All Terriers On Line!

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on line

July 2011 Volume 1 Issue 1

GCH Rampage’s Triple Crown



GCH Lady KatHarine



A Top 10 Kerry, All Owner-Handled!� #9 All-Breed and #10 Breed (Canine Chronicle Stats thru May 2011) Shown winning Award of Merit at the Garden under Judge Mr. Ken McDermott

Bred By Nancy Andreasik Owned By Kaileigh Gonzalez & Nancy Andreasik

inside this ISSUE... page


HOW TO GET PERFECT COATS Part 1 of 4 by Eric Salas



on line

is published six times a year, in January, March, June, August, October & December. by McGuire McGuire Magazines 4143 Milton Shopiere Rd., Milton, WI 53563.







Editor’s Page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

On The Cover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141

Rates & Deadlines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

email: phone: 608-774-7435 fax: 866-226-8058 Editors Marcy McGuire Graphic Design & Page Layouts: Marcy McGuire Leah Hartlep Advertising deadline is the 1st of the month preceding publication. Deadline for editorial copy is 45 days prior to publication. Unsolicited editorial copy is welcome, however we cannot guarantee its use in the magazine. No part of this publication can be reproduced in any form without written permission from the editor. The opinions expressed by this publication do not necessarily express the opinions of the publisher. The editor reserves the right to edit all copy submitted or reject unsuitable advertising. © 2011


Welcome to the premiere issue of All Terriers On Line! Some of you know me as the editor and publisher of two print magazines, The Smooth & Wire Quarterly and The Doberman Pinscher Magazine. SWQ is going into it’s 11th year and the Doberman is hitting 5 years. You can expect the same great ad design and the same high quality articles in All Terriers On Line as you’ve seen in the other two magazines. So why a digital magazine? Greener and lower advertising costs. The economic facts of print are expensive from any angle. Printing, shipping, mailing — all big budget busters. Making the advertising costs high. Take a look at our lower rates on page 30. And subscriptions to All Terriers On Line are free! You can sign up to receive e-mail notices of publication dates and deadlines or you can just visit the website and go from there. Last year I introduced digital editions of the two print magazines at a considerably lower subscription cost. These have been very well received. They are high quality and easy to read on a computer, laptop or net book. Issuu, our digital magazine publisher, now has a beta version for the Android market. When the tablets become as easy to use as a net book, digital could easily become the wave of the future. As an advertiser of a show dog, I know you’ve already been thinking about those judges! I’ve reached out to all the Terrier Group judges with e-mail addresses inviting them to subscribe. We are on Face Book, as are many of the AKC judges. Our sign up does ask if you are a judge, so I can report back to the advertisers with a count of our judges. So hop on board and let’s ride the wave of the future — together!

On The Cover....

GCH Rampage’s Triple Crown Ch Rampages Kentucky Derby x Rampages Jewel Thief

Showing great promise as a 4 month old puppy Auggie lived up to this statement in limited showing in tough terrier competition in the Midwest,including Multiple Best in Specialty Wins, Group Win, and a dozen Group placements.

Owned by Jan Ramel & Kathy Hudziak Bred by Jan Ramel Presented by Carlos Puig & Kaileigh Gonzalez Conditioned by Kaileigh Gonzalez

Adam completes a memorable triple. Best of Breed Group 3 at MontGoMery Best of Breed Group 1 at AKC invitAtionAl Best of Breed Group 1 at WestMinster

G Ch. slyfox sneaks a peek J. W. smith

Mark & Joan taggart

eddie & lesley Boyes

Part 1 of 4 — Understanding pH By Eric Salas Many dollars have been spent trying to fix problems: Reduce drying times, fewer mats, fix wavy kinky coats, controlling volume, texture, eliminating breakage, producing deeper richer colors and eliminating stains just to name a few. For many years we have used home remedies such as beer, eggs, vinegar and even lemon juice in our hair with great results. Why, why, why? The short answer is the high acid side of the pH scale of the substance we use on our hair. The pH scale measures how acidic or basic a substance is. The pH scale ranges from 0 to 14. A pH of 7 is neutral. A pH less than 7 is acidic. A pH greater than 7 is basic or more on the alkaline side. The pH scale is logarithmic and as a result, each whole pH value below 7 is ten times more acidic than the next higher

value. For example, pH 4 is ten times more acidic than pH 5 and 100 times (10 times 10) more acidic than pH 6. The same holds true for pH values above 7, each of which is ten times more alkaline (another way to say basic) than the next lower whole value. For example, pH 10 is ten times more alkaline than pH 9 and 100 times (10 times 10) more alkaline than pH 8. Pure water is neutral. But when chemicals are mixed with water, the mixture can become either acidic or basic. Examples of acidic substances are vinegar and lemon juice. lye, milk of magnesia, and ammonia are examples of basic substances. All of the ingredients that enhanced our hair see (Fig A) are low in pH and make them high in acid. High Acid pH will lock down the fragile cuticle on the hair; this is the first and one of the most important steps in creating a great coat externally. Most products we currently use are closer to the higher numbers on this scale (Fig A). When you use most current shampoos, conditioners, brighteners, Figure B

