India Railway and Green Infra Smart Move 2018
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Rolling Stock
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Carbon Free Public Transportation
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Rolling Stock Train Automatic Train Control (ATC) A system for automatically controlling train movement, enforcing train safety and directing train operations. Automatic Train Operation (ATO) A system that handles start-up and acceleration to running speed, maintains route speed, stops the train smoothly at proper platform position, and may automatically open the doors. Automatic Train Protection (ATP) A system for enforcing safe train operation, speed control, over-speed protection, train separation and train routing. Automatic Train Supervision (ATS) That subsystem within the automatic train control system which monitors trains, adjusts the performance of individual trains to maintain schedules, and provides data to adjust service to minimize the inconveniences otherwise caused by irregularities. Cab-to-cab Intercommunication System It permits communications between operators or approved individuals in other vehicle cabs of the same train consist. Communications-Based Train Control (CBTC) A continuous automatic train control system utilizing: high-resolution train location determination, independent of track circuits; continuous, high capacity, bidirectional train-to-wayside data communications; and trainborne and wayside processors capable of implementing vital functions. DC-AC inverter A propulsion system that uses a variable voltage/variable frequency inverter to supply power to alternating current (AC) traction motors and thereby to accelerate the car and provide dynamic braking, if so equipped. Emergency Lighting System It is provide lighting according to minimum design requirements when normal lighting is disrupted as a result of loss of power due to damage or otherwise unavailable. European Train Control System (ETCS) The train control part of ERTMS. Level -1; An intermittent ATP system following the ETCS standard that uses controlled Eurobalises for transmission of control data. Level -2; An continuous ATP system following the ETCS standard that that combines radio-based train control with a fixed block system. Level -3; An continuous ATP system following the ETCS standard that that combines radio-based train control with radio-based train separation based on moving block or virtual block. Event Recorder (ER) An on-board device/system with crashworthy nonvolatile memory which records data to support accident/incident analysis. Intercom System It provides a means for passengers and crewmembers to communicate with one another in an emergency situation. Passenger Information System (PIS or PIDS) It is an automated system for supplying users of public transport with information about the nature and state of a public transport service, through visual, voice or other media. Propulsion System The system of motors, drive mechanisms, controls, and other devices that propels or retards a vehicle. Public Address (PA) System It provides a means for a crewmember and/or the operations control center (OCC) to communicate to all train passengers in an emergency or normal situation. Train Control & Management System (TCMS) TCMS is the standard control, communication and train management system for all vehicle platforms and applications. It comprises computer devices and software, human-machine interfaces, digital and analogue input/ output (I/O) capability and the data networks to connect all these together in a secure and fault-resistant manner. TCMS provides data communications interfaces to other train-borne systems, and also telecommunications to supporting systems operating remotely on the wayside. Vehicle On-Board Controller (VOBC) It establishes the position of the train on the guideway by detecting transponders located in the track bed, and uses the transponder data to extract information from the database. Database on the Vehicle On-board Controller contains all relevant guideway information, including station stops, gradients, civil speed limits, switch locations, axle counter blocks locations and trackside signal locations.
