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2012-2014 Project

STARS on Magic Twelve Sailing Towards Achievement, Recovery, and Success 2002/2012 10 years serving children and adolescents

Association Facteurs Communs Chez Thalassa Cup – Quai d’Escale 30240 Port Camargue – France 29.01.2012 Version


1 Introduction........................................................................................................................ 2 2 The Concept.......................................................................................................................... 4 2.1. Learn to sail, learn to live...............................................................................................4 2.2. Approach: Confronting nature, others, and oneself............................................4 3

Project: STARS on Magic Twelve....................................................................................... 5 3.1. Objectives................................................................................................................................5 3.2. Specific Activities..................................................................................................................6 3.3. Selection and number of Participants.........................................................................8 3.4. Evaluation................................................................................................................................9

4 The Stars on Magic 12 Team............................................................................................. 10 5 About Magic Twelve.......................................................................................................... 11 6

Proposed Budget per year.............................................................................................. 12 6.1. Year 2012..................................................................................................................................12 6.2. Year 2013..................................................................................................................................13 6.3. Year 2014..................................................................................................................................14

7 Expenditures details....................................................................................................... 14 7.1. Working base........................................................................................................................14 7.2. Fixed operating charges...................................................................................................14 8.2.1. Sailboat Renovations & Adaptions................................................................................14 8.2.2. Equipements..................................................................................................................15 8.2.3. Maintenance and servicing............................................................................................15 7.3. Corporate operations charges (STARS).......................................................................17 8.3.1. Discovery days................................................................................................................17 8.3.2. Discovery week-ends.....................................................................................................17 8.3.3. Skills building voyages...................................................................................................17 8.3.4. Family Cruises...............................................................................................................18 8.3.5. Transatlantic..................................................................................................................18 7.4. Monitoring and training charges (STARS)..................................................................19 8.4.1. Medical Follow-up.........................................................................................................19 8.4.2. Traineeship.....................................................................................................................19 8 Anticipated Income............................................................................................................ 19


1. I ntroduction

Children and adolescents afflicted with childhood diseases face unique challenges that may lead to social isolation, low self-esteem, and difficulty integrating into routine activities of life. In some cases, this social isolation and low self-esteem can further aggravate the illness and adversely impact their physical health. Such children need support to overcome these barriers and to develop interpersonal and life skills. For the past ten years, the Facteurs Communs Association has carried out maritime activities to foster the development of self-esteem for children afflicted with disease. Learning to sail provides not only opportunities to discover the mysteries of the ocean, it creates a milieu for sharing and peer-support. Through their engagement in teambuilding and other constructive activities, these children regain their self-efficacy and rediscover their path in life. Beginning in summer 2012, the Association will launch a three-year program, Sailing Towards Achievement, Recovery, and Success (STARS) for children afflicted with disease. STARS will build upon the same concept of “learn to sail, learn to live” that the Association has implemented since 2002. STARS will be carried out on Magic Twelve, a yacht fully restored by a team of young hemophiliacs as part of the Association’s maritime programs for children afflicted with disease. The Facteurs Communs Association relies on the support of donors to carry out its work with children and adolescents afflicted with disease. The Association is committed to ensuring the maximum benefits of the STARS program and to the children and families that it serves. If you share our passion for sailing and our commitment to helping sick children rediscover their paths in life, contact us to learn more about the Association’s work or to make a donation.


2. The Concept 2.1. Learn to sail, learn to live Since 2002, the Facteurs Communs Association has developed and implemented the concept of “learn to sail, learn to live” for adolescents and children affected by haemophilia. This concept was developed to strengthen the capacity of children afflicted with illness to cope with life. In particular, it aims at building the self-efficacy of these children in four key areas: 1) self-awareness, 2) self-confidence, 3) sense of belonging, and 4) self-esteem. Through this experience, these children are empowered to find their own place in society and to overcome the prejudices that children afflicted with illness often face. 2.2. Approach: Confronting nature, others, and oneself Sailing as part of a team is about confronting nature, others, and oneself. It builds solidarity among team members and helps children to take responsibility for their actions as part of the team as well as in their own lives. Confronting nature. The ocean—vast, infinite, and untamed, represents the essence and power of nature. To experience the ocean is to discover or perhaps to rediscover, the place of man in the world. It is about understanding the fragility of humanity in the context of the immensity and force of nature, but it also about understanding the capacity of humanity to use and benefit from these powerful forces. The awareness of the capacity of man to overcome these powerful forces is key to understanding the power and responsibility that individuals have for their own lives. Confronting others. Sailing with others in a confined space instils an understanding of one’s own strengths and weaknesses, as well as an appreciation for the benefit and power of teamwork. Where we are weak, others are strong; where others are weak, we are strong. Learning to sail and living together fosters bonding, trust, and solidarity among team members. Above all, it teaches individuals to respect themselves and others.

