For You Srb / Eng - May 2017

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UVODNIK Nasmeši se ... Hajde ... Besplatno je!!! OSMEH ništa ne košta, ali mnogo daje. Osmeh obogaćuje one kojima je upućen, a pritom ne osiromašuje one koji ga upućuju. Potreban je samo trenutak, ali sećanje na osmeh nekada traje zauvek. Niko nije toliko bogat ili moćan da može živeti bez njega i niko nije toliko siromašan, da ga osmeh ne može obogatiti. Osmeh stvara sreću u kući, podstiče dobru volju na poslu i osmeh je potpis prijateljstva. Osmeh donosi okrepljenje umornima, radost obeshrabrenima, sunce tužnima i najbolji je prirodni protivotrov nevoljama. Ipak, ne može se kupiti, izmolili, pozajmiti ili ukrasti, jer nema nikakvu vrednost dok se ne pokloni nekome. Neki ljudi su suviše umorni da vam se osmehnu. Podarite im jedan od vaših osmeha, jer nikome nije toliko potreban osmeh koliko onima koji su previše umorni da ga upute. Osmeh je kao vremeplov. Može vas vratiti u detinjstvo, kao onda kada vam je mama dala sladoled kada ste pali sa bicikla i ogulili koleno. Sećanje kako vam je sunce obasjalo lice i ispunilo vašu dušu toplinom i ljubavlju. Smeh dok ste jeli kornet naopačke kada su vam reke sladoleda tekle niz lice. Ili vreme u letnjem kampu, gde ste upoznali svoju prvu ljubav. Ispuniće vas sirovim emocijama od kojih ćete poželeti da viknete celom svetu koliko je život dobar. Ponekad osmeh od bliskog prijatelja će vas raznežiti i plakaćete ili će vas naterati na histeričan smeh. Osmesi su zarazni. Oni učine da potpuni neznanac koji sedi pored vas poželi da vam se nasmeši. Probajte ponekad, osmehnite se nepoznatoj osobi i videćete njihovu reakciju. Zapamtite i najveći prijatelji su nekada bili neznanci koji su podelili osmehe. “Izraz koji se nosi na licu je daleko važnije od odeće koja se nosi na leđima.” - Dejl Karnegi Do sledećeg susreta u junu, želim vam sve najbolje. Leonora

“For You” je slu`bena publikacija KFOR-a, proizvedena i finansirana od strane KFOR-a. Štampa se na Kosovu i distribuira besplatno. Sadr`aj magazina ne odra`ava uvek stavove koalicije ili bilo koje zemlje ~lanice pojedina~no. KFOR prihvata i tra`i vaša mi{ljenja, neka od njih }e i objavljivati, verovatno u skra}enoj formi. Ako autor pisma tako `eli, njegovo/njeno ime ne}e biti objavljeno. KFOR ne}e objavljivati anonimna, maliciozna ili klevetni~ka pisma. Glavni urednik: Leonora Shabanaj Nik{i} Novinari: Ali Rexha, Asmir Nik{i}, Violeta Matovi} Fotografije: Ekipa “4U” Design & Layout: Bekim Shabani Uredni{tvo mo`ete kontaktirati na telefon: 038/503-603-2139 Pisma mo`ete slati na adresu: HQ KFOR - Kosova Film. “For You” magazin; Strasbourg Building; 10000 Pri{tina E-mail:;

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2-3: Uvodnik, sadržaj 4-5: Škola meseca: Medicinska škola Veliko Ropotovo Upitnik: Kako na vas utiče proleće? 6-7: Tolerancija - osnova ljudskih prava 8-9: Moda: Ultimativni vodič kroz aksesoare za kosu 10-11: Music Box: Savo Kostić - Novo lice na muzičkoj sceni 12-13: “Deca uče ono što dožive” 14-15: Životinjska staništa 16-17: Poster:

Kvalitetno obrazovanje 18-19: Moviemania: Baywatch; Pirates of the Caribbean: dead men tell no tales poster; Guardians of the galaxy vol. 2 ; Transformers; The last knight 20-21: Sportski ugao: Nikola Jokić - Nova zvezda NBA lige 22-23: Hi-Tech 24-25: 2017 Međunarodni dan porodice – “Porodice, obrazovanje i blagostanje” 26-27: RADIO KFOR 28-29: Vaš ugao ... 30: Enigmatski ugao 31-32: Pisma čitalaca




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Sportski ugao: Nikola Jokić nova zvezda NBA lige ŠKOLA MESECA


Međunarodni dan porodice 2-3: Editorial, index 4-5: School of the month: Medical school Veliko Ropotovo; Questionnaire: What is spring to you and how does it impact you? 6-7: Tolerance - The foundation of human rights 8-9: Fashion: Hair accessories: the definitive guide 10-11: Music Box: Savo Kostić - a new face on the music scene 12-13: “Children learn what they live” 14-15: Animal Kingdom: Animal habitats

16-17: Poster: Quality education 18-19: Moviemania: Baywatch; Pirates of the Caribbean: dead men tell no tales poster; Guardians of the galaxy vol. 2 ; Transformers; The last knight 20-21: Sports corner: Nikola Jokic – NBA’s new star 22-23: Hi-Tech 24-25: 2017 International day of families – “Families, education and well-being” 26-27: RADIO KFOR 28-29: Your corner ... 30: Puzzle 31-32: Reader’s letters

Smile...Come on...It’s Free !!! A SMILE costs nothing, but gives much. It enriches those who receive, without making poorer those who give. It takes but a moment, but the memory of it sometimes lasts forever. None is so rich or mighty that he can get along without it, and none is so poor but that he can be made rich by it. A smile creates happiness in the home, fosters good will in business, and is the countersign of friendship. It brings rest to the weary, cheer to the discouraged, sunshine to the sad, and is nature’s best antidote for trouble. Yet it cannot be bought, begged, borrowed, or stolen, for it is something that is of no value to anyone until it is given away. Some people are too tired to give you a smile. Give them one of yours, as none needs a smile as much as he who has no more to give. A smile is like a time machine. It can bring you back to the days of your childhood, like the time your mom gave you ice cream when you fell off your bike and scrapped your knee. Remembering how the sun shone on your face and filled your soul with warmth and love. Laughing as you ate the cone from the bottom up while rivers of ice cream flowed down your face. Or the time at summer camp where you met your first love. It will fill you with so much raw emotion that you just want to scream out to the world that life is good. Sometimes a smile from a close friend will make you break down and cry or just burst out into hysterical laughter. Smiles are contagious. They make a complete stranger sitting next to you want to smile. Just try it some time, smile at a stranger and see the reaction you get. Remember, some of the greatest of friends were once strangers that shared a smile. “The expression one wears on one’s face is far more important than the clothes one wears on one’s back.” – Dale Carnegie Until our next meeting in June, wish you all the best. Leonora

‘For You’ is an official publication of KFOR, produced and financed by KFOR, printed in Kosovo and distributed freely.The contents do not necessarily reflect the official point of view of the coalition or that of any of its member states. KFOR accepts and welcomes your opinions, it will publish some of these, eventually in a condensed form. If requested the name of the writer will be withheld but no anonymous, defamatory or malicious letters will be printed. Chief Editor: Leonora Shabanaj Niksic Journalists: Ali Rexha, Asmir Niksic, Violeta Matovic Photos by: “4U” team Design & Layout: Bekim Shabani The editorial staff can be contacted on: 038/503-603-2139 Any letters can be sent at: HQ KFOR - Film City; For You magazine; Strasbourg building; 10000 Pristina; E-mail:;

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škola meseca



Direktorka, Ljiljana Krstić

edicinska škola u Velikom Ropotovu funkcioniše od 1999.godine, a smeštena je u prostorijama bivšeg Doma kulture. Jedna je od najvećih u Kosovskom Pomoravlju i broji 330 učenika, koji su raspoređeni u 16 odeljenja. Isturena odeljenja ove škole nalaze se u Šilovu i Pasjanu. Direktorka Medicinske škole u Velikom Ropotovu, Ljiljana Krstić, kaže za naš magazin da je škola osnovana sa ciljem da se obezbedi srednji zdravstveni kadar medicinskih tehničara, a pored ovog smera đaci se mogu upisati na pedijatrijski i povremeno, zavisno od potreba, na ginekološko-akušerski smer. Nakon završetka ove škole, njeni đaci dobijaju zvanje medicinski tehničar ili medicinska sestra. Većina đaka nastavlja studije na medicinskim fakultetima, a zahvaljujući kvalitetnoj nastavi, nemaju problema da prođu prijemne ispite. Iako škola nije prostorno velika, ono što


je izdvaja od drugih i čini da uvek bude u vrhu sa visokim ocenama su stručan nastavni kadar i vredni đaci. “Prava snaga i vrednost naše škole su njeni nastavnici i učenici. Prosečna ocena naših đaka je 4. Često nas obilaze i školski inspektori i gotovo uvek dobijamo dobre ocene”, istakla je direktorka Krstić. Škola ima nastavničku zbornicu, kabinet za zdravstvenu negu, kabinet za informatiku, sportsku salu. Praktičnu nastavu i stručne vežbe učenici ove škole izvode u Vranju. U školi funkcioniše đački parlament, postoje literarna i recitatorska sekcija. Direktorka ove škole ponosna je na rezultate svojih učenika, koji redovno učestvuju na raznim takmičenjima, a posebno dobre rezultate postižu iz oblasti prve pomoći. Ova medicinska škola svake godine organizuje i okružna takmičenja iz prve pomoći. Ljiljana Krstić posebno naglašava da se nastava u ovoj školi izvodi po savremenim pedagoškim metodama, a upotreba nastavnih sredstava poput projektora i laptopova omogućava da nastava bude interaktivna, a đaci maksimalo angažovani tokom nastavnog procesa. “Trudimo se da odgovorimo savremenim zahtevima nastave, ali ne želimo da izgubimo ozbiljnost i temeljitost klasičnog načina obrazovanja. Moderna oprema i očigledna nastava u saradnji sa proverenim metodama usvajanja znanja, dobar su put za uspešno obrazovanje i osposobljavanje za samostalan rad”, istakla je Krstić. Ona takođe kaže da škola ima odličnu saradnju sa KFOR-om, koji im je do sada nekoliko puta pomagao u neophodnim

rekonstukcijama, kao što su zamena krova i prozora na školi. Govoreći o planovima za budućnost, direktorka ove škole, koja je inače po struci profesor književnosti, kazala je da je jedan od problema sa kojima se suočavaju - izgradnja nove školske zgrade, što bi doprinelo poboljšanju kvaliteta obrazovanja, ali za sada je nova zgrada samo u domenu dalekih planova za budućnost. Ljiljana Krstić istakla je kao jedan od budućih planova i to da se ova škola poveže i razmeni iskustva sa ostalim medicinskim školama zarad unapređenja nastavnog procesa, ali i druženja i upoznavanja mladih. Prema njenim rečima za mlade je najvažnije da dobro razmisle čime će se baviti u životu, a ona posebno izdvaja medicinu i tehničke fakultete kao one koji imaju budućnost. “Uvek će naravno biti posla za one koji su radni i talentovani, posla nema za one koji ne ispunjavaju određeni nivo obrazovanja, zato svoje đake učimo da budu maksimalno posvećeni učenju da bi u budućnosti lakše došli do zaposlenja i ispunili svoje životne ciljeve”, zaključuje direktorka Medicinske škole u Velikom Ropotovu, Ljiljana Krstić.


Aleksandar Tomić(17) Proleće je u celoj prirodi doba preporoda, doba rađanja života. Kada bih opisivao sebe u vreme proleća iskoristio bih jednu pesničku frazu koja kaže “Čudan je svet u meni, kada sve oko mene ozeleni”. U to doba, kao i svi drugi, ja se bavim nekim novim hobijima, bavim se sportom, više vremena provodim sa kućnim ljubimcima.

