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IRB Rugby Sevens World Series Stadium Facilities Benchmark Document

130115 Rugby Sevens World Series Stadium Facilities Benchmark Document

Contents 1.General Provisions 1.1.

Introduction .................................................................................................................................. 5


Scope of Application ..................................................................................................................... 5 2.Playing Enclosure


Playing Area .................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.


Perimeter Area ................................................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.


Safety around the Perimeter Area ................................................................................................ 7


Technical Areas ............................................................................................................................. 7


Team & Match Officials’ Warm-up Areas ..................................................................................... 7


Pitch Side Personnel...................................................................................................................... 8


Seating for Temporarily Suspended Players ................................................................................. 8


Pitch-side Medical Facilities .......................................................................................................... 8


Presentation Area ........................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.


Playing Enclosure Dressing........................................................................................................ 9 3.Stadium Structure


Roof ............................................................................................................................................. 10


Drainage ...................................................................................................................................... 10


Floodlighting ............................................................................................................................... 10


Screens, Scoreboards & Clocks ................................................................................................... 11


Public Announcement (PA) System ............................................................................................ 11


Flag Poles .................................................................................................................................... 12


Ambulance Area .......................................................................................................................... 12


Claxon.......................................................................................................................................... 12 4.Tunnel Area


Team Changing Rooms................................................................................................................ 13


Match Officials’ Changing Room ................................................................................................. 14


Doping Control Room.................................................................................................................. 15


Medical Room ............................................................................................................................. 16


Physiotherapy Room ................................................................................................................... 16


Match Officials’ Communication System Operation Room ........................................................ 17


Player Registration Area ............................................................................................................. 17


Signage ........................................................................................................................................ 18 5.Offices & Meeting Rooms


Tournament Staff Office ............................................................................................................. 19


Judicial Officers Room ................................................................................................................. 19


DVD Copying Station ................................................................................................................... 20 Page 2 of 64

130115 Rugby Sevens World Series Stadium Facilities Benchmark Document 5.4.

Dining Room for Teams, Match Officials & Tournament Staff ................................................... 20


Ball Kid Room .............................................................................................................................. 20


Match Analysis Room.................................................................................................................. 21 6.Amenities


Power .......................................................................................................................................... 22


Internal Lighting .......................................................................................................................... 22


Communications & Information Technology (IT)........................................................................ 22


Municipal Services ...................................................................................................................... 23 7.Catering


Catering Requirements ............................................................................................................... 24


Suggested Menus ........................................................................................................................ 25 8.Spectators


VIP Reserved Seating .................................................................................................................. 26


Participants Seating .................................................................................................................... 26


Family Area ................................................................................................................................. 26


Temporary Seating ...................................................................................................................... 26


Public Spectator Areas ................................................................................................................ 26 9.Rooms with Unrestricted Views of the Playing Enclosure


Citing Commissioners Room ....................................................................................................... 27


Match Officials Reviewer Room .................................................................................................. 27


Competition Systems Integrator (CSI) Room .............................................................................. 28


PA/DJ Announcer Area................................................................................................................ 29


Rugby News Services................................................................................................................... 29 10.Hospitality Areas


VIP Areas ................................................................................................................................. 30 11.Entertainers


Entertainers Changing Room(s) .............................................................................................. 31


Sponsor Activity Changing Room(s) ........................................................................................ 31 12.Storage Areas


Ice and Drinks Storage ............................................................................................................ 32


Other Storage .......................................................................................................................... 32


Volunteers’ Bag Storage.......................................................................................................... 32 13.Parking


Team Coaches Parking ............................................................................................................ 33


Drop off & Collection .............................................................................................................. 33


VIP Parking .............................................................................................................................. 33


Operations Staff Parking ......................................................................................................... 33


Public Parking .......................................................................................................................... 33 Page 3 of 64

130115 Rugby Sevens World Series Stadium Facilities Benchmark Document 14.Accreditation & Ticketing Requirements 14.1.

Accreditation Cards ................................................................................................................. 34


Hospitality Passes.................................................................................................................... 34 15.Broadcast Operations


Space Facility & Construction Requirements .......................................................................... 35


Camera Positions .................................................................................................................... 35


Television Commentators ....................................................................................................... 37


Radio Commentators .............................................................................................................. 38


Pitch-side Presentations ......................................................................................................... 38


Host Broadcaster Offices ........................................................................................................ 39


Broadcast Production Offices ................................................................................................. 39


Outside Broadcast Van Area ................................................................................................... 39


IRB Highlights Crew Room ...................................................................................................... 40


Outside Broadcast Van............................................................................................................ 40


Cable Route Infrastructure ..................................................................................................... 41

16.Media Requirements 16.1.

Press Conference Area ............................................................................................................ 42


Media Workroom .................................................................................................................... 42


Photographers’ Workroom ..................................................................................................... 43


Media Tribune ......................................................................................................................... 43


Mixed Zone ............................................................................................................................. 43


Photographers Match Positions.............................................................................................. 44 17.Extra-Stadium Facilities


Ticket Collection Booth(s) ....................................................................................................... 45


Box Office Booth(s) ................................................................................................................. 45 18.Appendices


Appendix 1 – List of Required Equipment .............................................................................. 47


Appendix 2 – Doping Control Room Suggested Layout .......................................................... 49


Appendix 3 – IT & Communication Requirements.................................................................. 50


Appendix 4 – Official Pitch-side Personnel ............................................................................. 52


Appendix 5 – Competition Systems Integrator (CSI)............................................................... 54


Appendix 6 – Broadcast Data Flow ......................................................................................... 57


Appendix 7 – List of Figures .................................................................................................... 58


Appendix 8 – List of Tables ..................................................................................................... 60


Playing Enclosure 2 Requirements.......................................................................................... 61


Appendix 10 – List of Relevant Related Documents ............................................................... 63

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130115 Rugby Sevens World Series Stadium Facilities Benchmark Document

1. General Provisions 1.1.


1. This document contains the International Rugby Board (IRB) requirements relating to the hosting of IRB Rugby Sevens World Series tournaments. This is a set of facility related criteria which are expected when designing or renovating stadia for the purpose of hosting IRB Rugby Sevens World Series events. 2. The contents of the document are not intended to be exhaustive and may be added to as required.


Scope of Application

3. These regulations do not affect the legal obligations arising from national legislation applicable to stadium facilities. 4. In the case of any contradictions with the Laws of Rugby Union, the Laws of Rugby Unions shall prevail. 5. In these regulations the use of the masculine form refers equally to the feminine.

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2. Playing Enclosure 2.1.

Playing Enclosure

6. The playing area must be smooth and level and comply fully with Law 1. 7. The maximum dimensions of the Playing Area are 100m x 70m with the in-goal area not exceeding 22m in length.

b. It must meet all of the requirements of the applicable national legislation in force c. The surface must be green and have distinct rugby markings.

8. The stadium must be equipped with either a natural playing surface or Rugby Turf. 9. Natural turf must comply with the IRB Pitch guidelines for Natural Turf. Full details are available at: 10. Rugby turf must meet all of the following conditions:

Figure 1: Playing Enclosure

a. It must be in compliance with the requirements set down in Regulation 22 of the IRB Handbook: Standard relating to the use of Artificial Rugby Turf


Perimeter Area

1. The playing perimeter should extend a minimum of 5 metres beyond the dead ball line and touchlines. This area should be kept clear of all equipment to allow safe run-off for players beyond the playing boundary during play.

2. There should be distinct line placed parallel to the boundary lines and 1m outside the playing area to identify the area that must be kept clear for the Assistant Referees.

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Figure 2: Perimeter Area

130115 Rugby Sevens World Series Stadium Facilities Benchmark Document


Safety around the Perimeter Area

1. The area including and surrounding the Perimeter Area must be safe for players and other participants.


Technical Areas

1. Two Technical Areas incorporating seating for 9 persons (5 substitutes and 4 support staff should be supplied, one for each team. 2. The Technical Areas must be clearly marked on the ground with the line nearest the touchline parallel to it. 3. The Technical Areas should commence 5m from the half way line. 4. The Technical Areas must not exceed 10m in length and 3m in width and must not be less than 2m from the touchline.

Figure 3: Technical Area

5. A full list of personnel and their duties required within the Technical Areas and their environs are available in Appendix 3.