Communications-Based Train Control (CBTC) •
Communications-Based Train Control (CBTC) is a railway signaling system that makes use of the telecommunications between the train and track equipment for the traffic management and infrastructure control. By means of the CBTC systems, the exact position of a train is known more accurately than with the traditional signaling systems. This results in a more efficient and safe way to manage the railway traffic. Metros (and other railway systems) are able to improve headways while maintaining or even improving safety. A CBTC s ste is a o ti uous, automatic train control system utilizing high-resolution train location determination, independent of track circuits; continuous, high-capacity, bidirectional train-to-wayside data communications; and trainborne and wayside processors capable of implementing Automatic Train Protection (ATP) functions, as well as optional Automatic Train Operation (ATO) and Automatic Train Supervision ATS fu tio s. , as defi ed i theIEEE 1474 standard. City and population growth increases the need for mass transit transport and signalling systems need to evolve and adapt to safely meet this increase in demand and traffic capacity. As a result of this operators are now focused on maximising train line capacity. The main objective of CBTC is to increase capacity by safely reducing the time interval (headway) between trains travelling along the line. Traditional legacy signalling systems are historically based in the detection of the trains in discrete sections of the track called lo ks . Ea h lo k is p ote ted sig als that p e e t a t ai e te i g a o upied lo k. Si e e e lo k is fi ed the infrastructure, these systems are referred to as fixed block systems. Unlike the traditional fixed block systems, in the modern moving block CBTC systems the protected section for each train is not statically defined by the infrastructure (except for the virtual block technology, with operating appearance of a moving block but still constrained by physical blocks). Besides, the trains themselves are continuously communicating their exact position to the equipment in the track by means of a bi-directional link, either inductive loop or radio communication. This technology, operating in the 30–60 kHz frequency range to communicate trains and wayside equipment, was widely adopted by the metro operators in spite of someelectromagnetic compatibility (EMC) issues, as well as other installation and maintenance concernsAs with new application of any technology, some problems arose at the beginning mainly due to compatibility and interoperability aspects. However, there have been relevant improvements since then, and currently the reliability of the radio-based communication systems has grown significantly. Moreover, it is important to highlight that not all the systems using radio communication technology are considered to be CBTC systems. So, for clarity and to keep in line with the state-of-the-art solutio s fo ope ato s e ui e e ts, this article only covers the latest moving block principle based (either true moving block or virtual block, so not dependent on track-based detection of the trains) CBTC solutions that make use of the radio communications
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CBTC and moving block CBTC systems are modern railway signaling systems that can mainly be used in urban railway lines (either light or heavy) and APMs, although it could also be deployed oncommuter lines. For main lines, a similar system might be the European Railway Traffic Management System ERTMS Level 3 (not yet fully defined). In the modern CBTC systems the trains continuously calculate and communicate their status via radio to the wayside equipment distributed along the line. This status includes, among other parameters, the exact position, speed, travel direction and braking distance. This information allows calculation of the area potentially occupied by the train on the track. It also enables the wayside equipment to define the points on the line that must never be passed by the other trains on the same track. These points are communicated to make the trains automatically and continuously adjust their speed while maintaining the safety and comfort (jerk) requirements. So, the trains continuously receive information regarding the distance to the preceding train and are then able to adjust their safety distance accordingly. From the signalling system perspective, the first figure shows the total occupancy of the leading train by including the whole blocks which the train is located on. This is due to the fact that it is impossible for the system to know exactly where the train actually is within these blocks. Therefore, the fixed block system only allows the following train to move up to the last unoccupied lo k s o de . In a moving block system as shown in the second figure, the train position and its braking curve is continuously calculated by the trains, and then communicated via radio to the wayside equipment. Thus, the wayside equipment is able to establish protected areas, each one called Limit of Movement Authority (LMA), up to the nearest obstacle (in the figure the tail of the train in front). It is important to mention that the occupancy calculated in these systems must include a safety margin for location uncertainty (in yellow in the figure) added to the le gth of the t ai . Both of the fo hat is usuall alled Footp i t . This safet a gi depe ds o the a u a of the odometry system in the train. CBTC systems based on moving block allows the reduction of the safety distance between two consecutive trains. This distance is varying according to the continuous updates of the train location and speed, maintaining the safety requirements. This results in a reduced headway between consecutive trains and an increased transport capacity. Levels of automation Modern CBTC systems allow different levels of automation or Grades of Automation, GoA, as defined and classified in the IEC 62290-1. In fact, CBTC is not a synonym fo d i e less o auto ated t ai s although it is o side ed as a asi te h olog fo this pu pose. The grades of automation available range from a manual protected operation, GoA 1 (usually applied as a fallback operation mode) to the fully automated operation, GoA 4 (Unattended Train Operation, UTO). Intermediate operation modes comprise semi-automated GoA 2 (Semi-automated Operation Mode, STO) or driverless GoA 3 (Driverless Train Operation, DTO). The latter operates without a driver in the cabin, but requires an attendant to face degraded modes of operation as well as guide the passengers in the case of emergencies. The higher the GoA, the higher the safety, functionality and performance levels must be. Main advantages of the Communications-Based Train Control System: Optimized train speeds to gain best line capacity, reduced costs and provide best passenger comfort; Guaranteed short term of system delivery and launching; Putting in operation from day one; Automated operations and easy maintenance; Driverless system (or upgradable to driverless) to reduce operating costs; Power saving; Easy maintenance; Easy expansion; Easy integration; Best immunity against interference; Obsolescence-proof; 100% safe; Minimum trackside equipment. Innovative solution simplifies the complex route setting and interlocking functions, completely merging them into CBTC: Optimum train-centric architecture, with more on-board intelligence and direct train-to-train communication, leading to 20% less equipment and better performances; Higher transport capacity with minimal headway (down to 60 seconds); Higher operational availability (24 hours) with extreme flexibility of train movements; Optimal investment and LCC for all types of line configuration. CBTC can be easily integrated with all automation systems for railway transport.
