Magazine FOR YOU Srb/Eng - Febr 2019

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Mesečni KFOR magazin • Br. 154 • Februar 2019

no Besplat

Music Box: HASCHAK SISTERS Hi-Tech: Najbolje ROBLOX igrice


Sportski ugao: GER/DEN HANDBALL ‘19

Škola meseca


UVODNIK Pozdrav dragi čitaoci, vu uvodnu reč ću posvetiti poštovanju i onome šta ova reč znači za sve nas. Poštovanje je pojam širokog značenja i može se tumačiti na mnogo načina. Ono što će vam najčešće doneti poštovanje drugih ljudi su vaša dela, ali je uvek važno imati na umu da poštovanje ide u oba smera. Etički je princip da kada poštujete određenu osobu, onda ćete zaista i steći poštovanje te osobe. U životu postoje tri osnovne stvari koje moramo poštovati: sami sebe, druge i imovinu. Svi mi pokušavamo da naučimo nešto više o poštovanju i zato se veoma često priča o poštovanju roditelja, nastavnika… Svi zaslužujemo da budemo poštovani bez obzira na pol, godine, rasu ili naša uverenja. Poštovanje igra ključnu ulogu u životu jedne osobe, omogućavajući ljudima da uspostavljaju međusobno poverenje, da grade i obnavljaju međusobne odnose. Štaviše, ljudi koji uživaju poštovanje u zajednicama imaju veće šanse da ohrabruju druge i donesu mir. Kada postoji poštovanje, vidi se i pozitivna promena, dok kada poštovanja nema, sveprisutna je propast. Poštovanje se sastoji od dva osnovna pravila, a to su: Prvo pravilo: Ljubav je poštovanje - ovo je verovanje koje je blisko svima nama i o kome svakodnevno razmišljamo. Kada volimo nekoga onda i poštujemo tu osobu. Drugo pravilo: Poštujte sami sebe – Ovo ćete postići tako što držite glavu visoko i poštujete svoje ideje. Ne moraju svi da se slažu sa vašim idejama, ali vi imate pravo da ih izrazite. Ne možete poštovati druge ako ne poštujete sami sebe. Možda to još niste primetili, ali poštovanje je sastavni deo našeg svakodnevnog života. Poštovanje vas prati svuda, u školu pa čak i u restoran. Često se dešava da ni ne primećujete da vas drugi poštuju, ali ćete sigurno primetiti ako vas ne poštuju. I zapamtite: Dužni ste da poštujete sve ljude, jer je to ljudski. Leonora


Naslovna: HASCHAK SISTERS For You je slu`bena publikacija KFOR-a, proizvedena i finansirana od strane KFOR-a. Štampa se na Kosovu i distribuira besplatno. Sadr`aj magazina ne odra`ava uvek stavove koalicije ili bilo koje zemlje ~lanice pojedina~no. KFOR prihvatI i tra`i vaša mi{ljenja, neka od njih }e i objavljivati, verovatno u skra}enoj formi. Ako autor pisma tako `eli, njegovo/njeno ime ne}e biti objavljeno. KFOR ne}e objavljivati anonimna, maliciozna ili klevetni~ka pisma. Glavni urednik: Leonora Shabanaj Nik{i} Novinari: Ali Rexha, Violeta Matovi} Fotografije: Ekipa “4U” Design & Layout: Bekim Shabani Uredni{tvo mo`ete kontaktirati na telefon: 038/503-603-2139 Pisma mo`ete slati na adresu: HQ KFOR - Kosova Film. “For You” magazin; Strasbourg Building; 10000 Pri{tina E-mail:;

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AV-AV 24 10

RADIO K4 FOTO LAJK TAKMIČENJE 2-3: Uvodnik, sadržaj 4-5: Škola meseca: Tehnička škola Mihailo Petrović Alas; Upitnik: Šta biste uradili kada bi dobili million evra? 6-7:KFOR Obezbedio kontejner za privremeno stanovanje baka Borki 8-9: Moda: Ovo su jedini parfemi o kojima je potrebno znati ove godine 10-11: Music Box: Sestre Hašak – JuTjub senzacija 12-13: Av-Av 14-15: Životinjsko carstvo: Zanimljive

činjenice o ugroženim vrstama 16-17: Poster: Haschak Sisters 18-19: Moviemania: Isn’t it romantic; Alita: Battle angel; How to train your dragon: The hidden world; Captain Marvel 20-21: Sportski ugao: GER/DEN Handball ‘19 22-23: Hi-Tech 24-25: Radio K4 Foto Lajk takmičenje 26-27: Zajedno za bolju budućnost! 28-29: Vaš ugao ... 30: Enigmatski ugao 31-32: Pisma čitalaca





POSTER: Haschak Sisters 16


Greetings dear readers, will dedicate this editorial to respect and its significance to all of us. Respect is a comprehensive term and is interpreted in many ways. What will gain you the most respect of others are your actions, but it is always important to keep in mind that respect goes both ways. It is ethical when you respect a person, than indeed you will gain the respect of the person in question. There are three basic things in life that must be respected: yourself, others and property. Everyone tries to learn more about respect, therefore it is more than common to hear about respect form your parents, teachers. Everyone deserves to be respected regardless of their gender, age, race or beliefs. Respect plays a key role in a person’s life, it enables people to trust one another, to create and rebuild the relations among them. Moreover, the people who are respected within the communities have more chance to encourage others and bring peace. When respect is present, the positive change is seen, while when it is missing, destruction is present. Respect contains two basic rules, such as: The first rule: Love is respect This is a belief that every one of us stay really close to and think about it every single day. When you love someone, you respect that person. The second rule: Respect yourself - You do this by keeping your head high and by respecting your ideas. Some can also disagree with your ideas, but you have the right to express them. You cannot have respect for others, while you do not respect yourself. Maybe you are not able to notice, but respect is an in integral part of our daily life. Respect follows you everywhere you go, to school or even in a restaurant. It happens often that you do not notice that you are respected by others, but you will indeed notice if you are not respected by them. Keep this in mind: You are obliged to respect everyone, it is human. Leonora







2-3: Editorial, index 4-5: School of the month: Technical high school Mihailo Petrović - Alas Questionnaire: What would you do if you win 1 million Euro 6-7: KFOR Provides a provisional housing container to granma Borka 8-9: Fashion: These are the only perfumes you need to know about for this year 10-11: Music Box: Haschak Sisters - You Tube Sensation 12-13: Wof-Wof 14-15: Animal Kingdom: Interesting

facts about endangered species 16-17: Poster: Haschak Sisters 18-19: Moviemania: Isn’t it romantic; Alita: Battle angel; How to train your dragon: The hidden world; Captain Marvel 20-21: Sports corner: GER/DEN Handball ‘19 22-23: Hi-Tech 24-25: Radio K4 Photo Like Competition 26-27: Together for a brighter future! 28-29: Your corner ... 30: Puzzle 31-32: Reader’s letters

Cover: HASCHAK SISTERS ‘For You’ is an official publication of KFOR, produced and financed by KFOR, printed in Kosovo and distributed freely.The contents do not necessarily reflect the official point of view of the coalition or that of any of its member states. KFOR accepts and welcomes your opinions, it will publish some of these, eventually in a condensed form. If requested the name of the writer will be withheld but no anonymous, defamatory or malicious letters will be printed. Chief Editor: Leonora Shabanaj Niksic Journalists: Ali Rexha, Violeta Matovic Photos by: “4U” team Design & Layout: Bekim Shabani The editorial staff can be contacted on: 038/503-603-2139 Any letters can be sent at: HQ KFOR - Film City; For You magazine; Strasbourg building; 10000 Pristina; E-mail:;

3 for You

škola meseca


Mihailo Petrović - Alas


ehnička škola Mihailo Petrović - Alas otvorena je 13. jula 1946. godine u Kosovskoj Mitrovici pod imenom Tehnička škola sa građevinskim i geodetskim odsekom. Septembra iste godine doneta je odluka da se osnuje i mašinski odsek. Prve godine upisano je 120 učenika. Osnovna delatnost škole je srednje stručno obrazovanje u područjima rada: elektrotehnika, mašinstvo i obrada metala, saobraćaj i geodezija i građevinarstvo. Učenici se školuju na nivou trećeg i četvrtog stepena. U školi je moguće polaganje vozačkog ispita. Za protekle, gotovo 3 decenije, koliko radi škola, bilo je mnogo nagrada i priznanja i zaista je teško izdvojiti nekoliko najvažnijih i najdražih. Pa ipak, direktor škole Radovan Tanić ističe dve značajne nagrade u jednom danu 2007.godine - Svetosavsku nagradu i priznanje “Školama u pohode”.

Škola otvorenih vrata i velikog srca

„Ima dosta zahvalnica, diploma, povelja, ali za

4 for You

vreme svog radnog veka od 28 godina u školi izdvojio bih Svetosavsku nagradu i “Školama u pohode”, koje na neki način predstavljaju krunu celokupnog rada. Radimo i trudimo se da budemo dostupni svima, ovo je škola otvorenih vrata i velikog srca”, podvukao je Tanić. Naglašava da su nastavili u dobrom pravcu, tehnička škola ima potencijala, a što se nastave tiče, prate nove tehnologije i idu u korak s vremenom. On je dodao da imaju ugovore o poslovno tehničkoj saradnji sa skoro svim fakultetima, visokim školama a sarađuju i sa Nacionalnom službom za zapošljavanje kroz program prekvalifikacije nezaposlenih lica sa njihove evidencije. Pre 70 godina, 23.oktobra 1946.godine počeli su sa 120 učenika i tri odeljenja, a danas škola ima 4 područja rada i 6 obrazovnih profila. Ono što tehničkoj školi nedostaje je prostor, imajući u vidu da se pod krovom školske zgrade trenutno nalazi 6 institucija - 4 srednje škole i dva fakulteta. Prostorije ove škole za predavanja koristi i Ekonomski fakultet.

Znanje, rad i zadovoljstvo u istoj klupi

Kada je u pitanju odabir smerova, Tanić napominje da iskustvo i istraživanja koja su radili pokazuju da

deca prilikom upisivanja u srednje škole više ispunjavaju želje roditelja. U tom pravcu, kaže da škola nudi i mnoge zanate, što roditelji i deca uglavnom nisu spremni da prihvate kao opciju, iako je, kako ističe, suština u malim i srednjim preduzećima i individualnom radu. Pre nego se deca opredele za određeni smer, savetuje Tanić, trebalo bi da se konsultuju sa službenicima koji bi ih, na osnovu položenih testova, uputili u to za šta su sposobni i koji bi smer trebalo da upišu, kako bi lakše pronašli zaposlenje shodno njihovim sposobnostima. “Mi nudimo zanate poput automehaničara, instalatera, elektromontera za mreže i postrojenja i deci nudimo dokvalifikaciju sa bilo koji stepen, što znači da imaju mogućnost da za 4 godine dobiju čak dve besplatne diplome. Trenutno je najatraktivnija ponuda tehničar drumskog saobraćaja”, kazao je on. Tanić napominje da se sve više gubi trougao nastavnik-učenik- roditelj i da je najvažnije zadržati decu u školi i odvratiti ih od ulice. “Trudićemo se da znanje, rad i zadovoljstvo sede u istoj klupi i da sa velikom željom idemo napred što brže i bolje, jer ovo je škola sa kojom Vam je sigurna budućnost”, poruka je direktora Tehničke škole Mihailo Petrović - Alas.