Milica Trajković(17) Svako novo proleće za mene predstavlja novi početak, sve se opet rađa nakon dugog mirovanja i zime. Ja uvek u proleće dobijem novu energiju, počinjem uvek nešto novo da menjam u sebi i oko sebe, pokušavam okolinu da učinim boljom.

Aleksandar Tomić(17) In nature, spring is the time of revival, of rebirth of life. If I were to describe myself during springtime, I would use a poetic phrase that says “It is a strange world in me, when everything around me turns green.” During this period, I, just like everyone else, take up new hobbies, play sports, spend more time with pets.

Milica Trajković(17) Every new spring for me represents a new beginning, everything is re-born after a long period of sleep and winter. I always get new energy in spring, and always start changing something new inside and around me, trying to make the environment better.

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Miodrag Ivković (16) Proleće za mene predstavlja doba kada počinje novi život, kada počinjemo da radimo neke nove stvari. U proleće se obično zaljubljujemo, dani su topliji, mada što se mene tiče, ja mogu da se zaljubim i zimi. Miodrag Ivković (16) To me, spring is the season when new life begins, when we start doing some new things. We usually fall in love in spring time, the days are warmer, but as far as I am concerned, I can also fall in love in winter time.

school of the month



edical school (high school) in Veliko Ropotovo was first opened in 1999 and is located in the premises of the former House of Culture. It is one of the largest in Kosovo Morava region and accommodates 330 pupils who are divided into 16 departments. The school also has two separate branches in Šilovo and Pasjane. Director of Medical School in Veliko Ropotovo, Ljiljana Krstic, told our magazine that the school is established to provide secondary medical personnel and medical technicians. In addition to this, pupils can also enroll in pediatrics and occasionally, depending on the needs, in Obstetrics and Gynecology department. After the end of this school, its students receive the title - medical technician or nurse. The majority of pupils continue their education at medical faculties and they have no problem to pass entrance exams thanks to the quality of teaching. Although the school is not spacious, what sets it apart and enables it to be always in the top with high scores are the professional teaching staff and hardworking pupils. “The

Questionnaire Nemanja Petković (15) Za mene proleće predstavlja novi početak, ima mnogo više ljudi na ulicama i sve je genaralno življe i lepše. Ja sam u proleće takođe mnogo aktivniji, lepše se osećam, bavim se i raznim sportovima. Nemanja Petković (15) To me, spring represents a new beginning, there are much more people in the streets, and everything is more beautiful and vibrant in general. I’m also more active in spring, I feel better, and I play different sports.

real strength and value of our school are its teachers and pupils. The average score of our pupils is 4. We are often visited by school inspectors and almost always we get good grades,” said Director Krstić. The school has a teaching staff room, office for health care, computer classroom and sports hall. Pupils of this school receive practical and vocational classes in Vranje. The school has an active Pupils Parliament as well as literature and recitation sections. The director of the school is proud of the results of her pupils, who regularly participate in various competitions, and particularly good results are achieved in first aid. This medical school organizes every year a district competitions in first aid. Ljiljana Krstic emphasizes that teaching in this school is performed in accordance with contemporary teaching methods, and the use of teaching aids like projectors and laptops allows classes to be interactive, and that pupils are maximally engaged during the learning process. “We are trying to respond to the current demands of teaching, but we do not want to lose the seriousness and rigor of traditional ways of education. Modern equipment and visible lessons in cooperation with proven methods of acquiring knowledge are a good way for successful education and training for pupils to work independently” said Krstic. She also says that the school has an excellent cooperation with KFOR which several times have already assisted in necessary reconstructions, such as replacing

HOW DOES SPRING AFFECT YOU? Mirjana Nikolić (15) Meni se svakog proleća raspoloženja menja na bolje, mnogo više izlazim i družim se sa drugarima, bavim se raznim aktivnostima, vozim rolere. U proleće su svima emocije jače, pa se češće zaljubljujem u proleće. Mirjana Nikolić (15) Every spring, my mood changes for better, I go out and hang out with my friends much more, I engage in a variety of activities, I roller skate. We all experience stronger emotions in spring, so I fall in love more often in spring time.

the roof and windows of the school. Speaking about plans for the future, the director who is also a literature professor, said that one of the problems they face – is the construction of new school buildings, which would contribute to improving the quality of education, but for now this remains among the distant plans for the future. Ljiljana Krstić pointed out that one of the future plans for this school is to connect and exchange experiences with other medical schools for the sake of improving the teaching process, but also for socialization and getting to know young people. According to her, for teens it is important to think well of what they will do in life and she singles out medical and technical faculties as those with a bright future. “Of course, there will always be jobs for those who are willing to work and those who are talented. There’s no work for those who do not meet a certain level of education. That’s why we teach our pupils to be maximally committed to learning so that in the future they will more easily get employment and fulfill their life goals,” concludes the Director of the Medical school in Veliko Ropotovo, Ljiljana Krstic.

Anđela Stanković (15) Proleće je novo rađanje, svi smo nekako veseliji, raspoloženiji za druženje, češće izlazimo i sve je nekako lepše. Ne nosimo više zimsku garderobu. Iako je meni omiljeno godišnje doba leto, svako proleće je na neki način priprema za letnje vreme, pa ga zato i volim. Anđela Stanković (15) Spring is a new birth, we are all somewhat happier, more willing to socialize, we go out more often, and everything is somehow nicer. We no longer wear winter clothes. Although summer is my favorite season, every spring is, in a way, preparation for the summer time, and that’s why I love it.

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TOLERANCIJA - OSNOVA LJUDSKIH PRAVA jedni prema drugima u duhu bratstva.” Tokom vremena, razumevanje ljudskih prava je evoluralo i danas su ta prava podeljena u dve oblasti: građanska i politička prava zajemčena u članovima 3 do 21, i ekonomska, socijalna i kulturna prava koja su zajemčena u članovima 22 do 28 Univerzalne deklaracije o ljudskim prava. Ovo predstavlja još jedan važan aspekt prirode ovih prava nedeljivost. Univerzalna deklaracija o ljudskim pravima uključuje oba skupa prava koja se baziraju na principu da ona mogu uspešno postojati samo zajedno. Kako je 1966. navedeno u Međunarodnoj konvenciji o građanskim i političkim pravima i Međunarodnoj konvenciji o ekonomskim, socijalnim i kulturnim pravima: “Ideal slobodnog ljudskog bića koje uživa građanske i političke slobode i slobodu od straha i oskudice se može postići samo ako su stvoreni pri kojima svako može da uživa svoja građanska i politička prava, kao i svoja ekonomska, socijalna i kulturna prava.” Bez obzira na aspekt koji se odnosi na ljudska prava, jedna stvar je sigurna, svi smo odgovorni da ih poštujemo i da ih učinimo osnovom po kojoj ćemo voditi naše živote. Vazno je za nas da razumemo i prihvatimo da smo svi rođeni jednaki i da kao takvi imamo pravo da živimo slobodno, ali uz obavezu da i drugi žive slobodno bez obzira na razlike koje možemo imati sa njima. Da bi se ovo postiglo, moramo



osvit Drugog svetskog rata jedno je bilo sigurno: svet nije mogao da dozvoli ponavljanje takvog sukoba. Kao rezultat ovog globalnog konsenzusa uspostavljene su Ujedinjene nacije. Ubrzo, u okviru ove organizacije započet je rad na definisanju nekih osnovnih prava za koje su mnogi verovali da pripadaju svim ljudima. Shodno tome, 10 decembra 1948 godine Generalna skupština Ujedinjenih nacija usvojila je Univerzalnu deklaraciju o ljudskim pravima. Ovaj međunarodni dokument, iako nije pravno obavezujući, predstavlja zajednički standard koji treba da dostignu sve države potpisnice. Šta su ljudska prava? U principu, ljudska prava su neotuđiva osnovna prava koja uživaju svi ljudi samo zato što su ljudska bića. Ova prava mogu postojati kao prirodno pravo ili kao deo nacionalnog i međunarodnog prava. Ljudska prava su kamen temeljac međunarodnog prava i prakse, globalnih i regionalnih institucija, državne politike i aktivnosti nevladinih organizacija širom sveta. Razlog za ovakvo globalno prihvatanje ove doktrine je svakako sveobuhvatne prirode, koja je izražena u članu 1. Univerzalne deklaracije o ljudskim pravima, koji glasi: “Sva ljudska bića rađaju se slobodna i jednaka po dostojanstvu i pravima. Ona su obdarena razumom i svešću i treba da se ophode

6 for you

pokazati toleranciju prema drugim ljudima. Bez tolerancije, dokumenta kao što je Univerzalna deklaracija o ljudskim pravima su besmislena. Na kraju krajeva, glavni koncept ljudskih prava proističe iz principa tolerancije. Najrazvijenije i prosperitetne zemlje u svetu se zalažu za jednak tretman svih svojih građana, bez obzira na njihovo etničko poreklo, religiju ili rasu. Oni kažu da bismo trebali učiti iz naših grešaka, ali mudri uče na greškama drugih. Zato, budimo mudri i naučimo da samo poštovanjem prava svakog od nas možemo da živimo slobodno i u izobilju.



n the wake of the Second World War one thing was certain; the world could not permit the repetition of such a conflict. As a result of this global consensus, the United Nations was established. This organization commenced work immediately to define some basic rights which many believed are inherently entitled to all humans. Consequently, on 10th December 1948, the United Nations General Assembly adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. This international document, although not legally binding,

represents a common standard to be achieved by all signing states. What are human rights? In general, human rights are inalienable basic rights enjoyed by all people simply because they are human beings. These rights may exist as natural or legal rights in both national and international law. Human rights are the cornerstone of international law and practices, global and regional institutions, state policies and activities of non-governmental organisations throughout the world. The global acceptance and comprehensive nature of this doctrine is expressed by Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which states: “All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.” Over time, the understanding of human rights has evolved. Today the United Nations divides these rights in two areas: (1) civil and political rights enshrined in Articles 3 to 21; (2) economic, social and cultural rights enshrined in Articles 22 to 28 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. This constitutes another important aspect of the nature of these rights - indivisibility. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights includes both sets of rights based on the principle that they can only exist successfully together. As stated in 1966 in

the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights: “The ideal of free human beings enjoying civil and political freedom and freedom from fear and want, can only be achieved if conditions are created whereby everyone may enjoy their civil and political rights, as well as his economic, social and cultural rights.” Regardless of the viewpoint related to the human rights, one thing is for sure, we are all responsible to respect them and make them the foundation of how we will lead our lives. It is important for us to understand and accept that we are all born equal and as such have the right to live free, but with the obligation to let others live free, no matter the differences we may have with them. In order to achieve this we must show tolerance towards other people. Without tolerance, documents such as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights are meaningless. After all, the main concept behind human rights is derived from the principles of tolerance. The most developed and prosperous countries in the world stand for equal treatment of all their citizens regardless of their ethnic origin, religion or race. They say that we should learn from our mistakes, but the wise learn from the mistakes of others. Therefore, let us be wise and learn that only by respecting the rights of each other we can live free and in abundance.

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ksesoari za kosu se mogu naći u velikom broju različitih oblika i veličina. Mnogi su sjajna pomoć u nameštanju frizure, neki predstavljaju dobar način da se šiške sklone sa lica, dok se treći koriste samo kao ukras. Pogledajte naš ultimativni vodič kroz aksesoare za kosu i odlučite koji od njih se najbolje uklapaju u vaš stil.


