Issue 3: Our American Values

Page 1


Exclusive Interview with


America the Beautiful Our National Parks

Freedom Justice Equality Democracy Liberty Champion Defender Independence Strength Accountability Manifest Destiny God Faith Individual Family Wealth Directness Expression Securityi



FEATURES THOMAS COLE was an American artist and founder of the Hudson River School, a group of painters dedicated to depicting the majestic American wilderness. View from Mount Holyoke, Northampton, Massachusetts, After a Thunderstorm—The Oxbow (detail), 1836. Thomas Cole (American, 1801– 1848). Oil on canvas, 51½ x 76 in. (130.8 x 193 cm). Gift of Mrs. Russell Sage, 1908 (08.228). The Metropolitan Museum of Art. Image source: Art Resource, NY


25 Let Freedom Ring by Verne E. Henderson 32 America the Beautiful Our National Parks 40 Quiz: How Well Do You Know Our National Parks? 46 An American Dreamer Johnny Martino


DEPA RTMENTS 6 Remember When


10 Did You Know?

45 Books: Second Wind by Dr. Bill Thomas

12 Health & Wellness: Natural Supplements 16 House Call with Dr. Kramps: Advanced Directives 20 Dr. Lori: Can Volunteering Help You Live Longer? 22 Life with the Eden Alternative: Free to Choose

Letter from the Publisher

51 About 54 Kids’ Corner 56 Brain Exercises 59 Horoscopes 62 Puzzle Solutions 64 The Last Laugh




s a passionate student of American history and an eternal  believer (and participant) in the intrinsic goodness of American culture, I am often inspired by how my fellow citizens rise to an occasion and do something exceptional. Over the past month, I’ve had two personal experiences that represent what I consider to be some of our finest American values The first experience occurred in mid-February, when a pediatric cardiologist utilized his extraordinary talents to perform a life-changing operation on the heart of my 7-year-old son. The work of Dr. Snyder and his team at UH Rainbow Babies and Childrens Hospital is the product of the unparalleled investment and entrepreneurial risk-taking values that form the hallmark of the American health care system. The second occurred a few weeks later as I watched my 10-yearold son and 117 of his schoolmates shave their heads bald in fundraising support of the St. Baldricks Foundation and children’s cancer research. Witnessing the next generation’s full-throated embrace of the values of charity and kindness towards others gives me continued faith in the future of our country’s greatness. As Americans, we have much to be thankful for, and these pages are a celebration of our history and culture. Enjoy them with the pride of ownership that we’ve all earned over our lifetimes!


John Polatz Publisher and CEO 4


“Are you sure everyone will know we're being ironic?”


John Polatz


Scott Fisher


Shelley Kondas


John Polatz


Christina Burns


Susan Polatz


Brandon Crafts





Elle Chyun

Kristin Hinkson Brian Goetz

Dr. Lori Stevic-Rust Laura Beck, The Eden Alternative




Katherine Adams Verne E. Henderson Dr. Melissa Kramps Cristina Nascimento Patel

PS Magazine is published by Salon PS Magazine LLC Salon PS Magazine LLC 55 Public Square Suite 1180 Cleveland, OH 44113 Phone: (440) 600-1595 Fax: (440) 848-8560 © 2014 Salon PS Magazine LLC. All rights reserved. Reproduction without permission is prohibited. To order a subscription or to distribute PS Magazine at your business, contact COVER IMAGE: YOSEMITE NATIONAL PARK © SARAH FIELDS

Ranae Lewis Kenish Patel


Serena Caruso



Remember When... 1934


The Dust Bowl brought the worst drought in US history, resulting in extreme poverty and forcing families to migrate from the Plain states.



Charles Darrow printed the game Monopoly on cardboard and packaged it so he could sell it commercially.

The US Supreme Court ruled against civil rights activist Fred Korematsu and in favor of the military for taking away the civil rights of JapaneseAmerican citizens who were forced into internment camps along the West Coast.



Victory gardens were responsible for producing 40% of all vegetables grown in the US.


Racial segregation in America’s public schools legally ended after the US Supreme Court’s decision in Brown vs. Board of Education.

The US space probe Ranger 7 sent to Earth the first close-up pictures of the moon. COPYRIGHT ©1974 FREE TO BE FOUNDATION, INC. USED BY PERMISSION.

Merv Griffin’s game show Jeopardy! debuted on NBC with Art Fleming as its host, the first TV questionanswer game show since the 1950s quiz show scandals.

Marlo Thomas’s children’s television special, “Free to Be…You and Me,” challenged gender stereotypes and went on to win a Peabody Award and an Emmy Award.



Ray Kroc partnered with the McDonald brothers and opened the very first restaurant of McDonald’s Inc. in Des Plaines, Illinois.





Baseball player Hank Aaron of the Atlanta Braves became legendary as he hit his 715th career home run, breaking the record previously set by Babe Ruth. 7




Richard Nixon, the 37th President of the United States, died at the age of 81, four days after suffering a stroke.

The Cosby Show premiered and was ranked as the no. 3 show on television by the end of its first season. 8 was established, originally opening as an online bookstore out of founder Jeff Bezos’ garage in Bellevue, Washington.

The National World War II Memorial, the first national memorial dedicated to Americans who served in the armed forces and as civilians during WWII, opened to the public in Washington, DC.


Apple introduced the Macintosh, the first mass-market personal computer, which featured a simplified graphical interface and mouse.




The oldest American automotive brand name rolled the last Oldsmobile off of the assembly line in Lansing, Michigan.



or men and women serving during WWII, letters from home were vital to their morale. As with war bonds and victory gardens, the US government encouraged citizens to participate in the war effort by writing to loved ones in the armed forces. The sheer volume of mail being shipped and carried to the soldiers, however, quickly became impractical. A solution had to be found. The US adopted the British system of putting letters to active servicemen on microfilm, calling it Victory Mail, or V-Mail. Letters written on special stationery that combined letter and envelope were sent to processing centers throughout the US where they were first opened and censored by government employees. Letters were then photographed onto microfilm and sent to processing stations abroad, where they were printed out as facsimiles and delivered to the intended recipients. The system also worked in reverse, allowing soldiers to send letters back home. A single bag of microfilm replaced some 137 bags of mail holding 155,000 onepage letters, significantly reducing the manpower and freight costs—and space—needed to keep up with the volume of correspondence transversing the globe. 9





John Chapman, aka Johnny Appleseed, was never once threatened by Native Americans during his itinerant life of planting apple tree nurseries on the western frontier in early 19th-century America (i.e. Indiana, Ohio, and West Virginia). Even hostile tribes believed that Chapman—who was a devout Christian and a great lover of nature and all its creatures (he was even a vegetarian)— was touched by the Great Spirit. A new medical device considered to be the first artificial pancreatic system acts like a real pancreas, detecting dropping sugar levels and shutting off regular insulin delivery for type 1 diabetes. The wearable device by Minneapolis-based Medtronic is the first to be approved by the FDA.