UPITNIK: ŠTA BISTE URADILI KADA BI DOBILI MILION EVRA? Aleksandra Lekić (18) Nisam nikad razmišljala šta bih uradila sa tolikim novcem. Verovatno bi jedan deo sačuvala za crne dane i verovatno bih pomogla nekoj deci da se izleče. I kupila bih garderobu, mnogo garderobe. Ne bih kupovala kola, avione i kamione, to me ne interesuje. Baš bi bilo super dobiti toliki novac! Aleksandra Lekić (18) I never thought about what I would do with so much money. Probably one part, I would keep for the black days, and I would probably help some kids that need medical treatment. And I would buy a wardrobe, a lot of clothes. I would not buy cars, planes or trucks, I’m not interested in that. It would be great to get that much money! Anđela Lekić (19) Kad bih dobila toliki novac, verovatno bih ga uložila u neki posao. Volela bih da razvijem biznis, koji bi mi stalno donosio novac. Verovatno bih izmislila neku novu modnu liniju. Naravno da bih određeni deo novca dala i u humanitarne svrhe. Anđela Lekić (19) If I would get such money, I would probably invest it in some business. I would like to develop a business that would constantly bring me money. I would probably invent a new fashion line. Of course, I would also give some money to charity. Nikola Kitić (18) Ne znam šta bih uradio sa tim novcem, ali sigurno je da bih uradio mnogo korisnih stvari. Dosta novca bi uložio za pomoć siromašnim i bolesnima, a ostatak novca bih iskoristio za pokretanje nekog privatnog biznisa. Takođe bih dosta putovao. Nikola Kitić (18) I do not know what I would do with that money, but it is certain that I would do many useful things. I would invest a lot of money to help the poor and the sick, and I would use the rest of the money to start a private business. I would also travel a lot.

school of the month

QUESTIONNAIRE: WHAT WOULD YOU DO IF YOU WIN 1 MILLION EURO? Nikola G. Jovanović (17) Ne verujem baš da sam te sreće, ali bih verovatno novac uložio u nekretnine, bar polovinu od te sume. Kupovao bi stanove i lokale. Drugu polovinu bih troškario. Ali bih uvek određenu sumu izdvojio da pomognem nekim ljudima. Nikola G. Jovanović (17) I do not think I’m lucky enough, but I would probably invest money in real estates, at least half of that amount. I would buy apartments and shops. The other half I would just spend. But I would always set a certain amount to help some people. Jelena Naćić (20) 100% sam sigurna da bih veći deo tog novca uložila u neki posao. Osnovala bih neku kompaniju i verovatno bih dosta putovala. Želja mi je da obiđem što više zemalja i upoznam što više različitih ljudi. Jelena Naćić (20) I’m 100% sure that I would invest most of that money in some business. I would set up a company and I would probably travel a lot. My wish is to visit as many countries as possible and get to know as many different people as possible. Nemanja Lekić (24) Kupio bih kuću na Kubi i odselio se. Ne bih tamo koristio ni struju, ni internet, samo bih uživao. Oduvek su me privlačile egzotične zemlje i ne sumnjam da bih vrlo dobro iskoristio taj novac. Ko zna koliko je dobar osećaj kad dobiješ pare na lutriji, tek tako! Možda mi se i desi! Nemanja Lekić (20) I would buy a house in Cuba and move away. I would not use either electricity or the Internet there, I would just enjoy it. I have always been attracted by exotic countries and I have no doubt that I would use this money very well. Who knows how good a feeling is when you won money in the lottery, just like that! Maybe it happens to me!



he Technical High School Mihailo Petrović-Alas was opened on July 13th, 1946 in Kosovska Mitrovica under the name The Technical School with Construction and Geodetic Sections. In September of the same year, the decision was made to establish a Mechanics Section. 120 pupils enrolled in the first year. The main activity of the school is secondary vocational education in the fields of electrical engineering, mechanical engineering and metalwork, transportation, geodesy and construction. Pupils are educated to the third and fourth level of secondary education. It is possible to sit driving tests at the school. For the past nearly three decades, as long the school has been operating, it has won many awards and honours, and it is really hard to distinguish the most important and the most loved ones. Nevertheless, the principal of the school, Radovan Tanić, emphasizes two significant awards in one day of 2007 the St. Sava Award and the recognition by “School Visits”.

A school of open doors with a big heart

“We have a lot of commendations, diplomas,

charters, but during my career of 28 years in the school I would like to point out the St. Sava Award and the recognition by the “School Visits”. We are working towards and trying to be accessible to everyone, this is a school of open doors with a big heart”, Tanić stressed. He emphasizes that they are moving in the right direction, the technical school has potential, and when it comes to teaching, they follow new technologies and keep up with the times. He added that they have business-technical cooperation agreements with almost all faculties, colleges and they also cooperate with the National Employment Service through a program for vocation retraining of unemployed persons that are registered with the service. 70 years ago, on October the 23rd, 1946, they started with 120 students and three classes, and today the school has four fields of education with six educational profiles. What is lacking at the technical school is space, bearing in mind that at the moment there are six institutions operating in the same school building - four high schools and two faculties. The Faculty of Economics also uses the premises of this school for conducting lectures.

taken research, shows that children are more likely to fulfil the wishes of their parents when enrolling in secondary schools. In that sense, he says that the school offers many trades, which parents and children are generally not ready to accept as an option, although, as he points out, the essence is in small and medium enterprises and entrepreneurship. Tanić advises that before children choose a particular profile, they should consult with officials who, based on their test results, will indicate what they are capable of and which course they should enrol in order to find employment in accordance with their capabilities. “We offer trades such as auto-mechanics, installations, installation of electric networks and plants and we offer children further training from the third degree of secondary education up to any degree, which means they have the opportunity to earn two free diplomas in four years. At the moment, the most attractive profile is that of road transport technician”, he said. Tanić notes that the triangle between teacherpupil-parent is increasingly being lost and that it is most important to keep children at school and deter them from spending time on the streets. “We will try to make knowledge, work and satisfaction sit in in same desk and go forward with great desire in a faster and better manner, as this is a school with which your future is secure”, is the message of the principal of the Technical High School Mihailo Petrović - Alas.

Knowledge, work and satisfaction in the same desk

When it comes to choosing educational profiles, Tanic notes that experience and under-

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riča o Borki Ćirković je još jedan podsetnik kako život može biti pun kako ugodnih tako i neugodnih iznenađenja. Istovremeno, još jednom dokazuje da ponekad svima nama treba pomoć i ne smemo zatvarati oči niti gledati na drugu stranu kada vidimo da je drugom ljudskom biću potrebna pomoć. U njenom slučaju pomoć je stigla od strane vojnika KFOR-a u obliku kontejnera za stanovanje. Donedavno je ova osamdesetpetogodišnja dama iz sela Gornja Gušterica u Gračanici živela u trošnoj kući, koja samo što se nije srušila. Zbog svojih godina, malo toga je mogla učiniti osim pokušaja da uredi svoj nameštaj tako da posledice od urušavanja budu minimalne. Baka Borka živi sama ali, u prošlosti, stvari nisu bile tako strašne za nju. Bila je udata i rodila je dva sina i ćerku. Nažalost, njen suprug i oba sina su preminuli, a jedina preostala ćerka živi u Smederevu. Ona i njen suprug su se trudili da zaštite kuću od daljeg urušavanja ali bez mnogo uspeha. Neko vreme su čak ostavili i svoju ćerku, Borkinu unuku, da živi sa svojom bakom, ali zbog stanja kuće i ona je morala da je napusti. Ozbiljnost situacije podstakla je akciju kod svih koji bi mogli olakšati ovu situaciju. Opštinske vlasti planiraju da pomognu obnovu ove kuće ali nedostatak sredstava i velika potražnja za stambenim zbrinjavanjem onemogućili su im da odmah reaguju. Vojnici KFOR-a su se zauzeli i uspeli da obezbede privremeno rešenje.

Oronula kuća je pretnja po život

„Premestila sam krevet na drugu stranu, tako da krov ne padne na mene. Popušta svake noći i samo se osipa i škripi; i danju i noću. Ujutro počistim šut, a onda radim nešto drugo “, rekla je baka Borka za magazin „For You “. S obzirom da opština

6 for You

Gračanica trenutno nije bila u mogućnosti da odgovori na molbe starice, italijanski vojnici u KFORu su odlučili da joj izađu u susret i da joj obezbede kontejner za stanovanje, koji su doneli u Guštericu uz pomoć svoje teške mašinerije. Istovremeno, baka Borku su posetili pukovnik Nikola Perone i direktor Odeljenja za urban-

izam Opštine Gračanica - Dejan Jovanović.

KFOR: I dalje ćemo pomagati!

“Stambeni kontejner koji je obezbedio KFOR je u dobrom stanju, tako da će baka Borka moći da živi u njemu. Opština će pokušati da pronađe način da pomogne ovoj dami jer joj trebaju i neke druge osnovne potrebštine da bi vodila normalan život. Baka Borka nema ni odgovarajući krevet niti hranu, a mi ćemo pokušati da to hitno obezbedimo. U međuvremenu, KFOR joj je obezbedio privremeni smeštaj u kome će živeti do obnove svoje kuće ”, dodao je Jovanović. Uz puno zahvalnosti i suza radosti starica Borka Ćirković dodala je da joj ovaj kontejner mnogo znači

i da je izuzetno zahvalna KFOR-u na pomoći, i nada se da će imati ugodan smeštaj dok joj kuća ne bude renoviran. “Iskreno vam zahvaljujem na svemu što ste učinili da mi obezbedite siguran smeštaj, želim vam sve najbolje u životu”, naglasila je Borka. KFOR ostaje posvećen pružanju pomoći svima kojima je potrebna na Kosovu kroz ovakve akcije. Nadaju se da će baka Borka živeti udobno u ovom kontejneru, iako je to samo privremeno rešenje, ali su zadovoljni što su bili od pomoći. Odlučili su da preduzmu ovu akciju zahvaljujući bliskoj saradnji sa lokalnim vlastima u opštini Gračanica. Združeni regionalni odred (JRD) Jugoistok i Združena grupa za logističku podršku angažovani su kako bi doneli kontejner u selo Gornja Gušterica.


which they brought to Gusterica with their heavy machinery. At the same time Granma’ Borka was visited by Colonel Nicola Perrone and the Director of Department for Urbanism in Gracanica Municipality - Dejan Jovanovic.

KFOR: We will continue to help!


he story of Borka Cirkovic is another reminder of how life can be full of both pleasant and unpleasant surprises. At the same time it proves once more that every now and then we all need a helping hand and we must not close our eyes or look the other way when we see a fellow human being in need of help. In her case the helping hand came from KFOR soldiers in the shape of a housing container. Until recently this eighty-five year old lady from Gornja Gusterica village in Gracanica used to live in a rundown house that is about to collapse. Due to her age there was very little she could do except try to arrange her furniture so that the threat of the collapsing building would be minimal. Grandma Borka lives all alone, however, things didn’t use to be so grim for her in the past. She used to be married and had two sons and a daughter. Unfortunately, her husband and both of her sons have passed away and her only remaining daughter lives in Smederevo. She and her husband have tried their best to protect the house from further destruction but with not much success. For some time they even left their daughter, Borka’s nice, to live with her grandmother but due to the condition of the house she had to leave also. The seriousness of the situation prompted action from anyone who could help ease this situation. The municipal authorities do plan to help rebuild this house but, the lack of funds and the high demand for housing assistance made it almost impossible for them to react immediately. KFOR soldiers stepped in and managed to provide a provisional solution.

The rundown house a life threat

“I have moved my bed to the other side so that the roof doesn’t fall over me. It is giving in every night it just keeps falling and creaking; both day and night. In the morning I clean the rubble and then I do something else,” Granma Borka said to Magazine ‘For You’. Considering that Gracanica Municipality currently was not able to respond to the old lady’s appeals, Italian soldiers in KFOR decided to come to her aid and provide to her a housing container,

“The housing container provided by KFOR is in a good condition, so Granma Borka will be able to live in it. The municipality shall try to find a way to help this lady because she needs some other basic commodities to have a normal life. Grandma Borka doesn’t have a proper bed or food either and we will try to urgently provide that too. In the meantime KFOR has provided her with provisional housing where she will live until the restoration of her house,” Jovanovic added. With a lot of gratitude and tears of joy old Borka Cirkovic added that this housing means a lot to her and that she is extremely thankful to KFOR for their help with this container, and she hopes that she will have a comfortable stay until her house is renovated. “I sincerely thank you for everything you have done to provide a safe housing for me, I wish to you all the best in your life,” Borka stressed. KFOR remains dedicated to provide assistance to all those in need in Kosovo through actions like this. They hope that Granma Borka will live comfortably in this housing, although it is just a temporary solution, but they are satisfied that they could help. They decided to undertake this action thanks to the close cooperation with the local authorities in Gracanica Municipality. The Joint Regional Detachment (JRD) South-East and Joint Logistic Support Group were engaged in bringing the container to village Gornja Gusterica. Posetite nas na: Visit us at:

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odišnja doba se menjaju i zvanično je vreme da ažurirate miris po kojem vas prepoznaju. Sada je parfemska džungla i ako tražite savršeni miris za vas, nešto sveže i novo, mi smo ih našli za vas.