Šnala – štipaljka se često koristi kao alternativa za trake za kosu, odnosno kako bi se duža kosa pokupila i sklonila sa lica. Dolaze u različitim veličinama, bojama i stilovima – uključujući zaista male “mini šnale – štipaljke”. Postoje čak i primerci obloženi dijamantima, kao i šnale sa spiralama i drugim motivima. Kako se koriste: Začešljajte kosu unazad i podignite u konjski rep, a zatim je uhvatite rukom i uvijajte u krug a zatim pričvrstite šnalama – štipaljkama čitavom dužinom spirale. Savet: Šnala – štipaljka je odlično sredstvo da sklonite kosu s lica ako želite da se umijete ili da se istuširate, a da ne pokvasite kosu.


A jaw clip is pretty much used as an alternative to a hair tie for keeping longer hair up and out of the way. Jaw clips come in a range of sizes, colours and styles- including really small “mini jaw clips.” There’s even diamante encrusted ones, and jaw clips with swirls and other patterns. How to Style: Brush hair back into a ponytail and grasp with hand, twist hair and lift upwards and secure with jaw clip along the length of the twist. Tips: The jaw clip is a great way to get your hair out of the way if you want to wash your face or shower without getting your hair wet.


Ovi aksesoari obično pdrazumevaju bilo kakav material koji je obmotan ili zavezan oko glave. Osnovna razlika između ovih aksesoara je vrsta tkanine, širina, dužina, i da li je tkanina postavljena tako da stoji na glavi, kao što je slučaj sa šeširom koji se veže na zadnjoj strani. Kako se koriste: Ešarpe i marame za glavu se lako nameštaju po principu “stavi, obmotaj i veži”. Savet: Ešarpe se zasluženo nose i kao aksesoar sam po sebi, ali su isto tako odlične da sačuvate frizuru za vreme transporta do mesta dešavanja – samo ne zaboravite da ne treba da ih suviše jako zategnete.


Generally these accessories include any kind of material that’s wrapped or tied around the head. The main difference between these accessories is fabric, width, length, and whether or not the fabric is fitted to sit on the head- like a hat that’s tied at the back. How to Style: Scarves and head wraps are as easy as “place, wrap and tie.” Tips: Scarves are worn as a style in their own right, but they’re also good for preserving your hairstyle while you travel to your event- just remember not to tie them too tight.

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Ovi mali plastični češljevi se koriste tako što se zadenu u kosu kako bi se ona pričvrstila. Ručno pravljeni češljići su prijatniji za kosu, ali su uglavnom i skupi. Kako se koriste: Češljići su jednostavni za upotrebu, ali samo ako znate i kako. Stvar je u tome da ih stavite naopako a zatim okrenete, čime se postiže da kosu drže čvrsto na svom mestu. Nakon što prevrnete češalj i udenete ga u kosu, zupci treba da budu usmereni ka licu. Saveti: Sofisticiraniji izgled se lako postiže tako što se češljić pomeri malo unapred stvarajući veći volume oko lica.


These are the little plastic combs that you insert into your hair to lock it into place. Hand sawn combs are more hair-friendly but tend to be expensive. How to Style: These combs are simple to use, but only when you know how. The thing is that you put them in backwards and upside down, and this is so that when you flip them over they lock your hair tight in place. After you flip the comb and wedge it into your hair, the teeth need to be facing toward the front of your head. Tips: It’s easy to get a softer look by pushing the comb forward a bit and creating more fluffiness around the face.


Ukosnice su tanko parče metala savijene na jednom i otvorene na drugom kraju. Ukosnice se mogu naći u mnoštvu različitih veličina i boja, a pored osnovnih, postoje i ukosnice ukrašene nakitom. Kako se koriste: Uz pomoć ukosnica ćete veoma lako pričvrstiti punđu ili formalnije frizure kao što su niske punđe poznate kao “chignon”. Savet: Ukosnice koje odgovaraju vašoj boji kose su odličan način da pričvrstite kosu a da se to ne primeti, ali ako želite da ubacite malo sjaja, probajte to sa ukosnicama koje su ukrašene.


Pins are thin metal, curved at one end and open at the other. Hair pins come in a bunch of different sizes and colours, and they also range from plain to jewellery encrusted. How to Style: Pins are great for securing buns and more formal styles like chignons. Tips: Pins that match your hair colour are a great way to create invisible hold, but if you want some sparkle, try pins with a little ornamentation. (Preuzeto sa:




air accessories come in lots of different shapes and sizes. Many are great for securing your hairstyles, some are a good way of getting your bangs off your face, and others work just as well as hair adornments. Check out this hair accessories definitive guide and work out which ones suit your look best.

razvucite češljić oko glave i zakačite ga pozadi. Rastegljivi češljići su jeftin i lak za korišćenje aksesoar. Savet: Za ovaj proizvod ne bi trebalo da potrošite previše novca!


Rastegljivi češljići su nešto između češljića i rastegljive trake za kosu – drugim rečima, to su ogromni češljići-trake za kosu koji se razvuku oko glave. Kako se stilizuju: Vežite kosu,


Stretch combs are kind of like a cross between combs and hair bands- in other words they are a giant hairband comb that stretches around your head. How to Style: Scrape the hair back, place the comb around the head and secure it at the back. Stretch combs are an easy and cheap accessory. Tips: Don’t pay too much for one!


Ovde spadaju sve one metalne šnalice raznih boja koje proizvode karakterističan “škljocav” zvuk kada se zatvore. Najčešće ih nose deca, ali mogu ih koristiti i odrasli. Ovakve šnale se mogu naći u različitim veličinama počev od sasvim malih, i u širokom spektru boja. Kako se koriste: Stavite ih u kosu i zatvorite pritiskom – lako je, i može se uraditi samo jednom rukom . Saveti: Klips šnale se uglavnom koriste u istu svrhu kao i mini štipaljka šnale, ali njihova prednost je u tome što lepo legnu i švršće drže kosu.



Francuska šnala se koristi kako bi se kosa skupila, vezala ili pričvrstila; na primer da se kosa labavo podigne, veže u konjski rep, ili da se kosa pričvrsti i skloni s očiju. Francuske šnala dolaze u različitim veličinama, sa više ili manje ukrasa. Kako se koriste: Kosa se jednostavno “skupi i zakači” francuskom šnalom, a staće vam čak i u džep. Savet: Vodite računa da veličina šnale odgovara težini vase kose.


One predstavljaju najbrži, najjednostavniji i najjeftiniji način da kosu sklonite sa očiju, ali uz pomoć njih možete dobiti i sjajnu frizuru... Ponekad su najjednostavnije stvari i najbolje! Kako se koriste: Gumica za kosu se koristi tako što se kosa jednostavno pokupi i zaveže gumicom, ali ako ovo želite da uradite kako treba, pogledajte kako da napravite savršen konjski rep. Saveti: Obične gumene gumice nisu gumice za kosu! Ukoliko ne želite da oštetite kosu i nanesete sebi bol, obavezno koristite gumice obložene tkaninom, ili “gumice za kosu” napravljene posebno u tu svrhu.

A barrette is used for gathering, fastening or clipping the hair; for example to hold the hair in a half up style, a ponytail, or to clip the bangs out of the eyes. Barrettes come in a range of sizes, and some are more decorative than the others. How to Use: It’s as simple as “grab and clip” with a barrette, and it’ll even fit in your pocket. Tips: Make sure the size of the barrette suits the weight of your hair.


These are the quickest, simplest and cheapest way to get your hair out of your eyes, but they can make your hair look great too... Sometimes the simplest things are the best! How to Use: Using elastic is pretty much just a case of gathering your hair together and stretching elastic over it, but if you want to do it right check out how to get the perfect ponytail. Tips: Rubber bands aren’t hair elastics! If you don’t want to break your hair and inflict pain on yourself, make sure you use rubber bands coated with fabric, or “hair elastics” made especially by a hairstyling company.


These are those little metal clips that come in a range of colors, and make a “snapping” sound when they close. They’re mostly worn by kids, but they can have more adult uses too. Snap clips come in a range of sizes, from tiny to small and a range of colours too. How to Use: Put them in your hair, and snap shut- it’s that easy and you can even do it with one hand. Tips: Snap clips are used pretty much for the same things as “mini jaw clips,” but the advantage is they sit nice and flat and a little tighter, so they have a more secure hold. (Source:


Dijademe su ukrasi za kosu koji podsećaju na krunu, različitih stilova i nivoa ukrašenosti. Dujademe mogu bitit srebrne ili zlatne, sa ukrasima različitih veličina - od dijadema ukrašenih skromnim detaljima do onih raskošnih u stilu kraljice Elizabete. Kako se koriste: Prvo oblikujte frizuru, a onda ili umetnite dijademu u kosu ili je samo stavite na vrh glave. Saveti: Potražite savet od profesionalca i povedite računa da dijadema odgovara vašoj frizuri.


Tiaras are crown-like hair accessories that come in a variety of styles and levels of detail. Tiaras can be silver and gold, and the adornment comes in a range of sizes- from a little ornate decoration to a full Queen Elizabeth style crown. How to Style: Style your hair first and either glide the tiara into your hair, or place it on top. Tips: Get some advice from a professional and make sure your tiara suits your hairstyle.

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For You: Ako biste jednog dana vladali svetom, šta biste promenili? Savo: Način na koji stvari funkcionišu i u kom se pravcu kreću. Nekada je postojao kult avo Kostić je poreklom iz mesta Sočanica u opštini obrazovanja i rada, a Leposavić. Živi u Novom Sadu, ima 25 godina, danas je to preraslo u pored niže i srednje muzičke škole, završio je kult bogatstva. Ljudi i školu za laboratorijskog tehničara, kao i osnovne danas decu šalju u akademske studije u Mitrovici (kao student generacije). škole po ocene, a Trenutno privodi kraju master studija u Novom Sadu. nekada su ih tamo slali Aktivno i uspešno bavi se muzikom. po znanje. Ne treba biti genije pa zaključiti da tu nešto debelo ne muzičkim štima. Kada bi ljudi počeli žanrovima od sebe i sredili svoje male sa kojima u svetove, onda bi i ovaj naš prošlosti skoro veliki svet imao mnogo da nisam imao lepši i drugačiji izgled. dodirnih tačaka. Počeli smo sa For You: Da imate u rukapreradom nekoma Aladinovu lampu, šta liko najvećih biste poželeli? ex-yu hitova, Savo: Poželeo bih da malo a u planu su i više putujem i da godišnje autorske pesme. posećujem dve nove države. Ljudi su ‘’Šapat’’ Jako volim da putujem i jako mi jako dobro treba da se negde ‘’izgubim’’ na prihvatili,pa par nedelja. predlažem vašim čitaocima For You: U kom istorijskom da potraže periodu biste voleli da živite? te pesme na Savo: Voleo bih da sam rođen YouTube-u, jer ‘60-ih godina dvadesetog veka, sam ubeđen da će im se dopasti. što znači da bih ‘80-ih imao dvadesetak godina a tad se slušala najbolja muzika. Često For You: Koji gledam te filmove iz ‘80-ih goje Vaš omiljeni dina, gde glumci nose havajske pevač/pevačica košulje i voze se kabrioletom For You: Kako su izgledali na muzičkoj pored visokih palmi, a u pozaVaši počeci u svetu muzike? sceni i zašto? dini se čuje nešto poput ‘’CareSavo: U svet muzike sam ušao Savo: Ima ih puno, a u posledless Whisper’’ od G. Michael-a. kao dete koje prvi put ulazi u nje vreme, veoma snažan Grrrrr. tržni centar, koje je zbunjeno, utisak ostavio je Jonathan vidi puno izloga iza kojih se Davis, frontmen grupe Korn. For You: Jel ljubav samo reč? svašta nešto krije, jedva čeka Volim njegov stil i pojavu, Savo: Ume da bude. To dosta da uđe u svaki od njih i pazari prvenstveno zbog načina na zavisi od one druge strane, stvari koje mu se dopadaju. koji peva, sa puno emocija i jer, da bi ta reč dobila neko Tako i ja, u muzičku školu svaki nastup iznosi kao da mu značenje, onda moraju obe sam krenuo jako rano, sa je poslednji. Imam osećaj da se strane da daju svoj doprinos. svega sedam godina, ali sam i nakon toliko godina na sceni pravu vrednost muzike spoznao nije ‘’uobrazio’’ i ‘’iskvario’’, a to For You: Koje slatkiše najviše mnogo kasnije. je danas retkost. volite? Savo: Sve što u sebi sadrži For You: Reci nam nešto For You: Da li posećujete ukus karamele. Jako uživam u o tvom novom projektu muzičke festivale, imate li Toffee čokoladicama. ‘’Šapat’’? neki omiljeni? Savo: Šapat je projekat/bend Savo: Da, posećujem ih kad For You: Kojih pet slavnih koji mi pomaže da proširim god sam u mogućnosti. Jako ličnosti biste pozvali na svoje vidike u muzičkom smislu. lepih doživljaja sam imao na večeru? Osnovali smo ga producent Beer Fest-u poslednjih godina, Savo: Ja bih zaista voleo da Stefan Drndarski i ja, a zasniva a želja mi je da ove godine malo proćaskam sa Nikolom se na stvaranju pesama u posetim Sziget Festival u Teslom. Ali hajde da pozovemo chill step i hybrid trap fazonu, Budimpešti.


