Vol. 1 No. 2 - WINTER 2011
Saam boer ons vooruit!
Wat Plae?
Identifisering & beheer van tamatieplae
Irrigation Farming
ISSN 2222-9663
The financial perspective
'n Warm welkom aan al ons kliënte in hierdie yskoue winter. Soos almal teen nou al weet, vier Laeveld Agrochem vanjaar sy 20ste bestaansjaar. Om ons ouderdom in perspektief te stel, het ons dan sommer na nog 'n ou staatmaker onder die boere gaan kyk, naamlik Toyota se Land Cruiser. Ons loer ook net kortliks na Platteland, wat waarskynlik een van die beste flieks van alle tye gaan wees en wat Laeveld daarom met trots help borg. Met spelers soos Steve Hofmeyer en Bok van Blerk asook 'n string pragtige aktrises, gaan die fliek se spesiale DVD uitgawe - wat Laeveld vroeg volgende jaar gaan versprei - verseker 'n kosbare besitting word. Net om te kyk hoe skerp ons lesers is, word jul ook getoets met 'n lekker blokkiesraaisel op bladsy 19.
Daar wag 'n baie lekker prys vir die eerste 5 korrekte inskrywings wat na faks nommer 086 523 6030 of e-pos gestuur kan word. Die wat hou van pryse kan ook kyk na bladsy 29 waar 'n heerlike vakansie by die Bakgatla Oord in Pilanesberg gewen kan word. Die nuwe seisoen is om die draai en Laeveld sien saam met sy kliënte met afwagting en opgewondenheid uit na al die nuwe geleenthede wat dit sal bied. Moenie vergeet dat u naaste Laeveld gewasoplossingsdeskundige slegs 'n oproep ver is nie. Ons wil u graag met ons kundigheid bystaan om 'n selfs groter sukses van u besigheid en boerdery te maak. Maak seker u bly met ons hulp ingelig sodat u altyd een stap voor kan bly. Lekker lees, Corné Liebenberg
"Voorwaar, voorwaar Ek sê vir julle, as die koringkorrel nie in die grond val en sterf nie, bly dit alleen; maar as dit sterf, dra dit veel vrug." Johannes 12:24
INHOUDSOPGAWE | CONTENTS 20. FEATURE: Climate & Water The impact of the 2010/2011 wet season on the agricultural industry
Redakteursbrief 3. Laeveldnuus 4.
PRODUKPROFIEL: Markrevolusie in Aksie
24. FINANCIAL FOCUS: Irrigation Farming
HOT PRODUCT - SCREEN: Sunscreen for South African Fruit
28. TRAVEL: Family Getaways - Pilanesberg
LAEVELD COMMUNITY: Tshwane Agricultural Program
30. KLIMAAT: Ryp: Wat dit is en hoe dit die landbou bedryf beïnvloed
10. PLAAG- & ONKRUIDBEHEER: Identifisering van Tamatieplae 14. FEATURE: Soil Survival & Erosion
36. WIELE: 60 jaar van die Toyota Land Cruiser
18. FUN & GAMES Games & Activities for the Family
EDITORIAL: Editor-in-Chief – Corné Liebernberg Managing Editor – Fiona Mosca Creative Director – Gwynedd Peters PUBLISHERS: Main Angel Publishing 742 Witdoring Street, Moreleta Park, Pta. Tel: 012 997 4951 Fax: 086 540 7455 e-mail:
32. RESEPTE: Warm Wintersoppe
Stock Xchange, Toyota SA, Laeveld Agrochem, Game Trackers, Happy Baloyi.
to Main Angel Publishing: Postnet Suite 335, Private bag x1028, Lyttelton, 0140
PRINTED BY: Paarl Media Tel 011 201 3471 Fax 011 201 3561
Unless otherwise agreed to, all contributions are the property of Laeveld Magazine, and its publishers.
DESIGN & LAYOUT: Design Logik Art Director – Nick Hlozek
CONTRIBUTORS: Corné Liebenberg, Gwynedd Peters, Fiona Mosca, Stefan van Zyl, Divan van der Westhuizen, Stephan Verreynne, Schalk van der Merwe, Fanie van Wyk, Stephan van Zyl, Agricultural Research Council.
