- Laurel Park Profile Sheet

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Friday, December 04, 2015

v Speed Figure Analysis for LAUREL PARK


EXACTA, TRIFECTA & DAILY DOUBLE (RACES 1-2) / 10 cent SUPERFECTA 50 cent PICK 3 (RACES 1-2-3) / 50 cent SUPER HIGH 5 1 Mile. MAIDEN CLAIMING. For Thoroughbred fillies two year old. Purse: $27,000.

Post Pgm Pos. (win%) Horse

2 3 6 9 1 4 5 7 8 10 11

(12%) (14%) (14%) (6%) (13%) (15%) (14%) (8%) (11%) (5%) (16%)


Street Miz Value Added Eve Serilda Tiz Alarming Avianka Becky Kecki Carrauntoohil Emmy Agnes Kyleigh's Smile Solid Silver

Class Rating

Last Pace

Average Last 3 Pace

Highest Lifetime Pace


Average Last 3

Highest Lifetime

53 55 38 11 43 55 57 6 3 39 30

2 90 72 37 85 51 37 0 0 0 41

23 63 35 26 71 51 49 0 0 0 25

70 90 72 42 85 51 61 0 0 0 41

51 55 44 25 54 55 48 6 3 39 66

54 56 38 11 44 55 57 6 3 39 30

(8%) (15%) (14%) (11%) (10%) (15%) (8%)


Welcome Fairbanks Blazing Brother Hunt N Quest Unbridledrebellion Split After the Cut Off Special Select

(9%) (13%) (12%) (13%) (15%) (12%) (15%) (14%) (12%) (2%)



41% 46% 34% 34% 27% 36% 51% 39% 31% 34% 27%

49% 49% 20% 20% 40% 30% 62% 37% 37% 39% 54%

63% 31% 0% 0% 39% 0% 60% 100% 0% 0% 0%

Average Last 3 Pace

Highest Lifetime Pace


Average Last 3

Highest Lifetime

58 32 44 32 54 55 59

81 70 42 35 19 68 29

62 56 49 28 48 58 56

81 72 58 56 71 68 72

52 0 57 39 60 65 60

58 32 49 35 56 61 59

62 56 64 41 67 65 69




In The Money % - Previous 12 Months

Jockey / Trainer Hole T / Casey S Garcia L / Capuano G Thorpe D / Figgins, III O Glaser L / Robb J Boyce F / Motion H Rengifo K / Allen, III A McCarthy T / Motion H

LRL - 12/04/2015



41% 34% 27% 27% 36% 26% 51%

50% 45% 40% 44% 43% 35% 43%

65% 56% 39% 100% 23% 25% 43%

Race Rating


Flo's Strawberry Next Best Thing Briar Mojo Avery's Parade Mast Cove Say a Hail Mary Sizzling Lassie Simply Belonging Kippy Fox Baby Butterscotch

Class Rating

Last Pace

Average Last 3 Pace

Highest Lifetime Pace


Average Last 3

Highest Lifetime


Jockey / Trainer




63 73 66 49 61 61 51 59 54 46

61 9 21 10 65 72 21 40 46 0

80 49 48 52 63 81 64 53 56 42

126 88 98 91 93 114 106 92 109 122

63 68 50 24 59 64 44 41 53 37

65 72 56 45 61 64 47 53 63 37

94 94 89 70 79 75 83 79 88 74

Luzzi L / Ness J Rengifo K / Eppler M Halliday V / Thurston J Pimentel J / Wyner H Chirinos R / Robb J McCarthy T / Stidham M Mejias L / Feliciano, Jr. B Perez X / Potts W Francois K / Wolfendale H Delgado A / Garibay L

33% 26% 16% 44% 42% 51% 36% 28% 34% 21%

56% 54% 33% 33% 44% 46% 32% 45% 32% 23%

0% 50% 0% 100% 54% 42% 0% 58% 0% 0%



In The Money % - Previous 12 Months

EXACTA, TRIFECTA & DAILY DOUBLE (RACES 4-5) /10 cent SUPERFECTA 50 cent PICK 3 (RACES 4-5-6) / 50 cent PICK 4 (RACES 4-5-6-7) 50 cent SUPER HIGH 5 1 Mile. CLAIMING. For Thoroughbred three year olds and up. Purse: $22,000.