Glossier You

Gucci Bloom

Gucci-jev najnoviji miris osvaja dodatne poene za šik pakovanje. Crvena cvetna kutija u kombinaciji sa minimalističkom ružičastom bočicom odmah će učiniti da vaš toaletni sto izgleda tako kul. Sam miris je sanjarski sa belim cvetnim bukeom - što jedva da je iznenađujuće s obzirom na ime, Bloom (Procvat).

Gucci Bloom

Gucci’s latest fragrance wins bonus points for the chicest packaging out there. The red floral box teamed with the minimalist pink bottle will instantly make your dressing table look cool. The scent itself is a dreamy white floral bouquet which is hardly a surprising given the name, Bloom.

Tiffany & Co

Inspirisani Tiffany dijamantima, možete skoro omirisati sjaj u ovom sanjivom mirisu. Sa visokim notama hrskave mandarine, praćene svežim irisom i završnom obradom sa pačulijem i mošusom, to je upravo ono što biste očekivali od Tiffany & Co. Božanstveno.

Tiffany & Co

Inspired by Tiffany diamonds you can almost smell the sparkle in this dreamy scent. With top notes of crisp mandarin followed by freshly cut iris and finishing with trail of patchouli and musk, it’s exactly what you’d expect Tiffany & Co to smell like. Divine.

Ergonomska bočica ima dizajn sa urezanim palcem koji omogućava ovom parfemu da savršeno prijanja u vašoj ruci. Opisan od strane brenda kao ‘vaša koža, ali bolji miris’, ima suptilne note Ambrette i Muska, koji mirišu utešno i poznato.

Glossier You

The ergonomic bottle has thumb-print design that allows the fragrance to sit perfectly in your hand. Described by the brand as a ‘your skin but better scent’, it has subtle notes of Ambrette and Musk, that smell comforting and familiar.

Tom Ford Vanille Fatale

Pomislite, kremasta vanila, opojni šafran i delikatne note smirne koja kada se osuši ispadne slatkast, ali začinjen miris. Tragovi dima daju ovom mirisu vanile jačinu koja traje i traje. Jedan špric je sve što vam je potrebno, tako da ne brinite o tome da će vam uskoro ponestati ovog parfema.

Tom Ford Vanille Fatale

Think, creamy vanilla, heady saffron and delicate notes of myrrh that dry down into a sweet but spicy scent. The smoky trail gives this vanilla scent a richness that lasts and lasts. One spritz is all you need, so don’t worry about running out of this perfume any time soon.

Cartier La Panthère

Citrusne note i bele cvetne note pomešane sa kremastim mošusom daju ovom parfemu lakoću koju ne biste očekivali Miu Miu l’eau Rosee od parfema za zimu. Sa čistim, svežim visokim notama limuna i Garantujem da će vam ovo bergamota, sušenjem dolazimo do srednjeg postati najtraženiji parfem sloja ruže, božura i breskve, ovaj parfem za ovu sezonu. je jednako nosiv koliko je i šik. Kremasta sandalovina i baza vanile daju mu izdržljivost Cartier La Panthère koja će osigurati stalan tok komplimenta The citrus notes and white tokom celog dana. florals mixed with creamy musk gives this perfume a lightness Miu Miu l’eau Rosee that you wouldn’t expect from a winter With clean, fresh top notes of lemon and fragrance. I guarantee it’ll become your most bergamot, drying down to a middle layer of reached for scent this season. rose, peony and peach, this perfume is every bit as wearable as it is chic. The creamy sandalwood and vanilla base give it a staying power that’ll ensure a steady stream of compliments all day long. (Izvor:

8 for You


Ovo miriše dovoljno dobro da bi poželeli da ga pojedete, ozbiljno. Zelena jabuka, limun, ruža i nar daju mu notu ukusne svežine, dok cvetne note jasmina i glicinije učvršćuju miris i daju mu dugovečnost.

Burberry My Burberry Blush

This smells good enough to eat, seriously. The green apple, lemon, rose and pomegranate notes give it a yummy freshness, whilst the floral notes of jasmine and wisteria ground the scent and give it longevity.



he seasons are changing and it’s officially time to update your signature scent. It’s a perfume jungle out there and if you’re looking for the perfect fragrance for you, something fresh and new, we’ve got you covered.

Aerin Amber Musk

Ako ste ljubitelj senzualnih parfema, ovaj treba probati. Miris ćilibara ima mekoću koja vas privlači (i tera vas da se vratite po još). Note ruže, jasmina i kokosa prođu pre nego što praškasto sušenje uhvati miris i razvije toplinu i dugovečnost.

Aerin Amber Musk

If you’re a fan of sensual perfumes, this is one to try. The amber scent has a softness that draws you in (and keeps you coming back for more). Notes of rose, jasmine and coconut come through before a powdery dry down captures the scent and develops giving a warmth and longevity.

Jo Malone English Oak & Hazelnut

Jo Malone zna kako da napravi pobednički miris, ovde hrast se spaja sa brojem lešnika. Isprskajte parfem, zatvorite oči i to je kao da se nalazite usred šume – naravno, osim što je manje jezivo.

Jo Malone English Oak & Hazelnut

Jo Malone knows how to make a winning fragrance, and this oak meets hazelnut number is no exception. Mist the scent, close your eyes and it’s like being in the middle of a forest - except way less creepy, obvs.

Marc Jacobs Decadence Eau So Decadent

Najnoviji miris od Marc Jacobs-a otvara se superlaganim visokim notama kruške i crne ribizle, koje su usidrene bogatim belim ćilibarom, malinom i jasminom. To je cvetni voćni miks koji je savršen za oživljavanje vaše kolekcije jesenjih mirisa.

Marc Jacobs Decadence Eau So Decadent

Marc Jacobs latest scent opens with super-light top notes of pear and blackcurrant, that are anchored with rich white amber, raspberry and jasmine. It’s a floral fruity mix that’s perfect for lightening up your autumn fragrance collection.

Jo Loves Red Truffle 21

Topla zemljasta smokva, gorak hrskav bor i bogati sofisticirani tartuf, sačinjavaju Jo Loves Red Truffle 21. Očekujte da ćete dobiti pregršt komplimenata kad nosite ovaj sanjarski miris. (Source:

Roger & Gallet Magnolia Folie

Ovo može izgledati kao boca vina, ali zapravo je bočica od 500ml parfema, koja sadrži prekrasnu mešavinu esencije magnolije, narandže, jasmina, cedra i pačulija. Ne samo da je napravljen od 87% sastojaka prirodnog porekla, već je i miris dizajniran da podstakne osećaj samopouzdanja i kreativnosti.

Roger & Gallet Magnolia Folie

This might look like a wine bottle, but it’s actually a 500ml perfume bottle, containing a beautiful blend of magnolia flower essence, orange, jasmine, cedre and patchouli. Not only are is it made from 87% natural origin ingredients, but the scent has been designed to inspire feelings of self-confidence and creativity.

Jo Loves Red Truffle 21

Warm earthy Fig, bitter crisp Pine, and rich sophisticated Truffle, make up Jo Loves Red Truffle 21. Expect to get a shower of compliments whenever you wear this dreamy scent.

9 for You

music box


Grejsi Hašak



alifornijska pop grupa i sestre u stvarnom životu, sestre Hašak, su internetske zvezde koje su postale poznate po objavljivanju muzičkih spotova na internetu gde izvode hitove i originalne pesme. Sestre Hašak, Medison, Grejsi, Sijera i Olivija, iz Temekule, koje su sve bile mlađe od 15 godina kada su počele sa objavljivanjem video spotova 2015. godine. Od adolesencije sestre su pokazale interesovanje za nastupe, kada su učile ples u studiju gde je njihova majka, Kejti Hašak, radila kao menadžer . Njihov otac, Džon Hašak (član studijske grupe “Tate koji stepuju”, takmičio se na šou programu “Amerika ima talente”) takođe je ohrabrio njihove instinkte ka nastupima i čak se pojavio u videu sestara za njihovu pesmu “Tata kaže ne”. Uz svoje video snimke, sestre su sarađivale na spotovima sa pevačem / reperom MetiBRepsom. Hajde da se upoznamo sa nekim detaljima iz biografije ovih talentovanih mladih zvezda.

rejsi Hašak je rođena 7. aprila 2002. godine i druga je po redu od četiri sestre. Grejsi je dve godine mlađa od svoje starije sestre Madison i takodje je konkurentna plesačica u Plesnoj grupi u Temekuli. Počela je da pleše već sa dve godine. Trenirala je stepovanje, džez, balet i hip-hop zajedno sa sestrama, takođe je i pevačica. Ona i njene sestre su stvorile sopstvenu vokalnu grupu Sestre Hašak. Takođe je nastupala na sceni i odigrala ulogu plesačice u video igrici “Ples 2”. Visoka je 5 stopa i 7 inči, a ima smeđe oči i kosu.

Gracie Haschak


racie Haschak was born on April 7, 2002, and is the second daughter of the four sisters. Gracie is two years younger than her older sister, Madison and is also a competitive dancer at Temecula Dance Company. She also started dancing as early as the age of two. She trained in tap dance, jazz, ballet and hip-hop alongside her sisters and asides from dancing, is also a singer. She and her sisters created their own vocal group called Haschak Sisters. She has also performed on stage and played the part of a dancer in the video game “Dance 2”. She is 5ft 7in tall and her eyes and hair colour is brown.

plesati kada je imala samo dve godine. Madison se, kao vrlo mlada, pridružila Plesnoj grupi u Temekuli 2002. godine i plesala je uz Sofiju Luciju u “MDA Pokazivanju snage”. Osvojila je nekoliko nagrada, kao što su nagrade zajedničkih srednjih škola 8 i solo nagradu, zajedničku juniorsku solo u San Dijegu, u Kaliforniji. 2007. godine, bilo je glasina da Madison izlazi s Lukasom Helmsom, poznatom zvezdom sa Instagram-a i društvenih medija. Visoka je 5’6½ ”, ima smeđe oči i smeđu kosu.

Madison Haschak


Medison Hašak


adison Hašak je rođena 28. juna 2000. u Temekuli, u Kaliforniji, od majke Kejti i oca Džona Hašaka. Ona je najstarija od četiri sestre i vrlo je prijatna i društvena, zbog čega se ljudi lako zbližavaju sa njom. Ona je prva počela

10 for You

adison Haschak was born on June 28, 2000, in Temecula, California to Katie and John Haschak. She is the oldest of the four sisters and is easy going and friendly which makes people relate to her a lot. She was the first to start dancing at the age of two. Madison joined the Temecula Dance Company at that tender age in 2002 and danced alongside Sophia Lucia in the MDA Show of Strength. She has won several awards such as the overall secondary 8 and under solo also, the overall junior solo in San Diego, California. In 2007, it was rumoured that Madison was dating Lucas Helms, a famous Instagram and social media celebrity. She has a height of 5’6½”, brown eyes and brown hair. (Izvor:



alifornia pop outfit and real-life siblings the Haschak Sisters are Internet stars who rose to prominence by posting online music videos of them performing covers and original songs. Hailing from Temecula, the Haschak Sisters feature Madison, Gracie, Sierra, and Olivia, all of whom were under 15 years of age when they first started posting

videos in 2015. From adolescence, the sisters showed an interest in performing, studying dance at the studio where their mother, Kathi Haschak, worked as the studio manager. Their father, John Haschak (a member of the studio’s Tapping Dads, who competed on America’s Got Talent) also encouraged their performance instincts and even appeared in the sisters’ video for their song “Daddy Says No.” Along with their own videos, the sisters have collaborated on videos with singer/rapper MattyBRaps. Let’s get to know some details about these talented young stars.

music box

Olivija Hašak


livija je najmlađa od četiri sestre i rođena je 1. septembra 2005. Nastupala je na sceni sa svojom sestrom Sijerom kako bi promovisale film pod nazivom “Eni”, takođe je nastupala u scenskoj produkciji “Savršene devojke”. Olivija je odigrala svoj prvi solo ples sa četiri godine i kao svoje sestre, vežbala je stepovanje, džez, balet i hip-hop ples u Plesnoj grupi “Temekula”. Ona je nadarena plesačica i dobila je mnogo komplimenata za svoje plesne veštine. Visoka je 4 stope i 11 inča. Ima tamno smeđu kosu i smeđe oči.