The “original” Uncle Sam was likely a butcher named Samuel Wilson. A pioneer settler of Troy, New York, Wilson was given the nickname Uncle Sam because of his friendly disposition. During the War of 1812, he supplied American soldiers with rations, and stamped his barrels “U.S.”, which was interpreted as Uncle Sam even though it stood for the United States, thus spreading his legacy. 10


Alaska has more coastline than all of the other 49 US states put together.



N AT U R A L S U P P L E M E N T S What You Should Know




efore the advent of modern medicine, we    relied on nature to treat illnesses. Many are returning to the wisdom of natural remedies, which may offer a subtler means of alleviating symptoms and could be better for our bodies than synthetic medicine. How truly effective are natural remedies? For centuries, willow bark was used for pain and fever relief and now, the effective compound of willow bark has been isolated and artificially reproduced as aspirin. Researchers continue to test natural supplements as ways to treat common medical conditions, but the results are mixed. Some studies support their effectiveness in addressing specific issues, others have shown that they likely have no benefits, while in many cases there is little to no research. When trying dietary supplements, always consult with your doctor. It is important to remember that natural Coneflower (Echinacea purpurea) supplements could have severe side effects, interact with other

drugs, or may be unsafe to take due to certain medical conditions. With these caveats in mind, here is a list of seven popular natural supplements and their uses, with information about their perceived and tested effectiveness. BLACK COHOSH has long been used to treat women’s health issues, including menopause and osteoporosis. With recent warnings of the problems associated with hormone treatment, black cohosh may offer a milder alternative. It is not safe for women who have had breast or uterine cancer, or are taking hormone replacement drugs. Side effects most often occur when taken in high doses. ECHINACEA has performed well in studies researching its ability to reduce the length of colds and lessen cold symptoms. However, it has yet to prove to prevent colds altogether. The herb is also used to treat a variety of infections, such as urinary tract infections, as well as non-infectious diseases such as rheumatism. Some apply it topically to treat skin

Dietary supplements are not regulated as stringently as pharmaceuticals and therefore, purity and dosage could vary. Look for the USP Verified symbol on labels. This indicates that the manufacturer has voluntarily had it evaluated by the U.S. Pharmacopeia, an independent standards-setting authority that tests that the product contains the ingredients listed on the label, doesn’t contain harmful levels of particular contaminants, and complies with the FDA’s Good Manufacturing Practices guidelines.

disorders like eczema. Echinacea is considered safe with very few side effects, although people with allergies should take caution. Scientific evidence appears to support the use of FISH OIL to treat the heart and blood system by lowering blood pressure and triglyceride levels (fats 13

Ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba)

related to cholesterol). Fish oil may help prevent heart disease and stroke when taken in the recommended amounts (3 grams or less per day). However, taking too much fish oil can actually increase the risk of stroke. When taken in combination with drugs that lower blood pressure, fish oil may increase the drugs’ effectiveness and lower blood pressure too much. In a six-year study concluded in 2009, GINKGO did not prove to be effective in delaying the clinical course of dementia. However, many doctors still assert that they have seen the benefits of ginkgo 14

in their own patients’ cognitive functions. Taking ginkgo leaf by mouth seems to significantly improve symptoms of dizziness and balance disorders, as well as improve pre-existing damage in vision for people with normal tension glaucoma. Excessive bleeding is a rare side effect, and ginkgo should not be taken with blood thinners or aspirin. PANAX GINSENG has been used for centuries in Chinese medicine for a variety of illnesses, only a few of which have been studied in detail. Be sure not to confuse Asian ginseng with American ginseng (Panax quinquefolius) or Siberian ginseng, both of which have different effects. Panax ginseng is considered an

energy and endurance booster, though many claim additional, if unproven, benefits such as shortening the length of colds and helping in cancer treatment. There is the potential for insomnia and nervousness due to its stimulating effects, and caffeine intensifies these side effects. Panax ginseng appears to have the ability to regulate blood sugar, so it should not be taken with diabetes medication.

Health to be likely effective for mild to moderate depression. St. John’s Wort does not appear to work in cases of more severe or clinical depression. It should be taken by mouth in small doses over a short period. Mild side effects are possible, such as stomach upset and restlessness.

With mixed results, research suggests that HAWTHORN may be used to treat congestive heart failure, adding to its usefulness as a remedy for indigestion, diarrhea, and stomach pain. It has shown to lower bad cholesterol (LDL) in animals. Many suffering heart problems have claimed it helped their fatigue and shortness of breath. ST. JOHN’S WORT has been used for thousands of years and is considered by the National Institutes of

Hawthorn (Crataegus monogyna) 15




his issue’s theme is American values and what is more American than the right to make your own decisions? I am dedicating this column to the topic of advance directives—how you can make known your wishes about health care in the event you cannot speak for yourself. The majority of my bedside nursing career was spent in the medical intensive care unit (ICU) at a large academic medical center. I would witness extremely ill people fight to conquer life threatening conditions and often wonder, “What would I want if I were in that situation?” The topics of serious illness and end of life are often avoided by both patients and health care providers. But the truth is, as you get older these topics will need to be confronted. It may be in the setting of a parent having 16

a stroke, or a spouse being diagnosed with cancer, or your own serious illness. Clinicians may avoid discussing heavy topics with you because we sense that it is a subject you wish to avoid, or we may be uncomfortable discussing it ourselves. Health care providers are trained in a model of healing so when situations arise where a disease cannot be cured or an illness completely resolved, we are often at a loss. Health care directives can take more than one form. There is the Living Will, a document that gives instructions about how you wish to be treated in the event you are incapacitated by a terminal illness or in a persistent vegetative state. There is the durable power of attorney for health care, also known as a Health Care Proxy, which is a document appointing a person you wish to direct your

health care in situations when you cannot do so. These documents only go into effect when you cannot make your own decisions and they are separate from any power of attorney for finances or living trusts you may have put into place. I suggest completing both a Living Will and Health Care Proxy, and in some states they are combined into one document. A Living Will is a very concrete document, usually outlining your preferences regarding life support and resuscitation, but does not always cover the gray areas that might be encountered in the course of a serious illness. A Health Care Proxy gives your agent permission to make decisions about all aspects of medical care and therefore covers those ambiguous areas. Executing these documents can be done with the assistance of an attorney as part of your estate planning. It is also possible to obtain standardized forms specific to your state and complete them on your own, without an attorney. Your state’s website or a site such as should have the form and instructions for completing it. Some states may


require signing in the presence of a notary. Other states simply require signatures of two witnesses, neither of which can be the person you are designating as your health care agent. If you reside in more than one state, I recommend using an attorney to be sure the document meets the requirements for both states; do not use separate documents for each state. Appointing a health care agent is an important decision. It has to be a person you know will be strong enough to make difficult decisions and whom you trust to act in accordance with your wishes. Your agent does not have to be a family member, it can be a close 17

