Pozdrav dragi čitaoci! Evo nas ponovo se srećemo kroz najnoviji broj magazina For You. Pre svega dozvolite mi da vam se zahvalim od srca za sve dobre stvari koje ste pisali u vašim pismima upućenim našoj redakciji. Za nas je uvek zadovoljstvo da znamo da i posle toliko godina provedenih zajedno mi smo još uvek vaš omiljeni časopis. Takođe smo veoma zahvalni za sve vaše zahteve i sugestije, jer na taj način nam pomažete da ostanemo najbolji za vas. Dakle, pozivam vas da nastavite da nas čitate i ne zaboravite da možete kontaktirati sa nama i na našem sajtu www.magazineforyou.com ili u facebook-u www.facebook.com/Magazine4Usrpski. Mi očekujemo da nastavite da pišete vaše komentare i preferencije. A sada bez daljeg odlaganja da popričamo malo o ovom broju koji je sada pred vama. U oktobru je zajednica za slepe i slabovide na Kosovu obeležila Nedelju Belog Štapa. Dakle, ovaj put smo posetili medicinsku školu u Velikom Ropotovu. U Music box-u možete pročitati eksluzivni intervju sa Tropico Band-om. U rubrici Moviemania kao i obično možete pročitati koji su najnoviji filmovi, a u sportskom uglu ovog puta je poznati fudbaler Dejan Stanković. Kao i obično to nije sve, ali za više morate da pročitate magazin a ja vam obećavam da ćete biti zadovoljni. Na kraju krajeva u našem magazinu ima malo za svakoga. Do sledećeg susreta, sve najlbolje!
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“For You” je slu`bena publikacija KFOR-a, proizvedena i finansirana od strane KFOR-a. Štampa se na Kosovu i distribuira besplatno. Sadr`aj magazina ne odra`ava uvek stavove koalicije ili bilo koje zemlje ~lanice pojedina~no. KFOR prihvata i tra`i vaša mi{ljenja, neka od njih }e i objavljivati, verovatno u skra}enoj formi. Ako autor pisma tako `eli, njegovo/njeno ime ne}e biti objavljeno. KFOR ne}e objavljivati anonimna, maliciozna ili klevetni~ka pisma. Glavni urednik: Leonora Shabanaj Nik{i} Novinari: Ali Rexha, Asmir Nik{i}, Merita Gjoni Fotografije: Ekipa “4U” Design & Layout: Bekim Shabani Uredni{tvo mo`ete kontaktirati na telefon: 038/503-603-2139 Pisma mo`ete slati na adresu: HQ KFOR - Kosova Film. “For You” magazin; Strasbourg Building; 10000 Pri{tina E-mail: leonorashabanaj@gmail.com; http://www.magazineforyou.com
2 for you
2-3: Uvodnik, sadr`aj 4-5: [kola meseca: Medicinska škola u Velikom Ropotovu 6-7: Poezija, kraljica pera 8-9: Me|unarodna nedelja belog štapa 10-11: Music Box: Tropico Band - “Od trnja do zvezda” 12-13: “Bridge film fest” gradi mostove prijateljstva 14-15: @ivotinjsko carstvo: 10 `ivotinja koje su prešle zaista dug put da bi bile ovde gde su danas
16-17: Poster: Tropico Band 18-19: Moviemania: The peanuts movie; Pan; Spectre; The big short 20-21: Sportski ugao: Dejan Stanković - “Život bez fudbala? ravna linija!” 22-23: Hi-Tech 24-25: Program za podizanje svesti o bezbednosti u zajednici 26-27: Upitnik: [ta biste promenili kod vašeg druga ili drugarice? 28-29: Verovali ili ne ... 30: Enigmatski ugao 31-32: Pisma ~italaca
EDITORIAL Greetings dear readers!
We meet again through this latest edition of the For You magazine. First of all I would like to sincerely thank you for all the positive feedback you send to our office. For us it is always a pleasure to know that even after so many years we still are your favourite magazine. We are also very grateful for all your requests and suggestions, because they help us remain the best for you. Therefore, I invite you to keep reading our articles and remind you that you may also contact us at our webpage www.magazineforyou.com or on Facebook at www.facebook.com/Magazine4Usrpski. We expect from you to keep sending your comments and preferences. However, let’s get back to this issue you already have in your hands. During October the blind and visually impaired persons marked the White Cane Week. This month we visited the medical school in Veliko Ropotovo. In the Music Box you may read our exclusive interview with Tropico Band. In Moviemania as usual we bring the latest movies to you, and in the sports column this time you will meet famous football player Dejan Stankovic. As usual this is not all but, for more you will have to go through the magazine and I promise that you will not be disappointed. In other words, our magazine has something for everyone’s taste. Until our next meeting, all the best! Leonora!
2-3: Editorial, index 4-5: School of the month: Medical school in Veliko Ropotovo 6-7: Poetry, queen of the quill 8-9: International White Cane Week 10-11: Music Box: Tropico Band - “From thorns to stars” 12-13: “Bridge film fest” builds friendship bridges 14-15: Animal kingdom: 10 animals who took really long roadtrips to get where they are today
16-17: Poster: Pan 18-19: Moviemania: The peanuts movie; Pan; Spectre; The big short 20-21: Sports corner: Dejan Stankovic - “Life without football? A flat line!“ 22-23: Hi-Tech 24-25: Community safety awareness program 26-27: Questionnaire: What would you change about your friends? 28-29: Did you know ... 30: Crossword puzzle 31-32: Readers’ letters
‘For You’ is an official publication of KFOR, produced and financed by KFOR, printed in Kosovo and distributed freely.The contents do not necessarily reflect the official point of view of the coalition or that of any of its member states. KFOR accepts and welcomes your opinions, it will publish some of these, eventually in a condensed form. If requested the name of the writer will be withheld but no anonymous, defamatory or malicious letters will be printed. Chief Editor: Leonora Shabanaj Niksic Journalists: Ali Rexha, Asmir Niksic, Merita Gjoni Photos by: “4U” team Design & Layout: Bekim Shabani The editorial staff can be contacted on: 038/503-603-2139 Any letters can be sent at: HQ KFOR - Film City; For You magazine; Strasbourg building; 10000 Pristina; E-mail: leonorashabanaj@gmail.com; http://www.magazineforyou.com
for you 3
škola meseca
edicinska škola u Velikom Ropotovu može se reći da je jedna mlada škola jer je ona naime počela sa radom 1999. godine u prostorijama bivšeg doma kulture. Od tada te prostorije su pretvorene u školski objekat, koji je danas, jedan od retkih objekata na Kosovu te namene koji je još uvek u funkciji. Takođe, vredi napomenuti da se ova škola ističe kao najveća na kosovskom pomoravlju sa oko 360 učenika. Ovi đaci su podeljeni u osam odeljenja koje prate nastavu u Ropotovu dok još osam drugih odeljenja, to jest četiri odeljenja prate nastavu
veoma dobre đake sa prosečnom ocenom 4. A često nas obilaze inspektori obrazovanja, i uvek dobijamo dobre ocene u svim segmentima. To znači da se tom prilikom ocenjuje kompletan ambijent, to jest rad u školi, nastavni proces, odnosi u školi i rad službe. Tom prilikom je medicinska škola doblia najvišu ocenu a to je petica“. Ono što je za ponos školi svakako jesu i rezultati koje njihovi učenici postižu. Do sada oni su učestvovali na raznim takmičenjima gde su iz oblasti prve pomoći dobili dobre rezultate. Gospođa Krstić je dodala
u Šilovu a ostala četiri u Pasjanu. Direktor škole, gđa. Ljiljana Krstić, koja je profesor Jugoslovenske književnosti srpskohrvatskog jezika, i koja ima 9 godina kao nastavnica ove institucije, između ostalog je naglasila: „Naša škola nije prostorno velika, imamo zbornicu, kabinet za zdravstvenu negu, i kabinet za informatiku. Ove kabinete smo opremili zahvaljujući Norveškoj donaciji i organizaciji IOM-a. Međutim prava snaga i vrednost naše škole leži upravo u njenom nastavničkom kadru i đacima. Mi imamo
da škola takođe svake godine organizuje okružna takmičenja. I u njima njeni učenici su pokazali izvanredne uspehe u svom obrazovanju. U školi se može primetiti da tu vlada saradnja i harmonija među njima. Još jedna interesantna karakteristika ove škole ja da se nastava izvodi po savremenim pedagoškim metodama. Upotreba didaktičnih sredstva kao što su projektori i laptopovi omogućava da nastava bude interaktivna tako da su deca maksimalno angažovana tokom cele nastave. Prema rećima gđe. Krstić nakon
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Direktor škole, gđa. Ljiljana Krstić završetka škole ova deca dobijaju zvanje medicinski tehničar ili medicinska sestra. Zato se ovaj tip nastave primenjuje pošto je to najbolji način da bi se ova deca osposobila da mogu da rade svoj posao za koji se kvalifikuju. Iako veliki broj đaka uglavnom nastavlja studije na medicinskom fakultetu, škola ima veoma dobre profesore opštih predmeta, tako da deca upisuju i druge smerove kao što je pravni fakultet. „Što se tiče stručnih medicinskih predmeta u okviru našeg nastavnog kadra imamo doktore lekare. Međutim oni su kvalifikovani da predaju pojedine predmete a za druge pojedine predmete bi trebalo da imamo lekare specijaliste. To je donekle problematično jer zbog malog broja specijalista na
raspolaganju medicinski centar nije sagalsan da oni budu upošljavani u prosveti,“ dodala je gđa Krstić. Ona je dalje sa ponosom istakla da su svi lekari koji su danas nastavnici bivši đaci ove škole, ali sada je jedan od glavnih problema da nakon završetka škole veliki broj đaka odlazi u inostranstvo, s obzirom na to da ovde nema uslova za zapošlenje. Jedan drugi problem kojim se sada bavi gđa Krstić jeste da se nađe rešenje o izgradnji nove škole koja bi doprinela poboljšanju kvaliteta obrazovanja za decu, jer kako nam je ona rekla to deca i zaslužuju. Na kraju direktorica Krstić poručila je svim mladima sa Kosova da što više uče, rade i obrazuju, jer ključ budućnosti je obrazovanje.
school of the month
he medical school in Veliko Ropotovo could be considered a young school as it started operating only in 1999 in the premises of the former youth centre. Since then those premises have been transformed into a school building, which is today, one of those few buildings in Kosovo still in use to this purpose. Moreover, it is worth mentioning that this school stands out as the biggest in Morava region in Kosovo with around 360 students. They are divided in sixteen classrooms, eight of which attend their classes in Ropotovo, another four in Silovo and
for nine years now, emphasized the following: “Our school does not have a big building; we have one teachers’ room, a health care lab, and an informatics lab. We have equipped these laboratories thanks to a Norwegian donation and a donation of the IOM. However the true strength and value of our school is none other than our teaching staff and students. We have excellent students with an average grade of 4. We are also often visited by education inspectors, and we always get good grades in all segments. This means that on these occasions the entire environment of
the last four in Pasjane. The school director, Mrs. Ljiljana Krstic, who is a professor of Jugoslav literature of Serbo-Croatian language, and who has been teaching in this institution
the school is evaluated, respectively the quality of the work, the teaching process, the administration and the relations in the school. As a result the school was evaluated with
the highest mark of five.” The school also takes pride from the results their students achieve. Until now they have participated in various competitions and they achieved great results in first aid. Mrs. Krstic added that the school also organizes annual district competitions and their students achieve excellent results in them too. Cooperation and harmony among students is very distinguishable at the school as well. Another interesting feature of this school is that the teaching process is conducted according to modern pedagogical methods. The use of didactic means such as projectors and laptops enables the conducting of interactive teaching and maximal engagement of children during the entire class. According to Mrs. Krstic after finishing this school these students get the title of medical technician or nurse. Therefore this type of teaching is applied, because this is the best way to enable these children to perform the vocation they get qualified for. Although a great number of the students mainly end up studying for medicine, the professors of general subjects at this school are great as well, so the students are able to study in other fields as well,
i.e. law. “In relation to our vocational medical subjects, we have doctors within our teaching staff. However, they are qualified to teach certain subjects, whereas for certain subjects we should have specialized doctors. This is problematic to a certain degree due to the small number of specialized doctors that are available, which is why the medical centre does not agree that they are also hired in teaching,” Mrs. Krstic added. She further stated with pride that all the doctors that are teaching today are former students of this school, but one of the main problems is that upon completing their school most of the students are going abroad, since they have very limited employment opportunities nowadays. Another problem that Mrs. Krstic is currently handling is to find a solution for the construction of a new school building, which would contribute in improving the teaching quality, because as she emphasized these children deserve that. Finally director Krstic appealed to all the young people of Kosovo to learn as much as possible, to work hard and get educated, because education is the key to a better future.
