MaiMultVerde Annual Report

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Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.

Margaret Mead


Elisabeta Palace, February 22nd, 2008 To the Board of MaiMultVerde Association In April 2009, in order to abide by the spirit and the political autonomy of the organization, HRH Crown Princess Margarita of Romania gave up the High Patronage granted upon the set up of MaiMultVerde. We were honored to be granted Her Royal Highness's endorsement in the early days of our activity and we are happy to see that the Royal family remains faithful to the principles this partnership was based upon and understands the wish of MaiMultVerde to stay clear of the electoral process.

I gladly accept your proposal of placing the new MaiMultVerde Association under my High Auspice. I am confident that it will be one of the most active associations in the field, due to the benefits and the positive impact of the projects the association intends to develop. I hope the Association will represent an example for the Romanian civil society on account of its initiatives. I consider that the association’s activities are in line with the 30 years “Vision” plan for Romania, the development project elaborated by the Royal House.

Her Royal Highness Crown Princess Margarita of Romania


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Contents 8  Board Members 8  Founding Members 9  Mission 9  Strategic Goal 9 Vision 9 Values 10  Founding Sponsor 11  Our targets in 2008 and what we have already achieved Projects 14  Green 003 18  Danube Day 20  Danube Box 22 Together for a Clean Danube 24 – online volunteer work platform 26  Cleaning Actions 30  Good things come to those who clean! 32  Cicloteque 34  Green Gala 35  Donors of the Green Gala 36  Our Forest 38  Romania Takes Roots 40 The Great Planting 42 The Eco Bag


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The first step Campaigns 46 Volunteer Work Leaves Marks 47 The Resurrection Volunteers 50  Some examples The organization 56  Budget 57 Types of Expenses 58  Financing Sources 62  Awards 63  Mass Media 70  How We Travel 71  Where We Work 72 The Team 74  People Talk 76  Sponsors & Partners 81  Acknowledgments

MaiMultVerde is the silent expression of a protest. From the very beginning, we promised ourselves that we will stay away from placards and demonstrations, we will not point fingers and we will chain ourselves to the authorities’ fences only if nothing else works. Until then, we try to protest by everything we do against the Romania of polluters, rogues, cynics and indolent people. We protest by collecting waste materials, planting trees, riding bicycles and teaching young people to follow our example. It is not a spectacular protest, but it is an efficient one. We did not want to make a purpose out of pointing fingers at those who make mistakes, because we hope that one day they will join us. In a society seeking to see problems everywhere, we would like to be a part of the solution. 2008 was the first step on a very long path the MaiMultVerde volunteers must undertake. The report you are reading now is a summary of this year. Besides figures and images, we have the satisfaction of a job well done, that also gives us the strength to go on. I like to think that we started off on the right foot.

Dragoș Bucurenci President


Board Members Cătălin Ştefănescu, Host “Garantat 100%”, TVR 1 Cosmin Alexandru, President of “Erudio” Association and Managing Partner “Brandivia” Dr. Dan Hulea, Executive Director of Romanian Ornithology Society Gabriela Massaci, Director of Romanian Cultural Institute in London and President of EUNIC London Laura Tampa, Managing Director of Grey Worldwide Romania

Founding Members Andreea Teodorescu Doru Mitrana

Sandra Pralong, President of Synergy Communications and President of SynergEtica Foundation



To build a new culture of volunteer work for the environment in Romania.

Respect for nature Volunteer work Cooperation

Dr.Vintilă Mihăilescu, Director of the Romanian Peasant Museum, University Professor at the National School of Political and Administrative Studies

Representative of the Patron Eduard Petrescu, UNAIDS Country Coordinator

Strategic Goal

Independence Communication

To create an active community of volunteers that will make sustainable changes for the environment in Romania.

Vision In 5 years we will develop an online community with 10.000 members, out of which 2.500 will get involved annually in volunteer activities for the environment.

Dragoş Bucurenci Hanno Hoefer 8

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Founding Sponsor In 2007, the Coca-Cola Hellenic Group, to which Coca-Cola HBC Romania belongs, officially included sustainable development in its business strategy, and excellence in protecting the water is organically part of the sustainable development concept. Coca-Cola HBC Romania supports the community where the company develops its activities by implementing integrated, educational and environment projects in order to preserve and protect the resources. “We think that the sustainable development of a company can only be achieved in an educated society and in a healthy environment. It is our duty to contribute to the development of the communities where we operate. We


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Our targets in 2008 and what we have already achieved strongly believe that what is good for our employees, for the communities where we work and for the environment is also good for our activity. We are responsible for the natural resources”, is the message of Călin Drăgan, General Director Coca-Cola HBC Romania. Coca-Cola HBC was the first company to support the initiative of founding MaiMultVerde and it has been our most reliable partner in 2008.



Grants in value of 1 million euro

1,084,430 euro

10,000 saplings planted

107,000 saplings planted

20,000 kg of waste materials collected

94,000 kg

2,000 volunteers

8,340 volunteers

50,000 kg of CO2 emissions reduced

Cicloteque (page 32)

300 offline media reports (at least 50 on TV)

755 media reports (370 offline, 126 on TV)

2 national campaigns for raising awareness

“Volunteer Work Leaves Marks” (page 46) “The Resurrection” (page 47)



> Green 003 “Make it clear!” March 11th – June 5th, 2008 Vatra Dornei, Bicaz, Piatra Neamț, Bacău, Adjud, Mărășești, Galați Financed by: Coca-Cola HBC Romania


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Green 003 is a multi-annual project initiated and developed by Tăşuleasa Social Association and MaiMultVerde Association with the support of Coca-Cola HBC Romania and in partnership with Kiss FM and SMURD, and it aims at educating youngsters and involving them in solving environment issues by doing volunteer work. In the project’s second year of implementation, cleaning activities were developed on the riverbanks of Dorna, Bistriţa and Siret rivers.

During the first phase (March – April 2008), the organizers started the Green 003 Caravan aiming at recruiting and training at least 500 volunteers for collecting 50 tons of waste materials in the second phase of the project (May – June 2008). The Green 003 Caravan passed through Vatra Dornei, Bicaz, Piatra Neamţ, Buhuşi, Bacău, Adjud, Mărăşeşti, Focşani and Galaţi, and it recruited over 1,200 volunteers, 700 more than initially estimated.