«For these children and adolescents, sailing can help improve both their psychological and physical development. It demands hard work and continuous effort that results in a psychological awakening in a safe and supportive environment.» Jean-Marie Finot, Magic Twelve Naval Architect, excerpt from The Rush to the Sea, Why We Sail, 2005

Confronting oneself. Facing an endless horizon on a boat, every action counts towards the accomplishment of the goal counts. In this context, sailing teaches children to be accountable for their own actions as well as to understand the contributions that their actions have towards the achievement of a common goal. It allows these children to understand and realize their strengths and the potential that they each have to achieve their individual life goals.


3. Project

STARS on Magic Twelve The proposed implemented out by the Facteurs Communs Association carries the name of Magic Twelve, a sailboat that was restored by a group of volunteers, including haemophiliac children. The proposed project, STARS on Magic Twelve, builds upon the work undertaken by the association since 2008 on the sailboat. The project aims at developing the self-esteem of children afflicted with illness in four areas (self-awareness, self confidence, sense of belonging, and self-esteem) through engagement in team building activities and exploration of the open sea.

3.1. Objectives The overall goal of the STARS on Magic Twelve project is to help children afflicted with illness develop the life skills necessary to cope with the challenges facing them; ultimately this will help them find their place in life. The activities in which the children will be engaged are designed not only to teach them about sailing, but also to teach them important life skills and instil in them a sense of self-efficacy. The educational learning begins before departure and continues progressively until the boat is docked again. This structured learning program, combined with appropriate medical follow up and evaluation, will provide these children with the skills they need to re-engage with society. Specifically, the project will help children afflicted with illness in the following three areas: 1. Increase their self-efficacy; 2. Establish and maintain relationships; and 3. Increase adherence to medical treatment and follow-up. Objective 1: To increase the self-efficacy of children afflicted with illness, goal oriented activities structured around sailing will be implemented during the voyage. The successful completion of these activities will provide these children with a sense of accomplishment and build their sense of confidence. As they reach more and more milestones, they will gradually develop a greater sense of self-efficacy and believe in their own abilities to succeed in sailing as well as in other aspects of life. Objective 2: As they often live in social isolation—due to the demands of medical treatment or due to the stigma of illness, many of these children lack the necessary social skills to engage with peers and other members of society. As such, they lack the social support—beyond their families, to cope with the many life challenges that confronted them on a daily basis. Through their engagement in numerous team-building activities, and through the sharing of experiences and discoveries with peers, these children will develop social skills and values such as communication, respect, and trust. Additionally, the team-building exercises will help children explore their own strengths and weaknesses; through this process they will realize the benefits of teamwork and the potential that exists when individuals learn to lean on and trust one another. Through these experiences, children will learn to share, create bonds with others, and very importantly, develop a social network that they can lean on for support. -5-

Objective 3: Managing the treatment demands of serious illnesses creates a heavy burden for these children. For some, adhering to rigorous treatment protocols represents a major challenge. To help overcome these challenges, a team of medical professionals will provide on-going medical follow-up for these children as well as provide them with support to cope with the demands of treatment. Through the follow-up, the team will assess the progress of these children from both psychological and physiological perspectives.

