PURSE $200,000
Owner - Brian& Ira Wallach Racing,Closter,NJ;Leonard A Sorge,Verona,NJ
Breeder - James G Bagnell & Glendon W Smith,NS, CA
POWER - 90.8 SPEED - 98 Life ~~~66~~~14~~ ~17~~~11 $278,538 151 2 MeaÁ 4 PACE - 97.0 CLASS - 98 2017 ~~~18~~~~4~~ ~~2~~~~4 $137,600 152 2 YR½ 5
b g 5 Somebeachsomewhere(PA®)[$20,000]-Up Front Gal(PA)-Dragon Again 2016 ~~~32~~~~7~~ ~10~~~~6 $92,848 1512 MeaÁ 4 Off ~~~11~~~~4~~ ~~1~~~~2 $57,770 L5 $40,000 Driver - VINCENT GINSBURG grn-wh-s red (*St 1546 W 10% P 12% S 13% UDR .210) Trainer - DANIEL RENAUD (*St 302 W 11% P 14% S 10% UTR .221) 27May17 7 YR½ ft 70 55000 OPEN HDP Dube, Daniel L -13 no factor MachItSo, IdealCowboy, BloodBrothr 8 264 562 1242 1513 98 90 4 6 7¾ 6 7½º 86¾º 88¼ 66 27 1524 5.2 20May17 10 YR½ ft 60 55000 OPEN HDP Dube, Daniel L -12 garden trip MachItSo, GuntnmBy, BtOfALgndN 8 273 563 1241 1512 100 95 1 2 1½ 2 1½ 22 23½ 2 2¾ 272 152 13.4 13May17 10 YR½ sy 50 35000 NW25000L5 272 563 125 1531 96 97 1 1 1¼º 12 11¾ 13½ 1 4¼ 281 1531 *0.4 Bartlett, Jason L -4 handily GuantanamoBay, ArtfulWay, Totsmygts 8 Red 06May17 12 YR½ ft 62 35000 NW25000L5 95 94 Bartlett, Jason L -10 first over MssdlCnnrN, GntnmBy, TkItBckTrry 8 281 573 1252 1523 3 3 3¼ 34 2hdº 2ns 2½ 271 1523 3.8 PP1 (+52) 22Apr17 9 YR½ gd 57 100000 LEVYCONSOL 27 562 1232 1513 100 84 3 Zeron, Scott L -8 live cover ClearVision, MachItSo, CaviartLuca 8 5 6¾ 5 6½º 53¾ºx 75¼ 8 17¼ 304 155 5.8 15Apr17 7 YR½ ft 58 50000 GM LEVY Zeron, Scott L -10 first over SomewhereInLA, ClerVsn, GntnmBy 7 28 564 1243 1513 99 97 3 4 5¾ 4 3¼º 21½º 21¼ 3 2½ 271 152 20.1 08Apr17 6 YR½ ft 52 50000 GM LEVY 272 563 124 1521 98 97 1 2 1¾ 22 32¾ 33 31 274 1522 3.7 Stratton, Jordan L -8 garden trip ClearVision, Mcwicked, GuntnmBy 7 01Apr17 9 YR½ ft 44 50000 GM LEVY 98 93 Zeron, Scott L -9 tired BitOfALegendN, Mcwicked, AlwysAtMyPlc 7 282 573 1253 1524 1 1 1½ 12 11½ 1ns 4 1¾ 273 1531 2.2 25Mar17 7 YR½ ft 54 50000 GM LEVY Miller, Brett L -10 no factor RockinRon, BitOfALegendN, Soto 7 272 56 1233 1511 99 101 6 68 6 10 65½º 75 5 1¾ 27 1513 18.3 18Mar17 5 YR½ sy 35 50000 GM LEVY Zeron, Scott L 4 three moves MissileJ, BloodBrother, GntnmBy 8 273 563 125 1541 98 98 5 69 6 8¾ 65¾º 86¼ 32 282 1543 7.8 11Mar17 6 YR½ ft 28 50000 OPEN HDP Zeron, Scott L -4 strong finish GuantanmBy, BldBrthr, VgsVctn 8 273 572 1254 1534 99 95 3 55 5 6¾ 63¼º 53¼ 1 ns 272 1534 4.9 25Feb17 6 YR½ sy 55 50000 OPEN HDP 97 103 Bartlett, Jason L -1 live cover Soto, SomewhereInLA, GuantanmBy 8 264 56 1234 1521 5 6 10 6 7¾º 43º 53¼ 3 2½ 281 1523 5.1 21 3 Life ~~~80~~~22~~ ~10~~~~9 $409,525 148 4 PcDÁ 4 Owner W Kenneth Wood,MD;W J Dittmar Jr,PA;S J Iaquinta,PA Breeder Blue Chip Bloodstock Inc,NY POWER 92.6 SPEED 102 6/1
