Ayuda para el programa Exacta, Trifecta, Superfecta, Pool de 3
11/15/15 Sal. Aprox.: 4:40PM
Ganador Segunda
Tercera No.
Paso de la Carrera
105 equibase.com/QR
Bessarabian S. (Grade II)
Premio $200,000. Para Fillies y Yeguas Tres años y May. Siete Furlones(Todo Clima) Récord de Pista: Hollywood Hit(4),119 lbs; 1:20.07 (5-9-10) # de Div.Aprox. Días Programa sin correr
Dueño: Jal Dastur Blusa: Negro-Negro Entren: Mark R Frostad ( 47-8-13-3 ) 17%
Paso v Velocidad
Alto v
Alto v # de Corredores
5 1 4 0 107 $111,498 Suciedad: 3 1 2 0 107 $94,092 0 0 0 0 na $0 Grama: 6 1 5 0 92 $25,442 Por Vida: 9 2 7 0 107 $119,534 AllWeather: 3 1 2 0 107 $94,092 Emma-Jayne Wilson Rojo 3 1 2 0 107 $94,092 Distancia: 2 1 1 0 107 $70,863 Endless Light (GB) (L) 119 ( 518-65-70-72 ) 13% WO: TAAUT 2013 $30,552 A.Y.5 Pivotal (GB) ($70,106) - Celeste (GB) por Green Desert - Criado en Great Britain por Cheveley Park Stud Ltd (07Feb10) 8 A 18Oct15 WO6 l o6f 71 :22º 1:10 ¼ 3 Stk - OntFshinG3 - 150k 93 94 3 2¶ 1¡ 2¨µ Wilson E 119 L *1.80 Cactus Kris119¨µ Endless Light119¶¢ Scotty's Model117¨µ 6 A 08Ago15 WO8 l o7f 38 :23¸¸ 1:22¹¸ 3 Stk - SeawayG3 - 150k 92 103 4 1¡ 1¶¡ 2¨© Da Silva E R 119 L 6.05 Marbre Rose117¨© Endless Light119¶£ Cactus Kris119¶¡ 6 A 01Jul15 WO4 l o7f 35 :22½¿ 1:21¿¼ 3 Stk - SwtBrirToB - 100k 105 107 4 3¡ 1¡ 1£ Wilson E 117 L 10.15 Endless Light117£ Hillaby119¼ Midnight Ballet117¸ 8 A 27May15 WO3 f 1m 42 :46¿¶ 1:34¸½ 3 No Rec 58600nw1/x 121 L 2.80 Bear's Pride121¶£ Endless Light121¹¢ Sweet Corinna116¸£ 74 92 5 2¶ 2¶¡ 2¶£ Wilson E 8 A 15Abr15 GP8 f 1m 554 :47¹¸ 1:35¸» 3 NRC 25000nw1/x-N 121 L 2.80 Lemon Lashes121¶£ Endless Light121£ Senaira121¡ 85 86 7 7º 5¶¡ 2¶£ Zayas E J 11 MNRecE - Dormouse S. -6k T-85 1 1¹£ Moore R L 08Oct13 Lei(ENG) gf 7f 21 1:24» 3 126 *1.10 Endless Light126¹£ Interception126¶¢ Disco Inferno131¶£ Trabajo(s): 7 Nov 15 WO o 4F ft :47 Briseando 1/40 30 Oct 15 WO o 4F ft :48.60 Briseando 5/32 9 Oct 15 WO o 5F ft :59.80 Briseando 3/25 2 Oct 15 WO o 4F ft :49.20 Briseando 12/33 Dueño: Anne L. Walsh 97 2015: 6 2 1 2 103 $185,548 Suciedad: 16 6 5 3 103 $384,328 Blusa: Verde-Negro 1 0 0 0 83 $6,853 2014: 7 3 2 0 103 $167,133 Grama: Entren: Ryan D Walsh ( 3-1-0-1 ) 33% Por Vida:17 6 5 3 103 $391,181 AllWeather:16 6 5 3 103 $384,328 Huber Villa-Gomez Blanco 4 2 1 1 100 $158,728 Distancia: 2 0 1 1 100 $35,851 Cactus Kris (L)
121 ( 1-1-0-0 ) 100% WO: FTK OCT YRLG 12 $30,000 A.Pa.4 Cactus Ridge ($5,000) - Highest Ground por Lemon Drop Kid - Criado en Kentucky por James Paliafito & Tom Keegan (16Abr11) 8 A 18Oct15 WO6 l o6f 12 :22º 1:10 ¼ 3 Stk - OntFshinG3 - 150k 55 95 7 8¼£ 8º£ 1¨µ VillaGomez H 119 L 5.10 Cactus Kris119¨µ Endless Light119¶¢ Scotty's Model117¨µ 11 A 06Oct15 Pid6 l o1ÇÀ 29 :48 » 1:41¶º 3 Stk - HbpaL - 100k 112 L 2.60 Miss Mischief114¶¡ Cactus Kris112¶ Serene Melody115«¬ 99 97 5 2«¬ 1¡ 2¶¡ VillaGomez H 8 A 07Sep15 Pid5 l o6 30 :22¿º 1:15¶½ 3 Stk - PidMstrsG2 - 400k 93 103 6 2¶ 3¶¡ 4¸¡ Pino M G 118 L 11.80 Living The Life115£ Leigh Court115¶¡ Miss Mischief114¨µ 6 A 08Ago15 WO8 l o7f 55 :23¸¸ 1:22¹¸ 3 Stk - SeawayG3 - 150k 55 100 6 6»¡ 5º¡ 3¶£ Pino M G 119 L 14.10 Marbre Rose117¨© Endless Light119¶£ Cactus Kris119¶¡ 11 A 14Jun15 Pid5 l o5 20 :22 º 1:02½ 3 Stk - SatnNLaceL - 100k 88 94 4 3¶ 3¡ 1«¬ VillaGomez H 115 L *1.40 Cactus Kris115«¬ Disco Barbie114¹¡ Monster Sleeping115¨µ 9 A 25May15 Pid6 l o5 219 :22 ¹ 1:03¸¾ 3 No Rec 33000 118 L 2.50® Cactus Kris118¡ Double Secret118¸£ Disco Barbie118¶£ 91 99 5 3¸¡ 3¶ 1¡* VillaGomez H Trabajo(s): 7 Nov 15 TP o 3F ft :37.40 Briseando 6/11 27 Sep 15 Pid o 4F ft :50.78 Briseando 5/6 31 Ago 15 Pid o 5F ft 1:00.33 Briseando 1/4 29 Jul 15 Pid o 5F ft :59.68 Briseando 2/2 Dueño: Ivan Dalos 86 2015: 2 2 0 0 92 $70,708 Suciedad: 2 2 0 0 92 $70,708 Blusa: Púrpura-Verde $0 Grama: 0 0 0 0 na $0 2014: 0 0 0 0 na Entren: Josie Carroll ( 120-30-19-15 ) 25% Por Vida: 2 2 0 0 92 $70,708 AllWeather: 2 2 0 0 92 $70,708 Luis Contreras Azul $0 Elusive Collection (L) 118 ( 757-161-116-110 ) 21% WO: 2 2 0 0 92 $70,708 Distancia: 0 0 0 0 na Z.Pa.3 Elusive Quality ($50,000) - Recollect por El Prado (IRE) - Criado en Kentucky por Tall Oaks Farm (22Feb12) 5 A 06Sep15 WO8 l o6f 28 :22¿¶ 1:09¶¸ 3 Stk - EtobicokeB - 100k 60 92 5 4¸ 2¡ 1¨µ Contreras L 116 L *.55 Elusive Collection116¨µ Pohdi Pohdi118¹¡ Her Majesty's Flag118¸ 6 A 09Ago15 WO6 l o6f -- :22¾¼ 1:09¹¾ 3 MNRecE 119 3.90 Elusive Collection119¶ Southern Ring119¼¡ High Heeled Girl119«¬ 78 80 3 3¨µ 1¸ 1¶ Contreras L Trabajo(s): 9 Nov 15 WO o 5F ft 1:00 Briseando 1/8 1 Nov 15 WO o 5F ft 1:02.20 Briseando 33/55 23 Oct 15 WO o 4F ft :47.80 Briseando 3/25 25 Sep 15 WO o 5F ft 1:01.60 Briseando 3/15 Dueño: Haras de Saint Pair and Monceaux Stable 104 2015: 5 1 2 0 109 $122,517 Suciedad: 1 1 0 0 103 $68,517 Blusa: Blanco-Marrón 2014: 5 2 1 0 106 $123,654 Grama: 13 3 3 2 109 $228,804 Entren: Christophe Clement ( 5-1-1-1 ) 20% Por Vida:14 4 3 2 109 $297,321 AllWeather: 1 1 0 0 103 $68,517 Alan Garcia Amarillo 1 1 0 0 103 $68,517 Distancia: 3 2 1 0 103 $144,717 Marbre Rose (IRE) (L) 119 ( 454-89-56-61 ) 20% WO: ARAG 2012 $117,182 Z.Pa.4 Smart Strike ($100,000) - Manerbe por Unbridled's Song - Criado en Ireland por Ecurie Des Monceaux (28Feb11) 9 A 19Sep15 Bel8 f 1m 42 :46¹¶ 1:33¹¸ 3 Stk - NblDmslG3 - 200k 109 105 2 4¹ 6º¡ 6¼£ Lezcano J 116 L 4.10 Recepta120¡ Lady Lara123¡ Crowley's Law116£ 6 A 08Ago15 WO8 l o7f 36 :23¸¸ 1:22¹¸ 3 Stk - SeawayG3 - 150k 65 103 3 5º 4¹ 1¨© Garcia A 117 L 3.30 Marbre Rose117¨© Endless Light119¶£ Cactus Kris119¶¡ 9 A 03Jul15 Bel8 f 1m 29 :47¸¸ 1:33¾» 4 Stk - PrfctStngB - 100k 90 109 8 8»¢ 8¹£ 2¨© Ortiz, Jr. I 115 L *3.40 Daring Kathy123¨© Marbre Rose115¡ Photo Call115¡ 11 A 04Jun15 Bel7 b 7f 68 :23¸¾ 1:22¶½ 4 Stk - IntrcontB - 150k 95 103 9 5¹ 4¶¡ 2¸¢ Ortiz, Jr. I 120 L *1.80 Zindaya123¸¢ Marbre Rose120¡ Distorted Beauty120«¬ 9 A 28Mar15 GP10 f 1m 105 :47¹¶ 1:34 ¹ 4 Stk - HoneyFoxG2 - 300k101 107 9 7º¡ 7¹¢ 6¸£ Ortiz, Jr. I 119 L 9.80 Lady Lara119¨µ Sandiva123¶¢ Coffee Clique117¨µ 13 A 13Dic14 GP10 f 7 62 :23½¹ 1:28¿ 3 Stk - SthBeachB - 100k 88 106 6 4¹ 3¶¡ 1¡ Saez L 114 L 3.20 Marbre Rose114¡ Baffle Me117¨© Kitty Wine119¨µ Trabajo(s): 8 Nov 15 Bel 5F ft 1:03.16 Briseando 6/9 1 Nov 15 Bel 5F ft 1:01.45 Briseando 6/9 21 Oct 15 Bel 5F ft 1:02.44 Briseando 8/10 13 Oct 15 Bel 4F ft :48.44 Briseando 7/30 Dueño: Diane Manning 98 2015: 8 2 2 2 105 $171,445 Suciedad: 20 8 2 2 110 $427,158 Blusa: Lime-Verde 2 0 0 0 97 $5,750 2014: 8 3 0 0 110 $116,963 Grama: Entren: Dale Capuano ( 3-0-1-1 ) 0% Por Vida:22 8 2 2 110 $432,908 AllWeather:10 5 2 2 110 $267,108 Eurico R Da Silva Verde Miss Mischief (L) 119 ( 716-171-118-107 ) 24% WO: 3 0 1 1 97 $35,508 Distancia: 1 0 0 0 87 $2,700 FTK SUM YRLG 2011 $125,000 Z.Y.5 Into Mischief ($45,000) - Kid Majic por Lemon Drop Kid - Criado en Kentucky por Allen Poindexter (19Feb10) 11 A 06Oct15 Pid6 l o1ÇÀ 20 :48 » 1:41¶º 3 Stk - HbpaL - 100k 114 BL *.90 Miss Mischief114¶¡ Cactus Kris112¶ Serene Melody115«¬ 74 99 1 8½£ 2¡ 1¶¡ Gallardo A A 5 A 16Sep15 Pid7 l o1ÇÀ 9 :49» 1:41»¸ 3 No Rec 40000 118 BL *.05 Two Wonders118«¬ Miss Mischief118»¢ City of Trix121º 51 96 4 4¼ 2¡ 2«¬ Gallardo A A 8 A 07Sep15 Pid5 l o6 20 :22¿º 1:15¶½ 3 Stk - PidMstrsG2 - 400k 75 103 2 7¹£ 4¸¡ 3¸¢ Gallardo A A 114 BL 3.50 Living The Life115£ Leigh Court115¶¡ Miss Mischief114¨µ 7 A 18Ago15 Pid4 l o6 66 :22¹ 1:15» 3 No Rec 36000 118 BL *.70 Miss Mischief118º¡ Miss Tapit118¶¡ Haines City121¨µ 71 105 4 7½¡ 2¶ 1º¡ Gallardo A A 8 A 13Jun15 WO9 l o1 35 :49¶º 1:43¸¿ 3 Stk - TrilliumL - 100k 119 BL 3.95 Checkered Past119¨µ Unspurned119¡ Miss Mischief119¡ 61 97 2 8¸£ 7º¢ 3£ Morales P 6 A 09May15 WO8 l o6 84 :22¾» 1:15¶¸ 4 Stk - HendrieG3 - 150k 61 94 3 3¹¡ 4½ 2¹¡ Campbell J M 119 BL 15.40 Skylander Girl117¹¡ Miss Mischief119¶ Unspurned121¶£ Trabajo(s): 9 Nov 15 Lrl 5F ft 1:01.60 Briseando 2/11 1 Nov 15 Lrl 5F ft 1:02.20 Briseando 5/9 25 Oct 15 Lrl 4F gd :49.40 Briseando 5/17 18 Oct 15 Lrl 3F ft :36 Briseando 1/1 WO-11/15/2015-8 Copyright 2015 EQUIBASE Company LLC. Derechos Reservados. Carrera 8 Continúa en la Próxima Página 2015: 2014:
ContinuaciĂłn Carrera 8
DueĂąo: Alexander P. Patykewich Blusa: Lime-Verde Entren: Alexander P Patykewich ( 21-1-3-3 ) 5%
2015: 10 1 2 2 101 $185,068 Suciedad: 16 3 3 4 101 $420,095 2014: 11 1 4 1 104 $176,001 Grama: 12 1 4 0 104 $173,275 Por Vida:28 4 7 4 104 $593,370 AllWeather:16 3 3 4 101 $420,095 Emile Ramsammy Negro Skylander Girl 119 ( 185-7-13-22 ) 4% WO: 16 3 3 4 101 $420,095 Distancia: 5 1 0 1 97 $58,347 CNO SPT YRLG 12 $3,549 ZO/Z.Pa.4 Stroll ($5,000) - Heliotrope por Northern Score - Criado en Ontario por Auchamore Stud (20Mar11) 8 A 18Oct15 WO6 l o6f 46 :22º 1:10 Ÿ 3 Stk - OntFshinG3 - 150k 79 91 2 5š 3¸ 4œ£ Moran D 119 16.45 Cactus Kris119¨¾ Endless Light119œ¢ Scotty's Model117¨¾ 7 A 02Sep15 WO5 l o1 25 :49 ž 1:43¿ž 3 Stk - AlgomaB - 125k 115 3.80 Brooklynsway117¨Š Galina Point110º¢ Skylander Girl115¸¢ 74 90 1 2¥ 1œ 3º¢ Moran D 6 A 08Ago15 WO8 l o7f 14 :23¸¸ 1:22š¸ 3 Stk - SeawayG3 - 150k 89 87 1 2¥ 6¥ 6ž¥ Ramsammy E 119 13.85 Marbre Rose117¨Š Endless Light119œ£ Cactus Kris119œ¥ 6 A 25Jul15 WO8 l o1 28 :47¿½ 1:43½º 3 Stk - OntMatrnG3 - 150k 98 98 5 1¸¥ 1œ 3£ Ramsammy E 117 7.25 Uchenna117£ Strut the Course124 Skylander Girl117£ 8 A 27Jun15 WO8 r 7f 35 :23Ÿº 1:27 ¸ 3 Stk - ZadracrtaB - 100k 126 76 7 4¸ 8Ÿ 7œ¸¢ Ramsammy E 119 2.95 Surtsey119œ Silent Treat121¨¾ Wavell Avenue117º£ 12 A 23May15 WO8 f 1m 14 :46ž¿ 1:33º 3 Stk - NassauG2 - 200k 70 94 2 3œ¥ 6¸¢ 7š¥ Ramsammy E 116 12.70 Sky Treasure117œ Deceptive Vision122 Overheard122£ Trabajo(s): 31 Oct 15 WO o 5F ft 1:00.80 Briseando 4/59 9 Oct 15 WO o 5F ft :59.40 Briseando 2/25 27 Sep 15 WO tt 5F fm :57 En las manos 1/39 18 Sep 15 WO tt 5F fm 1:00 Briseando d 7/30 Dueùo: Richard T. Santulli 85 2015: 3 1 0 0 101 $29,610 Suciedad: 6 1 1 2 85 $52,200 Blusa: Anaranjado-Turquesa 5 3 0 0 101 $101,550 2014: 6 3 1 1 95 $116,240 Grama: Entren: Alan E Goldberg ( 0-0-0-0 ) 0% $0 Por Vida:11 4 1 2 101 $153,750 AllWeather: 0 0 0 0 na David Moran Anaranjado 0 0 0 0 na $0 Distancia: 1 0 0 0 65 $3,500 Paddle Board (L)
115 ( 503-57-58-59 ) 11% WO:
KEE SEP YRLG 12 $145,000 Z.Pa.4 Harlan's Holiday ($35,000) - Well Spring por Coronado's Quest - Criado en Kentucky por Jayeff B Stables (22Feb11) 10 A 09Ago15 Lrl7 f 1m 64 :48 œ 1:35  3 NRC 32000 (32-28)con-N 96 101 3 1œ 1œ¥ 1¥ Toledo J 120 BL 3.40 Paddle Board120¥ Red Sashay115£ Lenape Rim120¨Š 6 A 06Jun15 Prx9 b *5f 21 :21½ž :59š 3 NRC 40000nw3/x-N 121 BL 2.40 Srikinglybeautiful121¸ Wellingtons Appeal121œ¥ Fat Kat121£ 94 84 4 6º¥ 5½ 4º¢ Fragoso P 11 A 16May15 Pim11 f 5f 232 :21½Ÿ :55ŸŸ 3 Stk - TheVryOneB - 100k 63 81 3 9½ 9ž£ 10ž¥ Carrasco V R 118 BL 21.30 Ageless118£ Joya Real118¥ Aquinnah118¥ 6 A 26Sep14 Bel8 b 6f 21 :23œ¸ 1:09šŸ 3 NRC 62500nw2$/x-N 120 BL *2.05 Paddle Board120¥ Hillhouse High118¨¾ Good So Far121£ 85 94 6 1œ 1 1¥ Rosario J 8 A 05Sep14 Lrl3 f 5 40 :21žŸ 1:02ž 3 No Rec 42000nw1/x 116 BL *2.30 Paddle Board116Ÿ¢ Royal Renege120 Sprinklesmiddle Ez120¨¾ 91 95 2 3º¥ 1¸ 1Ÿ¢ Pimentel J 8 A 27Jul14 Mth2 l 6f 36 :21½º 1:09½Ÿ 3 NRC 20000nw1/x-N 117 BL 7.80 Stonetastic115Ÿ£ Neo's Grand Finale113¨¾ Latin Tudor115š¢ 79 73 8 5š£ 4 4œ ¢ Pimentel J Trabajo(s): 7 Nov 15 Cns 4F fm :47.20 Briseando 1/4 31 Oct 15 Cns 4F ft :48.10 Briseando 1/5 17 Oct 15 Cns 4F fm :48.40 Briseando 1/2 26 Sep 15 Cns 5F fm 1:00.40 Briseando 1/5 L - Lasix, L1 - 1ra Lasix, O - Sin Lasix, B - Buta, B1 - 1ra Buta, A - Medicación Adjunta, FTG - 1st Start Since Reported As Gelding; - Consigned at Keeneland Association, Inc.
SELECCIONES: 3-4-1-2 Copyright 2015 EQUIBASE Company LLC. Derechos Reservados.
Datos y Números en WOODBINE
Récord de Actuaciones desde 04/11/2015 hasta 11/29/2015
JINETE Eurico Rosa Da Silva Luis Contreras Patrick Husbands Alan Garcia Jesse M. Campbell Emma-Jayne Wilson David Moran Justin Stein Gary Boulanger Omar Moreno
JINETE Eurico Rosa Da Silva Luis Contreras Patrick Husbands Alan Garcia Jesse M. Campbell Emma-Jayne Wilson David Moran Justin Stein Gary Boulanger Omar Moreno
ENTRENADOR Mark E. Casse Kevin Attard Nicholas Gonzalez Michael P. De Paulo Sid C. Attard Roger L. Attfield Robert P. Tiller Josie Carroll Norman McKnight Malcolm Pierce
ENTRENADOR Mark E. Casse Kevin Attard Nicholas Gonzalez Michael P. De Paulo Sid C. Attard Roger L. Attfield Robert P. Tiller Josie Carroll Norman McKnight Malcolm Pierce
CABALLO Miss Victoria Solo Player Melmich Caren Probably Hidden to Win Danger Bay Blurricane Wandoboyslew She's Explosive
716 757 535 454 619 518 503 460 419 291
171 161 106 89 81 65 57 51 38 33
118 116 103 56 90 70 58 71 58 41
2 Años Salidas
16 18 19 6 16 6 9 9 4 4
18 20 22 13 21 8 13 14 7 13
403 172 251 249 190 169 218 120 139 116
74 43 40 40 37 35 31 30 29 26
19 1 8 8 3 4 5 8 0 2
22 20 11 16 9 12 20 42 0 10
8 11 7 6 8 8 7 8 8 7
24 18 21 20 10 14 14 9 8 11
72 25 36 29 31 23 34 19 23 26
6 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 4
33 7 12 23 11 20 14 7 2 14
17 22 11 15 22 22 13 15 7 38
0 2 1 0 3 2 2 1 1 0
55 51 52 45 42 40 35 38 33 38
448 107 499 104 288 69 260 51 404 49 316 40 332 40 314 40 275 27 208 25
24 21 24 20 12 13 12 13 10 12
18 25 16 16 19 21 14 25 21 22
53 53 46 39 53 48 45 53 49 59
41 25 30 20 22 16 19 14 23 12
18 25 17 13 17 21 15 25 20 24
222 102 177 155 128 75 130 57 115 50
% Ganador
3ro 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1
75 45 71 83 50 50 57 50 50 57
No Reclamables Clásico 1ro % G Salidas 1ro % G
166 173 151 119 140 127 115 96 99 52
46 37 28 21 24 11 12 9 5 6
28 21 19 18 17 9 10 9 5 12
89 77 87 73 73 63 53 48 42 26
Pista de Arena %G 1ro 275 52 19 149 41 28 230 39 17 199 38 19 141 25 18 102 23 23 199 28 14 81 24 30 124 28 23 60 11 18
15 17 7 17 8 12 5 2 5 2
17 22 8 23 11 19 9 4 12 8
18 11 5 14 11 9 10 11 6 8
21 23 13 23 26 21 17 34 32 28
95 17 34 29 17 48 22 30 5 37
Pista de Arena %G 1ro 7 6 86 11 5 45 7 5 71 5 5 100 8 4 50 7 4 57 6 4 67 8 4 50 8 4 50 4 2 50
Copyright 2015 EQUIBASE Company LLC. Derechos Reservados.
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1ro % G
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Pista de Grama %G 1ro 128 22 17 23 2 9 21 1 5 50 2 4 49 12 24 67 12 18 19 3 16 39 6 15 15 1 7 56 15 27
No Reclamables Clásico 1ro % G Salidas 1ro % G
85 48 38 60 43 42 60 32 19 29
Handicap Salidas
% en el $ Salidas
75 73 86 100 88 88 86 75 63 71
Pista de Grama %G 1ro 137 31 23 143 23 16 126 25 20 102 19 19 114 7 6 97 12 12 99 12 12 79 2 3 80 5 6 59 4 7
% en el $ Salidas
67 23 39 28 32 23 33 15 16 16
200 32 107 150 49 90 110 47 28 37
24 21 20 20 13 13 11 11 9 11
% Ganador
3 Años
74 49 46 32 22 24 30 14 13 14
88 5 70 50 34 33 25 19 0 21
Pista de Arena %G 1ro 579 140 24 614 138 22 409 81 20 352 70 20 505 74 15 421 53 13 404 45 11 381 49 13 339 33 10 232 29 13
% en el $ Salidas
305 277 215 158 225 166 209 150 167 131
2 Años Salidas
107 110 71 61 87 72 59 53 44 38
3 Años
90 92 87 46 76 72 71 66 54 31
% Ganador
14 5 4 5 4 10 2 5 0 6
15 29 12 17 24 21 9 17 0 16
Handicap Salidas
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1ro % G
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
pago por ganadores
$8.00 $10.20 $8.40 $9.50 $10.60 $11.90 $14.50 $14.40 $14.30 $14.60
Distancia Larga Distancia Corta 1ro % G Salidas 1ro % G
239 284 199 183 215 196 171 164 166 95
64 66 31 37 19 23 12 14 15 15
27 23 16 20 9 12 7 9 9 16
477 107 473 95 336 75 271 52 404 62 322 42 332 45 296 37 253 23 196 18
Favoritos %G 1ro 117 40 34 50 19 38 53 27 51 37 12 32 49 16 33 38 13 34 39 16 41 36 16 44 44 17 39 35 8 23
22 20 22 19 15 13 14 13 9 9
pago por ganadores
$8.80 $8.30 $8.00 $9.90 $10.00 $9.10 $7.40 $7.60 $10.20 $8.50
Distancia Larga Distancia Corta 1ro % G Salidas 1ro % G
0 189 0 63 0 79 0 67 0 63 0 118 0 50 0 64 0 31 0 67
Pista de Grama %G 1ro 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 2 67
Favoritos %G 1ro 197 77 39 175 62 35 160 55 34 102 38 37 104 38 37 76 19 25 49 17 35 56 16 29 42 8 19 28 9 32
29 23 10 5 15 25 5 14 4 15
15 37 13 7 24 21 10 22 13 22
214 109 172 182 127 51 168 56 108 49
Favoritos 1ro 4 4 8 5 4 3 2 2 6 3 3 2 4 4 4 3 1 1 4 2
45 20 30 35 22 10 26 16 25 11
21 18 17 19 17 20 15 29 23 22
pago por
100 63 75 100 50 67 100 75 100 50
$6.20 $5.00 $5.40 $7.60 $5.50 $6.50 $4.70 $6.30 $7.90 $5.80
Woodbine Domingo 15 de noviembre, 2015
Caballos Participando Hoy Absolute Albertown Angel's Knight Ault Avahall Azimut Badjeros Boy Bear's Profit Bear At Last Blow Over Blutarsky Bold Aljabr Brave Sky Bring On the Bull Cactus Kris Charlie's Wisdom Comedy Gold Conn's Reward Conquest Quickdraw D's Double Eagle Dr. Harkness Dzala Elijah
(10) (8) (5) (5) (2) (6) (11) (3) (3) (5) (10) (4) (3) (13) (2) (5) (7) (3) (5) (15) (5) (8) (4)
10th 5to 1ro 3ro 4to 1ro 10th 5to 7mo 10th 4to 7mo 4to 10th 8vo 2do 2do 2do 9no 4to 5to 7mo 3ro
Elusive Collection Endless Light (GB) Forever Krz Gibbons Gambler Gluten Free Golden Point Hardcastle Hashtag Flash He's No Saint Heza Saucy Guy Hint of Gold Holy McNasty Holy Whirl Wind Joe Boo Kelly Knowitall Lewnskyswildaffair Lion of Judah Low in the Forest Marbre Rose (IRE) March to My Tune Marten Lake Master Gray McGarrett
1 2,10 3,7 1,2,5 7 5,10 9 5 10 4 4 1 4,10 6 7 8
Carey, Julia Carroll, Josie Carston, Lorna Casse, Mark E. Charalambous, John Chubb, Beverley Clement, Christophe Cole, Krista Cotey, David Cox, Gail De Paulo, Michael P. Di Pasquale, Sam Doyle, Michael J. Drake, Suzanne M. Duncan, Murray Elder, Elizabeth R.
(3) (1) (5) (8) (1) (6) (4) (8) (4) (3) (7) (1) (9) (5) (10) (12) (2) (12) (4) (7) (6) (14) (7)
8vo 8vo 6to 2do 2do 7mo 1ro 6to 10th 1ro 10th 5to 5to 4to 5to 4to 10th 10th 8vo 4to 9no 4to 6to
Milwaukee Flash Miss Mischief Ms. Guthrie Ninth Symphony No Risk No Reward Norris Lake Olympic Bid One Destiny Organized Mind Osuuspankki Paddle Board Penalty Kill Philippian Piston Broke Princeps Senatus Quiet Canadian Rebellion On Tap Retaliation Rose's Dancer R Power Grid Seeking the Bay Shot Gun Phil Skylander Girl
(8) (5) (1) (6) (1) (11) (6) (1) (1) (3) (7) (9) (9) (2) (7) (6) (7) (7) (4) (4) (5) (2) (6)
10th 8vo 3ro 5to 10th 4to 3ro 7mo 6to 10th 8vo 10th 6to 7mo 3ro 2do 5to 7mo 2do 6to 7mo 6to 8vo
Snowy Legacy Sorry About That Spanish River Sparrowhawk Splash With Me Spring Action Strike With Mike Sunset Command Super Colerosa Super Pit Supreme Commander Sweet Grass Creek Takeitdowntheroad Timber Cruiser Titan Unpretentious Van Goghs Earlobe Victory Canyon Victory Exchange Wild N Crazy Zenzizi Zeus's Hall
10 6 6 8 8 2,4,7 4 3 5 1,4 9 4,7 3,5 5,6 2 8
Radul, Jodi Richards, Lorne Rose, Robert J. Ross, John A. Sadler, Ronald H. Silvera, Laurie Simon, Stuart C. Tharrenos, William Tiller, Robert P. Tomlinson, Norman Vella, Daniel J. Walsh, Ryan D. Wells-Scott, N. Williams, Mario Wills, Daniel Wismer, Troy S.
(1) (1) (4) (2) (6) (9) (8) (4) (2) (13) (3) (4) (6) (6) (2) (2) (9) (3) (3) (2) (7) (1)
1ro 9no 5to 9no 6to 7mo 4to 4to 5to 4to 3ro 9no 10th 4to 3ro 2do 4to 6to 9no 1ro 1ro 4to
Entrenadores Participando Hoy Armata, Vito Attard, Kevin Attard, Sid C. Attard, Steve Attard, Tino Baker, Reade Bell, David R. Biamonte, Ralph J. Billers, George Black, Ian Blouin, Marc A. Brnjas, Ashlee Burry, Lisa Buttigieg, Paul M. Cappuccitti, Larry Capuano, Dale
4 3,8,9,10 4(2),10 3,7(2),9 1 6 8 7 4 10 2,4,5,6(2) 7 10(2) 10 1 10
Fehr, Alec Ferris, Preston Fournier, Mark Frostad, Mark R. Goldberg, Alan E. Gonzalez, Nicholas Hadwen, Mark S. Halden, Rachel Huarte, Frank Jolin, Chris Keogh, Michael LeBlanc, Warren MacRae, Donald C. McClachrie, Denyse Nixon, Justin J. Patykewich, Alexander P.
1 5 9 2 4 9 2 5 6(2) 3 3 8 4 2,4 10 5
Jinetes Participando Hoy Alderson, Jeffrey Ian Bahen, Steven Ronald Boulanger, Gary Bridgmohan, Jermaine V. Contreras, Luis Crawford, Juan Da Silva, Eurico Rosa * - Jinete Aprendiz.
1,5 1,2,3,4,5 6,7,10 7,10 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 4,6,7,10 2,3,5,6,7,8,9,10
Defreitas, Carl Garcia, Alan Garcia, David Husbands, Christopher Husbands, Patrick Husbands, Simon P. Husbands, Terry
5 5,7,8 1,4,5,6 1,4 3,4,5,7,9 9 7
McAleney, James Moore, Matt Moran, David Moreno, Omar Olguin, Gerry Phillips, Tony Ramsammy, Emile
Copyright 2015 EQUIBASE Company LLC. Derechos Reservados.
4,5,10 4,6,10 1,2,3,4,6,8,10 9,10 2,4,9,10 4 3,8
Ryan, Sheena Stein, Justin Stimpson, Dean Villa-Gomez, Huber Wilson, Emma-Jayne Wong, Tommy
1,3,4,10 2,4,5,6 4 8 2,4,7,8,10 1,2,6,10