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“Vino i poezija su drevni kao ljubav prema njima”, bio je moto Međunarodnog festivala poezije, koji je održan 15., 16. i 17. septembra 2015. godine, u gradu Orahovcu. Ovom festivalu svetskog nivoa je prisustvovalo 40 pesnika sa Kosova, iz regiona i sveta. Međunarodni pesnici iz Sjedinjenih Američkih Država, Irske, Kipra, Rumunije, Slovačke, Mongolije, Italije, Belgije, itd. čitali su svoju poeziju u prisustvu lokalnih i međunarodnih predstavnika, dok su imali priliku da čuju poeziju svoje braće po peru. Pored poezije i prijateljstva među pesnicima, festival je bio prilika da se promoviše knjiga „Čuvar vina“ (The Winekeeper) američkog pesnika i izdavača William Spenser Peters, koji se zahvalio organizatorima festivala, naglasivši da je ljudska duša neokupirana. “Jedna od stvari koje ja smatram veoma važnim za nas, pesnike, jeste da se uklone granice koje nas razdvajaju putem reči, duše i srca. Imam
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veoma dobrog prijatelja, koga zovem bratom, i on me stalno podseća da ne postoje takve stvari kao što su rasne razlike jer postoji samo jedna rasa, a to je ljudska rasa,” rekao je gospodin Peters. To je razlog što je taj gradić koji je uglavnom poznat po svojim vinogradima pokazao da Orahovac ima potencijal da postane mesto susreta pesnika, ljubitelja poezije i stvaralaca. Lepota ovog
područja, posebno grožđa i vina koji se tamo proizvode, dobar su izvor inspiracije, kreativnosti i prijateljstva. S druge strane, direktor “Međunarodnog festivala poezije”, pesnik Fahredin Šehu, obećao je da će se pesnici i ljubitelji poezije ponovo sastati u ovom gradu sledeće godine. “Ovako bi želeli da svake godine proslavimo žetvu, a to bi uradili poezijom i prijateljstvom, i doveli bi ljude iz različitih zemalja. Narednih puta bismo sarađivali sa pesnicima u regionu jer smo uspostavili veoma dobre kontakte sa njima”. Među mnogim drugim pesnicima, na festival su bili pozvani i srpski pesnici Dušan Gojkov i Zvonko Karanović, koji predstavljaju Srbiju ne samo u regionu već i u Evropi i u svetu. Imali smo priliku da se sretnemo i razgovaramo sa gospodinom Dušanom Gojkovim, glavnim i odgovornim urednikom Balkanskog književnog glasnika i predsednikom Balkanskog književnog društva. Na pitanje šta ga je nagnalo da učestvuje u ovom festivalu posvećenom poeziji u Orahovcu, gde su bili prisutni najbolji autori i pesnici na Balkanu, gospodin Gojkov je između ostalog izjavio: “Fahredin Šehu je pesnik, čije pesme sam objavio u prvom izdanju Glasnika, pesme koje je on objavio u svojoj prvoj knjizi pesama. To znači da je naša saradnja počela pre više godina i prilično je normalno da
kolege podržavaju jedni druge. Osim toga, imam mnogo prijatelja ovde na Kosovu, koji želim da vidim i provedem vreme sa njima.” Na kraju našeg razgovora, gospodin Gojkov je pozvao sve mlade ljude da čitaju što je više moguće i da se obrazuju. Pored mogućnosti upoznavanja putem prelepe
umetničke reči, sticanja prijatelja i primanja pisama priznanja od organizatora, svi pesnici koji su učestvovali na ovom festivalu su imali priliku da posete neke od najlepših mesta na Kosovu. S druge strane, na kraju festivala je objavljeno da će zahvaljujući pesniku i američkom izdavaču William Spenser Peters, koji je dobio prvu nagradu festivala “Zlatni grozd”, čitav sastanak/ festival će biti objavljen kao antologija u Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama.
POETRY, QUEEN OF THE QUILL Peters. The latter hereby thanked the festival organisers, emphasising that the human soul is uninvaded. “One of the things that I see as very important for us, the poets, is to remove the boundaries that divide us through the words, soul and through the heart. I have a very good friend, whom I call my brother and
“Wine and poetry are as ancient as the love for them”, was the motto of the International Poetry Festival, which was held on 15, 16 and 17 September 2015, in the town of Rahovec. This world level festival was attended by 40 poets from Kosovo, region and the world. International poets from the United States, Ireland, Cyprus, Romania, Slovakia, Mongolia, Italy, Belgium, and so on read their poetry in the presence of local and international representatives, while they had the opportunity to listen to the poetry of their brothers of the quill. In addition to the poetry and friendship among poets, the festival was an opportunity to promote the book “The Winekeeper” of the American poet and publisher William Spenser
he constantly reminds me that there are no such things as racial differences because there is only one race and that is the human race”, Mr. Peters stated. This is why this small town that is mainly known for its vineyards proved that Rahovec has the potential to becoming a meeting point for poets, poetry fans and creators. The beauty of this area, especially the grapes and wines that is produced there, are a good source of inspiration, creativity and friendship. On the other hand, the director of the “International Poetry Festival”, the poet Fahredin Shehu promised that the poets and fans of the poetry will be meeting in this town next year again. “This is how we will celebrate the harvest every year, and this will be done with poetry and friendship and we will bring people from different
countries of the word. In other editions, we will cooperate even more with the poets of the region because we have established very good contacts with them”. Among the many poets present in the festival, the Serbian poets: Dusan Gojkov and Zvonko Karanovic were invited, too, who represent Serbia not only in the region but also in Europe and in the world. We had the opportunity to meet and
talk to Mr. Dusan Gojkov, Editor in Chief of Balkan Literary Herald (Balkanski Knjizevni Glasnik) and Chairman of the Balkan Literary Society (Balkansko Knjizevno Drustvo). Asked about what has pushed him to participate in this festival dedicated to poetry in Rahovec, where the best authors/poets of the Balkans are present, Mr. Gojkov inter alia stated: “Fahredin Shehu is a poet, whose poems I have published in the first edition of “Herald”, poems that were published by him in his first book with poems. This means that our co-operation started years back and it is rather normal that colleagues support each other. Moreover, I have many friends here in Kosovo, who I want to meet and spend time with time”. At the end of our conversation, Mr. Gojkov called on all young people to read as much as possible and get educated. Besides the opportunity of meeting each other through the beautiful artistic word, make friends and receive letters of appreciations from the organisers, all participating poets of this festival had the chance to visit some of the most beautiful places of Kosovo. On the other hand, at the end of the festival it was nnounced that thanks to the poet and American publisher William Spenser Peters, who was honoured with the first prize of the Festival “Golden Grape”, the entire meeting/festival would be published as an anthology in the United States of America.
for you 7
ajednica slepih i slabovidih na Kosovu je od 15. do 22. oktobra 2015. godine obeležila Međunarodnu nedelju belog štapa. Ove godine je otvorena u prostorijama hotela Emerald u Prištini sa akademijom, gde je na simboličan način gospodin Bujar Kadriu, predsednik kosovskog Udruženja slepih, dobio kopije zakona za borbu protiv korupcije štampane u Brajevom pismu na oba jezika, i na albanskom i na srpskom. Osim toga, predstavnici kosovskog Udruženja slepih, Agencije za borbu protiv korupcije, Švajcarske kancelarije za saradnju na Kosovu i UNDP-a razgovarali su o ovim zakonima, kao i značaju
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obrazovanja i podizanja svesti slepih u borbi protiv korupcije na Kosovu. Nakon razgovora i predaje zakona, Udruženje slepih Kosova je dodelilo priznanja različitim institucijama koje su pomagale i nastavljaju da podržavaju slepe ljude. KFOR je bio među onima koji su dobili takvo priznanje za doprinos u finansiranju objavljivanje časopisa „For You“ na Brajevom pismu. Vezano za to imali smo priliku da razgovaramo sa ministrom pravde, gospodinom Hajredin Kuči, koji je između ostalog izjavio: „To što KFOR objavljuje ovakav časopis za slepe ljude je veoma važno. Nema sumnje da smo pre svega zahvalni za napore koje
KFOR čini i doprinosi time miru i bezbednosti. Ali ovaj časopis je izraz humanosti i pozitivanog duha ljudi u KFOR-u, koji slepim ljudima pružaju sredstvo da se upoznaju sa razvojem događaja i bezbednošću na Kosovu. Iznad svega, to je doprinos kojim KFOR obezbeđuje da ovi ljudi postanu ravnopravni članovi društva.“ G-din Radomir Jorgić penzionisani sekretar saveza slepih iz Gračanice, trenutno samo član saveza, nam je rekao da je svaki časopis vrlo važan a pogotovo za slepe koji znaju da čitaju. ‘For You’ magazin ima mnogo dobrih i zanimljivih informacija. Kod nas u savezu slepih dolaze maldi da čitaju časopis, i mnogo su zadovoljni njime. I na kraju je g-din Jorgić poručio svim mladima sa Kosova koji su slepi i slabovidi da nauče brajevo pismo, jer to nije samo da nauče da čitaju, tu je i matematika koja je vrlo važna u njihovom životu. “Časopis For You je veoma edukativan i informativan. On ne samo da je ispunio standarde koji
proizilaze iz Konvencije UN za ljudska prava u vezi sa pravima osoba sa invaliditetom na pristup informacijama, već je takođe stvorio jednake mogućnosti za sve građane da dobiju informacije o tome šta je KFOR i šta pruža. Ovaj časopis je prozor informacija za slepe na Kosovu,“ rekao je gospodin Bujar Kadriu. Raznovrsni sadržaj časopisa „For You“ je razlog što mladi slepi ljudi jedva čeka objavljivanje svakog novog izdanja časopisa. Ovo nam je otkrio gospodin Daut Tišuku, direktor Centra za pružanje usluga u okviru Saveza slepih Kosova: „Slepi mladi ljudi su zainteresovani i redovni su čitaoci ovog časopisa. Do sada sam čuo samo dobre stvari o ovom magazinu.“ Na kraju je gospodin Tišuku apelovao na institucije Kosova da primenjuju Zakon o slepima koji je Skupština Kosova usvojila 2012. godine. Ako se primenjuje ovaj zakon, onda roditelji slepe dece zaista ne treba da brinu što ovaj zakon i pomoć naših međunarodnih partnera zaista čini sve slepe osobe ravnopravnim članovima kosovskog društva.“
rom the 15th to 22nd October 2015 the blind and visually impaired community in Kosovo marked the “International White Cane Week”. This year it was opened at the premises of Emerald Hotel in Prishtina with a conference, where in a symbolic way Mr. Bujar Kadriu, President of the Kosovo Association of the Blind, received copies of the anti-corruption law printed in Braille in both Albanian and Serbian languages. Moreover, representatives of the Kosovo Association of the Blind, Anticorruption Agency, Swiss Cooperation Office in Kosovo and UNDP discussed issues in relation to these laws as well as the importance of educating and raising the awareness of the blind in fighting corruption in Kosovo. After the discussions and handing over of the laws, the Kosovo Association of the Blind awarded acknowledgments to various institutions that have assisted and continue to support the blind community. KFOR was among those who received such an acknowledgment for its contribution in financing the publication of the For You magazine in Braille. In relation to this we had the opportunity
to talk to the Minister of Justice, Mr. Hajredin Kuçi, who among other stated that: “The provision of such a magazine by KFOR for the blind is very important. No doubt we are first and foremost thankful for KFORs efforts for peace and security. But this magazine is an expression of the humanity and the positive spirit of people in KFOR, who provide these people with the mean to get acquainted with the developments and security issues in Kosovo. Above all it is a contribution that KFOR provides so that these people become equal members of society.” Mr. Radomir Jorgic, retired secretary of the association of the blind in Grcanica, currently only a member of the association, said that every magazine is important and especially for the blind who can read: “The For You magazine has a lot of good and interesting information. Young people come to our association to read the magazine and they are very satisfied with it.” In the end Mr. Jorgic invited all the blind and visually impaired young people in Kosovo to learn reading in Braille, because they will not learn only to read, but also mathematics which is very important for their life. “The For You magazine is very educational and informative. It has not only met a standard deriving from the UN Human Rights Convention regarding the rights of people with disabilities to access information, but it has also created equal opportunities for all citizens to acquire information about what KFOR is and what it provides. This magazine is a window of information for the blind in Kosovo,” said Mr. Kadriu. The diverse content
of For You magazine is the reason why young blind people can hardly wait the publishing of each new edition of the magazine. This was revealed to us by Mr. Daut Tishuku, Director of the Centre for Services Provision within the Kosovo Association of the Blind: “The young blind people in Kosovo are excited about the magazine and read it regularly. So far I have received only good feedback
news about this magazine.” Finally Mr. Tishuku appealed to the institutions of Kosovo to apply the Law on Blind that was adopted in 2012 by the Assembly of Kosovo. If this law is applied, then the parents of blind children really don’t need to worry because this law and the assistance from our international partners really makes all blind people equal members of Kosovo society.”
