Meeting 12-Caulfield Races (vic) at Caulfield R1
(Saturday 10 Oct)
Starts 3:00pm
WIN, PLC, FT4 Guaranteed $10000.00, QLA, TFA, TRB Leg1, FFWin 121, FFPlc 1121
Tote 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Name, barrier, trainer Fontein Lad (8) Greg Eurell Highland Beat (7) Hayes/Dabernig Preemptive (11) P & T Templeton Terindah (12) Robbie Griffiths Thar (3) John O'Shea Valliano (2) Hayes/Dabernig Flying Jess (10) John Moloney Literate (6) Brent Stanley Magical Milly (1) Brent Stanley Missrock (9) Robbie Laing Pearl Congenial (5) Robert Smerdon Thomasina (4) Cameron Templeton
Course, Dist C(0) Dst(0) C(0) Dst(0) C(0) Dst(0) C(0) Dst(0) C(0) Dst(0) C(0) Dst(0) C(0) Dst(0) C(0) Dst(0) C(0) Dst(0) C(0) Dst(0) C(0) Dst(0) C(0) Dst(0)
Kerrin McEvoy 57 Michael Walker 57 Luke Currie 57 Matthew Allen 57 Hugh Bowman 57 Dwayne Dunn 57 Patrick Moloney 55 Vlad Duric 55 Glen Boss 55 Mark Zahra 55 Craig Williams 55 Craig Newitt 55
Expert Picks.... 5-Thar R2
Trackside 1
Jockey (allowance) kg (R rtg)
Has run 9th,4th and 3rd in three trials. Tote is your best guide. Powerful David Hayes stable always has them ready. Market best guide. 2nd in trial on 21st Sept. Wide draw a concern. Others better. No public trial form and wide draw make others look better in this. 2nd in trial at Randwick on 21st Sept. Stable is flying. Good chance. David Hayes and stable rider has chosen stablemate. Draw helps. Watch tote. Won trial 5th October. Good stable but draw is a concern. 2nd in trial 21st Sept. Market is your best guide. 2nd in trial 21st Sept. Draw helps and she looks a good hope in this. 2nd in trial to Flying Jess on 5th Oct. Awkward draw does not help. Smart stable. 1st and 2nd in both trials. Good chance in this. Won trial 5th Oct. Well drawn and looks a each way hope in this.
11-Pearl Congenial
2-Highland Beat
Starts 3:35pm
WIN, PLC, FT4 Guaranteed $10000.00, QLA, TFA, TRB Leg2, FFWin 122, FFPlc 1122
Tote 1 2 3 4 5 6
Form X169X 11113 145X2 22113 X424X 1239X
Name, barrier, trainer
Jockey (allowance) kg (R rtg)
Lankan Rupee (6) Mick Price Shiraz (4) Tony McEvoy The Monstar (2) Brett Cavanough Cashed (3) Ryan Balfour Alpha Miss (5) Robert Smerdon I Love It (1) John Salanitri
Craig Newitt 58.5 Hugh Bowman 58.5 Richard Bensley 58.5 Dwayne Dunn 58.5 Craig Williams 56.5 Stephen Baster 56.5
Expert Picks.... 1-Lankan Rupee R3
Trackside 1
Course, Dist C(7-4-1) Dst(4-2-0) C(0) Dst(9-5-3) C(1-0-1) Dst(3-0-2) C(0) Dst(9-3-4) C(0) Dst(2-1-0) C(1-0-0) Dst(1-0-0)
Won trial 21st Sept. Was rated best sprinter in world at one time.Hard to beat. Has come back a different horse this prep. Include in all bets. Great run 1st up when flying late to just miss. Good 2nd up form. Chance. Nice Adelaide galloper and could be a multiples hope. All previous racing in Sydney. 4th in trial. Has not raced for over a year. Great record 1st up but so does Lankan Rupee. Place chance best hope.
5-Alpha Miss
Starts 4:10pm
WIN, PLC, FT4 Guaranteed $10000.00, QLA, TFA, DBL Leg1, TRB Leg3, FFWin 123, FFPlc 1123
Tote 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Form 221X 75X53 293X1 10X12 5X116 3X131 2X16 138X 1 357X1 7X243
Name, barrier, trainer Harlem River (7) Gai Waterhouse Serenade (5) Michael Moroney Miss Gidget (9) C & C Alderson Secret Agenda (11) Mick Price Viddora (3) Lloyd Kennewell Invincible Heart (2) Mick Price Serene Majesty (8) P & P Snowden Irada (4) Mick Price Cocoa Doll (10) Phillip Stokes Northern Model (6) Morgan/Widdison Little Indian (1) Robbie Laing
Jockey (allowance) kg (R rtg)
Blake Shinn 56 Glen Boss 55 Mark Zahra 55 Craig Newitt 55 Joe Bowditch 55 Dwayne Dunn 55 Kerrin McEvoy 55 Jim Cassidy 55 Craig Williams 55 Linda Meech 55 Ben Melham 55
Expert Picks.... 2-Serenade R4
Course, Dist C(0) Dst(1-0-1) C(0) Dst(6-1-2) C(2-0-1) Dst(1-0-0) C(1-0-0) Dst(2-1-1) C(0) Dst(1-0-0) C(1-1-0) Dst(1-1-0) C(0) Dst(3-1-1) C(0) Dst(1-1-0) C(0) Dst(0) C(2-0-0) Dst(1-0-0) C(1-0-1) Dst(2-0-1)
Trackside 1
She looks to have loads of ability. Won both trials. Big hope in this. Battled into 3rd 2nd up and she will have to lift for this to figure. Bolted in at short odds 1st up. Ran well last prep. Draw is a concern. Smart filly but she will need some luck from wide draw. Late finish last start and drawn well. Outside hope in this. She has tried hard every start and from expect her to do the same in this. Drops back in class for this and comes down from Sydney. Market best guide. Had a problem last start. 3rd in trial 21st Sept. Looked good start before. Won at short odds 1st up in Adelaide. Top rider hops on. Draw is a worry. Dropped back in class for soft kill win 1st up. Chance at nice odds in this. Ace draw helps but but will need a massive lift in form to figure.
1-Harlem River
4-Secret Agenda
Starts 4:45pm
WIN, PLC, FT4 Guaranteed $10000.00, QLA, TFA, DBL Leg2, TRB Leg1, FFWin 124, FFPlc 1124
Tote 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Form 5311X 13442 11X66 37431 5X340 43470 009X0 2X890 82400 45504
Name, barrier, trainer Amovatio (10) Chris Waller Rugged Cross (4) Darren Weir The Bowler (2) Robert Smerdon Good Value (6) Michael Kent Richie's Vibe (5) Paul Beshara Streets Away (9) Darren Weir Mecir (7) M, W & J Hawkes Eximius (1) Mick Price Pago Rock (8) Hayes/Dabernig Tristram's Sun (3) Robbie Laing
Jockey (allowance) kg (R rtg)
Hugh Bowman 60 Brad Rawiller 58.5 Mark Zahra 58.5 Michael Walker 58 Craig Newitt 58 Michelle Payne 56.5 Dwayne Dunn 55.5 Michael Dee 55 Kerrin McEvoy 54 Craig Williams 54
Expert Picks.... 5-Richie's Vibe R5
Course, Dist C(2-0-0) Dst(15-1-8) C(4-0-4) Dst(11-4-3) C(6-0-1) Dst(6-2-1) C(5-2-2) Dst(11-5-4) C(8-0-2) Dst(3-0-0) C(4-1-1) Dst(11-2-2) C(3-0-0) Dst(8-2-1) C(8-0-2) Dst(14-3-2) C(18-4-1) Dst(10-2-3) C(4-0-1) Dst(7-1-2)
3-The Bowler
Trackside 1
Good galloper that has had a short break. Each way chance. Tough galloper that always gives his best when he races. Loves this distance. Another good galloper ready to strike form. Outside hope in this. Old timer that won well last start. Good each way chance. Nice galloper and he is a chance in this in his best mood. Old timer that can't be discounted in this. Stable can work miracles. 2nd up record is a concern. With a good beginning he becomes a hope. Draw helps but needs to lift on recent form. Disappointed last start after a beautiful run. Could not consider. Massive effort to get close 1st up and has a significant riding change.
Starts 5:20pm
WIN, PLC, FT4 Guaranteed $10000.00, QLA, TFA, PL6 Leg1, TRB Leg2, FFWin 125, FFPlc 1125
Tote 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Form 3X855 21X00 0X017 81971 1X572 2X003 X0003 23331 1X692 44615 62643 71410 74X70
Name, barrier, trainer
Jockey (allowance) kg (R rtg)
Prince of Penzance (12) Darren Weir Sertorius (5) Jamie Edwards Amralah (8) Robert Hickmott Escado (9) Matt Laurie Excess Knowledge (13) Gai Waterhouse Bondeiger (3) Danny O'Brien Ethiopia (7) Pat Carey Black Tomahawk (2) Michael Moroney Bohemian Lily (1) Gai Waterhouse Albonetti (4) Sue Jaensch At First Sight (11) Darren Weir Mister Impatience (6) Michael Moroney Bikila (10) Pat Carey
Michelle Payne 59 Ryan Maloney 59 Hugh Bowman 58.5 Ben Melham 58 Blake Shinn 57.5 James Winks 56 Rhys McLeod 54.5 Glen Boss 54 Kerrin McEvoy 53 Dwayne Dunn 53 Craig Williams 53 Daniel Moor 53 Patrick Moloney 53
Expert Picks.... 3-Amralah R6
Course, Dist C(5-1-1) Dst(2-0-1) C(9-3-2) Dst(4-2-0) C(1-0-0) Dst(3-1-1) C(7-0-2) Dst(2-1-1) C(3-0-1) Dst(2-0-2) C(3-1-1) Dst(0) C(6-0-2) Dst(3-1-1) C(1-1-0) Dst(2-1-1) C(0) Dst(1-0-1) C(3-0-0) Dst(2-0-0) C(3-0-3) Dst(5-0-3) C(0) Dst(4-0-1) C(0) Dst(1-0-0)
5-Excess Knowledge
CAULFIELD STAKES $430000 2000m Form 21356
Name, barrier, trainer Criterion (7) Hayes/Dabernig
Last updated at 01:53 Saturday 10 October 2015
Jockey (allowance) kg (R rtg)
Michael Walker 59
Quality stayer and he is ready to run a good race. Good each way hope. Up to a distance where he will be a lot more competitive. Outside hope. Decent run last week and will love step up in distance. Solid hope in this. Tough front running display last start. Goes well over this distance. Should have won last start. With better luck he will be hard to beat. Much better run last start. Has ability and do not discount in this. Best effort for ages last start. Class at best and is a dead set stayer. Chance. Took the initiative to win well last start. Definite contender in this. Smart mare from Sydney and she will be very competitive in this. Racing in good form and is a each way hope in this at good odds. Keeps running sound races but just has to lift that little bit extra to win. Wait till he shows form. Dead set stayer with a good trainer of stayer's. Upset hope in this.
9-Bohemian Lily Starts 5:55pm
WIN, PLC, FT4 Guaranteed $10000.00, QLA, TFA, DBL Leg1, PL6 Leg2, TRB Leg3, FFWin 126, FFPlc 1126
Tote 1
Trackside 1
Course, Dist C(1-0-1) Dst(10-2-5)
Trackside 1
Has been all over the world since win in Queen Elizabeth. Expect a good run. Copyright Š 2015 RISA
Meeting 12-Caulfield Races (vic) at Caulfield 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
20X12 X6050 11X56 1X263 0X235 1X521 51X74
Fawkner (4) Robert Hickmott Happy Trails (6) Paul Beshara Contributer (1) John O'Shea Pornichet (3) Gai Waterhouse Entirely Platinum (5) M, W & J Hawkes Kermadec (8) Chris Waller Mongolian Khan (2) Murray Baker
Craig Williams 59 Mark Zahra 59 Blake Shinn 59 Kerrin McEvoy 59 Dwayne Dunn 59 Glen Boss 58 Opie Bosson 58
Expert Picks.... 7-Kermadec R7
C(4-2-2) Dst(5-1-3) C(11-1-3) Dst(13-2-4) C(2-1-0) Dst(6-5-1) C(0) Dst(3-2-0) C(4-0-3) Dst(5-0-2) C(0) Dst(0) C(1-0-0) Dst(2-1-0)
(Saturday 10 Oct)
Won this race last year and he looks a good bet of winning again this year. Has had no luck. Capable of winning this. Do not discount in this. Taking his time this prep. Class when right. Might need one more. Fit and raring to go after Sydney. Good chance in this. Will set the pace in this but this is a high class field. Others better. High class. Ready to win. Not a certainty. 1st start at Caulfield the worry. NZ best stayer and if they run this hard he will be coming hard late. Chance.
8-Mongolian Khan
Starts 6:30pm
WIN, PLC, FT4 Guaranteed $10000.00, QLA, TFA, DBL Leg2, PL6 Leg3, QAD Leg1 Guaranteed $100000.00, FFWin 127, FFPlc 1127
Tote 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Form 67X46 2X731 10X09 11X44 02X36 40X00 24X12 31441 0X110 2X094 1X507 358X0 113X0 9X272 61X18 58X29 04X97 5X933
Name, barrier, trainer
Jockey (allowance) kg (R rtg)
Lucky Hussler (4) Darren Weir Stratum Star (2) Darren Weir Leebaz (12) M, W & J Hawkes Strawberry Boy (16) Chris Waller Ninth Legion (5) M, W & J Hawkes Puccini (3) Peter & Jacob McKay Disposition (7) L&A Freedman Kenjorwood (9) Peter G Moody Amicus (17) Chris Waller Flamingo Star (14) Chris Waller Hi World (13) Peter G Moody Hopfgarten (1) Robert Heathcote Noble Protector (6) Robert Smerdon Jacquinot Bay (18) Hayes/Dabernig Abidewithme (11) Peter G Moody Akavoroun (15) Ciaron Maher Rhythm to Spare (10) Michael Moroney Moonovermanhattan (8) Mick Price
Glen Boss 58 Craig Williams 57 James Winks 56 Jim Cassidy 56 Blake Shinn 55.5 Ben Melham 55.5 Dwayne Dunn 55 Vlad Duric 55 I Doubtful 54.5 Craig Newitt 54.5 Kerrin McEvoy 54.5 Glen Colless 54 Michael Walker 54 Chris Parnham 53.5 Patrick Moloney 52 Luke Currie 52 Daniel Moor 52 Michael Dee 52
Expert Picks.... 7-Disposition R8
Course, Dist C(3-1-1) Dst(4-0-2) C(6-2-1) Dst(3-0-3) C(2-0-0) Dst(6-3-1) C(5-1-2) Dst(6-4-1) C(0) Dst(6-1-0) C(1-0-0) Dst(12-4-3) C(2-0-1) Dst(1-0-1) C(3-2-0) Dst(6-2-3) C(4-1-2) Dst(2-1-0) C(0) Dst(5-1-2) C(2-0-0) Dst(4-2-0) C(1-0-0) Dst(9-3-2) C(1-0-1) Dst(6-3-2) C(6-0-3) Dst(12-6-3) C(2-1-0) Dst(8-2-1) C(3-1-0) Dst(4-1-0) C(6-1-0) Dst(9-4-2) C(5-0-1) Dst(2-0-1)
Trackside 1
Dead stiff last start. Good draw and he will be very hard to beat in this. Draw helps and he is hard fit for this. Strong chance in this. Not racing as well he can so far this prep. Draw no help. Others better. Tough effort when he was only caught late last start. Draw no help again. Didn't fire 2nd up but is much better than that. Chance at nice odds in this. Good Kiwi horse with a decent draw. Chance at big odds in this. He is flying this prep and he looks a good each way chance in this. Tough when winning last start but this race is a lot harder. Others better. DOUBTFUL STARTER. Import that has not performed yet this prep. First time in Melbourne. Smart galloper that has not come up this prep. Might need a wet track. Good draw. Was noticed late 1st up. Chance at big odds in this. Disappointing 1st up when money was on. Trialed since. Smart at best. Tough effort last start but draw and class say others are better in this. Big effort to get as close as she did last start. Extra distance helps chances. Failed up in Sydney but better suited here. Draw no help. Outside hope. Useful horse but others look much better in this. One paced middle distance horse and others are better in this.
13-Noble Protector
1-Lucky Hussler
Starts 7:05pm
WIN, PLC, FT4 Guaranteed $10000.00, QLA, TFA, PL6 Leg4, TRB Leg1, QAD Leg2 Guaranteed $100000.00, FFWin 128, FFPlc 1128
Tote 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Form 41X25 X1311 12X09 41X33 8X531 21711 5X116 20X02 118 1324 11450
Name, barrier, trainer
Jockey (allowance) kg (R rtg)
Pasadena Girl (7) Peter G Moody Miss Gunpowder (11) Phillip Stokes Sagaronne (3) Toby Edmonds Jameka (9) Ciaron Maher Take Pride (5) Murray Johnson Badawiya (10) Mick Price Stay With Me (4) Hayes/Dabernig Payroll (1) Richard Laming Alaskan Rose (6) Michael Moroney Super Cash (2) Andrew Noblet Don't Doubt Marley (8) Robbie Griffiths
Hugh Bowman 55.5 Craig Williams 55.5 Blake Shinn 55.5 Mark Zahra 55.5 Patrick Moloney 55.5 Craig Newitt 55.5 Dwayne Dunn 55.5 Jim Cassidy 55.5 Steven W Arnold 55.5 Kerrin McEvoy 55.5 Chris Parnham 55.5
Expert Picks.... 1-Pasadena Girl R9
Course, Dist C(1-0-0) Dst(1-1-0) C(2-1-1) Dst(0) C(1-0-0) Dst(1-0-1) C(1-0-1) Dst(0) C(1-0-0) Dst(0) C(0) Dst(1-1-0) C(1-0-0) Dst(0) C(2-0-2) Dst(0) C(2-1-0) Dst(0) C(1-0-0) Dst(0) C(2-0-0) Dst(0)
2-Miss Gunpowder
Trackside 1
Serious filly with top rider going back on. Hard to beat in this. She was too strong when leading all the way last start. Draw is the concern. Had excuses 1st up but failed to fire 2nd up. Smart at best and draw helps. Has run well in both starts this prep and is a each way hope in this. If she gets a soft lead again this time they will have to work to get past her. Beat a nice horse when winning last Sunday. Too good to leave out. Blotted copy book last start with a poor effort. She is better than that. Tough effort when caught 3w all the way last start. Do not discount. She did not handle class rise last start. Others look better in this. Drawn well and she keeps trying hard. Place chance at good odds. Had excuses last start. Will need luck but can figure at big odds.
Starts 7:40pm
WIN, PLC, FT4 Guaranteed $10000.00, QLA, TFA, DBL Leg1, PL6 Leg5, TRB Leg2, QAD Leg3 Guaranteed $100000.00, FFWin 129, FFPlc 1129
Tote 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Form 11251 6X355 7X239 X4143 31X43 13211 21172 171 15X1 1X188 X6321 0X116 311 X1194 3X162 41283 1716
Name, barrier, trainer
Course, Dist Press Statement (14) Chris Waller Hugh Bowman 56.5 C(0) Dst(1-1-0) Odyssey Moon (13) Rodney Northam Steven W Arnold 56.5 C(1-0-0) Dst(1-0-0) Ready for Victory (4) Mick Price Glen Boss 56.5 C(2-0-1) Dst(0) Rageese (15) M, W & J Hawkes James Winks 56.5 C(0) Dst(0) Dal Cielo (8) Murray Baker Opie Bosson 56.5 C(1-0-1) Dst(0) Bon Aurum (10) Ciaron Maher Kerrin McEvoy 56.5 C(1-1-0) Dst(0) Shards (12) John O'Shea Jim Cassidy 56.5 C(0) Dst(0) Sovereign Nation (1) Hayes/Dabernig Michael Walker 56.5 C(0) Dst(1-1-0) Bassett (9) Peter G Moody Daniel Stackhouse 56.5 C(2-2-0) Dst(1-0-0) Last Bullet (6) John Hyam Vlad Duric 56.5 C(1-0-0) Dst(0) Lizard Island (2) Pat Hyland Blake Shinn 56.5 C(1-0-1) Dst(1-1-0) Kentucky Flyer (5) Robbie Laing Craig Williams 56.5 C(1-0-0) Dst(1-0-0) Tarzino (3) Mick Price Craig Newitt 56.5 C(1-1-0) Dst(1-1-0) Snoopy (11) M, W & J Hawkes Dwayne Dunn 56.5 C(1-0-0) Dst(0) Tulsa (16) Michael Moroney Ben Melham 56.5 C(1-0-1) Dst(0) More Than Most (7) Hayes/Dabernig Mark Zahra 56.5 C(1-0-1) Dst(0) Mr Individual (17) L &T Corstens Mark Zahra 56.5 C(2-0-0) Dst(0)
Expert Picks.... 1-Press Statement R10
5-Dal Cielo
Draw and 1st start on this track are concerns. Still looks the winner to me. Has been set for this. Last run was encouraging. Upset hope in this. Lackluster effort last start. Much better than that. Draw will help chances. Useful colt but his draw makes things a lot tougher for him. Smart Kiwi that was only caught late last start. Will have improved. Can win. Tough and decisive wins last two starts. Looks a great bet at juicy odds. Stable is on fire but he looks safely held in this. Won well at Moonee Valley last week. Draw helps. Chance at nice odds. Smart win 1st up. This is tougher but do not discount in this. Certainly has the ability and will be flying home late. Hope at good odds. Is peaking perfectly for this. Good draw. Top rider. Chance at good odds. Has run well all three runs this prep. Top rider hops on. Upset hope in this. Looks to have stacks of ability. Draw helps. Big threat to top weight. Close up last start and is right for this. Include in all multiples. Draw is no concern as he will drop back. If he gets the right run he can win. Has a nice draw and stable will have him ready. Chance at huge odds. Draw does not help his chances. Has to lift on last effort to figure in this.