(13%) (12%) (14%) (15%) (14%) (14%) (8%)


v Equibase Speed Figure. For more information click here.

Race Rating


v Equibase Speed Figure. For more information click here.

Post Pgm Pos. (win%) Horse

1 2 3 4 5 6 7


Hole T / Trombetta M Carrasco V / Trombetta M Francois K / Boniface K Francois K / Boniface K Thorpe D / Figgins, III O Boyce F / Patti G McCarthy T / Magee K Karamanos H / Cooney S Roman K / Cooney S Garcia L / Smith H Glaser L / Eppler M

Last Pace

Post Time: 1:45 PM

1 2 3 4 5 6 7


64 67 48 25 54 55 66 6 3 39 66

EXACTA, TRIFECTA & DAILY DOUBLE (RACES 3-4) / 10 cent SUPERFECTA 50 cent PICK 3 (RACES 3-4-5) / 50 cent SUPER HIGH 5 6 Furlongs. CLAIMING. For Thoroughbred fillies and mares three years old and up. Purse: $15,000.

Post Pgm Pos. (win%) Horse

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


Class Rating

Post Time: 1:18 PM

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


v Equibase Speed Figure. For more information click here.

Post Pgm Pos. (win%) Horse

1 2 3 4 5 6 7


In The Money % - Previous 12 Months

Jockey / Trainer

EXACTA & TRIFECTA / DAILY DOUBLE (RACES 2-3) / 10 cent SUPERFECTA 50 cent PICK 3 (RACES 2-3-4) / 50 Race Rating cent PICK 4 (RACES 2-3-4-5) 50 cent SUPER HIGH 5 67 7 Furlongs. CLAIMING. For Thoroughbred two year olds. Purse: $23,000.

Post Time: 12:52 PM

1 2 3 4 5 6 7


v Equibase Speed Figure. For more information click here.

Post Time: 12:25 PM

1 1A 2 2X 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Race Rating

Sunrise Bird Retire Fifty Five Gentle Johnny Cosa Dolce Tafawuk Jiravit Gator Boy

Class Rating

Last Pace

Average Last 3 Pace

Highest Lifetime Pace


Average Last 3

Highest Lifetime


Jockey / Trainer




70 75 76 82 85 63 66

48 70 56 52 NA 75 41

68 79 78 70 79 76 50

109 119 92 100 90 97 61

52 61 83 80 NA 66 68

71 72 82 83 87 60 68

86 97 83 96 92 81 70

Canchari A / McMahon H Karamanos H / Reynolds J McCarthy T / Albert L Boyce F / Morgan C Ramirez J / Davies J Carrasco V / Clark T Chirinos R / Dilodovico D

44% 39% 51% 36% 100% 46% 42%

46% 39% 33% 38% 67% 41% 47%

100% 33% 33% 50% 0% 46% 38%



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In The Money % - Previous 12 Months

Page 1 of 3


Friday, December 04, 2015

v Speed Figure Analysis for LAUREL PARK


EXACTA, TRIFECTA & DAILY DOUBLE (RACES 5-6) / 10 cent SUPERFECTA 50 cent PICK 3 (RACES 5-6-7) / 10 cent RAINBOW PICK 6 (RACES 5-6-7-8-9-10) 50 cent SUPER HIGH 5 1 1/16 Miles. CLAIMING. For Thoroughbred three year olds and up. Purse: $18,000.

