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AD HOC. When Beauty makes Good

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rare accanto a un maestro, in un ambiente sconosciuto e suggestivo, sperimentando il lavoro manuale in prima persona, ha rappresentato un’esperienza altamente educativa e per molti di loro entusiasmante. Le attività prescelte sono state molteplici: i ragazzi hanno potuto sperimentare mestieri, materiali e modalità di lavoro molto diversi, dalla ceramica all’oreficeria, dalla carta alla stampa tipografica, dall’orticoltura alla legatoria artistica, dall’ebanisteria alla pelletteria. Quasi tutti i ragazzi hanno espresso gioia e soddisfazione, dimostrando curiosità e interesse, anche al di là delle aspettative degli educatori: segno che se opportunamente e adeguatamente stimolati tutti questi giovani, benché spesso provenienti da realtà problematiche e povere sul piano educativo, possono accostarsi alla bellezza e scoprire in sé capacità impreviste, a grande vantaggio della propria autostima e fiducia. È la “felicità del fare” che dispiega la sua irresistibile forza e capacità di coinvolgimento… Dopo 4 anni di appassionato lavoro tutto questo è stato celebrato e festeggiato presso Cometa durante un suggestivo momento in cui i ragazzi, le famiglie, i tutor, i docenti e tutti i partner e collaboratori hanno potuto incontrarsi e festeggiare i risultati raggiunti. Sono intervenuti a questa bella festa anche gli artigiani, per raccontare e condividere le loro storie di passione e di successo, nel segno della Bellezza che fa Bene.

The project “AD HOC” has over four years involved young people and their families in the area of Como, in a series of important and significant actions to contrast the serious phenomenon of early school leaving, unfortunately very present throughout Italy. In the province of Como only it reaches the worrying percentage of 17%. Selected by the social enterprise Con i Bambini as part of the fund for the contrast to educational poverty, coordinated by Cometa Formazione and co-financed by the De Agostini Foundation, Ad Hoc - between 2019 and 2023, thanks to a virtuous network (schools, parishes, foundations, institutions, universities, social cooperatives) - offered tailor-made courses to a group of 120 young beneficiaries between the ages of 11 and 17 from middle and high schools in the Como area. Families were involved in support meetings; the teachers of the partnering schools could enjoy hours of training; the youngsters benefited from a career guidance and accompaniment service, also thanks to the direct experience of practical and educational workshops held by expert master artisans of the area. Ad Hoc has been a very articulated and innovative project, conceived for the territory and developed with inclusive and proactive methods. The project has been coordinated by Cometa, a well-known Como reality that was born in 2003 to give a concrete opportunity to kids who dropped out of school with no job prospects, re-motivating them and giving them valid support. The Cologni Foundation, in line with its mission, has proposed and organized various cycles of educational craft workshops in the ateliers of important masters in the Como and Milan areas, and in the Cometa spaces. Getting to know some craft activities was a real discovery for many of the kids, as was entering the workshops, places for almost all of them never seen before, full of charm and mystery. The possibility of working next to a master, in an unknown and evocative environment, experiencing manual work, has been a highly educational and exciting experience for many of them. The students were able to experiment with very different trades, materials and ways of working, from ceramics to jewellery, from paper to typographic printing, from horticulture to artistic bookbinding, from cabinet making to leather goods. Almost all the boys and girls expressed joy and satisfaction, demonstrating curiosity and interest, even beyond the expectations of the educators: a sign that - if suitably and adequately stimulated - all these young people, although often coming from problematic and poor realities on an educational level, can approach beauty and discover unforeseen abilities in themselves, to the great advantage of their self-esteem and confidence. It is the “happiness of doing” that unfolds its irresistible strength and capacity for involvement…After 4 years of passionate work, the project and its achievements were celebrated at Cometa during a moment of sharing in which the young people, families, tutors, teachers and all partners and collaborators were able to meet and celebrate the results obtained. The artisans, too, took part in this beautiful event, to tell and share their stories of passion and success, in the name of a Beauty that makes Good happen.