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ove koji su još uvek među nama. Dakle, Mel Gibson (glumac), Jon Lajoie (komičar), Margot Robbie (glumica), Mark Zuckerberg (programer) i, recimo, Dave Grohl (pevač). Marka sam pozvao jer neko treba tu večeru na kraju i da plati. For You: Koja je Vaša poruka za mlade u regionu? Savo: Nemojte dozvoliti da vas sredina u kojoj živite sputava u ostvarenju vaših ciljeva.

music box



avo Kostic is from Sočanica in the municipality of Leposavic. He lives in Novi Sad, has 25 years, and in addition to primary and secondary music school, he also completed the school for the laboratory technician as well as basic studies in Mitrovica (as valedictorian). He is currently finalizing the master studies in Novi Sad. He is actively and successfully engaged in music. For You: How was your beginning in the world of music? Savo: My entrance into the world of music was like child’s first entrance into the mall. The child is confused and sees a lot of shop windows behind which many things were hiding, eager to enter any of these markets and buy what he likes. So yeah, the music school I started very early, when i was only seven years old, but I learned the true value of music much later. For You: Tell us something about your new project ‘’Whisper”? Savo: The Whisper is a project/ band that helps me to broaden my horizons in musical terms. It was established by producer Stefan Drndarski and me, and is based on creating songs in a chill step and hybrid trap genre, musical genres with which in the past I almost did not have anything in common. We started with the processing of some of the biggest ex-Yugoslav hits, and plans are to also have original songs. People have accepted the ‘whisper’ very well, so I suggest your readers to look for those songs on YouTube, because I

am convinced that they will like them too. For You: Who is your favorite active singer and why? Savo: There are a lot, but lately a very strong impression was left by Jonathan Davis, Korn front man. I love his style and appearance, primarily because of the way he sings, with lots of emotion and every performance of his is as if it was his last one. I have a feeling that after so many years on stage he is not ‘’pretentious’’ and ‘’corrupt”, and that is rare today. For You: Do you visit music festivals, do you have a favorite? Savo: Yes, I visit them whenever I can. I had a very nice experience at the Beer Fest in recent years, and it is my wish that this year I visit the Sziget Festival in Budapest. For You: If you would one day rule the world, what would you change? Savo: The way things are and in which direction they are going. Once, there was a cult of education and work, and

today it has grown into a cult of wealth. People now send their children to school to get marks, and before they used to send them there to get knowledge. You do not need to be a genius to conclude that something is wrong big time. If only the people would have started from themselves and settle their little worlds, then also our great world would have looked more beautiful and different.

For You: If you would have Aladdin’s lamp in your hands, what would you wish for? Savo: I’d wish to travel a little more and that each year I visit two new countries. I love to travel and I need to be “lost” somewhere for a few weeks. For You: In which historical period would you like to live? Savo: I wish I was born in the ‘60s of the twentieth century, which means that during the 80s I would be in my twenties because back then the music was better. Often, I watch those movies from the ‘80s, where the actors wear Hawaiian shirts and ride in convertibles among tall palm trees, and in the background you can hear something like ‘Careless Whisper’ by G. Michael. Grrrrr.

the other side, because in order to get the meaning to a word, both sides have to contribute. For You: What sweets do you like the most? Savo: Everything that contains caramel flavor. I enjoy Toffee candy bars very much. For You: Five celebrities you would invite to dinner? Savo: I would really like to have a little talk with Nikola Tesla. But let’s invite those who are still among us.: Mel Gibson (Actor), Jon Lajoie (comedian), Margot Robbie (actress), Mark Zuckerberg (programmer) and, let’s say, Dave Grohl (singer). I invited Mark because someone must be there at the end of the dinner and pay for it. For You: What is your message to young people in the region? Savo: Do not let your environment to hamper the achievement of your goals.

For You: Is love just a word? Savo: It can be. It depends a lot on

for you 11



eca vide, deca urade” je video koji ima preko 1,5 miliona prikaza na YouTube-u. Video prikazuje uticaj ponašanja odraslih i kako ih deca imitiraju. Ono što se često zaboravlja je da deca i tinejdžeri ne samo da imitiraju akcije odraslih, već i svojih vršnjaka. Nije ni čudo što kažu: “Reci mi ko su ti prijatelji, a ja ću ti reći ko si.” Ovaj fenomen ponavljanja postupaka drugih ljudi, bez obzira da li je to svesno ili nesvesno, dolazi kao posledica onoga što psiholozi zovu pritisak društva. Ovo je vrlo širok pojam koji obuhvata u sebi nekoliko vrsta pritisaka, sa kojima se suočavaju deca i naročito tinejdžeri, a to je: pritisak vršnjaka, akademski pritisak, socio-ekonomski pritisak, itd. Glavni izvor ovog pritiska je naša potreba da budemo prihvaćeni od strane drugih, dok pokušavamo da pronađemo svoje mesto u društvu. Zbog toga je veoma važno da pažljivo biramo mesta koja posećujemo i ljude sa kojima se družimo. Činjenica je da češće nego što nije, taj pritisak je razlog zašto se mnogi od nas ponašaju na određen način, iako je to možda i protiv naših uverenja. Postoje mnogi tinejdžeri koji su počeli da puše, piju alkohol i u nekim slučajevima su čak postali narkomani zbog pritiska vršnjaka ili standardnog ponašanja ispoljenog od strane prijatelja. Dobra vest je da nije nemoguće prevazići društveni pritisak. Sve što je potrebno je zapamtiti nekoliko jednostavnih koraka i primeniti ih: • Ne upadaj u zamku opsesivne potrebe za priznavanjem. • Traženje odobrenja drugih te povređuje, jer te drži dalje od stvarnog rada na tome da postaneš uspešan. • Ako su ti potrebni drugi da potvrde tvoj značaj, onda je vreme da preispitaš svoje samopoštovanje. • Kada radiš na tome da impresioniraš druge, osećaš prazninu iznutra.

12 for you

• Zapitaj se: kada bi imao izbor, da li bi radije bio poznat i jadan, ili zadovoljan i nepoznat? • Kada dobiješ nagon da trubiš u svoju trubu, zapitaj se: Koga ja to pokušavam da impresioniram? • Čak i ako ubediš ljude da si ti najbolja osoba na svetu, da li si ubedio sebe? Ovu situaciju je verovatno najbolje rezimirala Doroti Lou Nolt (Dorothy Law Nolte) u svojoj pesmi “Deca uče šta dožive”, prvi put objavljenoj 1954 godine. Predlažemo vam da dole pročitate ovu pesmu i nadamo se da će to biti vaša inspiracija u suočavanju sa društvenim pritiskom. Deca uče ono što dožive od Doroti Lou Nolt Ako deca žive sa kritikom, nauče da kritikuju. Ako deca žive sa nasiljem, nauče se agresivnosti. Ako deca žive sa ismevanjem, nauče da budu stidljivi. Ako deca žive sa stidom, nauče da se osećaju krivom. Ako deca žive sa ohrabrenjem, nauče da budu samopouzdana. Ako deca žive sa tolerancijom, nauče da budu

strpljiva. Ako deca žive sa pohvalom, nauče da cene stvari. Ako deca žive sa prihvatanjem, nauče da vole. Ako deca žive sa odobravanjem, nauče da vole sebe. Ako deca žive sa iskrenošću, nauče šta su istina i pravda. Ako deca žive sa sigurnošću, nauče da imaju veru u sebe i druge. Ako deca žive sa prijateljstvom, nauče da je svet sigurno mesto za život.. (izvor: http://www.


hildren see, children do” is a video that has over 1.5 million views on YouTube. The video shows the impact of adult behaviour and how children mimic the adults. What is often forgotten is that children and teens do not only mimic the actions of adults, but the actions of their peers as well. It’s no wonder they say: “tell me who your friends are,

we socialize with. It is a fact that this pressure is the reason why many of us behave in a given way, even if it might be against our convictions. There are many teenagers who start smoking, drinking alcohol and even became drug addicts due to peer pressure, or the standard behaviour exhibited among their friends.


and I will tell you who you are.” The phenomenon of repeating actions of other people, whether consciously or subconsciously comes as a consequence of what psychologists call social pressure. This is a very broad term that incorporates in itself several types of pressure children and teenagers are faced with: peer pressure, academic pressure, socio-economic pressure, etc. The main source of this pressure is our need to be accepted by others, while trying to find our place in the society. Therefore, it is very important that we carefully choose the environments we visit and people

The good news is that it is possible to overcome social pressure. All it takes is remembering a few simple steps and implementing them: • Don’t get trapped in the obsessive need for recognition. • Seeking the approval of others harms you, because it keeps you from the real work of becoming great. • If you need others to verify your significance, it’s time to examine your self-esteem. • When you act to impress others, you feel the emptiness inside. • Ask yourself: Given the choice, would I rather be famousand-miserable, or satisfied-andunknown? • When you get the urge to toot your own horn, ask yourself: Who am I trying to impress? • Even if you convince people that you’re the greatest person in the world, have you convinced yourself? This situation was probably best summarized by Dorothy Law Nolte in her poem “Children Learn What They Live”, first published in 1954. We encourage you to read this poem below and we hope that it will be your inspiration in facing social pressure.

Children Learn What They Live by Dorothy Law Nolte If children live with criticism, They learn to condemn. If children live with hostility, They learn to fight. If children live with ridicule, They learn to be shy. If children live with shame, They learn to feel guilty. If children live with encouragement, They learn confidence. If children live with tolerance, They learn to be patient. If children live with praise, They learn to appreciate. If children live with acceptance, They learn to love. If children live with approval, They learn to like themselves. If children live with honesty, They learn truthfulness. If children live with security, They learn to have faith in themselves and others. If children live with friendliness, They learn the world is a nice place in which to live. (source: http://www.

for you 13

životinjsko carstvo

Životinjska staništa Šta su staništa?

Stanište je neposredno okruženje u kojem obitava živi organizam (životinja ili biljka). Staništa mogu biti različitih veličina, mogu biti mala kao što je laguna ili čak drvo koje se raspada na šumskom tlu. Reč stanište, međutim, obično se odnosi na grupu životinja ili biljaka zajedno sa njihovim okruženjem. Staništa čine kako živi organizmi, tako i neživi predmeti i mogu sadržati svega nekoliko do par hiljada vrsta, koje sve zajedno koegzistiraju na veoma malom prostoru.