98.0 CLASS - 99 2017 ~~~14~~~~6~~ ~~0~~~~1 $161,950 150 1 DDÁ 5 2016 ~~~36~~~11~~ ~~6~~~~3 $126,305 1484 PcDÁ 4 Off ~~~11~~~~5~~ ~~1~~~~2 $115,105 L5 $63,950 Stafford, Art Jr Soto, Scalped, MulletBlueChip Miller, Marcus -4 BarimahA, SunfireBlueChip, SomewhereInLA Miller, Brett -8 no factor KeystoneVelocty, SmwhrInLA, MsslJ Dube, Daniel -8 garden trip SomewhereInLA, MachItS, GrtVntg Kakaley, Matt -9 garden trip Soto, SomewhereInLA, WkzshHnvr Kakaley, Matt -10 garden trip RockinRon, BitOfALegendN, Soto Kakaley, Matt 4 garden trip Soto, BitOfALegendN, SomwhrInLA Kakaley, Matt -4 no factor GuantanamoBay, BlodBrthr, VgsVctn Kakaley, Matt -1 garden trip Soto, SomewhereInLA, GuantnmBy Kakaley, Matt -9 strong finish CavirtLc, SprtsBttr, BtOfALgndN Stafford, Art Jr -4 Soto, ArqueHanover, ImaRebel Stafford, Art Jr -7 Soto, SweetRock, ClearVision 103 Life ~~~74~~~26~~ ~~9~~~~5 $1,339,741 147 4 PcDÁ 5 PACE - 97.0 CLASS - 100 2017 ~~~~4~~~~2~~ ~~0~~~~0 $22,750 149 3 PcDÁ 6 b h 6 Western Ideal(NJ®)[$15,000]-Trim Hanover(KY)-Camluck $77,000 2016 ~~~18~~~~5~~ ~~3~~~~3 $203,210 1474 PcDÁ 5 Off ~~~~7~~~~2~~ ~~0~~~~2 $319,327 L5 $26,960 Driver - AARON MERRIMAN go-c red-wh (St 2157 W 27% P 18% S 14% UDR .417) Trainer - CHRIS OAKES (*St 633 W 29% P 16% S 12% UTR .419) 27May17 10 PcDÁ ft 68 20000 NW22500L5 LuckBeWithyou, AnwarHanover, Rufo 254 542 1214 1493 94 97 4 11 11 11 12¾ 11 274 1493 *0.1 Napolitano, G Jr L -12 20May17 3 PcDÁ ft 67 20000 NW22500L5 LuckBeWithyou, Settlemoir, Cooperstown 26 553 1221 1493 92 99 5 12 11 11½ 13 1 2¾ 272 1493 *0.2 Napolitano, G Jr L -10 13May17 10 PcDÁ sy 49 25000 WO25000LT AllBetsOff, MajorUptrend, DojeaSolo 271 56 1224 1511 97 90 1 4 2¼ 6 4¾º 66ºº 69 6 7¾ 284 1524 2.8 Napolitano, G Jr L -3 06May17 10 PcDÁ sy 48 50000 INV -4 BarimahA, SunfireBlueChip, SomewhereInLA SCRATCHED - SICK 254 531 1204 150 101 29Apr17 8 YR½ ft 79 55000 OPEN HDP Sears, Brian L -10 garden trip AllBetsOff, RolndNRck, SntFBchby 274 563 1243 1521 98 93 1 2 1½ 2 1¾ 22 22½ 53 274 1524 5.6 12Apr17 5 PcDÁ ft 65 QUA Chellis, Drew L LuckBeWithyou, PrettyBoyHill, Humility 272 563 1253 1523 - - 6 1 2½ 1 1¾ 12¼ 12 1 nk 27 1523
SOTO $130,000
