Watershade Area
The Missing Link
Seoul, Korea
Urban fabric is not accidental; it is a pattern that sits on the substrate of a landscape. Landscape, then, is a system defined by climate, geology, soil, water, topography, vegetation, and patterns of human occupation. In particular older cities have a history of occupation that is still readable for its original connection with the natural landscape system. Some parts of the landscape were a good place to live, to put up markets or sacred sites and these still form the core of the city. Other elements of the landscape favored modern traffic systems or large scale housing projects for citizens with lower income. This studio took a part of Seoul city, the existing urban situation of Eunpyeong-gu as site. After a thorough research into the urban landscape system of this city ward, the second half of the studio is devoted to design. The goal is, firstly, to understand what the urban landscape system actually is by analyzing the site. Secondly, to discover potential vegetation as a design tool, derived from the urban landscape system as a design tool. Sustainable planning of urban open space can be set up, based on ecology and on slow life. The key is potential vegetation.
Eunpyeong-gu Boundary