UVODNIK Pozdrav moji dragi prijatelji, Prijateljstvo je jedan od najdragocenijih darova života. Čovek koji ima istinite prijatelje, samim tim je dovoljno srećan u životu. Prijateljstvo čini život uzbudljivim, čini ga slatkim i prijatnim iskustvom. Prijateljstvo je zaista prava vrednost u životu. Može nas dovesti do uspeha ili do propasti. Sve zavisi od toga kako biramo svoje prijatelje. Pravo prijateljstvo je osećaj ljubavi, međusobna razmena i brižnost. To je osećaj da vas neko razume i ceni onakve kakvi ste, bez ikakvog preterivanja, laskanja i pretvaranja. Daje vam osećaj da ste “željeni” i da ste “neko”, a ne bezlično biće u gomili. Pravi prijatelj je uz vas i u dobru i u zlu. Istinsko prijateljstvo ne poznaje granice ili podele koje nameću kaste, verovanja, rasa ili pol. Prijateljstvo je i dobro i neophodno. Čovek ne može živeti sasvim sam. On je društveno biće. Treba mu neko sa kim može da podeli svoje radosti i žalosti. Uopšteno, samo ljudi istog doba, karaktera i porekla, mentaliteta itd., mogu razumeti njega i njegove probleme. Prijatelji su potrebni kako bi nam pružili podršku i poverenje. Prijateljstvo je eliksir koji je od suštinskog značaja za srećan život. Pravo prijateljstvo se može roditi između dve osobe ili između osobe i životinje. Nema sumnje da nam najbolji prijatelji pomažu kada prolazimo kroz teškoće i loša vremena. Prijatelji se uvek trude da nas spasu kada se nađemo u opasnosti, i tu su da nam pruže blagovremen savet. Pravi prijatelji su pravi blagoslov u životu jer dele našu tugu, ublažavaju našu bol i čine nas srećnim.
Lepo se zabavljajte i uživajte sa svojim prijateljima do našeg sledećeg viđenja. Leonora
“For You” je slu`bena publikacija KFOR-a, proizvedena i finansirana od strane KFOR-a. Štampa se na Kosovu i distribuira besplatno. Sadr`aj magazina ne odra`ava uvek stavove koalicije ili bilo koje zemlje ~lanice pojedina~no. KFOR prihvata i tra`i vaša mi{ljenja, neka od njih }e i objavljivati, verovatno u skra}enoj formi. Ako autor pisma tako `eli, njegovo/njeno ime ne}e biti objavljeno. KFOR ne}e objavljivati anonimna, maliciozna ili klevetni~ka pisma. Glavni urednik: Leonora Shabanaj Nik{i} Novinari: Ali Rexha, Asmir Nik{i}, Violeta Matovi} Fotografije: Ekipa “4U” Design & Layout: Bekim Shabani Uredni{tvo mo`ete kontaktirati na telefon: 038/503-603-2139 Pisma mo`ete slati na adresu: HQ KFOR - Kosova Film. “For You” magazin; Strasbourg Building; 10000 Pri{tina E-mail: leonorashabanaj@gmail.com; http://www.magazineforyou.com
2 for you
2-3: Uvodnik, sadržaj 4-5: Škola meseca: Osnovna škola “Milun Jakšić”- Banje Upitnik: Šta je važnije u životu, biti lep ili inteligentan? 6-7: Međunarodna nedelja slepih i slabovidih 8-9: Moda: Najbolje obučene dame na crvenom tepihu dodele EMI nagrada 2017 10-11: Music Box: Neverne bebe: Četvrt veka vrhunske muzike 12-13: Kulturna baština u Pećkom regionu 14-15: Životinjsko carstvo: Planine; Okeani
16-17: Mega Poster: Kulturno nasleđe na Kosovu 18-19: Moviemania: Justice league; Thor: Ragnarok; Olaf’s frozen adventure; Coco 20-21: Sportski ugao: Fudbaleri Srbije na Mundijalu u Rusiji 2018! 22-23: Hi-Tech 24-25: 16 dana aktivizma protiv rodno zasnovanog nasilja 26-27: Dobro zdravlje i blagostanje 28-29: Vaš ugao ... 30: Enigmatski ugao 31-32: Pisma čitalaca
14 20
Fudbaleri Srbije na Mundijalu u Rusiji 2018! ŠKOLA MESECA
Međunarodna nedelja slepih i slabovidih 2-3: Editorial, index 4-5: School of the month: Primary school “Milun Jaksic” – Banje Questionnaire: Intelligence or beauty? 6-7: International white cane week 8-9: Fashion: The Top 10 best dressed from the 2017 EMMYS red carpet 10-11: Music Box: ‘Neverne bebe’: A quarter of a century of top class music 12-13: Cultural heritage in Peja region 14-15: Animal Kingdom: Mountains; Oceans
16-17: Mega Poster: Cultural heritage in Kosovo 18-19: Moviemania: Justice league; Thor: Ragnarok; Olaf’s frozen adventure; Coco 20-21: Sports corner: Fudbalers of Serbia at Mundial in Russia 2018! 22-23: Hi-Tech 24-25: 16 Days of activism against gender-based violence 26-27: Good health and well-being 28-29: Your corner ... 30: Puzzle 31-32: Reader’s letters
Greetings my dear friends, Friendship is one of the most precious gifts of life. A person who has true friends in life is lucky enough Friendship makes life thrilling. It makes life sweet and pleasant experience. Friendship is indeed, an asset in life. It can lead us to success or to doom. It all depends on how we choose our friends. True friendship is a feeling of love, sharing and caring. It is a feeling that someone understands and appreciates you as you are, without any exaggeration, flattery and pretensions It gives a feeling that you are ‘wanted’ and that you are ‘someone’ and not a faceless being in the crowd. A true friend stands by you through thick and thin. True friendship knows no boundaries of caste, creed, race and gender. Friendship is both good and necessary. Man cannot live all alone. He is a social being. He needs someone to share his joys and sorrows. Generally, it is only the people of the same age, character and background, mentality, etc., who can understand him and understand his problems. Friends are needed for support and for sharing. Friendship is an elixir which is essential for a happy life. True friendship can be between human and human and human and animals. There is no doubt that best friends help in our difficulties and bad times of the life. Friends always try to save us in our dangers as well as provide timely advice. True friends are like best assets of our life as they share our sorrow, sooth our pain and make us feel happy. Until our next meeting, have fun and enjoy the time with you friends. Leonora
‘For You’ is an official publication of KFOR, produced and financed by KFOR, printed in Kosovo and distributed freely.The contents do not necessarily reflect the official point of view of the coalition or that of any of its member states. KFOR accepts and welcomes your opinions, it will publish some of these, eventually in a condensed form. If requested the name of the writer will be withheld but no anonymous, defamatory or malicious letters will be printed. Chief Editor: Leonora Shabanaj Niksic Journalists: Ali Rexha, Asmir Niksic, Violeta Matovic Photos by: “4U” team Design & Layout: Bekim Shabani The editorial staff can be contacted on: 038/503-603-2139 Any letters can be sent at: HQ KFOR - Film City; For You magazine; Strasbourg building; 10000 Pristina; E-mail: magazineforyou2003@gmail.com; http://www.magazineforyou.com
for you 3
škola meseca
snovna škola “Milun Jakšić” udaljena je od Severne Mitrovice 35 kilometara, do 1999. radila je u selu Rudnik, da bi potom bila preseljena u mesto Banje. Škola nosi ime po svom prvom učitelju koji je u njoj počeo da radi nakon Drugog svetskog rata. U okviru škole, u mestu Direktor Milosav Kovačević Suvo Grlo funkcioniše i odeljenje za učenike od prvog do četvrtog razreda. Škola je napravljena 2003. godine i ima površinu od 220 kvadrata. U školi postoje četiri učionice, kabinet informatike i trim sala. U školi ima 43 đaka, koji pohađaju nastavu od prvog do osmog razreda. Od stranih jezika uči se engleski i ruski, a nastavni kadar od 17 nastavnika je maksimalno stručan. U školi je pristojno opremljena školska biblioteka koja raspolaže neophodnim fondom knjiga za ostvarivanje plana i programa u nastavi srpskog jezika i književnosti . Direktor ove škole, diplomirani pedagog Milosav Kovačević proveo je svoj celi životni vek u ovoj školi. U razgovoru za naš magazin, on kaže da su njegovi đaci veoma vaspitani i da imaju radne navike. “Nastava bi bila na većem nivou da imamo odgovarajuće i bolje uslove. Ali i pored malog broja đaka, učenici ove škole na takmičenjima i vannastavnim aktivnostima osvajaju razne nagrade i uvek budu među najboljima. U školi nema ekcesa ili vršnjačkog nasilja, ja sam direktor 12 godina, radio sam ovde 30 godina kao učitelj i nikada se ovde takve stvari nisu dešavale”, ističe Kovačevic. On naglašava da
školi nedostaju kabineti za hemiju, fiziku i biologiju, jezički kabinet, kao i igralište i fiskulturna sala. Prema rečima direktora ove škole, oni imaju odličnu saradnju sa KFOR-om, a pripadnici slovenačkog KFOR-a redovno ih obilaze, pa su u više navrata samonicijativno donosili udžbenike za đake ove škole, na čemu su im veoma zahvalni. On ponavlja da opremljenost škole nastavnim sredstvima nije zadovoljavajuća, pa je prioritetan zadatak u narednom periodu opremanje kabineta i osavremenjavanje nastavnog procesa, kako bi učenici uspešno pratili sve savremene trendove u razvijenom svetu i kako bi se uspešno uklapali u nove tokove savremenog obrazovanja. U budućnosti planiraju i da nastave sa informatičkim opismenjavanjem nastavnika i primenom informacionih tehnologija u nastavi. Takođe posebnu pažnju kolektiv ove škole namerava da posveti organizaciji slobodnih aktivnosti, takmičenjima učenika i pripremama učenika za takmičenja višeg ranga. Direktor Kovačević naglašava i da planiraju da usmere i podstiču usavršavanje nastavnika u struci, ali i da pruže pomoć i podršku učenicima pri izboru daljeg obrazovanja, obuke i zaposlenja. Na kraju razgovora, direktor Osnovne škola “Milun Jakšić”, poručuje čitaocima našeg magazina da je osnovno obrazovanje polazna tačka da bi dete moglo da ide dalje, u srednju školu i na fakultete. “Moja poruka deci je da slušaju roditelje i nastavnike i da uče, jer bez učenja nema napretka. Osnovno obrazovanje je temelj za realizaciju osnove misije celokupnog sistema obrazovanja. Osnovno obrazovanje ima funkciju da bazično opismeni učenike iz svih oblasti, da osposobljava mlade za dalje školovanje i da im razvija znanja, umeća, stavove i vrednosti koji su važni i potrebni za život u savremenom svetu”, zaključuje direktor Kovačević.
Stefan Milić (18) Po mom mišljenju je bitnije biti inteligentan. Lepota je prolazna kategorija. Postoji jedna izreka koja kaže da se knjizi po koricama ne sudi. To je i moje mišljenje, jer samo inteligencijom i pameću mozemo voditi ispunjen i koristan život.
Nikola G. Jovanovic (18) Bitnije je u životu biti inteligentan, jer samo inteligencijom dopiremo do one prave, unutrašnje lepote, lepote duše. Spoljašnji izgled je nešto što se vremenom menja, a inteligencija nam ostaje do kraja života.
Lazar Lazić (18) Mislim da je važnije biti inteligentan, jer spoljašnja lepota ne može da dođe do izražaja ukoliko neko nije pametan. Naravno idealno bi bilo imati i jedno i drugo u životu, ali ja bih ipak dao prednost inteligenciji.