IMAGES: Golden Leopard resorts, SA Tourism,
All editorial, business and production correspondence should be addressed
The editor and publisher reserve the right to alter copy and visual material as deemed necessary. The opinions expressed in Laeveld Magazine are not necessarily those of the publishers or Laeveld Agrochem, its suppliers, subsidiaries or affiliates. © Copyright by Main Angel Publishing. All rights reserved.
LAEVELD Winter 2011 - 1
Die jongste nuus uit Laeveld Agrochem
Op die Platteland Laeveld maak later vanjaar sy silwerdoekdebuut wanneer die maatskappy in Platteland, die nuutste film van Mozi platemaatskappy en Philo Films, sy bekendstelling maak. Met Steve Hofmeyer, Lianie May en Bok van Blerk in die hoofrolle en regie deur Sean Else, is dié geen gewone musikale film nie en beloof om gehore op hul sitplekke vasgenael te hê. Hou hierdie Corné saam met Platteland aktrises Hanna spasie dop om meer uit te vind oor hoe LaeGrobler en Karlien van Jaarsveld besig om veld betrokke geraak het. persoonlik na Laeveld se belange om te sien
Windgathoek Dames Gedurende April het ‘n paar van die hoofkantoor dames ‘n heerlikke naweek op die plaas Windgathoek deurgebring. Tannie Daleen het aan almal die uitnodiging gestuur. Daar was geen spesifieke rede nie, maar diegene wat saam was, het die “get-away” van harte geniet en lekker op die plaas gekuier. Die dames geniet 'n naweek by Windgathoek
‘n Aand met die ‘Dreamgirls’ Elke drie maande span die Laeveld Hoofkantoorpersoneel saam vir ‘n spanboufunksie. Die reede daarvoor? Sê Corné; “dis eintlik ‘n geleenheid – veral vir nuwe mense wat bykom – om welkom te voel.” Dié kwartaal het die “Hoofkantoorspan” op Dinsdag 12de April die Teatro by Montecasino besoek om die SuidAfrikaanse produksie van ‘Dreamgirls' te beleef. Dreamgirls op die verhoog LAEVELD Winter 2011 - 3
Markrevolusie in aksie Een van Syngenta se vernaamste prestasies die afgelope paar jaar, is ongetwyfeld die ontwikkeling van gewas-produksieprogramme vir aartappels, mielies, veselperskes en koring.
edert Syngenta Suid-Afrika die eerste maatskappy wêreldwyd geword het om aartappelgewasoplossings na die mark te bring, is produsente teen dié tyd goed vertroud met Syngenta se verskillende PotatoPack™oplossings wat verhoogde aartappelproduksie tot gevolg het. 4 - LAEVELD Winter 2011
Die PotatoPack is vandag ’n voorkeurproduk vir produsente – trouens, 20% van alle aartappelaanplantings word tans met hierdie oplossing beskerm. Navorsing en ontwikkeling Syngenta het die afgelope tien jaar reeds meer as nege miljard dollar aan
Aartappelgewasoplossings plante, verlengde vegetatiewe groei en natuurlik, verhoogde opbrengs. Nuwe chemie, maksimum resultate
navorsing en ontwikkeling bestee – die 5 000 personeel wat vir hierdie doel aangewend word, ondersoek jaarliks 200 000 nuwe molekules. Syngenta se revolusionêre PotatoPack is die resultaat van deeglike navorsing en proewe wat regoor Suid-Afrika gedoen is. Meer nog, die resultate van Syngenta se meer as dertig plaaslike proewe, toon ’n beduidende hoër gemiddelde opbrengs van ses ton per hektaar. Dit is dus duidelik waarom Syngenta se PotatoPack ’n paradigmaskuif verteenwoordig: Ons produsente kyk ánders na volhoubare aartappelproduksie. Hierdie vindingryke program integreer spesifieke kombinasies van aanwendings volgens die plant se fisiologiese eienskappe – sodoende word verseker dat die verskillende sistemiese- en kontakmiddels mekaar doeltreffend aanvul vir optimale pes- en plaagbeheer, en terselfdertyd die plant se gesondheid bevorder. PotatoPack bevat die korrekte voorkomende oplossings om siektes en insekte te beveg – dít alles verbeter risikobestuur en bevorder gesonder
