Vol. 1 No. 4 - SUMMER 2012
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Bêrebo Roman ekie: t resepteiese familie & vermaa k
ISSN 2222-9663
Gesonde wins en veilige voedsel
Yellow Spot
Reduce the risk
’n iPad in ons kompetisie op bladsy 25
I N H O U D S O P G A W E | CO N T E N T S 2. Redakteursbrief 4. Laeveld Nuus 6. Laeveld Agenteprofiel
26. GRONDGESONDHEID: Spreek grondgesondheid aan met Rescue
8. SUKSESVERHAAL: Sinksulfaat & sonneblomme is ‘n wenspan!
30. PRODUKPROFIEL: Axial® Styg uit met vertroue vir uitstekende grasbeheer in koring en gars
10. LAEVELD GEMEENSKAP: Gevaarlike goggas? – sê wie?
34. TRAVEL: Knysna & the Garden Route
12. PLAAG- EN ONKRUIDBEHEER: Bosluisbeheer: Strategiese benadering met betrekking tot die beheer van bloubosluis
36. PRODUCT PROFILE: Eco-T: Larger, healthier, more effective root systems
14. PLAAG- EN ONKRUIDBEHEER: Gesonde wins en veilige voedsel met plaagdoder
38. CLIMATE CHANGE: The South African farming sector’s vulnerability to climate change and variability
18. PRODUCT PROFILE: Evaluation Report on Marinure® DS
44. RECIPES: Romantic Recipes
20. LAEVELD COMMUNITY: Management to reduce the risk of Yellow Spot
48. WHEELS: Revolutionary Ford Ranger
24. FUN & GAMES - WEN 'n iPad! Games & activities for the family
52. YOUR HEALTH: Safety precautions when handling poisonous substances
EDITORIAL: Editor-in-Chief – Corné Liebenberg Managing Editor – Fiona Mosca Creative Director – Gwynedd Peters
IMAGES: Stock Xchange, Ford Motor Company South Africa, Laeveld Agrochem, Knysna Tourism, Lasea De Beer, iStock.
PUBLISHERS: Main Angel Publishing 462 Grysbok Street, Waterkloof Ridge Tel: 012 342 3630 Fax: 086 242 0031 e-mail:
PRINTED BY: Four Images Tel: 012 349 1113 Fax: 012 349 1090
DESIGN & LAYOUT: designlogik Art Director – Nick Hlozek e-mail:
CONTRIBUTORS: Phillip Venter (Zinchem), Jan Viljoen, Gerhard Verdoorn, Dr Charles Gilfillan, Glwadys Aymone Gbetibouo & Claudia Ringler, Poison Control Centre SA.
All editorial, business and production correspondence should be addressed to Main Angel Publishing: Postnet Suite 335, Private bag x1028, Lyttelton, 0140 Unless otherwise agreed to, all contributions are the property of Laeveld Magazine, and its publishers. The editor and publisher reserve the right to alter copy and visual material as deemed necessary. The opinions expressed in Laeveld Magazine are not necessarily those of the publishers or Laeveld Agrochem, its suppliers, subsidiaries or affiliates. © Copyright by Main Angel Publishing. All rights reserved.
LAEVELD Summer/Somer 2012 - 1
Laeveld Agrochem
Die jongste nuus uit Laeveld Agrochem
‘n Laeveld wenresep Katryn Barwise, dogter van Antoinette Barwise van Laeveld Agrochem se Tzaneen depot is in November 2011 as Mej. Limpopo gekroon. Tydens die seremonie wat by die Bolivia Lodge in Polokwane plaasgevind het, het sy ‘n reis na Rio de Janeiro, ‘n Mercedes vir die jaar, R70 000 se juwele van Anglo Platinum, en nog hope kleiner pryse toegeken. Baie geluk vanaf die hele Laeveld-familie.
4 - LAEVELD Summer/Somer 2012
Die jongste nuus uit Laeveld Agrochem
Platteland premier Die Platteland filmpremier wat op 3 November 2011 gehou is, was volgens almal wat dit bygewoon het, 'n reuse sukses. Vir een “glamorous� aand het bekendes en genooide gaste bymekaar gekom en gekuier, terwyl hulle die eerste vertoning van die film saam geniet het. Baie geluk Laeveld op die film debuut!
LAEVELD Summer/Somer 2012 - 5
By Laeveld Agrochem is ons trots op ons verteenwoordigers en die gehalte diens wat hulle lewer. Saam met ons uitstekende produkte het ons 'n wenspan wat min ander kan klop. 1 – Louis Botha Vereeniging en Potchefstroom Louis Botha is gebore in Vereeniging 1985. Hy het daar gematrikuleer en besluit om sy passie vir die natuur verder te vat en het daarna Natuurbestuur gaan studeer. Hy het ook sy FGASA veldgids kursusse voltooi en het daarna in die wild- en jagbedryf begin werk. Hy het in Naboomspruit as Bestuurder en Profesionele jagter op 'n wildsplaas gewerk en letterlik sy passie vir die natuur uitgeleef, totdat die geleentheid in die landbou chemiese bedryf homself voorgedoen het in 2008, waar hy by sy pa aangesluit het in die Vereeniging streek. 6 - LAEVELD Summer/Somer 2012
Hier het dinge baie vining gebeur en Louis kon nie sy opgewondenheid keer om aan te sluit by die Laeveld Groep nie. Volgens Louis: "Ek voel trots om te kan sê van so ‘n fantastiese groep! en nuuskierigheid vir die die natuur word net elke en meer.
ek is deel My passie bedryf en dag meer
Ek is op my gelukkigste in die bos en natuur waar ek myself kan uitleef in die skepping wat ons uit God se hand ontvang het. Dit verstom my elke dag hoe presies elke plant, elke insek, elke boom ens bymekaar gesit is om die perfekte prentjie te skep.
Nuwe manne in die Laeveld span
Ek het nooit gedink dat die landbouchemiese bedryf my tot so groot mate sou interesseer nie maar ek kan met sekerheid sê die gogga het behoorlik gebyt!" Louis Botha – sel: 079 962 2190 e-pos:
2 – Gert Yssel Biesiesvlei, Sannieshof, Mareetsane, Stella, Kameel, Delareyville, Migdol, Rostrataville en Vermaas Gert Yssel is gebore in 1959 en het skool gegaan te Ventersdorp Hoërskool. Na skool het hy sy diensplig gaan voltooi te Bloemfontein en daarna sy graad in B.Sc. Agric. (Agronomie en Landbou ekonomie) aan die Universiteit van die Vrystaat, behaal. Gert sluit aan by NWK in 1984 as senior landboukundige te Lichtenburg en het onder meer gewerk met mielies, grondbone, sonneblom, katoen en koring. Hy verlaat NWK om by die Gazankulu Development Corporation aan te sluit en werk daar onder meer met sitrus, sagte vrugte, tabak ens. In 1991 sluit hy aan by Sentraal Wes as senior Landbou ekonoom.
Daarna het hy self gaan boer en ook 'n vervoer besigheid op die been gebring. In Desember 2010 sluit hy by Laeveld Agrochem aan om weer in die landbou sektor betrokke te raak. Volgens Gert: "Ek glo ek sal 'n verskil kan maak in die boerdery besighede van my kliënte aangesien ek glo in volhoubare landbou-produksie." Gert Yssel – sel: 083 235 5050 e-pos:
3 – André Pretorius Bronkhorstspruit en Witbank-omgewing André is 'n man wie se hande vir niks verkeerd staan nie en hy weet hoe om kliënte te help om maksimum potensiaal uit 'n oes te haal. André het onlangs sy eie depot oopgemaak en nooi boere in die Bronkhorstspruit / Witbank-omgewing om in te loer vir 'n koppie koffie of 'n lekker gesels oor die landbou en besigheid. André Pretorius – sel: 083 654 8859 e-pos:
Vir 'n volledige ontleding en sak-pas aanbevelings van hoe om die beste opbrengs uit u oes te haal kontak jou naaste Laeveld Agent. LAEVELD Summer/Somer 2012 - 7
is ‘n WENSPAN!
Ná die strooptyd in Mei is mnre. Ben en Jaco Bamberger van Ottosdal vol lof vir die voordele wat sinksulfaat bied.
ydens besoeke aan hul boerdery deur die streeksverteenwoordiger van Zinchem is tekorte aan sink in hul grond uitgewys. Hulle het besluit om sinktoedienings bykomend op dele van die lande te doen. Omdat ons graag wou weet wat die opbrengsverhoging op die bykomende kapitaalbesteding sou wees, het ons ook strookproewe geplant sodat ons die opbrengsverhoging (al dan nie) presies kon bepaal. Dit was ’n baie nat jaar met vele probleme. Onkruidbestryding was maar een van die kwessies wat spesiale aandag sou verg. Sinksulfaat is tydens die planttyd op die ry toegedien teen 5kg/ha. Die 5kg sinksulfaat is opgelos in 200 liter water en met die onkruiddoderspuit 300m wyd oor die ry toegedien. Die plante was sedert opkoms buitengewoon sterk en mooi. Gedurende die hele groeitydperk kon geen tekorte
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waargeneem word nie. Ons kon nie wag vir strooptyd nie. Dit was gou duidelik dat die opbrengs van die sonneblomme besonder goed was. Die proefstroke is eerste gestroop en geweeg. In daardie stadium het dit amper gevoel of die stropers te stadig loop, maar ons moes geduldig wag vir die kontroleblokke. Die streeksverteenwoordiger van Zinchem het intussen weer aan ons verduidelik wat die funksie van sink in plante is en waarom ons kon verwag om ’n beter opbrengs te kry met die ekstra sinktoediening. Sink is betrokke by die vorming van chlorofil, dit speel ’n rol in die vorming van groeihormone en dit aktiveer ensieme. Dit is waarom sink so ’n groot rol speel. “Nee, wat,” sê die Bambergers. “Om te meet, is om te weet. Ons weet nou dat voorkoming (grondtoe-
Sukses met Zinchem Die grondtoedieningsproduk vir rydiening) beter is as genesing deur die gebruik van blaarvoeding. Ons sal gewasse kan gebandplaas word saam nie weer nalaat om seker te maak dat met die plantermengsel, breedwerpig ons plante die regte hoeveelheid en oor die ry uitgespuit word met plantdie regte bron sink (Zinchem se sinktyd of in die plantervoor toegedien sulfaat) tydens planttyd kry nie. Wys word met die Zinchem-grondtoediener. ons waar anders ons ’n opbrengs van Die sonneblomblaarvoedingsproduk 667% op ons kapibevat dieselfde mitaaluitleg kan kry. Ons kon nie wag vir kro-elemente as die Ons het ook mielies strooptyd nie. Dit was gou grondtoedienings, op proefpersele geduidelik dat die opbrengs met molibdeen wat plant en kan nie bykom. wag vir die resulvan die sonneblomme tate nie,” sê Jaco. besonder goed was. Die klem in die sonDie opbrengs in die kontroleblokke was 1 706, 60kg/ha en dié op die proefpersel waar 5kg/ha sinksulfaat toegedien is, was 1 840, 16kg/ha. Die opbrengsverhoging was 7,8% of 133,6kg/ha en teen ’n sonneblomprys van R4 000/ ton realiseer die proefstrook R534,24/ ha meer vir die Bambergers. Die koste van die sinksulfaat was R80/ha. Dus, vir elke rand wat aan sinksulfaat bestee is, is R6, 67 verdien, oftewel ’n opbrengs van 667% op die kapitaaluitleg. Zinchem se nuwe reeks multi-mikroelemente maak voorsiening vir grondtoediening sowel as blaarvoeding. Die nuwe grondtoedieningsproduk vir rygewasse verskaf onmiddellik die mikroelemente (Zn, Cu, Mn, Fe en B) om saailinge te vestig en te onderhou in die vegetatiewe groeistadium. Die klem in die grondtoedieningsproduk vir rygewasse lê op sink en yster wat ’n rol speel in die vorming van chlorofil.