3-Ready for Victory
Starts 8:15pm
WIN, PLC, FT4 Guaranteed $10000.00, QLA, TFA, DBL Leg2, PL6 Leg6, TRB Leg3, QAD Leg4 Guaranteed $100000.00, FFWin 130, FFPlc 1130
Tote 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Form 1110X 2497X 139X0 000X1 3130X 40X52 4X600 574X0 11X35
Name, barrier, trainer In Style (3) Michael Moroney Bring Me the Maid (1) Peter G Moody Wawail (2) Hayes/Dabernig Politeness (10) Robert Smerdon Ygritte (5) Darren Weir Danestroem (4) Michael Kent Soosa Rama (8) Colin Little Tahni Dancer (6) Clinton McDonald Catch That Cat (7) Gwenda Johnstone
Last updated at 01:53 Saturday 10 October 2015
Trackside 1
Jockey (allowance) kg (R rtg)
Jockey (allowance) kg (R rtg)
Opie Bosson 59 Glen Boss 58 Michael Walker 58 Mark Zahra 57 Craig Williams 56 Chris Parnham 55 Patrick Moloney 55 Dwayne Dunn 55 Luke Currie 55
Course, Dist C(0) Dst(10-5-2) C(2-0-0) Dst(7-2-3) C(2-1-0) Dst(3-1-0) C(7-2-2) Dst(7-3-1) C(1-0-0) Dst(6-1-4) C(11-2-3) Dst(13-3-5) C(5-0-0) Dst(7-2-0) C(3-0-0) Dst(6-1-2) C(1-0-0) Dst(4-2-2)
Trackside 1
Smart Kiwi sprinting mare. Trainer will have her ready to win. Class mare. If there is any rain about her chances would soar. Still waiting for a gap. Drawn well again and she will be hard to beat. Huge effort when flying late to win 1st up. Can win again. Tough Sydney mare now with top Victorian trainer. Chance at nice odds. Nearly stole it last start at good odds. Chance if she gets a soft lead again. Not going well enough to consider in this. She has only won one race but she looks talented. Only win came 2nd up. Going okay and is due to peak for this 3rd up. Hope at good odds. Copyright Š 2015 RISA
Meeting 12-Caulfield Races (vic) at Caulfield 10 11
30X37 8X321
Matilija (11) L&A Freedman Ben Melham 55 Exclusive Lass (9) Nigel Blackiston Kerrin McEvoy 55
Expert Picks.... 3-Wawail
Last updated at 01:53 Saturday 10 October 2015
C(1-0-0) Dst(3-0-3) C(0) Dst(5-1-4)
(Saturday 10 Oct)
Had excuses 2nd up and she has ability. Do not discount in this. Won a lower grade easily last start. This is a step up in class.
1-In Style
Copyright Š 2015 RISA
Race Index
Meeting 12 - Saturday 10 October Caulfield Races (vic) at Caulfield Left-handed-m, Str m - Grass - The overall rail location was true
Extra Pools DBL - 3-4, 6-7, 9-10 PL6 - 5-6-7-8-9-10 QAD - 7-8-9-10 TRB - 1-2-3, 4-5-6, 8-9-10 FFPLC - 1(Opt 1121) , 10(Opt 1130) , 2(Opt 1122) , 3(Opt 1123) 4(Opt 1124) , 5(Opt 1125) , 6(Opt 1126) , 7(Opt 1127) 8(Opt 1128) , 9(Opt 1129) FFWIN - 1(Opt 121) , 10(Opt 130) , 2(Opt 122) , 3(Opt 123) 4(Opt 124) , 5(Opt 125) , 6(Opt 126) , 7(Opt 127) 8(Opt 128) , 9(Opt 129)
Race 1 Race 2 Race 3 Race 4 Race 5 Race 6 Race 7 Race 8 Race 9 Race 10
3:00pm 3:35pm 4:10pm 4:45pm 5:20pm 5:55pm 6:30pm 7:05pm 7:40pm 8:15pm
$129,000 $430,000 $161,000 $129,000 $430,000 $430,000 $430,000 $538,000 $1,080,000 $161,000
Runner Index - Meeting 12 Abidewithme 7 Akavoroun 7 Alaskan Rose 8 Albonetti 5 Alpha Miss 2 Amicus 7 Amovatio 4 Amralah 5 At First Sight 5 Badawiya 8 Bassett 9 Bikila 5 Black Tomahawk 5 Bohemian Lily 5 Bon Aurum 9 Bondeiger 5 Bring Me the Maid 10 Cashed 2 Catch That Cat 10 Cocoa Doll 3 Contributer 6 Criterion 6 Dal Cielo 9 Danestroem 10 Disposition 7 Don't Doubt Marley 8 Entirely Platinum 6 Escado 5 Ethiopia 5 Excess Knowledge 5 Exclusive Lass 10 Eximius 4 Fawkner 6 Flamingo Star 7 Flying Jess 1 Fontein Lad 1 Good Value 4 Happy Trails 6 Harlem River 3 Hi World 7 Highland Beat 1 Hopfgarten 7 I Love It 2 In Style 10 Invincible Heart 3 Irada 3 Jacquinot Bay 7 Jameka 8 Kenjorwood 7 Kentucky Flyer 9 Kermadec 6 Lankan Rupee 2 Last Bullet 9 Leebaz 7 Literate 1 Little Indian 3 Lizard Island 9 Lucky Hussler 7 Magical Milly 1
Matilija 10 Mecir 4 Miss Gidget 3 Miss Gunpowder 8 Missrock 1 Mister Impatience 5 Mongolian Khan 6 Moonovermanhattan 7 More Than Most 9 Mr Individual 9 Ninth Legion 7 Noble Protector 7 Northern Model 3 Odyssey Moon 9 Pago Rock 4 Pasadena Girl 8 Payroll 8 Pearl Congenial 1 Politeness 10 Pornichet 6 Preemptive 1 Press Statement 9 Prince of Penzance 5 Puccini 7 Rageese 9 Ready for Victory 9 Rhythm to Spare 7 Richie's Vibe 4 Rugged Cross 4 Sagaronne 8 Secret Agenda 3 Serenade 3 Serene Majesty 3 Sertorius 5 Shards 9 Shiraz 2 Snoopy 9 Soosa Rama 10 Sovereign Nation 9 Stay With Me 8 Stratum Star 7 Strawberry Boy 7 Streets Away 4 Super Cash 8 Tahni Dancer 10 Take Pride 8 Tarzino 9 Terindah 1 Thar 1 The Bowler 4 The Monstar 2 Thomasina 1 Tristram's Sun 4 Tulsa 9 Valliano 1 Viddora 3 Wawail 10 Ygritte 10
M12 RACE 1
INGLIS DEBUTANT STAKES 2YO PLATE 1000m STARTS $129000($77400, $23200, $11600, $5810, $3230, $2580) 3:00pm
Leg 1 TRB
Trackside 1
Gear Changes: HIGHLAND BEAT (2) - Lugging Bit ON. THAR (5) - Lugging Bit ON, Race Plates ON. VALLIANO (6) - Lugging Bit ON. LITERATE (8) - Winkers ON.
FONTEIN LAD (8) 57kg (R0) 1. 2c ch Turffontein-Mehter (NZ) (by Align)
Kerrin McEvoy
Red and white stripes Ownr: Mrs D Eurell, P L Bennett, Mrs M C Zundel, Ms M Evans, Greg Eurell (Cranbourne) K J Mccormick, L C Taylor, P Kewniuk, N Carty, S Johnston, E Dibb, R Gardner, A Carinci, K J Mcmahon, Mrs L J Smith, R A Smith, M A Jackman, Ms J A Lewis, P S Dovolil, J W Bright & Wonder Synd All(0) F(0) G(0) D(--0) S(0) H(0) C(0) Dst(0) F90(0) 2ndUp(0)
Has run 9th,4th and 3rd in three trials. Tote is your best guide.
HIGHLAND BEAT (7) 57kg (R0) 2. 2c b Exceed And Excel-Highland Daughter (IRE) (by Kyllachy (GB))
Michael Walker
Pink, white diamond, navy blue seams sleeves, pink and navy blue quartered cap Ownr: Mrs P M Hayes, Mrs G C Psaltis, Miss T L Routledge, Mrs K Heritage, Hayes/Dabernig (Flemington) Mrs T M Heritage, Mrs K L Gordon, Mrs T E Davis, Mrs J M Foley, Mrs R L McKinnell, Ms J A Rothenberger & Mrs J L Tonini All(0) F(0) G(0) D(--0) S(0) H(0) C(0) Dst(0) F90(0) 2ndUp(0)
Powerful David Hayes stable always has them ready. Market best guide.
PREEMPTIVE (11) 57kg (R0) 3. 2c b br Stryker-Tarn Princess (by Picnicker)
Luke Currie
Royal blue, white spades and armbands Ownr: P E Templeton, Mrs T L Templeton, D Stirling, Mrs L Stirling, P & T Templeton (Moe) J Stirling, Miss T Burdack, J M Barrett, Mrs G Barrett, B Anderson, Ms H Walker, Mrs S E Murphy & P L Murphy All(0) F(0) G(0) D(--0) S(0) H(0) C(0) Dst(0) F90(0) 2ndUp(0)
2nd in trial on 21st Sept. Wide draw a concern. Others better.
TERINDAH (12) 57kg (R0) 4. 2c br Foxwedge-Toast of the Coast (by Rory's Jester)
Matthew Allen
White, red and yellow band Robbie Griffiths (Cranbourne)
Ownr: Gleneagles Stud Pty Ltd All(0) F(0) G(0) D(--0) S(0) H(0) C(0) Dst(0) F90(0) 2ndUp(0)
No public trial form and wide draw make others look better in this.
(3) 57kg (R0) 5. 2c b ExceedTHAR And Excel-Margham (by Encosta de Lago)
Hugh Bowman
Royal blue John O'Shea (Flemington)
Ownr: Godolphin All(0) F(0) G(0) D(--0) S(0) H(0) C(0) Dst(0) F90(0) 2ndUp(0)
2nd in trial at Randwick on 21st Sept. Stable is flying. Good chance.
(2) 57kg (R0) 6. 2c b EquianoVALLIANO (FR)-Miss Valley Road (by Elusive Quality (USA))
Dwayne Dunn
Red, white vees, white and red seams sleeves and cap, red pom pom Ownr: S J Pickworth, N S & Mrs G C Psaltis, E P & Mrs M K Twomey, Hayes/Dabernig (Flemington) M Bateman, P McPherson, D B Paterson, Ms K J Smith & P M Cox All(0) F(0) G(0) D(--0) S(0) H(0) C(0) Dst(0) F90(0) 2ndUp(0)
David Hayes and stable rider has chosen stablemate. Draw helps. Watch tote.
FLYING JESS (10) 55kg (R0) 7. 2f b Hinchinbrook-Maritess (by Magic Albert)
Patrick Moloney (a)
Royal blue, white star and red cap Ownr: J V O'neill, M Stokes, J Bagnoux, Bobbin Along, G Harding, John Moloney (Caulfield) K James, K Murtagh, T Nicol, B Quick, N Rance, L & C Sewgoolam, J Treloar & R Wilson All(0) F(0) G(0) D(--0) S(0) H(0) C(0) Dst(0) F90(0) 2ndUp(0)
Won trial 5th October. Good stable but draw is a concern.
LITERATE (6) 55kg (R0) 8. 2f b Foxwedge-Easy to Read (by Encosta de Lago) Ownr: Tru Blu Bloodstock All(0) F(0) G(0) D(--0) S(0) H(0) C(0) Dst(0) F90(0) 2ndUp(0)
Vlad Duric
Silver, aqua seams, silver and aqua seams cap Brent Stanley (Sutton Grange)
2nd in trial 21st Sept. Market is your best guide.
MAGICAL MILLY (1) 55kg (R0) 9. 2f ch Stryker-Princess Pulse (NZ) (by King of Kings (IRE)) Ownr: P J Liston, M J Lewis, N A Behrens, First Point Racing All(0) F(0) G(0) D(--0) S(0) H(0) C(0) Dst(0) F90(0) 2ndUp(0)
Glen Boss
Cerise, grey checks and sleeves Brent Stanley (Sutton Grange)
2nd in trial 21st Sept. Draw helps and she looks a good hope in this.
(9) 55kg (R0) 10. 2f b Fastnet MISSROCK Rock-Miss Judgement (by Strategic)
Mark Zahra
Black, red apple, red and white hooped sleeves and quartered cap Ownr: R H Montague, Mrs S M Delaney, T M Montague, S R Montague, Robbie Laing (Cranbourne) M A Lester, Mrs R K Lowe, P W Lowe, M Sambucco, Mrs J E Butler, R N Butler, P J Butler, A Melideo, Mrs A Athanasakos, P Athanasakos, Double R L All(0) F(0) G(0) D(--0) S(0) H(0) C(0) Dst(0) F90(0) 2ndUp(0)
2nd in trial to Flying Jess on 5th Oct. Awkward draw does not help.
CONGENIAL (5) 55kg (R0) 11. 2f b Gio PontiPEARL (USA)-Congenial (by Redoute's Choice) Ownr: Pearl Bloodstock Ltd All(0) F(0) G(0) D(--0) S(0) H(0) C(0) Dst(0) F90(0) 2ndUp(0)
Smart stable. 1st and 2nd in both trials. Good chance in this.
Craig Williams
Yellow, royal blue stars, yellow cap Robert Smerdon (Caulfield)
Caulfield Races (vic) 1000m $129000($77400, $23200, $11600, $5810, $3230, $2580)
M12 RACE 1
THOMASINA (4) 55kg (R0) 12. 2f b Onemorenomore-Long Lake (USA) (by Distorted Humor (USA))
Starts 3:00pm Craig Newitt
Rainbow checks, grey sleeves Cameron Templeton (Pakenham)
Ownr: Epona Park All(0) F(0) G(0) D(--0) S(0) H(0) C(0) Dst(0) F90(0) 2ndUp(0)
Won trial 5th Oct. Well drawn and looks a each way hope in this.
Qla $
Tfa $
Winners Time:
M12 RACE 2
MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC SCHILLACI STAKES 1100m STARTS $430000($258000, $77400, $38700, $19400, $10800, $8600) 3:35pm
Leg 2 TRB
Trackside 1
Gear Changes: LANKAN RUPEE (1) - Race Plates OFF. ALPHA MISS (5) - Cheekers ON, Concussion Plates ON, Lugging Bit OFF, Race Plates OFF.
LANKAN RUPEE (6) 58.5kg (R116) 1. X169X 6g b Redoute's Choice-Estelle Collection (NZ) (by Stravinsky (USA))
Craig Newitt
Yellow, red square, lime green and orange hooped sleeves, red and yellow quartered cap Ownr: Teeley Assets Ltd Syndicate Mick Price (Caulfield) 21Feb G FLEM 1 of 6 1000m (6)LIGHTNING $540000 3rd till 400,pounced 200,raced away 2.75L $2.60 C Newitt 58.5 Brazen Beau 56.29 14Mar G FLEM 6 of 9 1200m (9)NEWMARKET $1080000 5th till 400,out,btld,no threat 4.25L $3.00 C Newitt 58.5 Brazen Beau 1:09.24 06Apr S RAND 9 of 10 1200m (4)T J SMITH $2780000 Trailed till 400,out,did nothing 7.3L $3.70 C Newitt 58.5 Chautauqua 1:11.04 All(23-11-3-3) $4,300,000 F(0) G(21-10-6) D(--0) S(1-0-0) H(1-1-0) C(7-4-1) Dst(4-2-0) F90(6-4-1) 2ndUp(6-2-3)
Won trial 21st Sept. Was rated best sprinter in world at one time.Hard to beat.
SHIRAZ (4) 58.5kg (R105) 2. 11113 6g br Zariz-Moville Slipper (by Moville Dancer)
Hugh Bowman
Gold, cerise sleeves, gold armband, cerise cap Tony McEvoy (Hawkesbury)
Ownr: Mrs C T Dwyer, P J Whealy, T Barlow, R C Nagel, L Stewart, J Veliscek, N Titcume, S Hellams, Mrs P G O'brien & B Hockings 08Aug S FLEM 1 of 11 1200m (1)AURIE'S STAR $163000 Trailed,chal 300,fght,got bob in 0.1L $3.30 D Oliver 54.5 Play Master 1:09.43 05Sep S RAND 1 of 9 1000m (8)CONCORDE $135000 5th 3w,wound up,big strides late 0.3L $4.40 H Bowman 58 Craftiness 57.72 19Sep S RAND 3 of 6 1100m (4)THE SHORTS $217000 3rd otr,inr 350,fought hard,close 0.9L $2.50 K McEvoy 56.5 Rebel Dane 1:04.67 All(16-10-2-1) $506,000 F(1-0-1) G(10-6-1) D(--0) S(3-2-1) H(2-2-0) C(0) Dst(9-5-3) F90(5-4-0) 2ndUp(4-2-1)
Has come back a different horse this prep. Include in all bets.
THE MONSTAR (2) 58.5kg (R89) 3. 145X2 5g b California Dane-Sirocco Mist (by Brocco (USA))
Richard Bensley
Black, pink horseshoes, quartered cap Ownr: B F Cavanough, G Edgar & G Chapman, J Armstrong Brett Cavanough (Albury) 16May G SCNE 4 of 16 1100m (4)ORTENSIA $152000 Hndy,4th otr 800,fght on well 1.2L $31.00 R Bensley 54 That's a Good Idea 1:01.98 05Jun S SW H 5 of 14 1200m (11)GOLD TOPAZ $108000 2.15L $6.00 R Bensley 54 Smackdown (NZ) 1:12.26 26Sep G CAUL 2 of 12 1100m (2)HCP $96800 3bk inr,out 200,flew late,missed 0.2L $61.00 R Bensley 54 Sabatini 1:02.85 All(20-7-4-1) $181,000 F(0) G(13-3-4) D(--0) S(7-4-1) H(0) C(1-0-1) Dst(3-0-2) F90(3-1-1) 2ndUp(2-1-0)
Great run 1st up when flying late to just miss. Good 2nd up form. Chance.
CASHED (3) 58.5kg (R79) 4. 22113 4g ch Krupt-Li'l Cashy (by Keltrice)
Dwayne Dunn
Green, maroon celtic cross and hooped sleeves Ownr: J A Coleman, J L Williams, P Kristoris, B J Biasi, P K Mcvann, Ryan Balfour (Morphettville) A J Collins, S G Sly, D Campagna, Mrs M Campagna, S W Leckey, M K Seiffert, Mrs R A Balfour, D Webster, D M Street, D Sims & D N Lofthouse 22Aug S MRPK 1 of 11 1000m (6)BM75 $43000 2.4L $3.10 J Cartwright 55.5 Trueno 59.04 12Sep G MORP 1 of 9 1050m (6)BM82 $43000 0.5L $2.30 T Pannell 56 Brave Journey 1:00.71 25Sep G M V 3 of 10 955m (4)BM78 $59100 5th inr,imprv 400,tidy thru mid str 1.25L $8.00 J Childs 58.5 Tuscan Sling 54.90 All(18-4-8-1) $178,000 F(0) G(9-2-3) D(--0) S(8-2-5) H(1-0-1) C(0) Dst(9-3-4) F90(3-0-2) 2ndUp(3-1-1)
Nice Adelaide galloper and could be a multiples hope.
ALPHA MISS (5) 56.5kg (R84) 5. X424X 4m b Lucky Owners (NZ)-Soiree Girl (by Rory's Jester)
Craig Williams
Aquanita blue, white collar, cuffs and peak Ownr: Aquanita Racing Syndicate Robert Smerdon (Caulfield) Aug14 H RAND 4 of 6 1200m (3)SILVSHADOW $190000 3rd otr,chal wdr 400,led,btld 250m 4.4L $6.00 J Collett 55 Bring Me the Maid 1:12.37 Sep14 H RAND 2 of 6 1200m (4)FURIOUS $190000 Trailed,out inr 400,fght,dist 2nd 2.8L $26.00 J Collett 56 Winx 1:11.99 Sep14 G RAND 4 of 7 1400m (6)TEA ROSE $190000 3bk inr to 400,worked home fairly 2.8L $20.00 B Avdulla 56 First Seal 1:22.83 All(9-3-1-1) $316,000 F(0) G(4-2-1) D(--0) S(2-1-0) H(3-0-1) C(0) Dst(2-1-0) F90(3-1-0) 2ndUp(3-2-1)
All previous racing in Sydney. 4th in trial. Has not raced for over a year.
