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Coláiste Bríde

School Prospectus

"Welcome I Failte

Colaiste Bride is a vibrant, catholic post primary school that places respect, kindness and relationships at the centre of everything we do. We pride ourselves in providing quality teaching and learning to all students in an inclusiveschool environment.

Our extensive range of extra-curricular and cocurricular activities provide opportunities for students to fully engage in school life throughout all years. Through living our school motto "To Teach-To GuideTo Form" we provide a holistic education where we encourage each student to reach their full potential.

We set high expectations for our students, both in academics and behaviour, encouraging them to thrive in a warm welcoming atmosphere based on mutual respect. Inclusion and diversity are celebrated in our school. Our state of the art building inspires all who enter it to open their minds to learning. Working together as a team ­ staff, parents/guardians and students, is how we raise student aspirations.

As a school community we value creativity, connections, collaboration, care, compassion, communication and courage. We are committed to going One Step Beyond!

I very much look forward to welcoming you and your child to our school.

arie-Thérèse K

Our Mission

Colaiste Bride is a Catholic, Presentation post-primary school for girls within GEIST, Catholic Education an Irish SchoolsTrust.

The School aims, in the spirit of Nano Nagle's vision:

1. To nurture the personal, academic and spiritual wellbeingofeachstudentinacaring,inclusivelearning environment with the support of parents / guardians and staff and

2. To cherish equally all students in our care, to prepare them with confidence, strength of character and a sense of purpose, ready to take their place as respectful citizens and leaders in the 21st century global society

In drawing up the above aims, we were influenced by the desire of Nano Nagle, Foundress of the Presentation Congregation, to cherish equally all pupils in our care.

We, likeher, recognise and welcome the co-operation and support of the wider community in achieving these aims.

Why choose Coláiste Bríde?

Coláiste Bríde is a Voluntary Catholic Secondary School for girls, operating under the trusteeship of CEIST (Catholic Education an Irish Schools Trust). Our current enrolment is over 960 students with a dedicated staff of 90. Our teachers are a highly qualified, dynamic and innovative group who inspire our students to succeed.

Application Process for Incoming 1st Years

Application forms and information regarding our Admission Policy will be delivered by representatives from Coláiste Bríde to girls in 6th class in the local primary schools.

Information is also available directly from Coláiste Bríde and from our website,

Positive Behaviour

All members of the Coláiste Bríde community are expected to treat one another with respect, kindness, good manners and courtesy at all times.

We expect and promote high standards of behaviour centred on respect including:

• respect for self

• respect for fellow students

• respect for staff

• respect for property

We encourage our students to live out the values of respect, honesty, truth, care and justice while developing a keen sense of responsibility and promoting commitment.

View our Code of Behaviour on

Our Building

The free flow of people, information and ideas is facilitated by the design of the building while fostering pride, respect and self-esteem among all members of the school community.

The colour scheme for the school was specifically chosen to stimulate learning. The colours also reflect the school colours used in the uniform.

Natural light makes an impact by creating a sense of space and freedom with bright colours giving energy and dynamism to flow areas.

Our school environment is enhanced by beautiful art murals, many of which have been created by our own past pupils or current students. The outdoor spaces are spectacular, offering students a variety of eating areas, places to unwind and areas to play sport. Our unique outdoor courtyard with performance stage, artificial grass and colourful seating with canopies really is a sight to behold. Our organic garden is another great asset to our school. The wide range of outdoor space in an urban setting is very rare and allows both students and staff to invest in the school spirit.

State-of-the-art Facilities

• 4 Science Labs

• 3 Home Economics Kitchens

• 2 Business Studies Rooms

• 2 Art Rooms

• 1 Craft and Technology Room

• 1 Music Room

• 3 Information Technology Rooms

• 1 Religion and Meditation Room

• 1 Multi-Media Language Centre

• 1 Library

• 2 Lecture Rooms

• 30 General Classrooms

• Outdoor Classroom

• 3 Career Guidance Offices

• 2 Learning Support Rooms

• 8 Pastoral Rooms

• Parents’ Room

• Large General Purpose Area

• Spacious Corridors

• Championship Sports Hall (including changing facilities)

• Student Canteen

• Healthy Eating Programme - free breakfast served daily!

• Outdoor Performance Area

• Weatherproof Outdoor Seating Areas

• Landscaped Courtyards and Gardens

• Organic Garden

• Student Support Room

• First Aid Room

• Stationery Shop

• Lift access for students or staff with a disability

• Outdoor basketball and tennis courts

• Full playing pitch

• A building programme for 2 classrooms and additional resources for 2 special classes is due to commence by the end of 2024 (this may take several years to complete)


Coláiste Bríde offers an extensive curriculum that provides a diverse range of subjects at all levels.

Junior Cycle Curriculum

Students may study a mixture of subjects and short courses, as well as presenting school experiences for certification purposes (see for further details and latest updates).

Core Subjects

Irish English Maths

History Geography Business


Choose 1 from:

French Italian Learning Suport

Choose 2 from:

Music Home Economics Science

Art Coding Artistic Performance

Wellbeing Programme:

PE SPHE CSPE Guidance Related Learning Transition & Transfer

Other Curriculum Subject Supports:

Gardening ICT (1/2 year rotation)

Literacy Numeracy


The eight key skills of Junior Cycle are embedded into all aspects of the Junior Cycle curriculum.

Junior Certificate School Programme (JCSP)

The Junior Certificate Schools Programme is an intervention within the Junior Cycle and not an alternative to The JCSP Programme. The JCSP Programme attempts to help young people experience success and develop a positive selfimage by providing a curriculum and assessment framework suitable to their needs. The programme aims to ensure that students actively participate

in their learning, make progress and build on their achievements. The programme also aims to develop students’ literacy, numeracy, communication and group work skills. On completion of the programme, students receive a profile which is an official record of their achievements from the Department of Education and Skills.

Provision for students with special educational needs is integrated into the curriculum at all levels.

Transition Year in Coláiste Bríde

Transition Year provides a bridge to help pupils make the transition from the structured and dependant environment of Junior Cycle to one where they will take greater responsibility for their own learning and decision making at Senior Cycle. This allows them to build personal confidence, to gain competence in the core academic subjects and to develop skills and initiatives in a way that may not be possible in the more exam orientated classes. Transition Year also provides another gateway of entry to subject choice at Senior Cycle. Applicants for the course are selected on the basis of age, maturity, motivation, application and attendance.

Transition Year students participate in a variety of interesting subjects and modules throughout the year.

Core Subjects:




Physical Education

Pastoral Care



Options in TY:


Mini Company

Young Social Innovators

Modules in TY may include:

Holocaust Studies

Active Flag Leadership Programme

An Gaisce (The President’s Award)

School Musical

Cycle Against Suicide

European Studies Forensic Science


Information Technology

Dedicated Home Economics

Dedicated Art

Dedicated Science

Dedicated Social Science

Dedicated Music

Life Skills

Geography Business

Politics and Society Accounting

Development Education Economic

Community Music

LIFT Leadership programme


Home Economics

Artistic Performance

Tourism and Heritage Studies

Sign language

Agricultural science


Our motto for TY - You Only Get Out of It What You Put Into It!

Students are also given an opportunity to gain work experience in a variety of situations. There is limited availability on this course and not all applicants are guaranteed a place. We have developed strong relationships with partner organisations such as Trinity College Dublin (Bridge 21), Localise, South Dublin County

Council, Clondalkin Tidy Towns, An Gaisce (The President’s Award), as well as getting involved in the organisation of numerous charitable fundraising activities. Students are encouraged to enter competitions and to get involved in community activities, thus developing their personal skills and talents.

Leaving Certificate

There are three Leaving Certificate programmes offered:

1.Leaving Certificate (Established)

2.Leaving Certificate Applied

3.Leaving Certificate Vocational Programme

Leaving Certificate (Established)

In general, students taking this option study seven subjects.

COMPULSORY SUBJECTS Irish, English, Mathematics, Religion and Physical Education

MODULES in Career Guidance, Relationships and Sexuality Education (RSE).

Students choose 4 subjects from the following:




Art, Craft & Design

French Home Economics (Social & Scientific)

Religious Education (State Exam)


Business Physics

Computer Science

In general, students are free to choose any four subjects having had a basis at Junior Certificate or during Transition Year. In collaboration with Moyle Park College, we are now offering Polish and Agricultural Science at Leaving Certificate Level.

In addition,students may sit Leaving Certificate examinations in other languages, e.g. Spanish, Russian, Japanese, Lithuanian, Portuguese, Arabic etc. However, we do not offer tuition in these subjects.





Enterprise (Link Module)

Agricultural Science
Curricular PE

Leaving Certificate Applied (LCA)

The Leaving Certificate Applied is a two year programme aimed at preparing students for adult and working life. The programme sets out to recognise the talents of all students and to provide opportunities for developing personal responsibility, self-esteem and self-knowledge, and helps students apply what they learn to the real world.

The two year programme consists of four half year blocks called sessions. Achievement is credited in each session. Courses are offered in three main areas: Vocational Preparation, General Education and Vocational Education.

Leaving Certificate Vocational Programme (LCVP)

The Leaving Certificate Vocational Programme (LCVP) provides senior cycle students with the opportunity to undertake an innovative, dynamic subject which combines both academic and vocational elements. As part of the programme, students will have an opportunity to:

•prepare a CV

•conduct a career investigation

•undertake work experience

•engage in event planning / organise guest speakers

This subject is studied in addition to traditional leaving certificate subjects, giving students the opportunity to develop key life skills.

ICT in Coláiste Bríde

In Coláiste Bríde we use ICT for teaching,learning and administration systems within the school.

Students and staff actively use ICT-based communication to participate in learning communities outside the school. We are continually developing systems and digital learning content, to meet students’ individual learning needs. We use carefully selected ICT-based learning and assessment resources to enhance and support student learning.

We use Microsoft 365 and Microsoft Teams for learning.When a student arrives in CB they receive their login details. These will stay with them for the duration of their time with us. This enables students to be independent learners, and gives them access to their class materials whenever they need them. Our students entering 1st year will receive information about the plan for using school selected devices in class, including details about payment options

We have 4 Computer rooms, and a large number of laptops for student use. Every subject avails of these throughout the year. Our Wi-Fi systems enable students to safely use their own devices for learning, under the supervision of the class teacher

We offer Coding as a junior cycle short course, and Computer Science as a leaving certificate subject, however, all students will receive ICT classes and take part in ICT based events during their time here.

We are passionate about promoting STEM careers and opportunities. We are very proud of the high numbers of our students who go on to study and work in technology related roles.

Our students take part in the following national programmes: CodePlus with Trinity College and TA21, SDCC Inspiring the Future, IWish conference, Microsoft Dreamspace, CSInc with TU Dublin, TeenTurn, Stemettes, Women in Data Centres, Stepin2Tech for digital literacy, IBM P-TEch, AWS GetIT and many more.


Coláiste Bríde has a long tradition of providing excellent education to girls in the Clondalkin area and boasts many achievements:

• College for Every Student School of Distinction -2016 -2023 - Currently awarded the Transformation Award

• Excellent academic reputation in state examinations

• Top feeder school in Dublin 22 to universities (Irish Times)

• Winner of Pramerica Spirit Community Leadership Awards

• Recipient of All-Ireland Scholarship (JP McManus)

• University Entrance Scholarships to UCD, NUI Maynooth, TCD and DCU

• Proud record as a top fundraising for charity school

• Strong links with parents, past pupils, community and industrial organisations

• National Wellbeing in the Workplace Award 2016

• Debating – consistent top performing school in Leinster at junior and senior level

• ECDL Test Centre and Microsoft Approved Test Centre

• Vodafone Passion for the World Around Us Award

• Host of school exchanges with other European partner schools

• 9GreenFlagsAchieved–forRecycling,EnergyConservation, Water Conservation, Transportation & Biodiversity, Global Citizenship and Water Conservation in a global context. We are Workingtowardsour10thGreenFlagforWaterConservationin a global context

• Pilot Programmes in conjunction with NUI Maynooth and Trinity College Dublin – TAP,TEIG and Bridge 21

• Commendations in BT Young Scientists of the Year Competition

• 3 Beacon School for ICT

• Winners of Young Social Innovator (YSI) Awards –Community of Excellence

• 2012 All-Ireland Volleyball Champions, 2015 Table Tennis All-Ireland Champions

• 2019 Basketball School League Winners

• Ireland’s representative in EU Living Schools Lab

• Digital Media Awards – Ireland Silver Runner-up 2015

• OneofthefirstschoolsinIrelandtoofferLeavingCertificate Computer Science

• Women in STEM- Amazon Web Services GetIT Programme

• Microsoft Dreamspace Teacher Community for STEM Teaching and Learning

• Took part in Women in Data Centres Pathways Program

• Teen Turn STEM winners

• Jigsaw One Good School: Gold Award 2023

Awards Community Links

Students are nominated for awards in:

• Achievement

• Dedication

• Rising Star

• Subject Achievement

• Nano Nagle Award

• Extra-curricular Achievement

• Student of the Year

• Sportsperson of the Year

• School Spirit Award

• Principal’s Award

• Cara Award

• Design of Journal Cover

We are firmly committed to forging links with our local community We achieve this through local parishes, sporting and cultural links, local employers, Sisk HealthCare, Alucraft, Scifest, Local Libraries, Clondalkin Tidy Towns, other schools and charitable organisations.

• Design of School Christmas Card

Special Award Ceremonies are held in May for all students. These ceremonies are a time of celebration and recognition of students’ nominations for Achievement, Dedication, Rising Star and Subject Specific Awards. Our Award Ceremonies are a lovely opportunity for staff, parents/guardians and students to celebrate success in the area of learning. Our awards also recognise success, accomplishment and talent in attendance, extra- curricular activities as well as school spirit.

College for Every Student - TA21

Our College for Every Student Programme (TA 21) in Coláiste Bríde helps provide students will the relevant information and support they need to make the choice that suits their career path best. Throughout a students’ time in Coláiste Bríde students will develop knowledge, skills and guidance in a wide range of career pathways. Here are some of the topics which students will learn about:

Finance Subject Choices

Academic Role Models Resilience

Communication Skills Networks

Motivation Collaboration

Critical Thinking Self Direction

Self Confidence

There are three strands to our CFES Programme. They are: Pathways to College, Mentoring and Leadership in Learning.

Coláiste Bríde has been chosen as a School of Distinction for CFES for the past four years. This is in recognition of all the work that has been done in the school as part of the CFES programme.

Coláiste Bríde was one of only 10 schools from Ireland successful in obtaining School of Distinction.

Leadership in Learning

Active School Flag Committee YSI

Student Council Scifest

Learning Leaders Green Flag

Fundraising Walton Club

School Performances Science Gallery


Student Mentors

School Sports Teams

Prefects Catch Up Corner

Turn to Teaching Maths Club

Careers Night TA21 Mentoring Visits

Past Pupil Talks

Pathways to College

TA21 Summer School

Campus Tours Digital School Championship

College Awareness Week Subject Choice Talks

Guidance Related Learning Sisk Healthcare – LCVP


College Open Days Scholars Ireland

Academic Scholarships

Student Leadership

All of our students are encouraged to join in with the development of our school and this takes the form of different student organisations. We offer students the following opportunities:


•Head Girl & Deputy Head Girls

•Student Newsletter

•Student Council

•An Gaisce – The President’s Award

•Cairdeas Mentors

•School Choir

•Class Captains and Deputy Class Captains

• Yearbook Committee

•Green Flag Committee

•Active School Flag

• Maths Club

• Arts Council

•Learning Leaders

•Green Flag Committee

•ICT Prefects

•Student Techteam

• Literacy Ambassadors

•Webwise Ambassadors

•Digital Youth Ambassadors


Coláiste Bríde through its ‘Prefect Leadership Programme’ provides the opportunity for 5th year students to apply for Prefect positions. The role of the Prefect is highly respected and a very important role in the school. The goal for an aspiring Prefect is to create a culture of collaboration, inclusiveness and community in their role throughout the year. Prefects are expected to establish and maintain the highest standards of behaviour, attitude and appearance at all times providing a positive role model for all students. Prefects are appointed in 5th year to undertake the various roles of responsibilities.

Head Girl & Deputy Head Girls

Head Girl and Deputy Head Girls are selected by the staff in May of each year. The role of Head Girl and Deputy Head Girl is an honorable one steeped in tradition. The announcement of our new team is met with great excitement each year! Our Head Girl Team lead by example throughout their final year here, taking major roles in events such as Presentation Day and Wellbeing Week. It is an opportunity for them to engage with both staff and students, developing leadership and social skills.

Student Council

The Student Council consists of a representative body elected from and by the general cohort of students in the school. The Student Council will give students an opportunity to voice their concerns and opinions and to play an active role in policymaking in the school. A member of staff will liaise with the Student Council and through the Council links will also be formed between the students and Senior Leadership Team. The student council organise our annual Wellbeing Week. All year groups are represented on the Student Council.

Cairdeas Mentor Programme

The mentors act as a support network for the incoming 1st years through various methods. They receive leadership training at the beginning of the academic year. Their duties include:

• Making contact with first year students ten minutes before the school day starts

• Help with the transition to classes/navigating the school building

• Helping out with the 1st year information night for parents and first year bonding day

• Visiting their tutor group during tutor time three times a week (Monday, Wednesday, Friday) at the beginning of the school term

• Ensuring that the class become acquainted with them, know their name, know who they are and why they are there

• Get to know first years and show an interest in them as individuals

• Encourage their involvement in the first year homework club, after school sports, give tips for homework, etc.

• Advise and reassure

• Encourage positive friendships and help class members to get along and to accept each other

• Liaise with first year tutors or year head regarding any issues arising

Parent/Guardian Council

A number of parents/guardians are elected to form the Parent/Guardian Council at the Annual General Meeting of parents/guardians each year. The Parent/Guardian Council meets generally once a month and acts as a representative body that:

•represents the views of parents/guardians

• informs parents/guardians of developments in education and in the school

•fosters co-operation between parents/guardians, teachers and school leadership

•provides opportunities for parents/guardians and the school principal or representative of staff to meet and exchange ideas on the education of their children, to discuss issues such as discipline, homework etc. and to address topics of mutual interest

•helps with the provision of extra equipment and fundraising

•Parent/Guardian Councilhelpfundraiseforourannual StudentBursary

Parents/Guardians who wish to become actively involved in the school are welcome and encouraged to join the Parent/ Guardian Council. The AGM is held early in the academic year with a guest speaker.

Opportunities for Parental/Guardian Participation

Throughout the year parents/guardians are invited to attend information briefings such as:

•Parent/Guardian Information Briefing at the beginning of each school year

•Subject and Programme choice Information Evenings

•Cyberbullying and Digital Citizenship

•Dyslexia and Special Education Needs

•Positive Parenting

•CAO Information

•TY/LCA Information Briefing

• Tour briefings for each group travelling

• Graduation and Awards Night

•Annual Parent/Guardian Teacher meetings

•Personal appointments

•Guest speakers such as Jacinta Kitt and Coleman Noctor

Check out for updates!

Follow us on Twitter!


Trips and Tours

Every year there are many school tours and trips organised, for example:

•Ski trip

• Tours to London, Paris, Lake Garda, Brussels and Edinburgh

•Hiking trip to Glendalough as part of the An Gaisce (President’s Award)

•Adventure and canoeing to Baltinglass and Westport

• Science and Geography field study trips

• Urban Sounds

• A host of class trips including the French Adventure weekend and the Gaeltacht weekends in Donegal and Rath Cairn

•French exchange to Lyon

•Italian exchange to Bassano del Grappa

Night Study

Night Study is open to all students and takes place after school Monday to Thursday (nominal fee applies, subject to change).

Extra Curricular Activities

At Coláiste Bríde there is a wide range of activities to suit all students. Our emphasis is on participation and we offer a number of activities to support this. The following activities are part of our extracurricular sport programme which offers a variety of sports to all our students:

If sport is not your thing, there are lots of other activities to choose from:

Freshers Day!

In September our we hold our extracurricular sign up day for first year students. This event offers every sport, club and extra-curricular activity the opportunity to present their particular area of interest to all our new First Year students.

First Year students are given the opportunity to visit the displays and stands prepared by our school clubs and sporting activities. TY students at each stand provide all the relevant information about each activity and answer any questions students have. Sign-up sheets are available at each stand.

We have a strong musical tradition featuring school choirs, orchestra and individual instruments. Students regularly perform in concerts and recitals. Many of our students play with the Clondalkin Youth Band. Musical productions in conjunction with Moyle Park College include Grease, Fame, Hairspray and All Shook Up. Our most recent musical was an all female cast performing the musical SIX.

Ukulele Club
Science Club
School Choir
Mindful Colouring
Learning Hub
Reading Club
Green Flag
Care Club
(Care for animals, respect & education)
Athletics (Couch to 5K)
Fit Club
Tag Rugby
Recreational Basketball Soccer
Gaelic Football Table Tennis
Volleyball Badminton Senior Basketball

Pastoral Care

We have a dedicated Student Support team which includes the Principal, deputy principals, the Guidance team, a member of the SEN department, the Home School Community Liaison coordinator, our school chaplain and a member of the School Completion Programme. Our pastoral care system is all inclusive and recognises the importance of diversity and respect within our whole school community

Student Supports

Deputy Principal,Year Head & Tutor

Each year group has a designated Deputy Principal, Year Head & class tutor who is dedicated to the welfare of the students in their class/year group. Students get to meet with their tutor every day at tutor time.

Special Educational Needs Team / Learning Support

We have an extremely dedicated, qualified team of Special Education Teachers and Special Needs Assistants who work tirelessly to support the teaching and learning process for our students with special educational needs. The team work together with students, parents and teachers to ensure these students thrive and reach their potential during their time here at Coláiste Bríde, not just academically but personally and socially.

Home School Community Liaison coordinator

They promote active cooperation between home, school and relevant community agencies assisting struggling families.

Guidance Team

Our guidance team endeavour to create a safe, caring and supportive environment for our students. They work alongside the Senior Leadership Team, Year Heads, Tutors, SEN Team and all teachers in the school. Their roles are vast and cover numerous areas, including personal and social counselling, educational counselling and vocational/career counselling. They help our students to make informed choices in the personal, social, educational, and vocational areas of their lives. They also offer one to one support to students who want to discuss personal or vocational issues in a confidential, nonjudgemental setting.

We engage with students from First to Sixth Years in a variety of ways, across a wide range of experiences which including the following:

•Careers classes

•Support with Subject Choice

•Study Skills workshops

•College Campus Visits

•College Summer Schools

•Careers Nights

•Guest speakers (College, Careers and Mental Health)

•College Awareness Week Activities

•Mock Interviews

• Psychometric Testing (For example:Aptitude and Careers Interests)

•Incoming First Years

• Trinity Access (TA21) activities

• Parent/Guardian Information Nights

•Mentoring Programmes


•Partnership and referral to outside support agencies such as Jigsaw, CAMHS and Pieta House etc.

•Mental Health support and Education

Ethos Alive in the Community

Our commitment to the Presentation ethos and Nano Nagle’s mission is ever present through our community and parish links. We keep Nano’s vision alive through various events throughout our school year, such as:

•We visit St. Brigid’s Well and participate in parish liturgies

•In recent years, some students accompany the parish pilgrimage to Lourdes as helpers

•For World Women’s Day of Prayer we help to lead liturgy in the community

•Catholic Schools Week is an essential part of our calendar in addition to opening year masses, graduation and remembrance liturgies

• Youth Ministry with the village church at morning mass


•Student Peer Leadership Programme

•Senior Cycle trip to Knock

•Student Council annual visit to Ballygriffin, Co. Cork - the birthplace of Nano Nagle, followed by a trip to the Nano Nagle museum in Cork city

Global Education Experience

Through the Presentation Sisters, Coláiste Bríde is linked with our sister school in New Dehli, India. Staff from each school have visited the other, with plans afoot to engage students further in communicating through video chats and email, as they get to learn about each other’s communities first hand as part of our development education and global citizenship.

Looking at Our School – DES Inspection Reports

In December 2019 our school was subject to a Whole-School Inspection – Management,Leadership and Learning (WSE-MLL) The school received an excellent report. Below is a summary of the key findings from the report.

• The quality of leadership and management is very good, a highly effective board of management and senior leadership team promote a culture of care and continuous improvement for staff and students.

• Innovation and creativity in learning is central to this school and is reflected in the development of attractive learning spaces, innovative teaching practices and a very positive student-teacher rapport, all of which support students’ engagement with their learning.

• Very effective student care structures are evident; provision for students with special educational needs (SEN) is methodically organised by an outstanding and

highly committed core team, however a large number of teachers are delivering SEN additional support.

• The quality of teaching, learning and assessment in the majority of lessons was good or very good, with numerous examples of exemplary practice noted.

• The school has very successfully implemented previous inspection recommendations to a high standard, though differentiated teaching methodologies remains an area for development.

• The school’s self-evaluation process is of a high quality and there is a very good capacity for improvement throughout the school.

In January 2023, we had a science inspection, also with very positive findings:

• The quality of teaching and learning in Science was good; very positive and respectful interactions were observed throughout.

• The majority of students demonstrated good knowledge in Science and experienced success during lessons.

• Individual lessons were successfully planned by all teachers. The use of starter activities to gauge prior learning was a well established shared practice.

• Subject provision and whole-school support for Science was very good. Support for and engagement in professional development was very good.

We firmly believe in offering a progressive academic curriculum as well as an extensive range of extra-curricular activities which promote the holistic development of our students.

• Lessons were well structured; teachers established and communicated the learning outcomes or intentions at the beginning of all lessons and revisited a the close of all lessons. This was most effective when students had the opportunity to discuss and reflect on what they had learned.

• All lessons were well prepared with valuable digital and paper resources. Teachers provided very good one-to-one support to students.

• Interactions between students and teachers, as well as among students were very respectful.

• Students engaged very well in thinking critically about project design, user interfaces and data management. They displayed very good understanding of the design processes. Creativity and innovation were encouraged in all lessons and within the culture of the school.

• Highly effective use of the digital platform was observed to support group activities.

• Students had excellent opportunities to engage with external organisations and initiatives related to the promotion of computer science and science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM).

Full subject inspection reports are available online at

In January 2024, a Computer Science inspection resulted in the following findings:

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