Stefan Milic (18) In my opinion it is more important to be intelligent. Beauty is a passing category. There is a saying that the book should not be judged by its cover. I am also of that opinion, since only with intelligence and smarts we can have a fulfilled and useful life.
Nikola G. Jovanovic (18) It is more important in life to be intelligent, because only through intelligence we reach the true inner beauty - the beauty of the soul. The outer appearance is something that changes over time, and we have our intelligence for the rest of our lives.
Lazar Lazic (18) I think that it is more important to be intelligent, because external beauty cannot come to the fore if someone is not smart. Of course, it would be ideal to have both in life, but I would still give priority to intelligence.
4 for you
school of the month
he primary school “Milun Jaksic” is located 35 km from North Mitrovica and until 1999 it worked in the village of Rudnik, to be moved to Banje later. The school is named after its first teacher who started working there after the Second World War. As a part of this school, a class for students from the first to the fourth grade also operates in the village of Suvo Grlo. The current school building was built in 2003 and covers the area of 220 square meters. There are four classrooms in the school, a computer room and a trim room. The school has 43 students who attend classes from the first to the eighth grade. When it comes to foreign languages English and Russian are taught, and the teaching staff of 17 teachers is highly skilled. The school has a well-equipped school library that has all the necessary books to realize teaching plans and programs in Serbian language and literature. The director of this school, a graduated pedagogue, Milosav Kovacevic, has spent his entire life in this school. In a conversation for our magazine, he says his students are very educated and have good working habits. “Teaching would be at a higher level if we have had appropriate and better conditions. But despite a small number of pupils, students of this school win various awards and are always among the best in various competitions and extracurricular activities. There are no incidents or peer violence in the school; I have been the director for 12 years, and I have been working here as a teacher for 30 years
and never have such things happened here,” Kovacevic pointed out. He emphasizes that the school lacks chemistry, physics and biology workshops, linguistic workshop, as well as a playground and a gym. According to the director of the school, they have an excellent cooperation with KFOR, while members of the Slovenian KFOR regularly visit them, and on several occasions they have voluntarily brought textbooks for the pupils of this school, for which they are very grateful. He reiterated that the school is not satisfactory equipped with teaching resources, so a priority task in the coming period is to equip the workshops and modernize the teaching process so that students would successfully follow all modern trends in the developed world and successfully fit into the new streams of modern education. In the future, they plan to continue with education of teachers in terms of computer literacy and to continue with the use of information technology in teaching process. Also, special attention is being paid by the staff of this school to the organization of free activities, student competitions and the preparation of pupils for higher-level competitions. Director Kovacevic emphasizes that they plan to direct and encourage teacher training in the profession, as well as to provide assistance and support to pupils in the choice of further education, training and employment. At the end of the conversation, the director of the Primary School “Milun Jaksic” told the readers of our magazine that primary education is the starting point for the child to be able to go further into high school and faculty. “My message to children is to listen to parents and teachers and to study, because there is no progress without studying. Primary education is the foundation for the realization of the basis of the mission of the entire education system. Primary education has the function to provide basic literacy for students in all fields, to train young people for further education and to develop their knowledge, skills, attitudes and values that are important and necessary for life in the modern world,” concludes director Kovacevic.
Milica Spasić (17) Meni su bitne obe kategorije, i lepota i inteligencija. Ljudi često kažu da je lepota prolazna, ali ipak kod ljudi najpre primetimo spoljašnji izgled. To je činjenica, pamet nam je naravno neophodna da bi bili uspešni u životu, ali ja ako mogu da biram, izabrala bih i jedno i drugo.
Jovana Stojanović (17) Svakako je važnije biti inteligentan, a ima mnogo razloga za to. Inteligentni ljudi su često zanimljivi, puni humora, pa nam samim tim postaju i lepi. Kada je neko samo lep, to zna često da postane dosadno, ukoliko ta lepota nije propraćena inteligencijom.
Milica Spasic (17) Both the category of beauty and the category of intelligence are important for me. People often say that beauty is passing, but people first notice the appearance. It is a fact, although the intelligence is certainly necessary for us to be successful in life, but if I could choose, I would choose both.
Jovana Stojanovic (17) It is certainly more important to be intelligent, and there are many reasons for that. Intelligent people are often interesting, full of humor, so they become beautiful as well. When a person is just pretty or handsome, it can often become boring if that beauty is not accompanied by intelligence.
Dragana Mitrović (16) Bolje je biti inteligentan naravno. Inteligencija ostaje zauvek ,a lepota je prolazna. Idealno bi bilo da budete i lepi i pametni, ali postoji i izreka da je lepota u očima posmatrača. Zato bih ja dala prednost inteligenciji. Dragana Mitrovic (16) It is better to be intelligent of course. Intelligence remains forever, and beauty is transient. It would be ideal to be both beautiful and smart, but there is also the saying that ‘beauty is in the eye of the beholder’. Thus, I would give priority to intelligence.
for you 5
d 16. do 23. oktobra 2017. godine slepe i slabovide osobe na Kosovu obeležile su “Međunarodnu nedelju slepih i slabovidih”. Ove godine aktivnosti su otvorene Akademijom u hotelu Sirius u Prištini. U svom uvodnom govoru g. Bujar Kadriu, predsednik udruženja slepih osoba Kosova, predstavio je kratak rezime položaja ove zajednice u našem društvu. Naglasio je da ima puno pozitivnih promena, kao što je činjenica da je Kosovo jedna od retkih zemalja u regionu i Evropi koja objavljuje glasačke listiće za glasanje na Brajevom pismu. To znači da slepi na Kosovu mogu da glasaju nezavisno i da održavaju tajnost svog glasanja. Na ovaj način, Kosovo ispunjava veoma važan standard u vezi sa ljudskim pravima slepih ljudi. Gospodin Kadriu je posebnu pažnju posvetio činjenici da Kosovo trenutno ima zakon o slepim ljudima. Međutim, prema njegovim rečima, ovaj zakon nije u potpunosti implementiran. Stoga je on pozvao sve institucije na Kosovu da nastave da primenjuju ovaj zakon, jer to osigurava razvoj demokratskog društva. U ime kosovskih institucija, potpredsednik vlade g. Enver Hoxhaj je obećao da će raditi tako da će pomenute brige ove zajednice biti adresirane što je pre moguće od strane svih relevantnih institucija. Takođe je pohvalio rad Kancelarije za dobro upravljanje kabineta premijera (OGG/PMO). Prema njegovim rečima, ova kancelarija će nastaviti svoj rad i posvećenost da bude važna veza u saradnji između vlade i svih ljudi sa posebnim potrebama. Ovu posvećenost potvrdio je i
6 for you
Habit Hajredini, direktor ove kancelarije. Nakon razgovora, udruženje slepih osoba Kosova je predalo priznanja pojedincima i institucijama koje su pomagale i podržavale slepe osobe. Jedno takvo priznanje dodeljeno je uredništvu For You magazina, koji izdaje glavni štab KFOR-a u Prištini. Razlog za ovu nagradu se odnosi na činjenicu da već nekoliko godina KFOR finansira izdavanje ovog časopisa na Brajevoj azbuci. Štaviše, časopis se objavljuje i na albanskom i na srpskom jeziku. Ovo je još jedan dokaz da je KFOR posvećen pružanju podrške svim ljudima koji žive na Kosovu bez obzira na njihovu etničku pripadnost, veroispovest ili invalidnost. Magazin For You je veoma edukativna publikacija, rekao je gospodin Kadriu između ostalog i nastavio: “Magazin For You ne samo da ispunjava standard koji proizilazi iz Konvencije UN o pravima osoba s posebnim potrebama da imaju pristup informacijama, već takođe stvara jednake mogućnosti za sve ljude da pristupe informacijama. Ovaj časopis je prozor informacija za slepe ljude na Kosovu.” Na kraju, gospođica Armenda Berani Šalja, viši službenik u OGG/OPM naglasila je da Kosovo sada ima Nacionalnu strategiju za ljude sa posebnim potrebama. Prema njenim rečima, ova strategija se bavi ciljevima kao što su zdravstvo, obrazovanje, zapošljavanje i socijalna zaštita, svega što je važno za ove osobe. Kao rezultat, uslovi ovog dela društva su se vidno poboljšali. Takođe je pozvala sve mlade na Kosovu da budu osećajni i da podržavaju sve ljude sa posebnim potrebama.
relation to the human rights of blind people. Mr. Kadriu paid special attention to the fact that currently Kosovo had a law on blind people. However, according to him, this law is not fully implemented. Therefore, he called all the institutions in Kosovo to make efforts to implement this law, because this ensures the development of a democratic society. On behalf of the Institutions in Kosovo, the deputy prime minister, Mr. Enver Hoxhaj promised that he will work so that the aforementioned concerns of this community would be addressed as soon as possible by all relevant institutions. He also praised the work of the Office for Good Governance of the Prime Minister’s Office (OGG/ PMO). According to him, this office shall continue its work and dedication to be an important link in the cooperation between the government and all people with special needs. This commitment was also confirmed by Mr. Habit Hajredini, director of this office. After the discussions, the Blind Association of Kosova handed over acknowledgments to individuals and institutions that have helped and supported the blind people. One such acknowledgment was awarded to the editorial office of For You Magazine, which is published by HQ KFOR in Prishtina/Priština. The reason for this award relates to the fact that for several years now KFOR finances the publication of this magazine in the Braille alphabet. Moreover, the magazine is published in both Albanian and Serbian languages. This is further proof that KFOR is committed to support all the people living in Kosovo regardless of their ethnicity, religion or disability. For You Magazine is a very educational publication, said Mr. Kadriu among other and went on: “For You Magazine not only meets a standard deriving from the UN Convention on the rights of people with special needs to have access to information, but it also creates equal opportunities for all the people to access information. This magazine is a window of information for blind people in Kosovo.” In the end, Mrs. Armenda Berani Shala, senior officer at the OGG/OPM emphasized that Kosovo now has a National Strategy for people with special needs. According to her, this strategy addresses objectives such as health, education, employment and social welfare, all of which are important to these persons. As a result the conditions of this part of the society have improved visibly. She also called all the young people in Kosovo to be sympathetic and support all the people with special needs.
rom 16th to 23rd October 2017 the blind and visually impaired people in Kosovo marked the “International White Cane Week”. This year the activities were opened with an academy in Hotel Sirius in Prishtina/Priština. In his opening speech, Mr. Bujar Kadriu, President of the Blind Association of Kosova, presented a brief summary of the position of this community in our society. He emphasized that there are many positive changes such as the fact that Kosovo is one of the few countries in the region and Europe that publishes the voting ballots in Braille. This means that the blind people in Kosovo can vote independently and maintain the secrecy of their vote. This way, Kosovo meets a very important standard in
for you 7
au, mora da su svi gosti na dodeli Emi nagrada obavešteni u nedelju uveče da Bet Midler napušta “Hello, Dolly!” u januaru, jer kako drugačije objasniti sve te srebrne šljokice i perje na haljinama prisutnih dama. Izvinite devojke ali Bernadet Piters vas je sve nadmašila, mada… sav taj sjaj i glamur su bili itekako zabavni. I, pa šta ako je glavni trend bio zalizana, “don’t-care” kosa? Ove godine, dodela Emi nagrada je bila totalno u stilu Brodveja, a deset najlepših haljina sa ove večeri su u potpunosti dočarale taj spektakularni duh performansa.