I LOVE IT (1) 56.5kg (R93) 6. 1239X 5m b Artie Schiller (USA)-Not That Innocent (by Foxhound (USA))
Stephen Baster
White, royal blue crossed sashes, checked sleeves, checked cap Ownr: F P Salanitri, Mrs P L Salanitri, J P Salanitri, J Damiano, John Salanitri (Caulfield) Mrs M Damiano, R Mittica, D Ross, D Cicivelli, S G Dimer, J Slucki, J S Paltos, Miss S L Chapman, A Salanitri, N M Searles & A Capaldi 07Mar G RAND 2 of 13 1200m (5)WENONAGIRL $162000 4th otr,into open 300,tried hard 0.5L $4.60 B Shinn 57.5 Griante 1:08.62 02May G MORP 3 of 15 1200m (1)SANGSTER $430000 Trailed to 400,out,fght gamely 1L $21.00 S Baster 56.5 Miracles of Life 1:09.72 16May G MORP 9 of 13 1200m (13)PROUD MISS $124000 3rd 3w opn,kn,btld,tuff run 3.9L $2.50 V Duric 57 Hazard 1:09.90 All(11-4-1-2) $276,000 F(0) G(9-3-3) D(--0) S(2-1-0) H(0) C(1-0-0) Dst(1-0-0) F90(4-3-0) 2ndUp(4-1-2)
Great record 1st up but so does Lankan Rupee. Place chance best hope.
Qla $
Tfa $
Winners Time:
M12 RACE 3
THOROUGHBRED CLUB STAKES 1200m $161000($96800, $29000, $14500, $7260, $4030, $3230)
Leg 1 DBL, Leg 3 TRB
STARTS 4:10pm Trackside 1
Gear Changes: IRADA (8) - Barrier Blanket ON.
HARLEM RIVER (7) 56kg (R72) 1. 221X 3f b Fastnet Rock-Harlem Heat (by Xaar (GB)) BB
Blake Shinn
Navy Ownr: Coolmore Gai Waterhouse (Randwick) 16May G SCNE 2 of 13 1100m (5)WOODLANDS $152000 10th otr,hmp 600,ran on strongly 2.3L $9.00 T Berry 57 Flippant 1:02.98 06Jun G DOOM 2 of 13 1200m (9)LANCASTER $108000 Hndy,2nd otr 800, 1.3L $5.00 T Berry 56.5 Flippant 1:09.66 20Jun S GCST 1 of 13 1400m (5)TATTS 2YO $109000 Worked to lead,went clr 300,easy 1L $1.60 T Berry 55 Star of Night 1:25.30 All(3-1-2-0) $122,000 F(0) G(2-0-2) D(--0) S(1-1-0) H(0) C(0) Dst(1-0-1) F90(1-0-1) 2ndUp(1-0-1)
She looks to have loads of ability. Won both trials. Big hope in this.
SERENADE (5) 55kg (R68) 2. 75X53 3f b Star Witness-Purely Spectacular (NZ) (by Pins)
Glen Boss
Yellow, eliza park logo, red epaulettes, hooped sleeves, red cap, gold logo Ownr: Ballymore Stables Michael Moroney (Flemington) 11Apr H RAND 5 of 7 1200m (1)PERCYSYKES $630000 Sped thru to lead,tkld 400,btld on 1.4L $8.00 C Williams 54 Ottoman 1:12.44 12Sep G FLEM 5 of 15 1100m (11)CAP D'ANTIBES $130000 Midfield till 400,closed gamely 3.8L $9.00 G Boss 55 Petits Filous 1:02.85 25Sep G M V 3 of 10 1200m (8)CHAMPAGNE $162000 5th otr,3wd 400,best of rest 5.25L $9.00 G Boss 56 Take Pride 1:09.92 All(8-1-0-2) $156,000 F(0) G(6-1-2) D(--0) S(1-0-0) H(1-0-0) C(0) Dst(6-1-2) F90(2-0-0) 2ndUp(2-1-1)
Battled into 3rd 2nd up and she will have to lift for this to figure.
MISS GIDGET (9) 55kg (R70) 3. 293X1 3f ch Gonski-I'm Posh (by Happy Giggle)
Mark Zahra
White, royal blue and gold band, royal blue sleeves and cap C & C Alderson (Cranbourne)
Ownr: Mrs L B Alderson, J Lang, Ms P Percy, Mrs E McGregor & Ponderosa Syndicate 28Feb G CAUL 9 of 14 1200m (9)BLUE DIAMOND $1090000 2nd otr,led 300,ran about 200,faded 6.15L $26.00 B Melham 54.5 Pride of Dubai 1:10.53 21Mar G BDGO 3 of 15 1000m (11)2Y-SW $270000 6th 3w cvr to 400,fght on well 2.45L $4.00 B Melham 55 The Big Dance 56.79 22Sep G SEYM 1 of 10 1109m (2)3YF MDN-SW $21500 2.25L $1.55 M Zahra 57 Perfect Beat 1:05.28 All(6-1-2-1) $116,000 F(0) G(6-1-3) D(--0) S(0) H(0) C(2-0-1) Dst(1-0-0) F90(3-1-2) 2ndUp(2-0-0)
Bolted in at short odds 1st up. Ran well last prep. Draw is a concern.
SECRET AGENDA (11) 55kg (R71) 4. 10X12 3f b Not a Single Doubt-Negotiate (by Red Ransom (USA)) BB
Craig Newitt
Red, blueblood logo, red sleeves, blueblood logo, red and white star cap Ownr: Blueblood Thoroughbreds Synd, Mrs L Lewis, S Misra, G McKinnon, Mick Price (Caulfield) Miss K Yorston, Dynasty No 11 Synd, J A Wilson, H H H Racing Synd, W Winterburn, D A Marshall, S J Cosson, Mrs P A Cosson, Island Sands Synd, T D Parrott, B Herbert, B Joyner, P J McGuire & K Kuvas 14Feb G CAUL 11 of 14 1100m (4)BD/PREL F $216000 10th otr to tn,no dash,cut leg 7.25L $4.20 D Oliver 55.5 Fontiton 1:02.83 02Sep G SANL 1 of 10 1200m (2)3Y BM70 $43000 4th inner,too good inner 1L $5.50 C Newitt 56 Spieth (NZ) 1:11.63 25Sep G M V 2 of 10 1200m (5)CHAMPAGNE $162000 2nd otr,kept up to 150,tried hard 3L $2.25 D Oliver 56 Take Pride 1:09.92 All(4-2-1-0) $75,300 F(0) G(4-2-1) D(--0) S(0) H(0) C(1-0-0) Dst(2-1-1) F90(3-2-0) 2ndUp(1-0-1)
Smart filly but she will need some luck from wide draw.
VIDDORA (3) 55kg (R68) 5. 5X116 3f b I Am Invincible-Snow Flight (NZ) (by Colombia (NZ))
Joe Bowditch
Navy blue, white v, navy blue cap Ownr: L M Kennewell, C J Cooke, M Adami, Dr T Hodgson, Lloyd Kennewell (Morphettville) Ms J E Simpson, F Fitzgibbon, Mrs G Fitzgibbon, R Williamson, J B Kaufman, N J E Lovett, M L Simpson, Solpac Xcels Synd 22Aug S MRPK 1 of 7 1000m (5)3Y BM64 $32300 0.5L $4.20 J Bowditch 54.5 Burst Away 58.86 12Sep G MORP 1 of 8 1050m (4)3Y BM70 $43000 2.5L $3.00 J Bowditch 57 Comprende 1:00.87 25Sep G M V 6 of 10 1200m (7)CHAMPAGNE $162000 8th inr,imprv rails,tidy late inr 8.45L $4.60 M Zahra 56 Take Pride 1:09.92 All(4-2-0-0) $81,000 F(0) G(2-1-0) D(--0) S(2-1-0) H(0) C(0) Dst(1-0-0) F90(2-1-0) 2ndUp(1-1-0)
Late finish last start and drawn well. Outside hope in this.
INVINCIBLE HEART (2) 55kg (R68) 6. 3X131 3f b I Am Invincible-Bella Heart (by Show a Heart)
Dwayne Dunn
Gold Ownr: Ontrack Thoroughbreds No 1 Synd, D Moretti, J & D McDonald, Mick Price (Caulfield) J Hemming, M Hackett, R & J Pawley, M Ostermeyer, Maps Synd, Invincible Five Synd, L Saxton, A Richmond, D Conley, K Morphett, G Batchelder, Obes Nobodies Synd, J Van Dort, L Van Eyssen & W Wruck 22Aug S MOE 1 of 9 1013m (4)MDN-SW $21600 3.25L $1.60 I Gundogdu 54 Motown Blues 1:01.62 12Sep G MORP 3 of 8 1050m (7)3Y BM70 $43000 4L $1.70 S King 56.5 Viddora 1:00.87 03Oct G CAUL 1 of 10 1200m (7)3YF BM78 $43000 0.2L $4.20 C Newitt 55 Silent Sedition 1:10.89 All(4-2-0-2) $42,400 F(0) G(3-1-2) D(--0) S(1-1-0) H(0) C(1-1-0) Dst(1-1-0) F90(2-1-1) 2ndUp(1-0-1)
She has tried hard every start and from expect her to do the same in this.
SERENE MAJESTY (8) 55kg (R68) 7. 2X16 3f b Fastnet Rock-Custard (by Lonhro) BB
Kerrin McEvoy
White, old gold stars and sleeves, old gold cap with white pom pom Ownr: Werrett Bloodstock Pty Ltd P & P Snowden (Randwick) 23Apr H CANT 2 of 9 1200m (2)2Y MDN $43000 0.2L $4.80 T Clark 55 Sweet Redemption 1:13.01 12Aug G CANT 1 of 9 1250m (9)3YF MDN-SW $43000 2nd outer,impressive display 5.3L $2.15 B Shinn 56 Way Too Good 1:15.02 05Sep S RAND 6 of 9 1200m (7)FURIOUS $190000 2nd otr to 400,dropped out 8.8L $4.60 C Reith 56 Speak Fondly 1:10.64 All(3-1-1-0) $45,900 F(0) G(1-1-0) D(--0) S(1-0-0) H(1-0-1) C(0) Dst(3-1-1) F90(2-1-1) 2ndUp(1-0-0)
Drops back in class for this and comes down from Sydney. Market best guide.
IRADA (4) 55kg (R65) 8. 138X 3f br Iffraaj (GB)-Coupon (by Carnegie (IRE))
Jim Cassidy
Yellow, royal blue v and cap Ownr: Sheikh Mohammed Bin Khalifa Al Maktoum Mick Price (Caulfield) 31May S MOE 1 of 9 1200m (2)2Y MDN-SW $16200 0.2L $4.20 R Bayliss 56 Brass in My Pocket 1:14.55 27Jun G FLEM 3 of 14 1400m (12)2Y HCP $86000 Slow,5bk inr,angld wd 400,flew,misd 0.3L $10.00 C Newitt 54 Bengal Cat 1:23.55 11Jul G FLEM 8 of 13 1600m (3)G'CMICHAEL $130000 Hmp,rear all the way,vet problem 3.25L $4.80 C Newitt 54 Automatic Choice 1:36.90 All(3-1-0-1) $20,100 F(0) G(2-0-1) D(--0) S(1-1-0) H(0) C(0) Dst(1-1-0) F90(1-1-0) 2ndUp(1-0-1)
Had a problem last start. 3rd in trial 21st Sept. Looked good start before.
Caulfield Races (vic) 1200m $161000($96800, $29000, $14500, $7260, $4030, $3230)
M12 RACE 3
COCOA DOLL (10) 55kg (R64) 9. 13f b br More Than Ready (USA)-Elusive Wonder (by Elusive Quality (USA))
Starts 4:10pm Craig Williams
Navy, red and gold diagonal stripes, striped cap Phillip Stokes (Morphettville)
Ownr: A G Sheppard, M R Basheer, W B Sanders, Ms H Papas, Mill Park Stud 26Sep G MRPK 1 of 9 1000m (8)3Y MDN-SW $32300 0.1L $1.60 D Tourneur 55.5 Call Me Curtis 57.87 All(1-1-0-0) $19,900 F(0) G(1-1-0) D(--0) S(0) H(0) C(0) Dst(0) F90(1-1-0) 2ndUp(0)
Won at short odds 1st up in Adelaide. Top rider hops on. Draw is a worry.
NORTHERN MODEL (6) 55kg (R62) 10. 357X1 3f b Northern Meteor-Modellista (by Redoute's Choice)
Linda Meech
White, red stripes Ownr: B L Mathieson, R Smith, Pinecliff Racing Morgan/Widdison (Whittlesea) 02May G CAUL 5 of 10 1200m (10)REDOUTE'S $130000 2nd otr to 300,faded from 200m 3.15L $61.00 J McNeil 54 Black Vanquish 1:10.69 16May G CAUL 7 of 12 1100m (8)2Y-SWP $86000 11th otr,wider 400,made ground 5.6L $14.00 C Robertson 54 Bassett (NZ) 1:03.99 25Sep G ECHA 1 of 13 1000m (13)MDN-SW $21500 2L $1.90 M Linda Meech 54 Brightly Goes 58.61 All(4-1-0-1) $19,500 F(0) G(3-1-0) D(--0) S(1-0-1) H(0) C(2-0-0) Dst(1-0-0) F90(2-1-1) 2ndUp(1-0-0)
Dropped back in class for soft kill win 1st up. Chance at nice odds in this.
LITTLE INDIAN (1) 55kg (R61) 11. 7X243 3f b Not a Single Doubt-Fidele (by Encosta de Lago)
Ben Melham
Navy blue, gold lightning bolt, gold and white armbands, gold cap Ownr: R & C Legh Racing Pty Ltd Robbie Laing (Cranbourne) 10Sep S MORN 2 of 8 1000m (6)3Y MDN-SW $24700 0.1L $7.50 B Higgins 56 Bob of the Head (NZ) 59.33 24Sep G SALE 4 of 12 1206m (6)3YF MDN-SW $24700 1.35L $2.35 B Higgins 57 Timely Girl 1:10.06 03Oct G CAUL 3 of 10 1200m (9)3YF BM78 $43000 2.45L $9.00 C Parnham 54 Invincible Heart 1:10.89 All(5-0-1-1) $9,640 F(0) G(4-0-1) D(--0) S(1-0-1) H(0) C(1-0-1) Dst(2-0-1) F90(3-0-1) 2ndUp(1-0-0)
Ace draw helps but but will need a massive lift in form to figure.
Qla $
Tfa $
Winners Time:
M12 RACE 4
PERRI CUTTEN WEEKEND HUSSLER STAKES HANDICAP 1400m STARTS $129000($77400, $23200, $11600, $5810, $3230, $1550) 4:45pm
Leg 2 DBL, Leg 1 TRB
Trackside 1
Gear Changes: THE BOWLER (3) - Winkers ON. GOOD VALUE (4) - Blinkers OFF, Concussion Plates ON, Visor ON. MECIR (7) - Glue On Shoes ON.
AMOVATIO (10) 60kg (R102) 1. 5311X 5g b Al Maher-Grand Ovation (by Scenic (IRE))
Hugh Bowman
Yellow, royal blue knight, royal blue and yellow stripe sleeves, yellow and royal blue star cap Ownr: B J Spicer, M Poupolo, N Joukhadar, R B Peters, D Kratz, S Devlin, Chris Waller (Flemington) J Mckay, C J Aikman, M J Larmer, M A Adams, W Joukhadar & Dr M W R Basset, Magnus Equus 06Jun S RAND 3 of 7 1400m (1)BM94 $91400 7th inr,cut cnr,game finish inner 1.8L $7.50 J Parr 59 Magic Hurricane (IRE) 1:24.12 27Jun G FLEM 1 of 13 1400m (7)HCP $86000 9th otr,wdr 400,chl,raced clr late 1.25L $8.00 D Oliver 57.5 Decircles 1:23.07 11Jul G FLEM 1 of 15 1600m (11)WINTER CSHIP $163000 13th inr,blokd,gap 200,flew,up line 0.1L $9.50 D Oliver 60 Mr Utopia 1:36.16 All(28-7-7-5) $649,000 F(0) G(14-6-6) D(--0) S(13-1-5) H(1-0-1) C(2-0-0) Dst(15-1-8) F90(4-2-0) 2ndUp(4-1-1)
Good galloper that has had a short break. Each way chance.
RUGGED CROSS (4) 58.5kg (R99) 2. 13442 7g br Cape Cross (IRE)-Lunda (IRE) (by Soviet Star (USA))
Brad Rawiller
Emerald green, white checked sleeves, white cap Ownr: Yu Long Investments Darren Weir (Wangoom) 15Aug G RHIL 4 of 8 1400m (1)SPRINGPREV $91400 Trailed to 400,out 300,tight,btld 2.7L $21.00 J Collett 59 Centre Pivot 1:24.61 20Aug G HAWK 4 of 6 1600m (5)ROWLEYMILE $109000 4.2L $3.20 B Avdulla 57 The Offer (IRE) 1:36.11 19Sep G CAUL 2 of 10 1400m (10)HCP $96800 4th otr,tight tn,out 300,tried hard 0.1L $9.00 B Rawiller 58 Good Value 1:24.42 All(31-6-7-5) $463,000 F(0) G(17-1-6) D(--0) S(8-2-5) H(6-3-1) C(4-0-4) Dst(11-4-3) F90(5-1-2) 2ndUp(5-2-2)
Tough galloper that always gives his best when he races. Loves this distance.
THE BOWLER (2) 58.5kg (R99) 3. 11X66 5g b Testa Rossa-Specie (by Canny Lad)
Mark Zahra
Red, royal blue stars, red and royal blue stars cap Ownr: J Love, C Chrimes, A Chrimes, R MacDonald, J Penaluna, Robert Smerdon (Caulfield) D Chrimes, M Nicol, S Morris, G Dermott, C Morris, B Evans, M Hill, J Allan & S O'Neill 16May G MORP 1 of 12 1600m (4)RA LEE $162000 5th otr,out wdr 300,drove late,just 0.1L $2.80 M Zahra 55 Excites Zelady 1:35.96 29Aug S CAUL 6 of 8 1100m (3)THE HEATH 1100 $162000 5th otr to 400,btld,no danger 6.25L $41.00 M Zahra 57.5 Bounding 1:03.47 19Sep G CAUL 6 of 12 1200m (7)TESTA ROSSA $130000 7th otr to tn,wdr 300,ran on 1.8L $18.00 M Zahra 57 Fell Swoop 1:10.93 All(27-8-4-2) $465,000 F(0) G(20-5-6) D(--0) S(4-0-0) H(3-3-0) C(6-0-1) Dst(6-2-1) F90(6-1-1) 2ndUp(6-1-1)
Another good galloper ready to strike form. Outside hope in this.
GOOD VALUE (6) 58kg (R98) 4. 37431 9g b Face Value-Jeune's Heart (by Jeune (GB))
Michael Walker
Royal blue, yellow lightning bolt, black seams, royal blue and black quartered cap Ownr: A Damirdjian, A S Smith, R Poladian, B D Tozer, A Bedrosian, Michael Kent (Cranbourne) D Piscioneri, A P Beuk, G Pacchiarotta, M Crisafulli, H Tachjian & Mrs H Vitale 11Jul G FLEM 4 of 15 1600m (10)WINTER CSHIP $163000 3rd otr to 400,fght on gamely 0.95L $11.00 N Callow 57.5 Amovatio 1:36.16 25Jul G CAUL 3 of 14 1800m (3)HCP $86000 7th otr,out wdr 300,solid finish 1.75L $7.00 M Walker 60 Miss Rose de Lago 1:50.59 19Sep G CAUL 1 of 10 1400m (7)HCP $96800 8th otr,up closer 300,too strong 0.1L $5.50 M Walker 56 Rugged Cross (GB) 1:24.42 All(26-7-7-3) $351,000 F(0) G(12-3-4) D(--0) S(10-2-5) H(4-2-1) C(5-2-2) Dst(11-5-4) F90(7-1-4) 2ndUp(6-1-4)
Old timer that won well last start. Good each way chance.