Team & Match Officials’ Warm-up Areas

1. Designated warm-up areas are for players and officials of teams waiting to play in the next game. 2. If this area is away from the main pitch it should be within easy and quick access of the Tunnel Area and a Tournament Staff member should be in contact with the Floor/Match Manager to ensure teams return to Changing Rooms/Tunnel Area for the commencement of their game.

5. Consideration must be given to the Photographers Match Positions (see Section 16.6) when determining if sufficient room exists behind the ingoal area for this purpose.

3. The warm-up area should have a minimum width of 15m and a minimum length of 70m. 4. This warm-up area should only be behind the in-goal area if no other area is available.

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Figure 4: Player Warm-Up Area

130115 Rugby Sevens World Series Stadium Facilities Benchmark Document


Pitch Side Personnel

1. A table with 3 chairs for the Substitute Controllers and the Match Officials’ Communications Technician must be placed as close to the halfway line as practicable. Persons seated at this table must have a full view of the field of play and also have full access to the tunnel area. Figure 5: Substitute Controllers Station


Seating for Temporarily Suspended Players

1. Seating should be supplied beside the Substitute Controllers table for players to sit during their temporary suspension.


Pitch-side Medical Facilities

1. A seating area and table for the Tournament Doctor on duty along with 4 paramedics should be available within easy access of the Tunnel Area. 2. 2 Stretchers should also be provided and kept within quick and easy access of the paramedics for use on the Playing Enclosure. 3. Details of the Role of the Medical Team in dealing with injuries can be found on the IRB Player Welfare Site (


Figure 6: Medical Station

Presentation Area

1. A Presentation Area should be available for the presentations after matches. 2. This area can be a permanent structure within the stand or alternatively a temporary structure assembled on the Playing Enclosure between the end of the game and the presentation time.

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Figure 7: Presentation Area

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2.10. Playing Enclosure Dressing 3. The stadium should be provided to the Tournament Organisers clean unless otherwise specified in the host agreement. 4. Provision should be made to facilitate advertising boards around the Perimeter Area. a. These boards can be either traditional printed boards or electronic LED type boards. b. The required spaces for title sponsors advertising should be outlined in the commercial section of the hosting agreement. c. Boards are permitted no closer than 3m from the dead ball line at either end of the Playing Enclosure. d. Boards should not impede or interfere with the warm-up areas if these areas are behind the In-goal Area. e. Boards should be placed so as to ensure that spectator views of the Playing Enclosure are not obstructed. 5. Provision for the placement of advertising logos on the Playing Surface should also be made. a. Details of such advertising including the permitted numbers and sizes should be included in the commercial section of the hosting agreement.

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3. Stadium Structure 3.1.


1. The recommended height of a roof over a pitch at stadia used for international Rugby is 37m. 2. With the sole exception of Spidercam cameras (or similar) which have adjustable heights and are operator managed, the minimum height of any equipment or materials shall be 31m above the playing area whether attached to or suspended from the roof or supporting walls or otherwise.



1. The Playing Enclosure must be equipped with an adequate drainage system so that it cannot become unplayable due to flooding. 2. The stadium must be equipped with facilities to ensure the Playing Enclosure is playable on any day during the Rugby season.



1. Details of the required floodlighting levels are set out in Table 1 and take into consideration the requirements of broadcasting matches in High Definition (HD) formats. Table 1: Floodlighting Considerations Vertical Luminance

Horizontal Luminance

Eh Average


Eh Average













Minimum Requirements

Measurement Towards Main Camera

Pitch Level Camera at 90 degree 1,500 angle around any given point 2. Lighting must be uniform over the whole Playing Enclosure 3. To ensure player comfort/performance, all Glare Ratings (GR) must be less than or equal to 40. 4. Luminance Levels should have a colour rendering (Ra) to a value of no less than Ra 75

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Figure 8: Floodlighting

130115 Rugby Sevens World Series Stadium Facilities Benchmark Document 5. For all matches, it must be ensured that: a. Floodlighting installations are fully maintained b. Alternative power (back-up power) is available for the flood lighting installation


c. Emergency broadcast lighting mode should be available which has at least an average luminance of 800 Ev Lux in the direction of the main camera and 500 Ev Lux for all areas of secondary interest to cover the field of play in case of power failure.

Screens, Scoreboards & Clocks

1. The following display equipment must be located within the stadium structure and be visible from all areas of each tribune and from the Playing Enclosure: 2. A minimum of one broadcast quality big screen capable of transmitting live Match coverage and advertisements. 3. At least one large digital scoreboard and digital clock. The clock must be linked to the central timing system and also show the elapsed match time.

Figure 9: Scoreboard

4. The digital scoreboard can, between matches and at half times, be used, if required, as a second big screen.


Public Announcement (PA) System

1. A PA system suitable for Match-day activities and entertainment, from which announcements and music will be clearly audible above expected crowd noise at the venue, must be available. 2. The PA system must be reliable, backed up and have connectivity to run in conjunction with the big screen(s) as well as peripheral entertainment. 3. The system must cover the entire pitch and all seating areas with an effective monitoring system for any on-field entertainment and post-Match on-field interviews. 4. It must be ensured that the PA system does not interfere with the output from the television match commentators.

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Flag Poles

1. Sufficient flagpoles should available within the stadium to fly the following flags: a. Tournament Flag b. IRB Flag c. National flag of all competing nations


d. Flag Poles should be located so that all flags flown are visible from the exterior of the stadium and from within the stadium bowl.

Ambulance Area

1. Dedicated ambulance area(s) for ambulances for both participants and Spectators must be provided for. 2. If separate, the ambulance area for participants must be in close proximity to the field of play. 3. The area(s) must have a clear and unobstructed egress route from the stadium to the public road system at all times.



1. A claxon to signal the end of each half should be provided and placed level with the half-way line and high up in the stadium. The location of the Claxon should be such that it does not interfere with the output from any other functional area. 2. A power supply should be available in the location which the claxon is to be placed. 3. Responsibility for sounding of the Claxon falls to the Time-keeper in CSI.

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4. Tunnel Area 4.1.

Team Changing Rooms

1. The preferred number of Changing Rooms required for Sevens Tournaments is no less than 1 room for every two competing teams.

2. All team Changing Rooms should comply with the requirements below.

Figure 10: Team Changing Area

3. The Team Changing Rooms should incorporate the following: a. Changing Area b. Showers & Toilets c. Storage d. Fridges e. Ice Baths f. Physiotherapy Area Figure 11: Team Shower Area 4. The minimum expected facilities and sizes of the above areas are contained in Table 2: Table 2: Team Changing Room Areas Room/Area Expected Facilities


Changing Area

Changing Space for 30 people

9m x 6m

Shower Area

10 Shower Heads with at least 1 cold Optional Sink Area with 2 sinks 4 WCs; 3 Sinks with Mirrors above them; Urinals Optional 2 Tables. This area can be within the Changing Area provided there is sufficient room 2 Ice Baths (Can be within Shower Area) Each storage area can be shared between 2 dressing rooms if required

6m x 6m

Toilet Area Physiotherapy Area

Ice Baths Storage Bath Area (Optional)

7m x 5m 4m x 3m

3m x 1.5m 9m x 4m 2.5m x 2.5m

5. Fridges stocked with a full range of refreshments required with space for medical supplies should also be available. Page 13 of 64

130115 Rugby Sevens World Series Stadium Facilities Benchmark Document 6. There should be a minimum of 4 one-phase power outlets available in excess of those needed for the fridge(s) within the Changing and/or Physiotherapy Areas 7. If it is necessary to have teams sharing Changing Rooms then separate designated areas should be identified for each team.


Match Officials’ Changing Room

1. The following areas should be incorporated into the Match Officials’ Changing Room a. Changing Area b. Showers & Toilets c. Physiotherapy Area d. Ice Baths e. Stationary Bikes

Figure 12: Match Officials' Changing Area 2. The minimum expected facilities and sizes of the above areas are contained in Table 2: Table 3: Match Official Changing Room Areas Room/Area Notes


Changing Area

Changing Space for 25 people

10m x 6m

Shower Area

5 Shower Heads plus one optional cold shower Optional sink Area with 2 Sinks 6 WCs; 4 Sinks; Urinals Optional

6m x 4m

Toilet Area Physiotherapy Area Ice Baths Stationary Bike Area

1 Tables Can be within the Changing Area 1 Ice Bath (Can be within the Shower Area) 2 Stationary Bikes Can be within the Changing Area

8m x 5m

3m x 1.5m 3m x 2m

3. A fridge stocked with a full range of refreshments should be available in the Match Officials’ Changing Room. 4. There should be a minimum of 4 one-phase power outlets available in excess of those needed for the fridge(s) within the Changing and/or Physiotherapy Areas 5. For tournaments involving male and female officials, two identical Changing Rooms should be available, one for men and one for women.