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The typical architecture of a modern CBTC system comprises the following main subsystems: Wayside equipment, which includes the interlocking and the subsystems controlling every zone in the line or network (typically containing the wayside ATP and ATO functionalities). Depending on the suppliers, the architectures may be centralized or distributed. The control of the system is performed from a central command ATS, though local control subsystems may be also included as a fallback. CBTC onboard equipment, including ATP and ATO subsystems in the vehicles. Train to wayside communication subsystem, currently based on radio links. Thus, although a CBTC architecture is always depending on the supplier and its technical approach, the following logical components may be found generally in a typical CBTC architecture: Onboard ATP system. This subsystem is in charge of the continuous control of the train speed according to the safety profile, and applying the brake if it is necessary. It is also in charge of the communication with the wayside ATP subsystem in order to exchange the information needed for a safe operation (sending speed and braking distance, and receiving the limit of movement authority for a safe operation). Onboard ATO system. It is responsible for the automatic control of the traction and braking effort in order to keep the train under the threshold established by the ATP subsystem. Its main task is either to facilitate the driver or attendant functions, or even to operate the train in a fully automatic mode while maintaining the traffic regulation targets and passenger comfort. It also allows the selection of different automatic driving strategies to adapt the runtime or even reduce the power consumption. Wayside ATP system. This subsystem undertakes the management of all the communications with the trains in its area. Additionally, it calculates the limits of movement authority that every train must respect while operating in the mentioned area. This task is therefore critical for the operation safety. Wayside ATO system. It is in charge of controlling the destination and regulation targets of every train. The wayside ATO functionality provides all the trains in the system with their destination as well as with other data such as the dwell time in the stations. Additionally, it may also perform auxiliary and non-safety related tasks including for instance alarm/event communication and management, or handling skip/hold station commands. Communication system. The CBTC systems integrate a digital networked radio system by means of antennas or leaky feeder cable for the bi-directional communication between the track equipment and the trains. The 2,4GHz band is commonly used in these systems (same as WiFi), though other alternative frequencies such as 900 MHz (US), 5.8 GHz or other licensed bands may be used as well. ATS system. The ATS system is commonly integrated within most of the CBTC solutions. Its main task is to act as the interface between the operator and the system, managing the traffic according to the specific regulation criteria. Other tasks may include the event and alarm management as well as acting as the interface with external systems. Interlocking system. When needed as an independent subsystem (for instance as a fallback system), it will be in charge of the vital control of the trackside objects such as switches or signals, as well as other related functionality. In the case of simpler networks or lines, the functionality of the interlocking may be integrated into the wayside ATP system.
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Absolute Block A system of controlling rail traffic, where (under normal operations) only one train is allowed in the Block Section at a time. Proof of a section clear normally involves the observation of the train tail lamp by the Signaller. Accelerometer A device that can measure acceleration generated by the movement of an object along an axis. Access Point A device that allows wireless devices to connect to a wired network using Wi-Fi. Automatic Route Setting (ARS) A system for setting Routes without the action of the Signaller, based upon a stored timetable, train running information, defined priority, selection criteria and operating algorithms. Automatic Signal A Signal controlled by the passage of trains. It does not require any action by the Signaller or ARS. Automatic Signals are usually Passable. Automatic Track Warning System (ATWS) A system that gives trackside staff audible and/or visible warning of the approach of trains independently of the Signalling System. Automatic Train Control (ATC) Used to describe on- oa d auto atio that o t i utes to o epla es the d i e s judgement as to how to control the train. (ATC=ATO+ATP) Automatic Train Operation (ATO) A high elia ilit s ste that auto ati all ope ates the t ai s d i i g o t ols i a o da e ith i fo atio usuall e eived from the trackside signalling equipment or traffic control system. Automatic Train Protection (ATP) A safety system that enforces either compliance with or observation of speed restrictions and/or Signal Aspects by trains. Automatic Train Regulation (ATR) A subsystem to ensure that the train service returns to timetabled operation or to regular, fixed headways, following disruption. ATR subsystems adjust the performance of individual trains to maintain schedules. ATR is normally a subsystem of automatic train supervision (ATS). Automatic Train Supervision (ATS) A safety within an automatic train control system which monitors the system status and provides the appropriate controls to direct the operation of trains in order to maintain intended traffic patterns and minimize the effect of train delays on the operating schedule. Automatic Warning System (AWS) A system that provides audible and visual warnings to the driver on the Approach To Signals, certain Level Crossings and Emergency, Temporary and certain Permanent, Speed Restrictions. A track Inductor based system linked to the aspects of fixed lineside Signals. The track mounted inductors are supplied as standard or extra strength. Axle Counter An axle counter is a device on a railway that detects the passing of a train between two points on a track. Track mounted equipment counts the number of axles entering and leaving a Track Section at each extremity. A calculation is performed to determine whether the track section is Occupied or Clear. Communications-Based Train Control (CBTC) A railway signaling system that makes use of the telecommunications between the train and track equipment for the traffic management and infrastructure control. By means of the CBTC systems, the exact position of a train is known more accurately than with the traditional signaling systems. Computer Based Interlocking (CBI) A generic term for a second generation processor based system for controlling the Interlocking between Points and Signals, as well as communication with lineside Signalling Functions. Degraded Mode Conditions The state of the part of the railway system when it continues to operate in a restricted manner due to the failure of one or more components.
