For You Srb / Eng - September 2017

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UVODNIK Nova školska godina je odlično vreme da razmislimo o promenama koje želimo ili trebamo da napravimo. Ako ste učenik koji traži načine da unapredi sebe i olakša prelazak na fakultet, evo nekih rešenja koje možete dodati vašoj listi. Prekinite odlaganje. Koliko često ste potcenili vreme potrebno da se nešto završi? Zatim, koliko ste tužni kada nemate dovoljno vremena da date sve od sebe. U nekom trenutku, onaj ko odlaže mora da napiše puno sastava samo za jednu noć-pored završavanja školskog rada. Obično se ovo ne završi dobro. Ako završite projekat ranije nego što ste mislili, onda možete da smatrate da ste u prednosti. Obavežite sebe da dobijate dobre ocene. Dobre ocene su u potpunosti potrebne da bi ste upisali dobru školu. Najbolji scenario je da imate dobre ocene od početka. Međutim, ako počnete loše i popravite vaše ocene, fakultet će vam dati poene za to. Provoditi noć učeći, dok vaši prijatelji igraju Wii igre, možda vas neće oduševiti, ali morate posmatrati ovo na duže staze. Razmišljajte o ovome na ovaj način, ocene su most. Poslužiće vam da odete na fakultet gde ćete imati više slobode. Na fakultetu, ocene možda neće biti značajne kao u srednjoj školi. Probajte nešto novo. Srednja škola je odličan period da raširite vaša krila. Radi se o novim iskustvima i upoznavanju sopstvenog karaktera. Želite da probate novi sport ili aktivnost, samo napred probajte. Ne očekuje se od vas da završite srednju školu i da tačno znate šta želite da radite, ali je ovo šansa da počnete sa sužavanjem izbora. Nikada nećete znati šta vam se sviđa-ili koliko ste dobri u nečemudok ne probate nešto. Odbacite sumnje u sebe. Sumnjanje u sopstvene sposobnosti samo vas drži dalje od postizanja onog što ste želeli da postignete. Samo kažite ne ovim i sličnim mislima: „Ja ne mogu ovo“ , ili „Ja nisam tako pametan kao moji drugovi iz razreda“.




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“For You” je slu`bena publikacija KFOR-a, proizvedena i finansirana od strane KFOR-a. Štampa se na Kosovu i distribuira besplatno. Sadr`aj magazina ne odra`ava uvek stavove koalicije ili bilo koje zemlje ~lanice pojedina~no. KFOR prihvata i tra`i vaša mi{ljenja, neka od njih }e i objavljivati, verovatno u skra}enoj formi. Ako autor pisma tako `eli, njegovo/njeno ime ne}e biti objavljeno. KFOR ne}e objavljivati anonimna, maliciozna ili klevetni~ka pisma. Glavni urednik: Leonora Shabanaj Nik{i} Novinari: Ali Rexha, Asmir Nik{i}, Violeta Matovi} Fotografije: Ekipa “4U” Design & Layout: Bekim Shabani Uredni{tvo mo`ete kontaktirati na telefon: 038/503-603-2139 Pisma mo`ete slati na adresu: HQ KFOR - Kosova Film. “For You” magazin; Strasbourg Building; 10000 Pri{tina E-mail:;

2 for you

2-3: Uvodnik, sadržaj 4-5: Škola meseca: Medicinska škola sa domom učenika u Severnoj Mitrovici Upitnik: Šta očekujete u ovoj novoj, školskoj godini? 6-7: Donacija KFOR-a deci sa posebnim potrebama 8-9: Moda: Nova školska godina, nova školska torba 10-11: Music Box: Mitrovački rock sastav ŠKART 12-13: Kulturno nasleđe u regionu Prištine 14-15: Životinjsko carstvo: Pustinja; Slatke

vode 16-17: Mega Poster: Kulturno nasleđe na Kosovu 18-19: Moviemania: The Emoji movie; Leap; The glass roletle; Nut job 2 20-21: Sportski ugao: Marija Đorđević: Tenis pre svega! 22-23: Hi-Tech 24-25: KFOR organizovao multietnički koncert “Ujedinjeni kroz muziku” 26-27: Bez siromaštva 28-29: Vaš ugao ... 30: Enigmatski ugao 31-32: Pisma čitalaca




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Marija Đorđević:Tenis pre svega! ŠKOLA MESECA


Donacija KFOR-a deci sa posebnim potrebama 2-3: Editorial, index 4-5: School of the month: Medical school with dormitory in North Mitrovica; Questionnaire: What do you expect from this school year? 6-7: Donation from KFOR to children with special needs 8-9: Fashion: New school year, new school bag 10-11: Music Box: Mitrovica rock band ŠKART 12-13: Cultural heritage in Prishtina region 14-15: Animal Kingdom:

Desert; Freshwater 16-17: Mega Poster: Cultural heritage in Kosovo 18-19: Moviemania: The Emoji movie; Leap; The glass roletle; Nut job 2 20-21: Sports corner: Marija Đorđević: Tennis before all else! 22-23: Hi-Tech 24-25: KFOR organizes multiethnic concert “United through music” 26-27: No Poverty 28-29: Your corner ... 30: Puzzle 31-32: Reader’s letters

The New School Year is a great time to reflect on the changes we want to or need to make. If you’re a student looking at ways to improve yourself and make the transition to college easier, here are some resolutions you might want to add to your list. Stop procrastinating. How often have you underestimated how much time it will take to get something done? Then, how sad are you when you don’t have the time to do your best. At some point, the procrastinator has to write many essays in one night - on top of completing schoolwork. Usually, this doesn’t turn out so well. If you finish a project earlier than you thought you would, then consider yourself ahead. Commit yourself to getting good grades. Good grades are entirely necessary to get into a good school. The best case scenario is that you have good grades from the beginning. However, if you start off badly and improve your grades, colleges will give you points for this. Spending a night studying while your friends play Wii may not excite you, but you need to look at this long-term. Think of it this way, grades are a bridge. They will serve you to get into a college where you will have more freedom. In college, grades may not be as important as in high school. Try something new. High school is a great time to spread your wings. It’s about new experiences and self-discovery. Want to try a new sport or activity, go ahead and try it. You’re not expected to leave high school knowing exactly what you want to do, but this is a chance to start narrowing down your interests. You’ll never know what you like - or how good you are at something - until you try something. Banish the self-doubt. Doubting your own abilities only holds you back from achieving what you want to achieve. Just say no to these thoughts and others like them: “I can’t do this”, or “I’m not as smart as my classmates.” HAPPY NEW SCHOOL YEAR 2017/2018! Leonora

‘For You’ is an official publication of KFOR, produced and financed by KFOR, printed in Kosovo and distributed freely.The contents do not necessarily reflect the official point of view of the coalition or that of any of its member states. KFOR accepts and welcomes your opinions, it will publish some of these, eventually in a condensed form. If requested the name of the writer will be withheld but no anonymous, defamatory or malicious letters will be printed. Chief Editor: Leonora Shabanaj Niksic Journalists: Ali Rexha, Asmir Niksic, Violeta Matovic Photos by: “4U” team Design & Layout: Bekim Shabani The editorial staff can be contacted on: 038/503-603-2139 Any letters can be sent at: HQ KFOR - Film City; For You magazine; Strasbourg building; 10000 Pristina; E-mail:;

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škola meseca



edicinska škola sa domom učenika u Severnoj Mitrovici obrazuje učenike na četvorogodišnjim smerovima iz područja rada zdravstva i socijalne zaštite. Istorijat ove škole datira još od pre 70 godina, kada je doneta odluka da se oformi škola koja će školovati lekarske pomoćnike, a koji su trebali biti zapošljeni u bolnici u K. Mitrovici. Škola ima oko 600 učenika, a u okviru nje nalazi se i dom za smeštaj 104 učenice Direktor Bukomir Jovanović ove skole. U školi trenutno postoji 7 obrazovnih profila, a područje rada je zdravstvo i socijalna zaštita. Profili su medicinska sestra/ tehničar, ginekološko-akušerska sestra, fizioterapeutski tehničar, zubni tehničari, medicinska sestra/vaspitač, stomatološka sestra/ tehničar i farmaceutski tehničari. Svaki razred ima po pet odeljenja, a zavisno od interesovanja i potrebe, iz godine u godinu, raspisuju se i konkursi za upis u prvi razred ove skole. Bukomir Jovanović je direktor ove škole od 2003. godine, a po struci je profesor istorije. U razgovoru za naš list, najpre ističe da je ovo renomirana skola, koja uziva visoki rejting, kao i da ona iz godine u godinu dobija maksimalne ocene za vrednovanje rezultata rada. Kaže i da škola ima širi, regionalni karakter, zato što se u njoj školuju učenici koji osim sa Kosova dolaze iz raznih krajeva, sa područja Raške, Novog Pazara, Kruševca, Kraljeva, Prokuplja. Školska zgrada je moderna i prostrana, velike je površine, ima potreban broj kabineta, postoje dva specijalizovana za zdravstvenu negu, ali i kabineti za farmaceute, za fizioterapeute, kao i zubno-tehnički kabinet. U njoj postoje i specijalizovane učionice za stručne predmete i laboratorije sa modernom opremom, namenjene stručnim predmetima.



Zorana Vasić ( 17) U ovoj školskoj godini očekujem još više uspeha, da budem bolji učenik nego sto jesam. Nadam se da će atmosfera u školi biti pozitivna,do sada sam bila odličan đak i planiram da tako bude i ove godine. Takođe očekujem da ću se sa svojim drugarima družiti i van školskih aktivnosti. Zorana Vasić (17) For this school year, I expect to achieve even more success, and to be a better student than I currently am. I hope that the atmosphere in school will be positive. I have been an A grade student so far and I plan to keep it that way this year. I also expect to hang out with my friends outside of school activities.

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U sastavu škole nalazi se i fiskulturna sala koja je nedavno renovirana i u potpunosti obnovljena, a takođe je nedavno obnovljena i fasada ove obrazovne ustanove. U školi se uči engleski i ruski jezik. Direktor škole Branko Jovanović kaže da su đaci ove ustanove najbolji po uspehu, po disciplini, po vladanju, odnosno po svemu sto karakteriše dobrog učenika. “Vaspitavati mlade generacije u duhu humanog poziva za koji su se opredelili, raditi na njihovom stručnom usavršavanju i obrazovanju je osnovni cilj ove ustanove. Najveći broj učenika ove škole opredeljuje se da nastavi dalje školovanje, upisuju fakultete ili visoke strukovne skole. Ova srednja škola predstavlja im garanciju za ono čime će se sutra baviti”, objašnjava Jovanović. On dodaje da su vannastavne aktivnosti zastupljene u velikoj meri u ovoj školi, da postoji veliki broj takmičenja, ali i veliki broj akcija se manifestuje kroz rad sekcija, kroz društvenokoristan rad i kroz mnoge druge edukativne aktivnosti. Direktor Jovanović ističe i neophodnost stalne modernizacije nastavnog procesa i razvijanje posebnih programa za podršku ucenicima u procesu učenja. Prema njegovim rečima, ono što ovu školu čini jednom od boljih u regionu je i struktura obrazovnog kadra i visoka motivisanost profesora za stručnim usavršavanjem. Na kraju razgovora, on poručuje čitaocima našeg magazina da je cilj obrazovanja razvoj sposobnih, upućenih, kreativnih, inovativnih, preduzimljivih učenika. Prema njegovim rečima danas se postavlja drugačiji pristup obrazovanju, odnosno osposobljavanje učenika da znanja stečena u školi koriste u složenim uslovima života i rada, a da je na njima da to i primene u budućnosti, zarad boljeg i kvalitetnijeg života.

