Laeveld Magazine Issue 3

Page 1


Vol. 1 No. 3 - SUMMER 2011

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ISSN 2222-9663

Laeveld maak sy rolprent debuut


Finansiële Fokus Somergraanmarkte

’n iPad in ons kompetisie op bladsy 27


INHOUDSOPGAWE | CONTENTS 26. FUN & GAMES - WIN an iPad! Games & Activities for the Family

2. Redakteursbrief 3.

Laeveld Nuus


Laeveld Agenteprofiel

28. SOIL SURVIVAL: RhizoVital (B4201)

7. OP DIE SILWERDOEK: - WEN Drama, Aksie & Laeveld op die Platteland 8.

SUKSESVERHAAL: Mielie Verbouing: Zinchem

12. LAEVELD COMMUNITY: Farming may ensure Food Security in Orange Farm 14. PLAAG- & ONKRUIDBEHEER: Kragtige Onkruidbeheer in Harmonie met die Gewas 16. FEATURE: Adjuvants Lending a Helping Hand 20. EPIDEMICS & OUTBREAKS: Stem Rust of Wheat 24. PRODUKPROFIEL: Movento: Dopluisbeheer

31. PRODUKPROFIEL: Amistar Top: Swamdoder Program 34. FINANSIËLE FOKUS: Somergraanmarkte op 'n Mespunt 40. TRAVEL: Hermanus Whale Watching 42. PRODUKPROFIEL: Delegate: Spinosien Insekdoders 46. CLIMATE CHANGE: Farmers Must Adapt / Fokus op Hoedspruit 52. RECIPES: Braai Recipes for Summer 56. WHEELS: Nissan Light Commercial Vehicles 60. YOUR HEALTH: Water is Life

EDITORIAL: Editor-in-Chief – Corné Liebernberg Managing Editor – Fiona Mosca Creative Director – Gwynedd Peters

IMAGES: Media club South Africa: Chris Kirchhoff, Stock Xchange, Nissan South Africa, Laeveld Agrochem, Whale Cove, Laeveld Agrochem.

PUBLISHERS: Main Angel Publishing 742 Witdoring Street, Moreleta Park, Pta. Tel: 012 997 4951 Fax: 086 540 7455 e-mail:

PRINTED BY: Paarl Media Tel 011 201 3471 Fax 011 201 3561

DESIGN & LAYOUT: Design Logik Art Director – Nick Hlozek

CONTRIBUTORS: Brian de Villiers (Villa Crop), Fiona Mosca, Gwynedd Peters, Stefan van Zyl (Syngenta), Phillip Venter, Jaco Vorster, Kgopi Mabotja, Go2Africa.

All editorial, business and production correspondence should be addressed to Main Angel Publishing: Postnet Suite 335, Private bag x1028, Lyttelton, 0140 Unless otherwise agreed to, all contributions are the property of Laeveld Magazine, and its publishers. The editor and publisher reserve the right to alter copy and visual material as deemed necessary. The opinions expressed in Laeveld Magazine are not necessarily those of the publishers or Laeveld Agrochem, its suppliers, subsidiaries or affiliates. © Copyright by Main Angel Publishing. All rights reserved.

LAEVELD Summer/Somer 2011 - 1




t is an absolute honour for us to present to you the third edition of our very own Laeveld Magazine, which has already become a sought after collector’s item within the agricultural industry. As always, this edition is packed with loads of valuable and enriching information, which is bound to appeal to your discerning taste. Behalwe vir die Bokke wat onlangs teen die skeidsregter verloor het in die 2011 Wêreldbeker, lyk die toekoms vir ons SA boere regtig weereens rooskleurig. Die Rand het verswak wat definitief positief is vir die uitvoergewasse en intussen sit die mielieprys sy pragtige lopie voort en is ons optimisties vir goeie reën… Daarom is ons by Laeveld seker ons kliënte gaan vanjaar 'n fenominale jaar beleef. Tesame met al hierdie goeie nuus moet u elkeen asseblief net seker maak dat u Laeveld gewasbeskermingsspesialis

u op hoogte bring met al die nuwe tegnologië, grondvoedingsreekse, chemie en molekules wat gebruik kan word om beter en meer optimale oeste te verseker, en die beste weerstandstrategie te volg. Dit sal verseker tot meer winsgewende oeste lei. Die uitgawe is weereens propvol nuus… en u kry ook die kans om 'n iPad te wen sowel as fliek kaartjies na 'n ekslusiewe rooitapyt Premiêre van die Platteland fliek, waartydens al die akteurs ook teenwoordig gaan wees. Enjoy every moment of this edition, as well as the upcoming summer months. It is a privilege to be able to work in the open air with the soil beneath your feet, and we wish you every success for the new season. Lekker lees, Corne Liebenberg

“Essentially, all life depends upon the soil... There can be no life without soil and no soil without life; they have evolved together.” - Charles E. Kellogg 2 - LAEVELD Summer/Somer 2011


Die jongste nuus uit Laeveld Agrochem Laeveld se 20ste Herdenking Soos almal in die Laeveldgemeenskap weet, vier ons hierdie jaar ons 20ste herdenking. Om dié verjaarsdag in goeie styl te vier, het die hele Laeveld familie en hul gesinne, sak-en-pak op die sonnige hawe van Sun City in die Pilanesberg neergedaal. Dit was 'n prettige naweek, met aktiwiteite en vermaak vir almal jonk en oud wat met ‘n skouspelagtige gala dinnee en toekenningsgeleentheid geëindig het.

Laeveld hoofkantoor

Die algemene konsensus: Dit was 'n wonderlike, luukse, glansryke en ontspannende wegbreek vir almal.

Laeveld se top agente LAEVELD Summer/Somer 2011 - 3




1 - Nickie Olivier Noord Wes Provinsie: Leeudoringstad, Makwassie, Wolmaransstad, Bloemhof, Ottosdal, Schweizer, Migdol, Delareyville, Klerksdorp en Hartbeesfontein Nickie Olivier is in 1969 op Vryburg gebore. Hy was daar op laërskool en het by Hoërskool Wolmaransstad sy skoolloopbaan voltooi. Na matriek is hy na infanterieskool vir sy weermagdiens. Nickie het ‘n BOP-Diploma by die Vrystaatse Universiteit van Bloemfontein gedoen. Hy was agt jaar Takbestuurder by onderandere Suidwes Landbou en Senwes waar hy baie ondervinding opgedoen het in die landbousektor. Nickie boer tans deeltyds in Leeudoringstad en het goeie ondervinding in die landbou opgedoen t.o.v. lusern, mielies, koring, varke, beeste en skape. Volgens Nickie: "Met Laeveld Agrochem as ondersteuningsnetwerk in die Noord Wes: Leeudoringstad, Makwassie, Wolmaransstad, Bloemhof, Ottosdal, Schweizer, Migdol, 4 - LAEVELD Summer/Somer 2011

3 Delareyville, Klerksdorp en Hartbeesfontein kan ons net ‘n verskil maak." Kontak vir Nickie: 082 962 4191

2 - Jan Viljoen Noord Wes Provinsie: Wolmaransstad Jan Viljoen is gebore in 1961. Hy het sy skoolloopbaan by Aliwal-Noord Hoërskool voltooi en het daarna sy twee jaar diensplig gedoen. In 1980 het hy Landbou begin studeer aan die Universiteit van die Vrystaat. Hier het hy sy Bsc-Agric in 1984 en sy Honneurs Bsc-Agric in 1985 verwerf aan dieselfde Universiteit. Hy het sy loopbaan in die Landbou bedryf in 1984 by Kynoch as landboukundige begin, en is tot 1994 by hierdie maatskappy. In 1995 het hy by die chemiese bedryf aangesluit en bemark sedertdien landbouchemiese middels. Volgens Jan: “Ek voel dat ek met my 26 jaar onder-

Nuwe manne in die Laeveld span vinding as landboukundige, chemiese adviseur en gewasbeskermingsdeskundige ‘n verskil kan maak en ‘n positiewe invloed op my kliënte se besigheid kan hê. Dit is vir my belangrik om my kliënt te help om hul produksie te optimaliseer en dus inkomste te verhoog. Deur dit te doen kan die kliënt volhoubaar produseer en dit verbeter ook my eie inkomste. Dit is vir my 'n voorreg om by Laeveld Agrochem se span aan te sluit, aangesien ek my kliënte beter kan bedien met die hulp van die uitstekende reeks produkte en die integriteit van 'n maatskappy soos Laeveld Agrochem wat hierdie jaar sy 20ste verjaardag vier.” Kontak Jan: 082 869 5232

3 - Elfranco Maré Limpopo Provinsie: Nylstroom, Vaalwater, Alma, Tuinplaas, Roedtan en Warmbad Elfranco is in 1979 gebore en het op Tuinplaas, op die Springbokvlakte, as plaaskind grootgeword. Hy het sy skoolloopbaan by die plaasskooltjie, Laërskool Tuinplaas, afgeskop en gematriekuleer by Hoërskool Hans Strijdom te Naboomspruit.

Met die sterk landbou-agtergrond van ‘n plaaskind en die opvoeding in ‘n boeregemeenskap, besluit hy toe om landbou te gaan studeer. In 2001 verwerf hy sy Landbou Diploma in Gewasproduksie-bestuur en word aangewys as die Beste Landboustudent van die jaar. Na die voltooing van sy studies en AVCASA akkreditasie, het hy sy toetrede tot die landbou chemiese bedryf gemaak. Hy vestig hom op Nylstroom, waar hy op die Springbokvlakte en omgewing ondervinding opgedoen het in verskeie landbougewasse en praktyke. Die area leen hom veral daaraan toe om te spesialiseer in “minimumbewerking-strategie" (no-till) en intensiewe aartappel- en tabakverbouing. Hy het besluit om by Laeveld Agrochem aan te sluit, aangesien hulle reeks produkte en tegniese ondersteuning beter gepas is vir sy betrokkenheid by al die intensiewe besproeings-gewasse. Volgens Elfranco: “Die landbou is nie net 'n liefde nie, dis vir my 'n passie. Elke kliënt se plaas voel soos my eie en daarom gee ek my 100% vir elkeen van hulle. Dit is 'n voorreg om betrokke te wees by, na my mening, van die beste boere in die land." Kontak Elfranco: 082 875 7245

Vir 'n volledige ontleding en sak-pas aanbevelings van hoe om die beste opbrengs uit u oes te haal kontak jou naaste Laeveld Agent. LAEVELD Summer/Somer 2011 - 5


Drama, Aksie &


1 va na d n 10 du ◆ ie b Stuu Plattel bel kaa rtjie and r vir Prem s ons us bem elfoon n 'n e-po iêre. s arki ng@ ommer met na laev eld.c



ie verfilming van die nuwe Afrikaanse fliek, Platteland, het Vrydag 9 Januarie 2011 in die Vrystaatse dorp, Vrede, begin. Platteland is geredigeer deur Philo Pieterse, wat een van Suid-Afrika se mees bekendste regisseurs is. Dié fliek is die breinkind van Sean Else en Deon Opperman en sluit 'n imposante groep Afrikaanse akteurs in. Die twee hoofrolle word deur Bok van Blerk en Lianie May vertolk, maar mens kan ook vir Steve Hofmeyr, Jay du Plessis, Vaughn Gardiner en Karlien van Jaarsveld in dié fliek sien. Platteland handel oor 'n boervrou wat byna al’s verloor het en van voor af op haar eie moet begin. Riana het onlangs haar ouers in 'n tragiese en geheimsinnige vuur op hul plaas verloor en sukkel nou om kop bo water te hou terwyl sy al haar skulde moet afbetaal ten einde die familieplaas, Wonderfontein, te behou. Riana moet ook alles in haar vermoë doen om te verseker dat die plaas nie

in die hande van die slinkse plaaslike booswig, Mike Ferreira, beland nie. Ongelooflike aksie volg soos wat al die karakters saamkom in ‘n epiese stryd vir familie, grond en liefde. L Hier by Laeveld is ons passievol oor die boeregemeenskap en die mense op die Platteland, daarom het ons besluit om as borg van die fliek op te tree. Ons glo hierdie fliek gaan een van die mees suksesvolste flieks in Suid-Afrika se geskiedenis wees, en sal die rol van die boer weer op 'n positiewe manier uitbeeld. Vir dié rede wou Laeveld graag sy volle gewig agter die projek ingooi, en sal ons ook 'n spesiale weergawe van die DVD aan al ons kliënte beskibaar stel vanaf Februarie 2012.


Laeveld maak sy rolprent debuut in


In teaters vanaf 25 November 2011

LAEVELD Summer/Somer 2011 - 7


Boer benut sy grond meer winsgewind deur die gebruik van Sink

ZINCHEM Agtergrond

Mielie verbouing

Mnr. Vorster, beter bekend as Vossie onder sy mede boere, boer sedert 1971 op ’n deeltydse basis saam met sy vader Mnr. JP Vorster op die plaas Roodebank in die Standerton omgewing. Gedurende 1982 koop hy sy eie grond in die Bronkhorstspruit omgewing en begin hy hom toespits op vleismerinos as hoof bron van sy boerderyinkomste.

Mielies word geplant deurgaans met dieselfde stand, bemesting en kultivar. Hy het geplant op 26/11/2010 met ’n stand van 30 000 plante per hektaar, maar as gevolg van droë toestande het slegs 22 000 plante per hektaar gerealiseer. Daar is geplant met ’n kunsmis mengsel van 2.3.2 (22) (+ 0.5% Zn oksied) teen 150kg per hektaar.

Gou het hy besef dat as gevolg van die hoë voerkoste, waarvan mielies die grootste bydraer is tot die voerkoste, hy selfvoorsienend in die proteïen behoeftes van sy skaapboerdery sal moet wees. Grond is egter ’n beperkende faktor in die omgewing en is dit dus van kardinale belang dat elke vierkante meter optimaal benut moet word. Lammers wat slag gereed is, word direk van die plaas bemark en uitskot vee word op veilings verkoop. 8 - LAEVELD Summer/Somer 2011

Op 4 Jan 2011 na 202mm reën sedert planttyd is daar opvolg bemesting met KAN(28) teen 150kg per hektaar toegedien. Zinchem is genader vir raad aangesien die mielies sigbare tekort getoon het. Die Zinchem verteenwoordiger het bepaal dat dit ’n sinktekort is. Zinchem het aanbeveel dat 25kg per hektaar Zn Sulfaat (korrels) ingemeng word by sy KAN(28), maar dat ’n kontrole strook gelaat word. Na die bemesting het nog 428mm reën geval voor

Mielie Verbouing die fisiologies ryp word stadium van die mielies. Gedurende die stadium het Vossie gemerk dat hy geen visuele verskil kan sien tussen die mielies wat met Zn Sulfaat behandel is en die wat nie behandel is nie. Toe dit egter by strooptyd kom het hy ’n merkwaardige 15,6% verbetering in sy mielieopbrengs gerealiseer. Daar is waargeneem dat oor die algemeen die mieliekoppe wat met sinksulfaat behandel is 12 rye per kop het en ongeveer 340g geweeg het. Dit terwyl die mieliekoppe op die onbehandelde strook eerder 10 rye per kop gehad het en ongeveer 270g per kop geweeg het en ook meer Diplodia (kopvrot) gekry het as die mielies wat met sinksulfaat behandel was.

ek dit ter enige tyd aanbeveel by medeboere. Waar ek vroeër die jaar ’n potensiele tekort aan mielieproteïen in die gesig gestaar het, en teen ’n addisionele koste mielies sou moes inkoop, gaan die groot verbetering op my oes in ’n kritieke stadium, weens Zinchem se Zn Sulfaat, my in staat stel om genoegsame mielies te stroop om aan my behoeftes te voorsien”.

Wat merkwaardig is, is dat die sinksulfaat wat op die laatstadium ongeveer 4 weke na opkoms (topbemestingtyd) nog steeds sulke goeie resultate gelewer het. Zinchem is van mening dat dit toegeskryf kan word aan die produk se 100% wateroplosbaarheid. Die mielieplante kon dus die sink kort nadat dit toegedien is in die grond deur die wortels opneem en benut vir groei en ontwikkeling.

Zinchem het ’n rygewasse grondtoediening multimikro-element produk ontwikkel wat bestaan uit ’n volledige reeks essensiële mikro-elemente wat met planttyd toegedien kan word. Sodoende kan beter saailing groei verkry word deur die verskaffing van onmiddellik beskikbare essensiële mikro-elemente om ten minste gedeeltelik omgewings geïnhibeerde toestande te oorbrug.

Mnr. Vorster sê "Ek is oortuig dat Zinchem se Zn Sulfaat beslis die toekoms vir my boerdery is en sal

Die doel van die produk is nie om die hele gewas te voed nie, maar slegs om ’n goeie wegtrek te verseker, m.a.w. LAEVELD Summer/Somer 2011 - 9


Voor: ‘n mieliekop waar die land met sinksulfaat behandel is. Agter: waar daar geen addisionele sinksulfaatbehandeling was nie. Die vogpersentasie was 13.2% ’n goeie wortelstelsel in plek te sit. ’n Goed ontwikkelde wortelstelsel sal die plant help om beter aan sy vog en voedingsbehoeftes te voorsien en minder gevoelig te wees vir ongunstige gronden omgewingstoestande. Die rygewasse grond toedienings multimikro-element produk kan jaarliks gebruik word om te voorsien aan die rygewasse se mikro-element behoeftes. Dit is ’n goeie praktyk om grondontledings te trek wat ook die mikro-elemente ontleed, sodoende kan ’n plan van aksie gemaak word van hoe om die mikroelemente te bestuur. Voorkoming van tekorte is beter as krisis bestuur waar tekorte visueel waargeneem word en daarop gereageer word. Zinchem kan help om mikro-element behoeftes aan te spreek sodat u meer winsgewend en volhoubaar kan bly boer. Daar kan net eenvoudig nie bekostig word om 10 - LAEVELD Summer/Somer 2011

nie die volle potensiaal van u gronde te ontgin nie. Hoekom alles reg doen soos die regte makro elemente, kalk, kultivar, bewerking en insek en onkruidbeheer doen, maar essensiële mikroelemente ignoreer wat kan help om u gronde se volle potensiaal te bereik. Kontak jou naaste Laeveld Agrochem gewasbeskermingsdeskundige om te help met die bereiking van u boerdery se volle potensiaal deur die aanspreek van u mikro-element behoeftes. L Medeskrywers: Phillip Venter & Jaco Vorster

LAEVELD Winter 2011 - 11



may ensure

food security

in Orange farm

To ensure food security in Orange Farm, residents have said they need assistance with agricultural skills training, equipment, and access to the abundant fertile land, and would then be able to produce their own food.

12 - LAEVELD Summer/Somer 2011

Subsistence Farming


his appeal came from residents during a consultative meeting on the City’s Growth and Development Strategy public participation process, GDS2040, in August at the Orange Farm Multipurpose Centre. At the meeting, themed “Food safety and food security at the urban fringe”, the community voiced suggestions about what the City could do for them to ensure sustainable food production. Residents of the poverty stricken Orange Farm, some 50km from the Johannesburg CBD, rely on small-scale farming to feed their families, such as backyard food gardens. A small number of them are in larger scale farming. Thabo Matshidiso, a resident and a small-scale farmer, said the community was poor and could not afford to buy food from supermarkets. “At the moment it is hard for us to venture into large-scale farming because we do not have the land and required skills. Most people are unemployed and can’t afford to buy expensive food. “There are 130 hectares of unutilised land on the outskirts of Orange Farm. It can be used to plough vegetables or for livestock farming. This will allow our people cheap access to quality food.” He suggested that the city provide skills training for emerging farmers. Farming has changed over the years,

so it is important for farmers to keep up with the modern ways as they are more effective and affordable. Sipho Mbele, an aspiring farmer, said he had been applying for permission for livestock farming, without success. “I think the City should get down to the ground and address our needs. There are a lot of unemployed young people who are ready to venture into agriculture and farming; all we need is to be trained.” Responding to the concerns, Molwele said the people of Orange Farm were ready to make a difference in their community and that the City would go all out to meet them halfway. “We are going to work together with this community to alleviate poverty and we will sit down with the executive mayor and come up with solutions to issues raised.” Laeveld is always happy to aid and assist subsistence farmers to become self-sufficient in the supply of food products. L Originally published on 2011 Adapted from “Farming is Orange Farm option” by Kgopi Mabotja

LAEVELD Summer/Somer 2011 - 13


Kragtige onkruidbeheer in

HARMONIE met die gewas Laudis® – Die nuwe standaard in gewasveiligheid Daar is verskeie onkruiddoders op mielies beskikbaar wat onkruide verbleik (HPPD inhibeerders). Laudis® is die enigste onkruiddoder in hierdie groep wat ‘n beveiliger bevat. Die onderstaande foto illustreer die gewasveiligheid van Laudis®.

Laudis® bied uitstekende beheer van grasse en breëblaar-onkruide in mielies. Laudis® bied ‘n effektiewe oplossing vir na-opkoms gras- en breëblaarbeheer in mieleies. Sy kragtige aktiewe bestanddeel, Tembotrione, inhibeer 14 - LAEVELD Summer/Somer 2011

die werking van die HPPD-ensiem*. Dit ontwrig die vorming van plantpigmente deur die blokkering van die ensiem betrokke by die produksie van bladgroen. ‘n Oordosis van die lig tot dan bladgroenverbleiking.

Omgewingsprofiel van Laudis® Water



4 spesies

Akuut en chronies


Daphnia, Chronomus

Akuut en chronies


5 spesies






Kwartel, eend

Akuut, dieet, reproduktief


Wilde soogdiere

Chroniese risiko evaluasie




Bye, Aphidoidea, Folsomia

Risiko klassifikasie Reënvastheidsproef beheer




Reënvastheidsproef beheer





% beheer

% beheer


40 20

60 40 20


0 0.5


Geen gewasskade is waargeneem nie


4 Laudis

8 Standard

12 Standard 2



Geen gewasskade is waargeneem nie


4 Laudis

8 Standard

12 Standard 2

Tydsverloop tussen onkruiddodertoediening en 20mm gesimuleërde reën

‘n Baie gunstige omgewingsprofiel Die behoud van ons omgewing en ons natuurlike hulpbronne op hierdie planeet bly ons hoogste prioriteit. Derhalwe streef ons om doeltreffende produkte to ontwikkel met ‘n minimale impak op die omgewing. Dit is wie ons is. Dit is waarin ons glo. Dit is “Science for a Better Life”. Laudis® is binne 1 uur reënvas Laudis® penetreer die blare van die onkruid vinnig en bied ‘n uitstekende na-opkoms werking. Dit verseker geteikende beheer en vinnige werking. Dit is reënvas binne slegs een uur na toediening en word waarskynlik minder afgewas tydens skielike reënbuie.

Wat sê die boere? “Dis ’n buurman vriendelike onkruiddoder, want jy kan nie jou buurman se mielies met dit beskadig nie. Die resultate wat ek met die produk gekry het was uitstekend en ons kon die voordelige resultate van Laudis® tot nog met strooptyd gesien het. Ek beveel Laudis® vir enige boer aan.” Kobus van der Merwe – Hartbeesfontein "Hierdie is 'n baie goeie produk wat vir die boer nog groot moontlikhede gaan ontsluit, veral gesien in die lig van die wyer reeks kultivars wat in die BT-arena begin opgang maak. 'n Uitstekende produk vir die boer wat sy gewasse die styd teen onkruide wil sien wen." Gert van Aarde - Hartbeesfontein L

LAEVELD Summer/Somer 2011 - 15


Adjuvants: Lending a Helping Hand

In agriculture, an adjuvant is broadly defined as any substance added to the spray tank, (separate from the pesticide formulation) that will improve the performance of the pesticides, herbicides, feeding stimulants etc.


he water molecule has a high surface tension and this leads to formation of water droplets when sprayed on a waxy surface. This results in pesticides not being able to spread evenly, leaving an irregular coverage resulting in higher use of pesticides. A spray drop must be able to wet the foliage and spread out or cover an area of the leaf for the pesticide to perform its pest control function. The adjuvant acts here by reducing the surface tension of the water on the surface of the spray drop and by reducing the interfacial tension between the spray drop and surface of the leaf.

16 - LAEVELD Summer/Somer 2011

Types of Adjuvants and their Functions

BUFFERS Problem Insecticides like the organophosphates, pyrethroids and various other products are degraded by spray water with a high pH. The degradation process, known as alkaline hydrolysis, begins when the product is mixed with the spray water and ends once the spray droplet has dried out. The efficacy of the pesticide is reduced because a sub-optimal rate is applied. Most South

Crop Protection

African water sources have high pH values (between pH 6.5 and pH 9.0) and therefore create an environment for alkaline hydrolysis. Solution In certain cases, pesticide labels recommend the acidification of spray solutions to limit alkaline hydrolysis. Villa offers a solution to this problem with effective products that buffer spray water pH between pH 4.5 and pH 6.0 (the ideal pH for insecticide efficacy). These buffers protect the insecticide against alkaline hydrolysis and therefore improve insect control. Products: Commodobuff, Aquabuff and Buffernat

SALT ADJUVANTS Problem Water always contains a certain amount of dissolved salts like calcium, magnesium and sodium (hard and brackish water). These salts bind to herbicides like glyphosate and decrease absorption and efficacy. The decrease in glyphosate efficacy as a result of salt antagonism depends on water volume, herbicide rate and conditions during and after spraying. The absorption and efficacy of many herbicides is influenced by environmental conditions. Adverse environmental conditions can result in reduced herbicide absorption and poor weed LAEVELD Summer/Somer 2011 - 17


control. The efficacy of herbicides like paraquat can be increased by using activator adjuvants. Solution Villa offers a solution to salt antagonism in the form of quality adjuvants. These adjuvants have the ability to neutralize antagonistic salts before they can react with the glyphosate. This ensures effective weed control with glyphosate, even with water that contains high salt levels. Summit is an activator adjuvant that increases the efficacy of herbicides like paraquat. It reduces the detrimental effect of the environment on the herbicide and increases the chance for successful weed control. Summit is new generation, patented technology and is the first product of its kind on the South African market.

SURFACTANTS Problem To be effective, pesticides must be spread and retained on the target and in the case of systemic products, must then be absorbed by the plant tissue. Spray droplets without surfactants are prone to deflection off the leaf surface and do not spread effectively. This has a negative impact on pesticide efficacy. It is crucial to use the correct surfactant to improve pest control. Solution Villa 51 has properties that reduce droplet deflection, and increase spreading and absorption of pesticides. This improves pest control over a wide range of conditions. Products: Villa 51

Products: Summit and Velocity-Dry

18 - LAEVELD Summer/Somer 2011

Crop Protection

OIL ADJUVANTS Problem Favourable conditions and slow evaporation of droplets is needed for pesticides to be absorbed effectively. Environmental conditions such as low humidity can be sub-optimal during and after spraying. This may inhibit pesticide performance. In cases like this, it is essential to use an adjuvant that creates conditions that are optimal for absorption and efficacy.

ADJUVANT TIPS • R emember there is no universal adjuvant. Use the correct product for a specific purpose. • Adjuvants stabilise pest control under a range of conditions. Adjuvants do not act as an insurance policy against unregistered applications • The effect of water quality can be controlled and managed by utilising the correct information and adjuvant technology. L

Solution Ag-Penetrex and Solitaire are both oil adjuvants that are designed to overcome the above-mentioned conditions. These adjuvants reduce the effect of the environment on pesticides and create ideal conditions for pesticide absorption. Products: Ag-Penetrex and Solitaire

Supplied by Brian de Villiers, Marketing Advisor (Adjuvants) at Villa Crop Protection.

LAEVELD Summer/Somer 2011 - 19





Seasonal Conditions Drive Outbreaks


tem rust is caused by the fungus Puccinia graminis. When conditions favour a stem rust epidemic, it can be a very damaging disease that can cause complete crop loss in susceptible wheat varieties. The introduction of resistant varieties and a greater range of effective foliar fungicides have helped to reduce the impact of stem rust in recent years. Outbreaks have been confined to a few localised occurrences. However, the combination of a wet spring, susceptible varieties and inoculum build-up on volunteer cereals can result in an outbreak. 20 - LAEVELD Summer/Somer 2011

Resistant wheat varieties have reduced the incidence of stem rust outbreaks but on-going vigilance is needed to prevent the pathogen mutating to overcome this resistance. What to look for Stem rust is characterised by reddishbrown, powdery, oblong pustules that can affect all parts of the plant. The pustules have a characteristic torn margin and can occur on both sides of the leaves, on the stems and the glumes. Stem rust spores are much darker in colour than leaf rust spores. As the wheat plant matures, the pustules pro-

Dealing with Outbreaks of Stem Rust duce black spores known as teliospores. These occur mainly on the leaf sheaths and stem. Rust spores are wind-blown and can be spread over large areas in a short time. Stem rust usually becomes evident later in the season than stripe rust; warmer weather accelerates the spread of the disease.

Conditions That Favour Stem Rust Stem rust can occur in all grain growing regions where susceptible varieties are grown. However, there are several key factors that will increase the likelihood of a stem rust epidemic. The amount of stem rust present in the previous season: The more stem rust in a given year, the greater the likelihood of carry-over into the next season. Summer and autumn rains: Summer rain will allow volunteer cereal hosts to flourish, creating a green bridge to carry the rust from one season to the next. Autumn rains will support the early build-up of rust on volunteer cereals. Favourable weather conditions during the current growing season: Seasonal conditions that favour the outbreak of stem rust include spring rain and warm, humid weather. The combination of a wet spring, susceptible varieties and inoculum build-up on volunteer cereals is likely to result in an outbreak. Infec-

tion generally occurs when temperatures are in the 15ËšC to 30ËšC range. Pre-season management of stem rust: Stem rust can be managed using an integrated approach. This includes reducing the amount of inoculum in a district by managing the green bridge, avoiding susceptible cultivars and closely monitoring crops with a view to fungicide applications. GREEN BRIDGE Rust can only survive from one season to the next on living plant material (mainly self-sown cereals). It does not survive on stubble, seed or soil. The most important hosts are susceptible wheat, but it can also survive on barley, triticale and some grasses. Removing the green bridge, including volunteer cereals, is essential to reduce the amount of inoculum present that could infect the following crop. Stem rust epidemics have been worse in years where wet summers/autumns favoured volunteer cereal growth.

Variety selection Sowing resistant varieties provides the best protection against stem rust. Varietal resistance to stem rust pathotypes has remained stable during the past five years. Stem rust occasionally produces new pathotypes (races) that are capable of attacking resistant varieties. LAEVELD Summer/Somer 2011 - 21

EPIDEMICS & OUTBREAKS The risk of a new pathotype developing increases the more often outbreaks occur. New pathotypes occur when a chance mutation occurs in this asexually reproducing fungus. Using resistant varieties minimises the amount of rust

in a district and reduces the chance of new pathotypes occurring. It is important that growers are aware of a variety’s resistance reaction to stem rust. Consult a current wheat variety guide when selecting cultivars for stem rust


Arrino, Preston, Westonia

Susceptible (S)

Amarok, BeaufortA, BinnuA, Bowie, Calingiri, MansfieldA, PugsleyA, RuddA, YitpiA

Moderately Susceptible – Susceptible (MS-S)

BumperA, HornetA, MarombiA, Tammarin RockA, WyalkatchemA

Moderately Susceptible (MS) AGT KatanaA, AGT ScytheA, AxeA, Bowerbird, BrennanA, EGA Bonnie RockA, FortuneA, Frame, H45A, King RockA, Waagan


Potential yield loss %

Resistant (R)

Highly effective resistance

No, or slight losses 0

Moderately resistant (MR)

Some disease may be observed Under high pressure 0-5

Moderately susceptible (MS)

Moderate disease levels with 0 - 15 damaging losses under high pressure

Susceptible (S)

Severe disease under favour- 0 - 30 able conditions

Very susceptible Disease may be damaging un- 0 - 100 (VS) der less favourable conditions and complete losses may occur under ideal conditions 22 - LAEVELD Summer/Somer 2011

Dealing with Outbreaks of Stem Rust management to check the susceptibility rating. As new rust pathotypes can develop, the rust reaction or cultivars can change with time and older disease guides may no longer be relevant. Yield loss Potential yield loss depends on the resistance rating and how early the disease starts in the crop. Stem rust is most severe in susceptible varieties when it begins to develop in the crop before flowering. Yield losses from later infections are possible, but not as severe. In-crop Management of Stem Rust Monitoring • Volunteer plants should be monitored during summer and particularly before sowing. • Crops of susceptible varieties should be inspected every seven to 10 days in seasons when stem rust has been detected in a region and more frequently from flag leaf emergence to when grain is at the early dough stage. • Carefully inspect different plant parts, including the lower stems, for symptoms of stem rust. • Inspect different areas of a paddock including where crops are thicker. Fungicide treatments The effects of stem rust can be minimised with the timely application of

foliar fungicides. The earlier fungicide is applied the more effective it is in controlling stem rust. In susceptible wheat cultivars fungicides need to be applied as early as possible in the development of the disease and preferably as a preventive treatment, to avoid potential yield losses and restrict the spread of the disease. To be effective, fungicides should also be applied at the highest registered rate. If the stem rust outbreak occurs late in the season (for example, after mid-dough) and the level of infection is low there will be little impact on yield and no economic benefit from fungicide treatments. Choice of fungiside There are a number of active ingredients available in a range of products, registered for the control of stem rust. For this reason it is critical to contact your Laeveld Agrochem crop protection expert to ensure that you get the most suitable solution for your specific needs. L Take Note: Always read the chemical label before use. Make sure that the product is registered for use in your province. Use the maximum recommended label rate for stem rust control in wheat. As sprays for stem rust may be applied late in the season, it is extremely important to know the harvest withholding period for the chemicals, which can vary from four to six weeks. LAEVELD Summer/Somer 2011 - 23


Uitstekende Dopluisbeheer



ie Suid Afrikaanse sitrusbedryf is die tweede grootste uitvoerder van vars sitrus in die wêreld naas Spanje. Dit alleen is ’n merkwaardige prestasie aangesien Suid Afrika maar die 14de plek in globale sitrusproduksie beklee. ’n Totaal van 64 persent van alle sitrus in Suid Afrika is bestem vir die uitvoermark, dus is die suksesvolle produksie van bemarkbare vrugte vir die uitvoermark van kardinale belang vir die Suid Afrikaanse sitrusbedryf. Daar is verskeie faktore wat die bemarkbaarheid van uitvoervrugte kan beïnvloed waarvan insekskade een van die belangrikste is. Heelwat plaagbeheermiddels is beskikbaar om verskeie insekprobleme aan te spreek, maar onoordeelkundige gebruik kan ly tot sekondêre pes uitbrake en onaanvaarbare residu vlakke wat die bemarkbaarheid van die vrugte kan beïnvloed. Die keuse van plaagmiddels moet so gekies word dat dit ’n minimale negatiewe impak op die bemarkbaarheid van die vrugte het. Movento® (spirotet24 - LAEVELD Summer/Somer 2011

ramat) is so ’n produk en word wêreldwyd erken as ’n leier produk wat nie die bemarkbaarheid van vrugte negatief beïnvloed nie. Movento® bied die sitrusprodusent en uitvoerder die geleentheid om ’n produk te gebruik met uitstekende dopluisbeheer (Fig. 1) wat hoë gehalte opbrengste verseker.

Fig. 1. Verder het dit ‘n minimale impak op voordelige insekte. Aangesien Movento® tot die groep middels van die tetramiese sure behoort is dit die ideale produk om in ’n weerstandstrategie te gebruik indien weerstand vermoed


word. Die toediening van Movento® kan enige tyd plaasvind sodra dopluis kruiperbeweging waargeneem word. Dit laat die gebruiker van Movento® toe om ’n pasmaak spuitprogram te beplan sonder enige addisionele trekkerbeweging in die boord. Movento® is ’n blaarbespuiting wat bestuur en gemak van ‘n spuitprogram bevorder. Die impak op die omgewing is ook minimaal deurdat daar minder aktief per ha toegedien word as van die ander produkte wat teen dopluis gebruik word. Die toksologiese profiel van Movento® is van so ’n aard dat dit selfs goedgekeur is vir gebruik op vrugte/groente bestem vir babavoedsel in die VSA. Die keuse van Movento® as ‘n besigheidsbesluit is onder kommersiële boorde bewys gedurende die afgelope seisoen. Ter illustrasie hiervan is 2.63% beter uitpak verkry in die Movento® behandelings as in blokke met ‘n alternatiewe dopluisbeheerprogram (Fig. 2). Die beter uitpak was nie alleen

as gevolg van ’n verlaging in uitskot weens dopluisskade nie maar ook laer witluis en blaaspootjie uitskotte.

Fig. 2. Hierdie tendens kan moontlik toegeskryf word aan die verminderde impak wat Movento® het op voordelige insekte wat ’n rol speel in die biologiese beheer van die ander peste. Die Movento® program was ook R1000 per hektaar goedkoper waar die verskil tussen die twee programme toegeskryf kan word aan addisionele behandelings om sekondêre peste soos myte te beheer. Kontak u Laeveld oesbeskermingsspesialis vir al die ander puik voordele van dié unieke produk. L LAEVELD Summer/Somer 2011 - 25




26 - LAEVELD Summer/Somer 2011



3 5

4 1



2 5

9 7



8 6

5 3



6 8







4 9 4


8 1 6


5 6






1 2


6 9


5 3










8 9



Games & Activities for the Family

Raai Wie?

Dié beroemde bul is al 30 jaar lank ‘n Suid-Afrikaanse ikoon. Hy het sy roem op Agter Elke Man gevind en sing graag op Loftus. Hierdie jaar sal hy ook saam met sommige van Suid-Afrika se mees bekende jong sterre in die nuutste plaaslike produksie, Platteland verskyn.

WEN 'n Apple iPAD! Die eerste persoon om hierdie bekende sanger/ akteur korrek te identifiseer staan die kans om ‘n Apple iPad te wen!*

Hoe om te wen: Dit is eenvoudig: stuur vir ons jou antwoord en selnommer via e-pos: of faks: 012 998 0183 *T's & C's apply

LAEVELD Summer/Somer 2011 - 27


RhizoVital(B4201) Natural bacteria for healthier soils and healthier crops


hizoVital is a liquid concentrate of the beneficial bacterium Bacillus amyloliquefaciens. This is a naturally occuring soil bacterium that forms close associations with plant root systems and produces various compounds that have plant growth-regulating properties. This results in improved germination, root growth and vigour. Through this association it colonises the root zone which has the subsequent benefit of providing protection from pathogens through competitive displacement and also activates the plants SAR, thereby reducing the frequency and severity of common soil diseases. 28 - LAEVELD Summer/Somer 2011

BENEFITS • Improved germination and increased vigour • Improved rooting after transplant • Improved general root health and increase in shoot growth • Improves mobilisation and absorption of soil nutrition, notably Phosphate, Zinc and Manganese • Improves performance of Mycorhizial fungi • Reduced disease intensity & frequency

Healthier Soils, Healthier Crops Biolnoculant The BioInoculant range consists of products containing beneficial microorganisms that can be added to the soil to build the microbial food web which has been depleted due to modern farming practices. The organisms perform a wide range of functions including degradation of organic matter, mobilisation and fixation of nutrients and production of bioactive compounds as well as improving soil structure, aeration and water holding capacity. Above right, top to bottom: 1) Results from trials conducted on tomato plants 9 weeks after planting. Nutritional analysis was conducted on plant shoots and showed improved nutrient absorption in soil inoculated with RhizoVital. There was also a significantly lower incidence of disease in soils where Fusarium was present. These effects are further amplified when Mychorhizial fungi are present. 2) An electron micrograph illustrating the close association of the rod shaped Bacillus bacteria with the root hair. 3) A zoomed out perspective shows the biofilm created by the Bacillus bacteria surrounding the root. This biofilm aids supply of nutrients and growth promoting agents as well as forming a protective barrier to disease. L




Laeveld is a proud distributor of Madumbi Sustainable Agriculture’s range of products. LAEVELD Summer/Somer 2011 - 29

30 - LAEVELD Summer/Somer 2011


Voorkomende Swamdoder

Die voordele van‘n voorkomende swamdoder program op mielies


ie abnormale weersomstandighede tydens die 2010/2011 mielieseisoen het meer druk geplaas op algemene boerdery bestuurspraktyke. Een van die gevolge was dat swamdoder bespuitings nie tydens die optimale toedieningsvenster plaasgevind het nie, met gevolglike hoër siektedruk wat dan moeiliker met kuratiewe bespuitings beheer moes word. Die uitkoms was duidelik dat die fokus moet verskuif vanaf ‘n tradisionele siektebestuursprogram, na ‘n voorkomende opbrengsbestuursprogram. Tradisionele siektebeheer was gebasseer op kuratiewe bespuitings, wanneer die eerste siektesimptome op die blaar reeds sigbaar is. Navorsing toon dat wanneer hierdie eerste letsels sigbaar is, soveel as 10% oesverlies reeds plaasgevind het. Kuratiewe bespuitings het ook tot gevolg dat bespuitings met korter intervalle moet plaasvind, aangesien die aktiewe bestanddeel gebruik


word om die siekte te beveg en dus nie genoeg residuele werking bied vir siektebeskerming nie. Skade het reeds plaasgevind teen die tyd wanneer die siekte sigbaar is: • Die plant gebruik sy energie om die swam te beveg. • Die nawerkingsperiode van ‘n swamdoder wat kuratief toegedien is word verkort. • Opbrengspotensiaal word verminder aangesien die plant sy energie nie kanaliseer na interne fisiologiese prosesse soos die vaslegging van kopgrootte en pitte nie. Gegewe die mees belangrike mielieblaarsiektes wêreldwyd, is dit ongelukkig dat Suid Afrika die totale spektrum het: Noordelike blaarskroei, Grysblaarvlek, Roes en Phaeosphaeria. Hierdie siektes neem toe in intensiteit en wissel volgens klimaatstoestande en tussen verskillende verbouingstreke. LAEVELD Summer/Somer 2011 - 31



ie situasie is dus vandag veel meer uitdagend as ‘n paar jaar terug, toe die standaard praktyk kuratiewe bespuitings was. Die wye spektrum van siektes waarmee ons te doen het, gekombineerd met die wisselvallige weersomstandighede, noodsaak produsente om ‘n streng voorkomende swamdoderprogram te volg, ten einde optimale oespotensiaal te verseker. ‘n Voorkomende program stel die plant in staat om reeds in ‘n posisie te wees om die siekte te beveg wanneer infeksie plaas vind. Sodoende kan die plant sy energie fokus op meer belangrike interne fisiologiese prosesse: die bepaling van opbrengspotensiaal. Amistar Top®, ‘n rewolusionêre swamdoder weens die produk se vermoë om nuwe plantgroei te beskerm, is die optimale voorkomende swamdoder bespuiting vanweë die spektrum van beheer en die produk se Plant Prestasie™ eienskappe. Deur Amistar Top® voorkomend, tussen die V5 – V7 stadium toe te dien, afhangend van die siektedruk in verskillende areas, bied dit ook addisionele voordele aan die produsent: 32 - LAEVELD Summer/Somer 2011

• Die gewas is op die optimale hoogte om besproeingstoerusting te benut, sonder om die gewas te beskadig. • Die Amistar Top® bespuiting kan dieselfde tyd as die opvolg residuele onkruiddoder bespuiting, soos Callisto® of Metagan Gold®, toegedien word. • Beter en verlengde residuele beheer van siektes. • Verhoogde Plant Prestasie™ terwyl die mielieplant besig is om sy teoretiese oespotensiaal vas te lê - die vaslegging van kop-grootte en getal pitte. Om meer uit te vind oor die voordele van ‘n voorkomende Amistar Top® program, kontak u Laeveld Agrochem agent.

Raadpleeg die etiket vir volle besonderhede. Amistar Top® bevat asoksiestrobien 200g/l + difenokonasool 125g/l. VERSIGTIG. Reg Nr. L7897, Wet 36 van 1947. Amistar Top® is ‘n geregistreerde handelsmerk van ‘n Syngenta Groep Maatskappy. © Syngenta Ag 2000. Kopiereg van die dokument voorgehou. Alle ongemagtigde vermeerdering word verbied.

Optimale mielie Potensiaal AMISTAR TOP® is ‘n toonaangewende breëspektrum swamdoder vir die voorkomende beheer van grys blaarvlek, noordelike blaarskroei en roes in mielies.

Met ‘n hoë intrinsieke aktiwiteit en beskerming van nuwe groei, bied AMISTAR TOP® voortreflike sistemiese beheer teen blaarsiektes in mielies om jou mielies se opbrengs te beskerm. Kontak jou Syngenta handelaar vandag om voordeel te trek uit AMISTAR TOP® se wêreldklas eienskappe

LEES DIE ETIKET VIR VOLLEDIGE BESONDERHEDE Amistar Top® is ‘n geregistreerde handelsmerk van ‘n Syngenta Groep Maatskappy en bevat asoksistrobien 200 g/l + difenokanosool 125 g/l, VERSIGTIG. Reg Nr. L6230, Wet Nr 36 van 1947 Privaatsak X60, Halfway House, 1685. Tel: (011) 541 4000

© Syngenta Ag, 2000. Kopiereg van die dokument is voorbehou. Alle ongemagtigde vermeerdering word verbied.



op ‘n mespunt G

edurende die afgelope jaar was landboumarkte wêreldwyd aansienlik wisselvallig soos die balans tussen vraag en aanbod gewissel het weens verskeie eksterne-faktore. Oudergewoonte het Moeder Natuur natuurlik in die vorm van ongure weerstoestande haar gewig rondgegooi en veroorsaak dat produksie in sleutelproduserende lande soos Rusland skerp afgeneem het. Dit het uitsonderlik lae voorraadvlakke vir veral grane op internasionale vlak tot gevolg gehad. Verder het ekonomiese groei in Oos-Europa, Asië en Latyns-Amerika die vraag na voedsel en energie gedryf en veroorsaak dat voorraadvlakke verder onder druk geplaas is. Die verwantskap tussen landbou-kommoditeite en energiemarkte is sterker as ooit

34 - LAEVELD Summer/Somer 2011

(byvoorbeeld toename in mielies wat vir bio-etanol vervaardiging gebruik word asook brandstof en kunsmis in graanproduksie) en gevolglik bring dit verdere wisselvalligheid in die landboumark mee. Ekonomiese groei in lande is dus een van die belangrikste dryfkragte in landboumarkte. Huidiglik verhandel pryse bo die hoogtepunte van 2008. Onderliggende redes vir hierdie situasie is die feit dat voorraad as persentasie van verbruik (“stock-to-use ratio”) op historiese laagtepunte is, en die verwagting is dat die vraag in die 2011/2012 seisoen steeds die aanbod oorskry. Die hoë pryse wat huidiglik realiseer sal egter vraag na somergrane effens demp en gevolglik kan ‘n effense daling in pryse gedurende die 2011/12 seisoen verwag word.

Somergraanmarkte op 'n mespunt

Tabel 1: Huidige situasie van somergraanmarkte in Suid-Afrika Bron: Graan SA en eie berekeninge

Huidige stand en vooruitsigte vir die Suid-Afrikaanse mieliemark Lae pryse gedurende die 2009/10 seisoen het meegebring dat produsente minder geplant het in 2010/11. Die area onder witmielies het met 18% verminder na 1.4 miljoen ha, terwyl geelmielies met 7% verminder het na 954 000 ha. Die laer produksie tesame met hoë uitvoervlakke het gevolglik meegebring dat die totale mielie-eindvoorraad na 1.2 miljoen ton afgesak het (950 000 minder as in 2010). Binnelandse mieliepryse het wêreldpryse gevolg en wys ‘n opwaartse kurwe vir 2011, met ‘n jaarlikse mielieprys in die omgewing van R 1 900/ton. In September het wit en geelmielies gemiddeld teen R 2 215/ton en R 2 185/ton onderskeidelik verhandel

wat sowat 72% en 59% hoër is op ‘n jaar-tot-jaar grondslag vir die twee gewasse (Tabel 1). Hierdie styging in die mielieprys sal na verwagting mielieprodusente aanspoor om hul mielie-aanplantings uit te brei in die komende (2011/12) seisoen met totale mielieaanplantings van sowat 2.7 miljoen hektaar. Huidiglik hou lae internasionale mielievoorrade mieliepryse hoog en indien die vraag na grane vasstaan, kan huidige hoë pryse in 2012 realiseer. Die hoër aanplantings en gevolglik produksie wat met hoë pryse gepaardgaan sal weer meebring dat mieliepryse vanaf 2012 sal daal. Mielie-aanplantings deur produsente sal hierop reageer en die verwagting is dat die area onder mielies op soLAEVELD Summer/Somer 2011 - 35


wat 2.5 miljoen hektaar sal konsolideer. Oor die langtermyn word egter beraam dat mieliepryse gemiddeld sal toeneem weens hoër internasionale pryse en verswakking van die Rand/Dollar wisselkoers. Die hoër internasionale pryse is gebasseer op verdere groei in die wêreldekonomie wat natuurlik die vraag na energie en voedsel dryf. 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5

2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 WM ha

YM ha

YM prys

Fig. 2 dui die verwagte stand van die Suid-Afrikaanse mielievoorraad vir 2011 en 2012 aan. Weens die verminderde aanplanting van die 2010 seisoen, 2,500 staan die eindvoorraad tans op so2,000 wat 1.2 miljoen ton, 49% laer as 1,500 die voorraad van 2010. Indien die beraamde produksie van 2012 re1,000 aliseer, is die verwagting (met in500 agneming van verbruik) dat die 0 voorraad 740 000 ton hoër op 1.95 miljoen ton te staan sal kom. Hier-


Miljoen ha


Indien die teenoorgestelde plaasvind en die wêreldekonomie beweeg in ‘n resessie in, bestaan die moontlikheid dat internasionale pryse met tot 30% kan val.

WM Prys

Fig. 1: Die aanplantings en pryse van mielies vanaf 2007 tot 2016 Bron: BFAP

2011 14000 12000

14000 -4773






-2262 2381


Plaas & ander VRAAG

+12377 -4505

4000 1210

0 Menslike gebruik

8000 6000


Begin- Produksie Voer voorraad verbruik




1000 tons

1000 tons







2000 0

-237 -1830 1210 Begin- Produksie Voer voorraad verbruik

1950 Menslike gebruik

Plaas & ander



Fig 2: Beraamde voorraadsvlakke vir mielies vir die 2010/11 en 2011/12 bemarkingseisoene Bron: BFAP

36 - LAEVELD Summer/Somer 2011

Somergraanmarkte op 'n mespunt

die toename in voorraad sal dan, tesame met internasionale markkragte, ook uiteindelik afwaartse druk op die binnelandse mielieprys plaas na onder R 1 800/ton soos in Fig. 1 weerspieël word.

Oor die langtermyn word verwag dat binnelandse verbruik van sonneblomsaad gaan toeneem, invoere weens hoër produksie in die volgende dekade gaan afneem en dat Suid-Afrika teen 2020 selfonderhoudend kan wees, sou hierdie tendens voortgaan.

Vooruitsigte vir sonneblom en sojabone gedurende die 2011/12 seisoen

Die gemiddelde 2011 SAFEX sonneblomprys is huidiglik sowat R 4 108/ ton (Tabel 1), en weens druk op internasionale voorraadsvlakke, tesame met die robuuste groei in die vraag na plantolies en meel word dit huidiglik beraam op sowat R 4 160 vir 2011/12 en kan selfs R 5 000/ton haal oor vyf jaar as huidige tendense voortduur (Fig. 3).

Vanaf Fig. 4 kan gesien word dat binnelandse verbruik van sonneblomsaad in 2011/12 sal toeneem, en tesame met die laer produksie kan verwag word dat voorraadsvlakke 15% laer op 118 000 ton kan afsluit. Sonneblomaanplantings oor die meduimtermyn word geskat tussen 570 000 en 590 000 hektaar.











3,000 2,500





Duisend ha


1,000 2007 2008 2009 2010 Sonneblom ha

2011 2012 2013 2014 Soja ha

2015 2016

SUN prys


Ongunstige marktoestande vir mielies het veroorsaak dat produsente in die somerreënvalgebiede aansienlik meer sonneblom en sojabone geplant het. Sonneblomaanplantings het met 61% uitgebrei na 642 000 hektaar, terwyl sojaboonaanplantings 34% meer is met 418 000 hektaar. Die hoër sonneblomproduksie het aanleiding gegee tot hoër voorraadsvlakke en invoere het aansienlik afgeneem. Die herstel in mieliepryse sal verder veroorsaak dat sonneblomaanplantings afneem na sowat 574 000 hektaar in 2011/12, met verwagte produksie wat 14% laer as 2010/11 sal wees op sowat 742 000 ton.

SOJA prys

Fig 3: Die aanplantings en pryse van sonneblom en sojabone vanaf 2007 tot 2016 Bron: BFAP

Sojaboonaanplantings het die 2010 rekord met 106 550 hektaar oortref in 2011, toe 418 000 hektaar sojabone geplant is (Fig. 3). Ten spyte van verhoogde produksie, bly die voorraadsLAEVELD Summer/Somer 2011 - 37



2012 1200









1000 tons

1000 tons



200 139

46 Begin- Produksie voorraad








200 0







139 Begin- Produksie voorraad AANBOD




118 Eindvoorraad


Fig. 4: Beraamde voorraadsvlakke vir sonneblomsaad vir die 2010/11 en 2011/12 bemarkingseisoene Bron:a BFAP

vlakke relatief stabiel te danke aan ‘n 19% toename in die binnelandse verbruik van sojabone (Figuur 4). Sojaboonpryse volg die tendens van sonneblom en pryse vir 2011/12 word 7% hoër as in 2010/11 geskat op sowat R 3 500/ton. Op die mediumtermyn word beraam dat sojaboonpryse oor vyf jaar bo R 4 000/ ton kan verhandel gebasseer op huidige tendense. Dit is interessant om te let dat projeksies deur die Buro vir Voedsel en Landboubeleid (BFAP) daarop dui dat binnelandse verbruik van sojabone met amper 300% gaan verhoog oor die volgende dekade, waarvan die vinnigste groei in die persbedryf sal plaasvind. Suid-Afrika word ook verwag om ‘n uitvoerder van premie-draende sojabone na Asiastiese lande te word, waar Suid-Afrikaanse sojabone veral vir die 38 - LAEVELD Summer/Somer 2011

tofu mark geskik is. Volgens BFAP, behoort die toename in plaaslike sojaboonaanplantings in die langtermyn voortgesit te word en kan aanplantings teen 2015 deur die 500 000 hektaar merk breek.

Bul of beer-mark kan groot invloed hê Huidiglik word ‘n positiewe prentjie vir somergrane in Suid Afrika geskets. Dit is belangrik om daarop te let dat die vooruitsigte vir somergrane gebasseer is op die aanname dat daar ekonomiese groei op globale sowel as plaaslike vlak gaan plaasvind in die nabye toekoms. Huidiglik flikker daar egter heelwat rooiligte in Westerse ekonomieë, veral Amerika en Europa, met gevolglike

Somergraanmarkte op 'n mespunt





800 -270





300 200

1000 tons

300 -159



200 108

105 Pers


400 -9

Begin- Produksie voorraad










Menslike Voer PlaasNetto Eindgebruik verbruik gebruik uitvoere voorraad VRAAG

100 0 1000 tons





-168 113

108 Begin- Produksie voorraad


Menslike Voer gebruik verbruik



Netto Einduitvoere voorraad


Fig. 5: Beraamde voorraadsvlakke vir sojabone vir die 2010/11 en 2011/12 bemarkingseisoene Bron:a BFAP

gevolge vir internasionale sowel as Suid-Afrika se plaaslike kommoditeitsmarkte. Wêreldwyd word daar asem opgehou of ‘n volgende ekonomiese krisis afgeweer gaan word, en hang af of dit deur politici veilig uit stormwaters uitbestuur gaan word of gaan die mark homself uitbalanseer met ‘n skok? Indien die wêreldekonomie wel op ‘n resessie afspeel kan dit landbou-kommoditeitspryse negatief beïnvloed soos onlangs in die VSA toe sojaboonpryse tot hul laagste vlakke in byna ‘n jaar gedaal het. Dit, tesame met ‘n daling in mielie en koringpryse het plaasgevind na spekulasie dat die vraag na die spesifieke gewasse sou afneem soos die globale ekonomie besig is om te stagneer en die VSA se verwagte oes hul voorraadvlakke sou opstoot. Met

hierdie negatiewe scenario in gedagte kan Suid Afrikaanse boere egter klein bietjie meer rustig as hul internasionale eweknieë slaap, aangesien die daling in landbou-kommoditeitspryse tot ‘n mate in Suid-Afrika gedemp sal wees weens ‘n verswakking in die Rand/Dollar wisselkoers en vermindering in eindvoorrade. Verdere goeie nuus is dat China – wat ‘n groot netto invoerder van graan en oliesade is se ekonomie groei, en die vraag wat hieruit voortspruit verskaf in ‘n mate ondersteuning aan kommoditeitspryse. Diegene wat dus die markte met ‘n valkoog dophou en betyds by veranderde omstandighede aanpas staan die beste kans om die stormweer te trotseer. L Skrywer: Stefan van Zyl

LAEVELD Summer/Somer 2011 - 39



Big, beautiful and covered in barnacles: I was on the lookout for one of the Cape coast's biggest attractions.


t's whale-watching season in the South African coastal town of Hermanus, situated about 90 minutes' drive out of Cape Town. Since I'd never been to Hermanus or seen a real whale before, I was all for a weekend of whale spotting, but I'd mentally prepared myself for the very slim chance that I might not get to see

40 - LAEVELD Summer/Somer 2011

a whale. Yet what I took home with me that weekend was so much more than I could have dreamed possible. We arrived in Hermanus after dark and although I knew our chalet had an ocean view, I didn't quite realise what that meant. It was only later when I closed my eyes to go to sleep and heard the hypnotic rhythm of the swells

Whale Watching in Hermanus

“They were dotted all over the horizon” just outside my window, that it became clear to me. Morning couldn't come soon enough: baby blue sky as far as the eye could see, timid waves rolling gently back and forth and there in the distance, graceful whales. We ambled along one of the many winding pathways built along the cliff's edge, and which are a distinctive feature of Hermanus. As we walked we kept our eyes on the whales in case they should suddenly disappear and we'd be left thinking they were just an illusion. But they hung around from morning until night and they were dotted all over the horizon, making it difficult for us to choose where to look first, in case we missed something spectacular from one of them.

In the early evening we took another stroll along the cliff and ended up perched on a massive boulder jutting out into the sea as we spotted two whales enjoying an intimate moment. Occasionally a V-shaped fountain of water would jet out from two blowholes located near the top of the whales' heads, a distinctive characteristic of southern right whales. The whales were much closer to us now; we could actually hear the low whooshing sound as the water spurted out from within them. The southern right whales have grown considerably in number despite being an endangered species, and we were lucky enough to be able to sit on a bench in Hermanus on a sunny day and watch them. L Originally published on

The hot weather caught us so by surprise that we had to head into town to buy some summer clothes. The place was abuzz with people making the most of the sunshine: some were milling about licking Italian ice creams; others were tucking into full-on English breakfasts in one of the many cosy coffee shops scattered around. Mostly, people were sitting on strategically positioned benches – one even built in the shape of a whale's tail – watching the whales. LAEVELD Summer/Somer 2011 - 41


‘n Nuwe Generasie Spinosien:


Spinetoram, die aktiewe bestanddeel in Delegate, is die produk van gevorderde navorsing in beide chemie en informasietegnologie.


ie ontdekking van spinetoram is moontlik gemaak deur die toepassing van kunsmatige neurale netwerke (KNN) op die molekulêre samestelling van insekdoders. Dow wetenskaplikes het ‘n KNN gebruik om die struktuur van spinosiene te verstaan en gevolglik voorspellings van verwante spinosien te maak. Sodoende kon hulle sekere eienskappe van die insekdoder verbeter. Een van die suksesvolle pogings was die van spinetoram, ‘n mengsel van chemies gemodifiseerde spinosiene J en L. Wat beteken hierdie veranderings vir u in u boerdery? Die eerste verbetering het te doen met lig stabiliteit (Fig 1). Spinetoram word stadig afgebreek deur UV, wat lei tot verlengde residuele werking van die produk op die gewas wat behandel is.

42 - LAEVELD Summer/Somer 2011

Fig. 1. Fig. 1: Beheer van kodlingmot (Cydia pomonella) vrugskade van behandelde Appels (Dripps et al, 2008. Spinetoram: How artificial intelligence combined natural fermentation with synthetic chemistry to produce a new spinosyn insecticide. Plant Health Progress: August 2008)

Spinosien Insekdoders Die tweede verbetering is verhoogde effektiwiteit (doodmaakvermoĂŤ) van spinosien J en L teen sekere insekplae. Dit het tot gevolg dat u baie beter insekdodende werking per gram aktiewe bestanddeel verkry.

die omgewing waarvoor die spinosiengroep insekdoders bekend is. In Suid-Afrika is Delegate geregistreer vir die beheer van Valskodlingmot, Blaaspootjies en Bolwurm op sitrus, Kodlingmot op Appels en Pere, Bolwurm en Valskodlingmot op Pruime en Appelkose, sowel as Bolwurm, Valskodlingmot en Oosterse Vrugtemot op perskes en nektaryne. In alle gevalle is die onthoudingsperiode voor oes slegs 7 dae.