friend, clergy member, or other person you trust. It cannot be your treating physician or primary care provider. The person you choose does not have to be geographically close to you, but should be easily accessible by telephone. Both you and your agent should have a copy of the proxy form and you should give each of your health care providers a copy to place in your chart. While it is a valuable document, a safe may not be the best place to keep it. In an emergency situation, you will want it to be accessible. I recommend to my patients that they use a copy machine to shrink the document to wallet size, laminate it, and carry it 18

in their wallet and also keep a copy on the refrigerator in easy view of emergency response providers. At the very least, you should carry a list of your allergies and current medications and indicate on that paper that you have a health care proxy and state your agent’s name and phone number. The most essential part of choosing a health care agent is letting that person know that you have designated him or her as your representative and discussing your wishes with that person. Your agent and your loved ones need to know your values and how you want to be treated (or not treated) in different circumstances. As difficult as it may be to talk about these topics, it is much more difficult for everyone when the medical team is asking your loved ones, “What would he/she have wanted in this situation?� and they do not know the answer. Think about your values. What are the things you hold most dear? For many it is independence. For others it is the ability to enjoy food or participate in hobbies. Consider how you want to spend your last days. In a hospital? In

properly. Consider doing it your home? Perhaps you have as a family project because religious beliefs that may impact advance directives are relevant the care you receive. Whether you to all age groups. The website make this known in writing as part of your Living Will or verbalize fives-wishes.php is an excellent it to your loved ones and health resource for starting and care providers, it is information structuring these conversations. critical to preserving your dignity There may come a time when and quality of life in situations those who love you and those when you cannot communicate. caring for you will be very relieved Reflecting on my years as an you took charge of your health. ICU nurse, the situations that most haunt me are the ones where I saw families struggle because either they did not know what the patient would have wanted, or they knew what that was, but the patient did not have advance directives and for legal reasons those wishes could not be honored. I urge you to have those uncomfortable conversations and take the “Religious freedom is my immediate goal, but my time to complete long-range plan is to go into real estate.� the documents DONALD REILLY, THE NEW YORKER COLLECTION/THE CARTOON BANK 19

Doctor Lori Stevic-Rust

CAN VOLUNTEERING HELP YOU LIVE LONGER? The highest reward for a person’s work is not what they get for it, but what they become because of it. —JOHN RUSKIN


ew research has confirmed what we have intuitively known all along. That is, doing and giving to others because we believe in the cause or the person—and not because we are trying to advance ourselves— tends to create a sense of emotional stability and improved physical health, which translates into increased longevity. Individuals who admit to volunteering by sitting on a board or attending fundraising events because it is expected of them, as a 20

function of their job, or because it “looks good on a résumé” actually experience more distress and physical consequences. This is in part due to the added demand on time, limited sense of satisfaction, and often feelings of resentment for no compensation. In this group, there were no benefits seen on extended life expectancy. In contrast, those who reported that they volunteered because they believed in the value of “giving back” or viewed volunteering as an important activity that gave their life meaning tended to be less physically and emotionally stressed and subsequently lived longer. The act of volunteering for something you believe in tends to give your life purpose and a sense of perspective. People who report having a purpose to their life tend to live longer, experience lower rates of cancer and heart disease, have decreased episodes of depression and anxiety, are more productive and successful, and enjoy better personal relationships. Most importantly, when volunteering, people believe that they can make a difference.

We are increasingly becoming a true global society. With advancements in technology, we have become more intimately aware of the needs of those who live in different countries, states, and towns. Our awareness has been elevated and our opportunities to make a difference have been expanded. Major organizations and businesses have developed more aggressive programs and opportunities to volunteer, television personalities have increased their presence in support of making a difference through volunteerism, and the President of the United States has emphasized the value of volunteering. But, with many families struggling to find time to fulfill their existing commitments, suffering from limited financial resources, and possibly job loss, can they afford to volunteer? Researchers argue that they can’t afford not to volunteer and become connected to something that they believe in. Rates of depression and anxiety increase during times of economic

Considerations for Healthy Volunteering: • Identify a need that stirs your passion • Look for concrete and realistic ways to get involved • Seek out ways to use your unique skills • Stay true to your purpose in life hardship. The tendency is to feel hopeless and overwhelmed, and possibly develop obsessive worry often leading to isolating behavior. Volunteering can be good medicine. It draws people out of themselves and puts the energy and focus on others. This in turn reduces anxiety, depression, and blood pressure. The process of helping others keeps us connected and forces us to engage in active problem-solving. While our primary motivation needs to be truly altruistic in order to reap the health benefits, that’s not to say that tangible benefits cannot be realized as well. 21




learned from an early age  that, as Americans, we hold dear our autonomy. As the daughter of a decorated Air Force colonel, the evidence was all around me. Everything about military life echoed one simple fact—the right to choose was so incredibly precious that we would fight to protect it, even if it cost us our lives. Living across the street from the Air Force base parade grounds,


I used to love watching the troops march in formation, and the vision of my proud, dashing father amidst them. Having been a pilot in WWII and the Korean War, Dad had seen and done his share of fighting in the name of freedom. His commitment to these ideals ran so deep that he devoted 30 years of his life in service to them. Herein lies the irony…. Years later, after Dad was well along in his journey with

Alzheimer’s disease, we learned that the right to choose he had fought so hard to protect was no longer afforded him in institutional models of care. We received a call one day from the administrator of his traditionalstyle nursing home. Dad was “not being cooperative” because he showed no interest in their planned group activities. The administrator began to express doubts that Dad was a good fit for their community, in spite of our arguments that the group activities held no personal meaning for him. “If things don’t begin to shift for him, you might need to consider other options,” he told us.


Really? Opting out was not an option? Solitude—also a choice—was not an option? Dad’s disinterest continued, while leadership maintained that this was a problem. Smelling a rat, Dad protested by trying to organize his fellow residents (a.k.a. the troops) to attempt an escape through the nearest window. Needless to say, this event sealed the deal regarding the pursuit of other options for him. Regardless, a part of me quietly applauded his spirited rebellion. In a culture rooted in rugged individuality and the right to “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness,” why is it that, as people age or their abilities change, we feel somehow less accountable to their autonomy? After living long, productive lives and contributing to society for so many years, aren’t Elders even more deserving of this “unalienable right”? Institutional approaches to care are rooted in a culture of fear—fear of losing control, fear of being unsafe, fear of being liable…you name it. This tendency isn’t reserved for formal care 23

communities, as even someone’s own home can end up feeling like an institution. By creating homogeneous, predictable experiences, institutional care attempts to eliminate risk. However, where there is no risk, there is also no spontaneity, no variety, and little spice to life. In contrast, person-directed care finds its strength in celebrating and building on the individuality of each person it serves. Like our nation’s founding fathers, it advocates for and actively supports one’s right to direct their own experience of well-being and quality of life. It accomplishes this by striking a balance between autonomy and safety that, ultimately, creates an environment optimal for our continued growth and development. We never stop growing as human beings, no matter what our age or challenges may be. And growth depends on a certain amount of upside risk. When we have the freedom to try new things and discover new strengths, we thrive. This includes the right to folly and to learn from our 24