egter meer na boor, wat onder meer noodsaaklik is vir goeie bestuiwing, blom- en vrugvorming. Daar word met die produk geprobeer om die voorkoms van dowwe pitte te beperk en gevolglik beter opbrengste te realiseer. Die sonneblomblaarvoedingsproduk
toegedien word twee tot drie weke ná opkoms en opgevolg word met ’n tweede bespuiting (waar prakties) net voor blomtyd. Grond-
voordele sowel as tekortkominge. Die doel is egter om noodsaaklike mikroelemente op die mees ekonomiese, praktiese en kostedoeltreffende wyse toe te dien.
Mede-Skrywers: Phillip Venter, besigheidsbestuurder van Zinchem en Jan Viljoen, landboukundige van Leaveld. Oorspronklik gepubliseer in die Landbouweekblad, 23 September 2011
LAEVELD Summer/Somer 2012 - 9
GOGGAS ? – sê wie? Mense wat mielies, mieliepap, mieliebrood, stampmielies en ander mieliegeregte eet, weet seker nie eers dat daardie mielies proteïene bevat wat die plante help om insekpeste te beveg nie. Hulle weet seker ook nie dat sommige van die kultivars weerstandig teen bepaalde onkruiddoders is nie. Maar as iemand belangrik iets oor geneties gemodifiseerde organismes in die media kwyt raak, dan snak almal na hulle asems oor die verskriklike goed wat met hulle kan gebeur as hulle sulke voedselsoorte inneem.
uid Afrika se graanprodusente plant reeds op meer as 70% van die mieliegronde kultivars wat genetiesgemodifiseer is om met behulp van bepaalde gene peste en plae te beveg. Dit lewer beter opbrengste, verlaag die behoefte na insekdoders en gee beter winsmarges vir die boere. So, terwyl mens in die agterkop ‘n vae onrus oor hierdie baanbrekertegnologie het, is daar stellings wat sommige mense maak ten einde die geneties-gemodifiseerde gewasse as duiwelsdinge af te maak. Daar word, onder andere, beweer dat die stuifmeel van sulke gewasse ons inheemse plante kan besoedel en met kruisbestuiwing die plantspesies se
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egtheid aantas. Verder word beweer dat hierdie nuwe kultivars die insekbevolking sodanig manipuleer dat daar nie meer kos vir insekvretende voëls is nie. Die stelling word ook gemaak dat die kos wat van sulke gewasse geproduseer word die mens se gesondheid kan benadeel en selfs gevreesde siektes kan veroorsaak. As ek my kwasi-wetenskaplike hoedjie opsit, dan kom daar kwelvrae by my op. As die mielie kon kruisteel met van ons inheemse plante soos grasse (mielies is maar net groot grasse) waar is die afgelope 300 jaar se basterplante dan? Of lees mens dan die ding verkeerd in die sin dat genetiesgemodi-
Geneties-Gemodifiseerde Gewasse fiseerde mielies met inheemse plante kan verbaster? Is die beskerming van die plant met ‘n bt-geen teen insekte soos stronkboorder dan slegter as om die insekte almal met redelike toksiese plaagdoders dood te spuit? Waar is die kliniese gevalle van mense wat siektes opgedoen het as gevolg van die inname van geneties-gemodifiseerde organismes soos mielies en soja?
maak. Suid-Afrika se water is ernstig onder verdenking en as mens elke dag kos inneem wat besoedel is met wateroorgedraagde E. coli dan wonder ’n mens hoekom niemand iets daaroor kwyt raak nie. As ’n mens kyk na al die vreemde stowwe wat in kos ingewerk word om die geur en smaak te verbeter dan wonder ‘n mens hoekom niemand daaroor lawaai maak nie. Daar
Dit is so asof iemand na ‘n slaansak soek en genadiglik die geneties gemodifiseerde gewasse ontdek het... Daar is bepaalde voordele vir die omgewing as geneties-gemodifiseerde gewasse aangeplant word om voedsel en vesel te produseer. Minder insekdoders word toegedien wat dus die moontlike skade aan die insekbevolking verminder. Dis net die insekte wat die plant vreet wat benadeel word terwyl ander skotvry daarvan afkom en nie in ‘n plaagdodernewel omkom nie. Grondbewerking word ook minder omdat daar met bepaalde onkruiddoders op die ongewenste plante toegeslaan word. Dit beteken noodwendig dat erosie verminder word. Maar die grootste voordeel lê waarskynlik daarin dat minder nuwe grond gebreek moet word om groter hoeveelhede voedsel vir ‘n steeds groeiende wêreldbevolking te produseer. Die aantygings oor siektes wat mense mag opdoen is seker die mees aanvegbare omdat daar so baie ander dinge is wat mense aantas en siek
is haas geen pakkie skyfies wat MSGvry is nie en boonop is tartrasien ook baie gewild. Die mens misbruik alkohol en tabak, beoefen onveilige omgang en eksperimenteer met narkotiese middels, maar dit is “sosiale probleme”. Dit is so asof iemand na ‘n slaansak soek en genadiglik die geneties gemodifiseerde gewasse ontdek het. Een baie prominente Suid-Afrikaanse persoon gaan gal af by elke geleentheid oor die nuwe gewasse maar sit self op die troon van ‘n mynkoninkryk waarvan die voetspoor oor etlike honderde duisende hektaar strek. Nou vra ‘n dom mens soos ek myself: nou hoe nou? Iewers word daar ‘n vuil vadoek oor die oë van die publiek getrek en diesulkes het self geraamtes in hul eie kaste. Lekker eet aan daardie pap!
Voorheen gepubliseer in die Agri tydskrif, met die toestemming van Agri SA: Kontak Gerhard Verdoorn by
LAEVELD Summer/Somer 2012 - 11
Strategiese benadering met betrekking tot die beheer van bloubosluis
trategiese bosluisbeheer verwys na bloubosluisbeheer op plase waar daar geweldige probleme is met hoë bosluisladings in die laat somer en herfs. Dit is belangrik om te onthou dat die normale multigasheer bosluisbeheer (dip/sproei of opgietmiddels) moet inskakel en saam met die strategiese bloubosluisbeheer geskied. Omdat laas somer buitengewoon nat was, was daar 'n ontploffing van bloubosluis getalle op baie plase en die bloubosluis siklus het tot in die winter aangehou. Dit beteken dat daar 'n hoë getal van bloubosluis eiers op die veld teenwoordig is. Die eiers gaan na die eerste lente reëns uitbroei en as die eerste generasie bosluise nie beheer
word nie sal dit lei tot nog 'n ontploffing van bloubosluise in die laat sommer en herfs. Om 'n ontploffing in die bloubosluis bevolking in die laat somer en herfs te vermy is dit baie belangrik om strategiese beheer nou toe te pas, voordat die eerste generasie volwasse bosluise aanleiding gee tot 'n groot getal larfies in die tweede en daaropvolgende generasies. Dit is baie belangrik om te onthou dat alhoewel die opgietmiddels uitstekende doeltreffendheid teen bosluise het (behalwe natuurlik in die geval van bloubosluis weerstand), hierdie formulasies 'n hele paar aanwendings nodig mag hê voordat volkome verspreiding van die produk oor die dier bereik word. Veral aan die onderlyn van die pens sal daar nie voldoende bedekking van die produk na die eerste aanwending wees om 'n swaar uitdaging van bloubosluis besmetting te beheer nie. Daarom beveel ons aan dat vir die eerste strategiese behandeling 'n kombinasie van 'n makrosikliese laktoon
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bv. Ecomectin 1% Inspuitbaar plus 'n opgietmiddel soos Coopers Redline of Triatix Bees Opgietmiddel gesamentlik gebruik moet word. Hierdie kombinasie is nie net die mees doeltreffende manier om die lente opkoms van bloubosluise te beheer nie, maar sal ook voldoende beheer van multigasheer bosluise verseker. Sodra die boer die toename in die eerste generasie bloubosluise waarneem, sal die toediening van 'n kombinasie van Ecomectin 1% Inspuitbaar en 'n opgietmiddel die bosluisbevolking baie doeltreffend verminder. Maar dit moet onthou word dat wanneer beeste na nuwe kampe geskuif word, is daar nuwe larfies wat wag om op die beeste te klim. Dit word dus aanbeveel dat wanneer beeste na nuwe kampe geskuif is moet hulle weer behandel word. Dit word aan-
beveel dat beeste deur die lente op 'n maandelikse basis behandel word m.a.w. drie inspuitings een maand uit mekaar uit. (langer tussenposes kan gebruik word indien beeste nie na nuwe kampe geskuif word nie – beeste moet behandel word sodra die eerste volwasse bloubosluise waargeneem word). Hierna kan die normale bosluis beheer toegepas word, bv. Opgietmiddels (Coopers Redline, Decaspot 0,5% of Clout), dip of sproei (Triatix 125/250 of Ecobash) om bosluis beheer dwarsdeur die somer en herfs te handhaaf. Die gebruik van makrosikliese laktone (Ecomectin 1%) is veral nuttig op plase waar bloubosluisweerstand 'n probleem is. L Skrywer: Dr Charles Gilfillan BSc(Agric) BVSc(Hons) Tegniese Bestuurder, Afrivet
LAEVELD Summer/Somer 2012 - 13
Gesonde wins en veilige voedsel met
Plaagdoders kan die winsgewendheid van ’n boerdery ’n groot hupstoot gee, maar as gifstowwe verkeerd gebruik word, kan dit ernstige besoedeling van die omgewing veroorsaak.