Figure C

Figure D

bleaches‌ you are destroying your coats! The higher numbers are higher in alkaline and will soften the cuticle. This is visible by the presence of a dull dingy coat (Fig B). Notice the cuticles turned up? This makes the hair susceptible to the problems listed. Other factors that will destroy the cuticle is the water we use. Most water from the tap is above the neutral 7 on the pH range, under no circumstances use water with a pH factor above 7. Historically we have always been taught to dilute our shampoo and conditioning products, water is not our friend in this case. Unless the water you are using to dilute is lower than 7. Every time you apply water on hair above 7 you soften your coat, lift the cuticle, expose the cortex and create a dull dingy coat. For the best results only use distilled water because it is always at 7. Another option is to purchase a machine that can manufacture your current water into any pH desired. If you were asked what is more important? The roofing shingle on a house or the structure supporting the shingles? This is a trick question. One could not survive without the other. The cuticle is like the roofing shingle and the cortex is like the structure. The cuticle is translucent and is the only source of protection for the inner part of the hair, the cortex. The cortex (Fig D) maintains the shape of the hair, houses all of the color pigmentation, is the source of strength and elasticity and is water-soluble so it is susceptible to staining. Figure E

Figure F

Here is an example of a rabbit (Fig E) in the wild living in an area where it rains almost daily. This rabbit lives underground digging in the mud and not one stain on its coat. Many people would be horrified to watch their special digging in the mud. The first reason why this rabbit displays the vibrant rich coat we desire for our dogs is simple. It has never been washed with heavy detergents, bleached or had its coat dried out with other products. The solution to this first part of coat care is very simple. Do not use high alkaline products on your dogs coats! Identify the pH of any water that is applied with or without products and never go higher than 7. The next part of creating the perfect coat is maintaining the Cortex. Hydration, hydration, hydration is the key here. A non-traditional conditioner is the solution. A traditional conditioner is a conditioner that coats the hair and completely seals it protecting it. The truth is that you are coating the coat with a product that is high in alkaline lifting the cuticles and softening the hair. It also suffocates the cortex and prevents hydration. This will make the coat wavy, dry, dull in color and susceptible to staining and breakage (Fig B & C). Notice (Fig F) the hydrated hair on the left is round in shape, fuller and straight as the hair dehydrates it distorts in shape. A non-traditional conditioner will protect internally, hydrate the cortex and maintain a low pH. Because it is internal and low in pH it will be part of enhancing the genetic quality

of the breed. A non-traditional conditioner should be used daily on furnishings for the ultimate protection and quality. It is also very important to spray the coat to prevent breakage every time you use a tool or brush. Traditionally we have used a spray bottle and tap water. With this new knowledge it would be better to spray a solution that is low in pH to lock the cuticle down and a bonus would be a combination mixed with a non-traditional conditioner to hydrate the cortex. Creating products is very similar to breeding, trial and error with a touch of luck. Some people or in this case manufactures have personal priorities. Start with the best you can afford knowing that cutting any corners may give you less than


the desired results. I do not recommend going out and getting the highest acidic ingredients you can find to lock down the cuticle on your dog’s coat just like breeding it is the perfect combination that creates what you are looking for, too much of what we thought was a good thing has been the demise of many breeds. This series of articles are intended to provide you with the knowledge to go beyond your competition by fine-tuning your coat care and creating perfect coats with less effort resulting in stronger coats, more vibrant colors, eliminating stains and spending less on products to fix problems we have created without this knowledge. Part two will include topics such as nutrition; exercise and coat care from the inside out. g


Great ad design! Great articles! Great rates!

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Ad Rates per issue— Front page. . . . . . . . . $90 includes an on the cover inside page

Inside full page . . . . $70 Classified listing. . . . $10

Contact or call 608-774-7435 to reserve your ad today!

A Great Start for 2011...


Edenshire Tainted Luv Tsarshadow Flying Circus x Ch. Edenshire Luv Potion

Jett started 2011 with a bang going Best of Breed over Specials for a major at the Golden Triangle Kennel Club of Mississippi and went on to a Group , owner /handled, under Terrier Judge Colonel Joe Purkhiser. We are very proud of her record to date which includes multiple Sweepstakes, Regional Specialty and now Group wins.

Bred By: Mary Raggett & Connie Clark Owned by: Mary Raggett

y b s Gat

New Grand Champion Breeder • Owner • Handled

Int/Am GCh. Groove N TribalFox


Deb Mayer Cambridge, MN

Ch. InStyle’ S JuSt Run lIke A DeeR

sire: Am.Can.Ch.Hatcar Head Games aka Bandit


dam: Ch.lnStyle ‘s Fatal Attraction aka Fatal

is a Group Winning, Group Placing and Best Puppy in Show winner at just 6 ½ months of age.

Owned and bred by InStyle Kennels Po Box 138 Deloraine, Manitoba Canada R0M 0M0 www. 204-747-2114/ 204-747-4234 All breed handling is available.

GCH. Ironhills Steele Rampage X CH. Brookhaven Steele Abracadabrah

Owner: Cynda Schulte St. Louis, MO 314/894-8182 Breeders: Suzanne Hoseman & Mari Morrisey

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Handlers: R.C./Shari Carusi Leonardo Garcini

2011 Wire Fox Terrier Club of the Central States Šphotos by John Hudziak

2011 Wire Fox Terrier Club of the Central States Šphotos by John Hudziak

2011 Wire Fox Terrier Club of the Central States Šphotos by John Hudziak

2011 Wire Fox Terrier Club of the Central States Šphotos by John Hudziak

AFTC Floater, Louisville, KY Šphotos by Mike McGuire

AFTC Floater, Louisville, KY Šphotos by Mike McGuire

It’s New *allIt’s Fabulous * It’s


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the NEW on line magazine just for Terriers! all


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Ad Rates per issue— Front page. . . . . . . . . $90

11 July 20 1 1 Issue


includes an on the cover inside page

Inside full page . . . . $70 Classified listing. . . . $10



le Crow

’s Trip ampage

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