“Omega-3 PUFA Ingredients Market (2015 - 2020)”

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Omega-3 PUFA Market (20152020)

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Omega-3 PUFA Market (2015-2020)

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Omega-3 PUFA Market Overview ď ś Omega-3 PUFA ingredients market report has been segmented based on Ingredients, Types of Source and End-Use. The report focuses on the market revenue generated by the sales and usage of omega-3 PUFA ingredients as a part of dietary supplements, pet food and functional food. Omega-3 PUFA can be extracted from varied sources such as Anchovy/Sardines, Concentrates, Algae, Tuna, Salmon, Cod, Menhaden and Krill. Different end-use markets that are covered in the report include: Infant formula, Food & Beverages, Nutritional Supplements, Pharmaceutical & Clinical Nutrition and Pet food. Omega-3 PUFA ingredients market is estimated to grow at a CAGR of 6.7% to reach $2,659 million by 2020.

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Omega-3 PUFA Market (2015-2020)

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Omega-3 PUFA Market trends & Growth Omega 3 PUFAs have been analyzed on the basis of type of acid which are DHA (docosahexaenoic acid), EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid), and ALA (Alpha-linoleic acid), the market values and growth rates have been estimated on the basis of source of the fatty acids  Marine source (Cod, salmon, anchovy, krill, and other marine sources)  Plant sources (Chia seeds, flax seeds and Hemp)  Algae source.

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Omega-3 PUFA Market (2015-2020)

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Key Market Players of Omega-3 PUFA Market Key Players In The Market:  BASF SE (Germany)  Royal DSM (Netherlands)  KD Pharma Bexbach GmbH (Germany)

 Omega Protein Corporation (U.S.)  GC Rieber Oils (Norway)

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