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music box
e daleke 2002. godine, dvojica momaka iz Leskovca, Aleksandar Cvetković i Marko Nedeljković, u narodu poznatiji kao Brzi i Johny, hrabro odlučuju da se zapute ka Beogradu i okušaju svoju sreću u moru mogućnosti koju tako veliki grad pruža. Priznaćete, hrabar potez za dvojicu devetnaestogodišnjaka. Ali kako kažu u narodu: „Sreća prati hrabre!“. Početak, kao i svaki drugi, bio je težak, ispunjen novim iskustvima i nedaćama, ali to junake naše priče nije omelo u postizanju cilja, već ih je dodatno podsticalo u ispunjenju dečačkog sna a to je, osvajanje beogradskih klubova i splavova. Svetla velegrada i bogat noćni život ubrzo je šarmirao ovu dvojicu simpatičnih momaka iz untrašnjosti. Predanim radom i dečačkom iskrenošću, brzo su se infiltrirali na bine beogradskih klubova. Kako je obim posla rastao, tako se pojavila i potreba za pevačicom, i tako naš dvojac ubrzo postaje tročlana posada. U grupu dolazi pevačica Marija koja svojim pevačkim kvalitetima, zajedno sa Brzim i Johny-em,vrlo brzo animira širu beogradsku publiku. Krajem 2003. gorepomenuta pevačica rešava da krene putem solo karijere i napušta Tropico Band koji se našao u nebranom grožđu, i tada momci odlučuju da naprave potpuno “mušku priču”. Tada, početkom 2003. godine, kao četvrti musketar i pojačanje stiže gitarista Ignjatić Branislav, poznatiji kao Bungee, koji je do tada svirao u Kragujevačkom vokalno instrumentalnom sastavu “Osvajači”. Potpomognuti novim članom i još jednim instrumentalistom, Tropico polako počinje da dobija svoj prepoznatljivi stil koji neguje i do danas. U toku te 2003.godine promena, Tropico počinje da razmišlja o izdavaštvu i o borbi za delić estradnog neba. Uz saradnju sa prijateljem i saradnikom benda, multitalentovanim Gavrić Mirkom, Tropico snima svoj
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prvi singl pod nazivom “Daj mi daj” i stiče svoja prva “studijska” iskustva. Ohrabreni pesmom “Daj mi daj”, bend počinje ozbiljno da razmišlja o albumu prvencu i u narednom periodu (koji je trajao duge dve godine) svu svoju energiju usmerava ka ostvarenju tog cilja. Naravno, taj put je bio mnogo trnovitiji i nepredvidljiviji nego što su junaci ove priče mislili... Kako je rastao obim i ozbiljnost posla, tako je i dugogodišnja želja za formiranjem pravog benda rasla. Tada, početkom 2006. u bend dolazi ritam sekcija iz male varošice na jugu Srbije, Vlasotinca i to u liku i delu Aleksandra Ilića, široj javnosti poznatijeg po nadimkom Prke. Dolaskom novog člana i naravno još jednog živog instrumenta,Tropico konačno dobija svoj sadašnji identitet. Ovi momci, doživeli su ono o čemu su celog svog života maštali, doživeli su da za trenutak preko milion ljudi pogleda njihov rad, sve najbolje ocene i mnogo fanova posle drugog albuma. Željni dokazivanja staju rame uz rame sa najboljima, odlična video i audio produkcija ih dovodi do mesta o kome su sanjali visoko među zvezde. Ono po čemu se razlikuju od drugih je to što ne prepuštaju slučaju ni najmanju sitnicu, rečenica koju svi često izgovaraju je da samo kvalitet pobeđuje. Koračajući kroz masu bendova i solo izvođača 2011. godine donose odluku da snime spot u kome će glavnu ulogu igrati poznati glumac Vuk Kostić. Snimaju pesmu koja je prva sa trećeg albuma ugledala svetlost dana. ‘Misliću na tebe’ je naziv pesme i za samo 15 dana ima milion i po pregleda na internetu. Brzo postaje hit i samo dokazuje da kvalitet pobeđuje. Na pitanje kako se osećaju kad im kažu da su najpopularniji bend na sadašnjoj muzičkoj sceni, oni odgovaraju: “Nikada ne razmišljamo o svojoj popularnosti kao cilju samom po sebi, već o tome kako da publici prenesemo kroz
pesme emociju koju mi osećamo. Drago nam je da oni to uvek prepoznaju. A teških perioda je bilo. Dešavale su se situacije na početku naše karijere kada smo se pitali da li je to što radimo ispravno i hoće li se naš trud na kraju isplatiti. Međutim, svaki put kada bi upali u takva razmišljanja, dovoljno je bilo izaći pred publikom, čuti njihovu reakciju, i ta razmena energije nam je uvek davala snage da nastavimo i stignemo do mesta na kome smo sada”. Nakon posljednjeg albuma koji je izašao u septembru 2013. godine i velikih hitova sa tog albuma kao što su „Ciao Bella“ i „Sve moje zore“, „Ne zovi me“ ovaj mladi bend je svojoj publici poklonio novi album „Tropico 2015“. Novim pesmama, u koje su uložili mnogo energije, strasti i ljubavi, pokazali su još jednom zašto su broj 1 bend u regiji. Nove pesme „Šta ću tebi ja “, „U srcu mom“ i „Bićeš moja“ su već pronašle put do svojih fanova. 2015. godine na tržište su lansirali i novi album „Tropico 2015“ koji već beleži rekorde po prodaji i slušanosti širom regije. Na kraju članovi Tropico Benda imali su jednu poruku za sve mlade sa Kosova: “Ljubav među ljudima pobeđuje svako zlo i ne poznaje razlike među ljudima! Zato širite ljubav, volite se, jer ispod kože svi smo isti.”
music box
ack in now distant 2002, two boys from Leskovac, Aleksandar Cvetkovic and Marko Nedeljkovic, popularly known as Brzi and Johny, decided boldly to set off for Belgrade and try their luck in the sea of possibilities that such a large city provides. A bold move for two nineteen year olds indeed. But as they say - “Fortune favours the brave!”. Beginning, as always, was a difficult one, filled with new experiences and hardships, but this did bot himder the heroes of our story in their quest to achieve their objective, they got further encouraged to fulfill a childhood dream: to conquer Belgrade’s clubs and rafts. The big city lights and the rich nightlife soon charmed these two cute boys from the provinces. With commitment and boyish sincerity they quickly infiltrated the stages of the Belgrade clubs. As the workload increased so did the necessity for a singer, and so our duo soon became a three-man crew. The group got vocalist Marija, who with her singing qualities and together with Brzi and Johny quickly drew the attention of the wider Belgrade audience. In late 2003, the above-mentioned vocalist decided to pursue a solo career and left Tropico Band in a somewhat tricky situation. It was then the guys decided to have a completely “masculine story.” So, in early 2003, guitarist Branislav Ignjatić known as Bungee, who had previously played in the Kragujevac vocal and instrumental composition “Osvajaci”, arrived as their fourth musketeer and reinforcement. Backed by a new member and another instrumentalist, Tropico slowly began to take its recognizable style that it nurtures to this day. During these changes in 2003, Tropico started thinking about publishing its albums, and to fight for a fraction of showmanship sky. In association with multi-talented Mirko Gavric, a friend and associate of the band, Tropico recorded their first single called “Daj mi daj” (Give me, give me) and gained its first “studio” experience.
Encouraged by the song “Daj Mi Daj”, the band began to think seriously about the album debut in the forthcoming period (which lasted for two long years) and directed all their energy towards achieving this goal. Of course, the road was much steeper and more unpredictable than what the heroes of this story thought it would be... As the scope and seriousness of their work grew, so did the long-standing desire to form a real band. Then, in early 2006 the band’s rhythm section arrived from Vlasotince, a small provincial town in southern Serbia, in the shape and work of Aleksandar Ilic, better known to the audience by his nickname Prke. With the arrival of a new member and of course another live instrument, Tropico finally got its current identity. These boys experienced what they dreamed all their life - that for a moment over a million people saw their work, they got all the best reviews and a lot of fans after their second album. Eager to prove themselves they stood alongside the best, their excellent video and audio production got them to where they dreamt: high among the stars. What distinguishes them from others is that they’re not taking chances even when it comes to the tiniest details, ‘only quality wins’ is a phrase often uttered by all of them. Walking through the mass of bands and solo performers, in 2011 they shot a video in which famous actor Vuk Kostic played the leading role. They recorded the first song of their third album. “Mislicu na tebe” (I’ll be thinking of you) is the song that got a million and a half views on the Internet in just 15 days. It quickly became a hit and only proved that quality wins. When asked how they feel when they are called the most popular band in the current music scene, they say: “We never think about our popularity as a goal in itself, but rather how to transmit to the audience the emotions that we feel through our songs. We are pleased that they always recognize
them. There were difficult periods too. There were situations at the beginning of our career when we were wondering whether what we are doing is correct and whether our efforts will eventually pay off. However, any time we would fall into such doubts, it was enough to get out before the audience, to hear their reaction, and this exchange of energy always gave us strength to carry on and get to where we are now.” After the last album which was released in September 2013 and the big hits from that album like “Ciao Bella” and “Sve moje zore” (All of my Dawns), “Ne zovi me” (Do not call me) this young band gave its audience the new album called “Tropico 2015”. The new songs, in which they have invested a lot of energy, passion and love, showed once again why they are the number 1 band in the region. New song “Sta cu tebi ja” (What do you need me for), “U srcu mom” (In my heart) and “Bices moja” (You’ll be mine), have already found their way to their fans. In 2015 they have launched a new album “Tropico 2015” which has already achieved a record of sales and listeners across the region. Finally members of Tropico Band had one simple message for all the young people in Kosovo: “Love between people beats all evil and knows now differences between people! Therefore, spred love, love each other, because under our skin we are all alike.”