1. Zoë Kravitz u Dior Haute Couture Zoi Kravic u odeći duginih boja na crvenom tepihu? Šta je sledeće? Hoće li se nasmejati? Osoba koja izgleda totalno cool u bilo kojoj haljini, izgledala je fenomenalno u svom tom raskošnom šarenilu. I kao što je rekla za E! “Ta haljina mi je izgledala čarobno pa sam rekla sebi ”to je to”.
1. Zoë Kravitz in Dior Haute Couture
Zoë Kravitz wearing a rainbow of colour on the red carpet? What next? Is she going to crack a smile? The coolest person in any dress looks phenomenal in all that razzmatazz. As she said on E!, “This particular dress felt magical, so I said, Go for”.
2. Nicole Kidman u Calvin Klein By Appointment
Ova crvena korset haljina sa plisiranim gornjim delom je zanatsko čudo. Ovo je malo izmenjena verzija halter haljine sa okovratnikom koji pridržava svetlucavi kanap od kristala, što je još efektniji modni trik od “bandana” marame koju je Mili Bobi Braun (Millie Bobby Brown) nosila kao kaiš oko svoje haljine za princeze, takođe od Calvin Klein By Appointment.
2. Nicole Kidman in Calvin Klein By Appointment This red dress with its pleated bodice dress is an engineering marvel. It’s kind of a modified halter with a neckline supported by glittering crystal rope, a more effective styling trick than the ivory bandana that Millie Bobby Brown around her white princess gown, also by Calvin Klein By Appointment.
8 for you
3. Claire Foy u Oscar de la Renti
Ako odlučite da obučete kombinezon na crvenom tepihu, onda neka on bude spektakularan, a Foj je u tome potpuno uspela sa ovim komadom od rastegljivog vunenog gabardena sa konopcem sa uvezenim kristalima.
3.Claire Foy in Oscar de la Renta
If you’re going to try a jumpsuit on the red carpet, you better go big, and Foy went all the way in this stretch wool gabardine number with crystal embroidered rope.
4.Tessa Thompson u Rosie Assoulin Još jedna duga, i to ovog puta od metalik plisiranog lureksa duginih boja, koja je prosto tražila okret.
4.Tessa Thompson in Rosie Assoulin
Another rainbow and this one in pleated metallic rainbow Lurex that demanded a twirl
5. Tracee Ellis Ross u Chanel Haute Couture Svakako jedan smeo autfit. Ova glamurozna prozračna haljina sa siluetom zvona je pripremila teren za noć šljokica, perja i obilja zabave.
5. Tracee Ellis Ross in Chanel Haute Couture
Certainly a daring look, this glamorously fluid dress with its bell silhouette set the stage for a night of sequins, feathers, and fun.
(Preuzeto sa: http://www.instyle.com)
ow, everyone at the Emmys must have gotten the memo on Sunday night that the Bette Midler is exiting “Hello, Dolly!” in January, for how else to explain all those silver sequined and feather-fringed gowns? Sorry, gals, Bernadette Peters has beat you to the punch, but, man, all that glitz and glam sure was fun. So what if the beauty trend was largely of the slicked-back, don’t-care (or didn’t-care-enough) hair? This was the year that the Emmys went fullon Broadway, and the Top Ten dresses of the night fully reflected that spectacular sense of performance.
6. Halston Sage u Zac Posen-u
Ovde je na delu praktičnija primena trenda sa srebrnim ukrasima na beloj podlozi, koji u ovom sličaju izgleda tako elegantno i baš kako treba. (a i veoma lepo se slaže se Šopar (Chopard) nakitom.
6. Halston Sage in Zac Posen
Here’s a more practical application of silver embellishment-on-white trend that looks so sleek and right (also matches the Chopard jewels quite nicely).
7. Yara Shahidi u Pradi
Ova haljina se izdvaja iz trenda jarkih boja sa svojim lepršavim rukavima i prigušenim tonovima, bronzane boje sa zelenim šljokicama, a Šahidi nikad nije izgleda odraslije.
7. Yara Shahidi in Prada
This dress stands apart from the bright color trends with its flutter sleeves and muted tones of bronze tulle and green sequins, and Shahidi couldn’t look more grown up.
(Source: http://www.instyle.com)
8. Priyanka Chopra u Balmain
Ovo je najbizarnija haljina na ovogodišnjoj dodeli, jer izgleda kao da je sašivena od rasparanog štepanog jorgana, koji je do te mere uništen u borbi jastucima da je iz njega počelo da ispada belo perje, ali je na Čopri ipak izgledala dobro.
8.Priyanka Chopra in Balmain
It’s this year’s what-the-hey dress, as if made from a deconstructed quilted duvet that lost a pillow fight so badly it was spilling a trail of white feathers, but Chopra made it work.
9. Evan Rachel Wood u Moschino by Jeremy Scott
Bela večernja toaleta i frak, šta više možete da očekujete od Emi dodele nagrada? Dodajte tome i Zigfildove ludorije!
9. Evan Rachel Wood in Moschino by Jeremy Scott
White tie and tails, what more could you ask for at the Emmys? Cue the Ziegfeld Follies!
10. Shailene Woodley u Ralph Lauren Collection
Opšte je poznato da Vudli nema televizor, a izgleda ni fen za kosu, ali zato ima dobar ukus kada su u pitanju haljine, kao što je ova haljina od zelenog somota.
10. Shailene Woodley in Ralph Lauren Collection
Woodley famously doesn’t own a television, or evidently a hairdryer either, but she has good taste when it comes to dresses, like this emerald velvet one.
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music box
everne bebe’ će sledeće godine obeležiti 25 godina postojanja i rada. U četvrt veka prošli su beskompromisan i prilično redak put od klupskog benda sastavljenog od vrhunskih muzičara do regionalne koncertne atrakcije. Za sve to vreme ostali su dosledni sebi i svojim nekadašnjim snovima, vođeni prvenstveno poštovanjem talenta i sviračkim umećem. Karakteristični po idejama od kojih nisu hteli da odstupe ni u najtežim godinama i želeći da sviraju jedino ono što osećaju bez kompromisa, članovi ‘Nevernih beba’ izborili su se za svoju poziciju na regionalnoj pop-rock sceni i deklarisali kao skup izuzetnih muzičara koji najbolje od sebe daje na koncertima. U dosadašnjoj karijeri bend je ukupno odsvirao preko 2000 koncerata u različitim koncertnim prostorijama, od klubova preko stadiona i gradskih trgova do dva rasprodata Sava Centra 2007. godine u okviru promocije CD-a “Iza oblaka”, koji je jedno od najprodavanijih pop-rock naslova na ex-YU teritoriji.
U dosadašnjoj karijeri objavili su 7 studijskih albuma.
Na novom albumu koji je izašao početkom februara 2017. godine, bend predstavlja trinaest novih pesama uključujući i bonus track, popularnu “Tužnu pesmu” u novom aranžmanu i duet “Još se nadam” sa jednim od najtalentovanijih muzičara
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‘Neverne bebe’ postoje od 1993. godine, a u aktuelnoj postavi nastupaju od proleća 2011. godine kada se Jeleni Pudar na mestu vokala pridružila Tijana Sretković. Bend još čine Vladan Đurđević - Vlajko (bas), Saša Ranđelović - Ranđa (gitara), Vladimir Ružičić - Kebac (bubnjevi) i Milan Đurđević (klavir, hammond, klavijature, autor tekstova, muzike i aranžmana, producent). Pridruženi članovi benda su Andreja Stojić (gitare) i Nemanja Savić (vokal, akust.gitara i perkusije). Period od 2012.do 2016.godine obeležen je najvećom regionalnom turnejom benda. U 2012. godini ‘Neverne bebe’ bile su gosti na prestižnom Montreux Jazz Festivalu, a krajem 2013.godine rasprodali su koncert u Kombank Areni u Beogradu, povodom dvadeset godina postojanja i rada benda. Na albumu “Iza oblaka” ostvarena je saradnja sa svetski poznatim muzičarem Sajmonom Filipsom iz grupe “Totto” kao i sa jednim od najvećih pevačkih imena koja je stara Jugoslavija ikada imala - Akijem Rahimovskim (duet “Boje duge”). Na albumu “Praštam” gosti su Vanna i Vlatko Stefanovski.
mlađe generacije Danielom Kajmakoskim. Album “Priča o nama” rađen je dve godine. Odlikuje ga odlična produkcija kojom ovaj bend ponovo postavlja visoke standard. Postprodukcija je rađena u Beču, u snimanju su prvi put korišćeni uređaji kompanije “Sonic dune”, a producent albuma je Ivan Vlatković. Bend je osvajač brojnih regionalnih nagrada od kojih su neke:
Najbolji rock album “Južno od sreće” (2001. god.), najbolji rock album “Bebe IV - The best of” (2004. god.), Hit decenijepesma “Dvoje” (2004. god), najbolji rock bend - Beovizija (2006. god.), Hit godine - pesma “Oktobarfest” (2006. god.), album godine “Iza oblaka” (2007.god.), pop grupa godine (2007. god.), singl godine “UZMI BOJE” (2010. god.), regionalni Oskar popularnosti za
najbolji rok bend (2016. godine). Uvodni koncert obeležavanja jubileja četvrt veka postojanja, ujedno je i poslednji koncert velike letnje turneje “Priča o nama” u okviru koje je tokom leta odsvirano 35 velikih koncerata u regionu i biće održan u Novom Sadu 10. novembra u velikoj sali Srpskog narodnog pozorišta. (Izvor: http://headliner.rs)
music box
he music band ‘Neverne bebe’ next year will mark 25 years of their existence. They gradually transformed during the quarter of a century in an uncompromising and quite rare way from a band that was performing in clubs to a regional concert attraction. Throughout that time, they remained consistent and faithful to dreams, guided primarily by their respect for talent and music skills. Known for ideas they did not want to give up even in the most difficult years and for wanting to play only what they feel, without a compromise, members of ‘Neverne bebe’ won their position in the regional pop-rock scene and were declared a set of exceptional musicians who do their best at concerts. The band has so far played over 2000 concerts in various concert rooms; from clubs, stadiums and city squares to two sold out concerts in the Sava Center in 2007, as part of the promotion of CD ‘Iza oblaka’, which is one of the bestselling pop-rock titles in ex-YU territory.
‘Neverne bebe’ have been existing since 1993, and they have been performing in the current setup since spring 2011, when Jelena Pudar joined Tijana Sretkovic as a singer. In the band are also Vladan Djurdjevic - Vlajko (bass), Sasa Randjelovic - Randja (guitar), Vladimir Ruzicic - Kebac (drums) and Milan Djurdjevic (piano, hammond, keyboards, author of lyrics, music and arrangements, producer). Accompanying musicians of the band are Andreja Stojic (guitar) and Nemanja Savic (vocals, acoustic guitar and percussion). The period from 2012 to 2016 was marked by the biggest regional tour of the band. In 2012, ‘Neverne bebe’ were guests at the prestigious Montreux Jazz Festival, and at the end of 2013 they sold out a concert at Kombank Arena in Belgrade, on the occasion of the band’s twenty years of existence and work. On the album ‘Iza oblaka’, they cooperated with world renowned musician Simon Fillips from the group ‘Totto’, as well as with one of the greatest singers that the old Yugoslavia ever had - Aki Rahimovski (duo ‘Boje duge’). On the album ‘Prastam’ guests are Vanna and Vlatko Stefanovski.
So far, they have released 7 studio albums.