br h 5 Rock N Roll Heaven(NY®)[$12,000]-Incredible Beauty(NY)-Art Major Driver - ART STAFFORD JR blu-gra-c red (*St 1342 W 12% P 12% S 14% UDR .233) Trainer - ERIC ELL (*St 326 W 20% P 17% S 12% UTR .334) 17May17 3 Har½ ft 79 QUA 281 563 126 1541 - - 5 13 18 110 111 1 11 281 1541 06May17 10 PcDÁ sy 48 50000 INV 254 531 1204 150 101 101 6 8 6¾ 8 5½ 65½ 54½ 5 2¼ 283 1502 12.1 22Apr17 10 YR½ gd 57 100 102 529000 LEVYFINAL 261 544 1223 1512 8 8 12 8 12 87¼ 85¾ 5 2½ 274 1514 107.3 Blue 08Apr17 8 YR½ ft 52 50000 GM LEVY 100 101 2 27 56 1 123 3 151 3 2 2 2 1½ 31¾ 31½ 4 ¾ 274 1514 4.8 PP2 (+33) 01Apr17 5 YR½ ft 44 50000 GM LEVY 263 554 1234 1514 100 99 2 2 1½ 2 1½ 21½ 32 1 ns 274 1514 4.0 25Mar17 7 YR½ ft 54 50000 GM LEVY 272 56 1233 1511 99 100 2 2 1½ 22 31½ 42 31 273 1512 4.6 18Mar17 8 YR½ sy 35 50000 GM LEVY 98 103 271 564 1244 1533 3 2 1½ 2 1½ 31½ 31½ 1½ 283 1533 6.0 11Mar17 6 YR½ ft 28 50000 OPEN HDP 273 572 1254 1534 99 95 8 8 9¾ 8 12 74¾º 74¾ 4 2¼ 272 1541 15.5 25Feb17 6 YR½ sy 55 50000 OPEN HDP 264 56 1234 1521 97 106 4 2 1¼ 2 1¾ 21½ 21½ 1 nk 281 1521 *1.3 18Feb17 7 YR½ ft 56 50000 OPEN HDP 273 573 125 1522 98 93 6 68 6 6½º 76¼º 76¼ 44 27 1531 6.7 09Feb17 10 DDÁ ft 31 30000 OPN PRF HC 96 97 27 552 1234 1514 6 79 7 8½º 31½º 1¼ 1 nk 274 1514 12.6 26Jan17 10 DDÁ ft 46 30000 PREF HC 261 544 122 1501 97 101 1 1 1½ 1 1½ 11½ 11 1½ 281 1501 3.8 1 POWER - 96.3 SPEED Breeder - Brittany Farms,KY 3/1 Ü Owner - John H Craig,North York,ON
White PP3 (+24)
Green PP4 (+8)
Black PP5 (+22)
Trainer change from Fernand Paquet Jr (St 41 W 7% P 14% S 7% UTR .178) after 01Apr17 QUA 281 572 127 1553 - - 6 33 3 2¾ 2½º Trainer change from Chris Oakes (St 740 W 30% P 17% S 12% UTR .440) after 19Nov16 19Nov16 8 YR½ ft 48 45000 OPENHDP 99 SCRATCHED SICK 264 551 1221 150 28Oct16 7 M1 ft 45 421000 BRDRSCRN F 271 551 1221 149 104 97 8 8 8¾ 8 6½ 86½ 21Oct16 6 M1 ft 67 25000 OPN 261 534 1211 148 102 92 6 2 1º 2 ns 32 08Oct16 7 Btva½ ft 60 50000 INVITATION SCRATCHED - SICK 264 544 1224 1522 98 30Sep16 11 DTNÁ ft 62 150000 DYTN DERBY 262 544 1221 1491 104 98 4 12 11 1½ Owner - Burke Rcg Stb & Weaver Bruscemi,PA;F Baldachino,NJ;Panhellenic Stb Corp Breeder - Robert A Tucker & Greg S Tucker,NJ 01Apr17 10 PPkÁ
5 8 8 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 7 8
ft 79
2 hd
283 1553
9 6 7 8 5 6
FeelTheNeedA, LuckBeWithyou, WhiteMountanTp 6
Simons, Michael L