Landery met gesonde gewasse wat groen en geil staan, is seker een van die mooiste dinge wat die mens kan skep. Dis net so mooi soos ’n trop skape of beeste wat in die veld wei en blinkvet hulle eienaar se finansiële toekoms verseker. Dis algemeen bekend dat so ’n landery en veetrop ’n enorme inset van die boer vereis. Dit gaan gepaard met skrikwekkende koste wat die winsmarge ’n redelike knou kan gee as alles nie vlot verloop nie. Uiteindelik wil die boer ’n goeie opbrengs van smaaklike en veilige voedsel produseer wat vir hom ’n gesonde wins kan voorsien sodat hy die volgende seisoen se aanplanting of dektyd nie op sy knieë by die bankbestuurder hoef te begin nie.
van die munt is dat die veredeling van plante en diere tot die inboet van weerstand teen bepaalde plae en siektes kan lei.
Een van die grootste bedreigings wat die boer in die gesig staar, is plae, siektes en onkruide wat ’n goeie oes of diereproduksie oornag in ’n fiasko kan omskep. Moderne plantkultivars en diererasse is ontwikkel om maksimumopbrengste te lewer, maar die keersy
Die blote woord plaagdoder, of gif soos sommige mense steeds na hierdie produkte verwys, laat baie mense se hare rys. Miskien is dit geregverdig as die geskiedenis van plaagdodergebruik in ag geneem en besef word dat letterlik miljoene onskuldige diere en voëls
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Desnoods moet die landbouer hom verlaat op moderne bestuurstegnologieë om aanvalle van plae, onkruide en siektes die hoof te bied. Landboumiddels en veemiddels, of plaagdoders is juis oor die laaste halfeeu ontwikkel om die ongewenste ongewerweldes, gewerweldes, plante, swamme, bakterieë en virusse te beveg sodat oeste en diereprodukte winsgewend geproduseer kan word. Dis ’n baie ernstige vraag of die wêreld se bevolking gevoed sou kon word as dit nie vir die beskerming met plaagdoders was nie.
aagdoder gevrek het as gevolg van die onverantwoordelike gebruik van daardie middels. Daar is verskeie kernaspekte wat die onderbou van verantwoordelike plaagdodergebruik behels. ’n Vertrekpunt is dat die boer te alle tye slegs produkte wat wettig geregistreer is, moet aankoop en gebruik. Middels wat deur die Registrateur van Wet 36 van 1947 geregistreer is, gaan deur ’n stewige proses van evaluering om te verseker dat die middels doeltreffend werk en met normale aanwending nie ’n wesenlike gevaar inhou nie. Boere behoort hul landboumiddels en veemiddels van erkende handelaars en verspreiders aan te koop. Sulke verspreiders het ten minste opleiding ondergaan in die verantwoordelike gebruik van sulke middels. Die dieregesondheidskant se handelaars en tegnici ondergaan hul opleiding onder die toesig van die Suid-Afrikaanse Dieregesondheidsvereniging (SADGV) en is dus kundig op die gebied van veemiddels. Die daaropvolgende grondbeginsel van verantwoordelike gebruik is die veilige opberging van plaagdoders.
Daar is doodeenvoudig net een veilige manier om landboumiddels en veemiddels op te berg en dis agter slot en grendel waar geen ongemagtigde of onkundige mense toegang tot die middels kan verkry nie. ’n Ordentlike pakkamer moet ventilasie, beligting en noodtoerusting asook ’n rekordboek hê waarin die eienaar rekord kan hou van die produkte wat aangekoop word en gebruik word. Werkers wat met die plaagdoders werk, behoort goed opgelei en van persoonlike beskermingstoerusting voorsien te word sodat velkontaminasie en die inaseming van plaagdoders vermy kan word. Werkers moet ook nadat hulle die dagtaak met plaagdoders voltooi het, hulself deeglik was en die veiligheidstoerusting ordentlik reinig. In die landbouchemiese sektor is daar ernstige kommer oor die feit dat mense nie etikette lees en die aanwysings streng navolg nie. As iets nie op die etiket aangedui word nie, mag dit bloot nie gedoen word nie omdat sulke gebruike nie getoets is nie en sonder uitsondering tot die een of ander skade sal lei. Dosering is ook deel van daardie beginsel. As die etiket ’n bepaalde verdunning aanbeveel, moet LAEVELD Summer/Somer 2012 - 15
PLAAG & ONKRUIDBEHEER dit nie flouer of sterker aangemaak word nie. Te veel plaagdoder vergiftig die omgewing, terwyl te min weerstandsprobleme by teikenorganismes skep. Weersomstandighede speel ’n belangrike rol by die verantwoordelike gebruik van plaagdoders. In die WesKaap is daar gereeld klagtes oor plaagdodernewels wat deur sterk winde na aanliggende gebiede gewaai word en mense sowel as die omgewing benadeel. Sodra die windsnelheid 15 km/h oorskry, moet bespuiting gestaak word om onnodige afdrywing van plaagdoder te voorkom. Baie warm toestande is ook ongewens omdat dit tot gevolg het dat die newel wat gespuit word, tot die dampfase oorgaan as gevolg van die hoë temperatuur en die atmosfeer by die spuitarea dus met plaagdoderdampe versadig. Bespuitings wat net voor reënval plaasvind, skep weer die probleem dat die plaagdoder nie kans kry om genoeg saam te bind nie en dus afgewas word waar dit dan die omgewing besoedel. Die bestuur van leë plaagdoderhouers en uitgediende plaagdoders:
16 - LAEVELD Summer/Somer 2012
Volgens die nuwe wet op afvalbestuur mag leë houers nie verbrand of begrawe word nie. Dit mag slegs herwin word vir omskakeling in ander plastiekgebaseerde produkte. Die grootste vereiste is dat leë plastiekhouers drie keer met skoon water gespoel en daarna uitgedroog word voordat dit na die plastiekverwerkers gaan. Leë houers mag nie aan enige persone vir hergebruik gegee of verkoop word nie omdat die risiko van vergiftiging baie groot is. Avcasa sal uitgediende plaagdoders vanaf middel volgende jaar bestuur. Boere sal hul uitgediende produkte in die hande van die landbouchemiese bedryf kan laat vir verantwoordelike vernietiging. Die beginsel in die bedryf is eerste in eerste uit. Dit wil sê die oudste produkte word eerste opgebruik sodat produkte nie opgaar en uitgedien raak nie. Boere moet ook versigtig wees om nie oormatig plaagdoders aan te koop nie, want dis die teelaarde vir die opbou van uitgediende plaagdoders. Dinge wat soms in die landbousektor gebeur is dat mense blatant onver-
Plaagdoder antwooordelik met plaagdoders werk. Die vergiftiging van veral roofdiere en knaagdiere op onwettige wyse skep nie alleen ’n groot gevaar vir die natuur en sy elemente nie, maar rig ook groot skade aan die beeld van die landbousektor aan. As daar wel probleme ontstaan met roofdiere wat vee vang, is daar genoegsame bestrydingsmetodes anders as vergiftiging om die probleem aan te pak. Vir die knaagdiere is daar verskeie bestuursopsies wat die gebruik van geregistreerde knaagdierdoders insluit en dit is dus onnodig om onwettig op te tree. Lugbespuiting dra dikwels by tot die ongunstige beeld wat die anti-plaagdodergroepe van plaagdoders skep. Deels is dit omdat sommige individue nie die wet wil gehoorsaam nie en die spuitoperateur verplig om landboumiddels per lugbespuiting toe te dien hoewel sulke produkte glad nie met vliegtuie gespuit mag word nie. Daar is ook jaarliks verskeie klagtes waar die wegdrywing van onder meer
onkruiddoders mede-boere se gewasse ernstig beskadig omdat lugbespuiting gedoen is tydens ongunstige weerstoestande. Interessante Feit: Minder as 1% van alle gevalle van vergiftiging of ander skade weens plaagdoders het voorgekom nadat die produkte streng volgens etiketvoorskrifte aangewend is. Meeste gevalle van menslike vergiftiging kan toegeskryf word aan blatante misbruik en dieselfde geld vir die nadelige impakte op die natuurlike omgewing. Die publiek wil graag veilige, smaaklike en bekostigbare voedsel hê en plaagdoders lewer beslis ’n wesenlike bydra daartoe. Vir die landbousektor is dit uiters belangrik om die beeld van landbouers te bevorder deur plaagdoders verantwoordelik en volgens voorskrif te gebruik. Dit verseker dat verbruikers dit kry wat hulle verlang en dat die boer sy regmatige wins kan kry uit sy gewasse en vee. L Skrywer: Dr. Gerhard H. Verdoorn
LAEVELD Summer/Somer 2012 - 17
Growing the Fruits of your Labour
Evaluation Report on Marinure速 DS A
nalysis of variance was done on the yield and fruit size distribution of the Valencia fruit. Results Yield results and fruit sizes of each treatment are depicted in Table 1 and 2 and Figure 1.
The Marinure DS and Marinure Trace treatment combination yielded the best average fruit weight per tree (207.1kg), which was statistically better than the untreated control (186.8kg). The weights of fruit in the Marinure DS treatment (190.7kg) were also more than the weight in the control treatment, but not statistically so (see Table 1) Results from 2009: Table 1: Mean weight of fruit per tree Treatment
Weight per tree (kg)
Marinure DS 190.7 ab
Marinure DS 207.1 a /Trace
186.8 b
* Mean yield per tree, followed by a different alphabetical letter indicates significant differences.