3.2. Specific Activities In order to prepare for the voyage, children chosen to participate in the STARS program will be provided with instruction and training on various themes related to the ocean, sailing, safety, and solidarity. An instructional guide and workbook will be developed and made accessible through in a web-based format for this purpose. All children will be required to complete the workbook prior to joining the voyage. Once they have completed the instructional and training component, the children will have an opportunity to apply their newly acquired knowledge in one of the sailing programs (see below) offered, ranging from one-day discovery trips to transatlantic cruises. The choice of sailing program will depend on the condition and level of sailing experience of the children. Each voyage will involve group activities that will focus on team building. Upon completion of the sailing voyage, participants will be required to provide feedback on the experience and identify key lessons learned. The following describes the various sailing voyages that will be offered for children and their families. The following sailing programs are proposed for the STARS on Magic Twelve project: 1) discovery days, 2) skills building voyages, 3) transatlantic voyages and 4) competitive cruises. Over a course of three years, participants will have the opportunity to work progressively through the program levels, beginning with discovery days, then on the intensive training program, transatlantic voyages, and finally to the competitive cruises (regatta). In addition to the learning programs offered, the project will also provide special opportunities for families to sail together on week-long family cruises. The purpose of these trips is to facilitate bonding among the family as well as to offer these families some reprive from the demands of their daily lives. Trained personnel will supervise and oversee the activities conducted on the voyages; the number and category of supervisory personnel will depend on the duration of the trip, the number of participants, and the health condition of the participants. For example, the discovery day’s voyages may involve a crew of 3-4 adults, while the transatlantic cruises will require a full crew including a skipper as well as medical personnel. Regardless of the sailing program, the first priority for the project will be to ensure the safety of the participants and crew. Details of the each program are presented below.


Discovery Days Objective

To discover the ocean and to participate in goal oriented group activities.

Target population

Enfants moins de 16 ans

No of participants

8 to 16


Full or half day


1 skipper, 1 nurse and/or 1-2 adults

Proposed destinations Calanques de Marseille, Toulon – Porquerolles, Sète, Nice, Tunisia, Algeria, and Morroco

Skills Building Voyages Objective

To discover the ocean, participate in goal oriented group activities, and to develop social skills.

Target population Adolescents 16 and over No of participants 6 Duration

7-15 days


1 skipper, 1 nurse

Proposed destinations

Corsica, Sardinia, Côte d’Azur, Baleares, Spain

Transatlantic Voyages Objective

To discover the ocean, participate in goal oriented group activities, develop social skills, and to set individual personal goals.

Target population Adolescents 16 and over No of participants 6 Duration

3 weeks


1 skipper, 1 nurse

Proposed destinations

French Caribbean, Bahama Islands

Regatta and competitive cruises Objective

To discover the ocean, participate in goal oriented group activities, develop social skills, to set individual personal goals, and to overcome illness.

Target population Adolescents 16 and over No of participants 8 Duration

1 week


1 skipper, 1 nurse (depending on the participants)

Proposed destinations Semaine de Porquerolles, Giralglia Rolex Cup, Middle Sea Race

Family Cruises Objective

Facilitate bonding among family members, support the development of skills, and to share unique experiences separate from illness.

Target population

Families with 1 or more children (of wich at least one is afflicted with illness)

No of participants Up to 10 familly per week Duration

1 week


1 skipper, 1 nurse, 1 coordinator

Proposed destinations Iles des Embiez -7-

The project will roll out its activities progressively over the three-year project period so that the skills of the children are developed incrementally. During the first half of year 1 (2012), the project will focus on short expeditions (discovery days) between the Camargue and St. Tropez as well as excursions to Tunisia, Sardinia, Sicily, and Malta. During the second half of the first year, the project will initiate the skills building voyage for those participants in the discovery days who wish to continue and who are eligible to advance to the next program level. In 2013, the project will continue with the short excursions (discovery days), skills building voyages (to Algeria, Morroco, Spain, and Baleares) and initiate its first transatlantic voyage to the Caribean and Bahama Islands for those who have completed both discovery days and skills building voyages. The preparation for the translatic voyage will commence in the fall of 2013 and trip planned for the winter of 2013-2014. The vessel will reach Europe first in Portugal, and then continue on to Gibraltar before returning to the port in Marseille in the summer of 2014. Figure 1 shows the proposed timeline and activities for the project period. Figure 1: Timeline of the implementation of sailing voyages by type

3.3. Selection and number of Participants Participating children and adolescents will be classified according to their level of enagement with the project. Although it is desirable that the participants pass through all program levels as they have been designed to progressively develop skills, it may not be feasible given the health conditions of some children. Those who are only able to participate in the discovery days will be classified as discoverers; those who proceed with the skills building voyages will be classified as voyagers, and finally, those who continue on with the transatlantic crossings and competitions will be classified as adventurers. In order to obtain the status of an adventurer, participants will have to complete all three program levels. Participants of the voyager and adventurer levels will be required to complete the didactic training as well as a medical exam prior to engaging in the expedition. Once on board, all participants will receive basic training on sailing, emergencies, and first aid. The project expects to receive 480 participants in the three categories over the next 3 years. The table below shows the distribution of the participants by category and year. As indicated, the majority of the participants will fall into the cateogory of discoverer. However, by the end of the project period, 15 participants are expected to have reached the status of adventurer. Should additional resources become available, the association will be able to increase the number of children who can participate in the program.