Post Pgm Pos. (win%) Horse

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

(8%) (11%) (16%) (15%) (8%) (11%) (12%) (7%) (6%) (3%) (6%) (9%) (0%) (0%) (0%) (0%)


Valley Stream Court Band Lightning Electric Picadilly Pete Puget Sound Hurricane Creek School House Approbation Slide by You Open the Bank Heroic Indeed Wonderful Union Mott Glenstal Abbey Silver Tie Affair Incisive Strike

Class Rating

Last Pace

Average Last 3 Pace

Highest Lifetime Pace


Average Last 3

Highest Lifetime

55 83 91 87 82 86 90 58 76 77 82 54 70 81 81 93

80 76 75 45 57 95 58 84 79 54 71 97 98 59 77 91

43 76 88 73 48 86 76 79 56 64 76 91 82 91 58 89

122 117 115 103 108 95 127 84 90 112 130 124 98 120 116 134

64 85 98 63 89 84 89 49 54 57 72 77 87 71 92 95

47 84 95 83 89 89 93 58 72 74 82 82 69 77 81 95

(9%) (13%) (12%) (13%) (15%) (12%) (15%)


D C Dancer Cutty Shark Pablo Del Monte Joe Franklin Rainbow Heir Sonny Inspired Pappa Portmore




Delgado G / Shannon J Feliciano D / Pradenas S Rose J / Leatherbury K Wolfsont A / Graci K Perez X / Aguirre A Garcia L / Cave H Karamanos H / Deiter K Hole T / White A Mejias L / Nechamkin, II L Castro C / Schottroffe E Felix, Jr. J / Dotolo D Hole T / Feliciano, Jr. B Thorpe D / Leatherbury K Toledo J / Magee K Glaser L / Herbert J Toledo J / Merryman E

25% 21% 43% 47% 28% 34% 39% 41% 36% 37% 33% 41% 27% 44% 27% 44%

0% 17% 35% 39% 37% 50% 12% 19% 22% 23% 31% 32% 35% 62% 0% 33%

0% 0% 0% 48% 30% 67% 0% 33% 20% 50% 31% 50% 22% 62% 0% 47%

(9%) (11%) (11%) (9%) (14%) (12%) (13%) (12%) (14%) (9%) (9%) (3%) (0%) (0%) (0%) (0%)

LRL - 12/04/2015

Race Rating


Last Pace

Average Last 3 Pace

Highest Lifetime Pace


Average Last 3

Highest Lifetime


Jockey / Trainer




92 79 102 89 99 91 95

62 49 105 106 87 49 60

63 50 104 104 70 50 48

102 105 128 119 121 116 86

89 60 104 75 97 93 97

90 67 105 89 99 97 100

110 112 106 99 115 109 107

Serpa A / Trombetta M Boyce F / Barr D McCarthy T / Jacobson D Toledo J / Jacobson D Pimentel J / Perkins, Jr. B Carrasco V / Schoenthal P Perez X / Davis S

30% 36% 51% 44% 44% 46% 28%

49% 35% 51% 51% 36% 38% 39%

25% 27% 60% 40% 67% 0% 50%



In The Money % - Previous 12 Months

EXACTA, TRIFECTA & DAILY DOUBLE (RACES 7-8) / 10 cent SUPERFECTA 50 cent PICK 3 (Races 7-8-9) / 50 cent PICK 4 (RACES 7-8-9-10) 50 cent SUPER HIGH 5 5 1/2 Furlongs. CLAIMING. For Thoroughbred fillies and mares three years old and up. Purse: $18,000.

Race Rating


v Equibase Speed Figure. For more information click here.

Post Pgm Pos. (win%) Horse

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16


103 104 106 107 100 97 107 67 91 97 101 102 88 92 109 113

Class Rating

Post Time: 3:07 PM

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16


v Equibase Speed Figure. For more information click here.

Post Pgm Pos. (win%) Horse

1 2 3 4 5 6 7


In The Money % - Previous 12 Months

Jockey / Trainer

EXACTA, TRIFECTA & DAILY DOUBLE (RACES 6-7) / 10 cent SUPERFECTA 50 cent PICK 3 (Races 6-7-8) / 50 cent PICK 5 (Races 6-7-8-9-10) 50 cent SUPER HIGH 5 6 Furlongs. ALLOWANCE OPTIONAL CLAIMING. For Thoroughbred three year olds and up. Purse: $50,000.

Post Time: 2:39 PM

1 2 3 4 5 6 7


v Equibase Speed Figure. For more information click here.

