DPM June 2012 Ads

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Doberman P M THE



Volume 6, Issue 1 | June 2012


2 | The Doberman Pinscher Magazine

June 2012

June 2012

The Doberman Pinscher Magazine | 3

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e n i h s ready to


The Doberman Pinscher Magazine | 5

Ch Wendorf’s Valor x BIS BISS Ch Paradigm Paradise Regain’d NA NAJ CGC ROM

pictured at 13 months

At 13 months and in only 6 weekends, Ziggy has won three majors HUK PZ SVVRPUN MVY OPZ ÄUHS WVPU[Z :WLJPHS HWWYLJPH[PVU [V [OL MVSSV^PUN Q\KNLZ MVY YLJVNUPaPUN APNN`»Z WV[LU[PHS! Ms. Charlotte Clem McGowan - Reserve Winners Dog Ms. Karen Platt - Best Puppy in Match, Wheatland Cluster Mr. James G. Reynolds - Winners Dog, Best of Opposite Mrs. Michelle L. Billings - WD, BOS, 3 pt major Mr. Richard G. Beauchamp - Winners Dog Miss Virginia L. Lyne - Winners Dog, Best of Winners Ms. Jan C. Sigler - Winners Dog, Best of Winners

Mr. Carl E. Gomes - Winners Dog, 3 pt Major Ms. Dawn Danner - Major Reserve Winners Dog, DPC of Greater KS City Specialty Ms. Linda S. Cain - Best Jr. in Sweeps, DPC of Dallas Specialty Ms. Judith Ann Smith - Best Bred By, DPC of Dallas Specialty Ms. Bonnie Linnell Clarke - Winners Dog, BOW, 4 pt major


June 2012

Quartet Dobermans “The Perfect Harmony of Beauty & Brains�


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U-CH Quartets Spectacular Moment Pinkus has started her show career presented by her breeder/owner and is pointed from the puppy classes. Thank you to all the judges that have recognized Pinkus’ beauty and soundness around the ring, and awarding her 2 Best Puppy wins and 2 RWB to majors at the Fort Wayne, IN shows. Watch for “teamâ€? Pinkus in a ring near you ‌‌ Bred, trained, owned & loved by QUARTET DOBERMANS * Wende Call %BZUPO 0IJP t t XXX RVBSUFUEPCFSNBOT DPN June 2012

The Doberman Pinscher Magazine | 7


“Niki” !"#$%&'()*+,-+./+0'(-"1+23+,4)56 7"#(8+9':+;:*4)1< 016+=&>-'?&#+;'?*#(+ @ABA@+C+.+D'&(-+C+EBFGB.. 0?6+D#:H+@&HH"#:>8++ @A+C+.+D'&(-+C+IBF.B.. 016+J#?)(+A&HH&(41+ @ABA@C+F+D'&(-1+C+IBFIB.. 0?6+!"#?H&)+2HK&1+ @ABA2L+C+.+D'&(-+C+GB.IB.. 016+,(4)H#+D'?%'?#++ @A+C+.+D'&(-+C+GBF/B.. 016+0#?>&+M'N8&(+ @ABA@+C+.+D'&(-+C+.OBFB.. 0?6+P'N)?-+LH#Q+ @ABA@+C+F+D'&(-1+C+.OBGB.. 0?6P&>8+R1>"S)(*)?+ @ABA@+C+0#T'?+C+.BFIB.F 0?16+J#-"H))(+L-))(++ @A+C+0#T'?+C+UB.B.F

Ch Gorrmae’s Cover Girl

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June 2012

Ch. Rolin’s No Reservations GCH Sunburg’s Street Sense, “Garmin� x CH. Abadie’s Crystal Vision, “Mindy�


The Sky’s The Limit!

In 4 weekends, from start to finish, Reno became a Champion with 4 majors at 10 months, 1 day. We want to sincerely thank the judges who found the quality in this young dog — +VEHF +PTFQI 5PNFZ QUT t +VEHF +JN #SJMFZ QUT t +VEHF -JOEB ,SVLBS QUT t +VEHF (BSZ #BTTFUU QJDUVSFE QUT " IFBSUGFMU UIBOL ZPV UP ,BSJO 4UFWF 'PY GPS UIFJS FYQFSUJTF BMPOH UIF XBZ UIFJS professionalism in finishing Reno so quickly! What a team!!! 0XOFST #SFFEFST 3PMJO %PCFSNBOT t 3PMBOE -JOEB )BHNBOO 1FLJO *- June 2012

Handlers 7POEVSB %PCFSNBOT t ,BSJO 4UFWF 'PY #PTUPO ,: The Doberman Pinscher Magazine | 9

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June 2012



Thank you to all the judges that appreciated Mia during her rapid journey to her Championship. Back-to-back majors for the big finish! The following weekend in Ft. Worth, Best of Breed, over several Top 20 specials. Special thanks to David Harper for filling in at Ft. Worth. Watch for Mia and Alisa in the Specials ring! June 2012

Ch. Foxfire All Star x GCh. Heartfelt’s Alibi V Touchstone

Breeders/Owners Joe and Sara Lynch saraandjoe@att.net

Co-Breeder/Co-Owner/Handler Alisa Brotherhood touchstone0525@att.net The Doberman Pinscher Magazine | 11


20 28 36 46 56 66 72 82

Beautiful Bitches feature THE TWINS, BISS A/C Ch Alpha’s Satin Doll CD,

ROM & Ch. Alpha’s My Funny Valentine, WAC, TDI

Beautiful Bitches feature MACCI, Ch. Jager’s Hot Carmel Machiato Q & A with Owner Handler JUANITA FAGAN, Heartwood Dobermans Featured Owner Handler COLLEEN NICHOLSON, Kelview Dobermans Q & A with Owner Handler KAYLA BESKAU, Rio Gran Dobermans Q & A with Owner Handler JOHN SCHOENEMAN, Schohaus Dobermans Q & A with Owner Handler LAURA JONES, Caleb Dobermans A SPECIAL WORKING DOBERMAN Historic Human Remains Detection by Bonnie Guzman

20 12 | The Doberman Pinscher Magazine


From The Publisher. . . . . 14 On The Cover . . . . . . . . 16 Meet breeder-judge Adrain Woodfork . . . . . .44 The View From Here by Elizabeth Barrett . . . . 65 Greetings From Parker, Colorado by Nancy Jewell . . . . . . . 70 CLUB PAGES UDC NATIONALS results and photos . . . . .84 DPC of Charlotte . . . . . . 91 DPC of Atlanta . . . . . . . . 93 Top Twenty Agility Stats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .90 Top Twenty Obedience Stats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92 Top Twenty Conformation Stats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94 Business Card Directory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95 Rates & Deadlines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96 Index of Advertisers . . . . 98 Index of Advertised Dogs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98

102 June 2012

June 2012

The Doberman Pinscher Magazine | 13

June 2012

The Doberman Pinscher Magazine | 15



Fifi is currently the number one dog among all breeds! WOW! As I type this I find my self overcome with emotion because for me this is simply unbelievable. I am humbly grateful for this moment in time with my dog. I have been told she is the first Doberman in the history of the breed to achieve this ranking breeder, owner handled. I have always felt Fifi was a gift, a blessing actually, and I believe she is my breeder’s dream. I would pray that someday I would have a very special dog (a black bitch to be specific) who I could show and have earn her way into the Top Twenty. I find myself in awe of Fifi because of all she is affording me, she has taken me to places I dreamed about and beyond my dreams way beyond. I’ve included pictures of a baby Fifi and some special memories of our time together from this past Top Twenty year, May 2011- May 2012. Fifi lives her life out loud, she is amazingly smart, loves to be interactive, she’s expressive with every ounce of her being and does everything with her whole heart giving her attitude out the wazoo which is what I believe makes her such a great show dog. Fifi is a fun dog to have as a family member too, she enjoys playing two ball Chuck It, swimming, lure coursing, working sport

Owners: Suzy & Dick Lundy Jocelyn and Kevin Mullins 16 | The Doberman Pinscher Magazine

June 2012

— all forms of learning and training. I think she enjoys engaging people because her reward is attention and she LOVES attention. Fifi has fans who visit her at shows and even sometimes bring her presents, this support is unbelievable and very special.

The Doberman Pinscher is facing critical breed specific legislation. I am proud of Fifi’s great public relations during these difficult times. I believe there is no better time to have a Doberman at the top. Our breed needs to shine in the eye of the public and Fifi will do her very best to continue to honorably represent our breed that we all love so much.

June 2012

The Doberman Pinscher Magazine | 17

... has a litter to consider! 2 black males, 2 red males, 1 red female. Only three puppies left.


MICK RICK PURPLE PLEASE !"#$%&&'($)*+$,-.($/0)$*1223-2


CH TIBURON ARSENAL) !"#$%&&'($)*+$,-.($/0)$*4-12 MICHELE LAUZON Bennington, VT 802-447-1360

Ch Cambria!s Secret Desire MBISS CH Ravenswoods Azure Sky RA CGC Ch Judons American Pie v Rvnswd CD RN ROM


Ch Trotyl De Black Shadow WAC

Ch Aquarius Garbo V Tiburon Ch Aquarius Black Rain Ch Terrylane!s Red Hot Rampage Spelkaster Purple Tiger V Aludra (major ptd.) Ch Aludra!s Berlinetta


Ch Aludra!s Dino

Silvercrest Snow N Chili v Aludra Ch Daybreak!s Stuck Up Jo v Aludra 18 | The Doberman Pinscher Magazine

Ch Cambria!s Cavalleria .D\ZRRGҋV +LJKO\ &ODVVLÀHG SWG /& ' &K :HQGRUIҋV 3KHQRPHQRQ /& ' Ch UAGI Ravenswoods Sweet Ms Behavin ROM CGC TDI ATT Am Ch Arg GRCh Inaqui De Black Shadow Arg Ch Jessy de Vulcano $P ,QW 0H[ &K $UJ %U] *5&K 1HOORҋV /H[ /XWKRU :$& Ch Aquarius Krewe of Zulu &K (TXLQR[[ /LRQKHDUW 7HUU\ODQH Ch Terrylane Jewel of the Nile Ch Silvercrest Screaming Eagle Ch Jalar Genevieve v Aludra Ch Silvercrest Screaming Eagle Ch Jalar Genevieve v Aludra &K /H[XV )LQDQFLDO %XUGHQ Ch Daybreak!s Sticky Buns

June 2012

June 2012

The Doberman Pinscher Magazine | 19

June 2012

The Doberman Pinscher Magazine | 23

Like fine wine, some things only get better with age…

Introducing Back-to-Back Best Veteran Bitch and Specialty Awards of Merit Honoree

CH Kaliber’s Theatrical WAC

What a thrill to see Diva making her way around the ring with her powerful gait so many years after her retirement. Thank you Esteban Farias for handling her to these wins at the concurrent Atlanta DPC specialties! Thank you also to breeder-judges Judy Smith and Pam DeHetre for these honors! Diva is owned by Sue Skoglund and Nancy Raffa-Sodel. Diva is the latest, representing FOUR GENERATIONS of veteran-winning dogs from Kaliber Dobermans. She proudly follows in the steps of… Diva’s dam: Vista’s sire: Gent’s dam:

CH Horizon’s Vista of Kaliber Atlanta DPC Best Veteran Bitch

CH Kaliber’s Southern Gentleman AX, AXJ, TDI DPCA Best Veteran in Sweeps

CH Horizon’s No Mo Foolin’ WAC Multiple DPCA Best Veteran in Sweeps

Kaliber Dobermans Nancy Raffa-Sodel KaliberDobes.com (770) 560-5004 24 | The Doberman Pinscher Magazine

June 2012

Kaliber Dobermans proudly presents our latest champion…

CH Kaliber’s Unforgettable Cole’s road to his championship was a quick one- starting with a win in his large 6-9 month class at the 2011 DPCA Nationals under breeder-judge Skip Thielen, followed a few weeks later by his first major. He went on to finish with four majors at 14 months, expertly handled by Esteban Farias. Watch for Cole this summer as he pursues his Grand Championship.

e l o C

DPCA Top 20 Ch Maco’s Sugar Twin DPCA Top 20 Ch Primary Charlie Pride Ch Primary Guilty as Cin GCh Demira Far and Away of ADAMAS CD, RA, ROM Ch Cambria’s Cactus Cash 2006 DPCA WB/BOW Ch Van Orman’s Vanity of Demira Watauga Van Orman Sumrsky Vega “Cole” is Meur’s DCM Negative. Other health testing pending. DPCA Top 20 Ch Primary Charlie Pride Four-time BISS Ch ADAMAS Richochet AX, AXJ, RN, ROM Ch ADAMAS Intimidator CDX, RE, ROM Kaliber’s Charismatic (littersister to 2007 DPCA WB/BOW) BIS/BISS Ch Kaliber’s Southern Gentleman AX, AXJ, TDI Ch Horizon’s Vista of Kaliber Ch Horizon’s Trifecta

Kaliber Dobermans Nancy Raffa-Sodel KaliberDobes.com (770) 560-5004 June 2012

The Doberman Pinscher Magazine | 25

!"#$#%&'(%)'** )+,%-./%0110%%2%)+*34%05/%01-0 Hermangiosarcoma of the Spleen

Shown above at 4 years of age, and on the left with her silly ways at 9 years of age. Adele is shown above at 4 years of age, and at 9 years on the left as her typical silly self. Just 3 points shy of her AKC championship, it was a shame that $GHOH GLG QRW ÀQLVK %XW VKH WKRXJKW VKH ZDV D ELOO\ JRDW DQG after a second surgery for an obstruction her show career ended She was an awesome friend, I miss her every day.

Owned and loved by Marcy McGuire 26 | The Doberman Pinscher Magazine

%UHG %\ Margaret Morrison June 2012

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2ZQHU )$,7+ 016%-,0 %($77< )DLWK$6%#DRO FRP The Doberman Pinscher Magazine | 27


Please come and enjoy some great Midwestern hospitality Back-to-Back Doberman Specialties Friday, Sept. 7, - AM Specialty Mr. William P. Shelton, California Friday, Sept. 7, - PM Specialty Mr. James Briley, Louisiana There will no Obedience, Rally or Sweepstakes this year. As in years past there has not been an entry. Visit www.onofrio,com for entry fees & more information. Entry fees the same as last year!

Des Moines Kennel Club Saturday Sept 8, 2012 BIS Dr Robert A Indeglia, Group Mr. William (Bill) P Shelton Breed Mrs. Kathleen Steen Des Moines Kennel Club Sunday Sept 9, 2012 BIS Mrs. Kathleen Steen Group Nr. Robert Shreve Breed Darryl Vice

Doberman Pinscher Schedule of Points for Divsion 6 3 pts D B 8 12

4 pts D B 10 19

5 pts D B 15 26

for more information or with questions contact -Ì>VÞÊ- ÃÊUÊ Ã>Li>Õ` LiÃJµ°V


would become sound enough to special. After finishing so easily, the real work began. Paul wanted another Top Twenty contender and I wanted her to be a Best in Show and Specialty winner. SHE DID IT ALL! Macci was also the first Best in Show winner for both her sire Hunter and dam Heidi. Her ads were stunning and always developed by the ever-talented Leslie Hall, and her covers legendary. Her wins are on record and it was a blast specialing her. When we knew it was getting to the end and she needed to move her career to the whelping box we looked for a spot that would give her an opportunity to end her career with a special win. We chose the Cincinnati weekend knowing there was a strong possibility to exit as a winner. That final win came under a breeder judge who had liked her and admired her standard size and showmanship. Linda Krukar was that final Judge to point at Macci, and we were honored with that win. I will admit I cried, but it was wonderful to finish her career at a specialty. Knowing it was the end was bittersweet. We appreciate all who recognized her quality and beauty. Luckily Paul was there at the beginning and end; she holds a special place in his heart. From Paul’s first litter came Macci, the group winning, champion producing Ch. Jager’s Chantico Amandre and Ch. Jager’s Coupage Del Sol, the only three graded as show. Macci wasn’t fortunate enough to have puppies; it just wasn’t part of GOD’s big plan. For many reasons Vance and I were lucky enough to have Macci retire here with us and we enjoy her antics everyday. She is the best watchdog in the house, educating all the puppies coming through, and her current, very special project, is her little sister GCh. Jager’s at Last “Etta’s” son. She is sure he will be the next Jagerdobe super star and is taking great pains to make him listen to her advice. We really want to thank the Cundiff family for taking such great care of Macci when we vacation or just have too many for the help on the weekends I am away at shows. They continue to take her even after she went swimming in the Koi pond thinking she was going to grab her own afternoon snack.

We are blessed by the people who came into our lives because of this wonderful red treasure, and thank everyone who made her career so much fun and continue to support Jagerdobe Dobermans. K

The best accommodations with the most grass: Country Inn and Suites $69.00 + tax (515) 223-9254 NO PET FEE Sleep Inn @ Living History Farms $69.00 + tax (515) 270-2424 NO PET FEE * i>ÃiÊ>Ã Êv ÀÊÌ iÊ iÃÊ iÃÊ i i Ê ÕL L V Ê vÊÀ ÃÊv ÀÊÌ iÊ }Ê- ÜÊ,>Ìi 30 | The Doberman Pinscher Magazine

June 2012

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June 2012

The Doberman Pinscher Magazine | 31

Ch. Black Cor al’s Irreplaceable


32 | The Doberman Pinscher Magazine

Owner/Breeder Nancy Jewell 303-840-3981

Co-Breeder Judy Bingham June 2012

Megamug Dobermans


Megamugs Havent Seen The Last Of Me

Sire: Ch. San Martino’s Game On v Jobe’s

Dam: Sunkings Black Swan


Megamugs Bound To You

After 42 years of breeding Dobermans starting all over again with new bloodlines, and new kennel name; all our previous champions under Jobe’s Dobies and Inspiration Dobermans. Rebecca Riggs Breeder/Owner/Handler ~ Colorado, USA ©photos by www.risasart.com June 2012

Puppies photos taken at 11 weeks of age The Doberman Pinscher Magazine | 33


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40 | The Doberman Pinscher Magazine

June 2012

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B:'5*2'!'58!B/@@!J'I'5 "K%!D)//8/)!7@!C/)*2 666$H/')2677837(/)#'5,$17# KHDUWZRRGGREHV#PVQ FRP ‡ June 2012

The Doberman Pinscher Magazine | 41

!"#$%&'()*++,-.$%+)$/'01'2$!3!2$45 In 2007 I got an email from Juanita Fagan telling me about three beautiful show puppies. I had bought my first Doberman, an AKC registered pet named Rumor, from Juanita a couple of years prior. Knowing and loving Rumor inspired me to investigate the show world. To make a long story a wee bit shorter, I’ll just say it - I brought Reece home when she was 5 1/2 months old. I was in love. Reece and I hit the show ring a few weeks later. At her second show we took Reserve Winners over several others out of the 6 to 9 puppy class. I was on cloud 9! Reece was everything Juanita said she would be in that email. Juanita is an amazing mentor, teaching me the ropes of the show world and traveling with me every step of the way. Juanita only showed Reece once but put a 5-point major on her. This really helped to jump-start Reece’s show career. Reece, who today is CH Heartwood’s Hot Zamba, RA, CGC, is not only a beauty, but has brains as well. Owning her has been the most incredible experience of my life. Because of Juanita and Reece I found my passion showing dogs. I’ve traveled to places I would never have gone without them. So to Juanita Fagan and Reece, I say thank you. Thank you for a journey I’ll never forget. Cheers to a great breeder and a wonderful friend. Thank you for everything. Rachelle Duncan

Reece is now owned by Francoise Allard of Fabert Dobermans in Canada. She is working on her Canadian Championship and preparing for motherhood.

!"#$%&'%(#)"*+,,$ -./%!"##$#"%,0%1#"2* +++3(#)"*+,,$4,&#"5)6738,5 9#)"*+,,$$,&#7:57638,5 42 | The Doberman Pinscher Magazine

June 2012

&K +HDUWZRRGÂśV +RW 1LJKW %RRJLH &*& 6$5 VWD Clear, Thyroid Normal, OFA Good, Heart Normal

Besides earning his Championship, Cooper is an active member of Jackson County Sheriff’s Search & Rescue K-9 Unit.

Âł&223(5´ I met Juanita Fagan when she came to save the day as principal of our children’s school. A few years later she earned the title of best Principal in the State Of Oregon. Likewise, I have seen her put that same determination into our beloved, Doberman Pinscher. Over the years (nearly 30!), Juanita and my friendship has been enhanced by our Doberman addiction. Oh Boy, have we had some fun going to dog shows! It was during the grading of Heidi’s litter (Ch Heartwood’s Just Sooo Hot, CGC Thd) I tried, honestly, but could not resist taking home a gorgeous little boy who became Ch Heartwood’s Hot Night Boogie, CGC SARair (“Cooperâ€?). He is my trusted Search and Rescue buddy who is too smart for his own good with a sense of humor that continually creates antics that keep me laughing. Congratulations! It has been a ball watching the successes of Heartwood Dobermans and I can’t wait to see the future. Juanita, all the happy Heartwood puppy owners are a testament to your integrity and conscientious drive to produce the healthiest and the best Doberman that you can. And best of all, I thank you for the dear friend that you have been all these years. Karen Mihaljevich & Cooper (“Aunt Karenâ€? to all Heartwood’s doberkids) mihalj@ashlandwireless.net June 2012

The Doberman Pinscher Magazine | 43

Marquis I Am Brom (AKC ptd) - Ch Kelviewโ s Dynasty v. Nova (a Meadow Monster son) x (Patrick x Ariana daughter)


A planned breeding to โ Bossโ is expected May/June 2012. )9,,+,9 6>5,9 /(5+3,9! *VSSLLU 5PJOVSZVU *6 6>5,9:! *PUK` 2LSZV 9V_HUU >H`UL 4PSSLY Mechanicsburg, PA (717)215-6854 June 2012

The Doberman Pinscher Magazine | 45

50 | The Doberman Pinscher Magazine

June 2012

!"#$%&'()&*+,$)"&$-.&/%&.$0$12&''&. It was a grand homecoming weekend for Breaker and the ‘Kelview Crew’ in Harrisburg, PA. Breaker went Best of )YLLK PU Z[PMM JVTWL[P[PVU [V ÄUPZO OPZ .YHUK *OHTWPVUZOPW HUK *VSSLLU HSZV W\[ H THQVY VU VUL VM OLY W\WW` KVNZ BrLHRLY PZ 6-( .VVK 3P]LY UVYTHS ;O`YVPK UVYTHS HUK ]>+ *HYYPLY /PZ WLKPNYLL JHU IL ZLLU PU [OL :[\K +VN 9LNPZ[LY VM [OL (WYPS +74 PZZ\L Congratulations Colleen as a breeder, owner and handler. Special appreciation goes to you for always being ready and willing to help the novice owner/handler. Best wishes for continued success! – John OWNER: John Turk - jturk45196@aol.com 440-567-6850 CO-OWNER: Colleen Nicholson June 2012

CO-BREEDERS: Wayne and Roxann Miller The Doberman Pinscher Magazine | 51

CH KELVIEW’S DIAMOND v. NOVA CDX, RA, OA, OAJ, NF, CGC Ch Cambria’s Irish Rebellion x Am/Can Ch Kelview’s Ariana v. Nova bred by Colleen Nicholson, Cindy Kelso, Eileen & Frank Schenck Diamond just needs one more leg for her Utility obedience (UD) title!