Number of participants



2014 Total


180 180 120 480


15 15 10 35

Adventurer 5 10 15 The project will work with physicians and health centers in the region to identify eligible participants. Eligible children will be referred to the project by their primary care providers. Following the nomination, a Medical Committee verify the medical eligibility of the children to participate in one of the sailing voyages. Due to the physical demands of sailing, participants will need to have medical clearance prior to joining the voyages. Unfortunately, at this time, it is not possible for the project to accommodate those children whose illnesses limit their physical mobility. The Medical Committee will be responsible for ensuring that participants meet the eligibility criteria, which include physical capacity and mobililty, mental/emotional well-being, and motivation. In the event of a medical emergency during sailing trip, crew will consult with designated providers who will be ready to provide telemedicine consulations. Additionally, for each destination, the project will identify medical facilities within a 4-hour travel time where participants can be taken to for care in the event of an emergency. As previously indicated, for the sailing voyages longer than one day, at least one of the crew will be a registered nurse; the sail boat will be equipped with a stock of medications and supplies.

3.4. Evaluation The impact of the STARS on Magic Twelve project will be measured through follow up surveys implemented by the Medical Committee. The surveys will monitor the improvemetnts in self-efficacy of the participants in relation to the development of social skills, coping abilities, as well as adherence to treatment regimens. Depending on the level of participant (discoverer, voyager, adventurer), follow up will occur at 3, 6, and 12 months following an initial baseline assessment, which will be conducted at the completion of the sailing voyage. The surveys will be self-administered through online survey programs such as, which will enable participants to complete and submit the survey online. In addition to the formal surveys, participants will be required to keep a weekly on-line journal to document the challenges that they encounter and how they cope with those challenges. These journals will be shared with the project on a monthly basis. This combined approach will enable the project to capture qualitative insights on how the sailing program has contributed to the personal development of these children. The figure below illustrates the evaluation component of the project. Figure 2: Clinical and psychological assessments (self-administered surveys)



on Magic 12 TEAM Mathias Melnik, President As the founder of the Young Haemopheliac Team (JH Team), Mathias is experienced in the planning and organization of sporting events and activities for children afflicted by illness. Additionally as a former tour operator, Mathias is well versed in the planning and management of special expeditions for groups. In addition to this experience, Mathias brings a great passion for sailing that was developed through excursions in France and Africa during his youth. As the president of the Facteurs Communs Association, Mathias aims to share his passion with children who otherwise may not have the opportunity to experience sailing.

Olivier Trillon, Treasurer Olivier’s brings a wealth of management experience to the Association as Treasurer, where he plays a critical role in managing donor relations and assuring fiscal oversight. As the former President of a Roller Skating Association in France and Special Events Manager for the Medical Research Foundation and Pharmacists without Borders, Olivier is adept at managing collaborations with the private sector, governmental agencies, as well as non-profit organizations. Having pursued Business and Management studies at Nimes, Oliver currently oversees a health insurance program for an Austrian Company based in Geneva.

Docteur Francis Sicardi, Medical Comitee Coordinator Francis is a Biologist with a background in Medicine and currently the president of the Pediatric Hematology Network of Provence, Alps, Cote-d’Azure, and Corsica. Having spent numerous years treating hemopheliac patients and working with professional assocations, Francis brings both technical expertise and enthusiasm to the Association.

Yves Claveau, Committee on educational and pedagogical Coordinator Yves began sailing at a young age and has since made a career sharing his passion with others. As a professional skipper, he has led numerous excursions and expeditions all over the world. Since 2009, he assumed leadership for the Thalasssa Cup Sailing School based in Port Camargue and is responsible for a fleet of 15 boats that frequently cross the Mediterranean and Atlantic Oceans.

Nhan Tran, International coordinator Nhan Tran is currently Manager of the Implementation Research Platform (IRP) of the Alliance for Health Policy and Systems Research (AHPSR) within the World Health Organization. In this capacity, he oversees work carried out in the three focus areas of the IRP: evidence-to-policy, capacity strengthening and programmatic research. He is also responsible for the coordination of activities among the IRP partners within and outside of the WHO. Nhan assume responsibility for coordination with international partners for the Association.