Sanja Vasojević (18) Do sada sam bila odličan đak, želim da to tako bude i ove školske godine. Očekujem i da će moje učenje biti jos kvalitetnije i bolje, da ću svoja nova znanja iskoristiti na što bolji nacin u daljem školovanju i na fakultetu. Mislim i da ćemo nastaviti da se družimo kao i do sada, ako ne još bolje, zreliji smo i ove godine se rastajemo, pa se nadam da ćemo iskoristi vreme u školi na što bolji način. Očekujem i da nastavimo da se družimo nakon mature. Sanja Vasojević (18) I have been an A grade student so far, and I want to keep it up this school year. I expect that my studying will improve and that I will use my newly-acquired knowledge in the best possible way in my further education and at the university. I believe me and my friends will continue to hang out together as we used to do so far, if not even better, as we are more mature and we will part our ways this year, so I hope that we will use our time at school the best we can. I also hope we will maintain our friendships after the graduation.

Milena Lazarević (17) Pre svega očekujem da ćemo se ove godine provesti super na ekskurziji i da se nastavi naše druženje i nakon ove završne godine. Naravno da očekujem dalji uspeh u školovanju, volela bih da nakon završetka ove godine upišem željeni fakultet. Milena Lazarević (17) I expect, above all, to have great time at the excursion this year, and that we will keep on being friends after the end of this school year. Of course, I also expect further success in my education, and I hope to enroll at the desired university this year.

school of the month



he Medical School with dormitory in North Mitrovica offers four-year courses in healthcare and social care. The history of the school dates back 70 years, when a decision was made to establish a school to educate medical assistants, who were to be employed in the K. Mitrovica hospital. The school has around 600 students and a dorm that can accommodate 104 female students of this school. The school currently offers 7 courses in healthcare and social care areas. The courses are as follows: Nurse/Technician, Gynecology/Obstetrics Nurse, Physiotherapy Technician, Dental Technician, Nurse/Educator, Dental Nurse/Technician and Pharmaceutical Technician. There are five classes in each grade, while, depending on the interest and needs, every year the school announces open enrolment for the first grade. Bukomir Jovanović, who is a history teacher by profession, has been the school principal since 2003. In an interview with our paper, he first emphasized that this is a renowned school which enjoys a high rating, and that from year to year it receives maximum school performance grades. He added that the school has a wider, regional character, as in addition to students from Kosovo, it also educates students from different areas including Raška, Novi Pazar, Kruševac, Kraljevo and Prokuplje regions. The school building is modern and spacious, it has a large superficies, and an adequate number of lab classrooms, of which two


are dedicated to health care, and the rest are dedicated to pharmacists, physiotherapists, and there is a lab classroom for dental technicians. It also has specialized classrooms for professional subjects as well as laboratories with modern equipment intended for professional subjects. The school also has a gym which has been recently refurbished and fully renovated. The building façade has also been freshly restored. The school teaches English and Russian as foreign languages. School principal Branko Jovanović says that students of this school are the best when it comes to performance, discipline, conduct, and everything else that characterizes a good student. “Educating young generations in the spirit of the humane vocation which they have chosen, working on their professional development and education, is the basic goal of this institution. After finishing this school, a majority of students opt for further education, and enrol in universities or higher vocational schools. This high school is a guarantee for what they will be doing tomorrow,” Jovanovic explained. He adds that extracurricular activities are very popular in this school, that there are many competitions, as well as a large number of activities manifesting through different clubs, social-service work as well as through many other educational activities that are being organized. Principal Jovanović emphasized the necessity of constant modernization of the teaching process and development of special programs for supporting students in the learning process. According to him, what makes this school one of the best in the region is the structure of the educational staff and high motivation of teachers for professional development. At the end of the interview, his message to our magazine readers is that the goal of education is development of capable, informed, creative, innovative and enterprising students. According to his words, a different approach to education is being established nowadays, where students are trained to use their knowledge acquired in school in complex life and work conditions, and it is up to them to apply it in future, for a better quality of life.


Fillip Milićević (17) Od ovog septembra i nove školske godine očekujem svoj lični razvoj i napredak u učenju, nadam se da ću u tome biti još bolji. Naravno nadam se i da ću se sa svojim školskim drugarima družiti još više. Bliži nam se rastanak, to sve utiče nas, pa se nadam jednoj dobroj školskoj godini, pre svega u našem prijateljstvu.

Aleksa Joksimović (18) Nadam se da ćemo ove godine svi biti još aktivniji, želim više da učim i samim tim postignem još veći uspeh, nego prethodne godine. Planiram da upišem dva fakulteta, tako da moram puno učiti. Naravno ne sumnjam da će druženje ove školske godine biti još bolje nego prethodnih godina.

Fillip Milićević (17) Starting from this September and the new school year, I expect to achieve personal growth and to improve my studying, in hope that I will achieve even better results. I, of course, also hope that I will hang out even more with my school friends. Our parting is near and it is affecting all of us, so I am hoping for a good school year, especially when it comes to our friendship.

Aleksa Joksimović (18) I hope that this year we will all be even more active, I want to study more and thereby achieve even greater success than in the past year. I am planning to enroll at two universities, which means that I have to work hard. Of course, I have no doubt that me and my friends will have better time together this year than we used to have in previous years.

Milanko Lalović(17) S’ obzirom da smo dobri učenici i da smo dobro odeljenje, očekujem i ove godine više znanja, svakako dobro druženje. Odmah na početku idemo na ekskurziju, nadam se odličnom provodu, dobroj zabavi i opuštenoj atmosferi. Ovo nam je poslednja godina, do sada smo bili usmereni na rad i uspeh, a sada smo fokusirani na to da budemo opušteniji. Sve u svemu, očekujem jednu kvalitetnu i dobru novu školsku godinu. Milanko Lalovic (17) Considering that we are good students and a good class, I expect more knowledge this year, and definitely good time with friends. Right at the beginning we are going on an excursion, and I hope for a great time there, lots of fun and a laid back atmosphere. This is our last year, so far we have been focused on work and success, and now we are focused on being more relaxed. All in all, I am expecting a quality and good new school year.

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svim konvencijama i deklaracijama o pravima deteta, a koje se odnose na decu sa posebnim potrebama postoji zajednički stav koji glasi da mentalno ili fizički nesposobno dete treba da uživa pun i kvalitetan život u uslovima koji obezbeđuju dostojanstvo, unapređuju samopouzdanje i olakšavaju njegovo aktivno učešće u zajednici. Deca sa posebnim potrebama su deca kojoj je potrebna posebna društvena podrška kako bi dosegla ili održala odgovarajući nivo fizičkog, intelektualnog, emocionalnog i socijalnog razvoja, kaže za Magazin 4U, Marijana

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Popović, diplomirani psiholog u obrazovnoj ustanovi “ Kosovski božur” u Severnoj Mitrovici. Ova ustanova godinama se bavi radom sa decom sa posebnim potrebama, trenutno je pohađa 40-oro učenika i jedina je ovog tipa na severu Kosova. Govoreći o izazovima sa kojima se susreće u svom radu Popovićeva kaže da pokušaji pomoći koji se uopsteno nude porodicama dece sa posebnim potrebama, uglavnom nisu blagovremeni, nisu sistemski i nisu efikasni. Ali ono što školu “Kosovski božuri” izdvaja od ostalih ovog tipa je maksimalna posvećenost i podrška koju pružaju

svojim štićenicima. “Mnogo je bitno da se deca ovde osećaju kao da su u jednoj velikoj porodici jer su ovde deca jednaka, nemaju osećaj da ih neko drugačije gleda, oni su međusobno u vrlo dobrim odnosima, vole se i maksimalno se druže. Deca vole da dolaze u školu, jer tu imaju prijatelje koji su im poput braće ili sestara”, objašnjava Popovićeva. Veliki je problem kako ovu decu uključiti u društvo, pogotovo kada žive i odrastaju u manjim sredinama, ali u obrazovnoj ustanovi “Kosovski božur” nastavni kadar je posvećen ideji da njihovi polaznici i nakon završetka školovanja na neki način budu radno angažovani. Iako je ideja u početnoj fazi, nadaju se da će u doglednoj budućnosti ona postati praksa. Ovo su deca čistog srca, oni ne poznaju razlike među ljudima, oni su čiste duše i imaju ista prava i potrebe kao i sva ostala deca, samo ih možda zadovoljavaju na malo drugačiji način, zato ovu školu zovemo “Škola otvorenog srca”, kaže direktorka ove škole Marta Popović. Ona dodaje da njihovim radom dokazuju da je humanost vrlina svakog čoveka, da je najbitnije pobediti predrasude koje vladaju u društvu, a koje se odnose na decu sa posebnim potrebama. Stoga ometenoj deci treba pružiti mogućnost za uključivanje u zajednicu, jer će na taj način deca iz redovne populacije postati svesna ljudske različitosti i specifičnosti. Na taj način se razvija empatičnost, humanizam i potreba poštovanja ljudskih različitosti, objašnjava Popovićeva. Ona ističe da posebnu zahvalnost duguju danskom kontigentu KFOR-a, koji je ovoj ustanovi donirao 4000 evra, a koji su iskorišćeni za letovanje učenika škole “Kosovski božur”. Mnogima od njih to je bio prvi put da letuju na crnogorskom primorju. Iz KFOR-a poručuju da su se na ovakav potez odlučili jer je ovoj deci neophodan fizički oporavak, kao i da će im letovanje koristiti jer će se na taj način osetiti korisnim članovima društva, rekao je za 4U Magazin oficir za vezu Rouven Huber. On takođe naglašava da je zahvalnost koju vide u očima ove dece, KFOR-u najveća nagrada.



n all conventions and declarations on the Rights of the Child relating to children with special needs, there is a common position which states that a mentally or physically disabled child should enjoy a full and decent life, in conditions which ensure dignity, promote self-reliance and facilitate the child’s active participation in the community. Children with special needs are children who need special social support in order to achieve or maintain an adequate level of physical, intellectual, emotional and social development, said to 4U Magazine Marijana Popovic, a psychologist in an educational institution “Kosovski božur” in North Mitrovica. This institution is engaged in years of work with children with special needs;

it is currently attended by 40 students, and is the only one of this type in the north of Kosovo. Speaking about the challenges they face in their work, Popovic says that, “Attempts of aid generally offered to families of children with special needs are mostly not timely, not systemic and not effective”. But what sets apart “Kosovo bozuri” from other schools is maximum commitment and support provided to their protégés.” “Here it is important that children feel as if they are one big family because here the children are equal, they do not have the feeling that someone looks different, they are implicated in a very good relationship, and they love each other and become extremely close to one another. Children love to come to school, because they have friends that are like brothers and sisters just like their home” explains Popovic. The big problem is how to include these children in society, especially when they live and grow up in small towns. However, at educational institution “Kosovski božur”, the teaching staff is dedicated to the idea that their students are

engaged in work in some way even after graduation. Although this idea is at an early stage, they are hoping that this will become normal practice in the near future. These children have a pure heart, they do not know the differences between people. They are pure souls, and have the same rights and needs as all the other children. They, however, may meet those needs in a different way. That’s why this school is called “open heart school”, says the school’s director, Marta Popovic. She added that their work proves that humanity is a virtue of every human, and it is essential to defeat the prejudices prevailing in society which are related to children with special needs. Therefore, children with special needs should be given the opportunity for involvement in the community, because in that way children from the regular population will become aware of human diversity and specificity. This is the way to develop empathy, humanism and the need to respect human diversity, explains Popovic. She points out that they owe special thanks to the Danish contingent of KFOR, which donated 4000 euros to this institution, and the donated money was used for a summer vacation of “Kosovski božur” with the students. For many of them this was the first time to spend summer vacation on the Montenegrin coast. From KFOR’ side it is told that it was decided to take this initiative because these children require physical recovery and will benefit from their summer vacation. In this way they felt as useful members of society, said to 4U Magazine liaison officer Rouven Huber. They also say that the gratitude they see in the eyes of these children is KFOR’s biggest reward.