CH KELVIEW’S STELLAR HALFTIME v. TRIADEL, BN, CD, RE, CGC, TT Ch Mueller’s Touchdown v. Triadel x Ch Kelview’s Dynasty v. Nova bred by Colleen & John Nicholson, John & Shirley Eck

Colleen, thank you for my awesome girls, Diamond & Stella!!! Integrity, respect and honesty are at the foundation of your breeding program. I am proud to be your friend and part of your family. -Sally Wolfe 52 | The Doberman Pinscher Magazine

June 2012

Thank you Colleen for sharing this lovely bitch with us!

,KLU PZ ZOV^U ^P[O .YLN ÄUPZOPUN OLY Canadian Championship at 8 months VSK ;OL ÄYZ[ ^LLRLUK V\[ HZ H :WLJPHS ,KLU [VVR .YV\W WSHJLTLU[Z ^P[O Theresa. She is always and proudly owner-handled. Breeders: Colleen Nicholson, Cindy Kelso, Wayne & Roxann Miller Owners: T. Connors-Chan, Greg Chan and Colleen Nicholson

!!!!!!!!!!!!!"#$!%&!'()*+(,-. !!!!!!!!!/(,()!01!2&(!$+)(!*3!45())(6 Sire: Am Ch Kettle Cove N Rebayla Zeus Dam: BISS Am GCh / Can Ch Kelview’s Gemini v. Nova

June 2012

The Doberman Pinscher Magazine | 53


handled by Colleen Nicholson 54 | The Doberman Pinscher Magazine

Ch Kettle Cove N Rebayla Zeus - GCH Kelview’s Gemini v Nova Stealer is shown being awarded one of her three majors, all before the age of 9 months! Thank you Mr. Rob Douma. Thank you Colleen and Cindy for allowing us to join you in breeding, raising, and showing Dobermans. The joy our relationship has brought to our lives is beyond words. - Roxann & Wayne bred by Colleen Nicholson, Cindy Kelso, Roxann & Wayne Miller owned by Wayne & Roxann Miller, Colleen Nicholson

June 2012

!"#$$#%&'#(#$&)*&+#,&-&+#$.,#( Ch Kettle Cove N Rebayla Zeus - GCH Kelview’s Gemini v Nova Kadan took to the show ring like a natural, receiving a 4 point major his first weekend in the show ring from the 6 to 9 puppy class. Thank you Colleen, Roxann and Wayne for the opportunity to share our lives with Kadan. He is a very special member of our family. - Peggy & Ed bred by Colleen Nicholson, Cindy Kelso, Roxann & Wayne Miller owned by Peggy & Edward Netzband, Roxann & Wayne Miller, Colleen Nicholson

June 2012

handled by Colleen Nicholson The Doberman Pinscher Magazine | 55

Arg. Am. Ch. Phillmar Sobe Monster WAC x Rio’s Funny You Should Ask v. Moa Mom, THANK YOU for all you’ve done, for your patience, time, faithfulness, and most of all for the opportunity you’ve given me to have this blessing in my life. Thank you for believing in me, and allowing me to choose Hayden for my own awesome show dog. She is everything I dreamed of. Owner Handled by Kayla Beskau · Owned by Karen and Kayla Beskau

RIO GRAN · Hastings, Minnesota · info@riogran.com · 651-480-4726 58 | The Doberman Pinscher Magazine

June 2012

Arg. Am. Ch. Phillmar Sobe Monster WAC x Rio’s Funny You Should Ask v. Moa

Congratulations Kayla for being featured as an owner-handler. Thank you for owner-handling Patton to his championship, taking a specialty BOW for a 5-point major along the way. We are excited to watch you and Patton this summer! Breeder of Merit/Owners: Karen and Kayla Beskau · Co-owner: Charlsie Haynor, Hidden Bay Farms 651-710-9330 Home to National Champion Paso Fino Horses

RIO GRAN · Hastings, Minnesota · info@riogran.com · 651-480-4726 June 2012

The Doberman Pinscher Magazine | 59

.\UULY ÄUPZOLK LU[PYLS` owner handled by Cindy O’Sell with 3 majors. Thank you Judges Toddie Clark, Houston Clark, Douglas Windsor, Coleman Nemerov, HUK ;OVTZVU :[HUÄLSK 1Y MVY recognizing this beautiful boy. A special thank you to Karen, Kayla, and Amy for all their encouragement, guidance, and support throughout this incredible journey.

!"##$% N EW CH AM P IO N

RIO’S STANDING VALOR Am/Can/Int Ch. Pinecrest Standing Ovation x Rio’s All I Ask Of You v Moa Breeder of Merit: Amy & Karen Beskau

Owners: Cindy O’Sell & Chad Loushin & Karen Beskau

RIO GRAN · Hastings, Minnesota · info@riogran.com · 651-480-4726 60 | The Doberman Pinscher Magazine

June 2012

Expertly handled by Kayla Beskau. We would like to thank Rio Gran and Sobe Monster for this wonderful, loving dog. Kayla and Tiberius will be out looking for his THQVYZ [V ÄUPZO OPZ championship this summer, and then on to his Grand Champion title.


Arg. Am. Ch. Phillmar Sobe Monster WAC x Rio’s Funny You Should Ask v Moa

Breeder of Merit: Karen & Kayla Beskau

Owners: Rose Ivey and Karen Beskau

RIO GRAN · Hastings, Minnesota · info@riogran.com · 651-480-4726 June 2012

The Doberman Pinscher Magazine | 61

Arg. Am. Ch. Phillmar Sobe Monster WAC x Rio’s Funny You Should Ask v. Moa

Nitro will be starting his show career in May, owner handled by Karen and Kayla. A special thank you to Mary Klein, Hector & Alicia Farias, and Phillip Martin for allowing us to breed to Arg. Am. Ch. Phillmar Sobe Monster WAC. We are thrilled with our beautiful litters!

Breeder of Merit: Karen and Amy Beskau Owners: Karen and Kayla Beskau

RIO GRAN · Hastings, Minnesota · info@riogran.com · 651-480-4726 62 | The Doberman Pinscher Magazine

June 2012

Arg. Am. Ch. Phillmar Sobe Monster WAC x Rio’s Funny You Should Ask v. Moa Thank you Karen, Kayla and Amy for giving me the opportunity to own such a beautiful girl who I love and adore. It is a joy to bring her to the show ring, which is something that I have always wanted to be a part of. 1VWS`U 0U SPML [OL ÄYTLZ[ MYPLUK [OL ÄYZ[ [V ^LSJVTL MVYLTVZ[ [V KLMLUK Breeder of Merit: Karen and Amy Beskau · Owners: Jessica Hoppe and Karen Beskau

RIO GRAN · Hastings, Minnesota · info@riogran.com · 651-480-4726 June 2012

The Doberman Pinscher Magazine | 63

64 | The Doberman Pinscher Magazine

June 2012

Celebrating nearly 10 years of fond

Lots and lots of memories, many shows, nationals, good times and difficult times. Countless hours on the road in our rigs, nights at Walmart, truck stops and repair shops. One thing was for sure, we could always count on a good meal from John and Lori. We always called ourselves “Schohaus Jr.!” 68 | The Doberman Pinscher Magazine

Congratulations to John and Lori Schoeneman (Schohaus) for successfully breeding and handling their beautiful Dobermans -- and thank you so much for all of our four-legged loves! - Bob and Lynne Sizemore June 2012

memories . . . with Schohaus Dobermans GCh Schohaus McArthur’s Mien

Mac was finished from the Bred-By classes by John. He was specialed by Elizabeth Barrett to obtain his GCh, multiple Breed wins and a Group placement. He is currently training in obedience/rally.

AKC/UKC Ch Schohaus Lord of the Storm

Thunder was special -- will always be my “heart” dog. Shown by John with three AKC majors and a UKC BIS. He was our first Champion, and the first dog I trained in obedience though never trialed due to injury.

Ch Schohaus Archangel Uriel v Azar

Uri was Winners Bitch at the Houston, TX DPCA host show and also received a Breed win from the classes over specials, exclusively handled by John. She is the perfect size to cuddle and is so much fun!

Schohaus Lady of Faith WAC (AKC ptd)

Faith, loved me so dearly and was a beautiful fawn (pointed and reserve to multiple majors!) She had true Doberman temperament. She loved training in Schutzhund- to her it was a big game!

Schohaus Ultimate Solo WAC

Last but definitely not the least is our Bravo, sired by Agador. With high drive and a willingness to please, he is now being trained in obedience. If I am able he will also train in agility and protection.

June 2012

The Doberman Pinscher Magazine | 69

Caleb’s Crystal Rain

Sire BISS CH Tallyesyn Falcon’s Fire, CGC,TDI,WAC “Pheonix” Dam CH Caleb’s Crystal Sea GMC WAC “Savannah”


June 2012

Bred by Laura Jones & Michelle Oswalt Loved by Christine Hertling

The Doberman Pinscher Magazine | 71

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!"#$%&'(%$)*"+, -".)"&/(+$, 012345534167

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UKC Ch GMC Take It Back Again V Bravehart (AKC ptd) !"#$%&%'()*+,)-#./*%012!%*3%4$56"7+8%9"%:;<+,$%';;$7$#+<=#%>'?%*-*?%>:@ %


AKC pointed with special thanks to judges Ms. Sharol Candace Way and Mrs. Madaline B Fish. Owner/Co-breeder ~ Dene Libby ~ Tequilas Dobermans Breeder/Co-owner ~ Bambi Libengood ~ Bravehart Dobermans Breeder/Co-owner/Handler ~ Gerry Mull ~ GMC Dobermans ~ (860) 646-8185 76 | The Doberman Pinscher Magazine

June 2012

June 2012

The Doberman Pinscher Magazine | 77

Thank you Laura for such beautiful and wonderful companions.

Chase Ch. Caleb’s Chasing Midnight (Ch. Sharjet It’s All About The Chase x Ch. GMC You’re So Vain) bred by Judy Schrader, Laura Jones and Gerry Mull

Chase wins a Group 3 under Mrs. Lenora M. Riddle Handled by Laura Brodigan

Reindeer Caleb’s Resurrection Rain At Anchor Point (Ch. Talleyesyn Falcon’s Fire x Ch. Caleb’s Indescribable) bred by Laura Jones

Reindeer is shown winning Best of Breed owner handled under Mrs. Dawn Vick Hansen The Reindeer will be bred to BISS Ch. Ravenswoods Azure Sky, RA Owned by Linda and Patrick Riley & Laura Jones 907-373-6339 78 | The Doberman Pinscher Magazine

priley1@gci.net June 2012

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8/++G+/7' O%H/%'V1&+.' $%*+,'=1,+/"%&. <%*+,G1,+X<1"<%.2)&+2 The Doberman Pinscher Magazine | 79

Thank You and Congratulations Laura, from

CH. Caleb’s Celtic Cross GMC,CD,RN,AX,AXJ,ROM “BART” OFA Excellent hips, Thyroid Normal, Echo Normal

Bart & Britt are Owned and adored by: William & Carolyn Lundvall Lewiston,PA (717)-899-7540 dobe@nmax.net


Caleb’s Remembrance, NA

“BRITT” Both majors,10 points Thank you Colleen Nicholson, for your beautiful handling of Britt!

Both are bred and co-owned by:

!"#$%&'(%$)*"+, -".)"&/(+$, 012345534167

www.calebdobe.com 80 | The Doberman Pinscher Magazine

June 2012

Canine Holter Package $500.00 Refurbished Holter Monitor (1-year warranty) Wires and Carrying Case (5) Hook-up kits (5) Pre-paid Mailing Envelopes Breed-specific Hook-up Charts with instructions Phone in-service and training Canine Service Type I The common choice for breeders who are looking for an accurate PVC screening $30 per scan. Canine Service Type II This is a more in-depth service for customers who want a Cardiologist overview of their study. $80 per scan. Visit us at: http://www.albamedical.com for more information or call 877-482-1001 Toll Free (U.S.) 516-488-4777 (outside the U.S.)

June 2012

!"#$%&'()*$" Your Complete Source For Holter Monitoring ALBA Medical is one of the largest and most trusted Canine Holter companies in the world. Our canine division has served customers in every state of the United States as well as many countries around the globe. Our customers expect accurate, fast (1-2 day) service, as well as helpful, knowledgeable support in every aspect of Holter testing for their dogs.

Our Management Team Dawn D Danner CVT is the National Veterinary Division Sales Manager for ALBA Medical. Dawn is a practicing certified veterinary technician with over 15 yrs of experience in veterinary medicine and 20 yrs of devotion to the Doberman Pinscher. Her passion for the breed since childhood has led to her success as an owner, breeder and handler of numerous AKC/CKC Champions. Dawn has been actively holtering dogs since 2004 for Mount Hood DPC with both cassette and digital units. Please contact Dawn at sunsetdobe@aol.com, sunsetdobe.com Have a Heart.......HOLTER! Carl D. Sammarco, BVSc, MRCVS, Diplomate ACVIM (Cardiology) is a board certified cardiologist at Red Bank Veterinary Hospital. He received his veterinary degree from the University of Liverpool, England and completed an Internship in Small Animal Medicine & Surgery and a Residency in Cardiology at the University of Pennsylvania. Dr. Sammarco served as a lecturer and assistant clinical professor at the University of Pennsylvania before transitioning to private practice. Dr. Sammarco has 10 years of extensive experience using Holter Monitors to help assess and diagnose cardiomyopathy in small animals. The Doberman Pinscher Magazine | 81

UDC Temperament Tests, April 22, 2012 Evaluator: Dr. May Jacobson Baby/Puppy Temperament Test 276 PASS Indiana Vom Landgraf CGC. Bitch. Breeder: Wendy Scllmltt. Asoomannis Odin VPG 2 x Covaevom Landgraf SchH 3, IPO 3, FH 2 Owner: Linda Kye & Wendy Schmitt. 280 PASS lza Vom Landgraf. Bitch. Breeder: Wendy Schmitt. Ascomannis Odin, Sch 2 x Covae vom Landgraf, Sch 3, Fh2 Owner: John R. & Virginia H. Rogers. 286 PASS - Gioia Robin del Nobill Natl. ITALY. Bitch. Breeder: Margherita Buzzi-Ercolino. Golan del Nobill Nati x Kiara v. Heillgenwald Owner: Janet G. Smith. 291 PASS Lothorlen Zlrak.Zigll. Dog. Breeder: Bunny Lanning and ChrisWLQH 6S,QLHOOR &+ *XQQDU 5HG 'RJ 5HG ,32 [ $.&ă82& &K %OXH Chip Reign of Fire BH, OB-1 . CO, RE, CGC, ATI Owner: Carma J . Cleveland. 289 PASS Chalmar’a Major Orca. Dog. Breeder: May Jacobson & Debbie Zappia. Eiko Vom Landgraf ZTPV1A, SchH3, IP03, AD x Gamy Von Der Burgstatte ZTP SG 1A, IP03 Owner: Pam Bums. 296 PASS Incredible Honor. Bitch. Breeder: Patrick & Loma O’Connor. ADA Sieger Incredible Courage, CGC, STI, IPO 3, ZTP-V1A x ZH Jewellz Gratslano, BH Owner: Patrick & Lorna O’Connor. 298 PASS Lothlorien Reign In Moria Bitch. Breeder: Bunny Lanning and Christine Spiniello. AKC Ch. Gunnar Red Dog Red, ZTP1A, BH. 6FK+ [ $.& 8'& &K %OXH &KLS 5HLJQ RI )LUH %+ 2% 520 &' RE, CGC Owner. Bunny Lanning. 305 PASS Omnia Paratus Navy Sea Cobra Dog. Breeder: Laural Harris. ,1781$7/ 8.& 82& &+ 6HPSHU )LGHOLV %HOODJLR &*& $.& %+ $' %1$ ‡ <7, $7, :$& 51 [ 7HRGRUD %HWHJOHV 2ZQHU Suzan Shipp. Youth Temperament Test 282 PASS Masaya’s Casablanca. Dog. Breeder: Brandl Williams. lnl CH. First Stryk’s Deadliest Catch BH,ATI,WAC & CGC x Masaya’s Adrenaline Rush BH,CD & CGC Owner: James Cook. 288 PASS Blue Chip Brick Road v EnchantBitch. Breeder: Pam Burns & Christine Spiniello. Am Ch Gunnar Red Dog Red IPO 1 , ZTP V 1A [ 82& &K %OXH &KLS UHLJQ 2I 7HUURU 82 ,3 2ZQHU 3DP %XUQV 3$66 5HEKRO]HU ,URQ %XWWHUĂ \ %LWFK %UHHGHU 7UDFO 0XOOLJDQ *HP¡*LYYHHRQ +RW *X\ 93* [ 8.& &+ ,QFUHGLEOH FDSHU Y 5HEKRO] SchH A OB 3 A TI CGC WAC SJ Owner: Traci Mulligan. 303 PASS Kansa’s Zip A Dee Do Dah. Dog. Breeder. Douglas M and Jacqueline C Matson. Zedor Oel Nasi x AKC CH Kansa’s Outrageous Fortune Owner. Douglas M and Jacqueline C Matson. Adult Temperament 189 FAIL Pamelot’s Daredevel. Dog. Breeder: Pam DeHetre and Bruce Thomas. CH Pamelot’s Shrek x Pamelot’s Roxy v Shaker Owner. Suzan Shipp. 203 PASS AKC CH Kansa’s Dream The Impossible Dream ScH I. Bitch. Breeder: Doug & Jacque Matson. Kansa’s Superman At Cargeo x AKC CH Kansa’s Primetime Live Owner: Douglas M and Jacqueline C Matson. 262 PASS Kansa’s Terrore Della Toscana. Bitch. Breeder: Douglas M & Jacqueline C Matson. ITCH Quillan Qasim del Ci tone SCH I ZTP V1-A A lAD Sieger x AKC CH Kansa’s Foxxy Cleopatra Owner: Douglas M & Jacqueline C Matson. 279 PASS Enoch -Eitan vom Zenhof YTT. Dog. Breeder: Melissa Laney. Ascomannis lro, Sch 2 x Bella vom Zenhof Owner. Virginia H. Rogers. 3$66 =+ -HZHO O] *UDWVODQR %+ 8.5$,1( %LWFK %UHHGHU /$ Tarasenko. Ch. Tahi Rerne Gerett, IPO 3 x Ogon Zhara izGr atsiano, I PO 3 Owner: Patrick & Lorna O’Connor. 295 PASS Incredible Fidelis. Dog. Breeder: Patrick & Lorna O’Connor. Ch. Merlin of Blackmagic Land, I PO 1, ZTP-V1A x Incredible A’Diva, CGC, ATT. BH Owner. Patrick & Lorna O’Connor. 297 PASS AKC CH Kansa’s Luciana Della Liguria. Bitch. Breeder: Doug 84 | The Doberman Pinscher Magazine


