Magazine FOR YOU Srb/Eng - May 2019

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HI-TECH: Najbolje aplikacije za obradu fotografija

Škola meseca

Music Box:

Mesečni KFOR magazin • Br.157 • Maj 2019




Sportski ugao: FK “TREPČA” Fashion: Iscepane farmerke su COOL!



UVODNIK Pozdrav dragi čitaoci, onovo se sastajemo u ovim majskim danima. Verujem da se i vi dobro zabavljate i da radite punom parom da uspešno završite još jednu školsku godinu. Pre svega želim da vam se zahvalim na pismima koja nam šaljete, nadajući se da smo uspeli da ispunimo neke od vaših želja. Mi smo tu za vas, i zato su nam vaše želje i zahtevi prioritet. Ali da ne dužim. Uvek smo se trudili da vam pružimo mnogo toga zanimljivog: najnovije vesti iz sveta muzike, filma i savremene tehnologije. Idemo redom: U rubrici Škola meseca, ovog puta ćemo predstaviti Gimnaziju u Šilovu. Za ljubitelje modne rubrike, predstavljamo neke vrlo interesantne i trendi modele farmerica. Zatim nastavljamo sa reperskim dvojcem Jala Brat i Buba Corelli koji nam pričaju razne detalje iz svog života. U Životinjskom carstvu saznaćete nešto novo o najfantastičnijim majkama u životinjskom svetu, dok vam na stranici Hi-Tech otkrivamo najbolje aplikacije za uređivanje fotografija, što će vam zaista biti od velike koristi ovog leta. Najnoviji filmovi iz strane produkcije, fudbalski klub “Trepča”, Vaš kutak, samo su neki od mnogih naslova koje možete naći u ovom broju. Što se tiče naslova iz društvenih tema, želimo da izdvojimo sledeće: “Road to Bondsteel” (“Put za Bondstil”) i „Pričamo sa Vama i slušamo Vas.“ Ali, to nije sve, Enigmatika, Vaša pisma i mnoge druge rubrike čekaju da ih pročitate, i zato pažljivo prelistajte naš magazin i sve ćete naći u njemu. Želim ponovo da vas pozdravim i da vas pozovem na sledeće druženje u junu. Do tada, sve najbolje Leonora

P Naslovna:JALA BRAT I BUBA CORELLI For You je slu`bena publikacija KFOR-a, proizvedena i finansirana od strane KFOR-a. Štampa se na Kosovu i distribuira besplatno. Sadr`aj magazina ne odra`ava uvek stavove koalicije ili bilo koje zemlje ~lanice pojedina~no. KFOR prihvatI i tra`i vaša mi{ljenja, neka od njih }e i objavljivati, verovatno u skra}enoj formi. Ako autor pisma tako `eli, njegovo/njeno ime ne}e biti objavljeno. KFOR ne}e objavljivati anonimna, maliciozna ili klevetni~ka pisma. Glavni urednik: Leonora Shabanaj Nik{i} Novinari: Ali Rexha, Violeta Matovi} Fotografije: Ekipa “4U” Design & Layout: Bekim Shabani Uredni{tvo mo`ete kontaktirati na telefon: 038/503-603-2139 Pisma mo`ete slati na adresu: HQ KFOR - Kosova Film. “For You” magazin; Strasbourg Building; 10000 Pri{tina E-mail:;







ZAŠTO ŽELIM DA BUDEM POLICAJAC/POLICAJKA 2-3: Uvodnik, sadržaj 4-5: Škola meseca: Gimnazija u Šilovu 6-7: Pričamo sa vama i slušamo vas! 8-9: Moda: „Ali, mama, ne razumeš, iscepane farmerke su kul. ”10-11: Music Box: Jala Brat i Buba Corelli 12-13: “Road to Bondsteel” 14-15: Životinjsko carstvo: Izvanredne životinjske mame 16-17: Poster: Jala Brat i Buba Corelli 18-19: Moviemania:

The Public; The avengers: endgame; Ploey; Long shot 20-21: Sportski ugao: Predstavljamo: FK ‘Trepča’ 22-23: Hi-Tech: Najbolje aplikacije za obradu fotografija za iphone i android 24-25: Zašto želim da budem policajac/ policajka? 26-27: Ne dozvolimo da zagađenje životne sredine bude naše nasleđe 28-29: Vaš kutak ... 30: Enigmatski ugao 31-32: Pisma čitalaca





16 POSTER: Jala Brat i Buba Corelli!!!


Greetings dear readers, e are meeting again in these warm days of May. I believe that you are also having a good time and working with great volition to successfully complete another school year. Firstly, I would like to thank you for the letters you are sending us, and I remain hopeful that we have achieved to fulfill some of your wishes. We are here for you, therefore your wishes and requests are a priority to us. However, let’s move on. We have always tried to bring before you many interesting things: latest news from the world of music, film, modern technology. Let’s go by order: In the School of the Month, this time we will feature the Gymansium in Silovo village. For the admirers of the Fashion page, we present some very interesting and trendy jeans models. We continue forth with Jala Brat & Buba Korelli, where they reveal many details from their life, which I am sure you have not known before. In the Animal Kingdom, you will learn about the most fantastic animal moms, while in the HiTech page we reveal the best applications for photo editing, which will indeed be of great use this summer. The latest Movies from foreign production, Football Club “Trepca”, Your Corner are only some of many titles that you may further find in this edition. Among the social topic titles we would like to distinguish the following: “Road to Bondsteel” and “We talk to you, we listen to you.” But, this is not all, Enigma, Your Letters and many other columns are waiting to be read by you, therefore carefully go through our magazine and you will find everything there. I would like to send my regards to you once again, and invite you to our next meeting in June. Until then, best regards, Leonora






2-3: Editorial, index 4-5: School of the month: Šilovo grammar school 6-7: We talk to you, we listen to you” 8-9: Fashion: “But you don’t understand, mum, ripped jeans are cool.” 10-11: Music Box: Jala Brat i Buba Corelli 12-13: “Road to Bondsteel” 14-15: Animal Kingdom: Remarkable animal moms 16-17: Poster: Jala Brat i Buba Corelli 18-19: Moviemania:



The Public; The avengers: endgame; Ploey; Long shot 20-21: Sports corner: We present: FC ‘Trepca’ 22-23: Hi-Tech: Best photo editing apps for iphone and android 24-25: Why do i want to be a police officer? 26-27: Lets’ not allow environment pollution be our legacy 28-29: Your corner ... 30: Puzzle 31-32: Reader’s letters

Cover:JALA BRAT I BUBA CORELLI ‘For You’ is an official publication of KFOR, produced and financed by KFOR, printed in Kosovo and distributed freely.The contents do not necessarily reflect the official point of view of the coalition or that of any of its member states. KFOR accepts and welcomes your opinions, it will publish some of these, eventually in a condensed form. If requested the name of the writer will be withheld but no anonymous, defamatory or malicious letters will be printed. Chief Editor: Leonora Shabanaj Niksic Journalists: Ali Rexha, Violeta Matovic Photos by: “4U” team Design & Layout: Bekim Shabani The editorial staff can be contacted on: 038/503-603-2139 Any letters can be sent at: HQ KFOR - Film City; For You magazine; Strasbourg building; 10000 Pristina; E-mail:;


škola meseca


Direktor Zoran Stojanović


aša vizija je škola u kojoj se pita i analizira, misli i stvara, gde se razvijaju individualne i kolektivne sposobnosti. Želimo školu sa kvalitetnim nastavnim programom i kompetentnim profesorskim kadrom, školu sa savremenim nastavnim sredstvima i učilima. Želimo školu koja će komunicirati sa sredinom i u čijoj će komunikaciji svi akteri zauzeti visok nivo učešća“, kaže na početku razgovora za Magazin ’For You’, direktor Gimazije u Šilovu, Zoran Stojanović. Gimnazija društveno-jezičkog i prirodno-matematičkog smera u Šilovu je primer savremene, kreativne škole sa jasnom vizijom, stručnim kadrom i pre svega velikim potencijalom. Počela je sa radom davne 1915. godine, a danas ima osam odeljenja i broji oko 200 učenika. Osim matične škole postoji i izdvojeno odeljenje prirodno matematičkog smera u Pasjanu. Mnogo je rada i kreativnosti uloženo u razvojni put ove ustanove, a taj razvojni put delo je mnogih generacija gimnazijalaca iz

Zgrada Gimnazije društveno-jezičkog i prirodno-matematičkog smera u Šilovu, bastion nov ovog kraja Kosova. Mnogi od njih ostavili su svoj lični trag kroz stvaralaštvo, inovativnost i nove ideje.

Bastion novih ideja i novog duha

Prema rečima direktora, Gimnazija je uvek bila i ostala bastion novih ideja, novog duha, đaci i njihovi nastavnici su bili ti koji su uvek organizovali značajna događanja i priređivali najposećenije događaje u ovom kraju. Direktor Stojanović naglašava da je zadovoljan svojim učenicima, a težište rada škole je na onim sadržajima koji razvijaju samostalnost i stvaralački odnos dece kroz vannastavne aktivnosti. “Naši učenici su prepoznatljivi po radu, disciplini, uspe-

hu, saradnji, druženju, učestvovanju u humanitarnim akcijama, razvijanju empatije. Učenici su veoma aktivni u vannastavnim aktivnostima, sekcijama i radionicama. U prilog tome govore ostvareni rezultati na takmičenjima iz raznih predmeta, posebno iz istorije, srpskog jezika, hemije i sportskih aktivnosti”, objašnjava direktor Stojanović. U školi je zastupljen profesionalni nastavni kadar, a nastavni proces prati nove moderne tehnologije. Ipak da bi se taj proces unapredio potrebno je izgraditi novi školski objekat sa dovoljno učionica, kabineta-laboratorija, prostora za biblioteku i fiskulturnu salu.

U planu renoviranje školske zgrade

Govoreći o planovima za budućnost, direktor Gimnazije u Šilovu kaže da im je plan renoviranje školske zgrade. “Kabinetska nastava je zastupljena iz predmeta informatike i računarstva sa par računara, a za ostale predmete nemamo prostora za kabinete i la-boratorije. Školi nedostaje učionički, kancelarijski

Profesionalni nastavni kadar prati nove moderne procese u obrazovanju


Red, rad i dis

school of the month

ih ideja

i prostor za biblioteku. Nedostaju nam i nastavna sredstva za realizaciju programa vežbi predviđene nastavnim programima, za prirodno matematičku grupu predmeta”, objašnjava direktor. On dodaje da se značaj srednjoškolskog obrazovanja ogleda u tome da se učenicima, sticanjem funkcionalnih znanja, veština, formiranja stavova i vrednosti u okviru nastavnih predmeta, obezbeđuje intelektualni, emocionalni, socijalni, moralni i fizički razvoj u skladu sa njihovim sposobnostima, potrebama i interesovanjem. Takođe upravo zahvaljujući srednjoškolskom obrazovanju dolazi do unapređenja jezičke, matematičke, naučne, umetničke, kulturne, tehničke i informatičke pismenosti, što je neophodno za nastavak obrazovanja i profesionalni razvoj. Prema rečima direktora Zorana Stojanovića, Magazin ’For You’ se dosta čita u ovoj školi, a posebno su omiljene stranice posvećene predstavljanju škola, filmovima, muzici, sportu i najnovijim Hi Tech dostignućima. Na kraju razgovora za Magazin ’For You’, on poručuje našim čitaocima da je potrebno da oni, kao mladi ljudi rade što više na sebi, da bi formirali i razvili intelektualne, moralne i fizičke sposobnosti, neophodne za uspešan nastavak daljeg školovanja, ali i snalaženje u svakodnevnom životu.