We never stop growing as human beings,no matter what our age or challenges may be. mistakes. It begins with our first steps as toddlers and should be ours until our last breath. Principle Eight of The Eden Alternative says that “an Eldercentered community honors its Elders by de-emphasizing topdown bureaucratic authority, seeking instead to place the maximum possible decisionmaking authority into the hands of the Elders or into the hands of those closest to them.” It reminds me of a conversation I once had with one of Dad’s care partners. Offended by his sense of fashion, she wondered if they should “allow” him to choose his own clothes in the morning. I couldn’t help but laugh. “This man has lived 77 years, raised four daughters, and landed B-24’s on one engine,” I replied. “What do you think?” Thomas Jefferson would have been proud.

LET FREEDOM RING by Verne E. Henderson

Whoever would overthrow the liberty of a nation must begin by subduing the freeness of speech. —Benjamin Franklin



id you notice that list of American values on the front cover? Impressive list. Did you find the one you most cherish? There are so many from which to choose. Our citizenry in the United States vary greatly as to what they most cherish on this list. That’s democracy. Each of us is free to pick what’s most important on that list of values. Some level of disagreement and conflict is both inevitable and continuous. These areas of disagreement pop up everywhere. Some are intriguing and even a bit amusing. Have you seen that car bumper sticker that reads: “Take Back America”? If you don’t know which group provides this sticker, you’re inclined to wonder just what it means. Is it religious or political? And take back from whom and to what? About a week ago, I received a letter with a return address of “People For The American Way” (not the exact name). Ordinarily, I wouldn’t bother to open such a letter, but this time I did. I was curious as to which “American Way” they had in mind. I don’t mean to even hint that their claim on the “American Way” or the 26

slogan, “Take Back America,” are wrong. They’re just different and probably argumentative. Values are something we care deeply about. It’s perfectly normal that we’ll defend our point of view. It does make a difference, however, whether we recognize that we share this privilege with millions of others. Normal differences aside, it’s a good time to be thinking about our values as Americans, or perhaps we should say “North Americans” out of respect for our South American neighbors. The United States—in fact the whole world— seems to be undergoing a cosmic values shift. We’re wondering anew who we are, in the fashion of young teenagers. We seem to be questioning what we believe, what we should do about various

In an open society such as ours, it’s tougher to make good decisions if we don’t know what we truly value.

problems, what we truly value. In an open society such as ours, it’s tougher to make good decisions if we don’t know what we truly value. It’s tougher still to sustain social harmony if we’re unclear about those values. Yes, it’s a very good time to be thinking about our values here in the United States. Perhaps a good place to start is to recollect where we came from. Most of us in the United States immigrated here, or at least our ancestors did. We’ve come from another country, or another culture, usually possessed of deep set values, created for a different time and place. Safe to say many immigrants came to the United States seeking freedom of one sort or another. Some of the earliest came seeking freedom from religious domination. Others came seeking freedom from political persecution. Still others came seeking freedom from economic tyranny or deprivation. Fewer but still a significant number came seeking freedom from artistic suppression. (This last search was poignantly evoked by E. B. White in his 1949 book, Here is New York; he described the city as a magnet

We’ve come from another country, or another culture, usually possessed of deep set values, created for a different time and place. to those with an ache in their heart and a half-finished manuscript in their suitcase.) Ellis Island has become a metaphor for refugees of many stripes, passing through its gates with eyes filled with tears, whether of pain or gratitude. It’s always a good time to reflect on our personal and national heritage, pronounce slowly the names and nations from which so many of us immigrated in search of freedom. It’s a good time as well to point out that those already here, those so-called Native Americans, also valued their freedom and individuality. To a degree seldom mentioned or appreciated, these Native Americans were far less “tribal” and more highly 27


individualized than commonly characterized. In 1973 a group of Sioux Indians staged a protest at Wounded Knee, South Dakota, the site of the last armed conflict between the US Calvary and Native Americans in 1890. Everyone was surprised. Why now? Why this? One of the Sioux joked that while some groups in the United States boast that if ten of their number are gathered together you get 11 opinions, but with the same number of Sioux, you get twenty. Native Americans love their personal freedoms. 28


In short, we immigrants came to the right country. Freedom was already here. Some might argue that freedom is basic to all those other values. I would. We’ve learned a few things since those pioneer immigrants arrived. We’ve learned that freedom has many dimensions. It’s a complex value, shall we say. Freedom is not mere license to do as we please, “my way or the highway.” It is not freedom from responsibility. We’ve learned that freedom is costly, not just in dollars but in lives lost in battle, lifestyles changed by war


and injuries. We’ve learned that we can’t just have freedom for ourselves, personally. On one level, freedom requires that we respect the right of other people’s freedoms. At another level, freedom beckons us to stand up or speak out in support of others seeking freedom in their own countries. This has not been an easy lesson to learn. Those early Pilgrims and Puritans settling in Massachusetts were initially loathed to grant to other people (most particularly the Baptists and Quakers) the same religious freedoms they


sought for themselves. But they learned and changed. About two hundred years later these same Pilgrims and Puritans (united as Congregationalists in 1648) played a major role in freeing “American negroes from the chains of slavery and their minds from the chains of ignorance,” as General Oliver O. Howard phrased it. There are many stories here in the United States describing the struggle of individuals and groups to share or balance their own freedom with that of others. A little more than a century ago, powerful 29

American business capitalists began to learn that their business freedoms could not be exercised without consideration of the freedoms of their employees and customers. Republican President Theodore Roosevelt led the charge in this historic struggle. He became known as the “trust-buster” for his successful legislative efforts to hold corporations accountable for predatory practices. Today, corporate America leads the way for the rest of the world in defining socially responsible business practices. 30


“Fix me something that reflects traditional values.”

