Village Living 0411

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Village LIVING


April 2011

Lifestyle | community | Business

Steyning Bramber Beeding Ashington Washington Storrington Henfield Small dole Ashurst Partridge Green

Wonderful Wiston Sussex’s hidden historical gem

Over the Farm Gate

Brighton’s Best fest celebrate the taste of Sussex

Easy Easter Lamb

Merry Meads & more

from Lurgashall Winery

WIN! A case of Hepworth Real Ales We review The Golden Willow in Storrington





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Contents 7

Welcome to April


village News & Diary


Over the Farm Gate Follow our Farm Diary


Best Face Forward Village Living scrubs up well


Pets in the Picture Animal portraiture in Steyning


NEW! Sussex in Focus Take part in our regular photo challenge


Wonderful Wiston Sussex’s hidden historical gem


Brighton’s Best Fest Celebrate the taste of Sussex




Restaurant Review The Golden Willow, Storrington


From The Farm Kitchen: Easy Easter Lamb


Drink local: Merry Meads from Lurgashall Winery


Sussex in Season: Over Egging it


Gardening: Thinking Big from the Big Plant Nursery


Talk Money: with Claire Cook


Mind & Body: Chris Jones & the art of Hynotherapy


Where Can You Find village living? village living Magazine is delivered to 10,000 homes and businesses across 10 villages.

Editorial & advertising enquiries Melissa Love 07976 917363

Find us in Steyning, Bramber, Beeding, Small Dole, Henfield, Ashurst, Partridge Green, Washington, Ashington, Storrington as well as selected outlets in Worthing & Shoreham.

Production Toni Barrington The Magazine Production Company 01273 467579

We are increasing our circulation every month, so if you didn’t receive a copy through your letterbox, you will do very shortly.

© 2011 Village Living

Village Living is published monthly by Melissa Love Design. High Elms, Jarvis Lane, Steyning. BN44 3GL 01903 814092

village living is an independent magazine and does not endorse the products or services that appear in the magazine. Opinions expressed in the magazine do not necessarily represent those of the editor or of village living magazine. | tel: 01903 814092

Village Living • February 2011

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April 2011 • Village Living | tel: 01903 814092

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Village Living • April 2011

April 2011 • Village Living | tel: 01903 814092

Welcome to April!


his month, the lambs were truly a-leaping. After reading the Over the Farm Gate diary (page 11), I hot-footed it down to the farm to play in the hay and capture a few shots of this month’s woolly cover stars. I stopped to linger in the farmhouse kitchen and picked up some tips for cooking up an easy Easter feast (page 27) and I’ve got Brighton’s newest food festival events in my diary already. Celebrating its 8th year, the Brighton & Hove Food Festival is now holding fabulous foodie events throughout the rest of the year too. Find out how to win tickets on page 22. Closer to home, I finally ticked off a visit to hidden historical gem, Wiston House, which has been on my list

of must-visit destinations for ages. Finding out about the important role played by the estate in wartime years made for a fascinating visit (pages 18 & 19). Wishing you a happy Easter and glorious Sussex spring.

Melissa deputy Editor katie downes


or follow us on Twitter @villageliving

Congratulations: to Jean Hammond of Upper Beeding who wins February’s case of Hepworth Ales.

Village Living Lunch club at The Talbot in cuckfield


ollowing the success of the first village living lunch Club in the Autumn, we are pleased to announce the next lunch club date, on Thursday, 21st April at

The Talbot in cuckfield eld. A must for keen foodies, join us for a sumtuous 3-course meal specially prepared by Head Chef and former Sussex Young Chef of the Year, Ben Goldsmith. lunch guests will have the opportunity to hear Ben talk about his modern approach to cooking seasonal food and enjoy specially chosen matching wines. Tickets £25 per person from The Talbot on 01444 455898.

Village LIVING

8 • village news

The Wilson Award Rusper residents got


iane Griffiths has, for many years, been the Asthma and Diabetic nurse employed by the Steyning Health Centre and is about to take well earned retirement. She began as a District Nurse. becoming a practice nurse in the late 1980’s, and then Asthma and Diabetic nurse for the practice in the early 1990s ’ On 28th February, at the Health Centre, the Wilson Memorial Trust conferred what has become an annual award on Diane Griffiths. The Wilson Memorial Trust is a charity dedicated to the improvement of the health and welfare of the people of the Steyning area. The award, first made three years ago, is by way of a certificate and small financial gift to the person who has, in the past year, in the trustees’ opinion contributed most significantly to the health of the people of Steyning area. The Steyning Health Centre practice became one of the first Diabetic practices in the area and Diane acquired a solid reputation as an expert in the field. As stated in one of the public responses nominating the award,“ Di Griffiths is a dedicated nurse, for whom the patient always comes first.

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flipping this Pancake Day


hyll Manor Hotel and Restaurant brought the village community together for the annual Rusper Playgroup and Rusper Primary School Pancake Day Races at St Mary Magdalene parish pancake races on Tuesday 8 March. As the school bell rang on Tuesday afternoon, playgroup and school pupils and who are invited to take part this year for the first time along with parents in the adult races headed to Ghyll Manor to take part in the Shrove Tuesday tradition. The races took place on Ghyll Manor’s stunning 40 acres of private grounds, where its green lawns lended themselves perfectly to the occasion! Wine was kindly donated by The Vineyard in Dorking for the event. Hotel Operations Manager Antony Osborne-Ford said “Ghyll Manor is really pleased to be able to support this important community event , it always is such good fun, and to able to bring the St Mary Magdelene parish together whilst having a good time is just fantastic.” Marielle Moore, parent and Committee Secretary of Rusper Playgroup says “It’s was lovely for the children and families to get involved, and most importantly have fun. Ghyll Manor, is such a wonderful hotel and it’s important the local community are able to use it as often as possible.”

Consumers Stake Claim for cheaper heating oil Sussex Consumers are fighting back after disastrous winter of unfair price hikes in domestic heating oil: The Fuel Co-op is being set up for people across Sussex, a community buying group which, working together with a national buying group, expects to be able to offer members significant savings on their fuel bills. To establish whether to launch, The Fuel Co-op, is inviting people to register their interest on their website.


Village Diary village Diary is a great way to publicise an event in your village. Charitable & not for profit events are listed free of charge. A small charge applies for commercial listings. Don’t forget to visit to submit your own listing online.