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Dispatcher An employee who supervises the train movements of a line or a certain area. A dispatcher may also perform the duty of a Train Control Operator. Driverless Train Operation (DTO) A signal train operation where starting and stopping are automated but a train attendant operates the doors and drives the train in case of emergencies, or GoA3. Operations Control Center (OCC) A location or locations designed, equipped, and staffed for the purposes of monitoring and controlling rail transit service activities from a central location or locations. Overlap (OL) The distance beyond a Stop Signal that must be clear, and where necessary Locked, before the Stop Signal preceding the Stop Signal in question can display a Proceed Aspect. Point Machine (or Switch Machine) A machine that is used to operate points, movable frogs or derailers. Radio Block Centre A control centre to supervise and control train movements in a territory with radio-based train control. Safety Integrity Level (SIL) Defined as a relative level of risk-reduction provided by a safety function, or to specify a target level of risk reduction. Semi-automatic Train Operation (STO) A signal train operation where stopping is automated but a driver in the cab starts the train, operates the doors, drives the train if needed and handles emergencies. GoA2 Train Detection System Equipment and systems forming part of, or providing input to, the Signalling Systems to detect, either: the presence or absence of vehicles within the limits of a track section, or that a train has reached, is passing or has passed a specific position. Where required, a train detection system may additionally detect the direction in which a train is travelling. Unattended Train Operation (UTO) A signal train operation where starting and stopping, operation of doors and handling of emergencies are fully automated without any on-train staff, or GoA4. Vehicle On-Board Controller (VOBC) It establishes the position of the train on the guideway by detecting transponders located in the track bed, and uses the transponder data to extract information from the database. Database on the Vehicle On-board Controller contains all relevant guideway information, including station stops, gradients, civil speed limits, switch locations, axle counter blocks locations and trackside signal locations.
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Standards Worldwide •
This page provides information on the main standards (and technical rĂŠgulations) in use worldwide.
BT has confirmed that ESE National Standards would remain valid and thus BT recognized there ould e o e ide e of o fli t et ee NF C ‐ a d IEC EN ‐ sta dards a d consequently there is no reason, technical or otherwise, for the withdrawal of the respective national standard.BT has requested that this standard be modified in order to cancel all refere e to the IEC EN ‐ series, allowing the NF C ‐ sta dard to e ist, ith the proposal of possible future migration to international level (lEC). Accordingly, it was established that European ESE standards (France, Spain, Portugal, Slovaquia, etc.) will not conflict with other European standards and will remain valid.
• GIMELEC would draw your attention to the fact that the ter s of refere e of NF C ‐ a d • other standards, addressing alternative terminals (NF C ‐ , PR EN ‐ ‐ ) ere fro the • outset, er differe t. It is a fa t that NF C ‐ , whilst referring to ESE Technology also • comments on other standards for lightning protection systems, particularly incorporating • faraday cage, franklin rod and catenary wire systems. the 'camouflaging' of NF C ‐102 by IEC EN • ‐ and its proponents, that FRENCH STANDARD NF C ‐ is still in full force.
IEC 62305 and NFC17-102