Statistically there were significant differences in the fruit size distribution of sizes 105, 72, 48 and 40. The Marinure DS treatment had a lower percentage of smaller harvested fruit (size 105) and a greater percentage of larger harvested fruit (size 48 and 40) compared to the untreated control's and Marinure DS/Trace treatments 18 - LAEVELD Summer/Somer 2012
Marinure速 DS & Marinure Trace Results from 2010 - Table 2: Average fruit size distribution as a percentage TREATMENT
1 Marinure DS 0,29 ab 1,76 ab 3,04 ab 31,82 ab 22,06
12,09 bc 5,57
2 Marinure DS 0,52 ab 4,17 b Trace
4,28 a
7,35 b
45,7 b
3 Control
0,77 b
2,14 ab 4,48 ab 42,44 b 20,65
6,58 ab 1,07
4 Competitor
0,06 a
0,61 a
15,54 c 6,00
2,47 a
23,71 a 19,68
* Percentages in the same column followed by a different alphabetical letter differ significantly. No alphabetical letter in the same column indicates no significant differences.
Conclusion In this trial the treatments treated with soil applications of Marinure DS had less small fruit (72-125) than the control treatment and more larger fruit (64-40), but not statistically so. The Marinure DS treatment had the same mean yield than the competitor treatment.
fruit size distribution. The Marinure DS treatment had statistically more fruit in the 48 (17.36%) and 40 (10.59%) size than any of the other two treatments (Marinure DS/Trace, 6.04% and 0.53%; untreated control 9.18% and 1.26%) (Table 2 & Figure 1). Discussion The Marinure DS and Marinure Trace treatment combination increased the average fruit weight per tree. The Marinure DS treatment increased the average size of the fruit on the trees.
The treatment also improved mean fruit size distribution equally well as the competitor cost of the product compared to other fruit size improving products may be a determining factor in the selection of a product of this nature, as the price of Marinure DS is three to five times less expensive than the competing products with similar results. L
Results from 2010 - Table 2: Average fruit size distribution as a percentage
Marinure DS
Marinure速 DS contains Phosporic acid <1% Reg. no. L3812 (Act no. 36 of 1947). Handle with care.
Marinure DS / Trace ab
c bc
10 0
ab ab b a
b ab a
LAEVELD Summer/Somer 2012 - 19
Management to reduce the risk of Yellow What is Yellow Spot?
Yellow leaf spot, also known as tan spot, is a common disease of wheat. The disease is most often observed in seedlings, but when conditions are suitable, it can progress up the plant where it causes significant yield loss.
Yellow Spot causes tan coloured lesions on leaves that are surrounded by yellow halos. Where these lesions occur near the leaf tip, the end of the leaf rapidly turns yellow (chlorosis) and dies back.
Risk Factors arm practices such as minimum tillage, stubble retention, wheatafter-wheat crop sequences and growing susceptible wheat varieties are the main factors that increase the risk of yellow spot.
20 - LAEVELD Summer/Somer 2012
Weather conditions are an important risk factor. Infection by the fungus is much greater where moist conditions extend over longer periods during the growing season. Temperatures of 15ยบC to 28ยบC together with six to twelve hours of leaf wetness or dew are
Wheat Diseases - Yellow Spot optimal for infection. Incidence and severity of the disease increase as moisture periods lengthen.
In summer and autumn, black fruiting bodies on stubble indicate the presence of yellow leaf spot inoculum. In adult stages yellow spot lesions are usually more defined with less chlorosis. In wet springs infection may be seen as pink staining on glumes and seed.
Symptoms The first symptoms appear on leaves as small yellow-brown oval spots or lesions. Lesions may expand to 1 cm in diameter, and are surrounded by a yellow margin (Figure 1 and 2). Individual lesions may vary in shape and size, often expanding and joining together with other lesions. The tips of severely affected leaves soon yellow and die. Symptoms of yellow leaf spot can be confused with aluminium toxicity. In partially resistant varieties, dark rings often form around small tan lesions. Disease Cycle Yellow leaf spot, caused by the fungus Pyrenophora tritici-repentis, is predominantly a stubble-borne disease. The fungus survives from season to season on stubble in small black fruiting bodies. These fruiting bodies contain large numbers of spores which are forcibly ejected during humid conditions. Spores land on nearby wheat plants and will infect leaves if they remain wet for more than six hours. Often the early infection of seedlings does not progress to adult plants. However, when conditions are wet during the season, a second type of spore is produced. This secondary spore is dispersed by the wind and can result in rapid disease development higher up the plant; and in other wheat crops. It is secondary spread that causes high yield loss. LAEVELD Summer/Somer 2012 - 21
The disease cycle of yellow spot Pyrenophora tritici-repentis
Management Yellow leaf spot is most severe where successive wheat crops are grown on retained stubble. Rotating wheat with barley, oats or a non-cereal crop will reduce the impact of this disease. Foliar fungicides are registered to control yellow leaf spot, but they may not be economical. Management options include:
22 - LAEVELD Summer/Somer 2012
›› N ot sowing wheat into infected stubbles. In most instances, a oneyear rotation out of wheat is highly effective in reducing early disease occurrence. ›› Avoiding susceptible varieties. Reducing the number of susceptible crops grown in a district will reduce inoculum load from season to season. Expression of resistance
Wheat Diseases - Yellow Spot ranges from moderately resistant (MR) to very susceptible (VS). Where wheat is to be sown into wheat stubbles it is best to avoid varieties that are rated susceptible. ›› W here the previous winter crop experienced some yellow spot, wet conditions are thought likely to persist and susceptible varieties have been sown then fungiside use may be economic. If only one fungiside spray is to be used this should be timed to protect a minimum of the flag and flag-1 leaves. If two sprays are planned, spray at growth stage (GS) 31 to 32 with a
second at GS39 to 49. A fungiside application can provide protection for up to three weeks. ›› Seed treatments are not effective against this disease. Prosaro®, Amistar Xtra® and products incorporating propiconazole and tebuconazole are all registered for the control of yellow spot. They are only likely to deliver yield benefits provided the symptoms have been correctly diagnosed, a susceptible variety has been sown, moist conditions persist and they are applied at appropriate time. L
A one-year break from wheat is highly effective at reducing the occurrence of yellow spot. If disease occurs and a fungicide is required then timing should aim to protect the flag and flag-1 leaves.
LAEVELD Summer/Somer 2012 - 23
24 - LAEVELD Summer/Somer 2012
6 1
2 3
4 4 6
5 9
3 1
9 9
7 1
6 6 3
4 3 6
4 6
6 4
9 1
Games & Activities for the Family
Raai Wie?
Hierdie Suid-Afrikaanse stêr, ‘n boorling van Pretoria, is 'n bekende Afrikaanse sanger, liedjieskrywer en TV-aanbieder. Hy het in 2002 sy deurbraak in die Afrikaanse musiekbedryf gemaak met sy album Meisie Meisie. Meer onlangs het sy treffer deuntjie Kaptein (span die seile) baie aandag op gewilde Suid-Afrikaanse radiostasies ontvang...
WEN 'n Apple iPAD! Identifiseer dié bekende sanger/ akteur korrek en staan die kans om ‘n Apple iPad te wen!*
Hoe om te wen: Dit is eenvoudig: stuur vir ons jou antwoord en selnommer via e-pos: of SMS: 082 771 7942 *Terme & voorvaardes van toepassing. Kompetisie sluit einde Maart.
LAEVELD Summer/Somer 2012 - 25
aan met
en sien die resultate In vorige artikels het ons al verwys na die gebruik van RESCUE as grondkondisioneerder en ook na sommige resultate. In hierdie uitgawe gaan ons kyk na ander resultate, en hoekom RESCUE so goed werk.
alltec en Agchem het ‘n holistiese benadering tot plantvoeding. Grond is die “medium” waarin ‘n gewas se wortelsstelsel gehuisves word. Dit is hier waar ‘n gewas sy meeste nutriente, water en suurstof moet opneem vir optimale groei en ontwikkeling. Indien daar enige wanbalanse in hierdie “medium” is word groei nadelig beinvloed. Dit is dus hier waar ons moet begin om die grond te verbeter. Grond beskik oor 3 hoof eienskappe nl: Chemiese -, Fisiese-, en Biologieseeienskappe. Indien daar enige wanbalanse binne enige van hierdie hoofeienskappe van die grond voorkom of ontstaan, word optimale groei benadeel. Wat biologiese eienskappe betref, is gronde in
26 - LAEVELD Summer/Somer 2012
Suid-Afrika stadig maar seker besig om dood te gaan. Die hoofrede hiervoor is dat landbou grond in Suid-Afrika beperk raak, en sodoende word gronde oorbewerk en oorbemes om aan die groeiende vraag na voedsel te kan voorsien. Gronde word sodoende “uitgeput”. Met RESCUE is die hoofdoel om die grond weer in balans te bring in terme van sekere fisiese, biologiese en in ‘n mate chemiese eienskappe. RESCUE dien ook in ‘n mate as buffer teen sulke veranderinge in die grond. RESCUE is die afgelope jaar met grootsukses deur verskeie produsente gebruik.
Bo: Een van die waarnemings wat deur die produsente gemaak is is die feit dat erdwurms weer voorkom.
Gewasse sluit in:
Bo: Soyaboonplante na die toediening van RESCUE teen 180kg/ha.
Sojabone RESCUE is met groot sukses in die
›› Sitrus ›› Aartappels ›› Sojabone ›› Koring ›› Tabak ›› Tamaties ›› Mangoes ›› Piesangs ›› Makadamia ›› Avokado ›› Groen rissies (Peppers) ›› Botter skorsies (Butternut) ›› Kopkool
Oos-Vrystaat gebruik, en visuele ver-
Sitrus RESCUE is by verskeie lokaliteite toegedien soos bv. Louws Creek, Marble Hall, Letsitele, Mussina, Weipe. Die eerste waarnemings wat deur die produsente gemaak is was verbeterde wortelontwikkeling en die feit dat erdwurms weer voorkom.
handelde gedeeltes was daar visueel
skille is waargeneem waar RESCUE teen 180kg/ha toegedien is. Wat verder dadelik waargeneem is, is
nodules wat op die wortels van die plante gevorm het. By die RESCUE bemeer nodulering as by onbehandelde gedeeltes. Volgens literatuur is daar ‘n direkte verband tussen humiensuur konsentrasie in die grond en aantal nodules gevorm. RESCUE bevat 10% humien en fulviensuur, wat die beter nodulering verklaar. LAEVELD Summer/Somer 2012 - 27
GROND GESONDHEID met RESCUE. Aanvanklike groei was goed en vrugte met uitstekende grootte en kwaliteit is ge-oes. Die koue periode wat na die tweede pluk voorgekom het, het groei gestrem en plante het baie stadig gegroei. Een van die blok bestuurders het ‘n bier blikkie in die helfte gesny en vol RESCUE gemaak en by elke drupper gegooi. Volgens Mnr. Henning het hy nog nie sulke groot vrugte en goeie opbrengs gekry nie (Figuur 5).
Makadamia Jaarliks vind daar uitbreidings ten opsigte van makadamia aanplantings plaas. Dit is ook hier waar RESCUE tot sy reg kom tydens uitplanting van bome. RESCUE (500g/plantgat) word met die grond gemeng en teruggeplaas in die plantgat saam met die nuwe boompie. Ongeveer 8 weke later word ‘n addisionele 500g RESCUE om die boompie gegooi waar die mikrospuitjie geleë is. Uitstekende resultate is verkry waar boompies (met RESCUE geplant) 1 jaar later groter is as boompies wat sonder RESCUE geplant is en 2 jaar oud is. Tamaties In die Limpopo provinsie (Mussina) is oplei tamaties ook met sukses verbou met die toediening van RESCUE teen 1000 kg/ha. Op Sandquest, by Mnr. Mike Henning is oplei tamaties geplant 28 - LAEVELD Summer/Somer 2012
Hieruit is dit duidelik dat RESCUE nie net die grondgesondheid verbeter nie, maar ook ‘n positiewe invloed op gewasproduksie het. Daarom kan ons met trots sê dat RESCUE jou grond se reddingsboei is. Hieruit is dit duidelik dat RESCUE nie net die grondgesondheid verbeter nie, maar ook ‘n positiewe invloed op gewasproduksie het. Daarom kan ons met trots sê dat RESCUE jou grond se reddingsboei is. Kontak jou naaste Laeveld Agrochem agente vir meer inligting.
Food Security
Jou grond se reddingsboeii
Verpilde, Koolstofverrykte
Verdien te Agri Bonuspun uk op ENIGE prod deur Laeveld gekoop
Gras- en setperke
Graan- en rygewasse
Vrugte en neutboorde LAEVELD Summer/Somer 2012 - 29
Laeveld Agrochem - Saam boer ons vooruit!
Styg uit met vertroue
vir uitstekende grasbeheer in
koring en gars
Die vroegtydige beheer van kompeterende onkruide is een van die belangrikste maniere om opbrengste te verhoog en die gewas se volle potensiaal te bereik. Verhoogde opbrengste is veral belangrik waar die winsgewendheid van graanproduksie bedreig word en is ‘n effektiewe teenvoeter vir verhoogde produksiekoste. Onkruidbeheer is hoofsaaklik daarop gemik om kompetisie vir energiebronne uit te skakel en om spasie te skep tydens die volle groeisiklus van die gewas.
Volhoubare strategie om die ontwikkeling van onkruidweerstand te beperk is egter net so belangrik soos effektiewe onkruidbeheer. Sodoende sal produsente verhoed dat onkruide in die toekoms bepaal hoe die bestuurspraktyke op hul plase gaan lyk. Produsente moet ingeligte besluite neem en onkruiddoders uit 30 - LAEVELD Summer/Somer 2012
al die beskikbare chemiegroepe gebruik om die toenemende probleme met on-kruidbeheer, en hul weerstand teen onkruiddoders, aan te spreek. Syngenta is op die voorpunt van navorsing om grasonkruide te beheer met die unieke en moderne pinoxaden chemie in Axial®.
Axial® is deur Syngenta ontwikkel as ‘n EC formulasie, gebasseer op nuwe en moderne tegnologie. Axial® bevat 45 g/l pinoxaden as aktiewe bestanddeel, “cloquintocet-mexyl” as beveiliger en TEHF as benatter. Axial® is dus ‘n tegnologies gevorderde, naopkoms onkruiddoder met betroubare selektiewe grasbeheer vir die vooruitstrewende koring- en garsprodusent. Axial® se primêre teikenarea is asetiel Ko-ensiem A karboksilase (asetiel-KoA), ‘n ensiemsteem in die chloroplaste van plantselle. Binne-in die plant inhibeer pinoxaden die sintese van vetsure en die bou van selmembrane, met die gevolg dat plante ophou groei en afsterf. Chemiese klas:.......Phenylpyrazolin Algemene naam:....Pinoxaden Uniekheid:................. Nuwe “den”-klas onkruiddoder (Groep A) Dit noodsaaklik om onkruiddoders met verskillende groepkodes in programme af te wissel, of om gebruik te maak van tenkmengels met sulke produkte om volhoubare, effektiewe onkruidbeheer te verseker. Daar word ook aanbeveel om ander beheermaatreëls (Bv. verbouings- en biologiese tegnieke) te integreer in onkruidbeheerprogramme. Axial® bied gemaklike, buigbare toedieningsopsies
Waar raaigras (Lolium spp.) en kleinsaadkanariegras (Phalaris spp.) die probleemspesies is, moet Axial® teen 778 ml/ha toegedien word. Indien slegs wildehawer (Avena spp.) teenwoordig is, kan Axial® se dosis na 555 ml/ha verlaag word. Axial® kan enige tyd van die dag op onkruide, wat nie onder stremming verkeer nie, toegedien word. Die optimale tyd van toediening vir grasbeheer is die 2 - 3-blaarstadium (wanneer die meerderheid van die grassade reeds ontkiem het, maar voordat aggressiewe groei kon plaasvind). Die uitstel van ‘n Axial® bespuiting tot na die 4-blaar stadium mag swakker beheer van die grasse tot gevolg hê. Onkruid wat onder droogte, koue of enige ander stremmingtoestande (bv. versuiptoestande) verkeer se beheer mag ook swakker wees. Hergroei van grasse mag voorkom indien Axial® onder ongunstige toestande gespuit word. Axial® is mengbaar met verskeie benatters sowel as onkruid-, swam- en insekdoders. Effektiwiteit kan egter beïnvloed word deur verskeie faktore soos formulasie van die betrokke produkte en kwaliteit van die water. Dus moet ‘n fisiese verenigbaarheidstoets altyd uitgevoer word voordat produkte gemeng word. LAEVELD Summer/Somer 2012 - 31
Axial® is rËenvas binne een uur Axial® het ‘n ingeboude benattingsmiddel (TEHF) vir vinnige opname, beter reënvastheid en vinnige verspreiding in onkruide. Soos die meeste ander naopkoms onkruiddoders, benodig Axial® ook ‘n benatter om verspreiding en opname te versnel. Vir die graanprodusent se gemak het Axial® reeds ‘n ingeboude benatter (TEHF) om pinoxaden se aktiwiteit en effektiwiteit te verbeter. Axial® is reënvas binne een uur na toediening. Axial® word vinnig deur die blare opgeneem van waar dit dan doeltreffend op- (akropetaal) en afwaarts (basipetaal) deur die plant versprei. Vatbare onkruide hou reeds binne 48 uur na toediening van Axial® op met groei. Onkruide word geel na 2-3 weke en sterf binne 5-7 weke. Axial® het ‘n ingeboude beveiliger vir koring en gars Koring en gars toon verhoogde onkruiddodertoleransie as gevolg van Axial® se ingeboude beveiliger (“cloquintocetmexyl”). Toleransieproewe in Australië het getoon dat Axial® teen ‘n dosis van 60g pinoxaden/ha, geringe tekens van gewasfitotoksisiteit kan veroorsaak. Dié 32 - LAEVELD Summer/Somer 2012
dosis is egter byna dubbel dit wat in Suid-Afrika geregistreer is (35 g pinoxaden/ha). Uitgebreide navorsing het wel getoon dat Axial® soms tydelike verkleuring van gewasse mag veroorsaak, maar geen negatiewe uitwerking op die finale oesopbrengs is waargeneem nie. Moenie Axial® op hawer gebruik of oor aangrensende hawer spuit of spuitstof daarheen laat wegdryf nie. Axial® is veilig vir opvolggewasse Axial® word vinnig in grond afgebreek en bied volledige buigbaarheid met betrekking tot die plant van opvolggewasse. Pinoxaden breek binne een dag af in die grond en die hoof metaboliete het ‘n halfleeftyd van tussen 1 en 16 dae. Pinoxaden het dus nie ‘n blywende of kumulatiewe werking in die grond nie. Axial® het ‘n omgewingsvriendelike toksikologiËse profiel Die orale LD50 van pinoxaden vir rotte is >5000 mg/kg en dermaal is die LD50 >2000 mg/kg. Daar was geen velsensitiwiteit of irritasie op konyne gevind nie. Die LD50 vir voëls is >5620 mg/kg en geen skade word aan erdwurms aangerig nie. Geen effek word verwag op
gunstige arthropoda (geleedpotige) organismes nie. Die LD50 vir bye is >200 mg/kg oraal en >100 mg/kg dermaal. Akwatiese organismes is nie sensitief vir pinoxaden nie, maar wel vir Axial®, die geformuleerde produk. Axial® het geen negatiewe effek op dikotiele plante nie.
onkruiddoders faal as gevolg van “fop”, “dim” en “Su” weerstandbiedendheid.
Axial® stel ‘n nuwe standaard in grasbeheer Wildehawer, raaigras en kleinsaadkanariegras is eenjarige probleemgrasse in die meeste graan produ-serende areas. In die Verenigde Koninkryk is aangetoon dat vyf wildehawer of agt raaigras plante/m2 opbrengs met tot 5% kan verlaag (James Clarke, Landboukundige, ADAS, UK). Teoreties sal dit dan beteken dat teen ‘n gemiddelde opbrengs van 3 t/ha en ‘n prys van R3 000/t vir koring (SAFEX, Jan 2011), ‘n verlies van R450/ha kan voorkom. Dit is egter bekend dat daar in areas soos Porterville meer as 10 000 raaigras plante/m2 kan voorkom. ‘n Mens kan net wonder watter potensiële verliese dit mag inhou.
Hoekom Axial® u graanvennoot behoort te wees ›› Unieke,”den”-chemie. ›› ‘n Volhoubare strategie om die ontwikkeling van onkruidweerstand te beperk. ›› Die beste keuse vir breëspektrumbeheer van gemengde graspopulasies. ›› Die gemak van ‘n ingeboude benattingsmiddel. ›› Vinnige opname en reënvas binne een uur na toediening. ›› Effektiewe opwaartse en afwaartse verspreiding binne die plant. ›› Vinnige werking – onkruide hou op groei binne 48 uur na toediening. ›› Gemaklike, buigbare toediening en mengbaar met ‘n verskeidenheid benatters sowel as onkruid-, swamen insekdoders. ›› Ongekende gewasveiligheid in koring en gars. ›› Voordelige, omgewingsvriendelike toksikologiese profiel.
Tydens ontwikkelings- en demonstrasieproewe in Suid-Afrika het Axial® uitstekende beheer van eenjarige grasse in verskeie areas gegee, ook waar ander
Axial SL® bevat Pinoxaden 45g/l (phenylpyrazolin), Reg. no. L8517 (Act no. 36 of 1947).
LAEVELD Summer/Somer 2012 - 33
KNYSNA & the Garden Route
Knysna is situated between lush forests and the shores of a peaceful estuary and offers many activities and attractions to a wide variety of people. The town is one of the Garden Route's best known travel destinations and was named one of the Top 100 Destinations in the World in the TripAdvisor 2008 Travellers’ Choice Destinations Awards.
he Knysna area consists of Knysna, Sedgefield, Brenton, Noetzie, Rheenendal, Belvidere and Buffalo Bay. Indigenous forests, fynbos, lakes, rivers, mountains and beautiful coastlines combined with a moderate climate make the Knysna area a natural Eden. Visitors are spoilt for choice with a kaleidoscope of unforgettable experiences to choose from. From leisurely relaxation, high energy adventure and sporting activities to shopping, haute cuisine, Knysna oysters or downing the locally brewed beer, Knysna reflects the finer things in life. Track the mysterious Knysna forest elephant, take a ferry trip or a sunset yacht cruise, hike or cycle in the beau-
34 - LAEVELD Summer/Somer 2012
tiful forests, take a walk on the beach or sip your favourite drink while watching the sun set over the estuary. With a rich history, gourmet restaurants and a variety of art & craft rambles to add, the options are limitless. Discover a wonderfully different Knysna, see her colourful townships and experience her essence. There are a variety of township and cultural tours available. Stay in a homestay, explore the local Rastafarian community, eat an African delicacy called “Roosterkoek” or take part in a drumming session. Meet the people – from the Woodcutters in Karatara, to the Italians in Gouna, the Khoi and San Tribes like the Griqua and the Xhosa Speaking people. Experience the Rainbow Nation at its best.
Eastern Cape
Best time to visit Knysna has a moderate climate that makes it the perfect destination all year round. Peak season is in the height of summer in December, but the area is popular with international tourists from September (spring) to April (autumn). The mild winters on the Garden Route ensure sunny and beautiful wind-still days and are often referred to as the “secret season”. Truth be told, day-time temperatures rival a balmy European summer, with an average winter temperature around 19`C. In and around the area The Knysna area consists of Noetzie, Brenton, Sedgefield, Buffalo Bay and Rheenendal. With ten beautiful beaches, a variety of lakes and forests the surrounding areas offer a multitude of activities. Swimming, canoeing, fishing, boating or sailing, there is something for everyone. The area host a variety of farmer’s and open air markets, art & craft routes and specialty shops, cafes, coffee shops and restaurants. Brenton is the home of the endemic Brenton Blue Butterfly, and the surrounding forests host the mysterious Knysna elephants. Explore the wonders of the indigenous forests or hike the many historical trails in the area and visit the old goldmine at Millwood and learn about the excitement of the gold rush.
How to get around There are taxi’s and Tuk-tuks available, as well as private tour guides, Call Knysna Tourism for more information. What to eat In and around Knysna one will find a selection of fine restaurants, activities, cultural and heritage experiences, adventure and natural encounters to match your mood, age, physique and budget. Wine and dine your way through a formidable array of fine restaurants, seafood taverns, pubs, coffee shops, delicatessens and other interesting eateries. The famous Knysna oyster features on many a menu, but your culinary experience need not end there. From fusion food with an Oriental flavour to nouveau cuisine; from traditional South African dishes such as Cape Malay-inspired bobotie to a Xhosa delicacy known as umnqusho; from a meaty braai to a syrupy sweet koeksister, Knysna offers it all. L
Travel tips and planning information: Knysna Tourism T: +27 44 382 5510 E: W: LAEVELD Summer/Somer 2012 - 35
For larger, healthier, more effective
ROOT SYSTEMS Eco-T is a wettable powder concentrate containing spores of the beneficial fungus Trichoderma harzianum. Trichoderma works by developing a symbiotic relationship with plant root systems that result in enhanced root growth and provides protection against common soil diseases like Fusarium, Rhizoctonia and Pythium. Eco-T is ideal for use as a standalone fungicide, as part of an IPM program or as a beneficial inoculant to build the soil food web and stimulate a healthy, productive crop. Benefits ›› Enhanced root growth with denser, more extensive root systems ›› Control of common crop root diseases ›› Improved germination and faster seedling development ›› Improved shoot growth and a healthier plant ›› Improved delivery of nutrition through more effective root systems ›› Improved tolerance and recovery from stress or suboptimal conditions ›› Ideal for use in IPM programmes and following soil sterilisation ›› Versatile - Eco-T can be applied as 36 - LAEVELD Summer/Somer 2012
a seed treatment, in furrow or as a soil drench and is effective on a wide range of crops Bio Management The BioManagement range consists of pest and disease control products of which the active ingredients are of Biological or Organic origin. This includes Fungi, Bacteria, Baculoviruses and Plant Extracts. These products are designed to be non toxic to the environment and non-target organisms and are ideal for commercial IPM programmes and organic farming.
Eco-T 1.
An illustration of enhanced root growth in Eco-T treated dry beans.
aize seeds treated with Eco-T M showing enhanced germination and development.
In-vitro plates illustrating Trichodermaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s ability to compete with and exclude the pathogen, Rhizoctonia, from the area it occupies. L
Illustrations of Trichodermaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s mode of action that enables it to control disease:
An electonmicrograph showing Trichoderma (T) coiled around Rhizoctonia (R) parasitising the pathongen fungi and inhibiting its growth.
Eco-T contains: Trichoderma harzianum (2x109 spores/gram) Reg. no. L6938 (Act no. 36/1947)
LAEVELD Summer/Somer 2012 - 37
Mapping the South African Farming Sector’s Vulnerability to Climate Change and Variability In southern Africa, by the middle of the 21st century climate change is expected to cause temperature increases of 1–3ºC, broad summer rainfall reductions of 5–10%, and an increase in the incidence of both droughts and floods. Consequently, climate change has significant potential to negatively affect crop production in South Africa, and in turn the well-being of the country’s farmers.
n this analysis, vulnerability to climate change is conceptualised as a function of three factors: 1. Exposure: The direct danger (the stressor) together with the nature and extent of changes in a region’s climate variables (temperature, precipitation, and extreme weather events). 2. Sensitivity: The human–environmental conditions that exacerbate or ameliorate the hazard, or trigger an impact. Exposure and sensitivity are intrinsically linked and mutually influence potential impacts. 3. Adaptive capacity: Represents the potential to implement adaptation 38 - LAEVELD Summer/Somer 2012
measures in efforts to avert potential impacts (Figure 1). Several indicators representing these three components were selected to facilitate the study’s examination of vulnerability in South Africa. The selected indicators represent both the biophysical conditions of the farming regions and the socioeconomic conditions of the farmers. Results of Vulnerability Assessment Analysis of vulnerability indicators shows that provinces in South Africa demonstrate vast diversity in environmental and socioeconomic conditions.
Climate Change & Variability
he coastal provinces of the Eastern Cape, KwaZulu-Natal, and the Western Cape exhibit the highest frequency of extreme events (droughts and floods) over the past century, whereas the desert region of the Northern Cape and the steppe arid regions of the North West and Free State provinces exhibit the lowest frequency. The highest incremental temperature increase by 2050 is found in the desert region of the Northern Cape and the steppe arid regions of Free State and Mpumalanga, and rainfall changes are predicted to be greatest in the Gauteng and North West provinces.
The most sensitive provinces â&#x20AC;&#x201D; mainly due to their high proportion of smallholder subsistence farmers â&#x20AC;&#x201D; are the Eastern Cape, KwaZulu-Natal, and Limpopo. Smallholder farmers constitute 70% of the farming population in the Eastern Cape, KwaZulu-Natal, Mpumalanga, and the North West province, and inappropriate land uses in these regions have severely degraded land and reduced production capacity. The Eastern Cape and Limpopo provinces have the highest shares of agricultural GDP, the lowest average farm-asset values, the lowest literacy rates, and the highest unemployment rates. LAEVELD Summer/Somer 2012 - 39
The least-sensitive provinces are the Western Cape, Gauteng, and Free State. A common feature of these regions is that they have a low percentage of subsistence farmers and the least-populated rural areas. Gauteng and the Western Cape have greater infrastructure development, high levels of literacy, and lower unemployment rates. The Western Cape is the least sensitive province, largely due to a high degree of crop diversification, low levels of land degradation, and high reliance on irrigation. Combining the indicators for sensitivity and exposure, KwaZulu-Natal, Limpopo, 40 - LAEVELD Summer/Somer 2012
and the Eastern Cape are predicted to suffer the largest impacts of climate change and variability. With the exception of Limpopo, these provinces have both the largest exposure and the highest sensitivity. The Mpumalanga and North West provinces fall within the mid-range of vulnerability, based on these two indicators, whereas the Northern Cape, Western Cape, Free State, and Gauteng have the lowest risk of negative impacts because of the prevalence of commercial farming and the lack of land degradation.