FARMERS’ MARKETS Ashington farmers’, Artists’ & Makers’ Market – 1st Fri of month. 9.30 – 13.30. Scout Hall, Ashington Horsham – Every Sat. 9.00 – 16.00. Carfax, Town centre Pulborough – last Sat of month. 9.00 – 12.00. village Hall Shoreham – 2nd Sat of month. 9.00 – 13.00. East Street Steyning – 1st Sat of month. 9.00 – 13.00. High St car park West chiltington – 2nd Sat of month. 9.00 – 12.00. village Hall Worthing – 4th Sat of month. 9.00 – 14.00. South Street Square

EVENTS rhyme Time at the Steyning Library, church Street. friday between 2.15 – 245pm. A free fun session with rhymes, songs and musical instruments. Children aged 0 – 3 welcome, Story Time for up to 5’s on a Monday afternoon at 2.15 to 2.45 also free. Ashington Singers, every Monday from 8pm at the Scout Hall. A very friendly crowd of varied talent. £1.50 a session. Contact Beryl Hardie – 01903 892 349 or New members always welcome. Every friday, 9am-10.45am Storrington community Market @Storrington Village Hall Community market selling local & homeproduced food, crafts & plants. SATurdAY 2Nd APrIL chanctonbury Playschool Easter fayre & car Boot Sale 1.30pm to 4.00pm Ashington Community Centre, Foster Lane, RH20 3PG. Pamper treatments for Mother’s Day. To book: 01903 893 753 or 07736 179 910. Free entry, Ice cream, Face Painting, Local Produce, Children’s toys, Refreshment stalls and much more. To book car boot spot, e-mail sarahroberts100@ Limited spaces available – £5.00 per car. SATurdAY 2Nd APrIL 2011 Storrington rotary club Quiz night, 7.30pm Pulborough village hall. Tickets: £8.50 Per Person including Supper, available from Sue Worthington: Scissors Hair & Beauty 01903 247664 & Guy Leonard: 17 High Street, Storrington 01903 742354 / 18 Lower Street, Pulborough 01798 874033 WEdNESdAY 13TH APrIL “Another Year”. A programme of films promoted and organised by The rotary club of Storrington. ALL PROCEEDS TO CHARITY. 7.30pm. Tickets: £5 from ‘The Card Centre’ in Storrington. Any unsold tickets will be available for purchase on the Door, Sullington Parish Hall, on the night. Contact Ken Collins on 01903 740745 or Malcolm Bennett on 01798 812407. Wed 11th May – “The King’s Speech”

THurSdAY 14TH APrIL, 2011 AT 7.30 PM THE PHoENIx cHoIr froM HArArE, ZIMBABWE Our Lady of England RC Church, Monastery Lane, Storrington. A choice of traditional, popular and sacred music. Tickets £8 (includes glass of wine) from Fowlers Estate Agents in Storrington, The Card Centre, High Street, Storrington or Post Office Stores, Church Street, West Chiltington – Proceeds to St Barnabas House and the Athol Evans Complex Hospital Harare. SATurdAY 16TH APrIL HENfIELd HALL, 10.00-12 NooN Henfield Garden club, Annual Plant Sale and coffee Morning 50p (includes coffee or tea & biscuit). Cakes and Tombola Stall. Garden Tools & Items for sale. 01273 493754 TuESdAY APrIL 26TH 3PM MATINEE / 7.30PM The Mary How Trust film Society. West chiltington Village Hall rH20 2PZ The Black Swan, starring Natalie Portman, directed by Darren Aronofsky. £5.00, including membership. Available from: The Mary How Trust, Pulborough Primary Care Centre. Ticket hotline: 01798 877641. The Mary How Trust Charity Shop, Lower Street, Pulborough & Guy Leonard Estate Agents of Pulborough & Storrington, The Card Centre, Storrington High Street, Cherilyn Stores, West Chiltington Post Office. SAT 30TH APrIL & MoN 2Nd MAY 10.30AM – 5.00PM. free Entry craft & Hobbies Showcase Methodist church, 18 High Street Steyning. Refreshments all day with Ploughmans Lunches 12noon to 2.00pm. New & traditional crafts, & collectors items. SuNdAY 1ST MAY AT 3.00PM Songs of Praise in the church front Garden with cream Teas. FESTIVAL OF FOOD & ARTS St.George’s Parish Church, Steyning Rd, W. Grinstead RH13 8LR. frIdAY 6TH MAY 6:30PM – 8:30PM Cookery Demonstration – Music – Wine and Canapés. Tickets £10 (see below). SATurdAY 7TH MAY & SuNdAY 8TH MAY 11AM – 12PM Local food, wine & beer, BBQ, Country Dancing, Tractor Rides, Farm walks, Auction of Promises Fun Fair and many other attractions. Sussex Artists Art Exhibition. SUNDAY, 6.30pm – concert by the Shipley Arts Festival. Tickets £15.00: Capitol Horsham 01403 750220. PROCEEDS TO West Grinstead PCC and Shipley Arts Festival Event Information: Dave Tidey 864762, Brenda Weller 711821, Lynda Martin 864329 SATurdAY 7TH MAY 9-12PM Plant Sale, Steyning Grammar School Organized by FOSGS to raise funds for the school. Fantastic selection of professionally and home grown bedding plants, vegetable plants etc. Come and jazz up your garden! Contact: | tel: 01903 814092

Village Living • April 2011

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Farm Diary W

ow – so much has happened on the farm since my last diary! It’s spring and with the evenings being a little lighter for longer, we are able to get a few more of the jobs done outside on the farm that we have been putting off all winter. We have got lots of new arrivals on the farm this month. My favourite Gloucester old spot pig Dorothy has given birth to a whopping 14 gorgeous piglets. The farrowing was very straightforward. I only had to assist with the delivery of one massive piglet and I stayed with her all the way through to make sure she was ok. After Dorothy had a well deserved rest I hand-fed her some bananas and some bread, her favourite treats. She is so spoilt! Keeping me extra busy at the moment are our cheeky little bottle lambs. At the last count we had 18. They all need feeding 3 times a day – luckily I had plenty of help from visiting children. They have the luxury of a heat lamp to keep the chill off them as the nights are still a bit cold and two of them have been named Fearne and Reggie who are DJs from Radio 1. Our ewes are now in the barn as well ready for delivering their lambs. They all look very happy munching away on sweet hay! Once their lambs are born they will stay inside the barn for a couple of days to make sure they get the best start and then we will move them to the grass fields to grow, play and explore. Keith has been busy fertilising the grass this week to encourage a good crop for silage. This is where the grass is mown, baled and wrapped in black plastic. It is then stored and used to feed the cattle in the winter. Wishing you all a very happy Easter.

Sara x

Don’t miss our Taster Day on Sunday 1st May We will have our summer range of homemade sausages, burgers, kebabs and BBQ sauce and Simply Ice cream for you to sample along with other products such as mayonnaise and salad dressings from Partridge Green and Henfield. We would love you all to join us, anytime from 10 till 4pm. We are running a competition to guess the name of our Beautiful Big Easter Bunny who is taking pride of place in our shop. Guess her name correctly and you could win a crown of Lamb for your Easter roast (see our tasty recipe on page 27).


GATEWICK FARM, A283 STEYNING Home produced free range meat Family-run butchery Delicious homemade sausages Fresh fruit & veg Homemade pies & cakes Look out Jams & chutneys for our handy recipe Local milk & cream sheets Ample free parking Open: Thursday - Sunday 10am - 4.30pm Gatewick Farm, Steyning, West Sussex BN44 3SF tel: 01903 812241 or 07977 186003 | tel: 01903 814092

Village Living • April 2011



Experienced industry professional, Debby Holmes, offers impartial support to anyone thinking of entering the modelling industry. With many years of experience working with top fashion houses, including Yves St Laurent, Hugo Boss and Jean Paul Gaultier, Debby knows the business inside out and can offer advice on: • PHOTOGRAPHERS • MAKE-UP ARTISTS • CHOREOGRAPHY • FASHION SHOW PRODUCTION • FILM EVENTS • PROMOTIONS & CORPORATE EVENTS

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Best Face Forward


’ve always been in awe of those organised types who have any kind of ‘beauty regime’. Managing to remove my make-up at the end of a busy day is just about my limit. Beauty treatments, along with all-night parties and £100 haircuts were on the long list of things that went out the window with the arrival of small children. Maybe it’s the appearance of a brand new set of lines around my eyes or a particularly harsh winter taking its toll, but when Debbie Holmes invited me to try a facial at Whispers at Body Matters in Steyning, the idea was strangely appealing. I’ve got to confess that I’ve never actually had a facial before but it’s clear that I’m going to be in good hands. After a highly successful modeling career which took Debbie from the catwalks of Paris fashion houses to a stint as the ‘legs’ of Pretty Polly, Debbie ran her own highly successful model management company, helping to launch the careers of hundreds of aspiring models. Giving sound advice to wannabe models is something that Debbie takes very seriously and she still takes a active role in the industry through her Model Info Bureau. After leaving the business to concentrate on raising her six children, Debbie trained in all aspects of beauty and complementary therapy and in 2009 successfully battled breast cancer too, going on to raise over £11,000 for cancer charities. I’m seriously impressed and I can’t help feeling that it’s Debbie who should be sitting down for a relaxing treatment or two, but she won’t hear of it. Her business, Whispers, has been based at Body Matters in Steyning High Street, which is home to several independent massage and beauty therapists, for X years. The Carole Franck products she prefers to use are aromatherapy-based and allow her to exactly tailor the treatment to the skin type of the client having the treatment.

