November 2014
Graphic Standard Manual
Preface Using This Book
The Logo Typefaces Colours Pattern
Logo Size Safe Area Variation and Distortion 11
Overview Philosophy The Logo
APPLICATION Rules Application
INTRODUCTION Understanding the main purpose and regulations that needs to be understood in a Graphic Standard Manual. Preface Using This Book
PREFACE This book is made for Ardelia Adjandra, the client, also a friend in Art and Design Class 2016. It was a Mid term project, the goal of this project is to capture her personalities through brand identity. To understand more about Ardelia and her logo, it is important to acknowledge the value and rule of the logo. This guidelines help readers to use the logo correctly and consistent.
Please remember to read and understand this guidelines clearly before using the logo and patterns of Ardelia.
USING THIS BOOK One of the main important of using this logo is consistency. The user of this book needs to be creative and professional to use this logo and applying it to several applications. By using this guide book, the user agree to use this brand and keep it as identical as in the guide. The purpose of this manual is to explain the idea behind Ardelia visual identity, to define
its graphic standards, and to illustrate how these standards are applied. It is very important to understand rules of the logo. User will find some visual aspect that need to be fulfilled.
BEHIND THE BRAND To know further about Ardelia in general, and the philosophy of the logo briefly.
Overview Philosophy
OVERVIEW Ardelia Adjandra is a young talented graphic designer from Jakarta, Indonesia. Now she is trying to acquired her bachelor’s degree in BInus International University. She interests varies from art and design, fashion, and also everything that are handmade. She like things not too simple yet not to complicated.
Through her personal brand, we trying to channels many different kind of product such as watches, car, and many more. We agrees to apply pattern to in the applications.
PHILOSOPHY Ardelia Adjandra has a great interest in flowers especially peony flower. The flowers are native to Asia, Southern Europe and Western North America. This is why we based her logo in a shape of a peony flower that has been simplified. The petals of the logo are made to resemble A letter in reverse. She also really into blue colours, everything with shade of blue. We agree to use four colours of blue.
She really would like to be a graphic designer, thats one of the reason we apply the ink pen line.
DESIGN ELEMENT Explaining in detail about all the element that have been used for branding. Including the main logo. The logo Colours Typefaces Pattern
THE LOGO Ardelia Adjandra’s logo was created based on peony flower. To make it simple and suitable for logo, the designer cut the flowers come with only 4 petals. And the petals shape based on letter A in reverse. We used shade of blue colours to make it more dynamic and since she like the colours of blue. The logo comes with different variant.
However, it is better to use the main logo combined with the flowers pattern to achieve the brand identity and also Ardelia personality. Notice : The logo is divided into two parts the logogram (the graphic) and the logotype (the text). Two logotype can only be removed when the logo is applied on official brand product.
COLOURS The colours were inspired from blue peony flower comes with many layers of colours, and since Ardelia love everything in shade of blue. Notice : The colours of the logo cannot be changed. And must have four shade of blue colour. same with monochrome.
C: 0 M: 0 Y: 0 K: 0 R: 255 G: 255 B: 255
C: 100 M: 94 Y: 0 K: 10 R: 26 G: 36 B: 121 PANTONE P 99-16 C
C: 100 M: 18 Y: 0 K: 0 R: 0 G: 134 B: 214 PANTONE P 112-8 C
C: 100 M: 68 Y: 0 K: 14 R: 0 G: 63 B: 136 PANTONE P 104-16 C
C: 51 M: 0 Y: 0 K: 0 R: 96 G: 197 B: 245 PANTONE P 115-5 C
WEB COLOURS C: 0 M: 0 Y: 0 K: 0 R: 255 G: 255 B: 255
C: 0 M: 0 Y: 0 K: 0 R: 255 G: 255 B: 255
C: 0 M: 0 Y: 0 K: 100 R: 0 G: 0 B: 0 PANTONE P Process Black C
C: 0 M: 0 Y: 0 K: 89 R: 52 G: 51 B: 53 PANTONE P 179-14 C
C: 100 M: 92 Y: 19 K: 4 R: 30 G: 43 B: 110 # 293277
C: 78 M: 23 Y: 8 K: 0 R: 26 G: 138 B: 192 # 0098cc
C: 0 M: 0 Y: 0 K: 95 R: 30 G: 30 B: 31 PANTONE P 179-15 C
C: 0 M: 0 Y: 0 K: 78 R: 74 G: 75 B: 77 PANTONE P 179-12 C
C: 100 M: 84 Y: 8 K: 0 R: 21 G: 55 B: 133 # 1f3c89
C: 55 M: 1 Y: 0 K: 0 R: 84 G: 190 B: 242 # 6fc8f2
TYPEFACES As for the typefaces, the logo text need to come with two different typefaces. Futura LT and Nordica. Futura can be seen as a mix between traditional and modern. Nordica is light and official. Both of the fonts combined each other. As for the book or other than logo type user can use Quicksand.
