Page 1







_An Overview



_Youth Behaviour & the Web





_Business Transparency _Responsible Sourcing _Responsible Manufacturing & Pricing _Be Inspirational






//INTRODUCTION Few people can have escaped the crisis within our environment. Global warming, ecosystem destruction, widespread extinction of thousands of plants and animals every year and environmental toxins in our food, water and ultimately, our bodies. Now is the time to deal with these issues. Change has to start with each one of us taking action. We are living at the expense of humanity and it's future. It seems at last, that the message is loud and clear. Sadly though, this message needs to be louder and all of us in the fashion industry, should grab the microphone and shout proudly and loudly. Through our actions, words and designs we can spread the message. Today’s generation, are tomorrow’s leaders, and fortunately they are better informed and prepared than we were previously. With that haste comes more waste and they will have to learn quickly as they go, in order to make a difference.

The fashion business must take

responsibility and help educate and inform the next generation about consuming without harming the environment. With that in mind, a worthy start point, would be to observe a high street youth brand in action. “Jack Wills” is a good example to commence our look at responsible retailing in the world of fashion; to find out what they are or are not doing to educate, inform and change this current situation. What role are they playing in the fashion industry as well as any impact the brand might have on the environment and their target market of affluent teenagers. Understanding how the fashion business can inspire and influence peoples lifestyles and attitudes is one aspect that helps drive my insatiable passion for the environment. A wish to see real, positive change also adds fuel to my already racing eco engine.


//JACK WILLS IMAGE & PERCEPTION An Overview_ Jack Wills is not just a fashion retailer, it's a self proclaimed way of life! Jack Wills is a British clothing brand aimed at university/college/school students. The fashion label uses the brand and registered trademark "Jack Wills University Outfitters" to reflect the heritage and inspiration behind the brand. Jack Wills was founded in 1999 by Peter Williams and Robert Shaw. The former named the company after his grandfather, Jack Williams. The original store was located in the smart coastal Devon resort of Salcombe, at 22 Fore Street. This original address is often written into the Jack Wills handbook, clothing labels and in-store signs, sending out the perception of quality, affluence and homegrown. Jack Wills has now expanded to include a current chain of forty four stores throughout the UK. Six stores are located in London, with the remainder typically found in university towns and seaside resorts. Three stores can also be found in Scotland and two in Ireland. Jack Wills' newest stores opened in the US, in Nantucket, Martha's Vineyard and Boston in July 2010. “Our clothing draws heavily on the British heritage and culture, which is created by our designers. Design inspiration follows British military history, British sporting traditions, British country pursuits and living with quirky product / fabric details to reflect eccentric British style. This is integral to t h e ' J a c k W i l l s Fabulously British' concept and look. The use of Figure 1 . Jack Wills Campaign

British h e r i t a g e






differentiations of our brand; our aim is to convey that the design and look of our clothes is a British style.� ( Jack Wills embodies a public school, imperial, colonial style, harking back to the ideals and inspiration of vintage, imperial British heritage, becoming a successful high street retailer in only twelve years. However, its specific target audience has meant that Jack Wills has become far more than a fashion brand. To be emblazoned with the Jack Wills logo has also become a visible and prominent class branding within the student community. 4

Figure 2 . Jack Wills 2010 Collection

It has become synonymous with student life, even if you are not wearing it, the chances are you have a strong opinion about it. The stereotypical Jack Wills patron can normally be identified by back-combed hair, low slung track pants, sports stash, a gilet, the ever important pashmina and either Ugg boots or flip-flops (which both seem to be interchangeable between the summer and winter months). This basic uniform has created a self-conceited anti-fashion statement. The effort required to achieve Jack Wills signature nonchalant attitude has taken leisure wear to effortless new class heights. Therefore, despite its expense, making the clothes even more desirable Jack Wills' diverse marketing strategies and signature vintage concept has become part of university culture, embodying a uniform and a lifestyle for the student 'gentry'. Yet regardless of who wears Jack Wills or what background they come from, the brand itself openly trades on the back of its perceptions of wealth, stature and upper-class superiority. //YOUTH ASPIRATIONS Teenage years are a fundamental stage of life that each human passes through. Some people face this period of their life strongly and positively, while others face many problems and difficulties. A teenagers world is filled with fun, frolic and fashion. The “Teenage Years�, represent the transition period into adulthood. Teens start to develop their independence and unique opinions about life's issues. A teenager is in search of who they are, what they want and how they want to get things done. 5