Other volunteers signed up on the project’s website or came directly to the cleaning activities, thus the number of volunteers exceeded 2,000 persons. 120 leaders were selected from the volunteers in order to train them at the Tăşuleasa campus, so that they could go back in their communities and mobilize their colleagues to do greening activities. The training ended in May, when the cleaning campaign began on the riverbanks of Dorna,

IN NUMBERS > Over 2,000 volunteers mobilized > 120 leaders trained > 70 tons of waste materials collected (the equivalent of a 14 wagons train)

> projects


Bistriţa and Siret rivers. If the initial aim of the Green 003 campaign was to recruit and train at least 500 volunteers that would collect 50 tons of waste materials, in the end the project mobilized around 2,000 youngsters that collected over 70 tons of waste materials, equally to a volume contained by a 14 wagons train, as following: May 28th – Vatra Dornei – 10 tons of waste materials, 16

400 volunteers May 29th – Bicaz – 8 tons of waste materials, 200 volunteers May 30th – Piatra Neamţ – 10 tons of waste materials, 450 volunteers June 2nd – Bacău – 10 tons of waste materials, 270 volunteers June 3rd – Adjud – 3 tons of waste materials, 75 volunteers June 4th – Mărăşeşti – 15 tones of waste materials, 140 volunteers June 5th – Galaţi – 15 tons of waste materials, 570 volunteers

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The Green 003 Campaign ended in Galaţi on June 5th, on the World Environment Day, in the presence of the Minister of Environment and Sustainable Development, Mr. Korodi Attila, His Excellency Nicholas, the nephew of His Royal Majesty King Mihai I, the great sportsman Ivan Patzaichin, Cătălin Ştefănescu and Radu Naum.

Alin Uhlmann Uşeriu, Dragoş Bucurenci Tăşuleasa Social: MaiMultVerde: “We traveled for 450 km, from Vatra “Most Romanians celebrate May 1st, Dornei to Galaţi and we passed by International Labor Day, by going many cities, we collected the waste on a picnic. Opposite to that, we materials, we met a lot of wonderful wanted to celebrate June 5th, World young people and we made a lot of Environment Day, by working. Romafriends. Everybody’s garbage bag is nia’s future depends on the balance now in its place. Such an effort can we will know to maintain between only be made through friendship picnic people and volunteers”. and I am glad to be able to call friends all the volunteers that supported us”.

Co-organizers: Coca-Cola HBC Romania, Tăşuleasa Social Association Partners: SMURD, Kiss FM

> projects


> DANUBE DAY “May all good things come together” June 29th, 2008 BUCHAREST Financed by: Coca-Cola HBC Romania


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On International Danube Day, the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development, the International Commission for the Protection of the Danube River (ICPDR), the Coca-Cola System, CODECS Foundation for Leadership and “Save the Danube and Delta” and “MaiMultVerde” Associations celebrated the event by an innovative activity: children living around the Danube held an open lesson about Danube

and water protection to the politicians. Daciana Sârbu, euro-parliamentarian, Victor Ponta, PSD deputy from Gorj, Nicolae Idu, Director of the European Commission Office in Bucharest, Lucia Ana Varga, Secretary of State in the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development, Sulfina Barbu, PD-L, His Excellency Mar tin Eichtinger, Austria’s Ambassador in Romania raised their hands and answered in a well-

disciplined manner to the young teachers. On the river’s day, the important figures of Romania promised to develop and apply measures for saving the water. Partners: the International Commission for the Protection of the Danube River (ICPDR), the Coca-Cola System, the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development,The Romanian Waters National Administration, “Save the Danube and Delta” Association, CODECS Foundation for Leadership > projects


> DANUBE BOX January – December 2008 THE DANUBE COUNTIES Financed by: Coca-Cola HBC România


On June 29th, International Danube Day, the “Danube Box” project was launched, the first educational project dedicated to Danube and water protection. In Romania, the project represents an initiative of the International Commission for the Protection of the Danube River (ICPDR), being translated and adapted by “Save the Danube and Delta” and MaiMultVerde Associations, and implemented in partnership with CODECS Foundation for Leader-

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ship, with the support of the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development and the Ministry of Education, Research and Youth. The project was financed by Coca-Cola HBC Romania. “Danube Box” is the first optional course dedicated to water protection and Danube’s ecosystems, taught starting with the 2008 – 2009 school year, in 22 schools located near the Danube. The “Danube Box” educational kit includes a methodological guide

for teachers, an interactive CDROM, a map of the Danube area, a deck of playing cards with Danube plants and animals and a “Pupil’s Notebook”. The “Pupil’s Notebook”, original component created and developed in Romania within the educational project “Danube Box”, was awarded silver by the League of American Communications Professionals (LACP), within the international competition “2008 Spotlight Awards Print, Video and

Web”. Partners: the International Commission for the Protection of the Danube River (ICPDR), the Coca-Cola System, the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development, “Save the Danube and Delta” Association, CODECS Foundation for Leadership

IN NUMBERS > Over 500 pupils involved > 22 schools located in the Danube area that are teaching the optional course > 22 teachers trained in the technique of interactive teaching

> projects


> TOGETHER FOR A CLEAN DANUBE April – December 2008 DANUBE COUNTIES Financed by: Henkel Romania


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This multi-annual initiative, targeting pupils in middle school, started in 2007. At that point, the 22 participant schools were selected and 22 pupils, representatives of the schools, participated in the ecological educational camp “The Green Police of Children”, in Sfântu Gheorghe. In 2008, the project continued, aiming to achieve the same initial objective, namely to create and strengthen Danube’s network of friends. This year the 22 green police officers mobilized

their troops by inviting as many friends and colleagues as possible to sign up and participate in the ecological debates on the Green Police forum. In the autumn of 2008, the schools participating in the project organized local activities for raising the awareness and educating their local communities on matters of ecology. The project was one of the three winners of the Silver Award for Excellence, granted on October 1st, 2008, within the PR Award

Contest, the “Social responsibility and dialogue with the co-interested groups” category.

IN NUMBERS > 3,000 messages exchanged on the forum > 380 users on the Green Police forum > 22 local activities > 22 schools involved in the project

> projects



> THE ONLINE VOLUNTEER WORK PLATFORM Financed by: Unilever Foundation


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Almost every day somebody tells us he/she wants to be a volunteer in an environment program and ask us to find him/her a project he/she could get involved in. We realized that neither we, nor all the other environment organizations could create enough projects for all the volunteer work offers we receive. But it would be a pity for all your energies to remain unused, while nature and people’s health in our country are degrading more and more each day. MaiMultVerde

Volunteer profile

aimed to change the way most people think about volunteer work and to provide for all interested parties a powerful tool that would help them get involved in environment projects and that in time would make them organize their own activities for protecting the nature. The volunteers sign up online, participate in activities in accordance with their spare time and they are encouraged to initiate environment protection activities on their own.

In September 2008, the volunteer Petru Dobrescu was the lucky winner of a trip in a European city, prize awarded by Cosmopolis, through a raffle organized within the Green Gala. Together with his wife Eugenia, Petru (or Pedro as he is known in the MaiMultVerde volunteers community), spent 10 sunny days in Barcelona.