'n Nuwe chemiese toepassing, die maksimum resultate Revus® (Syngenta se nuutste oplossing om laatroes op aartappels in sy spore te stuit) sal ook later vanjaar beskikbaar wees in die PotatoPack. Revus het in 2010 die Euroblight-toekenning ontvang as die beste swamdoder in sy klas. Lees gerus meer op Bekendstellingsfunksies vir Revus is reeds landswyd onderweg. Vir meer inligting oor die produk, besoek: Optimale potensiaal Die vindingryke PotatoPack verpersoonlik revolusionêre navorsing – ’n markrevolusie in dié sin dat aartappelprodusente groter oeste met kleiner aanplantings kan lewer. In eenvoudige taal gestel: Syngenta se PotatoPack het suksesvol daarin geslaag om die waarde van landbougrond – een van die produsent se belangrikste hulpbronne – te herstel. Die PotatoPack maak dit duidelik dat Syngenta die taal van plante verstaan en bied produsente ongetwyfeld die reuse bestuursvoordeel om progressief te boer. L LAEVELD Winter 2011 - 5
SUNBURN SCREEN: Top new sunscreen for South African fruit
It is a known fact that climate plays an important role in successful fruit production. But what does the word climate mean? It can be seen simply as the combined influence of temperature, rainfall, wind, hail, frost, dew, etc. Amongst these sunburn is also a factor. Especially in the fruit industry, sunburn equates to loss of product and hence, loss of income. Laeveld looks into the effects sunburn and prevention thereof by SCREEN™ on Mihowase Satsumas in the Western Cape. Study
etween November 2009 and February 2010 a variety of treatments were applied to a random selection of Mihowase Satsumas trees at the Welgevallen experimental farm in Stellenbosch in the Western Cape. The main goal of this study was to determine which of the treatments can reduce sunburn without negatively affecting fruit quality. The products test6 - LAEVELD Winter 2011
ed were Screen, Raynox, Vapor Gard® and Silica. Screen is a fine form of kaolin clay and forms a white layer across the entire canopy. This has been used with some success on apples (Glenn et al., 2002) and grapefruit (Jifon and Syvertson, 2003), but the efficacy of the product under local conditions on citrus has not yet been proven conclusively. Raynox forms a waxy layer on the surface of the fruit and filters roughly 50% of the UVB rays that would normally reach the fruit surface. Vapor Gard®
Fruit Production TIP:
Late season Screen applications in Satsuma:
To improve fruit size,
• Reduced sunburn by > 50% vs. the untreated control
Screen should be applied
• Reduced average leaf and fruit temperature
early in the season to
(2.5˚C & 1.4˚C respectivly)
reduce the impact of heat
• Significantly increased Brix (10.8˚) content compared
stress on cell division...
to the untreated control (9.8˚)
forms a layer around the fruit that reduces water loss through evaporation and acts as a second epidermal layer. It is generally assumed that the reduction in water stress can reduce sunburn. Silica precipitates just beneath the top layer of cells inside the fruit skin and also reduces water loss. Findings
n this experiment the fruit treated with Screen had significantly higher sugar content than the control, while Vapor Gard® had significantly lower sugar content than the control (the other treat-
ments did not differ from the control). There were no significant differences between the treatments with regards to total titratable acidity, juice content and the sugar:acid ratio of the fruit. There was no significant difference between any of the treatments regarding the severity of sunburn at harvest; there was however a difference between the various treatments with regards to the total number of sunburnt fruit per tree. On the whole, Screen had 50% less sunburnt fruit per tree than the control, while the other treatments showed no significant difference. L
Additional info Screen provides excellent improvements in crop productivity by reflecting away harmful UV, IR and excess visible light. Screen can reduce crop leaf temperatures by 2 to 10°C. These temperature reductions have many benefits, such as improving yield and the quality of harvested fruit. A wellapplied Screen film can also reduce flower abortion, increase fruit retention.