Teens discover who they are, they define who they are by the different brands they buy into; they adopt certain personality traits and manifest them into brands or just mirror them into items that they purchase. In the case of fashion, they are looking for a brand that covers all their worries and anxiety. They look for an identity that may make them feel stronger, secure, confident and happy. In this instance, Jack Wills is bang on the money; that is the image Jack Wills sells by the bucket load. When you go through a Jack Wills catalogue that's what you find. Pretty models with attitude, an amazing life style. They all want to be part of this “Life Party”. Jack Wills is a premium fashion retailer of preppy, classic, colonial, casual wear, appealing to an age demographic of 16 to 24 year olds. Youth Behavior & the Web_ “Two new blogs are created every second of every day, and 1.6 million posts are made on existing blogs each day “(Lombardi, 2006). Teenagers unique relationships with brands, their powerful influence on marketers, their peers and their friends, their love of technology, and their speedy, visual world are reshaping retailing. Their confidence in self-expression, lickety-split decision making, and a desire to have it all now, have had a notable impact on the way they shop. Their influence on retail will only increase. The Jack Wills website is a perfectly executed example of the brand's influence over all aspects of life. As well as purchasing a jumper for £69, you could borrow a selection of classic books from the Jack Wills library, you could support the Jack Wills unsigned bands, watch videos of the latest events, invest in a skiing holiday or buy tickets to the Varsity Polo Competition. Recognizing young people's attachment to the internet, they are gradually moving toward online alternatives, including the use of social media. Facebook, ranked the favorite website of college students, grew from a hundred millions users in August 2008 to 500 million in July 2010.

Figure 3 . Facebook Icon

The Facebook Blog, (Zuckerberg, 2010). Such statistics have helped convince marketers that newspaper and TV ads are hardly enough to reach the young shoppers.


When young shoppers are on Facebook, they typically check their own page, which updates them on posting and pictures of “their friends”, many of whom are actually friends of friends of friends whom they have never talked or met. Jack Wills has 235,880 followers, the Facebook page includes the latest campaign, pictures of events sponsored by them, where every single person is wearing a Jack Wills garment. With a double click you become part of the Jack Wills community and you will receive automatically, the latest update. The Jack Wills followers really promote the brand and the clothes more than they ever think they do, they don't specifically tell each other to go to the store's site, but they post pictures from it. It enables them to join with like minded others and to feel part of something. It works as a collaborative relationship. They want to be asked for their opinion and like to think they have the ability to influence the product. Jack Wills does not advertise and instead relies on word of mouth viral marketing, which is often stimulated by the events they hold such as the Jack Wills Varsity Polo, JW Unsigned and JW Seasonnaires. Feedback from their young customers is extremely useful for the brand development but their parents are also indirectly involved, mainly due to most students economic status. The involvement of their target markets parents or elders, has not always been beneficial. In 2011 Jack Wills ran an Ad campaign that was in essence, provocative, controversial and maybe a step too far. “After 19 complaints to the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA), claiming the ads were not appropriate in a publication that could be viewed by teens; Jack Wills has the 2011 spring term catalogue banned


'offensive' nudity. The ASA upheld the complaints, ruling that the catalogue cannot appear in that form again” (Owen, 2010).