Učenici imaju mnoge vannastavne aktivnosti, sekcije i radionice

ciplina uz druženje sa profesorima



ur vision is a school where students ask questions and analyze, think and create, where they develop individual and collective capabilities. We want a school with a quality curriculum and competent teaching staff, a school with modern teaching tools and aids. We want a school that will communicate with the environment, where all actors will have a high level of participation in this communication,” Zoran Stojanović, principal of the Šilovo Grammar School said at the beginning of his conversation for the “For You” Magazine. The Šilovo Grammar School, offering natural sciences and social studies courses, is an example of a modern, creative school with a clear vision, professional staff and above all great potential. It was founded in 1915, and today it has eight classes and around 200 students. Apart from the base school, there is a satellite natural sciences unit in Pasjane. A lot of work and creativity has been invested in the development of this institution, and this development path is the result of work of many generations of grammar school students from this region of Kosovo. Many of them have left their own personal mark through creative work, innovation and new ideas.

A bastion of new ideas and new spirit

According to the principal, the Grammar School has always been and remains a bastion of new ideas, of a new spirit, and students and their teachers were those who always hosted important events and organized the most visited events in this region. Principal Stojanović emphasizes that he is happy with his students, while the school focuses on those contents that develop children’s’ independence and a creative approach through extracurricular activities. “Our students are known for their work, discipline, success, cooperation, socializing, participation in charity work, developing empathy. Students are very active in extracur-

ricular activities, clubs and workshops. This is corroborated by the results achieved in various competitions, especially history, Serbian language, chemistry and sports competitions,” principal Stojanovic explains. The school has a professional teaching staff, and the teaching process follows new modern technologies. However, in order to improve this process, a new school building with sufficient classrooms and science labs, and enough room for a library and a gym needs to be built.

Plans to renovate the school building

Speaking about plans for the future, the principal of the Šilovo Grammar School says they plan to renovate the school building. “As for lab classes, they are held only in the computer and IT lab where we have five computers, while we do not have enough room for laboratories and science classrooms for other subjects. The school lacks space for classrooms, offices and a library. We also lack teaching materials to hold practical classes envisaged by the curriculum for natural sciences and mathematics group of subjects,” the principal explains. He adds that the importance of high school education is reflected in the fact that the students’ intellectual, emotional, social, moral and physical development is provided through them acquiring functional knowledge, skills, attitudes and values formation in the framework of teaching subjects, in accordance with their abilities, needs and interests. Furthermore, it is the secondary education that leads to the improvement of linguistic, mathematical, scientific, artistic, cultural, technical and computer literacy, which is essential for continuing education and for professional development. According to Principal Zoran Stojanović, “For You” Magazine is very much read in this school, and the favorite pages are those dedicated to presenting schools, movies, music, sports and the latest Hi Tech technologies. At the end of his conversation with the “For You” Magazine, his message to our readers is that, as young people, they need to work as much as possible on themselves, in order to form and develop intellectual, moral and physical abilities necessary for a successful continuation of further education, but also for getting through everyday life.



POLJSKI VOJNICI U LEPOSAVIĆU: Tim vojnika iz Poljske, u šetnji ulicama Leposavića i opuštenom razgovoru sa lokalnim stanovnicima.

DISTRIBUCIJA MAGAZINA “FOR YOU”: Magazin For You uvek pruža dobru mogućnost vojnicima KFOR-a da se upoznaju i razgovaraju sa mladima o njihovim nadama i snovima o budućnosti Kosova.


ŽENSKI GLAS JE TAKOĐE VAŽAN: čuje glasove svih ljudi na Kosovu, bez polnu ili versku pripadnost.


VREME ZA KAFU U LEPOSAVIĆU: Branislav (Koordinator u Centru mladih u Leposaviću) ima priliku da sa vojnicima KFOR-a razgovara o najnovijim aktivnostima mladih na severu Kosova.

VREME JE ZA KOŠARKU: Nakon što su pomogli izgradnju sportskog terena u Bošnjačkoj Mahali u Mitrovici, vojnici KFOR-a uživaju u košarkaškoj utakmici sa mladima.

KFOR-u je veoma važno da obzira na njihovu rasnu,

FUDBAL SPAJA: Rumunski i Austrijski vojnici pridružili su se dečacima i devojčicama iz Orahovca u fudbalskoj utakmici.





vima nama se to dogodilo - igrali ste se na školskom igralištu, spotakli se, iscepali pantalone u komadiće, otišli kući pognute glave da bi vas majka oštro prekorila kada je saznala da ste uništili svoj ’jedini par’ . „Ali, mama, ti ne razumeš”, tvrdili ste, „iscepane farmerke su kul.” To je donekle istina. Ne krvave poderotine na vašim najlonskim naborima, već pažljivo, umetnički postavljene poderotine na farmerkama su u modi od 1970ih. Iscepane farmerke su ulazile i izlazile iz mode godinama, ali njihovo oživljavanje u ovoj deceniji znači da ih je danas bolje upariti sa jednostavnijim komadima i jednostavno pustiti da poderotine odrade svoje. Pre nego što odlučite da obučete iscepane farmerke

Sa kožnom jaknom

Koža i iscepane farmerke su popularna kombinacija još od vremena kada je grupa The Ramones stvorila jedinstvenu pank uniformu sa svojim pocepanim leviskama 501 koje su nosili sa uskim kožnim jaknama još sredinom 1970-ih. Ključ je u kontrastu, tako da ako oblačite uske farmerke uzmite širu jaknu i suprotno, uz šire nogavice ide uža jakna. Ako koža ima istrošeni, starinski izgled, potražite farmerke koje imaju samo dve poderotine da biste izgledali doteranije. Nemojte zabrljati sa odećom ispod jakne – obična bela majica će izgledati divno, ili čak stara majica sa slikom nekog benda, ako zaista želite da nekome odate počast.

Sa pilotskom ili bombarder jaknom


Kada je napolju vrelo i kada ćete se živi skuvati u svojoj kožnoj motociklističkoj jakni, uvek je tu pouzdana pilot ili bombarder jakna, ikonski komad muške odeće koji bio glavni tip jakne u garderobi svakog čoveka još od 1920-ih kada su ga koristili vojni piloti. Međutim, u poslednjih nekoliko godina, popularnost ove jakne je zaista uzletela, prevazilazeći svoje prethodne uspone. Minimalističke, uglađene verzije se lakše kombinuju od onih upadljivih, jer njihova jednostavnost odlično ide uz pocepane farmerke koje su malo kompleksnije. Ako se odlučite za satensku opciju a la Gosling, odaberite onu u tamnoj neutralnoj boji – crna, zelena i siva dobro izgledaju.

Sa košuljom

U pocepanim farmerkama ćete uvek izgledati opušteno, ali ako ih uparite sa košuljom odmah ćete izgledati sređenije. Oksfordska košulja na zakopčavanje je svestrano oružje u vašem arsenalu muške odeće i može biti odličan kontrast oštrini pocepanih farmerki. Odaberite jaku boju gornjeg dela da bi ste dobili efektivan donji de i ne zaboravite na pravilo ’dve i po poderotine’ ako želite da izgledate ozbiljnije.


takođe je važno zapamtiti da nisu sve poderotine iste. Tako su ogrebotine male i na površini tkanine, veličine do 2,5 cm, a komadići su tamo gde je tkanina poderana ali još uvek postoje niti koje pokrivaju prazninu, i na kraju imate rupe kroz koje se može jasno videti. Ono o čemu treba voditi računa jeste da rupa nije šira od noge, jer bi zbog toga vaši udovi ispadali iz rupa kad god se savijete. Dlakave noge koje pokušavaju da se iskobeljaju iz farmerki ne izgledaju baš lepo. Ako želite da u kombinaciji sa poderanim farmerkama izgledate pristojno, nemojte imati više od dve i po poderotine (jedna ogrebotina se računa kao pola poderotine) jer više od toga može previše odvlačiti pažnju. Dakle, pošto smo sve ovo razjasnili, evo za vas nekoliko jednostavnih kombinacija sa iscepanim farmerkama.


Sa duksericom sa kapuljačom

Ništa ne govori toliko “tinejdžerski pobunjenik” kao kapuljača i poderane farmerke, iako je kapuljača prošla dug put u poslednjih pet godina. Ako želite da izgledate oštro i luksuzno sa duksericom sa rajfešlusom i kapuljačom, najbolje je da to postignete kroz vaš izbor pocepanih farmerki. Čak i najuže dukserice sa kapuljačom po definiciji ne idu potpuno uz telo pa tako možete izgledati kao vreća za smeće ako je uparite sa širokim nogavicama. Puno je bolje izabrati uske ili ravne nogavice.


Sa majicom kratkih rukava

Recite zbogom dosadnoj kombinaciji fine majice i farmerki, tako što ćete je zameniti novom kombinacijom sa – da, pogodili ste – nekim poderanim farmerkama. Ne postoji ništa jednostavnije od obične bele majice. Poderotine su same po sebi dovoljno upadljive, tako da zaista ne morate preterivati sa logotipovima ili dezenima.

Sa kariranom košuljom

Postoje dve strane ovog izgleda – uže farmerke daju više buntovnički izgled, a šire nogavice daju grublji izgled kao kod drvoseče. Nosite kariranu flanelsku košulju preko jednobojne majice čime, ćete postići kontrast, i uz to neke izdržljive retro patike (skejterski stilovi kao što su kod Vans ili Converse patika su najbolji) da biste upotpunili svoj izgled. (Izvor:




e’ve all been there - you’ve been playing in the school playground, tripped, tore your trousers to smithereens, went home with your head down only to get fiercely rebuked by your mother when she found out you ruined your ‘only pair’. “But you don’t understand, mum,” you plead, “ripped jeans are cool.” Which is true to some extent. Not the blood-stained tears on your nylon pleats, but carefully, artistically placed rips in denim have had a place in fashion since the 1970s. Ripped jeans dipped in and out of fashion in the years since but a

With A Leather Jacket


Leather and ripped denim has been the goto pairing ever since The Ramones created the quintessential punk uniform with their ripped up Levi’s 501s worn with shoulder squeezing leather jackets way back in the mid1970s. The key is contrast so if you’re going tight with the jeans go for a looser fit on the jacket and vice versa for a wider leg. If the leather has a beat-up, vintage feel to it, look for jeans that only have two rips to smarten it up. Don’t mess the look around underneath the 4 jacket – a plain white tee will work admirably, or even a vintage band shirt if you want to pay true homage.