Less than a half century later, another President Roosevelt, cousin Franklin, proposed “Four Freedoms” for democratic nations in his State of the Union address in January 1941. They were freedom of speech, worship, from want, and fear. They were translated onto oil and canvas by Norman Rockwell (American’s “middlebrow” painter, as art critics dubbed him). Later (1943), the paintings were the focal point of a nation-wide touring exhibition, which raised more than a hundred million dollars in war bond sales. They struck

a very responsive cord in the hearts of millions of Americans. We are learning as a nation that political and artistic freedoms have their limits, dictated entirely by the consideration of all our citizens. The drawing or re-drawing of these lines between what is fair for all is a dynamic and probably never-ending process. This is democracy at work. Who can say that there are any eternally “right” lines? What persons or groups are going to demand their freedoms at the expense of others? Furthermore, each generation must undertake this task for itself: look at the consequences of its decisions, ask who’s helped, who’s hurt. It’s a good time to be thinking about our values…and how we share each one of them, now with the whole world. Take some time to reflect on your own values. What’s most important to you? Is it the same for your friends and fellow citizens? How tolerant are you about differing views? Today there are some big challenges to our traditional way of looking at things: all the gender issues, energy needs and environmental

sustenance, personal liberties such as owning arms, the unleashing of Arabic aspirations. Name an issue you think is a big challenge for our times. Presidential aspirant Wendell Willkie rang the global bell in his book, One World (1943): “Freedom is an indivisible word. If we want to enjoy it, and fight for it, we must be prepared to extend it to everyone, whether they are rich or poor, whether they agree with us or not, no matter what their race or the color of their skin.” It is a good time to remember as well that the rest of the world is looking to us, begging us to live up to the recognition so generously given to us by France with the Statue of Liberty and the Emma Lazarus inscription: “Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free….” This is the best time to be responsibly free. This is the “American Way” I cherish. Verne E. Henderson is ordained as a Congretional minister and author of the books, What’s Ethical in Business?, The Ethical Side of Enterprise, and Ethicionary. 31

AMERICA THE BEAUTIFUL Some of the country’s greatest treasures can be found in the national park system, where the varied landscapes, indigenous flora and fauna, and historic and cultural landmarks await to be discovered and savored. From the majestic Grand Canyon to the beautiful simplicity of Death Valley, US national parks embody America’s core values as they provide a shared place for individuals to seek a sense of freedom, adventure, and contemplation.


Great Smoky Mountains National Park North Carolina and Tennessee


Above: Acadia National Park, Maine PHOTO © IOANA DAVIES Opposite top: Mount Rainier National Park, Washington PHOTO © NILANJAN BHATTACHARYA Opposite bottom: Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming, Idaho, and Montana PHOTO © PHOTOXITE 34



Above: Death Valley National Park, California and Nevada PHOTO © MIKE NORTON

Opposite top: Arches National Park, Utah PHOTO © ISRAEL PABON Opposite bottom: Redwood National and State Parks, California PHOTO © CHRISTOPHER BLISS


Above: Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona, Colorado and Nevada PHOTO © KOJI HIRANO Opposite top: Everglades National Park, Florida PHOTO © DONNIE SHACKLEFORD Opposite bottom: Yosemite National Park, California PHOTO © CHRISTOPHER BLISS 38



How well do you know our national parks? Test your knowledge by taking our quiz and discover something new. Answers on pages 42–44.

1. How many national park units are there?  13  397  193  401 2. In which national park did the first major land battle of the Civil War take place?  Antietam National Battlefield  Petersburg National Battlefield  Gettysburg National Military Park  Manassas National Battlefield Park 40

3. What is the most visited national park with over 9 million visitors every year?  Great Smoky Mountains National Park  Lincoln Memorial  Grand Canyon National Park  Yellowstone National Park 4. One of the largest organisms in the world lives in America’s national parks, which one is it?  Elk  Grizzly Bear  Bison  Sequoia Tree

5. The national parks preserve more than just wildlife. Which park is home to a former federal prison?  Boston National Historical Park  Valley Forge National Historical Park  Golden Gate National Recreation Area  Death Valley National Park 6. What was the world’s first national park, created by an act of Congress in 1872?  Yellowstone National Park  Joshua Tree National Park  Acadia National Park  Lewis and Clark National Historic Trail  Yosemite National Park 7. Which President issued an executive order to transfer the management of national monuments and military sites from the Forest Service and War Department to the Park Service?  Theodore Roosevelt  Calvin Coolidge  Franklin D. Roosevelt  Harry S. Truman

8. Which national park is home to the longest cave system in the world?  Oregon Caves National Monument  Wind Cave National Park  Mammoth Cave National Park  Grand Teton National Park 9. Which famous American’s home—and national park—was used by George Washington as headquarters during the siege of Boston from 1775–1776?  Clara Barton  Henry Wadsworth Longfellow  Carl Sandburg  Augustus Saint-Gaudens 10. Which national park is home to a collection of tropical rain forests?  Olympic National Park  The National Park of American Samoa  Kalaupapa National Historical Park  Everglades National Park


ANSWER KEY 1. 401. Today, the National Park System’s 401 units cover more than 83 million acres and include sites ranging from the homes of historic figures to Civil War battlefields, from Alaska’s gigantic, 13.2-millionacre Wrangell-St. Elias National Park and Preserve, to Ford’s Theater National Historic Site, commemorating where President Lincoln was assassinated. In addition to national parks, the park system includes national monuments, seashores, recreation areas, historic sites, military parks, battlefields, and other designated units. 2. Union and Confederate troops met in their first major land battle on July 21, 1861, at Manassas National Battlefield Park. 42

Manassas, Virginia, was considered a key area because it offered access to the railroad and © DAVID FREUND/GETTY IMAGES transportation, only 30 miles southwest of Washington, DC. The Battle of Bull Run, as it was also called, favored the north in the early going, but Confederate forces eventually received reinforcements, and their numbers allowed them to repel an advancing Union side. Today, the park faces threats from commercial development within and just outside its borders and National Parks Conservation Association (NPCA) is working with historic preservation groups to promote practical solutions to preserve the land while also allowing for growth in nearby communities. 3. Because of its popularity and proximity to major urban areas, the Great Smoky Mountains is the most visited national park. Over 10,000 different species

of flora and fauna have been identified within the park’s boundaries, including Jordan’s red cheeked salamander, a species that only occurs in this park. The park faces the threat of poor air quality that has a damaging effect on the park’s ecosystem that supports rare species like this. 4. Sequoia National Park in California’s Sierra Nevada mountains is home to “General Sherman,” a sequoia tree in the Giant Forest, believed to be the world’s most voluminous living tree specimen, standing 275 feet high with a base circumference of over 100 feet. The park’s lower elevations feature spectacular waterfalls and more than 200 known caves of beautiful stalactites and naturally polished marble. Most of the park is secluded wilderness and backcountry, and can be reached only by hiking or horseback riding.

than two dozen natural, historic, and cultural sites in and around the city of San Francisco. 6. Yellowstone National Park is America’s first national park. The park has 60 percent of the world’s geysers as well as many hot springs and several mud pots. Perhaps the most famous feature of the park is the geyser Old Faithful. Created in 1872 as the first national park in America, it set the standard for the entire National Park System and is, for many, the most iconic park in the country. 7. Franklin D. Roosevelt. On August 10, 1933, President Franklin Roosevelt issued an executive order to transfer management of national © DON MASON/GETTY IMAGES

5. Golden Gate National Recreation Area is home to Alcatraz, America’s first “supermax” prison. But beyond Alcatraz, Golden Gate National Recreation Area is home to more 43

skies. NPCA is fighting on both the national and local levels to clear the air in our parks to ensure the long-term health of the parks and their visitors.