Figure 4/5 . Jack Wills banned campaign

As well as that ad campaign, Jack Wills was also accused by senior doctors of irresponsible advertising by appearing to promote smoking, after a Jack Wills store had refused to remove cigarettes from its window displays. Public health officials from NHS Gloucestershire's Stop Smoking Services also wrote to the store asking Jack Wills to “review your marketing strategy and remove these products immediately”. The doctors said that although the store had since changed its displays, cigarette ends were still used, along with discarded bottles, apparently to signal “cool, contemporary youth culture” (Rose,2009). Whether for rebellion or identity , there's no mistaking the connecting role of brands in teenagers life. Almost 65 percent of the 1,200 young women aged thirteen to twenty four polled by Cosmo Girl magazine in 2007 agreed with the statement “Stores are like friends”(Yarrow, 2009). That's a reflection of their potency in a teenagers life and in shorthand its the way that teenagers get the emotional gist of products and brands. In this over saturated marketplace, brands that connect through personality, emotion, and relevance, trump those that rely on reasoning. The more visible and iconic brands are membership organizations. Purchasing that brand buys you entrance into the club. In one of my visits to the Jack Wills store, I've noticed the fitting rooms are super big which appears to be for one reason; their principal costumers like trying on clothes together, they realized they better make their fitting rooms al lot bigger, and even more unisex. Young people try on clothes more often than older people, who tend to become more confident in their ability to judge size as the years go on. Andrew McQuilkin, vice president of design at the retail consulting firm FRCH, says“Stores are going far beyond the seat in the dressing room, now known as the girlfriend or boyfriend chair and replacing spaces that were once three by four and a half feet with eleven by twelve foot areas that give you room for a party. 8

Figure 6 . Photo shoot inside Jack Wills changing rooms by young shoppers

Which is precisely the point. It used to be “like dressing is a shoe stall”, says McQuilkin. Now retailers are “glorifying and celebrating the fitting room”(O’Donnell, 2007). And thinking in a interactive relationship with the young shoppers, Jack Wills has insert QR codes throughout the store. The QR Codes resolve to discount codes, videos and images of the latest collection.

“Through the use of images and symbols, of sponsorships and affiliations with celebrities and causes, and by harvesting the multitude of tactics that new technology affords, marketers and branders have upped the ante and are using tactics that slip vigilance of consumers” (Yarrow, 2009). Figure 7 . Jack Wills QR Codes

//PRODUCTS OVERVIEW Jack Wills' products can be viewed online, or in their publication "Jack Wills Handbook" and of course, in-store. The "Handbooks" are released each season, named: the Autumn Term Handbook, the Christmas Handbook, the Spring Term Handbook, the Summer Term Handbook and the Summer Holiday Handbook. Jack Wills' slogan "Fabulously British" is written into most of the clothes tags and the designs are marketed as classically 'British' in style, inspired by traditional British heritage. Jack Wills clothing ranges from traditional British heritage formal wear, such as

Figure 8 . Hackett campaign

shirts, tweed jackets and blazers, to more contemporary fashion casual clothing: hooded tops, sweat pants, t-shirts and polo shirts. Apparently they model themselves on traditional British brands, such as; Cording of Piccadilly and Hackett. Less common products are also sold, such as rugby shirts and leather and canvas holdalls. Home ware goods, like mugs, bed linen and USB drives can also be found in-store and online.


In the name of immersing myself in the Jack Wills experience, I venture into a branch, that sells an appealing version of young life. Arranged on hangers and in distressed wood wardrobes, dangling from coat stands and thrown over battered leather chair backs, the stock gathers life and possibly becomes inexplicably alluring. My first impression when I came across the collection was inspiring, the colors and the cuts are classic, traditional, contemporary, comfortable and welcoming, it makes you feel younger and fabulously British. Eventually I retreat to a changing room with an armful of clothes. Looking at myself in the mirror I was shocked by how small they were and how transforming; a polo top made me feel cool and classic, but how many university students in this day and age are polo-playing, classics-reading? I took the clothes off and made my escape from the store.

Figure 9 . Jack Wills Spring/Summer 2011

My primary observation is simple. I realized that in fact, Jack Wills has nothing new, innovative or ground breaking. The styles are classic, posh and traditional, currently present in all season, iconic items, pieces that make Jack Wills looks cool and British. They haven't got a unique design, pattern or print. The only difference it appears is how they present the goods to the customer. //RECOMMENDATIONS 1. BUSINESS TRANSPARENCY 2. RESPONSIBLE SOURCING 3. RESPONSIBLE MANUFACTURING & PRICING 4. BE INSPIRATIONAL 10