-9 TheRealOne, FirstClassHorse, BitOfALegendN 7 Miller, Brett L -7 AlwaysBMiki, WiggleItJiggleit, Shamballa10 87¼ 7 7¼ 27 1502 102.0 Miller, Brett L -15 AlwaysBMiki, DealtAWinner, ArtisticMajor 9 33½ 88 28 1493 19.4 -11 FoiledAgain, PolakA, MelMara 6 Goodell, Eric L -12 WiggleItJiggleit, AlwaysBMiki, FreakyFeetPete 7 21 75 28 1501 33.2 2 POWER - 94.3 SPEED - 101 Life ~~~85~~~24~~ ~19~~~12 $2,272,503 148 2 RcRÁ 5 PACE - 98.0 CLASS - 100 2017 ~~~~8~~~~2~~ ~~1~~~~1 $74,500 151 1 PcDÁ 6 b h 6 Bettor's Delight(NY®)[$12,000]-Armbro Penelope(NJ)-Dexter Nukes $7,000 2016 ~~~27~~~~4~~ ~~5~~~~7 $625,759 1482 RcRÁ 5 Off ~~~12~~~~3~~ ~~3~~~~1 $216,445 L5 $56,000 Driver - MATT KAKALEY c red-wh-col bl (*St 2652 W 12% P 15% S 14% UDR .250) Trainer - RON BURKE (St 246 W 28% P 13% S 12% UTR .392) 28May17 12 PhlÁ ft 77 150000 STFRDJRINV MossdaleConnerN, JinsShark, ChristenMeN 8 261 541 1211 149 100 98 6 7 5¾ 8 5½º 74¼ºº 52¾ 4 2½ 272 1492 14.9 Kakaley, Matt L -19 20May17 10 YR½ ft 60 55000 OPEN HDP 273 563 1241 1512 100 94 7 7 9½ 7 9¾ 88¼º 88 6 5¾ 264 1523 16.1 Kakaley, Matt L -12 no factor MachItSo, GuantanmBy, BtOfALgndN 8 13May17 10 PcDÁ sy 49 25000 WO25000LT AllBetsOff, MajorUptrend, DojeaSolo 7 271 56 1224 1511 97 98 2 1¼ 32 31½ 21 1 nk 281 1511 *0.9 Kakaley, Matt L -3 29Apr17 8 YR½ ft 79 55000 OPEN HDP 274 563 1243 1521 98 96 3 1 1½ 1 1¾ 12 12½ 1¾ 273 1521 *1.4 Brennan, George L -10 game winner AllBetsOff, RlndNRck, SntFBchby 5 15Apr17 7 YR½ ft 58 50000 GM LEVY 28 564 1243 1513 99 97 6 6 9¼ 6 7º 64¾º 64½ 4 3½ 263 1521 6.1 Kakaley, Matt L -10 third over SomewhereInLA, ClerVsn, GntnmBy 7 08Apr17 8 YR½ ft 52 50000 GM LEVY 27 561 1233 1513 100 99 7 7 11 7 9º 76½º 65 6 3½ 272 1521 14.1 Kakaley, Matt L -8 no factor SomewhereInLA, MachItSo, GretVntg 7 25Mar17 10 YR½ ft 54 50000 GM LEVY 28 57 124 152 98 94 1 1 1½ 12 12 11¾ 33 283 1523 *0.4 Kakaley, Matt L -10 tired MelmerbyBeach, WakizashHnvr, AllBtsOff 8 18Mar17 6 YR½ sy 35 50000 GM LEVY 272 563 1253 1541 98 98 6 5 5¾ 5 6¾ 41½º 31½ 23 29 1544 3.3 Kakaley, Matt L 4 live cover LongLiveRock, AllBetsOff, Mattmrcn 8 03Mar17 6 M1 ft 31 QUA Kakaley, Matt L BettorsEdge, AllBetsOff, DooWopHanover 8 29 561 1244 153 - - 3 4 4½ 4 6½ 44½ 23 2 2¾ 28 1533 24Feb17 4 M1 ft 66 QUA Kakaley, Matt L AllBetsOff, OddsOnEquuleus, DooWopHanover 8 273 564 1251 153 - - 1 33 3 3¼ 34 22 1 nk 27 153 22Nov16 10 RcRÁ ft 35 100000 POTOMAC 253 521 1193 1482 103 109 3 2 3½ 3 1½ 32 21¼ 1 ns 282 1482 4.3 Kakaley, Matt L -7 AllBetsOff, SplitTheHouse, WakizashiHanover 8 12Nov16 6 M1 ft 42 400000 TVG FFA F AlwaysBMiki, MachItSo, MelmerbyBeach 7 254 541 1213 1482 102 101 4 11 1 1½ 1½ 2½ 4 5¼ 274 1492 23.6 Kakaley, Matt L -7 8 ~~5~~~~5 $316,630 151 2 ScDÁ 3 Owner - Bradley J Grant,Milton,ON Breeder - Spring Haven Farm,OH POWER - 90.9 SPEED - 91 Life ~~~26~~~12~~ PACE - 93.0 CLASS - 89 2017 ~~~~3~~~~1~~ ~~0~~~~1 $14,252 151 2 MVRÁ 4 b h 4 Mr Wiggles(OH®)[$3,000]-Shani Pants(OH)-On The Attack $15,000 2016 ~~~13~~~~8~~ ~~1~~~~1 $211,385 1512 ScDÁ 3 Off ~~~~3~~~~1~~ ~~0~~~~0 $34,000 L5 $14,252 Driver - DOUGLAS MCNAIR mar-blk-wh (*St 1588 W 18% P 15% S 13% UDR .307) Trainer - SCOTT MCENENY (*St 124 W 23% P 12% S 18% UTR .357) 21May17 11 FlmD½ gd 50 128480 CONFED CUP WesternFame, CheckSix, Sintra 9 262 552 1234 1514 98 94 7 2½ 3 1½ 43¼ 33 65 282 1524 30.3 Mcnair, Douglas -17 14May17 5 FlmD½ ft 50 14600 CONFED CUP WesternFame, CheckSix, MrWigglePants 6 27 562 1234 1524 97 95 3 1 1½ 1 1¼ 1½ 2nk 3 2½ 292 1531 7.9 Mcnair, Douglas -12
MR WIGGLE PANTS® 29Apr17 8 MVRÁ 15Apr17 5 GCTCÁ 04Nov16 12 HoPÂ 28Oct16 2 HoPÂ 19Oct16 5 HoPÂ 22Sep16 10 Dela½ 03Sep16 11 Nfld½ 13Aug16 11 Nfld½ 30Jul16 5 ScDÁ 16Jul16 8 ScDÁ
Trainer change from ft 76 25000 OH4YO&UP H ft 84 QUA ft 58 200000 MON CIRCLE ft 63 35700 CIRCITY-3C ft 68 QUA ft 82 50170 3YC-OBC ft 67 250000 3YR C OSS gd 74 300000 MILSTEIN ft 86 55000 OSF 3YOC ft 81 40000 OSS 3YOC
James Mulinix (St 67 W 31% P 14% S 7% UTR .421) after 29Apr17 26 55 1231 1512 87 88 8 1 1º 21 29 593 1282 157 - - 2 1 1½ 1 1½ 264 56 1242 151 91 81 9 10 17 10 13 27 57 124 1514 88 83 4 1 1¾ 1¾ 292 584 1273 1544 - - 5 4 5½ 4 8½ 83 79 271 57 1244 1522 3 11 1½ 253 543 1232 1513 86 84 5 1 ½º 1 1½ 254 544 1223 151 91 90 1 1 2½ 1½ 27 571 1243 1512 83 87 4 1 1½ 1 1½ 81 82 27 554 1234 1521 8 55 5 6¼
Help | 800-334-3800 | www.trackmaster.com
21½ 11¼ 87¼º 22 27º 1ns 1hd 1hd 1½ 22º
11 11½ 98½ 32¾ 13 1¾ 1ns 11½ 13 31½
1¾ 2½ 8 9½ 6 3¾ 1 5¾ 1¾ 21 4 4¼ 1 3¼ 3 1¾
28 283 27 281 254 273 282 291 264 282
1512 157 1524 1523 1544 1522 1514 1514 1512 1523
7.9 Kauffman, Kayne -18 MrWigglePants, ManHeCanSkoot, StandOtAtDwn 9 Mulinix, James
66.1 Kauffman, Kayne -17 1.7 Kauffman, Kayne -15 *0.8 *1.7 18.0 *0.5 1.8
Kauffman, Kayne Kauffman, Kayne Kauffman, Kayne Kauffman, Kayne Kauffman, Kayne Kauffman, Kayne
-19 -22 -15 -19 -19
PembrokeScorpio, MrWigglePants, N/a 2 CheckSix, ManhattanBeach, MysticalRock10 MoreDragon, MatrixOfLuck, Granite 7 MrWigglePants, CharNMarg, LookAgainEda 5 MrWigglePants, Whataboy, HustlingCharley 9 Whataboy, MrWigglePants, CanadiasBakin 8 BettingLine, PureCountry, MagnumJ 7 MrWigglePants, HustlingCharley, RcknrllWldcts 9 WinwoodMac, Whataboy, MrWigglePants10
Northfield Park - Saturday, June 3, 2017 - Race 11 - Page 22 of 33
Yellow PP6 (-25)
Pink PP7 (-54)
Gray PP8 (-63)
Owner - Dale J Decker,Temperance,MI
Breeder - Linda L Marckel,OH
