e r i F y M t h g Diamas’ Li
a i M
CH Okner’s Centurrion Raptor X CH King’s Black Orchid v Diamas, WAC
Bred by Rich & Karen Van Brummelen and Kathrin King.
Owned by Rich & Karen Van Brummelen and Walter Swartz 2 | The Doberman Pinscher Magazine
Thank you breeder judge Miss Doris Miller for this fabulous win..... breeder/owner handled to a 5 point major Specialty win. Mia will be looking for her last major. She is vWD clear and thyroid normal. Hips and heart DNA will be completed shortly. Diamas Dobermans Rich & Karen Van Brummelen Muncy, PA 570-546-8789 diamas@windstream.net June 2011
June 2011
The Doberman Pinscher Magazine | 3
Rio’s Fino MonsteR
Ch Phillmar Sobe monSter x rio’S Funny you Should aSk v moa
Patton iS Singled out From the PuPPy ClaSSeS, going beSt oF winnerS 4 timeS, reServe to a 5 Point major and been undeFeated in hiS age grouP. we are grateFul to all the judgeS who have helPed Start hiS Show Career on SuCh a SuCCeSSFul note! thank you to kayla beSkau aS hiS handler and the entire rio gran team.
breederS: karen & kayla beSkau ownerS: CharlSie & ben haynor hidden bay Farm - home to grand national ChamPion PaSo Fino horSeS & karen & kayla beSkau 651-480-4726 • 612-710-9330
4 | The Doberman Pinscher Magazine
June 2011
Strength, Beauty, Power, & PreSence...
CH Rio’s stand Up to tHe Law! AM/CAN INt. Ch PINe Crest stANdINg OvAtION x rIO’s All I Ask Of YOu
thANk YOu tO All the Judges whO hAve reAlIzed ANd reCOgNIzed hArveY’s quAlItIes. A verY sPeCIAl thANks tO hArveY’s hANdler, kAYlA BeskAu, whO hAs sPeNt COuNtless hOurs tO AChIeve greAtNess wIth hArveY!
Breeders: AMY & kAreN BeskAu OwNers: JulIe seYMOur, derek ussAtIs, & kAreN BeskAu 651-480-4726 • 612-710-9330
June 2011
The Doberman Pinscher Magazine | 5
Rio’s Java MonsteR
Ch PhIllmar sOBe mOnster x rIO’s Funny yOu shOuld asK v mOa
Tiberius Owner handled By rOse Ivey Owners: rOse Ivey & Karen BesKau.
Breeders: Karen & Kayla BesKau 651-480-4726 • 612-710-9330
Rio’s standing ValoR
am/Intl/ Can Ch PIne Crest standIng OvatIOn x rIO’s all I asK OF yOu
Gunner Owner handled By CIndy O’sell Owners: Karen BesKau & CIndy O’sell & Chad lOushIn.
6 | The Doberman Pinscher Magazine
June 2011
Rio’s Beautiful MonsteR ch phillmar sobe monsTer x rio’s funny you should ask v moa
Hayden proudly owner handled by kayla beskau
we wanT To Thank sobe, bis biss ch. phillmar sobe monsTer for GivinG us This beauTiful liTTer. owners: kayla beskau & karen beskau
breeders: karen & kayla beskau 651-480-4726 • 612-710-9330
BISS CH RIo’S WInnIng Red Hot AffAIR ch Trump’s diesel x rio’s funny you should ask v moa
Thank you To karen beskau and rio Gran for GivinG us This special boy. Thanks To amy severson who wiTh Tye, from ear TapinG To his biss, have become quiTe a Team. Tye is busy This summer finishinG his Grand championship
and his cd TiTles. owners: amy & susan severson
June 2011
The Doberman Pinscher Magazine | 7
CH Black Coral’s Sire: CH Electra’s Remedy Dam: Electra’s Plum Out Of Time
This Girl’s Got To Play
Cooling finished her Championship 9/12/10 with a 3 point major, Judge Desmond Murphy, handled by her Breeder/Owner, with all points acquired locally. Many thanks to co-breeder, Judy Bingham, for helping to produce such a great bitch! Owner/Breeder Nancy Jewell Parker, Colorado 303-840-3981 8 | The Doberman Pinscher Magazine
Co-Breeder Electra Judy Bingham
June 2011
Ch. Walkaway’s One Wild Night Ch. Alpha’s The Conquistador x Ch. Walkaway’s Get The Party Started (TOP 20)
Bon Jovi
Bon Jovi wins his final major handled by Cindi Huckfeldt at the Wichita kennel Club show. Thank you Judge dana Cline. A special thank you to all of Bon Jovi’s handlers — Cindi Huckfeldt, karin fox and dawn Honaker owners: MAry JAne and Julie lAdd • 314.997.2068 and 314.378.7628 walkawayl@aol.com • www.walkawaydobermans.com breeders: MAry JAne and Julie lAdd handlers: Cindi HuCkfeldT, kArin fOx, dAWn HOnAker June 2011
The Doberman Pinscher Magazine | 9
June 2011
The Doberman Pinscher Magazine | 11
m a b a
A ille
v nts