for you 11
et noći zaredom, odnosno u periodu od 16. do 22. septembra, mladi Mitrovčani su imali priliku da uživaju u bioskopu kakvog nije bilo godinama. Svrha drugog izdanja filmskog festivala “Bridge Film Fest” (BFF) za ovu godinu bila je dovođenje vrednosti filma u Mitrovicu, kao i okupljanje mladih ovog grada. Za učešće u ovom festivalu je bilo prijavljeno oko tri hiljade filmova iz celog sveta, ali je samo trideset sedam od njih bilo izabrano. Odabrani filmovi su prikazivani pet noći zaredom u Kulturnom centru “Redžep Mitrovica” u Mitrovici, na sredini mosta na Ibaru, u Centru Evropske unije u severnom delu i u centar srpske organizacije “Aktiv”, koji se takođe nalazi u severnom delu Mitrovice. Tokom večeri 22. septembra, svim onima koji su dobrovoljno putovali iz različitih delova sveta kako bi bili deo festivala, odnosno umetnicima, iskazano je poštovanje u prisustvu lokalnih i međunarodnih predstavnika. Organizatori festivala su pripremili 12 nagrada: Ruski film “Batalion” osvojio je četiri nagrade, odnosno nagradu za najbolji međunarodni film, za najbolju kinematografiju, najboljeg režisera i najbolju glumicu, koju je dobila Maria Aronova. Brazilski film “The great Victory” osvojio je dve nagrade: za najbolji scenario i najboljeg glumca, koji je bio Caio Castro. Za najbolji kratki međunarodni film izabran je engleski film “Then and Now”, dok je najbolji američki kratki film bio film “The decisive moment”. Za najbolji kratki evropski film izabran je italijanski film “Kennels”, dok je nagradu za najbolji balkanski kratki film dobio bugarski film “Solveig”. Za najbolji kratki “Bridge” film je izabran kosovski film “Piano”, dok je za najbolji dokumentarni film o životnoj sredini izabran film “Chernobyl - The last Lament” Odbor koji je napravio izbor pobedničkih filmova je bio sastavljen od albanskih i srpskih umetnika. Tokom ove večeri je član odbora, direktor i šef pozorišta “Gheto” u Gračanici Zoran Ristić rekao da se oseća dobro što je deo festivala i ove godine. “Postoji veliki broj ljudi koji žive i rade za film.
12 for you
Želim da verujem da će to držati zajedno sve one koji vole film i žele da nastave da se bave filmom”. Da bi se znalo koji je kriterijum za izbor konkurentskih filmova jedan od inicijatora BBF-a, Nerimane Ferizi, je izjavila: “Jedan od glavnih kriterijuma je da ne sadrži provokativan jezik za bilo koju od etničkih zajednica koje žive na Kosovu, ili specijalno za Mitrovicu“. Nakon ceremonije dodele nagrada smo imali priliku da se sretnemo sa režiserom bugarskog filma “Solveig”, gospođom Janom Titovom, koja je bila oduševiljena i veoma zahvalna za osvajanje nagrade – najbolji kratki balkanski film. “Bila mi je čast da primim takvu nagradu. Ovo mi je prva nagrada za režisera i ja ću je zauvek pamtiti. Nikada nisam mislila da ću pobediti, ali sam veoma srećna što se to dogodilo. Ja sam iz Bugarske, ali se ovde osećam veoma prijatno. Stekla sam mnogo prijatelja na Kosovu i želela bih da ponovo dođem ovde”. Drugo izdanje Međunarodnog filmskog festivala u Mitrovici još jednom je pokazao da to doprinosi dijalogu i razmeni kultura, što ima za cilj poboljšanje kulturnih odnosa između dva društva. Svi filmovi su imali umetničke vrednosti i da su željno pratili mnogi gledaoci, rekla nam je Lena Gashi, jedan od organizatora festivala, dodajući da je svaka noć bila bolja od prethodne. U zaključku smo od nje dobili poruku za građane Mitrovice. “Hajde da zaboravimo prošlost i da se razvijamo kao grad jer su oba dela grada u zastoju “.
Pobednici BFF-a:
Najbolji međunarodni film - “Batalion” Najbolja kinematografija - “Batalion” Najbolji režiser - “Batalion” Najbolja glumica - Maria Aronova za ulogu u filmu “Batalion” Najbolji scenario “The great Victory “ Najbolji glumac - Caio Castro za ulogu u filmu “The great Victory “ Najbolji kratki međunarodni filmski Engleski film “Then and Now” Najbolji kratki Američki film - “The decisive moment “ Najbolji kratki evropski film - “Kennels “ Najbolji kratki balkanski film - “Solveig “ Najbolji kratki “Bridge” film - “Piano” Najbolji dokumentarni film o životnoj sredini - “Chernobyl “The last Lament”.
or five nights in a row, respectively from 16th to 22nd of September, Mitrovica youth had the opportunity to enjoy cinema that was missing for years. The purpose of the second edition of “Bridge Film Fest” (BFF) for this year was to bring quality films in Mitrovica, as well as bringing together the youth of this city. About three thousand films from around the world have applied to participate in this festival, but only thirty-seven of them have managed to be selected. The selected movies were shown for five nights in a row at the Cultural Centre “Rexhep Mitrovica” in Mitrovica, in the middle of Ibar Bridge, at the European Union Centre in the northern part and at the Serbian Organisation Centre “Aktiv”, which is also located in the northern part of Mitrovica. During the evening of 22nd of September, all those who willingly travelled from different parts of the world to become part of the festival, namely artists, were honoured in the presence of local and international representatives. Festival organisers have foreseen to present 12 awards: Russian movie “Battalion” won four awards, respectively Best International Film, Best Cinematography, Best Director and Best Actress, which was Maria Aronova. Brazilian movie “The Great Victory” won two awards: Best Screenplay and Best Actor, which was Caio Castro. The Best Short
International Film was English movie “Then and Now”, while the Best Short American Film was the movie “The Decisive Moment”. The Best Short European Film was Italian movie “Kennels”, while the Best Short Balkan Film was the Bulgarian movie “Solveig”. The Best Short “Bridge” Film was the Kosovan movie “Piano”, while the Best Green/Environmental Documentary was the movie “Chernobyl “The Last Lament”. The Selection Board of the winning films was composed of Albanian and Serb artists. During this evening, Mr. Zoran Ristic, member of the Board, Director and Head of the “Geto” Theatre in Graçanica, said that he feels good that he was part of the festival this year, too. “There are a large number of people who live and work for the film. I want to believe that this would keep together all those who love the film and want to continue to deal with the film”. In order to know which the criterion for selecting the competing movies was, one of the initiators of the Bridge Film Festival Nerimane Ferizi stated: “One of the main criteria was not to contain a provocative language for any of the ethnicities living in Kosovo, or specifically for Mitrovica”. After the award ceremony, we had the opportunity to meet Ms. Jana Titova, the director of the Bulgarian film “Solveig”, who was thrilled and very grateful for winning the prize – Best Balkan Short Film. “It was an honour for me to receive such an award. This is my first award as a director and I will remember it forever. I have never thought that I would win, but I am very happy that this happened. I am from Bulgaria but I truly feel here home. I have made a lot of friends in Kosovo and I would like to come back again”. The second edition of the International Film Festival – in Mitrovica showed once again that it contributes to the dialogue and exchange of cultures, which aim to improve cultural relations between the two ethnicities. All the movies had artistic values and were eagerly followed by many viewers, Lena Gashi, one of the organisers of the festival told us that each night was better than the previous. In conclusion, we received a message that she had for the citizens of Mitrovica. “Let us not dwell in the past but rather look to the future and develop ourselves as a city because we are all stagnating”.
Winners of the BFF Festival:
Best International Film - “Battalion” Best Cinematography - “Battalion” Best Director - “Battalion” Best Actress - Maria Aronova for the “Battalion” Best Screenplay – “The Great Victory” Best Actor – Caio Castro for the “The Great Victory” Best Short International Film – English Film “Then and Now” Best Short American Film - “The Decisive Moment” Best Short European Film “Kennels” Best Short Balkan Film - “Solveig” Best Short “Bridge” Film - “Piano” Best Green Documentary “Chernobyl “The last Lament”.
for you you 13 for
životinjsko carstvo
10 ŽIVOTINJA KOJE SU PREŠLE ZAISTA DUG PUT DA BI BILE OVDE GDE SU DANAS Bilo da žive u našem komšiluku ili u zoološkom vrtu, svaka životinja ima svoje mesto porekla i priču o tome kako su dospele tamo gde danas žive. Isuviše često pretpostavljamo nečije poreklo na osnovu njihovog trenutnog prebivališta i statusa. Međutim, čak i u životinjskom svetu ovakav način razmišljanja nas može navesti na pogrešne zaključke. Predstavljamo vam neke od poznatih životinja koje imaju prirodnu istoriju kakvu možda niste očekivali.
10. Stoka
10. Livestock animals
odine 1492. Christopher Columbus je otkrio Novi svet. Veliki broj ljudi je zatim prešao u Ameriku u nameri da tamo započne novi život. Međutim, bio im je potreban i pouzdan izvor hrane. Naseljenici su tako sa sobom poveli i na stotine životinja, uključujući goveda, ovce, svinje i konje. Nijedna od ovih vrsta ne vodi poreklo iz Amerike.
n 1492, Christopher Columbus discovered the New World. Many people then moved to the Americas for a new life. However, they also needed a food source that they knew was reliable. Settlers brought along hundreds of animals including cattle, sheep, pigs, and horses. None of these species were from the Americas.
jali u Severnoj Americi pre četiri miliona godina. Jedan ili dva miliona godina kasnije, poznati Beringov moreuz, koji razdvaja modernu Rusiju i Aljasku, je u to vreme bio kopneni most od leda koji je formiran tokom poslednjeg ledenog doba. Zahvaljujući ovom mostu tadašnji preci konja su ušli u Aziju po kojoj su se raširili i najzad stigli u Evropu. Zatim su napravili krug i vratili se u Severnu Ameriku kao domaće životinje.
9. Horses
9. Konji
F 14 for you
osilni ostaci pokazuju da su najstariji pripadnici roda Equus, koji obuhvata i zebre i magarce, posto-
he fossil record shows that the earliest members of the Equus genus, which also includes zebras and donkeys, existed in North America four million years ago. By one or two million years later, the famed Bering Strait that separates modern Russia and the state of Alaska was instead a land bridge of ice formed during the last Ice Age. This bridge gave the ancestors of horses a way of entering Asia, where they spread and eventually reached Europe. Then they returned full circle to North America as domestic animals.
8. Istočni severnoamerički gušteri
dok su konji napustili Severnu Ameriku kako bi se nastanili u Evroaziji, mnoge vrste gmizavaca su se odlučile da krenu putem (ili bolje reći da krenu ledom) preko Beringovog kopnenog mosta ka Novom svetu. Ovo se naime dogodilo tri puta tokom epohe Miocena, oko 20 miliona godina pre migracije ranih konja. Jedanaest vrsta istočnih severnoameričkih (Izvor: www.toptenz.net)
animal kingdom
Whether they are our next-door neighbours or the animals at the zoo, everything has a place of origin and a story of how they got to where they are now. Too often, we assume one’s background by where they live and their present status. However, even in the animal world, that can be misleading. Here are some common animals that have a natural history that you may not have expected.