Post Time: 2:12 PM

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

Race Rating

Sweet Sway She'ssocalifornia Olga Payne Brooks Lass Ladies Strength Star Black Conspirer Emelina Synergist Hasty Miss Duchess of Wicklow Seeyouinthetown Enchanted Dreams Free d'Or Lady From Cheyenne Roxbury Rocket

Class Rating

Last Pace

Average Last 3 Pace

Highest Lifetime Pace


Average Last 3

Highest Lifetime


Jockey / Trainer




73 53 64 56 39 71 80 81 73 75 74 72 68 67 73 74

74 80 16 51 56 39 0 111 64 83 55 59 13 0 67 83

78 88 63 66 76 42 41 101 67 76 56 42 30 37 85 64

123 154 108 125 107 108 111 126 96 104 93 127 121 101 104 136

83 68 20 50 52 64 66 88 81 73 77 61 61 63 78 78

76 54 53 53 44 70 74 84 74 74 76 69 68 65 74 78

93 74 79 85 66 86 97 96 81 90 84 90 81 85 83 88

Perez X / Bernardini J Karamanos H / Smith, Jr. F McCarthy T / McMahon H Conner T / Lake S Serpa A / Neilson W Ortiz Y / Bernardini J Carrasco V / Gonzalez C Garcia L / Cave H Toledo J / Magill P Francois K / McMahon H Conner T / Magee K Conner T / McMullen M / Linder, Jr. L Barber R / Houghton R Pimentel J / Wyner H Mejias L / Shelansky R

28% 39% 51% 43% 30% 34% 46% 34% 44% 34% 43% 43% 0% 21% 44% 36%

36% 41% 46% 42% 22% 36% 45% 50% 30% 46% 62% 25% 36% 16% 33% 15%

0% 0% 63% 62% 0% 41% 51% 67% 41% 100% 59% 0% 0% 0% 100% 30%



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In The Money % - Previous 12 Months

Page 2 of 3


Performance Record from 09/12/2015 to 12/31/2015



Jevian Toledo Trevor McCarthy Victor R. Carrasco Horacio Karamanos Nik Juarez Forest Boyce Daniel Centeno Taylor M. Hole Sheldon Russell Julian Pimentel

260 219 163 193 119 162 89 117 152 149

JOCKEY Jevian Toledo Trevor McCarthy Victor R. Carrasco Horacio Karamanos Nik Juarez Forest Boyce Daniel Centeno Taylor M. Hole Sheldon Russell Julian Pimentel

50 42 37 38 22 34 18 24 28 34

9 2 7 3 2 6 4 2 3 4

Kieron Magee Jamie Ness Michael J. Trombetta Mary E. Eppler Timothy L. Keefe Claudio A. Gonzalez Gary Capuano Arnaud Delacour Hamilton A. Smith Wayne Potts

61 89 108 58 82 86 52 56 83 62

HORSE Lexington Street Hard to Want Thunder Lord High Bar Curlin's Kid Fantod Irina Baranova Cerebral Triple Burner Exaggerated