Just because we are facing a looming crisis with serious repercussions for us and for future generations, doesn't mean that we cant still enjoy ourselves, look good, dress well and even have a great time. In order to maintain our life style, we use huge amounts of energy, depend on adults and children in third world countries to do the work that we wont, and throw a lot of junk into ever growing landfills. The truth is, our lifestyles, right now, depend on being wasteful, taking advantage of less fortunate people, and consuming in a way that cannot be sustained in the future. We are polluting our air and water, using up oil and other non-renewable resources, destroying everything from five hundred year old forests to five thousand year old ecosystems, living as if there were no tomorrow. As a responsible business, we need to lead the way, put our values in action and operate ethically. Below are 6 recommendations for Jack Wills to achieve that. 1. BUSINESS TRANSPARENCY Transparency is concerned with openness and honesty in the many aspects of the supply chain and in the relationship between the consumer and brand. It can be both a communication device and a tool for improvement. These two things are interconnected and both rely on the company making their business practices, good or bad, public knowledge. This openness forms trust with the consumer. Transparency is one of the most crucial factors for a successful and sustainable business as it is concerned with longevity and loyalty, both in technical processes of the supply chain and in brand/consumer relationships. It is of paramount importance for the fashion industry, a sector that has been made notorious by recent scrutiny of its unethical treatment of people in the developing world. I tried on more than a dozen occasions to speak to someone from the Jack Wills Head Office, but was always left feeling blocked or “not allowed in�. I am only a fashion student making some enquiries, but I got nowhere in actually speaking to them. This creates automatic suspicion, as if they have something to hide. That's the perception whether it is right or wrong. It is always the perception that matters. A more open door policy, with honest intent would be a welcome change. 11

2. RESPONSIBLE SOURCING The major textile used by Jack Wills, is cotton. So for that, organic cotton fits the bill. The benefits of organic cotton are: -Increase income and better health for cotton. farmers. Lower health costs from reduced exposure to pesticides ( - Premium paid for organic cotton. - Better long-term yield. In the long term, yield for organic cotton out perform those for conventional cotton. In the short term, two-three years, there are losses as the health of the soil is slowly restored. But in the five to seven year period, as a whole, organic cotton fares much better than cotton ( -Better for the soil and the environment. As regards the environment, organic cotton is a major improvement to conventional cotton in terms of protecting local wildlife and the health of the soil. “ The greatest environmental problems in textile processing occur during dyeing and finishing. These processes require using chemicals and large quantities of water. The majority of compounds used for applying colour are highly carcinogenic or otherwise toxic “(Anderson, 2006). Natural dyes come from a variety of plant, animal, and, to a lesser extent, mineral sources. The recommendation of natural dyes is often advocated as a means of reducing environmental damage. Alternatives: Organic farming, use of certified and fair trade cotton. Choose sustainable fibres such as; hemp, rayon, jute, corn, organic wool, flax, organic silk, lyocell, bamboo, soya and recycled fibre. Substitute

natural dyes and

sustainable finishing process, which should be made in a controlled environment where wastewater is thoroughly treated and energy is renewable. 3. RESPONSIBLE MANUFACTURING & PRICING I created a questionnaire for young Jack Wills shoppers. This was done primarily to highlight what I already suspected.


Wills styles itself as purely BRITISH, and that's what the consumers in my survey believed. 80% Of those interviewed thought the products were manufactured in Britain. 12

Would you expect Jack Wills clothes to be manufactured in: 1. BRITAIN 2. EU/EUROPE 3. CHINA

(80%) (10%) (10%)

Questionnaire carried out by Maibe Maroccolo on the 3th June, Northcote Road, Wandsworth, London.

On their composition labels, you find MADE IN Portugal, Turkey and China, but not Britain. Clothes production in China conjure up bad images. Factories bring wealth but they also poison China's water resources. The situation is now so bad that apparently 70 percent of the country's rivers, lakes and reservoirs are not safe for humans to use. China is now providing low cost goods to the world at the cost of a deteriorating environment. The serious pollution is changing some areas into an uninhabitable landscape. Many local women, the elderly and even children, will do some work like cutting thread, to get some money to support the family. Washing and dyeing not only effects the environment and residents near the plant, but also effects the lives of the workers. However, serious pollution is caused by the town's pillar industry. Every ton of textile products will pollute 200 tons of water. “ About 2,500 chemicals are used in different textile dyeing and other processes� (

Figure 13 . Greenpeace East Asia Campaign


Responsible manufacturing would maximize positive and minimize negative environmental, social and economic impacts along the supply chain. Ethical and sustainable manufacturing - organic and ethical, but crucially, manufactured, using solely sustainable energy and sustainable solutions. This would reduce social, economic and environmental impact along the entire supply chain, and reduce green house gas emissions as well as combating climate change. As an example of good responsible manufacturing, Continental Clothing, has won the Outstanding Performance 2010 Award of excellence in responsible business practice. They apply best practice and minimise environmental impact in all production stages as shown below in figure 14.