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Kupovina nove torbe u koju treba da stanu sve školske drangulije je u stvari jedna od najboljih stvari vezanih za povratak u školske klupe u septembru. Pročitajte u nastavku naše predloge najboljih torbi za ovu sezonu - za sve uzraste i za svaki džep. Neka vaš izbor bude vrhunskog kvaliteta, “cool” a u isto vreme funkcionalna torba.

Ranac SpiketPlus Rex od MadPax-a

Jack Wolfskin Little Joe

Nova linija od MadPax-a, sa motivima mehurića i svemira je najinteresantnija od svih koje smo videli. Meki šiljci ove rančeve izdvajaju iz mase, pritom ne praveći kompromis na račun praktičnosti, zahvaljujući prostranoj glavnoj pregradi, dva bočna džepa sa rajsferšlusom, postavljenom džepu za laptop i unutrašnjem džepu sa rajsferšlusom. Ranac ima dobru raspodelu opterećenja kako bi se zaštitila leđa mališana i nepromočiv je.

MadPax SpiketPlus Rex Backpack

The new range from MadPax, which includes bubble and space themes, is the most fun we’ve seen. On this one, the soft spikes will make them stand out, without compromising on practicality, thanks to the roomy main compartment, two side zip pockets, padded laptop sleeve and interior zip pocket. There’s good load distribution to protect young backs and it’s water resistant.

Ranac Boden Printed

Ovaj ranac je odličan izbor za mlađu decu, dobro naleže na leđa i ima dovoljan broj mrežastih džepova i pregrada u koje staje sve što je potrebno za školu, uključujući i ručak. Materijal od kojeg je ranac napravljen je čvrst ali lagan, a noćni motivi će privući mlade.

Boden Printed Rucksack

This is great for younger children, fitting well across the back and including enough pouches and compartments to include everything they’ll need for school, including lunch. The fabric is robust, yet lightweight, and the night-themed design will appeal to youngsters.

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Ova kompaktna, izdržljiva torba je dizajnirana tako da se udobno i sigurno naslanja na leđa dece uzrasta već od tri godine. Sastoji se od glavnog odeljka, prednjeg džepa i dva mrežasta bočna džepa, što znači da u njega staje sve, od knjiga do jakne i užine.

Jack Wolfskin Little Joe

This compact, durable bag has been designed to sit comfortably and securely on the backs of children as young as three. It has a main compartment, front pocket and two mesh side pouches, meaning they can fit in everything from their books to coats to snacks.

Torba Nike Anthracite

Mnoga deca jednostavno vole školsku torbu sa logoom sportskog brenda na sred torbe. Nike torba je veoma prostrana i ima ojačane kaiševe za nošenje koji je čine anatomskom čak i kad je do vrha puna fascikli, računara i užina. Uz to je i izdržljiva i ima pouzdane džepove i rajsferšluse.

Nike Anthracite Bag

Many kids love nothing more than a sports brand plastered across their school bag. Nike bag has plenty of space and padded straps that keep it ergonomic even when it’s full to the brim with folders, computers and lunch. It’s durable and has reliable zips and pockets. (Preuzeto sa:



Getting a new carrier for all their school bits and bobs is, in fact, one of the most pleasing things about going back to school in September. Read on to find out our best picks for this season - for all ages and all budgets. Make sure they’re top of the class with a cool yet functional carrier.

Torba Concentrate Chairpadbag

Ruksak Herschel Supply Co Parker

Većina nas se seća koliko su školske stolice znale da budu neudobne, a u mnogim školama je to i danas slučaj. Ova torba donosi inovativno rešenje za ovaj problem. Ona ne samo što je prostrana, već je konstruisana tako da može da se okači na naslon stolice i na taj način i najneudobniju stolicu učini udobnom i spreči pojavu ukočene pozadine. Uz torbu se dobija i privezak za ime, a torba ima anatomski oblikovane kaiševe za nošenje.

Ruksaci mogu biti glomazni i nezgrapni, ali ovaj je skladno dizajniran i nije ogroman tako da nećete oboriti školske drugare prilikom okretanja. Ovaj ruksak i pored toga ima dovoljno mesta za osnovne stvari, a poseduje i džep za 15-inčni laptop i unutrašnji džep za dodatke.

Concentrate Chairpadbag

Herschel Supply Co Parker Backpack

Most of us can remember how uncomfortable school chairs used to be - and in many schools, this still remains the case. This provides an innovative solution. Not only is it a spacious schoolbag, but it’s designed to hook over the back of a chair to make even the hardest seat comfy and thus bring an end to numb bums. It comes complete with name tag and ergonomic strap design.

Ruksak Joules Zippy

Vaše dete će sigurno izmamiti prijateljski osmeh školskih drugara sa ovom zabavnom i prostranom, plavo-narandžastom torbom sa 3D printom pipaka hobotnice na prednjoj strani. Torba ima standardni bočni džep za flašicu sa vodom, a pregrada na prednjoj strani se lako otvara i zatvara.

Joules Zippy Rucksack

Your little one will be bound to get some friendly laughs from their school friends with this amusing and spacious, blue and orange, octopus-themed bag which has a 3D tentacle print on the front. It’s got the usual water bottle holder to the side and the front compartment is easy to access and do up.


Rucksacks can be bulky and cumbersome, but this neat-looking one has a slimmer silhouette so they won’t knock out their school mates while turning a corner. That said, it still has enough space for essentials and includes a 15-inch laptop sleeve pocket and an internal media pocket.

Ranac George Butterfly Pint

Odnos cena-kvalitet za ovu dopadljivu i prostranu torbu napravljenu od materijala koji podseća na denim je odličan. Ojačana leđa i kaiševi za nošenje su prilagođeni tako da budu udobni i da se ne usecaju u nežna dečija leđa.

George Butterfly Pint Rucksack

This is fantastic value for a pretty and expansive bag that’s made from denim-look material. The padded back and straps have been made to feel comfortable on small backs, with no digging into

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music box



ni dolaze iz severne Mitrovice, a ovaj bend čine četvorica momaka, uzrasta od 20 do 24. godine. Škart je nastao krajem 2013. godine, kada su ovi momci rešili da gradu vrate stari dobri osećaj za pank muzikom. Škart kažu da njihovu muziku inspirišu duh i energija grada, a sirova pank-rok energija prepoznatljiva je za ovaj bend. U razgovoru za Magazin 4 U pevač

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i gitarista benda Nikola Savić kaže da je bend potekao iz mitrovačke Rock škole, kao i da su do sada izdali jedan album. “Zovemo se Škart, zato što smo baš suprotno od toga. Vrstu muzike koju sviramo nazivamo tvrđim pankrokom. Pesme su nam melodične, dok su tekstovi malo mračniji”, objašnjava Nikola. Naziv njihovog prvog i za sada jedinog albuma

je “Vreme sjajno, vreme jadno”. Pesme na njihovom prvom albumu su uglavnom ljubavne, ali ima i onih pesama koju su društveno angažovane. Trenutno rade i pišu pesme za svoj drugi album. Iako su mladi i još neafirmisani, imaju svoju stalnu publiku koja ih redovno prati na nastupima, a koju su skupili za četiri godine svog postojanja. Najčešće sviraju u Mitrovici, ali i po raznim festivalima, a nedavno su gostovali u Soko banji na Green Heart Festivalu. “Takmičili smo se, nismo pobedili, ali je bilo super druženje. Bila je odlična ekipa, upoznali smo mnogo dobrih bendova iz ostalih gradova. U Mitrovici obično imamo svirke koje održavamo u Sohou i Krimu. Često sviramo kao predgrupa poznatim bendovima, koji su nam muzički slični”, objašnjava gitarista i pevač benda Škart, Nikola Savić. Iako studiraju, imaju dovoljno vremena za bavljenje muzikom jer kako kažu “za ono što voliš, uvek možeš da nađeš

vremena”. Kažu da im je na početku bilo teško, svi su pohađali Rock školu u severnoj Mitrovici i imali časove gitare. “Onda smo došli na ideju da napravimo nešto konkretno, kad već sviramo. Na početku je bilo teško, dešavalo se milion puta da pomislimo da nećemo izdržati i da ćemo se razići, ali ipak nismo hteli da odustanemo i malo po malo, izdali smo i naš album prvenac. I dan danas se sećam naše prve svirke, na Ploci ispred Tehničke škole u Mitrovici, a povodom UNICEFovog “Dana deteta”, kaže Nikola. Najviše uticaja na njihovu muziku izvršili su Ramonsi, Sex Pistolsi, Clash, ali ipak bend koji im je najveći uzor je lokalni bend iz severne Mitrovice ‘Hosenfefer’. Momcima iz ovoga benda želja je da jednog dana nastupaju na velikim muzičkim festivalima poput Arsenala u Kragujevcu, kako kažu zbog tamošnje underground scene. U međuvremenu će nastaviti da sviraju i dobro se zabavljaju jer su ubeđeni da će punk i rock muzika uvek imati svoju publiku. Dejvid Tejm u knjizi pod nazivom “Tajna moć muzike” govori da je muzika jezik nad jezicima i da ima najveći uticaj i da pokreće i menja svet, u odnosu na ostale vrste umetnosti. Aristotel je govorio da muzika utiče na formiranje ličnosti jer neke melodije jačaju samokontrolu, a neke podstiču opuštanje. Konfučije smatra karakter kičmom naše kulture, a muziku cvetanjem karaktera. Dakle, muzika je ili moćan lek ili snažan otrov, a mi ćemo nastaviti da dobro sviramo punkrock” poručuju na kraju razgovora za magazin 4U momci iz grupe Škart.

music box



hey come from northern Mitrovica and the band consists of four guys, ages 20-24. Škart was created at the end of 2013, when these guys decided to bring back to the city the old good feeling of punk music. The band says that their music is inspired by the spirit and energy of the city, and raw punk rock energy is what characterizes the band. In a conversation for the Magazine 4U, singer and guitarist Nikola Savic says that the band originated in the Mitrovica Rock School, and that they have so far released one album. “We are called Škart (write-offs), because we are exactly the opposite of that. The type of music we play is called hard punk rock. The songs are melodious, while the lyrics are a little darker,” explained Nikola. The title of their first and for now the only album is “Great Time, Poor Time “. The songs on their first album are

mostly love songs, but there are also songs that are dealing with society. They are currently working on and writing songs for their second album. Although young and still not very well known, they have their own constant audience that they have acquired during the four years of existence, which regularly attends their performances. They play most often in Mitrovica, but also at various festivals, and they have recently been in Soko Banja where they have performed at the Green Heart Festival. “We competed and we did not win, but we had a great time socializing. It was a great team, and we met many good bands from other cities. In Mitrovica we usually have gigs in Soho and Krim. We are often an opening act for famous bands that are similar to ours “, explains the guitarist and singer of the band Škart, Nikola Savić. Although they study,

they have plenty of time to engage in music because, as they say, “you can always find time for what you love.” They say it was difficult at the beginning; they all attended the Rock School in northern Mitrovica and had guitar lessons. “Then we came up with the idea to do something concrete since we already play. At first, it was difficult, it happened a million times that we thought we would not endure and that we would fall apart, but we did not want to give up and after some time we released our album debut. Even today, I remember our first gig, on Plateau in front of the Technical School in Mitrovica, on the occasion of UNICEF’s “Children’s Day”, says Nikola. Ramons, Sex Pistols, Clash have had the most influence on their band; however, the biggest role model for them is the local band from northern Mitrovica Hosenffefer. The guys from this band wish to someday perform at a major music festival such

as Arsenal in Kragujevac, because of its underground scene, as they say. In the meantime they will continue to play and have a good time because they are convinced that punk and rock music will always have their audience. “David Tame says in a book titled The Secret Power of Music that music is a language above all other languages; that it has the greatest impact and moves and changes the world more than any other type of art. Aristotle said that music influences the formation of a personality because certain melodies strengthen self-control, while other music relaxes. Confucius believed that a character is the spine of our culture, and music is blossoming of the character. So, music is either a potent drug or a powerful poison, and we will continue to play good punk rock music,” said the guys from the band Škart at the end of the conversation with the 4U Magazine.