IN NUMBERS > 30,000 trees planted with the help of volunteers > 2,121 registrations on the platform > 500 active members > 18 tons of waste materials collected

> projects



Sinaia, PELEŞ STREAM May 31st, 2008 On one May Saturday, the MaiMultVerde volunteers went on the Peleş stream riverbank and collected the garbage left behind by tourists and local people who frequently go on picnics there. The partner of the activity was the Royal House of His Majesty King Mihai I.


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IN NUMBERS > 40 volunteers recruited on the online platform > 2 tones of collected garbage > the cleaning of 2 km of the riverbank

BĂNEASA FOREST August 16th, 2008 On Saturday, August 16th, together with our friends from Unilever South Central Europe, we organized a cleaning activity in Băneasa forest. The greening activity was followed by a picnic that left no garbage behind.

IN NUMBERS > 40 volunteers recruited from the www.maimultverde. ro online platform > 1,5 tons of waste materials collected and sent to recycling companies > Selective collection of recipients, aluminum, glass and other types of waste materials

The partner of the activity was Unilever South Central Europe

> projects


Murighiol, TULCEA COUNTY August 30th, 2008 A trip full of adventures, but with a happy ending, was the cleaning activity organized on the Danube riverbank, along Murighiol locality, Tulcea County. While the volunteers worked, the MaiMultVerde team prepared them an eco lunch that also included salads and natural juices. 28

And the volunteers gave the verdict: “we managed to educate ourselves a little more – besides the fact that we offered the Delta a breath of oxygen”.

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IN NUMBERS > 50 volunteers recruited from the online platform > Over 4 tons of waste materials collected > Working time: 2 hours

CERNICA FOREST September 6th, 2008 Cernica Forest – or the “garbage platform” of Bucharest – benefited of a five stars cleaning. Our volunteers and Cosmote Romania’s employees spent a sunny autumn day gathering waste materials and competing for finding the most peculiar item. The big award – a weekend at the seaside – was won by the “Nature in a bottle” exhibit – a

bottle of wine where a plant managed to grow and develop in harsh conditions. The partner of the activity was Cosmote Romania

IN NUMBERS > 40 Cosmote employees > 1 ton of waste materials collected > 69 plastic bags > 52 bags of domestic garbage > 14 bags of metal waste > 11 bags of glass waste

> projects


> GOOD THINGS COME TO THOSE WHO CLEAN! July 19th – September 12th, 2008 MAHMUDIA VILLAGE, TULCEA COUNTY Financed by: URSUS Breweries


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Between July 19th – September 12th, MaiMultVerde and URSUS Breweries, in partnership with Mahmudia School Group, developed a greening, recycling and valorizing waste materials project, “Good things come to those who clean!”, targeting Mahmudia local community and implemented in partnership with it. The project consisted of greening activities in the Mahmudia area, and the money obtained by valorizing the collected waste materials

was used for equipping the IT lab of the local school. The closure of the project took place within a competition-event for collecting the waste materials, when the volunteers were helped in their work by Cristiana Copos, Lavinia Şandru, Valentina Pelinel and Malvina Cervenschi. Divided in two teams, the volunteers cleaned up an area on Danube riverbank located along Mahmudia village, managing to collect over 500 kilograms of waste materials in less

than 2 hours. At the end of the contest, the winners, meaning the ones that succeeded to gather the biggest quantity of waste materials, received a well-deserved lunch served by their opponents on the cleaning spot. Partners: Mahmudia City Hall and Mahmudia School Group

in numbers > 15 tons of waste products collected by the volunteer teams formed from URSUS employees and members of the local community. > A selective waste collecting system for the Mahmudia community. >10 computers for the Mahmudia School

> projects


> Cicloteque

Bucharest 36-46 Kogalniceanu Avenue Financed by: UniCredit Ţiriac Bank


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Excessive traffic is the greatest pollution source in the capital. In Bucharest, 273 tons of dust and 125 tons of lead are produced each month, almost all being the result of traffic. On a 10 km distance, a bicycle protects us from 1,5 kg of carbon dioxide that would have been emitted by a car traveling the same distance. That’s why we launched in Bucharest the first bike rental facility, in partnership with UniCredit Ţiriac Bank and with the support

of Bucharest University. Opened as a solution for nonprofit ecological transportation for Bucharest’s citizens, Cicloteque was launched on August 1st with a march of bicycles of all types, attended, among others, by Sorin Oprescu, Daciana Sârbu, Lucian Mândruţă and Florin Grozea. In four months, Cicloteque created a credit of 14 tons of CO2, the equivalent of 92,480 km traveled by a car or of an airplane flight with 150 passengers on board on the Bucharest – Satu Mare route

(approximately 600 km). In December, the centre was closed for the winter, and it will be reopened in the spring of 2009. Partners: University of Bucharest, Polytechnic University Bucharest, Economic Studies Academy Bucharest, Cărtureşti Libraries

IN NUMBERS > 2,000 users > 100 bicycles > 14 tons of CO2 emissions reduced > 10 parking lots

> projects


> THE GREEN GALA September 29th, 2008 ŞTIRBEY DEMESNE, BUFTEA Financed by: Cosmopolis


On the evening of September 29th, 2008, the first edition of the biggest fundraising event for environment projects in Romania ended on the Ştirbey Demesne in Buftea – the Green Gala. The event was hosted by Mihaela Rădulescu and Dragoş Bucurenci and it reunited over 150 guests. Based on the footage taped in the country by the MaiMultVerde team, in places suffocated by waste materials or deforested without mercy, the hosts of the event ap-

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pealed to the sense of responsibility and the generosity of those present, inviting them to buy samples of water, soil, vegetation and clean air that were comprised in the auction. The guests responded promptly to the appeal of the organizers: the total amount collected from the donations equaled 123,500 euro. The funds obtained will be used by MaiMultVerde together with the volunteers of the organizations for developing planting and greening activities throughout Romania.

