ja i u ž iv o v a t n a lj tu dece u k o ju d li v a im o b ij a ju u b a v od bak i deda oseća a je t o š n je t o d a č in i s e deca lj u d s oseća poseb ju no u n k o s t i, ji h o v o p r is u s m tvu.


28 for you

a s give eful tip dren s u d n d chil vice a ir lives kind ad to their life an into the t n h o ti ig c s e r in dir ake up er bette arents also m ovide p lo e v de pr dp e. Gran parents fail to edules in futur t c a s th sy h time e to bu nd duu d for the n e r ies a child to their f responsibilit and the eo ssings il le p the b d e n a inspire d all, th ts e n v e o r b a ties. A randp ted an of the g l morally boos r chalwishes e fee e tough n who e up th childre k ta to ted fe. ories suppor bout sks in li nd mem ta fo r o e crazy a m a v s e a e r d h g a o s n o n u le h e f the ildr hild ost o any ch ents and find tines. g our c parents. M in d n e of sp grand day rou andpar ur after ith our their gr of their every s of their days w have spent o en, e rt us ildr vital pa love the recip ndmothers randch ome of g s n ra r e e g h u r il l it o d h a w n W ith Chil r pater ely to be armes w o it ti l n l a o tu n r r o o h e e p f sc nd opp mat s their ad the holidays. Gra r their expres of love d s some h n d e fo a a th e lo v in t lo e ly s g n u d om o lot. them o ings an f good food fr ll agnanim mper them a m e v a o e ents h free and pa in form ildren bond w hildren when they are an h c C s d r . n e a m h r t c g e the andfa the tim nsibilities and and their gr or games h n it This is o e p w r s d e il r er indo ndch ho play nd also from oth play their gra A grandparw e. em a s afford to them with lov vening with th life give ’s d le m for e any il d e h c h t a y e a k whee in p m ta e that he resenc r accom ent’s p uman sense trolls o e parks or s h . th him the ed otherwise les that them to where they k ta c s e la m h T at have stadiu with friends. erly tell ir ld e e p s u the the meet ss; time to kindne e h t the bed ren helps is t I and the t hild grandc arn a lot a tention t a love th them le and also edible r c m in ro fe ceive f about li their they re parents s p lo nd deve ial the gra kes chilt in soc a m h interes d activities. l whic an ts l specia e n e th e e f v n e r n a e . r le e d c n esen hildre their pr Many c lues and also in a social v e honesty, lik virtues tude, s, grati s e n d in k en who . Childr ce of tc e h it fa sola re p in the grow u rally have mo tu ents na . andpar lderly people r g ir e th e e th their t for respec parents with d n a Gr



for you 29

30 for you

Pisma citalaca v

]ao, Ovaj magazin mi se veoma dopada, ima veoma zanimljivih i pou~nih stvari. U ovom ~asopisu sam saznala o mnogo ~emu {to nekada nisam znala, a sada znam. Volela bih da pi{ete vi{e o kulturi pona{anja i odraslih i dece. Tako|e, zamolila bih vas da pi{ete o muzi~koj grupi „Parni Valjak“, Brad Pitt-iju i Jennifer Lopez. Matija Mileti} O[ „Branko Radi~evi}“ Kosovska Mitrovica

Pozdrav! Svi|a mi se {to u ovom ~asopisu ima dosta nau~nih informacija, zanimljivosti iz sveta sporta, umetnosti... Po{to je ~asopis za mlade, onda treba pisati o nekim laganim temama koje nam mogu pomo}i u razvoju. Whitney Houston mi je najomiljenija peva~ica. Zamolila bih vas za poster Rihanna-e. Angelina Kne`evi}

O[ „Branko Radi~evi}“ Kosovska Mitrovica Draga redakcijo, Volela bih da vi{e imate informacija iz sveta sporta, mo`da da se posvetite i nekim poznatim ko{arka{ima. Tako|e, mnogo volim da ~itam akcione romane, mo`da biste nekada mogli i o tome ne{to. Parni Valjak mi je najdra`i bend, a od filmova mi se dopada najvi{e “Lajanje na zvezde“. U slobodno vreme ~itam knjige. Iva \eki} O[ „Branko Radi~evi}“ Kosovska Mitrovica Najdra`i, Posebno mi se u ovom ~asopisu dopadaju posteri,

lepo bi bilo da ih ima vi{e, kao i vi{e sportskih de{avanja. Jedan od postera koji bih najvi{e volela da objavite u nekom narednom broju je grupa Big Time Rush. Pored njega volim da slu{am i Sergeja ]etkovi}a. A u slobodno vreme obavezno ~itam knjige. Anastasija Dimki} O[ „Branko Radi~evi}“ Kosovska Mitrovica


Zdravo, Veoma mi se dopada magazin For You, i zato redovno pratim nova izdanja. Najvi{e mi se dopadaju rubrike “Sportski ugao“ i “Music box“. Uvek

saznam dosta zanimljivih ~injenica, aktuelnih de{avanja. Zaista ne bih menjao ni{ta posebno u ovom ~asopisu. Voleo bih poster Bajage. Stefan Stojanovi} O[ „Branko Radi~evi}“ Kosovska Mitrovica

for you 31

Readers’ letters Ciao, I like the magazine very much, as there are very interesting and instructive things in it. In this magazine I learned many things that I did not know before, and now I do. I would like if you could write more about the culture of behaviour of adults and children. I would also like to ask you to write about music group “Parni Valjak”, Brad Pitt and Jennifer Lopez. Matija Miletic Elementary School “Branko Radicevic” Kosovoska Mitrovica Hello, I like magazine For You very much, therefore I read new editions regularly. My favourite columns are “Sports corner” and “Music Box”. I always learn

many interesting facts, and more on current developments. I really would not change anything special in this magazine. I would like to have posters of Bajaga. Stefan Stojanovic Elementary School “Branko Radicevic” Kosovoska Mitrovica Greetings! I like the fact that in this magazine can be found many scientific facts, curiosities from the world of sport, art … Since it is a magazine for youth, it should contain easy topics which could help us in our development. Whitney Houston is my favourite singer. I would like to ask you to publish a poster of Rihanna. Angelina Knazevic Elementary School “Branko

Radicevic” Kosovoska Mitrovica Dear Editorial! I would like you to have more information on the world of sports, and maybe write about some famous basketball players as well. Also, I like to read action novels very much, so maybe you could write something about that sometime. Parni Valjak is my favourite band, and my favourite movie is “Lajanje na zvezde”. In my free time I read. Iva Djekic Elementary School “Branko Radicevic” Kosovoska Mitrovica My Dearest! I especially like posters in this magazine and it would be nice if there would be more of them,

as well as if there was more about sporting events. One of the posters that I would like you to publish the most in one of your future editions is a poster of Big Time Rush. Next to him, I also like to listen to Sergej Cetkovic. And in my free time, reading books is a must. Anastasija Dimkic Elementary School “Branko Radicevic” Kosovoska Mitrovica


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