7. Sivi vuk
vog kopnenog mosta. Ova seoba je tekla u tri odvojena talasa za svaku podvrstu posebno, gde je meksički vuk bio prvi, a severni sivi vuk poslednji.
ukovi vode poreklo iz Severne Amerike, koju su međutim napustili da bi preko Beringovog Moreuza prešli u Evroaziju gde je zatim došlo do podele u različite vrste. Jedna od njih je sivi vuk, Canis lupus, koja je nastala pre dva miliona godina. Canis lupus se zatim podelio u tri podvrste: meksički vuk, vuk velike ravnice ili bivo vuk i najrasprostranjeniji severni sivi vuk. Nakon guštera su evroazijskog porekla, od kojih su sedam vrsta rovaši a četiri blavori. Osim toga, skoro 30 % vrsta žaba koje obitavaju na ovom području takođe vode poreklo s druge strane Beringovog Moreuza.
8. Eastern North American Lizards
hile horses left North America for a new life in Eurasia, many reptilian species decided to take a road trip (or rather an ice trip) over the Bering land bridge into the New World. In fact, this happened three times during the Miocene epoch, around 20 million years earlier than the migration of the early equestrians. Eleven eastern North American lizard species are of Eurasian origin, with seven species of skinks and four glass lizards. Additionally, nearly 30% of frog species in that area also have roots across the Bering Strait.
7 Gray wolves
što je četvrt miliona godina proveo u Evroaziji obilazeći pećine u potrazi za leminzima i jelenima, sivi vuk je odlučio da se vrati u svoju postojbinu sa druge strane Beringo-
olves may have been native to North America, but escaped into Eurasia via the Bering Strait before separating into different species. One such species is the gray wolf, Canis lupus, that evolved two million years ago. Canis lupus then split into three subspecies: the Mexican wolf, the Great Plains or buffalo wolf, and the most common Northwestern wolf. After spelunking for lemmings and deer in Eurasia for a quarter million years, the gray wolf decided to return back to its homeland on the other side of the Bering land bridge. This occurred over three separate invasions for each subspecies, the Mexican wolf being first and the northwestern subspecies last.
6. Glodari iz reda caviomorpha
rupa glodara iz reda caviomorpha obuhvata sledeće vrste: kapibar, bodljikavo prase, činčila, paka i zamorče. Ove životinje naseljavaju Južnu Ameriku a mnogi pogrešno veruju da odatle i vode poreklo. Jedna studija iz 1994. godine bavila se ispitivanjem fosila ranih južnoameričkih pripadnika ovog reda i izumrlih afričkih glodara iz reda phiomorpha (npr. golo slepo kuče). Naučnici su otkrili sličnosti u strukturi njihovih zuba što ukazuje na afričko poreklo južnoameričkih glodara. Najpodržavanija teorija o tome kako su caviomorpha dospele u Južnu Ameriku je pasivna disperzija, što bi bio biološki termin za plutanje otvorenim morem, što
se prema procenama dogodilo pre oko trideset do četrdeset miliona godina.
6 Caviomorphs
aviomorpha is a group of rodents that include the capybara, porcupine, chinchilla, paca, and guinea pig. These animals are found in South America, and many mistakenly believe that they originated from there. A study from 1994 examined fossils of early South American caviomorphs and extinct African rodents called phiomorphs (e.g. the naked mole rat). Scientists found similarities in teeth structure that suggest an African ancestry for South American rodents. The most supported theory of how the caviomorphs came to South America is waif dispersal, which is biology-speak for hitch-hiking on rafts. This is estimated to have occurred around thirty to forty million years ago. (Source: www.toptenz.net)
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moviemania Synopsis eter (Levi Miller) is a mischievous 12-year-old boy with an irrepressible rebellious streak, but in the bleak London orphanage where he has lived his whole life those qualities do not exactly fly. Then one incredible night, Peter is whisked away from the orphanage and spirited off to a fantastical world of pirates, warriors and fairies called Neverland. There, he finds amazing adventures and fights life-or-death battles while trying to uncover the secret of his mother, who left him at the orphanage so long ago, and his rightful place in this magical land. Teamed with the warrior Tiger Lily (Rooney Mara) and a new friend named James Hook (Garrett Hedlund), Peter must defeat the ruthless pirate Blackbeard (Hugh Jackman) to save Neverland and discover his true destiny—to become the hero who will forever be known as Peter Pan.
PAN Uloge: Levi Miller, Hugh Jackman, Cara Delevigne, Rooney Mara, Garret Hedlund Režija: Joe Wright Žanr: FantastikaAvantura Studio: Warner Bross
Sinopsis eter (Levi Miller) je nestašan dvanaestogodišnjak neukrotivog buntovničkog duha koji mu naročito ne pomaže u mračnom londonskom sirotištu u kojem provodi život. Ipak, jedne potpuno neverovatne noći, Petar magijom biva odnet iz sirotišta u čarobnu zemlju pirata, ratnika i vila, zvanu Neverland. Tu će doživeti najneverovatnije avanture i preživeti borbe na život ili
THE BIG SHORT Uloge: Christian Bale, Steve Carell, Ryan Gosling, Brad Pitt.
Sinopsis ada četiri autsajdera predvide ono što velike banke, mediji i vlade odbijaju da vide, globalnu ekonomsku krizu, dolaze na ideju: “The
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Cast: Levi Miller, Hugh Jackman, Cara Delevigne, Rooney Mara, Garret Hedlund Director: Joe Wright Genre: FantasyAdventure Studio: Warner Bross
smrt, dok pokušava da odgonetne istinu o svojoj majci koja ga je davno ostavila u sirotištu, i da pronađe svoje zasluženo mesto u ovoj čarobnoj zemlji. Nakon što udruži snage sa ratnicom Tiger Lily (Rooney Mara) i novim prijateljem James Hook (Garrett Hedlund) kako bi pobedio okrutnog pirata Blackbeard (Crnobradog) (Hugh Jackman) i spasio Neverland (Nedođiju), Petar otkriva svoju sudbinu - postaje heroj koji će zauvek ostati zapamćen kao Peter Pan.
Režija: Adam McKay Žanr: Drama, komedija Studio: Paramount Pictures, Regency Enterprises Big Short” (Opklada veka).“The Big Short” je neverovatna istinita priča o bankarskim genijima koji, prepoznavši krizu tržišta nekretnina, dolaze na ideju kako da na ovom tržištu zarade trgovanjem akcijama pre nadolazeće finansijske krize iz 2008. godine. Njihove smele investicje dovešće ih u mračno podzemlje savremenog bankarstva gde su primorani da sumnjaju u sve i svakoga.
THE BIG SHORT Cast: Christian Bale, Steve Carell, Ryan Gosling, Brad Pitt. Director: Adam McKay Genre: Drama, comedy Studio: Paramount Pictures, Regency Enterprises Synopsis hen four outsiders saw what the big banks, media and government refused to - the
global collapse of the economy - they had an idea: The Big Short. The Big Short is the remarkable true story of the genius contrarian investors who, recognizing just how insane the housing bubble had become, figured out how to “short” the market prior to the financial collapse of 2008. Their bold investment leads them into the dark underbelly of modern banking where they must question everyone and everything.
THE PEANUTS MOVIE Cast: Francesca Capaldi, Bill Melendez Director: Steve Martino Genre: Animation Studio: Blue Sky Studios, 20th Century Fox
THE PEANUTS MOVIE Uloge: Francesca Capaldi, Bill Melendez
Režija: Steve Martino Žanr: Animacija Studio: Blue Sky Studios, 20th Century Fox
Sinopsis harlie Brown, Snoopy, Lucy, Linus i ostatak omiljene družine „Peanuts” prvi put se pojavljuju na velikom platnu i to na način na koji nikada pre nisu viđeni, u „state of the art” 3D animaciji. Charlie Brown, naš najdraži gubitnik, započinje svoj epski i herojski zadatak dok njegov najbolji prijatelj, simpatični Snoopy, kreće u nebesa u potragu za svojim najvećim neprijateljem Red Baron (Crveni Baron). Iz mašte Charles M. Schulz i kreatora filmova “ICE AGE” (Ledeno doba), SNOOPY i CHARLIE BROWN će dokazati da svaki gubitnik ima svojih pet minuta.
moviemania Synopsis harlie Brown, Snoopy, Lucy, Linus and the rest of the beloved “Peanuts” gang make their big-screen debut, like they’ve never been seen before, in state of the art 3D animation. Charlie Brown, the world’s most beloved underdog, embarks upon an epic and heroic quest, while his best pal, the lovable beagle Snoopy, takes to the skies to pursue his arch-nemesis, the Red Baron. From the imagination of Charles M. Schulz and the creators of the ICE AGE films, THE PEANUTS MOVIE will prove that every underdog has his day.
SPECTRE Uloge: Daniel Craig, Christoph Waltz, Monica Bellucci, Naomie Harris, Dave Bautista
Režija: Sam Mendes Žanr: Akcija, triler Studio: Eon Productions, MetroGoldwyn-Mayer Pictures
Sinopsis akon napada Raoul Silva na MI6, tajanstvena poruka će pokrenuti niz događaja koji će James Bond-a suočiti lice u lice sa zlokobnom organizacijom poznatom pod imenom „Spectre”. Dok Gareth Mallory, novoimenovani P, nastavlja borbu protiv političkih pritisaka koji ugrožavaju budućnost MI6, Bond otkriva da jedini način da razotkrije mrežu zavere jeste da zaštiti nevinu ćerku svog moćnog neprijatelja. Nakon serije misija od Meksika do Italije, Austrije i Maroka, Bond je primoran da deluje van okvira svoje nadležnosti nakon što biva uvučen u sukob sa neprijateljem iz svoje prošlosti.
Cast: Daniel Craig, Christoph Waltz, Monica Bellucci, Naomie Harris, Dave Bautista Director: Sam Mendes Genre: Action, thriller Studio: Eon Productions, Metro-GoldwynMayer Pictures Synopsis n the aftermath of Raoul Silva’s attack on MI6, a cryptic message sets in motion events that will see James Bond come face-to-face with the sinister organisation known as SPECTRE. While Gareth Mallory, the newly appointed M, continues fighting political pressures that threaten the future of MI6, Bond discovers that the only way to unravel the web of conspiracy is to protect the innocent daughter of a powerful enemy. Following a trail from Mexico to Italy, Austria and Morocco, he is forced to operate outside his purview as he is drawn into a confrontation with an enemy from his past.