ADAMAS Dobermans Ch
CH ADAMAS Shooting For Eight CDX, RE, ROM, CGC
ADAMAS Bite The Bullet CD, RAE, OA, OAJ, PD1, PS1, PJ1, PG1, PK1, NAC, NCC, NJC, TN-N, TG-N, FDCh, W-TFD/MF, CGC
Thanks Elizabeth for our wonderful, beautiful and versatile companions. Pat Stueck mom to DE and Chevy and Martha Reichold mom to Chip and Dare.
ADAMAS All Left Turns RE (AKC major ptd)
ADAMAS Truth or Dare RE, FDCH-S, TF
ADAMAS dogs do it all! Conformation, Obedience, Rally, Agility, Flyball, and Freestyle June 2011
The Doberman Pinscher Magazine |13
ADAMAS family portrait 2006
earlier I had trained him for his Utility obedience title, but had never competed with him. As I was completing my entries for that National, something possessed me to sign him up for the Utility class. For the next three weeks I brushed Amadeus up for the Utility exercises — off lead healing, hand signals, scent articles, go outs and directed jumping. So fast forward three weeks and we are in the Utility ring with Judge C.T. Fulkerson, we are literally gliding
“I thank God everyday for my wonderful girls!”
ADAMAS All That And A Bag Of Chips NA, OAJ, NF * “Dixie” * Certified CRDG - (Crazy Red Dober-Girl)
and ADAMAS Enchanted Host MX, MXJ, OAP, NJP “Angel” DPCA Top 20 Agility Finalist 2002, 2003, 2004
through the exercises and have just one more go-out to do and we will qualify. As most of us know, Dobermans are a particularly bright breed- sometimes thinking things through to their owner’s chagrin, and Amadeus was no exception. As I sent him out for the second time, I can only imagine that he was thinking to himself, “OK, she’s asking me to re-do this exercise so I must have done something wrong the first time. So this time I’ll try something different.” So rather than going straight down the center, he veers off going over the right jump, and continues to veer going over the ring gating. Once outside the ring, he spies a plastic water bottle along the wall that someone has left, and he picks it up. By this time everyone ringside is laughing, so naturally Amadeus thinks he has done something wonderful and is prancing up and down along the ring with his ‘prize’. Still standing with me in the ring, C.T. picked up with his assignment and laughingly ordered, “Call your dog.” “Amadeus Front,” I called. Without missing a beat, Amadeus trotted along the ring side, through the gate and did a perfect frontpractically smiling as he offered me the bottle. “Take it,” ordered C.T. I did so. “Drink it,” ordered C.T. “I can’t,” I protested, “It’s not mine!” Any closing thoughts on the subject? While the titles and wins are fantastic, individual dogs are only with us for a few short years. So don’t forget to appreciate the journey, the things that each dog is brought into your life to teach you, and the friends that you make along the way. g
Thank you, Elizabeth, for breeding, whelping, raising and training ADAMAS Dobermans. James Barrett, Marietta, GA 16
| The Doberman Pinscher Magazine
June 2011
Elizabeth and Ch. Kaliber’s Sunday Silence
zabeth spans almost My relationship with Eli s the first person eighteen years. She wa the loss of our I met in the breed after Dobe. She lured precious backyard bred g Shows, by finding me into the world of Do on bitch, Kali. Of my wonderful foundati been looking for a course I had not really g she was!! What show dog. A “show” do fun! at times & shared We have had lots of gre ses over the many amazing succes my dogs, shared years. She has handled a good friend. We knowledge & became lped each other & have bred together, he the love of these cried many tears, all for joy that they bring to wonderful dogs & the ldest dreams would our lives. Never in my wi years ago, that this I have thought so many me such an important young girl would beco d her numerous person in my life. I’ve tol of her & marvel at times how proud I am lished. It’s hasn’t all that she has accomp e’s smart, tenacious, been easy for her ......Sh & fearless - now, who energetic, determined does that sound like??