Faktori koji oblikuju staništa

Geologija ima presudan uticaj na stvaranje staništa, zajedno sa klimom. Planinske vence, pustinje i prašume oblikuju promene koje se dešavaju ispod površine zemlje, a zatim se oslanjaju na klimu kako bi zaživeli. Staništa mogu varirati od ogromnih okeana do suvih, neplodnih pustinja i mogu se naći bilo gde na zemlji. Temperatura i padavine su dva klimatska faktora koji igraju najveću ulogu u oblikovanju staništa, a promene ovih faktora mogu imati razorne posledice po staništa i životinje širom zemaljske kugle.

Kruženje materija

U svakom staništu na Zemlji konstantno se dešava kruženje materije, jer se hemijske supstance prenose sa jednog organizma na drugi. Od 25 elemenata koji su od ključnog značaja za sastav živih organizama, samo četiri (vodonik, kiseonik, azot i ugljenik) čine najveći deo svih živih bića. Ugljenik se naročito preno-

si između organizama jer se uzima iz vazduha preko biljaka, koje ga zatim koriste u fotosintezi (procesu kroz koji biljke transformišu energije sunca). Ugljenik zatim odlazi direktno u zemljište kroz biljke i njihovo korenje, ili biva pojeden od strane životinja koje ga zatim prenose u zemljište kroz izmet. Najveći deo ugljenika se oslobađa u atmosferu kroz sagorevanje fosilnih goriva.


Već duži niz godina neverovatna raznolikost vrsta (kao i raznolikost unutar vrsta) fascinira naučnike širom sveta. Primećeno je da je najveće bogatstvo vrsta u područjima oko Ekvatora, dok su najniži nivoi biodiverziteta zapaženi na polovima. Niko nije sasvim siguran iz kojih razloga je Zemlja ispunjena tako neverovatnim brojem životinjskih vrsta, ali sve više i više ljudi polako postaju zabrinuti zbog efekata koje će klimatske promjene, zagađenje i uništavanje šuma (deforestacija) imati na staništa bogata vrstama poput koralnih grebena i tropskih kišnih šuma.

Nivoi organizacije živog sveta

Bez obzira u kom delu sveta životinja živi, ona je uvek okružena drugim životinjama sa kojima deli isto stanište, bilo da pripadaju istoj ili različitim vrstama. Rezultat ovakve interakcije između različitih životinjskih vrsta je niz različitih ekoloških nivoa, počev od individue (životinja koje samostalno pronalazi hranu), koja je deo jedne populacije (životinje iste vrste koje žive u istoj oblasti), koja je deo zajednice (različite vrste koje naseljavaju isto područje i zavise jedne od drugih kako bi preživele), koja pripada staništu ili ekosistemu, koji zauzima mali deo biosfere (zbir svih životnih sredina na zemlji. (Preuzeto sa:

14 for you


animal kingdom

Animal Habitats What Are Habitats?

A habitat is the immediate environment in which a living organism (an animal or plant), exists. A habitat can exist in any size and can even be as small as a rock pool or a log that is decaying on the forest floor. The word habitat however, generally refers to the grouping of animals and plants, together with their surroundings. Habitats contain both living organisms and non-living objects and can contain anywhere from just a few species to thousands of them, all coexisting in a very small space.

Factors That Shape Habitats

Geology has the most fundamental influence on the creating of habitats, along with climate. Mountain ranges, deserts and rainforests are all shaped by the changes beneath the surface of the earth and then rely on the climate to make them come alive. Habitats can vary from the enormous wet oceans, to the arid, dry deserts and are found everywhere you look on Earth. Temperature and rainfall are two of the biggest climatic factors that help to shape habitats, and changes in these factors can have devastating effects on habitats and animals all around the world.

Chemical Cycles

In every habitat on earth constant chemical cycles are taking place, as chemicals are transferred from one organism to another. Out of the 25 elements that are critical to the making of living organisms, only four (hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen and carbon) make up the bulk of all living things. Carbon particularly is passed between

organisms as it is taken from the air by plants, which use it in photosynthesis (the process used by plants in order to create energy from the sun). The carbon is then moved directly into the ground through the plant and it’s roots, or eaten by an animal which then moves it into the ground after going to the toilet. The main release of carbon into the atmosphere comes from the burning of fossil fuels.


For years now, the incredible variety of species (and the variety within species) has fascinated scientists all around the world. It has been noted that the greatest levels of species richness are in the regions surrounding the Equator, and the lowest levels of biodiversity are found at the poles. No-one is really sure as to the reason why the Earth is filled with such an incredible number of animal species, but more and more people are slowly becoming concerned about the effects that climate change, pollution and deforestation will have on habitats that are rich in species such as coral reefs and tropical rainforests.

Levels Of Life

No matter where an animal lives in the world, it is always surrounded by other animals that live together in the same habitat, whether they are from the same species or from different ones. These interactions between animals and other species of animal, produce a range of different ecological levels. Starting with the individual (an animal that is independent in finding food), who is part of a population (animals from the same species living in the same area), which is part of a community (different species inhabiting the same area that depend on each other to survive), which belongs to a habitat or ecosystem, which makes up a small part of the biosphere (the collection of all environments on earth). (Source:


for you 15












ČUVARI PLAŽE Sinopsis uvari plaže prate posvećenog spasioca Miča Bučanona, dok je on u sukobu sa drskim novim regrutom. Zajedno otkrivaju lokalnu kriminalnu zaveru koja preti budućnosti zaliva.


Uloge: Aleksandra Dadario, Dvejn Džonson, Prijanka Čopra, Zak Efron, Pamela Anderson, Šarlot Mkini Reditelj: Set Gordon Scenario: Robert Ben Garant, Tomas Lenon, Dejvid Ron, Džej Šerik, Damjan Šenon, Mark Svift Žanr: Akcija BAYWATCH Cast: Alexandra Daddario, Dwayne Johnson, Priyanka Chopra, Zac Efron, Pamela Anderson, Charlotte Mckinney Director: Seth Gordon

Writers: Robert Ben Garant, Thomas Lennon, David Ronn, Jay Scherick, Damian Shannon, Mark Swift Genre: Action Synopsis aywatch follows devoted lifeguard Mitch Buchannon


GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY VOL. 2 ČUVARI GALAKSIJE 2 Uloge: Kris Pret, Vin Dizel, Zoi Saldana, Bredli Kuper, Dejv Bautista, Pom Klementif Reditelj: Džejms Gun Scenario: Džejms Gun Žanr: Animacija

as he butts heads with a brash new recruit. Together, they uncover a local criminal plot that threatens the future of the Bay.

GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY VOL. 2 Cast: Chris Pratt, Vin Diesel, Zoe Saldana,

Synopsis eter Quill a.k.a. Star-Lord and his team of misfits continue their adventures as guardians of the galaxy against all-new threatens as their team grows and Peter learns about who his father really is.


Sinopsis iter Kvil poznatiji i kao Zvezdani-Kapetan i njegov tim nespretnih nastavljaju svoje avanture kao čuvari galaksije protiv svih novih pretnji dok njihov tim raste i Piter saznaje ko je u stvari njegov otac.

P 18 for you

Bradley Cooper, Dave Bautista, Pom Klementieff Director: James Gunn Writer: James Gunn Genre: Animation


TRANSFORMERSI: POSLEDNJI VITEZ Uloge: Mark Volberg, Entoni Hopkins, Džon Gudman, Laura He-

dok, Stenli Tuči, Džon Turturo Reditelj: Michael Bay Scenario: Art Markum, Met Holovej, Ken Nolan, Akiva Goldsman Žanr: Naučna fantastika

Sinopsis oslednji vitez razbija osnovne mitove franšize Transformersa i redefiniše šta znači to biti heroj. Ljudi i Transformatori su u ratu, Optimus Prajm je nestao. Ključ spašavanja naše budućnosti leži zakopan u tajnama prošlosti, u skrivenoj istoriji Transformersa na Zemlji.


Spašavanje našeg sveta pada na pleća neverovatnog saveza: Kejd Iger; Bamblbi; engleski lord i jedan profesor sa Oksforda. Dođe trenutak u svačijem životu, kada smo pozvani da napravimo razliku. U Transformers: Poslednji vitez, lovina će postati heroj. Heroji će postati negativci. Samo jedan svet će preživeti: njihov ili naš.

Synopsis he Last Knight shatters the core myths of the Transformers franchise, and redefines what it means to be a hero. Humans and Transformers are at war, Optimus Prime is gone. The key to saving our future lies buried in the secrets of the past, in the hidden history of Transformers on Earth. Saving our world falls upon the shoulders of an unlikely alliance: Cade Yeager; Bumblebee; an English Lord; and an Oxford Professor. There comes a moment in everyone’s life when we are called upon to make a difference. In Transformers: The Last Knight, the hunted will become heroes. Heroes will become villains. Only one world will survive: theirs, or ours.


Synopsis hrust into PIRATES an all-new OF THE adventure, CARIBBEa down-on-hisAN: DEAD luck Captain Jack MEN TELL Sparrow finds the NO TALES winds of ill-fortune POSTER blowing even more strongly Cast: Johnny when deadly ghost Depp, Stepirates led by his phen Graham, old nemesis, the Kaya Scodeterrifying Captain lario, Orlando Salazar, escape Bloom, Javier from the Devil’s Bardem, BrenTriangle, deterton Thwaites mined to kill every Directors: pirate at sea... Joachim Rønincluding him. Capning, Espen tain Jack’s only Sandberg Terry Rossio, Stuart hope of survival Writers: Jeff NaBeattie, Jay Wolpert lies in seeking out thanson, Ted Elliott, Genre: Action the legendary Trident of Poseidon, a powerful artefact that bestows upon its possessor total control over the seas.


PIRATI SA KARIBA: MRTVA USTA NE GOVORE Cast: Džoni Dep, Stiven Grejem, Kaja Skodelario, Orlando Blum, Havier Bardem, Brenton Tvajts Reditelji: Joakim Røning, Espen Sendberg Scenario: Džef Nejtenson, Ted Eliot, Teri

Rosio, Stjuart Biti, Džej Volpert Žanr: Akcija

Sinopsis urnut u potpunu novu avanturu, kapetan bez sreće Džek Sperou shvati da vetrovi nesreće duvaju jače kada smrtonosni pirati duhovi njegovog starog neprijatelja, zastrašujućeg kapetana Salazara, pobegnu iz

Đavoljeg trougla, odlučni da ubiju svakog pirata na moru...uključujući i njega. Jedina nada za preživljavanje kapetana Džeka leži u pronalasku legendarnog trozubca Posejdona, moćnog artifakta koji donosi svom nosiocu totalnu kontrolu nad morima.