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sportski ugao
DEJAN STANKOVIĆ – “ŽIVOT BEZ FUDBALA? RAVNA LINIJA!” “Kada sam ja ulazio u reprezentaciju dočekali su me sjajni momci, Mijatović, Milošević, Jokanović, Jugović, Mihajlović... obožavao sam da ih slušam, da ‘kupim fazone’, da gledam kako se pripremaju, kako doživaljavaju utakmice, kako rešavaju probleme... Moje je bilo samo da trčim” - Dejan Stankovic
ao dete počeo je da igra u lokalnom ‘Teleoptiku’, nakon što su mu se otac i majka bavili fudbalom. Otac Borislav nastupao je za OFK ‘Beograd’, a majka je bila član ‘Sloge’ iz Zemuna. Posle sedam godina prešao je u Crvenu zvezdu, a već sa 16 debitovao je za prvi tim. On je 1995. godine postigao gol na meču protiv ‘Budućnosti’ iz Podgorice i postao najmlađi strelac u istoriji kluba, oborivši rekord Dragana Džajića. Tokom pet sezona u Zvezdi osvojio je jedan šampionski pehar (1995) i tri nacionalna Kupa (1995, 1996. i 1997), odigravši ukupno 85 mečeva i upisavši 30 golova. On je 1997. postao najmlađi kapiten Zvezde i ujedno najbolji igrač domaćeg prvenstva. Karijeru je nastavio u Italiji, 1998. godine, kada je prešao u Lacio. Za tu ekipu nastupao je do 2004. godine, na ukupno 137 utakmica zabeležio je 22 gola. Potom je potpisao za Inter. U Seriji A je stekao svetsko ime ukupno osvojivši šest titula, pet Kupova i šest Superkupova Italije. Sa Interom je osvojio Ligu šampiona 2010, Kup pobednika kupova 1999, dva UEFA Super kupa (1999, 2010) i Svetsko prvenstvo klubova (2010). Za nacionalni tim debitovao je u aprilu 1998. godine na meču protiv Južne Koreje i postigao dva gola (3:1). Učestvovao je na tri Svetska prvenstva (1998, 2006. i 2010), i na Evropskom šampionatu 2000. U karijeri je ukupno osvojio 23 trofeja, a Fudbalski savez Srbije proglasio ga je 2010. godine najboljim srpskim igračem, dodelivši mu zlatnu loptu.
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Za svog “fudbalskog oca” smatra Vladimira Petrovića Pižona, koji je rano prepoznao njegov talenat i “bacio ga u vatru”. Dobitnik je Povelje zaslužnog građanina Zemuna. Uoči SP u Južnoj Africi promovisana je knjiga “Dejan” koja govori o njegovoj fudbalskoj karijeri. U oktobru 2011. godine oprostio se od reprezentativnog dresa nakon što Srbija nije uspela da izbori plasman na EURO 2012, a 2013. okončao je karijeru. On je za nacionalni tim odigrao 103 utakmice i rekorder je po broju nastupa za reprezentaciju. Iako se poput većine fudbalera oženio mlad, intenzitet ljubavi koju naš vrsni sportista Dejan Stanković oseća prema svojoj voljenoj izabranici Ani iz godine u godinu ne jenjava, već samo dobija na intenzitetu. Na zglobu desne ruke ima istetoviranu poruku “Pripadam samo tebi”, posvećenu
suprugi Ani. Krunu njihovog idiličnog odnosa svakako čini porodična zajednica koju upotpunjavaju sinovi Stefan, Filip i Aleksandar, čiji im osmesi pričinjavaju najveće zadovoljstvo i oplemenjuju njihovu svakodnevicu najnežnijim roditeljskim osećanjima. Stanković kaže da ne zna kako bi mogao da izgleda život bez fudbala. “Život bez fudbala? Ravna linija, ništa se ne dešava, čekaš da li će se nešto desiti, kada i kako. Rafael Nadal kaže da je najsrećniji kada igra tenis, tako je, i meni je najlepše
kada mogu da igram. Znam koliko imam godina, znam i koliko je kilometara iza mene ali bez fudbala, to nisam ja. Kada odlučim da odem,
ostaviću ga. Ali neću da me nešto natera na takvu odluku. Nekada, kada igraš sreda-nedelja pomisliš da je dosta, previše. Ali ovako...”
sports corner
s a child he started playing for his local club Teleoptik, since both his mother and father were fottball players. His father Borisav played for OFK Beograd whilst his mother played for Sloga from Zemun. After seven years he moved to Crvena Zvezda, by the age of 16 he made his debut for the first team. IN 1995, he scored a goal against Buducnost from Podgorica and thus became the youngest scorer in the club’s history thus beating Dragan Dzajic’s record. During the five seasons he played for Crvena Zvezda, he won the Champions’ Trophy (1995) and three National Cups (1995, 1996
and 1997). He played 85 matches in total and scored 30 goals. In 1997, he became the youngest ever captian in Zvezda and at the same time he was declared the best player of the national championship. He continued his career in Italy, when he moved to Lazio in 1998. He played for this club until 2004, where he scored 22 goals in the 137 he played. He then signed up for Inter. He gained world fame in Series A, where he won six titles, five Cups and six Italian Super Cups. Whilst he played for
DEJAN STANKOVIC – “LIFE WITHOUT FOOTBALL? A FLAT LINE!“ “When I become a part of the national team, great guys like Mijatovic, Milosevic, Jokanovic, Jugovic, Mihajlovic... where there to welcome me. I adored listening to them, learning tricks off them, watch them get ready, the way they lived through matches, the way in which they resolved problems... My job was just to run” - Dejan Stankovic
Inter, they won the Champions League in 2010, the Cup of Cup Winners in 1999, two UEFA Super Cups (1999, 2010) and World Club Championship (2010). He made his debut for the national team in April 1998 in a match against South Korea, where he scored two goals (3: 1). He took part in three World Cups (1998, 2006 and 2010), and the European Championship in 2000. In his career he won a total of 23 trophies, and the Football Association of Serbia named him the best Serbian player of 2010, awarding him a Gold Ball. He considers Vladimir Petrovic Pizon as his „football father”, who recognized his talent early on and “threw him into the fire.” He was awarded a Zemun Meritorious Citizen Charter. On the eve of the World Cup in South Africa he promoted the book titled “Dejan” which tells of his football career. In October 2011, he bid farewell to the national team after Serbia failed to qualify for the EURO 2012, and in 2013 he ended his career. For the national team he played 103 matches in total, which is a record number of appearances for the national team.
Although, like most footballers he got married young, the intensity of the love that our outstanding athlete Dejan Stankovic feels for his beloved Ani did not subside over the years bur rather gained fervour. On his right wrist he has a tattoo which says: “I belong only to you,” a devoted to his spouse Ani. The crown of their idyllic relationship certainly is their family, which is completed by their sons Stefan, Filip and Aleksandar, whose smile provide them with the greatest pleasure and enrich their everyday lives with the tenderest of parental feelings. Stankovic says he does not know what a life without football could look like. “Life without football? A flat line, nothing is happening, you are waiting to see if, when and how something will happen. Rafael Nadal says he is the happiest when playing tennis, so for me the most beautiful moments are when I can play football. I know how old i am and I know how many kilometres are behind me but without football, I am not myself. When I decide to leave, I will leave football. But I am not going to let anything force such a decision upon me. Sometimes, when you play from Wednesday to Sunday, you start thinking that it is too much. But like this...”
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ako Internet iz temelja menja način na koji kupujemo, klijenti sve više izbegavaju kabine za presvlačenje i odlučuju se za udobnost kupovine putem interneta koja obično ima liberalnu politiku povratka robe. U pokušaju da namame kupce nazad, u nekim radnjama se testiraju različite pogodnosti, uključujući takozvane inteligentne svlačionice koje omogućavaju korisnicima da “probaju” različite stavke bez potrebe da se zaista presvuku. Početnička kompanija „Infime“ je razvila aplikaciju koja pomaže pri izboru odgovarajuće veličine odeće bez potrebe da se proba, već se skeniranjem QR koda proizvoda vidi kako se uklapa u 3D.
ith the Internet revolutionizing the way we shop, customers are increasingly avoiding dressing rooms, opting instead for the comfort of online shopping that usually offers liberal return policies. In a bid to entice customers back, some shops have been testing various amenities including so-called intelligent dressing rooms that allow users to “try on” different items without having to actually change clothes. The startup ‘Infime’ has developed an app that helps choosing the right size of clothes without having to try them on, but rather by scanning a QR code of the product and seeing how it fits in 3D.
rocenjuje se da oko četiri milijarde ljudi na planeti živi u mestima koja nemaju imena ulica ili kućne brojeve. To znači da nisu na mapi i da ne mogu da koriste GPS usluge. Tehnička kompanija What3Words, osnovana u Velikoj Britaniji, ima odgovor: aplikaciju koja može da stane u pametni telefon i koja je mnogo lakša za korišćenje od GPS-a. Postoji mnogo primera čak i u razvijenom svetu gde obeležavanje adresa ne funkcioniše kako treba. U tim slučajevima možete koristiti 3words da vas odvede bilo gde. Sistem je sada dostupan na osam jezika, uključujući i francuski, španski, ruski, nemački i turski jezik, a programeri trenutno rade na verzijama na italijanskom, grčkom, arapskom i svahiliju.
t’s estimated about four billion people on the planet live in places that have no street names or house numbers. That means they’re off the map and cannot use GPS services. UK tech start-up What3Words has the answer: an app that fits inside a smartphone and is much easier to use than a GPS. There are plenty of
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examples, even in the developed world, where addressing doesn’t really work. In those cases you can use 3words to get you anywhere. The system is now available in eight languages, including French, Spanish, Russian, German and Turkish, and developers are currently working on versions in Italian, Greek, Arabic and Swahili.
ada se desi prirodna katastrofa, minuti - pa čak i sekunde - mogu spasiti živote. To je ono na šta se pronalazači nove aplikacije za pametni telefon fokusiraju: na one dragocene sekunde u kojima podaci mogu biti prikupljeni i korisnici mogu biti obavešteni u slučaju zemljotresa. Nazvan ‘QuakeShare’, koristi GPS tehnologiju i usmereni GSS. “Čim pametni telefon detektuje potres, informacije se prenose na naš server u klaudu (cloud). Server prikuplja podatke od drugih pametnih telefona, a zatim naš algoritam analizira sve prikupljene podatke i govori nam da li postoji rizik od zemljotresa ili ne. Sve to se dešava u samo nekoliko sekundi”, kaže Pjer-Mari Sarant, osnivač CinSISa, kompanije koja stoji iza aplikacije QuakeShare. (Izvor: www.euronews.com)
Hi - Tech računara. The Surface Book će imati najnovije Intel procesore, diskretnu Nvidia GeForce grafički procesor i nudi trajanja baterije od 12 sati. Što je najvažnije displej može da se pokrije ili skine tako da se može koristiti kao tablet sa površinskom olovkom za tablet.
ajkrosoftova (Microsoft) davna tvrdnja je da površinski tableti mogu istinski da zamene vaš laptop. Međutim sada, po prvi put, Microsoft pravi stvaran laptop pod imenom The Surface (površina). Microsoft takođe tvrdi da je ovo najbrži 13-inčni laptop računar ikada napravljen i da će biti duplo brži od Eplovog (Apple) MacBook Pro laptop
icrosoft’s claim for the Surface tablets has long been that they’re tablets that can truly replace your laptop. But now, for the first time, Microsoft is building an actual laptop under the Surface name. Microsoft also claims that this is the fastest 13-inch laptop ever made and that it will be twice as fast as one of Apple’s MacBook Pro laptops. Inside, the Surface Book will have the latest Intel processors, a discrete Nvidia GeForce graphics processor and—importantly—offer 12 hours of battery life. Most importantly the display can be folded over or detached so it can be used as a tablet with the Surface Pen.
hen a natural disaster occurs, minutes – and even seconds – can save lives. That’s what the inventors of a new smartphone app are focusing on: those precious seconds in which data can be collected and users can be alerted in the event of an earthquake. Called ‘QuakeShare’, it uses GPS technology and a directional gyro system. “As soon as the smartphone detects a tremor, the information is transmitted to our server in the cloud. The server collects data from other smartphones and then our algorithm analyses all the data collected and tells us whether there is a risk of an earthquake or not. All that takes place in just a few seconds,” says Pierre-Marie Sarant, founder of CynSIS, the company behind the QuakeShare app.
početi da se prodaje po ceni od 899 dolara, i može imati do 16GB ili RAM-a i ugrađeno skladište do 1TB.