Nancy Raffa Sodel www.kaliberdobes.com June 2011
Ch Adamas Ricochet X Ch Horizon’s Vista of Kaliber Sunny, the precious daughter of her Seamus & my Vista has been the joy of joys to both of us. Magnificent in both body & temperament.
Elizabeth and BIS BISS CH Kaliber’s Southern Gentleman AX AXJ CGC TDI
Pictured here after winning the Atlanta Specialty for the fourth time - this win from the Veteran’s Class at eight years of age under the esteemed Judge Jane Kay. He began his career being trained & handled by Elizabeth. They were quite a pair! The Doberman Pinscher Magazine | 17
Thank you Elizabeth for finishing Cobby at just 14 months of age.
GCH Dillon’s Evening The Odds Niklby CD RA vWD Clear, DCM Negative, OFA Good, Thyroid Normal
Elizabeth is also presenting Wiley, Dillons Stroke of Midnight. Nancy L Young Dillon Dobermans LLC Ashville, AL 205-594-7358
18 | The Doberman Pinscher Magazine
June 2011
ADAMAS Aftershock (AKC ptd) By BISS AKC/ MBIS UKC GrCH/ Int’l CH Talladega’s American Thunder RN, OA, OAJ, NF, CL-3, CGC, ROM x ADAMAS I.R.O.C., RE, OA, OAJ, NF (AKC ptd)
Tulsa I met Elizabeth in 2003 when I was looking to get another Doberman. When I got Taylour, Elizabeth, who over a short period of time went from being a breeder, to my friend, to a very good friend. I now have Tulsa who is a Taylour son. She is a very special person who i a m glad to know and have as a friend...............Frances Hart
Taylour ADAMAS I.R.O.C., RE, OA, OAJ, NF (AKC ptd)
Group Placer, Best In Sweepstakes Winner by Multi BISS CH ADAMAS Ricochet RN, AX, AXJ, ROM (OFA Good) x 2004 DPCA Top 20 Agility Finalist MACH ADAMAS Key To My Heart WAC, CGC (ptd) Owners: Sonny & Frances Hart & Elizabeth Barrett June 2011
The Doberman Pinscher Magazine | 19
Congratulations “Elizabeth of AdAmAS” for being featured as breeder-owner-handler. Your accomplishments are many as you breed for conformation, temperament and health. We have admired how your breeding program included breeding for correct structure — not only in your conformation dogs, but also in your obedience and agility dogs. We have valued your care, training and professional handling of our dogs.
Sire: Ch. Nova’s Zhivago v Kelview Dam: Scotsbrae Remember
Ch. Scotsbrae Yekaterina v Nova
Thank you for handling another one of our dogs to their American Championship.
A very special thank you for all you have been to us these past 12 years, making our transition to living in the South a wonderful one. Nova Dobermans Eileen and Frank Schenck Alabama 20 | The Doberman Pinscher Magazine
June 2011
ADAMAS Shake It Up OA, NAJ, NF Sire: ADAMAS All The Same To Me (AKC ptd) x Dam: Talladega’s She’s Like The Wind (needs 3 singles to finish)
Payton Owned and loved by Kim Langley Bred by and co-owned by: Elizabeth Barrett Handled by: Jocelyn Mullins I chose Elizabeth to be my breeder when I was looking for my next Agility top twenty star. I chose ADAMAS Dobermans because they are everything a Dobe should be, physical ability, brains and beauty. I wasn’t looking for a conformation dog too but when Elizabeth called me to tell me she had a puppy, she said I have perfect female for you. She sure did, I got more then I asked for and how often does that ever happen in life. Payton is a treasure she is a lovely issue to our dynamic Agility competitor racking up the titles, is only lacking three singles to finish her championship which she has accomplished in limited showing! Elizabeth is wonderful she has become a friend and mentor. Congrats Elizabeth on your feature!