With A Bomber Jacket

When the weather outside is sizzling and your biker will surely cook you alive, there is always the trusty bomber jacket, an iconic menswear piece that has stood as a key jacket style in every man’s wardrobe since the 1920s when it was used by military pilots. However, in recent years, it has really taken off, surpassing its previous sky-scraping heights. Minimalist, sleek versions are easier

revival this decade means that nowadays it is better to pair it with a plainer look and just let the rips do the rock and roll warbling for you. It’s also worth remembering before adding ripped jeans to your look that not all rips are created equal. Scrapes are little scratches on the fabric surface barely an inch in size, shreds are where the fabric has been torn but there are still threads covering the gaps and finally you get holes which you can clearly see through. The rule of thumb is to make sure the hole is not wider than the leg underneath as this will push your limbs out of the hole whenever you bend. Hairy legs trying to clamber out of their denim chamber is not a great look. To keep a ripped jeans outfit smart don’t go for more than two and a half rips (a scrape counts as a half) as going over can be distracting. So, with all that cleared up, here are some simple ripped jeans outfits to style yourself.

to style than more statement options with the simplicity working well with the ripped jeans more complex edge. If you do go for a statement satin option a la Gosling, pick one in a dark neutral – black, green and grey work well.

With A Shirt

Wearing ripped jeans will always make for a casual look but pair them with a shirt and things start to look smarter. An Oxford button-down shirt is a versatile weapon to have in your menswear arsenal and can work as a solid foil to the jeans’ edginess. Choose a bold colour up top to get the bottom rocking and remember the two-and-a-half-rip rule if you want to keep it smart.

With A Hoodie

Nothing moans ‘teenage rebel’ like a hoodie and ripped jeans, although the hoodie has come a long way in the last five years. If you’re going to look sharp and luxe with your zip-up, it’s best to follow that through with your choice of ripped jeans. Even the slimmest fitting hoodies by definition sit off the body so you can look like a bin bag if you follow that silhouette down with a wide leg. It’s much better to choose a slim taper or a straight leg.

With A T-Shirt

Say RIP to the snoring, boring nice T-Shirt and jeans combo, by ripping the look a new one with yep you’ve guessed it – some ripped jeans. It doesn’t get simpler than a plain white T-shirt. The rips have enough attitudes by themselves so you don’t really to have to go too jazzy with logos or patterns.

With Plaid

There are two sides to the look – a skinnier fit in the jeans is more rock and roll while a wider leg has the rough and ready lumberjack look to a tee. Wear a flannel shirt as an overshirt with a contrasting plain tee underneath and some hardy retro sneakers (skater styles like Vans or Converse are best) to complete the look.




music box



asmin Fazlić (Jala Brat) i Amar Hodžić (Buba Corelli) već nekoliko godina prave samo hitove, a njihovi spotovi imaju milionske preglede na YouTube-u. Odlični dvojac redovno puni dvorane širom regiona, a i njihovi nastupi širom sveta izuzetno su posećeni. Kako je uspeh uticao na njih, koliko su se promenili otkada su postali poznati i koliko su verovali u sebe, pročitajte u intervjuu koji smo pripremili za Vas!!! Kako gledaš na činjenicu da ste trenutno najtraženiji na celom Balkanu, ali i da punite sve hale? – Gledam na to tako što je sve došlo nakon godina i godina rada. Nije se ništa desilo od jednom, u muziku nismo uplovili juče, već idemo utabanom stazom skoro deset godina. Iskren da budem ne obazirem se previše na to, već se trudim da nastavim ka cilju. Radimo istim tempom, kako bi održali sve ono što smo prethodnih godina stvorili. Svaki put imamo veći cilj, a dok god ga bilo ko imao ispred sebe, težiće ka tome da raste. Presretni smo i zadovoljni, ali i dalje skromni. Jel ste verovali u uspeh? – Nismo. Niko nije mogao da zamisli da dva momka koji su se bavili tom vrstom muzike, koja do sada nije živela na prostoru Balkana, da će doživeti uspeh da se njihove pesme za samo jedan dan od objavljivanja slušaju u milionima. To ne govorim napamet, svi to mogu da vide na “youtube” analitici. Desilo se šta se desilo i samo mogu da budem ponosan. Da li je na početku karijere bilo onih komentara, “nećete uspeti”, “za vas


“Svaki put imamo veći cilj, a dok god ga bilo ko imao ispred sebe, težiće ka tome da raste” nema šanse”? – Mi smo kao klinci počeli da se bavimo muzikom. Između trinaeste i četrnaeste godine smo uplovili u ove vode. Prelaz iz osnovne u srednju školu. I normalno odmah su usledile osude i niko skoro nije verovao da ćemo danas biti ovo što jesmo. Bilo je kritika, ali vremenom se sve to promenilo. Sada oni koji su kritikovali daju podršku i hvala im na tome. Sada kada ste uspjeli u muzičkim vodama, jel ste postali uobraženi? – Najbolje znaju ljudi sa kojima smo odrasli i sa kojima provodimo svaki dan. Prema njihovim komentarima mi smo isti. Mada kada ti se desi da kao čovek ustaneš na levu nogu ni sebi onda nisi drag, a kamoli drugom. Normalno da tada možeš ispasti uobražen ili bezobrazan, ali garantujem da takav nisam. Ono što smo sigurno sačuvali od ranije, jeste sebe i da ostanemo isti. “Obično nađemo kompromis i zato nemamo velikih problema”

Kako izgleda momenat kada se ti i Buba svađate? – Pre bih to naz-

vao sukob mišljenja nego svađe. I sve se reši za nekoliko minuta. Obično jedan popusti, ako vidi da je ovaj drugi malo manje upravo. Obično nađemo kompromis i zato nemamo velikih problema. Obojica ste ostvareni, koje su vaše želje? – Mogu da kažem da samo zdravlje, za sve ostale sam uveren da mogu sve sam. I to želim svima da imaju pre svega zdravlja. Pošto se skoro identično oblačite, da li vam se dešava da kradete jedan od drugu stvari? – Dešavalo nam se da pomešamo odjeću. Postoje momenti kada odemo u inostranstvo u kupovinu, kada dođemo na kasu desi se da smo pokupili maltene iste stvari. To nam se dešava slučajno i spontano. Da li se kajete za neke postupke u životu? – Nisam uradio ništa toliko strašno da bih se zbog nečeg kajao. Svi smo imali kroz život greške koje su se na kraju ispostavile kao škola. Dok god naučiš na nečemu, dok god može da bude pozitivna stvar mislim da nema potrebe za kajanje. Nismo grešnici da bi čovek mogao da kaže -kajem se zbog ovog ili onog. (Izvor:

music box



asmin Fazlić (Jala Brat) and Amar Hodžić (Buba Corelli) for several years make only hits, and their videos have millions of views on YouTube. An excellent duo regularly fills halls throughout the region, and their performances around the world are highly visited. How success has affected them, how much they have changed since they became known and how much they believed in themselves, read in the interview that we prepared for you!!! What’s your take on the fact that you are currently most wanted in the Balkans, but also fill all the halls? –I see that it came after years and years of work. Nothing has happened suddenly, we didn’t start our music careers yesterday, but we kept this path almost ten years. Honestly, I do not care too much about it, but I’m trying to keep going towards our goals. We work at the same pace, to maintain all that we have created in the past years. Each time we have a bigger goal, and as long as anyone has it in front of itself, it will tend to grow. We are happy and satisfied, but still modest. Did you believe in success? – We did not. No one could have imagined that the two guys who were dealing with this type of music, who had not lived in the Balkans until now, would be so successful that one day after release their songs are listened by millions. I’m not just

Drugari u životu, drugari i na sceni saying this, everybody can see this on the “youtube” analytics. What happened, happened and I can only be proud. Was there any comment at the beginning of your career, like “you will not succeed”, “there is no chance for you”? – As kids, we started to deal with music. Between thirteen and fourteen we sailed into these waters. Transition from elementary to high school. Normally, condemnation immediately followed, and almost nobody believed that today we would be here. There were critiques, but in the end everything changed. Now those who criticized give us support and we thank them for it. Now that you’ve succeeded in music, have you become a conceited person? – This fact is the best known by the people with whom we have grown up and with whom we spend every day.

Novi hitovi i u godinama koje dolaze

According to their comments, we are the same. Though when you wake up on the wrong side of the bed, you are not you, especially to others. Normally, then you can turn out to be conceited or cheeky, but I guarantee that I am not. What we have preserved preserved from before is to remain the same. What does it look like when you and Buba are quarreling? – I would rather call it a conflict of thought than a quarrel. And everything is settled in a few minutes. Usually one of us gives up, if he sees that the other is a little less right. Usually we find a compromise and therefore we do not have big problems. Both of you are accomplished, what are your desires? – I can say only health, for everything else, I am convinced that I can do everything myself. I also wish everyone to be healthy before all. Since you are almost identically dressed, does it happen to steal clothes from each other? – It happened to us that we mixed clothes. There are moments when we go abroad for shopping, when we come to the cash desk it happens that we have picked up the same things. It happens to us by chance and spontaneously. Do you have any regrets in life? – I did not do anything so bad that I would regret for something. Through life we all make mistakes that turn out to be lessons. As long as you learn something, as long as it can be a positive thing, I think there is no need for regret. We are not sinners that a man can say I regret because of this or that. (Source:



Zajednička fotografija četiri najbolja tima u finalu turnira “Road to podsetiti na lep događaj na kojem su učestvovali

Slika sa turnira u košarci, koji je održan u Hali sportova u Gnjilanu, gde su se takmičila četiri najbolja tima


ri vikenda za redom mladi Albanci, Srbi, Turci, Romi i Aškalije iz Gnjilana, Kamenice, Novog Brda, Kosova Polja, Parteša i Raniluga učestvovali su u košarkaškom turniru „Road to Bondsteel“ (Put u Bondsteel). Prva dva kola odigrana su u Gnjilanu. Četiri najbolje ekipe kvalifikovale su se da igraju finale prvenstva i utakmice za treće i četvrto mesto u vojnom kampu „Bondstil”. Za mnoge od ovih mladića ovo je bio prvi put da su se susreli sa svojim vršnjacima iz drugih zajednica. A imali su i priliku da igraju u mešovitim timovima i takmiče se jedni protiv drugih.