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and Jacque Matson. IT Ch Quillam Quasim Del Citone SCH I ZTP V1A x Ch Kansa’s Foxxy Cleopatra Owner. Judy Schmelig and Jacque Matson 304 PASS Kansa’s Vittorio Del Veneto. Dog. Breeder: Douglas EG M ! and Jacqueline C Matson. ITCH Quillian Qasim Del Citone ScH I x AKC CH Kansa’s Outrageous Fortune Owner. Jacqueline C. Matson & Laura Hulke. 500 PASS Spice Von Gumee Croat Oomobran Bitch Breeder: Jason & Melisa Rezner, Brutus of Marien burg x Jasmine 01 Royal Oaks Owner: Joseph Cuilkov UDC Breed Survey April 20, 2012 Judge: Dr. May Jacobson Breed Survey Advanced 9 $ 8.& &+ ,QFUHGLEOH &DSHU 9 5HEKRO]HU 6F+ $ $ 77 &*& WAC SJ. Bitch. Breeder: Loma & Patrick O’Connor. M ulti Ch. )¡+LUDPă$%) 5R\DO %HOO =739 $ ,3 )5%5(9(7 7$9 [ 7DKL 5Hmex-Treme BH.CGC,STT.ZTP Owner: Tracl Mulligan. BH 189 FAIL Pamelot’s Daredevil. Dog. Breeder: Pam DeHetre and Bruce Thomas. CH Pamelot’s Shrek x Pamelot’s Roxy v Shaker Owner: Suzan Shipp. 283 PASS Nassor’s The Saints Silence PSA PDC, PSA I. Dog. Breeder: Taiwo Wheat. Bruno Vom Zenhof-PSA POC x Drama vom Tanzenhaus Owner: Jennifer Thornton. 284 PASS Echorun’s EZeklal’s Dream CGC TDI CD. Dog. Breeder: Suzan Shipp. Marienburg’s Beauty x Jbars Southam Storm Warning Owner: Eric, Paula and Skyler West. 285 PASS Dobewan’s Notorius Red Alert CGC TDI, CD. Dog. Breeder: Wanda McCain. Inti Ch Pamelot’s Daredevil CDX Dethamm’s Remember My Name Owner: Eric, Paula and Skyler West. 290 PASS Riva Von Luka BN RN CGN CGC. CANADA. Bitch. Breeder: Erynn Lucas and Carl Kaminski. Incredible Courage Sch3, ZTP V1A x Eva del Dohse SchH3, IP03, AW01, FH, WAC, CD, RN, CGC Owner: Monica Anthony. 301 PASS Pele Friend of Mine. POLAND. Bitch. Breeder: Dorota Gorbacz. DVNOH-CH Bojan vom Havelland ZTP VIA. VPGIII, AOPR, I POll I, FH x PL-CH Dura Lex Polonia Darla BH Owner: Ashley Allstun. 302 PASS Masaya’s Black Sabbath. Dog. Breeder: Brandi Williams. Citto von derWudr itz, IP03 x Swift Run’s Volcan Masaya, IP03 Owner: Brandi Williams. FPr3 (Tracking 3) 136 56 M LeGard’s Batman CO,BH,T2,WH,CGC. Dog. Breeder: Kathy Gardner. Don Diego Von Bundania x Justa Memory of Frana Legard Owner: Janet G Smith. 192 58 M ,1788.& &+ .\H¡V $OH[LXV )LUH 0H 8S %+ :$& $77 75 %LWFK %UHHGHU /DUU\ .\H &DUD¡V 7RS 6KHOI 6FK+ ,3 [ 82&,,1788.& &+ -%DUV 6FKDW]L :LQGZDONHU &' 8&' %+ 75 6$5 VCX, FFB VG1A, WAC, TDI, CGC Owner. Linda Kye. UPr1 (Obedience 1) 136 80 G LeGard’s Batman CD,BH,T2,WH,CGC. Dog. Breeder: Kathy Gardner. Don Diego Von Bundania x Justa Memory of Frona Legard Owner: Janet G Smith. 209 92 SG Egis Vom Kollund Kro BH,ATT. Dog. BreeDer. Lori Janes. Citto Von Der Wudri tz, BH, I POll I, ADpr, CGC, VC x Swiftrun Selene VKollund Kro Owner. Linda and Joseph Kurz. UPr2 (Obedience 2) 151 70 B Sandlewood Sting of The Viper BH, WH, OB1, CD, CGC, ATTS, 0-ATT. Dog. Breeder: Kendell Waltz. Southern Pride High Voltage x Legards Greta Mit Vollendung Owner: David Stroff. SPr1 (Protection 1) 209 91 “aâ€? Egis Vom Kollund K ro BH,ATT. Dog. Breeder: Lori Janes. Citto Von Der Wudritz, BH, I POll I, ADpr, CGC. VC x Swiftrun Selene VKollund Kro Owner: Linda and Joseph Kurz. Apr2 (3-Phase) 250 90185 “aâ€? 175 G 8.& &+ ,QFUHGLEOH &DSHU 9 5HEKRO]HU 6F+ $ ATT CGC WAC SJ. Bitch. Breeder: Lorna & Patrick O’Connor. Multi The Doberman Pinscher Magazine | 85

Ch. F’Hiram-ABF Royal Bell, ZTPV1A,IP01,FRBREVET,TAV x Tahi Remex-Treme BH,CGC,STT,ZTP Owner: Traci Mulligan. IPO 3 101 97/85194 “a� 276 SG Swift Run’s Volcan Masaya CD, RN, VC, 36$ 3'& ,3 %LWFK %UHHGHU 7DPP\ 0DUVKDOOă :HOGRQ &DURO Mcivor. Agir Miss Jakoso SCH3, IPO 3 x Kitty Black Gong Owner. Brandl Williams. 172 25/78194, �a� 197 M Deacon Vom Landgraf IPO 3, WAC, ATT. Dog. Breeder: Wendy Schmitt. Ascomannis Gero BH, SchH2 x Lussi von der Kril lenburg SchH1 , AD, FR Brevet, FR1, Mondio Ring1 Owner. Larry Kye. 293 34/77/95 “a� 206 M ADA Sieger Incredible Courage CGC, STT, ScH 3, IPO 3, ZTP-V1A. Dog. Breeder. Patrick & Loma O’Connor. lnt Ch F’Hiram Abif Royal Bell, IPO 1, TAN/TAT, FR Brevet, ZTP-V1A x Tahi Reme X-Trem, CGC, STT, BH, ZTP-SG1 B Owner: Patrick & Lorna O’Connor. 299 80/70/90 “a� 240 G Briska’s Adam Sch3. SWEDEN. Dog. Breeder: Ronnie Eng & Cecilia Eng. Ascovon der Burgstatte, Sch3 x Briska’s Winnie Owner: Richard Jones High Tracking: 101 Score: 97 High Obedience: 209 Score: 92 High Protection: 101 Score: 94 High in Trial: 101 Score: 276


AKC Canine Good Citizen Test April 21, 2012 Evaluator: Ms. Beth Bishop 209 PASS Egis Vom Kollund Kro BH,ATT. Dog. Breeder. Lori Janes. Citto Von Oer Wudritz, BH. I POll I, AOpr, CGC, VC x Swiftrun Selene VKollund Kro Owner. Linda and Joseph Kurz. UDC Obedience Trial 1 April 23, 2012 Judge: Ms. Sally Burgess

Novice A 190 1st 290 Riva Von Luka BN RN CGN CGC. CANADA. Bitch. Breeder: Erynn Lucas and Carl Kaminski. Incred ible Courage Sch3, ZTP V1A x Eva del Dohse SchH3, IP03, AW01, FH, WAC, CO, RN, CGC Owner: Monica Anthony. Novice B 181 4th score 136 LeGard’s Batman CD,BH,T2,WH,CGC. Dog. Breeder: Kathy Gardner. Don Diego Von Bundania x Justa Memory of Frona Legard Owner. Janet G Smith. 194 2nd score 140 $.& 8'& &K %OXH &KLS 5HLJQ RI )LUH &' 5( ROM, BH, 081. Bitch. Breeder: Christine Spiniello. AKC & Can. CH AnozirasCactusJack, ADPR, FH, COX, IPO Ill, SchH Ill, ROM, LC-10, 1$- &*& :+ 5([ $.& 82& &+ %OXH &KLS 3XUSOH 5HLJQ &*& &';ă$.& 1$- 1$ %+ 520 %6$ă(ă ă$ 'ă&' 2ZQHU %XQQ\ Lanning & Christine Spinlello. 151 3rd score 181 Sandlewood Sting of The Viper BH, WH, 081, CD, &*& $776 'ă$77 'RJ %UHHGHU .HQGHOO :DOW] 6RXWKHUQ 3ULGH High Voltage x Legards Greta Mit Vollendung Owner: David Stroff. 288 1st score 195! Blue Chip Brick Road v Enchant Breeder: Pam %XUQV &KULVWLQH 6SLQLHOOR $P &K *XQQDU 5HG 'RJ 5HG ,32 ‡ =73 9 $ [ 8'& &K %OXH &KLS UHLJQ 2I 7HUURU 8' ,3 2ZQHU Pam Burns. Open 140 1st score 190 $.& 82& &K %OXH &KLS 5HLJQ R I )LUH &' 5( 520 BH, OB1. Bitch. Breeder: Christine Spiniello. AKC & Can. CH Anoziras Cactus Jack, ADPR, FH, COX, IPO Ill, SchH Ill, ROM, LC-10, 1$- &*& :+ 5( [ $.& 8'& &+ %OXH &KLS 3XUSOH 5HLJQ &*& CDX-AKC, NAJ, NA, BH. ROM. BSA-E-2-A. 0-CD Owner: Bunny Lanning & Christine Spiniello. HIT: 288 Score: 195 ! UDC Conformation Show #1 86 | The Doberman Pinscher Magazine

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April 23, 2012 Judge: Mr. Rudi Killmaier, DV

Baby Dog EG& Debbie ! 289 VP1 Chalmar’s Major Orca. Dog. Breeder: May Jacobson Zappia. Elko Vom Landgraf ZTPV1A, SchH3, IP03, AD x Gamy Von Oer Burgstatte ZTP SG 1A. IP03 Owner: Pam Burns. Best Baby: 289 Puppy Dog 291 VP2 /RWKRULHQ =LUDNă=LJLO 'RJ %UHHGHU %XQQ\ /DQQLQJ DQG &KULVWLQH 6SLQLHOOR &+ *XQQDU 5HG 'RJ 5HG ,32 [ $.& 8'& &K %OXH Chip Reign of Fi re BH, OB-1, CD, RE, CGC, ATT Owner: Carma J . Cleveland. 305 VP1 Omnia Paratus Navy Sea Cobra. Dog. Breeder: Laura! Harris. ,1781$7/ 8.& 8'& &+ 6HPSHU )LGHO LV %HOODJLR &*& $.& %+ & AD. BNA , YTT & ATT, WAC , RN x Teodora Betegles Owner: Suzan Shipp. Puppy Bitch 276 VP2 Indiana Vom Landgraf CGC. Bitch. Breeder: Wendy Schmitt. Ascomannis Odin VPG 2 x Covae vom Landgraf SchH 3, IPO 3, FH 2 Owner: Linda Kye & Wendy Schmitt. 280 VP lza Vom Landgraf. Bitoh. Breeder: Wendy Schmitt. Ascomannis Odin, Sch 2 x Covaevom Landgraf, Sch 3, Fh2 Owner: John R. & Virginia H. Rogers. 286 VP3 Gioia Robin del Nobill Nail. ITALY. Bitch. Breeder: Margherita Buzzi-Ercolino. Golan dei Nobill Nati x Kiara v. Heiligenwald Owner: Janet G. Smith. 296 VP1 Incredible Honor. Bitch. Breeder: Patrick & Lorna O’Connor. ADA Sieger Incredible Courage. CGC, STI. IPO 3, ZTP-V1 A x ZH Jewel iz Gratsiano, BH Owner: Patrick & Lorna O’Connor. 298 VP4 Lothlorien Reign in Moria. Bitch. Breeder; Bunny Lanning and Christine Spiniello. AKC Ch. Gunnar Red Dog Red,ZTP1A, BH, 6FK+ [ $.& 8'& &K %OXH &KLS 5HLJQ RI )LUH %+ 2% 520 &' RE. CGC Owner: Bunny Lanning. Best Puppy: 296 Best of Opposite sex Puppy: 305 Youth Dog (12 - 18 Months) 282 E2- CC Masaya’s Casablanca. Dog. Breeder: Brandi Williams. Int. CH. First Stryk’s Deadliest Catch BH,ATI.WAC CGC x Masaya’s Adrenaline Rush BH,CD & CGC Owner: James Cook. 303 E1-CC Kansa’s Zip A Dee Do Dah. A Dog. Breeder: Douglas M and Jacqueline C Matson. Zedor Del Nasi x AKC CH Kansa’s Outrageous Fortune Owner: Douglas M and Jacqueline C Matson. Youth Dog (18 -24 Months) 295 E1-CC Incredible Fidells. Dog. Breeder: Patrick & Lorna O’Connor. Ch. Merlin of Blackmagic Land. IPO 1, ZTP-V1A x lrcredible A’Diva, CGC. An. BH Owner: Patrick & Lorna O’Connor. Youth Bitch (12 - 18 Months) 288 E2-CC Blue Chip Brick Road v Enchant AKC Reg: Bitch. Breeder: Pam Burns & Christine Spiniello. Am Ch Gunnar Red Dog Red IPO =73 9 $ [ 8'& &K %OXH &KLS UHLJQ 2I7 HUURU 8' ,3 2ZQHU Pam Burns. 292 E1-CC 5HEKRO]HU ,URQ %XWWHUĂ \ %LWFK %UHHGHU 7UDFO 0XOOLJDQ *HP¡*LYYHHRQ +RW *X\ 93* [ 8.& &+ ,QFUHGLEOH &DSHU Y 5HEholz SchH A OB 3 ATI CGC WAC SJ Owner. Traci Mulligan. Best Youth: 295 Best of Opposite Sex Youth: 292 Open Dog 304 E1 - CC Kansa’s VIttorio Del Veneto. Dog. Breeder: Douglas M and Jacqueline C Matson. ITCH Quillian Oasim DelCitone ScH I x AKC CH Kansa’s Outrageous Fortune Owner. Jacqueline C. Matson & Laura Hulke. Working Dog 293 E1-CC ADA Sieger Incredible Courage CGC, STT, ScH 3, I PO 3, ZTP-V1A. Dog. Breeder. Patrick & Lorna O’Connor. lnt Ch F’Hiram Abif Royal Bell, IPO 1, TAN/TAT, FR Brevet,ZTP-V1A x Tahi Reme XTrem, CGC, STT, BH, ZTP-SG1 B Owner: Patrick & Lorna O’Connor. The Doberman Pinscher Magazine | 87