Olivia Haschak


livia is the youngest of the four sisters and was born on September 1, 2005. She has performed on stage with her sister Sierra to promote the movie titled “Annie” and also performed in the stage production of “The Perfect Girl”. Olivia completed her first dance solo at the age of four and like her sisters, has trained in tap dance, jazz, ballet and hip-hop dance at the Temecula Dance Company. She is a gifted dancer and has gotten lots of compliments for her dancing skills. Her height stat is 4 feet 11 inches. She has dark brown hair and brown eyes.

Sijera Hašak


ijera Hašak je treća po redu od četiri sestre i rođena je 15. novembra 2003. Kao i njene sestre Medison i Grejsi, Sijera je talentovana plesačica i vežbala je stepovanje, džez, balet i hip-hop. Takođe se pojavila, zajedno sa svojim sestrama, u MetiBRepsovom naslovnom spotu za “Kliku” Kejna Vesta. Sijera je veoma strastvena kada je u pitanju ples i ulaže sve napore da ima dobar nastup. Takođe je vežbala u Plesnoj grupi “Temekula”. Pored plesanja, takođe peva i svoj prvi solo nastup je imala sa sedam godina. Njena prva originalna pesma bila je “Hoću da plešem”. Sijera se takmičila i osvajala je nagrade. 2011. godine, plesala je na “Vodi me do neba” nacionalno takmičenju za Dom velikana Hall u Las Vegasu i rangirana je kao osma u kategoriji solista. Kasnije, vratila se na takmičenje po drugi put 2013. godine i ponovo nastupila, ovaj put je osvojila nagradu za Visoku zlatnu nagradu. Visoka je 5 stopa i 1 inč, ima smeđe oči i smeđu kosu.

Sierra Haschak


ierra Haschak is the third of the four sisters and she was born on November 15, 2003. Just like her sisters Madison and Gracie, Sierra is a talented dancer and has trained in tap dance, jazz, ballet and hip-hop. She also appeared in the MattyB Raps cover video for Kayne West’s “Clique” alongside her sisters. Sierra is very passionate about dancing and puts in all efforts to perform very well. She also trained in the Temecula Dance Company. Besides dancing, she also sings, she performed her first solo at the age of seven. Her first original music was “I Wanna Dance”. Sierra has been to competitions and has won awards. In the year 2011, she danced on “Take to the Sky” for Hall of Fame nationals in Las Vegas and ranked 8th in future hall of fame solos. She later came back for the competition a second time in 2013 and performed again, this time she won the High Gold Award. Her height is 5 ft 1 in and has brown eyes and brown hair. (Source:

11 for You

Psi i njihovi vodiči moraju raditi kao jedan tim

Ovi psi su dobri! Stvarno dobri! Tako dobri, da mogu da pronađu čak i male predmete poput novčića, satima nakon što su izgubljeni. To se nedavno dogodilo u selu Slatina u opštini Kosovo Polje, nakon oružane pljačke. Po dolasku na mesto zločina, službeni pas je u blizini objekta pronašao nekoliko novčića, za koje je policija posumnjala da su ispali kriminalcima dok su bežali sa mesta zločina. Vodnik Havoli je takođe naglasio da pored dobro obučenog psa, K9policijski službenik, koji vodi psa, mora biti dobro obučen i kvalifikovan tako da dobro funkcionišu kao tim i da budu uspešni u svom radu. “Pozivam mlade i sve ljude na Kosovu da veruju Policiji Kosova i da sarađuju sa nama jer smo ovde i spremni smo da sarađujemo sa vama. Na kraju krajeva, ne zaboravite: policija je narod i narod policija”, rekao je na kraju vodnik Havoli.


ea i Boku su dva veoma posebna policajca, kojih se plaše krijumčari i svi drugi kriminalci na Kosovu. Specijalnost koja ih čini tako zastrašujućim je njihovo čulo mirisa koje im omogućava da istražuju, prate i sprečavaju krivična dela. Oni su takođe angažovani na praćenju i hvatanju osumnjičenih zločinaca. Pored njihovih sposobnosti njuškanja, Reu i Bokua se razlikuju jer imaju četiri noge i prilično su čupavi. Drugim rečima, Rea i Boku su dva psa koji služe kao deo Jedinice službenih pasa (K9) Policije Kosova.

Veza za život

Vodnik Besim Havoli, supervizor tima patrolnih pasa, naglasio je da su psi iz K9jedinice podeljeni na patrolne pse, narkotika, pse za eksploziva i pse za otkrivanje novca. Njihova obuka je veoma stroga. Sve počinje kada bivaju odabrani kao štenad. Moraju da zadovolje nekoliko kriterijuma, kao što su: da nemaju bilo kakve fizičke nedostatke, da se ne plaše mraka, da mogu hodati po keramičkim pločicama, pesti se i silaziti niz stepenice itd.

12 for You

Nakon ove selekcije, psi prolaze posebnu obuku i na kraju se svaki od njih dodeluje K9 policajcu (vodiču). Tokom radnog vremena vodič i njegov pas obavljaju zadatke u skladu sa potrebama obuke psa. Nakon posla, vodič vodi psa sa sobom kući, gde se pas druži sa porodicom vodiča. Briga se nastavlja čak i nakon što pas biva penzionisan. Veza između psa i vodiča i njegove porodice je veoma jaka veza prijateljstva i lojalnosti i pas postaje deo vodičeve porodice, voljen od strane svih članova i kada je reč o K9 psima, stara izreka je istinita: pas je čovekov najbolji prijatelj. Prema rečima vodnika Havolija, belgijski nemač, koker španijel i nemački ovčar su pasmine koje se najčešće koriste u K9 jedinici Policije Kosova. „Belgijski ovčar je najčešća pasmina u našoj službi jer su veliki, energični i veoma dobro obavljaju svoje zadatke. Međutim, koker španijel je više angažovan u potrazi za narkoticima po vozilima i zgradama jer su manji i prikladniji za uske prostore”, dodaje vodnik Havoli.


ea and Boku are the names of two very special police officers, feared by smugglers or any other criminals in Kosovo. The specialty that makes them so fearsome is their smelling sense that enables them to investigate, track and prevent criminal offenses. They are also engaged in tracking and catching persons that are suspected of having committed crimes. In addition to their sniffing abilities Rea and Boku are also distinguished because they have four legs and are quite furry. In other words, Rea and Boku are two dogs serving as part of the Kosovo Police K9 Unit.

A bond for life

Sergeant Besim Havolli, supervisor of the patrol dog team, stressed that the K9 unit dogs are divided into patrol, narcotics, explosives and money dogs. Their training is very strict. It all begins when they are selected as puppies. They have to meet several criteria, such as: not having any physical deficiency or defects, not being afraid of the dark, being able to walk on ceramic tiles, climbing and coming down all kinds of stairs, etc.

After their selection, the dogs undergo a very special training and in the end each of them is handed to one K9 police officer (caretaker). During working hours the caretaker and his dog perform the tasks in compliance with the dog’s training. After the work the caretaker takes the dog with him to his home, where the dog socializes with the caretaker’s family. The caring goes on even after the dog has retired. The bond between the dog and caretaker and his family is a very strong bond of friendship and loyalty and the dog becomes part of the family, loved by all members and when it comes to the K-9 dogs, the old saying is true: a dog is man’s best friend. According to sergeant Havolli the Belgian Pastor, the Cocker Spaniel and the German Pastor are the most used breeds of dogs in Kosovo Police K9 unit. “The Belgian Pastor is the most common dog in our service because they are big, energetic and they complete their tasks very well. However, the Cocker Spaniel is more engaged in searching for narcotics in vehicles and buildings because they are smaller in size and more suitable for tight spaces,” sergeant Havolli added.

Dogs and their caretakers must work as a team

These dogs are good! Really good! So good, that they are able to find even small objects like a coin, hours after it has been lost. This happened recently in village Sllatine, Fushë Kosovë

Municipality, after an armed robbery. Upon arriving at the crime scene the on duty dog found several coins in the vicinity of the facility, which the police suspected that the criminals had dropped while fleeing the scene. Sergeant Havolli also emphasized that in addition to a good trained dog the K9 Police Officer that handles the dog must also be well trained and qualified so that they operate well as a team and to be successful in their work. “I invite the young and all the people in Kosovo to trust the Kosovo Police and to cooperate with us because we are here and we are ready to cooperate with you. After all, don’t forget: Police is the people and the people are the police,” Sergeant Havolli said in the end. Posetite nas na: Visit us at:

13 for You

životinjsko carstvo



grožene vrste su one vrste koje su izložene riziku da izumru zbog ljudske intervencije zbog njihovog krzna, gubitka staništa, klimatskih promena, bolesti, lova. Ugrožene vrste imaju malu ili opadajuću populaciju, što znači da ih je tako malo ostalo i moglo bi uskoro izumreti. Trenutna stopa izumiranja je daleko viša od očekivane prirodne stope i trebala bi biti razlog za brigu za sve nas. Ove vrste nam pomažu da održimo glavne ekosisteme obezbeđujući čist vazduh, vodu, lekove, hranu, građevinski materijal i odeću.

Jamajska Iguana

Najvećem kopnenom reptilu na ostrvu preti mungos. Mungos je uveden da kontroliše zmije, ali sada jede iguanu.

Jamaican Iguana

The largest land reptile on the island is threatened by the introduction of the mongoose. The mongoose was introduced to control snakes, but now is eating the iguana.

Actinote Zikani

Leptir poreklom iz Južne Amerike, sve ih je manje i manje preživelih u svakoj generaciji. Njihovo prirodno stanište je ugroženo razvojem i klimatskim promenama.

Actinote Zikani

A butterfly native to South America, there have been fewer and fewer surviving in each generation. Their natural habitat has been threatened by development and climate change.

Vuneni majmun pauk

Ovaj mali i živahni majmun polako nestaje. Lovi se zbog hrane i krzna, ali njegovo prirodno stanište uništava seča i rudarstvo.

Woolly Spider Monkey

This small and lively monkey is slowly disappearing. It is hunted for food and fur, but its natural habitat is being destroyed by logging and mining.

Ponekad se naziva Ruža Sinaja, ovaj cvet je gotovo izumro zbog klimatskih promena i razvoja njihovog prirodnog staništa.

Kineska ćubasta šljukarica

Dok su skoro dovedene do izumiranja, kineske ćubaste šljukarice mogu biti uspešna priča o naporima očuvanja. Njihov broj se polako povećava zbog pažljivog očuvanja i primene propisa.

Rosa Arabica

Chinese Crested Tern

Sometimes called the Rose of Sinai, this flower is almost extinct due to climate changes and development of its natural habitat.

While almost driven to extinction, the Chinese crested terns may be the success story of conservation efforts. Their numbers are slowly rising due to careful conservation and enforced regulations.

Bazzania Bhutanica

Fatuhiva Monarh

Vrsta jetrenjače, gotovo je izumrla zbog ljudskog uplitanja i uništavanja suvih, tropskih prašumskih područja koje ona preferira.

Bazzania Bhutanica

A type of Liverwort plant,

14 for You

Arapska ruža

it is all but extinct due to human interference and destruction of the dry, tropical rainforest areas that it prefers.