Notice : On the logo type we used Futura LT (Book) but we modify the j. J typeface is Century Gothic with line 0.5 pt. The second logo type (Graphic Designer text) using a Nordica (Hairline) added line 0.5pt
Futura LT
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
Nordica (Hairline)
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
PATTERN The pattern come from many layer of flower. The pattern was basically from the logogram. Multiply it into five petals of flower then connected and form a flower. The flowers were multiply to form a pattern. As for the logo, the users need to shape the logo the exact same amount with the example. The pattern needs to be look alike a flowers that opening their home.
As for the pattern that has been used in the gsm is a outline of peony flower, that come in different size and layers of petals. With same colours as the pattern logo but it only use one colours only and then can be combine with others flower with different colours.
RULES OF THE LOGO Explaining in detail the logo consturction and size. It a base guide for user in using this logo
Logo Size Safe Area Distortion
LOGO SIZE It is very important to take notice of the logo size, as the logotype needs to always be readable and legible. The minimum size for the logo on prints should be at the very least 3 centimetres times 2.2 centimetres. As for the maximum size on prints is 8 centimetres times 49 centimetres.
Yet for other application there is no maximum size, yet it is need to be balance and works together with the application.
33 Smallest size y : 21.6 mm 61.5 px
x : 28.4 mm 81 px
y : 48.5 mm 137 px
Largest size
x : 75.1 mm 213 px
SAFE AREA The safe area or the exclusion zone is established to create a “safe space� between the logo or other objects. The logo needs to always be recognisable and not to be distracted by other company logos, texts, or any object and design elements. Please refer to the image on the right side for the calculation of the safe area.
Notice : The pen line needs to be in the exact middle between the last a letter in Ardelia and the first a in Adjandra.
y x
y x x : 6.9 mm 19 px
y : 7.3 mm 21 px
VARIATION AND DISTORTION Users in term of using Ardelia Adjandra logo needs to be persist same with the original logo. All the element including graphics, colours and typefaces cannot be changed. Violation to the rules could lead into problems such as, unrecognisable, logo misconception of the brand, and not get the message. In order to give some flexibility in using this logo, this logo come with three different variation of colours and placement.
Notice : First variation is the original logo, can only be used in white background colours. The second variation is the monochrome. It only be use on formal circumstances or when the background too light or too blue. And it also can be used with background colours. Yet, only light blue that come from the original colours of the logo.
Do not change the colour of the logotype
Do not use only one colours in the logogram
Do not change the logogram colours shade.
Do not use any colours (ex. light blue) and pictures in the background
Do not distorted in any way
Do not rotate or modify the logo
Do not make a new variant of the logogram
Betwen the logogram and logotext need to be followed the original
Do not change the tyepfaces of the logotype.
Do not delete any logotype in the logo
Do not change the placment of the logotext
Logogram needs to be place with logotext
APPLICATION Some examples how Ardelia Adjandra logo can be applied in different type of surfaces and materials. Rules Application
RULES There are some important rules that users need to understand when it come using this logo for any purposes. We want to maintain the stability and original in each application. Here are some of the simple rules : 1. Logo should be appears in every commercial works 2. Logo should be clear based on the safe area and size 3. The pattern needs to be applied in every application
4. You can choose between three different logos that suit the application The following pages are some examples of the logo application.
43 Stationery set
44 Billboard
45 Laptop bag, laptop case, and everyday bag
46 Bucket hat, watch, sunglasses
47 Running / sport shoes
48 Notebook, iphone case, lighter
49 Mini Cooper Blue Car