Jean-Pierre Charpentier, Responsible for maintenance Jean-Pierre has over 10 years of experience in naval construction. As a former educator, he has applied this experience to provide new skills and job training for unemployed members of society in the LanguedocRousillon Region. He also lends his skills and talents to projects aimed at supporting the needs of disabled individuals. Jean-Pierre was instrumental in the renovation of Magic Twelve and continues to manage its routine maintenance.

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5. About Magic Twelve

Magic Twelve is a 1987 First Class 12 prototype that has been renovated and adapted to accommodate the medical needs of STARS participants. Depending on the nature and duration of the cruise, the boat can accommodate between 6-10 individuals. The boat is equipped with 2 triple cabins, 1 double cabin, two bunkers, as well as a kitchen and full bath. The boat has been updated to ensure the highest degree of safety for passengers, including a simplified deck, updated riggings, and new sails. These improvements will assure 10 years of expeditions and cruises for the STARS program. The restoration of Magic Twelve was carried out in compliance with ISO standards and in accordance with Division 240 guidelines, including annual inspections through certified agencies. Magic Twelve is one of the first sailboats to meet these standards as well as those established by the International Sailing Association Federation (ISAF) category 1, which pertain to transatlantic cruises. In addition to the adherence to the strictest safety standards, the restoration of the Magic Twelve was also carried out with respect for the environment. The improvements in the boat have been planned to ensure longer use of materials as well as to minimize energy consumption. To meet the medical needs of participants, the boat is equipped with satellite communication technologies and location devices. This will enable the crew to access emergency medical support via telemedicine as well as to locate the nearest medical facility. The boat has also been adapted to store medical supplies and pharmaceuticals that participants will need.

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6. Proposed Budget per year

6.1. Year 2012 Expenditures


Fixed operating charges

€ 67’116.00

Sailboat Renovations & Adaptions Equipements

Operating revenues

€ 150’000.00

€ 14’916.00

Grants and Sponsorships

€ 120’000.00

€ 33’100.00

Commercial Operations

€ 25’000.00

Donations and contributions

€ 5’000.00

Maintenance and servicing

€ 9’140.00

Head office costs

€ 4’960.00

Commercial Operations

€ 5’000.00

Corporate operations charges (STARS)

€ 69’560.00

Discovery days (10)

€ 19’700.00

Discovery week-ends (6)

€ 27’120.00

Skills building voyages (2)

€ 10’160.00

Family Cruises (2)

€ 12’580.00

Monitoring and training charges (STARS)

€ 7’500.00

Medical follow-up

€ 5’000.00


€ 2’500.00

Financial charges

€ 580.00

Financial products

€ 400.00

Bank fees

€ 380.00


€ 400.00


€ 200.00

Extraordinary charges


Extraordinary revenues



€ 120.00

French custom taxes

€ 120.00

Total charges

€ 144’876.00

Reserves held

€ 5’524.00

General Total

€ 150’400.00

Total revenues Loss General Total

- 12 -

€ 150’400.00 € 150’400.00

6.2. Year 2013

Expenditures Fixed operating charges

Revenues € 44’900.00

Operating revenues

€ 150’000.00


€ 13’940.00

Grants and Sponsorships

€ 120’000.00

Maintenance and servicing

€ 21’000.00

Commercial Operations

€ 25’000.00

Donations and contributions

€ 5’000.00

Head office costs

€ 4’960.00

Commercial Operations

€ 5’000.00

Corporate operations charges (STARS)

€ 95’070.00

Discovery days (10)

€ 19’700.00

Discovery week-ends (6)

€ 27’120.00

Skills building voyages (2)

€ 10’160.00

Family Cruises (2)

€ 12’580.00


€ 25’510.00

Monitoring and training charges (STARS)

€ 7’500.00

Medical follow-up

€ 5’000.00


€ 2’500.00

Financial charges

€ 580.00

Financial products

€ 400.00

Bank fees

€ 380.00


€ 400.00


€ 200.00

Extraordinary charges


Extraordinary revenues



€ 120.00

French custom taxes

€ 120.00

Total charges

€ 148’170.00

Reserves held

€ 2’230.00

General Total

€ 150’400.00

Total revenues Loss General Total

- 13 -

€ 150’400.00 € 150’400.00

6.2. Year 2014

Expenditures Fixed operating charges

Revenues € 30’000.00

Operating revenues

€ 150’000.00

€ 14’040.00

Grants and Sponsorships

€ 120’000.00

Maintenance and servicing

€ 6’000.00

Commercial Operations

€ 25’000.00

Head office costs

€ 4’960.00

Donations and contributions

€ 5’000.00

Commercial Operations

€ 5’000.00


Corporate operations charges (STARS)