Whispers Beauty

Contact Debbie at Whispers at Bodymatters on 07511659496

I’m not surprised to hear that my skin is mildly dehydrated and a little dull after a long cold winter. After a quick cleanse, Debbie applies a light ‘peel’, which she leaves for a minute or so and then gently buffs away with her fingers. It sounds alarming, but it’s a natural treatment and simply takes away any dead skin. Next she applies a delicious smelling serum to tighten open pores (and I’m sure there are a good few of those – I never like to look too closely). The highlight of the treatment is a wonderfully soothing facial massage and hydrating masque, which is so relaxing that I fall asleep half way through and awake for a final application of moisturising balm sealed in with a pomegranate mist. If it sounds like heaven, it is. It’s genuinely one of the most pleasant experiences I’ve ever had in my life and, much as I like the odd massage, the facial is even more enjoyable because I feel like it’s doing something useful at the same time. I drift off down the high street in a cloud of scented oil, feeling radiant, and the next day, my skin feels noticeably smoother and several people tell me how well I look. Debbie tells me that to get the best results, you need a facial every six weeks. I hope I can wait that long.

£5 off Voucher for any treatment of your choice at Whispers at Bodymatters (offer valid until 30/04/2011)


at Body Matters Steyning

INDIAN HEAD MASSAGE • HOPI EAR CANDLE • REFLEXOLOGY ST TROPEZ TANNING • FACIALS • PAMPER PACKAGES Body Matters • 36 High Street • Steyning • BN44 3YE • TEL 01903 813500 | tel: 01903 814092

Village Living • April 2011


At Sussexdown we work hard to provide the highest quality care in an atmosphere based on independence, dignity and a great quality of life. Whether you have residential, nursing or dementia needs, our staff have the skills and experience to deliver your perfect balance of care. An historic building like Sussexdown also offers beautiful surroundings with landscaped gardens and lovely views. This is country house living, with ongoing care for total peace of mind. We’d love to tell you more about how we can help you and your family to arrange your care needs. Please call Sussexdown Home Manager Sue Bush on 01903 744221 for an informal chat, to order an information pack or arrange a visit.


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Pets in the Picture

By Melissa Love


y daughter is forever asking me to draw pictures for her of cats and dogs and she’s always disappointed. Cat, dog, horse, goat – they all turn out looking the same. Next time she asks, I’ve decided to send her along to Sue Taylor, who has recently opened a new gallery in Steyning’s Cobblestone Walk. Her shop sells prints and original art which are available to buy, but it’s her pet portrait service which really intrigues me. It’s hard enough to draw a good likeness of a person let alone an animal and I want to know how on earth she does it. Sue tell me. “I suppose I was born with a gift because I’ve always been able to draw and paint. I spent hours as a child drawing the same animals over and over again, probably to the point of obsession.” Sue tells me that she used to have a very photo-realistic style, but returned to college at the age of 32, to learn some new techniques which has resulted in a more artistic style. “It taught me to be looser and more adventurous, rather than just copying from photographs” she tells me. “I can do that of course, but it depends on the client whether the work is very photo-realistic or whether it’s a more artistic interpretation.” It turns out that Sue was drawn to animals from a very young age and her favourite subjects are horses, which would seem to me to be the very hardest to draw or paint. How do you convey that power and energy or capture a likeness? I hope Sue’s got some top tips for me. “I don’t really know how I do it,” says Sue, “but I measure constantly with my pencil and my eye and I try to really get a sense of the animal’s personality in my mind before I start to draw it.” Sue is keen to start producing local landscapes now too and is looking forward to exploring the local area with her sketchbook and camera. “It’s my ambition to be a full-time artist and I’m finding West Sussex really inspiring.”

The art we hang on our walls says a lot about who we are. Enhance your home with a beautiful, original art by local artist, Sue Taylor. Commisson Sue to paint something unique & special to you like a pet portrait • a favourite landmark or place • a favourite flower • a mural on your lounge or bedroom wall

Call 07530 672 888

Sue’s shop, Suzart, at cobblestone Walk, Steyning, is open Saturdays and Sundays. Pet portraits start at £50. for more information visit or call Sue on 07530 672 888. | tel: 01903 814092

Village Living • April 2011

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April 2011 • Village Living | tel: 01903 814092


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to Hassocks


Sussex in focus

Winner: Yvonne Beech – frost on Lancing college Village Living is looking for the best images of life in Sussex. We’ll be publishing 3 stunning photos every month with the winner receiving a £25 voucher kindly donated by Park cameras. for your chance to be published and win, send a maximum of 3 images to or visit www.villageliving. biz to upload your photos. With thanks to

runner up: karl Honeysett – Telescombe Towards Brighton | tel: 01903 814092

Village Living • April 2011


Wonderful Wiston West Sussex’s Hidden Historical Gem


’ve been interested in Wiston House for some time. Situated between Steyning & Ashington, on a private estate totaling nearly 6,000 acres, Wiston is variously talked of a secret government hideaway, a place to get married or owned by local gentry. In fact, all three classifications are largely true but the whiff of mysterious government activity is what’s got me hooked. The truth is nothing quite as glamorous as I’m imagining, but Wiston House does play host to an illustrious political think-tank retreat called Wilton Park, an initiative established in 1946 by Winston Churchill to help re-establish peace and democracy in Europe. Initially housed in Buckinghamshire at the reallife Wilton Park, the initiative moved to Sussex in 1951, bringing its name with it. Fast forward 60 years and Wiston House now plays host on a regular basis to political luminaries from around the world, holding over 50 conferences a year which focus on problems of a global nature.

April 2011 • Village Living

charles Goring himself described the Wiston’s outlook best:

“Still when the morning sun in Spring Whilst I enjoy my sight, Shall gild thy new-clothed Beech and sides, I’ll view thee with delight.” The area of Wiston Manor was first mentioned in the Domesday Book as early as 1086, a gift from the crown to a John de Braose as a reward for his part in the Norman conquests. But it wasn’t until 1573 that work began on Wiston House itself. The original house was larger and more elaborate than the structure that remains today but many of the most impressive features remain, including the splendid Great Hall with its double hammer-beam roof. The estate is still in private hands, owned by the Goring family since 1743, and used as their main family residence as recently as the early1900s, until war caused the house to be leased to the Canadian Army as they prepared for the | tel: 01903 814092

D-Day invasion. The Canadians left a little souvenir behind, in the form of a mural depicting ‘Jane’ a popular pin-up cartoon character from the Daily Mail. Sadly she is concealed behind an older portrait in the library, but plenty of photographs of the fair lady exist. Most notably, Wiston Estate is the home of Chanctonbury Ring, the famous ring of trees located on a spur of the South Downs to the south west of the house and landmark for many miles around. Planted by sixteen year-old Charles Goring in 1760, he lived to the age of 85, long enough to see his beech trees attain their full maturity. The ring itself is a prehistoric


Willow Herbal Clinic I would like to offer cordial greetings to you all! Do you know that cordial was a medieval drink made from Borage, an herb with the reputation for warming and gladdening the heart? Taken from the latin cordialis meaning ‘of or for the heart’, the drink was originally consumed as a medicine for strengthening the heart.

Wiston is variously talked of a secret government hideaway, a place to get married or owned by local gentry. In fact, all three classifications are largely true but the whiff of mysterious government activity is what’s got me hooked. hilltop enclosure, dating from c800-600 B.C, surrounding the remains of two Romano-Celtic temples. Recent excavations revealed large quantities of pigs’ teeth and bones in the main part of one of the temples, suggesting a connection with ritual offerings. Sadly, when the south-east of England suffered its worst storm in almost 300 years in 1987, the trees were decimated. The Goring family planted new young beeches there again which will take some years yet to grow to full maturity again. Today, Chanctonbury Ring serves as a picturesque backdrop for many a happy couple who hire Wiston House as a luxuriously discreet private wedding venue. With 48 bedrooms, the house is surprisingly roomy and the surrounding estate adds to the feeling of secluded grandeur.

Today, many drugs derived from plants containing chemicals known as cardiac glycosides are used to treat heart disease as they increase the efficiency of the heart without increasing the heart muscle’s need for oxygen. Herbalists also use herbs containing cardiac glycosides, alongside plants with gentler actions known as cardiotonics, used for the management and prevention of heart and circulatory disorders. Hawthorn, lime flower and Garlic are three valuable cardiotonics, taken in tea, tincture, or capsule form. For sluggish circulation, gentle stimulants such as Cayenne, Ginger or Prickly Ash can also be considered. On the whole, cardiac conditions are not suitable for self treatment and must therefore be referred to a qualified practitioner. As with most illness, prevention is the best medicine and by limiting major risk factors such as smoking, obesity and physical inactivity, susceptibility to heart and circulatory-related problems can be reduced.

Hawthorn Berry conserve As one of the most useful cardiotonic herbs, hawthorn may be incorporated into the diet in the form of a delicious smoothie. Soak a large handful of dried hawthorn berries in apple juice (enough to cover plus a few inches) with a cinnamon stick. Leave overnight in the refrigerator. Remove the cinnamon and blend berries with a little honey. Keep refrigerated. Take 1-3 dessertspoons daily.

for a consultation, contact Andrea Murphy at Willow Herbal on 01903 816426 (upper Beeding) Andrea Murphy BA (Hons) BSc (Hons) MNIMH MCPP | tel: 01903 814092

Village Living • April 2011

10% discount on collection of orders over £10



Green Herbs chicken tikka.....................................................................£4.95 Breast of chicken Cooked in clay oven with a flavourd combination of green chilli,coriender,curry leaves & fresh mint King Prawns Butterfly............................................................................£5.95 Nazakat.....................................................................................................£4.95 Succulent chicken skewered and grilled in the clay oven with garlic & nutmeg. Chicken Badami......................................................................................£4.95 Grilled chicken breast with home made peanut sauce. Samosa (meat or vegetable).....................................................................£3.95 Sheek Kabab............................................................................................£4.95 Mince lamb pungently spiced with coriander leaves,ginger,garlic, medium hot and grilled in clay oven. Stuffed Marrechi.....................................................................................£4.95 Fresh whole chilli stuffed with mild cheese, covered in breadcrumbs and deep fried. Duck Tikka................................................................................................£4.95 Duck breast marinated and grilled over clay oven served with salad and dips. Chicken Liver...........................................................................................£4.95 Sauteed chicken liver lightly spiced and served on a bed of salad. King Prawn Bahari..................................................................................£5.95 King prawns cooked in a sweet and sour tamarind sauce. Desi Phool.................................................................................................£4.95 Minced lamb covered with spicy mashed potato,ginger,garlic, coated with breadcrumbs and deep fried. Kebab Bahar............................................................................................£4.95 A pancake stuffed with spicy tender lamb. Chat (chicken or alloo)...............................................................................£4.95 Savoury diced potato or chicken served with onion,fine choped coriender with garam massala. Onion Bhajee...........................................................................................£3.50 Deep fried onion with lentils and herbs. Chicken Tikka / Lamb Tikka...................................................................£4.95

Tandoori Mixed Grill....................................................................................£12.95 Consisting of Lamb Tikka, Chicken Tikka, Sheek Kekab, king prawn & Tandoori Chicken. Tandoori Chicken.........................................................................................£7.95 Spring chicken marinated in herbs and grilled over charcoal (on the bone). Chicken Badami...........................................................................................£8.95 Grilled chicken breast with peanut sauce. Chicken Tikka / Lamb Tikka........................................................................£7.95 Chicken or lamb marinated and grilled over charcoal, served sizzling. Chicken Shaba (hot).....................................................................................£7.95 Marinated chicken cooked with chilli powder, served sizzling. Shashlik Chicken / Lamb.............................................................................£8.95 Selected pieces of chicken or lamb, green pepper, tomato and onion marinated in aromatic spice, skewered and grilled in the clay oven. Tandoori King Prawns.................................................................................£12.95 King prawns marinated in special paste, served sizzling King Prawn Shashlik...................................................................................£12.95 Spiced King prawns cooked in clay oven, green peppers, tomato, onions & coriander Tandoori Monkfish......................................................................................£12.95 Tandoori Duck..............................................................................................£12.95 Nazakat.........................................................................................................£8.95 Garlic King Prawn........................................................................................£12.95

Steyning’s Special Starters (minimum 2 people)...................................£7.95pp A selection of starters of Kebab bahar, Aloo Chaat, Tandori King Prawn , Stuffed Marrechi, Nazakat, served with salad and dips. Chef’s Selection Starters (minimum 2 people)......................................£7.95 pp A selection of starters consisting of Grilled Duck, Garlic King prawn, Tandoori Chicken, Sheek Kebab, Chicken Chaat, served with salad and dips. King Prawn Puree (medium)..................................................................£5.95 King prawn cooked in a wok with a aromatic spices & served wrapped in a puree. Prawn Puree(medium)............................................................................£4.95 Garlic King Prawn....................................................................................£5.95 King prawn marinated in garlic paste with spices & herbs cooked in tandoor. Tandoori King Prawn...............................................................................£5.95 King Prawns marinated in spices and cooked in clay oevn. Chili Fried Calamari.................................................................................£5.95 Squid fried with coconut milk & thai sweet chilli

Poultry Chicken Biriani.............................................................................................£8.95 Chicken cooked with indian basmati rice herbs and spices, with curried vegetables. Murgh Jalfraizi.............................................................................................£7.95 Breast of Chicken in hot spices with , green peppers, fresh chilli and coriander. Duck Jalfraizi................................................................................................£9.95 Satta Murgh..................................................................................................£7.95 Chicken cooked with ginger, onions and mushrooms. Murgh Makahoni.........................................................................................£7.95 Chicken cooked in very mild creamy sauce with pure ghee and almonds. Murgh Rezalla..............................................................................................£7.95 Grilled Chicken with aromatic spice in a lemon sauce and fresh chillies (hot). Duck Korai.....................................................................................................£9.95 Grilled and sliced duck cooked with aromatic spice . Duck Cashewnut..........................................................................................£9.95 Roasted duck cooked with coconut milk, cashnut & aromatic spice. Chicken Pasanda..........................................................................................£7.95 Grilled pices of chicken cooked in flavoured almond sauce & cream (mild) Chicken Tikka Massala................................................................................£7.95 Murgh Korai..................................................................................................£7.95 Murgh Mossala.............................................................................................£7.95 Chicken Chilli Mossala.................................................................................£7.95 Garlic Chicken...............................................................................................£7.95 Gulap Haash..................................................................................................£9.95 Roasted duck breast, creamy coconut milk, aromatic spices, fresh pineapple. Goa Green Chicken Curry.............................................................................£7.95

‘experience the difference’ Tel: 01903 813533 / 879726

76 High Street, Steyning. BN44 3RD. Open 7 days a week Lunch: 12 noon - 2pm Dinner: 5.50pm - 11pm Fri & Sat: 11.30pm Sunday buffet: 12 noon - 3pm Lamb

All Time Favourites

Methi Palak Gosth........................................................................................£7.95 Tendar lamb cooked with spinach & fengureek . Lamb Rezalla................................................................................................£7.95 Grilled tendar lamb cooked in lemon sauce and fresh green chillies (hot). Lamb Pasanda..............................................................................................£7.95 Grilled pices of tendar lamb cooked in flavoured almond sauce & cream (mild) Lamb Tikka Massala....................................................................................£7.95 Tender strips of lamb marinated in mild spices, grilled then cooked in massala sauce. Lamb Jhalpiazi.............................................................................................£7.95 Tender lamb cooked in hot spices, green peppers, fresh chilli, fresh herbs & coriander. Shahi Lamb...................................................................................................£7.95 Tender Lamb cooked in lentils,chat masala fried ginger and garlic. Lamb Biriyani...............................................................................................£8.95 Lamb cooked with indian basmati rice and spices, served with vegetable sauce. Korai Lamb...................................................................................................£7.95 Tender lamb cooked with green pepper, tomato and onions in a selection of medium spices and fresh herbs. Nobabi Lamb...............................................................................................£9.95 Shank of lamb cooked with the Chef’s own secret recipe, marinated and roasted. Sylhety Lamb................................................................................................£7.95 Tender lamb cooked with special lemon from sylhet (medium)

Dansak Dishes Chicken or Lamb Dansak £6.50................Prawn £7.50............King Prawn Dansak £10.50 Dupiaza Dishes Chicken or Lamb Dupiaza £6.50...............Prawn£7.50............King Prawn Dopiaza £10.50 Bhuna Dishes Chicken or lamb Bhuna £6.50...................Prawn£7.50............King Prawn Bhuna £10.50 Rogan Dishes Chicken or lamb Rogan £6.50....................Prawn£7.50............King Prawn Rogan £10.50 Korma Dishes Chicken or Lamb Korma £6.50...................Prawn£7.50............King Prawn Korma £10.50 Pathia Dishes Chicken or Lamb Pathia £6.50...................Prawn£7.50............King Prawn Pathia £10.50 Madras Dishes Chicken 0r Lamb Madras £6.50.................Prawn£7.50............King Prawn Madras £10.50 Vindaloo Dishes Chicken or Lamb Vindaloo £6.50...............Prawn£7.50............King prawn Vindallo £10.50 Balti dishes Lamb/Chicken £6.95.................................Prawn £7.95............King prawn £10.95

Seafood Desi Calamari................................................................................................£12.95 Calamari stuffed with herbed minced prawns and chicken, cooked in a tasty sauce. Tandoori Monkfish Massala........................................................................£12.95 Monk fish grilled and cooked in massala sauce. Goan Fish Curry............................................................................................£12.95 Goan fish cooked with leaves & herbs with coconut milk King Prawn Jalfraizi.....................................................................................£12.95 King prawns cooked with freshly prepared sauce, green chilli and coriander. Golda Chingrir Johl......................................................................................£12.95 King prawns cooked in a freshly make medium sauce flavoured with oriental spices. King Prawn Moglai......................................................................................£12.95 king prawns from clay oven cooked in medium spices with cashew nuts. King Prawn Biriani......................................................................................£12.95 King prawns cooked with Indian basmati pilau rice and served with vegetables curry. Tandoori King Prawn Massala...................................................................£12.95 King prawns in mild spices, grilled in clay oven in Chef’s own special massala sauce. Isa Sag Ponir.................................................................................................£12.95 King prawns with spinach and cheese with a flavour of garlic. Red Mullet Bhaja.........................................................................................£12.95 Fresh mullet marinated with aromatic spices & herbs then fried with mushrooms & cayenne peppers. Sea Food Bhuna...........................................................................................£12.95 Mixture of King prawan,squid,scallops cooked with chef’s bhuna spices

Vegetable Side Dishes Dry Mixed vegetables..........................£3.75 Bindi (Okra).........................................£3.75 Sag Biran (Spinach).............................£3.75 Dhal Tarka (Lentils)..............................£3.75 Mushroom Bhajee...............................£3.75 Gobi Bhajee (Cauliflower)...................£3.75 Motor Ponir (garden peas & cheese)....£3.75 Aloo Gobi (Potatoes & cauliflower)......£3.75 Aloo Chana (Potato & chick peas)........£3.75 Bombay Aloo (Potatoes).....................£3.75 Brinjal Biran (Aubergine).....................£3.75 Sag Ponir..............................................£3.75 Spinach and cheese in a mild creamy blend. Channa Massala...................................£3.75 Tender chick peas in medium spices & herbs. Sag Aloo...............................................£3.75 Spinach and potato with spices and herbs. Courgettes biran..................................£3.75 Dhal mossala (spicey)...........................£3.75


Garlic Rice...................................£3.75 Vegetable rice..............................£3.75 Special Rice..................................£3.75 Basmati rice with egg garden peas Mushroom Rice............................£3.75 Boiled Rice (steamed)..................£2.25 Pilau rice......................................£2.50 Raita............................................£1.50 Natural yogurt ,chopped onion & cucumber. Papadom......................................£0.60 Spiced Papadom...........................£0.60 Condiments/Dips..........................£0.60 pp

Breads Keema Naan (minced meat).........£2.50 Garlic Naan (crushed garlic)..........£2.50 Cheese Naan.................................£2.50 Plain Naan....................................£2.00 Peshwari Naan (coconut)..............£2.50 Aloo Paratha ................................£2.50 Paratha.........................................£2.50 Puree (fried thin bread)................£1.50 Chapathi.......................................£1.50


Brighton’s Best Fest food lovers across the country know that Brighton is the place to be in September when the city’s month-long food festival brings the best of Sussex to the table.