45 ~20~~~~4 $738,432 149 HoP 3 POWER - 91.5 SPEED - 96 Life ~~~83~~~46~~ PACE - 96.0 CLASS - 94 2017 ~~~~9~~~~5~~ ~~2~~~~0 $52,250 149 3 HoP 7 b h 7 Pro Bono Best(IN®)[$2,000]-Midnight Jewel(OH)-Keystone Raider $14,000 2016 ~~~21~~~11~~ ~10~~~~0 $175,633 1491 HoP 6 Off ~~~11~~~~4~~ ~~5~~~~0 $67,541 L5 $25,750 Driver - RONNIE WRENN JR blk-mar (St 2295 W 25% P 18% S 14% UDR .397) Trainer - DALE DECKER (*St 87 W 34% P 24% S 6% UTR .493) 26May17 12 Lon½ ft 59 109500 MOLSON Mcclure, Bob -22 BitOfALegendN, EveninOfPleasure, SunfirBlChp 8 263 553 1233 1513 100 88 8 44 2 1º 21½º 65¾ 8 10 294 1533 7.5 12May17 8 HoP ft 62 21000 INV RockNRollWorld, NightPro, GerriesSport 6 26 542 1221 1483 94 95 6 1 1¾ 1 1¾ 11¾ 1½ 2 2¼ 264 149 *0.3 Widger, Samuel -21 06May17 6 MVRÁ ft 56 20000 HG OPN HCP NightPro, ArtiGras, KissOfTerror 7 274 544 1224 151 93 93 7 1 ns 11 12½ 13 1 1½ 281 151 *0.4 Wrenn, Ronnie Jr -15 21Apr17 11 HoP ft 54 21000 INV 93 96 Widger, Samuel -19 NightPro, Mykindachip, EvergreenElite10 254 533 1222 1493 9 4 1¾ºº 1 1½º 11½º 11½ 1½ 271 1493 *0.3 14Apr17 10 HoP ft 66 21000 INV dnf *0.2 Widger, Samuel -20 Meadowbrookthunder, Mykindachip, AccontRllvr 7 254 541 123 1502 94 - 7 1 1¼be 2 ½pu 27Mar17 11 Nfld½ ft 58 14000 OPEN HCP 26 543 1224 1504 94 95 7 1 1½ 1 1½ 11½ 11½ 12 28 1504 *0.3 Wrenn, Ronnie Jr -18 NightPro, SouthwindAmazon, ThunderboltJaxon 7 18Mar17 9 MVRÁ ft 40 22000 HG OPNI HC KissOfTerror, NightPro, MyHeroRon 9 253 532 1221 1512 93 95 9 2 1º 21 41 31 21 291 1513 *1.0 Widger, Samuel -10 06Mar17 8 Nfld½ gd 50 14000 OPEN HCP 90 94 NightPro, ToughMudder, ArchettoHanover 9 274 571 1242 1524 8 1 2½ 1 1½ 12½ 12¾ 1 2½ 282 1524 *0.2 Wrenn, Ronnie Jr -8 27Feb17 8 Nfld½ ft 42 14000 OPEN HCP NightPro, ARealMiracle, Believeinthespirit 9 27 544 1234 1521 91 91 8 5 5¾ 5 4º 2hdº 11½ 1 1¼ 282 1521 *0.4 Wrenn, Ronnie Jr -15 15Feb17 5 Nor½ ft 30 QUA Decker, Dale NightPro, SFDonttellonme, TimesAreTight 4 271 562 1252 1551 - - 4 16 1 10 15 110 1 8¼ 294 1551 28Nov16 3 Nfld½ ft 50 14000 OPEN HCP 262 544 1232 1503 94 100 7 2 1º 1 1½ 11½ 11½ 1 2¼ 271 1503 *0.1 Wrenn, Ronnie Jr -13 NightPro, SouthwindAmazon, Lookinforadventur 7 21Nov16 10 Nfld½ ft 33 14000 OPEN HCP 94 95 Wrenn, Ronnie Jr -14 NightPro, BilboHanover, KRock 7 271 562 1241 1513 7 1 1½ 1 1½ 1¼ 11½ 11 272 1513 *0.2 Owner - Burke Rcg Stb,PA;Weaver Bruscemi,PA;Rtc Stbs,PA Breeder - R L Phillips & J A Carver & L H Leinberger,IL POWER - 91.1 SPEED - 101 Life ~~~67~~~24~~ ~~6~~~10 $621,403 150 1 FlmD½ 4 PACE - 97.0 CLASS - 99 2017 ~~~11~~~~4~~ ~~2~~~~1 $105,575 150 3 PcDÁ 5 b g 5 Real Desire(IN®)[$5,000]-Im All A Roan(IL)-Sportsmaster 2016 ~~~26~~~11~~ ~~2~~~~5 $390,910 1501 FlmD½ 4 Off ~~~15~~~~5~~ ~~1~~~~2 $176,468 L5 $38,475 Driver - RYAN STAHL red-yel (St 2328 W 14% P 13% S 13% UDR .256) Trainer - RON BURKE (St 246 W 28% P 13% S 12% UTR .392) 26May17 12 Lon½ ft 59 109500 MOLSON 263 553 1233 1513 100 93 7 8 9½ 8 7º 85¾ºº 87¼ 5 4¾ 274 1523 21.9 Kakaley, Matt L -22 BitOfALegendN, EveninOfPleasure, SunfirBlChp 8 20May17 10 PcDÁ ft 56 25000 WO25000LT Goodell, Eric L -10 RockinRon, MajorUptrend, BostonRedRocks 7 272 561 123 1503 100 94 1 2½ 21 31 21 1 nk 272 1503 2.6 06May17 10 PcDÁ sy 48 50000 INV Goodell, Eric L -4 BarimahA, SunfireBlueChip, SomewhereInLA 8 254 531 1204 150 101 97 7 2 ¼º 2 1º 33 78 78 301 1513 20.8 22Apr17 9 YR½ gd 57 100000 LEVYCONSOL 27 562 1232 1513 100 101 8 ClearVision, MachItSo, CaviartLuc 8 2 1¼ 2 1¾ 21¾ 31¾ 42 281 152 4.6 Gingras, Yannick L -8 garden trip 15Apr17 6 YR½ ft 58 50000 GM LEVY BitOfALegendN, RcknRn, BldBrthr 7 271 561 125 1513 100 99 2 2 1½ 2 1½ 21½ 31½ 2¾ 263 1514 1.7 Gingras, Yannick L -10 garden trip 01Apr17 5 YR½ ft 44 50000 GM LEVY 263 554 1234 1514 100 100 7 3 2¾ 33 31½º 21 4½ 274 1514 4.6 Gingras, Yannick L -9 2 moves Soto, SomewhereInLA, WakizashiHanvr 7 25Mar17 7 YR½ ft 54 50000 GM LEVY 272 56 1233 1511 99 101 1 1 1½ 12 1½ 2½ 1¾ 273 1511 *1.5 Gingras, Yannick L -10 game winner RockinRon, BitOfALegendN, Soto 7 18Mar17 7 YR½ sy 35 50000 GM LEVY Provocativprncn, RcknRn, MchItS 7 273 562 1251 1542 99 99 6 2 1½ 22 21½ 41¾ 2 hd 29 1542 *1.6 Gingras, Yannick L 4 garden trip 11Mar17 6 M1 ft 25 18000 NW15000L5 RockinRon, CityHall, RodeoRomeo10 272 552 124 1514 94 95 9 66 7 6º 41¼º 1¼ 1¾ 273 1514 *1.7 Bongiorno, Josep L -2 25Feb17 9 YR½ sy 55 26000 NW20000L5 RockinRon, BurningN, BulletBob 8 271 57 1244 153 96 102 6 1 1½ 12 12 12¼ 1 2¾ 281 153 *0.3 Brennan, George L -1 handily 18Feb17 5 YR½ ft 56 30000 NW25001L5 Provocativprncn, VgsVctn, RcknRn 8 282 571 1251 1523 95 95 6 68 6 9¾ 64½º 54 3 1½ 264 1524 11.6 Brennan, George L -9 third over 10Feb17 7 M1 ft 28 QUA Gingras, Yannick L RockinRon, ArtisticMajor, BalleratBoomerang 7 301 584 1272 1543 - - 3 2 1¼ 2 1¼ 21¼ 21½ 1 2½ 27 1543 Owner - C Takter,E Wndsr,NJ;John& Jim Fielding,ON;Brixton Medical,Mtwn,NJ;R A W Breeder - Blue Chip Bloodstock Inc,NY POWER - 92.1 SPEED - 101 Life ~~~72~~~24~~ ~10~~~~9 $1,176,879 148 3 PcDÁ 3 PACE - 95.0 CLASS - 99 2017 ~~~~5~~~~2~~ ~~1~~~~1 $65,640 151 2 YR½ 7 b h 7 American Ideal(NY®)[$6,000]-Shot Togo