180 E2- CC 6DQW .UHDO 6ROGLHU 5866,$ 'RJ %UHHGHU NUXJORYD H D Sant Kreal Zeus .... lnt CH ZTP BH IP0-1 x Sant Kreal Chlo Chio San ... CH BH IP01-1 Owner: John Soares & Mitch Edley. Winners Dog : 304 Reserve Winners Dog: 293 Open Bitch 192 E3 CC ,17 8.& &+ .\H¡V $OH[LXV )LUH 0H 8S %+ :$& $77 75 %LWFK %UHHGHU /DUU\ .\H &DUD¡V 7RS 6KHOI 6FK+ ,3 [ 82& ,17/ 8.& &+ -%DUV 6FKDW]L :LQGZDONHU &2 8&' %+ 75 6$5 VCX, FFB VG1A, WAC, TO I, CGC Owner: Linda Kye. 297 E1 CC AKC CH Kansa’s Luciana Della Liguria. Bitch. Breeder. Doug and Jacque Matson. IT Ch Quillam Quasim Del Citone SCH I ZTP V1A x Ch Kansa’s Foxxy Cleopatra Owner. Judy Schmelig and Jacque Matson. 262 E2 Kansa’s Terrore Della Toscana. Bitch. Breeder: Douglas M & Jacqueline C Matson. ITCH Quillan Qasim del Citone SCH I ZTP V1-A AIAD Sieger x AKC CH Kansa’s Foxxy Cleopatra Owner: Douglas M & Jacqueline C Matson. Performance Bitch 300 VG1 Sant Kreal Shocolate BH. Russia. Bitch. Breeder: E Kruglova. INT Ch. Sant Kreal Zeus. IP03 AD ZTP V1A x Ch. Sant Kreal Galaxy., IP03 ZTP Owner. Mitch Ed ey. 294 VG3 =+ -HZHO O] *UDWVODQR %+ 8.5$,1( %LWFK %UHHGHU /$ Tarasenko. Ch. Tahi Reme Gerett, IPO 3 x Ogon Zhara lzGratsiano, I PO 3 Owner: Patrick & Lorna O’Connor. 250 E1 CC 8.& &+ ,QFUHGLEOH &DSHU 9 5HEKRO]HU 6F+ $ 2% $ 77 CGC WAC SJ. Bitch. Breeder: Loma & Patrick O’Connor. Multi &K )¡+LUDPă$%) 5R\DO %HOO =739 $ ,3 )5%5(9(7 7$9 [ 7DKL Remex-Treme BH,CGC,STT .ZTP Owner: Traci Mulligan. 203 E2 CC AKC CH Kansa’s Dream The Impossible Dream ScH I. Bitch. Breeder: Doug & Jacque Matson. Kansa’s Superman At Cargeo x AKC CH Kansa’s Primetime Live Owner: Douglas M and Jacqueline C Matson. Veteran Bitch 64 E $2$ 8'& &K 7DKL 5HPH *ORULD &*& 677 6F+ ,32 =73 9 % CZECH. Bitch. Breeder: Erika Szokol. lnt CH. Gino Gomez del Citone Sch Ill, ZTP V1A x In! CH. Tahi Reme Triniti Sch I Owner: Patrick & Lorna O’Connor. Winners Bitch: 297 Reserve Winners Bitch: 250 Best of Breed: 304 Best or Opposite Sex: 64 Best Veteran: 64


UDC Obedience Trial #2 April I 24, 2012 Judge: Ms. Ginger Kinion

Novice B 138 1st score 191 LeGard’s Batman CO,BH,T2,WH,CGC. Dog. Breeder: Kathy Gardner. Don Diego Von Bundania x Justs Memory of Frona Legend Owner: Janet G Smith. 140 NQ 161 $.& 8'& &K %OXH &KLS 5HLJQ RI )LUH &' 5( 520 BH, OB1. Bitch. Breeder: Christine Spiniello. AKC & Can. CH AnozirasCactusJack. ADPR. FH, COX, IPO Ill, SchH Ill, ROM, LC-10, 1$- &*& :+ 5([ $.&ă8'& &+ %OXH &KLS 3XUSOH 5HLJQ &*& &';ă$.& 1$- 1$ %+ 520 %6$ă( $ 'ă&' 2ZQHU %XQQ\ Lanning & Christine Spiniello. 151 2nd score 178 Sandlewood Sting or The Viper BH, WH, OB1, CD, CGC, ATTS, 0-ATT. Dog. Breeder: Kendell Waltz. Southern Pride High Voltage x Legands Greta Mit Vollendung Owner: David Stroff.. 288 NQ 144 %OXH &KLS %ULFN 5RDG Y (QFKDQW ‡ 6HH /LVWLQJ 8QGHU 2% 1 Open 140 NQ 114.5 $.& 8'& &K %OXH &KLS 5HL JQ RI )LUH &' 5( 520 BH, OB1. Bitch. Breeder: Christine Spiniello. AKC & Can. CH Anoziras Cactus Jack, ADPR. FH, COX. IPO Ill. SchH Ill, ROM, LC-10, 1$- &*& :+ 5( [ $.& 82& &+ %OXH &KLS 3XUSOH 5HLJQ &*& &';ă$.& 1$- 1$ %+ 520 %6$ ( $ &' 2ZQHU %XQQ\ Lanning & Christine Spiniello. HIT: 136 Score: 191 88 | The Doberman Pinscher Magazine

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UDC Conformation Show #2 April 24, 2012 Judge: Mr. Rob Douma

EG !

Baby Dog 291 VP2 Chalmar’s Major Orca. Dog. Breeder: May Jacobson & Debbie Zappia. Eiko Vom Landgraf ZTPV1A, SchH3, IP03, AD x Gamy Von Der Burgstatte ZTP SG lA. IP03 Owner: Pam Burns. Best Baby: 289 Puppy Dog 291 VP2 Lothorien Zirak-Zlgll. Dog. Breeder: Bunny Lanning and ChrisWLQH 6SLQLHOOR &+ *XQQDU 5HG 'RJ 5HG ,32 [ $.&8'&&K %OXH Chip Reign of Fire BH. OB-1 . CD. RE. CGC. ATT Owner. Carma J. Cleveland. 305 VP1 Omnia Paratus Navy Sea Cobra. Dog. Breeder: Laura I Harris. ,1781$7/ 8.& 82& &+ 6HPSHU )LGHO LV %HOODJLR &*& $.& %+ $' %1$ ‡ <Q $77 :$& 51 [ 7HRGRUD %HWHJOHV 2ZQHU Suzan Shipp. Puppy Bitch 276 VP1 Indiana Vom Landgraf CGC. Bitch. Breeder: Wendy Schmitt. Ascomannis Odin VPG 2 x Covae vom Landgraf SchH 3. IPO 3. FH 2 Owner: Linda Kye & Wendy Schmitt. 286 VP3 Gioia Robin dei Nobill Nati. ITALY. Bitch. Breeder: Margherita %X]]Lă(UFROLQR *RODQ GHL 1RELOO 1DWL [ .LDUD Y +HLOLJHQZDOG 2ZQHU Janet G. Smith. 298 VP2 Lothlorien Reign in Moria. Bitch. Breeder: Bunny Lanning and Christine Spinlello. AKC Ch. Gunnar Red Dog Red, ZTPIA, BH, 6FK+ [ $.& 82& &K %OXH &KLS 5HLJQ RI )LUH %+ 2% 520 &' RE. CGC Owner: Bunny Lanning. Best Puppy: 276 Best of Opposite Sex Puppy: 305 Youth Dog (12 - 18 Months) 303 E1 CC Kansa’s Zip A Dee Do Dah. Dog. Breeder: Douglas M and Jacqueline C Matson. Zedor Del Nasi x AKC CH Kansa’s Outrageous Fortune Owner: Douglas M and Jacqueline C Matson. 282 E2 CC Masaya’s Casablanca. Dog. Breeder: Brandi Williams. Int. CH. First Stryk’s Deadliest Catch BH,ATT,WAC & CGC x Masaya’s Adrenaline Rush BH.CD & CGC Owner: James Cook. Youth Dog (18 - 24 Months) 295 E1 CC Incredible Fldelis. Dog. Breeder: Patrick & Lorna O’Connor. Ch. Merlin of Blackmaglc Land, IPO 1, ZTP-V1A x Incredible A’Diva, CGC. A TT. BH Owner: Patrick & Lorna O’Connor. Youth Bitch (12 -18 Months) 288 VG1 Blue Chip Brick Road v Enchant. Bitch. Breeder: Pam Burns & Christine Spiniello. Am Ch Gunnar Red Dog Red IPO 1 , ZTP V 1A [ 8'& &K %OXH &KLS UHLJQ 2I 7HUURU 8' ,3 2ZQHU 3DP %XUQV 292 VG2 6HH (QWU\ OLVWHG XQGHU &RQIRUPDWLRQ 6KRZ 303 Best of Opposite Sex Youth: 288 Open Dog 304 E1 CC Kansa’s Vittorio Del Veneto. Dog. Breeder: Douglas M and Jacqueline C Matson. ITCH Quillian Qaslm Del Citone ScH I x AKC CH Kansa’s Outrageous Fortune Owner: Jacqueline c Matson & Laura Hulke. Working Dog 180 E2 CC 6DQW .UHDO 6ROGLHU 5866,$ 'RJ %UHHGHU NUXJORYD H D Sant Kreal Zeus .... lnt CH ZTP BH IP0 -1 x Sant Kreal Chlo Chio San ... CH BH IP01-1 Owner: John Soares & Mitch Edley. 292 E1 CC ADA Sieger Incredible Courage CGC, STT, ScH 3, IPO 3, ZTPV1A. Dog. Breeder: Patrick & Lorna O’Connor. lnt Ch F’Hiram Abif Royal Bell, IPO 1, TAN/TAT, FR Brevet, ZTP-V1A x Tahi Reme XTrem. CGC, STT, BH, ZTP-SG1B Owner: Patrick & Lorna O’Connor. Winners Dog: 293 Reserve Winners Dog: 304 Open Bitch 192 VG3 ,1788.& &+ .\H¡V $OH[LXV )LUH 0H 8S %+ :$& $77 75 %LWFK %UHHGHU /DUU\ .\H &DUD¡V 7RS 6KHOI 6FK+ ,3 [ 82&-,1788.& &+ -%DUV 6FKDW]L :LQGZDONHU &2 8&2 %+ 75 6$5 June 2012