ow in it’s 8th year, an event that started out as a fun way to bring together foodies from across the city has become one of the most eagerly anticipated festivals in the country. Still run by a group of enthusiastic volunteers, the festival has now grown to include a new week of gourmet celebrations called Spring Harvest, which runs from the 1st to the 10th of April. Festival Director, Nick Moseley, explains that the arrival of new produce in Spring inspired this new collection of events. “last year we realised that after a long cold winter, we weren’t the only people getting excited by the new local produce that arrives in the shops. People also look forward to enjoying Brighton’s café and restaurant culture in Spring. It was too good an opportunity to miss to remind people what a gourmet city we are and how wonderful Sussex produce can be.” Spring Harvest kicks off with a hotly April 2011 • Village Living

contested waiters’ race at noon on the 1st of April along Brighton Pier. last year’s inaugural race proved a big hit and spectators are encouraged to come along and support the waiters from their favourite restaurant. The same weekend also sees the ever-popular Big Sussex Market in New Road and a brand new Sussex Beer Festival and Champagne & Sussex Sparkling Wine Festival being held at Hotel du vin. Other highlights include a live Food Show & lunch Event, hosted by food writer Andrew Kay, which will bring together the best of the city’s chefs under one roof for a day of cookery demonstrations and tastings. Other lucky foodies will be whisked around top Sussex producers on a vintage bus for a Taste of Sussex Gourmet Bus Tour. For casual diners, eateries across the city will be joining together for an inaugural Brighton & Hove Restaurant Week, which will see restaurants | tel: 01903 814092

offering special prix fixe menus which celebrate the best of Sussex produce and start at as little as £7.50. With tickets on sale now, foodies across the county are advised to grab and knife and fork and check out for more details. Bon appetit!


Best of the food fest! dINING IN THE dArk – friday 1 April, 7pm. £24.50 – call to book 01273 770 847 Madame Geisha, 75 - 79 East Street, BN1 Prepare for a truly multi-sensory experience... a 3 course feast in pitch darkness. By suppressing the dominant sense of sight, your other senses come into their own, allowing your taste buds to explode! Chefs will prepare 3 courses of Asian inspired delights for you and your guests to enjoy whilst blindfolded. Choose from vegetarian, meat, fish or a mystery feast... and you don’t find out what you’ve eaten until the end!

BIG SuSSEx MArkET – Saturday 2 - Sunday 3 April, 10am - 6pm. free admission New road, Jubilee Street and Jubilee Square, Brighton Brighton’s BIGGEST food and drink market of the year attracted over 20,000 foodies at the Spring Harvest 2011 and an astounding 43,000 people at our September event. Featuring local farmers and producers alongside top Brighton & Hove restaurants, plus local beers, wines and cocktails, this FREE event is a must for everyone who loves quality and local food.

cHAMPAGNE & SuSSEx SPArkLING WINE fESTIVAL – Sunday 3 April, noon - 8pm. £20 in advance Hotel du Vin, Ship Street, Brighton – 01273 718 588 (festival specific enquiries please call 01273 77 00 44) Hotel du Vin and the Brighton & Hove Food and Drink Festival host an exclusive Champagne and local sparkling wine event in the Dome Room. Sample and buy wines from suppliers and winemakers including Grande Marques Laurent Perrier and Lanson, and local producers Breaky Bottom and Ridgeview. There’ll be great Hotel du Vin food to buy including a special seafood menu (or roast for the traditionalists), and join in tasting masterclasses and workshops. Price includes 3 taster tickets and 1 full glass; workshops and masterclasses are priced accordingly and can be booked in advance.

‘BEST of BrIGHToN’ LIVE food SHoW & SIT doWN LuNcH – Saturday 9 April, 9.30am - 3.45pm £45 per person including three course lunch and afternoon tea (plus £1.75 booking fee) radisson Blu royal York Hotel, old Steine Brighton Live demonstrations by some of Brighton’s finest Chefs, tutorial by wine connoisseur Henry Butler, a 3 course sit down lunch paired with wine and afternoon tea served with fresh pastries and tarts. Top Billing – Dino, Terre a terre; Sam, Sam’s of Sevendials; Andrew, Drakes and Julien Plumart, Cocoa Patisserie.

STEYNING HOLISTIC FAIR Saturday 16th April - 10am till 4pm At The Steyning Centre

Entry £3 - Children Free

Readings ~ Healing ~ Crystals ~ Astrology ~ Life Coaching ~ Shiatsu ~ Jewellery Palm Readings ~ Fair Trade Gifts ~ Natural Products ~ Massage ~ Local Artists Delicious Food & Drink ~ Plus Lots More! TALKS & WORKSHOPS (included in your entry fee)



12.45pm The benefits of astrology in our times

10.30am Herbal first aid for the home

1.30pm Shiatsu - The art of touch

11.15am Essential oils & their many uses

2.15pm Personal transformation through art


3.15pm The MindBody workout

Are you ready for the best year yet?

For more info call Ann-Marie 01903 816115 / 07751158339 | tel: 01903 814092

Village Living • April 2011

24 • restaurant review

The Golden Willow Storrington Reviewed by: Melissa Love


hen I told my 2 year-old daughter that we were going to the Golden Willow in Storrington for a slap-up Chinese lunch, she was delighted, because in our house it’s known as the duck restaurant. Situated at the northern end of Storrington High Street, its tranquil outlook over the village pond makes it a great destination for a family outing, with a spot of duck-feeding the perfect incentive for encouraging good behaviour at the dinner table. As it turns out, she didn’t need bribing at all, because a Chinese meal is a really fun experience for kids and the team at the Golden Willow have put a lot of thought into keeping their smaller customers amused. Equipped with her own pair of tiny spring-loaded chopsticks, she managed to demolish a whole bowl of prawn crackers whilst we perused the extensive menu. The Golden Willow specialises in traditional Cantonese and Szechuan cuisine and also offers a good selection of Thai dishes. It’s always the tastiest little starters that catch my eye in oriental restaurants though, so we decided that sharing two platters of appetisers was worth sacrificing a main course for. The Golden Willow Special Selection of Hors d’Oeuvres arrived first and with BBQ spare ribs and sesame prawn toasts as well as satay chicken and crispy seaweed, we all found something to tuck in to. I have a secret obsession with crispy seaweed (you know – the lovely crunchy dark green shreds which are actually an impossibly tasty kind of cabbage) and I’m happy to report that this batch lived up to my exacting April 2011 • Village Living

standards. Sadly I couldn’t persuade our youngest diner to share in my enthusiasm but she made short work of a pile of meltingly tender spare ribs. Next up the Golden Willow Dim Sum Hors d’Oeuvres and my personal favourite selection of Chinese dishes. I make a mean steamed dumpling myself, so I was particularly looking forward to the steamed rainbow dumplings, prawn rolls, scallop parcel | tel: 01903 814092

and Sui Mei. Perfectly cooked and with a selection of dipping sauces, the porky versions were particularly outstanding and the tender scallop-filled parcels provided a pleasant contrast. After a spread like that, of course we didn’t have room for pudding and this is where the youngest member of the team stepped in to do her bit. A blue plastic toy bear filled with vanilla icecream (and I’m really not doing it justice

The Golden Willow Table 9

13Mar’11 3.24

Special Selection Hors d’Oevres for 2 £14.20 Dim Sum Hors d’Oevres for 2 £14.20 Children’s Ice-cream £3.50 Coffee £1.80 Total here) brought down the house and whilst she tucked in, a quick chat with restaurant manager, Dickens, revealed that the Golden Willow is a family affair and is heavily involved in fundraising for local charities. Owned by the Kwok and Chu families for over 12 years, the restaurant has raised over £10,000 in the last four years and is a particular supporter of St Barnabas Hospice, local animal sanctuaries and various Red Cross appeals. Reasonably priced and also offering a great value all-you-can-eat buffet for £12 every Sunday, the Golden Willow is a family restaurant in every sense.

