Magento 2 Advanced Extra Fee
Advanced Extra Fee Extension by MageComp allows you to charge your customer by offering extra paid services & your customer can buy services if needed while checkout.
Table of Content 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
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Extension Installation Guide Configuration Checkout Step Options Tax Settings Custom Checkout Step in Frontend
Selected Checkout Addons in Backend View Deactivation of Extension in Case of Emergency FAQs
1. Extension Installation Guide ● Go to My downloadable products. The file that you download normally is a zip file. ● Use FTP client (such as Filezilla, WinSCP, cuteFtp) to upload or copy all folders in the zip package to your Magneto site root folder. This will not overwrite any existing files, just add new files to the folder structure. ● Open Command line in folder root of Magento and run following command respectively: o php bin/magento setup:upgrade o php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy o php bin/magento indexer:reindex o php bin/magento cache:flush ● Navigate to Stores/Configuration, if you can see the extension tab, it is installed properly. ● If you need professional help regarding Magento Extension Installation, Feel free to contact us any time. 2. Configuration Once you have successfully installed the extension, go to Stores 🡪 Configuration to configure the extension for use.
● Advanced Extra Fee: Enable or disable extension from here.
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3. Checkout Step Options: Once you have configured the extension, now setup checkout addons to display in store frontend.
● Step Title: Option to set a custom checkout step title to display in store frontend. ● Required Selection: Set “Yes” if you want your customer to make a compulsory selection from checkout addons. ● Checkout Addons: From here, you can add one or more checkout addons to display in frontend checkout step. ● Accept Customer Comment: Choose “Yes” to display customer comment box in store frontend.
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4. Tax Settings: The admin can also calculate and charge tax on Extra Fee or you can say checkout addons if needed.
● Calculate Tax: Option to enable or disable tax on extra fee. ● Select Tax Class: Select the tax class that you want to apply as tax.
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5. Custom Checkout Step in Frontend Once you have configured the extension from the backend and added different checkout Addons, the extension will add a custom checkout step in frontend let your customer choose their required addons. You are free to customize and add your custom checkout addons and can charge the customer for buying extra service. Here are some example of custom checkout addons.
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6. Selected Checkout Addons in Backend View Once your customer has placed an order from the store frontend, the admin will able to see customer selected checkout addon in backend sales order grid view.
Moreover, admin can see selected checkout addon in all Magento generate order summary bifurcation.
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7. Deactivation of Extension in Case of Emergency ● Go to app 🡪 etc 🡪 config.php and find 'Magecomp_ Advancedextrafee=> 1, and replace 1 with 0. ● If something goes wrong, please contact us at
8. FAQs: ● What if I get “Access denied” error after installation of the extension? Whenever you get Access denied error while clicking on the extension tab after installation, log out admin panel and re-login.
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