Bluechip(NY)-Cam's Card Shark $75,000 2016 ~~~25~~~~5~~ ~~5~~~~4 $193,440 1512 YR½ 6 Off ~~~~9~~~~4~~ ~~1~~~~1 $136,625 L5 $65,640 Driver - MARK MACDONALD wh-yel-blu (*St 2004 W 12% P 14% S 12% UDR .238) Trainer - JIMMY TAKTER (*St 649 W 23% P 17% S 12% UTR .364) 26May17 12 Lon½ ft 59 109500 MOLSON 263 553 1233 1513 100 95 6 3 2½ 54 53½ 33¼ 3 2½ 274 152 11.6 Macdonald, Mark L -22 BitOfALegendN, EveninOfPleasure, SunfirBlChp 8 06May17 10 PcDÁ sy 48 50000 INV BarimahA, SunfireBlueChip, SomewhereInLA 8 254 531 1204 150 101 103 5 1¼ 4 2¼ 44º 3¾ 2 hd 282 150 *0.7 Marohn, James Jr L -4 22Apr17 6 YR½ gd 57 40000 WO25000L5 272 56 1232 1512 96 102 5 1 2½ 12 12 12 1 2¼ 28 1512 *0.6 Macdonald, Mark L -8 handily SunfireBlueChip, RolandNRck, LcnHnvr 8 08Apr17 10 YR½ ft 52 40000 WO25000L5 281 571 1251 1532 95 90 8 8 11 8 12º 64½º 64 85 282 1542 *1.9 Macdonald, Mark L -8 third over MacintoshN, OrilliaJoe, ThrtfcnfsnA 8 25Mar17 8 YR½ ft 54 40000 WO25000L5 274 571 125 1523 96 95 5 1 1½ 1 1¾ 11½ 12 1 1½ 273 1523 *1.3 Macdonald, Mark L -10 handily SunfireBlueChip, BadHnvr, AlbrtCntdrN 8 10Mar17 2 YR½ ft 32 QUA T-P Macdonald, Mark L SunfireBlueChip, JustDoitQueeny, ExprssvActn 7 284 573 1262 154 1 16 17 19 110 1 22½ 273 154 20Aug16 10 PcDÁ ft 77 50000 INV MelMara, LuckBeWithyou, SunfireBlueChip 9 253 533 120 1472 101 102 2 2 1¼ 3 2½ 42½ 31¼ 3 1½ 271 1473 17.0 Macdonald, Mark L -17 12Aug16 9 HoP ft 87 30000 HASTON MEM 262 544 123 1494 96 92 6 Miller, David L -17 NightPro, FearlessDiablo, OntarioSuccess 7 4 5¼ 4 5¾ 21¼º 3½ 4 2¼ 27 1501 *0.6 06Aug16 14 M1 ft 85 35000 OPEN McardlesLightning, BitOfALegendN, MelMara 9 271 544 1214 1483 101 94 7 2¼ 31 31½ 31¼ 4½ 263 1483 19.2 Macdonald, Mark L -17 23Jul16 7 Stga½ ft 76 260000 JGERRITY 101 95 Macdonald, Mark L -13 WiggleItJiggleit, BitOfALegendN, AllBetsOff 8 64.8 263 544 1234 151 6 7 7¼ 7 6º 53½º 54½ 4 2¼ 27 1512 16Jul16 8 YR½ ft 83 45000 OPENHDP 263 544 1223 1502 98 101 7 2 1½ 22 31¾ 31½ 2¾ 273 1503 4.7 Macdonald, Mark L -14 garden trip DoctorButch, SunfirBlChp, ThRlOn 8 02Jul16 11 PcDÁ ft 67 500000 FRANKLIN F Miller, Brett L -15 AlwaysBMiki, FreakyFeetPete, WiggleItJiggleit10 254 53 1192 147 103 103 5 8 7½ 75 63¾ 65 64 273 1474 130.4
TrackMaster Highest Win %: NIGHT PRO - 55% Analysis Best SR Last Race: SOTO - 101
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Early Speed: NIGHT PRO Hard Closer: SOTO
Last Race Beaten Fav: None Best Earnings Per Start: ALL BETS OFF - $26,735
Northfield Park - Saturday, June 3, 2017 - Race 11 - Page 23 of 33