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In Emilia Romagna in June, heavy and intense rains caused the deaths of 17 people, thousands of displaced people, and hundreds of flooded municipalities, landslides, and unusable roads. The damage amounted to several billion euros. Added to this catastrophe is another even more terrible one: stagnant water causing public health risks and the inability to restore the drinking water network in a short time. In order to help the affected populations in the provinces of Ravenna, Forlì and Bologna, the Lions have acted promptly, personally, and economically, raising more than 220,000.00 euros in just a few weeks, launching numerous and continuous appeals for solidarity. One of these was strongly relaunched by District 108 Ib1 directly by Governor Francesca Fiorella Trovato and was immediately taken up by the association Amici di Como, which groups 154 entrepreneurs who have caring for others in their DNA. Amici di Como, thanks to the collaboration with associate Acqua S. Bernardo, delivered 62 pallets of water totaling 37,200 1.5lt bottles to Lions vo - lunteers in Emilia Romagna. The two trucks with the load of water reached the Faenza Operations Center in early June. The solidarity project was conceived and coordinated by Daniele Brunati and Rosaria Casali's TBM Service & C. with media partners Magic Lake magazine and ComoZero. The operation was made possible thanks to the important sponsorship of the 154 entrepreneurs of Amici di Como represented by the Board of Directors with the support of S. Bernardo and the indispensable collaboration of Lions Clubs International Districts108 Ib1and 108 A. The Lions volunteers, particularly Francesca Fiorella Trovato, District 108 1b1 Governor, Francesca Ramicone, District 108A Governor, Francesca Romana Vagnoni, past District 108A Governor, and Marco Spina President Lions Club Faenza Host, were guarantors of the successful completion of the operation and are sincerely grateful to the association Amici di Como and Acqua S. Bernardo General Manager Antonio Biella for the indispensable help given to the flooded population.


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