In the new album, released in early February 2017, the band presented thirteen new songs including the bonus track, the popular “Sad Song” in the new arrangement, and the duet ‘I Still hope’ with one of the most talented musicians of the younger generation, Daniel Kajmakoski. The creation of the album “The Story of Us” lasted for two years. It is distinguished by the excellent production with which this band again set a higher standard. The postproduction was done in Vienna; Sonic Dune Company devices were used for the first time in the recording process, and the producer of the album was Ivan Vlatkovic. The band is won numerous regional awards, some of which are: Best Rock Album ’Južno od sreće’ (2001), Best Rock Album ‘Bebe IV – The Best Of’ (2004), Hit of the Decade - song ‘Dvoje’ (2004), Best Rock Band - Beovision (2006), Hit of the Year – song ‘Oktobarfest’ (2006), Album of the Year ‘Iza oblaka’ (2007), Pop Group of the Year 2007), Single of the Year “UZMI BOJE” (2010), regional Oscar of Popularity for the best rock band (2016). The introductory concert on the occasion of the anniversary of the fourth century of existence is also the last concert of the big summer tour ‘Prica o nama’, during which 35 big concerts had been played in the region during the summer, and it will be held in Novi Sad on November 10th in the grand hall of the Serbian National Theatre. (Source: http://headliner.rs)
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KULTURNA BAŠTINA U PEĆKOM REGIONU “arhitektonske” perspektive, kao prirodni objekat. Ova pećina ima posebnu važnost, jer postoje indicije da pripada paleolitskoj eri, čime se poziva na tretiranje pećine sa posebnom pažnjom, jer na Kosovu još uvijek nisu potvrđeni nikakvi tragovi razvoja paleolita.
Kulturna baština je nasleđe fizičkih artefakta i nematerijalnih atributa grupe ili društva koje su nasleđene iz prošlih generacija, koje se održavaju u sadašnjosti i daju u korist budućim generacijama.”
ećki region obuhvata opštine Junik, Dečani i Istok. Ove opštine su bogate arheološkom i arhitektonskom baštinom, koja je zaštićena i sačuvana od davnina i pokazuje osobenosti blisko povezane sa istorijom, reljefnim oblicima i lokalnim materijalima.
Tip: Arhitektonska Period: Paleolit Ova pećina nalazi se u selu Radavac, u blizini izvorišta Belog Drima, oko 11km od Peći, s leve strane puta PećRožaje. Pećina Radavac je specifična iz
rukopisa i objavljenih knjiga i zbirka predmeta od plemenitih metala.
Tip: Arhitektonski Period: Kasni srednjevekovni Manastir Dečani je spomenik kulturnog nasleđa koji se nalazi u Dečanima, Kosovo. Izgrađen je u XIV veku i uvršten je na Uneskovoj listi zaštićenih spomenika. Manastir se nalazi pored reke Bistrice u podnožju planine Prokletija. Osnovao ga je sv. Stefan Uroš III Dečanski, sin kralja Milutina i otac kralja Dušana. Najvrednija bogatstva ovog manastira su freske slikane od XIV do XVII veka, zbirke
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Type: Architectural Period: Late medieval The Deçan/Dečani Monastery is a monument of cultural heritage located in Deçan/Dečani, Kosovo. It was constructed in the XIV century and it is enlisted in the UNESCOs list of protected monuments. The Monastery is located near Bistrica River at the foot of Cursed Mountains. It was founded by St. Stefan Uroš III of Deçan/Dečani, son of King Milutin and father to King Dušan. The most valuable treasures of this Monastery are the frescoes painted from XIV to XVII century, the collection of manuscripts and published books and the collection of objects made of precious metals.
Type: Architectural Period: Paleolit This cave is located in Radavc/ Radavac village, near the spring of Drini i Bardhë/Beli Drim River, around 11km from Peja/Peć, left of the Pejë/Peć-Rozhajë/Rožaje road. The Radavc/Radavac cave is specific from the “architectonic” perspective, as a natural living facility. This cave has special importance because there are indications that it belongs to the Paleolithic era, thus calling for treating the cave with special care, because no traces of Paleolithic developments have been confirmed in Kosovo yet.
Tip: Arhitektonski Period: Kasni srednjevekovni Pećka Patrijaršija se nalazi na samom ulazu u Rugovsku klisuru, nedaleko od centra Peći. U manastiru postoje četiri crkve, izgrađene jedna naspram druge, tako da sada formiraju jedinstven entitet. Najstarija je Crkva Svetih Apostola, podignuta u XIII veku. Početkom XIV veka, u razmaku od jedne decenije, sa obe strane su sagrađene nove crkve - sa severne strane crkva Svetog Dimitrija, sa južne strane Bogorodičina crkva i naspram nje mala crkva Svetog Nikole. Na zapadnoj strani je dodan narteks. Na zidovima crkve se može videti kompletna istorija srednjevekovnih stilova zidnih slika. Pećka patrijaršija je takođe uključena u Uneskovu listu zaštićenih spomenika.
Type: Architectural Period: Late medieval The Patriarchate of Peja/Peć is situated at the very entrance of the Rugova Gorge, not far from the centre of Peja/
CULTURAL HERITAGE IN PEJA/PEĆ REGION groblje istaknutih gradskih ličnosti, uključujući grob Hadži Zeke i Ali Paše Gusinjanina. Grobnice sadrže i dekorativna obeležja.
Cultural heritage is the legacy of physical artefacts and intangible attributes of a group or society that are inherited from past generations, maintained in the present and bestowed for the benefit of future generations.”
n the vicinity of Peja/ Peć, there are the municipalities of Junik, Deçan/Dečani, and Istog/Istok. These municipalities are rich in archaeological and architectural heritage, which are protected and preserved since ancient times and indicate characteristics closely linked with history, landscapes formations and local materials.
Tip: Arhitektonski Period: Otomanski Bajrakli džamija je sagrađena u jezgru starog bazara u Peći. Džamija je bila zadužbina Mehmeta Fatiha, koji je takođe finansirao Veliku džamiju u Prištini. Džamija je izgrađena u sedmoj deceniji XV veka. Džamija je takođe i zaštita za
Type: Architectural Period: Ottoman The Bajrakli Mosque was built in the core of the Old Bazaar in Peja/Peć. The mosque was an endowment of Mehmet Fatih who also funded the Grand Mosque in Prishtina/Priština. The mosque was built on the seventh decade of XV century. The mosque is also sanctuary to the cemetery of prominent city’s personalities, including the grave of Haxhi Zeka and Ali Pashë Gucia. Graves also contain decorative markings.
Peć. There are four churches within the monastery, built one against the other so that they now form a single entity. The oldest is the Church of the Holy Apostles, raised in the XIII century. At the beginning of the XIV century, within the space of a decade or so, new churches were built on both sides – on the north side the Church of St. Dimitrije, on the south side the Church of the Mother of God, and against this church the small Church of St. Nicholas. To the west side a narthex was added. A complete history of mediaeval wall painting styles can be seen on the walls of the church. The Patriarchate of Peja/Peć is also included in the UNESCOs list of protected monuments.
Tip: Arhitektonski Period: Moderni Hadži Zekina Kula (kamena utvrđena kuća) u selu Lešane je arhitektonska građevina sa kulturno-istorijskim vrednostima. Izgradio ju je Hadži Zeka, slavni i poznati albanski prosvetitelj. Izgradnja je sprovedena u drugom delu XIX veka. Služila je za potrebe porodice Hadži Zeka. Unutrašnjost kuće sadrži dekorativne elemente kao što su drveni dekorativni plafon koji su izrezbarili iskusni albanski majstori. Pored istorijskih i kulturnih vrednosti, ova konstrukcija ima i umetničke vrednosti. Ova Kula prošla je kroz nekoliko transformacija i izgubila je svoju autentičnost. Kula je obnovljena 2009. godine.
ALBANIAN TOWER OF JASHAR PASHA Type: Architectural Period: Modern The Haxhi Zeka Kulla (stone
fortified house) in the village of Leshan/Lešane is an architectural construction with cultural-historical values. It was built by Haxhi Zeka, a famous and well known Albanian illuminator. The construction was conducted on the second part of the XIX century. It served for the needs of the Haxhi Zeka family. The interior of the house contains decorative elements such as the wooden decorative ceiling carved by experienced Albanian craftsmen. In addition to historical and cultural values this construction has artistic values as well. This Kulla went through several transformations and it’s lost its authenticity. The Kulla was restored in 2009.
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životinjsko carstvo
Životinjska staništa PLANINE
Kratak opis: Životinje koje žive u planinskim područjima ne samo da moraju izdržati drastične promene temperature, već i manji nivo kiseonika. Prosečne padavine (godišnje): 80mm - 1000mm Temperatura: -45 to 30 °C Vrste biljaka: četinari, trava, grmlje Životinje umerenog pojasa: jelen, puma, ptice grabljivice Životinje tropskog pojasa: lama, majmun, planinska gorila
laninska područja se nalaze svuda na svetu i nastala su nakon kretanja ploča ispod Zemljine kore. Planine mogu imati nižu visinu omanjeg brda, pa se kretati i do 8.848 metara, poput Mont Everesta, najviše planine na svetu. Postoje dve glavne vrste planinskih područja, to su planine umerenog pojasa i tropske planine. Planine umerenog pojasa su prilično hladne tokom cele godine i više su sezonske u odnosu na tropske planine. Tropske planine imaju mnogo topliju klimu i imaju nekoliko biljaka koje su posebno prilagođene da žive na visokim nadmorskim visinama. Mnoge vrste kopitara i sisara biljojeda, kao što su koze, jeleni, ovce i lame, dobro su se prilagodile životu u planinama i često se mogu videti kako pasu na stenama i na liticama. Ovi biljojedi se sele u planine, kada se tokom proleća i leta ponovo pojavljuje vegetacija i ponovo se spuštaju u jesen, kada postaje hladno i hrana je ređa. Biljojedi privlače velike predatore kao što su medvedi, pume i planinske lavove da naseljavaju planinske regione.