Cast: Mark Wahlberg, Anthony Hopkins, John Goodman, Laura Haddock,

Stanley Tucci, John Turturro Director: Michael Bay Writers: Art Marcum, Matt Holloway, Ken Nolan, Akiva Goldsman Genre: Sci-Fi

for you 19

sportski ugao



rpski košarkaš Nikola Jokić rođen je u Somboru 19.februara 1995.godine, igra na pozicijama krilnog centra i centra i jedno je od novih lica i otkrivenja američke NBA lige ove sezone. Nastupa za ‘Denver Nagetse’, gde dominira u utakmicama i prosečno beleži 24,4 minuta na parketu, uz 12,7 poena, 7,8 skokova i 3,7 asistencija. Ovaj momak iz Sombora

postao je drugi Srbin u NBA ligi koji je postigao 40 ili više poena na jednom meču, a pre njega je to još samo uradio Predrag Stojaković. Nikola Jokić je svoju profesionalnu karijeru započeo u dresu ‘‘Mega Leksa’’, gde je nastupao tri sezone i bio je proglašen za najkorisnijeg igrača Jadranske lige. Ono što posebno karakteriše ovog košarkaša NBA lige su

njegove veštine u driblingu, gađanju, brzini i preciznosti. Novinaru ESPN-a otkrio je da mu je omiljeni deo igre driblanje: “Čoveče, kako sam srećan kada driblam. Nekada ljudi kažu da sam dobar plejmejker, ali u stvari nisam. Timovi u Srbiji u kojima sam igrao su uvek imali dobre plejmejkere. Ipak, oduvek sam voleo da driblam, čak i kada sam napolju i šetam, uvek sam voleo da driblam zamišljenog protivnika ispred sebe. Tada sam razmišljao šta je najbolje da uradim”. Prema njegovim rečma u Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama najviše mu nedostaje hrana na koju je navikao u Srbiji. “Hrana koju sam jeo ranije je ista hrana - piletina, pirinač, meso, ali se ovde priprema na drugačiji način. Ovde nema isti ukus. Ipak, to mi je pomoglo. Ono što su Stiv Hes (direktor za atletske performanse) i Felipe Ajhenberger (glavni kondicioni trener) uradili za mene ovog leta je sjajno. Stvarno su me spremili za NBA ligu, drago mi je da je tako”, objašnjava Jokić. Dodaje i da za svaki slučaj, ima “štek” kada upadne u “krizu” i ima zalihe mesa u kući, kao i da mu od jela najviše nedostaje riblji paprikaš, “sa malo testenine sa strane”. Joka se oslobodio i jedne loše navike godinama je pio po tri litre koka-kole. Ipak kaže da je uspeo da se oslobodi te navike i da je poslednji put popio ovo piće pre godinu i po dana. Zanimljivu priču Nikola Jokić ima o svojoj starijoj braći, Nemanji i Strahinji obojica imaju veliki

broj tetovaža, a on nijednu. Poznato je i da su braća veoma bliska, kao i da su obojica starijih, imali veliki uticaj nа Jokićev razvoj kao igrača i osobe. Ono što je još zanimljivo reći za ovog mladog perspektivnog igrača je i da je postao deo globalne kampanje brenda NIKE pod imenom “Come out of nowhere”. Njegov saigrač iz Denvera Mike Miler mu je dao nadimak “Džoker”, što se posebno svidelo Jokiću koji je tom prilikom rekao: “Džoker je neko ko uvek iznenadi sve, nadmudri ostale. Može da pobedi svakoga, zato ga volim”. Nama ostaje da mu poželimo da ubuduće, sa svojim klubom pobeđuje na što više utakmica.

Medalje sa reprezentacijom Srbije Nikola Jokić je sa reprezentacijom Srbije do 19 godina osvojio srebrnu medalju na Svetskom prvenstvu 2013. u Češkoj. Za seniorsku reprezentaciju je debitovao u julu 2016., na kvalifikacionom turniru za Olimpijske igre, kada je Srbija osvojila turnir i plasirala se za igre u Riju. Na Olimpijskim igrama u Riju 2016. osvojio je srebrnu medalju, kada je Srbija poražena u borbi za zlato od SAD.

(Izvor: ESPN, B92)

20 for you


he Serbian basketball player Nikola Jokic was born in Sombor on 19th February 1995. He plays as a power forward and center positions and is one of the new faces and this season’s revelation for the American NBA league. He plays for the ‘Denver Nuggets’, he dominates the matches in which he plays and averaged 24.4 minutes on the court, with 12.7 points, 7.8 rebounds and 3.7 assists. This young man from Sombor became the second Serb in the NBA who scored 40 or more points in a single

match, before him only Predrag Stojakovic managed to do it. Nikola Jokic started his professional career playing for ‘Mega Leksa’, where he played three seasons and was declared the Most Valuable Player of the Adriatic League. What

sports corner


particularly characterizes this NBA basketballer are his dribbling, shooting, speed and precision. He revealed to an ESPN journalist that his favorite part of the game is dribbling, “Oh man, I am so happy when I get to dribble the ball. Yeah, people sometimes say I was a point guard, but I wasn’t really. My teams in Serbia always had really good point guards. But I have always loved to dribble the ball. Even when I was outside, just walking by myself, I would always love to dribble and imagine my defender

there in front of me -- what I would try to do.” According to him, in the USA, he misses the food he was accustomed to eating in Serbia. “I mean, the food I ate before was normal food -- chicken, rice, meat. But it is cooked in a different way there. Here, it does not

have the same taste. But it helped me, what [Steve] Hess [Denver’s director of athletic performance] and Felipe [Eichenberger, associate head strength and conditioning coach] did for me that summer. They really prepared me for the NBA. I am glad they did that to me. He adds that he has a “stash” of meat at home, just in case the crave kicks in and that he misses fish stew “with a little pasta on the side” the most. Joka got rid of a bad habit - for years, he drank three liters of Coca-Cola a day. He says that he managed to get rid of the habit and that the last time he drank this beverage was a year and a half ago. Interestingly, Nikola Jokic has two older brothers, Nemanja and Strahinja - both have a number of tattoos, but he has none. The brothers are very close, and both of the older brothers, had a great impact on Jokic’s development as a player and a person. What is even more interesting to say about this young promising player is that he has become part of NIKE’s global campaign brand dubbed “Come out of nowhere.” His teammate Mike Miller from Denver gave him the nickname ‘Joker’, which Jokic especially liked and on this occasion said: “The Joker is somebody who always surprises everyone and outsmarts the others. He can beat anyone, which is why I

love him.” We wish him to continue scoring as many victories as possible with his club.

Medals with national team of Serbia Nikola Jokic won a silver medal at the World Championships 2013 in the Czech Republic with U19 is Serbian national team. He made his debut with the senior national team in July 2016, at the qualifying tournament for the Olympic Games, when Serbia won the tournament and qualified for the Games in Rio. At the Olympic Games in Rio in 2016, he won the silver medal, when Serbia was beaten by the USA in the finals.

(ISource: ESPN, B92)

for you 21

hi - tech Dobar broj današnje dece je dobro upućen sa najnovijim tehnološkim dostignućima. Dajte im računar i oni mogu lako da rukuju njime po svom nahođenju. Dajte isti računar njihovoj baki i ona ne bi ni videla šta je na ekranu. Poenta je da su današnji klinci odrasli u okruženju gde je tehnologija odigrala veliku ulogu u oblikovanju sveta. Ovde se nalazi lista najboljih gadžeta za decu.




Uzrast: od 8 do 13 godina Ne postoji bolje i stvarnije uzbuđenje za decu u vezi gadžeta i spravica do izgradnje njihovog sopstvenog kompjutera. Samo zamislite sva ta elektronska i kompjuterska kola koja će detetu biti potrebna da dođu do svog sopstvenog računara koji će on ili ona koristiti za igranje Majnkrafta. To bi stvarno bilo neverovatno. Najbolji deo svega toga je da će ovo dete naučiti kako da programira svoj sopstveni računar tako da će on ili ona steći razumevanje osnovnih koncepata programiranja. Majnkraft Pi Računarski komplet uči decu trima osnovnim stvarima: izgradnja, kodiranje i stvaranje. Piper Komplet je jedan odličan način da se pomogne deci da se naviku na različite delove računara koji čine da on funkcioniše. To uključuje lagana uputstva o tome kako da sastave ove različite komponente kao što je Rasberi Pi 3 projekat lodžik bord kompletnu sa dual kor procesorom koji radi na 1.2 GHz, 1 GB RAM memorije i 8 GB Secure Digital memorijske kartice za snimanje napretka vašeg deteta u igir Majnkraft. Takođe su uključeni kablovi koji povezuju sve ove stvari, uključujući onaj koji se povezuje na LCD ekran. Sve ovo je ugrađeno u drvenu kutiju kako bi se deca zaista zabavila praveći svoj sopstveni kompjuter.

KOMPLET SPRAVICA&GADŽETA KOMPANIJE “LITLLEBITS” Uzrast: Najmanje 8 godina Ako Piper Pi komplet uči dete da izgradi i programira njegov ili njen lični kompjuter, Spravice & gadžeti komplet ga uči da napravi 16 neverovatnih izuma koji će sigurno stimulisati kritičko razmišljanje kod deteta, logičko rasuđivanje i fascinaciju za nauku i tehnologiju. Spravice& gadžeti je tako lako napraviti, jer ne zahtevaju programiranje, ni komplikovane kablove, kao ni rizično lemljenje sastavnih delova. To je tako lako kao uzmi i beži. Litlbits je dizajnirao Spravice&gadžeti kako bi stimulisao inovativnost među decom gde oni mogu da stvore nešto od brojnih delova koji dolaze sa kompletom, da se igraju sa svojom kreacijom ili je iskoriste, a zatim se sa

22 for you

Age Range: 8 to 13 years old There is nothing better for kids to get really excited about gadgets and gizmos than building their very own computer. Just imagine all the electronic and computer circuitry that a child will ever need to come up with his or her very own computer which he or she can use to play Minecraft. Now, that would simply be amazing. The best part of it is that this child will also learn how to program his or her very own computer so he or she will gain an understanding of the fundamental concepts of computer programming. The Minecraft Pi Computer Kit teaches kids three fundamental things: building, coding, and creating. The Piper kit is one excellent way to help children get used to the different parts of a computer that make it work. It includes easy-to-follow instructions on how to put together these different components like the Raspberry Pi 3 project logic board complete with a Quad Core CPU running on 1.2 gHz, 1 Gb of RAM, and 8 Gb of secure digital storage card for saving your child’s Minecraft gameplay progress. Also included are cables to put these things together including one that attaches to an LCD screen. All of these are built into a wooden box to help kids really have fun building their very own computer.

njom opet poigraju ili poboljšaju njen učinak ili njenu efikasnost finim podešavanjem. Ako im dosadi njihova kreacija, mogu je lako demontirati i potom stvoriti potpuno drugačiju spravicu ili gadžet. Mehaničko eksperimentisanje je ovde podignuto na potpuno novi nivo. A evo i najbolje od svega. Spravice& gadžeti zapravo mogu biti kontrolisani od strane bilo kog mobilnog uređaja koji radi na bilo iOS ili Android operativni sistem.


Age Range: At least 8 years old If the Piper Pi Kit teaches a child to build and program his or her very own computer, the Gizmos & Gadgets Kit teaches him to build 16 incredible inventions that will surely stimulate kid’s critical thinking, logical reasoning, and

fascination for science and technology. The Gizmos & Gadgets is so easy to build as it requires no programming, no complicated wiring, and no risky soldering of component parts. It’s as easy as snap and go. LittleBits designed the Gizmos & Gadgets to stimulate inventiveness among children where they can create something from the numerous Bits that come with the kit, play with their creation or


hi - tech Many of today’s children are well-versed with the latest in technological advancements. Give them a computer and they can easily manipulate it to their liking. Give the same computer to their Granny and they might not even see what’s on the screen. The point is that today’s kids grew up in an environment where technology has played a major part in shaping the world. Here is the list of the coolest gadgets for kids.


POWERUP 3.0 AVION OD PAPIRA još jedan ukoliko se postojeći izgužva. KONTROLISAN SMARTFONOM POWERUP 3.0 SMARTPHONE KOMPANIJE “POWERUPS” Uzrast: Najmanje 8 godina CONTROLLED PAPER AIRPLANE Deca su uvek fascinirana stvarima koje lete. Umesto da BY POWERUP im nabavite kuadkoptere, dronove na daljinsko upravljanje i slično, zašto im samo ne nabavite Powerup 3.0 papirni avion kontrolisan smartfonom? Samo zamislite obični avion, ali sa uključenim pametnim modulom, sve što dete treba da uradi je da napravi svoj sopstveni papirni avion, priključi Bluetooth Smart modul, preuzme aplikaciju na svom mobilnom uređaju i pusti Powerup 3.0 da leti. Mobilni uređaj ima ulogu daljinskog upravljača za papirni avion. Pri punoj bateriji, on/ona će upravljati Powerupom 3.0 do 10 minuta u efektivnom radijusu od 180 stope (54 metara). Iskreno, ovo je jedna od najboljih spravica za decu koja imaju neutoljivu fascinaciju za tehnologije koje lete. U najmanju ruku, vi takođe nećete brinuti o trupu aviona. Možete lako izgraditi

use it, and then tinker with it to either improve its performance or fine-tune its effectiveness. And if they are already bored with their creation, they can easily dismantle it and then create an entirely different gizmo or gadget. Its mechanical experimentation elevated to a whole new level. And here’s the best part. The Gizmos & Gadgets can actually be controlled by any mobile device that runs on either iOS or Android.