RICHIE'S VIBE (5) 58kg (R98) 5. 5X340 6g b Danerich-Early Wakening (by Hennessy (USA))
Craig Newitt
Lime, red band with white stars, red armbands with white stars, white cap and pom pom Ownr: R Robinson, J Robinson, K Clarke, B Counihan & J J Robinson Paul Beshara (Morphettville) 08Aug S MORP 3 of 11 1200m (3)SPRNG STKS $129000 1.6L $4.60 D Tourneur 58.5 Red Eclipse 1:12.78 29Aug S CAUL 4 of 8 1100m (8)THE HEATH 1100 $162000 7th otr,wider tn,ran on fairly 4.5L $31.00 C Newitt 58 Bounding 1:03.47 12Sep G FLEM 11 of 14 1400m (14)TONTONAN $130000 13th otr to 400,made no impression 4.4L $17.00 C Newitt 56.5 Disposition 1:22.73 All(20-5-2-1) $394,000 F(0) G(17-4-2) D(--0) S(3-1-1) H(0) C(8-0-2) Dst(3-0-0) F90(5-2-1) 2ndUp(4-0-1)
Nice galloper and he is a chance in this in his best mood.
STREETS AWAY (9) 56.5kg (R95) 6. 43470 9g b Street Cry (IRE)-Our Sophie (NZ) (by Kaapstad (NZ))
Michelle Payne
Maroon, white star, white and maroon stars sleeves, white and maroon star cap Ownr: McDonald Syndicate Darren Weir (Wangoom) 15Aug G CAUL 4 of 8 1600m (3)HCP $96800 Slow,6th otr,wider 300,btld closer 4.5L $16.00 B Rawiller 60 Onpicalo 1:36.22 05Sep G M V 7 of 12 1600m (8)HCP $96800 Hndy wd,3rd otr 1200,faded 200m 4.4L $16.00 J Childs 56 Chance to Dance (IRE) 1:36.64 20Sep G BRAT 10 of 14 1600m (2)G NUGGET $53800 5.65L $7.00 D Lane 58.5 Freshwater Storm (NZ) 1:37.04 All(44-11-3-4) $555,000 F(0) G(32-6-3) D(--0) S(6-2-1) H(6-3-3) C(4-1-1) Dst(11-2-2) F90(10-2-1) 2ndUp(10-4-2)
Old timer that can't be discounted in this. Stable can work miracles.
MECIR (7) 55.5kg (R93) 7. 009X0 7g br Lonhro-Magistra Delecta (NZ) (by Al Akbar)
Dwayne Dunn
Orange Ownr: Mrs J E Hawkes, T Boland, S H H Syndicate, D Russo, M, W & J Hawkes (Flemington) Extended Eleven Syndicate 01Nov G FLEM 11 of 11 1400m (11)YELLOWGLEN $217000 5th 3w opn to 400,faded,tuff run 5.6L $51.00 J McDonald 55 Hucklebuck 1:23.29 29Nov G RHIL 9 of 13 1500m (2)FESTIVAL $108000 Trld to tn, wknd 250m 5.5L $21.00 D Dunn 54 I'm Imposing (GB) 1:28.51 19Sep G CAUL 10 of 12 1200m (12)TESTA ROSSA $130000 12th otr,wider 300,no finish 3.45L $41.00 J Winks 54.5 Fell Swoop 1:10.93 All(22-5-1-1) $278,000 F(0) G(20-5-2) D(--0) S(1-0-0) H(1-0-0) C(3-0-0) Dst(8-2-1) F90(6-3-0) 2ndUp(4-0-0)
2nd up record is a concern. With a good beginning he becomes a hope.
EXIMIUS (1) 55kg (R92) 8. 2X890 6g ch Exceed And Excel-Allegra (by Dehere (USA))
Michael Dee (a)
Navy blue and gold diamonds, navy blue sleeves, gold armbands, navy blue and gold diamonds cap Ownr: Rockmount Syndicate Mick Price (Caulfield) 05Jun S SW H 8 of 14 1200m (3)GOLD TOPAZ $108000 2.75L $17.00 D Smith 57.5 Smackdown (NZ) 1:12.26 04Jul G CAUL 9 of 12 1400m (2)HCP $86000 4th otr,und pres tn,no danger 11.15L $11.00 C Newitt 57.5 Charmed Harmony 1:24.33 25Jul G CAUL 14 of 14 1800m (9)HCP $86000 3bk inr,und ride tn,faded out 14.65L $26.00 M Dee 57.5 Miss Rose de Lago 1:50.59 All(32-5-4-2) $435,000 F(1-0-0) G(24-3-5) D(--0) S(4-1-1) H(3-1-0) C(8-0-2) Dst(14-3-2) F90(6-1-0) 2ndUp(5-1-2)
Draw helps but needs to lift on recent form.
Caulfield Races (vic) 1400m $129000($77400, $23200, $11600, $5810, $3230, $1550)
M12 RACE 4
Starts 4:45pm
PAGO ROCK (8) 54kg (R90) 9. 82400 8g b Rock of Gibraltar (IRE)-Dancing Pago (by Thunder Gulch (USA))
Kerrin McEvoy
White, green sash, black sleeves and cap Ownr: D A Hayes Hayes/Dabernig (Flemington) 08Aug S FLEM 4 of 11 1200m (3)AURIE'S STAR $163000 2nd to 400,chal 250,fght,close 1.05L $19.00 K Yeung 54 Shiraz 1:09.43 15Aug G CAUL 14 of 15 1200m (8)REGAL ROLLER $130000 5th,no room,went to line untested 5.35L $16.00 S Baster 55.5 Setinum 1:09.68 19Sep G CAUL 10 of 10 1400m (8)HCP $96800 2nd otr to 400,dropped out 5.95L $4.20 M Dee 53 Good Value 1:24.42 All(47-11-7-1) $661,000 F(2-1-0) G(35-5-7) D(--0) S(9-4-1) H(0) C(18-4-1) Dst(10-2-3) F90(9-5-0) 2ndUp(8-1-4)
Disappointed last start after a beautiful run. Could not consider.
TRISTRAM'S SUN (3) 54kg (R87) 10. 45504 7g b Yamanin Vital (NZ)-Second Edition (by Desert Sun (GB))
Craig Williams
White, green yoke, sleeves and cap Ownr: Shergar Thoroughbreds Robbie Laing (Cranbourne) 20Jun S M V 5 of 10 1600m (3)HCP $86000 9th otr to tn,beat tired ones 7.1L $7.00 J Bayliss 52 Alcohol 1:38.53 11Jul G FLEM 11 of 11 2000m (6)HCP $109000 Trailed keen,out 400,faded out 7.15L $13.00 N Callow 57.5 Falago 2:02.49 26Sep G CAUL 4 of 12 1100m (11)HCP $96800 10th otr to tn,wd 300,charged late 0.8L $101.00 J Bayliss 51 Sabatini 1:02.85 All(33-6-7-2) $245,000 F(0) G(22-3-6) D(--0) S(9-3-2) H(1-0-1) C(4-0-1) Dst(7-1-2) F90(6-1-1) 2ndUp(5-0-3)
Massive effort to get close 1st up and has a significant riding change.
Qla $
Tfa $
Winners Time:
M12 RACE 5
BEST BETS HERBERT POWER STAKES 2400m STARTS $430000($258000, $77400, $38700, $19400, $10800, $8600) 5:20pm
Leg 1 PL6, Leg 2 TRB
Trackside 1
Gear Changes: ALBONETTI (10) - Concussion Plates ON. BIKILA (13) - Winkers ON. EXCESS KNOWLEDGE (5) - Blinkers OFF.
PRINCE OF PENZANCE (12) 59kg (R104) 1. 3X855 6g b Pentire (GB)-Royal Successor (USA) (by Mr. Prospector (USA)) BB
Michelle Payne
Mauve and white checks, dark green sleeves and cap Ownr: A McGregor, A T Broadfoot, Galadi Holdings, Darren Weir (Wangoom) Wilawl Go Racing Synd, Dalton Racing, Men In Hats Synd & Winning Five Synd 29Aug S CAUL 8 of 15 1400m (14)MEMSIE $432000 15th otr,wider tn,big finish wide 2.25L $101.00 M Michelle Payne 59 Boban 1:24.61 20Sep G BRAT 5 of 14 1600m (6)G NUGGET $53800 3.8L $9.00 M Michelle Payne 62 Freshwater Storm (NZ) 1:37.04 02Oct F M V 5 of 9 2040m (4)JRA CUP $217000 5-6th otr,pushed 4wd,ran on str 1.9L $8.50 M Michelle Payne 58.5 Escado 2:05.88 All(21-6-5-2) $594,000 F(1-0-0) G(18-6-6) D(--0) S(2-0-1) H(0) C(5-1-1) Dst(2-0-1) F90(4-1-0) 2ndUp(4-1-1)
Quality stayer and he is ready to run a good race. Good each way hope.
SERTORIUS (5) 59kg (R104) 2. 21X00 8g b Galileo (IRE)-Pretty Penny (by Encosta de Lago)
Ryan Maloney
Dark green, coral red cross of lorraine Ownr: M P Palmer Jamie Edwards (Geelong) 04Apr G CAUL 1 of 11 2000m (4)EASTER CUP $162000 Akw,8th otr,impr 3w 800,got up line 0.3L $3.50 N Callow 57 Escado 2:01.40 29Aug S CAUL 10 of 15 1400m (12)MEMSIE $432000 10th 3w opn,wider tn,tough run 2.85L $31.00 R Maloney 59 Boban 1:24.61 26Sep G CAUL 10 of 12 1800m (10)UNDERWOOD $432000 10th otr,inder ride tn,no danger 4L $51.00 R Maloney 59 Mourinho 1:48.83 All(39-10-10-4) $1,360,000 F(0) G(28-7-11) D(--0) S(6-2-2) H(4-1-0) C(9-3-2) Dst(4-2-0) F90(11-2-5) 2ndUp(8-2-4)
Up to a distance where he will be a lot more competitive. Outside hope.
AMRALAH (8) 58.5kg (R103) 3. 0X017 6e b Teofilo (IRE)-Sharp Mode (USA) (by Diesis (GB))
Hugh Bowman
Navy blue, white armbands and cap Robert Hickmott (Mt. Macedon)
Ownr: N C Williams, Mr & Mrs L J Williams, J & Mrs F Ingham, P M Mehrten, B N Singer, M S Gudinski & V J Sammartino, Echo Beach B/S 29Aug S CAUL 12 of 14 1400m (2)HCP $96800 Trailed to 400,out,faded from 250m 11.1L $21.00 S Arnold 60.5 Charmed Harmony 1:23.36 19Sep G MORP 1 of 11 1800m (4)TOKYO CITY $108000 3L $5.00 S King 58.5 Back On Target 1:47.86 04Oct G FLEM 7 of 15 2000m (11)TURNBULL $540000 10th otr to 400,ran on in tght qtrs 1.75L $5.50 D Oliver 55 Preferment (NZ) 2:01.34 All(15-5-2-2) $252,000 F(0) G(11-4-3) D(--0) S(4-1-1) H(0) C(1-0-0) Dst(3-1-1) F90(6-1-2) 2ndUp(3-1-1)
Decent run last week and will love step up in distance. Solid hope in this.
ESCADO (9) 58kg (R102) 4. 81971 6g b Casino Prince-Secret Cause (by Giant's Causeway (USA))
Ben Melham
Red, green celtic cross, sleeves and cap Ownr: Miss R A Allen, Mrs J C Monk, E M Whitehead, Mrs L J Laurie, Matt Laurie (Mornington) J G Ferguson, C W J Ferguson, Mrs G P Whitehead, L J Knowles, N R Parker & Mrs V C Lynch 29Aug S CAUL 9 of 16 1700m (1)HEATHERLIE HCP $130000 4bk inr,wdr 300,out,no dash 7.5L $16.00 B Melham 58 Magnapal 1:43.41 12Sep G FLEM 7 of 15 1700m (5)HCP $96800 4th otr,loomed 4w 400,no danger 4.2L $51.00 B Melham 59 Iggimacool 1:43.76 02Oct F M V 1 of 9 2040m (6)JRA CUP $217000 Soon led,went clear tn,held on late 0.1L $41.00 B Melham 56.5 Magnapal 2:05.88 All(38-5-5-3) $886,000 F(2-1-0) G(27-1-5) D(--0) S(6-1-2) H(2-2-0) C(7-0-2) Dst(2-1-1) F90(6-1-0) 2ndUp(6-0-1)
Tough front running display last start. Goes well over this distance.
EXCESS KNOWLEDGE (13) 57.5kg (R101) 5. 1X572 6e br Monsun (GER)-Quenched (GB) (by Dansili (GB))
Blake Shinn
Black, gold rtr logo, collar, cap and pom pom Gai Waterhouse (Flemington)
Ownr: A & S Olive, Gold Front T'breds Breeding & Racing, D & R Henderson, Monet P/L 15Aug G CAUL 5 of 9 1400m (7)LAWRENCE STK $216000 2nd otr,pushed 3w 300,faded 100m 1.95L $4.60 K McEvoy 59 Mourinho 1:23.54 29Aug S CAUL 7 of 16 1700m (13)HEATHERLIE HCP $130000 8th 3w opn,wdr tn,tough run 6.7L $5.00 K McEvoy 58.5 Magnapal 1:43.41 26Sep G CAUL 2 of 12 2400m (2)H WHITE $129000 Trld,shuffled bk 700,out,flew,misd 0.2L $3.70 K McEvoy 58 Black Tomahawk 2:30.14 All(16-4-4-2) $305,000 F(0) G(11-4-3) D(--0) S(5-0-3) H(0) C(3-0-1) Dst(2-0-2) F90(6-2-2) 2ndUp(6-2-3)
Should have won last start. With better luck he will be hard to beat.
BONDEIGER (3) 56kg (R98) 6. 2X003 4e b br War Pass (USA)-Debutante Robe (JPN) (by Admire Vega (JPN))
James Winks
Black, orange checked sash, checked cap Ownr: Eales Racing Pty Ltd Danny O'Brien (Flemington) 15Aug G CAUL 15 of 15 1200m (7)REGAL ROLLER $130000 14th inr,cut cnr,never emerged 6.35L $41.00 J Winks 58.5 Setinum 1:09.68 12Sep G FLEM 15 of 15 1700m (1)HCP $96800 Trailed till tn,dropped out 14L $41.00 J Winks 58 Iggimacool 1:43.76 26Sep G CAUL 3 of 12 2000m (5)SWP $269000 5bk inr,wd tn,big fin,hmp late,clse 0.5L $14.00 J Winks 56 Firehouse Rock 2:02.51 All(9-2-2-2) $436,000 F(0) G(8-2-3) D(--0) S(1-0-1) H(0) C(3-1-1) Dst(0) F90(3-0-2) 2ndUp(2-1-0)
Much better run last start. Has ability and do not discount in this.
ETHIOPIA (7) 54.5kg (R95) 7. X0003 7g b Helenus-Shona (by Spectrum (IRE)) BB
Rhys McLeod
Light blue, green hoops and cap Ownr: Wyadup Valley Farm Pat Carey (Balnarring) 05Sep G M V 11 of 11 1600m (8)FEEHAN $270000 Rear all the way,vet problem 32.85L $201.00 P Moloney 59 The Cleaner 1:36.30 19Sep G CAUL 14 of 16 2000m (4)NATURALISM $162000 Akw,slow,4bk inr,never emerged 7.5L $101.00 D Gauci 54 Magnapal 2:02.78 26Sep G CAUL 3 of 12 2400m (1)H WHITE $129000 3bk inr,flat footed 800,gd fin,3rd= 2.7L $26.00 P Moloney 55 Black Tomahawk 2:30.14 All(22-1-1-3) $1,390,000 F(0) G(18-1-3) D(--0) S(3-0-1) H(1-0-0) C(6-0-2) Dst(3-1-1) F90(6-0-1) 2ndUp(5-0-1)
Best effort for ages last start. Class at best and is a dead set stayer. Chance.
BLACK TOMAHAWK (2) 54kg (R94) 8. 23331 6g br bl Seul Amour (NZ)-Willisa (by Vite Cheval (NZ))
Glen Boss
Light blue, black sleeves, red cap Michael Moroney (Flemington)
Ownr: Miss S E Mooney, J Huitfeldt, A J Schmedje, D Finch, A Kustron, M D Knaap, H A Knaap, A Fairbairn, J Clark, M Connolly & G Leyden 02Sep G SANL 3 of 8 2400m (5)BM78 $43000 Set pace,fought on 2.5L $4.60 S Arnold 58.5 Sir Laszlo (NZ) 2:30.30 16Sep S PAKM 3 of 14 2500m (4)BM78 $43000 6th outer,solid finish 0.5L $8.00 J Bayliss 55.5 Annus Mirabilis (IRE) 2:38.76 26Sep G CAUL 1 of 12 2400m (3)H WHITE $129000 4th,7th 900,took off,led 800,game 0.2L $11.00 G Boss 54 Excess Knowledge (GB) 2:30.14 All(19-4-2-6) $156,000 F(0) G(4-1-1) D(--0) S(12-2-6) H(3-1-1) C(1-1-0) Dst(2-1-1) F90(3-0-0) 2ndUp(3-2-0)
Took the initiative to win well last start. Definite contender in this.
Caulfield Races (vic) 2400m $430000($258000, $77400, $38700, $19400, $10800, $8600)
M12 RACE 5
Starts 5:20pm
BOHEMIAN LILY (1) 53kg (R95) 9. 1X692 4m b O'Reilly (NZ)-Bohemian Blues (NZ) (by Blues Traveller (IRE))
Kerrin McEvoy
Gold, navy blue cap Ownr: K J Hickman Gai Waterhouse (Randwick) 05Sep S RAND 6 of 7 1400m (2)BM85 $91400 2nd otr to 400,fght,faded 200m 3.9L $4.00 B Shinn 57.5 Sadler's Lake 1:25.36 19Sep S RAND 9 of 14 2000m (2)HILL STKS $217000 Reared,4bk inr,wdr 400,made ground 2.1L $26.00 K McEvoy 56 Preferment (NZ) 2:06.81 26Sep S RHIL 2 of 8 2400m (3)CSTEPHEN $135000 Led,2nd otr 1600,tried hard 400m 3.3L $5.00 T Clark 56.5 Amelie's Star 2:30.84 All(13-3-3-1) $282,000 F(0) G(5-3-1) D(--0) S(7-0-3) H(1-0-0) C(0) Dst(1-0-1) F90(3-0-1) 2ndUp(3-1-1)
Smart mare from Sydney and she will be very competitive in this.
ALBONETTI (4) 53kg (R91) 10. 44615 6m b Ustinov-Command Performer (by Royal Academy (USA))
Dwayne Dunn
Gold, burgundy seams, white sleeves, burgundy armbands, white and burgundy spots cap Ownr: Mockingbird Hill Stud Synd Sue Jaensch (Naracoorte) 05Sep G M V 6 of 14 2040m (5)HCP $96800 4bk inr,otr cnr,out 200,game fin 1.9L $8.00 M Carson 54 Digitalism 2:06.72 12Sep G FLEM 1 of 11 2500m (9)HCP $96800 4th otr,took over 300,too strong 2L $7.50 D Dunn 54 Sir Mako (NZ) 2:39.60 26Sep G CAUL 5 of 12 2400m (11)H WHITE $129000 6th 3w cvr,2nd otr 1200,btld well 2.9L $5.50 D Dunn 54 Black Tomahawk 2:30.14 All(26-5-4-3) $174,000 F(0) G(17-2-6) D(--0) S(6-2-0) H(3-1-1) C(3-0-0) Dst(2-0-0) F90(5-1-2) 2ndUp(5-0-2)
Racing in good form and is a each way hope in this at good odds.
AT FIRST SIGHT (11) 53kg (R86) 11. 62643 9g ch Galileo (IRE)-Healing Music (FR) (by Bering (GB))
Craig Williams
Royal blue and white checks, red sleeves and cap Darren Weir (Wangoom)
Ownr: D J Molloy, Mrs D M Molloy, B J Molloy, W J Molloy, J W Mortensen, G Orr, P A White & J Gray 22Aug G M V 6 of 13 2500m (11)BM96 $86000 11th otr,impr wd cnr,no danger 3.15L $6.50 D Lane 57 Sir Mako (NZ) 2:40.95 12Sep G FLEM 4 of 11 2500m (3)HCP $96800 4bk inr,out wdr 400,ran on 3.05L $9.00 D Lane 54.5 Albonetti 2:39.60 26Sep G CAUL 3 of 12 2400m (6)H WHITE $129000 8th otr,wdr 600,out,big late,3rd= 2.7L $7.00 J McDonald 54.5 Black Tomahawk 2:30.14 All(25-1-7-2) $975,000 F(0) G(20-0-9) D(--0) S(5-1-0) H(0) C(3-0-3) Dst(5-0-3) F90(5-0-1) 2ndUp(5-1-1)
Keeps running sound races but just has to lift that little bit extra to win.
MISTER IMPATIENCE (6) 53kg (R85) 12. 71410 6g b br Hernando (FR)-Katy Nowaitee (GB) (by Komaite (USA))
Daniel Moor
Navy blue, gold lightning bolt, gold and white armbands, gold cap Ownr: R & C Legh Racing Pty Ltd Michael Moroney (Flemington) 20Jun H RAND 4 of 6 2600m (4)BM75 $91400 Set slow pace,hdd 400,no extra 8.2L $3.00 B Loy 58 Soviet Courage (IRE) 2:56.06 04Jul S SCST 1 of 9 3200m (1)QLD CUP $161000 Trailed,out 600,kept givin,up line 0.1L $4.80 R Fradd 58 Pop 'n' Scotch 3:31.16 16Sep S PAKM 14 of 14 1600m (11)BM78 $43000 Settled 12th,plugged str 9.8L $101.00 J Childs 61.5 Velox (GB) 1:39.04 All(26-4-2-2) $203,000 F(0) G(13-0-3) D(--0) S(11-4-1) H(2-0-0) C(0) Dst(4-0-1) F90(5-1-0) 2ndUp(4-0-0)
Wait till he shows form.