Figure14 . Continental Clothing supply chain

In addition, for labour standards, corporations must adopt a Zero Tolerance policy with regard to the following minimum social responsibility criteria: ·

No use of child labour


No use of forced labour


Safe and healthy working conditions


Legal labour contracts


Payment of living wage


Freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining


No discrimination against employees


No excessive hours of work 14

Pricing_ One of the key issues for customers when asked about the perception they have of Jack Wills was the pricing. With the positive and accepted good quality of the products, comes the negative issue of how overpriced the items appear to be. However, this concern and negative (that in the present financial climate, may prove worrying for Jack Wills) can easily be rectified by creating a eco/environmentally sustainable side label, which could have a more acceptable higher price tag attached. If we accept that organic and sustainable sourced and manufactured garments will decrease Jack Wills profit margin, a new “ green label” could be a double edge positive for both customer and the bottom line of the company as well as altering the consumers perception of Jack Wills, by bringing it into the caring 21st century.

Jack Wills University Outfitters THERE’S A WILLS THERE’S A WAY

This new Jack Wills

eco label would be simple

to name. “TAW TAW” meaning “ THERE’S A WILLS THERE’S A WAY”. The colonial, imperial image can be kept along with everything else that is Jack Wills. It would slot in easily alongside all the other lines. No new design is needed. The newness is created by the reduced

fair trade . organic

environmental impact.

4. BE INSPIRATIONAL Youth comprise nearly 30 per cent of the world's population. The involvement of today's youth in environment and development decision-making and in the implementation of programs is critical to the long-term success of Agenda 21.” (UN, 1999) This statement is taken from the United Nations Conference for Environment and Development . From this statement, we can see that youth participation is a major factor for the United Nations (


Environmental issues are hugely important to young people. Apparently, they are ten times more likely to be concerned about climate change than they are about knife crime. Yet at the same time, they are becoming increasingly disconnected from the natural world and spend less time exploring the environment. Business helps children to re-connect with the natural world and learn how to harness their enthusiasm to build a positive and environmentally sustainable future. Which category, if aimed at teenagers, do you think would be more worthy and appealing: 1. THE COMMUNITY + WELL BEING AND HELPING OTHERS 2. SEX, DRUGS AND ROCK'NROLL

(90%) (10%)

Questionnaire by Maibe Maroccolo on the 3th June, Northcote Road, Wandsworth, London.

With this statement in mind, I highly recommend changes in their marketing/image,

to educate and inform their young consumers. Getting

involved with causes helps young people feel a sense of purpose in life and contributes to a positive self-identity. Green, after all, isn't just about the health of our planet, it's about feeling like they are part of a cause that is important. We're all looking for purpose and meaning in life, and I believe that doing the right thing is to cultivate this message and Jack Wills has the ability to change this scenario by way of it's marketing and the signal it sends out. Below are some suggestions for Jack Wills campaign:


University Outfitters


//CONCLUSION 1. Established Facts 2. Recommended Issues 3. Optimist Outlook

Established Fact_ It is clear to see to anyone who is interested, that Jack Wills is a leading youth brand with a huge high street presence in the UK. They are successful and have found a simple and basic hole in the market. Credit should be given to them for their success, especially during these difficult financial times. They do not advertise and are clever with viral and online marketing. They know their market and their customers it seems. However, as a leading youth brand, they are guilty of environmental negligence on a large scale. They do not even use recycled paper for their carrier bags. No where in any part of their operation do they give lip service or even admit that there are environmental issue surrounding each and every one of us. It's as if they are trading in the 70's with gay abandon. Their profits are impressive, but will be short lived unless their housekeeping is addressed on this issue. Their customers are savvy and easily swayed. They are also it seems currently loyal, but the pricing is clearly an issue and Jack Wills need to look forward rather than rely on what's gone before. I remember M&S were once untouchable ! The facts are simple. Jack Wills works. Jack Wills is a success financially. Jack Wills cannot continue as is. Recommended Issues_ I have suggested and recommended some simple solutions for Jack Wills to take on board. These are not complex or difficult. They are easy to apply and the results from whatever effort they make will be readily seen. The most important issue is probably the ethos of the company at board level. Up to now the company has been driven successfully by the bottom line and a need to make profit year on year. That is how they measure their success. If they realised that success can be measured in other ways as well as making money, this would help them drive themselves forward into a more sustainable future. If they give something back to the community or help their suppliers from poorer countries, they may find that success can be achieved in many more ways. 18

The beauty of the recommendations is that they can use them to their own effect. Their customers will happily embrace the new Jack Wills approach as the range of clothes will not change drastically. They can alter the public perception and do good for the planet, all in one go. For any business, this is a potential dream. If they realise how simple and easy some of the recommendations were, I am sure they would consider them. If their customers were approving both in terms of sales and their perception, then surely Jack Wills wins on every front. Optimist Outlook_ Hope is what drives a lot of us forward. I have many hopes and am realistic enough to understand that not all will bare fruit. If any one at the board level of Jack Wills does read this report, I am optimistic that they will have a re think towards their contribution on fashion and sustainability. They can implement some changes immediately and I am optimistic that whatever positive changes they make, will bring them deserved rewards, be it financial or customer feel good factor. The alternative is that they ignore this and their customers perception and carry on regardless, doing what they already do. That is a possibility, but if they know their market and they know what's good long term, this option of ignoring the future would be the equivalent of long term self suffocation. Hope is a wonderful thing to have. It is now more crucial than ever before that our hopes for the future are realised by what we do today.


//BIBLIOGRAPHY Lombardi, 2006 (2006). Every second two new blogs are created. Available from: <> [Acessed 1May 2011]. Zuckerberg, M. (2010). 500 Million Stories. Available from: <> [Acessed 1May 2011]. Owen, E. (2010). Jack Wills catalogue banned for 'offensive' nudity. Available from: <> [Acessed 1May 2011]. Rose, D. (2009). Senior doctors accuse Jack Wills fashion chain of promoting smoking. Available from: <> [Acessed 1May 2011]. Yarrow, K. (2009). Gen BuY, How Tweens, Teens and Twenty-Somethings Are Revolutionizing Retail. Jossey Bass Wiley O’Donnell, J. (2007). Retailers try on dressed-up fitting rooms. Available from: <> [Acessed 1May 2011]. Yarrow, K. (2009). Gen BuY, How Tweens, Teens and Twenty-Somethings Are Revolutionizing Retail. Jossey Bass Wiley Anderson, K. (2006). Innovative or disintegrate: the latest in textile finishes. Available from: <> [Acessed 1May 2011]. //FIGURES Figure 1 . Jack Wills Campaign (2011) . [online image] . Available at: <> [accessed 1 May 2011] Figure 2 . Jack Wills 2010 Collection (2010) . [online image] . Available at: <> [accessed 1 May 2011] Figure 3 . Facebook Icon . Available at: <> [accessed 1 May 2011] Figure 4/5 . Jack Wills banned campaign . Available at: <> [accessed 1 May 2011] Figure 6 . Photo shoot inside Jack Wills changing rooms by young shoppers . Available at: <> [accessed 1 May 2011] Figure 7 . Jack Wills QR Codes . Available at: <> [accessed 1 May 2011] Figure 8 . Hackett campaign . Available at: <> [accessed 1 May 2011] Figure 9 . Jack Wills Spring/Summer 2011. Available at: <> [accessed 1 May 2011] Figure 10 . Business Transparency . Available at: <> [accessed 1 May 2011] Figure 11 . Responsible Sourcing .Available at: <> [accessed 1 May 2011] Figure 12. Responsible Manufacturing & pricing. Available at: <> [accessed 1 May 2011] Figure 13. Be inspirational. Available at: <> [accessed 1 May 2011] All the suggestions images for Jack Wills campaign are available at: <> [accessed 1 May 2011] 19

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