Climate Change & Variability
ndicators of adaptive capacity differ considerably across the nine provinces. Capacity is greatest in the Western Cape due to the combined effects of well-developed infrastructure, high literacy rates and income levels, low unemployment rates and HIV prevalence, and relatively high capital wealth. Gauteng and the Northern Cape fall within the mid-range for this indicator, whereas adaptive capacity is low in KwaZulu-Natal, the Eastern Cape, Free State, Limpopo, and North West due to high dependence on agriculture, high unemployment rates and HIV prevalence, and low levels of infrastructure development. Assessing results based on all three components of vulnerability, Limpopo, the Eastern Cape and KwaZulu-Natal are the most vulnerable provinces; Mpumalanga, the North West, Gauteng, and the Northern Cape fall within the mid-range of vulnerability; and the Western Cape has the lowest level of vulnerability. The vulnerability of the Free State is considered indeterminate because it exhibits both low exposure and low adaptive capacity. Policy Implications In examining vulnerability at the province level, caution must be taken given enormous heterogeneity in householdlevel resource access, poverty levels, and adaptive capacity. Ideally, future household-level research will facilitate improved targeting of policies to re-
duce climate change vulnerability. That said, the results of this study show that the provinces deemed most vulnerable to the effects of climate change and variability do not always equate with the most vulnerable populations. Rather, results suggest that the overall vulnerability of the South African farming sector is characterized by a combination of medium-level exposure risk coupled with medium to high levels of social vulnerability. In light of large spatial differences in vulnerability, policymakers should tailor policies to local conditions. In highly vulnerable regions policy-makers should enact measures (1) to support the effective management of environmental resources (soil, vegetation, and water); (2) to promote increased market participation, especially within the large subsistence-farming sector; (3) to stimulate both agricultural intensification and livelihood diversification away from risky agriculture; and (4) to enact social programmes and spending on health, education, and welfare to help maintain and augment both physical and intangible human capital. Policymakers should also invest in rural infrastructure development. In areas of high exposure, such as the coastal zones, priority should be given to the development of accurate early warning systems, as well as appropriate relief programmes and agricultural insurance. L Authors: Glwadys Aymone Gbetibouo & Claudia Ringler
LAEVELD Summer/Somer 2012 - 41
Nuwe Generasie Glifosaat ien Verd nus bo Agri p enige te o eur pun k wat d u prod aeveld L . op is o k e g
Laeveld 42 - LAEVELD Summer/Somer 2012
Agrochem - Saam boer ons vooruit
Regoor Suid-Afrika, is onkruid ‘n groot bedreiging vir boere en die natuurlike omgewing. Onkruid kan moontlik inheemse habitatte vernietig, inheemse plante en diere dreig, natuurlike stelsels soos riviere en woude belemmer en plaas- en bosproduktiwiteit verminder. Grond- en waterbestuurders gaan ook dikwels materiaal-en arbeidskostes aan hul pogings om onkruid te beheer. MAMBA DMA 480 SL is ‘n brëe spektrum sistemiese onkruiddoder wat hoogs effektief is in die doodmaak van onkruid en die uitwissing van ‘n wye verskeidenheid van ongewenste plante; insluitende grasse, breëblaar-, meerjarige- en houtagtige onkruide. Hierdie nuwe formulasie wat gepatenteer en eksklusief vanaf Dow Agro Sciences beskikbaar is, bevat ‘n derdegenerasie glifosaat, nl. diemetielamien (DMA) sout. Met die insluiting van die bedryf se nuutste in glifosaat tegnologie, is MAMBA DMA 480 SL nie net veilig vir gebruikers en lede van die publiek nie, maar het ook ‘n lae omgewingsinvloed . Hoe werk dit? MAMBA DMA 480 SL word hoofsaaklik deur die blare in die plant geabsorbeer, maar ook deur sagte stengel weefsel. Die glifosaat beweeg dan deur die hele plant waar dit op verskillende ensiem sisteme
werk om aminosuur metabolisme te inhibeer deur wat bekend staan as die “Shikimic suur roete”. Hierdie roete bestaan in die hoër plante en mikro-organismes, maar nie in diere nie. Plante wat met glifosaat behandel is, sterf stadig oor ‘n tydperk van dae of weke en omdat die chemikalieë deur die hele plant vervoer is, oorleef geen deel nie. Kenmerke Maklik hanteerbare formulasie • Lae skuim • Lae viskositeit, voordelig vir gebruik selfs by laer temperature • Goeie tenkmengselverenigbaarheid, veral met fenoksie onkruiddoders Hoë lading aktiewe bestandeel • Logistieke voordele • Behandel meer hektaar/houer • Minder vervoer-,verpakking-, bergingsen hanteringskostes Maksimum lading bevorderingsmiddels • Eksklusiewe gepatenteerde mengsel van moderne bevorderingsmiddels • Uitmuntende opname en reënvastheid • Lewer konsekwente en bewese breëspektrum onkruidbeheer Kan by glifosaat-tolerante mielies toegedien word
Mamba DMA 480 SL contains glyphosate (dimethylamine [DMA] salt [caition]) Reg no. L8388, Act no. 36 of 1947)
Vind jou naaste agent by of 012 998 5909 LAEVELD Summer/Somer 2012 -
Romantic RECIPES CHOCOLATE MOUSSE Ingredients • 125g cream cheese • ½ cup sugar • 1 egg • 250g dark cooking chocolate • 600ml cream, lightly whipped
Instructions 1. Beat the cream cheese, sugar and egg together until smooth. 2. Break the chocolate into small pieces and melt over a double boiler or in the microwave. 3. Add the melted chocolate to the cream cheese mixture and stir through until well combined. 4. Stir in the cream, again stirring until well combined. 5. Chill until required. 6. Pipe or spoon into glass bowls, chocolate cups or use as a filling for desserts.
44 - LAEVELD Summer/Somer 2012
LEMON SOUFFLÉS Ingredients • 4 large eggs, yolks and whites separated, at room temperature • 8 tbsp castor sugar, divided • ¼ cup all-purpose flour • 1 cup milk • 2 tsp zest plus 1/3 cup juice from 2 large lemons • 3 tbsp icing sugar, plus extra for dusting • ¼ tsp cream of tartar
Instructions 1. You’ll need 6 ramekins. Whisk egg yolks, 4 tbsp granulated sugar and the flour in a medium saucepan until blended. Heat milk in a 2-cup glass measure in microwave until it comes to a simmer. Whisk hot milk in a thin stream into yolk mixture until smooth. Cook over medium-low heat, whisking slowly and constantly, until mixture starts to bubble and thickens, about 5 minutes. Scrape
Heartwarming Fare
mixture into a large bowl; whisk in lemon zest and juice, and 3 tbsp icing sugar. 2. Heat oven to 200ºC. Butter and coat ramekins with 2 tbsp granulated sugar; tap out excess. Place ramekins on a rimmed baking sheet. 3. Beat egg whites and cream of tartar in large bowl with mixer on medium speed until soft peaks form. Gradually beat in remaining 2 tbsp castor sugar; continue to beat until stiff, glossy peaks form. Stir ¼ of the egg white mixture into yolk mixture to loosen, and then fold in remaining egg whites until just blended. Spoon soufflé mixture into prepared ramekins. Level tops. 4. Bake 15 minutes, or until puffed and tops are lightly browned. Immediately dust with icing sugar and serve hot.
DELECTABLE CRÈME BRÛLÉE Ingredients 600ml whipping cream 4 egg yolks 100g (½ cup) castor sugar 5ml (1 tsp) vanilla essence Method 1. Place the cream in the top of a double saucepan or in a heatproof bowl over a pan of hot water, heating gently, but do not allow to boil. 2. Beat the egg yolks, half the castor sugar and vanilla essence together in a bowl. Add the cream and mix well together. 3. Place 6 ramekin dishes in a roasting pan, then fill the pan up with hot water until it reaches roughly halfway up the side of the ramekins. Pour the custard mixture slowly into the ramekins, dividing it equally between them. 4. Bake in the oven at 150°C for about 1 hour or until set. Do not allow the water to boil. If it does, lower the oven temperature immediately. Remove ramekins from roasting pan and leave to cool for 1 hour. 5. Chill for 2–3 hours, preferably overnight. Sprinkle the top of each créme brûlée with the remaining sugar and put under a hot grill for about 2–3 minutes until the sugar turns to caramel. Chill again for 2–3 hours before serving. LAEVELD Summer/Somer 2012 - 45
TIRAMISU Serves 8 Ingredients • 185ml strong black coffee • 60ml ( ¼ cup) brandy • 125g (1 packet) finger biscuits • 2 large eggs, separated • 30ml (2 tbsp) castor sugar • 10ml (2 tsp) brandy (extra) • 250g (1 tub) mascarpone cheese • 10ml (2 tsp) cocoa powder Method 1. Mix the coffee and the brandy together in a cup. 2. Dip both sides of half the packet of biscuits into this mixture and arrange in the bottom of a shallow 46 - LAEVELD Summer/Somer 2012
round or square dish. 3. Cream the egg yolks and castor sugar together until thick and pale yellow. Add the additional 10 ml brandy and the mascarpone cheese to the egg mixture and mix until smooth. 4. Beat the egg whites until stiff and fold into the cheese mixture. Pour half the mixture over the biscuits. 5. Dip the rest of the biscuits in the coffee and arrange on top of the cheese mixture layer and then pour the rest of the cheese mixture over the top. 6. Place in the fridge for 4 hours to set and sprinkle with cocoa just before serving.
Heartwarming Fare STRAWBERRY CHEESECAKE Ingredients Biscuit Crust • 2 x 200 g packets tennis biscuits • 125 g butter, melted Filling • 30g (50ml) gelatine • 100ml warm water • 4 eggs • 250g (1¼ cups) castor sugar • 2 x 250g tubs cream cheese or smooth cottage cheese • 100ml raspberry purée • 250ml tub cream
Method Biscuit Crust Preheat the oven to 180°C. Lightly oil a 24 cm spring form baking tin or deep flan tin. Crush the biscuits and mix with the melted butter. Press into base and sides of the tin. Bake for 10 minutes, and then allow to cool. Filling 1. Mix the gelatine in the warm water. 2. Beat the eggs and castor sugar together until light and creamy. Add the cream cheese and purée and mix well. 3. Whip cream to form soft peaks and fold in gently. 4. Pour the gelatine mixture down the side of the bowl into the cheese mixture and fold in without beating. 5. Pour gently into the crust and chill until set. Serving Suggestion: Serve with extra fruit purée and a display of fresh fruit.
LAEVELD Summer/Somer 2012 - 47
The all-new Ranger boasts all the toughness and rugged capabilities of a pickup truck, but also features smart technology, outstanding safety, superior fuel economy and high standards of quality and comfort. 48 - LAEVELD Summer/Somer 2012
Ford Ranger
otally new from the ground up, the all-new Ranger was designed and developed to be among the forerunners – if not the pack leader – in every area that is important to pickup truck customers, from a work and leisure perspective. The pickup now delivers more payload and towing capability and, at the same time, is fitted with innovative features that significantly enhance the driving experience.