Stanovnik Francuske Polinezije, ovaj lepi i veliki kolibri je stigao i do kritične liste ugroženih. Razlog za njegovu propast pripisuje se uvođenju crnih pacova na ostrva, koji nisu autohtona vrsta i koji se njime hrane.

Fatuhiva Monarch Native to French Polynesia, this beautiful and large

flycatcher has also made it to the critical endangered list. The reason for its demise is credited to the introduction of black rats to the islands, a non-native species who feeds on this bird.


animal kingdom


Sakhalin Taimen (mladica)

Ova japanska riba je član porodice lososa i zbog prekomornog ribolova i zagađenja gotovo je izumrla. Nekada se nalazila širom Japana, sve se ređe viđa. One imaju tendenciju da ostanu u rekama, ali reka je prestala da im pruža život.


ndangered species are those species that are at a risk of becoming extinct due to man’s intervention for their fur, habitat loss, climate change, disease, and hunting. Endangered species have a small or declining population, meaning that there are so few left and could extinct anytime in near future. The current rate of extinction is far more than the expected natural rate and should be a cause of concern for all of us. These species help us to main ecosystems by providing clean air, water, medicines, food, building and clothing material.

Nosorog sa Jave

Ovaj nosorog nije samo ugrožen nego je redak. Ne postoje zarobljene životinje za čuvanje. Gonili su ga i lovili zbog mističnih svojstava svog malog pojedinačnog roga. Jednom naseljen u planinama, danas se retko viđa i visoko ceni.

Sakhalin Taimen

This Japanese fish is a member of the Salmon family and through over fishing and pollution, is almost extinct. Once found throughout Japan, sightings are getting rarer. They tend to stay in the rivers, but the rivers have ceased to be able to support their life.

Javan Rhino

This rhino is not just endangered, it is rare. There are no captive animals for conservation. It has been hunted and poached for the mystical properties of its small single horn. Once populous in the mountains, it is rarely seen and highly valued today.


Hirola je vrsta antilope koja izumire. Efekti dugotrajne suše u regionu, kao i ratna razaranja, smanjili su njeno stanište. Njeni rogovi i meso su takođe veoma cenjeni.

the region, plus the ravages of war, have decreased its habitat. Its horns and meat are also highly prized.

Hirola Žaba duh sa Stone planine

Bumbar Franklin

Ove žabe dobile su ime iz područja u kojem se nalaze, Table Mountain (Stona Planina) Južna Afrika. Ulazak u ljudski razvoj gurnuo je više njihovih prirodnih grabljivaca u region i brzo smanjio njihov broj.

Ovaj bumbar ima najograničeniji migracijski raspon od svih ostalih. Zagađenje, klimatske promene i uništavanje prirodnog staništa su ga čvrsto stavili na listu ugroženih.

Table Mountain Ghost Frog

Franklin’s Bumblebee

These frogs get their name from the area they are found in, Table Mountain South Africa. Encroachment by human development has pushed more of their natural predators into the region and rapidly diminished their numbers.

This bumblebee has the most restricted migratory range of all others. Pollution, climate change and the destruction of its natural habitat have put it firmly on the endangered list.


Is a type of antelope that is dying out. The effects of the long standing drought in

Koralno drvo (Eritrina)

Ovo drvo je postalo veoma popularno kod vlasnika kuća na jugu Amerike i drugim toplim klimama. Nažalost, napori za očuvanje nisu pratili kvote ubiranja.

Coral Tree

This tree has become very popular with homeowner’s

in the American South and other warm climates. Unfortunately, conservation efforts have not kept up with harvesting quotas.

15 for You



Uloge: Rosa Salazar, Christoph Waltz, Jackie Earle Haley, Ed Skrein, Jorge Lendeborg Jr. , Mahershala Ali Režija: Robert Rodriguez Scenario: James Cameron ******************************* Sinopsis 26. veku, ženski kiborg je spašen iz gomile gvožđa od strane naučnika.



Cast: Rosa Salazar, Christoph Waltz, Jackie Earle Haley, Ed Skrein, Jorge Lendeborg Jr. , Mahershala Ali Director: Robert Rodriguez Screenwriter: James Cameron ************************************ Synopsis n the 26th century, a female cyborg is rescued from the scrapheap by a scientist.



Sinopsis rhitekta iz Njujorka Natali naporno radi da bi bila primećena na svom poslu, ali je veća verovatnoća da će biti zamoljena da isporuči kafu i pecivo, nego da dizajnira sledeći gradski neboder. I ako stvari nisu bile dovoljno loše, Natali, doživotni cinik kada je u pitanju ljubav, ima susret sa pljačkašem koji je onesvešćuje, probudivši se otkrije da joj je život odjednom postao najgora noćna mora - romantična komedija - i ona je vodeća dama.


ZAR NIJE ROMANTIČNO Uloge: Rebel Wilson, Adam Devine, Liam Hemsworth, Priyanka Chopra, Betty Gilpin, Brandon Scott Jones Režija: Todd Strauss Schulson Scenario: Erin Cardillo i Dana Fox *******************************************

18 for You


Cast: Rebel Wilson, Adam Devine, Liam Hemsworth, Priyanka Chopra, Betty Gilpin, Brandon Scott Jones Director: Todd Strauss Schulson Screenwriter: Erin Cardillo & Dana Fox ********************************************** Synopsis ew York City architect Natalie works hard to get noticed at her job but is more likely to be asked to deliver coffee and bagels than to design the city’s next skyscraper. And if things weren’t bad enough, Natalie, a lifelong cynic when it comes to love, has an encounter with a mugger that renders her unconscious, waking to discover that her life has suddenly become her worst nightmare - a romantic comedy - and she is the leading lady.





Uloge: Jay Baruchel, Gerard Butler, Craig Ferguson, America Ferrera, Jonah Hill, Kristen Wiig Režija: Dean DeBlois Scenario: Dean DeBlois ******************************* Sinopsis no što je počelo kao neverovatno prijateljstvo između mladog Vikinga i zastrašujućeg Zmaja-noćne furije postalo je epska trilogija koja se proteže kroz njihove živote. U ovom sledećem poglavlju, Štucko i Bezubi konačno će otkriti svoje prave sudbine: seoski poglavar kao vladar Berka zajedno sa Astrid i zmaj kao vođa svoje vrste. Kako se obojica uspinju, najmračnija pretnja sa kojom su se suočili - kao i pojavljivanje ženskog zmaja-noćne furije- će testirati veze njihovog odnosa kao nikada do sada.



Cast: Jay Baruchel, Gerard Butler, Craig Ferguson, America Ferrera, Jonah Hill, Kristen Wiig Director: Dean DeBlois Screenwriter: Dean DeBlois ********************************** Synopsis hat began as an unlikely friendship between an adolescent Viking and a fearsome Night Fury dragon has become an epic trilogy spanning their lives. In this next chapter, Hiccup and Toothless will finally discover their true destinies: the village chief as ruler of Berk alongside Astrid, and the dragon as leader of his own kind. As both ascend, the darkest threat they’ve yet faced—as well as the appearance of a female Night Fury—will test the bonds of their relationship like never before.




Cast: Brie Larson, Samuel L. Jackson, Ben Mendelsohn, Lashana Lynch, Jude Law, Clark Gregg Directors: Anna Boden & Ryan Fleck Screenwriter: Geneva Robertson-Dworet *********************** Synopsis aptain Marvel gets caught in the middle of a galactic war between two alien races.



Uloge: Brie Larson, Samuel L. Jackson, Ben Mendelsohn, Lashana Lynch, Jude Law, Clark Gregg Režija: Anna Boden i Ryan Fleck Scenario: Geneva Robertson-Dworet ********************* Sinopsis apetan Marvel je uhvaćen usred galaktičkog rata između dve vanzemaljske rase.


19 for You

sportski ugao

GER/DEN HANDBALL ‘19 O d 10. do 27. januara 2019. godine, Danska i Nemačka bile su zemlje domaćini IHF Svetskog prvenstva u muškom rukometu za 2019. godinu. Svetsko prvenstvo u muškom rukometu organizuje Međunarodni rukometni savez (IHF) od 1938. godine. Takmičenjem su dominirale evropske zemlje. Francuska je najviše puta osvajala ovo prvenstvo, ali je Švedska osvojila najviše medalja. Ovo je bilo prvo IHF Svetsko prvenstvo u muškom rukometu koje je uključivalo više od jedne zemlje domaćina. U nastavku vas pozivamo da saznate još neke činjenice o ovom događaju.

Ime dvorane: Royal Arena Kapacitet dvorane: 12,500 Kopenhagen ima mnoštvo muzeja, odlične restorane, kao što su Noma (proglašen za najbolji restoran na svetu od 2010 do 2012), kao i šoping na svetskom nivou. Tržni centar “Fields” nalazi se odmah pored rukometne arene i jedan je od najvećih skandinavskih tržnih centara.

COPENHAGEN - Among the happiest cities in the world


rom 10 to 27 January 2019, Denmark and Germany hosted the 2019 IHF World Men’s Handball Championship. The World Men’s Handball Championship has been organized by the International Handball Federation since 1938. The competition has been dominated by European countries. It has been won most times by France, but Sweden has won most medals. This was the first IHF World Men’s Handball Championship to include more than one host country. Below we invite you to find some more facts about this event.

GRADOVI DOMAĆINI / HOST CITIES HERNING - Zabavno, svečano i uzbudljivo iskustvo

Ime dvorane: Jzske Bank Boxen Kapacitet dvorane: 11.000 - 15.000 Herning je stvorio tradiciju održavanja velikih sportskih događaja u ovom gradu. Ovaj grad je takođe bio domaćin Svetskog prvenstva u hokeju, Evropskog prvenstva u fudbalu u kategoriji ispod 21 godine, Svetskog prvenstva u ženskom rukometu kao i evropskih prvenstava u biciklizmu, muškom rukometu, stonom tenisu, plivanju, triatlonu, odbojci i badmintonu.

HERNING - A fun, festive and exciting experience

Arena Name: Jyske Bank Boxen Arena capacity: 11,000 - 15,000 Herning has formed a tradition of hosting large-scaled sport events. The city has been host to the World Championship in Ice Hockey, the European Under-21 Football Championship, World Women’s Handball Championship and European Championships in cycling, men’s handball, table tennis, swimming, triathlon, volleyball and badminton.

20 for You

KOPENHAGEN - Među najsrećnijim gradovima na svetu

Arena Name: Royal Arena Arena capacity: 12,500 Copenhagen has loads of museums, great restaurants, such as Noma (named as the best restaurant in the world in 201012), and world-class shopping. Shopping center “Fields” is situated right next to the handball arena and is among Scandinavia’s largest shopping centers.

HAMBURG Nordijski, prijatan, svestran

Ime dvorane: Barclaycard Arena Kapacitet dvorane: 13.000 Sa reputacijom važnog kulturnog, industrijskog i trgovačkog centra, Hamburg ima mnogo toga da ponudi u mnogim različitim oblastima. Grad je nadasve poznat po svojoj luci, koja je jedna od najvećih luka za prekrcaj u svetu sa više od 8,8 miliona kontejnera koji se pretovare u ovoj luci godišnje.

HAMBURG - Nordic, pleasant, versatile

Arena Name: Barclaycard Arena Arena capacity: 13,000 Having the reputation as an important culture, industry and trade location Hamburg has a lot to offer in many different areas. The city is above all famous for its port, which is one of the biggest transshipment ports worldwide with more than 8.8 million containers handled every year. Najbolji tim Nakon 18 uzbudljivih dana takmičenja, tokom kojih su gledaoci uživali u neverovatnim timskim i pojedinačnim nastupima, 26. IHF Svetsko prvenstvo u muškom rukometu je završeno. Pored toga što su Danci krunisani kao šampioni prvenstva, proglašen je i Allstar tim: Najkorisniji igrač: Mikkel Hansen – Danska

Levo krilo: Magnus Jondal – Norveška Levi bek: Sander Sagosen – Norveška Srednji bek: Rasmus Lauge – Danska Desni bek: Fabian Wiede – Nemačka Desno krilo: Ferran Sole Sala – Španija Centar: Bjarte Myrhol – Norveška Golman: Niklas Landin – Danska


GER/DEN HANDBALL ‘19 KELN - Rajnska vitalnost, otvorenost i karneval

Ime dvorane: LANXESS Arena Kapacitet dvorane: 19,250 Keln je poznat po dve stvari: Kelnskoj katedrali i karnevalu. Katedrala je kulturna znamenitost grada. Spada u svetsku baštinu UNESKA od 1996. godine. Katedrala je sagrađena u 13. veku i predstavlja najposećeniju turističku atrakciju u Nemačkoj. Svake godine karnevalska povorka privuče 1,5 miliona posetilaca uglavnom iz Nemačke, Belgije, Francuske i Holandije, koji donesu prodaju u vrednosti od 48 miliona evra za kelnske pabove i barove kao i prodaju 330 tona slatkiša.