ADAMAS Shock and Awe (AKC major ptd)
ADAMAS Shake It Loose
Sire: BISS AKC/ MBIS UKC GrCH/ Int’l CH Talladega’s American Thunder RN, OA, OAJ, NF, CL-3, CGC, ROM x Dam: ADAMAS I.R.O.C., RE, OA, OAJ, NF (AKC ptd)
Sire: ADAMAS All The Same To Me (AKC ptd) x Dam: Talladega’s She’s Like The Wind
We were referred to Elizabeth through our dear friend Kim who we are sharing this page with. We love our ADAMAS Dobermans, they bring us a lot of joy. Bullet is half way to his AKC championship and Maize is in competition Agility classes for her Agility future. Congratulations Elizabeth on your feature in this great magazine! Both are owned and loved by Dr. Rick and Mrs. Irene Wilcox | Bred by and co-owned by: Elizabeth Barrett Bullet is handled by: Jocelyn Mullins June 2011
The Doberman Pinscher Magazine | 21
2009, Shadeko's Twist N Shout
1997, Shadeko's Magic Touch
2007, Shadeko's Back To The Future
in the show ring. And you will have done it yourself without using a handler. Believe me, all the hard work is well worth it!
show, and she gaited around so proud but the whole time she was barking as if to tell everyone she was having fun. Everyone outside the ring was laughing.
What was your biggest win?
Any closing thoughts on the subject?
That’s a tough one to answer; I’ve had some wins which were to me the most memorable. Like when I finished my girl Ch Shadeko’s Second To None with a Best Of Breed over a Special, what a feeling! And just recently finishing my Ch Shadeko’s When Dreams Come True when she needed a single and finished with a major, then the next two days picking up two majors toward her Grand Championship. Getting a Best of Breed over a Top Twenty dog with my Ch Kaywood’s Clear Nite Conquest, to me that was super big! I think any win is big, just some more than others.
I feel honored that I was chosen to do this interview and it was fun talking about showing the dogs as it’s such an important part of my life. We need newcomers in this sport, and the biggest thing is for them not to become discouraged. I think it’s up to us who have been doing this to support them in showing and it would be wonderful if we had more owner-handlers. Right now there aren’t many in the ring and I would love to see more. I think times are changing a bit and more judges are recognizing the owner- handlers as I have noticed them winning more than previous years. In my opinion this is very important to the survival of the sport with the economy the way it is. No one wants to go to a show, especially with all the expenses involved, feeling defeated before they even set foot in the ring.
What was your funniest or most embarrassing moment in the ring? There are a few embarrassing moments but the one that comes to mind is when I was still pretty new at handling and sometimes got very nervous. I had a bad habit of hiding behind other handlers and their dogs. The judge wanted to give my girl Winners Bitch and had to look for me and literally wave handlers out of the way so he could award it. The funniest was when I took Shadeko’s Magic Touch to her first
My personal goal now is to win in the Group ring, and of course every handler’s dream is a Best In Show. Maybe it will remain a dream but I love to shoot for the stars and who knows, it could happen one day! I would like to thank The Doberman Pinscher Magazine for giving me this opportunity, it was a blast! g
To Pat: Thank you for your guidance, wealth of knowledge, friendship; and all you have given of yourself to the breed. Aline Buccola
Shadeko’s What Dreams R Made Of Ch Kaywood’s Clear Nite Conquest X Shadeko’s Over The Rainbow
Thank you Mrs. Evie Sullivan, for this win. Thank you Pat, for handling Dream. Owner: Aline Buccola Co-owner Patricia Reinhardt Breeder: Patricia Reinhardt 24 | The Doberman Pinscher Magazine
June 2011
Shadeko Dobermans is happy and excited to announce a very special breeding: Ch Ravenswoods Azure Sky RA (Blue) x Ch Shadeko’s When Dreams Come True CGC (Rally) Puppies born May 25th 5 Black Dogs & 4 Black Bitches Rally is 9 singles away from her Grand Championship and is working for her CD. We are so proud of her achievements and she’s not done yet! Rally is entirely owner breeder handled.