Green Gala Donors > UniCredit Ţiriac Bank (30,000 euro) > ING Life Insurances (25,000 euro, donation made apart from the auction) > Camelia Şucu, Class Living (15,000 euro) > Coca-Cola HBC Romania (10,000 euro) > Cosmote România (10,000 euro) > Carrefour Romania (10,000 euro, donation made apart from the auction)

> Unilever South Central Europe (5,000 euro) > ECO TIC Association (5,000 euro) > Valerian Mareş, Ştirbey Demesne (2,500 euro) > Intesa San Paolo Bank (2,500 euro) > KVB Economic (2,500 euro) > Cosmopolis (2,500 euro) > Turkish Business Men Association (2,000 euro) > Drakopoulos Law (1,000 euro) > Virgil Ianţu (500 euro)

Co-organizers: Cosmopolis, Romanian Public Television Media partners: Elle,Viva!, Cotidianul, Academia Caţavencu, Radio Guerilla

> projects


> OUR FOREST October 19th, 2008 PIATRA CRAIULUI NATIONAL PARK Financed by: UniCredit Ţiriac Bank


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MaiMultVerde Association and UniCredit Ţiriac Bank planted 2,000 pine tree saplings in a deforested area in the Piatra Craiului National Park, near Sătic village in Argeş County. The planting is the result of an online game through which UniCredit Ţiriac Bank employees bought trees and thus reforested a virtual forest. Each participant in the game could buy maximum 100 trees throughout the entire duration of the game (one month), at a price

of 10 RON a piece, paid online using a credit card. At the beginning of the game, 2,000 chunked trees were displayed online. By each new acquisition, the trunks were transformed in saplings and then in grown trees, and gradually the forest was also repopulated with animals, such as rabbits, foxes, wood-peckers, owls or wolfs. At the end of the game, the employees have bought 935 trees, figure that was doubled by the

bank until the 2,000 threshold. With the amount raised this way, MaiMultVerde organized the planting activity in Piatra Craiului. The saplings were planted by the top planters in the online game.

IN NUMBERS > – an innovative tool for planting fundraising > 2,000 pine tree saplings planted > 100 employees of UniCredit Ţiriac Bank involved in the planting activity

> projects


> ROMANIA TAKES ROOTS October 28th – 30th, 2008 Udești (Suceava), Doljești (neamț), Comănești (bacău) Financed by: Petrom SA


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Within the “Romania Takes Roots” campaign, initiated by Realitatea TV, in partnership with RNP Romsilva, MaiMultVerde and financed by Petrom, and with the support of the local county councils, we planted over 75,000 saplings during three days with the help of 5,700 volunteers: 25,000 saplings in Udeşti, Suceava County; 25,000 saplings in Doljeşti, Neamţ County and 25,000 saplings in Comăneşti, Bacău County. The number of the volunteers present exceeded the

expectations of the organizers. The planting exceeded the estimated area (approximately 5 hectare reforested), and the good weather contributed to the efficiency of the volunteers. Among the public figures that helped us, there were: the President of Romania, Mr. Traian Băsescu, the Prime Minister, Mr. Călin Popescu-Tăriceanu, the UK Ambassador in Bucharest, HE Robin Barnett, the Minister of Environment and Sustainable Development, Mr.

Korodi Attila, Elena Udrea, Sulfina Barbu, Raluca Turcan, Relu Fenechiu, Mona Nicolici, Draga Olteanu Matei, Alexandru Arşinel, Sofia Vicoveanca, Doina Melinte, Ionuţ Iftimoaie. Co-organizers: Petrom SA, Realitatea-Caţavencu Partners: RNP Romsilva, Suceava County Council, Neamţ County Council, Bacău County Council

IN NUMBERS > 75,000 saplings planted > 5,700 volunteers involved in the activity > 5 years partnership with the local authorities for guarding the plantations

> projects


> THE GREAT PLANTING November 17th – 22nd, 2008 November 29th 2008 JILAVA VILLAGE, județ Ilfov Financed by: ING Life Insurances, Cosmote Romania


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Bucharest has the biggest chances to win the title of Europe’s most polluted capital. In the last 15 years, over 20 million square meters of green areas disappeared from Bucharest. The rate for green spaces in the urban areas is of 12 square meters / inhabitant, and in Bucharest this is of only 2.5 square meters / inhabitant. In order to help the city breathe easier (each grown tree retains 20 kg of dust) we mobilized over 300 volunteers and together we planted 30,000 saplings in Jilava village.

On November 20th, the volunteers were helped by several politicians and celebrities: Oana Pellea, Amalia Enache, Iulia Vântur, Cabral Ibacka, Malvina Cervenschi, Melania Medeleanu, Dana Războiu, Sulfina Barbu, Silvian Ionescu, Bogdan Olteanu, Mircea Geoană, Elena Udrea, Liviu Negoiţă and Dan Dumitrescu. On that particular day, the present volunteers and the public figures succeeded to plant approximately 4,500 acacia saplings.

The activity was organized with the support of ING Life Insurances, Cosmote Romania, RNP Romsilva and Cosmopolis. The initiative of rebuilding the green area of Bucharest is financed from the funds obtained at the Green Gala.

IN NUMBERS > 30,000 saplings planted > Over 300 volunteers involved in the activity > 12,5 hectares reforested

Partners: Cosmopolis, RNP Romsilva

> projects


> THE ECO BAG September 2nd, 2008 BUCHAREST


The Minister of Environment and Sustainable Development, Mr. Korodi Attila and DragoĹ&#x; Bucurenci distributed at the Real Berceni hypermarket in Bucharest approximately 2,000 bags made from reusable textile fabric. The aim of the activity was to communicate and inform the consumers about the new regulations regarding the tax on bags made from fabrics that are not biodegradable, distributed until now free of charge. According to an Urgent Directive approved

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by the Executive on August 27th, 2008, a tax of 0,20 lei per nonbiodegradable bag will be charged starting with January 1st, 2009. The aim of the recently approved law is “to decrease the use of such bags by discouraging their free of charge distribution and last but not least to encourage the production of bags made from biodegradable fabrics or from materials that can be recycled�. Also, another aim is to inform and educate the general population in order for

them to make a habit out of using biodegradable or reusable bags. In 2002, Ireland was the first country to introduce a tax on plastic bags. In less than a year, this regulation led to a decrease of 80% in plastic bags usage (from 1,2 billions plastic bags annually to 230 millions).

IN NUMBERS > Over 5 billions of nonbiodegradable bags are used annually in Romania > A Romanian uses 250 plastic bags annually > The bag is used approximately 15-20 minutes

Co-organizers: the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development, Crimbo Gas

> projects



> VOLUNTEER WORK LEAVES MARKS May 19th – September 20th, 2008 Financed by: Unilever South Central Europe, Cosmote Romania

Promotion campaign for environment volunteer work and for recruiting new members on the online volunteer work platform (page 24) The video spot (directed by: Bogdan Moldoveanu, image: Radu Aldea, produced by Rollin) was broadcasted on TVR1, TVR2 and TVR International, the radio spot was broadcasted on Europa FM, and the print ad was published in Adevărul de Arad, Adevărul Verde, Business Review, Cotidianul, Evenimentul Zilei, Gazeta de Cluj, Gazeta de Sud, Jurnalul Bihorean, Renaşterea Bănăţeană, Telegraf Constanţa, Timpul Reşiţa, Transilvania Express and Ziarul de Iaşi. Media partners: Romanian Public Television, Europa FM, Evenimentul Zilei