Svi učesnici su se borili za svaku loptu, da bi obezbedili mesto u finalu, koje je održano u kampu “Bondsteel” u Uroševcu

Sport – most koji spaja

„Odlučio sam da učestvujem u ovoj aktivnosti jer volim košarku”, izjavio je Dijon, petnaestogodišnji učesnik iz Kosova Polja, i dodao: „Pored toga, ideja da igram na ovom turniru i prilika da se uporedim sa svojim vršnjacima iz različitih etničkih zajednica koji žive na Kosovu, bila je zaista interesantna. Svidelo mi se i to što je ovaj turnir imao za cilj da podstakne saradnju između nas mladih, bez obzira na našu nacionalnost. Shodno tome, kada nas sport spoji, učimo da možemo da prevaziđemo naše razlike.”

Jezik je jedina prepreka

Lorian i Violt, obojica iz Gnjilana, su sličnog mišljenja. Istakli su da je razlog što su odlučili da učestvuju na turniru njihova ljubav prema košarci. Činjenica da je to bio multietnički turnir nije predstavljala nikakav problem ni za jednog od njih. Naprotiv, videli su to kao pozitivnu stranu jer su kroz košarku imali priliku da upoznaju svoje vršnjake iz drugih etničkih zajednica koje žive


Posle dobrih igara i mnogo truda, košarkaši kluba “Motor City” ponosno su podigli pobednički trofej na Kosovu. Jedini problem sa kojim su se susreli bila je nemogućnost da nesmetano komuniciraju zbog različitih jezika. „Koristili smo engleski da međusobno komuniciramo i to je funkcionisalo pre utakmica. Međutim, tokom utakmica smo imali poteškoća da se izrazimo na engleskom jeziku,“ dodala su dva dečaka sa vidnim razočarenjem.



Bondsteel”. Ova fotografija će ih sigurno jednog dana

Više sporta, manje mržnje

Aleksandar (15) iz Šilova je u razgovoru za Magazin „For You” istakao da je veliki ljubitelj košarke. Takođe je izrazio zadovoljstvo što je prihvatio izazov da igra u istom timu sa albanskim drugarima. „Košarka me ispunjava i puno svog slobodnog vremena posvećujem igranju utakmica. Ovo je bio prvi put da igram u timu sa svojim albanskim vršnjacima i dopalo mi se kako se međusobno pomažemo i igramo kao tim. Apelovao bih na sve da se više bave sportom kako bi bilo manje mržnje. Možemo više da se družimo,“ izjavio je Aleksandar sa oduševljenjem.

Tolerancija i suživot su mogući

Tokom ovog turnira susreli smo se i sa gospodinom Dušanom Avramovićem, nastavnikom fizičkog vaspitanja u gimnaziji u Kamenici. Prema njegovim rečima, najvažnije je da se mladi druže jer sport ne poznaje granice ili razlike među ljudima. Za uspešnu organizaciju ove aktivnosti bila je neophodna podrška mnogih ljudi. Jedna od njih je bila i gđa Shpresa Hajdari, direktorica za mlade, kulturu i sport u opštini Gnjilane. U razgovoru s njom, bilo je očigledno da su se pozitivna osećanja i emocije koje su mladići pokazali na košarkaškom igralištu preslikala i na nju. „Mi smo potpomogli organizaciju ove aktivnosti zato što je ona pokazala da su tolerancija i suživot mogući i da postoje na Kosovu”, dodala je veoma zadovoljna gđa Hajdari sa osmehom. Pobednik takmičenja bila je ekipa „Motor City“. Tokom celog turnira, pored odličnih individualnih nastupa, igrači su pokazali i najbolji timski rad. I na kraju, saradnja je ta koja je ove mladiće učinila Posetite nas na: šampionima. Visit us at:

hree weekends in a row young Albanians, Serbs, Turks, Roma and Ashkali from Gjilan, Kamenica, Novobrdo, Fushë Kosovë/Kosovo Polje, Partesh and Ranilug participated in the basketball tournament “Road to Bondsteel”. The first two rounds were played in Gjilan. The four best teams earned the right to play for the Championship, third place and fourth place at the military camp “Bondsteel”. For many of these youngsters this was the first time they have met their peers from other communities. In addition, they had the chance to play in mixed teams and compete against each other.

Sport - a connecting bridge

“I decided to become part of this activity because I love basketball” fifteen year old participant Dijon from Fushë Kosova/Kosovo Polje stated. He continued “In addition, the idea to play in such a tournament and the opportunity to compare myself with my peers from various ethnicities that live in Kosovo was really intriguing. I also liked that this tournament aimed to stimulate cooperation between us young people, regardless of our ethnicity. Consequently, when united through sports, we learn that we may overcome our differences.”

Language is the only obstacle

Lorian and Violt, both from Gjilan, expressed a similar attitude. They highlighted that the reason they decided to participate in the tournament was their love for basketball. The fact that it was multi-ethnic was not a problem at all for any of them. On the contrary, they saw it as a positive feature because through basketball they got the opportunity to meet their peers from other ethnicities that live in Kosovo. The only problem they encountered was their inability to communicate freely because of the different languages. “We used English to communicate with each other and that worked before the games. During the games, we had however some difficulties expressing ourselves in English” the two boys added with visible disappointment.

More sports, less hatred

Aleksandar (15) from Shilovo told “For You” Magazine that he is a huge fan of basketball. He also expressed his satisfaction accepting the challenge of playing on the same team with Albanian friends. “Basketball fulfils me and I dedicate a lot of my free time to playing. It is the first time I am playing on a team with my Albanian peers and I like how we are helping each other and playing like a team. I would appeal to all to do more sports so that there is less hate. We can hang out more with each other” stated a delighted Aleksandar.

Tolerance and living together is possible

During this tournament we also met Mr Dushan Avramoviq, Physical Education teacher at the Kamenica Gymnasium (high school). According to him, the most important thing is the young get to hang out with each other because sports doesn’t recognize any borders or differences between people. The successful organization of this activity required the support of many people. One of them was Ms Shpresa Hajdari, Director for Youth, Culture and Sports in the Gjilani Municipality. While we spoke to her, it was visible that the young boys positive feelings and emotions shown on the basketball court had rubbed off on her. “We facilitated this activity because it shows that tolerance and living together are possible and exist in Kosovo” a very satisfied Ms Hajdari added with a smile In the end we would like to quote Dion once more who said “Maybe older generations cannot overcome the past. But we, the younger generations can certainly take steps towards reconciliation and tolerance. Activities like this are a step in the right direction.” The winner of the competition was the “Motor City” team. During the entire tournament, besides excellent individual performances, players showed the best team work. In the end, cooperation made these youngsters champions.


životinjsko carstvo


Životinjsko carstvo obiluje izvanrednim roditeljima ažno je zapamtiti da ljudi nisu jedini koji čine izuzetne stvari kako bi zaštitili, negovali i podigli svoje potomke. Životinjsko carstvo obiluje majkama koje posvećuju puno vremena učeći svoje bebe kako da nađu hranu i da se zaštite u prirodi. Evo prikaza nekih izvanrednih životinjskih majki koje čine dodatne napore za svoje mlade:




eza između majke orangutana i njenog mladunca je jedna od najjačih u prirodi. Tokom prve dve godine života, mladi se u potpunosti oslanjaju na svoje majke i za hranu i za kretanje. Mame ostaju sa mladima šest do sedam godina, učeći ih gde da nađu hranu, šta i kako da jedu, i podučavajući ih tehnici građenja gnezda za spavanje. Poznato je da ženski orangutani „posećuju” svoje majke dok ne navrše 15 ili 16 godina.



he bond between an orangutan mother and her young is one of the strongest in nature. During the first two years of life, the young rely entirely on their mothers for both food and transportation. The moms stay with their young for six to seven years, teaching them where to find food, what and how to eat and the technique for building a sleeping nest. Female orangutans are known to “visit” their mothers until they reach the age of 15 or 16.

Polarni medved


rivržene majke polarnog medveda obično rađaju dva mladunca koji ostaju uz nju oko dve godine kako bi naučili neophodne veštine preživljavanja u hladnoj klimi. Majke kopaju jazbinu u dubokim snežnim nanosima, stvarajući prostor zaštićen od prirodnih pojava. Obično rađaju u periodu između novembra i januara i održavaju mladunce toplim i zdravim koristeći toplotu svog tela i mleko. Mladunci napuštaju jazbinu u martu i aprilu kako bi se navikli na spoljne temperature pre nego što nauče da love.

Polar Bear


ttentive polar bear mothers usually give birth to twin cubs that stick by her for about two years to learn the necessary survival skills in the cold climate. The mothers den by digging into deep snow drifts, creating a space protected from the elements. They usually give birth between November and January and keep the cubs warm and healthy using their body heat and milk. The cubs leave the den in March and April to get used to outside temperatures before learning to hunt.




animal kingdom The animal kingdom is flush with extraordinary parents t’s important to remember humans aren’t the only ones who take extraordinary steps to protect, nurture and raise their young. The animal kingdom is flush with moms that take the time to teach their babies how to find food and protect themselves against the elements. Here’s a look at some outstanding animal mothers going the extra mile for their young:


Afrički slon


ada su u pitanju afrički slonovi, nova mama nije sama u čuvanju mladih. Slonovi žive u matrijarhalnom društvu, tako da i druge ženke u istoj društvenoj grupi pomažu mladunčetu da stane na noge nakon rođenja i pokazuju bebi kako da doji. Stariji slonovi prilagođavaju brzinu kretanja krda tako da mladunac može da ih prati. Gledajući odrasle, mladunac uči koje biljke treba da jede i kako da im priđe. Ženke redovno prave nežan kontakt sa mladuncem.

African Elephant


hen it comes to African elephants, a new mom is not alone in guiding her young. Elephants live in a matriarchal society, so other females in the social group help a calf to its feet after birth and show the baby how to nurse. The older elephants adjust the pace of the herd so the calf can keep stride. By watching the adults, the calf learns which plants to eat and how to access them. The females regularly make affectionate contact with the calf.



Carski pingvin


ajke geparda odgajaju mlade u izolaciji. Oni pomeraju svoje leglo – obično dva do šest mladunaca – svakih četiri dana kako bi sprečile nagomilavanje mirisa koji grabljivci mogu da prate. Nakon što osamnaest meseci uče kako da love, mladunci geparda napokon napuštaju svoje majke i formiraju grupu sa braćom i sestrama i u njoj ostaju zajedno još šest meseci.

akon polaganja jajeta, majka carskog pingvina ga ostavlja sa mužjakom koji štiti krhku tvrdu ljusku od prirodnih pojava. Majka zatim putuje i do 80 km kako bi došla do okeana i ribe. Kasnije se vraća na mesto polaganja kako bi povratila hranu novopridošlim mladuncima. Majka greje i štiti mladunce koristeći toplotu sopstvenog nabora ili džepa za mladunce koji se nalazi na trbuhu.


