Magento 2 CCAvenue Payment Gateway Extension

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Magento 2 CCAvenue Payment Gateway

CCAvenue Payment Gateway Extension for Magento 2 store helps the customers to pay fast and securely through various types of payment methods such as Net Banking, Credit Card, Debit Card, bank transfer, etc.

Table of Content 1. Configuration 2. Frontend display of CCAvenue Payment Gateway

1. Configuration Once the extension is installed successfully, go to Stores>Configuration to configure the extension for use.

Enabled: Enable or Disable the extension from here. Set it as enabled to use the features of the extension. Title: Admin will need to add payment gateway title here to display on the frontend of the store. Merchant Id, Working Key, Access Code: Admin will need to add Merchant Id, Working Key and Access Code here. It is provided by the CCAvenue Merchant Panel

Sandbox: Admin can enable the sandbox testing functionality from here. Accepted Currency: Admin can select their desired currency to accept via CCAvenue payment gateway. New Order Status: Admin can set new order status from this section if there is any suspect of fraud. Payment From Applicable Countries: Select the option for specific countries or for all countries from here. Payment From Specific Countries: If you select specific countries option then select the countries you desire to accept payment from here. Sort Order: From here admin can set an order to display this payment option at checkout page as per their desire. 2. Frontend display of CCAvenue Payment Gateway CCAvenue Payment Gateway option displayed at the checkout page on the frontend of your Magento 2 store

Secured redirected page to CCAvenue payment gateway for selecting the payment options such as credit cards, net banking, bank transfer, wallets, UPI, Etc.

Payment details if paid via CCAvenue payment gateway displayed at the account section on the frontend of your store.

If anything goes wrong, please contact us at

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