Puranic Timeline Content

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of cyclical nature. This universe is simply the current one, which is in flux and constantly changing, when it finally ceases to manifest, a new one will arise. The Big Bang is described as the birth of the universe (Brahma), the life of the universe then follows (Vishnu), and the Big Crunch would be described as the destruction of the universe (Shiva). This ancient concept was found to be closest to the present date theory of the universe in physical cosmology, The cyclical universe theory, which has proven to be most apt. When the universe was created, Bhramha was born out of the Golden Egg, metaphorically the hypothetical energy point from the Big Bang emerged; his first sound was Om, a long and drawn out sound, parallel to cosmic radiation that pervades the universe. According to the Bhagwad Gita, not even Bhramha, the universe is free from our human cycle of birth, age, disease, death and re-birth, and hence, is in a constant state of flux, accepted by the Buddhist dharmas as well.

2. Calendar of The Devas/ Puranic Units of Measurement Puranic units of measurement of time covered almost everything- from one microsecond to one Mahayantra, 311.04 trillion present day earth years, and were cyclical in nature and were based on a logarithimic scale. COMPARATIVE INFOGRAPHIC ON THE FOLLOWING DATA ONLY FOR COMPARABLE UNITS: Sidereal metrics • a Paramaanus is the normal interval of blinking in humans, or approximately 4 seconds • a vighati is 6 paramaanus, or approximately 24 seconds • a ghadiya is 60 vighatis, or approximately 24 minutes • a muhurta is equal to 2 ghadiyas, or approximately 48 minutes Content Management | 36

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