€ 69’560.00

Discovery days (10)

€ 19’700.00

Discovery week-ends (6)

€ 27’120.00

Skills building voyages (2)

€ 10’160.00

Family Cruises (2)

€ 12’580.00

Transatlantic Monitoring and training charges (STARS)

€ 7’500.00

Medical follow-up

€ 5’000.00


€ 2’500.00

Financial charges

€ 580.00

Financial products

€ 400.00

Bank fees

€ 380.00


€ 400.00


€ 200.00

Extraordinary charges


Extraordinary revenues



€ 120.00

French custom taxes

€ 120.00

Total charges

€ 107’760.00

Reserves held

€ 42’640.00

General Total

€ 150’400.00

Total revenues Loss General Total

- 14 -

€ 150’400.00 € 150’400.00

7. Expenditures details

7.1. Working base The budget presented is calculated using the program presented in § 3.2 and detailed below:

2012 2013 2014

Discovery days

10 10 10

Discovery week-ends

6 6 6

Skills building voyages

2 2 2

Family Cruises

2 2 2


0 1 1

7.2. Fixed operating charges 7.2.1. Sailboat Renovations & Adaptions In 2008, the sailboat Magic Twelve was procured by the Facteurs Communs Association with the support of Wyeth Foundation for children and adolescents (now the Pfizer Foundation). Magic Twelve has since been renovated according to international standards by a group of volunteers, including haemophiliac children. It is able to accommodate up to 10 children for the day trip or 6 children for longer trips. The boat has also been adapted to accommodate the medical needs of these children and also has an integrated satelite communication system that enables the crew to stay in contact with medical facilities as needed. The value from Magic Twelve is now estimated to 110’000 Euros.

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7.2.2. Equipements

7.2.3. Maintenance and servicing

In addition to the boat that has already been procured, various equipments will be needed for the operation of the sailing programs offered by the Association. These include safety and medical supplies as well as equipment and supplies neccessary for the routine maitenance and operation of the sailboat such riggins and life rafts. These costs are detailed in the following table.

Maintenance and servicing expenses details

Equipement expenses details

Base docking fees

€ 3’750.00

Storage rent

€ 1’440.00


€ 800.00

Water treatment

€ 150.00


€ 1’800.00

Annual navigation certification

€ 1’200.00

Total 2012

€ 9’140.00

Base docking fees

€ 3’750.00 € 1’440.00

Toe rail

€ 1’000.00

Storage rent

Chain plate

€ 1’500.00

Sails repair

€ 300.00

Engine maintenance

€ 500.00

Sails running rigging Liferaft Safety equipment (life line, recovery systems man overboard, fire extinguishers, gasdetector, distress rockets ...) Individual safety equipment (life jackets, ropes, flashlight, safety knife, ...)