37 30 24 24 24 23 19 18 17 17

18 5 19 8 9 18 22 8 11 12 1st

92 75 47 54 37 58 28 34 42 45

14 13 7 6 9 11 5 9 4 5


17 14 14 14 14 14 13 11 10 7

1 2 4 1 0 0 5 3 5 1

Starts 4 4 4 5 5 4 3 3 5 3

23 29 21 30 11 17 14 16 15 21

15 17 15 11 24 19 18 26 10 11 3rd

10 16 14 14 12 11 4 6 8 7


2nd 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0

12 14 12 10 24 13 14 15 13 12

Win % % In $

12 8 19 7 2 16 6 8 8 10

6 3 6 8 8 6 7 6 2 1

20 20 13 12 20 12 7 12 12 10

28 16 13 24 17 16 25 20 12 11

64 43 44 60 34 48 44 45 31 39


27 25 14 36 24 25 28 27 7 5 3rd

14 12 8 9 10 10 7 5 9 7

31 17 14 22 19 17 24 19 17 13

Win % % In $ 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1

Allowance 58 49 37 42 22 52 28 27 40 47

75 75 75 40 40 50 67 67 40 67

100 100 75 80 60 75 100 100 60 100


1st Win% Sts

12 8 7 7 3 9 9 3 4 6

21 16 19 17 14 17 32 11 10 13

21 18 11 19 7 16 11 6 18 16

Allowance 12 16 36 10 23 18 19 26 12 6

3 2 1 3 1 2 3 1 1 1

25 13 17 10 17 11 26 19 0 0

14 11 9 16 14 13 27 17 6 6

MAIN COURSE Win% Sts 1st 4 3 75 2 1 50 4 3 75 0 0 0 5 2 40 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 2 67 0 0 0 1 1 100

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 1 50 0 0 1 100 1 100 1 33 1 7 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


1st Win% Sts

0 111 0 97 0 69 0 86 0 53 0 84 0 36 0 52 0 62 0 65

12 12 11 10 16 14 10 10 6 6

Sts 26 25 17 7 4 12 7 15 13 4

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TURF COURSE Win% Sts 1st 0 0 0 2 2 100 0 0 0 5 2 40 0 0 0 4 2 50 3 2 67 0 0 0 5 2 40 2 1 50

1st Win%

11 149 12 122 16 94 12 107 30 66 17 78 28 53 19 65 10 90 9 84

Sts 2 0 1 1 5 1 1 0 1 3

17 15 14 13 12 12 17 12 12 13


1st Win% Sts

34 43 46 18 37 37 26 37 37 25

25 18 13 14 8 9 9 8 11 11

Avg Win Favorites Win% Payoff 1st 10 38 $9.50 8 32 $7.90 3 18 $11.00 5 71 $11.60 3 75 $15.70 5 42 $8.70 3 43 $15.50 8 53 $7.20 4 31 $9.70 1 25 $12.50


1st Win% Sts

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Avg Win Favorites Win% Payoff 1st 7 23 $13.30 15 24 $7.40 13 42 $8.80 11 52 $10.00 5 63 $18.90 11 41 $11.10 8 36 $9.90 3 43 $13.50 4 24 $11.50 8 35 $11.00



1st Win% Sts

2 3 11 2 4 1 1 3 14 1

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0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Sts 30 63 31 21 8 27 22 7 17 23

1st Win% Sts

TURF COURSE Win% Sts 1st 6 1 17 30 4 13 56 4 7 18 5 28 26 4 15 20 2 10 18 2 11 36 8 22 31 4 13 8 0 0


1st Win% Sts

3 2 6 1 4 2 5 5 0 0


1st Win% Sts

MAIN COURSE Win% Sts 1st 55 16 29 59 10 17 52 10 19 40 9 23 56 10 18 66 12 18 34 11 32 20 3 15 52 6 12 54 7 13

1st Win% Sts

45 70 59 41 52 59 29 26 54 55

TURF COURSE Win% Sts 1st 97 16 16 82 14 17 64 6 9 94 12 13 42 5 12 80 14 18 40 6 15 44 7 16 73 3 4 68 6 9

MAIN COURSE Win% Sts 1st 163 21 13 137 16 12 99 18 18 99 12 12 77 19 25 82 9 11 49 13 27 73 11 15 79 14 18 81 11 14

1st Win% Sts

172 148 108 122 85 90 49 79 92 83

1st Win% Sts

22 12 43 22 34 24 25 22 27 21

36 45 39 37 39 36 48 44 37 36


3 YO's 25 15 11 8 0 0 36 20 15 50

14 14 15 12 20 14 21 15 11 11

1st Win% Sts

1st Win% Sts

4 13 35 13 10 7 14 15 33 2

Win % % In $

3 YO's

2 YO's Sts


33 39 19 17 11 19 10 18 24 15

1st Win% Sts


Kieron Magee Jamie Ness Michael J. Trombetta Mary E. Eppler Timothy L. Keefe Claudio A. Gonzalez Gary Capuano Arnaud Delacour Hamilton A. Smith Wayne Potts