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KULTURNA BAŠTINA U REGIONU PRIŠTINE “Kulturna baština predstavlja nasleđe fizičkih ostataka (artefakata) i nematerijalnih dobara određene grupe ili društva koji čine ostavštinu prošlih generacija, čuvaju se u sadašnjosti kako bi bili ostavljeni u nasleđe budućim generacijama.”


riština je lep moderni grad sa obeležjima nasleđenim od drevne ilirske, vizantijske i otomanske kulture. Priština se pod ovim imenom prvi put pominje u srednjem veku, ali tragovi okolnih arheoloških naselja datiraju još iz neolitskog doba, kao što je naselje oko reke Gračanke, za koje se pretpostavlja da je staro 6000 godina. Jedno od najznačajnijih naselja na ovom području, rimska Ulpijana, osnovana je na temeljima ilirskog naselja i nalazi se u blizini Prištine.

Rana ilirska naselja iz gvozdenog doba pronađena su kod parka “Taukbašte” i obližnje srednje škole i protežu se duž čitavog ovog kompleksa sve do bazena Grmija. Stari grad Priština izgrađen je između dve reke, Veluše i Prištevke, koje su sada pokrivene. Staro jezgro grada sa Bezistanom, džamija Lokaći (XVI vek), Katolička crkva, Sinagoga i Stara čaršija su srušeni pedesetih godina. Prištinski region se sastoji od 8 opština: Priština, Podujevo, Obilić, Glogovac, Lipljan, Kosovo Polje i Gračanica. Lista kulturne baštine za privremenu zaštitu u ovim opštinama obuhvata ukupno 118 objekata od kojih su 51 svetovni, 27 verski i 35 utilitarni. Pozivamo vas da se u nastavku upoznate sa nekim od glavnih objekata i lokaliteta kulturnog nasleđa na ovom području. bez fizičke intervencije. Pored njihove naučne prirode, ovi podzemni snimci će takođe biti od pomoći prilikom planiranja budućih arheoloških projekata kod stvaranja uslova i izrade razvojnih planova za promovisanje kulturnog turizma,



Tip: Arheološki Razdoblje: Rimski Vek: II Rimski i vizantijski antički lokalitet Ulpijana je bez sumnje jedna od najinteresantnijih arheoloških lokacija na Kosovu. Tokom rimskog perioda Ulpijana je bila jedan od glavnih centara koji je povezivao Jadransko sa Egejskim morem i indirektno sa Crnim morem. Rimski put Via Lissus-Naissus (Lješ-Niš) i Scupium (Skoplje) bio je veoma poznat. Postoje dokazi o životu i prvim tragovima civilizacije u Ulpijani još od ranog praistorijskog doba, koje je poznatije pod imenom Dardanski rani period. Ulpijana međutim postaje urbani centar nekoliko decenija nakon što su Rimljani osvojili Dardansko carstvo. Između III i IV veka nove ere, grad je nosio ime Municipum Ulpiana Splendissima – Veličanstvena Opština Ulpijana. Pod vladavinom cara Justinijana u VI veku nove ere, preimenovana je u Justiniana Seconda. Zahvaljujući saradnji između Nemačkog arheološkog instituta i Kosovskog instituta za arheologiju, na lokalitetu Ulpijana se vrše opsežna ispitivanja sa sofisticiranom opremom

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Type: Archaeological Period: Roman Century: II The ancient Roman and Byzantine location of Ulpiana is without doubt one of the most interesting archaeological centres in Kosovo. During the Roman Age, Ulpiana was one of the main centres that connected the Adriatic with the Aegean Sea and indirectly with the Black Sea. The communication line Via LissusNaissus and Scupium was very famous. The life and first traces of civilization in Ulpiana have been proven from the early prehistoric ages, or better known as Dardanian Antiquity. However, Ulpiana became an urban centre several decades after the Dardanian Empire was conquered by the Romans. Between III and IV century AD the city enjoyed the name of Municipum Ulpiana Splendissima – the Municipality of Splendid Ulpiana. Under the rule of Emperor Justinian in VI century AD, it was renamed to Justiniana Seconda. Thanks to the cooperation between the German Institute of Archaeology and the Kosovo Institute of Archaeology, Ulpiana has been subject to elaborate studies with sophisticated equipment without physical intrusion. Besides their scientific nature, these underground recordings will also help in planning future archaeological

projects in creating the conditions and drafting development plans to promote cultural tourism otherwise known as archaeotourism.


Tip: Arhitektonski Razdoblje: Srednji vek Vek: XIV Manastir Gračanica se nalazi na levoj obali reke Gračanke, južno od Prištine. Ovaj manastir je rekonstrukcija crkve iz XIV veka posvećene uspenju Presvete Bogorodice, koja je opet izgrađena na temeljima hrišćanske bazilike s početka VI veka. Poznati slikari iz Soluna - Mihajlo i Evtihije su završili freske u glavnoj crkvi 1321. godine, od kojih su najpopularnije ciklusi Velikih Praznika, Hristovo stradanje i čuda. Pored izvanrednih fresaka iz IV veka, egzonarteks manastira sadrži dragocene postvizantijske freske iz XIV veka, kao i blago ikona kasnijih perioda, od kojih je najvažnija ona koja prikazuje Isusa Hrista i Bogorodicu Mariju. Manastir Gračanica je 2006. godine uvršten na Listu svetske kulturne baštine UNESCO-a pod nazivom Srednjovekovni spomenici na Kosovu.


Type: Architectural Period: Middle Age Century: XIV Gracanica Monastery is located on the left bank of Graqanka River, south of Prishtina. This Monastery is a reconstruction of a XIV century church dedicated to Virgin Mary, which in turn was constructed on the foundations of an early VI century Christian Basilica. Famous painters from Thessaloniki, Mihajl and Evtihije, finished the frescos in the main church in 1321, of which the Great Cycle Holidays, Passion and Miracles of Christ are the most popular. Besides the extraordinary XIV century frescos the exonarthex of the monastery contains precious XIV century post-Byzantine frescos as well as a treasure of icons of later periods, the most important being that of Jesus Christ and Virgin Mary. In 2006 the Gracanica Monastery entered the UNESCO’s List of World

CULTURAL HERITAGE IN PRISHTINA REGION “Cultural heritage is the legacy of physical artefacts and intangible attributes of a group or society that are inherited from past generations, maintained in the present and bestowed for the benefit of future generations.”


rishtina is a beautiful modern city with features inherited from the ancient Illyrian, Byzantine and Ottoman cultures. Prishtina is first mentioned with this name in the middle Ages, but traces of archaeological settlements around it span from the Neolithic Age, such as the ones around Graqanka River, which are supposed to be 6000 years old. One of the most important settlements in the region, the Roman Ulpiana, was established on the foundations of an Illyrian settlement, and it is located in the vicinity of Prishtina. Cultural Heritage under the name Middle Age Monuments in Kosovo.


Tip: Arhitektonski Razdoblje: Otomansko Vek: XIV Čaršijska Džamija se nalazi u kompleksu stare Prištine nedaleko od zgrade Muzeja Kosova, i služi kao muslimansko svetilište. Izgradio ju je Sultan Bajazit početkom XV veka. Kada je izgrađena, nalazila se naspram Stare Čaršije koja je srušena pedesetih godina, otud i naziv Čaršijska Džamija. Ova džamija je izgrađena od kamena na kvadratnoj osnovi (12.7m). Prepoznatljiva je i po svom osmougaonom kamenom minaretu. Radovi na renoviranju ove džamije su u toku. U funkcionalnom, arhitektonskom i istorijskom kontekstu ova zgrada predstavlja jedinstvenu strukturu u saglasju sa vremenskim transformacijama, koja je sačuvala sva svoja karakteristična obeležja iz perioda kada je bila izgrađena. Zbog toga se i smatra izuzetnom

Early Illyrian settlements from the Iron Age have been found along Taukbashce and Shkolla Normale, in the entire complex all the way to Germia Swimming Pool. The old city of Prishtina was built between two rivers, Vellusha and Prishtina (Prishtevka), which are now covered. The old core of the city with Bezistan, Llokaqi Mosque (XVI century), Catholic Church, the Sinagogue and Carshia e Vjeter was permanently demolished during the ‘50s. The Prishtina Region is comprised of 8 municipalities: Prishtina, Podujeva, Obliq, Drenas, Lipjan, Fushe, Kosova and Gracanica. The List of Cultural Heritage for Provisional Protection in these municipalities includes a total of 118 objects, 51 of which are profane, 27 sacral and 35 utilitarian. Below we invite you to read about some of the main cultural heritage sites in this region. građevinom.


Type: Architectural Period: Ottoman Century: XIV The Carshi Xhamia (Mosque) is located in the complex of old Prishtina near the Kosovo Museum and serves as a Muslim religious sanctuary. The Mosque was constructed in early XV century by Sultan Bajazit. It was originally located across the Old Carshia, which was demolished during the ‘50s, hence the name Carshi Xhamia. This mosque was constructed in stone on a square base (12.7m). The mosque is also characterised by its octagonal stone minaret. Currently, conservation works are ongoing in this mosque. In the functional, architectonic and historical context, this building represents a unique structure in harmony with the transformations of time that preserves all its characteristic features form the period it was constructed. Therefore it is considered as a remarkable building.

Emina Ðinolli-ja je bio “mali čovek” ili na turskom Eminičk, što se kasnije pretvorilo u Emin Ðik, od čega je i nastalo ime ovog kompleksa. Kompleks se sastoji od dva velika dvorišta: ulaznog dvorišta sa konjušarnicom i jednim kamenim objektom i unutrašnjim dvorištem u kojem se nalaze porodične i gostinske kuće, koje trenutno koristi Etnološki muzej. Dvorišta su opasana visokim zidovima debljine 55 cm od gline i drvenih greda. Kao celina, kompleks “Emin Ðiku” ostaje jedan od najreprezentativnijih primera gradskih kuća s početka XIX veka. Trenutno je u vlasništvu Muzeja Kosova, koji je dužan da omogući pristup zgradama kompleksa, zbirkama, programima i uslugama za sve posetioce.


Type: Architectural Period: Ottoman Century: XIX Residence complex “Emin Gjiku” is located in the old core of Prishtina city, north-east of the end of current city centre. The “Emin Gjiku” Ensemble was constructed in early XIX century, and it was owned by famous Gjinolli family. Emin Gjinolli’s nickname was “little man” or in Turkish Emincik, which was later transformed to Emin Gjik, where the name of the complex is derived. The complex is comprised of two big yards: the entrance yard with a stable and one stone building, and the internal yard where the family and guest houses are located, which are currently used by the Ethnologic Museum. The yards are surrounded by high 55 cm thick walls of clay bricks and wood beams. As a whole, the “Emin Gjiku” complex remains one of the prime examples of city houses of early XIX century. Currently it is owned by the Museum of Kosovo, and the latter is obliged to facilitate the access to the buildings of the complex, the collection, programs and services for all visitors. “Ovo je naše kulturno nasleđe. Čuvajte je za buduće generacije” “All these are our Cultural Heritage. Preserve them today for tomorrow’s generations”


Tip: Arhitektonski Razdoblje: Otomansko Vek: XIX Stambeni kompleks “Emin Ðiku” se nalazi u starom jezgru grada Prištine, severoistočno od trenutnog centra grada. Kompleks “Emin Ðiku” je izgrađen početkom XIX veka a bio je u vlasništvu poznate porodice Ðinolli. Nadimak

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životinjsko carstvo

Životinjska staništa PUSTINJA

Kratki opis: Pustinje su suvi, neplodni predeli sa puno sunca i vrlo malo kiše. Prosečne padavine (godišnje): manje od 250mm Temperatura: -40 do 45 stepeni Vrste biljaka: kaktusi, trava, grmlje Životinje - pustinja: Zmije, gušteri, ptice Životinje - Polu-pustinja: Tarantule, slepi miševi


ostoje dve glavne vrste pustinja, a to su pustinje (vruće pustinje), koje se nalaze na bilo kojoj strani tropskih predela i polu-pustinje, koje se nalaze na svakom kontinentu često daleko od tropskih regija. Glavna razlika između njih je da polu-pustinje imaju barem dvostruko više padavina godišnje od pustinja. Iako se smatra da pustinje imaju veoma malo života, zapravo postoji velika raznovrsnost biljnog i životinjskog sveta koji naseljavaju pustinju. Mnoge životinje koje žive u pustinji prilagodile su se noćnom životu, izlaze iznad zemlje samo tokom noći kada je hladnije. Reptili kao što su zmije i gušteri i male ptice su životinje koje najčešce žive u pustinjama. U polu-pustinjama, gde ima više biljaka, postoje čak i sisari, kao što su glodari. Većina različitih životinjskih vrsta koje naseljavaju regione pustinja usporeno su se prilagođavale suvim i sušnim životnim stilovima, a na određene načine su i evoluirale kako bi efikasnije uzimale i koristile vodene čestice. Kamila, na primer, skladišti ogromne količine vode u grbu, tako da može opstati u suvom okruženju. Staništa u pustinjama su u najmanjoj meri pogođena rastućom ljudskom populacijom, pa su i dalje relativno netaknuta. Glavno uništenje pustinjskih staništa potiče od eksploatacije nafte ispod peščanih površina. Životinje koje pasu, kao što su koze takođe znaju da izazovu pustoš na pustinjskim biljkama, što utiče na životinje koje se oslanjaju na te biljke da bi preživele.