Screen is specially formulated for ease of mixing and product dispersion. Two application recommendations help protect season-long or late season heat/light/ water stress. Screen is made from a specific type of kaolin that is suitable in IPM due to low impact on predators. Screen does not flare scale and mites.
Research conducted by CRI, Stellenbosch University: Stephan Verreynne (CRI@SU) and Schalk van der Merwe (SU).
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Support Program
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Sustainable Development
In April of this year, the City of Tshwane announced that it would strengthen agriculture with a support programme for farmers to create sustainable livelihoods. t the announcement of the programme municipal spokesperson Console Tleane said: "The programme will be implemented pursuant to the observations made in the United Nations' 2005 Halving Hunger report, which argues that agriculture can contribute to Millennium Development Goal 1 in two ways; firstly by stimulating food production and secondly by kick-starting economic development."
as well as mechanisation schemes.
The farmers' support programme would have three categories. The first of which would be targeted at household food production, and support would be given through the expansion of the provision of agricultural starter packs, training and capacity programmes to households that had food gardens.
Tleane said factors that would be taken into account for assessment would be: feasibility of operation, number of beneficiaries, potential for positive socioeconomic impact, environmental impact and the availability of water. The support would not solely be provided by the City of Tshwane, but in collaboration with other stakeholders.
The second category would strengthen community projects, which would involve the provision of agricultural starter pack programmes to community projects, training and capacity programmes, on-farm infrastructure development, access to market and finance,
The third category would be in the form of support to emerging farmers, who would be supported through training and capacity building programmes, mechanisation schemes, sustainable agricultural villages and comprehensive agricultural support in collaboration with the Gauteng Provincial Government, he said.
"It is expected that the programme will expand and more demands will be put on the department once the Metsweding district municipality has been incorporated into Tshwane. L
LAEVELD Winter 2011 - 9
Identifisering van tamatieplae
wat plae? Die tamatie is een van Suid-Afrika se belangrikste groentegewasse en in terme van beplantingstreek is net aartappels, uie en kool meer belangrik. Tamaties word hoofsaaklik verbou in Limpopo, die Mpumalanga Laeveld en Middelveldstreek, die Pongola-gebied van KwaZuluNatal, die suidelike dele van die OosKaap en die Wes-Kaap. In KZN is die tamatie waarskynlik derde in lyn na aartappels en groenkool. Tipes Tamatieplae
amaties word deur ‘n wye reeks plae aangeval. Die erns van die aanval sal van plek tot plek en van seisoen tot seisoen wissel, maar die een of ander vorm van plaagbeheer sal oor die algemeen vir feitelik elke plant nodig wees. Hiermee volg ‘n paar van die plae en hul identifiserende faktore, wat Suid-Afrika se tamatieboere ernstig beïnvloed.
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Tamatieplae Amerikaanse Bolwurm: • Die hele plant moet gemoniteer word veral blomme, blare en vrugte. • Bolwurm verkies om sy wit regop eier bo-op die blaar te lê, maar ook op die blomme. • Larwes word op die blare en vrugte aangetref en klein larwes penetreer dan die blomme en slegs die ingangsgaaitjie kan dan gesien word. • Die bolwurm verkies om sy hele lewensiklus in een vrug te voltooi. • ‘n Bolwurmmot kan ongeveer 150 eiers lê. • Bolwurmlarwes kom in verskillende kleure voor nl: groen, rooi en bruin, maar altyd met ‘n ligte wit streep langs die sy af.
Snywurms: • Snywurms is gewoonlik nie ‘n probleem in lande wat lank vooraf braak gelê het nie. • Die larwe kruip snags onder die grond uit en vreet die jong plantjie onder teen die grond af. • Die ligbruin tot donkergroen larwes kan met die hand uitgegrawe word.