Age Range: At least 8 years old Children are always fascinated with things that fly. Rather than getting them quadcopters, remote controlled drones, and the like, why not just get them the PowerUp 3.0 smartphone Controlled Paper Airplane? Just imagine an ordinary looking paper airplane but attached with a Smart Module. So, all a child has to do is to build his or her very own paper airplane, attach the Bluetooth Smart Module, download the app into his or her mobile device, and let the PowerUp 3.0 fly. The mobile device acts as the remote controller for the paper airplane. On a full charge, he/she will be flying the PowerUp 3.0 for up to 10 minutes with an effective radius of 180 feet. Honestly, this is one of the best gadgets for children who have an unquenched fascination for technologies that fly. At the very least, you are also not going to worry about the fuselage of the plane. You can easily construct another one should it get crumpled.

još važnije, deca će jednostavno biti začuđena i KALEIDOSKOP PROJEKCIJA pitaće se odakle svo ovo svetlo. - SVETLOSNI ŠOU „PLAVI KALEIDOSCOPE BLUE BOŽIĆ” KOMPANIJE CHRISTMAS LIGHTSHOW “GEMMY” Uzrast: Za sve uzraste PROJECTION BY GEMMY Svetlosni šou oduvek fascinira decu. kaleidoskop projekcija - svetlosni šou „Plavi božić” gadžet obezbeđuje da dečija fascinacija samo raste jer deca postaju hipnotisana prelepim plavim svetlima. Dizajniran prvenstveno za spoljnu upotrebu, bilo da je u vašem dvorištu ili travnjaku, tako ga je lako podesiti zbog opreme spremne za ugradnju. Sve što treba da uradite je da ga stavite u zemlju, priključite ga na struju i ostanete zaslepljeni od fantastičnog svetlosnog šoua. Komšije će biti zbunjene i oduševljene u isto vreme, jer komšiluk više neće biti jednoličan kao pre. Što je


Age Range: For all ages Light shows have always fascinated kids. The Kaleidoscope Blue Christmas Lightshow Projection gadget helps ensure children’s fascination will only grow as they get mesmerized with the beautiful blue lights. Designed primarily for outdoor use, be it in your backyard or even the front lawn, it is so easy to set up because of its already-built in yard stake. All you need to do is to stake it to the ground, plug it to an electric outlet, and bedazzled by the fantastic lightshow. Neighbours will be baffled and amused at the same time because the neighbourhood will no longer be as drab as before. More importantly, kids will simply be amazed at where those kaleidoscopic light patterns are emanating from.

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MEĐUNARODNI DAN PORODICE – “Porodice, obrazovanje i blagostanje”

“Šta možeš da uradiš za promociju mira u svetu? Idi kući i voli svoju porodicu!”. Majka Tereza


re dvadeset četiri godine Generalna skupština UN proglasila je 15.maj za Međunarodni dan porodice. Od tada, obeležavanje ovog dana ima za cilj da ojača porodice i da ukaže na njihov značaj u društvu. Dan takođe ima za cilj da razgovaramo o važnosti “znanja i veština” potrebnih za promovisanje održivog razvoja kroz obrazovanje. Neki od fokusa Međunarodnog dana porodice su održivi razvoj i način života, ljudska prava i rodna ravnopravnost, da pomenemo samo neke od njih. Međunarodni dan porodice je globalni, a ne državni praznik. Ujedinjene nacije su proglasile 1994. godinu Međunarodnom godinom porodice. To je bio odgovor na promene društvenih i ekonomskih struktura, koje su uticale i dalje utiču na strukturu i stabilnost porodica u mnogim

24 for you

regionima sveta. Simbol Međunarodnog dana porodice se sastoji iz čvrstog zelenog kruga sa slikom u crvenom. Slika se sastoji od elemenata jednostavnih crteža srca i kuće. Ovo ukazuje da su porodice centar društva i obezbeđuju stabilni dom podrške za ljude svih uzrasta. Ovogodišnja tema Međunarodnog dana porodice je: “Porodice, obrazovanje i blagostanje”. Prema odeljenju Ujedinjenih nacija za socijalnu politiku i razvoj, neobrazovano društvo ne može dostići blagostanje. Ono što se pak često zaboravlja, jeste značaj porodice u promovisanju obrazovanja u ranom detinjstvu i prilika za doživotno učenje. Kako moderne porodice postaju manje, porodične veze su bleđe. To znači da roditelji koji rade dobijaju vrlo malu pomoć od svoje dalje rodbine

i njihovi izazovi u vezi sa obrazovanjem i zdravim odgojem dece se povećavaju. To je razlog zašto će posebna pažnja takođe biti posvećena dobrim praksama pronalaženju ravnoteže između posla i porodice. Cilj Medjunarodnog dana porodica je da se pomogne roditeljima u njihovim ulogama obrazovanja i odgoja. U čast ovog dana, organizuje se širok raspon događaja na lokalnom, nacionalnom i međunarodnom nivou. To uključuje: radionice, seminare i političke skupove za javne službenike; izložbe i organizovane diskusije kako bi se podigla svest o godišnjoj temi; edukativne radionice za decu i mlade; pokretanje kampanje javne politike za jačanje i podršku porodicama. U nekim zemljama, kompleti se kreiraju da pomognu ljudima da organizuju proslave usmerene određenom delu stanovništva, kao što su deca školskog uzrasta i mlade odrasle osobe. Zdravo odrastanje i ljubav porodice pozitivno utiče na decu, čineći da se osete voljenim i sigurnim u kući u kojoj žive. Širimo pozitivan uticaj na celokupnu zajednicu, jer je činjenica da podizanje zdrave osobe znači podizanje zdravog društva. Reči Majke Tereze “Idi kući i voli svoju porodicu u cilju promovisanja mira u svetu”, definitivno treba slediti. Zaista, mir u porodici znači mir u zajednici i šire. Stoga, setite se vaše porodicu ne samo 15. maja, već im pažnju i naklonost ukažite svaki dan i što više vremena provedite sa njima. Život je napravljen od prioriteta, pa neka vaša porodica bude jedan od najvažnijih.

INTERNATIONAL DAY OF FAMILIES – “Families, education and well-being”

“What can you do to promote world peace? Go home and love your family”. Mother Teresa


wenty-four years ago the UN General Assembly proclaimed May 15th to be the International Day of Families. Since then, the observance of this day aims to strengthen families and to point out their importance in

society. The Day also aims to discuss the importance of ‘knowledge and skills’ needed to promote sustainable development through education. Some of the focuses of International Day of Families are sustainable development and lifestyles, human rights and gender equality to name just a few. The International Day of Families is a global observance and not a public holiday. The United Nations proclaimed 1994 as the International Year of Families. This was a response to changing social and economic structures, which have affected and still affect the structure and stability of family units in many regions of the globe. The symbol of the International Day of Families consists of a solid green circle with an image in red. The image consists of elements of simple drawings of a heart and a house. This indicates that families are the centre of society and provide a stable and supporting home for people of all ages. This year’s theme of the International Day of Families is: “families, education and well-being”. According to the United Nations Division for Social Policy and Development an uneducated society cannot have welfare. What is often forgotten, though, is the importance of the family in promoting early childhood education and lifelong learning opportunities. As modern families are becoming smaller family ties are fading away. This can mean that working parents get very little help

from their extended family while their challenges related to the education and healthy upbringings of their children are increasing. Therefore, special attention should be shown to good practices of finding the balance between work and family. The aim of International Day of Families is to help parents in their educational and caregiving roles. In honour of this Day, a wide range of events are organized at local, national and international levels. These include: workshops, seminars and policy meetings for public officials; exhibitions and organized discussions to raise awareness of the annual theme; educational sessions for children and young people; and the launch of campaigns for public policies to strengthen and support family units. In some countries, tool kits are created to help people organize celebrations aimed at a particular section of the population, such as school children or young adults. Growing up in healthy and loving families’ influences children positively by making them feel loved and secure in their home. This will make a positive impact on the entire community because raising healthy individuals means raising a healthy society. The words of Mother Teresa “Go home and love your family in order to promote world peace”, should definitely be followed. Indeed, peace in the family means peace in the community and beyond. So, remember your family not only on May 15th but give them attention and affection every day. Life is made of priorities, so let your family be one of the most important ones.

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opisuju proleće. Uskoro je stotine slika pohrlilo na našu imejl adresu. Veliko interesovanje naše publike da učestvuje u ovom takmičenju sigurno služi kao inspiracija i motivacija za nas. Najinteresantnije je da publika nije bila obaveštena da li će biti nekih nagrada za pobednike. Nakon toga naš stručni žiri je izabrao najboljih 12 fotografija, koje su objavljene kao album na Fejsbuku 18. aprila. Pet dana nakon što je ovaj album objavljen, naša zvanična Fejsbuk stranica je stekla mnogo novih sledbenika, bezbroj lajkova, veoma pozitivnih komentara i mnogo deljenja (šerova) od strane raznih profila. Takmičenje se završava 2 maja. Slika koja prikupi najviše lajkova i deljenja će osvojiti prvu nagradu od 100 evra, a takođe će biti i odštampana, uramljena i potpisana od strane KFOR-a. Druga nagrada će biti 50 evra i treća 25 evra. Ubrzo nakon završetka ovog takmičenja, radio KFOR će započeti novo i veoma jedinstveno i zanimljivo takmičenje na svojoj zvaničnoj Fejsbuk stranici. Međutim, detalje o tome ćemo otkriti na našoj zvaničnoj Fejsbuk stranici Radio KFOR 96.6 Srpski …

Radio KFOR na internetu i društvenim mrežama


a vremenom se tehnologija promenila, i u skladu sa tim promenili su se i zahtevi naših slušalaca, kao i naše mogućnosti. Posle mnogo godina druženja preko naših emisija “Buđenje”, “Zujanje”, “Gluvarenje”, želeli smo da se još više približimo našim slušaocima. Ovo je vreme kada tehnologija stupa na scenu, odnosno na našoj veb stranici, gde naši slušaoci mogu čitati vesti i slušati najnoviju muziku! Takođe smo stvorili virtuelni prostor na društvenim medijima, gde možemo da komuniciramo o temama koje nam se dopadaju i koje volimo, ili obrnuto. Nakon što su društveni mediji postali sastavni deo života svakog čoveka, radio KFOR je otvorio svoj službeni nalog na Fejsbuku: Radio KFOR 96.6 Srpski - društvenu mrežu koja se najviše koristi na Kosovu. Uskoro se hiljade pridružilo našoj stranici i podržalo sve naše poruke namenjene njima. U nastojanju da donesemo inovacije i zabavu, pre nekoliko nedelja smo započeli naše takmičenje “K4 LIKE”. Kroz naše frekvencije, veb stranicu i Fejsbuk nalog, pozvali smo našu publiku da učestvuje u ovom takmičenju slanjem fotografija koje najbolje

26 for you


ith time technology has changed and with it our listeners demands as well as our capabilities. After many years of getting together through our shows “Buđenje”, “Zujanje”, “Gluvarenje”, we wanted to get even closer with our listeners. This is when technology comes into the picture, namely our webpage where our listeners can read the news and listen to the latest music! We have also created a virtual space in social media where we can communicate about the topics we like and love or vice versa. After social media became part of every person’s life Radio KFOR opened its official account in Facebook: Radio KFOR 96.6 Srpski – the most used social network in Kosovo. Soon enough thousands of people joined

Radio KFOR on the WEB and social networks

our page and supported all our posts dedicated to them. In an effort to bring innovation and entertainment, weeks ago we started our competition “K4 LIKE”. Through our frequencies, webpage and Facebook account we invited our audience to participate in this competition by sending pictures that best depict spring. Soon hundreds of pictures swarmed into our email address. The great interest from our audience to participate in this competition certainly serves as inspiration and motivation to us. The most interesting thing was that the audience was not notified whether there would be any prizes for the winners. After that our professional jury chose the best 12 pictures, which were published as an album in Facebook on April 18th. Five days after this album was posted, our official Facebook page was gained many new followers, countless likes, very positive comments and many shares by various profiles.