COLOGNE - Rhenish vitality, openness and carnival

Arena Name: LANXESS Arena Arena capacity: 19,250 Cologne is known for two things: the Cologne Cathedral and the Carnival. The Cathedral is the cultural landmark of the town. Belonging to the UNESCO world heritage since 1996 the Cathedral was built in the 13th century and is the most visited sight of Germany. Every year the Carnival parade attracts 1.5 million visitors mainly from Germany, Belgium, France and the Netherlands that ensure a sales of 48 million Euros for Cologne’s pubs and bars and 330 tons of sweets. All-star Team After 18 thrilling days of competition during which spectators have enjoyed incredible team and individual performances, the 26th IHF Men’s World Championship is over. In addition to Denmark being crowned champions the All-star Team has been announced as well: MVP: Mikkel Hansen – Denmark Left wing: Magnus Jondal – Norway Left back: Sander Sagosen – Norway Centre back: Rasmus Lauge – Denmark Right back: Fabian Wiede – Germany Right wing: Ferran Sole Sala – Spain Line player: Bjarte Myrhol – Norway Goalkeeper: Niklas Landin – Denmark

Mikkel Hansen Danski levi bek Mikkel Hansen je izabran je za najkorisnijeg igrača IHF Svetskog prvenstva u rukometu 2019. godine. Ovu titulu je osvojio zahvaljujući 72 postignuta gola od 108 pokušaja na ovom svetskom prvenstvu.

Mikkel Hansen The Danish left back Mikkel Hansen was elected for the Most Valuable Player of the IHF World Handball Championship 2019. He achieved this thanks to his 72 goals out of 108 attempts

sports corner MINHEN - Spoj bavarske tradicije i duha metropole

Ime dvorane: Olympic Hall Kapacitet dvorane: 12.000 Smešten najjužnije od svih nemačkih gradova gde se održavalo 26. IHF Svetsko prvenstvo u rukometu, Minhen oslikava bavarski način života i vitalnost u svom najboljem izdanju. Poznat u celom svetu po svom Oktoberfestu, ima veliku reputaciju kao kosmopolitski i grad sporta.

MUNICH - Bavarian tradition meets metropolitan spirit

Arena Name: Olympic Hall Arena capacity: 12,000 Located most southern of all German venues of the 26th IHF Handball World Championship, Munich represents the Bavarian lifestyle and vitality at its best. Famous all over the world for its Oktoberfest, it has quite a reputation as a cosmopolitan and sports enthusiastic city.

BERLIN - Svetska metropola Nemačke

Ime dvorane: Mercedes-Benz Arena Kapacitet dvorane: 14.800 Sa reputacijom kosmopolitskog grada za kulturu, politiku, medije, nauku i sport, prestonica Nemačke ima da ponudi za svakoga ponešto. Sam Berlin ima 3,6 miliona stanovnika, a poseti ga više od 31 miliona turista godišnje. Sa stanovnicima iz više od 20 različitih zemalja, Berlin je prava mešavina različitih kultura i jezika koja širi savremeni kosmopolitski duh.

BERLIN - Germany’s world metropolis

Arena Name: Mercedes-Benz Arena Arena capacity: 14,800 With its reputation as a cosmopolitan city for culture, politics, media, sciences and sports Germany’s capital has something to offer for everyone. While Berlin has 3.6 million citizens, more than 31 million tourists explore the city every year. With citizens from more than 20 different countries Berlin is a real melting pot of cultures and languages and spreads a modern cosmopolitan spirit. during this World Championship.

jske i svetske titule!

Prva titula na svetskom prvenstvu Ovo je Danskoj bila prva titula na Svetskom prvenstvu. Ipak, ovom pobedom danski rukomet je konačno ujedinio sve tri titule prvaka u svetu rukometa! Sadašnja generacija danskih rukometaša postigla je neverovatan uspeh osvojivši trostruku krunu koju čine: Evropske, olimpi-

First world champion title ever This was Denmark’s first World Champion title evwer. However, with this victory Danish handball has finally united all three crowns in the world of handball! The current generation of Danish handball players has achieved the amazing result of taking the Triple Crown which consists of: EURO, Olympic and World titles!

21 for You




oblox brzo preuzima tržište besplatnih igara sa svojom jedinstvenom kombinacijom društvene mreže, platforme za video igrice i MMO- kao mesto za različite zajednice gde možete pronaći ljude za razgovor, deljenje i igranje igara zajedno. Ali ako pogledate našu listu najboljih igara koje se igraju na Roblox-u, naći ćete veliki broj naslova koje možete igrati u narednim nedeljama i mesecima.


gra nije baš privlačna, ali je zabavna. Počinjete sa nula dolara i samo sa osnovnom opremom u obliku zarđalog krampa (pickaxe) i ultra-malog ranca koji se može popuniti za pola minuta. Ali kada jednom posetite lokalnog davalaca zadataka, završite nekoliko zadataka i počnete da kopate dragocene materijale, stvari postaju veoma zanimljive. Uskoro ćete zaraditi dovoljno novca da biste kupili bolju opremu koja će vam omogućiti da nosite više rude i kopate kvalitetnije resurse dok budete sve bolje igrali zadatke.

Mining Simulator


he game isn’t much of a looker but it is loads of fun. You start with zero bucks and just with basic equipment in the form of rusty pickaxe and ultra-small backpack which can be filled in half a minute. But once you visit the local quest giver, finish a couple of quests and start digging precious materials things become quite interesting. Soon, you’ll earn enough money to buy better equipment allowing you to carry more ore and mine higher quality resources while getting better and better playing quests.

Mining Simulator


ltimate Driving je jedna od najambicioznijih igara dostupnih na Roblox-u i sastoji se od četiri igre koje nude veliki otvoreni svet sa kompleksnom putnom mrežom i mnogo različitih gradova. Iako zvuče kao jednostavne trkačke igre, Ultimate Driving igre su mnogo više od toga. Igre bi se mogle opisati kao životni simulatori gde možete voziti preko ogromne mape igre, učestvovati u jednom od pola tuceta poslova, zaraditi novac, kupiti nekretnine i nove automobile i jednostavno živeti virtualni život u MMO- iskustvima ispunjenim kul stvarima koje ćete raditi.

Ultimate Driving Series


ltimate Driving is one of the most ambitious games available on Roblox and it is Ultimate Driving Series comprised out of four games each offering a huge open world with the complex road network and lots of different towns. While they sound like simple racing games Ultimate Driving games are so much more than that. The games could be described as life simulators where you can drive around the games’ huge map, partake in one of half a dozen jobs, earn money, buy properties and new cars and simply live a virtual life in these MMO-like experiences filled with cool stuff to do.


pic Minigames je sigurno jedna od najzabavnijih igara dostupnih na Roblox platformi. Igra sadrži mnoštvo različitih mini igara koje vas stavljaju u ogroman broj različitih situacija u kojima vi, ili vaš tim, morate izaći kao pobednik. Igra je super jer nudi mnogo različitih takmičarskih multiplejer scenarija i njihov broj je ogroman, tako da vam neće biti dosadno sa ovom igrom mesecima! Igre su prilično raznovrsne i nude različite vrste izazova.

Epic Mini-games


pic Minigames surely is one of the most entertaining games available on Roblox Epic Mini-games Platform. The game features loads of different minigames that put you in awesomely huge number of different situations in which you, or your team, have to come out as a winner. The game is cool because it offers loads of different competitive multiplayer scenarios and their number is huge so you won’t be bored with this one for months! Games are pretty varied and they offer different kinds of challenges.

22 for You





oblox is quickly overtaking free games market with its unique combination of social network, video games platform, and MMO-like place for different communities where you can find people to chat, hand out, and play games together. But if you check out our list of best games played on Roblox you will find a healthy number of cool titles you can play in weeks and months to come.


oblox je poznat po velikoj količini različitih igara uloga koje ne uključuju borbu. Jedan od najboljih novih naslova koji vam dozvoljavaju da igrate uloge i da se zabavite dok to radite zove se Work at a Pizza Place (Radite u piceriji). Njegovo ime sve govori; Da, omogućava svojim igračima da rade u piceriji i rade jedan od poslova koji su tamo na raspolaganju. Možete igrati kao blagajnik, pica majstor, dostavljač, paker pica (onaj koji pakuje pice u kutije) i dobavljača. Različiti poslovi zadovoljavaju različite ljude, tako da postoji mogućnost da ćete pronaći par omiljenih, a zatim se prebaciti između njih. Svaki posao vam daje redovne isplate i novac koji ste zaradili može se potrošiti na dobijanje bolje kuće (svaki igrač dobija besplatnu osnovnu kuću čim počne da igra igru) ili opremanje kuće kul nameštajem.

Work at a Pizza Place


oblox is known for its huge amount of different roleplaying games that don’t include combat. One of the best new titles that allow you to roleplay and have some fun while doing it is called Work at a Pizza Place. Its name says it all; yep, this one allows its players to work at a pizza parlour and fill out one of the jobs available there. You can play as cashier, pizza chef, delivery dude, Pizza boxer (the one who puts pizzas in boxes), and supplier. Different jobs cater to different people so chances are you will find a couple of favourites and then switch between them. Each job gives you regular pay checks and the money earned can be spent on getting a better house (each player receives a free basic house as soon as they start playing the game) or equipping your house with cool furniture.

Work at a Pizza Place



e možemo napraviti listu sa najboljim Roblox igrama bez pominjanja Jailbreaka, najpopularnije Roblox igre svih vremena. Ovo je masovno popularna igra uloga u kojoj možete izabrati da budete policajac ili kriminalac i od tada ćete ili izazvati pustoš ili pokušati da uhvatite kriminalce i napravite svet Jailbreak-a sigurnijim mestom. Igra ima mnogo stvari koje treba uraditi i dok je početak malo spor i ogroman broj opcija može biti malo zbunjujuće za nove igrače nakon što malo igrate igru i upoznate je, Jailbreak će postati vaša regularna Roblox igra.


e cannot create the list with best Roblox games without mentioning Jailbreak, the most popular Roblox game of all times. This one is a massively popular role-playing game where you can pick to be a cop or a criminal and from then you will either cause havoc or trying to apprehend criminals and make the world of Jailbreak a safer place. The game features plenty of stuff to do and while its start is a bit slow and the huge number of option can be a bit confusing to new players once you play the game a bit and get to know it, Jailbreak will become your go-to Roblox game.



23 for You



decembarskom broju Magazina For you pisali smo o Radiju K4, i najavili smo da će početak 2019. godine doneti mogućnost za osvajanjem nagrada tokom K4 Photo Like Takmičenja. Deset najtalentovanijih učesnika prepoznato je zbog njihovog uspeha i dobili su priznanja u vidu zahvalnica, raznih promotivnih materijala, a prva tri pobednika dobila su prestižne nagrade: pametne satove, tablete i pametne telefone.