ored tableta Surface Book, Microsoft je takođe predstavio kompletno redizajniran novi tablet Surface Pro 4.Uz očekivani dolazak Apple iPad Pro, Microsoft sa svojim velikim ekranom tableta, opremljenim tastaturom i olovkom, izgleda ima moć predviđanja ovih dana. Njegov prvi Surface tablet je pušten u prodaju 2012. godine sa tastaturom i olovkom, a sada donosi prihode od $ 3 milijarde dolara. Zanimljiva stvar u vezi Surface Pro 4 je da, iako je tablet, Microsoft ga poredi sa izuzetno popularnim MacBook Air, tvrdeći da će njegov novi tablet biti 50 % brži od Apple laptop najnižeg nivoa. Novi Surface Pro 4 će
n addition to its Surface Book, Microsoft has also unveiled a completely redesigned new Surface Pro 4 tablet. With the pending arrival of the Apple iPad Pro, a large-screen tablet outfitted with a keyboard and stylus, Microsoft is looking prophetic these days. Its first Surface tablet went on sale in 2012 with a keyboard and stylus, and now brings in $3 billion in revenue. The interesting thing about Surface Pro 4 is that, although it is a tablet, Microsoft compares it to the hugely popular MacBook Air, claiming that its new tablet will be 50% faster than Apple’s entry-level laptop. The new Surface Pro 4 will start at $899, and can be had with up to 16GB or RAM and up to 1TB of built in storage. (Source: www.euronews.com)
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obzirom da smo svedoci pojave nekih nasilnih ponašanja u različitim oblicima od strane maloletnika, odnosno učenika, počev od verbalnih do fizičkih napada i korišćenje različitih oružja, koja su ponekad i fatalna, OEBS je u saradnji sa Ministarstvom obrazovanja i Kosovskom policijom stvorio školski predmet, ili bolje rečeno materijal, pod nazivom „Program za podizanje svesti o bezbednosti u zajednici“. U ovaj materijal, koji je dizajnirao i finansirao OEBS, uključeno je osam modula: „Program podizanja svesti o radnoj
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eksploataciji dece“, „Maloletnička delikvencija“, „Bezbednost saobraćaja na putevima“, „Trgovina ljudima“, „Nasilje u porodici“, „Bezbednost na internetu/podizanje svesti o maltretiranju putem interneta“, „Narkotici i školsko okruženje“. Da bi ovaj projekat bio što uspešniji, OEBS je obučio 86 pripadnika Kosovske policije i Ministarstva obrazovanja da predaju u osnovnim i srednjim školama (od petog do trinaestog razreda) počev od školske 2014/2015 godine. Nakon usvajanja ovog materijala, sve tri institucije su odlučile
da ovaj „pilot-projekat“ (početni pokušaj tj. aktivnost malog dometa) bude realizovan samo u opštini Kosovo Polje. Pošto je u ovom projektu učestvovalo 4 hiljade učenika i pokazao se uspešnim, Rifat Marmulaku, nacionalni službenik za programe u Odeljenju za javnu bezbednost, Odsek za razvoj bezbednosti u zajednici, rekao je da će ovaj program tokom školske 2015/2016 godine biti implementiran i u drugim opštinama na Kosovu. “Ovo je generalno uspešan i jedinstven projekat. Ogroman je uspeh to što je akreditovan, sertifikovan, i umetnut kao materijal preko Ministarstva obrazovanja. Ne mogu ga nazvati obavezanim predmetom, već materijalom koji će se od sada predavati u školama. Mi smo, kao OEBS, takođe distribuirali ovaj program u Severnoj Mitrovici, jer držimo predavanja za Kosovsku policiju na severu.” Nakon pohađanja nastave, učesnici će biti u stanju da pruže zaštitu i da spreče pretnje. Međutim, vezano ono što
je konkretno objašnjeno tokom predavanja, gospodin Marmulaku je dodao sledeće: “Teme koje se obrađuju u školama su teme vezane za internet - koje su prednosti i mane (pretnje) interneta. Objašnjava se kako učenici moraju uvek znati sa kim razgovaraju i ne smeju da pružaju informacije ili detalje iz njihovog privatnog života, jer postoje ljudi koji zloupotrebljavaju te podatke. Takođe je objašnjena radna eksploatacija dece, nasilje u porodici i kako to može uticati na mlade ljude, odnosno kako to pretvara njih u nasilne ljude. Bilo je predavanja o bezbednosti u saobraćaju, zloupotrebi droga, i objašnjavanje svih vrsta droga.” Uzevši u obzir da je škola akademska institucija, i pre svega obrazuje i školuje učenika, sprečavanje upotrebe nasilja u školskim prostorijama i oko njih će značajno uticati na poboljšanje uspeha učenika. Na samom kraju našeg razgovora, dobili smo poruku od gospodina Rifata Marmulakua upućenu čitaocima magazina „For You“: “Moja poruka studentima je da čitaju, uče koliko je god to moguće, da budu pažljivi i da prisustvuju ovim predavanjima, jer će kroz ove lekcije naučiti o pretnjama (rizicima) i kako se od njih mogu zaštititi.”
eing witness to the appearance of some violent behaviors in different forms by the minors, respectively students, beginning from the verbal attacks up to physical actions and the use of different weapons, which sometimes have also been fatal, OSCE in cooperation with the Ministry of Education and the Kosovo Police created the school subject or better called the “material” “Community safety awareness program”. In this material, which was designed and funded by the OSCE, the following eight modules are included: Child Labor Exploitation Awareness Program, Minors’ Delinquency, Road Traffic Safety, Human Trafficking, Domestic Violence, Internet Safety/ Internet Harassment Awareness, Narcotic Substances and School Environment. In order for this project to be as successfully as possible, OSCE has trained 86 officials of the Kosovo Police and the Ministry of Education to lecture in schools of undergraduate cycle (from the fifth to thirteenth grade)
beginning from the school year 2014/2015. After the approval of this material, all three institutions have decided for this pilot project to be extended firstly only in the Municipality of Fushë Kosovë/Kosovo Polje. Since this project has been followed by 4 thousand students and it has resulted successful, Mr. Rifat Marmullaku, National Official for Programs in the Department for Public Safety, Section for Development of Community Safety, said that this program during the school year 2015/2016 will be implemented also in other municipalities of Kosovo. “In general it is a successful and unique project. It is a huge success that it has been able to be accredited, certified, and inserted as a material through the Ministry of Education. I cannot call it a mandatory subject, but as a material that would be lectured from now on in schools. We, the OSCE, have also distributed this program to Mitrovica North, since we have organized lectures for the Kosovo Police in the north.” By attending lessons,
students will be able to protect and prevent the threats. However, pertaining to what it has been specifically explained during lessons, Mr. Marmullaku, added the following: “topics that are lectured in schools are topics for the internet – what are the advantages and disadvantages (threats) of internet. It has been explained how students must know who they talk to, that they must not provide information or details from their personal life, because there are persons who may abuse those data. Child labor exploitation has also been explained, domestic violence and how it can affect the young people,
transforming them into violent people. It has been lectured on traffic safety, drug abuse, explaining all the types of drugs, etc.” Taking into account that the school is an academic institution, but first and foremost it is an educational institution, prevention of the use of violence in school premises and around them will significantly impact on the improvement of the students’ success. At the very end of our conversation, we received a message from Mr. Rifat Marmullaku addressed to the readers of the For You Magazine: “The message to the students is to read, learn as much as possible, be careful and to attend these lessons, because through these lessons they will learn about the threats (risks) and how they can protect themselves from those.”
for you 25
Upitnik Gordana Živković (17) Što se tiče moje drugarice, ne sviđa mi se njen odnos prema drugima, promenila bih njen način saradnje sa drugima. Promenila bih njen način odevanja, kao i način razmišljanja. Ne sviđa mi se što suviše burno iskazuje svoje emocije. I, za kraj, promenila bih njen smisao za humor. Gordana Živković (17) As for my friend, I don’t like her attitude towards others, I would change her way of cooperating with others. I would also change her way of dressing and her way of thinking. I don’t like that she expresses her emotions too strongly. And in the end, I would change her sense of humour.
eć nekoliko izdanja do sada, od broja 98 (objavljenog u junu 2013. godine) da budemo precizni, naš časopis ima svoj QR kod. Ali, šta je QR kod i za šta služi? QR kod je skraćenica za brzi odziv (Quick Response) i u suštini je zaštitni znak za tip matrice barkoda (ili dvodimenzionalni barkod) prvi put dizajniran za automobilsku industriju u Japanu. Barkod je mašinski čitljiva optička nalepnica
26 for you
ŠTA BISTE PROMENILI KOD VAŠEG DRUGA ILI DRUGARICE Marija Arsić (16) Kod svoje drugarice bih jedino želela da promenim to što je previše tvrdoglava, i volela bih da je malo popustljivija u određenim situacijama. Marija Arsić (16) The only thing I would change about my friend is her stubbornness, and I wish she was a little bit more tolerant in certain situations.
Marija Mitković (17) Ne postoji ništa posebno što bih promenila kod svoje drugarice, sem što je malo više pričljiva i brine se previše o nekim totalno nebitnim stvarima. Ponekad, u nekim slučajevima je jako tvrdoglava i ne želi da prizna da sam u pravu. Marija Mitković (17) There is nothing special that I would like to change about my friend, except that she is a bit too talkative and worries too much about some totally unimportant things. Sometimes, in certain situations, she is very stubborn and refuses to admit that I’m right.
koja sadrži informacije o tački na kojoj je u prilogu. Sistem QR koda je postalo izuzetno popularan izvan automobilske industrije zbog brze čitljivosti i većeg kapaciteta za skladištenje u odnosu na standardne UPC bar kodove. Aplikacije uključuju praćenje proizvoda, identifikaciju jedinice, praćenje vremena, upravljanje dokumentima, i opšti marketing. Obično, pametni telefon se koristi kao skener QR koda, prikazuje kod i pretvara ga u neki korisni oblik (kao što je standardni URL za veb sajt, čime otklanja potrebu za korisnika da ga ukuca u veb-pretraživač). Drugim rečima QR kod obezbeđuje način za pristup našem sajtu brže pošto više ne morate ručno
da unesete URL adresu. U praktičnom smislu, ako imate pametni telefon, Android ili iOS, sve što treba da uradite je da preuzmete bilo koji od besplatnih aplikacija čitača QR koda (QR Code Reader), skenirajte QR kod kamerom vašeg telefona i to će vas odvesti direktno na našu veb stranicu (www.magazineforyou.com). Na taj način nećete morate da nosite sa sobom kopiju časopisa kako bi ga pročitali. Umesto toga možete jednostavno skenirati naš QR kod koji se nalazi na vrhu naslovne strane i to će vam omogućiti da pristupitu celom sadržaju časopisa i više, a sve to mnogo brže i lakše. Pa šta čekate? Idite i probajte! Zabavno je! To je proizvod 21. veka!
Questionnaire Miodrag Nišić (17) Kod mog druga stvarno ništa ne bih promenio, možda bi trebao da obrati pažnju s kim je u društvu jer svako ne može da shvati njegov smisao za humor. To je to, inače ništa drugo ne bih promenio. Miodrag Nišić (17) I really wouldn’t change anything about my friend. Maybe he should pay attention to who he socializes with because not everyone can understand his sense of humour. That’s all, I wouldn’t change anything else about him.