Kratak opis: Jezera i reke stvorene od tokova visoko u planinama koji se spuštaju kada para iz morske vode padne kao kiša. Prosečne padavine (godišnje): 250mm - 1500mm Temperatura: -20 do 45 stepeni Celzijusa Vrste biljaka: trska, trava, vodene biljke Rečne životinje: ribe, vodozemci, ljuskari Životinje Jezera: Insekti, Žabe, Ptice


ostoje dve različite vrste slatkovodnih staništa, a to su reke i jezera. Iako se jezera pune potocima ili rekama, ona su često zatvorena područja i mogu uključivati i vrste koje se ne nalaze nigde drugde na svetu. Reke često imaju velike životinje koje se mogu suočiti sa jakim strujama, zajedno sa drugim životinjama, kao što su rakovi i ptice koje jedu ribu ispod površine vode. Slatkovodne reke su često dom različitih vrsta insekata, vodozemaca, gmizavaca, riba, ptica, pa čak i sisara. Kornjače, patke, vidre, krokodili, somovi, vilini konjici i rakovi mogu se naći u rekama širom sveta, a reka Amazon čak je i dom retkih i ružičastih slatkovodnih delfina. Veliki broj različitih vrsta riba takođe se može naći u rekama i potocima širom sveta. Slatkovodna jezera takođe pružaju veliki broj divljih životinja od ptica i insekata koji mogu da provedu ceo život na istom mestu, do većih ptica i sisara koji se trenutno pojavljuju kako bi se napojili ili pronašli nešto za jelo. Vrste riba se često mogu posebno prilagoditi životu u svakom jezeru, a među njima se često mogu naći i brojni vodozemci. Veliki biljožderi kao što su jeleni, zebre i žirafe dolaze do jezera da se napoje vodom zajedno sa primatima kao što su bezrepi majmuni (gorile, orangutani i šimpanze) i majmuni. Ljudska aktivnost drastično utiče na staništa slatkovodnih voda (posebno na reke). Hemikalije koje se koriste u hrani i lekovima mogu kontaminirati vodu zajedno sa otpadnim vodama koje sadrže pesticide iz poljoprivrede. Ove promene vode utiču na mnoge vrste koje naseljavaju vode od biljaka i riba do predatora koji ih jedu. (Preuzeto sa:

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animal kingdom

Animal Habitats DESERT

Brief Description: Deserts are dry, baron landscapes that receive intense sunshine and very little rain. Average Rainfall (Year): less than 250mm Temperature: -40 to 45 Degrees Plant Types: Cacti, Grasses, Shrubs Animals True Desert: Snakes, Lizards, Birds Animals Semi-Desert: Tarantulas, Bats


here are two main types of desert, which are true deserts (hot deserts), which are found on either side of the tropics and semi-deserts, which are found on every continent often far from the tropical regions. The main difference between them is that a semi-desert receives at least twice as much rain per year as a true desert. Although deserts are thought to hold very little life, there is in fact a great diversity of both plants animals that inhabit desert regions. Many of the animals that live in the desert have adapted to a nocturnal lifestyle, only coming above ground at night when it is cooler. Reptiles such as snakes and lizards, and small birds are the primary animals found in true deserts. In semi-deserts, where there are more plants there are even mammals such as rodents. Most of the different animal species that inhabit deserts regions have slowly adapted to their dry and arid lifestyles, and have evolved in certain ways in order for them to take in and use water particles more effectively. A camel, for example, stores huge amounts of water in its hump so that it can cope in its dry environment. Deserts habitats have been the least affected by the growing human populations, and so they remain relatively untouched. The main destruction of desert habitats comes from the extraction of oil from underneath the sand. Grazing animals such as goats are also known to cause havoc to desert plants, which in turn affects the animals that rely on those plants to survive.


Brief Description: Lakes and rivers are created by streams high in the mountains that flow down when evaporated sea water falls as rain. Average Rainfall (Year): 250mm - 1500mm Temperature: -20 to 45 Degrees Centigrade Plant Types: Reeds, Grasses, Aquatic Plants Animals River: Fish, Amphibians, Crustaceans Animals Lake: Insects, Frogs, Birds


here are two different types of freshwater habitat which are rivers and lakes. Although lakes are often fed by a small stream or river, they are often enclosed areas and can also include species that are found in nowhere else in the world. Rivers tend to contain large animals that can cope with the strong currents, along with other animals such as as crabs and birds that eat the fish beneath the water’s surface. Freshwater rivers are often home a wide variety of species from insects, to amphibians, reptiles, fish, birds and even mammals. Turtles, ducks, otters, crocodiles, catfish, dragonfly and crabs can be found in rivers all around the world, and the Amazon river is even home to the rare and pink, freshwater dolphin. An extraordinary number of different fish species can also been found in rivers and streams all over the world. Freshwater lakes also support a huge variety of wildlife from birds and insects that can spend their entire lives in the same place, to larger birds and mammals that appear there momentarily to have a drink or find something to eat. Fish species can often be specially adapted to life in each lake and numerous amphibians can often be found amongst them. Large herbivores such as deer, zebras and giraffe can be found coming to lakes to drink along with primates such as apes and monkeys. Freshwater habitats (particularly rivers) can be drastically affected by human activity. Chemicals used in foods and medicines can contaminate the water along with waste water containing pesticides from agriculture. These water changes affect many species that inhabit the water from the plants and fish to the predators that eat them. (Source:

for you 15

Stambeni kompleks “Emin Ðiku” - Etnološki Muzej

Čaršijska Džamija – Kamena Džamija

Kamena Džamija se nalazi u kompleksu stare Prištine Tip: Arhitektonski Period: Otomansko Vek: XIV

Stambeni kompleks “Emin Gjiku” se nalazi u starom centru grada Prištine Tip: Arhitektonski Period: Otomansko Vek: XIX

Municipium Ulpijana -Justinijana Sekunda

Rimski i Vizantijski lokalitet Ulpijana je nesumnjivo jedan od najzanimljivijih arheoloških lokaliteta na Kosovu i širem regionu Ilirskog poluostrva. Tip: Arheološki Period : Rimski Vek: II

10- Arheološki lokalitet “Tuma-Gur” - Rimski nekropol Selo Zaskok se nalazi oko 3 km jugozapadno od grada Uroševca. Arheološko identifikovan kao TUMAGUR nalazi se u blizini stare škole i kancelarije sela Zaskok. Tip: Arheološki Period: Rimski Vek: IV

Manastir Gračanica Manastir Gračanica se nalazi na levoj obali reke Gračanka, južno od Prištine. Tip: Arhitektonski Period: Srednjovekovni Vek: XIV

Neolitski arheološki lokalitet “Kod Kovačkih polja” u Barilevu Neolitski lokalitet Barilevo se nalazi u selu sa istim imenom, u oblasti poznatoj kao Kovačka polja, obradivo zemljište visokog kvaliteta. Tip: Arheološki Period: Neolit Vek:

Tvrđava Novo Brdo

Na omanjem brdu između Prilepnica i Krive Reke, oko 30-35 km zapadno od Gnjilana i oko 39 kilometara jugoistočno od Prištine, nalaze se ruševine grada i srednjovekovne tvrđave Novog Brda. Tip: Arhitektonski Period: Srednji vek Vek:

Ilirski nekropol (tumular) Laštice

Nekropol u Laštici nalazi se oko 10 km severoistočno od grada Gnjilana, na desnoj strani Binačke Morave, leži u širokom prostoru poljoprivrednog zemljišta sela Laštice na rubu planina Karadaka. Tip: Arheološki Period: Gvozdeno doba Vek: VIII

Ostaci crkve Sv Varvara (Svetog Dimitrija) - Kmetovce

Tvrđava Pograđe

Tvrđava Pograđe se nalazi 10 kilometara jugoistočno od Gnjilana, oko 1 km od sela Pograđe. Smeštena na ušću Lapušnice, na nadmorskoj visini od 567 m u podnožju reke Binačka Morave. Tip: Arheološki Period: Kasna Antika Vek: VI

Crkva Svetog Dimitrija, poznata kao Crkva Varvara iz Kmetovca, nalazi se severoistočno od sela Kmetovce i datira iz XIV veka. Tip: Arhitektonski Period: Srednji vek Vek: XIV


Synopsis -year-old orphan, Félicie has one dream – to go to Paris and become a dancer. Her best friend Victor an imaginative, but exhausting boy with a passion for creating has a dream of his own, to become a famous inventor. In a leap of faith, LEAP Victor and Félicie leave their orphanage Cast: Elle Fanning, in pursuit of their passions. Carly Rae Jepsen, But – there’s a catch, Félicie must Maggie Ziegler, Dane pretend to be the child of a wealthy family DeHaan, Terrence in order to gain admittance to the prestigious Scammell, Julie and competitive Opera Ballet School in Paris. Khaner And with no professional dance training, she Director: Eric Sumquickly learns that talent alone is not enough to mer, Eric Warin overcome the ruthless, conniving attitudes of her fellow classmates, led Screenwriter: Carole by the devious Camille Le Haut. Determined to succeed, Félicie finds her Noble, Laurent Zeitoun mentor in the tough and mysterious school custodian, Odette who, along Genre: Animation with Victor’s encouraging friendship, help her reach for the stars.


SKOK Uloge: Elle Fanning, Carly Rae Jepsen, Maggie Ziegler, Dane DeHaan, Terrence Scammell, Julie Khaner Režiser: Eric Summer, Eric Warin Scenario: Carole Noble, Laurent Zeitoun Žanr: Animacija Sinopsis


-godišnje siroče, Félicie ima samo jedan san-da ode u Pariz i postane plesačica. Njen najbolji prijatelj Viktor, maštovit, ali zamoran dečak sa strašću za stvaranjem ima sopstveni san, da postane poznati pronalazač. U naponu energije, Viktor i Félicie napuštaju sirotište u potrazi za svojim strastima. Ali tada postaje komplikovano, Félicie mora da se pretvara da je dete iz bogate porodice, kako bi stekla priznanje u prestižnoj i konkuretnoj školi klasičnog baleta u Parizu. I bez stručne plesne obuke, ona brzo saznaje da samo talenat nije dovoljan da prevaziđe nemilosrdne uvrede njenih drugarica iz razreda, koje predvodi opasna Camille Le Haut. Odlučna da uspe, Félicie pronalazi svog mentora u teškom i misterioznom čuvaru škole, Odette koja joj, zajedno sa Viktorovim ohrabrujućim prijateljstvom, pomaže da stigne do zvezda.