Kratak opis: Okeani kreiraju najveće stanište na planeti i
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smatraju se za mesto gde je život započeo, a pokrivaju više od 75% zemljine površine. Prosečne padavine (godišnje): 250mm - 1500mm Temperatura: -20 to 45 °C Vrste biljaka: morska trava, trave, vodene biljke Životinje priobalja: ribe, ajkule, meduze Životinje otvorenog mora: kitovi, kornjače, delfini
iljade i hiljade različitih životinjskih vrsta naseljavaju svetske okeanske vode, a mogu se pronaći u dubini od samo jednog centimetra do blizu 11 kilometara ispod vodene površine. Postoje dve osnovne vrste okeanskog staništa, a to su obalna, priobalna staništa koja se nalaze oko kopna i otvorena okeanska staništa. Uprkos činjenici da se većina životinjskih vrsta pronađenih u okeanu nalazi u bogatijim, plitkim vodama, životinjske vrste se mogu naći u celom okeanu, a postoje čak i neke životinje koje skupljaju čestice hrane na dnu okeana miljama ispod površine. Pejzaž okeana je ogroman i izuzetno raznovrstan, uzimajući u obzir koliko sveta pokriva. Podvodni pejzaž je sačinjen od kontinentalnih ploča, vulkana, planina, dolina, rovova i velikih ravnica sličnih pejzažu na kopnu, samo u većoj razmeri. Okeanska staništa su raznovrsna, a životinje prave svoje domove gde god mogu uspešno da opstanu. Većina životinjskih vrsta se nalazi u toplijim, priobalnim vodama širom sveta, uglavnom zbog obilja hrane koja se nalazi u ovim oblastima u poređenju sa dubokim okeanom. Priobalne vode su i sigurnije mesto za nastanjivanje morskih životinja, jer za njih postoji više mesta da se sakriju i manje predatora da ih pojedu. Manje vodene životinje žive u plićim oblastima, a veće životinje žive u dubljim oblastima, uglavnom duž kontinentalnih ploča ispod talasa. (Izvor: https://a-z-animals.com)
(Source: https://a-z-animals.com)
animal kingdom
Animal Habitats MOUNTAINS
Brief Description: Animals that live in mountainous regions not only have to withstand dramatic temperature changes but also lower oxygen levels. Average Rainfall (Year): 80mm - 1000mm Temperature: -45 to 30 Degrees Centigrade Plant Types: Conifers, Grasses, Shrubs Animals Temperate: Deer, Cougar, Birds Of Prey Animals Tropical: Llama, Monkey, Mountain Gorilla
ountain ranges are found all around the world and are the result of plate movement beneath the Earth’s crust. Mountains can range in height from a small hill to 8,848 metres, which is the height of Mount Everest, the tallest mountain in the world. There are two main types of mountain range, which are temperate mountains and tropical mountains. Temperate mountains tend to be fairly cold all year round and are much more seasonal that the tropical mountains. Tropical mountains have much warmer climates and have a few plants which have specially adapted to live at high altitudes. Many species of hoofed and herbivorous mammal such as goats, deer, sheep and llamas have adapted well to living in the mountains and are often found grazing on ledges and on cliff faces. These herbivores move up the mountain when there is vegetation further up during the spring and summer and move back down again in the autumn when it begins to get colder and food is scarcer. These herbivores obviously attract large predators to inhabit mountainous regions, such as bears, cougars and mountain lions. (Source: https://a-z-animals.com)
Brief Description: Oceans form the largest habitat on the planet, are thought to be the place where all life started, and they cover more than 75% of the surface of Earth. Average Rainfall (Year): 250mm - 1500mm Temperature: -20 to 45 Degrees Centigrade Plant Types: Seaweed, Grasses, Aquatic Plants Animals Coastal: Fish, Sharks, Jellyfish Animals Open: Whales, Turtles, Dolphins
housands and thousands of different animal species inhabit the world’s ocean waters and can be found at water depths of just a centimetre to nearly 11 kilometres beneath the water’s surface. There are two main types of ocean habitat which are the coastal, inshore habitats found around the land, and the open ocean habitats that stretch around the globe. Despite the fact that most animal species found in the ocean are found in the richer, shallower waters, animal species can be found throughout the oceans, and there are even some animals which scavenge for particles of food on the ocean floor miles beneath the surface. The ocean landscape is vast and extremely varied, and you would think so considering how much of the world it covers. The underwater landscape is made up of continental shelves, volcanoes, mountains, valleys, trenches and large, flat plains similar to the landscape on land only on a much bigger scale. Ocean habitats come in all kinds of forms and animals make their homes wherever they are able to survive successfully. The majority of animal species are found in the warmer, coastal waters around the world, generally due to the abundance of food that is found in these areas when compared to the deep ocean. Coastal waters also tend to be safer place for marine animals to inhabit as there are more places for them to hide and fewer large predators to eat them. Smaller aquatic animals tend to live in the shallower regions, and the larger animals live in the deeper regions, generally along the continental shelves beneath the waves.
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Pećina u Radavcu
Ova pećina nalazi se u selu Radavac, u blizini izvorišta Belog Drima, oko 11km od Peći, s leve strane puta Peć-Rožaje. Pećina Radavac je specifična iz “arhitektonske” perspektive, kao prirodni objekat. Ova pećina ima posebnu važnost, jer postoje indicije da pripada paleolitskoj eri, čime se ukazuje na tretiranje pećine sa posebnom pažnjom, jer na Kosovu još uvijek nisu potvrđeni nikakvi tragovi razvoja paleolita. Tip: Arhitektonska Period: Paleolit
Manastir Dečani
Manastir Dečani je spomenik kulturnog nasleđa koji se nalazi u Dečanima, Kosovo. Izgrađen je u XIV veku i uvršten je na Uneskovoj listi zaštićenih spomenika. Manastir se nalazi pored reke Bistrice u podnožju planine Prokletija. Osnovao ga je sv. Stefan Uroš III Dečanski, sin kralja Milutina i otac kralja Dušana. Najvrednija bogatstva ovog manastira su freske slikane od XIV do XVII veka, zbirke rukopisa i objavljenih knjiga i zbirka predmeta od plemenitih metala. Tip: Arhitektonski Period: Kasni srednjevekovni
Pećka Patrijaršija
Pećka Patrijaršija se nalazi na samom ulazu u Rugovsku klisuru, nedaleko od centra Peći. U manastiru postoje četiri crkve, izgrađene jedna naspram druge, tako da sada formiraju jedinstven entitet. Najstarija je crkva Svetih Apostola, podignuta u XIII veku. Početkom XIV veka, u razmaku od jedne decenije, sa obe strane su sagrađene nove crkve - sa severne strane crkva Svetog Dimitrija, sa južne strane Bogorodičina crkva i naspram nje mala crkva Svetog Nikole. Na zapadnoj strani je dodan narteks. Na zidovima crkve se može videti kompletna istorija srednjevekovnih stilova zidnih slika. Pećka patrijaršija se takođe nalazi na Uneskovoj listi zaštićenih spomenika. Tip: Arhitektonski Period: Kasni srednjevekovni
Bajrakli Džamija
Bajrakli džamija je sagrađena u jezgru starog bazara u Peći. Džamija je bila zadužbina Mehmeta Fatiha, koji je takođe finansirao Veliku džamiju u Prištini. Džamija je izgrađena u sedmoj deceniji XV veka. Džamija je takođe i zaštita za groblje istaknutih gradskih ličnosti, uključujući grob Hadži Zeke i Ali Paše Gusinjanina. Grobnice sadrže i dekorativna obeležja. Tip: Arhitektonski Period: Otomanski
Albanska kula Jašar Paše
Hadži Zekina Kula (kamena utvrđena kuća) u selu Lešane je arhitektonska građevina sa kulturno-istorijskim vrednostima. Izgradio ju je Hadži Zeka, slavni i poznati albanski prosvetitelj. Izgradnja je sprovedena u drugom delu XIX veka. Služila je za potrebe porodice Hadži Zeka. Unutrašnjost kuće sadrži dekorativne elemente kao što su drveni dekorativni plafon koji su izrezbarili iskusni albanski majstori. Pored istorijskih i kulturnih vrednosti, ova konstrukcija ima i umetničke vrednosti. Ova Kula prošla je kroz nekoliko transformacija i izgubila je svoju autentičnost. Kula je obnovljena 2009. godine. Tip: Arhitektonski Period: Moderni
voj porodici, Migel sanja da postane ostvaren muzičar poput njegovog idola, Ernesta de la Kruza. U očajničkim nastojanjima da dokaže svoj talenat, Migel će se naći u prelepoj šarenoj Zemlji KOKO Murguía, Gael mrtvih, usled García Bernal, niza misterioznih Uloge: BenjaJaime Camil događaja. Usput min Bratt, AnRežija: Lee će upoznati thony Gonzalez, Unkrich šarmantnog Renée Victor, Scenario: prevaranta HekAna Ofelia Adrian Molina tora i zajedno će krenuti na Radnja uzbudljivo putprkos neobjašnjivoj ovanje ne bi li saznali pravu decenijskoj zabrani istinu koja stoji iza Migelove muzike u njegoporodične istorije.
Miguel dreams of becoming an accomplished musician like his idol, Ernesto de la Cruz. Desperate to prove his talent, Miguel finds himself in the stunning and colourful Land of the Dead folCOCO Murguía, Gael lowing a mysGarcía Bernal, terious chain of Cast: Benjamin Jaime Camil events. Along Bratt, Anthony Director: Lee the way, he Gonzalez, Unkrich meets charming Renée VicScreenwriter: trickster Hector, tor, Ana Ofelia Adrian Molina and together, they set off on Synopsis an extraordiespite his family’s nary journey to unlock the baffling generationsreal story behind Miguel’s old ban on music, family history.
THOR: RAGNAROK Uloge: Chris Hemsworth, Tom Hiddleston, Jaimie Alexander, Tessa Thompson, Cate Blanchett, Mark Ruffalo, Bruce Banner Režija: Taika Waititi Scenario: Christopher Yost Radnja filmu Thor: Ragnarok, Tor je zarobljen na drugoj strani svemira, bez svog moćnog malja i u trci s vremenom, jer mora da se vrati u Asgard kako bi zaustavio Ragnarok, uništenje svog rodnog sveta i kraj asgardske civilizacije, koje predvodi svemoguća i nemilosrdna Hela. Ali pre toga mora da preživi smrtonosno gladijatorsko takmičenje u kojem se suočava sa svojim bivšim saveznikom i kolegom Osvetnikom – Neverovatnim Hulkom!
18 for you
Cast: Chris Hemsworth, Tom Hiddleston, Jaimie Alexander, Tessa Thompson, Cate Blanchett, Mark Ruffalo, Bruce Banner Director: Taika Waititi Screenwriter: Christopher Yost
Synopsis n Thor: Ragnarok, Thor is imprisoned on the other side of the universe without his mighty hammer and finds himself in a race against time to get back to Asgard to stop Ragnarok, the destruction of his home world and the end of Asgardian civilization, at the hands of an all-powerful new threat, the ruthless Hela. But first he must survive a deadly gladiatorial contest that pits him against his former ally and fellow Avenger, the Incredible Hulk!
LIGA PRAVDE Uloge: Henry Cavill, Clark Kent, Ben Affleck, Gal Gadot, Jason Momoa, Arthur Curry, Ezra Miller, Barry Allen Režija: Zack Snyder Scenario: Will Beall
Radnja odstaknut vraćenom verom u čovečanstvo i inspirisan Supermenovim nesebičnim postupkom, Brus Vejn traži pomoć svoje novootkrivene saveznice, Dajane Prins u suočavanju s najvećim nepri-
jateljem do sada. Zajedno, Betmen i Wonder Woman brzo pronalaze i formiraju tim superljudi kako bi se suprotstavili novoj pretnji. Međutim i pored formiranja ove fantastične lige heroja, koju čine Batman, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, Cyborg i Flash, možda će biti prekasno da se planeta spasi od napada katastrofalnih razmera.
JUSTICE LEAGUE Cast: Henry Cavill, Clark Kent, Ben Affleck, Gal Gadot, Jason Momoa, Arthur Curry, Ezra Miller, Barry Allen Director: Zack Snyder Screenwriter: Will Beall
Synopsis ueled by his restored faith in humanity and inspired by Superman’s selfless act, Bruce Wayne enlists the help of his newfound ally, Diana Prince, to face an even greater enemy. Together, Batman and Wonder Woman work quickly to find and recruit a team of met humans to stand against this newly awakened threat. But despite the formation of this unprecedented league of heroes, Batman, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, Cyborg and The Flash, it may already be too late to save the planet from an assault of catastrophic proportions.