Have you noticed this?
or several issues now, since issue 98 (published in June 2013) to be exact, our magazine has its own QR Code. But, what is a QR Code and what does it serve for? A QR Code is an abbreviation for Quick Response Code and in essence is the trademark for a type of matrix barcode (or two-dimensional barcode) first designed for the automotive industry in Japan. A barcode is a machine-readable
Vladan Stamenković (17) Moj drug se ne razlikuje puno od mene, prema tome ima samo jedna stvar koju bih promenio kod njega, a to je da u prisustvo starijih osoba bude ozbiljniji, jer nismo više deca. Vladan Stamenković (17) My friend is not much different from me, so there is only one thing I would change about him, and that is that in the presence of adults he becomes more serious, because we are not children any more. Aleksandra Jaćimović (17) Kao prvo promenila bih njen način ponašanja. Ne ponaša se adekvatno u određenim situacijama. Svoje emocije ne iskazuje na pravilan način. Promenila bih njen stil oblačenja jer se ne oblači u skladu sa njenim godinama. Aleksandra Jaćimović (17) First of all I would change her behaviour. She acts inappropriately in a number of situations. She doesn’t express her emotions in a proper way. I would change her dress style because she doesn’t dress her age.
optical label that contains information about the item to which it is attached. The QR Code system became popular outside the automotive industry due to its fast readability and greater storage capacity. Applications include product tracking, item identification, time tracking, document management, and general marketing. Typically, a smartphone is used as a QR code scanner, displaying the code and converting it to some useful form (such as a standard URL for a website, thereby obviating the need for a user to type it into a web browser). In other words the QR code provides a way to access our website more quickly as you no longer need to
manually enter a URL. In practical terms if you have a smartphone, whether android or iOS, all you need to do is download any of the free QR Code reader apps, scan the QR Code with your phone camera and it will take you directly to our webpage (www.magazineforyou.com). This way you do not need to carry with you a hard copy of the magazine to read it. Instead you can just scan our QR Code located at the top of the front page and it will enable you to access all the content of the magazine and more, much faster and easier. So what are you waiting for? Go ahead try it! It’s fun! It’s 21st century stuff!
for you 27
• Asteroidi su mala tela solarnog sistema koja orbitiraju oko Sunca. Sastoje se od kamena i metala, a takođe mogu da sadrže i organska jedinjenja (neki naučnici sugerišu da je moguće da su asteroidi doneli neophodne hemikalije za početak života na Zemlji). • Asteroids are small Solar System bodies that orbit the Sun. Made of rock and metal, they can also contain organic compounds (some scientists suggest that asteroids could have brought they necessary chemicals to start life on Earth).
• Asteroids are also known as planetoids or minor planets. • Asteroidi znatno variraju u veličini, neki imaju prečnik mali koliko deset metara, a prečnik drugih se proteže stotinama kilometara. Imajte na umu da se objekti koji imaju prečnik manji od deset metara generalno smatraju meteoroidima. • Asteroids vary greatly in size, some feature diameters as small as ten metres while others stretch out over hundreds of kilometres. Note that objects under ten metres in diameter are generally regarded as meteoroids.
Piazzi. Named Ceres, it features a diameter of around 950 kilometres and is now regarded as a dwarf planet. Ceres was given dwarf planet status in 2006, along with Pluto, Eris, Makemake and Haumea. • Pojas asteroida se nalazi otprilike između orbita Marsa i Jupitera u Sunčevom sistemu. To je dom velike količine aster-
asteroida je dramatično poboljšana od vremena prvih otkrića i astronomi sada imaju pristup nizu moćnih teleskopa koji
oida nepravilnog oblika čija se večičina kreće od od prašine do patuljaste planete Ceres.
im pomažu u njihovom istraživanju i otkrićima.
• The asteroid belt lies roughly between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter in the Solar System. It is home to a large amount of ir-
• Asteroidi su slični kometama, ali nemaju vidljivu komu ili halo (nejasne konture i rep) kao komete. • Asteroids are similar to comets but do not have a visible coma (fuzzy outline and tail) like comets do. • Asteroidi su takođe poznati kao planetoidi ili male planete.
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• Prvi asteroid je 1801. godine otkrio italijanski astronom Đuzepe Pjaci. Nazvan je Ceres i ima prečnik od oko 950 kilometara, a sada se smatra patuljastom planetom. Ceres je dobio status planete patuljka 2006. godine, zajedno sa Plutonom, Eris, Makemakeom i Haumeaom. • The first asteroid was discovered in 1801 by Italian astronomer Giuseppe
regular shaped asteroids that range in size from dust through to the dwarf planet Ceres. • Tehnologija koja se koristi za otkrivanje
• The technology used for discovering asteroids has improved dramatically since original discoveries and astronomers now have access to a range
of powerful telescopes to aid in their research and discoveries. • Mnogi naučnici i istraživači veruju da je uticaj (Izvor: www.sciencekids.co.nz)
udara asteroida bio uzrok nestanka dinosaurusa pre oko 65 miliona godina. • It is believed by many scientists and researchers that an asteroid impact was the cause behind the extinction of the dinosaurs around 65 million years ago.
• Mogućnost sudara asteroida sa Zemljom je dobila veću pažnju tokom poslednjih godina. Kometa Šumejker-Levi koja se sudarila sa Jupiterom 1994. godine dobila je široku medijsku pažnju, a i Holivud je takođe odigrao svoju ulogu filmovima kao što su „Duboki udar“ (Deep Impact,
1998) i „Armagedon“ (1998). Dok su ovi filmovi ponekad predstavljali sumnjivu nauku svakako su uticali na povećanje svesti javnosti o toj temi. • The possibility of an asteroid colliding with Earth has received increased attention over recent years. The Shoemaker-Levy comet that collided with Jupiter in 1994 were given widespread media coverage and Hollywood also played its part with moves such as Deep Impact (1998) and Armageddon (1998). While these movies sometimes featured dubious science they certainly increased public awareness of the topic.
groups and organizations that use automated systems to discover near Earth asteroids. While many are discovered, they rarely have the potential to cross paths with Earth. • Ima mnogo ideja koje su predložene kao način da se izbegne neizvestan ali potencijalno razoran uticaj sudara asteroida sa Zemljom, a one uključuju korišćenje nuklearnih eksplozija kako bi se asteroid razbio na manje komade ili druga oružja kako bi se skrenuo sa kursa.
• There have been many ideas suggested as ways to avoid the unlikely but potentially devastating impact of an asteroid collision with Earth, these include using nuclear explosions to break the asteroid into smaller pieces or other weapons to deflect it off course.
• Danas postoje mnoge grupe i organizacije koje koriste automatizovane sisteme kako bi otkrili asteroide u blizini Zemlje. Iako su otkriveni mnogi asteroidi, oni retko imaju potencijal da ukrste putevi sa Zemljom. • There are now many
(Source: www.sciencekids.co.nz)
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Enigmatski ugao - Crossword puzzle
30 for you
Pisma citalaca v
Ćao! Ja sam Nikola, imam 17 godina i idem u medicinsku školu u Ropotovu. Slobodno vreme provodim igrajući fudbal. Omiljeni fudbaler mi je Francesco Totti, i jednog dana bih voleo da ga upoznam. Muzikčku grupu koju obožavam je Riblja Čorba. Moj najomiljeniji film je Focus, a omiljeni glumac je Lane Gutović. Nikola Dimić „Medicinska Škola“ Veliko Ropotovo
Ćao! Ja sam Tomislav Anđelković, imam 17 godina. Slobodno vreme provodim slušajući muziku i šetam svog psa. Od sporta obožavam fudbal i košarku. Najomiljeniji fudbaler mi je Eden Hazard. Film koji mi se naviše sviđa je Never Back Down, a glumac Jason Statham. U nekim od narednih brojeva bih voleo poster poznatog fudbalera Eden Hazard. Tomislav Anđelković „Medicinska Škola“ Veliko Ropotovo Ćaos! Ja se zovem Marija i idem u medicinsku školu u Ropotovu. U slobodno vreme se bavim
sportom - odbojka. Pevačicu koju volim da slušam je Milica Todorović. Film koji je za mene jedan od najboljih svih vremena je Transporter, a glumac je Saša Kovačević. I na kraju bih htela da pozdravim redakciju For You magazina. NAJBOLJI STE !!! Marija Stojković „Medicinska Škola“ Veliko Ropotovo Pozdrav! Ja sam Jelena Tasić, imam 17 godina. Moj hobi je crtanje. Moja najomiljenija pevačica je Nataša Bekvalac. Film koji obožavam je Tri metra iznad neba, a od glumca bih izdvojila našeg poznatog Ivana Bosiljčića. Veliki pozdrav za redakciju For You magazina . Jelena Tasić „Medicinska Škola“ Veliko Ropotovo
Ćao! Zovem se Milica, učenica sam medicinske škole u Ropotovu. U slobodno vreme volim da čitam knjige i časopise za mlade. Moja najomiljenija pevačica je poznata Nataša Bekvalac a pevač Aca Lukas. Film koji mi se najviše sviđa je „I STAY“, glumac Miloš Biković. Moj omiljeni sport je odbojka za koji smatram da je to idealni sport za žene. Veliki pozdrav za For You magazin i redakciju. Milica Tomić „Medicinska Škola“ Veliko Ropotovo
Pozdrav! Javljam se iz Ropotova, i redovno čitam magazin FOR YOU, mogu vam reći da ste najbolji! Slobodno vreme uglavnom provodim čitajući knjige. Moja najomiljenija pevačica je Severina. Omiljeni filmovi su mi Sumrak i Tri metra iznad neba. Sport koji volim da gledam jesu odbojka i plivanje. Poster koji bih volela je Jason
Statham. Antić Jelena „Medicinska Škola“ Veliko Ropotovo
for you 31
Readers’ letters
Hi! My name is Nikola, I’m 17 and I attend Medical High School in Ropotovo. I spend my free time playing football. My favorite football player is Francesco Totti, and I’d like to meet him one day. The band that I adore is Riblja Čorba. My favorite movie is Focus, and my favorite actor is Lane Gutović Nikola Dimić „Medical High School“ Veliko Ropotovo Hello! Greetings from Ropotovo. I am a regular reader of FOR YOU magazine, and I can tell that you’re the best! In my free time I usually read books. My favorite singer is Severina. My favorite movies are Twilight and Three Steps Above Heaven. From sports I like to watch volleyball and swimming. I would like you to publish a poster of Jason Statham.
Antić Jelena „Medical High School“ Veliko Ropotovo
Hi! My name is Tomislav Anđelković, and I’m 17. In my free time I listen to music and I walk my dog. From sports I love football and basketball. My most favorite football player is Eden Hazard. My favorite movie is Never Back Down, and actor Jason Statham. In some of the next issues I’d like to get a poster of famous football player Eden Hazard. Tomislav Anđelković „Medical High School“ Veliko Ropotovo Hi there! My name is Marija and I attend Medical High School in Ropotovo. In my spare time I play sports – volleyball. I like to listen to singer Milica Todorović. One of the best movies of all
times, in my opinion, is Transporter, and actor, Saša Kovačević. And, at the end, I would like to greet the For You magazine editorial office. YOU ARE THE BEST !!! Marija Stojković „Medical High School“ Veliko Ropotovo Greetings! My name is Jelena Tasić, I am 17. My hobby is drawing. My favorite singer is Nataša Bekvalac. Movie that I adore is Three Steps above Heaven. As for actors, I would single out our famous Ivan Bosiljcic. Best regards for the editorial office For You. Jelena Tasić „Medical High School“ Veliko Ropotovo Hi! My name is Milica, I’m a student of Medical High School in Ropotovo. In my
free time I like to read books and magazines for teens. My favorite singer is famous Natasa Bekvalac, and singer Aca Lukas. The film that I like the most is „I STAY“ with actor Milos Bikovic. My favorite sport is volleyball which I believe is an ideal sport for women. A big hello to For You magazine and the editorial office. Milica Tomić „Medical High School“ Veliko Ropotovo