THE RESURRECTION September 9th – 29th, 2008 Financed by: Cosmopolis

Campaign for promoting the first fundraising event for environment projects developed with the support of volunteers – the Green Gala (page 34). The video spot (screenplay and direction: Alexandru Maftei, image: Radu Aldea, produced by Rollin) was broadcasted on TVR1, TVR2, TVR Cultural and TVR International. Media partners: Romanian Public Television, Elle, Viva!, Cotidianul, Academia Caţavencu, Radio Guerilla


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> campaigns 47

VOLUNTEERS 8,340 volunteers participated in our projects in 2008 2,121 are registered on the online volunteer work platform, and 500 of them were actively involved in environment activities We present four of them to you and we invite you to meet the others on

Volunteers Cabral Ibacka 31 years old TV host, Acasă TV

Irina Georgescu 18 years old High school student, Gheorghe Lazăr National College Cabral’s career in television is well-known, but few know that he studied sports (he has a faculty and master degree in sports), that he was a national champion at kickboxing and the first promoter of tae-bo in Romania, that he is passionate about “any invention with an engine” or that he played in a movie presented at the Cannes film festival in 1997 (“Je ne marcherais jamais seul!”). Cabral is also a successful blogger, www. is the second most influent online journal in Romania, according to statistics and he dreams to coach the “best junior kick boxing’ team” one day. Cabral was one of the most hard worker volunteers at the Great Planting, as he tells about it himself on his blog:


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“I am back from the Great Planting, I was there from 9 in the morning until 45 minutes ago (17.00 – our note) I dug, I shoveled and I hoed, plus I planted saplings. Hard? Physically yes, intellectually … no. A lot of cool people, cheerful volunteers, Bucurenci divided between high level PR and shoveling side by side with us (…) a lot of people and most of them hard workers. I am wiped-out, I have a callus on my left foot and two others are smiling at me from my right palm (…) But it was a wonderful day”.

At MaiMultVerde Irina is at her second experience as a volunteer, after she became a volunteer a year ago on the SPRE governmental program (Stop the Prejudices about the Rroma Ethnicity). If together with MaiMultVerde she planted trees, at SPRE Irina contributed to the organization of communication events and activities. She still has not decided if after finishing high school she will continue her studies or she will participate in the volunteer exchange program within the European Voluntary Service. She listens to bands like The Cure, Parov Stelar and Mattafix and she reads as much as she can, the last two books that got her admiration being “Brave New World” and “The Portrait of Dorian Grey”.

“Volunteer work made me see things I was not aware of before and made me interested in fields I did not know much about before. It made me overcome my prejudices. As a consequence, now, when I see something disturbing on the street, I immediately think about the solutions for solving that problem, maybe because volunteer work also helped me develop my creative side”.

> volunteers


Luciana Constantinescu 24 years old Plastic artist to be –

Claudiu Dorobanţu 28 years old Postpaid Product Manager, Cosmote România Luciana was one of the first volunteers registered on www. and one of the dozens that planted trees near Bucharest, on a rainy November day. Luciana organized her first greening activity when she was in high school, in Suceava: she and her colleagues cleaned up Rarău Mountain. She graduated the Journalism and Communication Sciences Faculty and she is now studying on a Natural Resources Management Master at the Ecological University. She is also a volunteer on the PSI program for HIV prevention, as well as in the benefit of the families without a home from Ioana House.


maimultverde > annual report 2008

“Since I was a little girl I went hiking on the mountain with my parents and this is how I learned to love and protect nature. That is why I registered on the platform, I followed closely all the activities organized by MaiMultVerde and they always seemed to take place in weekends when I was out of Bucharest. The Great Planting is the first activity I managed to participate in, and that was on a cold day and it was almost snowing. I left that place frozen, but with a feeling of success”.

Claudiu participated as a volunteer in the Great Planting because his vision about the world is that it “needs harmony”, thus a balanced and healthy environment. He has a degree in Marketing and a master degree in Communication and Public Relations, and he says that he is already at his second job in a company with “a lot of green in its visual identity” and that this might have influenced his passion for the environment.

“I thought that it is a good idea to go out in the open air and interact with others for a noble purpose, a little different from the reasons one usually meets people outside the urban area. After the first 30 saplings planted I stopped counting them. I met new and cool people and I felt good, especially because I was lucky to catch one of the sunny days in the planting week”.

> volunteers




Types of expenses in 2008

In 2008, MaiMultVerde was financed exclusively by private companies. Besides the sponsorships obtained for each project in particular, we received a start-up grant from Coca-Cola HBC Romania in value of 185,000 RON.

1% 0.6%

10.7% Projects 14.3%

Communication Staff Logistics

5.1% 68.4%










Sold 2009






* calculated based on an annual average exchange rate set up by BNR of 3,68 RON/EUR ** it does not include the in-kind contributions in value of 116,481 RON *** it includes the in-kind contributions


maimultverde > annual report 2008

Training Protocol

















Funding sources in 2008





Best Media Consulting



Coca-Cola HBC România



Bucharest Arena Ştirbey**



Petrom SA



Intesa San Paolo Bank**



UniCredit Ţiriac Bank******



KVB Economic **



URSUS Breweries



Finnforest Baco Production






Majore Internazionale



Unilever South Central Europe*



Drakopoulos Law**



ING Retirement Fund SA**



Valrom Exim**



Henkel Romania






Toyota Romania***



Virgil Ianţu**



Eco Tic Association*****






Class Living – Camelia Şucu**









Carrefour Romania SA**



PA&CO International



Dorna SA



maimultverde > annual report 2008

‡ calculated based on an annual average exchange rate set up by BNR of 3.60 RON/EUR * out of which 115,634 RON represent the grant offered by Unilever Foundation for the development of the online platform, 33,857 RON represent in-kind contributions (furniture for the MaiMultVerde headquarters), and 19,273 RON represent the donation made

within the Green Gala ** donation made within the Green Gala, organized with the support of Cosmopolis and the Romanian Public Television *** in-kind contribution (a Toyota Prius automobile) **** out of which 36,875 RON represent the donation made within the Green Gala

***** out of which 18,305 RON represent the donation made within the Green Gala ****** out of which 113,984 RON represent the donation made within the Green Gala ******* it includes the in-kind contribution in value of 116,481 RON



Class Living – Camelia Șucu Cosmote Eco Tic Association Carrefour Romania SA PA&CO International UniCredit Ţiriac Bank URSUS Breweries Cosmopolis Coca-Cola HBC Romania