BIKILA (10) 53kg (R72) 13. 74X70 4g b Street Sense (USA)-Drawbridge (IRE) (by Rainbow Quest (USA))
Patrick Moloney (a)
Light blue, green hoops and cap Ownr: Wyadup Valley Farm Pat Carey (Balnarring) 06Apr S RAND 4 of 10 2400m (8)ATC DERBY $2260000 10th till tn,wdr 400,game finish 1.9L $151.00 C Schofield 56.5 Mongolian Khan 2:37.10 05Sep G M V 7 of 14 1500m (10)BM78 $53800 12th otr,out wider cnr,ran on 4.1L $18.00 P Moloney 56.5 Bon Rocket 1:31.02 23Sep S PAKM 11 of 14 2000m (5)BM78 $43000 Settled 9th,plugged away 6.3L $15.00 P Moloney 56.5 Allano (IRE) 2:05.87 All(7-1-0-0) $136,000 F(0) G(4-1-0) D(--0) S(3-0-0) H(0) C(0) Dst(1-0-0) F90(2-0-0) 2ndUp(2-0-0)
Dead set stayer with a good trainer of stayer's. Upset hope in this.
Qla $
Tfa $
Winners Time:
M12 RACE 6
CAULFIELD STAKES 2000m $430000($258000, $77400, $38700, $19400, $10800, $8600)
Leg 1 DBL, Leg 2 PL6, Leg 3 TRB
1. 21356
STARTS 5:55pm Trackside 1
CRITERION (7) 59kg (R116)
Michael Walker
5e ch Sebring-Mica's Pride (by Bite the Bullet (USA)) Yellow, white checked sash, checked sleeves and cap Ownr: Sir O G Glenn Hayes/Dabernig (Randwick) 26Apr G SHTN 3 of 12 2000m (1)QEII CUP $3390000 prkd slow pace, tried hard in str 2.1L $2.50 C Williams 57 Blazing Speed (GB) 2:02.89 17Jun G ASC. 5 of 9 2012m (7)PRINCE OF WALES $1060000 3.75L $21.00 C Schofield 57 Free Eagle (IRE) 2:05.07 19Aug S YOR. 6 of 7 2092m (5)JUDDMONTE $1840000 5.25L $23.00 W Buick 60 Arabian Queen (IRE) 2:09.90 All(29-6-6-5) $6,520,000 F(0) G(21-3-9) D(--0) S(5-2-1) H(3-1-1) C(1-0-1) Dst(10-2-5) F90(7-1-3) 2ndUp(5-1-2)
Has been all over the world since win in Queen Elizabeth. Expect a good run.
FAWKNER (4) 59kg (R116) 2. 20X12 8g gr Reset-Dane Belltar (by Danewin)
Craig Williams
Navy blue, white armbands and cap Ownr: N C Williams, Mr & Mrs L J Williams Robert Hickmott (Mt. Macedon) 04Nov G FLEM 10 of 22 3200m (8)MELB CUP $6670000 4th otr,wdr 400,out 300,just btld 12.9L $8.50 N Hall 57 Protectionist (GER) 3:17.71 12Sep G FLEM 1 of 14 1600m (11)MAKYBE DIVA $432000 6th otr,wdr 400,surged,led 50,class 0.2L $4.80 D Oliver 59 Rising Romance (NZ) 1:37.96 26Sep G CAUL 2 of 12 1800m (2)UNDERWOOD $432000 4th inr,out,wound up,big late,misd 0.1L $3.40 D Oliver 59 Mourinho 1:48.83 All(28-11-6-3) $4,030,000 F(0) G(24-7-9) D(--0) S(2-2-0) H(2-2-0) C(4-2-2) Dst(5-1-3) F90(9-3-2) 2ndUp(7-4-2)
Won this race last year and he looks a good bet of winning again this year.
HAPPY TRAILS (6) 59kg (R112) 3. X6050 8g ch Good Journey (USA)-Madame Flurry (by Perugino (USA)) BB BB
Mark Zahra
Red, yellow and green thirds, striped cap Paul Beshara (Morphettville)
Ownr: P & Mrs E Dickmann, J & Mrs K Dickmann & Ms N Dickmann & P Swanell 29Aug S CAUL 12 of 15 1400m (11)MEMSIE $432000 13th otr,wdr tn,no room from 300m 3.25L $31.00 G Boss 59 Boban 1:24.61 12Sep G FLEM 5 of 14 1600m (3)MAKYBE DIVA $432000 8th otr,loomed 5w 400,game finish 0.7L $10.00 G Boss 59 Fawkner 1:37.96 04Oct G FLEM 10 of 15 2000m (3)TURNBULL $540000 3bk inr,blokd tn,no room,had more 2.25L $12.00 D Dunn 59 Preferment (NZ) 2:01.34 All(54-7-9-7) $3,270,000 F(0) G(36-6-11) D(--0) S(16-1-4) H(2-0-1) C(11-1-3) Dst(13-2-4) F90(11-1-3) 2ndUp(11-1-4)
Has had no luck. Capable of winning this. Do not discount in this.
CONTRIBUTER (1) 59kg (R113) 4. 11X56 6e b High Chaparral (IRE)-Serisia (FR) (by Exit to Nowhere (USA)) BB
Blake Shinn
Royal blue Ownr: Godolphin John O'Shea (Flemington) 21Mar G RHIL 1 of 7 2000m (5)RANVET $545000 6th otr,pounced 200,raced away,ezy 1.3L $2.50 J McDonald 59 Tosen Stardom (JPN) 2:03.10 05Sep G M V 5 of 11 1600m (1)FEEHAN $270000 3bk inr,loomed 3w cnr,tght,ran on 3.25L $2.20 D Dunn 59 The Cleaner 1:36.30 26Sep G CAUL 6 of 12 1800m (8)UNDERWOOD $432000 Slow,9th inr,peeled wdr tn,ran on 2.55L $4.00 J McDonald 59 Mourinho 1:48.83 All(16-8-2-1) $1,160,000 F(1-0-0) G(11-7-1) D(--0) S(4-1-2) H(0) C(2-1-0) Dst(6-5-1) F90(7-5-0) 2ndUp(5-1-2)
Taking his time this prep. Class when right. Might need one more.
PORNICHET (3) 59kg (R112) 5. 1X263 5e b Vespone (IRE)-Porza (FR) (by Septieme Ciel (USA)) BB BB
Kerrin McEvoy
Gold, purple star, gold and white stars sleeves, purple cap Ownr: Mt Hallowell Stud Gai Waterhouse (Randwick) 22Aug G RAND 2 of 13 1400m (9)WARWICKSTK $271000 2nd otr,loomed,kicked 200,led,fght 1.5L $4.80 B Shinn 59 Royal Descent 1:21.57 05Sep S RAND 6 of 16 1600m (10)CHELMSFORD $271000 6th 3w cvr,loomed 250,faded late 3.3L $3.50 B Shinn 59 Complacent 1:37.68 19Sep S RAND 3 of 9 1600m (8)GEO MAIN $543000 Cght 3w,led otr 1000,kikd,cght late 0.6L $6.50 B Shinn 59 Kermadec (NZ) 1:37.70 All(19-7-2-3) $1,110,000 F(0) G(9-4-1) D(--0) S(10-3-4) H(0) C(0) Dst(3-2-0) F90(6-1-3) 2ndUp(5-2-0)
Fit and raring to go after Sydney. Good chance in this.
ENTIRELY PLATINUM (5) 59kg (R107) 6. 0X235 6g ch Pentire (GB)-Platinum Blond (NZ) (by Kaapstad (NZ))
Dwayne Dunn
Orange Ownr: N Giorgetta, G P I Racing M, W & J Hawkes (Flemington) 29Aug S CAUL 2 of 15 1400m (6)MEMSIE $432000 Set pace to 400,fght hard,bombed 0.1L $9.50 D Dunn 59 Boban 1:24.61 12Sep G FLEM 3 of 14 1600m (12)MAKYBE DIVA $432000 Slow,wd,2nd 1000,led 300,cght late 0.4L $15.00 D Dunn 59 Fawkner 1:37.96 03Oct G RAND 5 of 14 1600m (13)EPSOM $1080000 Wd,ld 1400,tkld 500,battled on 300m 3.5L $8.50 T Berry 57.5 Winx 1:34.58 All(23-6-6-2) $595,000 F(0) G(17-4-6) D(--0) S(3-1-2) H(3-1-0) C(4-0-3) Dst(5-0-2) F90(7-2-3) 2ndUp(6-3-1)
Will set the pace in this but this is a high class field. Others better.
KERMADEC (8) 58kg (R115) 7. 1X521 4e b Teofilo (IRE)-Hy Fuji (by Fuji Kiseki (JPN)) BB BB BB
Glen Boss
White, royal blue hooped sleeves and cap Ownr: N Morgan Chris Waller (Flemington) 22Aug G RAND 5 of 13 1400m (6)WARWICKSTK $271000 Slow,crw,4bk inr,out wdr 400,gd fin 2L $4.40 G Boss 58.5 Royal Descent 1:21.57 05Sep S RAND 2 of 16 1600m (12)CHELMSFORD $271000 Hndy wd,5th 3w 1200,2nd 200,game 1.3L $5.00 G Boss 58.5 Complacent 1:37.68 19Sep S RAND 1 of 9 1600m (4)GEO MAIN $543000 Idled 5th otr,asserted class late 0.5L $2.35 G Schofield 58.5 Royal Descent 1:37.70 All(11-4-2-2) $2,770,000 F(0) G(8-2-3) D(--0) S(3-2-1) H(0) C(0) Dst(0) F90(3-1-0) 2ndUp(3-0-3)
High class. Ready to win. Not a certainty. 1st start at Caulfield the worry.
MONGOLIAN KHAN (2) 58kg (R112) 8. 51X74 4e b Holy Roman Emperor (IRE)-Centafit (NZ) (by Centaine) BB BB BB
Opie Bosson
Red, white vee and armbands Ownr: Inner Mongolia Rider Horse Industry Ltd Murray Baker (Cambridge (NZ)) 06Apr S RAND 1 of 10 2400m (1)ATC DERBY $2260000 Hndy inr to 400,tght,chl,too strong 0.8L $6.50 O Bosson 56.5 Hauraki 2:37.10 12Sep G FLEM 7 of 14 1600m (7)MAKYBE DIVA $432000 Hndy,4th otr 1000,3w 400,kept on 1.55L $21.00 O Bosson 58.5 Fawkner 1:37.96 26Sep G CAUL 4 of 12 1800m (3)UNDERWOOD $432000 Akw,slow,7th inrwdr tn,solid finish 1.7L $15.00 O Bosson 58 Mourinho 1:48.83 All(11-7-0-0) $2,080,000 F(0) G(7-3-0) D(--0) S(4-4-0) H(0) C(1-0-0) Dst(2-1-0) F90(2-1-0) 2ndUp(2-0-0)
NZ best stayer and if they run this hard he will be coming hard late. Chance.
Caulfield Races (vic) 2000m $430000($258000, $77400, $38700, $19400, $10800, $8600)
M12 RACE 6
Qla $
Tfa $
Starts 5:55pm
Winners Time:
M12 RACE 7
DAVID JONES NBCF TOORAK HANDICAP 1600m STARTS $430000($258000, $77400, $38700, $19400, $10800, $8600) 6:30pm
Leg 2 DBL, Leg 3 PL6, Leg 1 QAD
Trackside 1
Gear Changes: AKAVOROUN (16) - Blinkers ON. PUCCINI (6) - Ear Muffs ON.
LUCKY HUSSLER (4) 58kg (R109) 1. 67X46 6g b Husson (ARG)-Talaq Dancer (by Black Hawk (GB))
Glen Boss
Yellow, red emblem, red and green band and cuffs, hooped cap with yellow pom pom Ownr: G I Makauskas, Mrs C I Makauskas, A V Makauskas, Darren Weir (Wangoom) Mrs P F Makauskas, C S Gall, Mrs S A Gall, Mrs C P Cook, B Gall & E C Gall 16May G MORP 7 of 17 1200m (11)THE GOODWOOD $539000 10th 4w cvr,loomed 200,galloped on 2.8L $7.50 G Boss 58.5 Flamberge 1:09.33 12Sep G FLEM 4 of 13 1200m (2)BOBBIE LEWIS $217000 Akw,3bk inr,thru 300,loomed,fght 1.3L $8.50 G Boss 59 Churchill Dancer 1:08.86 26Sep G CAUL 6 of 18 1400m (2)RUP CLARKE $432000 7th otr,blokd,searched,still waitin 1.65L $14.00 G Boss 58 Stratum Star 1:22.09 All(30-6-4-3) $986,000 F(1-0-1) G(21-5-5) D(--0) S(6-1-1) H(2-0-0) C(3-1-1) Dst(4-0-2) F90(8-3-1) 2ndUp(8-1-2)
Dead stiff last start. Good draw and he will be very hard to beat in this.
STRATUM STAR (2) 57kg (R107) 2. 2X731 4e ch Stratum-Purely Spectacular (NZ) (by Pins) BB
Craig Williams
Maroon, white star, white and maroon stars sleeves, white and maroon star cap Ownr: D Davidson, M Krauser, A Davidson, M Davidson, Darren Weir (Ballarat) Estate of C Peoples, I Berger, H Kalus, Dr N Siow, M Wolper, A Yeo, S Cheng, Widden Stud Pty Ltd, Balmerino Racing Partnership & The Hankton 15Aug G CAUL 7 of 15 1200m (14)REGAL ROLLER $130000 15th otr to 400,flying home late wd 2.1L $6.50 M Zahra 56.5 Setinum 1:09.68 29Aug S CAUL 3 of 15 1400m (7)MEMSIE $432000 5th otr,wider 300,chal 100,missed 0.2L $8.00 B Melham 58.5 Boban 1:24.61 26Sep G CAUL 1 of 18 1400m (15)RUP CLARKE $432000 2nd,5th otr 800,drove late,up line 0.1L $9.00 C Williams 54.5 Disposition 1:22.09 All(18-4-5-4) $692,000 F(0) G(15-3-7) D(--0) S(3-1-2) H(0) C(6-2-1) Dst(3-0-3) F90(4-0-2) 2ndUp(4-1-2)
Draw helps and he is hard fit for this. Strong chance in this.
LEEBAZ (12) 56kg (R105) 3. 10X09 6g b Zabeel (NZ)-Polish Princess (GB) (by Polish Precedent (USA))
James Winks
Black, white star and cap Ownr: G P I Racing M, W & J Hawkes (Flemington) 09May G DOOM 14 of 15 2000m (11)DOOMBEN CUP $705000 Slow,led 1500,faded 300,glpd on 11.3L $5.00 J Byrne 59 Pornichet (FR) 2:02.52 12Sep G FLEM 12 of 14 1400m (2)TONTONAN $130000 Sped to lead,tkld,hdd 300,no extra 4.5L $15.00 D Dunn 60 Disposition 1:22.73 26Sep G CAUL 9 of 18 1400m (12)RUP CLARKE $432000 Cght wd,9th 3w cvr 900,chl 300,btld 2.35L $61.00 J Winks 56 Stratum Star 1:22.09 All(20-7-4-1) $767,000 F(1-0-0) G(15-6-3) D(--0) S(3-1-1) H(1-0-1) C(2-0-0) Dst(6-3-1) F90(6-2-0) 2ndUp(6-3-1)
Not racing as well he can so far this prep. Draw no help. Others better.
STRAWBERRY BOY (16) 56kg (R105) 4. 11X44 7g br Redoute's Choice-Strawberry Girl (USA) (by Strawberry Road)
Jim Cassidy
Royal blue, white crossed sashes Ownr: Strawberry Hill Stud Chris Waller (Flemington) 06Jun G DOOM 1 of 10 1600m (7)WAYNE WILSON $108000 Worked to lead,kicked,held well 0.2L $2.20 Z Purton 58.5 Flamingo Star (GER) 1:34.58 12Sep G RHIL 4 of 14 1300m (5)THEO MARKS $217000 Worked to lead 900,swamped 50m 0.6L $15.00 J Cassidy 58 Winx 1:15.77 26Sep G CAUL 4 of 18 1400m (14)RUP CLARKE $432000 Raced over to lead 1200,cght 50m 0.6L $21.00 J Cassidy 56 Stratum Star 1:22.09 All(26-9-3-5) $699,000 F(0) G(19-7-6) D(--0) S(6-2-2) H(1-0-0) C(5-1-2) Dst(6-4-1) F90(8-4-1) 2ndUp(8-3-2)
Tough effort when he was only caught late last start. Draw no help again.
NINTH LEGION (5) 55.5kg (R104) 5. 02X36 6g b Fastnet Rock-Xaar's Jewel (by Xaar (GB))
Blake Shinn
Red, yellow seams and cap Ownr: Segenhoe Thoroughbreds Australia M, W & J Hawkes (Flemington) 25Apr G GCST 2 of 14 1400m (11)P MIN CUP $109000 7th 4w opn,kept comin,game effort 1L $4.20 B Shinn 60.5 Neo (NZ) 1:22.62 12Sep G RHIL 3 of 14 1300m (1)THEO MARKS $217000 Trailed to 400,out 250,tried hard 0.4L $13.00 T Angland 57 Winx 1:15.77 26Sep G RHIL 6 of 11 1500m (2)SHANNON $190000 Trailed to 400,out inr,just battled 2.3L $5.50 C Reith 58 Vashka 1:29.25 All(33-6-6-4) $837,000 F(0) G(23-6-8) D(--0) S(7-0-2) H(3-0-0) C(0) Dst(6-1-0) F90(8-2-2) 2ndUp(8-2-3)
Didn't fire 2nd up but is much better than that. Chance at nice odds in this.
PUCCINI (3) 55.5kg (R104) 6. 40X00 5e b Encosta de Lago-Miss Opera (NZ) (by Paris Opera)
Ben Melham
Royal blue, gold lightning bolt, gold cap Ownr: Monovale Holdings Syndicate Peter & Jacob McKay (Matamata (NZ)) 06Apr S RAND 16 of 20 1600m (14)DONCASTER $3330000 Chckd 1300,17th 3w cvr,no danger 7.3L $81.00 C Newitt 52.5 Kermadec (NZ) 1:37.61 29Aug S HAST 11 of 16 1400m (8)MAKFI CHALLENGE $206000 14th innr,out tn,pressed on innr 5.7L $22.00 M Danielle Johnson 59 Kawi (NZ) 1:22.25 26Sep G CAUL 13 of 14 1700m (6)HCP $96800 11th 3w cvr,impr closer 600,no fin 8.45L $61.00 C Newitt 61.5 Kenjorwood 1:41.89 All(30-8-2-4) $954,000 F(1-0-0) G(19-7-3) D(--0) S(9-1-3) H(1-0-0) C(1-0-0) Dst(12-4-3) F90(4-0-1) 2ndUp(4-1-1)
Good Kiwi horse with a decent draw. Chance at big odds in this.
DISPOSITION (7) 55kg (R103) 7. 24X12 4g b Reset-Test Case (by Testa Rossa) BB
Dwayne Dunn
Cerise, white crossed sashes, quartered cap Ownr: Peters Investments Pty Ltd Syndicate L&A Freedman (Pinecliff Mt. Eliza) 04Apr G CAUL 4 of 15 1400m (7)VIC HCP $162000 7th 3w cvr,5w 300,fght,stuck well 1.55L $2.35 W Pike 54 Watermans Bay 1:23.44 12Sep G FLEM 1 of 14 1400m (4)TONTONAN $130000 5th otr,took over 300,class above 1L $2.25 D Oliver 55 Akavoroun 1:22.73 26Sep G CAUL 2 of 18 1400m (3)RUP CLARKE $432000 Trailed,pushed out 300,fght,missed 0.1L $4.00 D Oliver 54 Stratum Star 1:22.09 All(10-5-4-0) $624,000 F(0) G(10-5-4) D(--0) S(0) H(0) C(2-0-1) Dst(1-0-1) F90(3-2-1) 2ndUp(3-1-1)
He is flying this prep and he looks a good each way chance in this.