Ch Cambria’s Cavalleria LC-10D Ch Cambria’s Secret Desire BFL-1 Kaywood’s Highly Classified (ptd) LC-10D Ch Ravenswoods Azure Sky RA Ch Wendorf’s Phenomenon LC-10D Ch Judons American Pie v Rvnswd CD, RN, ROM CH. UAGI Ravenswoods Sweet Ms Behavin ROM CGC TDI ATT PUPPIES BORN MAy 25TH. 5 BLACK DOGS & 4 BLACK BITCHES Ch Briarwood Storms’ a Brewin LC-10D Ch Kaywood’s Clear Nite Conquest Kaywood’s Clear Nite Broadcast Ch Shadeko’s When Dreams Come True CGC Shadeko’s Fire in the Sky Shadeko’s Over the Rainbow Shadeko’s Silk Stalkings
Contact: Pat or Gene Reinhardt 724-726-0232 shadeko@yourinter.net
June 2011
Rally: vWD Clear, OFA Good, Echo and EKG Normal, Cerf, Thyroid Normal, Liver Panel Normal
Blue: vWD Clear OFA Good, Holter and Echo Normal, Thyroid Normal, Negative for Meur’s Gene for DCM, Liver Panel Normal The Doberman Pinscher Magazine | 25
Can CH Shadeko’s Lucky Charm Charm
Congratulations Pat on being a successful owner-breeder-handler! I met Pat for the first time just over a year ago at a dog show. I was very impressed to see her as a owner-breeder-handler! Something in the competitive Doberman ring is a rarity. We went on to develop a friendship and being an owner-breeder-handler myself for the past 20 yrs we could share stories of our wonderful accomplishments over the years. Pat has had the pleasure of finishing several dogs to their championships. We co-own a pretty black girl together that Pat bred, Charm. She had her 1st Am points put on her by Pat as a puppy and I’m happy to say the second set of points by myself. There should be more owner handlers out there in the rings as they are our future. So come on all you owners out there slip on your show shoes and come out and have some fun with your dogs. Congrats again Pat keep doing what your doing in the rings handling your dogs and having fun.....that’s what its all about
Best regards, your friend Debi Noonan, Nightflight Reg’d Ontario Canada www.nightflight.piczo.com
Shadeko’s Believe It or Not Breaker To owner/handle a dog has been a dream of mine since I was a child. Pat has taken the time to help me, a complete novice to the show ring, realize this dream. Pat, took a Puppy Group win and put the first point on our boy and with her direction and guidance I was able to put a point on him myself. That was one of the happiest moments of my life. I want to thank you Pat, for that opportunity! You have been a great mentor. We couldn’t love Breaker more. Your friends, Lisa and Jeff Sangregorio
Shadeko’s Quest For Rubies Journey I’d like to thank Pat for being a wonderful mentor to me. Pat has been immensely supportive of my goal of finishing Journey as an owner/handler. Thanks to Pat’s encouragement and guidance Journey is pointed with me as the owner/handler. I hope to follow in Pat’s footsteps and finish Journey owner/handled like Pat has done with Rally. Congratulations on Rally’s Championship Pat and Gene and a special thanks for entrusting me with such a lovely girl. Kristin Allen 26 | The Doberman Pinscher Magazine
June 2011
CH BluJ’s Queen of Harts Cha-Rish V Aludra Sire: CH Aludra’s Dino
Dam: Cha-Rish Kiss Me Kate
• OFA Good • Vetgen Clear • Thyroid normal
A Vetgen clear Spring breeding is planned for Viva and Quest, CH Kaywoods Clear Nite Conquest.