2 YO's Sts




9 6 8 8 7 7 7 6 3 2

26 14 17 44 19 19 27 16 8 8

27 46 62 40 45 49 26 19 46 37

1st Win%

8 8 6 6 7 7 6 5 7 5

30 17 10 15 16 14 23 26 15 14

Avg Win Favorites Win% Payoff 1st 2 100 $6.50 0 0 $14.90 1 100 $12.10 0 0 $8.10 2 40 $5.30 1 100 $17.40 1 100 $21.80 0 0 $22.20 1 100 $11.80 2 67 $3.60

Laurel Park Friday, December 04, 2015

Horses In Today After the Cut Off Amame Approbation Avery's Parade Avianka Baby Butterscotch Becky Kecki Best Number Blazing Brother Briar Mojo Brooks Lass C'Mon Boys (GB) Carrauntoohil Cho Time Conspirer Cosa Dolce Court Band Cutty Shark D C Dancer Duchess of Wicklow Elevated Emelina Emmy Agnes Enchanted Dreams Eve Final Prospect Flo's Strawberry Forest Rim

(6) (5) (8) (4) (4) (10) (5) (6) (2) (3) (4) (4) (7) (8) (7) (4) (2) (2) (1) (11) (7) (8) (8) (13) (6) (4) (1) (9)

2nd 10th 5th 3rd 1st 3rd 1st 10th 2nd 3rd 7th 8th 1st 9th 7th 4th 5th 6th 6th 7th 9th 7th 1st 7th 1st 9th 3rd 8th

Free d'Or Gator Boy Gentle Johnny Giant Hug Glenstal Abbey Hasty Miss Heroic Indeed Hunt N Quest Hurricane Creek Incisive Strike Jiravit Joe Franklin John Jones Kippy Fox Kyleigh's Smile Ladies Strength Lady From Cheyenne Lightning Electric Line Haul Cowboy Madbobandshan Made Bail Magnificent Mr Z Mast Cove Max Crown Minor Legend Mochkla Mochkla Mott Mutasaawy

(14) (7) (3) (8) (14) (10) (11) (3) (6) (16) (6) (4) (8) (9) (10) (5) (15) (3) (5) (7) (5) (12) (5) (1) (6) (7) (13) (11)

7th 4th 4th 10th 5th 7th 5th 2nd 5th 5th 4th 6th 8th 3rd 1st 7th 7th 5th 8th 8th 9th 8th 3rd 8th 8th 10th 5th 8th

My Enigma Next Best Thing Olga Payne Oliver Zip Oohlala Open the Bank Outofthedepths Pablo Del Monte Pappa Portmore Pernicious Picadilly Pete Precious Daughter Puget Sound Rainbow Heir Ready It Retire Fifty Five Roxbury Rocket Say a Hail Mary School House Scrapple Secretariat Indy Seeyouinthetown Serilda She'ssocalifornia Shine On Erin Silver Tie Affair Simply Belonging Sizzling Lassie

(16) (2) (3) (3) (1) (10) (15) (3) (7) (2) (4) (4) (5) (5) (11) (2) (16) (6) (7) (3) (3) (12) (9) (2) (10) (15) (8) (7)

8th 3rd 7th 9th 10th 5th 8th 6th 6th 8th 5th 10th 5th 6th 10th 4th 7th 3rd 5th 8th 10th 7th 1st 7th 10th 5th 3rd 3rd

Slide by You Snow Leopard Solid Silver Something Saintly Sonny Inspired Special Select Split Star Black Street Miz Sunrise Bird Sweet Rock Sweet Sway Synergist Tafawuk Tazmanian Charlie Tiz Alarming Town Leader Triple Burner Unbridledrebellion Valley Stream Value Added Warleigh Welcome Fairbanks Whateveryouwant Wolftrap Wonderful Union

(9) (1) (11) (9) (6) (7) (5) (6) (2) (1) (12) (1) (9) (5) (10) (1) (2) (6) (4) (1) (3) (14) (1) (2) (13) (12)

5th 9th 1st 10th 6th 2nd 2nd 7th 1st 4th 10th 7th 7th 4th 8th 1st 10th 9th 2nd 5th 1st 8th 2nd 9th 8th 5th