Uloge: Brie Larson, Woody Harrelson, Naomi Watts, Max Greenfield Režiser: Destin Daniel Cretton Scenario: Marti Noxon, Andrew Lanham, Destin Daniel Cretton Žanr: Drama

Sinopsis vo je priča o uspešnoj mladoj ženi koju su podigli disfunkcionalni roditelji. Njen svet se okreće naopačke kada se oni presele u Njujork da budu blizu nje.

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Cast: Brie Larson, Woody Harrelson, Naomi Watts, Max Greenfield Director: Destin Daniel Cretton Screenwriter: Marti Noxon, Andrew Lanham, Destin Daniel Cretton Genre: Drama Synopsis ells the story of a successful young woman who was raised by dysfunctional and nonconformist parents. Her world gets turned upside down when they move to New York to be near her.



TVRD ORAH 2 Uloge: Jeff Dunham, Will Arnett, Katherine Heigl, Gabriel Iglesias, Maya Rudolph, Jackie Chan Režiser: Cal Brunker Scenario: Scott Bindley, Bob Barlen, Cal Brunker Žanr: Animacija


Sinopsis everica Surli i banda su se vratili. Ponovo smo u Oaktonu gde je zli gradonačelnik odlučio da sravni Liberti Park i na njegovom mestu izgradi opasan zabavni park. Surli i njegova otkačena grupa prijatelja životinja se udružuje da sačuvaju njihov dom, pobede gradonačelnika i povrate park.


Cast: Jeff Dunham, Will Arnett, Katherine Heigl, Gabriel Iglesias, Maya Rudolph, Jackie Chan Director: Cal Brunker Screenwriter: Scott Bindley, Bob Barlen, Cal Brunker Genre: Animation

Synopsis urly Squirrel and the gang are back. We are once again in Oakton where the evil mayor has decided to bulldoze Liberty Park and build a dangerous amusement park in its place. Surly and his ragtag group of animal friends’ band together to save their home, defeat the mayor, and take back the park.


snalažljivog Baci Petra i poznate Sinopsis moji film otvara nikada viđeni razbijačice šifri Buntovnice (Ilana Glazer). Zajedno, oni će otići na tajni svet unutar vašeg epsko putovanje kroz niz telefonsmartfona. Sakriven unutar Uloge: T.J. aplikacije za poruke je Tekstopolis, skih aplikacija, svaki u svom divljem Miller, James užurbani grad u kome žive svi vaši i zabavnom svetu, da pronađu kod Corden, Ilana omiljeni emotikoni, nadajući se da koji će popraviti Đuru. Ali kada saGlazer, Patrick će biti odabrani od korisnika telemom telefonu zapreti mnogo veća Stewart, Jenfona. U ovom svetu, svaki emotikon opasnost, sudbina svih emotikona nifer Coolidge, ima samo jedan izraz lica osim zavisiće od ovo troje neverovatnih Maya Rudolph Đure-veselog emotikona koji je prijatelja koji moraju da spasu svoj Režiser: Anthony Leondis svet, pre nego rođen bez filtera, pa se pojavljuje Scenario: Eric Siegel, u raznim raspoloženjima. Odlučan što bude Anthony Leondis, Mike u nameri da postane “običan” zauvek White kao i ostali emotikoni, Đura će obrisan. Žanr: Animacija zatražiti pomoć svog najboljeg prijatelja THE EMOJI MOVIE Synopsis he Emoji Movie unlocks the never-before-seen secret Cast: T.J. Miller, world inside your smartphone. Hidden within the James Corden, messaging app is Textopolis, a bustling city where Ilana Glazer, all your favourite emoji’s live, hoping to be selected by the phone’s user. In Patrick Stewthis world, each emoji has only one facial expression – except for Gene, an art, Jennifer exuberant emoji who was born without a filter and is bursting with multiple Coolidge, expressions. Determined to become “normal” like the other emoji, Gene Maya Rudolph enlists the help of his handy best friend Hi-5 and the notorious code breakDirector: Anthony Leondis er emoji Jailbreak (Ilana Glazer). Together, they embark on an epic “appScreenwriter: Eric Siegel, venture” through the apps on the phone, each its own wild and fun world, Anthony Leondis, Mike White to find the Code that will fix Gene. But when a greater danger threatens the Genre: Animation phone, the fate of all emoji depends on these three unlikely friends who must save their world before it’s deleted forever. EMOJI FILM



for you 19

sportski ugao



arija Đorđević počela je da trenira tenis sa devet godina, a danas je jedna od najtalentovanijih mladih sportistkinja na Kosovu. Dolazi iz Gračanice, ima 19 godina, završila je društvenojezički smer Gimnazije i trenutno studira na Fakultetu za sport i fizičko vaspitanje. U razgovoru za Magazin 4 U ističe da joj je kao i većini mladih, uzor Novak Đoković, koji je dokaz da se uz mnogo truda, vežbanja i odricanja može stići do cilja. Bila je fascinirana svim onim što je Novak radio na terenu i poželela da radi isto. Uzela je reket u ruke i krenula na putovanje ka svom cilju. “Najveći krivac i jedan od najvećih razloga zašto sam baš izabrala ovaj sport

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jeste Novak Đoković. Mene su njegovi mečevi facinirali i energija koju nosi naveli su me na to da i ja zaigram tenis”, kaže Marija. Prema njenim rečima kada ste odlučni, uporni, vredni onda su neizostavni i dobri rezultati, a njeni upravo to i pokazuju. 2014. i 2015. godine bila je proglašena za najbolju teniserku na teritoriji Kosova od strane Teniske federacije Kosova, što je rezultat mnogobrojnih turnira, osvojenih u Prištini,Gračanici, Prizrenu. Ona naglašava da je za tenis neophodno da budete i fizički i psihološki spremni. Nijanse razdvajaju najbolje teniserke, a mečeve dobija ona koja je mentalno

jača. “Svakako jeste naporno baviti se bilo kojim sportom, a pogotovo tenisom gde je potrebna fizička snaga i mentalna izdržljivost. Nekada je teniserkama teško da se fokusiraju, naročito kada trpe pritisak i kada se od njih očekuju dobri rezultati” objašnjava ova mlada teniserka i dodaje da trenutno želi da što više trenira i uživa u svemu što ovaj sport pruža. Marija kaže da nema nikakve posebne rituale kada izađe na teren da odigra meč i da joj je jedino bitno da ima puno vere u sebe i nadu da će pobediti. “Znam da šta god da bude, moram se potruditi i dati sve od sebe da odigram dobar tenis, jer je naposletku to najbitnije”, naglašava ona. Kondiciju postiže tako što stalno trči, a što se hrane tiče trudi se da u svoju ishranu unosi što više tečnosti i voća. U životu se vodi parolom “U zdravom telu, zdrav duh”, planira da završi studije i jednog dana, kako kaže, nakon završene karijere, postane vrhunski teniski trener. Iako slobodnog vremena gotovo da i nema, jer je stalno na terenima, Marija Đordjevicć se ipak trudi da pronađe balans i da sebi malo oduška. Predahe u treninzima obično provodi sa svojim drugarima, koji su joj velika podrška. Ova devojka mladima poručuje da trebaju da se bave sportom što više, jer on pozitivno utiče na njihovo zdravlje, na njihovu građu tela, ali i na formiranje pozitivnog duha, vrednosti i stavova. “Moja poruka svim čitaocima Magazina 4U je da se bave sportom što više i da ne odustaju od svojih želja i snova, jer sve je moguće ako zaista to dovoljno želite”, ističe na kraju razgovora za naš magazin Marija Đorđevic, a mi joj u daljoj karijeri od srca želimo sve najbolje.

sports corner



arija Đorđević started playing tennis at the age of nine, and today she is one of the most talented young tennis players in Kosovo. She comes from Gracanica, she is 19 years old, and she completed Gymnasium, SocioLinguistics Course. She is currently studying at the Faculty of Sports and Physical Education. In an interview for the 4U Magazine, she stressed that, as to most young people, her role model is Novak Đoković, who has proved that goals can be achieved through a lot

of effort, training and self-abnegation. She has been fascinated by what Novak was doing in the court and felt the desire to do the same. She took a racket in her hands and embarked on a journey towards her goal. “The one to be held responsible and the main reason behind my decision to choose this sport is Novak Đoković. I was fascinated by his game and his energy which prompted me to start playing tennis myself,” Marija said. According to her, if you are determined, persistent and hardworking, you will surely achieve good results, and this is exactly what she has shown. In 2014 and 2015, she was named the best player in the Kosovo territory by the Tennis Federation of Kosovo, which came as a result of many tournaments she won in Pristina, Gracanica, Prizren. She highlights that you need to be both physically and mentally prepared for tennis. It is only nuances that make all the difference between female tennis players, and the matches are won by the one who is mentally stronger. “Playing sports, especially tennis, is definitely hard, as it requires both physical strength and mental endurance. Often times, tennis players find it difficult to stay focused, especially when they are under pressure to yield good results,” the young tennis player explains, adding that for the moment, she wants to train as much as possible and to enjoy all that

this sport has to offer. Marija says she does not have any special rituals when she gets on the court to play a match and that the only thing that matters is that she has faith in herself and the hope that she will win. “I know that whatever happens, I have to try and do my best to play good tennis, because in the end this is the most important thing,” she underscored. She achieves fitness through regular running. As for the food, she tries to incorporate as much water and fruits into her diet as possible. Her guiding motto in life is: “a healthy mind in a healthy body.” She plans to finish her studies and to one day, after she has finished her career, become a top tennis coach. Although she practically has no free time because she is always in trainings, Marija Đordjević still tries to find balance and give herself some time off. She usually spends her breaks from trainings with her friends, who are very supportive of her. This young girl urges her peers to play sports as much as possible as it offers many health benefits, improves body structure and helps shape a positive spirit, values and mindset. “My message to all the 4U Magazine readers is to play sports as much as possible and to never give up on their dreams and desires, because everything is possible if you want it enough,” Marija Đordjević underscored at the end of her interview for our magazine, and we wish her all the best in her future career from the bottom of our hearts.

for you 21

hi - tech

POVRATAK U ŠKOLU, VODIC ZA TEHNIKU Leto se bliži kraju i učenici širom sveta se još jednom pripremaju da se vrate školskoj svakodnevnici. Ne možemo vam pomoći koji je najbolji jastuk na koji ćete se srušiti na kraju dugačkog dana, ali ako tražite odgovarajući laptop da prođete kroz vaš raspored, smartfon da zovete mamu i saznate kako da operete svoj veš, najbolji blutut zvučnik da se pohvalite vašom plejlistom za žurke i još puno toga, mi ćemo se pobrinutu za to!


Google Chromecast (2 Generacija) Kada se radi o dostupnim video striming opcijama, Google Chromecast je prvi uređaj koji imate na umu. Poslednji model Chromecast-a ima novi, sveobuhvatniji dizajn koji olakšava priključenje na zadnjoj strani vašeg TV-a. Lako se podešava i koristi, i poboljšana Chromecast aplikacija vam omogućava da lako pronađete i sortirate dugačku listu aplikacija i usluga s kojima je kompatibilan.


Google Chromecast (2nd Generation) When it comes to affordable media-streaming options, the Google Chromecast is the first device that will come to mind. The latest Chromecast features a new, more versatile, design that makes it easier to tuck into the back of your TV. It is very easy to setup and use, and an improved Chromecast app lets you easily find and sort through the long list of apps and services that are compatible with it.


ZTE Axon 7 Prvi Axon telefon od ZTE-a, predstavljen prošle godine bio je impresivan uređaj, ali je ZTE stavio stvari na potpuno nov nivo sa njegovim naslednikom Axon 7. Najnoviji ZTE flegšip ima lepu potpuno metalnu konstrukciju, vrhunske karakteristike i specifikacije i fantastično audio iskustvo.


