2012 Jiva April Page 48

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SURGICAL MANAGEMENT OF CERVICAL MUCOCELE IN A DOG Basavanagowda M.T., Joseph Cyrus, Md. AbidHussain and Shahid Vaseem S.A. Compassion Unlimited Plus Action (CUPA) Animal Care Hospital, R. T. Nagar, Bangalore

CLINICAL HISTORY AND PROCEDURE A one year old mongrel male dog was presented in the hospital with a ventral neck swelling for the past two weeks without any evidence of dysphagia or sialosis. Physical examination revealed that the mass was due to collection of saliva in the deeper structures of the intermandibular space and condition was diagnosed as cervical mucocele. Palpation was not associated with any pain and was soft and fluctuant. Imaging with radiography was used to rule out foreign bodies or neoplasia. Complete blood counts and biochemistry assessment were within normal physiological values. Surgical management was opted.

J. Ind. Vet. Assoc., Kerala. 10 (1)

A complete excision of the gland duct complex and drainage of the mucocele was planned. A stab incision was made in the lumen of the mucocele and digitally the lumen was palpated. The mandibular and sublingual pairs of the glands were resected and the wound was closed leaving a drain in situ. Ceftriaxone injections at 20mg/kg. bwt. b.i.d. and liquid feeding were followed with daily dressings. The drain was removed after the 5th day and the wound was left to heal by second intention. The recovery was uneventful. No evidence of xerostomia or other complications were encountered.


DISCUSSION Mucoceles are common in dogs of any age however male dogs are more predisposed. Most dogs with cervical or inter mandibular mucoceles are usually asymptomatic (Spangler and Culbertson, 1991). They are usually caused by a salivary duct rupture or obstructions. Complete surgical removal of the affected salivary ducts and associated gland is associated with complete resolution (DeBowes, 2005). REFERENCES DeBowles, L.J., 2005. Disorders of the oral cavity. In: BSAVA Manual of Canine and Feline nd Gastroenterology, 2 Ed., Edt. Hall, E.J., Simpson, J. W. And Williams, D. A., BSAVA. Spangler, W.L. and Culberston, M.R. 1991 Salivary gland disease in dogs and cats: 245 cases (19851988), J. Am. Vet. Med. Assoc. 198:465

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