0,04% 0,05% 0,1% 0,1% 0,1% 0,1% 0,1%

Petrom SA Unilever South Central Europe ING Retirement Fund SA


Henkel Romania


Toyota Romania


Carrefour Romania SA PA&CO International UniCredit Ţiriac Bank URSUS Breweries

Best Media Consulting Bucharest Arena Știrbey Intesa San Paolo Bank KVB Economic


Class Living – Camelia Șucu

Eco Tic Association

Dorna SA

3,2% 4,2% 2,4% 2,3% 2,1% 1,4% 1,0% 1,5%



Majore Internazionale


Drakopoulos Law Valrom Exim



0,2% 11,0%

Finnforest Baco Production

0,5% 0,3%


Virgil Ianţu 2% from the tax on income – individuals


Dorna SA Best Media Consulting Bucharest Arena Știrbey Intesa San Paolo Bank KVB Economic Finnforest Baco Production 60

Majore Internazionale

maimultverde > annual report 2008

Drakopoulos Law



Awards Romania in our hearts Dragoş Bucurenci was one of the 12 winners of the “Romania in our hearts” prize awarded by the Romanian Public Television, within the homonym TV show, on the occasion of celebrating the country’s National Day. The show presents “Romanians that by their careers and deeds improve Romania’s image around the world”. Dragoş Bucurenci, together with a part of MaiMultVerde team, came on the show to accept the award that honors his contribution to the protection of the environment and to the promotion of environment volunteer work. Silver at the Spotlight Awards Print,Video and Web for the “Pupil’s Notebook” The “Pupil’s Notebook”, original component created and developed in Romania within the educational project “Danube Box”, was awarded Silver by the League of American Communications Professionals (LACP) within the international competition 2008 62

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Mass media Spotlight Awards Print, Video and Web (page 20). Silver Award for Excellence for the Green Police of Children The “Green Police of Children” within the “Together for a Clean Danube” project (page 22) won on October 1st the Silver Award for Excellence, granted within the PR Award Contest, the “Social responsibility and dialogue with the co-interested groups” category. Excellence Diploma granted by the Ecology and Culture for Life Association – ECOPOLIFE “For the excellence and the example set up by implementing programs for a clean and healthy environment, for the largest volunteer work platform in Romania for the environment and the training on volunteer work”.

MEDIA reports Print media










Total media reports


17% 28% TV Online Blog 5%


Radio Print media




Realitatea TV

MaiMultVerde was present in the audio-visual environment more than it was initially expected: if at the start of 2008 we aimed to have 50 TV reports, at the end of the year we are proud to have 126. Furthermore, we had two partners that supported us in the “Volunteer Work Leaves Marks”, “The Resurrection”, and “Green Gala” projects (the Romanian Public Television) and “Romania Takes Roots” project (Realitatea TV).

43 (34%)


30 (24%)

Antena 1

10 (8%) 9 (7%)

N24 Antena 3

8 (6%) 6 (5%)

The Money Channel TVR2

4 (3%)

Pro TV

4 (3%)

Prima TV

4 (3%)

National TV

2 (2%)

Kanal D

2 (2%)


2 (2%)

TVR Cultural

1 (1%)

Romantica TV

1 (1%)






33 (26%)

Acces 16:00–19:00

37 (29%)

Prime time 19:00–23:00 Late fringe 23:00 –07:00 0

maimultverde > annual report 2008


48 (38%)

Day time 07:00–16:00


tv reports depending on the Tv channel

8 (6%) 10




Tv reports depending on the broadcast hour




Print media Ever since MaiMulteVerde started its activities, the print media journalists have supported us, not just by promoting our work, but also by participating side by side with the volunteers in the greening and planting activities.


And they also gave us prizes – we are the proud owners of 15 OSKAR Capital awards, obtained between June – December 2008.

Central print media (non-glossy)


Local print media








Glossies Central print media Local print media



maimultverde > annual report 2008



Online & blogs As it befits an organization that administrates the largest online volunteer work platform, a high number of mentions, commendations, and sometimes criticisms came from the virtual environment: we take pride in 385 reports on Romanian websites and blogs.

TraFfic April 19th, 2008 – December 31st, 2008

Weekly traffic (unique visitors)

6,000 3,000 04.19.08 – 04.19.08

06.01.08 – 06.07.08

07.20.08 – 07.26.08

09.07.08 – 09.13.08

10.26.08 – 11.01.08



Unique visitors


Page views

394,348 Sursa: Google Analytics


maimultverde > annual report 2008



How We Travel

Each day we use “eco-friendly” operational examples of transportation in the congested traffic encountered in the centre of the city. For more than a year now, we have been successfully using alternative means of transportation. The source we most often appeal to is inspired by the Cicloteque project – the first facility for renting bicycles in the capital, initiated by MaiMultVerde.


Where We Work Most members of MaiMultVerde team come to work by Cicloteque bicycles, except in the cold season of the year. Experience taught us that riding a bicycle is not necessarily dangerous, that it does not make you be late and certainly does not get you jammed in the traffic; it’s healthy and even funny. Our secret is respect for the other participants in the traffic, doubled by a minimal capacity of getting adjusted to traffic conditions. Try it, it really works. There are moments when we cannot use the bicycle, especially when we run projects outside the city. In this case, a partnership with Toyota Romania came naturally and they donated us a Toyota-Prius automobile. Toyota Prius is the first mass produced hybrid car in the world, offering a unique combination of low emissions and fuel economy. We get along great with the car and it was 100% eco love at first sight.

maimultverde > annual report 2008

Toyota Prius • the first hybrid car in the world • over 1 million copies sold • 104g/km of carbon dioxide emitted • the official combined cycle fuel consumption is of 4,3l/100 km • Hybrid Synergy Drive – compact electric engine

MaiMultVerde’s headquarters is located in the old centre of the capital, on Domniţa Anastasia St, on the 6th floor of an interwar building, near Cişmigiu Park. Our friends from Unilever South-Central Europe helped us both with advices, as well as with furniture, so that we could decorate this apartment and transform it in an office where we would feel good and work easily. In the offices, the MaiMultVerde team is doubled by a living population of plants. From Stephan’s bonsai to the pine tree named Gopo, which temporarily lives on the balcony, awaiting his transfer into the woods, all the plants around remind us why we come to work every day. Among the inner kitchen secrets there are the best tees with honey, as well as the selective collection of garbage, which we recommend to any respectable office. We collect separately paper and cardboard, plastic, glass and metals wastes, which afterwards are taken by Costel to recycling centers. > THE ORGANIZATION


The Team


Doru Mitrana Programs Director / Executive Director (starting with 2009)