Fig. 2. Fig. 2: Dosis spinosien aktief benodig om die helfte van ‘n toetspopulasie van insekte te dood. Hoe laer die LC50 waarde, hoe meer effektief is dit teen die betrokke plaag. (Dripps et al, 2008. Spinetoram: How artificial intelligence combined natural fermentation with synthetic chemistry to produce a new spinosyn insecticide. Plant Health Progress: August 2008) Ten spyte van hierdie uitstekende kombinasie van verbeterde residuele aksie en verhoogde aktiwiteit teen insekplae, het spinetoram steeds dieselfde lae soogdiertoksisiteit en kort leeftyd in

Fig. 3. Fig. 3: Tipiese sitrus blaaspootjie (Scirtothrips aurantii) skade LAEVELD Summer/Somer 2011 - 43



elegate se registrasie as blaaspootjiedoder op sitrus hou verskeie voordele vir die produsent in. Nie alleen is dit die eerste nuwe chemie in jare wat teen blaaspootjie op sitrus (Fig. 3) geregistreer is nie (Snykant – Nr 124), maar het dit ook `n lae risiko omgewingsprofiel. Daarmee saam is dit ook uiters effektief indien dit volgens etiketvoorskrifte gebruik word (Fig. 4 en 5). Vir optimale resultate beveel Dow AgroSciences aan dat u Delegate as ‘n ligte dekbespuiting na 90% blomblaarval van sitrus toedien, sodra blaaspootjies waargeneem word. Indien die blaaspootjie-infestasie hoog is, moet blaaspootjiegetalle oor die eerste 4 – 5 dae deeglik gemoniteer word. Indien die getalle nie oor die eerste 4 – 5 dae tot onder die drempelwaardes afneem nie kan `n tweede bespuiting 7 dae na die eerste bespuiting oorweeg word. Vir effektiewe weerstandsbestuur, is dit wenslik om nie meer as twee opeenvolgende behandelings met Delegate teen blaaspootjies te doen nie. Die totale hoeveelheid toedienings van Delegate per blok per seisoen mag nie meer as 4 oorskry nie.

net ‘n toonbeeld van moderne tegnologie nie, maar ook ‘n voorbeeld van Dow se verbintenis tot volhoubare landbou. Delegate kan deur jou naaste Laeveld agent gekoop word. L

Fig. 4.

Fig. 5. Delegate is ‘n uitstekende produk wat sonder twyfel met groot sukses in meeste bestaande Sitrus-spuitprogramme ingesluit kan word. Dit is nie 44 - LAEVELD Summer/Somer 2011

Johan Janse van Rensburg – Dow AgroSciences Verskaf deur: Dow AgroSciences Suid-Afrika, 'n leier in gewasbeskerming produkte en tegnologie.

LAEVELD Summer/Somer 2011 - 45




here is no doubt that climate change associated with global warming is widely considered to be amongst the most serious threats to environmental integrity and sustainable development, affecting human wellbeing and the global economy. It is now well established that the Earth’s climate is being adversely affected by the build-up of greenhouse gases, including carbon dioxide, due to anthropogenic activities such as the burning of fossil fuels. South Africa’s climate is highly variable and is particularly vulnerable to climate change, as farming depends to a great extent on the quality of the rainy season. The projected increase in the variation of rainfall and the observed changes in historical temperature trends will have a serious impact on

46 - LAEVELD Summer/Somer 2011

agricultural production landscapes with negative effects on food availability. Brought together, impacts of climate change will undermine food security, especially in Africa. South Africa is certainly not completely immune to issues of food security. The ultimate objective of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) is to stabilise greenhouse gas (GHG) concentration in the atmosphere at a level that would prevent dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system. However, in meeting this objective, the UNFCCC states that in achieving this objective the natural environment and human livelihoods should not be compromised. To meet the ultimate objectives of the Convention, the Kyoto Protocol calls for quantified

Climate Change

reductions in developed countries' GHG emissions for the 2008 – 2012 period. If this ultimate objective of the Convention is to be achieved in the long term, agreeing on a post-2012 climate change regime is crucial. To this end, government representatives of more than two hundred countries will meet in Durban from 28 November to 9 December 2011, under the auspices of the UNFCCC, for the 17th annual Conference of the Parties (COP-17). Climate is central in many critical agricultural decisions ranging from farm to policy level. In addition, most of these decisions should be made several months in advance, before impacts of climate effects could be realised. In implementing an effective climate change programme, the DAFF (De-

partment of Agriculture, Forestry & Fisheries) will develop the Sectoral Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation plans, which will contribute to the regulation, promotion and co-ordination of the conservation of agricultural land, forest and water resources to ensure sustainable development and environmental integrity. DAFF will continue to conduct climate change research in order to inform policy making and also to assist in determining interventions at all levels of governance. Associated with the research are on-going awareness programmes which will assist farmers, foresters and fishers to put in place best practices which will promote sustainable use and thereby contribute to the green economy. L

LAEVELD Summer/Somer 2011 - 47


Dit is noodsaklik dat boere hulself voorberei... Fokus op Hoedspruit






Hy sê die styging in die temperature by

van Hoedspruit het beslis die af-

Hoedspruit het beslis die mango-oeste

gelope twee dekades gestyg. Hiervan

bevoordeel. “As die temperature egter

is die goeie mango-oeste van die laaste

aanhou styg, kan die oeste dalk later

paar jaar ‘n sprekende voorbeeld.

nadelig geraak word en sal dié boere na ander gewasse moet oorskakel.”

So sê prof. Stefan Grab van die skool vir geografie, argeologie en omgewing-

Hy waarsku mense om hulle nie te laat

studie aan die Universiteit van die Wit-

mislei deur die term ‘aardverhitting’ nie


omdat klimaatsverandering wat daarmee saamgaan nié net ‘n aanduiding is

Grab is lid van ‘n navorsingspan wat ‘n

van temperature wat styg nie.

projek met die South African environmental Observation Networks (Saeon)

“Ons ervaar interessante tye met intense

onderneem om te kyk na die uitwerk-

klimaatskommelings. Dit beteken ons er-

ing van klimaatsveranderig op land-

vaar uiterstes. Uiterste koue, uiterste hitte.”

bougewasse en die moontlike maniere om daarby aan te pas.

Volgens ‘n verklaring deur Saeon het wetenskaplikes oor die wêreld heen

48 - LAEVELD Summer/Somer 2011

Climate Change

reeds konsensus bereik oor die feit dat die impak van klimaatsverandering nie oral op aarde dieselfde gaan wees nie. Hulle is dit ook eens dat Afrika die ergste gaan ly, deurdat dié mense hulle in ‘n ontwikkellende wêreld bevind waar die vermoë ontbreek om by die veranderde klimaat aan te pas. Dit is noodsaaklik dat boere hulself voorberei op temperature wat vermoedelik in die volgende dekades met tot 4˚C kan styg.


Laeveld se Hoedspruit Legendes: Fanie van Wyk (bo) en Gys Helm (onder) LAEVELD Summer/Somer 2011 - 49




DUAL ACTION STRESS PROTECTION FOR CROPS Earn Agribonus points on ANY product bought from Lowveld

Lowveld Agrochem -Together cultivating your success

Environmental stress protection: inside and out. Screen Duo is an effective solution for reducing losses from sunburn and heat stress in crops. We offer a solution to a wide range of environmental stressors; cold, heat, light, drought, and salinity.

Dual Activity - More Protection • Reduced heat, light and water stress • Increased photosynthesis • Increased carbohydrate levels • Increased fruit quality, size and yield • Improved Brix/Total Soluble Solids (TSS ) • Reduced flower abortion • Less fruit drop • Reduced bi-annual bearing

Screen Duo provides two modes of action: • Stress Avoidance: Kaolin film reflects Ultraviolet, Visible and Infrared radiation which cools plants • Stress Management: Stimulates the plants’ inherent biochemical stress management mechanisms

Reduced Sunburn means: • Increased marketable yield • Improved skin colour • Less russeting • Improved internal fruit quality • Higher pack-outs • Lower grading costs

The natural compound in Screen Duo is a Terpenoid: Terpenoids play vital roles in plant physiology and fulfil important functions in all cellular membranes. Screen Duo provides a solution for seasonlong heat stress management. Screen Duo can: • Protect the planting of seedlings and the establishment of plants • Protect flowers and limit fruit dropping • Improve cell division • Improve fruit quality – Brix and colour • Reduce sunburn • Increase marketable yield • Reduce crop losses

CMM’s goal is to provide grower’s the means to increase crop yield and quality by managing environmental stresses, with easy to use, cost effective, sustainable technologies.

Cooler crops lead to more efficient water use: • Up to 30 - 40% reduction in potential water use, • Water is used less for cooling and more for photosynthesis, • Improved sustainability of deficit irrigation, and • Reduced impact of soil moisture deficits. Screen Duo - Directions for use: Use 1.25 to 5.0 kg of Screen Duo per 100 L of water, using sufficient spray volume to obtain thorough near drip coverage. Depending on the length of the heat period, repeat applications may be needed at intervals of 7 to 21 days.

Contains: 974g/kg processed and refined, and enhanced hydrous aluminium silicate in the form of a wettable powder

Find your nearest agent at or 012 998 5909


Braai Recipes

for Summer

Beef Short Ribs in Cola Ingredients: 1-1½kg of Beef short ribs, cut into strips 5cm fresh root ginger, sliced 4 cloves garlic, sliced 1 ripe tomato, roughly chopped 1 tbsp oil 1 cup Coca-Cola 2 tbsp spicy chutney or barbecue sauce 2 tbsp brandy/sherry Salt and pepper to taste 52 - LAEVELD Summer/Somer 2011

Method: 1. Crush ginger, garlic, tomato and oil in a pestle and mortar to form a paste. Add the paste to the rest of the ingredients and marinate the ribs overnight. 2. Braai the ribs over medium heat for 10-15 minutes, basting all the while with the marinade. Turn the heat down if the marinade starts to burn. 3. Wrap half of each rib with tin foil to create tasty finger foods for picnics.