Trainers In Today Aguirre, Anthony Albert, Linda L. Allen, III, A. Ferris Badillo, Pedro Luis Barr, Donald H. Bernardini, Jay P. Boniface, Kevin C. Brooks, Gerald E. Campitelli, Francis P. Captan, Bassam Capuano, Gary Casey, Stephen M. Cave, Hubert L. Clark, Thomas A. Cooney, Susan S. Cox, Kenneth M. Davies, Joseph G. Davis, Samuel G. Deiter, Kelly Lynn

5,8 4,9 2,8 10 6 7(2),10 1(2) 8 8 10 2,9 2 5,7 4 1(2),9,10 8 4 6 5

Dilodovico, Damon R. Dotolo, David Downs, Jr., Leonard J. Elamri, Hassan Eppler, Mary E. Feliciano, Jr., Benjamin M. Figgins, III, Ollie L. Garibay, Lucia Goldberg, Alan E. Gonzalez, Claudio A. Graci, Kimberly A Herbert, James Houghton, Roy D. Jacobson, David Keefe, Timothy L. Lake, Scott A. Leatherbury, King T. Linder, Jr., Louis C. Magee, Kieron

4 5 8 10 1,3 3,5 1,2,9 3 8 7,8,9 5 5 7 6(2) 8 7 5(2) 7,8 1,5,7,9

Magill, Patrick J. Martin, August R. Martin, Clyde W. McClure, Diana L. McMahon, Hugh I. McMullen, Marilyn G. McNeil, Emanuel Merryman, Elizabeth M. Mobberley, Gretchen B. Morgan, Carla L. Morris, Neil R. Motion, H. Graham Nechamkin, II, Leo S. Neilson, Wallace C. Ness, Jamie Nevin, Michelle Patti, Gale A. Perkins, Jr., Benjamin W. Potts, Wayne

7 8 8 8 4,7(2) 7 10 5 10 4,8 8 2(2) 5 7 3 9 1,10 6 3,10

Pradenas, Sergio H. Reynolds, Joan A. Robb, John J. Rogers, Ronald W. Rudolph, Sherry L. Salazar, Marco P. Schoenthal, Phil Schottroffe, Edward T. Shannon, Jennifer Shelansky, Richard Smith, Hamilton A. Smith, Jr., Franklin G. Souder, Donald E. Stidham, Michael Thurston, Jerry A. Trombetta, Michael J. White, Alexandra S. Wolfendale, Howard E. Wyner, Harold

5 4 2,3 8 10 10 6,9 5 5 7 1 7 10 3 3 1(2),6 5 3 3,7

1,2,3,4,6,7,9,10 3,5,7,10 8 10 7,8,9,10 8 3,5,6,7,10 3,6,7,9 4

Rengifo, Keiber* Rivera, Edwin Rodriguez, Wallynette* Roman, Kevin* Rose, Jeremy Serpa, Angel Thorpe, Darius* Toledo, Jevian Wolfsont, Andrew

2,3,10 8 8,10 1 5 6,7 1,2,5,9 5,6,7,8,9 5

Jockeys In Today Barber, Ryan Boyce, Forest Canchari, Alex Carrasco, Victor R. Castro, Carlos L. Chirinos, Roimes Conner, Tyler Delgado, Alberto Delgado, Gilberto Ramos * Denotes Apprentice Riders.

7 1,2,4,6,8,9 4 1,4,6,7,8,9 5 3,4 7,8,10 3 5

Feliciano, Daniel Felix, Jr., Javier M.* Francois, Kali* Garcia, Luis Glaser, Lauralea* Halliday, Vince Hole, Taylor M. Karamanos, Horacio Luzzi, Lane J.*

5,10 5 1,3,7,10 1,2,5,7,8 1,2,5,8,10 3 1,2,5,8 1,4,5,7,8,9 3,10

McCarthy, Trevor Mejias, Larry Monterrey, Richard Ortega, Jomar* Ortiz, Yomar Orlando Otero, William P. Perez, Xavier Pimentel, Julian Ramirez, J. R.

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