Prikažite toleranciju kroz jednu fotografiju

Svrha takmičenja ovog puta bila je promovisanje tolerancije. Naime, učesnici su kroz jednu fotografiju morali prikazati toleranciju. „Tolerancija znači da sarađujemo jedni s drugima bez obzira na našu nacionalnost, veroispovest, pol, itd. “Ovako je pobjednica ovog konkursa gospođa Fljorentina Krasnići definisala toleranciju. Istakla je sledeće: “Ovo je prvi put da sam u društvu pripadnika drugih etniciteta i osećam se jako dobro. Zadovoljstvo mi je biti ovde i definitivno ću ponovo učestvovati na takmičenjima koje organi-

24 for You

zuje Radio K4. Takođe želim da se zahvalim KFOR-u što je uspeo da okupi ljude različitih etniciteta u veoma prijatnom i prijateljskom okruženju.” „Tolerancija je širok pojam i ne odnosi se isključivo na etničku pripadnost. Predstavila sam toleranciju kroz decu. Na mojoj fotografiji vide se deca kako se igraju sa loptom na sportskom terenu. Njima nije bitno koje su veroispovesti ili etničke pripadnosti”, rekao je o toleranciji, Nemanja Lekić, drugi pobednik na takmičenju,. On se takođe zahvalio Radiju K4 na organizovanju ovog takmičenja i pozvao sve ljude na Kosovu, posebno one mlade, da ne oklevaju da se pridruže svim inicijativama koje promovišu pozitivne vrednosti kao što su mir, tolerancija, saradnja, itd.

Komandant KFOR-a Lorenzo D’Adario uručuje nagrade

Pored pomenutih nagrada, pobednici takmičenja dobili su i priliku da se sastanu sa komandantom KFOR-a general-majorom Lorencom D’Adariom. U svom obraćanju general’major D’Adario naglasio je: “Ne treba nikome zatvarati vrata jer bi svako

trebao imati priliku da doprinosi. Ovo se ne odnosi samo na etničku pripadnost. Pre nekog vremena ženama nije bilo dozvoljeno da doprinose društvu ... Tokom vremena provedenog ovde, shvatio sam da je najveća vrednost Kosova njegova omladina. Vi ste glavni akteri. Na vama je kako će izgledati budućnost Kosova i budućnost vašeg društva. Zato je važno da ste jaki, jer su jaki ljudi tolerantniji. Mi kao KFOR ostajemo posvećeni da doprinosimo vašem društvu kako bi se išlo ka napretku gde bi svi mogli da se izraze. “

RADIO K4 PHOTO LIKE COMPETITION promotion material and the top three winners received the much coveted prizes: smart watches, tablets and smartphones.

Express tolerance in one photo


n the December issue of 4U Magazine we wrote about Radio K4 and announced that the beginning of 2019 would bring the opportunity to win prizes in the K4 Photo Like Competition. Ten of the most talented participants were acknowledged for their efforts and received letters of appreciation, various

The purpose of the competition was tolerance. The participants had to express tolerance through one photo. “Tolerance means to cooperate with each other regardless of our nationality, religion, gender, etc.” is how Florentinë Krasniqi defined tolerance. She went on highlighting: “This is the first time I am in the company of members of other ethnicities and I am feeling very good. It is a pleasure to be here and I will definitely participate again in competitions organized by Radio K4. I also wish to thank KFOR for managing bringing people together from different ethnicities

in a very pleasant and friendly environment”. “Tolerance is a broad term and doesn’t exclusively refer to ethnicity. I presented tolerance through children. In my photo I had children playing in a sports field with a ball. To them it doesn’t matter what their religion or ethnicity is”, Nemanja Lekic, another winner of the competition said about tolerance. He also thanked Radio K4 for organizing the competition and invited all the people of Kosovo, especially the young ones, not to hesitate in joining initiatives that promote positive values such as peace, tolerance, cooperation, etc.

COM KFOR Lorenzo D’Addario hands over the prizes

In addition to the aforementioned prizes the winners of the competition also got the chance to meet with KFOR Commander, Major General Lorenzo D’Addario. In his speech to the participants, Major General D’Addario amongst other topics stressed that: “We should not close the door to anyone as everyone should have the opportunity to contribute. This doesn’t apply only to ethnicities. Some time ago women were not allowed to contribute to society either… In my time here I have realized that Kosovo’s biggest asset is its youth. You are the main actors. It is up to you how the future of Kosovo and the future of your society will look like. Therefore it is important that you are strong, because strong people are more tolerant. We as KFOR remain dedicated to contribute for your society to move towards progress where everyone should be able to express themselves.” Posetite nas na: Visit us at:

25 for You


cija za budućnost. Gospodin Vasić je dodao da je već počeo da pohađa kurs albanskog jezika. Razlog što je upisao ovaj kurs je veoma jednostavan - on želi da nauči albanski jezik kako bi bolje razumeo svoje susede. On je dalje objasnio da planira da živi na Kosovu, a njegov rodni grad je uvek uživao u veoma opuštenoj multietničkoj sredini. Što se tiče pijace koje smo ranije spomenuli, on kaže da jedino što lokalno stanovništvo primećuje su cene i kvalitet proizvoda koje žele kupiti.

Vreme je da se okrenemo toleranciji i saradnji

Predsednik Qëndron Kastrati i zamenik predsednika Bojan Stamenković

Multietnička pijaca za tolerantno društvo

U vreme kada veliki trgovački centri i veliki supermarketi postaju glavna mesta gde ljudi nabavljaju sve svoje namirnice, mala tradicionalna pijaca u malom gradu Kamenici prkosi svima. Do sada se ova pijaca nije samo oduprla konkurenciji od strane velikih prodavnica, već se i suprotstavila trenutnoj etničkoj podeli koja je opipljiva na ostatku Kosova. Ovde Albanci, Srbi i sve ostale zajednice koje žive u opštini Kamenica prodaju svoje proizvode jedni pored drugih.

Besplatni kursevi albanskog i srpskog jezika za sve

Visok nivo tolerancije i saradnje na pijaci u Kamenici proizvod je opšte situacije u ovoj opštini. Stoga, nije ni čudo da je ovo prva opština na Kosovu koja je organizovala kurseve albanskog i srpskog jezika za sve ljude koji žive u

26 for You

ovoj opštini. Pripreme za ove kurseve su se odvijale od prošle godine, a 25. decembra 2018. godine zatvoren je upis. Zahvaljujući mnogim donatorima, kursevi će biti potpuno besplatni. Pored toga, zamenik predsednika, gospodin Bojan Stamenković, održaće predavanja na albanskom jeziku i opštinski službenik za ravnopravnost polova, gospođa Teuta Kastrati, održaće predavanja na srpskom jeziku.

Želim da bolje razumem svoje susede

„Nemamo nikakvih problema ili tenzija. U ovom gradu vodimo normalan život na pijaci, u opštini, u školama, u barovima i svuda,” rekao je dvadesetčetvorogodišnji Strahinja Vasić, pokušavajući da našem timu opiše kako multietničnost izgleda u Kamenici. Kao takav, može se reći da ovaj mali grad služi kao primer za čitavo Kosovo da su tolerancija i suživot najbolja op-

Osećanja gospodina Vasića potvrdio je i Safet Ismajlji, mladi Albanac i diplomirani ekonomista. Isto kao i Vasić, gospodin Ismajlji je rekao da on lično odlazi na pijacu radi nabavke svežih lokalnih proizvoda, a posebno proizvoda iz kućne radinosti. Osim toga, on je naglasio da ne veruje da je etnička pripadnost poljoprivrednika ili proizvođača bitna kada je u pitanju kvalitet proizvoda. Gospodin Ismajlji takođe pohađa besplatni kurs srpskog jezika. On je naglasio da želeli mi to ili ne, Albanci i Srbi su susedi, nasilje nije proizvelo ništa dobro pa je vreme da se okrenemo toleranciji i saradnji. “Kao diplomirani ekonomista želim da pokrenem svoj biznis i budem uspešan, kako bih to postigao, moram da komuniciram sa svojim susedima. Kada je reč o susedima, moj najbliži sused je naš zamenik predsednika opštine, gospodin Stamenković, koji je Srbin i odlično govori albanski jezik, pa zašto ne bih i ja mogao da govorim srpski,“ dodao je gospodin Ismajjli.

U ovoj opštini vaša etnička pripadnost nije bitna

Nije iznenađujuće da se ovaj duh tolerancije i saradnje koji vlada među ljudima u ovoj opštini odražava i u lokalnoj samoupravi u kojoj je predsednik opštine Albanac, a zamenik predsednika opštine Srbin. Na pitanje o tome, zamenik predsednika opštine gospodin Bojan Stamenković naglasio je sledeće: “Kamenica je oduvek bila primer suživota, mira i tolerancije i verujem da će tako biti i u buduće.” Dok je predsednik opštine gospodin Ćendron Kastrati dodaje da i drugi delovi Kosova i čitav region mogu naučiti nešto iz primera Kamenice. “Bojan i ja, mi smo kolege, ali pored toga smo i prijatelji, zajedno pokušavamo da ostvarimo napredak po pitanju suživota”, dodao je predsednik opštine Kastrati. “Moja poruka svim mladim ljudima na Kosovu je da iskoriste svoju mladost i entuzijazam i da dele mir, ljubav i toleranciju, kao što je rekao predsednik opštine Kamenice: budimo primer za sve ostale”, zaključio je Stamenković.


nian language course. The reason why he enrolled in this course is very simple - he wants to learn Albanian so that he can better understand his neighbours. He went on explaining that he plans to live in Kosovo and his home town has always enjoyed a very relaxed multi-ethnic environment. As for the market we mentioned above, well he says that the only thing the locals notice there are the prices and the quality of the products they want to buy.

It’s time to turn to tolerance and cooperation

Mr. Vaisc’s sentiments were confirmed by Safet Ismajli a young Albanian graduated economist. Just like Vasic Mr. Ismajli also said that personally he goes to the market for buying fresh locally produced and especially home made products. Other than that, he stressed he didn’t believe that the ethnicity of the farmer or producer matters when it comes to the product quality. Mr. Ismajli is also attending the free Serbian language course. He stressed that whether we like it or not Albanians and Serbs are neighbours, violence did not produce anything good so it’s time to turn to tolerance and cooperation. “As a graduated economist I want to start my own business and be successful, to do that I must be able to communicate with my neighbours. Speaking of neighbours, my closest neighbour is our Deputy Mayor, Mr. Stamenkovic, who is a Serbian and speaks excellent Albanian, so why shouldn’t I be able to speak Serbian too,” added Mr. Ismajli.

In this municipality your ethnicity doesn’t matter

A multi-ethnic market for a tolerant society

At a time when huge shopping malls and big supermarkets are becoming the main place where people get all their groceries a small traditional market in the small town of Kamenica is defying all odds. So far this market has not only resisted the competition from the big grocery stores but it has also defied the current ethnical division that is palpable in the rest of Kosovo. Here Albanians, Serbs and all the other communities living in the Municipality of Kamenica sell their products right next to each other.

Free Albanian and Serbian language courses for all

The high level of tolerance and cooperation in the market of Kamenica is a product of the general situation in this municipality. It is therefore no wonder that this is the first municipality in Kosovo to organize Albanian and Serbian language courses for all the

people. Preparations for these courses have been ongoing from last year and on December 25th, 2018 the invitation for enrolling was closed. Thanks to several donors the courses will be totally free. Moreover, it will be the Deputy Mayor, Mr. Bojan Stamenkovic, that will conduct Albanian language lectures and the municipal officer for gender equality Ms. Teuta Kastrati will conduct the Serbian language lectures.

I want to better understand my neighbours

“We have no problems or tensions at all. In this town we lead a normal life in the market, at the municipality, at schools in bars and everywhere else,” twenty-four year old Strahinja Vasic said while trying to describe to our team how multi-ethnicity works in Kamenica. As such, one may say that this small town serves as an example for the entire Kosovo that tolerance and coexistence are the best option for the future. Mr. Vasic further added that he has already started attending an Alba-

It is not surprising that this spirit of tolerance and cooperation that prevails among the people in this municipality is also reflected in the local government where the Mayor is Albanian and the Deputy Mayor is Serbian. When asked about this, the Deputy Mayor Mr. Bojan Stamenkovic emphasized: “Kamenica has always been an example of coexistence, peace and tolerance and I believe that it will continue to be in the future as well.” Whereas, the Mayor Mr. Qëndron Kastrati added that other parts of Kosovo and the entire region may learn from the Kamenica example. “Bojan and I, we are colleagues but apart from this we are also friends, together we are trying to make progress in relation to co-existence,” Mayor Kastrati added. “My message to all the young people in Kosovo is to take advantage of their youth their enthusiasm and to share peace, love and tolerance, as the Mayor of Kamenica said: to be an example for everyone else,” Mr. Stamenkovic concluded. Posetite nas na: Visit us at:

27 for You

vaš kutak



esto razmišljam o tome kako bi svet izgledao da nema svih ovih čudesnih sprava koje nas okružuju i koje nam u potpunosti olakšavaju život. Takođe razmišljam kako je svet izgledao pre mnogo godina kada je sve bilo teže i komplikovanije. Kako se zapravo svet izmenio i da li je bilo bolje i lepše nekada i sada? Razmišljam o svemu što je novina našeg života, a čega pre nije bilo. Moj deka stalno govori da u njegovo vreme nije bilo ‘ovoga’ i ‘onoga’, da su njegove igračke bile potpuno drugačije, da nije bilo telefona, kompjutera, tableta niti drugih uređaja. Često mi deka priča kako se dosta drugačije živelo, ali da su ipak bili veoma srećni. Ponekad sa puno nostalgije priča o svom detinjstvu, odrastanju na selu, uz razne životinje i prirodu. Ponekad se čak i buni kako u gradovima ima malo parkova i zelenila, brinući o tome da deca nemaju gde da se igraju. Zatim se nadoveže na temu naših igračaka koje uglavnom rade na baterije, veoma su skupe i brzo nas zasite. Međutim, najviše kritikuje te čudesne i skupe sprave čije postojanje i namenu nikako da shvati. Možda deka pomalo i ima pravo. Moja najdraža čudesna sprava je mobilni telefon. Iako je veoma koristan i nekada neophodan, opet ga smatram “čudesnom spravom”. Ne samo da omogućava komunikaciju, već pruža mnogo toga. Možda to čudno i pomalo nestvarno zvuči, ali mobilni telefon daje razonodu, menja raspoloženja, podstiče me da istražujem i budem radoznala. Zanimljivo je kako jednim dodirom i to vrhovima prstiju, mobilni telefon popravi moje raspoloženje, a to je uglavnom muzika ili neka igrica. Dok moj deka priča kako su oni nekada pisali pisma i čekali po nekoliko nedelja da dobiju odgovor, mi danas imamo veliko olakšanje. Deka se uvek ljuti na mene jer mi je telefon često u ruci, pa čak kaže da sam nekada i neposlušna jer mi mobilni telefon odvlači pažnju i čini da budem lenja. Iskrena da budem, iako je mobilni telefon moja čudesna sprava sa svim pozitivnim osobinama, ipak on ima i negativne osobine. Nekada pomislim da je zanimljivije sesti i napisati nekome pismo, izaći na ulicu i igrati se sa decom ili uzeti tatine stare ploče i kasete i pustiti muziku. Shvatam da nam je mobilni telefon sve olakšao, ali nam je ipak nešto i oduzeo. Zato se nikada ne ljutim na deku, ali se trudim

28 for You

da mu objasnim da je moje detinjstvo drugačije od njegovog, i da nisam ja kriv zbog toga, već kako mama kaže: “Tehnologija sve brže napreduje”. Međutim, nekada mislim da deka sve to razume, ali još uvek ne prihvata novine ovog vremena. Bez obzira na sve, ja se često slažem sa dedom, pa i sa mamom, pogotovo kad čujem mamine kritike da ostavim telefon, jer ću pokvariti vid. Verujem da ima mnogo istine u tome, ali ga ja ipak i dalje koristim. Mobilni telefon je moja čudesna sprava i sa dobrim i sa lošim osobinama. Dok deka gleda samo loše osobine, ja se trudim da gledam dobre osobine ovog uređaja. Možda je za mene trenutno sada telefon čudesna sprava jer pruža mnogo toga, ali ko zna kakva će se još čudesnija sprava tek pojaviti. Pitam se hoće li se deka i tada čuditi mobilnom telefonu. Kako god, mobilni telefon ostaje moja čudesna sprava, ne zato što čudesno izgleda, već zato što sve može. Nekada je neophodan, a uz to daje puno mogućnosti, međutim, ja bih nekada rado živela u dekinim vremenima, jer čeznem da osetim kako se živelo bez ove čudesne sprave, ali ujedno i mnogih drugih. Jasmina Pešić, Laplje selo

your corner



often think about how the world would look like if there were none of all these amazing devices that surround us and that make our lives easier. I also think about how the world looked like many years ago when everything was harder and more complicated. How did the world actually change and was it better and more beautiful before or now? I’m thinking about everything that is a novelty in our lives and did not exist before. My granddad keeps saying that in his time there was no ‘this’ or ‘that’, that his toys were completely different, that there were no phones, computers, tablets or other devices. He often tells me that he lived a lot differently, but that they were still very happy. Sometimes, with a lot of nostalgia, he talks about his childhood, growing up in the countryside, with various animals and in nature. Sometimes he complains that in the cities there are few parks and green areas, worried that children have nowhere to play. Then, he does on to the topic of our toys that mostly work on batteries, which are very expensive and we get fed up with them very quickly. However, he mostly criticizes these wonderful and costly devices, whose existence and purpose he hardly understands. My favourite miracle device is the mobile phone. Although it is very useful and sometimes necessary, I still consider it a “miraculous device”. Not only does it provide communication, it provides a lot more. Perhaps this sounds strange and somewhat unreal, but the mobile phone provides entertainment, mood enhancement, encourages me to explore and be curious. It is interesting that with a touch of the fingertips, the mobile phone fixes my mood, which is mostly through music or some kind of

game. Whilst my granddad says that they used to write letters and wait a few weeks to get a reply, we have great relief today. My granddad is always angry at me because my phone is often in my hand, and even says that I am sometimes disobedient because my cell phone distracts me and makes me lazy. To be honest, although my mobile phone is my miraculous device with all its positive features, it still has some negative features. Sometimes I think it is more interesting to sit down and write a letter, go out on the street and play with other kids or play dad’s old records and tapes and listen to the music. I understand that our mobile phone has made everything easier for us, but it has taken away something from us. That is why I am never angry at my granddad, but I try to explain to him that my childhood is different from his and that I am not guilty of it but as my mother says: “Technology is progressing faster.” However, sometimes I think that he understands everything, but he still does not accept the novelties of our time. Regardless of everything, I often agree with my grandfather and my mom also, especially when I hear my mother’s criticism that I should leave the phone alone, otherwise I will ruin my eyesight. I believe there is a lot of truth in it, but I still use it. The mobile phone is my miraculous device with both good and bad features. Whilst my granddad sees only the bad features, I try to see the good features of this device. Perhaps for me, the phone is now a miraculous device because it provides a lot, but who knows what even more amazing device will be invented soon. I wonder if my granddad will be still astounded with the cell phone then. Whatever the case may be, my mobile phone remains my miraculous device, not because it looks amazing, but because everything it can do. Sometimes it is necessary to have it and besides that it opens up a lot of possibilities, however, I would sometimes

like to live in my grandad’s times, because I long to feel how they lived without this miraculous device, but also many others.

Jasmina Pešić, Laplje Selo

29 for You

skandi ukrĹĄtenica/crossword

30 for You

pisma čitalaca/reader’s letters

Pisma čitalaca Pozdravljam sve koji me znaju, Zovem se Marija i imam 14 godina. Redovno čitam Magazin ’For You’ i uvek sa nestrpljenjem očekujem svako novo izdanje. Posebno mi se dopada rubrika u kojoj pišete o sportu, ali i ona o modi. U slobodno vreme volim da izlazim, da čitam knjige i da gledam filmove. Volim da slušam naš rep, pogotovo Bruta jer ima nenadmašne tekstove, pa bih volela da pišete i o njemu. Ćao svima. Marija Ćirkovic O.Š. Leposavić - Leposavić

Pozdrav, Ja sam Nevena Stojanović, imam 15 godina i živim u Zvečanu. Magazin ’For You’ čitam od najranijeg detinjstva, a oduvek sam najviše volela stranicu posvećenu učenickim literarnim radovima, zato što i sama volim da pišem. U slobodno vreme bavim se folklorom i horskim pevanjem. Omiljeni glumac mi je Miloš Biković,volim sve filmove i serije u kojima on glumi. Nadam se da ćete jednog dana objaviti nje-

gov poster. Pozdravljam sve čitaoce Magazina na Kosovu. Nevena Stojanović Srednja grafička škola - Zvečan Ćao svima, Zovem se Sonja, imam 13 godina i živim u Kosovskoj Kamenici. Moja omiljena pevačica je Jelena Tomašević, pa bih volela da u nekom od narednih brojeva pišete o njoj. U slobodno vreme družim se sa svojim drugarima iz razreda, igramo igrice, gledamo filmove, izlazimo i zabavljamo se. Od sportista najviše volim Novaka Đokovića. Šaljem pozdrave svima koji me znaju! Sonja Stajić O.Š. Desanka Maksimović - Kosovska Kamenica Pozdrav, Ja sam Milan i idem u peti razred. Magazin ’For You’ volim da čitam

zbog zanimljivih rubrika o životinjama, a volim i da rešavam ukrštenice. Planiram da se jednog dana bavim muzikom, sviram harmoniku i to mi je omiljeni hobi. U slobodno vreme igram igrice na kompjuteru. Ćao svima, Milan Radić O.Š. Desanka Maksimović - Kosovska Kamenica


Ćao, Ja sam Ilija, imam 12 godina i šesti sam razred osnovne škole. Treniram

odbojku, ali volim sve sportove. To je razlog zašto najviše volim vašu rubriku posvećenu poznatim sportistima. Moj omiljeni sportista je Nikola Grbić, on mi je uzor i jednog dana bih želeo da ostvarim karijeru poput njegove. U međuvremenu, šaljem vam veliki pozdrav. Ilija Stojanović O.Š. Stana Bačanin - Lešak

31 for You

pisma čitalaca/reader’s letters

Reader’s letters Greetings to all those who know me, My name is Marija and I am 14 years old. I regularly read the ‘For You’ Magazine and I am always eagerly awaiting every new issue. I particularly like the section where you write about sports, also the one about fashion. In my free time I like to go out, read books and watch movies. I like to listen to our rap, especially Brutus, because he has unsurpassed texts, so I would like you to write about him too. Bye everyone. Marija Ćirkovic Leposavić - Leposavić Ciao, I am Ilija, I am 12 years old and I am in the sixth

grade of primary school. I practice volleyball but I love all sports. That is why I love your section about well-known athletes. My favourite athlete is Nikola Grbić, he is my role-model and one day I would like to have a career like his. In the meantime, I am sending you warm greetings. Ilija Stojanović Stana Bačanin Primary School - Lešak Greetings, I am Nevena Stojanović, I am 15 years old and I live in Zvečan. I have been reading the ‘For You’ magazine from my earliest childhood, and I have always loved the page dedicated to student literary works, because I like to write myself. In my free time I am active with folklore dance and choral singing. My favourite actor is Miloš Biković, I love all the films and series in which he acts. I hope you will publish his poster one day. I am

sending out a greeting to all readers of the magazine in Kosovo. Nevena Stojanović Graphics Secondary School - Zvečan Ciao everybody, My name is Sonja, I am 13 years old and I live in Kosovska Kamenica. My favourite singer is Jelena Tomasević, so I would like you to write about her in one of the following issues. In my free time I hang out with my classmates, we play games, watch movies, go out and have fun. I like most of all Novak Djoković. I am sending out greetings to everyone who knows me! Sonja Stajić Desanka Maksimović Primary School - Kosovska Kamenica Greetings, I am Milan and I am in fifth grade. I like to read the ‘For You’ Magazine for its

interesting sections about animals, and I like to solve the crosswords. I plan to one day play music, I play the accordion and that is my favourite hobby. I play computer games in my spare time. Bye everyone. Milan Radić Desanka Maksimović Primary School - Kosovska Kamenica


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