The competition is over on May 2nd. The Picture that collects most likes and shares will win the first prize of 100 EUR and will also be printed, framed and signed by KFOR. The second prize will be 50 EUR and the third 25 EUR. Soon after this competition is concluded, Radio KFOR will start a new and very unique and interesting competition in its official Facebook page. However, we will reveal the details about it on our official Facebook page Radio KFOR 96.6 Srpski …

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SVAKO J SVOJE E KOVAČ M OJE SREĆE životu po ZABOR spreča stoje neke stv vaju da a AVLJE gradim ri koje nas sreće. o svoj To koje bi NE I put do G svaki č su prepreke R AČKE ov i proble ih na n mi eki nač ek voleo da savlad in prev uspe, a a il az



i n iđe. Ne vakom tim stv eko ne. Ja p ko u to da de arima i uno ra m e svih igr tetu tokom d zmišlja stalno zaključ etinjstv ačaka mo izvlačim ke. Iak u se a od na ob neke n lakši, p kad sa , najdraža. M ćanju ostane ove roblem i život bez p m is li r i s m o su sas tariji, o da mi je jedživota. kada s na jos tavni d blema bio Po mo s a m d e r o a n m ž lj a a. Ne z ada, u uspeo poklon m crvene n u životu išljenju, da dskog d am o b b o bi čove ciljeve, i rodio. K je, ali mislim io taj kamion k mora d ostvario zacr čić d o a m se on s šija koji ta oran. N a se tru slučajn a mnom je grad a prob di i da ne o il i io n le bu amerno životu kuću je me na moje d treb koje na de upstavio vorište mnogo ilazimo , a ja s Život n a da gledamo k a m peska io am, u ije na ka u mi prela igra, ali prela o na izazove ovamo danima vozio kao “iskusni“ zeći te . Znao vozač . z taj pes s izazov a a vode d imo određen je k m ta n njegov jegov mo i e, e o sreće . Svaki nivoe, koji na život o Najviše a nosivost, da u dušu i koli s n č ka o a m s v k e e e o kk ne bi je ne k Odlučn guma, ost je jo ako zna, ume reira svoj pa mor rviralo kad m pokvario. š jedna i može am da u ispad Ni u k . dob ga nam ne koja pu eštam. no pom ra osobina, jer smo ući ga nisam aže u to ostavlja ja, kao nepres o na m m vozač, Benzin tan iru sk io srećom om traganju uglu ku a pumpa mog n, bili neumo , za . r će i za ni. k Na kra njega je amiona bila Voleo s ju je a u , na m v s e v svoj ka k bilo g e ipak visi sa ugleda mion i mo od zaoriva. o , p u n a v a la e s. Od n samih k bi mi n igra. Za zavisi a pame kada bi ga njega i da li će as t neka uspeti d z a a m s m e nova o na ene voz sreća n tom putu, je druge ig i: plišane me je uvek imalo r ije cilj, de, čar račk sreća ape, ra šta je puto Školsk e. .. zne vanje. e o P b a rema tome, bacile veze s svako k u a m io n u zab je kova Stoji on svoje s orav. č reće. u radi”. P sobi i više “n e onekad ga pomaz Lidija R im kao adomir nek kućnog ov O.Š. “L ljubimc og eposav ić, ai s ić e ti ” m se , Lepos avić smo se dana kada ja i on ig pesku. Ne zna rali u m kolik igračak o se a može p voleti, ali sam amtiti i ubeđen da ću ja s crvene voj kamiončić boje pa mtiti do kraja ž ivota. Filip B ara O.Š. “L ć, eposa vić”, Lepos avić

28 for you

er rememb . I don’t was it f o r e en fond ut I feel like I r, I’m ev g his ,b I’m olde t this red truck s buildin lot a w o h o w g ta when I eighbor ally, pu nced” tention h it. A n born wit cidentally or in as an “experie ck ac d I, house, sand ba ard, an in my y ys drove that uch weight it d n a s of m r da ly how nnoyed river, fo precise What a had truck d . w it e n g k in I ak dI th. and for y, to avoid bre tire fell out an rr a a c n e ld h u w co as most w side the nt us me the e v re even in truck, p e t n a lo th . re a it a s it g x e e e to fi ome thin appiness. Thes on r, and th n’t leav re are s h I would se I, the drive station was ers p ry e n life the ing our path to v u e ere gas beca ild ms that ver , and th truck’s house, from bu les and proble omehow get o d ss. My r of the house d my le e r ti c s n a ta e ne ve wer the obs overcome or to this endeavor r it. I lo the cor l in ated at enough fuel fo would come s and c fu g ke to s li lo in s e ld th c u e c I o w su thes ays w it ome are t about h life was alw whenever I sa nd my truck them. S not. I think a lo sions. Althoug are a d e n : a M . k s clu re truc ame around some a draw new con easier, problem ion a new g thing to drive … h s it y w in y e p to tl p u ther ome constan blems would b . I am of the o s had s cks, various o y a fe ro d li p lw n n t a a a u o witho of hum ccessful in life ears, s sponnd ral part u teddy b ver, school re t strive a s u an integ rson is to be s m e e life rget the How pe e or sh e me fo the unter in e, o d c a that if a eir set goals, h n m e s e ie in gam th ms w sibilit till there .” I achieve nt. The proble es. Life is not a e k. It is s longer works te g c w n u is , e tr s rs ll e e a g p h n o c e n et s be ll “ p a a t h u a n ese c ess. be see room, b s caress it as en oming th ad us to happin e should h rc e w e v s m y o ti le ugh some the da ner h n r a e b m but thro in levels, which d m e e san . life in th rta on is and rem y in the ne la p pass ce on creates his n. Determinati to d ch o ca ers t in this we use how mu e a w Every p derstands and that helps a lo o n k ’t un stic nd lov I don knows, aracteri ss. mber a ced I h e c m n d o e o r o ly g e le vin can another uest for happin till depends so am con ttle y, but I on this tq gs y li n d to in e ta m s th e r c n e ry c o b e c we su mem ess nd, ev r e e r in e l p e th il nd of p e th a e w h h In goal, till the n us w o a k t c s o u d n n tr , e is p re red us. It de use happiness urney. Therefo wn jo ca ir o a e e my life. b th is , s th e a p e forg everyon . arać, ss Filip B happine school vić, rimary o P ir m o ad avić”, Lidija R ic” Primary “Lepos v a vić “Lepos Leposa l o Scho vic Leposa




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for you 29

30 for you

Pisma citalaca v

Zdravo, Moje ime je Nemanja Stanojković i osmi sam razred. Idem u O. Š. “Desanka Maksimović” u Kosovskoj Kamenici. Volim da se družim i slušam muziku, a želeo bih da u vašem magazinu objavite poster Kobi Brajanta, pošto mi je košarka jedan od omiljenih sportova. U slobodno vreme bavim se folklorom, često putujemo i ja sa svojim društvom uživam na tim putovanjima. Pozdravljam sve svoje vršnjake. Nemanja Stanojković, O. Š. “Desanka Maksimović”, Kosovska Kamenica

Pozdrav svima, Ja sam Jovana i imam 13 godina. Redovno čitam Magazin 4U i volela bih da u njemu objavite poster Marije Šerifović, koja je moja omiljena pevačica. U slobodno vreme gledam filmove i družim se sa drugarima. Volim da sviram klavir i čitam knjige. Ovim putem pozdravljam Magazin 4U i sve moje vršnjake. Jovana Pešić, O. Š. “Desanka Maksimović”, Kosovska Kamenica

Zdravo, Ja sam Bojana Miljković i učenica sam osmog razreda. Volim da slušam pop muziku, a omiljena pevačica mi je Marija Šerifović. Slobodno vreme provodim zabavljajući se sa svojim vršnjacima, čitajući knjige. Jedan od mojih hobija je pisanje pesama i sastava. Moj omljeni glumac je Miloš Biković i volela bih da objavite njegov poster. Od sportova najviše volim odbojku. Bojana Miljković, O. Š. “Desanka Maksimović”, Kosovska Kamenica Zdravo, Zovem se Veselj i idem u osmi razred osnovne škole “Desanka Maksimović” u Kosovskoj Kamenici. U slobodno vreme volim da

slušam stranu muziku, družim se sa prijateljima, igramo košarku i izlazimo. Moj omiljeni sportista je Nikola Jokić. Omiljeni glumac mi je Johnny Dep, a pevačica Rihanna. Pozdravljam sve svoje vršnjake na Kosovu i nadam se da će Magazin 4U ostati da bude jednako dobar kao i do sada. Saliji Veselj, O. Š. “Desanka Maksimović”, Kosovska Kamenica


Pozdrav, Zovem se Anđela i sedmi sam razred Osnovne škole “Desanka Maksimović” u Kosovskoj Kamenici. Moja

najomiljenija pevačica je Jelena Tomašević i volela bih da njen poster objavite u Magazinu 4U. U slobodno vreme učim i igram se. Od sportova najviše volim odbojku. Anđela Živković, O. Š. “Desanka Maksimović”, Kosovska Kamenica

for you 31

Readers’ letters Hello, My name is Nemanja Stanojković and I am an eighth grade pupil. I attend the “Desanka Maksimovic” Primary School in Kosovska Kamenica. I like to hang out with friends and listen to music, and I would like you to publish a poster Kobe Bryant in your magazine, because basketball is one of my favorite sports. In my spare time I attend traditional dancing classes, and we often travel so I enjoy these trips together with my friends. I am sending a shout-out to all my peers Nemanja Stanojković, “Desanka Maksimović” Primary School Kosovska Kamenica Greetings, My name is Andjela and I am a seventh grader at the “Desanka Maksimovic” Primary School in Kosovska Kamenica.

My favorite singer is Jelena Tomasevic and I would like to see her poster in the 4U Magazine. In my spare time I study and play. When it comes to sports, I like volleyball the most. Anđela Živković, “Desanka Maksimović” Primary School Kosovska Kamenica Hello to everybody, I am Jovana and I am 13 years old. I regularly read the 4U Magazine and I would like you to publish a poster of Marija Serifovic, who is my favorite singer. In my free time I watch movies and hang out with friends. I love to play the piano and read books. I would like to send out a shout-out to the 4U Magazine and all my peers. Jovana Pešić, “Desanka Maksimović” Primary School

Kosovska Kamenica Hello, I am Bojana Miljković and I am an eight grade pupil. I like listening to pop music, my favorite singer is Marija Serifovic. I spend my free time having fun with my peers and reading books. One of my hobbies is writing poems and essays. My favorite actor is Miloš Biković and I would like you to publish his poster. Volleyball is my favorite sport. Bojana Miljković, “Desanka Maksimović” Primary School Kosovska Kamenica Hello, My name is Veselj and I am attend the eighth grade at the “Desanka Maksimovic” Primary School in Kosovska Kamenica.In my free time, I like to listen to foreign music,

hanging out with friends, playing basketball and going out. My favorite athlete is Nikola Jokic. My favorite actor is Johnny Depp and my favorite singer is Rihanna. I would like to greet all of my peers in Kosovo and I hope the 4U Magazine will remain as good as it has been up to now. Saliji Veselj, “Desanka Maksimović” Primary School Kosovska Kamenica


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