Tamatie Semilandmeter: • 24 plante word per blok gemoniteer. • Die hele plant word deursoek vir eiers. • Eiers is ligroom, ovaal en platterig en word onder blare aangetref. • Larwes vreet groot volumes blare en laat ‘bokhael’ gate in blare en kenmerkende swart miskorrels agter. • Skade aan vrugte is duidelike groot gate wat bymekaar is. • Skade kan ernstig wees, larwes dring nie die vrugte in soos bolwurms nie. • Larwes is ‘n lig tot donkergroen.
LAEVELD Winter 2011 - 11
PLAAG & ONKRUIDBEHEER Amerikaanse Blaarmyner: • Vlieë moet eerste gemoniteer word en vir die larwes moet die hele plant gemoniteer word. • Slegs lewende larwes moet aangeteken word. • Amerikaanse blaarmynervlieë maak ‘n duidelikke en kenmerkende wit tot lig-geel steekmerk bo-op die blaaroppervlakte, waarin die eiers gelê word. • 20% van die steekmerke is dié waarin eiers gele word en die ander 80% word gemaak deur mannetjies en wyfies wat voed. • Wyfies lê ongeveer 250 eiers en meestal in nuwe groei. • Die larwes vreet in blare en maak duidelike myntonnels waar hulle gevoed het en dikwels toegang gee vir sekondêre swamsiektes soos vroeë roes. • Die larwe is lig-geel met ‘n swart koppie. • Nadat volwassenheid bereik is, verlaat die larwe die blaar, val af na die grond en pupeer.
• D ie indeks word uitgewerk deur die totale aantal lewende larwes per 24 plante deur 24 te deel, die antwoord is die aantal lewende larwes per plant. • Blaarmynerlarwes vreet slegs aktief in vroeë oggend ure. Aartappel Blaarmyner: • Vyf blare word per plant gemoniteer; drie blare word bo-in plant en twee in die middel gemoniteer. • Die aartappel blaarmyner is ‘n nuwe plaag in Suid-Afrika en het baie skade die afgelope twee seisoene in die aartappelbedryf veroorsaak. • Die aatappel blaarmyner is baie meer moeilik om te beheer as die Amerikaanse blaarmyner. • Die Amerikaanse blaarmyner tonnel tussen die blaarare, terwyl die aartappel blaarmyner deur die blaarare tonnel en die hele blaar vernietig. • Geen ekonomiese drumpelwaarde is vasgestel vir die aartappel blaarmyner nie, maar Scouts moet die plaag raporteer. Aartappel- en Groen Perske Plantluis: • Die hele plant word gemoniteer. • 24 plante per blok word gemoniteer vir plantluise. • Plantluise kom hoofsaaklik aan die onderkant van die blaar voor en word ook aan die groeipunte aangetref. • Daar word soms wit plantluise gesien, maar dit is die vervellings van die plantluise. • Plantluise word donker bruin as
12 - LAEVELD Winter 2011
hulle geparasiteer is. • B aie hoë plantluispopulasies kan gewoonlik later gekoppel word aan virus besmettings met aartappelvirus Y. • Hoë populasies plantluise skei heuning dou af wat gewoonlik miere lok (wat die biologiese beheer agente wegjaag) maar dien ook as ‘n voedingsbron vir Syrphid vlieë, Trichogramma en vele ander voordelige insekte.