33.70 tel 01903 740333

The Golden Willow chinese restaurant, 5 Pulborough road, Storrington, West Sussex rH20 4HJ. 01903 740333.

ITALIAN RESTAURANT Brio Italian Restaurant & Pizzeria offers the very best in popular Italian dishes as well as house specialities and locally caught fresh fish.

H LUNC L A I SPECFriday 12-6pm

to A Monday R PAST IZZA O ANY P ing seafood d u excl


The atmosphere is for friends, families, parties, colleagues and couples. We can accommodate a quiet table for one to parties of up to 75 people. Live jazz music every other Wednesday evening.

46 Brunswick Road, Shoreham-By-Sea West Sussex. BN43 5WB 01273 446445 Book now for Mothers’ Day on the 3rd April.


& GET THE SECOND FREE Offer valid Monday - Thursday from 6pm Please bring voucher with you. | tel: 01903 814092

Village Living • April 2011



Parents are most welcome to view. Please contact us for an appointment or to arrange a TASTER DAY


Tel: 01903 235960

Serves 2 1 Rack of lamb French Trimmed. (Ask your butcher to do this for you) 1 teaspoon of Dijon mustard 100g fine dry breadcrumbs small handful of chopped mixed herbs salt & Pepper large glass red wine 12 baby vine tomatoes

Herb Crusted Rack of lamb with sweet potato mash & balsamic glazed baby vine tomatoes

5 tablespoons of balsamic vinegar 50g butter 2 medium sweet potatoes

Method Prepare herb crust by mixing fine breadcrumbs with the chopped mixed herbs. Season with salt and pepper. Peel and chop the sweet potatoes, cook for 15 minutes until tender. In a very hot pan Sear the lamb until nicely golden. Next cover the meat with the mustard and press the herb crust onto it. Roast in hot oven for 10 minutes. The lamb will be pink. If you prefer it well done just cook it a little longer. Drain and mash the potatoes, add the butter and season with salt & pepper. For the jus (gravy), in the pan that you seared the lamb in, add the red wine and mix with the remaining juices. Simmer until it has reduced to a thick consistency. Lastly, cook the tomatoes in a little oil and add the balsamic vinegar and cook for 2 to 3 minutes. Plate up the Lamb, mashed potato and tomatoes and pour over the jus. Enjoy.

FARM SHOP GATEWICK FARM, A283 STEYNING Fresh turkeysGate, & all theGatewick trimmings over the farm farm, Fresh fruit & veg Steyning, West Sussex BN44 3Sf Homemade pies Local milk & cream / 07977 186003 Tel: 01903 812241 Christmas trees, stands & wreaths Home produced meat & butchery Delicious homemade sausages (try before you buy)

Open: Thursday - Sunday 10am - 4.30pm Ample free parking | tel: 01903 814092

Village Living • April 2011


SPIRIT HAIR & BEAUTY Appointments not always necessary Open Tues - Sat Late till 8pm Thurs

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April 2011 • Village Living

High St, Storrington • 01903 744748

CARPETS LAMINATES VINYLS | tel: 01903 814092

Tarring Rd, Worthing • 01903 503638 East St, Shoreham • 01273 454619



follow Sarah and her family on: Telephone – 01428 707292

Lurgashall Winery


not all mixtures need this. The drink is kept in the vat until it is ready to bottle. At lurgashall, everything is done on the premises and our next port of call was a small laboratory. Ian Morris is their tester, and explained that to test new wine 5cl bottles are sent out with press releases plus they attend speciality foods fairs. Testing is also carried out in the shop with customers being asked their opinion on new products. There is no hurry to bottle a new product as the drinks can be left up to a year to mature. Back at the shop and the tasting began. The variety of flavours was intriguing – wines ranged from Elderflower to Rhubarb, liqueurs from Walnut to Ginger and meads from a Traditional English to Whiskey. My favourite wine was Silver Birch, and liqueur – Strawberry. local stockists are being re-established (in the South East predominately) and include National Trust shops as well as local independent outlets. Orders are also available over the internet. The cottage industry that is lurgashall Winery made me come away with real admiration for Sarah and her family. The passion and determination to build on an already successful winery was evident and I look forward to returning! Tours are normally for 6 or less people and should be pre-booked. Larger groups can be catered for.

eing a wine lover but certainly no connoisseur, I was excited about my trip to lurgashall Winery and the new tastes I may discover. Set just outside the village and well signposted, lurgashall is just half an hour’s drive from Storrington. On arrival, I was welcomed by Sarah – one half of the new owners. We had time for a chat before my tour began. Sarah and her husband brought the winery last August. It has taken them some time to settle and become comfortable in their new profession. Although production has never stopped, they are keen to put their own mark on the place and produce new and exciting flavours of Country Wine, Mead and liqueurs to compliment the existing range. Sarah also talked excitedly of their plans to produce beer, cider and spirits. Just this week she has produced some banana rum. Many ideas come from the internet and books, but Sarah is also extremely aware of her surroundings. One of the most popular wines is silver birch, made from tapping trees in the woods opposite and using the sap. There is only a small amount of fruit on the land so most fruit used is pre-pressed or frozen. This, Sarah explained, ferments much better. Mead is produced in exactly the same way as wine and liqueurs. The difference is that honey rather than fruit is used. Sarah sources her honey locally – her next bulk order will be from a beekeeper in Hassocks. The drink itself is making somewhat of a comeback possibly due to its appearance in the Harry Potter movies. First I was shown the Fermentation Hall. This is where fruit is mixed with sugar and placed into fermentation vats. Water is added and the fermentation process begins. It is only left for a couple of weeks before testing. Yeast is added if required, but

Win a case of Hepworth real Ale! Name 2 wines produced at Lurgashall winery Send answers to or to the address at the front of the magazine for your chance to win. closing date 30th April, 2011


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Village Living • April 2011

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April 2011 • Village Living


West Sussex

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Over egging it Nick Hempleman: Owner of The Sussex Produce Company, award winning produce store in Steyning, West Sussex.


hen I was young, my Mum used to eat all my Easter eggs. I don’t want sympathy, which is just as well because I didn’t used to get any! I would put my pile of eggs to one side and they would slowly disappear one by one. It may have helped if they tasted a bit nicer. It may be my imagination but the chocolate in Easter eggs seems to have improved no end – it always seemed a bit cheap with a very slight hint of washing up liquid. It certainly was never as nice as that in the identically branded bars. There’s no problem with that nowadays. There is now an enormous range of Easter eggs and away from the mainstream there is some fantastic quality. We have stocked the Divine Easter eggs (prices start at £3.95) for four years and sales improve each year. Divine made the country’s first Fairtrade Easter egg so you can eat it with a clear conscience. A good thing that, because

When I was young, my Mum used to eat all my Easter eggs. I don’t want sympathy, which is just as well because I didn’t use to get any! I would put my pile of eggs to one side and they would slowly disappear one by one. ‘The Times’ newspaper rated it no.1 in their league table of the best Easter eggs available. Equally delicious but even more beautiful are the eggs from Booja Booja. ‘The Guardian’ ranked it as the best Easter egg they tasted, which

is amazing when you think that this chocolate is not only organic but gluten and dairy free. Their real selling point though is their lovely, hand painted wooden boxes, which makes them not just an indulgent gift but a jewellery box for life – My Mum would have had that straight away! On the subject of Easter eggs, the Steyning Chamber of Trade is organising an Easter egg hunt along Steyning High Street. There is a £25 first prize, £10 second prize and Easter eggs for the runners up if you can find the eggs in different shops. Entry is free and a competition form is available from Steyning Bookshop.