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Doping Control Room

1. A dedicated lockable Doping Control room (DCR) must be available in close proximity to the Changing Rooms mentioned above. 2. The DCR must not be shared with any other functional area.

9. All drinks supplied in the DCR must be provided in sealed bottles.

4.4. A suggested layout and for the DCR is available in 18.1 Appendix 1 – List of Required Equipment

3. The DCR must be a secure room with one access doorway only and be large enough to comfortably contain the following areas: a. A waiting room b. A processing area c. At least one toilet

1. Table 7 details the equipment required to be in place at the stadium for use during a Sevens Tournament.

4. These three areas must be separate from each other and allow for complete isolation of players from non-Doping Control personnel at any time.

Table 7: List of Sevens Stadium Required Equipment

5. Running water must be available in both the processing and toilet areas. 6. The processing area must be large enough to accommodate two players at a time, separated from the waiting area and the toilet must be within or adjacent to the processing area and completely separate from the waiting area.

2. The details in Table 7 are in addition to any items detailed elsewhere in this document.

Short Description


Flag Poles


Goal Post Pads 7. Each processing station should have a desk, three chairs, two power outlets and access to high-speed wireless broadband. 8. The waiting room must incorporate the following equipment: a. 10 Chairs b. A fridge containing sealed drinks c. A large TV (Showing the Match Feed or similar) d. Six power outlets e. Wired high-speed Broadband Access

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Rugby Balls (Match) Touch Judge Flags Rugby Referee Communication Device Games Branded Coin Match Officials Whistle

Long Description

Rugby Goalpost measuring 5.6m across with a crossbar 3m from the ground and have an overall height of between 13m and 17m Springback Poles no less than 1.2m in height to mark the perimeter of the Playing Area. With padding around the pole. Flags for placement on the Flag Poles above Pads to protect the base of the Goal Posts. Pads should extend no further than 300mm from the surface of the GoalPost Match Balls for use during competition. Branded with Rio2016 Branding Flags for use by Assistant Referees during Competition Vest Communications Device For use for the coin toss before each contest Acme Thunder Whistle with wrist lanyard

Line Painter

For painting lines on Playing Enclosure

Line Paint

White for playing lines and 1 other colour for Assistant Referees Area

130115 Rugby Sevens World Series Stadium Facilities Benchmark Document

Ball Bags Armbands (Medical) Ice Boxes Water Bottles Seats Table Warm-up bibs Substitute Request Cards Scorecards Stationary Exercise Bikes Electronic Air Pump Ball pressure gauges Ice Baths Hit/Tackle Shields / Tackle Suit Air Horn Air Horn Refills Competition Results Board Rugby Balls (Training) Rugby Agility Poles Markers/Cones

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Mesh Bag for holding Match and Piece 25 Training Balls For use by Tournament Doctor, 3. Appendix 2 – Doping Control Stretcher Bearers, Physios and Water Suggested Piece Layout. 12 Runners For use on Playing Enclosure Piece 2 To be distributed to teams Piece 300 For use on touchline by team personnel, Piece 23 officials For use on touchline by officials Piece 1 Various Colours for use by team Piece 240 personnel in Playing Enclosure For use by teams to notify officials of Piece 600 substitution request For use by Officials to record match Piece 60 events For use by players and Match Officials 13: Doping Area for warm-ups and cool downs Figure in Piece Control Waiting 6 Changing Room Area

25 Room 12 2 300 23 1 24 600 60 6

For pumping balls




For checking air pressure in balls




For use in shower areas of Changing Rooms. 2 per shower area




For use during training sessions and warm-ups




Back-Up to main timing system Piece 3 3 For Air-Horns above Piece 3 3 For indication of results and standings Piece 6 6 during Competition Match Balls for use during training Figure 14: Doping Control Processing Area Piece 48 48 sessions. Agility Poles for use at training facility

Set of 1012



For use in Training Facility and Warm-up Areas

Set of 20



130115 Rugby Sevens World Series Stadium Facilities Benchmark Document


Medical Room

1. A separate medical room should be available for the use of medical personnel. 2. The Medical Room should incorporate both a Reception Area and a Treatment Area 3. The Facilities Required in each area are listed in Table 4: Table 4: Medical Room Facilities Reception Area

Treatment Area


10m x 5m

13m x 10m



7 with curtains or screens separating each into its own cubicle


5 for Waiting Patients

1 per cubicle



1 per cubicle

Power Outlets


2 per cubicle

Other Facilities

Required Laptop with CD ROM      

Photocopier Lockable Drug Storage Space Infectious Waste receptacle Lockers for Staff Telephone with national access Listing of Ambulance, rescue helicopter (where available) and local hospitals.

Laptop with CD ROM       

Photocopier Lockable Drug Storage Space Facility for disposal of used needles, syringes and contaminated dressings 1 Lockable Fridge for medical supplies 1 Fridge for refreshments Access to Ice Facility for sterilizing instruments

4. The Medical Room should be equipped with the following range of medical equipment and supplies: a. Resuscitation equipment, IV fluid and essential drugs; b. Oxygen and suction; c. Stiff neck collars; d. Standard stretcher, Jordan Frame, Spinal Board or Scoop stretcher; 5. Adequate lighting including wall light for suturing should also be ensured. 6. In addition to the Medical Room, space for an ambulance stretcher should be provided as close to the mouth of the Tunnel Area leading to the Playing Enclosure.


Physiotherapy Room

1. A physiotherapy room measuring 8m x 7m should be available for the use of players and Match Officials.

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130115 Rugby Sevens World Series Stadium Facilities Benchmark Document 2. The facilities required in the Physiotherapy Room are: a. 6 Adjustable Physio Tables b. 4 Sinks c. Refreshments Fridge d. Shelving for storage of strapping and bandages e. Movable screens to isolate cubicles f. Twelve power outlets


Match Officials’ Communication System Operation Room

1. An area should be provided in close proximity to the Match Officials’ Changing Room for the use of the Technical Controllers of the Match Officials’ Communication System. 2. This room should be 12m x 7m in size to allow for the application and removal of communication sets between up to 12 Officials at a time. 3. The room should be supplied with two large tables with a minimum of 8 power outlets at each.

Figure 15: Match Officials' Communication System

4. A fridge stocked with refreshments should also be supplied.


Player Registration Area

1. 2 workstations are required within the Tunnel Area for Player Registration which is controlled by the Competition Systems Integration (CSI) Team (See Appendix 5). 2. Each workstation requires 3 power outlets and access to the CSI dedicated broadband channel. 3. A networked printer is also required for the Player Registration Area.

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Figure 16: Player Registration Area

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1. All floor surfaces in the tunnel area and associated rooms should have a non-slip covering.

4.10. Signage 1. It should be ensured that all rooms and areas are suitably and clearly signed. 2. All signs should follow the same design and be clearly legible in all relevant languages including English.

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5. Offices & Meeting Rooms 5.1.

Tournament Staff Office

1. A Tournament Staff Office measuring at least 13m x 5m must be available. 2. The following facilities are required within the tournament Staff Office a. A minimum of 4 workstations b. A minimum of 2 power outlets per workstation 3. A lockable storage area of similar size to the Tournament Staff Office Area should be available for the use of Tournament Staff. This room should have shelving and a table in it.


Figure 17: Tournament Staff Office

Judicial Officers Room

1. A dedicated room to be used by the Judicial Officers must be located within the stadium area. 2. The room should allow for private meetings/hearings and also provide a separate waiting area. 3. The following equipment should also be provided in the room: a. Recording Equipment to allow hearings to be fully audio recorded b. Large screen colour television with laptop compatibility c. DVD player with slow motion and frame by frame playback capabilities d. A laptop for secretarial support e. Reliable, high quality video conferencing and teleconferencing equipment. f. Eight power outlets

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Figure 18: Judicial Officers Room

130115 Rugby Sevens World Series Stadium Facilities Benchmark Document


DVD Copying Station

1. A room must be provided for copying DVDs for distribution to teams. 2. The room must have the following facilities: a. 3 workstations (Compilation, Finalization, Duplication) b. 3 power outlets per workstation are required. c. An area within the station must be provided for distribution. Team personnel should have access to the DVD copying Station after each match. It is important that this area is under the


control of the Copying staff to ensure that teams only take the DVDs assigned to them.