Developed for the world, produced in South Africa Designed and developed by a global team headquartered in Australia, the product development teams had full access to Ford’s global capabilities, testing facilities and pickup truck knowledge. The pickup will be manufactured in three continents with South Africa producing vehicles at its Silverton assembly plant in Pretoria for export to 148 markets around the world. The all-new Ranger will ultimately be sold in 180 markets, making it one of the farthestreaching Ford products in the world.
Totally new from the ground up
For nearly 20 years, the all-new Ranger has been one of Ford’s most popular pickups across the globe, providing millions of customers with Ford Tough Truck capabilities. Having gone through a comprehensive global development programme, the all-new Ranger builds on its strong heritage and is now set to blaze new trails ahead.
“The all-new Ranger is South African built, but has benefitted from Ford’s global expertise, making it the perfect solution for South African consumers,” says Ben Pillay, Ford Marketing Manager. “The first pickup built under the One Ford strategy, it is a no compromises truck that provides customers with quality, fuel efficiency, safety and smart technology in one complete package.” technology in one complete package.”
The collaboration was crucial in developing the all-new Ranger. Everything is new – engines, gearboxes, frame, suspension, steering system, brakes, chassis, exterior sheet metal, vehicle interior. The list continues with brandnew features for safety and passenger comfort. Tested in South Africa, Australia, Dubai, Thailand, North America, Brazil and Sweden, Ranger had to face severe heat and cold, monsoon rains, high altitudes as well as rushing rivers, arid deserts and potholed roads. Prototypes clocked more than a million kilometres LAEVELD Summer/Somer 2012 - 49
WHEELS on the road supported by countless hours of exhaustive testing in state-ofthe-art laboratories. Smart and comfortable At 5274mm long and 2163mm wide, the all-new Ranger is bigger than the previous-generation model. It remains easily manoeuvrable on narrow city streets and during parking thanks to a responsive steering system that requires no more than 3.5 turns of the wheel lock-to-lock – one of the best in the segment. Making full use of the spacious interior, the all-new Ranger offers more practical stowage than most competitors. The glove box is large enough to accommodate a 16-inch laptop computer while door pockets can comfortably fit 1.5-litre water bottles. Ample storage for mobile phones and other small items can be found in the console and in areas within easy reach of the driver. Underneath the rear seats, a convenient hidden storage area for tools can be easily accessed. Poised to be a leader in innovation, the all-new Ranger comes with smart technologies that make the pickup easier, safer and more fun to drive. On selected models with Bluetooth®1, USB and iPod®2 connectivity, there is voice control over the radio, CD, iPod, USB, electronic air-conditioning and mobile phone. Dual-zone climate control and 50 - LAEVELD Summer/Somer 2012
cruise control are available on the high series. And with all of these features, it’s still one of the most fuel-efficient pickups in the segment. The all-new Ranger’s rugged capability was purposefully engineered and carefully crafted into the pickup, giving customers a tough truck that they can truly rely on whether in high waters, on challenging terrains, or just commuting to work. The all-new Ranger will certainly be a dependable companion for them both on and off road in any condition. “The all-new Ranger is the culmination of years of hard work and dedication. Hundreds of engineers and Ford staff from around globe have been involved in making the introduction of the allnew Ranger a success,” continued Pillay. “The all-new Ranger is capable, comfortable, powerful, fuel-efficient, safe, and has been designed, engineered and produced to lead in its segment. Introducing it to the South African public is a proud moment for us.”
Ford Ranger
Did you know? ›› The all-new Ranger will be manufactured on three continents with South Africa producing vehicles at its Silverton assembly plant in Pretoria for export to 148 markets around the world ›› The all-new Ranger features more power, innovative technol-
ogy, and enhanced comfort and safety, promising to transform the pickup truck experience ›› The all-new Ranger is one of the most high-tech compact pickups, featuring smart technologies such as Bluetooth®1 with Voice Control and Rear View Camera system in certain derivatives L LAEVELD Summer/Somer 2012 - 51
Handle with Care
Safety precautions when handling
poi sonou s substance s Safety and health in the use of agrochemicals has been one of the primary concerns of international organisations and of many governments, employers and workers and their organisations for many years. Some agrochemicals such as pesticides are extremely hazardous to the health of workers and the general public, and also to the environment. However, they can be used safely if proper precautions are taken.
any industrially developed countries therefore enforce strict regulations with regard to the production, sale and use of pesticides, the most hazardous group among agrochemicals. These countries have banned or severely restricted the use of some very hazardous pesticides. It may happen that other countries may be compelled to import those banned or restricted agrochemicals because of specific needs, for example to eradicate a particular pest. For these countries the economic benefits of agricultural development outweigh the risks involved. Therefore, although the safety and health problems may vary in different countries, it is important to establish clear, common procedures for the use of agrochemicals.
52 - LAEVELD Summer/Somer 2012
All those who are responsible for the production, import, storage and sale of agrochemicals have a role to play in ensuring safety and health in their use. International organisations, governments, employers and workers and their organisations, and community leaders have a fundamental role: educating agrochemical users on the hazards of the substances they handle, how these enter the body, the nature of toxic effects and the proper methods of use, and informing them of the duties and responsibilities of government authorities, other organisations and the public. How dangerous substances can enter the body Most agrochemicals will have an adverse effect if they enter the body, but
Handling Poisonous Substances those that are more toxic are particularly dangerous, even in small amounts. Many agricultural workers die and many more are poisoned or injured each year by such substances entering the body; the main routes of absorption are through the respiratory tract (inhalation), through the skin (dermal absorption) and through the digestive tract (ingestion). Inhalation Breathing agrochemicals into the lungs is more likely to happen if they are in the form of gases, fine spray droplets, dust, fumes and smoke. Gases mix with the air. Others tend to remain suspended in the air for some time after release, for example by spraying. Often these particles are so small or well dis-
persed that they cannot be seen. Spraying agrochemicals without adequate precautions is noted to be a common cause of poisoning by inhalation. Users of fumigants and gases are particularly at risk of poisoning by inhalation. Ingestion Contamination of the lips and mouth or accidental swallowing of agrochemicals is often caused by poor hygiene or bad practice. Failure to wash properly before eating is a common cause, as is smoking during work. Attempting to clean a blocked sprayer nozzle by putting it between the lips and blowing through it is another bad practice. In some countries pesticides and veterinary products are decanted from
Keep for future reference LAEVELD Summer/Somer 2012 - 53
YOUR HEALTH large and properly labelled containers into unlabelled bottles and sold. These could subsequently be mistaken for soft drinks and consumed. Such practices should be banned. Even very small quantities of a toxic substance could cause death if ingested in this way. Inhaled toxic substances could subsequently be ingested by swallowing contaminated sputum.
›› Methyl bromide ›› Sodium Fluoroacetate ›› Strychnine ›› Paraquat, Diquat ›› Cresol ›› Alkaline and acid-cleaning agents ›› Formalin ›› Nutritional supplements – selenium and copper ›› Livestock vaccines.
Many agrochemicals can also cause localised ill-effects on contact with skin or eyes even if they are not absorbed. They include some pesticides, strong acids such as sulphuric acid and strong alkalis such as caustic soda.
Side effects of exposure Some of the immediate and long-term effects of chemical exposure can include: poisoning, headache, nausea, skin rashes and irritation, chemical burns, cancer, birth defects, diseases of the lungs, liver or kidneys and nervous system disorders.
Veterinary products may also cause problems when their use is subject to the added task of controlling the animal being treated. Accidental self-injection or needle grazing of the skin could occur. Common agrochemicals Agricultural chemicals may be purchased in various concentrations and forms (liquid, powder, granules, pellets etc.), depending on their intended use. Many of the more potent chemicals require the farmer to have completed chemical training. Commonly used agrochemicals include: ›› Glyphosate ›› Aluminium/Zinc phosphide ›› Organophosphates ›› Pyrethroids 54 - LAEVELD Summer/Somer 2012
Safe transport of chemicals ›› Transport chemicals separately from food, water, animal feeds, seeds and fertilisers. ›› Drums of agricultural chemicals should not be transported in enclosed cabins with the driver and passengers. ›› Secure your load. ›› Carry a written record of the chemicals you are transporting. ›› Take all appropriate protective gear along with you. Safe use of chemicals ›› Ensure anyone using agricultural chemicals is suitably trained to use both the chemical and any
YOUR HEALTH equipment required for application. ›› Use chemical decanting kits to reduce the risk of spills and splashes while mixing chemicals. ›› Only mix the quantity of chemical required for the task at hand. ›› Make sure the decanting and mixing area is well ventilated. If this is not possible, ensure that appropriate protective gear is worn for enclosed environments. ›› Follow the manufacturers’ instructions on the label. ›› Always wear protective clothing such as chemical-resistant gloves, face shields or masks, overalls and goggles. ›› Avoid exposing non-target animals or plants. ›› Triple rinse equipment after chemical application and dispose of the rinse water appropriately. Safe disposal procedures ›› Always follow the manufacturers’ instructions for proper disposal of both chemicals and rinsate from equipment. ›› Thoroughly triple rinse and then puncture empty containers to prevent reuse for other purposes. ›› Return empty containers to the manufacturer or check with your local council on proper disposal methods. ›› Audit your chemical store on a regular basis and dispose of any excess or outdated chemicals in the appropriate manner. 56 - LAEVELD Summer/Somer 2012
Classification and related measures All agrochemical users must know how to use the products safely by increasing their knowledge of the hazards involved. Knowledge is a powerful weapon which can be obtained by reading and understanding the label on the container. By strictly following the instructions on the label, agrochemical users will learn to protect themselves, other people, livestock, wildlife and the environment. Note: Agrochemical users must also remember that the products they obtain for use are not highly concentrated. Usually the active ingredient in the agrochemical product is mixed with other substances; in some instances it may be dissolved in a solvent that might penetrate the skin. The symbol to be used on the label is calculated, based on the percentage weight or volume of the active ingredient in the agrochemical product. Therefore, a product with 10% of the active ingredient might belong to a lower toxicity class than another product with 25% of the same active ingredient. It may be claimed by the manufacturers that the latter product is more potent, but users must remember that it is also more toxic. Emergency Poison Centre Numbers: Gauteng:....................................011 911 8688 Western Cape:........................021 931 6129