Emperor Penguin


heetah mothers raise their young in isolation. They move their litter - usually two to six cubs - every four days to prevent a build-up of smell that predators can track. After 18 months of training as hunters, the cheetah cubs finally leave their mothers. The cubs then form a sibling group that will stay together for another six months. (Source:


fter laying an egg, the mother emperor penguin leaves it with a male who protects the fragile hard shell from the elements. The mother then travels up to 50 miles to reach the ocean and fish. She later returns to the hatching site to regurgitate the food to the newly hatched chicks. Using the warmth of her own brood pouch, the mother keeps the chick warm and safe.



Cast: Robert Downey Jr., Chris Hemsworth, Mark Ruffalo, Chris Evans, Scarlett Johansson, Benedict Cumberbatch Director: Anthony Russo & Joe Russo Scenario: Christopher Markus & Stephen McFeely _______________


Uloge: Robert Dauni Džunior, Kris Hemsvort, Mark Rufalo, Kris Evans, Skarlet Džohenson, Benedikt Kamberbeč Režiser: Antoni Ruso & Džo Ruso Scenario: Kristofer Markus & Siven Mekfili ____________________________________ Kratak sadržaj svetnici su trijumfovali nad Lokijem i suočiće se sa Altronom ... ali ništa ih ne može pripremiti za opasnost koju predstavlja Tanos.


Synopsis he Avengers have triumphed over Loki, and they’ll face Ultron…but nothing could prepare them for the menace of Thanos.



Uloge: Džon Stamos, Šon Ejstin, Džeri Garsija Režiser: Arni Asgeirson Scenario: Arni Asgeirson (proveriti - Fridrik Erlingson) ___________________________________________ Kratak sadržaj ada se razdvoji od svoje porodice, Ploi, mladi ptić zviždovke koji još uvek ne može da leti, mora da krene na opasan put do legendarne doline kako bi sprečio da njegovi najmiliji postanu žrtve zlog sokola.



Cast: John Stamos, Sean Astin, Jerry Garcia Director: Árni Ásgeirsson Scenario: Árni Ásgeirsson ___________________________________________ Synopsis hen he gets separated from his family, Ploey, a young flightless plover chick, must undertake a dangerous journey to a legendary valley in order to save his loved ones from falling prey to the evil falcon.





Uloge: Šarliz Teron, Set Rogen, Aleksander Skarsgard, Džun Dajan Rafael, Endi Serkis, Rendal Park Režiser: Den Sterling (proveriti - Džonatan Levin) Scenario: Den Sterling ________________________


Cast: Charlize Theron, Seth Rogen, Alexander Skarsgard, June Diane Raphael, Andy Serkis, Randall Park Director: Dan Sterling Scenario: Dan Sterling _______________________ Synopsis red Flarsky is a gifted and free-spirited journalist with an affinity for trouble. Charlotte Field is one of the most influential women in the world. Smart, sophisticated, and accomplished, she’s a powerhouse diplomat with a talent for…well, mostly everything. The two have nothing in common, except


that she was his babysitter and childhood crush. When Fred unexpectedly reconnects with Charlotte, he charms her with his self-deprecating humour and his memories of her youthful idealism. As she prepares to make a run for the Presidency, Charlotte impulsively hires Fred as her speechwriter, much to the dismay of her trusted advisors. A fish out of water on Charlotte’s elite team, Fred is unprepared for her glamourous lifestyle in the limelight. However, sparks fly as their unmistakable chemistry leads to a round-the-world romance and a series of unexpected and dangerous incidents.

Kratak sadržaj red Flarski je talentovani i slobodoumni novinar koji je sklon nevoljama. Šarlota Fild je jedna od najuticajnijih žena na svetu. Pametna, prefinjena i ostvarena, ona je moćan diplomata sa talentom za ... pa, uglavnom za sve.



Uloge: Majkl K. Vilijams, Alek Boldvin, Tejlor Šiling, Džefri Rajt, Džena Malon, Gabriel Junjion Režiser: Emilio Estevez Scenario: Emilio Estevez _________________________________ Kratak sadržaj „Javnosti“, neobično teška arktička oluja dopire do centra Sinsinatija i glavnih vrata javne biblioteke gde se odvija akcija filma. U sukobu sa zvaničnicima biblioteke o tome kako se nositi sa ekstremnim vremenskim prilikama, neki


Synopsis n The Public, an unusually bitter Arctic blast has made its way to downtown Cincinnati and the front doors of the public library where the action of the film takes place. At odds with library officials over how to handle the extreme weather event, some homeless patrons turn the building into a shelter for the night by staging an “Occupy” sit in. What begins as an act of civil disobedience becomes a stand-off with police and a rush-to-judgment media constantly speculating about what’s really happening. This David versus Goliath story tackles some of our nation’s most challenging



Cast: Michael K. Williams, Alec Baldwin, Taylor Schilling, Jeffrey Wright, Jena Malone, Gabrielle Union Director: Emilio Estevez Scenario: Emilio Estevez _________________________________

Njih dvoje nemaju ništa zajedničko, osim što je ona nekada bila njegova dadilja i dečačka ljubav. Kada Fred neočekivano ponovo stupi u kotakt sa Šarlotom, očarava je svojim šalama na svoj račun i uspomenama na njen mladalački idealizam. Dok se priprema da se kandiduje za predsednika države, Šarlota impulsivno unajmljuje Freda kao svog pisca govora, na zaprepašćenje njenih pouzdanih savetnika. Fred, koji se oseća kao riba na suvom u Šarlotinom elitnom timu, nije spreman za njen glamurozni životni stil u centru pažnje. Međutim, iskre lete dok ih njihova očigledna hemija vodi do romanse na putu oko sveta i niza neočekivanih i opasnih incidenata.

pokrovitelji beskućnika pretvaraju zgradu u sklonište preko noći tako što je okupiraju. Ono što počinje kao čin građanske neposlušnosti dovodi do zastoja u odnosu sa policijom i medijima koji žure sa zaključcima i stalno spekulišu o tome šta se zaista događa. Ova priča o Davidu protiv Golijata se bavi nekim od najkomplikovanijih problema u Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama, beskućništvom i mentalnim bolestima, a dramu postavlja u jedan od poslednjih bastiona demokratije na delu: u javnu biblioteku. issues, homelessness and mental illness and sets the drama inside one of the last bastions of democracy-in-action: your public library.


sportski ugao


stručnog štaba je proslavljeni trener Miljojko Gošić, čovek koji poseduje najvišu, profi licencu u fudbalu, trener koji je vodio superligaše Napredak i Jagodinu, i u Grčkoj je radio,“ dodaje Jakšić. U Trepčinoj školi fudbala radi pet trenera, čiji je fokus usmeren na mlađe kategorije. Na čelu škole fudbala nalazi se Goran Milivojević. U Trepči kažu da podrška lokalne samouprave ne nedostaje i da im u realizaciji svojih ambicioznih planova pomaže i veliki broj sponzora, koji hoće klubu da vrate stari ugled.

Fudbal u Mitrovici ima perspektivu



Trepča je fudbalski klub iz severnog dela Mitrovice. Trenutno se takmiči u Šumadijsko-raškoj zoni, četvrtom takmičarskom nivou srpskog fudbala. Godine 1932. osnovali su ga rudari iz istoimenoga rudnika u Mitrovici. Razvoj omladinske škole, afirmacija mladih fudbalera i seniorski tim koji čine domaći talenti, osnova je plana nove uprave fudbalskog kluba “Trepča” iz Mitrovice. Bojan Jakšić, sportski direktor FK “Trepča”, kaže da se pažljivo i marljivo radi na razvoju škole fudbala, jer su ljudi na čelu kluba prepoznali potencijal koji nesumnjivo poseduju nove generacije mladih fudbalera. „Pored stvaranja ozbiljne omladinske škole, jedan od ciljeva je i da seniorsku ekipu Trepče čine pre svega deca sa Kosova. Sa ponosom mogu da kažem, da od 24 igrača seniorskog tima, samo jedan nije sa ovih prostora. Imamo među fudbalerima i decu iz ostalih sredina i smatram da je to naš veliki uspeh,“ kaže Jakšić. Klub je pripreme za prolećni deo prvenstva zvanično počeo početkom ovog meseca na stadionu u Žitkovcu,pozitivne promene u klubu počele su u poslednjem kvartalu prethodne godine, kada je seniorski tim beležio loše rezultate na startu prvenstva.


Fudbal kao način da se mladi zaštite od poroka

Sportski direktor Trepče kaže da im je prvenstveno cilj da se bavljenjem fudbalom deca sklone sa ulice i zaštite od poroka, a tek nakon toga ulazak u viši rang koji nije nedostižan, iako je klub u zaostatku za vodećim timom na tabeli 11 bodova, jer kako je naveo, momci ne odustaju i daće sve od sebe da nastave da beleže odlične rezutate. Jakšić kaže da je prioritet nove uprave bio da za trenera dovede nekoga, ko zaista poseduje znanje i iskustvo u tom poslu i dodaje da nisu pogrešili u izboru, jer je po dolasku novog menadžera ekipa promenila svoj mentalitet iz korena i vezala šest pobeda u nizu. „Stručni štab broji osam članova. Šef

FK “Trepča” poseduje sve potrebne uslove za kvalitetan rad, jer je nedavno otvorena kancelarija u neposrednoj blizini, sređene su klupske prostorije u okviru stadiona, nabavljena je nova oprema, a u planu je i kupovina putničkog vozila, odnosno kombija. Za kraj, sportski direktor “Trepče” poručuje da fudbal u Mitrovici ima perspektivu, obzirom na to koji su igrači potekli sa ovih prostora. „Znate i sami da su odavde potekli Krasić, Lazetić, Stevanović, Nikolić, Miletić… Kada bi uspeli svu svoju decu da vratimo u klub, igrali bi u Superligu. Ne zaboravimo Vučića u Zemunu, Anđelkovića koji je u Javoru, Mlađovića i Vukomanovića koji su u Metalcu… Ima puno igrača koji su ovde počeli da treniraju i ispekli to neko osnovno znanje, bilo bi lepo da se oni kad tad vrate kod nas, a to možemo očekivati samo ako klub nastavi da se razvija u pravom smeru,“ zaključuje Jakšić.

Počele pripreme za prolećni deo prvenstva

sports corner

U Trepčinoj školi fudbala radi pet trenera, čiji je fokus usmeren na mlađe kategorije

INTRODUCING: FC TREPCA FC Trepca is a football club from the northern part of Mitrovica. It is currently competing in the Sumadija-Raska zone, the fourth competitive level of Serbian football. In 1932, it was founded by miners from the mine with the same name in Mitrovica. The development of the youth school, the affirmation of young footballers and the senior team comprised of domestic talents, it is the start point of the new management board of football club “Trepca” from Mitrovica. Bojan Jaksic, sports manager of FC Trepca, says that careful and diligent work is being done on the development of the football school, because people at the helm of the club recognize the potential possessed by the young generations of footballers. In addition to creating a serious youth school, one of the goals is to have the senior team of Trepca primarily comprised of children from Kosovo. I can proudly say that out of 24 senior players, only one is out of this area. Among football players we have children from other areas and I think that this is our great success,”- says Jaksic. The club preparations for the spring season officially started earlier this month at the stadium in Zitkovac, positive changes in the club started in the last quarter of the previous year, when the senior team recorded poor results at the start of the championship.

and will do their best to continue to record excellent results. Jaksic says that the new administration’s priority was to bring a coach who really possessed the knowledge and experience in the job, adding that they did not make a mistake in the selection because at the arrival of the new team manager, the team changed its mindset from the root and had six wins on a row. “The expert staff has eight members. The head of the expert staff is the famous coach Miljojko Gosic, who owns the highest, professional football licenses, the coach who led teams from Super League Napredak and Jagodina, and worked in Greece,”- adds Jaksic. There are five coaches in the Trepca football school, whose focus is on younger categories. At the head of the football school is Goran Milivojevic. In Trepca, they say that the support of the local self-government is not lacking, and that in the realization of their ambitious plans, a great number of sponsors are helping them, as they want to regain the old reputation.

Football in Mitrovica has a perspective

FC “Trepca” has all the necessary conditions for quality work, because it recently opened its office in the immediate vicinity,

Bojan Jakšić, sportski direktor FK “Trepča” the club premises were arranged within the stadium, new equipment was procured, and the purchase of a passenger vehicle or van is also planned. In the end, the sports manager of “Trepca” says that football in Mitrovica has a perspective, given the fact that some famous players originate from this area. „You know that Krasic, Lazetic, Stevanovic, Nikolic, Miletic ... originate from this area. If we would succeed to bring back all of our children to the club, the team would play in the Super League. We should not forget Vucic in Zemun, Andjelkovic is in Javor, Mladjovic and Vukomanovic are in Metalac... There are many players who started here and got basic knowledge, it would be nice if at any time they would return back to us, and we can only expect it if the club continues to develop in the right direction,“- Jaksic concludes.

Football as a way to protect young people from vices

The Sports manager of Trepca says that their goal is primarily to keep children away from the street and protect them from vices, after that entering into a higher ranked competition, it is not elusive, although the club has 11 points less than the first team in the table, as he said, the guys do not give up

Fudbal je način da se mladi zaštite od poroka





oraš da uhvatiš pažnju. To je veoma teško da se uradi. Posebno u vreme društvenih medija kada se raspon pažnje skratio na samo osam sekundi. Fotografije su ipak pouzdan način da se ulovi nečiji pogled-znate kao što kažu:’’Slika vredi hiljadu reči’’. Pa kako onda možete biti sigurni da su vaše slike zapanjujuće i da su privukle nečiju pažnju? Koristite najbolju aplikaciju za obradu fotografija koja je dostupna. A koja je najbolja? Mi smo to istražili za vas. drugim aplikacijama, ovi filteri mogu da se menjaju,ili čak možete da stvorite svoje lične filtere od početka. Takođe poseduje sve klasične alate,kao što su izrezivanje(cropping), ispravljanje, ramovi, tekst, ukrasi, itd.


Najbolja za: Naprednu obradu fotografija za mobilne uređaje uglov SNAPSEED zadaje udarac suprostavljenim editorima slika za desktop računare sa velikim brojem funkcija i svojim intinuitivnim interfejsom. Kao što se i očekuje ovaj program za obradu slika dolazi sa širokim opsegom filtera koji su već instalirani. Međutim, u poređenju sa



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dardne alate za obradu kao što su podešavanja, izrezivanje, graničnici i ukrasi. Možete koristiti VSCO da podesite ekspoziciju, kontrast, temperaturu ili boju tona.

Najbolja za: Filtere koji daju klasičan izgled Ova aplikacija za obradu slika poseduje zapanjujuće filtere koji čine da vaše slike izgledaju kao da su uslikane analognim aparatom. Ovi blagi i nežni filteri čine da vaše fotografije imaju stila. Naravno uz to dobijate stan-


Najbolji za: Pretvaranje vaših fotografija u umetničke “slike i crteže” redu, nesumljivo je da većina filtera koji pretvaraju fotografije u “slike i crteže” jesu zaista loši.Prizma je izuzetak. Ova besplatna aplikacija za obradu fotografija koristi veštačke neuronske mreže “koje omogućavaju korisnicima da im fotografije izgledaju kao da su


ping, borders, and vignettes. You can also use VSCO to adjust the exposure, contrast, temperature, or skin tones.




even create your own from scratch. It also has all of the classic tools, such as cropping, straightening, frames, text, vignettes, etc.

Best for: Classic-look filters. his photo editing app provides a set of stunning filters that make your photos look like they were taken on an analogue film camera. These soft and subtle filters add a touch of class to your photos. Of course, you also get all the standard editing tools, like adjustments, crop-


naslikane od strane Pikasa,Munča ili čak samog Salvadora Dalija”. Probajte je i možete se iznenaditi koliko će vam se svideti.


artificial neural networks which “enable users to make photos appear like they were painted by Picasso, Munch or even Salvador Dali himself.” Give it a go - you might be surprised by how much you like it.

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Najbolji za: Sveobuhvatnu obradu fotografija dobe Photoshop Express koristi mnogo dobrih opcija za obradu koje je imao Fotošop



Najbolji za: Snimanje fotografija hrane na višem nivou vako je kriv za slikanje hrane u nekom delu svog života. FOODIE prihvata ovaj impuls i pomaže vam da snimite fotografije hrane na nekom višem nivou. Ova aplikacija je donekle slična insta-


(Photoshop) i sve to spakovano u mobilnu aplikaciju. I bez obzira što obezbeđuje veliku količinu naprednih opcija ova besplatna aplikacija za obradu fotografija je laka za korišćenje na malim ekranima oseljivim na dodir. Ima sve alate koje očekujete: izrezivanje, korekcija crvenih očiju, svetlost, kontrast, saturacija, filteri, graničnici,itd

squeezes them into a mobile app. And despite providing plenty of advanced features, this free photo editing app is easy to use on a small touchscreen. It has all the tools you’d expect - cropping, red-eye correction, brightness, contrast, saturation, filters, borders, etc.

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gramu, osim što su svih 30 filtera i opcija posebno postavljeni tu zbog slikanja hrane.

lar to Instagram’s - except that all of the 30 filters and editing features are set up with food in mind.


Best for: Taking your food photos to the next level. veryone is guilty of taking pictures of their food at some point in their life. Foodie embraces this impulse and helps you take your food photos to the next level. The editor is somewhat simi-


kolaže. Međutim, Photo Collage to podiže na novi nivo. Ova aplikacija za pravljenje kolaža ima hiljade formata tako da uvek možete da nađete idealni koji vam je potreban. Postoji širok izbor stilova i interesantnih pozadina. Takođe možete da dodate tekst ili da odaberete fontove, boje ili veličine.

sands of layouts, so you can always find the ideal one for your needs. There’s a wide range of styles and interesting backgrounds. Plus, you can add text and customize the fonts, colours, and sizes.



Najbolji za: Stvaranje vrhunskih kolaža nogo besplatnih aplikacija za obradu slika vam dozvoljavaju da napravite proste



Best for: Creating the ultimate photo collages. any free photo editing apps allow you to create simple collages. However, Photo Collage kicks it up a notch. This photo collage maker has thou-



Praktična primena svega što novi kadeti uče tokom svoje teorijske nastave na Akademiji, primenjeno je i na terenu, sa svakodnevnim učesnicima u saobraćaju



aže se da dobre policajce karakteriše “vruće srce, hladna glava i čisti prsti”. To znači da oni moraju biti predani poslu, hrabri, ali razboriti i pošteni. Moraju biti psihički stabilni, jer u opasnim situacijama moraju zadržati samokontrolu kako bi mogli izvršiti svoj zadatke. Više od 17.000 prijava, stiglo je na adresu Kosovske akademije za javnu bezbednost na poslednji konkurs za nove policijske kadete. Kadeti 54-te generacije Kosovske policije, prva su generacija koja radi po novom akreditovanom programu agencije u okviru Kosovskog ministarstva za obrazovanje. Program se sastoji od dvogodišnjeg treninga, koji je podeljen na teorijski deo u trajanju od sedam meseci, na koji se potom nadovezuje praktični rad i završni ispit nakon koga kadeti postaju policajci. U prošlom izdanju Magazina For You predstavili smo vam Kristinu i Visara, a ovoga puta imate priliku da upoznate Ivana i Fjolu i njihovu priču o tome zašto su se odlučili da postanu policajci.

Na ovaj poziv odlučio se, kaže, jer je odrastao uz oca policajca. “Zavoleo sam taj posao jer mi je uniforma postala bliska od detinjstva. Svake večeri jedva sam čekao oca, da se vrati kući i opiše svoj radni dan. Otac me je podsticao da krenem istim putem kao i on, što sam ja i poslušao“, objašnjava Ivan i dodaje:’’Jedan moj dan prolazi kao minut, ustajem u 5 sati, imam puno obaveza, počevši od prve jutarnje gimnastike, pa do kraja časova. Nije lako, ima onih koji odustanu, jer nisu navikli na ovakav život. Na Akademiji se osećam kao kod kuće. Ivan takođe naglašava da se sjajno slaže sa svojim kolegama. To potvrđuju time što kaže da oni uče jedni od drugih albanski i srpski jezik, kao i time što slobodno vreme provode zajedno, igraju košarku, stoni tenis ili zajedno izlaze Prema Ivanovim rečima, perspektiva ovog posla je da može da se napreduje. On sebe u budućnosti vidi

Otac, kao uzor

Ivan(26)dolazi iz Kosovskog Pomoravlja, i polaznik je 54te generacije kadeta Kosovske akademije za javnu bezbednost.


Polne i etničke razlike nisu prepreka za dobru saradnju među kadetima tokom časova na Akademiji, kao i na terenu

kao uspešnog policajca, koji će doprineti poboljšanju zajednice. Dodaje da ne namerava da napusti Kosovo, već da tu ostane i stvori porodicu. Kada govori o svojim koleginicama Ivan naglašava da one nisu pošteđene teške fizičke obuke, bez obzira na to što su “nežniji pol”. Jedna od njih je Fjolla, koja nam na početku razgovora kaže da joj se ostvario san iz detinjstva onog trenutka kada je postala kadetkinja na Akademiji.