Figure 19: DVD Copying Station

Dining Room for Teams, Match Officials & Tournament Staff

1. A dining area with seating for 150 people should be available for Tournament Participants 2. This area should be served by a buffet with both hot and cold foods.

Figure 20: Tournament Dining Room


Ball Kid Room

1. A room solely for the use of Ball Kids should be made available 2. The following facilities should be available in the room: a. Seating for all kids available b. Fridges with refreshments c. A feeding station should also be supplied d. At least one sink should be provided in the room. 3. Suitable Toilet facilities must be available either within the room or in close proximity to it. Page 21 of 64

Figure 21: Ball Kids Room

130115 Rugby Sevens World Series Stadium Facilities Benchmark Document


Match Analysis Room

1. A room, at least 8m x 8m in size, must be made available for Team analysts to work during games.

At least 1 power outlet plus an outlet to access the feed on a laptop must be available to each analyst at their workstation.

2. Live Broadcast Feeds must be supplied from every Playing Enclosure in use 3. Each Feed must be broadcast on a dedicated High-Definition television. 4. Workstations should be available to each team analyst to view and access the Broadcast Feed. Figure 22: Match Analysis Room

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6. Amenities 6.1.


1. All power outlets mentioned in this document refer to 1-Phase, 220V uninterrupted power outlets unless otherwise specified. 2. Numbers of power outlets required in each section are extra to the power outlets required to power any specific equipment detailed in that section. 3. The following areas require a 3 Phase Power Supply: a. Outside Broadcast (OB) Area b. Floodlighting c. Big Screen(s) 4. It is advisable that a maximum of 10 outlets per circuit is placed on the power supply. In those sections of high power requirement (CSI Room, HB Offices) a maximum of 4 outlets per circuit is advisable. 5. In case of a power shortage or cut additional power sources should be available to ensure minimum power supplies to critical areas within the stadium. This includes but is not limited to: a. Lighting b. OB Area c. Tournament Staff Office d. Media Workrooms 6. Back-up Generators should be available in the event of interruption to the power supply.


Internal Lighting

1. All internal lighting should be sufficient to allow proper use of the facility. 2. It should be insured that emergency lighting is provided in critical areas from a health and safety perspective.


Communications & Information Technology (IT)

1. The following Communication and IT equipment is required within the stadium: a. Radio Communication with at least 8 dedicated frequencies for Tournament Staff b. Wired and Wireless Broadband c. ISDN & ADSL lines d. Broadcast Feeds and monitors e. Printers f. DVD Players and Recorders 2. Details of the IT requirements for specific areas can be found in Appendix 2.

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Municipal Services

The following Municipal Services should be available and of a standard capable of ensuring the safe and smooth running of the tournament: 1. The water supply should be capable of supplying sufficient amounts to cope with the high demand of all areas of the venue. 2. Refuse Removal should be completed daily 3. Emergency Services should be on standby at all times 4. Cleaning Services should be operational continuously throughout the tournament 5. Laundry Facilities should be available where practicable within the venue

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7. Catering 7.1.

Catering Requirements

1. Kitchens or other catering arrangements should be available to supply the following areas with a supply of food for the entire duration of each match-day: Table 5: List of rooms required catering services Area Catering Requirements Dining Room for Teams, Match Officials and Tournament Staff Ball Kids Room Media Workroom Photographer’s Workroom Computer Systems Integrator (CSI) Room Television Commentators Positions Match Official’s Reviewer Room Citing Commissioner’s Room Judicial Officer’s Room


Full Buffet Service with hot and cold options

All Day

Limited Buffet Service with hot and cold options Snacks including fruit Snacks including fruit

All Day As Required As Required

Snacks including fruit

All Day

Snacks including fruit

All Day

Snacks including fruit

All Day

Snacks including fruit

All Day

Snacks including fruit

As Required

2. It is imperative that the meals offered are of a high standard and suitable for international athletes. Sufficient quantities must be provided and consideration should also be given to regional diets and religious restrictions on food. 3. The following guidelines and sample menus should be presented and discussed with the Food & Beverage Manager at the hotel. a. b. c. d.

No frying or cooking in large quantities of oil. Grill, bake, boil, steam stew or roast in polyunsaturated oil. Use low fat cuts of meat i.e. chicken breast, top side roast etc Provide a large variety of fruit and vegetables (vegetables preferably steamed not over boiled, can be stir fried in polyunsaturated oil) e. Have protein available at all meals i.e. poached eggs f. Have sauces and gravy available using low fat ingredients must be served on the side g. A variety should be provided

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Suggested Menus

1. The following are suggested menus can be used for the Full Buffet areas: a. Lunch menu i. Make your own sandwiches. Variety of rolls breads white and whole grain, or pita pockets ii. Fillings of chicken breast or smoked chicken breast (slice or shredded), low fat beef and salmon iii. Low fat cheese selection iv. Salads - tossed green, pasta, potato and rice salads, and v. Egg lettuce, tomato, cucumber, beetroot, cheese, capsicum etc vi. Pasta / potato dish with chicken and sauce (low fat). vii. Hot dishes of chicken breast, chicken or beef kebabs, mashed potatoes as an example viii. Fresh fruit, muffins cereal bars, oatmeal cookies ix. Assortment of low fat dressings, or toppings. No high fat mayonnaise. x. Drinks – orange and apple juice / water/ tea and coffee making facilities / Hot Chocolate b. Dinner menu i. There needs to be a chicken, fish and red meat option with each main meal to ensure sufficient protein is provided. ii. Some teams will not eat red meat two days out from the tournament or during the tournament so fish and chicken become important main course options red meat still needs to be provided for other teams. iii. Fish either baked, dry fried, grilled, steamed or crumbed. No deep fried fish iv. Beef roast (topside with gravy low fat option), beef steak or beef kebabs. Lean options required here. v. Chicken breast grilled or baked, shredded whole chicken. No chicken obviously saturated in fat or chicken skin. vi. If cooked with sauces or gravy these should be low fat vii. Potatoes mashed as main option with each meal. Other cooking options; baked / dry roasted / boiled etc viii. Rice or pasta dishes with or without meat. ix. Steamed or baked vegetables. x. Choice of seasonal salads. xi. Deserts such as apple crumble and custard, fruit salad and yoghurt. xii. Drinks – orange and apple juice / water/ tea and coffee making facilities / Hot Chocolate 2. Note: Any food provided containing nuts or cooked with nut oil must be clearly identified

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8. Spectators 8.1.

VIP Reserved Seating

1. Sufficient seating to supply all VIP guests with a view of the Playing Enclosure should be available to Hospitality Hosts. 2. This area should be within easy access of the VIP & Hospitality areas and should only be accessible to those with the necessary accreditation.


Participants Seating

1. An area next to the exit from the Playing Enclosure and entrance to the Tunnel Area should be reserved for use by the following groups: a. Off-duty Players and other team members b. Off-duty Match Officials c. Off Duty Tournament Staff d. Doping Control Chaperones 2. This area should be large enough to accommodate large numbers especially during the latter stages of competition.


Family Area

1. An area within the general seating area should be reserved as a Family Area 2. This area should be for the sole use of families and persons attending the competitions with children. 3. No alcohol shall be permitted to be consumed or sold within the Family Area.


Temporary Seating

1. If Temporary Seating is to be used in any location within the stadium then it must be erected in compliance with local health and safety standards relative to such structures.


Public Spectator Areas

1. The following public access areas for ticket holding fans should comply with local statutory requirements concerning the construction of stadia and sporting facilities: a. Public Medical Facilities b. Public Ambulance Area c. Public Toilets d. Disabled Facilities e. Concession Points f. Emergency Exits g. Evacuation Protocols

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9. Rooms with Unrestricted Views of the Playing Enclosure


Citing Commissioners Room

1. An office/booth/private seating area in line with the half way line and with an unobstructed view of the entire pitch should be made available for the Citing Commissioner. 2. This area should include the following facilities: a. Eight power outlets b. One television with live Feed of the Match c. A television player and a DVD player with slow motion and frame by frame playback capabilities d. Facility to listen to the audio feed from the Match Officials’ Communication System.


