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Mangawhai Park view sought
Mangawhai residents and visitors are being asked what they want from the town’s community park to help Kaipara District Council (KDC) draw up a new plan to guide its future use.

It’s almost 10 years since the original masterplan for the park was created and Council thinks it’s high time it was updated.
The 34-hectare park on Molesworth Drive stretches from the Mangawhai Museum and historic village up to the bowling club and golf course, and is home to the Mangawhai Activity Zone, St John Ambulance, the fire station and a network of paths and tracks.

Council says the park, its facilities and wider community have changed significantly since the masterplan was created and adopted in 2014, so public feedback is being sought for a review.
“We want to know what people value most about the park, what they want to protect and what new facilities they would like to see,” a spokesperson said.
Once the community’s suggestions have been considered, Council will put together a new draft masterplan that the public will be able to review and submit feedback on.
“This will be a chance for the community to tell us if we have got it right or if amendments are needed,” the spokesperson said.
“After amendments have been made, the new masterplan can be adopted and used to guide decision making for the park.”

The deadline for all feedback is 5pm, on Tuesday, February 21.

The current Mangawhai Community Park masterplan can be read on the KDC website at www.kaipara.govt.nz/ mangawhaicommunitypark, where feedback can also be submitted via an online survey. The website also has details of community drop-in sessions being planned.

Suggestions can also be emailed to rmp@ kaipara.govt.nz, posted to Kaipara District Council, Private Bag 1001, Dargaville 0340, or discussed with Mark Schreurs on 0800 727 059.