KENJORWOOD (9) 55kg (R103) 8. 31441 6g b Snippetson-Flying Diva (by Flying Spur)
Vlad Duric
Pink, green stars, pink and green stars cap Ownr: E C Jordan, L A Winwood, L M Jordan & D B Kenny Peter G Moody (Caulfield) 22Aug G M V 4 of 12 1500m (10)HCP $96800 Worked wd,5th 3w,2nd otr 800,game 0.7L $3.20 R Bayliss 57.5 The United States (IRE) 1:32.47 05Sep G M V 4 of 11 1600m (3)FEEHAN $270000 2nd otr to 200,battled on gamely 3.15L $15.00 L Currie 59 The Cleaner 1:36.30 26Sep G CAUL 1 of 14 1700m (12)HCP $96800 Wd,2nd otr 1400,led tn,clung on 0.2L $8.00 R Bayliss 57.5 Jacquinot Bay 1:41.89 All(32-7-8-6) $487,000 F(0) G(21-5-7) D(--0) S(6-0-4) H(5-2-3) C(3-2-0) Dst(6-2-3) F90(6-1-2) 2ndUp(5-1-2)
Tough when winning last start but this race is a lot harder. Others better.
M12 RACE 7
Caulfield Races (vic) 1600m $430000($258000, $77400, $38700, $19400, $10800, $8600)
AMICUS (17) 54.5kg (R106) 9. 0X110 4m b Fastnet Rock-Gold Chant (by El Moxie (USA)) BB BB
Starts 6:30pm I Doubtful
White, black check, purple sleeves Ownr: I Bruce, B L Mathieson, N A Greenhalgh, R Smith, Stratheden Stud Chris Waller (Flemington) 22Aug G RAND 1 of 8 1300m (6)TOY SHOW $135000 5th inr,5w 400,pounced late,nice 0.3L $6.00 H Bowman 57.5 Echo Gal 1:15.62 12Sep G FLEM 1 of 16 1400m (13)LETS ELOPE $217000 13th,3w cvr tn,flew late,up line 0.3L $15.00 C Newitt 58 Precious Gem 1:23.07 26Sep G CAUL 16 of 18 1400m (13)RUP CLARKE $432000 17th 3w cvr,wide 300,no danger 5.8L $15.00 C Newitt 54.5 Stratum Star 1:22.09 All(15-4-2-2) $712,000 F(0) G(11-3-4) D(--0) S(4-1-0) H(0) C(4-1-2) Dst(2-1-0) F90(4-1-2) 2ndUp(4-2-1)
FLAMINGO STAR (14) 54.5kg (R102) 10. 2X094 6e b Areion (GER)-Flamingo Island (GER) (by Acatenango (GER))
Craig Newitt
Light blue, pink star Chris Waller (Flemington)
Ownr: Mrs M Haller, B L Mathieson, N Greenhalgh, R Smith, S G McPeake, I Bruce, Magic Bloodstock Racing Syndicate 05Sep S RAND 12 of 14 1400m (3)TRAMWAY $190000 3bk inr to tn,never emerged 4.5L $7.50 H Bowman 56.5 Hooked 1:24.49 18Sep G NCLE 9 of 10 1500m (7)CAMERON $163000 2.9L $5.50 H Bowman 57 Forget 1:29.64 26Sep G RHIL 4 of 11 1500m (4)SHANNON $190000 4th otr to 400,out wdr,boxed on 0.7L $6.00 H Bowman 56.5 Vashka 1:29.25 All(21-4-5-1) $254,000 F(1-0-1) G(10-1-3) D(--0) S(8-3-1) H(2-0-1) C(0) Dst(5-1-2) F90(6-0-0) 2ndUp(5-0-4)
Import that has not performed yet this prep. First time in Melbourne.
HI WORLD (13) 54.5kg (R102) 11. 1X507 4e b High Chaparral (IRE)-Beauty World (by Danehill Dancer (IRE))
Kerrin McEvoy
White, gold and black band, black and gold stars sleeves, black cap Ownr: Oldknow Racing, Singandnock, H D J Sonnenberg, R A Jones, Peter G Moody (Caulfield) O K Chan, S Morley, I M Boyes, K M Keenan, G T Martin, Miss E A Kemp, B A Wheeler, G O Connally, C A Brown, S O'Casey, L A C Crellin, Mrs C Crellin, S A Henderson, S F Harney, Mrs R D Harney, K A Puts & L J Chan 29Aug S CAUL 5 of 15 1400m (1)MEMSIE $432000 Trailed,jostld 300,tght,gd late inr 1.55L $6.00 K McEvoy 58.5 Boban 1:24.61 12Sep G FLEM 10 of 14 1600m (14)MAKYBE DIVA $432000 Worked over,led 1000,hdd 300,btld 2.15L $13.00 K McEvoy 58.5 Fawkner 1:37.96 26Sep G CAUL 7 of 12 1800m (6)UNDERWOOD $432000 Wd,2nd otr 1200,chl 300,faded 100m 2.65L $21.00 K McEvoy 58 Mourinho 1:48.83 All(10-4-1-1) $333,000 F(0) G(6-1-2) D(--0) S(2-1-0) H(2-2-0) C(2-0-0) Dst(4-2-0) F90(4-1-2) 2ndUp(3-1-0)
Smart galloper that has not come up this prep. Might need a wet track.
HOPFGARTEN (1) 54kg (R101) 12. 358X0 5g b Mossman-Black Tourmaline (NZ) (by O'Reilly (NZ))
Glen Colless
Pink, black checks and sleeves, checked cap Robert Heathcote (Eagle Farm)
Ownr: Mrs V A Heathcote, B W Harry, T M Lockwood, Mrs E A Lockwood, S A Martin, D Merola, C A Lord & R J Gannon, D C R Synd 09May G DOOM 5 of 15 2000m (13)DOOMBEN CUP $705000 5th otr,up 2nd 300,boxed on 3.9L $17.00 D Browne 59 Pornichet (FR) 2:02.52 23May G DOOM 8 of 11 1600m (5)LORD MAYOR'S $136000 5th otr to 400,out,no dash 8L $5.00 D Browne 59 Strawberry Boy 1:35.64 26Sep G CAUL 12 of 18 1400m (11)RUP CLARKE $432000 16th otr to 400,blokd 300,late fin 2.95L $51.00 G Colless 54 Stratum Star 1:22.09 All(29-9-4-2) $466,000 F(0) G(23-6-5) D(--0) S(4-2-1) H(2-1-0) C(1-0-0) Dst(9-3-2) F90(6-2-1) 2ndUp(5-1-2)
Good draw. Was noticed late 1st up. Chance at big odds in this.
NOBLE PROTECTOR (6) 54kg (R105) 13. 113X0 6m b Haafhd (GB)-All Glory (GB) (by Alzao (USA))
Michael Walker
Claret, gold braiding, claret cap, gold tassel Ownr: Qatar Bloodstock Ltd Robert Smerdon (Caulfield) 27Mar G M V 1 of 10 1600m (1)SUNLINE STKS $217000 Soon led,solid tempo,bolted in 2L $1.40 C Williams 57 Girl in Flight 1:36.51 11Apr S RAND 3 of 15 1600m (7)QUEEN TURF $1170000 7th 3w opn,wdr 400,determined fin 1.9L $5.50 C Williams 57 Amanpour 1:37.77 12Sep G FLEM 13 of 16 1400m (1)LETS ELOPE $217000 Trailed 1200 to 400,out,no dash 5.65L $3.00 C Williams 58 Amicus 1:23.07 All(15-5-4-2) $474,000 F(0) G(12-5-4) D(--0) S(3-0-2) H(0) C(1-0-1) Dst(6-3-2) F90(5-2-1) 2ndUp(4-3-1)
Disappointing 1st up when money was on. Trialed since. Smart at best.
JACQUINOT BAY (18) 53.5kg (R100) 14. 9X272 8g b Galileo (IRE)-La La Land (by Last Tycoon (IRE))
Chris Parnham
Maroon, green, white and yellow braces and armbands Ownr: W H Wilde A M, B J Woods, C A Woods & P A Woods Hayes/Dabernig (Flemington) 29Aug S CAUL 2 of 14 1400m (8)HCP $96800 2nd otr to 400,fght on gamely 1.5L $41.00 M Walker 59.5 Charmed Harmony 1:23.36 12Sep G FLEM 7 of 14 1400m (12)TONTONAN $130000 2nd otr till 400,chal,just battled 3.7L $9.00 M Walker 57.5 Disposition 1:22.73 26Sep G CAUL 2 of 14 1700m (3)HCP $96800 Trailed,out 300,came hard inr,misd 0.2L $16.00 M Walker 59 Kenjorwood 1:41.89 All(37-11-7-2) $765,000 F(0) G(30-8-6) D(--0) S(6-2-3) H(1-1-0) C(6-0-3) Dst(12-6-3) F90(5-2-1) 2ndUp(5-1-0)
Tough effort last start but draw and class say others are better in this.
ABIDEWITHME (11) 52kg (R99) 15. 61X18 6m b Redoute's Choice-Crimson (NZ) (by Zabeel (NZ))
Patrick Moloney (a)
Dark green, light green spots Ownr: Sir Patrick & Lady Hogan Peter G Moody (Caulfield) 25Apr G TE R 1 of 16 2000m (6)TRAVIS STKS $103000 12th otr,wdr tn, big finish 0.3L $8.90 M McNab 57 Lauren Tate (NZ) 2:01.96 29Aug S CAUL 1 of 7 1400m (6)MARES HCP $86000 7th otr to 400,strong bid late 0.2L $4.80 P Moloney 56.5 Set Square 1:23.02 26Sep G CAUL 8 of 18 1400m (17)RUP CLARKE $432000 14th 3w cvr,wd 300,strong burst wd 2.05L $31.00 P Moloney 52 Stratum Star 1:22.09 All(24-8-2-1) $292,000 F(1-1-0) G(15-4-2) D(--0) S(7-3-1) H(1-0-0) C(2-1-0) Dst(8-2-1) F90(4-3-0) 2ndUp(4-2-0)
Big effort to get as close as she did last start. Extra distance helps chances.
AKAVOROUN (15) 52kg (R97) 16. 58X29 6g b br Lacryma Cristi (IRE)-Salquetta (by Salieri (USA))
Luke Currie
Pale blue, cerise maltese cross and striped sleeves, striped cap Ownr: C L Maher, Miss B L Gilcrist, Ms J M Thomson, G N Handbury, Ciaron Maher (Caulfield) B D Mckenna, F F Fairthorne, M J Stewart, Mrs F L Mckenna, P H Grant, J P Maher, Rehame Racing 21Mar G BDGO 8 of 16 1600m (7)GOLDEN MILE $163000 4th otr to 400,out,no dash 4.6L $5.50 M Michelle Payne 56.5 Observational (GB) 1:34.70 12Sep G FLEM 2 of 14 1400m (5)TONTONAN $130000 8th otr,tight,out 350,closed well 1L $14.00 M Zahra 55.5 Disposition 1:22.73 26Sep G RHIL 9 of 11 1500m (9)SHANNON $190000 5th otr to tn,wdr 400,no dash 2.7L $4.40 G Schofield 54 Vashka 1:29.25 All(16-6-2-0) $336,000 F(1-0-0) G(10-2-1) D(--0) S(4-3-1) H(1-1-0) C(3-1-0) Dst(4-1-0) F90(5-2-1) 2ndUp(5-2-0)
Failed up in Sydney but better suited here. Draw no help. Outside hope.
Caulfield Races (vic) 1600m $430000($258000, $77400, $38700, $19400, $10800, $8600)
M12 RACE 7
Starts 6:30pm
RHYTHM TO SPARE (10) 52kg (R96) 17. 04X97 6g b Pins-Stanica (NZ) (by Zabeel (NZ))
Daniel Moor
Navy blue, gold lightning bolt, gold and white armbands, gold cap Ownr: R & C Legh Racing Michael Moroney (Flemington) 15Nov G SANH 4 of 12 1800m (9)ECLIPSE $162000 Trailed,out,chased hard to line 1.15L $9.00 D Lane 56.5 Zabisco (NZ) 1:49.67 29Aug S CAUL 9 of 14 1400m (14)HCP $96800 11th otr till 400,worked home okay 8.2L $14.00 J Bayliss 54.5 Charmed Harmony 1:23.36 19Sep G CAUL 7 of 10 1400m (2)HCP $96800 3bk inr,blokd 300&150,had more 2.55L $9.00 J Bayliss 54 Good Value 1:24.42 All(23-6-3-1) $385,000 F(2-0-0) G(16-5-3) D(--0) S(4-1-1) H(1-0-0) C(6-1-0) Dst(9-4-2) F90(6-2-1) 2ndUp(6-1-1)
Useful horse but others look much better in this.
MOONOVERMANHATTAN (8) 52kg (R92) 18. 5X933 4e gr Manhattan Rain-Lunaspur (by Flying Spur)
Michael Dee (a)
Navy and white halves, navy cap Ownr: Grandlodge Racing Mick Price (Caulfield) 05Sep G M V 9 of 13 1200m (2)CHAND MACLEOD $130000 4bk inr,cut cnr,out,ran on rail 2.6L $21.00 C Newitt 55.5 Fell Swoop 1:12.18 19Sep G CAUL 3 of 10 1400m (3)HCP $96800 Trailed to 300,out inr 250,fght on 0.2L $5.50 C Newitt 55 Good Value 1:24.42 02Oct G M V 3 of 12 1500m (9)BM90 $86000 4th otr,imprv 4wd tn,steady fin str 4.15L $6.00 J Bayliss 58 Burning Front 1:30.11 All(13-2-1-2) $319,000 F(0) G(12-1-3) D(--0) S(0) H(1-1-0) C(5-0-1) Dst(2-0-1) F90(4-1-0) 2ndUp(3-0-1)
One paced middle distance horse and others are better in this.
Qla $
Tfa $
Winners Time:
M12 RACE 8
SCHWEPPES THOUSAND GUINEAS 1600m $538000($323000, $96800, $48400, $24200, $13400, $10800)
Leg 4 PL6, Leg 2 QAD, Leg 1 TRB
STARTS 7:05pm Trackside 1
Gear Changes: DON'T DOUBT MARLEY (11) - Tongue Tie OFF.
PASADENA GIRL (7) 55.5kg (R96) 1. 41X25 3f b Savabeel-Nina From Pasadena (by Redoute's Choice) BB
Hugh Bowman
White, blue striped sleeves and striped cap Ownr: T M Scales, Miss B J Patterson, D P Juratowitch, Peter G Moody (Caulfield) Mrs S H Juratowitch, H R Smart, N A Robertson, J A Robertson, D A Wouters, M J Lewis, S G Major, B Cox, Mrs J Scales, R M Scales, B R Cross, B J Tatterson, R Prosser, M Mattsson, Mrs M J Mattsson, S Lewin & Mrs N E Lewin 18Apr S RAND 1 of 9 1600m (4)CHAMPAGNE $435000 7th otr,wdr 400,charged home late 0.5L $2.80 H Bowman 54.5 Street Rapper 1:38.03 05Sep G M V 2 of 14 1200m (11)ATLANTIC JEWEL $129000 14th otr,peeled wd 200,flew late 1.5L $5.50 V Duric 57.5 Stay With Me 1:11.37 26Sep G CAUL 5 of 10 1400m (2)TQUIL STAR $216000 Slow,3bk inr,angld wdr 300,gd fin 2.4L $5.00 V Duric 57.5 Miss Gunpowder 1:23.27 All(6-3-1-0) $522,000 F(0) G(4-2-1) D(--0) S(2-1-0) H(0) C(1-0-0) Dst(1-1-0) F90(2-1-1) 2ndUp(2-1-0)
Serious filly with top rider going back on. Hard to beat in this.
MISS GUNPOWDER (11) 55.5kg (R84) Craig Williams 2. X1311 3f b br Pendragon (NZ)-Forever Rafter (USA) (by Delineator (USA)) Black and white check, yellow sleeves, black and white checked cap BB
Ownr: Think Big Stud Phillip Stokes (Morphettville) 15Aug G CAUL 3 of 12 1100m (9)QUEZETTE $162000 3rd otr,loomed 3w 300,fght gamely 1.35L $6.00 D Dunn 55 Petits Filous 1:03.10 05Sep G MRPK 1 of 12 1250m (7)CL2 $32300 2L $1.40 M Emily Finnegan 55.5 Chondra 1:15.04 26Sep G CAUL 1 of 10 1400m (8)TQUIL STAR $216000 Raced to lead,taken on,fght,tough 1L $4.20 C Williams 55 Payroll 1:23.27 All(5-4-0-1) $211,000 F(0) G(4-3-1) D(--0) S(1-1-0) H(0) C(2-1-1) Dst(0) F90(2-2-0) 2ndUp(1-0-1)
She was too strong when leading all the way last start. Draw is the concern.
SAGARONNE (3) 55.5kg (R76) 3. 12X09 3f ch Real Saga-Lasoron (by Oarsman) BB
Blake Shinn
Red, yellow seams and cap Toby Edmonds (Gold Coast)
Ownr: J Bourke, B S Brosseuk, K R Green, G Thompson, Mrs E L Salter, Ms V W Lee, J Salter, M B Gaffney Just Fun Racing 06Jun G DOOM 2 of 12 1600m (11)J J ATKINS $653000 10th inr,blokd 300,out,stormed late 0.8L $14.00 B Shinn 55 Press Statement 1:35.40 05Sep G M V 11 of 14 1200m (1)ATLANTIC JEWEL $129000 3bk inr,no room from cnr,had more 4.75L $10.00 C Williams 56.5 Stay With Me 1:11.37 26Sep G CAUL 9 of 10 1400m (10)TQUIL STAR $216000 10th otr,impr wd tn,faded out 6.4L $21.00 B Shinn 56.5 Miss Gunpowder 1:23.27 All(6-2-1-0) $219,000 F(0) G(5-2-1) D(--0) S(1-0-0) H(0) C(1-0-0) Dst(1-0-1) F90(3-1-0) 2ndUp(2-1-0)
Had excuses 1st up but failed to fire 2nd up. Smart at best and draw helps.
JAMEKA (9) 55.5kg (R78) 4. 41X33 3f b Myboycharlie (IRE)-Mine Game (by General Nediym) BB
Mark Zahra
Royal blue, lime hoops, hooped cap Ownr: C L Maher, Mrs J M Mckenna, D Degenhardt, T A Cole-Sinclair, Ciaron Maher (Caulfield) M R Fallon, G M Verdoorn, S Priestley & Mrs S A Cockram, Ms J Nolte, M Mills, & Halo Racing Services Pty Ltd 14Mar G FLEM 1 of 12 1400m (12)VRC SIRES' $217000 Wide,2nd 1100,led 400,too strong 1L $3.80 N Hall 54.5 Lazumba 1:24.64 05Sep G M V 3 of 14 1200m (12)ATLANTIC JEWEL $129000 Cght wd,impr,3rd 3w 600,game efrt 2.25L $14.00 D Oliver 57.5 Stay With Me 1:11.37 26Sep G CAUL 3 of 10 1400m (5)TQUIL STAR $216000 Cght wd,2nd otr 900,fght well 1.2L $9.50 D Oliver 57.5 Miss Gunpowder 1:23.27 All(6-1-1-3) $213,000 F(0) G(6-1-4) D(--0) S(0) H(0) C(1-0-1) Dst(0) F90(2-0-2) 2ndUp(2-0-2)
Has run well in both starts this prep and is a each way hope in this.
TAKE PRIDE (5) 55.5kg (R78) 5. 8X531 3f b Reward for Effort-Shabtis (by Elusive Quality (USA))
Patrick Moloney (a)
Royal blue, silver triangular wedges and sleeves, royal blue cuffs, quartered cap Ownr: Mrs S J Murray & Murray Thoroughbreds Pty Ltd Murray Johnson (Seymour) 15Aug G CAUL 5 of 12 1100m (10)QUEZETTE $162000 Worked wd,2nd otr 600,tuff run 3.6L $61.00 P Moloney 55 Petits Filous 1:03.10 12Sep G FLEM 3 of 15 1100m (4)CAP D'ANTIBES $130000 Disp pace to 400,hdd 250,fght on 3.5L $17.00 G Schofield 55 Petits Filous 1:02.85 25Sep G M V 1 of 10 1200m (2)CHAMPAGNE $162000 Thru to lead,went clear tn,too easy 3L $9.00 P Moloney 56 Secret Agenda 1:09.92 All(8-3-0-2) $260,000 F(0) G(8-3-2) D(--0) S(0) H(0) C(1-0-0) Dst(0) F90(2-1-0) 2ndUp(2-1-1)
If she gets a soft lead again this time they will have to work to get past her.
BADAWIYA (10) 55.5kg (R80) 6. 21711 3f b Al Maher-Sayuri San (by Fuji Kiseki (JPN)) BB BB
Craig Newitt
Yellow, royal blue v and cap Ownr: Sheikh Mohammed Bin Khalifa Al Maktoum Mick Price (Caulfield) 05Sep G M V 7 of 14 1200m (8)ATLANTIC JEWEL $129000 12th otr,kn,no room 150,had more 3.4L $5.00 C Newitt 55 Stay With Me 1:11.37 23Sep S PAKM 1 of 9 1400m (9)3Y BM64 $43000 7th,wide turn,tidy in str 0.75L $3.40 M Dee 55.5 Tivaci 1:25.58 04Oct G FLEM 1 of 16 1600m (3)E MANIFOLD $217000 6th otr,chal 400,led 250,raced away 2L $4.80 D Oliver 55.5 Sacred Eye 1:36.40 All(6-3-1-1) $174,000 F(0) G(4-2-1) D(--0) S(2-1-1) H(0) C(0) Dst(1-1-0) F90(2-0-2) 2ndUp(1-1-0)
Beat a nice horse when winning last Sunday. Too good to leave out.