Figure 23: Citing Commissioners' Room

Match Officials Reviewer Room

1. An office/booth/private seating area in line with the half way line and with an unobstructed view of the entire pitch should be made available for the Match Officials’ Reviewer. 2. This area should include the following equipment: a. Eight power outlets b. A colour television with live Broadcast Feed c. A DVD player with slow motion and frame by frame playback capabilities d. Audio feed from the Match Officials’ Communication System.

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Figure 24: Match Officials Reviewer Room

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Competition Systems Integrator (CSI) Room

1. The CSI team require a room with full view of the Playing Enclosure. 2. Four workstations looking out on the Playing Enclosure are required, one for each of the following functions: a. Timekeeping & Scoring b. Match Statistical Analysis c. Web & Media Services d. World Feed 3. If possible, the World Feed station should be located in the OBV. If this is the case, only 3 workstations are required with a view of the Playing Enclosure 4. Each workstation must have 2.5 metres of space available and four power outlets. Each workstation must be on a separate electrical circuit to reduce the risk of a power surge affecting supply due to the high power requirements at each station.

6. Access to the Live Feed of the Pitch they are working on must be available in the room 7. The CSI Provider will supply its own networking cables but also requires a dedicated wired, broadband supply. 8. The timekeeping and scoreboard workstation must have access to the referee’s communication audio feed. 9. Two-way communication between the OBV and the World Feed operator must also be available. 10. A fridge stocked with refreshments is also required. 11. A storage area adjacent to the CSI Room must be available for storage of shipping cases. This may be within the room itself but, if so, must allow for unobstructed movement of personnel between stations.

5. Each workstation must have at least 1.5 metres of available space between it and its adjacent station to allow for placement of equipment

Figure 25: CSI Room

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PA/DJ Announcer Area

1. An office/booth/private seating area with an unobstructed view of the entire Playing Enclosure and Big Screens should be made available for the PA Announcer and DJ. 2. This area should be equipped with the following facilities: a. 4 power points b. Access to broadband (preferably wired) Figure 26: PA Announcer Area


Rugby News Services

1. A work area for the Rugby News Services (RNS) team is required within easy access of the tunnel. 2. This area should provide work space for three personnel for each language which RNS is reporting in. 3. Each workstation should be supplied with two power outlets and a high-speed wireless broadband connection. 4. The workstation should be equipped with a printer/photocopier. 5. If it is not possible to provide an area with a view of the Playing Enclosure then the RNS space should have a monitor displaying the Live Feed installed.

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Hospitality Areas

10.1. VIP Areas 1. An area for Tournament Organisers and Tournament Sponsors to host invited guests and VIPs should be made available within the stadium. 2. Ideally, this area should occupy the corporate boxes available with hospitality being provided within the boxes themselves or alternatively in the common areas adjacent to them. 3. Seating within the hospitality areas should provide an optimal view of the Playing Enclosure. 4. The VIP area should also only be accessible to personnel with the proper accreditation whether guests or staff. 5. If corporate boxes (or similar) are not available and space permits, a VIP Village type area should be established with quick and easy access to the Hospitality seating area of the Stadium.

Figure 27: Suggested Layout of Hospitality Village where space permits.

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11.1. Entertainers Changing Room(s) 1. Changing Room facilities for match day entertainers must be provided. The required size will vary according to the level of entertainment to be provided and the numbers of people to be facilitated. 2. The minimum requirement for such spaces is: a. Seating for all entertainment personnel is required b. Private Shower Facilities c. Private Toilet Facilities d. Fridges with refreshments should also be provided

11.2. Sponsor Activity Changing Room(s) 1. A room for staff employed by sponsors should be available and should be sufficiently large to accommodate the numbers expected.

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Storage Areas

12.1. Ice and Drinks Storage 1. A room must be available to store all refreshments required for the length of the tournament. All fridges in all areas must be replenished regularly during the tournament. 2. Dedicated locations for parking of Ice-trucks to supply the following areas with ice must be allocated: a. Players’ Changing Rooms b. Match Officials’ Changing Rooms c. Medical Room d. Physiotherapists Room 3. Easy access to and from such locations should be available for replacement ice-trucks.

12.2. Other Storage 1. Large areas should be available for adequate storage of other necessary equipment such as: a. Signage; b. Pitch Dressing Equipment; c. Team Equipment; and d. Entertainers Equipment 2. Such areas should measure 150m2 each and at least two such areas should be available.

12.3. Volunteers’ Bag Storage 1. A secure space measuring 12m x 12m should be available for volunteers to leave personal equipment when on duty. 2. There should be adequate shelving in this area to ensure easy access and location of required bags. 3. This area should be manned at all times and use a ticket procedure to drop-off and access bags for security reasons.

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13.1. Team Coaches Parking 1. Dedicated parking spaces should be assigned for all team transport within the stadium structure and as close to the tunnel areas as practicable. This also includes the Match Officials’ transport.

assigned parking spaces in this area where required. 5. Access to this area should be gained through a vehicle accreditation system.

2. A minimum of 100 car parking spaces and 50 mini-bus parking spaces should be available. 3. All team parking areas should be secure and separate from public areas. 4. IRB Tournament Staff and their tournament vehicles should also have

Figure 28: Team Coaches Parking Area

13.2. Drop off & Collection 1. In stadia where it is required that coaches drop-off personnel before moving on to their designated parking area then every effort should be made to ensure that congestion is kept to a minimum and that all transport is clearly marked as to its intended passengers.

13.3. VIP Parking 1. Specific VIP parking spaces should be assigned within the stadium area and should be as close to the relevant VIP areas of the stadium as practicable. 2. All VIP parking areas should be secure and separate from public areas.

13.4. Operations Staff Parking 1. Parking for operational staff should be supplied where appropriate. If insufficient parking is available then transport options should be supplied to staff as required. 2. Any private parking spaces should be accessible only to accredited vehicles.

13.5. Public Parking 1. Where private parking areas are available to the public, these areas should be controlled by tournament personnel. 2. Security checks should be performed as required and specific limits placed on the number and types of vehicles permitted be decided upon in advance. 3. In facilities where public parking is at a premium, efforts should be made to encourage Spectators to utilise the public transport systems in place. Page 34 of 64

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Accreditation & Ticketing Requirements

14.1. Accreditation Cards 1. Access to all areas of the stadium should be controlled by the following methods: a. Ticketing (for the general spectator population) b. Accreditation (for all tournament and operational staff as well as some VIPs) 2. All applications for accreditation should be made to the tournament organisers within the deadlines set by the Ticketing & Accreditation Manager. 3. Varying levels of access should be accredited to each individual with access only being provided to the areas necessary to them. 4. A colour and number coding system should be in place to make identification of access levels easier for security and to minimise delays in access for personnel. 5. Access points to all specific areas should be controlled by security personnel and all accreditation should be checked at all times. 6. Tournament and operational staff should be supplied with clothing that identifies their general role to make identification easier. 7. Access to the Playing Enclosure should be strictly controlled with only essential personnel being given access.

14.2. Hospitality Passes 1. Each hospitality provider shall have a set number of passes that can be distributed to guests. This limit will correspond to the number of tickets that have been allocated to the provider. 2. Hospitality Passes shall be the sole responsibility of the hospitality provider.

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Broadcast Operations

15.1. Space Facility & Construction Requirements 1. It may be necessary to provide additional temporary structures for the accommodation of Broadcast facilities. 2. Such facilities should be agreed on in advance with all parties involved and provide a safe environment for operational staff, broadcast staff and Spectators. 3. Details of the Broadcast Data Flow can be found in Appendix 7.

15.2. Camera Positions 1. It must be ensured that the camera positions described below can be accommodated, unless they present any safety or security risks to Players, Match Officials or the public. 2. Security must be provided for these camera positions where required. 3. All camera positions must have an uninterrupted view of the pitch.

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130115 Rugby Sevens World Series Stadium Facilities Benchmark Document Figure 29: Broadcast Operations - Camera Positions

4. The following are the minimum requirements for camera positions for broadcasting all matches: a. Main Camera Gantry i. The gantry should be positioned in the main stand behind the Technical Areas and directly in line with the half way line. It should be 8m in length to provide space for at least 4 cameras. ii. Camera 1 - Main ball follow. 20:1 box lens. Heavy tripod on high camera platform opposite midline. iii. Camera 2 - Tight ball follow. Minimum 55:1 box lens. Heavy tripod next to camera 1 on same platform.

Figure 30: Main Camera Gantry

b. Pitch-side i. Camera 3 - Low camera /opposite half way line. 55:1 box lens. Heavy tripod on 0.75 metre platform. ii. Camera 4 - Low camera side line. 14:1 lens. Handheld running line. iii. Camera 5 - Low camera side line. 14:1 lens. Handheld running line. Figure 31: Pitch-side Camera Positions c. In-Goal Areas i. Camera 6 - Low camera / corner. Minimum 55:1 lens. Tripod set in line with 5 metre-line, 2mtrs behind dead ball line. Player protection may be required. ii. Camera 7 - Low camera / corner. Minimum 55:1 lens. Tripod set in line with 5 metre-line opposite end from camera 4. Figure 32: In-Goal Cameras

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130115 Rugby Sevens World Series Stadium Facilities Benchmark Document d. Others i. Camera 8 – High Camera / behind posts (possibly on a crane) for an entire pitch. 33:1 lens. ii. Camera 9 - Raised position camera (possibly on a crane) for an entire pitch and beauty shot. 14:1 lens.

Figure 33: Raised Camera Position

5. At least one of Camera 6 and Camera 7 shall have super slow-motion capability. 6. All operators must have suitable sport experience and at least four to have previous experience of international rugby coverage. 7. Quality a. All broadcasts must be in High Definition (HD) b. All broadcasts must have an image ration of 16:9 and be 4:3 safe.

15.3. Television Commentators 1.

A separate room is required with a full view of the pitch near the halfway line for television commentators.

2. The following facilities should be available within the room: a. Two monitors displaying the live Broadcast Feed b. One monitor showing the statistical information supplied by CSI c. Audio Feed from the Match Officials’ Communication System d. Printer connected to CSI for detailed statistical updates 3. There should be sufficient room for 5 people to work: a. 5 workstations with a desk and a chair, each should have access to a power outlet. b. 2 additional workstations for onair personnel. 4. All workstations should have two power outlets.

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Figure 34: Television Commentators Position

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15.4. Radio Commentators 1. A room is required with full view of the Playing Enclosure for Radio Commentators.

b. 2 workstations for on-air personnel. These should be side by side and equipped with two power outlets each.

2. A television monitor displaying the live broadcast feed should be available.

4. A dedicated ISDN line should be available for broadcast purposes

3. There should be sufficient room for 3 people to work: a. One workstation at least 1.5 metres in length for the producer and the mixing desk. This workstation should be supplied with four power outlets. Figure 35: Radio Commentators

15.5. Pitch-side Presentations 1. Provision should be made for a pitchside reporter to conduct television interviews on the Playing Enclosure between games. 2. One of the hand-held pitch-side cameras should be made available for this purpose.

Figure 36: Pitch-side Presentations

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15.6. Host Broadcaster Offices 1. Office space for use by the host broadcaster should be made available. 2. This space should include: a. 3 workstations b. 4 power outlets per workstation c. A permanent telephone line with international call capability d. Four mobile telephones with international call capability e. An internal phone system for communication with: i. Commentators ii. Tournament Staff Office iii. CSI


Wireless High-Speed Broadband access g. A colour printer/photocopier h. A television monitor showing the Broadcast Feed

Figure 37: Host Broadcast Offices

15.7. Broadcast Production Offices 1. Office space for use by the Host Broadcaster Production Team should be available. 2. This area should measure 8m x 6m and should have 5 workstations with 4 power outlets at each. 3. High Speed Wired Broadband should be available at each workstation. Figure 38: Broadcast Production Office

15.8. Outside Broadcast Van Area 1. An area adjacent to the HB Office should be available to accommodate the OB Van(s) and Associated Uplink Trucks. 2. This area should measure at least 10m x 45m for areas containing one OB Van. Every additional van to this will require an area measuring 20m x 10m extra. Figure 39: OB Van Area

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15.9. IRB Highlights Crew Room 1. A workspace within or close to the Tunnel Area must be available for the IRB Highlights Crew. 2. This room should measure 6m x 3m and contain 3 workstations. One of these stations should incorporate an extra large desk area. 3. Six power outlets should be available along with 3 hardwired high-speed broadband connections. 4. Secure and lockable storage space measuring at least 2m x 2m must be available within the workspace.

Figure 40: IRB Highlights Crew Room

15.10. Outside Broadcast Van 1. The OB Van should be equipped with a minimum of the following equipment: a. Full talkback facilities b. Four VTR’s, two of which must be HDCAM. c. Digital Vision Mixer capable of storing TGA files or in some other way providing animated wipes etc. d. Sixteen channel audio mixer with a minimum of six effects mikes around the ground, one interview mike and two radio mikes for use with referees. e. Accurate timing clock synchronised to GMT. f. Disc-based replay device (preferably EVS) capable of recording a minimum of four camera angles for replays, with relevant lomo controllers

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g. DVE and Aston h. Graphics i. Sufficient engineering, rigging and technical operators to ensure professional operation of the above equipment to broadcast standards.

Figure 41: OB Van Interior

130115 Rugby Sevens World Series Stadium Facilities Benchmark Document

15.11. Cable Route Infrastructure 1. Facility should be available for the Host Broadcaster to install its own cabling infrastructure. 2. This facility should ensure that all cabling is directed so as to cause minimum hazard to personnel using the areas through which cabling is placed. 3. Permanent cabling for the supply of the Broadcast Feed to those areas mentioned within this document which require it would be beneficial.

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Media Requirements

16.1. Press Conference Area 1. A room measuring 13m x 5m should be made available for Press Conferences

6. A PA system with a minimum of 3 stationary microphones at the top table and one mobile microphone should also be provided.

2. The room should have seating for a minimum of 30 persons. 3. A table for the principle participants with 6 chairs should be located at one end of the room with a tournament backdrop behind it. 4. A raised platform should be located at the back of the room for a camera and operator. 5. A fridge with refreshments should be supplied

Figure 42: Press Conference Area

16.2. Media Workroom 1. A room measuring 12m x 10m should be made available for use as a Media Workroom. 2. Facilities for 60 journalists should be made including the following items: a. 60 individual workstations b. 2 printer/scanner/photocopiers c. 3 TV monitors showing the live Match Feed d. A reception area manned by operational staff e. Filing area for Tournament issued information f. Lockers g. Notice Boards for general information h. Refreshment table and fridges

Figure 43: Media Workroom

3. There should be a minimum of 3 power outlets for every two workstations provided. 4. High Speed password-protected wireless broadband for the sole use of journalists should also be provided. Page 43 of 64

Figure 44: Media Workroom

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16.3. Photographers’ Workroom 1. A room measuring 12m x 10m should be made available for use as a Photographers Workroom.

4. High Speed wired broadband for the sole use of photographers along with password protected wireless broadband should also be provided.

2. Facilities for 40 photographers should be made including the following items: a. 40 individual workstations b. 2 printer/photocopiers c. 3 TV monitors showing the live Match Feed d. Filing area for Tournament issued information e. Lockers f. Notice Boards for general information g. Refreshment table and fridges 3. There should be a minimum of 5 power outlets for every two workstations provided.

Figure 45: Photographers Workroom

16.4. Media Tribune 1. A dedicated seating area within the Main Tribune and within easy access of the Media Workroom should also be provided. 2. This area should provide all accredited members of the Media with a location from which they can gain an unobstructed view of the Playing Enclosure. 3. Each location should have a work area which incorporates a desk area and a power outlet.

16.5. Mixed Zone 1. A mixed zone should be identified between the Team Changing Rooms and the location from which players leave the stadium area. 2. This is to allow media members access to players and other team members for interview. 3. A sturdy barrier should be in place between the media and team personnel. 4. Sufficient lighting should provide suitable conditions for broadcast interviews.

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Figure 46: Mixed Zone

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16.6. Photographers Match Positions 1. Access to a dedicated area behind the advertising hoardings located around each in-goal area should be provided for all accredited photographers. 2. This area should extend no less than 3m beyond the Dead Ball Line. 3. This area should also be supplied with high speed broadband access. Figure 47: Photographers Match Positions

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Extra-Stadium Facilities

17.1. Ticket Collection Booth(s) 1. A ticket Collection Booth should be located outside the perimeter of the stadium where tickets are required for access. 2. This booth should measure 5m x 10m with sixteen power outlets and a wired high speed wired broadband connection for access to ticket purchase databases as well as printing facilities for tickets should also be available.

17.2. Box Office Booth(s) 1. Booths for the purposes of selling tickets on match-day should be located outside the perimeter of the stadium where tickets are required for access. 2. This booth should measure 5m x 10m with sixteen power outlets and a wired high speed wired broadband connection for access to ticket purchase databases as well as printing facilities for tickets should also be available. 3. Facilities for both cash and credit card payment should be available and security procedures should reflect the presence of potentially large amounts of cash.

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Table 6: List of Appendices Appendix Number


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

List of Required Equipment Doping Control Room Suggested Layout IT & Communication Requirements Official Pitch-side Personnel Competition Systems integrator (CSI) Broadcast Data Flow List of Figures List of Tables Playing Enclosure 2 Requirements List of Relevant Related Documents

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18.1. Appendix 1 – List of Required Equipment 4. Table 7 details the equipment required to be in place at the stadium for use during a Sevens Tournament. 5. The details in Table 7 are in addition to any items detailed elsewhere in this document. Table 7: List of Sevens Stadium Required Equipment Short Description


Flag Poles


Goal Post Pads Rugby Balls (Match) Touch Judge Flags Rugby Referee Communication Device Games Branded Coin Match Officials Whistle Line Painter Line Paint Ball Bags Armbands (Medical) Ice Boxes Water Bottles Seats Table Warm-up bibs Page 48 of 64

Long Description

Rugby Goalpost measuring 5.6m across with a crossbar 3m from the ground and have an overall height of between 13m and 17m Springback Poles no less than 1.2m in height to mark the perimeter of the Playing Area. With padding around the pole. Flags for placement on the Flag Poles above Pads to protect the base of the Goal Posts. Pads should extend no further than 300mm from the surface of the GoalPost Match Balls for use during competition. Branded with Rio2016 Branding Flags for use by Assistant Referees during Competition Vest Communications Device For use for the coin toss before each contest Acme Thunder Whistle with wrist lanyard For painting lines on Playing Enclosure White for playing lines and 1 other colour for Assistant Referees Area Mesh Bag for holding Match and Training Balls For use by Tournament Doctor, Stretcher Bearers, Physios and Water Runners For use on Playing Enclosure To be distributed to teams For use on touchline by team personnel, officials For use on touchline by officials Various Colours for use by team personnel in Playing Enclosure

Quantity Description

Tournament Facility

Total Quantity

Set of 2



Set of 14



Set of 14



Set of 4









Set of 4 Devices


















Piece Piece

2 300

2 300











130115 Rugby Sevens World Series Stadium Facilities Benchmark Document Substitute Request Cards Scorecards Stationary Exercise Bikes Electronic Air Pump Ball pressure gauges Ice Baths Hit/Tackle Shields / Tackle Suit Air Horn Air Horn Refills Competition Results Board Rugby Balls (Training) Rugby Agility Poles Markers/Cones

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For use by teams to notify officials of substitution request For use by Officials to record match events For use by players and Match Officials for warm-ups and cool downs in Changing Room Area










For pumping balls




For checking air pressure in balls




For use in shower areas of Changing Rooms. 2 per shower area




For use during training sessions and warm-ups




Back-Up to main timing system For Air-Horns above For indication of results and standings during Competition Match Balls for use during training sessions.

Piece Piece

3 3

3 3







Agility Poles for use at training facility

Set of 1012



For use in Training Facility and Warm-up Areas

Set of 20



130115 Rugby Sevens World Series Stadium Facilities Benchmark Document

18.2. Appendix 2 – Doping Control Room Suggested Layout

Figure 48: Suggested Doping Control Room Layout

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18.3. Appendix 3 – IT & Communication Requirements Table 8: Communication & Electronic Requirements by Functional Area Area

Power Outlets

3-Phase Power 1 per

Wireless Broadband

Wired Broadband



TV Monitor

Screens, Scoreboards & Clocks Team Changing Rooms Match Officials’ Changing Room Doping Control Room

6* 6* 12

Yes Yes Yes


Medical Room




Physiotherapy Room Match Officials’ Comms Operation Room Player Registration Area

12 8 6


IRB Highlights Crew Room


Tournament Staff Office



Judicial Officers Room DVD Copying Station Dining Rooms Ball Kid Room Match Analysis Room

8 9




Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

Citing Commissioners Room Match Officials’ Reviewer Room CSI Room

8 8 16

Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes# Yes#

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World Feed


International Fixed National Fixed


International Fixed



International Fixed

International Fixed & Mobile

World Feed


ESV Feed & Dirty Feed World Feed


Yes Yes





Yes World Feed World Feed World Feed & Camera 1 Feed World Feed World Feed Clean Feed

Yes Yes

130115 Rugby Sevens World Series Stadium Facilities Benchmark Document Rugby News Services Workspace PA/DJ Room Entertainers Changing Room Sponsor Activity Changing Room Television Commentators Radio Commentators Pitch-Side Presentation Host Broadcaster Offices

6 4

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

10 8 12

Broadcast Production Room OB Van Area Press Conference Room Media Workroom Photographers’ Workroom Media Tribune Mixed Zone Photographer’s Match Position Ticket Collection Booth



90 100 1*


Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Box Office Booth



1 per Van


Yes Yes Yes


World Feed



World Feed



Dirty Feed

Yes Yes Yes

World Feed World Feed World Feed

Yes Yes


Yes Yes

Yes Yes


Power outlets marked * indicate the number of outlets per room/area. All TV monitors should be a minimum of 42” except those areas marked # which should be 14”

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International Fixed & Mobile


National Fixed National Fixed

Yes Yes

130115 Rugby Sevens World Series Stadium Facilities Benchmark Document

18.4. Appendix 4 – Official Pitch-side Personnel The following personnel, in addition to the Referee, two Assistant Referees and two In-Goal Judges, are required during the match: 1. Sideline Manager a. The sideline manager assigns and oversees the personnel appointed to perform the various roles required during a match. 2. Substitute Manager a. The Substitute Manager is responsible for controlling players during the substitution process. b. The Substitute Manager can communicate with the referees to inform them that a substitution is to be performed. 3. 6th & 7th Officials – Substitute Controllers/Technical Area Assistants a. The 6th and 7th Officials are assigned to a team each. b. They are responsible for managing the Team Personnel within the Technical Area c. In addition, they relay substitute information to the Substitute Manager. 4. Official Scorer a. The Official Scorer sits at a table at the half-way line. b. The Official Scorer takes the official record of the game, including scores, substitutions and yellow or red cards. 5. Time Keeper a. The Time Keeper sits at a table at the half-way line with the Official Scorer b. The Time Keeper is responsible for keeping a record of the timing of events during the match. c. Timing of Temporarily Suspended Players is also controlled by the Time Keeper. d. In the event of a breakdown in the Match Official’s Communication System the Time Keeper is responsible for signalling to the CSI Booth the referee’s instructions in relation to the timing of the match. 6. Reserve Referee a. The reserve referee is in place to provide cover for the referee in the event that he is unable to complete the match due to injury. 7. Substitution Protocol

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130115 Rugby Sevens World Series Stadium Facilities Benchmark Document a. A team notifies the Substitute Controller (SC) that they wish to make a substitution and provide him with a completed substitution form b. The SC accompanies the player to the Substitute Manager (SM) and gives him the substitution form. c. The SM checks the form and informs the referee that a substitution is to be made and provides him with the team and number of the player to be replaced. d. The referee informs the SM that the substitution can take place and the SM allows the player to enter the Playing Enclosure. e. The SC ensures that the player being replaced returns to his own Technical Area f.

The SM, once the substitution has been completed gives the substitution form to the Official Scorer who records the substitution in his match log.

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18.5. Appendix 5 – Competition Systems Integrator (CSI) 1. The CSI team are charged with managing the flow of information required by all parties regarding what happens within the Playing Enclosure. 2. There are 5 areas within the CSI team: a. Player Registration b. Scoreboard & Timekeeping c. Statistical Match Analysis d. Web & Media Information e. World Feed 3. Figure 49 provides a schematic of the flow of information among the 5 areas as well as the areas outside CSI which are relied upon and those which rely on CSI.