Synopsis eaturing four new original songs, the 21-minute featurette welcomes the original cast and characters back to the big screen, including Olaf, who is on a mission to harness the best holiday traditions for Anna, Elsa and Kristoff.
originalne muzičke numere, Uloge: Kristen Bell, Idina Menzel, vraća stare Josh Gad, Jonathan Groff glumce i juRežija: Kevin Deters nake na veScenario: Stevie Wermers-Skelton liko platno, uključujući i Radnja Olafa koji je na misiji vaj kratki da pronađe najlepše 21-minutni praznične običaje za animirani Anu, Elzu i Kristofa. film sa četiri nove
zel, Josh Gad, Jonathan Groff Director: Kevin Deters Screenwriter: Stevie WermersSkelton
for you 19
sportski ugao
eprezentacija Srbije ide na Svetsko prvenstvo u Rusiju i to kao prvoplasirana! Fudbaleri Srbije su se posle tri preskočena velika takmičenja domogli Svetskog prvenstva. Sa samo jednim porazom, kao prvi u grupi, plasirali su se na Mundijal, a veliku ulogu u uspehu “orlova” imao je Aleksandar Mitrović. Napadač Njukasla je postigao šest golova u kvalifikacijama, ali je u ključnoj utakmici protiv Gruzije (1:0) asistirao Aleksandru Prijoviću za pobedu i odlazak u Rusiju. “Bila je to predivna noć za sve u Srbiji. Bilo je neverovatno. Kvalifikacije su dugo trajale, oko godinu i po dana. Posle osam godina, nacija je
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dočekala da odemo na veliko takmičenje”, rekao je Mitrović za sajt Njukasla. On se prisetio i kakva je atmosfera bila oko reprezentacije kada su počele kvalifikacije. “Kada smo krenuli, niko nije verovao u nas, bilo je mnogo teško. Na prvoj utakmici na tribinama je bilo pet ili deset hiljada ljudi, dok je na poslednjem meču bilo gotovo njih 50.000. Nestvarno je šta smo uradili i kakav smo uspeh napravili. To je definitivno najponosnija noć u mojoj karijeri. Kada sam bio mali, maštao sam da igram za reprezentaciju i predstavljam je na velikom takmičenju. Uspešni smo u velikom broju sportova, košarkaši i vaterpolisti su veoma uspešni, ali je fudbal i dalje sport broj jedan”, jasan je Mitrović. Srbija će posle osam godina igrati
na planetarnoj smotri i sada su ambicije još veće. “Ne idemo u Rusiju tek da možemo da kažemo da smo otišli. Želimo da napravimo uspeh na Mudnijalu, da ispišemo istoriju Srbije. To je ono što motiviše mene, ali i celu generaciju”, zaključio je Mitrović u razgovoru za zvanični sajt Njukasla. “Orlovi” su pobedili nervozu, pritisak i teret koji im je tri cela poluvremena visio iznad glave i naterao ih da protiv Austrije i Gruzije zaigraju najlošiji fudbal u kvalifikacijama. Kvalifikacije su bile duge i naporne, bilo je mnogo uspona i padova, ali na kraju, kada se podvuče crta - Srbija je ostvarila cilj i plasirala se na veliko takmičenje prvi put od 2010. godine i Svetskog šampionata u Južnoj Africi. Aleksandar Prijović bio je junak “Orlova” te večeri pošto je u 74. minutu pogodio u kontri Baneta Ivanovića i Aleksandra Mitrovića, za veliko slavlje 35.000 navijača. Bio mu je to prvenac u dresu “Orlova” na petom odigranom meču, ali nije mogao da izabere bolji trenutak za njegovo postizanje. Upravo je taj pogodak potvrdio veliki uspeh, čime je dokazano da se Srbija vraća na naprestižnije fudbalsko takmičenje. Posle plasmana na šampionat sveta u Rusiji, selektor fudbalske reprezentacije Srbije, Slavoljub Muslin, čestitao je svojim izabranicima na svemu što su uradili u kvalifikacijama i istakao da su zasluženo ušli u istoriju. Srbija je kvalifikacije završila sa 21 osvojenim bodom, a drugoplasirana je Republika Irska koja je pobedila Vels u gostima i “otela” im poziciju u baražu. Tako se Srbija posle osam godina vratila na svetsku scenu, opet će igrati na Svetskom prvenstvu, uz nadu da će svi uživati u nastupu „Orlova“, u Rusiji.
sports corner
he national team of Serbia goes to the World Championship in Russia as first ranked team! Serbian footballers reached World Cup after skipping three big championships. With only one defeat, as the first in the group, they placed themselves on Mundial, and Aleksandar Mitrovic played a big role in the success of the “eagles”. Newcastle striker scored six goals in qualifying, but in a crucial match against Georgia (1: 0) he assisted Aleksandar Prijović for winning and going to Russia. “It was an amazing night for all people in Serbia. It was unbelievable. It’s been a long period of qualification, about a year and a half since we started, and after eight years, the whole country has waited for our football team to go to a big competition”, Mitrovic told the Newcastle site. He recalled how the at-
mosphere was around the team when they started qualifying. “When we started, it was difficult, because no one believed in us. For the first game there was about five or ten thousand people, but for the last game there were almost 50,000 people. It was unbelievable what we did, what we achieved. It was the biggest and proudest night in my football career, definitely. When I was younger I watched football and dreamed about representing my country and people in a big competition. We have a lot of success in almost every sport - basketball, water polo, but football is still number one” said Mitrovic. After eight years, Serbia will play on a planetary stage, and now ambitions are even greater. “We are not going to Russia so we can say that we are there. We want to make a success in Mundial, to illustrate the history of Serbia. This is what motivated me, but also the entire generation” Mitrovic concluded in a conversation with the official website of Newcastle. “Eagles” beat the nervousness, pressure and burden of three halftimes which stood over their heads and forced them to play the worst football in qualifications against Austria and Georgia. The qualifications were long and strenuous, there were many ups and downs, but in the end, when the line was underlined - Serbia achieved the goal and entered the big competition for the first time since 2010 and the World Cup in South Africa. Aleksandar Prijović was the “eagle’s” hero this evening after
scoring in the 74th minute in counterattack of Bane Ivanovic and Aleksandar Mitrovic for a big celebration of 35,000 fans. It was his debut in the Eagles jersey in the fifth match, but he could not pick a better moment for his achievement. It was this score that confirmed the great success, which proved that Serbia is returning to most prestigious football competition. After placement at the world championship in Russia, Serbia national football team coach, Slavoljub Muslin, congratulated his chosen for the way they did in qualifying and stressed they made history deservedly. Serbia’s qualification ended with 21 won points, and secondplaced Republic of Ireland beat Wales at home and “hijacked” their position in the playoffs. Thus, after eight years, Serbia has returned to the world stage and will again play at the World Cup with the hope that everyone will enjoy the performance of “Eagles” in Russia.
for you 21
hi - tech
NAJPRODAVANIJI TEHNICKI PROIZVODI I GADZETI TRENUTNO U SVETU Postoji sve veći konsenzus među tehnološkim stručnjacima da smo u “dosadnom” vremenu za gadžete. Neki odavno tvrde da “softver jede svet”, takođe poznato kao - nema zanimljivog hardvera jer je iteracija prevladala inovacije. Ali ne, ne toliko. Da, naši pametni telefoni zamenjuju puno samostalnih uređaja koje smo nosili. To ne znači da tamo nema puno zanimljivih novih hardvera. Kao što je svima poznato, to zavisi od proširenja vaše definicije gadžeta da uključuje, recimo, ponovno upotrebljivu raketu ili robotski bicikl. Evo osvrta na najinteresantnije u 2017. god., do sada sačinjenih od strane tehnoloških novinara i urednika TIME-a.
nalaze da je senzor za otisak prsta nezgrapno postavljen, ali to je inače velika pobeda.
bavite robotskim trkačima i ručnim retro igrama ili pravite kompjutere za decu u Maliju, očekivanje pristupačnog ad-hoc računara je upravo postalo slađe.
Raspberry Pi Zero W Raspberry Pi Zero W
Minijaturizacija je Feng šui mikroprocesiranja. Malo bolje pruža primer ovaj koncept nego što je slučiaj Raspberry Pi Foundation, serije jeftinih mikro kompjutera. A uz ovogodišnji Raspberry Pi ZeroW, koji je ustvari brži Raspberry Pi Zero sa uključenim bežičnim povezivanjem, svako može modifikovati bone 32-bitnog kompjutera koji pokreće Linux za 10 dolara. Bez obzira na to da li se iz hobija
Miniaturization is microprocessing’s Feng shui. Little better exemplifies this concept than the Raspberry Pi Foundation’s series of cut-rate microcomputers. And with this year’s Raspberry Pi Zero W, effectively a zippier Raspberry Pi Zero with wireless connectivity included, anyone can forge the bones of a 32-bit computer that runs Linux for $10. Whether you’re a hobbyist tinkering with robotic racers and retro game handhelds or building computers for children in Mali, the promise of affordable ad-hoc computing just got sweeter.
poput GoPro-a bore.
Snapchat Spectacles
Snapchat Naočare
Kao i Snapchat, ili ih dobijete ili ne. Jednostavan proces podešavanja, dovoljno dobar video kvalitet i stilski izgled čine naočare hitom. Sa hardverske perspektive, naočare mogu koristiti poboljšanje, one nisu sjajne kada je mračno i one su problematične za one kojima je prepisano da nose naočare. Ali Snapov prvi napad na hardver pokazuje obećanje u trenutku kada se kompanije za kamere
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Much like Snapchat itself, you either get it or you don’t. An easy setup process, goodenough video quality and stylish look made Spectacles a hit. From a hardware perspective, Spectacles could use improvement, they’re not great when it’s dark out and they’re troublesome for prescription eyeglass wearers. But Snap’s first foray into hardware shows promise at a time when camera companies like GoPro are struggling.
Samsung je predstavio novi Galaxy S8 telefone
Galaxy S je redizajnirani pametni telefon sa jako svetlim ekranom, dugim trajanjem baterije i odličnom kamerom. Zakrivljeni ekran S8 i manji okviri se kombinuju da daju osećaj beskrajnog ekrana, što ga čini veštim u prikazivanju igara i filmova. S8 nije savršen, njegov govorni asistent nije bio spreman po lansiranju, a neki
Samsung Unveils New Galaxy S8 Phone
Galaxy S is a redesigned smartphone with a dazzling screen, long battery life, and a great camera. The S8’s curved display and smaller bezels combine to give the feeling of a borderless screen, making it more adept at displaying games and movies. The S8 isn’t perfect, its voice assistant wasn’t ready at launch, and some found its fingerprint sensor to be awkwardly placed, but it’s a big win overall.
Here One
Sledeći put kada sedite u avionu sa bebom koja place, zamislite da ste u stanju da jednostavno smanjite jačinu ucviljenog deteta. Ili se družite u prepunom baru, boreći se da čujete svoje prijatelje, a vi pojačate samo njihove glasove. To je obećanje za Doppler Labs-ove Here One slušalice, koje korisnicima omogućavaju da manipulišu zvucima u svetu oko njih zahvaljujući ugrađenim mikrofonima i zvučnim procesorima.
Here One
The next time you’re
sitting on a plane with a wailing baby, imagine being able to simply turn down the poor kid’s volume. Or you’re hanging out in a crowded bar, struggling to hear your friends, and you boost just their voices. That’s the promise behind Doppler Labs’ Here One earbuds, which let users manipulate sounds in the world around them thanks to onboard microphones and sound processors.
(Izvor: http://www.popularmechanics.com)
hi - tech
THE HOTTEST TECH PRODUCTS AND GADGETS IN THE WORLD RIGHT NOW There’s a growing consensus among the technological cognoscenti that we’re in a “boring” period for gadgets. Some have long argued that “software is eating the world,” a.k.a. there’s no interesting hardware because iteration has trumped innovation. But, nah, not so much. Yes, our smartphones are replacing lots of standalone gadgets we used to carry around. That doesn’t mean there isn’t plenty of interesting new hardware out there. Granted, that depends on expanding your definition of gadget to include, say, a reusable rocket or a robotic bicycle wheel. Here’s a look at some of the most interesting of 2017 so far compiled by TIME’s technology reporters and editors. dataka, hardver za pametno zaključavanje osigurava da niko ne ode sa ovim točkom, a regenerativne kočnice povećavaju efikasnost.