South African Food at its Best 1 tsp Worcestershire Sauce 2 tbsp olive oil 2 tbsp barbecue sauce

Sweet Chilli Lamb Chops Ingredients: Any cut Lamb chops (4) 3 green chillis 1 clove garlic Fresh ginger ½ tsp salt ½ tsp black pepper 2 tsp brown sugar 1 tsp turmeric powder 1 tsp lemon juice

Method: 1. Mince the chilli’s, garlic and ginger then mix together in a big mixing bowl. 2. Add the salt, turmeric powder, brown sugar and black pepper. 3. Mix well and add the oil to form a paste. 4. Add the barbecue sauce, lemon juice and Worcestershire Sauce. 5. When you have your marinade, rub it onto each chop making sure you coat them well. Allow to marinate in the fridge for an hour after which its ready to go on the hot braai. 6. If you find it dry, you can make a quick basting sauce for it while on the grill. Melt butter, peri-peri sauce & honey. Mix well and pour over the chops as they’re getting braaied.

Marinated Chicken Skewers Ingredients: 3 cloves garlic, crushed 4 tbsp tomato sauce 2 tsp hot English mustard 2 tbsp honey 4 tbsp Worcestershire sauce 2 tsp Tabasco sauce 3 skinless, boneless chicken breasts cut into thin strips Salt and pepper to taste LAEVELD Summer/Somer 2011 - 53


Marinated Chicken Skewers (cont.) Method: 1. Soak bamboo skewers in water while you prepare. 2. Mix together all of the marinade ingredients with a whisk and set aside. 3. Slice your chicken breasts through the centre to butterfly them and then cut into 4 thin slices. Thread

them onto a soaked skewer and place in a flat dish. 4. Pour the marinade over the skewers; roll them around a bit to ensure that they are completely covered with the marinade, cover with cling film and place in the fridge over night to marinade. 5. The marinade can be used for wings or drumsticks as well.

Chickpea Salad

Dressing: ½ cup lemon juice ½ cup olive oil 1 tbsp garlic, finely minced Salt and pepper to taste Method: 1. Rinse and drain the chickpeas. 2. Dice all your vegetables in 2cm cubes. 3. Use the white and green parts of the spring onions. 4. Finely chop the herbs. 5. Dice the feta but add it last so that the feta doesn't break up. 6. Dress the salad before you serve

Ingredients: 2 cans chickpeas 1 seedless cucumber, peeled, seeded and diced ½kg tomatoes, seeded and diced 5 spring onions, chopped 1/3 cup basil 1/3 cup parsley 1/3 cup mint 1/3 cup coriander 300g feta, cubed

54 - LAEVELD Summer/Somer 2011

South African Food at its Best Pasta Salad

Grilled Corn Salad Ingredients: 6 ears of sweet corn ½ red onion 1 red bell pepper 1 green pepper ½ red onion 1-2 tbsp minced coriander ½ tbsp minced jalapeno (optional) ½ tbsp olive oil ¼ tsp cumin Salt and pepper to taste Method: 1. Cook the sweet corn and cool. 2. Heat a grill pan (or use the braai) and place the pepper on the grill to sear both sides until the pepper is blistered and slightly soft. 3. Rub the corn with a little olive oil and place on the hot grill to slightly char the corn. Remove and cool. 4. Cut the corn kernels off the cob and place in a bowl. 5. Dice the peppers and the red onion and add to the corn. 6. Mince the coriander and add to the corn. Add the optional jalapeno. Toss all the ingredients together. 7. Add the cumin, salt, and pepper. 8. Add the olive oil and toss. 9. Chill in the refrigerator before serving.

Ingredients: 1 box tri-color fusilli 1 can sliced black olives, drained ¼ red onion, diced ½ cup diced Mozzarella chunks ½ cup sliced cherry tomatoes ½ red bell pepper, diced ½ cup of peeled and quartered cucumber ½ cup Italian salad dressing Salt and pepper to taste Method: 1. Cook fusilli according to directions on package; drain and rinse with cold water. Transfer to a serving bowl. 2. Add the remaining ingredients into serving bowl and toss until the pasta is coated with the dressing and the other ingredients are mixed thoroughly. 3. Place in refrigerator and cover, allowing the flavours to blend until ready to serve.

LAEVELD Summer/Somer 2011 - 55





issan SA has been a leading player in the light commercial vehicle (LCV) market for over 7 decades, and today boasts the most comprehensive LCV line up in the local market. With solutions for every customer requirement, ranging from the range-topping, incredibly durable go-anywhere Patrol 4x4 Pickup, through to the KingKab and double cab variants of the Navara range with its immense towing capacity and the ever-reliable NP300 Hardbody 1-ton workhorses, right down to the bedrock of this extensive product offering, the NP200 half-ton bakkie, Nissan consistently delivers vehicles which maintain leading positions across every sub-segment of the market.

56 - LAEVELD Summer/Somer 2011

Nissan Light Commercial Vehicles On Patrol


f you’re in need of a commercial vehicle equally capable of conquering the harshest terrain Africa has to throw at it and hauling substantial cargoes day in and day out without breaking a sweat, Nissan’s new Patrol Pickup is a commercial vehicle with exceptional off-road credentials. The remarkable all-terrain suspension fitted to this robust off-road workhorse combines with the mammoth pulling power from everywhere in the rev range of the beefy 4.2-litre TD motor to ensure that the Patrol Pickup can

traverse any terrain in the completion of its objectives. This superbly strong drivetrain combination also allows the Patrol Pickup to haul a hefty 2500kg of towed goods aboard a braked trailer. The Patrol Pickup all but personifies the core Nissan strengths of leading levels of sheer toughness, mechanical reliability in even the harshest of driving duties, and a go-anywhere overcome-anything attitude which recognises only challenges to overcome, not barriers which might block a lesser vehicle’s progress.

No Ordinary Half-Ton Bakkie


ighly versatile and functional, the new Nissan NP200 range picks up where its predecessor left off and brings a youthful energy to the Nissan commercial vehicle range. Pulling away with an economical and fuel-efficient 1.6 litre engine and 1.5dCi engine, the NP200 has the biggest payload in its segment (800kg*). It also has the biggest load-box volume in the segment (1.25m3) which also comes rubberised as a standard feature. As if all of that wasn’t enough, the Nissan NP200 also has the longest load-body in its class – 1807mm.

So, if you’re looking at a smart investment and hardworking muscle, the Nissan NP200 gets the job done. * up to and including the 1.6 engine category.

LAEVELD Summer/Somer 2011 - 57


HARDBODY W A Hardbody for Everyone

hen you need a proven vehicle for commercial use, it’s hard to beat the Nissan NP300 Hardbody Workhorse range. The range offers five diesel workhorse models, including a 4x4 Single Cab and a Double Cab variant. The 2.5 TDi Long Wheel Base Double Cab is the only Workhorse Double Cab available in this segment and offers incredible versatility and affordability for business owners and entrepreneurs.

58 - LAEVELD Summer/Somer 2011

Powered by a 2.5-litre common rail diesel engine, the NP300 2.5TDi produces an unrivalled power output of 98kW at an engine speed of 3 600rpm and offers an impressive torque peak of 304Nm at just 2 000rpm. Whether it’s intended application is farming, or a small business enterprise the NP300 Hardbody offers the best bang for your buck. The 2.5TDi engine is the most powerful in its class; and the load capacities are unmatched in their segments.

Nissan Light Commercial Vehicles

NAVARA Nothing but a Navara


shift has been made towards a pickup that really delivers more than expected. Whether it’s moving big heavy loads or towing tons of gear, the Nissan Navara is ready for the job, with loads of features to make it just that little bit easier. The Navara range offers the most powerful petrol and diesel engines in the 1-ton class, revolutionary V6 diesel V9X, class-leading towing capacity of 3000kg, and was voted the Best Bakkie for 2010 by the media. This vehicle offers a power output of 170kW while the torque output of 550Nm leads the class. Better still, peak torque is achieved from as low as 1700 rpm and is available all the way to 2500

rpm, while as much as 500Nm is available from a mere 1500rpm. Idle speed is an exceptionally low 650rpm with none of the vibrations and noise usually associated with a diesel. The Navara range already represents some of the toughest and most versatile bakkies on the market today, with a comprehensive line-up spanning from the rugged King Cab model and versatile XE/SE midrange Double Cabs, right up to a comprehensively specced double-cab leisure bakkie. L 2 Agribonus points holders have already traded in their Agribonus Points on Nissan Bakkies. Remember, Laeveld is the only crop protection product supplier that awards Agribonus points

LAEVELD Summer/Somer 2011 - 59


Water for


We know water is good for us, but with cold fizzy drinks, juice, coffee, tea, energy drinks, and other drinks so readily available, it’s hard to make the decision to choose water. Here is why it is important to drink water: Water Retention If we do not drink enough water, our bodies start to retain water to compensate for this. To sort out water retention, we should drink more water, not less. The less water you drink, the more the body sees its survival as threatened and conserves every drop. Water starts being stored outside the cells and this causes swelling of the feet, legs and hands. The body will get rid of the excess liquid only once the necessary water levels have been replenished.

We lose between half a litre and a litre of water every day just by breathing.

Body Temperature Water helps to regulate the temperature of our bodies through respiration and perspiration. The complex mechanism that controls body temperature works by means of water and is controlled by the central nervous system, which controls the internal temperature.

Pregnancy Water helps to convey the nutrients through the baby's blood. Water also helps to prevent bladder and urinary tract infections, constipation and piles in the mother. Correct hydration is essential for good milk production and for constant replacement of leaks of amniotic fluid. Dehydration could induce contractions and premature birth. L

Breathing It sounds strange, but we need water in order to breathe. In order to take in oxygen and eliminate carbon dioxide, our lungs must be moistened by water. 60 - LAEVELD Summer/Somer 2011

Brain Brain tissue consists of 85% water, and with dehydration, the level of energy production in the brain decreases. Depression and chronic fatigue syndrome are often the result of dehydration. Migraine may be an indicator of critical body temperature. Dehydration causes an increase in the internal temperature and plays a major role in leading to migraine.

Laeveld is committed to promoting a healthy lifestyle.


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