Figure 49: CSI Information Flowchart 4. Player Registration a. The player registration process begins 2 weeks prior to the competition with all teams submitting a form detailing their final squads, support staff and the flight and hotel plans for the team. b. This information is uploaded into the system and draft team forms are created which are then returned to the teams for final approval. Changes must be notified to the Tournament Manager who passes this information on to the CSI Team. Page 55 of 64

130115 Rugby Sevens World Series Stadium Facilities Benchmark Document c. A fair copy, which is the finalised copy of the Team Forms, is then created and distributed to the team. d. On match day, the Player Registration personnel are present to process the team forms as submitted by the teams. This submission must be performed by ticking the seven players in the starting line-up on the form and submitting it in person to the Player Registration Desk. e. Changes that need to be made to the Fair Copy as processed by Player Registration have a knock-on effect on all other areas within CSI and the output to external areas. 5. Timekeeping & Scoreboard a. The timekeeping and scoreboard area is staffed by two people. b. Their systems should be synced to the Big Screens so that update automatically. c. The Timekeeping and Scoreboard personnel have constant access to the Match Officials’ Communication audio. If this fails, an appointed official on the field will authenticate the referee’s actions and decisions and signal (either via radio or visually) to the CSI team what action has been taken. 6. Match Statistical Analysis a. This area is staffed by two people in the booth along with a number of spotters around the Playing Enclosure. b. All personnel are in contact via radio communication. c. The MSA team record all individual and team statistics in the match and input them into the CSI system in real time. These statistics include but are not limited to: i. Passes (Successful & Unsuccessful) ii. Kicks iii. Errors iv. Tries v. Knock-on’s 7. Web & Media Information a. This area is responsible for the collation of all information collected by the Timekeeping & Scoreboard and the MSA personnel. It then supplies this data in a readable form to internal and external areas. b. It automatically updates live match data on the official tournament website as well as the official tournament mobile applications. c. Live match data is also supplied to the Commentators Booths, the OBV and the Host Broadcasters. d. In addition to the live match data, historical data on player and team performance can also be supplied before, during and after matches. 8. World Feed Page 56 of 64

130115 Rugby Sevens World Series Stadium Facilities Benchmark Document a. The world Feed station is responsible for placing data captions on the broadcast feed that is delivered to broadcast partners and to the Big Screen. b. Relevant live information collated at the Match Statistical Analysis stage is delivered as captions on the feed that is received from the OB Van.

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18.6. Appendix 6 – Broadcast Data Flow

Figure 50: Broadcast Data Flow Page 58 of 64

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18.7. Appendix 7 – List of Figures Figure 1: Playing Enclosure ........................................................................................................ 6 Figure 2: Perimeter Area ............................................................................................................ 6 Figure 3: Technical Area ............................................................................................................. 7 Figure 4: Player Warm-Up Area ................................................................................................. 7 Figure 5: Substitute Controllers Station..................................................................................... 8 Figure 6: Medical Station ........................................................................................................... 8 Figure 7: Presentation Area ....................................................................................................... 8 Figure 8: Floodlighting ............................................................................................................. 10 Figure 9: Scoreboard ................................................................................................................ 11 Figure 10: Team Changing Area ............................................................................................... 13 Figure 11: Team Shower Area .................................................................................................. 13 Figure 12: Match Officials' Changing Area ............................................................................... 14 Figure 13: Doping Control Waiting Area .................................................................................. 15 Figure 14: Doping Control Processing Area ............................................................................. 15 Figure 15: Match Officials' Communication System ................................................................ 17 Figure 16: Player Registration Area ......................................................................................... 17 Figure 17: Tournament Staff Office ......................................................................................... 19 Figure 18: Judicial Officers Room............................................................................................. 19 Figure 19: DVD Copying Station ............................................................................................... 20 Figure 20: Tournament Dining Room....................................................................................... 20 Figure 21: Ball Kids Room ........................................................................................................ 20 Figure 22: Match Analysis Room.............................................................................................. 21 Figure 23: Citing Commissioners' Room .................................................................................. 27 Figure 24: Match Officials Reviewer Room .............................................................................. 27 Figure 25: CSI Room ................................................................................................................. 28 Figure 26: PA Announcer Area ................................................................................................. 29

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130115 Rugby Sevens World Series Stadium Facilities Benchmark Document Figure 27: Suggested Layout of Hospitality Village where space permits. .............................. 30 Figure 28: Team Coaches Parking Area.................................................................................... 33 Figure 29: Broadcast Operations - Camera Positions .............................................................. 36 Figure 30: Main Camera Gantry ............................................................................................... 36 Figure 31: Pitch-side Camera Positions.................................................................................... 36 Figure 32: In-Goal Cameras...................................................................................................... 36 Figure 33: Raised Camera Position .......................................................................................... 37 Figure 34: Television Commentators Position ......................................................................... 37 Figure 35: Radio Commentators .............................................................................................. 38 Figure 36: Pitch-side Presentations ......................................................................................... 38 Figure 37: Host Broadcast Offices ............................................................................................ 39 Figure 38: Broadcast Production Office ................................................................................... 39 Figure 39: OB Van Area ............................................................................................................ 39 Figure 40: IRB Highlights Crew Room ...................................................................................... 40 Figure 41: OB Van Interior ....................................................................................................... 40 Figure 42: Press Conference Area ............................................................................................ 42 Figure 43: Media Workroom.................................................................................................... 42 Figure 44: Media Workroom.................................................................................................... 42 Figure 45: Photographers Workroom ...................................................................................... 43 Figure 46: Mixed Zone ............................................................................................................. 43 Figure 47: Photographers Match Positions.............................................................................. 44 Figure 48: Suggested Doping Control Room Layout ................................................................ 49 Figure 49: CSI Information Flowchart ...................................................................................... 54 Figure 50: Broadcast Data Flow ............................................................................................... 57

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18.8. Appendix 8 – List of Tables Table 1: Floodlighting Considerations...................................................................................... 10 Table 2: Team Changing Room Areas ...................................................................................... 13 Table 3: Match Official Changing Room Areas......................................................................... 14 Table 4: Medical Room Facilities ............................................................................................. 16 Table 5: List of rooms required catering services .................................................................... 24 Table 6: List of Appendices ...................................................................................................... 46 Table 8: List of Sevens Stadium Required Equipment ............................................................. 47 Table 9: Communication & Electronic Requirements by Functional Area .............................. 50

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18.9. Playing Enclosure 2 Requirements In the event of a second Playing Enclosure being required for the hosting of a tournament then the following facilities will be expected to be provided:

Figure 51: Playing Enclosure 2 1. If Playing Enclosure 2 is within easy access of the main Stadium Structure then facilities can be shared between the two areas. Adjustments should be made to the required capacities where applicable to accommodate the increased personnel associated with 2 venues. 2. If Playing Enclosure 2 is not within easy access of the main Stadium Structure then the all areas should be available as per the specifications contained elsewhere in this document (except those specified in 8 below). 3. It may be possible to reduce some of the facilities required at Playing Enclosure 2 due to reduced capacities and reliance on those areas in the main Stadium Structure for operational support. 4. Separate Changing Rooms for all participants should be made available at Playing Enclosure 2. 5. The rooms with a view of the Playing Enclosure may be reduced depending on the demand for services as follows (all other rooms remain as detailed above): a. CSI – 60% of the space requirement detailed above should be available. b. Television Commentators – Space should be available for 3 commentators workstations and 2 live workstations

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130115 Rugby Sevens World Series Stadium Facilities Benchmark Document 6. The media facilities can be reduced and combined at Playing Enclosure 2 depending on the expected numbers of media accredited personnel. 7. Secure cabling capacity for uplink of the Playing Enclosure 2 Broadcast Feeds to the Host Broadcaster area should be provided and maintained. 8. The camera positions available at Playing Enclosure 2 may be reduced in consultation with the Host Broadcaster. 9. The following functional areas are not required at Playing Enclosure 2 under any circumstances a. Doping Control Room b. Judicial Officer’s Room c. DVD Copying Station 10. Accreditation protocols should reflect the requirement of tournament personnel to access both venues. 11. Ticketing provision for two venues should be accounted for.

Figure 52: Playing Enclosure 2 Facilities

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18.10. Appendix 10 – List of Relevant Related Documents 1. IRB Laws of the Game RUGBY UNION 2. IRB Tournament Medical Facilities – Medical Arrangements ( 3. IRB Anti-Doping Website

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