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Doberman Pinscher Club of America

!"#$!%&'() Agility Statistics

+7*( (NPSP[` ;VW ;^LU[` 4H` (WYPS (2* (\[VTH[LK +VILYTHU (NPSP[` 9LWVY[Z 3PUKH : 9VILY[ZVU ;VW ;^LU[` (NPSP[` :[H[PZ[PJPHU , THPS! 3PU9PU;U+VIL'`HOVV JVT RANK/NAME OF DOG (Call Name) AVERAGE OWNER(S) YPS - STD 1 MACH9 Thornwoods Flare CD MXF TQX WAC (Flare) Y. & D. Mancino 4.51 2 MACH4 Delta Duchess Of Davenport CD RN MXF (Delta) T. & S. Houg 3.98 3 MACH2 Olympia Tamora V Promise CDX NF (Tamora) C. Koenig 3.67 4 Dedo’s Fostas Touch Of Style CDX MX MXJ J. & R. Brettscheider 3.83125 5 MACH4 Anozira’s Arpeggio V Moria MXF (Carmina) P. Moorhatch 3.4 6 MACH2 D’Tales Acceleration V Redlaur NF (Zip) M. Minch 3.82 7 MACH3 Smack-Dab’s Daring Dicey MXF (Dicey) J. Morton 4.18 8 MACH Rock’s Indian Sunburn M. Rock 3.91 9 CH MACH Mandre’s Grace Under Fire XF (Grace) T. & S. Houg & B. Ross 3.61 10 MACH2 Fulcer’s Raven UD RE OF (Raven) L. Fulcer 4.285 11 MACH Smack-Dab’s Razzam’Taz CDX RA OF S. Conners 3.69 12 MACH Mikadobe’s Tempest OF WAC (Stormy) M. Timken 3.84 13 MACH2 Montwood Kiz ‘N’ Tell V Arista XF WAC (Zena) L. Zaeske 4.46 14 MACH Phyresides’s Double Dare You CD NF (Mason) F. & C. Ochsner 3.37 15 CH MACH DTales Vivala Ignition Redlaur NF ROM (Kei) C. Apling 3.75 16 Platinum’s Winner Takes It All RN OA OAJ NF B. Szczygiel 4.07 17 MACH Elphame’s Fairey Queen CDX RE MXF WAC (Keira) J. Chardavoyne 4.06 18 MACH2 Eastwick’s Obvious Rodeo (Rodeo) B. Waseleki & S. Koster DVM 3.62 19 CH Protocol’s Citius Altius Fortius MX MXJ XF ROM (Porsche) C. Moore & J. & K. Mullins 4.15 20 Montwood’s Magic Man V Arista MX MXJ XF (Dylan) L. Zaeske 4.04











































TTA STATISTICIAN - Linda S. Robertson - LinRinTnDobe@Yahoo.com 90 | The Doberman Pinscher Magazine

June 2012

VCX, FFB VG1A, WAC, TO I, CGC Owner: Linda Kye. Agent Linda Kye. 262 E1 CC Kansa’s Terrore Della Toscana. Bitch. Breeder: Douglas M & Jacqueline C Matson. ITCH Quillan Qasim del Citone SCH I ZTP V1-A AI AD Sieger x AKC CH Kansa’s Foxxy Cleopatra Owner: Douglas M & Jacqueline C Matson. 297 E2 CC AKC CH Kansa’s Luciana Della Liguria. Bitch. Breeder: Doug and Jacque Matson. ITCh Ouillam Quasim Del Citone SCH I ZTP V1A x Ch Kansa’s Foxxy Cleopatra Owner: Judy Schmelig and Jacque Matson. Performance Bitch 300 VG1 Sant Kraal Shocolate BH. Russia. Bitch. Breeder: E Kruglova. INT Ch. Sant Kreal Zeus, IP03 AD ZTP V1A x Ch. Sant Kreal Galaxy .. IP03 ZTP Owner: Mitch Ed ley. Working Bitch 203 E1 CC AKC CH Kansa’s Dream The Impossible Dream ScH I. Bitch. Breeder: Doug & Jacque Matson. Kansa’s Superman At Cargeo x AKC CH Kansa’s Primetime Live Owner: Douglas M and Jacqueline C Matson. 250 8.& &+ ,QFUHGLEOH &DSHU 9 5HEKRO]HU 6F+ $ 2% $77 &*& :$& SJ. Bitch. Breeder: Lorna & Patrick O’Connor. Multi Ch. FHi ramABF Royal Bell, ZTPV1A,IP01,FRBREVET,TAV x Tahi Remex-Treme BH.CGC,STT,ZTP Owner: Traci Mulligan. 294 E2 ZH -HZHO O] *UDWVODQR %+ $.& 5HJ 8.5$,1( %LWFK %UHHGHU LA Tarasenko. Ch. Tahi Reme Gerett, IPO 3 x Ogon Zhara izGratsiano. I PO 3 Owner: Patrick & Lorna O’Connor. Veteran Bitch ( $'$ 8'& &K 7DKO 5HPH *ORULD &*& 677 6FK+ ,32 =73 V1 B. CZECH. Bitch. Breeder: Erika Szokol. lnt CH. Gino Gomez del Citone Sch Ill, ZTP V1A x lnt CH. Tahi Reme Triniti Sch I Owner: Patrick & Lorna O’Connor. Winners Bitch: 262 Reserve Winners Bitch: 297 Best of Breed: 262 Best of Opposite Sex: 293 Best Veteran: 64

Understanding the scores Conformation: E = Excellent VG = Very Good G = Good S = Sufficient IS = Insufficient CC = Challenge Certificate A dog must win 3 CCs and have a working or obedience title to get a UDC Championship. The dog must pass the age appropriate Temperament Test and get an Excellent rat-

CORRECTION April 2012 issue incorrectly captioned photos for the Imagemaker’s feature. Ch. Imagemaker’s Black Ice with Carmin Pitts (not Mona Fasth) and Tim Sload with Ch. Imagemaker’s Sinfully Delightful CD, CGC, her titles were not listed. Our apologies for an inconvienence this may have caused.

ing to be considered for a CC. Due to the relatively small number of UDC shows, the judge can award as many CCs as they like to dogs they feel are “Championship Quality�, not just the Winners Dog and Winners Bitch. There are 3 different Temperament Tests based on age: Puppy, Youth, and Adult. Babies and Puppies are rated Very Promising or Promising. This is similar to Very Good or Good. They cannot be rated as Excellent because they lack maturity. Youth Dogs which are 12-24 months old can receive an Excellent Rating and CCs, but only 1 CC counts toward their Championship. This means that a dog must be at least 24 Months old to receive a UDC Championship. IPO: Each phase has a rating: 100 - 96 = V (Excellent) 95 - 90 = SG (Very Good) 89 - 80 = G (Good) 79 - 70 = S (Satisfactory) Below 70 = Insufficient For the Total Score: 300 - 286 = V (Excellent) 285 - 270 = SG (Very Good) 269 - 240 = G (Good) 239 - 220 = S (Sufficient) Less than 220 = Insufficient The “a� is called the TSB rating. TSB stands for Temperament, Self-Assuredness, and Ability to Work under Pressure (also know as Courage and Hardness). “a� stands for “pronounced�. Other TSB ratings are “vh� is “sufficient, and “ng� is insufficient. The total score, 276 is a “sehr gut� or “very good� score. K Editors note: Thank you to Doug Matson for his coverage of the UDC Nationals and for his thorough explanation of the scoring system.


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June 2012

The Doberman Pinscher Magazine | 91

Doberman Pinscher Club of America

!"#$!%&'() Obedience Statistics


























































Statistics are complied from the July through the following June AKC Gazettes. This may not correspond to any particular show dates. The results VUS` YLÅLJ[ [OL ^PUZ YLWVY[LK PU [OVZL .HaL[[LZ 5V[L! 0M `V\ HYL UV[ H J\YYLU[ TLTILY VM +7*( WSLHZL ZLUK `V\Y OVTL HKKYLZZ (5+ L THPS [V the Top 20 Obedience chairperson immediately. Cindy Bohnert, 3422 Bell Line Road, Omro, WI 54963 E-Mail: specialqtrs@gmail.com You do not need to be a DPCA member to qualify for Top 20 Obedience, nor to participate in the Top 20 Obedience event at the National show in October. 92 | The Doberman Pinscher Magazine

June 2012

DPC of Charlotte

June 2012

The Doberman Pinscher Magazine | 93

Doberman Pinscher Club of America

!"#$!%&'() Conformation Statistics

$0#! #ONFORMATION 4OP 4WENTY s *ULY *UNE !+# !WARD 'AZETTES Gwen Lucoff, Top Twenty Conformation Statistician E-mail: ZUMADOBIES@aol.com

Rank/Name of Dog Owner 1* GCH Protocol’s VeniVidiVici J Mullins/K Mullins 2 GCH Caryola’s Antigua N Barksdale/M Barksdale 3 GCH Catawba’s Take No Prisoners CD S Miller 4 GCH Mi-Ti’s Three Cheers J Goldblatt/S Baker/CSilverman/D Roof 5 GCH Cambria’s Must Be Fate G Lajeski/J White/A White 6 GCH Holly Woods Sex And The City D Mcgarvey/M Thomas 7 GCH Francesca’s House Of Blues R Hennessey 8 GCH Gallant’s First And Foremost V Ciden P Healy/M Fasth/D Huckfeldt/C Huckfeldt 9 GCH D’s Devil Wears Prada T Pinto/JPinto/A Dinardo/S DiNardo 10 GCH Horizon’s Evangeline R Keith/J Keith/L George 11 GCH Tropix Lemon Twist RN K Ingram/DJohnson/K Howard 12 GCG D’s Remember When D DiNardo/S Dinardo/B Cuddeback 13 GCH Allure Envy Me Royalwood V Schohaus L Schoeneman/J Schoeneman/C Pitts 14 GCH Sunburg’s Street Sense Joanne Davis & Terri Galle 15 GCH Cadbrae This Is It K Cloud/T Simrell-Sheridan/J Rojas/D Galligan 16 CH Mystique’s Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds R King/S King 17 GCH Winmar’s Wanna Get Lucky L Burroff/B Wilhite 18 GCH Lyndobe’s Turn On Da Charm A Wulbrecht/L Coleman 19 GCH Foxridge N Ameridobe’s The Beat Goes On L Mattson/J Kelly/J Kelly 20 CH Jaspar’s Destinys Child J Pawar 21 GCH Holmrun’s Really Truly Mine RE D Kemp/M Kemp

Sex B B B D B B D D B B B D B D B B D D D D B

#BOB 95 67 50 66 56 30 48 45 58 30 34 25 26 19 27 17 13 24 21 13 3

Points 2380 1503 1352 1292 1238 938 937 892 888 587 585 569 458 424 392 303 301 296 269 260 248

Statistics are compiled from the July through the following June AKC Gazettes. This may not correspond to any particular show dates. The results only reflect the wins reported in those Gazettes.