EASTER EGG OFFER: Buy any Easter egg over £6.95 and save £1 with this coupon. Name: .................................................................................................................................................................................................. Postcode: .......................................................................................................................................................................................... Name and postcode is used for marketing analysis only. You will not receive any marketing form us as a result and we will not share your details with anyone else. This offer is subject to availability and is valid only for the month of April 2011 with an accompanying coupon. | tel: 01903 814092

Village Living • April 2011

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An Early Taste of Summer


ou might still be getting used to the idea of spring but at the nursery we are already in the middle of summer and it’s not too early to think about bringing a taste of the exotic into your own garden right now. We’ve been nurturing some of the more vulnerable exotics in our greenhouse through late winter and they are nearly ready to plant out once there is no more risk of frost. One of my favourites is Phoenix Canariensis or the Canary Island Date Palm. It is the natural symbol of the Canary Islands is also widely known as the Pineapple Palm. It’s easily recognized through its crown of leaves. When they are pruned properly, the bottom of the crown, also called the nut, appears to have a pineapple shape. They do well in the uK in sheltered locations as long as they have a little extra protection through winter. Nothing says summer more than citrus fruit. This year we have a range

of citruses in stock, from ornamental orange trees to the more unusual limequats and lemonquats. limequats are slightly more hardy than the traditional kumquat and they produce an abundance of fruit even at a young age. The fruit is small, oval, greenish yellow and has a sweet tasting skin and a bitter sweet pulp that tastes similar to limes. The fruit can be eaten whole or the juice and rind can be used to flavor drinks and dishes. And as a happy bonus, it contains lots of vitamin C. For a fun early-flowering summer plant, the bright red bottlebrush or Callistemon will bring a bit of fun to your garden. Native to Australia it was first introduced to Kew Gardens in 1789 by botanist Sir Joseph Banks and is fairly hardy as long as it is kept moist and protected in winter. Introduced with care, exotics can add vivid colour to a traditional British garden just at the time you need it most.

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Village Living • April 2011

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Talk Money Claire Cook

from independent mortgage and financial advisers Talk Money, gives essential advice...

75% of borrowers taking fixed rate mortgages


he number of borrowers in the UK taking fixed rate mortgages rose in January. Three quarters of all mortgage applications, excluding remortgages, were for fixed rate products. This compares to 45% of all borrowers in January 2010.

(Source: Mortgage Advice Bureau, MAB).

last week the Bank of England Monetary Policy committee (MPC) voted to keep the Bank Base rate at 0.5%, but how long will this last? Due to inflation they are under pressure to increase the rate, something the Governor Mervyn King does not want to do (he voted to keep the rate level at February’s meeting). Three other committee members, however, at the same meeting voted to increase the rate. This is why people are now rushing to fix their rates, they are anticipating a rate rise sooner rather than later. Depending on the percentage borrowing you are taking, you will normally find that the variable tracker rates start much lower. This often tempts people to take a variable rate, even in today’s market where they know rates will rise. If the variable rate is low enough, it can sometimes make sense to take this approach. If you are on a tight budget

or are cautious with your finances, you may prefer to pay a higher fixed rate and know that you can budget ahead for a set period of time. Many people with existing mortgages have remained on their lenders’ standard variable rate. Their initial deal period having ended, they have found that the rate they have reverted to is very low and there was little point in changing. Now, however, people are not feeling so confident. They are becoming more and more insecure in terms of rate rises. This has led many to look for fixed rate mortgages. Depending which lender you are with, you could find a fixed rate similar to the standard variable rate you are paying. Some of the shorter term fixed rates are still at very low levels, especially if you have plenty of equity in your property. With many lenders covering the cost of legal fees and valuations, it may well be worth taking a look.

How is the variable rate decided? The Bank base rate is controlled by the MPC. They meet at the beginning of each month to assess whether the rate should remain stable or should be changed. Both Bank of England employees and external industry experts make up the committee. They assess the current state of the economy and future predictions to arrive at a decision. The governing factor is the control of inflation, and keeping this at the Government target of 2%, both now and in the future. It will be interesting to see their decisions in the coming months. If you are concerned about rate rises and wish to look at fixing your rate, please call me, claire cook on 01273 224667. We offer a free initial consultation and would be very happy to assist. Buy to let mortgages are not regulated by the Finanicial Services Authority. Talk Money is a trading style of Best Practice IFA Group ltd, which is Authorised and Regulated by the Financial Services Authority. If you prefer to pay a fee for advice this option is available, the exact amount of the fee will depend on circumstances but we estimate it will be 0.5% of the loan amount. Where a rate is quoted the rate will depend on individual circumstances and not all borrowers will qualify for acceptance of the loan (or similar).Your home may be repossessed if you do not keep up repayments on your mortgage.

Independent Financial Advice for an Independent You For a free initial mortgage health check talk to us on 01403 330822

Mortgages Investments Pensions Insurance

e w

tel: Services 01903Authority. 814092 Living April 2011the exact Talk Money Limited is trading style of Best Practice IFA Group Ltd, which is Authorised and Regulated by the |Financial If you prefer Village to pay a fee for advice this•option is available, amount of the fee will depend on circumstances but we estimate it will be 0.5% of the loan amount. Your home may be repossessed if you do not keep up repayments on your mortgage.


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37 • MIND & BODY


Mind & Body Chris Jones Cognitive Therapist and Mind Coach, Southdowns Hypnotherapy

Hypnotherapy & Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)


pril is National IBS Awareness Week. Irritable Bowel Syndrome comprises of a baffling and complex set of gastrointestinal symptoms. It is characterized by intermittent mix of abdominal cramping, constipation and/or diarrhoea, pain and bloating. The causes of IBS are unknown. While it isn’t clear what causes it, it is known that people with IBS experience changes in the way sensations are perceived in the colon and there are some anatomical changes in the lining of the colon and to the nervous system of the colon. It is known that stress is a major factor in making the condition worse and therefore hypnotherapy is an effective treatment focusing on dealing with this aspect of the client’s life, as well as the symptoms experienced. One of the most successful hypnotherapy treatments is guidedvisualisation. This can take either of the following forms: a. gut specific and incorporated information on how a normal gastrointestinal system functions. Suggestions are made about the intestines being coated with a special protective coating to insulate it from

Clients can be taught to use selfhypnosis and repeat the procedures, if and when the discomfort occurs. However, lasting relief from the symptoms is usually obtained.

for more information on cognitive Hypnotherapy, either visit or my website

irritants, etc. The client is asked to provide what nature the coating takes. (One of my clients suggested a white Gaviscon hand flowing through the gut. As she visualised this happening, she also reported a substantial alleviation in the pain being experienced). b. metaphoric. A metaphor, such as a cascading torrent changing into a gently flowing river can provide the same effect.

Chris is a Cognitive Hypnotherapist, NLP Master Practitioner and Sports Performance Mind Coach. He became involved with mind techniques while practicing martial arts in his younger days. He subsequently became interested in the concept of using them to help people and found that Hypnotherapy provided the ideal tools for this work. He is based in Storrington, where he works alongside his wife, Cathy (also a Hypnotherapist), who specialises in weight-loss.

Chris Jones

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01903 745606 or 07740 085101

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