Superpedestrian Copenhagen Wheel (Kopenhagenski točak) Superpedestrian-ov robotički točak za bicikl doprinosi povećanju vožnje biciklista tako što obezbeđuje vožnju brzinom do 20 milja na sat uz domet od preko 30 milja. Iako izgleda kao jednostavan biciklistički točak, Kopenhagenski paket ima impresivnu tehnologiju unutra. Integrisani motor koji napaja baterija obezbeđuje kretanje, bežični senzor se povezuje na pametne telefone za obradu po-
Superpedestrian Copenhagen Wheel
Superpedestrian’s robotic bike wheel augments cyclists’ oomph by powering their ride up to 20 miles per hour for over 30 miles. Though it looks like a simple bike wheel, the Copenhagen packs impressive technology inside. An integrated motor powered by a battery provides the giddyup, a wireless sensor connects to smartphones for data crunching, smart-locking hardware makes sure no one makes off with this wheel, and regenerative brakes add to the efficiency.
upotrebe ruku čine sve od čitanja do davanja uputstava.
eSight 3
eSight 3
U svetu internetom povezanih aparata za kafu i sokovnika i šta sve još, lepo je pronaći gadžet sa ciljem rešavanja problema višeg reda. ESight je vizir za oči (naočare) koji pomaže slabovidim osobama da se kreću uz pomoć kombinovane kamere visoke rezolucije i video displeja. Prikazujući prenos uživo na par OLED displeja postavljenih ispred očiju nosioca, lagani uređaj i bez
In a world of Internet-connected coffeemakers and juicers and whatnot, it’s nice to find a gadget aiming to solve problems of a higher order. The eSight is an over-eye visor that helps legally blind people navigates via a combined high-definition camera and video display. Showing a live feed on a pair of OLED displays placed in front of the wearer’s eyes, the lightweight, hands-free devices do everything from read to provide directions.
(Source: http://www.popularmechanics.com)
LG Signature W-Series “Wallpaper” TV
Proizvođači TV-a danas suočavaju sa nemogućim zadatkom: s jedne strane, potrošači očekuju da novi ekrani učine da TV emisije i filmovi izgledaju fantastično. S druge strane, oni žele da se ovi displeji neometano spoje u njihovu dnevnu sobu. LG “Signature W-Serija “wallpaper” TV-a ostvaruje ovo majstorski Displej od 65 inča teži samo 7 kilograma a debljina od 15 inča čini da ekran pliva na zidu. Ali to je najimpresivnija OLED (Organic LED) tehnologija.
LG Signature W-Series “Wallpaper” TV
TV-makers today face an impossible task: On one hand, consumers expect new screens to make TV shows and movies look fantastic. On the other, they want these eye-popping displays to blend seamlessly into their living room. LG’s Signature W-Series “wallpaper” TV accomplishes this masterfully. The 65-inch display weighs just 16 pounds and is 15-inches thick; making it seem like the screen is floating on the wall. But it’s the OLED (Organic LED) technology that’s most impressive.
Microsoft Surface Laptop
Novi Microsoftov Surface laptop je prvi od proizvođača operativnog sistema Windows: konvencionalni laptop koji radi “ogoljen” ali za bateriju efikasniji operativni sistem pod nazivom Windows 10 S. Kompanija je namenila Surface Laptop kao obrazovni komplet, ali je vezan da ide uz korak sa konkurencijskim Apple-ovim osnovnim MacBook Air.
Microsoft Surface Laptop
Microsoft’s new Surface Laptop is a first for the Windows
maker: a conventional laptop that runs a stripped-down but more battery-efficient operating system called Windows 10 S. The company is aiming the Surface Laptop at the educational set, but it’s bound to go toe-to-toe with Apple’s entrylevel MacBook Air as well.
for you 23
16 DANA AKTIVIZMA PROTIV RODNO ZASNOVANOG NASILJA Neka niko ne bude izostavljen: Zaustavimo nasilje nad ženama i devojčicama
asilje nad ženama i devojčicima predstavlja jedan od najčešćih oblika kršenja ljudskih prava u svetu. Ono ne poznaje društvene, ekonomske ili državne granice. Procenjuje se da u svetu jedna od tri žene tokom života doživi fizičko ili seksualno zlostavljanje. U periodu od 25. novembra, Međunarodnog dana borbe protiv nasilja nad ženama, do 10. decembra, Međunarodnog dana ljudskih prava, trajaće kampanja “16 dana aktivizma” protiv rodno zasnovanog nasilja, i to je vreme da se ljudi podstaknu na akciju kako bi se zaustavilo nasilje nad ženama i devojčicama širom sveta. U znak podrške ovoj inicijativi, kampanja generalnog sekretara Ujedinjenih nacija pod nazivom -Udružimo se u cilju zaustavljanja nasilja nad ženama (UNiTE)-svake godine poziva na akciju na globalnom nivou kako bi se podigla svest ljudi širom sveta i stvorile prilike za razgovor o izazovima i rešenjima. Narandžasta je jedna od zvaničnih boja UNiTE kampanje koja se u kontekstu globalnih zalaganja koristi kao simbol svetlije budućnosti bez nasilja nad ženama i devojčicama. Okončanje nasilja nad ženama i
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devojčicama je ugrađeno u Program održivog razvoja do 2030. godine koji je usvojilo svih 193 država članica Ujedinjenih nacija 2015. godine. Kroz svojih 17 ciljeva održivog razvoja, ovaj program poziva na akciju na globalnom nivou u narednih 15 godina kako bi se rešila tri aspekta održivog razvoja: ekonomski, socijalni i ekološki. Svi ciljevi održivog razvoja (SDG) su u potpunosti međusobno povezani i integrisani, te im se na taj način ne može pristupiti izolovano. Cilj održivog razvoja br. 5 prepoznaje ravnopravnost polova i osnaživanje žena kao ključni prioritet i obećava da “niko neće biti izostavljen.” Kampanja “Neka niko ne bude izostavljen: Zaustavimo nasilje nad ženama i devojčicama” slavi ujedinjavajuću prirodu jednog od osnovnih principa Programa održivog razvoja do 2030. godine, naglašavajući globalna nastojanja “da se prvo pomogne onima do kojih je najteže stićí.” Svake godine počev od 2008. kampanju 16 dana aktivizma protiv rodno zasnovanog nasilja na Kosovu koordinše Grupa za bezbednost i rodnu ravnopravnost (SGG).
Grupa za bezbednost i rodnu ravnopravnost - SGG
Na čelu Grupe za bezbednost i rodnu ravnopravnost su Žene UN a čine je predstavnici kosovskih institucija,
ženskih organizacija, međunarodnih organizacija (UNMIK, UNDP, UNICEF, UN-HABITAT, OHCHR, UNFPA, UNKT, SZO, UNOPS, UNHCR, Žene UN, ECLO, EUSR, NATO, KFOR, EULEKS i OEBS), kao i ključni činioci sektora bezbednosti na Kosovu. Grupa za bezbednost i rodnu ravnopravnost uvažava značaj posmatranja bezbednosti kroz prizmu rodne ravnopravnosti, kao i potrebe za koordinisanim delovanjem kako bi se efikasno odgovorilo na bezbednosne pretnje iz rodne perspektive. SGG je od svog osnivanja 2008. godine sprovela niz aktivnosti usmerenih ka unapređenju principa Rezolucije 1325 Saveta bezbednosti UN i ka poboljšanju prava žena na Kosovu, sa posebnim akcentom na oblasti rodne ravnopravnosti i bezbednosti. Ove godine SGG organizuje niz aktivnosti u okviru kampanje 16 dana aktivizma protiv rodno zasnovanog nasilja na Kosovu. Pridružite se kampanji! Pojedinačno i kolektivno, mi možemo da promenimo stvari u našim zajednicama, govoreći protiv rodno zasnovanog nasilja i pridruživanjem globalnoj mreži ljudi koji su ujedinjeni sa ciljem da se zaustavi ovo kršenje ljudskih prava. Podelite svoje fotografije, poruke i video zapise koji pokazuju na koji način možete da obojite svet u narandžasto koristeći #orangethevorld i #16 dana. Za sve informacije i savete vezane za rodno zasnovano nasilje i kalendar aktivnosti u okviru kampanje 16 dana aktivizma protiv rodno zasnovanog nasilja, posetite stranicu http://www.16-days.com/.
16 DAYS OF ACTIVISM AGAINST GENDER-BASED VIOLENCE Leave No One Behind: End Violence against Women and Girls
iolence against women and girls is one of the most prevalent human rights violations in the world. It knows no social, economic or national boundaries. Worldwide, an estimated one in three women will experience physical or sexual abuse in her lifetime. From 25th of November, the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, to 10th of December, Human Rights Day, the ”16 Days of Activism” against GenderBased Violence Campaign is a time to galvanize action to end violence against women and girls around the world. In support of this initiative, each year, the United Nations Secretary General’s campaign UNiTE to End Violence against Women, calls for global action to increase worldwide awareness and create opportunities for discussion about challenges and solutions. Orange is one of the official colors of the UNiTE campaign and in the context of its global advocacy; it is used as a symbol of a brighter future, free from violence against women and girls. Elimination of violence against women and girls is rooted at the 2030
Agenda for Sustainable Development, adopted in 2015 by all 193 Member States of the United Nations. Through its 17 goals, the Agenda 2030 calls for global action over the next 15 years to address the three dimensions of sustainable development: economic, social, and environmental. All the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are fully integrated with one another; thus, they cannot be approached in isolation. Sustainable Development Goal 5 recognizes gender equality and the empowerment of women as a key priority pledging that “no one will be left behind”. “Leave No One Behind: End Violence against Women and Girls” celebrates the unifying nature of one of the essential principles of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, while underscoring the world’s endeavor to “reach the furthest behind first”. Every year, since 2008, 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence in Kosovo is coordinated by the Security and Gender Group (SGG).
Security and Gender Group - SGG
Chaired by UN Women, the Security and Gender Group includes representatives of Kosovo institutions,
women’s organizations, international organizations (UNMIK, UNDP, UNICEF, UN-HABITAT, OHCHR, UNFPA,UNKT, WHO, UNOPS, UNHCR, UN Women, ECLO, EUSR, NATO, KFOR, EULEX and OSCE),and key stakeholders engaged in Kosovo’s security sector, acknowledging both the importance of viewing security through a gender lens, as well as the need for coordinated action to effectively respond to womenspecific security threats. Since its inception in 2008, the SGG has implemented a series of activities aimed at advancing the principles of the UNSCR 1325, and ultimately at furthering women’s rights in Kosovo, with a special focus on the area of gender and security. This year, SGG is organizing series of activities within 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence campaign in Kosovo. Join the campaign! Individually and collectively, we can make a difference in our communities, speaking out against gender based violence and joining a global network of people united to bring an end to this violation of human rights. Share your photos, messages and videos showing how you can orange the world using #orangetheworld and #16days. For valuable information and advice related to gender-based violence, and 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence calendar visit http://www.16-days.com/.