94 | The Doberman Pinscher Magazine

June 2012

! DPC of Atlanta !

June 2012

The Doberman Pinscher Magazine | 95


Full page black & white ......................................................$125 Full page color ...................................................................$299 1/2 page black & white .......................................................$80 1/2 page color ....................................................................$175 1/4 page black & white .......................................................$50 1/4 page color ....................................................................$110 Business Card Listing -includes Bulk Mail Subscription (black & white only) ............................................... $100 per year Litter Announcements ...................................... Free to subscribers Rates include up to four photos per full page ad, additional photos $10 each Covers are by reservation only call or e-mail Marcy, Nancy or Elizabeth for availability & price Front Cover includes 2 page full color inside story Inside Front Cover Full Color. . . . $600.00 Inside Front Spread (pages 2 & 3 together) . . . . $900.00 Page 3 alone (Full Color). . . . . $400.00 Outside Back Cover . . . .$700.00 Inside Back Cover . . . . $400.00 Outside and Inside Back Cover (together) . . . . $1000.00 Pages are assigned on a first come, first served basis. Reserve early for the best position. — BUILD YOUR OWN SECTION — For every 5 pages get a like page FREE! NEW CONTRACT ADVERTISING Just $124.58 per month buys you 6 consecutive color ads. Do the math -- that's 6 ads for the price of 5! All advertisers, except breeders directory, magazines will be mailed first class, photos will be returned with magazines unless other instructions are given. Full Payment must accompany all advertising. =PZH 4HZ[LYJHYK (TLYPJHU ,_WYLZZ +PZJV]LY HJJLW[LK Commercial advertisers please call for rate sheet.

USA bulk rate, standard mail: One year, $60.00 Two years $110.00 USA first class mail: One year $85.00 Two years $160.00 Canada surface mail: One year, $90.00 Two years $170.00 ALL Other Countries, surface mail: $150.00 Two years $280.00 NEW! DIGITAL EDITION - One Year $45.00 Single Copy Rate $15.00 USA, $25.00 ALL Other Countries

JOIN US FOR OUR UPCOMING ISSUES August 2012 PRE-NATIONAL PUPPY FEATURE CANADIAN ISSUE deadline: June 25 October 2012 NATIONAL ISSUE HANDLERS SHOWCASE deadline: August 25 December 2012 POST NATIONAL NATIONAL RESULTS deadline November 10 February 2013 NEW TITLE HOLDERS for 2012 Unsolicited copy deadline is 45 days prior to publication. Litter Announcements Letters to the editor deadline is 30 days prior to publication. All unsolicited copy will be used on an “as space allows” basis. The editor reserves the right to edit all copy submitted or reject unsuitable advertisements.

AD SALES >LZ[ VM [OL 4PZZPZZPWWP 5HUJ` 1L^LSS 608-359-6519 - nancy@dobermanpinschermagazine.com ,HZ[ VM [OL 4PZZPZZPWWP ,SPaHIL[O )HYYL[[ 740-971-7863 - elizabeth@dobermanpinschermagazine.com Mail subscriptions, copy and advertising to: The Doberman Pinscher Magazine 4143 Milton Shopiere Rd Milton, WI 53563 phone: 608-774-7435 fax: 866-226-8058 visit us on the web! www.dobermanpinschermagazine.com 96 | The Doberman Pinscher Magazine

Magazines are mailed on a complimentary basis to any AKC judge licensed to judge Dobermans (USA address only) who wishes to receive them.

June 2012

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June 2012

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30'&)E($F),&$)$ 9/0:$-/9-;'+%1+.2G 1F+-$-%);&$+-$ .20($!H#$%&'$ (&)'$I.'&< The Doberman Pinscher Magazine | 97

INDEX TO ADVERTISED DOGS ADAMAS All Left Turns.............................................................................. 34 ADAMAS U.S.M.C. .................................................................................... 34 Adele von Morr .......................................................................................... 26 Aludra’s St. Louis Blues .............................................................................. 27 Black Coral’s Irreplaceable ......................................................................... 32 Brachmar’s Revolution v. Merrimac ............................................................. 13 Bravehart’s Winter Warrior ......................................................................... 77 Caleb’s Celtic Cross .................................................................................... 80 Caleb’s Chariot Of Fire ............................................................................... 79 Caleb’s Chasing Midnight ........................................................................... 78 Caleb’s Crystal Rain ................................................................................... 71 Caleb’s Remembrance ................................................................................ 80 Caleb’s Resurrection Rain at Anchor Point ................................................. 78 Clariion’s Lindero Canyon V Thunder....................................................... 2, 3 GMC Keeper Of The Stars v Caleb ............................................................ 75 GMC Take It Back Again V Bravehart .......................................................... 76 Gormae’s Cover Girl .................................................................................... 8 Heartwood’s Bark At The Moon................................................................. 40 Heartwood’s Electric Blues Man ................................................................. 41 Heartwood’s Hot Bolero ............................................................................. 41 Heartwood’s Hot Night Boogie .................................................................. 43 Heartwood’s Hot Zamba............................................................................ 42 Kaliber’s Theatrical ...................................................................................... 24 Kaliber’s Unforgettable ................................................................................25 Kalora’s Krimzen Dragon............................................................................. 19 Kelview Stedfast Hallelujah v. Triadel ......................................................... 50 Kelview Stellar HalfTime v. Triadel ............................................................. 52 Kelview’s Diamond v. Nova ....................................................................... 52 Kelview’s Gemini v. Nova .......................................................................... 45 Kelview’s Ice Breaker V Mueller ................................................................. 51 Kelview’s Jewel Of The Nile v. Mueller ...................................................... 53 Megamugs Bound To You .......................................................................... 33 Megamugs Haven’t Seen The Last Of Me .................................................. 33 Merrimac’s Man On The Moon ................................................................... 15

Mick Rick Purple Please .............................................................................. 18 Mira Via UR Time is Gonna Come............................................................... 6 Mojave’s Creeping Devil .............................................................................23 Mueller Jewel Keiv Kelview ........................................................................ 55 Mueller Jewel Thief v Kelview .................................................................... 54 Protocol’s Citius Altius Fortius ..................................................................... 31 Protocol’s Flagrante Delicto................................................................ 99, 100 Protocol’s Sic Itur Ad Astra .......................................................................... 31 Protocol’s Veni Vidi Vici ................................................................... 1, 15, 16 Quartets Spectacular Moment...................................................................... 7 Rio’s Beautiful Monster .............................................................................. 58 Rio’s Fino Monster ..................................................................................... 59 Rio’s Java Monster ....................................................................................... 61 Rio’s Kozmick Pearl Monster ...................................................................... 63 Rio’s Let Your Inner Monster Ou ............................................................... t 62 Rio’s Luca Brasi Monster ............................................................................ 64 Rio’s Standing Valor ................................................................................... 60 Rolin’s No Reservations ................................................................................ 9 Schohaus Archangel Uriel v Azar ............................................................... 69 Schohaus Lady of Faith .............................................................................. 69 Schohaus Lord Of The Storm ..................................................................... 69 Schohaus McArthur’s Mien ........................................................................ 69 Schohaus Ultimate Solo.............................................................................. 69 Stedfast Oh What A Miracle v. Kellview ..................................................... 50 Tiburon Ariel Bella Donna ........................................................................... 5 Tiburon Arsenel ..........................................................................................18 Touchstone Dreamweaver SF ...................................................................... 10 Treu’s Above Suspicion V Touchstone ......................................................... 11 Zane’s What She’s Doing Now..................................................................... 4

INDEX TO ADVERTISERS Alba Medica.................................................................................................81 Barrett, Elizabeth .................................................................................. 34, 35 Beatty, Faith & Jim...................................................................................... 27 Beskau, Karen & Kayla ............................................ 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64 Boyes, Jr, Bill ............................................................................................... 13 Briant, Mary & Bill ..................................................................................... 35 Brotherhood, Alisa ................................................................................ 10, 11 Call, Wende ................................................................................................. 7 Chan, Greg................................................................................................. 53 Conners-Chan, T. ........................................................................................53 Corr, Estelle & Alora ....................................................................................19 Determan, Robin (Schleifer) ..................................................................... 2, 3 Doberman Pinscher Club of Greater Des Moines ....................................... 30 Duncan, Rachelle .........................................................................................42 Fagan, Juanita & Jeff ....................................................................................41 Gentile, Liz .................................................................................................. 8 Gorr, Lori ..................................................................................................... 8 Hagmann, Roland & Linda ........................................................................... 9 Hallahan, Robert M. Jr. & Paula K. ............................................................. 77 Haynor, Charlsie ..........................................................................................59 Hertling, Christine .......................................................................................71 Hill, Gillian & Joseph ..................................................................................79 Hoppe, Jessica ........................................................................................... 63 Ilnicki, Patrick .............................................................................................23 Ivey, Rose ....................................................................................................61 Jewell, Nancy ..............................................................................................32 Jones, Laura ..............................................................................75, 77, 78, 80 Kelish, Greg & Liza .....................................................................................15 Kelso, Cindy ................................................................................................45 Kool Koat, ...................................................................................................81 Lauzon, Michele .........................................................................................18 Libby, Dene .................................................................................................76 Libengood, Bambi .................................................................................76, 77 Lundvall, William & Carolyn ...................................................................... 80

98 | The Doberman Pinscher Magazine

Lundy, Suzy & Dick .....................................................................1, 16, 17. 31 Lynch, Joe & Sara ........................................................................................11 Mahle, Teresa ........................................................................................... 2, 3 Matthews, Monika ......................................................................................10 McCarthy, Patricia & Thomas ....................................................................... 4 McClendon, Nikki .......................................................................................15 McGuire, Marcy ..........................................................................................26 Merrick, Alison ............................................................................................23 Mihaljevich, Karen ......................................................................................43 Miller, Roxann & Wayne .......................................................................45, 54 Moore, Carol ...............................................................................................31 Moyer, Tommy & Melinda ........................................................................... 5 Mull, Gerry ...........................................................................................75, 76 Mullins, Jocelyn & Kevin ................................................1, 16, 17, 31, 99, 100 Netzband, Peggy & Edward ........................................................................55 Nicholson, Colleen ...................................................................45, 51, 53, 54 O’Sell, Cindy .............................................................................................. 60 Raffa-Sodel, Nancy ...............................................................................24, 25 Rheingans, Dr. Megan ................................................................................ 64 Riggs, Rebecca ............................................................................................33 Riley, Linda & Patrick ..................................................................................78 Roter, Rebecca ............................................................................................27 Schenck, Eileen & Frank ..............................................................................49 Schrader, Judy .............................................................................................75 Sims, Stacy ..................................................................................................19 Sizemore, Bob & Lynne ........................................................................ 68, 69 Smith, Lisa D. ............................................................................................... 6 Stedman, Pamela ........................................................................................ 50 Stephens, Dave & Suzi ............................................................................... 40 Stueck, Pat ................................................................................................. 34 Swick, Dr. Todd & Marilyn ..........................................................................10 Turk, John ....................................................................................................51 Wolfe, Sally .................................................................................................52

June 2012

June 2012

The Doberman Pinscher Magazine | 99

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