monuments and military sites from the Forest Service and the War Department to the Park Service. 8. Mammoth Cave is the longest known cave system in the world with more than 350 miles of passageways, all some 400 feet underground. Mammoth Cave National Park also protects more than 52,000 acres of land and is home to a variety of animals. According to NPCA’s research, this park is one of the five most polluted parks in the park system. The park is downwind from large, coal-fired power plants that produce much of the sulfur pollution responsible for hazy 44

9. The abandoned home of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow was used by George Washington during the Siege of Boston. As commander of the Continental army, he used the home as his headquarters during the siege and moved out in 1776. 10. National Park of American Samoa encompasses a variety of ecosystems, from rainforest to coral reef. The park, which includes some of the most beautiful beaches on the islands, is home to sea turtles, flying foxes, humpback whales, and colorful tropical fish and birds. The To’aga archaeological dig has uncovered artifacts from three millennia of island inhabitants. The residents of Ofu village nearby trace their ancestry to this ancient civilization. © National Parks Conservation Association, Reprinted with permission.




r. Bill Thomas considers himself the ambassador of elderhood, and his mission is to change the way society perceives aging. Baby Boomers are now on the precipice of elderhood, the third stage of life that follows childhood and adulthood. Second Wind situates the postwar generation within their historical context in order to explain why we regard aging in such a negative light, and gives guidance to recognize and navigate the most challenging and fulfilling developmental stage of life. Dr. Thomas examines how the Baby Boomers, by their sheer numbers, shaped American culture of the 20th century, and delineated the parameters of what is considered a successful adulthood—a stage too commonly referred to as the peak of one’s life (what Dr. Thomas refers to as “the cult of adulthood”). Baby

Boomers were at the height of their power during the 1980s and 90s, when they collectively determined their value was based on their earning capability, productivity, and effectiveness. Now, many feel they are living a life of frenzied disharmony, driven by their previously determined values. Dr. Thomas recommends a path toward a more balanced life with developmental opportunity. Ultimately, how Baby Boomers deal with aging—by fighting, reluctantly accepting, or enthusiastically embracing it—will be their greatest legacy. The crux of the book, and the heart of Dr. Thomas’ mission, is his advocacy to reconsider elderhood as a stage of life for continued growth, and a time to see ourselves in terms of what we will yet become instead of what we have been. 45

An Interview




merican actor Johnny Martino is probably best known for his  supporting role as the traitorous Paulie Gatto in the 1972 movie,

The Godfather. Some may even recall his hit song “Baby Sitting Baby” that landed him on Dick Clark’s American Bandstand in 1958. The youngest of nine children (eight of whom are boys) raised in an ItalianAmerican working class family in Brooklyn, Johnny dreamed of breaking through the entertainment business. His friendly disposition, drive, and perseverance brought him face-to-face with some of the biggest cultural icons of the past 50 years. He shares his story with PS Magazine. 46

PS Magazine: You grew up in an Italian-American household, with your childhood spent between Sicily and Brooklyn. Tell us a little about growing up in that environment. Johnny Martino: I come from way back when; there wasn’t even a jet plane when I started. Let me go a little further father came to America from Italy as a stowaway on a ship at 13, and he worked unloading trucks for 50 cents a day. He eventually fought for this country and then went back to Sicily to find a wife; they had a baby girl, and then moved back to New York. Growing up in my family, we only spoke Italian. As a boy, my father took me to Italy to see my mother’s family, and I spent a whole year with “Uncle Charlie”, who was [notorious mobster Charles] “Lucky” Luciano. Later, my oldest brother would let me listen to the radio and Frank Sinatra and that’s when I got to love Sinatra. As a teenager, Brando was my acting idol, Sinatra was my singing idol, and that’s when I decided I wanted to go into show business. PS: How did you get your first big break in Hollywood?

Above: Johnny Martino as Paulie Gatto in The Godfather COURTESY OF PARAMOUNT PICTURES

Opposite Left: Johnny Martino in 1958 COURTESY OF JOHNNY MARTINO

JM: As a teenager, I went into New York City to find a vocal coach and also found an acting coach. Someone gave me the song, “Baby Sitting Baby”, which I recorded and I was on the radio a week later. I was on WABC and then the Joe Franklin show. When I was 21 years old, I was on Dick Clark’s American Bandstand. After that, I wanted to continue my singing and acting career. I had $100 to my name, and found an ad to deliver a 1958 Ford convertible to Hollywood. When I first moved to Hollywood, I worked as a busboy at La Scala. On my first night, Fernando Lamas, Esther 47

Williams, Betty Grable, Natalie Wood, and Robert Wagner were there. I came face-to-face with Marilyn Monroe, I was stunned, a young kid from Brooklyn! As time went on, I worked at the studios. I played a Mexican guard on The Wild, Wild West to get my Screen Actors Guild card and that was my first part as an actor. I met Garry Marshall, he was doing a film called How Sweet It Is! with Debbie Reynolds and James Garner and I had a bit part. The next one that came along was called The Grasshopper and I had a love scene with Jacqueline Bissett. The Godfather book came out about that time. PS: The role of Paulie Gatto was originally going to be played by Robert DeNiro until he was signed on for another movie. And Sylvester Stallone also auditioned for the part. How did you eventually land it? JM: A year before they cast the film, I went to a party at Al Martino’s home and I met [producer] Al Ruddy and he said I had a nice look that may be good for The Godfather. In March 1971, I heard the movie was being filmed already. I had no clue who was being cast or for what. I called Paramount and they gave me the number for Al Ruddy in New York. Al told me to go to Paramount Studios to read for Bob Evans, the president. Garry Marshall read the part of Clemenza to support the role. Bob Evans asked me if I spoke Italian. PS: Tell us about creating this character, Paulie Gatto, and how you made him yours. JM: Paulie was a very sleazy character who would do anything for money, and I grew up in New York City and knew schemers and hustlers like him. During the opening scene, I ad-libbed some Italian. Francis Ford Coppola didn’t know what I was saying but he liked it and kept it in. He was impressed in my delivery as a New York character. Later, they flew me in to New York to work with Al Pacino on his Sicilian and slang language. PS: After The Godfather, you went on to play in the films Dillinger and Capone. Did you have any concerns about being typecast as a tough guy? JM: When I did the Dillinger movie, the director was a friend of 48

Francis’. I don’t know if they spoke but I didn’t have to read for the film. The Capone movie came up in 1974 with Ben Gazzara and Sylvester Stallone and I had a great part toward the end of the film. The gangster era was very interesting for me. I kind of liked being typecast, it was a great problem to have. Humphrey Bogart was typecast. PS: Are you retired from show business? Johnny Martino today

JM: I wrote a boxing film called The Winner Is. I hope to have my script made; I wrote the music for it, too. I wrote a few other films. I just did a recording of an album of 15 songs of Sinatra about a year and a half ago. This past year, I’ve been recording songs by Tony Bennett, Engelbert Humperdinck, Louis Armstrong. I’ve done some independent films. There’s an independent film called Dead by Friday, and I think I did a great performance. Johnny is never going to give up; it’s my ultimate dream. If you love something so much, just keep trying, look at me, it got me to where I wanted to go. I was a long shot. COURTESY OF JOHNNY MARTINO.

