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Are we using the latest print technology to offer new personal printed and promotional wares for our customers?
Tried and tested can mean dated and we are proud of being serial print pioneers. Sometimes picking a trend is costly and waiting for proof of a market is easier, a bit like goal hanging. Here we can watch for a re-bound and be close enough to score. Some exhibition breakthroughs have never been seen since, unless you know otherwise, please share.
A few years ago at Printwear and Promotions exhibition we were impressed with a textile tattoo system. A laser was used to burn an image onto fabric by removing the ‘fluffy’ fibres and leaving a shaved area that stood out, or rather, in reverse, left the remaining fabric standing out.
At the same show we witnessed personalised decals being cooked onto chinaware in a halogen oven. I had to check this and the posts seem to run out around 2019. Again if you have continued success with this process and can recommend a supplier, please drop me a line for my summer research.
Fast forward to 2023 and all things DTF. While our own business has held back as busy in other areas, we have missed an opportunity that needs playing catch up. As usual we try to surround ourselves with experts and glean their knowledge to the benefit of our own shop real scenario customers and of course sharing best practice with our other quick print pros.