Andreea Teodorescu Resources Director

Miruna Cugler Communication Manager

Miruna Ralea CSR Projects Manager

Ĺžtefan Bradea CSR Projects Manager

IonuĹŁ Ruscea CSR Projects Assistant

Camelia Antonescu Accounting Assistant

Carmen Oprea Communication Assistant

Ioan Colbeanu Online Communication Coordinator

Constantin Atanasiu Administrative Assistant

maimultverde > annual report 2008



People Talk Oana Pellea “Well done children!” HRH Prince Radu of Romania “It’s true that MaiMultVerde cannot also clean civil society. But it can give the benefic power of the personal example. And this can be done with youth, aplomb, enthusiasm, courage, altruism and grace. Just looking at them in the auditorium you could easily see that their Romania has a chance to go on”. Călin Popescu-Tăriceanu, PNL President “I noticed that MaiMultVerde launched a very large volunteer work program, I think it’s a good one and I thank them”. Sorin Oprescu, General Mayor of Bucharest “I am here because I strongly believe in initiatives of this type, I am positive that Bucharest too can be a city of bicycles. I am convinced that anyone, no matter their age or profession, can choose to travel by 74

maimultverde > annual report 2008

bicycle and I promise that we will do something about it. I congratulate you and please think of me as your friend and supporter, both today and on any other occasion”. Valentina Stupineanu, teacher Tulcea Middle School no 12: “With such a creative and involved team, with an excellent coordination and a good promotion it’s worthwhile to go on! I am proud to be a member of the MaiMultVerde team! Congratulations to everybody! We have to celebrate our success!”. Mihaela Rădulescu “MaiMultVerde is the only organization that brought together 2000 volunteers who cleaned Romania’s cities within the Green 003 project”. Diana Grădinaru “The Great Planting, day three: It was a great experience. I enjoyed planting ash trees and cherry plum

trees. I felt I was doing something useful both for me and the world I was destined to live in… In what concerns MaiMultVerde, I was impressed … enthusiasm, beauty, patience, work, passion. With such a team, Dragoş Bucurenci can feel proud”. Călin Drăgan, General Manager Coca-Cola HBC Romania “Planting 1000 saplings last year and cleaning 450 km of riverbanks this year is just the external dimension of our initiative. The permanent and deeper dimension is educating these youngsters that tomorrow they will be the base of an active, aware and responsible civil society”. His Excellency Nicholas, the nephew of His Majesty King Mihai I “This is my fourth day in the Green 003 campaign and in Galaţi I saw the highest number of volunteers present so far. I want to tell them that they

should be proud and they should enjoy their involvement in environment protection and taking care of the place where they live. If you ask a child in Great Britain to pick up a trash from the street he will refuse stating that it is not his responsibility and this is why I think that what I’ve seen in the project is extraordinary”. Irina “I wish you good luck and I give you a 5 stars grade for Cicloteque”.

MaiMultVerde and I loved it. Along the years, I have participated in many charity galas, fundraisings on various themes, responsibility galas, etc., but so far the Green Gala has been the nicest, the most open, light and cool.” Cosmin Pojoranu “Feeder welcomes the opening of Cicloteque – this centre is definitely a positive thing for Bucharest”.

Dan Dumitrescu “It was an extraordinary day and we planted 4,000 saplings, and as I was leaving I was looking at the people around me and I could see a feeling of satisfaction on their faces, the inner satisfaction of an authentic volunteer”. Alexandra http://memyself-and-you.blogspot. com: “Last night I participated in the Green Gala, organized by > THE ORGANIZATION


Sponsors and partners Green 003 (p. 14) Sponsor:

Danube Day (p. 18) Sponsor:

Danube Box (p. 20) Sponsor:




Together for a Clean Danube (p. 22) Sponsor:

Cleaning Activities Bトハeasa Forest (p. 27) Sponsor

Cicloteque (p. 32) Sponsor:


Cernica Forest (p. 29) Sponsor: Volunteer Work Platform (p. 24) Sponsor:

Good things come to those who clean! (p. 30) Sponsor:

Partners: Mahmudia School Group Mahmudia City Hall 76

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The Green Gala (p. 34) Co-organizers:


Our Forest (p. 36) Sponsor:

The Great Planting (p. 40) Sponsors:

Volunteer Work Leaves Marks (p. 46) Partners:

Romania Takes Roots (p. 38) Co-organizers:

Partners: Media Partners: Supported by:



maimultverde > annual report 2008



Acknowledgments The Resurrection (p. 47) Partners:

The Eco Bag (p. 42) Partners:

Supported by:

Supported by:

Toyota Prius (p. 70) Sponsor:


maimultverde > annual report 2008

MaiMultVerde uses the services of:

Ada Leonte Ada Lungu Adi Buşoiu Adi Calaj Adi Stanciu Adrian Cristea Adrian Ionașcu Adrian Popescu Aimee D’Albon Alecu Pop Alex Ardelean Alex Bedeleu Alex Cristinoi Alex Maftei Alex Săndulescu Alexandra Ariciu Alexandra Arnăutu Alexandra Buzaș Alexandra Gătej Alexandra Olivotto Alexandru Sassu Alice Năstase Alin Uhlmann Uşeriu Alina Birman Alinutze Alice Iacobescu Amalia Enache Ana Nichita Ana Szekely Anamaria Bogdan

Ana-Maria Topoliceanu Anca Alexandroaie Anca Nicolae Anca Nuţă Anca Rusu Ancuța Iordăchescu Andra Samson Andreea Bettio Andreea Florescu Andrei Deacu Andrei Nica Andrei Sorescu Andrei Toboşaru Andrei Țoneș Alexandra Olaru Attila Hitter Aurel Jalea Banu Bilen Bogdan Olteanu Bogdan Tiron Anton Cabral Ibacka Camellia Șucu Carmen Gociu Carmen Staicu Călin Popescu-Tăriceanu Cătălin Preoteasa Cătălin Popa Cătălin Ștefănescu Claudia Catană Claudia Cosma > THE ORGANIZATION


Claudia Roman Claudiu Câmpan Claudiu Stanciu Codruța Marinescu Constantin Opriş Constantin Vica Costi Rogozanu Corina Andrei Cornel Belciug Cosmin Alexandru Cosmin Bumbuţ Cosmin Pojoranu Cosmin Stan Cosmina Stratan Costel Popa Crinu Ivan Cristi Lascu Cristian Boureanu Cristian Lupşa Cristian Manafu Cristiana Copos Cristina Oroș Cristina Parii Cristina Simion Cristina Stănciulescu Daciana Sârbu Dan Bărbulescu Dan Bittman Dan Dumitrescu Dan Hulea 82

Dan Miron Dana Boghean-Melconian Dana Chiriac Dana Deac Dana Războiu Delia Cârstean Despina Bădescu Diana Minculescu Diana Tușa Dorel Oros Doru Bușcu Doru Persinaru Dragoș Dehelean Dripal Eduard Petrescu Elena Udrea Elisabeta Roman Elwira Duda & Mihai Petre Emi Gal Emilia Covrig Emmet Eugen Hriscu Florentina Loloiu Florin Grozea Florin Popa Florina Şerban Gabi Drogeanu Gabriel Iosif Gabriela Massaci Gabriela Sabău

maimultverde > annual report 2008

Gabriela Tocaks Geanina Pletea Georgiana Ilie Georgiana Stanciu Hasan Nabulsi Honey Horia Romanescu Iancu Toader Ioan-Luca Vlad Ioan Pânzaru Ioana Lucescu Ioana Marinescu Ioana Ivancenco-Păun Ioana Roescu Ioana Tăriceanu Ion Chirilov Ion Tucă Ionela Liță Ionuț Săraru Ionuţ Staicu Irina Cristea Irina Segărceanu Iulia Vântur Iulian Comănescu Iulian Mihai Iulian Gliță Ivan Patzaichin Ivona Nenu Janina Trotea Korodi Attila