In alto, i giovani beneficiari del progetto presso la Fondazione Minoprio, dove hanno svolto i laboratori di floricoltura nelle serre del bellissimo parco botanico; sotto, ceramisti in erba, molto soddisfatti delle loro creazioni nel laboratorio della maestra Agnes Duerrschnabel, a Como Above, young participants of the project at the Minoprio Foundation, where they held floriculture workshops in the greenhouses of the beautiful botanical park; below, budding potters, very satisfied with their creations in the workshop of teacher Agnes Duerrschnabel, in Como

Una nuova stagione, fatta sia di celebrazioni e feste nelle antiche sale, che di momenti di riposo nelle lussuose camere, si sta aprendo al Relais Castello di Casiglio. Continuano, infatti, gli eventi e le celebrazioni proposti dal Castello, come le Cene a Tema e i menù ad hoc che verranno proposti durante le ricorrenze più importanti, come l’8 marzo e il 15 agosto. Come ogni anno, Relais Castello di Casiglio è pronto ad accogliere la sua clientela, principalmente leisure, business, ma anche del settore cerimonie e ricorrenze. Grazie alle sue 9 Sale distribuite su tre livelli, siamo in grado di ospitare eventi intimi da poche persone così come grossi eventi fino a 300 invitati. Questo rende la location il palcoscenico ideale per molteplici occasioni, nonché professionale e polifunzionale grazie all’efficiente allestimento tecnico. Il Relais offre 46 camere in totale, distribuite in due strutture, ovvero il Castello e l’adiacente Villa Elena, che si presentano all’ospite con le loro diverse personalità. Infatti, mentre il Castello offre un’architettura antica, con camini, travi e pietre a vista, Villa Elena regala un design più moderno e rinnovato. Con l’arrivo della bella stagione, il concetto di ospitalità del Castello di Casiglio si estende su più fronti: dall’hotel, al suo Ristorante Lècru, alla piscina esterna immersa nell’ampio parco secolare, ma soprattutto alla nascente Spa, la novità wellness che va ad aggiungersi al ricco pacchetto di servizi offerti dalla Location. Castello di Casiglio decide quindi di ampliarsi, ma mantenendo inalterati i suoi valori distintivi di unicità, eleganza e professionalità. D’estate il Ristorante sposta i suoi tavoli nel caratteristico spazio Dehor, in una suggestiva cornice capace di meravigliare e di regalare sia momenti di relax e tranquillità durante il giorno, che un’atmosfera più romantica ed elegante la sera. Guidato dallo Chef Michele Pedrazzini, Lècru Dehors rappresenta il luogo ideale per una romantica cena di coppia, oppure per passare una tranquilla serata in compagnia di tutta la famiglia o tra amici, senza rinunciare ai sapori della tradizionale cucina lariana.

Anew season, made of both celebrations and parties in the ancient spaces and moments of rest in the luxurious rooms, is starting at the Relais Castello di Casiglio. In fact, the events and celebrations proposed by the Castle continue, such as the Themed Dinners and the ad hoc menus that will be proposed during the most important anniversaries, such as 8th March and 15th August. Like every year, Relais Castello di Casiglio is ready to welcome its customers, mainly leisure, business, but also special occasions and ceremonies. Thanks to its 9 rooms spread over three levels, we are able to host intimate events for a few people as well as large events for up to 300 guests. This makes the location the ideal setting for multiple occasions, as both professional and multifunctional thanks to the efficient technical equipment. The Relais offers 46 rooms in total, distributed in two structures, the Castle and the adjacent Villa Elena, differing in their personalities. While the Castle offers an ancient architecture, with fireplaces, beams and exposed stones, Villa Elena offers a more contemporary and renovated design. With the arrival of fine weather, the hospitality concept of Castello di Casiglio is extended on several fronts: from the hotel, to its Lècru Restaurant, to the outdoor swimming pool immersed in the large secular park, but above all to the new Spa, the wellness innovation that joins the already wide range of services offered by the location. Castello di Casiglio has therefore decided to expand, while maintaining its distinctive values of uniqueness, elegance and professionality. During summer, the restaurant moves its tables to the distinctive Dehor space, in an evocative setting capable of impressing and providing both moments of relaxation and tranquillity during the day, and a more romantic and elegant atmosphere in the evening. Headed by Chef Michele Pedrazzini, Lècru Dehors is the ideal place for a romantic dinner for couples, or to spend a quiet evening in family company or with friends, without renouncing the flavours of the traditional Larian cuisine.

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