€ 10’000.00


€ 1’800.00

€ 2’000.00



€ 800.00

Water treatment

€ 150.00

Electronique update

€ 200.00

Medical kit update

€ 300.00


€ 1’800.00

€ 3’800.00

Annual navigation certification

€ 1’200.00

Medical kit

€ 2’000.00

Boat lifting in the antilles

€ 1’500.00


€ 3’000.00


€ 2’000.00


€ 2’000.00

Isatphone - Immarsat satellite

€ 2’500.00


€ 2’500.00

Other Small items

€ 1’000.00

Total 2012

€ 33’100.00


€ 4’500.00

AIS and SARSAT personal and transponder

€ 7’000.00


€ 1’500.00


€ 8’000.00

Total 2013

Total 2013

€ 21’000.00

€ 13’940.00

Base docking fees

€ 3’750.00

Storage rent

€ 1’440.00

Security equipement reneval

€ 1’200.00

Sails repair

€ 300.00

Engine maintenance

€ 500.00


€ 400.00


€ 800.00

Water treatment

€ 150.00

Electronique update

€ 200.00

Medical kit update

€ 300.00


€ 1’800.00

Water maker

€ 4’500.00

Annual navigation certification

€ 1’200.00


€ 1’500.00


€ 2’000.00

Total 2014

€ 6’000.00

Total 2014

- 16 -

€ 14’040.00

7.3. Corporate operations charges (STARS) 7.3.1. Discovery days Salary

€ 900.00


€ 500.00


€ 400.00

Preparation expenses

€ 670.00

Arbor fees

€ 120.00


€ 250.00


€ 300.00

Operational expenses

€ 400.00

Kids meals

€ 300.00


€ 100.00

Salary The sailing programs will be staffed by licensed professionals including a skipper and nurses who will be contracted independently by Facteurs Communs Assocation. The Association has long standing relationships with various professional groups (sailining & medical) that are familiar with the program who have committed to providing staff support for the STARS program. Skipper : Each sailing program will carried out under the supervision of a skipper. The skipper will assume responsibiltiy for the overall safety of the participants and ensure that international standards for sailing are adhered to.

7.3.2. Discovery week-ends Salary

€ 1’650.00


€ 900.00


€ 750.00

Preparation expenses

€ 790.00

Arbor fees

€ 240.00


€ 250.00


€ 300.00

Operational expenses

Preparation expenses

€ 2’080.00

Kids meals

€ 300.00


€ 100.00


Nurses : Nurses will assure well-being of participants and provide emergency care if needed. The number and type of nurses will vary according to the duration of the program and the specific medical needs of the participants.

Relocation Services & Docking Fees : Fees for the relocation and docking of the boat will be assessed at the various ports where the boat will be docked.

€ 1’800.00

Staff Travels : This will cover the costs of travel for the Association staff and other volunteers to support the sailing programs.

7.3.3. Skills building voyages Salary

€ 3’000.00


€ 1’750.00


€ 1’250.00

Preparation expenses

€ 1’390.00

Arbor fees

€ 840.00


€ 250.00


€ 300.00

Operational expenses

€ 690.00

Kids meals

€ 630.00


€ 60.00 - 17 -

7.3.4. Family Cruises Salary

€ 3’000.00

OpERAtional expenses


€ 1’750.00


€ 1’250.00

Preparation expenses

€ 1’390.00

Kids meals : Arrangements will be made with local businesses to provide meals that are appropriate to the needs of the participants.

Arbor fees

€ 840.00


€ 250.00


€ 300.00

Operational expenses

€ 1900.00

Kids meals



€ 100.00


Insurance : Each participant will be covered with personal, liability, accident and supplemental health insurance. Participant Travel : Depending on their residence, some participants will require additional support to travel to the port of embarquement.

€ 1’800.00

Lodging : For longer programs such as the «skills building voyages» and «family cruises», lodging for participants and staff will be required.


€ 8’000.00


€ 5’000.00


€ 3’000.00

Clothing : Sailing gear will be purchased for use by participants, staff, and professional crew members.

Preparation expenses

€ 1’520.00

7.3.5. Transatlantic

Arbor fees

€ 800.00


€ 420.00


€ 300.00

Operational expenses

Race fees : A one-time registration fee will be paid for the Atlantic Ralley for Cruisers (ARC) race which will be part of the competitive cruise program.

€ 15’990.00

Kids meals

€ 1’890.00


€ 160.00


€ 7’200.00


€ 2’240.00


€ 1’500.00

Race fees

€ 3’000.00

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7.4. Monitoring and training charges (STARS) 7.4.1. Medical Follow-up Medical follow-up of participants will be carried by specialists from the University Hospital of Marseille (France) in collaboration with the University Hospital of Geneva (Switzerland). The use of online surveys for the medical follow-up will enable substantial cost savings and eliminate the need for inperson visits. This will also enable participants who reside outside of Marseille to be included in the follow-up process. 7.4.2. Traineeship In order to ensure the safety and well-being of participants, all staff and professional crew will be received additional training on managing medical emergencies and using telemedicine support.

8. Anticipated Income

The Facteurs Communs Association will support the STARS program through three main activities: 1) soliciting sponsorship through public and private foundations, 2) soliciting individual contributions and donations, and 3) commerical activities. The Association has historically received sponsorship from Pfizer (previously Wyeth Laboratories) and is currently in negotiations with the Air France Foundation, Groupama Foundation, and the Bel Foundation. In 2011, the Association organized its first call for support from individual donors and received 5’275 Euros. Finally, when the boat is not in use for the STARS program, it will be leased to private organizations and for special events.

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