Laura Belecciu Laura Davidescu Laura Sgârcitu Laura Stănescu Laura Tampa Lavinia Gliga Lavinia Șandru Lavinia Toma Little J Livia Olteanu Liviu Mihaiu Liviu Negoiță Liviu Papadima Liviu Sfrija Liz Galvez Loredana Pană Luana Peșa Lucian Mândruță Magdalena Ciobanu Stoian Magor Csibi Malvina Cervenschi Mara Panaitescu Mara Stroe Maria Apostol Maria Cornea Marian Butnărașu Marian Ene Marian Staş Marie Jeanne Ion Marius Balaci

Marius Vintilă Marta Ușurelu Matei Schwartz Maurice Mădălina Apostolescu Mădălina Melinescu Melania Medeleanu Melania Ulici Micu-Picu Mihaela Ducea Mihaela Gânju Mihaela Geoană Mihaela Frigioiu Mihaela Rădulescu Mihaela Spineanu Mihaela Tănase Mihai Drăgan Mihai Guță Mihai Tatulici Mihnea Constantinescu Mircea Geoană Mircea Stoian Mircea Ţiplea Mirel Mirela Feruglio Mirela Loghin Mirela Vasile Miruna Micşan Mo Mona Nicolici

Mugur Ciumăgeanu Mugurel Rădulescu Narcis Jeler Nedelia Minciună ES Nicholas de Roumanie Nicoleta Tiloiu Nihasa Nona Beicu Oana Dănilă Oana Neneciu Oana Pellea Orieta Hulea Orlando Dragomir Otilia Schwartz Paula Herlo Pepi Petre Dincă Philip O’Ceallaigh Pufu Radiana Bratu ASR Principele Radu al României Radu Aldea Radu Naum Raluca Ciucur Raluca Marcu Ramona Kostendt Raymond Bobar Răsvan Popescu Răzvan Stan Răzvan Supuran > THE ORGANIZATION


Răzvan Vasilache Răzvan Zaharia Roald Aron Robert Rațiu ES Robin Barnett Roxana Colisniuc Roxana Grămadă Roxana Niculescu Roxana Poede Roxana Voloșeniuc Ruxandra Rusan Sandra Pralong Şerban Mestecăneanu Silvian Ionescu Simina Bădică Simina Mayer Simona Dobrescu Sorin Florea Sorin Oprescu Stephan Maria Weber Sulfina Barbu Tereza Vâlcan Tiberiu Constantinescu Titi Girescu Toma Soare aka Tomasan Toni Salabaşev Trupa 13 Tudor Ciortea Tudor Liberiu Breazu Tudor Maxim 84

Valeriu Turcan Valentin Negoiță Valentin Petcu Valentin Simionov Valentina Pelinel Valeriu Turcan Valerian Mareș Vali Crisbășan Veniamin Micu Victor Cristea Victor Ponta Victor Vajdea Vintilă Mihăilescu Virgil Ianțu Vlad Petreanu Vlad Teioșanu

maimultverde > annual report 2008

Photo credits

Annual report design

Printed by

Adrian Ciobanu (pages 18, 19, 20, 21) Alex Irimia (pages 27) Andrei Toboșaru (pages 70) Constantin Opriș (covers 2 & 3, pages14,16, 28, 32, 33, 40, 41, 51, 52, 53, 70, 71, 72, 73) Dripal (inside cover, pages 29, 30, 31, 41) Florin Popa (pages 42, 43) Gabriela Sabău (inside cover, pages 38, 39) Ionuț Ruscea (pages 26) Ionuț Staicu (pages 7) Mădălina Macovei (cover 2) Raluca Bradea (pages 36, 37) Roald Aron (covers 2 & 3) Șerban Mestecăneanu (cover 1, cover 3, pages 15, 17) Toni Salabașev (cover 3, pages 34, 35) Tudor Vintiloiu (pages 22, 23) Raymond Bobar Carmen Gociu Edimpress Camro SA



MaiMultVerde Association Contact

Legal and fiscal data

15 Domniţa Anastasia St, 6th floor, flat no 17, Bucharest 050034 Phone: +40 31 824 10 20 Fax: + 40 31 824 10 21 MaiMultVerde became a legal entity by the Court Order No. 22677/299/2007 and it was registered in the Associations’ and Foundations’ Register under no. 173/01.01.2008, Court Order issued by the 1st District Court of Bucharest. Social headquarters: 33 Dr. Grigore Mora St, Bucharest 011886 C.I.F. 23078742 Account no: RO27 RZBR 0000 0600 1006 1717 Bank: Raiffeisen Bank – Moşilor Branch

MaiMultVerde is a non-governmental and nonprofit organization that aims to protect the environment and to promote volunteer work in Romania. MaiMultVerde is a non-political organization; its statute has clear provisions that make the member status in the association incompatible with any political activity.

Our data is: MaiMultVerde Association, C.U.I. 23078742, Account no.: RO27 RZBR 0000 0600 1006 1717 Both declarations must be submitted to the Financial Administration you belong to or sent by post until March 15, 2009 for the incomes made in the previous year.

If you want to support MaiMultVerde you can grant the association 2% of your tax on income. Depending on your type of income, you can do this either by filling in Art. II, point 2 of the 230 Declaration form – Incomes from wage or Art. III, point 2 of the 200 Declaration form – Incomes from other sources (author rights).


200 Documente de plată nr. /data

2. Susținerea unei entități nonprofit/ unități de cult Suma (lei) Denumire entitate nonprofit/ unitate de cult Asociaţia MaiMultVerde

Cod de identificare fiscală al entității nonprofit/unității de cult 23078742

Cont bancar (IBAN) Raiffeisen Bank – sucursala Moşilor RO27 RZBR 0000 0600 1006 1717


Suma plătită (lei)


Documente de plată nr. /data

2. Susținerea unei entități nonprofit/ unități de cult Suma (lei)

Denumire entitate nonprofit/ unitate de cult Asociaţia MaiMultVerde

Cod de identificare fiscală al entității nonprofit/ unității de cult 23078742

Cont bancar (IBAN)

Raiffeisen Bank – sucursala Moşilor – RO27 RZBR 0000 0600 1006 1717

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