ZTE Axon 7 The first Axon Phone by ZTE, released last year was an impressive device, but ZTE has taken things to a whole new level with its successor, the Axon 7. The latest ZTE flagship features a beautiful full metal construction, flagship specifications and features, and a fantastic audio experience.


Huawei Sat Dostupan u velikom broju elegantnih dizajna, ako planirate kupovinu pametnog sata odličnog izgleda , Huawei sat je odličan izbor.


Huawei Watch Available in a slew of elegant designs, if you are in the market for a great looking smartwatch, the Huawei Watch is a great way to go.

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Fitbit Alta Alta izgleda drugačije od Fitbitove prethodne ponude, sa velikim ekranom koji vam daje obaveštenja za poziv, tekst i kalendar. Alta ne nudi puno karakteristika kao i neki drugi fitnes uređaji za praćenje na listi, jer nedostaje monitor za otkucaje srca ili GPS praćenje, ali za sve vaše osnovne potrebe za fitnesom, relativno jeftin uređaj sigurno će obaviti posao.


Fitbit Alta The Alta looks different from Fitbit’s previous offerings, featuring a large display that gives you call, text, and calendar notifications. The Alta doesn’t offer as many features as some of the other fitness trackers on the list, with it lacking a heart rate monitor or GPS tracking, but for all your basic fitness needs, the comparatively inexpensive device will certainly get the job done. (Izvor:

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BACK TO SCHOOL TECH GUIDE Summer is drawing to a close, and students around the world are once again preparing to get back into the daily grind of school. While we can’t help you with what the best pillow is to crash on at the end of a long day, if you’re looking for the right laptop to get through all your assignments, a smartphone to call mom and find out how to get your laundry done, the best Bluetooth speaker to show off your party playlist, and a whole lot more, we’ve got you covered!


Google Pixel C Google je predstavio pametan dizajn Pixel Chromebook i izgradio kvalitet u obliku tableta pomoću Pixel-a C. Osim što je jedan od najlepše dizajniranih i dobro izgrađenih tableta koji su trenutno dostupni, Pixel C takođe omogućuje odličnu medijsku upotrebu i igranje igara, zahvaljujući velikom, živopisnom displeju, dvostrukim prednjim zvučnicima i snažnom paketu za obradu.

Google Pixel C Google brought the iconic Pixel Chromebook design and build quality to the tablet form with the Pixel C. Apart from being one of the most beautifully designed and well-built tablets currently available, the Pixel C also allows for a great media consumption and gaming experience, courtesy of a large, vibrant display, dual-front-facing speakers, and a powerful processing package.

500 GB HDD i podešavanje dualnih zvučnika.


HP Pavilion 15-af131dx Postoji nekoliko različitih modela koji nude različite specifikacije dostupne pod imenom HP Pavilion 15, ali ova verzija je najjeftinija u seriji. Ovaj laptop ima veliki displej 15.6-inča, AMD A6 procesor, 4 GB RAM,


JBL Flip 3 Što se tiče audio proizvoda, ime JBL uvek dolazi u jednom ili drugom obliku. Jedan od njihovih najnovijih proizvoda je JBL Flip 3, sa najnovijom iteracijom Blutut zvučnika koji imaju pokrivač od tkanine sa dva pasivna bas radijatora na svakom kraju da ispuštaju zvuk i pokrivku od tkanine da ih zaštiti od pucanja. Trajanje baterije je povećano na 10 sati, skoro duplo više od onoga što je bilo dostupno sa njegovim prethodnikom, a kvalitet zvuka je takođe odličan.

HP Pavilion 15-af131dx There are few different models offering different specifications available under the HP Pavilion 15 name, but this particular version is the cheapest of the lot. This laptop features a large 15.6-inch display, the AMD A6 processor, 4 GB of RAM, a 500 GB hard drive, and a dual speaker setup.


JBL Flip 3 When it comes to audio products, the name JBL always comes up in one form or another. One of their latest products is the JBL Flip 3, with the latest iteration of the Bluetooth speaker featuring a fabric covering with two passive bass radiators on either end to pump out the sound, and a fabric covering to protect it from splashes. Battery life has been increased to 10 hours, nearly double of what was available with its predecessor, and the audio quality is great as well.




Sennheiser Momentum Wireless 2.0 Sennheiser je jedan od najvećih audio brendova, a Momentum Wireless 2.0 je jedan od najboljih parova za slušalice koje se mogu kupiti. Slušalice imaju aktivno poništavanje buke i odličan kvalitet zvuka, a ugodne su za nošenje. Iako su bežične, možete ih povezati kablom, ako je potrebno. Slušalice nude solidnu bateriju od 22 sata kada je uključen Blutut i poništavanje buke.


Sennheiser Momentum Wireless 2.0 Sennheiser is one of the biggest brands in audio, and Momentum Wireless 2.0 is one of the best pair of headphones money can buy. The headphones feature active noise cancelling and great sound quality, and are comfortable to wear. While they are also wireless, you can hardwire them as well if you need to. The headphones offer a solid 22 hours of battery life with noise cancellation and Bluetooth turned on.

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čenici muzičkih škola iz Gračanice i Prištine održali su početkom jula dobrotvorni koncert u Narodnom pozorištu u Prištini. Koncert je bio humanitarnog karaktera, organizovao ga je KFOR, a mladi Albanci i Srbi imali su priliku da po prvi put zajednički, pred punom salom pokažu svoje muzičko umeće. Koncert je otvorio komandant KFOR-a, generalmajor Đovani Fungo. On je tom prilikom istakao da je cilj ovog koncerta bio da se promoviše zajednički život i tolerancija. “Muzika je univerzalni jezik koji svi govorimo i razumemo, tako da smo se okupili ovde da promovišemo zajednički život i toleranciju kroz muziku,” rekao je on. General Fungo se zahvalio svim prisutnim zvanicama na njihovoj velikodušnosti i spremnosti da daju dobrotvorni prilog za budući rad i obrazovanje mladih muzičara. Prema njegovim rečima, KFOR će nastaviti da i dalje gradi mostove na Kosovu,po

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čemu je prepoznatljiv. Ipak ovog puta u pitanju je izgradnja mosta saradnje među ljudima, a ovaj dobrotvorni koncert je prilika da se napravi most spajanja kroz muziku i talenat mladih ljudi iz Prištine i Gračanice, dodaje general-major Đovani Fungo. Svih ovih godina, KFOR je na Kosovu da pomogne i sarađuje sa svima, a upravo ovaj koncert dokazuje tu činjenicu, jer je ujedinio dve škole i dve zajednice, srpsku i albansku. KFOR je koncert organizovao kako bi naglasio ulogu mlađe generacije, podržavajući sve inicijative usmerene ka poboljšanju integracije i saradnje. Učenici muzičkih škola, Prenk Jakova iz Prištine i Stevan Mokranjac iz Gračanice su pred svojim roditeljima i brojnim gostima i predstavnicima međunarodnih institucija svirali poznata dela velikih svetskih kompozitora, poput Franca Šuberta, Fridriha Šopena, Jozefa Hajdna. Potom je koncert završen na jedini pravi način, zajedničkim izvođenjem pesme Majkla Džeksona i Lajonela Ričija”Mis smo svet/We are the world. U razgovoru za Magazin 4U učesnici kažu da im je posebno zadovoljstvo predstavljalo to što su nastupali u Narodnom pozorištu

u Prištini, kao i da je muzika i talenat ono što im je zajedničko, bez obzira iz koje zajednice dolaze. Filip, Melisa, Arsim, Sava samo su neka od imena mladih muzičara koji su svojom muzikom oplemenili prostor Narodnog teatra. Oni ističu da se nadaju da će u budućnosti imati još prilika da nastupaju zajedno i svima pokažu da muzika i umetnost ne poznaju granice. Iako veoma mladi, oni su svesni da različitost i multikulturalnost mogu biti značajan faktor za razvoj društva i ekonomski rast, kao i da je u tom procesu neophodna i ključna uloga upravo njih, mladih ljudi. Posebnu angažovanost u organizovanju ovog koncerta imali su i voditelji Radio Kfor-a, Emina Hyseni i Zoran Popović, koji naglašavaju da se samo kroz saradnju, toleranciju i rad mogu prevazići razlike, a kosovsko društvo dovesti do velike evropske porodice. “Čast je, privilegija i zadovoljstvo u ime KFOR radija započeti ovaj dobrotvorni koncert pod nazivom “Ujedinjeni kroz muziku”,”United through Music”. Kosovo ima mnogo mladih ljudi i bogato je kulturnom raznolikošću, a to najbolje dokazuje ovaj koncert. Ujedinjujemo talente, pa neka muzika ujedinjuje mlade širom Kosova!”, poručuju oni. Sva sredstva prikupljena na ovom dobrotvornom koncertu podjednako su podeljena obema školama.



n early July, students of Music Schools from Gracanica and Prishtina participated in a charity concert that was held at the National theatre in Prishtina. The concert was organized by KFOR, and this was the first time young Albanians and Serbs were given the opportunity to show their musical skills in front of a fully packed theatre. The concert was opened by KFOR Commander Major General Giovani Fungo, who highlighted that the purpose of this concert was to promote living together and tolerance. Major General Fungo stated, “Music is a universal language that we all speak and understand, therefore, we have gathered here to promote living together and tolerance.” He also expressed his gratitude to the audience for their generosity and readiness to contribute to the future work and education of young musicians. He went on stressing that KFOR will continue to build bridges in Kosovo, as it has done so far. Major General Fungo also added that this time it is a bridge of cooperation between people, and this charity concert is the opportunity to connect young talents

from Prishtina and Gracanica through music. All these years KFOR has strived to support all people in Kosovo and to cooperate with them, and this concert is a testimony to that. This concert has united two schools from two different communities: Kosovo Albanian and Kosovo Serb. By organizing this concert, KFOR also wanted to emphasize the role of the young generations and KFOR’s commitment to support all initiatives that aim to improve integration and cooperation.

Students of music schools “Prenk Jakova” from Prishtina and “Stevan Mokranjac” from Gracanica performed in front of their parents and numerous guests and representatives of international institutions in Kosovo. They performed famous works of world renowned composers such as Franz Schubert, Frederic Chopin, Joseph Haydn, etc. The concert was, however, very befittingly closed with the joint performance of the Michael Jackson and Lionel Richie song “We are the world”. To For You magazine they said that their greatest pleasure was that they got to perform at the National Theatre in Prishtina, and that music and talent are their common treats regardless from what community they come. Filip, Melisa, Arsim, Sava are just some of the names of the young musicians who enriched the National Theatre Stage. They also added that they hope to have more opportunities in the future to perform together and show to everybody that music and art have no boundaries. Although very young in age, they are aware that differences and multiculturalism could be an important factor for social and economic development, and they, the young people, play a necessary and key role in this process. The efforts of Radio KFOR broadcasters Emina Hyseni and Zoran Popovic were of particular importance in organizing this concert. They both said that only through cooperation and working together that differences may be overcome, and Kosovo society may join the great European Family. “It is an honour and privilege to start this charity concert on behalf of Radio KFOR under the motto ‘United through music’”. Kosovo has a lot of young people and is rich in diversity, and this concert is the best proof of that. Therefore, let’s unite our talents and let the music unite young people throughout Kosovo!” they added. All funds collected from this charity concert were equally divided to both schools.