Breeders/Owners Judy & Jack Crowley crowbluj@msn.com June 2011
Co-Owner: Rebecca Roter The Doberman Pinscher Magazine | 27
GCh Abadie’s Return of the King Rn CGC WAE
Sire: Ch Ravenswoods Azure Sky RA Dam: Ch Wingate’s Irish Star VWD Clear VCGL DCM negative DOB: 03.03.07
Started his career at 6 months completely owner handled, getting his first point his first week end out. At seven months he took fourth place at Nationals in the 6-9 month black dog class. He took back-to-back four point majors in Cambridge Mn. At 18 months old he finished his AKC championship. He finished his GCh in limited showing. I would like to thank all the judges that saw his wonderful qualities and Barb for all her help with this wild child and guiding me in the conformation ring. He is now beginning training in Obedience and Agility, and loves every minute of it. This is a natural stack of Lexx at our home. — 2011 AKC Eukanuba National Championship Qualifier — Owners: Candace Gerbers Brey and James G. Brey Candee@netnet.net Breeder: Barbara Lankford barlank@aol.com June 2011
The Doberman Pinscher Magazine | 31
Don’t aim for success if you want it; just do what you love and believe in, and it will come naturally. David frost
Abadies Black Dahlia It certainly is an honor to write on behalf of an outstanding breeder, handler, and amazing friend. Barb Lankford is truly a success story! She exemplifies all the qualities of an outstanding breeder-handler. Each day Barb embraces her work with a well defined purpose. She has a strong desire to achieve and is not easily influenced by the counter-productive thoughts or opinions of others. What she demonstrates faithfully is advocating for every dog, providing them with a life of love, pleasure, and happiness. She is ambitious and is willing to work hard and go the extra mile! Her efforts in and out of the ring portray enthusiasm, commitment, and pride to our phenomenal breed. Barb is not just a “busy” person; she’s productive! She utilizes her skills, talents, and knowledge to uphold the breed’s standard. She is never hesitant to recognize the accomplished efforts of other breeders or handlers. Her ability to unselfishly offer guidance, encouragement, and support to those around her is admirable. Barb’s overall contribution to the breed places her amongst the finest! I personally thank-you for my lovely girl “Emmie”- Abadies’s Black Dahlia who I adore and love so much! Barb, I wish you continued success in all your endeavors! Sincerely, Shari Demitrowicz Francesca Dobermans
32 | The Doberman Pinscher Magazine
June 2011
rather than showing any and all dogs to all judges. Do your research and know what a judge likes. Remember, the judge sees the professionals all the time and when they see a dog being shown to its best advantage and one that is hopping around the ring, they don’t have to think long and hard about which dog to pick! I remember showing Charlie at a show and after moving him around the ring, the judge commented to me that he thought Charlie was a really nice dog and he wished he could have seen him move with all four feet on the ground, not one or two… I found I did the best when I showed my dogs to breeder-judges. They have likes and dislikes and they can see what they like or don’t like in the dogs that come into their ring. I found when I had a dog they liked; they didn’t hesitate to award the points to my dog and often gave me the benefit of a doubt when I made handling errors. What was your biggest win? I handled my girl, Ch.Careveille’s Dizzy Miss Lizzy, from start to finish. My biggest win(s) were when Lizzy got two back-to-back five point specialty win majors and this was when the entries for bitches were often over 50!
What was your funniest or most embarrassing moment in the ring? Funniest moment was when I showed Lizzy at Westminster. I arrived and got set up in the benching area. Lizzy and I sat and spent the day greeting all the kids and parents who walked by. I asked each person, young and old, to come and cheer for Lizzy when she showed. As each of the top specials went around the ring, there was polite cheering from the crowd. Then it was Lizzy’s turn. As I took Lizzy around the ring, all the kids and their parents erupted in cheers and loud clapping! Kids can sure clap, whistle and shout their approval loudly! The judge did a double take — who is this dog and handler? We didn’t win, but the kids who cheered for Lizzy were elated that they helped make her “special.” Any closing thoughts on the subject? It is a lot of work to show your own dog and do it well, but it is worth it and it is fun. You can be an owner-handler in all venues, not just in the conformation ring and I am as proud of my accomplishments in obedience, in the working dog sport and hopefully later this year, in agility, as I am of my breed ring wins. Enjoy! g
On Feb 21st, I lost Charlie Brown's momma, Ch. Viking's Zelda V Kelview, CDX, ROM, BH, CGC, TDI. She was 10 3/4 yrs old and for both me and Charlie, the love of our lives.... she was sick less than a week and diagnosed with an aggressive brain cancer.
June 2011
The Doberman Pinscher Magazine | 35