PS: Do you feel you have attained the American Dream? JM: I have two brothers who were mechanics, brothers who worked on the waterfront, and two brothers who were butchers. I worked lots of jobs to make my dream happen. Not only did I get to meet my idol, Marlon Brando, I got to act in the same film as him. My beautiful wife and I raised our boys here in Florida; I set my career back for my boys’ education. I’m so proud of my boys, today both are married and one just had a baby boy. America is the best place to have a dream; it’s the land of opportunity. Like my father who came here as a teenager, I made a better life. Look at what I accomplished. The doors opened for me to be a singer and actor. And every knock was a boost. Johnny Martino’s dream came true, to be in the greatest film of all time. 49

Enriching the well-being and life experiences of our Elders one community at a time. Salon PS is a national operator of salons, spas, and lifestyle products within senior communities across the United States, providing exceptional amenity service and lifestyle product solutions for seniors, families, and caregivers. We are committed to providing the CARES® Dementia Basics™ and Alzheimer’s Association® essentiALZ® certification program to all Salon PS employees. Please visit us at or on our Facebook page ( to learn more.

Salon PS is partnered with approximately 340 senior communities in 24 states across the US, and has delivered 900,000 salon and spa services. 50


DEBR A TAVANO Senior District Manager Home base: Providence, Rhode Island Years in the industry: 30+ years Time with Salon PS: 1 year When I was given the opportunity to interview with Salon PS, I actually had been working in a senior community salon for about 11 years. I’ve always had a passion for caring for and working with seniors—they just have a special significance to me. I love working with Salon PS because of what we do every day in our salons. Our staff always puts in the extra effort and time to make sure that our residents are comfortable and feel beautiful. We’re all going to get to that place someday, and I hope to be treated the same way. The reason I enjoy my job so much has a lot to do with who I’m working for and with. Everyone is just honest and nice and supportive across the board—that’s hard to come by. There’s definitely a soft spot in my heart for one resident in particular at one of our communities. I worked with her personally when I was there as a hair stylist, and I see her every time I visit. She’s going on 102 years old and has some dementia. I just absolutely love being around her. Every time I see her, she’s so full of life and has a wonderful sense of humor…and most of the time, she’s singing to me! I feel so lucky to know her. 51

PEGGY RHEIN Senior District Manager Home base: Richfield, Ohio Years in the industry: 25+ years Time with Salon PS: 5 years I love working with Salon PS because I believe in what we do and have a special passion for working with seniors and making them feel good. I truly believe we’re making a difference every single day. I love being out in the field in various areas and having the ability to meet so many different people. Being able to support and mentor other district managers and beauty professionals on how to be as successful as possible is the most rewarding. I’m thankful that I’ve seen so much growth within our company thus far, and am even more excited to play a part in everything ahead! One of the fondest experiences I’ve had while working here was with a resident just after I started. I happened to be at a local grocery store shopping with my husband. As we waited in line to check out, a senior woman was at the cash register with a cart full of items. We overheard the cashier telling her multiple times that her credit card was not being accepted. After the conversation went back and forth for a few minutes, I stepped in and asked if I could go ahead and pay for the woman’s items. She was extremely grateful and took my name and address and asked if she could mail me a check. I gave her my information but told her not to worry about it, and helped her with her items to where the senior community bus was waiting. Never expecting to see her again, Salon PS opened a salon within her senior community! Walking in and seeing this woman in our salon, she started to cry, saying, “Oh my gosh, you’re the woman from the store—Peggy!” and we’ve had a special connection ever since. 52

R ANDI COBB Senior District Manager Home base: Phoenix, Arizona Years in the industry: 25+ years Time with Salon PS: 1 ½ years I love working for Salon PS because I truly believe in everything we represent and do every day. I love the fact that we’re able to give seniors the quality of service they would get at a commercial salon…or even better, and right in their community! Age has nothing to do with looking and feeling beautiful, and the fact that anyone who works with Salon PS helps to spread this mentality is really amazing. I was excited to accept my job offer from Salon PS because I already believed in all of these things, and now can have that much greater of an influence. What I enjoy most is being able to train and support other beauty professionals to be successful in this unique part of our industry, and to have fun while doing so! I started working as a cosmetologist at a senior community in Phoenix. Although I don’t perform services there on a regular basis anymore, there’s one resident in particular that makes my day every time I visit the salon. She insists on giving me a hug and a kiss, and tells me how much she misses seeing me every week—so sweet! What cracks me up is that she will continuously try to bribe me to come back, offering car washes and coffee and house cleanings….We have a good laugh and I always look forward to seeing her face on each visit.



Zig-Zag Word Search

Solutions on page 62

Words go left, right, up, down, but not diagonally and can bend at a right angle. There are no unused letters in the grid, every letter is used only once.

Matching Game Find the two identical pictures.


Easter Maze Help the little bunny to deliver his beautiful egg to the empty basket.

Connect-the-Dots Draw a line from dot number 1 to dot number 2, then from dot number 2 to dot number 3, 3 to 4, and so on. Continue to join the dots until you have connected all the numbered dots. Then color the picture!


BR AIN E X ERCISES Solutions on page 63

Crossword Puzzle

ACROSS 1. Roofing stone 6. Tafari (Haile Selassie) 9. Indian state 14. Bit of wisdom 15. Thunder Bay’s prov. 16. Twice, a comforting comment 17. Restore moisture 19. Hard drinker 20. Decade divs. 56

21. Algerian seaport 22. Get the lead out? 23. Old Testament book 25. Refine 26. Aromatic ointment 29. Quick sharp bark 31. Bureau 32. Blue books? 36. Actor Auberjonois

37. Solo of “Star Wars” 38. Iditarod terminus 40. Slowpoke 43. Recorded 45. Crew needs 46. Taoism founder 47. Loud sound 50. Exploded 51. Predatory fish 52. Mata 54. Cock and bull 57. Twilled fabric 58. Turn toward the east 61. Place for “stompin’” 62. Hurried 63. Chicago hub 64. Bridges 65. Actor Vigoda 66. Snooped (around) DOWN 1. Agile 2. Lustful look 3. Contented sighs 4. Attempt, a score in rugby 5. Antiquity, in antiquity 6. Lion sounds 7. Organization to promote theater 8. Type of gun 9. Try 10. Beach locale 11. Flower part 12. Give it !