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drugarim a da urad . Koliko puta smo čik imo ne što ali nemo s okom č časa i n ludo, na prim jedni druge etiri god er da p se i ne egde p ine koje srednjo z ob o a p sam pro j šk stomak boravne matu ijemo kafu. S egvela u Mislila s oli nisam oče e r u s ć . k k am ivala ne komplik u svako Rekla sam se e večeri i lep am očekiva ovanije da ću imati viš ti b m r n i ića u o d tr e z . a treb enutk adatke, da, bila obavez jednom a, sa te se živi” u jer kako se a da uživam koje su m pozitivna! B ške domaće i s kaže “S . Sve je i pored ilo izis lič a bolnih crpljivale kivale da žrtv je tu mnogo o no. I prstiju to bilo vredno mo dila od ujem sv baveza moj mo i ž ž iv v u is lj ljen e o o v k je vrem lakše za z a koje ih potp e i issam za ja etica. Prevaziš hvaljuju ak, a ipak, sve raći naše je la odeljen to bilo sam tak ime bi s m je. Pono mičenja e uvek sna sam zajedništvu ka mnogo . smo sv n S a rećom, koje je šlo međ o druga što mog e to usp pra mo u ri/ ud e ozbiljan tila sreća. Kad onim učenicim je Srednja li da preživimo a kažem da , a ja je to tr z š e n a k balo da a isa je ola se d i čitala s osnovn se rastično dno. voje be m bila. Jednos e, i zna ra le m tavno s bude pratila n š z čitaju o am učil ve redo da će se oni k likuje od a časov ke kada je tre a b oji trenu ve složit ima. Ve odlazila Mnoge tno ćinu vre alo. Nisam uve i sa stva sa mena u k provede mo da bih vid spremn ri su se prome mnom, zar ne? šk ela svo m a za te je prijate olu sam promen nile, a ja nisam iako sa o malo kvalite se više lje i e. P m tno bila prilagod roditelji bila svesna da g vremena za da im naglo okušala sam d uspela je su napo je to po a j transfo sam da grešno. dno, rno rad ulagala rmaciji se adap il Tokom M i is i z o b ti ti ram. četiri go čemu. A takav napor d og mene, ali ja ji doživela dine u m li a nisam ta b s u k a d o m o odbače Još uve je to u srednjo em najbolja u no, da m da se osećam joj školi, bilo k j š s usamlje e ismev k a oli m srednjo no, školskim nostalgična z . mari, ba aju i slične stv a u danima sećanje ari. Ali n šm .K e jer jedin e briga šta on Svaki p , potisnu usam ad god ih priz i kažu, i koji te u o ljenost t kad se dobro p si ti sam koju os vem drugara prisetim oznaje . e ć , nešto am. m ojih nek me steg trenutku Imala s adašnji n e o a h u s m e s ti to usp m želju dove. A njihova i nagon maku. I u li uglavn one i palica, i d d a a po om po na svetu bilo lako . Nisam mi je sve s njima novo radimo n novo vidim . Ranije bojim s naročito ajluđe s brinula e da viš ni o e nije. K je to i bilo mog tvari vidim k zadatim povremenim uće, ali a a d k a ih o sa za ro uživaju h zadovo kovima. Sa u društv valnošću ljstvom u novih v ću priseća ršnjaka svojih ti trenuta se , č s ini mi e k beznad a kada sam be žala sa vratiti tu ežnim da ću časova su mi b v jer ili d je neka ezu koja nas što sam osadni. Sve d spaja želela b la. moram ilo je da sedim to da pri Ipak, u klupi h b u d e il m jurcam i da srećna vatim i po zbog nji Možda Kako sa hodnicima. h. će m samo ipak us mo jednog da glasno na p e ti da ož pevala ludilo k ivimo to po oje je b ilo u na hodnicim Najva ma. a je ipak žnije od svega sa moji to da m m e je srednjo vragola školski sž ivot n d a učim iz tim svojih g aterao Naučio rešaka. m sebe na e je da dam na jviše od stud kukavic ijama i da ne a kada budem je umesto teško, već da toga bu dem do voljn da dođe m do sa o hrabra mog vrh a.


28 for you

y name s saw m d by y a lw a uckily, I were favoure s. I tions. L u o ot serio competi e students wh I was n n needed. , th s e g n m o ti am whe ous . At seri read my notes to my lesfortune n d o n ti a n atte just to died just stu s, I didn’t pay ent to school e m ,Iw lity time Someti the time ave some qua My f o t s o ng. to h sons. M ds and was wro ’t exert a high my frien ugh, I knew I n s e id a e d s w I I t at ltho e bu that g. But th ether, a ed hard for m r years ot expect the g in u to th fo y n e a th rk n n o g o id w t e in d r s v u e ha t, I parents do my b studen t I would ted hool school effort to school life is. though h a I c c . li u high sc d s p y te h m c o m ig e c t h p u e x r w o . o o b on une es is just h ll nostalgic a ilities, m it shov and so a sti sponsib lt homework inisce, feel my e d r m m e r e I’ c r e n I g u ie r big er fic heneve e. I can t and dif I’ve exp ities, days. W ness inside m n I think abou projects was positive! in-drying activ r li e e I u e h a th o r n s w l b e y lo e , g y b g the chin . I fe And rificin easier h’s twit r classmates ces and ay we c s me-sac re made far a ti m to f o to d t e s fa lo rou we rld e their my form s. I’m p t these them— nd urge to se stuff in the wo ut and ye as friends/clas a B t n s . g s a . e ie s ff r in th z e g t tu fo a n lon one e cr that s ifferen le, be th f d f ib o o s o ll d s e to a a o y d re do som . That was p survive chool was wa o’s currently you w. em ible no wh n’t w o o d High s n , k with th e I imposs r m d fo is h n l it a it fu w , t id tary no ree m afra m being grate ing I’ elemen ill probably ag ed, and I was y the w ng be more nd enjo To see ing this ny things cha I tried to n of peers a e it more . s w e a e g n M n o a ad their think? formati ose ch d pany m d for th pt trans the bon eir com g th in prepare ed to the abru it. r b d to ld e e c s n h s to m e hopele us that once accusto adapt in school, I experi at. n e to nd I did y th betwee er. Yet, I hav things a four years in m fun of and all eth e b y for e d y p g a a p s to m a In my , y h us at the jected d be h n re . a w , u , ly o it re e y t a a n n’t c ell is ne d y accep to be lo ind, I do o knows you w had haps o r ity m e n ’t P a n . s o I d them But I ne wh t the in ostly, o u m o t ly n u g o B in e s. we’ll br . cause th ups and down are about the se o c us th n e h v s I had ortant e ri within ’t e ost imp high d will ch . I didn e I m s p . e e ip re h m k e ti T s nI d th that easy here an moments whe e I got ough is me s th e n g li d in s th de dea becau life ma isclasses ur lessons. I school m y o m in n from ht me to down r bored it a s le to nted It taug just wa ches and trip takes. r on my h on ben ors. The way e arde ow not iv tr s id and h on corr dly at hallstudies e a coward u lo g d n e a m k s I roo to beco s, but ith my c ult time e c ways w e times we fi if d t a Th brav ad, be ch friends. other to do te s in ach to rea dared e stuff like leav nough e y up raz k. some c es for some c the pea s s tla e c rg g fo in un e. The of coffe uation Night, d ra table G ies bugging in erfl tt u b yself e th . I told m f it h c a m o my sto second e every s once in a lg u d in to “It’ le say, my er peop hile, despite th o s a w e h s rt u o a c w be all se .” It was blisters becau lifetime d n a s toe aching ls. igh hee h e th of e m I overca



for you 29

30 for you

Pisma citalaca v

Pozdrav, Zovem se Jovan Aleksić i idem u OŠ “Sveti Sava” u Mitrovici. Omiljena pevačica mi je Lady Gaga, čiji bih poster voleo da objavite, jer ja inače volim da slušam stranu muziku. Slobodno vreme provodim igrajući igrice ili baveći se sportom. Moj omiljeni film je Narnia. Volim ovaj časopis zato što je besplatan i zato što je super. Jovan Aleksić, OŠ “Sveti Sava”, Severna Mitrovica

Ćao, Ja sam Stefan, a vi ste časopis koji redovno čitam. Idem u školu ‘Branko Radićević’ i iz Mitrovice sam. Moj omiljeni pevać je Bajaga, čiji bih poster voleo da vidim u 4U Magazinu. Od omiljenih sportova izdvojio bih fudbal. Slobodno vreme provodim učeći, volim da crtam i da se igram sa drugarima. Srdačan pozdrav mojim vršnjacima.

Stefan Stojanović OŠ “Branko Radićević”, Severna Mitrovica Pozdrav svim čitaocima 4U Magazina, Zovem se Jovan Marić i živim u severnoj Mitrovici. Redovno čitam vaš magazin i voleo bih da u njemu objavite poster moje omiljene pevačice Lady Gage. Moj omiljeni glumac je Keri Fišer, a od sportova najviše volim košarku. U slobodno vreme volim da šetam i da se družim sa svojim drugarima. Šaljem vam srdačne pozdrave. Jovan Marić, OŠ “Sveti Sava”, Severna Mitrovica Ćao svima, Ja sam Mateja i imam 13 godina. Živim u Severnoj Mitrovici i u slobodno vreme

igram igrice ili se bavim nekim sportom, a moj omiljeni sport je košarka. Najviše volim da slušam Parni Valjak i voleo bih da putem vašeg časopisa saznam nešto više o ovoj grupi. Jedan od mojih hobija je i sviranje gitare. Svim čitaocima vašeg magazina, šaljem srdačne pozdrave. Mateja Miletić, OŠ “Branko Radićević”, Severna Mitrovica


Veliki pozdrav, Zovem se Danilo Staletović i pohađam školu “Staja Marković” u Berevcu, opština Štrpce. Moj omiljeni film je Hari Poter, a grupa Riblja Čorba. Zamolio bih vas da u 4U Magazinu objavite poster Betmena. U slobodno vreme

volim da vozim bicikl, družim se sa drugovima i volim da učim engleski jezik. Dopada mi se vaš magazin i želeo bih da više pišete o sportu i o kompjuterskim igricama. Pozdravljam sve čitaoce. Danilo Staletović, OŠ “Staja Marković”, Berevce, Štrpce

for you 31

Readers’ letters Greetings, My name is Jovan Aleksić I attend primary school “Sveti Sava” in Mitrovica. My favorite singer is Lady Gaga, and I would like you to publish her poster, as I prefer listening to music in a foreign language. During my free time I am playing games and I am playing sports. “Narnia” (The chronicles of Narnia) is my favorite movie. I love this magazine because it’s free and super. Jovan Aleksić, Primary School “Sveti Sava”, North Mitrovica Many greetings, My name is Danilo Staletović, I attend school “Staja Marković” in Berevce, municipality of Štrpce. My favorite movie is Harry Potter, and my favorite band

is “Riblja Corba”. I would like you to publish Batman poster in magazine 4U. In my spare time I like to drive bicycle, to hang out with friends and I like to learn English language. I like your magazine and I would like you to write more on sports and computer games. Regards to all readers. Danilo Staletovic, Primary School “Staja Markovic”, Berevce, Štrpce Hi, I am Stefan, and 4U is the magazine that I read regularly. I attend school “Branko Radicevic” and I am from Mitrovica. My favorite singer is Bajaga, whose poster I would like to see in 4U magazine. I would choose football from my favorite sports. In my free time I am

studying, I like to draw and play with my friends. Warm regards to my peers. Stefan Stojanovic, Primary School “Branko Radicevic”, North Mitrovica Greetings to all readers of magazine 4U, My name is Jovan Maric and I live in North Mitrovica. I regularly read your magazine; I wish you could publish in it a poster of my favorite singer Lady Gaga. My favorite actor is Carrie Fisher, and I mostly like basketball of all sports. In my free time I like to walk and hang out with my friends. I am sending you cordial greetings. Jovan Maric, Primary School “Sveti Sava”, North Mitrovica Hello to everybody, I am Mateja and I am 13. I

live in North Mitrovica and in my free time I am playing games or I do some sports, my favorite sport is basketball. I mostly like to listen “Parni Valjak” and I would like to learn more about this band through your magazine. One of my hobbies is playing guitar. I am sending cordial regards to all readers of your magazine. Mateja Miletić, Primary School “Branko Radicevic”, North Mitrovica


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