STAY WITH ME (4) 55.5kg (R78) 7. 5X116 3f b Street Cry (IRE)-Miss Finland (by Redoute's Choice) BB
Dwayne Dunn
Black and yellow diamonds, yellow cap Ownr: Arrowfield Pastoral Pty Ltd Hayes/Dabernig (Flemington) 20Aug S PAKS 1 of 12 1200m (7)3Y MDN-SW $24700 4.5L $1.50 D Dunn 56 One Hot Dane 1:12.52 05Sep G M V 1 of 14 1200m (13)ATLANTIC JEWEL $129000 11th 3w cvr,circld fld,led 50,smart 1.5L $4.60 D Dunn 55 Pasadena Girl (NZ) 1:11.37 26Sep G CAUL 6 of 10 1400m (9)TQUIL STAR $216000 8th otr,impr wd tn,btld,no danger 3.4L $5.00 D Dunn 56.5 Miss Gunpowder 1:23.27 All(5-2-1-0) $125,000 F(0) G(4-1-1) D(--0) S(0) H(0) C(1-0-0) Dst(0) F90(2-1-1) 2ndUp(2-1-0)
Blotted copy book last start with a poor effort. She is better than that.
PAYROLL (1) 55.5kg (R72) 8. 20X02 3f b Not a Single Doubt-Workhard (by Red Ransom (USA))
Jim Cassidy
White, emerald green maltese cross, quartered cap Richard Laming (Clyde)
Ownr: Mrs J Laming, J R Brockmuller, S B Laming, R J Laming, C Andronis, G Kaparos, S R Wallis, R Dipierdomenico & Felgate Holdings 23May G DOOM 13 of 15 1350m (4)SIRES' PRODUCE $272000 10th otr to tn,did nothing 5.5L $8.00 M Cahill 55 Look to the Stars 1:19.55 12Sep G FLEM 13 of 15 1100m (15)CAP D'ANTIBES $130000 Rear center group to 400,no finish 9L $8.50 D Dunn 55 Petits Filous 1:02.85 26Sep G CAUL 2 of 10 1400m (6)TQUIL STAR $216000 6th 3w opn,impr 800,chal tn,tried 1L $41.00 J Cassidy 55 Miss Gunpowder 1:23.27 All(6-1-2-0) $75,700 F(0) G(6-1-2) D(--0) S(0) H(0) C(2-0-2) Dst(0) F90(2-1-0) 2ndUp(2-0-1)
Tough effort when caught 3w all the way last start. Do not discount.
Caulfield Races (vic) 1600m $538000($323000, $96800, $48400, $24200, $13400, $10800)
M12 RACE 8
Starts 7:05pm
ALASKAN ROSE (6) 55.5kg (R72) 9. 118 3f b Encosta de Lago-Saskia (by Redoute's Choice)
Steven W Arnold
Navy blue, gold lightning bolt, gold and white armbands, gold cap Ownr: Ballymore Stables Michael Moroney (Flemington) 12Aug G SANH 1 of 9 1300m (8)3YF BM64 $43000 2nd outer,decisive win 4.5L $4.20 S Arnold 58.5 Overstay 1:19.86 29Aug S CAUL 1 of 10 1400m (2)3YF BM78 $86000 4th otr,asserted 100,too good 1.25L $2.60 S Arnold 58 Giulietta 1:25.06 26Sep G CAUL 8 of 10 1400m (4)TQUIL STAR $216000 3rd otr,back tn,hmp 200,faded 5.9L $8.00 S Arnold 55 Miss Gunpowder 1:23.27 All(3-2-0-0) $75,300 F(0) G(2-1-0) D(--0) S(1-1-0) H(0) C(2-1-0) Dst(0) F90(1-1-0) 2ndUp(1-1-0)
She did not handle class rise last start. Others look better in this.
SUPER CASH (2) 55.5kg (R69) 10. 1324 3f b Written Tycoon-Super Bucks (by Dash for Cash)
Kerrin McEvoy
Black, green disc, black m, green sleeves, hooped cap Ownr: S B Millar, P J Robinson & M S Millar Andrew Noblet (Caulfield) 26Jul H GEEL 3 of 8 1200m (8)2YF HCP $37600 1.25L $3.50 S Arnold 57 Sebring Sally 1:16.40 12Sep G FLEM 2 of 15 1100m (2)CAP D'ANTIBES $130000 Trailed till 400,out 250,strong fin 2.25L $31.00 K McEvoy 55 Petits Filous 1:02.85 26Sep G CAUL 4 of 10 1400m (1)TQUIL STAR $216000 Trailed till 300,gap 200,fght well 1.4L $9.50 K McEvoy 55 Miss Gunpowder 1:23.27 All(4-1-1-1) $57,600 F(0) G(2-0-1) D(--0) S(1-1-0) H(1-0-1) C(1-0-0) Dst(0) F90(1-1-0) 2ndUp(1-0-1)
Drawn well and she keeps trying hard. Place chance at good odds.
DON'T DOUBT MARLEY (8) 55.5kg (R67) Chris Parnham 11. 11450 3f b Not a Single Doubt-National Gift (by Dash for Cash) Maroon and white diamonds, maroon sleeves, white diamonds armbands, quartered cap Ownr: M Sinclair, C J Bell, Mrs J Sinclair, Mrs T Bell, Ms M Allen, Robbie Griffiths (Cranbourne) P A Till & B L Nicholson 15Aug G CAUL 4 of 12 1100m (8)QUEZETTE $162000 Akw,10th otr,wide 300,smart finish 2.1L $81.00 C Parnham 55 Petits Filous 1:03.10 05Sep G M V 5 of 14 1200m (7)ATLANTIC JEWEL $129000 10th otr,kn,akw cnr,out,tght,gd fin 3.1L $7.50 D Lane 55 Stay With Me 1:11.37 26Sep G CAUL 10 of 10 1400m (3)TQUIL STAR $216000 5th otr,shuffled bk 600,no danger 6.9L $21.00 D Lane 55 Miss Gunpowder 1:23.27 All(5-2-0-0) $42,700 F(0) G(3-0-0) D(--0) S(1-1-0) H(0) C(2-0-0) Dst(0) F90(1-1-0) 2ndUp(1-1-0)
Had excuses last start. Will need luck but can figure at big odds.
Qla $
Tfa $
Winners Time:
M12 RACE 9
BECK CAULFIELD GUINEAS 1600m $1080000($645000, $194000, $96800, $48400, $26900, $21500)
Leg 1 DBL, Leg 5 PL6, Leg 3 QAD, Leg 2 TRB
STARTS 7:40pm Trackside 1
Gear Changes: SNOOPY (14) - Winkers OFF. MORE THAN MOST (16) - Lugging Bit OFF, Standard Bit ON, Tongue Tie ON, Winkers OFF. MR INDIVIDUAL (17) - Blinker Off Side ON, Blinkers OFF, Cross Over Noseband ON. ODYSSEY MOON (2) - Blinkers OFF, Winkers ON. READY FOR VICTORY (3) - Blinkers ON. RAGEESE (4) - Blinkers ON, Ear Plugs OFF, Winkers OFF.
PRESS STATEMENT (14) 56.5kg (R95) Hugh Bowman 1. 11251 3c b Hinchinbrook-Kaaptive Empress (by Kaaptive Edition (NZ)) Red, yellow stars and halved sleeves, red and yellow star cap BB BB BB
Ownr: Vinery Stud Chris Waller (Flemington) 29Aug S RHIL 2 of 5 1200m (5)RUNTO ROSE $190000 4th otr,wider 400,solid finish wide 1.3L $5.00 T Angland 60 Exosphere 1:10.62 12Sep G RHIL 5 of 8 1400m (2)GOLDENROSE $1100000 4th ot,shut out 250,flew,had more 3.2L $3.70 T Angland 56.5 Exosphere 1:21.83 26Sep S RHIL 1 of 6 1500m (2)STAN FOX $217000 4th otr,wd 400,ld 300,effortless 3L $1.30 H Bowman 56.5 Shards 1:29.32 All(6-4-1-0) $720,000 F(0) G(2-1-0) D(--0) S(4-3-1) H(0) C(0) Dst(1-1-0) F90(2-1-1) 2ndUp(2-1-0)
Draw and 1st start on this track are concerns. Still looks the winner to me.
ODYSSEY MOON (13) 56.5kg (R77) 2. 6X355 3c br Snitzel-Run to the Moon (USA) (by Arch (USA)) BB BB
Steven W Arnold
Tartan, green sleeves, green and dark blue quartered cap Ownr: Dr E G T Bateman & Mrs B C Bateman Rodney Northam (Scone) 22Aug G M V 3 of 10 1200m (10)MCKENZIE $130000 5th 3w opn to corner,kept finding 2.5L $7.00 D Oliver 56.5 Well Sprung 1:11.70 12Sep G FLEM 5 of 16 1400m (3)EXFORD PLATE $130000 Akw,6th otr,peeled wdr 400,ran on 1.95L $8.50 D Oliver 58 Bon Aurum 1:23.13 26Sep G CAUL 5 of 16 1400m (14)GNEAS PREL $189000 12th otr,out widest tn,big fin wide 1.25L $31.00 S Arnold 56.5 Bon Aurum 1:22.67 All(10-1-2-2) $488,000 F(0) G(5-0-1) D(--0) S(5-1-3) H(0) C(1-0-0) Dst(1-0-0) F90(2-1-1) 2ndUp(2-0-0)
Has been set for this. Last run was encouraging. Upset hope in this.
READY FOR VICTORY (4) 56.5kg (R77) Glen Boss 3. 7X239 3c b More Than Ready (USA)-Crillon (NZ) (by Zabeel (NZ)) Yellow, eliza park logo, red epaulettes, hooped sleeves, red cap, gold logo BB
Ownr: Eliza Park International Mick Price (Caulfield) 29Aug S CAUL 2 of 9 1200m (3)MCNEIL $162000 4bk inr,tight 300,out 150,flew,misd 0.2L $4.20 M Zahra 57.5 Gold Symphony 1:10.53 12Sep G FLEM 3 of 12 1200m (6)DANEHILL $217000 3bk inr,hmp 300,out,big late inr 1.45L $3.30 D Oliver 56.5 Kinglike 1:09.06 26Sep G CAUL 9 of 16 1400m (9)GNEAS PREL $189000 Slw erly,4bk inr,und pres tn,ran on 1.95L $3.20 D Oliver 56.5 Bon Aurum 1:22.67 All(6-1-1-1) $341,000 F(0) G(4-1-1) D(--0) S(2-0-1) H(0) C(2-0-1) Dst(0) F90(2-1-1) 2ndUp(2-0-1)
Lackluster effort last start. Much better than that. Draw will help chances.
RAGEESE (15) 56.5kg (R80) 4. X4143 3c b Street Cry (IRE)-Rabsha (by Dehere (USA))
James Winks
Yellow, dark blue vee and cap Ownr: Sheikh Mohammed Bin Khalifa Al Maktoum M, W & J Hawkes (Flemington) 30Aug S WYNG 1 of 10 1350m (1)CGE MDN-SW $23700 1.8L $1.45 T Berry 56.5 Gendebien 1:20.29 12Sep G RHIL 4 of 8 1400m (8)GOLDENROSE $1100000 Easd bk,3bk inr,out 300,ran on 2.9L $15.00 B Avdulla 56.5 Exosphere 1:21.83 26Sep S RHIL 3 of 6 1500m (5)STAN FOX $217000 Set terms to 400,btld from 300m 4.3L $6.00 T Berry 56.5 Press Statement 1:29.32 All(7-1-2-1) $299,000 F(0) G(3-0-0) D(--0) S(4-1-3) H(0) C(0) Dst(0) F90(3-0-1) 2ndUp(2-1-1)
Useful colt but his draw makes things a lot tougher for him.
DAL CIELO (8) 56.5kg (R77) 5. 31X43 3c br Per Incanto (USA)-Cent From Heaven (NZ) (by Centaine) BB BB
Opie Bosson
Apple green, navy blue sash, navy blue and yellow striped sleeves and cap Ownr: JML Bloodstock Ltd Murray Baker (Cambridge (NZ)) 07Mar G ELLS 1 of 9 1200m (5)DIAMOND STKS $206000 3rd outr,pounced 200, led, too gd 1.3L $3.00 O Bosson 56.5 Battle Time (NZ) 1:10.66 12Sep S RUAK 4 of 9 1200m (8)BREEDERS STKS $51400 Wrkd to get 1x1,out tn, fght well 0.8L $5.10 M Sam Spratt 56.5 The Justice League (NZ) 1:12.05 26Sep G CAUL 3 of 16 1400m (2)GNEAS PREL $189000 Worked to ld,kikd clr 300,cght late 0.3L $19.00 O Bosson 57 Bon Aurum 1:22.67 All(6-2-1-2) $247,000 F(0) G(5-2-3) D(--0) S(1-0-0) H(0) C(1-0-1) Dst(0) F90(3-1-1) 2ndUp(2-0-2)
Smart Kiwi that was only caught late last start. Will have improved. Can win.
BON AURUM (10) 56.5kg (R82) 6. 13211 3c ch Bon Hoffa-Goldsmobile (by Promontory Gold (USA)) BB BB BB
Kerrin McEvoy
Maroon, lime spot, sleeves and cap Ciaron Maher (Caulfield)
Ownr: K W King, G V Regan, Mrs L J Kavanagh, S A Joyce, B D Bain, P J Hahnel, B R Gunn, Black + White Caviar Racing 26Aug G SANL 2 of 11 1200m (8)3Y BM64 $43000 2nd outer,game effort str 0.4L $5.50 M Dee 57.5 Stellar Collision 1:11.86 12Sep G FLEM 1 of 16 1400m (13)EXFORD PLATE $130000 8th 4w to 400,chal 300,too strong 0.75L $17.00 M Zahra 56 Lizard Island 1:23.13 26Sep G CAUL 1 of 16 1400m (12)GNEAS PREL $189000 11th otr,wider 300,big fin center 0.2L $9.00 K McEvoy 56.5 Tulsa 1:22.67 All(6-3-1-1) $218,000 F(0) G(4-2-1) D(--0) S(1-0-1) H(0) C(1-1-0) Dst(0) F90(1-0-0) 2ndUp(1-1-0)
Tough and decisive wins last two starts. Looks a great bet at juicy odds.
SHARDS (12) 56.5kg (R80) 7. 21172 3c b br Medaglia D'oro (USA)-Shatters (by Lonhro)
Jim Cassidy
Royal blue Ownr: Godolphin John O'Shea (Flemington) 22Aug G RAND 1 of 8 1300m (1)UP&COMING $135000 3rd alone 1000,wound up,strong late 0.4L $3.60 J McDonald 56 Voilier 1:16.31 12Sep G RHIL 7 of 8 1400m (5)GOLDENROSE $1100000 6th otr to 400,no finish 9.5L $11.00 J Moreira 56.5 Exosphere 1:21.83 26Sep S RHIL 2 of 6 1500m (1)STAN FOX $217000 Trailed,out 3w 400,fought on 3L $9.00 S Clipperton 56.5 Press Statement 1:29.32 All(6-2-2-1) $232,000 F(0) G(3-1-1) D(--0) S(3-1-2) H(0) C(0) Dst(0) F90(2-1-1) 2ndUp(2-0-1)
Stable is on fire but he looks safely held in this.
SOVEREIGN NATION (1) 56.5kg (R76) 8. 171 3c b Encosta de Lago-Sovereign Duchess (by Last Tycoon (IRE)) BB
Michael Walker
Royal blue, white crossed sashes Ownr: G Harvey Hayes/Dabernig (Flemington) 28Aug S GEES 1 of 10 1000m (8)MDN-SW $24700 0.4L $2.25 M Walker 56 Bob of the Head (NZ) 58.90 12Sep G FLEM 7 of 16 1400m (8)EXFORD PLATE $130000 13th 3w cvr,wdr tn,closed well 2.55L $7.00 M Walker 56 Bon Aurum 1:23.13 02Oct F M V 1 of 10 1600m (3)STUTT STK $217000 5-7th otr,4wd 400,too tough str 0.75L $4.60 M Walker 57 Get the Picture 1:36.17 All(3-2-0-0) $147,000 F(1-1-0) G(1-0-0) D(--0) S(0) H(0) C(0) Dst(1-1-0) F90(1-1-0) 2ndUp(1-0-0)
Won well at Moonee Valley last week. Draw helps. Chance at nice odds.
M12 RACE 9
Caulfield Races (vic) 1600m $1080000($645000, $194000, $96800, $48400, $26900, $21500)
BASSETT (9) 56.5kg (R75) 9. 15X1 3g br Savabeel-Fledgling (NZ) (by Captain Rio (GB))
Starts 7:40pm Daniel Stackhouse
White, blue striped sleeves, striped cap Ownr: Mrs S A Moody, M J Scheele, V M Stackhouse, S Hillier, Peter G Moody (Caulfield) Mrs H Hillier, P G Green, A W Bruhn, S W Bruhn, M C Bryant, Mrs C M H Bryant, V Y K Ip, J W Daniels, Mrs S M Ridgway & M Maskell 16May G CAUL 1 of 12 1100m (1)2Y-SWP $86000 Sped thru to lead,kicked,too good 1.25L $6.50 D Stackhouse 56 Kinglike 1:03.99 06Jun G DOOM 5 of 12 1600m (2)J J ATKINS $653000 Trld to 300,tight 200,battled on 2.4L $4.40 L Nolen 57 Press Statement 1:35.40 19Sep G CAUL 1 of 9 1100m (5)3Y-SWP $86000 5th otr,peeled 300,swept by late 1L $4.20 D Stackhouse 56 Keen Array 1:03.43 All(3-2-0-0) $112,000 F(0) G(3-2-0) D(--0) S(0) H(0) C(2-2-0) Dst(1-0-0) F90(2-2-0) 2ndUp(1-0-0)
Smart win 1st up. This is tougher but do not discount in this.
LAST BULLET (6) 56.5kg (R73) 10. 1X188 3c b High Chaparral (IRE)-Beat the Bullet (by Bite the Bullet (USA)) BB
Vlad Duric
Dark blue, white epaulettes, red sleeves, white cap Ownr: A G Mcfarlane, P Cunningham, D C Tabone, M D Delbridge, John Hyam (Morphettville) Mrs P Y Mcfarlane, P M Routledge, Mrs J M Routledge, I W Clayton, P J Brady, B E Woodhead, B J Bulluss, T D Urwin & Ms L J Brooks 29Aug G MORP 1 of 4 1200m (3)3Y BM64 $32300 0.2L $5.00 M Emily Finnegan 59 Eclair Attack 1:11.28 12Sep G FLEM 8 of 12 1200m (3)DANEHILL $217000 Slow,4bk inr,chckd 250,had more 5.1L $31.00 V Duric 56.5 Kinglike 1:09.06 26Sep G CAUL 8 of 16 1400m (7)GNEAS PREL $189000 Slow,15th,last wdr 300,strong fin 1.75L $21.00 V Duric 56.5 Bon Aurum 1:22.67 All(5-2-0-0) $130,000 F(0) G(5-2-0) D(--0) S(0) H(0) C(1-0-0) Dst(0) F90(2-1-0) 2ndUp(2-1-0)
Certainly has the ability and will be flying home late. Hope at good odds.
LIZARD ISLAND (2) 56.5kg (R69) 11. X6321 3c ch Sebring-Bourgogne (by Choisir) BB
Blake Shinn
Purple, gold sleeves, red cap Ownr: R M Anderson, Mrs D A Anderson & Mrs M E Hyland Pat Hyland (Cranbourne) 26Aug G SANL 3 of 11 1200m (11)3Y BM64 $43000 8th wide,good finish 0.9L $7.00 D Dunn 60.5 Stellar Collision 1:11.86 12Sep G FLEM 2 of 16 1400m (11)EXFORD PLATE $130000 3rd otr to 400,chl 300,tried hard 0.75L $11.00 B Shinn 56 Bon Aurum 1:23.13 23Sep S PAKM 1 of 12 1600m (9)MDN-SW $29000 2nd outer,determined str,easy 3L $1.55 D Dunn 56 Hard Charger 1:39.14 All(6-1-3-1) $82,400 F(0) G(3-0-3) D(--0) S(3-1-1) H(0) C(1-0-1) Dst(1-1-0) F90(2-0-1) 2ndUp(2-0-2)
Is peaking perfectly for this. Good draw. Top rider. Chance at good odds.