13. A formality 18. Spacious 23. Good 24. Brit’s raincoat 25. -pitch softball 26. Ingot 27. Old 28. Actress Olin 29. A long time 30. East ender? 33. Following 34. Paint layer 35. Concert gear 37. That woman 39. Extra-wide shoe size 41. Asses 42. Fall behind 43. Stan’s pal 44. Not for a Scot 47. Inexpensive 48. Insect stage 49. Vacuum tube filler 50. Pickling solution 51. Flat sound 52. Circle dance 53. Member of a largely Middle Eastern people 54. Lukas of “Witness” 55. French 101 verb 56. Highly ranked competitor in sporting events 59. Prefix with profit or fiction 60. Howe’er 57

BR AIN E X ERCISES Solutions on page 63

Easy as ABC Easy as ABC—also known as ABC End View or Last Man Standing—is a logical puzzle played on a square grid. The objective of Easy as ABC is to fill the grid with the letters A through G. Each row and each column must contain only one instance of each letter. The clues outside the grid show which letter comes across first from that direction.

Sudoku Sudoku—also known as Number Place—is a logicbased, combinatorial number-placement puzzle. The aim of Sudoku is to enter a number from 1 through 9 in each cell of a grid. Each row, column, and region must contain only one instance of each number.



by Chris Flisher

M A RCH /A PRIL 2014 ARIES (March 21–April 19) Spontaneity may be your word for this season, as surprises and revelations suddenly come pouring in to your life. You may be experiencing all kinds of chance encounters with new and intriguing people and your ability to be loose, innovative, and eccentric are the keys to such meetings. The spotlight may be shining brightly on all that you say and do, so use that attention to get the things you want. This is a bold time for rebellion and starting something unique. TAURUS (April 20–May 20) Transitions of the most unexpected kind may be your theme as the Sun and Uranus pair up together. This may be best defined as out-of-the-blue types of events that bring new people into your life or other changes that can be very enlivening. Together these two planets imbue everything with a sense of surprise and anticipation, similar to Christmas morning through the

eyes of a child. If you can enter into this theme with a sense of adventure and potential, you can enjoy a wonderfully exciting ride. GEMINI (May 21–June 21) You may be witnessing a whole new landscape in your job or your daily workings. An unexpected wind seems to be blowing and with it comes a sweeping change. You may see this as a breath of fresh air as the team players and circumstances shift. This type of shift may be as subtle as a new member on your team to a whole new re-ordering of people, places, and things. The action may most likely occur with your friends as they come and go just the way doors open and close. CANCER (June 22–July 22) This may be a time of great connections that arrive without warning, and especially true in how you occupy your time. If you have been seeking out an alternative way of working or pursuing new employment 59

options, these might be the types of surprises in store for you. As Uranus and the Sun align together, they often deliver random acts of kindness or promise, and in your case, that action occurs in your employment sector. It may be wise to keep your ear to the ground and be on your toes since offers may begin to appear. LEO (July 23–Aug. 22) An exciting buzz may be building as plans for travel and intellectual expansion start to appear on your calendar. This may be an excellent time for enrolling in seminars or classes that actively provide you with new skills, experiences, and relationships. You may think of this as a time for awakening your inner curiosity. Of course, that intrigue may be quite thrilling if you can find the right outlet. As you become more involved you may be surprised by the satisfaction that comes with it. VIRGO (Aug. 23–Sept. 22) You may be hearing news of your tax return soon and it may not be what you expected. 60

Before you jump to a conclusion, think about how you may be the recipient of a larger refund or other form of financial windfall. Perhaps you received a check that you had not anticipated from a relative or other outside source. The same may be true if you are pursuing a reinvestment or other legal agreement that suddenly shows some action when you least expected it. LIBRA (Sept. 23–Oct. 22) A significant partner or close friend may come visiting, bearing some exciting or unpredictable news. You may not have seen it coming, but a tidbit of information may be enough to tip the scales in one direction or the other. This type of random experience can be thrilling or simply set you off on a different course altogether. This type of event may also come as a chance to clear the air and start anew. While some people approach surprises with caution, think of the positive potential they also possess. SCORPIO (Oct. 23–Nov 21) You may be considering new methods for getting and keeping

yourself in better shape. While that idea has been on your mind, you may have been struggling with finding the right outlet for your health. A surprise offering may come your way that provides an innovative alternative to your current routine. This may be the type of opportunity that satisfies all of your criteria and allows you to access the services quite easily. These types of surprises are likely as the Sun and Uranus align in your health sector. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22–Dec. 21) A creative project that you have been working on may catch the eye of an outside investor and bring a new burst of life and support to you. The same may be said for any sort of unexpected support for your inventive output. Whether this appears as an admirer or a new client, the theme may remain the same and the surprise arrival may catch you off-guard but pleasantly amused by the coincidence of events and timing. So real might this be that you may consider it to be divine intervention.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22–Jan. 19) Your domestic scene may be in for an overhaul and it may come as quite a surprise. Perhaps you need a new appliance suddenly or you find a new method for making your daily home life more compatible with changes as new people arrive or depart. While these types of changes may sound profound, think of how meaningful the birth of a new child would affect your daily domestic world. Uranus tends to bring surprises especially as it aligns with the Sun in your home sector. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20–Feb. 18) A surprise discovery may present itself as you are off looking for something in a completely unrelated area of your life. Your curiosity may be triggered by this type of alignment and you may be pulled in with an unquenchable thirst for information. You may find that letters and emails deliver unusual news from unexpected sources. In many ways this may be like receiving a secret that requires your complete undivided attention. Just like a train of 61

thought that trips and jumps through innovative and remarkably unusual paths, you may be on a mission to reveal something. PISCES (Feb. 19–March 20) Your investments may deliver some surprise news as the Sun and Uranus light up your income sector. This type of alignment may signal a windfall

of sorts or at least a surprise payment perhaps. Maybe an old debt from the past comes due to you or vice versa. The key word is unexpected. By the same token you may decide to try a radically different approach to how you manage your money, in which case you may be wise to get some solid advice before you make any concrete change.

PUZZLE SOLUTIONS Matching Game Solution 1 - 6, 3 - 8, 5 - 2, 7 - 4

Easter Maze Solution

Zig-Zag Word Search Solution

Connect-the-Dots Solution


Crossword Puzzle Solution

Easy As ABC Solution

Sudoku Solution




“And that’s how a bill becomes a law. Tomorrow it’s your turn to think of something to talk about.”

The Job Interview


veteran of World War II applied for a job at a bank. During the impersonal interview, standardized question after question was asked and the interviewer scribbled down the answers without looking up at the veteran. “Most recent position?” asked the bank interviewer. “Supply officer,” replied the applicant. “Duration of employment?” “Three and a half years.” “Reason for termination?” The applicant thought for a moment, and then answered, “We won.” 64

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Gift ideas are ready for delivery for Mother’s Day, or any other special occasion. Gift certificates available for salon and spa services

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