Policija je pravo mesto za realizaciju sna

Prema rečima naše sagovornice, ni ona, a ni njene koleginice nemaju nikakve “popuste” zato što su žene i ravnopravno sa muškarcima- uče odbrambene veštine, džudo i karate. Ističe da njeni roditelji i braća i sestre nisu bili iznenađeni kada im je rekla za svoju želju da se upiše na Akademiju. Njihova reakcija je bila veoma pozitivna i podržavajuća. Fjolla naglašava da je policijski posao višestran, jer su osnovni zadaci policajca održavanje javnog reda i zaštita života i imovine kako bi se smanjili kriminal, neredi i strah. “Oduvek sam želela da budem osoba koja pomaže drugima, a policija je pravo mesto za realizaciju tog sna. Mislim da je kosovska policija institucija kojoj se najviše veruje i to potvrđuju statistike. Poverenje građana u policiju jedan je od razloga koji su me naterali da izaberem karijeru u policiji”, kazala je Fjolla. Isto kao i Ivan i ona želi da pomogne svim građanima Kosova u stvaranju povoljnih uslova, koji će doprineti dobrobiti celokupnog kosovskog društva. “Svi ljudi na Kosovu treba da imaju poverenja u policiju i da komuniciraju sa njom o svojim problemima. Svi mladi ljudi koji žele da budu u službi građana treba da se pridruže policiji kako bi pomogli i služili svim građanima. Na taj način izgradićemo društvo u kojem su svi ljudi ravnopravni i zaštićeni,” zaključuje Fjolla na kraju Posetite nas na: razgovora. Visit us at:

Na terenu, kadeti imaju mogućnost da se upoznaju sa različitim policijskim aparatima. U ovom slučaju, uče kako da koriste aparat za merenje alkohola



hey say that good cops are characterized by “a warm heart, a cool head and clean fingers.” This means that they have to be dedicated to their work, brave but also reasonable and honest. Police officers have to be psychologically stable because in dangerous situations they must have the self-control to complete their tasks. More than 17,000 applications arrived at the Kosovo Academy for Public Safety (KAPS) during the last recruitment of new police cadets. The cadets of the 54th generation of the Kosovo Police are the first generation that is working according to the new accredited program of the agency within the Kosovo Ministry of Education. The program consists of two years training, divided by a seven month theoretical phase, continuing with practical work and a final exam. Afterwards, the cadets are promoted to police officers. In our last edition of Magazine “For You” we introduced Kristina and Visar. This time you have the opportunity to meet Fjolla and Ivan. They will share their stories why they decided to become police officers.

His father is his role model

Ivan (26) from the Anamorava/Pomoravlje region of Kosovo is part of the 54th generation of cadets at the KAPS. He chose this career because he grew up close to a police officer. “I fell in love with this profession because I have been familiar with uniforms since my childhood. In the evening I couldn’t wait for my father to return home, so he could describe his day. My father encouraged me to go down the same path, and I listened to him,” Ivan explained adding “My day goes by as fast as a single minute. I wake up at 5 o’clock in the morning. I have a lot of tasks, starting with the morning gymnastics and ending with my classes. It is not easy. There are those who quit because they are not used to such a life. At the Academy I feel at home.” Ivan also emphasized that he gets on really well with his

colleagues. This is backed by the fact that that they learn Albanian and Serbian languages from each other and they spend their free time playing basketball, ping pong or going out in town together. According to Ivan, this profession is one that can advance. He sees himself as a successful police officer that will contribute to the improvement of his community. He also added that he will not leave Kosovo, but rather stay here and start a family. When speaking about his female colleagues he stated that, the females are not exempt from the hard physical training, despite that they belong to the more “gentle gender”. One of them is Fjolla, who at the beginning of our conversation told us that the moment she became a cadet at the Academy she fulfilled one of her childhood dreams.

Police - the true place to realize your dreams

The girls don’t get any “slack” as females, Fjolla stated, because just as men, the women are taught the arts of self-defense, judo and karate. She went on highlighting that her parents and siblings were not surprised at all when she expressed her wish to enroll at the Academy. Their reaction was very positive and supportive. Fjolla added that a police officer’s job is complex, including roles such as preserving public order and protecting life and property by reducing criminal activities, disorders and fear. “I have always wanted to help other people and the police force is the right place to fulfill this dream. I think that the Kosovo Police is the most trusted institution and this is confirmed by the statistics as well. The people’s trust is one of the reasons that made me seek a career in the police” Fjolla said. Ivan and Fjolla want to help people in Kosovo and to create the proper conditions that may contribute to the benefit of Kosovo inhabitants. “People in Kosovo should trust the police and communicate with them about their problems. Young people that want to serve their people should join the police. This way we will build a society in which all people are equal and protected” Fjolla concluded at the end of our conversation.



bog mnogih izazova sa kojima se danas suočavamo, razumljivo je da zaštita životne sredine nije visoko na listi prioriteta. Na kraju krajeva, znamo da naše šume, reke i jezera postoje već hiljadama godina. Pitanje koje bi trebalo da postavimo sebi jeste da li će oni postojati i u budućnosti ako nastavimo da se prema njima ophodimo na način na koji to trenutno činimo? I što je još važnije, u kakvom će stanju biti? Vaš odgovor sigurno nije veoma optimističan. Bez ikakve sumnje, krajnje je vreme da počnemo da se bavimo zaštitom životne sredine. U vezi sa ovim pitanjem, razgovarali smo sa nekim od vaših vršnjaka te vas pozivamo da u nastavku pročitate šta su oni rekli.

Dije Daku (Gnjilane)


islim da postoji mnogo razloga zašto briga za naše okruženje nije dovoljna. Kao prvo, nemamo dovoljno kanti za smeće. Što se tiče vode, svi možemo da se potrudimo više kako bi uštedeli vodu u našim domovima. Ja imam princip da ako, na primer, potrošite ceo bojler tople vode na tuširanje, onda rasipate vodu.


think there are a lot of reasons why the care for our environment isn’t sufficient. First of all, we don’t have enough garbage cans. Regarding water we can all do more to save water in our homes. I have a principle that for example, if you use a whole boiler of hot water when you shower, then you are wasting water.


Blend Neziri (Gnjilane)


renutno ne vodimo dovoljno računa o zaštiti naše životne sredine. Ja lično sam učestvovao u nekoliko akcija sakupljanja otpada u mestu gde živim, međutim ovakve akcije moraju da budu inkluzivnije i moramo da pokažemo stalnu brigu.


urrently we are not careful enough protecting our environment. Personally, I have participated in several waste cleaning actions where I live but we need these efforts to be more inclusive and we must show constant care.

Stefan Jović (Gornje Kusce) Klea Zymberi (Gnjilane)


riga o našem okruženju je problem kojim mora da se pozabavi čitavo naše društvo i niko ne sme da bude izuzet od odgovornosti. Iako je svest mladih ljudi o ovom problemu sve veća, i dalje je potreban značajniji napredak u tom smislu.


aking care of our environment is a problem for our entire society and none of us can be exempt from responsibility. Although young people are becoming more aware, we still need more significant improvements.


aštita životne sredine je veoma važna za naše zdravlje, kao i za buduće generacije. Zato je neophodno da se uključimo u podizanje nivoa svesti ljudi o važnosti čiste životne sredine i čiste vode. Mladi bi trebalo da budu aktivniji u tome. Moramo da uklonimo smeće sa obala reka jer nam je potrebna voda za piće. Ali takođe moramo da uklonimo i smeće sa naših ulica.


nvironment protection is very important for our health and for future generations as well. Therefore, it is necessary to get involved in raising the awareness of the people regarding the importance of a clean environment and clean water. The youth should be more active. We need to remove the garbage from the river banks because we need drinking water. But we must also remove the garbage from our streets.


ue to many challenges we face today, it is understandable that the protection of the environment is not considered a high priority. After all, we know that our forests, rivers and lakes have existed for thousands of years. The question we should ask ourselves is if we continue to treat them the way we do will they exist in the future too? And more importantly, what will their condition be? Certainly your response is not so positive. Without any doubt, it is high time we start acting to protect the environment. In relation to this issue, we spoke to some of your peers and we invite you to read what they said below.

Miljan Živković (Kamenica) Brikena Rexhepi (Gnjilane)


islim da nemamo dovoljno razvijenu svest o zaštiti životne sredine. U odnosu na starije generacije, mi ne vodimo računa o vodi. Na primer, moj deda konstantno podseća čitavu moju porodicu da štedimo vodu i da je ne rasipamo.


think that we are not sufficiently aware of environmental protection. We are not careful with our water, in comparison to the older generations. For example my grandfather constantly reminds our entire family to save water and not waste it.


ist vazduh, voda i okruženje su neophodni za naše dobro zdravlje, ali i za uživanje u prirodi. U školi ponekad organizujemo akcije sakupljanja otpada iz naših reka. Ali problem je u tome što one ubrzo ponovo budu zagađene đubretom. Mislim da je potrebno organizovati više akcija čišćenja tako da jednog dana možemo ponosno da uživamo u jezerima i rekama na Kosovu.


lean air, water and the environment are necessary to use for our health but also for enjoying nature. At school, sometimes we organize actions to collect the garbage from our rivers. But the problem is that soon they are polluted again. I think it is necessary to organize more cleaning actions, so that one day we may proudly enjoy the lakes and rivers in Kosovo.

Marko Filipović (Korminjane)


i moramo da čuvamo našu planetu i sve njene prirodne lepote i resurse. Reke i jezera su samo deo ove slagalice i bez njih nema života. Važno je da mi, mladi, a i naši roditelji, poštujemo pravila zaštite životne sredine i prestanemo da bacamo smeće svuda oko sebe.


e must protect our planet and all its natural beauties and resources. Rivers and lakes are only part of this puzzle and there can be no life without them. It is important that we, the young people, and our parents as well, observe the environmental protection rules and stop throwing garbage everywhere.

Dardan Hoti (Kosovo polje)


aštita životne sredine je veoma važna, jer ako nastavimo da zagađujemo naše reke, doći će dan kada više nećemo imati vodu za piće. Time što štetimo našem okruženju uništavamo pluća naše zemlje i vazduh će na kraju biti suviše zagađen da bi mogao da se udiše.


t is very important to protect our environment because if we continue polluting our rivers, the day will come when we will not be able to use drinkable water. By damaging our environment, we destroy the lungs of our country and the air will end up being too polluted to breathe. Posetite nas na: Visit us at:


vaš kutak

Svaki kutak ove naše planete nosi svoju jedinstvenu priču!



iroka prostranstva, daleke zemlje i sve ono što nisam mogla videti me je oduvek privlačilo. Svet je pun različitih kultura, velikih gradova i divlje prirode u čije bi srce volela da zaronim i istražim sve što mogu. Svaki kutak ove naše planete nosi svoju jedinstvenu priču ili legendu koja se prepričava vekovima unazad i prenosi s kolena na koleno. Svaka kultura ima svoju posebnu karakterističnosti i mističnost koju krije, svoja obeležja i ljude koji to poštuju i iznose na pravi način. Volela bih da osetim tu energiju i da sve to vidim svojim očima, a ne preko slika na monitoru. Kao što bih volela da posetim razne megalopolise i gradove i da uživam u njihovoj gracioznoj veličini, fluorescentnim bojama koje noću još više dolaze do izražaja, brzini koja ih prati i pogodnostima koje samo takvi gradovi mogu da pruže, tako bih volela i da udišem svež, čist vazduh sa nepokolebljivih planina, da istražim sve te šume i prašume, sela koja za moderni svet nisu čula, da probam domaću hranu


iz svih krajeva sveta i da se šetam kroz mirisne vrtove bogate egzotičnim biljkama sa kojima se nisam susretala. Bogatstvo je pred nama, a nalazi se u samoj prirodi, čistoj i netaknutoj u svojoj najlepšoj formi, u gradovima sa neboderima koji paraju oblake, u različitim ljudima sa drugačijim pričama, u svemu dobrom što je naš svet izrodio. Sve moje čežnje za dalekim i nepoznatim prostranstvima ne mogu stati na ovo parče papira, ali se nadam da će me život kao oluju jednog dana odvesti do svih mesta za kojima žudim i da će mi to ostaviti slatke uspomene kojih ću se rado sećati kada ostarim. Ana Visković Leposavic



have always been attracted by wide spaces, faraway lands and everything that I haven’t been able to see. The world is full of different cultures, big cities and wild nature in the heart of which I would like to dive in and explore

everything I could. Every corner of this planet of ours carries its unique story or a legend that has been recounted for centuries and passed on from generation to generation. Each culture has its own distinctive characteristic and a mystique that it hides, its features and people who honor it and appropriately bring it out. I wish I could feel this energy and see all of it with my own eyes, rather than through pictures on the screen. Just as I would love to visit various megalopolises and cities and to enjoy their graceful dimensions, their fluorescent colors that are even brighter at night, speed that follows them and benefits that only such cities can provide, I would also like to breathe in the fresh, clean air from rigid mountains, to explore all the forests and rainforests, villages that the modern world hasn’t heard of, to try homemade food from all over the world and to stroll through fragrant gardens rich in exotic plants that I have never encountered before. Abundance is in front of us, and it is in the nature, pure and intact in its most beautiful form, in cities with skyscrapers touching the clouds, in different people with different stories, in all good things that our world has brought into existence. All my longings for remote and unknown spaces cannot fit into this sheet of paper, but I hope that life will one day carry me like a storm to all the places I am longing for, and that this will leave me with sweet memories that I will fondly remember when I grow old. Ana Visković Leposavic

your corner

Ključ je verovati u sebe, da to možete i morate. Kada posle nebrojeno puta padnete, treba da ustanete!



lušajući o drugim uspešnim ljudima me inspiriše da isto tako i ja budem jednog dana na toj listi. Volim slušati priče o ljudima koji su svojom voljom i napornim radom bez ičije pomoći uspeli raditi i baviti se baš onim što žele. Svakom čoveku je uspeh individualna stvar i ono što se meni čini uspešnim, nekome neće i obrnuto. Što je sasvim u redu, jer bilo bi monotono da svi isto razmišljamo. Luksuzna kuća je nekome san, zdravlje je bolesnom jedina želja, dobar posao i završena škola je nekoj osobi glavni cilj. Ne može se sa preciznošću reći za nekoga da nije uspeo u svom životu samo zato što naša načela nisu ista. Brinuti o tome da li je neko bolji od nas u određenoj oblasti neće nam doneti mir, već samo uzrujanost i nervozu, pa tako nećemo pokazati svoj potencijal i razmišljajući o onome šta je druga osoba napravila propustićemo možda naš voz za dobru priliku. Po mom mišljenju, biti uspešan, znači ne obazirati se na druge ljude jer uvek će biti neko ko je iole brži, bolji ili pak pametniji, nego je potrebno dati svoj maksimum. Trud može nadvladati talenat. Uspeh je nešto što definitivno svi žele, ali ne mogu ga svi ni imati jer dosta ljudi ima tendenciju da prerano odustane od nečega, da nečemu ne da šansu... Nije, po mom mišljenju luksuz neki uspeh, mada nekome možda znači. To

znači da zarađujete dobro, ali da biste to uspeli morate opet dosta da se pomučite, ako već niste iz porodice bogatih. E, to je uspeh. Neodustajanje. Trajnost. Ključ je donekle i verovati u sebe, da to možete i morate. Kada posle nebrojeno puta padnete, treba da ustanete. Teško je, ali možda je to i čar života. Ne može nam svima biti sve servirano baš kako želimo, a tako je i bolje. Naposletku, život je zanimljiviji kao takav. Miloš Rakić Gimnazija - Gračanica



istening about other successful people inspires me to also one day make it to this list. I like to listen to stories about people who, with their own will and hard work, without anyone’s help, managed to work and do exactly what they want. Success is a personal thing, and what may seem as success to me, doesn’t have to be so for someone else and vice versa. Which is perfectly ok, because it would be monotonous if everyone was thinking alike. A luxury home may be a dream to some people, health is the only wish of a sick person, and a good job and completed school is some people’s main goal.

One cannot exactly say that a person has failed in life only because we do not stick to the same principles. Worrying about whether someone is doing better than us in a certain area will not bring us peace, but only agitation and nervousness, and as a result we will not show our full potential and by thinking about what this other person has done, we might miss a good opportunity for ourselves. In my opinion, being successful means not paying attention to other people, because there will always be someone who is somewhat faster, better or smarter, rather, we must give our maximum. Hard work can beat talent. Success is something that everyone definitely wants, but not everyone can achieve it, because many people tend to give up on something too early and not give it a chance... In my opinion, luxury is not major success, although it may mean a lot to some. This means that you earn well, but in order to be successful, you must do a lot of hard work if you don’t come from a wealthy family. And that is success. Not giving up. Perseverance. The key, to some extent, is to believe in yourself and that you can and must do something. After you have fallen many times, you must get back on your feet. This is hard, but maybe that is the charm of life. Things cannot be served to all of us just the way we want it, and it is for the better. After all, life is more interesting that way. Miloš Rakić Grammar School - Gračanica


skandi ukrĹĄtenica/crossword


pisma čitalaca/reader’s letters

Pisma čitalaca Pozdrav redakciji, Ja sam Marko iz Babinog Mosta i redovno čitam magazin “For You”. Od svih rubrika najviše mi se dopadaju vesti iz sporta, zato što obožavam sport. U slobodno vreme igram tenis, košarku i fudbal. Kada je muzika u pitanju, najviše slušam Bajagu. Pozdravljam sve svoje vršnjake na Kosovu. Marko Danić O.Š “Milan Rakić” - Babin Most

Ćao, Ja sam Marina i želim da Vam, kao i većina mojih drugarica, napišem jedno pisamce. Mnogo mi se dopada Vaš magazin, samo tako nastavite! Najviše volim kada pišete o nekim mojim omiljenim ličnostima, kao što su Pussycat Dolls i Jennifer Lopez. Volim da čitam rubriku “Sport”, a moj najomiljeniji sport je košarka, koju u slobodno vreme treniram.

Marina Milić O.Š “Milan Rakić” - Babin Most Ćao! Zaista ste OK i samo tako nastavite! Volim kada pišete o sportistima, kao i ostalim poznatim ličnostima, a takođe mi se dopadaju i Vaše priče sa Kosova. U slobodno vreme igram fudbal ili tenis. Svakako da imam vremena i za muziku i slušanje svih pesama mog omiljenog benda “Van Gogh”. Voleo bih zato da u nekom od narednih brojeva objavite njihov poster. Aleksandar Milić O.Š. “Milan Rakić” Babin Most Pozdrav, Zovem se Nevena, imam trinaest godina i iz Leška sam. U slobodno vreme volim da se družim sa svojim dru-

garima. Omiljeni sport mi je atletika, pa bih volela da neke stranice iz sportske rubrike posvetite i ovom sportu. Omiljene pevačice su mi Rihana i Uitni Hjuston. Pozdravljam sve svoje drugare sirom Kosova. Nevena Mitić O.Š. “Stana Bačanin” - Lešak


Pozdrav! Pre svega da Vam kažem da ste najbolji!. U slobodno vreme slušam muziku, a najviše Pink i Amadeus bend čiji bih poster želela da vi-

dim u narednom broju. Omiljena glumica mi je Sandra Bulok, tako da bih Vam bila jako zahvalna ukoliko biste nekoliko strana posvetili samo njoj. Od sportova najviše volim odbojku, a i profesionalno je igram. Pozdrav svima! Vesna Đorđević “Ekonomskotrgovinska škola” Laplje Selo


pisma čitalaca/reader’s letters

Reader’s letters Hello to the editorial staff, I’m Marko from Babin Most and I regularly read the “For You”magazine. Of all the columns I like sports news the most, because I adore sports. In my free time I play tennis, basketball and football. In relation to music, I mostly listen to Bajaga. Greetings to all my peers in Kosovo. Marko Danić P.S “Milan Rakić” - Babin Most Greetings! First of all, I want to tell you that you are the best! In my free time I listen to music, and most of all Pink

and Amadeus band whose poster I would like to see in some of the following editions. My favorite actress is Sandra Bullock, so I would be very grateful if you would dedicate a few pages to her. I like volleyball the most, and I play it professionally. Greetings to all! Vesna Đorđević “Economic-trade school” - Laplje Selo Hi, I am Marina and I want to write a letter to you as most of my friends do. I like your magazine very much, just keep up! I love the most when you write about some of my favorite personalities, such as Pussycat Dolls and Jennifer Lopez. I like to read the “Sport” column, my favorite sport is basketball, which I practice in

my free time. Marina Milić P.S “Milan Rakić” - Babin Most Hi! You’re really OK and just keep up! I like when you write about athletes, as well as other celebrities, and I also like your stories from Kosovo. In my free time I play football or tennis. Certainly I have time for music and I listen to all the songs of my favorite band “Van Gogh”. I’d like you to post their poster in some of the following editions. Aleksandar Milić P.S “Milan Rakić” - Babin Most Greetings, My name is Nevena, I am thirteen and I am from Lešak. In my spare time I like to hang out with my friends. My

favorite sport is athletics, so I would like you to dedicate some of the sports column pages to this sport. My favorite singers are Rihanna and Whitney Houston. Greetings to all my friends throughout Kosovo. Nevena Mitić P.S. “Stana Bačanin” - Lešak


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