KENTUCKY FLYER (5) 56.5kg (R69) 12. 0X116 3c br Street Sense (USA)-Princess Pedrille (by Desert Prince (IRE))
Craig Williams
Black, red and white hooped sleeves and quartered cap Ownr: Mrs L M Mckenna, A J Tingiri, P S Zeccola, K E Coram, Robbie Laing (Cranbourne) Mrs H Coram, N Polglaze, D S Cooper, D V Egan, B A Shaw, Mrs T Shaw, G Shaw, T A Shaw, Ms K P Lawlor, A T Coates, W J Drake & A G Schlitz 23Aug S CRAN 1 of 12 1200m (5)3Y MDN-SW $24700 2L $8.50 V Duric 58 Fabulonh 1:13.25 05Sep G M V 1 of 9 1500m (4)3Y HCP $86000 3rd otr,chl 3w 500,ld cnr,strong 0.5L $4.40 V Duric 59 Polish Tiger 1:33.54 19Sep G CAUL 6 of 16 1600m (12)3Y HCP $86000 12th otr,bmp wdr 300,dogged finish 2.95L $16.00 V Duric 60 Tarzino (NZ) 1:37.44 All(4-2-0-0) $62,600 F(0) G(3-1-0) D(--0) S(1-1-0) H(0) C(1-0-0) Dst(1-0-0) F90(2-1-0) 2ndUp(1-1-0)
Has run well all three runs this prep. Top rider hops on. Upset hope in this.
TARZINO (3) 56.5kg (R69) 13. 311 3c b Tavistock (NZ)-Zarzino (NZ) (by Zabeel (NZ))
Craig Newitt
Navy and white halves, navy cap Ownr: M G Price, Dr C G Lawler, Mrs M Jurie, J G Bebedellis, Mrs C Price, Mick Price (Caulfield) G Bebedellis, J J McNicholas, G Alas, J P Bergin, R A & J E Ferguson Partnership Syndicate 05Jul S PAKS 3 of 12 1380m (11)2Y MDN-SW $18800 1.75L $7.50 C Newitt 58 Flying Geepee 1:24.29 27Aug H BRAT 1 of 12 1400m (6)3Y MDN-SW $24700 0.2L $3.70 C Newitt 58 Red Alto 1:26.89 19Sep G CAUL 1 of 16 1600m (16)3Y HCP $86000 16th otr,imp wd tn,powerful finish 0.75L $6.50 C Newitt 57 Sailing By 1:37.44 All(3-2-0-1) $62,400 F(0) G(1-1-0) D(--0) S(0) H(1-1-0) C(1-1-0) Dst(1-1-0) F90(1-0-1) 2ndUp(1-1-0)
Looks to have stacks of ability. Draw helps. Big threat to top weight.
SNOOPY (11) 56.5kg (R73) 14. X1194 3c b Lope de Vega (IRE)-Oomph (by Flying Spur) BB
Dwayne Dunn
Emerald green, red and white checked epaulettes, gold star and armbands, checked stripes on cap Ownr: Whitby Bloodstock Pty Ltd M, W & J Hawkes (Rosehill) 27Aug H BRAT 1 of 9 1400m (1)BM70 $32300 0.2L $2.10 D Dunn 56.5 Classy Al 1:25.98 12Sep G FLEM 9 of 16 1400m (2)EXFORD PLATE $130000 Trailed,shut out 300,had more 4.4L $5.00 D Dunn 56 Bon Aurum 1:23.13 26Sep G CAUL 4 of 16 1400m (6)GNEAS PREL $189000 5th otr,easd wdr 400,gd fin,close 0.5L $9.50 D Dunn 55 Bon Aurum 1:22.67 All(5-3-0-0) $61,200 F(0) G(4-2-0) D(--0) S(0) H(1-1-0) C(1-0-0) Dst(0) F90(2-2-0) 2ndUp(1-1-0)
Close up last start and is right for this. Include in all multiples.
TULSA (16) 56.5kg (R72) 15. 3X162 3g ch Sebring-Morning Dews (by Peintre Celebre (USA)) BB BB
Ben Melham
Navy blue, gold lightning bolt, gold and white armbands, gold cap Ownr: R & C Legh Racing Michael Moroney (Flemington) 25Aug S PAKS 1 of 10 1100m (7)MDN-SW $21500 2L $2.20 B Melham 56 Mostly 1:05.98 12Sep G FLEM 6 of 16 1400m (16)EXFORD PLATE $130000 Easd to last inr,flying home late 2.15L $31.00 B Melham 56 Bon Aurum 1:23.13 26Sep G CAUL 2 of 16 1400m (16)GNEAS PREL $189000 Slow,16th,wd 300,charged,misd 0.2L $10.00 B Melham 55 Bon Aurum 1:22.67 All(4-1-1-1) $49,600 F(0) G(3-0-2) D(--0) S(0) H(0) C(1-0-1) Dst(0) F90(2-1-1) 2ndUp(1-0-0)
Draw is no concern as he will drop back. If he gets the right run he can win.
MORE THAN MOST (7) 56.5kg (R64) 16. 41283 3c b More Than Ready (USA)-Dansino (by Danehill (USA))
Mark Zahra
Yellow, white checked sash, checked sleeves and cap Ownr: Go Bloodstock Syndicate Hayes/Dabernig (Flemington) 12Aug G SANH 2 of 6 1300m (5)3YC&G BM64 $43000 4th outer,strong outer 0.5L $4.20 D Lane 59.5 Snoopy 1:19.18 12Sep G FLEM 8 of 16 1400m (15)EXFORD PLATE $130000 15th otr,wd 400,ran past tired ones 4.3L $26.00 D Lane 56 Bon Aurum 1:23.13 23Sep S PAKM 3 of 9 1400m (1)3Y BM64 $43000 5th inner,solid in straight 2.5L $8.50 D Lane 60 Badawiya 1:25.58 All(7-1-1-2) $43,900 F(0) G(4-0-2) D(--0) S(3-1-1) H(0) C(1-0-1) Dst(0) F90(2-0-1) 2ndUp(2-0-1)
Has a nice draw and stable will have him ready. Chance at huge odds.
Caulfield Races (vic) 1600m $1080000($645000, $194000, $96800, $48400, $26900, $21500)
M12 RACE 9
Starts 7:40pm
MR INDIVIDUAL (17) 56.5kg (R68) 17. 1716 3c ch Starspangledbanner-She's Alluring (by Lure (USA))
Mark Zahra
Yellow, royal blue knight, royal blue and yellow stripe sleeves, yellow and royal blue star cap Ownr: B J Spicer, B J Corser, P J Elberg, D P Strom, J H Donegan, L &T Corstens (Flemington) R J Fynmore, Mrs J C Fynmore, J Magnabosco, D Elberg, Ms C M Croughan, K R Jones, N D Barnes, M G Zanetti, Mrs P P Spicer, A J Kollmorgen, Once More, Jamm Racing, The Banner, The Cortese Family & Banner's Legacy 29Aug S CAUL 7 of 9 1200m (7)MCNEIL $162000 5th 3w opn,hung badly tn,forget 2.9L $6.00 M Rodd 56 Gold Symphony 1:10.53 16Sep S PAKM 1 of 9 1200m (7)3Y BM64 $43000 Up 2nd outer,led tn,brave win 0.2L $2.30 M Zahra 59.5 Faatinah 1:13.01 26Sep G CAUL 6 of 16 1400m (4)GNEAS PREL $189000 Trailed to 400,out 300,loomed,btld 1.45L $13.00 M Zahra 55 Bon Aurum 1:22.67 All(4-2-0-0) $71,300 F(0) G(1-0-0) D(--0) S(3-2-0) H(0) C(2-0-0) Dst(0) F90(2-1-0) 2ndUp(1-1-0)
Draw does not help his chances. Has to lift on last effort to figure in this.
Qla $
Tfa $
Winners Time:
M12 RACE 10
CAPE GRIM BEEF STEAKS 1200m $161000($96800, $29000, $14500, $7260, $4030, $3230)
Leg 2 DBL, Leg 6 PL6, Leg 4 QAD, Leg 3 TRB
STARTS 8:15pm Trackside 1
Gear Changes: CATCH THAT CAT (9) - Blinkers ON, Winkers OFF.
IN STYLE (3) 59kg (R103) 1. 1110X 6m br Fast 'n' Famous-Ribadesella (NZ) (by Centaine)
Opie Bosson
Pink, black quarters, pink sleeves and cap Ownr: P W & Mrs S J Ryan Michael Moroney (Flemington) 06Dec G ELLS 1 of 12 1200m (7)CONCORDE $69400 Trld,out 300,won two horse war 0.1L $12.00 M Michelle Wenn 53 Ryan Mark (NZ) 1:09.61 01Jan G ELLS 1 of 14 1200m (8)RAILWAY STKS $206000 2nd outr, led 300,held on bravely 0.1L $6.60 L Innes 54 Whosyourmaster (NZ) 1:10.34 17Jan G TREN 10 of 17 1200m (7)TELEGRAPH $257000 Blndrd,5th middle,out 400, no xtra 6.8L $12.00 L Innes 56 Sacred Star 1:07.01 All(15-7-1-2) $274,000 F(0) G(10-6-2) D(--0) S(5-1-1) H(0) C(0) Dst(10-5-2) F90(2-0-2) 2ndUp(2-0-1)
Smart Kiwi sprinting mare. Trainer will have her ready to win.
BRING ME THE MAID (1) 58kg (R100) 2. 2497X 4m ch Sebring-Maid for Me (by Belong to Me (USA)) BB
Glen Boss
White, royal blue spots, royal blue and white spots sleeves and cap Peter G Moody (Caulfield)
Ownr: Wylie Dalziel Roy Higgins Racing, P Sambor, Morgan Richardson Racing 09May G DOOM 4 of 13 1200m (8)BTC CUP $544000 11th inr,cut cnr,strong fin rail 2.3L $17.00 C Schofield 55 Hot Snitzel 1:09.47 23May G DOOM 9 of 16 1350m (2)DOOMBEN 10,000 $816000 14th inr,searched,no room,had more 5.6L $10.00 K McEvoy 55 Boban 1:19.15 06Jun G DOOM 7 of 11 1350m (1)DANE RIPPER $218000 Trailed,thru,tight 200,battled on 2.9L $7.50 L Nolen 58 Hazard 1:19.31 All(13-3-1-2) $820,000 F(0) G(9-1-1) D(--0) S(0) H(4-2-2) C(2-0-0) Dst(7-2-3) F90(3-2-1) 2ndUp(3-0-1)
Class mare. If there is any rain about her chances would soar.
WAWAIL (2) 58kg (R94) 3. 139X0 4m br Lonhro-El Daana (by Redoute's Choice) BB BB
Michael Walker
Royal blue, white epaulettes, striped cap Ownr: Shadwell Stud Australasia Ltd Synd Hayes/Dabernig (Flemington) 27Mar G M V 3 of 11 1600m (5)ALEXANDRA STKS $130000 Cght wd,4th otr to tn,tried hard 1.45L $2.90 M Walker 57.5 Fontein Ruby 1:38.26 02May G MORP 9 of 15 1200m (5)SANGSTER $430000 Akw,10th,blokd,out 100,late,lame 2.4L $12.00 M Walker 55 Miracles of Life 1:09.72 19Sep G CAUL 13 of 14 1200m (4)HOW NOW $162000 4th otr,blokd tn,no room from 300m 4.25L $9.00 M Walker 58 Politeness 1:10.76 All(9-5-0-2) $336,000 F(0) G(8-4-2) D(--0) S(1-1-0) H(0) C(2-1-0) Dst(3-1-0) F90(4-3-0) 2ndUp(2-1-1)
Still waiting for a gap. Drawn well again and she will be hard to beat.
POLITENESS (10) 57kg (R102) 4. 000X1 5m b br Street Sense (USA)-Berengaria (by Commands)
Mark Zahra
White, red epaulettes, royal blue and red spots sleeves Ownr: P S Sly & K Yoshida Robert Smerdon (Caulfield) 06Jun G DOOM 11 of 11 1350m (11)DANE RIPPER $218000 4bk inr to tn,never emerged 3.6L $16.00 Z Purton 59.5 Hazard 1:19.31 20Jun S GCST 10 of 15 1400m (4)TATT'S TIARA $543000 15th otr,wide 400,ran on wide 7.2L $21.00 T Berry 57 Srikandi 1:24.38 19Sep G CAUL 1 of 14 1200m (13)HOW NOW $162000 12th otr,peeled wd 300,big fin wide 0.2L $8.00 M Zahra 57 Griante 1:10.76 All(24-6-1-3) $549,000 F(0) G(20-4-3) D(--0) S(3-1-1) H(1-1-0) C(7-2-2) Dst(7-3-1) F90(7-3-1) 2ndUp(5-1-1)
Huge effort when flying late to win 1st up. Can win again.
YGRITTE (5) 56kg (R82) 5. 3130X 4m b Snitzel-Deputy Lil (by French Deputy (USA))
Craig Williams
Red, white gatecrasher Darren Weir (Wangoom)
Ownr: N Austin & Rosemont Stud Pty Ltd 02Apr S GOSF 1 of 8 1200m (8)GOSF GNEAS $163000 1L $7.50 T Clark 54 Federal 1:12.09 11Apr H RAND 3 of 6 1400m (5)S/PACIFIC $162000 2nd otr to 400,btld on gamely 3.6L $4.20 T Clark 56 Federal 1:24.70 16May G SCNE 13 of 16 1400m (7)ING GNEAS $434000 9th wd cvr,wdr 400,no danger 9L $7.50 J McDonald 54.5 Loved Up 1:22.74 All(13-2-3-3) $338,000 F(0) G(8-1-2) D(--0) S(3-1-2) H(2-0-2) C(1-0-0) Dst(6-1-4) F90(3-1-0) 2ndUp(3-0-3)
Tough Sydney mare now with top Victorian trainer. Chance at nice odds.
DANESTROEM (4) 55kg (R81) 6. 40X52 6m b Elvstroem-Umansky (by Umatilla (NZ))
Chris Parnham
Red, black and white checked halves, red cap Michael Kent (Cranbourne)
Ownr: Mrs K C Selleck, D L Selleck, P J Etheredge, D P Chila & F Ambrosino 16May G MORP 10 of 13 1200m (12)PROUD MISS $124000 Slipd,7th 3w cvr,easd 300,no fin 5.5L $11.00 C Williams 55.5 Hazard 1:09.90 29Aug S CAUL 5 of 7 1400m (1)MARES HCP $86000 Set pace to 300,headed 200,no extra 1.6L $4.60 J Bayliss 51 Abidewithme (NZ) 1:23.02 19Sep G CAUL 2 of 13 1400m (3)MARES BM90 $86000 Set pace,kikd clr 300,caught late 0.2L $14.00 C Parnham 55.5 Kayjay's Joy 1:24.61 All(32-6-8-3) $350,000 F(0) G(21-3-8) D(--0) S(6-1-2) H(5-2-1) C(11-2-3) Dst(13-3-5) F90(8-2-3) 2ndUp(7-1-2)
Nearly stole it last start at good odds. Chance if she gets a soft lead again.
SOOSA RAMA (8) 55kg (R76) 7. 4X600 5m b Bel Esprit-Make My Dane (by Danehill (USA))
Patrick Moloney (a)
Gold and black stripes, red sleeves and cap Ownr: A Liuzzi, R Liuzzi, A Sebastiano & R Berry, Wren Hotels Pty Ltd Colin Little (Caulfield) 15Aug G CAUL 6 of 11 1100m (6)MARES HCP $86000 9th otr,out wider 300,made ground 5.15L $13.00 C Schofield 54 Vezalay 1:03.65 29Aug S CAUL 13 of 16 1200m (1)COCKRAM $162000 Slow,trailed to 300,out,no finish 4.5L $51.00 P Moloney 55 Madam Gangster 1:11.16 19Sep G CAUL 12 of 13 1400m (11)MARES BM90 $86000 12th otr,peeled wd 300,no finish 5.9L $16.00 P Moloney 52.5 Kayjay's Joy 1:24.61 All(16-4-1-0) $218,000 F(0) G(15-4-1) D(--0) S(1-0-0) H(0) C(5-0-0) Dst(7-2-0) F90(4-1-0) 2ndUp(4-1-1)
Not going well enough to consider in this.
TAHNI DANCER (6) 55kg (R75) 8. 574X0 4m b Sebring-Tahni Girl (by Redoute's Choice)
Dwayne Dunn
Red, white gatecrasher Ownr: N G Austin, Rosemont Stud Pty Ltd Clinton McDonald (Caulfield) 18Apr S RAND 7 of 11 1400m (9)JAMES CARR $162000 8th otr,loomed wdr 400,no dash 2.9L $9.50 B Avdulla 54 Slightly Sweet 1:24.36 16May G SCNE 4 of 16 1400m (10)ING GNEAS $434000 12th otr to 400 strong finish inr 2.4L $17.00 B Avdulla 54.5 Loved Up 1:22.74 26Sep G CAUL 11 of 12 1100m (4)MARES BM90 $86000 Slow,12th inr,cut corner,made grnd 3.45L $12.00 D Dunn 54 Afleet Esprit 1:03.11 All(13-1-2-1) $139,000 F(0) G(11-1-3) D(--0) S(1-0-0) H(1-0-0) C(3-0-0) Dst(6-1-2) F90(4-0-1) 2ndUp(3-1-0)
She has only won one race but she looks talented. Only win came 2nd up.
Caulfield Races (vic) 1200m $161000($96800, $29000, $14500, $7260, $4030, $3230)
M12 RACE 10
Starts 8:15pm
CATCH THAT CAT (7) 55kg (R79) 9. 11X35 6m ch Tale of the Cat (USA)-Apollonian (by Octagonal (NZ))
Luke Currie
Royal blue, silver fleur de lys Ownr: I Cajkusic, Mrs G M Johnstone, Starcayma Syn, M Comerford, Gwenda Johnstone (Echuca) B Doolan, D Allum, J Byers, B Lawrence, J Simmons, B Cottrill, D Dixon, T Green & G Mckellar 29Nov G M V 1 of 9 1200m (3)MARES HCP $86000 Stld 1x1,out 200,drove clear 0.75L $6.00 C Symons 54 Cobblestones 1:10.65 22Aug G M V 3 of 8 1200m (4)MARES BM90 $86600 Trailed till 200,out,btld on well 1.35L $6.00 D Lane 56.5 Tawteen 1:11.38 26Sep G CAUL 5 of 12 1100m (12)MARES BM90 $86000 6th 3w cvr,wdr 300,ran on okay 2.25L $17.00 D Lane 54.5 Afleet Esprit 1:03.11 All(10-4-1-2) $123,000 F(0) G(8-3-3) D(--0) S(1-1-0) H(1-0-0) C(1-0-0) Dst(4-2-2) F90(3-2-1) 2ndUp(3-1-1)
Going okay and is due to peak for this 3rd up. Hope at good odds.
MATILIJA (11) 55kg (R76) 10. 30X37 4m b Medaglia D'oro (USA)-Romneya (by Red Ransom (USA))
Ben Melham
Royal blue Ownr: Godolphin L&A Freedman (Flemington) 18Apr S RAND 11 of 11 1400m (8)JAMES CARR $162000 Disp pace inr to 400,faded out 9.3L $6.00 J McDonald 54 Slightly Sweet 1:24.36 16Sep S PAKM 3 of 13 1200m (8)F&M BM78 $43000 2nd outer,solid effort str 2.75L $3.60 B Melham 59 Roll the Ignition 1:12.84 26Sep G CAUL 7 of 12 1100m (7)MARES BM90 $86000 Slow,11th otr,wdr 300,made ground 2.65L $5.50 M Dee 52 Afleet Esprit 1:03.11 All(7-2-0-3) $86,800 F(0) G(4-2-1) D(--0) S(2-0-1) H(1-0-1) C(1-0-0) Dst(3-0-3) F90(3-2-1) 2ndUp(2-0-1)
Had excuses 2nd up and she has ability. Do not discount in this.
EXCLUSIVE LASS (9) 55kg (R68) 11. 8X321 4m b Nicconi-World Exclusive (NZ) (by Zabeel (NZ))
Kerrin McEvoy
Apple green and white checks, fuschia cap, apple green pom pom Ownr: J D Clark, P J Lanskey, Mrs H R Hueston, C J Page, Mrs D M Clark, Nigel Blackiston (Flemington) M Rammunno, Mrs G Ramunno, J Arcidiacono, I R Sest, C M Lane, G F Holmes & Twycross 26Aug G SANL 3 of 8 1200m (4)F&M BM70 $43000 4th inner,solid in str 1.25L $3.00 J Winks 56.5 Billie Frechette (NZ) 1:11.25 10Sep S MORN 2 of 9 1200m (3)F&M BM70 $32300 0.5L $2.70 J Winks 56.5 Liten Prinsessa (NZ) 1:11.19 25Sep G M V 1 of 11 1200m (2)MARES BM70 $43000 5th inr,3rd tn,out 200,too smart 3L $2.40 M Walker 56.5 Not a Happy Camper 1:10.40 All(7-2-3-1) $53,700 F(0) G(6-2-3) D(--0) S(1-0-1) H(0) C(0) Dst(5-1-4) F90(2-0-2) 2ndUp(2-1-1)
Won a lower grade easily last start. This is a step up in class.
Qla $
Tfa $
Winners Time: