Wednesday, June 14, 2017
Speed Figure Analysis for BELMONT PARK
Exacta, Trifecta (.50), Super (.10), Pick 3 Races (1-3) Pick 5 (.50) Races (1-5), Double Wagers 6 Furlongs. MAIDEN SPECIAL WEIGHT. For Thoroughbred three year olds and up. Purse: $75,000.
Post Pgm Pos. (win%) Horse
2 8 1 3 4 5 6 7
(10%) (10%) (16%) (15%) (13%) (15%) (13%) (10%)
Golden Bullet Gold Sting Let's Get Loud Factorial White Flag Shidoshi Master Merion Positive Waves
Class Rating
Last Pace
Average Last 3 Pace
Highest Lifetime Pace
Average Last 3
Highest Lifetime
NA NA 74 66 87 77 83 86
NA NA 67 120 79 109 73 65
NA NA 67 99 92 109 79 65
NA NA 67 120 115 109 106 65
NA NA 74 81 95 77 84 86
NA NA 74 66 87 77 84 86
NA NA 74 81 95 77 90 86
(10%) (50%) (20%) (0%) (10%) (0%) (10%) (0%) (0%)
Thunder Mesa Infield Is In The Chamo Magnanimus Man Pete Marwick Shangroyal Crea's Bklyn Law Psychoanalyze Smash Williams
Class Rating
Last Pace
Average Last 3 Pace
Highest Lifetime Pace
Average Last 3
Highest Lifetime
NA NA 84 81 82 69 79 NA NA
NA NA 83 94 88 76 80 NA NA
NA NA 83 94 76 76 73 NA NA
NA NA 83 94 88 76 80 NA NA
NA NA 84 81 88 69 84 NA NA
NA NA 84 81 82 69 79 NA NA
NA NA 84 81 88 69 84 NA NA
Exacta, Trifecta (.50), Super (.10), Pick 3 Races (3-5), Double Wagers 6 Furlongs. CLAIMING. For Thoroughbred three year olds and up. Purse: $48,000.
Post Pgm Pos. (win%) Horse
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
(16%) (10%) (15%) (13%) (15%) (13%) (10%)
Dr. Shane Polar Axis Chiltern Street Swift One Zandar The Zip Zip Man Peppermint Zip
21% 0% 62% 32% 45% 33% 80% 67%
(16%) (10%) (15%) (13%) (15%) (13%) (10%) (10%) (17%)
BEL - 06/14/2017
Race Rating
In The Money % - Previous 12 Months
Jockey / Trainer
Ortiz J / Nevin M Franco M / McGaughey III C Ortiz, Jr. I / Contessa G Rosario J / Ward W Castellano J / McPeek K Maragh R / Ward W Luzzi M / Dilger M Saez L / Lynch B Velazquez J / Pletcher T
51% 40% 56% 46% 53% 40% 31% 45% 46%
52% 44% 33% 54% 43% 54% 35% 45% 55%
58% 20% 51% 35% 50% 100% 100% 43% 54%
Last Pace
Average Last 3 Pace
Highest Lifetime Pace
Average Last 3
Highest Lifetime
85 94 103 89 93 90 79
87 117 141 69 65 48 95
80 123 121 77 76 72 78
104 158 141 82 118 114 115
84 100 103 89 84 89 99
87 99 105 89 93 92 77
100 100 111 97 102 95 99
Exacta, Quinella, Trifecta (.50), Super (.10), Pick 3 Races (4-6) Pick 6 Races (4-9), Double Wagers 6 Furlongs. MAIDEN CLAIMING. For Thoroughbred three year olds and up. Purse: $32,000.
In The Money % - Previous 12 Months
Jockey / Trainer
Saez L / Esler N Ortiz, Jr. I / Esler N Velazquez J / Ward W Santana, Jr. R / Jacobson D Castellano J / Walsh B Rosario J / Stidham M Ortiz J / Rice L
45% 56% 46% 42% 53% 46% 51%
40% 40% 54% 52% 48% 46% 59%
17% 44% 56% 67% 33% 63% 56%
Race Rating
Equibase Speed Figure. For more information click here.
Post Pgm Pos. (win%) Horse
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
52% 52% 59% 42% 50% 43% 54% 40%
Race Rating
Class Rating
Post Time: 3:04 PM
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
35% 34% 53% 46% 40% 42% 51% 56%
Equibase Speed Figure. For more information click here.
Post Time: 2:32 PM
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Arroyo A / Jerkens J Davis D / Jerkens J Castellano J / Brown C Velazquez J / Mott W Maragh R / Clement C Santana, Jr. R / Cannizzo D Ortiz J / Ward W Ortiz, Jr. I / Dutrow A
Equibase Speed Figure. For more information click here.
Post Pgm Pos. (win%) Horse
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
In The Money % - Previous 12 Months
Jockey / Trainer
Exacta, Quinella, Trifecta (.50), Super (.10), Pick 3 Races (2-4) Pick 4 (.50) Races (2-5), Double Wagers 5 1/2 Furlongs. MAIDEN SPECIAL WEIGHT. For Thoroughbred two year olds. Purse: $75,000.
Post Time: 2:01 PM
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Equibase Speed Figure. For more information click here.
Post Time: 1:30 PM
1 1A 2 3 4 5 6 7
Race Rating
Secret Scholar Nut Nut Pimm's Cup Shadow Surprise The Brown Bomber The Podiatrist Lobbyist Skeet Shot Frost Proof
Class Rating
Last Pace
Average Last 3 Pace
Highest Lifetime Pace
Average Last 3
Highest Lifetime
68 57 50 67 49 NA 36 57 53
117 79 85 118 107 NA 32 25 58
105 83 97 118 86 NA 45 53 42
118 92 109 118 107 NA 55 101 58
62 71 51 67 25 NA 43 46 37
69 48 52 67 49 NA 36 54 53
80 72 57 67 63 NA 51 66 69
Copyright 2017 EQUIBASE Company LLC. All Rights Reserved.
In The Money % - Previous 12 Months
Jockey / Trainer Arroyo A / Ubillo R Carmouche K / Brown B Davis D / McPeek K Santana, Jr. R / Gullo G Ortiz, Jr. I / Rodriguez R Montanez R / Mareina M Fragoso P / O'Brien L Ortiz J / Sciacca G Saez L / Reynolds P
35% 37% 34% 42% 56% 28% 28% 51% 45%
39% 37% 43% 39% 50% 43% 15% 32% 35%
52% 47% 40% 57% 58% 0% 17% 15% 36%
Page 1 of 3
Wednesday, June 14, 2017
Speed Figure Analysis for BELMONT PARK
Exacta, Trifecta (.50), Super (.10), Pick 3 Races (5-7) Grand Slam Races (5-8), Double Wagers 1 1/16 Miles. CLAIMING. For Thoroughbred fillies and mares three years old and up. Purse: $47,000.
Post Pgm Pos. (win%) Horse
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
(17%) (9%) (16%) (12%) (13%) (15%) (12%) (12%) (13%) (9%)
Resilient One Baronet Graceful Gal Hold Me Down Doinwhatshelikes Nisharora (IRE) Game Girl Speak Up Sailor Bi Light of Day Light Reign
Class Rating
Last Pace
Average Last 3 Pace
Highest Lifetime Pace
Average Last 3
Highest Lifetime
85 77 84 83 76 90 81 87 71 74
104 93 77 69 63 65 138 129 58 68
83 90 72 71 55 71 105 97 49 61
118 108 119 108 89 144 138 129 116 126
99 89 83 73 69 94 84 91 72 77
86 80 85 83 78 91 73 85 71 74
99 90 94 103 90 108 96 99 85 84
(12%) (0%) (17%) (9%) (16%) (13%) (15%) (12%) (12%) (13%) (9%) (7%) (33%) (0%) (0%)
Driven by Speed Believe Indeed Desert Duchess Short Kakes Holidays Saratoga Tiz Twice Ten Penny Princess Loyal Heart Woundwithhereyes Nouvelle Vague (IRE) Bright Side Up Madame Uno Say Cin Cin Romantic Music Indygita
Class Rating
Last Pace
Average Last 3 Pace
Highest Lifetime Pace
Average Last 3
Highest Lifetime
72 88 81 66 85 82 85 66 72 88 81 58 80 78 80
125 87 108 98 58 79 80 48 83 68 58 84 57 71 82
97 82 98 90 59 81 71 56 63 78 79 80 62 77 86
125 104 108 98 60 111 119 99 83 85 110 84 102 101 115
92 92 92 78 88 79 91 62 84 89 84 27 70 86 85
72 90 84 73 85 83 87 61 78 89 88 58 78 77 77
92 96 92 81 91 90 91 87 84 91 92 89 87 93 92
(16%) (10%) (15%) (13%) (15%) (13%) (10%) (10%)
Discreet Encounter Correjon Shut Your Trappe Buddy Anthony Star Empire (GB) Valhalla Lifelong Dreamer The Hero Within
(13%) (10%) (16%) (10%) (15%) (15%) (13%) (10%)
BEL - 06/14/2017
80% 39% 0% 32% 0% 31% 83% 63% 0% 0%
Race Rating
In The Money % - Previous 12 Months
Velazquez J / Pletcher T Maragh R / Levine B Castellano J / Maker M Santana, Jr. R / Cannizzo D Shinn B / Ward W Franco M / Englehart C Rosario J / Brown B Reyes L / Pringle E Ortiz, Jr. I / Rodriguez R Ortiz J / Rice L Davis D / Duggan D Saez L / Serpe P Cancel E / Adsit A Castellano J / Ryan D Rider TBA / Serpe P
46% 40% 53% 42% 30% 40% 46% 25% 56% 51% 34% 45% 29% 53% 0%
55% 36% 48% 43% 54% 55% 37% 30% 50% 59% 29% 43% 43% 41% 43%
54% 38% 50% 33% 0% 34% 47% 50% 58% 56% 41% 42% 33% 100% 0%
Last Pace
Average Last 3 Pace
Highest Lifetime Pace
Average Last 3
Highest Lifetime
62 74 70 73 85 72 70 58
56 84 86 89 114 76 100 53
59 95 96 79 78 61 98 58
69 102 110 110 114 83 100 77
68 96 75 74 95 76 88 61
68 77 73 76 84 74 78 45
71 96 75 78 95 81 88 82
In The Money % - Previous 12 Months
Jockey / Trainer
Luzzi M / Kimmel J Castellano J / Rodriguez R Diaz, Jr. H / Ferraro J Ortiz, Jr. I / Servis J Shinn B / Ward W Franco M / Handal R Santana, Jr. R / Jacobson D Reyes L / Divitto, Sr. M
31% 53% 37% 56% 30% 40% 42% 25%
32% 50% 15% 61% 54% 44% 52% 23%
60% 49% 0% 68% 0% 47% 67% 0%
Exacta, Trifecta (.50), Super (.10), Double Wagers 6 Furlongs. ALLOWANCE OPTIONAL CLAIMING. For Thoroughbred three year olds and up. Purse: $67,000.
Race Rating
Equibase Speed Figure. For more information click here.
Post Pgm Pos. (win%) Horse
4 7 1 2 3 5 6 8
43% 32% 15% 36% 56% 31% 59% 46% 13% 28%
Race Rating
Class Rating
Post Time: 5:13 PM
1 1A 2 3 4 5 6 7
51% 34% 25% 40% 0% 53% 56% 46% 37% 28%
Equibase Speed Figure. For more information click here.
Post Pgm Pos. (win%) Horse
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Jockey / Trainer
Exacta, Trifecta (.50), Super (.10), Pick 3 Races (7-9), Double Wagers 6 Furlongs. CLAIMING. For Thoroughbred three year olds. Purse: $47,000.
Post Time: 4:41 PM
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Ortiz J / Cannizzo D Davis D / Sciacca G Reyes L / O'Brien L Franco M / Levine B Rider TBA / Englehart J Castellano J / Morley T Ortiz, Jr. I / Rice L Rosario J / Stidham M Diaz, Jr. H / Hertler J Fragoso P / Kelly P
Equibase Speed Figure. For more information click here.
Post Pgm Pos. (win%) Horse
4 14 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 15
In The Money % - Previous 12 Months
Jockey / Trainer
Exacta, Trifecta (.50), Super (.10), Pick 3 Races (6-8) $250K GTD Pick 4 (.50) Races (6-9), Double Wagers 1 1/16 Miles. STARTER ALLOWANCE. For Thoroughbred fillies and mares three years old and up. Purse: $55,000.
Post Time: 4:09 PM
1 1A 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Equibase Speed Figure. For more information click here.
Post Time: 3:36 PM
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Race Rating
True Bet D' Eloquent Grand Sky Summer Breezing Excluded The Crocheron Kid Chasintheblues Fear
Class Rating
Last Pace
Average Last 3 Pace
Highest Lifetime Pace
Average Last 3
Highest Lifetime
94 80 91 99 78 85 80 85
116 66 59 95 72 64 76 94
103 99 49 114 103 86 89 72
134 142 90 132 128 121 124 138
98 86 85 104 86 84 77 58
99 83 89 100 83 90 80 79
106 86 101 107 100 99 97 103
Copyright 2017 EQUIBASE Company LLC. All Rights Reserved.
In The Money % - Previous 12 Months
Jockey / Trainer Velazquez J / Dilger M Velazquez J / Dilger M Lezcano J / Casse M Saez L / Englehart J Ortiz J / Toscano, Jr. J Ortiz, Jr. I / Donk D Maragh R / Thompson G Davis D / LeCesse M
46% 46% 38% 45% 51% 56% 40% 34%
35% 35% 41% 56% 40% 33% 43% 45%
47% 47% 40% 62% 36% 52% 0% 60%
Page 2 of 3
Wednesday, June 14, 2017
Speed Figure Analysis for BELMONT PARK
Exacta, Trifecta (.50), Super (.10) Wagers 6 Furlongs. MAIDEN CLAIMING. For Thoroughbred fillies and mares three years old and up. Purse: $41,000.
Post Pgm Pos. (win%) Horse
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
(16%) (10%) (15%) (13%) (15%) (13%) (10%) (10%) (17%) (4%) (10%)
BEL - 06/14/2017
Equibase Speed Figure. For more information click here.
Post Time: 5:45 PM
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Race Rating
Makealittlelove Stylish Quality Desirous Conquest Lucknlove Citizen by Day Liam's World Matinee Babe Daddyisdooley Too Much Malibu Stasha Minasha Mugu
Class Rating
Last Pace
Average Last 3 Pace
Highest Lifetime Pace
Average Last 3
Highest Lifetime
69 71 63 82 65 69 61 42 53 NA 68
112 98 88 95 24 105 88 69 35 NA 55
107 96 81 87 57 101 81 83 41 NA 55
124 98 93 135 112 105 124 101 46 NA 55
80 59 57 84 66 65 52 68 64 NA 68
69 69 63 79 63 69 59 41 53 NA 68
80 89 68 92 87 73 75 68 64 NA 68
Copyright 2017 EQUIBASE Company LLC. All Rights Reserved.
In The Money % - Previous 12 Months
Jockey / Trainer
Ortiz J / Maker M Ortiz, Jr. I / Nicks R Carmouche K / Gargan D Franco M / Servis J Santana, Jr. R / Handal R Castellano J / Englehart C Rosario J / Cannizzo D Davis D / Bush T Maragh R / Martin C Diaz, Jr. H / Weaver G Rider TBA / Charlerie B
51% 56% 37% 40% 42% 53% 46% 34% 40% 37% 0%
48% 49% 54% 61% 44% 55% 43% 41% 40% 41% 44%
50% 25% 51% 51% 0% 83% 42% 0% 71% 48% 0%
Page 3 of 3
Performance Record from 04/28/2017 to 07/16/2017
JOCKEY Jose L. Ortiz Irad Ortiz, Jr. Javier Castellano Manuel Franco John R. Velazquez Joel Rosario Luis Saez Angel S. Arroyo Cornelio H. Velasquez Rajiv Maragh
JOCKEY Jose L. Ortiz Irad Ortiz, Jr. Javier Castellano Manuel Franco John R. Velazquez Joel Rosario Luis Saez Angel S. Arroyo Cornelio H. Velasquez Rajiv Maragh
TRAINER Chad C. Brown Todd A. Pletcher Rudy R. Rodriguez Linda Rice Christophe Clement Jeremiah C. Englehart Jason Servis David A. Cannizzo Robertino Diodoro Wesley A. Ward
TRAINER Chad C. Brown Todd A. Pletcher Rudy R. Rodriguez Linda Rice Christophe Clement Jeremiah C. Englehart Jason Servis David A. Cannizzo Robertino Diodoro Wesley A. Ward
187 192 134 189 133 114 112 127 88 112
36 34 27 26 25 20 19 15 12 10
35 39 23 20 18 24 16 11 10 16
2 YO's Sts
2 1 1 2 5 0 0 0 0 0
25 17 20 22 45 0 0 0 0 0 1st
104 81 84 61 58 28 27 36 26 27
18 5 12 12 7 8 7 2 3 4
30 17 14 11 10 9 9 8 8 7
0 4 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 3
Double Dose Big Handsome Giant Expectations Thebigfundamental I Still Miss You Holiday Disguise Hawksmoor (IRE) Hard Study Disco Partner By the Moon
3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
3rd 11 11 9 10 12 6 4 3 2 0
13 8 7 4 5 4 1 3 0 4
2nd 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
19 19 9 19 16 14 14 10 9 4
19 18 16 18 26 23 23 11 16 7
29 21 17 18 17 32 33 22 31 26
59 48 50 44 45 75 59 44 42 41
28 20 23 15 22 31 20 16 0 31 3rd
10 9 12 4 4 7 6 5 7 7
27 24 22 14 17 30 40 20 30 39
Win % % In $ 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Allowance 53 55 47 60 45 31 37 26 24 41
67 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
1st Win% Sts
13 8 10 7 8 6 4 4 3 4
25 15 21 12 18 19 11 15 13 10
31 30 30 21 26 23 13 14 6 11
Allowance 33 26 23 27 23 4 9 7 2 6
4 7 8 0 1 0 1 1 0 2
36 27 9 22 13 25 33 43 50 0
13 23 27 0 4 0 8 7 0 18
MAIN COURSE Win% Sts 1st 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 100 2 2 100 2 2 100 2 2 100 0 0 0 2 2 100 0 0 0 2 2 100
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
8 24 1 6 0 0 1 17 3 25 1 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1st Win% Sts
14 18 16 9 12 14 9 3 3 5
15 95 18 93 21 56 10 102 17 64 23 52 16 57 5 72 8 52 8 52
Sts 41 29 19 6 8 4 9 5 8 8
Avg Win Favorites Win% Payoff 1st 21 51 $6.00 12 41 $8.00 5 26 $7.90 3 50 $8.30 7 88 $7.40 3 75 $18.00 5 56 $6.60 3 60 $14.40 4 50 $8.00 3 38 $7.40
Routes 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
TURF COURSE Win% Sts 1st 2 2 100 2 2 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 100 0 0 0 2 2 100 0 0 0
1st Win%
92 99 78 87 69 62 55 55 36 60
1st Win% Sts
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Avg Win Favorites Win% Payoff 1st 15 38 $10.50 18 34 $7.30 19 49 $6.20 9 53 $12.20 17 45 $7.80 8 38 $8.10 9 56 $16.00 7 39 $7.70 4 80 $9.50 3 30 $14.30
1st Win% Sts
34 18 6 6 12 1 3 4 1 3
Copyright 2017 EQUIBASE Company LLC. All Rights Reserved.
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Sts 40 53 39 17 38 21 16 18 5 10
1st Win% Sts
TURF COURSE Win% Sts 1st 65 22 34 20 3 15 23 3 13 28 2 7 40 8 20 10 2 20 9 3 33 15 6 40 6 0 0 14 1 7
1st Win% Sts
12 7 2 6 3 1 3 3 1 0
1st Win% Sts
MAIN COURSE Win% Sts 1st 39 8 21 61 14 23 61 11 18 33 9 27 18 2 11 18 7 39 18 6 33 21 2 10 20 8 40 13 6 46
1st Win% Sts
37 37 55 28 23 23 15 25 23 18
TURF COURSE Win% Sts 1st 94 16 17 91 16 18 76 18 24 83 8 10 72 9 13 69 13 19 55 11 20 50 1 2 47 5 11 59 1 2
MAIN COURSE Win% Sts 1st 93 20 22 101 18 18 58 9 16 106 18 17 61 16 26 45 7 16 57 8 14 77 14 18 41 7 17 53 9 17
1st Win% Sts
Win % % In $
1st Win% Sts
47 41 30 26 23 13 5 19 4 13
53 52 48 40 51 52 42 35 38 34
3 YO's 0 27 0 0 25 40 0 0 0 60
19 18 20 14 19 18 17 12 14 9
24 102 8 107 22 57 16 108 14 62 18 60 14 62 5 87 8 58 9 60
20 11 19 6 4 6 3 5 1 4
1st Win% Sts
0 15 0 0 4 5 0 2 0 5
29 27 14 29 25 15 12 18 11 12
1st Win% Sts
74 64 54 77 51 45 49 44 36 47
2 YO's Sts
Win % % In $
3 YO's
1st Win% Sts
8 6 5 9 11 3 5 4 0 0
22 16 11 17 13 6 10 12 9 5
23 17 20 17 20 12 18 17 17 10
1st Win% Sts
32 17 15 12 10 17 31 29 14 17
36 39 45 35 27 22 14 19 19 21
1st Win%
68 42 39 26 31 6 13 17 7 6
22 7 6 3 3 1 4 5 1 1
8 10 8 8 7 8 5 3 7 6
22 26 18 23 26 36 36 16 37 29
Sts 1 2 2 2 0 0 0 2 1 2
Avg Win Favorites Win% Payoff 1st 1 100 $11.80 2 100 $3.50 2 100 $3.50 2 100 $4.10 0 0 $11.90 0 0 $8.10 0 0 $17.50 2 100 $4.90 1 100 $9.70 2 100 $5.30
Belmont Park Wednesday, June 14, 2017
Horses In Today Baronet Believe Indeed Bi Light of Day Bright Side Up Buddy Anthony Chasintheblues Chiltern Street Citizen by Day Conquest Lucknlove Correjon Crea's Bklyn Law D' Eloquent Daddyisdooley Desert Duchess Desirous Discreet Encounter Doinwhatshelikes Dr. Shane Driven by Speed Excluded Factorial Fear
(2) (14) (9) (10) (4) (6) (3) (5) (4) (2) (7) (7) (8) (1) (3) (1) (5) (1) (4) (3) (3) (8)
5th 6th 5th 6th 7th 8th 3rd 9th 9th 7th 2nd 8th 9th 6th 9th 7th 5th 3rd 6th 8th 1st 8th
Frost Proof Game Girl Golden Bullet Gold Sting Graceful Gal Grand Sky Hold Me Down Holidays Saratoga Indygita Infield Is In Let's Get Loud Liam's World Lifelong Dreamer Light Reign Lobbyist Loyal Heart Madame Uno Magnanimus Man Makealittlelove Master Merion Matinee Babe Mugu
(9) (7) (2) (8) (3) (1) (4) (3) (15) (2) (1) (6) (7) (10) (7) (7) (11) (4) (1) (6) (7) (11)
4th 5th 1st 1st 5th 8th 5th 6th 6th 2nd 1st 9th 7th 5th 4th 6th 6th 2nd 9th 1st 9th 9th
Nisharora (IRE) Nouvelle Vague (IRE) Nut Nut Peppermint Zip Pete Marwick Pimm's Cup Polar Axis Positive Waves Psychoanalyze Resilient One Romantic Music Say Cin Cin Secret Scholar Shadow Surprise Shangroyal Shidoshi Short Kakes Shut Your Trappe Skeet Shot Smash Williams Speak Up Sailor Star Empire (GB)
(6) (9) (2) (7) (5) (3) (2) (7) (8) (1) (13) (12) (1) (4) (6) (5) (2) (3) (8) (9) (8) (5)
5th 6th 4th 3rd 2nd 4th 3rd 1st 2nd 5th 6th 6th 4th 4th 2nd 1st 6th 7th 4th 2nd 5th 7th
Stasha Minasha Stylish Quality Summer Breezing Swift One Ten Penny Princess The Brown Bomber The Chamo The Crocheron Kid The Hero Within The Podiatrist The Zip Zip Man Thunder Mesa Tiz Twice Too Much Malibu True Bet Valhalla White Flag Woundwithhereyes Zandar
(10) (2) (2) (4) (6) (5) (3) (5) (8) (6) (6) (1) (5) (9) (4) (6) (4) (8) (5)
9th 9th 8th 3rd 6th 4th 2nd 8th 7th 4th 3rd 2nd 6th 9th 8th 7th 1st 6th 3rd
2 6,9 4 9 2 2,4 5 1 2 9 4,5 2,6 6 4
Rice, Linda Rodriguez, Rudy R. Ryan, Derek S. Sciacca, Gary Serpe, Philip M. Servis, Jason Stidham, Michael Thompson, Glenn R. Toscano, Jr., John T. Ubillo, Rodrigo A. Walsh, Brendan P. Ward, Wesley A. Weaver, George
3,5,6 4,6,7 6 4,5 6(2) 7,9 3,5 8 8 4 3 1,2(2),3,6,7 9
1,2,3,4,5,6,8,9 Santana, Jr., Ricardo 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 Shinn, Blake 5,6,7 Velazquez, John R. 5,6,9 2,3,5,6,9 2,3,4,6,8
1,3,4,6,7,9 6,7 1,2,3,6,8
Trainers In Today Adsit, Abigail C. Brown, Bruce R. Brown, Chad C. Bush, Thomas M. Cannizzo, David A. Casse, Mark E. Charlerie, Brandon Clement, Christophe Contessa, Gary C. Dilger, Michael Divitto, Sr., Michael J. Donk, David G. Duggan, David P. Dutrow, Anthony W.
6 4,6 1 9 1,5,6,9 8 9 1 2 2,8(2) 7 8 6 1
Englehart, Chris J. Englehart, Jeremiah C. Esler, Nicholas Ferraro, James W. Gargan, Danny Gullo, Gary P. Handal, Raymond Hertler, John O. Jacobson, David Jerkens, James A. Kelly, Patrick J. Kimmel, John C. LeCesse, Michael A. Levine, Bruce N.
6,9 5,8 3(2) 7 9 4 7,9 5 3,7 1(2) 5 7 8 5,6
Lynch, Brian A. Maker, Michael J. Mareina, Michael Martin, Carlos F. McGaughey III, Claude R. McPeek, Kenneth G. Morley, Thomas Mott, William I. Nevin, Michelle Nicks, Ralph E. O'Brien, Leo Pletcher, Todd A. Pringle, Edmund Reynolds, Patrick L.
Jockeys In Today Arroyo, Angel S. Cancel, Eric Carmouche, Kendrick Castellano, Javier Davis, Dylan Diaz, Jr., Hector Rafael*
* Denotes Apprentice Riders.
1,4 6 4,9 1,2,3,5,6,7,9 1,4,5,6,8,9 5,7,9
Fragoso, Pablo Franco, Manuel Lezcano, Jose Luzzi, Michael J. Maragh, Rajiv Montanez, Rosario
4,5 2,5,6,7,9 8 2,7 1,2,6,8,9 4
Ortiz, Jose L. Ortiz, Jr., Irad Reyes, Luis R.* Rider TBA Rosario, Joel Saez, Luis
Copyright 2017 EQUIBASE Company LLC. All Rights Reserved.
TrackMaster F.A.S.T. Sheets Exotic Wagering Suggestions Belmont Park - Wednesday, June 14, 2017
All Base Wagers Assumed To Be $1 Except Daily Doubles ($2) Race 1 - Post: 1:30P
Exacta, Trifecta (.50), Super (.10), Pick 3 Races (1-3) Pick 5 (.50) Races (1-5), Double Wagers Ticket A: [4,5,6,7] with [5,7] Total Cost: $6 Ticket B: [5,7] with [4,5,6,7] Total Cost: $6 Ticket C: Box [5,7] Total Cost: $2
Ticket A: 5 with [4,6,7] with [4,6,7] Total Cost: $6 Ticket B: [4,6,7] with 5 with [4,6,7] Total Cost: $6 Ticket C: [4,6,7] with [4,6,7] with 5 Total Cost: $6
Double: Race 2 - Post: 2:01P
[5,7] with [4,5,7] Total Cost: $12
Exacta, Quinella, Trifecta (.50), Super (.10), Pick 3 Races (2-4) Pick 4 (.50) Races (2-5), Double Wagers Ticket A: [3,4,5,7] with [4,5,7] Total Cost: $9 Ticket B: [4,5,7] with [3,4,5,7] Total Cost: $9 Ticket C: Box [4,5,7] Total Cost: $6
Ticket A: 7 with [3,4,5] with [3,4,5] Total Cost: $6 Ticket B: [3,4,5] with 7 with [3,4,5] Total Cost: $6 Ticket C: [3,4,5] with [3,4,5] with 7 Total Cost: $6
Pick 4: Race 3 - Post: 2:32P
All Exotics: Race 4 - Post: 3:04P
[4,5] with [2,3] with [1,2] with [6,7] Total Cost: $16
Exacta, Trifecta (.50), Super (.10), Pick 3 Races (3-5), Double Wagers No acceptable exotic wagers found in this race
Exacta, Quinella, Trifecta (.50), Super (.10), Pick 3 Races (4-6) Pick 6 Races (4-9), Double Wagers Ticket A: 1 with [2,4,8] Total Cost: $3 Ticket B: [2,4,8] with 1 Total Cost: $3
Ticket A: 1 with [2,4,8] with [2,4,8] Total Cost: $6 Ticket B: [2,4,8] with 1 with [2,4,8] Total Cost: $6 Ticket C: [2,4,8] with [2,4,8] with 1 Total Cost: $6
Double: Pick 3: Race 5 - Post: 3:36P
1 with 6 Total Cost: $2 [1,2,4,8] with [1,6,7,8] with 1 Total Cost: $16
Exacta, Trifecta (.50), Super (.10), Pick 3 Races (5-7) Grand Slam Races (5-8), Double Wagers Ticket A: 6 with [1,7,8] Total Cost: $3 Ticket B: [1,7,8] with 6 Total Cost: $3
Ticket A: 6 with [1,7,8] with [1,7,8] Total Cost: $6 Ticket B: [1,7,8] with 6 with [1,7,8] Total Cost: $6 Ticket C: [1,7,8] with [1,7,8] with 6 Total Cost: $6
Double: Pick 3: Race 6 - Post: 4:09P
[1,6,7,8] with 1 Total Cost: $8 [1,6,7,8] with 1 with [2,4,5,7] Total Cost: $16
Exacta, Trifecta (.50), Super (.10), Pick 3 Races (6-8) $250K GTD Pick 4 (.50) Races (6-9), Double Wagers Ticket A: [1,4,6,9,13] with [1,6] Total Cost: $8 Ticket B: [1,6] with [1,4,6,9,13] Total Cost: $8 Ticket C: Box [1,6] Total Cost: $2
Ticket A: [1,6] with [1,4,6,9,13] with [1,4,6,9,13] Total Cost: $24 Ticket B: [1,4,6,9,13] with [1,6] with [1,4,6,9,13] Total Cost: $24 Ticket C: [1,4,6,9,13] with [1,4,6,9,13] with [1,6] Total Cost: $24
Superfecta: Double: Pick 3: Pick 4: Race 7 - Post: 4:41P
Double: Pick 3: Race 8 - Post: 5:13P
1 with [4,6,9,13] with [4,6,9,13] with [4,6,9,13] Total Cost: $24 1 with [2,4,5,7] Total Cost: $8 1 with [2,4,5,7] with [1,3,5,6] Total Cost: $16 [1,6] with [5,7] with [1,3] with [1,4] Total Cost: $16
Exacta, Trifecta (.50), Super (.10), Pick 3 Races (7-9), Double Wagers [2,4,5,7] with 3 Total Cost: $8 [2,4,5,7] with 3 with [1,2,4,5] Total Cost: $16
Exacta, Trifecta (.50), Super (.10), Double Wagers Ticket A: [1,3,5,6] with [3,6] Total Cost: $6 Ticket B: [3,6] with [1,3,5,6] Total Cost: $6 Ticket C: Box [3,6] Total Cost: $2
Ticket A: [3,6] with [1,3,5,6] with [1,3,5,6] Total Cost: $12 Ticket B: [1,3,5,6] with [3,6] with [1,3,5,6] Total Cost: $12 Ticket C: [1,3,5,6] with [1,3,5,6] with [3,6] Total Cost: $12
Superfecta: Double:
3 with [1,5,6] with [1,5,6] with [1,5,6] Total Cost: $6 3 with [1,2,4,5] Total Cost: $8
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BELMONT PARK - WEDNESDAY, JUNE 14, 2017 - Page 6 of 7
Race 9 - Post: 5:45P
Exacta, Trifecta (.50), Super (.10) Wagers Ticket A: 5 with [1,2,4] Total Cost: $3 Ticket B: [1,2,4] with 5 Total Cost: $3
Ticket A: 5 with [1,2,4] with [1,2,4] Total Cost: $6 Ticket B: [1,2,4] with 5 with [1,2,4] Total Cost: $6 Ticket C: [1,2,4] with [1,2,4] with 5 Total Cost: $6
Basic Strategy: The TrackMaster F.A.S.T. Sheets assess each horse’s probability of winning and produce acceptable (fair) odds for the contenders. As post time nears, if only one contender has odds equal to or higher than its acceptable odds (an overlay), then a wager on the horse to win is called for. If there are two overlays in a given race, a wager on both horses to win is indicated. If there are three or more overlays in a given race, a bet on the overlay with the largest (post-time odds to one)/(fair odds to one) ratio is indicated. Exotic Strategy: At the back of every report, you will find the Exotic Wagering Suggestions. This section details tickets to play for Exactas, Trifectas, the Daily Double, etc. Use the plays to optimize your wagers on your favorite exotic bets. (Note: some of the plays for a specific exotic wager do require multiple tickets (A, B, C). This is to maximize the chances of cashing a ticket, while still keeping the cost down.) For an extensive help guide to the TrackMaster F.A.S.T. Sheets, go to our web site ( under Selections/F.A.S.T. Sheets.
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