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Vaš kutak
i nači n na Mob ilni telef oni su zais ta prom enil u dan ašnj e su oni telef ilni Mob o. iram koji kom unic acij e. unik kom stvo vrem e najč ešće kori šćen o sred o na sam na niče ogra nije as Ali njih ova ulog a dan kom unik acij u. su neza obiU dan ašnj e vrem e mob ilni telef oni ta. živo laza n deo naši h nje mob ilProš la su vrem ena kada se pose dova konk uren tuća Ras . nog telef ona sma tralo luks uzom je do ona telef ilnih mob a ačim cija međ u proi zvođ vina kupo as dan da cene ove njih rila te mere obo naro čit troš ak. Za mob ilno g telef ona ne pred stav lja nik mob ilno g televlas osni pon par dola ra post ajet e o naći osob u tešk ta zais je e vrem e fona . U dan ašnj j mal i uređ aj Ova koja ne pose duje mob ilni telef on. utim , post avMeđ ebe. potr spad a u osno vne živo tne on sma tra telef ilni mob se čega lja se pita nje zbog u igra ju ulog vu osno vnom živo tnom potrebom ? Kak ovor. odg i Sled ? tima mob ilni telef oni u naši m živo Jedn osta vna kom unik acij a tačn o ste Čem u služ e mob ilni telef oni? Da, i prva le, Dak u. acij odg ovor ili - za kom unik teleilnih mob a najv ažni ja ulog fona u naši m živo tima je što nam omo guća vaju lak i brz nači n kom unik acij e. Gde god se nala zimo , i u bilo koje vrem e, mob ilni telef on nam pom aže da bud emo na vezi sa svim a. Ima te važn u poru ku za prija telja ili član a poro dice ? Dov oljn o je da poša ljete SMS poru ku ili jedn osta vno nazo vete i vaša važn a poru ka će im odm ah biti pren eta. Jedn osta vno! Pris tup inte rnet u i druš tven im mre žam a Inte rnet je jeda n od najv ećih blag oslo va
28 for you
mod erne tehn olog ije. Ljud i jedn osta vno ne mog u da zam isle živo t bez inte rnet a. A upra vo to je i mog uće zahv alju jući mob ilnim telefoni ma. Mob ilni telef oni da uživ aju u druš tven im vaju guća omo kori snic ima deo mod erno g mre žam a dok su u pokretu. Veli ki ža. Mob ilni mre ih tven svet a je zavi san od druš u akti vni na bud da st ućno mog aju telef oni im pruž etu. druš tven im mre žam a dok su u pokr Mob ilni telef oni vam šted e nova c te telef on Da, istin a je. Dov oljn o je da kupi pon osni e ajet post sred njeg ili viso kog rang a, i mob ilnim sa ze dola koji eta vlas nik mno gih gedž ilni telemob te kupi kada er, prim Na telef ono m. fiksn og vinu kupo fon, ne mor ate troš iti nova c na pušt anje za er plej jete kupu telef ona , ne mor ate da o itd. radi jete kupu da ate mor ne muz ike i film ova, ilno g mob el mod A ukol iko pose duje te najm oder niji za olu konz ni jete kupu da telef on – ond a ne mor ate nar. raču ni igric e, a mož da čak ost Mob ilni tele foni pruž aju bezb edn edn ost. bezb aju pruž nam Mob ilni tele foni dov oljn o tili, shva ovo o bism Da in? Na koji nač hitn o j kojo u u je sam o da zam islim o situ acij ciju . poli ili sce oga vatr o treb a da kon takt iram foni tele ni Fiks aju? sluč tom u ili Šta bist e urad ilni mob zato ali nam nisu uvek i svud a dost upn i fon, tele ilni mob svoj ite tele foni jesu . Sam o uzm etna odlu ka da pozo vite broj i to je to. Vaša pam se kao sjaj an kup ite mob ilni tele fon pok azać e nač in da ušte dite nov ac. je Mob ilni telef oni olak šava ju posl ovan slen og? zapo ili nta Ima te važn u poru ku za klije sa ajte ovar razg i on Uzm ite svoj mob ilni telef zaht eva is bizn to Poš ja. gan odla bez dato m osob om ogu će nem je vno kons tant nu kom unik acij u, jedn osta ilnih mob e treb upo bez o zam islit i bilo kaka v posa h pam etni h teletelef ona . A uz pom oć svih tih novi tu, pred uzim ač fona koji su dan as dost upn i na tržiš ored i rasp svoj je ima mog ućno st da orga nizu nije dan ravi zabo ne da tako nap ravi pod setn ike, sa gom ilom ze dola oni telef ilni Mob k. ana važa n sast šava ju živo t. Zbo g posl ovni h apli kaci ja koje im olak za pred uzeć a. v oslo blag toga su mob ilni telef oni Dak le naro de, ovo su glav ne pred nost i ima nja mob ilnih tele fona u naši m živo tima ! A sada je red na vas da nam u pism ima kaže te zašt o je mob ilni tele fon važa n za vas.
Your corner
Easy Way of Communication What the mobile phones are meant for? Yeah, you answered it right- for communication. So the first and foremost lives is that they provide our in play es role that mobile phon . Go wherever you us an easy and fast way of communication e will help you phon ile mob want, whenever you want; your age for your mess rtant impo an Got stay connected with all. call straight or SMS nt insta send Just ber? mem friend/family intended the h reac age away and make your important mess person in no time. Simple! Internet Access & Social Media ological blessings The Internet is one of the biggest techn the Internet. out with life ine imag ot to man. One just cann ible. The mobile Thanks to the mobile phones that is poss the go. A major part on a medi l phones let users enjoy the socia g sites. Mobile orkin netw l socia to cted of modern world is addi move. the a on Phones let them be active in social medi Mobile Phones Save Money -end mobile Yes, they do. Just buy mid-range or high owner of many d prou phone, and ultimately, you become the ile phone. For mob the in ed pack gadgets, the gadgets that are to spend need t don’ you e, phon ile mob a example, by buying music or any buy to money on a home phone, you don’t need ile mob the If etc. radio buy video player, you don’t need to coning gam a buy to need t don’ you phone is high-end, then sole or perhaps even a computer.
the way we comMobile phones have really changed communication used most the are es municate. Cell phon to ed communication tool today. But they are not just limit purposes. lives these days. Mobile phones are a crucial part of our considered as were es phon Gone are the days when mobile n in mobile etitio comp ing grow The . luxury thing to have with es to that phon ile mob of s price the red lowe has manufacturers big deal. a not is e phon extent that nowadays, buying a mobile r of a owne d prou the be will Just spend a few bucks and you on pers a find to hard very it’s , time y’s mobile phone. In toda basic a is et gadg l smal who does not own a mobile phone. The the mobile phones necessity of life. But why everyone tags rtance of mobile impo the is t Wha as basic necessity of life? phones in our lives? Here is the answer.
Mobile Phones Ensure Safety ? Well, to unMobile phones provide us security. How in which you tion situa derstand this better, just consider any e. What would polic or rs ghte firefi urgently need to contact the lable everyavai not are lines land The ? you do in such case mobile phone your take where, but the mobile phones are. Just ion to buy a decis good Your it. out, dial the number and that’s you. for r save ey mon t grea a e mobile phone will prov Mobile Phones Help in Business t or employee? Got an important message for your clien ate with the Pick up your mobile phone and communic esses require busin intended person straight away. Since ine any business imag can’t just constant communication, one new smart those all With es. phon ile mob without the use of essman can busin a , phones available in the market these days not forget does he so s, nder remi organize the schedule and set with ed pack come es phon ile Mob ings. any important meet mobile Thus r. life easie lots of business apps which make their . phones are like a boon for businesses efits of hav So, folk s! The se are the mai n ben you r it’s Now ing mob ile pho nes in our life. orimp are nes pho ile turn , tell us why Mob rs. lette tant in you r
for you 29
30 for you
Pisma citalaca v
Ćao, Zovem se Ivana i imam 14 godina. Magazin 4U čitam redovno i najviše volim stranice posvećene modi. Volela bih da u nekom od narednih brojeva pišete o najnovijim zimskim modnim trendovima. Inače volim da slušam muziku, omiljena grupa su mi “ Neverne bebe”. Od sportova najviše volim one zimske, poput skijanja i klizanja. U slobodno vreme, pored druženja sa drugarima, volim da čitam i igram igrice na kompjuteru. Ivana Radomirović, Severna Mitrovica
Ćao svima, Zovem se Branko i idem u sedmi razred. Živim u Prilužju, a u slobodno vreme treniram košarku. Omiljeni igrač mi je Bogdan Bogdanović i voleo bih da u nekom od narednih brojeva pišete o njemu ili objavite njegov poster. Moj omiljeni glumac je Sivestar Stalone,
a pevač Đorđe Balašević. Veliki pozdrav svima i nastavite da budete dobri kao i do sada. Branko Popović, Gračanica Zdravo svima, Ja sam Petar i imam jedanaest godina. Dolazim iz Osojana, a u slobodno vreme slušam muziku ili se družim sa drugarima. Omiljeni pevač mi je Relja Popović, a sportista Siniša Mihajlović. Pozdravljam sve čitaoce i jedva čekam novi broj. Petar Jovanović, Osojane Zdravo svima, Ja sam Viktor Popović i imam 15 godina. Hobi mi je slušanje muzike i igranje košarke. Moja omiljena grupa je Leksington bend i voleo bih da u nekom od sledećih
brojeva objavite njihov poster. Svoje slobodno vreme provodim sa drugarima sa kojima izlazim ili igram igrice na kompjuteru. Redovno čitam magazin 4U, a posebno me interesuju stranice posvećene sportu. Sa nestrpljenjem očekujem novi broj, a u međuvremenu pozdravljam sve svoje drugove. Viktor Popović, Lipljan
Pozdrav svim čitaocima 4U Magazina, Zovem se Vesna i imam 12 godina. Moja omiljena pevačica je Rihanna i volela bih da u nekom od sledećih brojeva objavite
njen poster. Slobodno vreme najviše provodim u druženju sa drugarima. Volim da čitam magazin 4U, a omiljene stranice su mi one koje su posvećene najnovijim filmskim hitovima. Moj omiljena glumica je Sandra Bullock. Od sportova najviše volim tenis, a omiljeni sportista mi je Novak Đoković. Pozdravljam sve svoje vršnjake na Kosovu. Vesna Petrović, Štrpce
for you 31
Readers’ letters Ciao, My name is Ivana and I am 14 years old. I read regularly 4U Magazine and I love the most the pages dedicated to fashion. I would like you to write in one of the following issues about the latest winter fashion trends. Otherwise I like to listen to music; my favorite group is “Neverne bebe”. Of the sports, I love the most the winter ones, like skiing and skating. In leisure time, besides socializing with friends, I like to read and play games on a computer. Ivana Radomirovic, North Mitrovica Greetings to all 4U Magazine readers, My name is Vesna, and I am 12 years old. My favorite singer is Rihanna and I would like you to publish a poster of her in one of the future issues.
I spend most of my time socializing with my friends. I like to read 4U Magazine, and my favorite pages are those that are dedicated to the latest movie hits. My favorite actress is Sandra Bullock. I like tennis the most when it comes to sports, and my favorite sportsman is Novak Djokovic. Regards to all my peers in Kosovo. Vesna Petrovic, Štrpce Hello everyone, My name is Branko and I attend the seventh grade. I live in Prilužje, and in my spare time I play basketball. My favorite player is Bogdan Bogdanovic and I would like you to write about him in one of the following editions or publish a poster of him. My favorite actor is Silvester Stallone, and singer Djordje
Balasevic. Kind regards to everyone and continue to be as good as you have been so far. Branko Popovic, Gračanica Hello everyone, I am Petar and I am eleven years old. I come from Osojane, and in my free time I listen to music or hang out with my friends. My favorite singer is Relja Popovic, and my favorite sportsman is Sinisa Mihajlovic. Regards to all the readers and I can’t wait for the next issue. Petar Jovanovic, Osojane Hi everyone, I am Viktor Popovic and I am 15 years old. My hobby is listening to music and playing basketball. My favorite band is the Lexington band and I’d
like you to publish their poster in one of the following issues. I spend my free time with friends with whom I go out or play computer games. I regularly read 4U Magazine, and I am especially interested in articles dedicated to sports. I am impatiently looking forward to the new issue, and in the meantime, I send regards to all my friends. Viktor Popovic, Lipljan