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Summer at Grumello

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The Villa del Grumello Association's 2023 season of cultural events gets into full swing with many quality offerings throughout the summer, combined with the elegant and at the same time somewhat wild beauty of its romantic historical park on Como's lakefront. Grumello's urban park-a short walk from the city center and easily accessible by both public transportation and car-is open free to the public with pedestrian access Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Sunday from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Closed Saturdays. Reservations are recommended for groups by sending an email to parco@villadelgrumello.it. Traversing and inhabiting places with slowness while contemplating the landscape, sharing creative experiences, "cultivating energy" with holistic practices (also in English), participating in transdisciplinary artistic experiments and delving into the themes of the value of biodiversity and socio-environmental responsibility are the plot that runs through the various activities proposed for different types of audiences, young and old, international citizens and tourists. July will be all about music, cinema and wellness. On Sundays 9, 16, 23 and 30, jazz is back in the spotlight with matinees in the shadow of the great Cedar and one other not-to-be-missed evening - an appendix to the festival - on 21. On Sundays in July, cinema will also be in the spotlight, with a festival that on summer evenings will move between landscape and city, inspired by the essence and characteristics of the place. Cinema also on Sundays in August with the festival organized by Arci Xanadù. After jazz, the highlight of the season is a gift for fans of classical music (but not only) on the night of Aug. 12-13, when they will be able to admire brought together in one long performance many of the most prominent musicians on the international scene coordinated by violinist and maestro Davide Alogna. September sees the return of the contemporary dance festival Ecotonalità. Postures for cohabitation, which-inspired by the "margin" posture that characterizes the Grumellowill alternate between September 8 and 10 experiments and insights for insiders, participatory paths open to all. Closing the summer will be the traditional networking event "Libri di Corsa," which from the Grumello will open up to the territory along the Lake Como Poetry Way conceived by Sentiero dei Sogni to dispense books and culture by slowly traversing the landscape of our lake, between Brunate, Como, Maslianico and Cernobbio, with the grand finale in the Grumello parterre, featuring the final book exchange and various creative activities. An event in collaboration with Athletic Team Lake Como, which sees the participation of children from various Lake Como schools and sports clubs, this year will be open to the public along one of the programmed routes. On October 22, the second day dedicated to the celebrations for the Bimillenary of the foundation of Pliny the Elder, with activities for adults and children: a journey into knowledge between botany, art, wellness, history and food, which from the Hortus Plinii, located in the upper portion of the Park, will develop touching the most evocative places and the most impressive trees of the park itself.


Si è felicemente concluso da pochi giorni il progetto “AD HOC. Strategie di contrasto alla dispersione”, che per ben quattro anni ha coinvolto il territorio comasco, i giovani e le loro famiglie, con l’intera comunità educante, in una serie di azioni importanti e significative per contrastare il grave fenomeno della dispersione scolastica, purtroppo molto presente in tutta Italia, e nella provincia comasca, dove arriva a toccare la percentuale preoccupante del 17%. Un progetto selezionato dall’impresa sociale Con i Bambini nell’ambito del Fondo per il contrasto della povertà educativa minorile, coordinato da Cometa Formazione e cofinanziato dalla Fondazione De Agostini, che tra il 2019 e il 2023, grazie a una rete virtuosa di soggetti variamente coinvolti (scuole, parrocchie, fondazioni, istituzioni, università, cooperative sociali) ha offerto percorsi su misura a un gruppo di 120 giovani beneficiari tra gli 11 e i 17 anni delle scuole medie e superiori del territorio di Como. Le famiglie sono state coinvolte in incontri di sostegno alla genitorialità; i docenti delle scuole partner hanno beneficiato di ore di formazione; i ragazzi hanno usufruito di

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