Witvlieg: • 24 plante word per blok gemoniteer en die hele plant word deursoek. • Witvlieë het ‘n geel lyf en wit vlerke en kom aan die onderkant van die blaar voor. • Sy eiers word ook daar gelê. • Die eiers is lig tot wit en baie moeilik om te sien en is ovaal-vormig. • Eiers wat geparasiteer is vertoon swart en is makliker sigbaar as ongeparasiteerde eiers. • Indien die populasie uiters hoog
word, kan plantsap in so ‘n mate uitgesuig word dat fisiese skade waargeneem word. • Daar is huidiglik slegs drumpelwaardes uitgewerk vir geel lokvalle. (50 vlieë op 5 valle per week). • Witvlieë kan net tot 50cm voor hulle sien en vlieg net kort afstande, behalwe as die wind hulle waai. • Witvlieg is verantwoordelik vir die oordraging van Tyl virus. Tamatie Gevlekte Verwelk Virus: • 24 plante per blok word gemoniteer. • Die virus kom baie duidelik eerste op die nuwe groei van die plant voor. • Simptome lyk baie soos aartappelvirus Y maar begin deur klein swart kolletjies aan die bokant van die blaar. • Die groeipunte sal eerste terugsterf en later die takkies en hoofstam. • Die vrugte vertoon later rooi met duidelike geel ringe. • Blaaspootjie is die vektor wat die virus versprei, maar dit word ook deur saad en hande oorgedra. L
LAEVELD Winter 2011 - 13
Wind Erosion: Consequences in the Free State and measures against it
Wind erosion can be defined as the removal of soil materials and the deposit thereof in another area. The valuable topsoil that consists of silt, clay and humus fractions is consequently driven away by the wind and thereby further damage is done in other territories where this soil is deposited.
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Wind Erosion The effect of wind erosion
he effect of wind erosion comprises not only the removal of valuable topsoil, but also damage in various other areas. A massive loss of soil fertility is created, because dust contains more nitrogen, phosphate and potassium than the soil from where it was removed. One single dust storm can blow away as much as six tons of soil per hectare. This loss of ground material therefore decreases the production potential of the soil. Because only the coarse sand is left behind, the structure of the soil is impaired. The erosion action is now sped up, because the capacity of the soil to form stable aggregates - the binding material - is removed from the soil. Three to four week old seedlings can be completely torn off, covered or damaged. This can lead to a loss in yields. Fixed structures i.e. fences, roads, canals, storm water drains, dams and railway lines can be completely covered with sand and further costs have to be incurred for repairs. Air pollution that leads to limited visibility, especially during sandstorms, can inevitably lead to road accidents. The impurities that are released into the air may cause infections of the eyes and lungs in humans and animals. The foremost benefit of wind erosion is the fact that the fine, fertile material that lands on infertile, sandy soils can make this soil fertile and productive.
The control of wind erosion
Stubble tilling and minimum tilling: Adjusting the tilling method in such a way that the maximum plant material remains above ground diminishes erosion. Maize is planted diagonally across with the most harmful wind direction and is harvested with a picker harvester (combine) which leaves behind the maximum amount of plant material. A V-blade hoe is then used to cut the stubble at an angle of 45ยบ of the plant direction. When the new plant direction is established, the land is tilled with a subsoiler in the rows where the maize or wheat is to be planted. When weeds appear after the first rains, the land is again tilled with the V-blade hoe.
Crop rotation: This comprises periods of planting perennials, followed by short periods of annual crops. Groundnuts are sometimes planted where the land is left bare after the harvest.
Strip cropping: Strip cropping alternate strips of closely sown crops such as wheat, or other small grains with strips of row crops, such as Maize. This helps to stop soil erosion by creating natural dams for water, helping to preserve the strength of the soil.
LAEVELD Winter 2011 - 15
SOIL SURVIVAL & EROSION Other practices that can be applied to prevent wind erosion: • Establish dry or vulnerable land with pasture crops. • The land can be protected with temporary crops such as grass. • Although strip tillage does not prevent wind erosion, it decreases the erosion tempo. • Windbreakers provide effective protection against wind erosion for a distance of 12 times the height of the windbreak. In general, there are many different practices that can be used in combination in order to obtain success in the prevention of wind erosion. Keep in mind that the same mass of finer plant material can control wind erosion
more effectively, than the same mass of coarser plant material. It is therefore clear that wind erosion must not only be seen as harmful, but that infertile adjoining areas can also benefit by it. The control of wind erosion is therefore a very essential management function, where various factors must be considered. On request of the Free State Province, the ARC-Institute for Agricultural Engineering (ILI) did a survey of the damage done by wind erosion and compiled a publication on the findings. This article highlights a few of the important points. For further information the publication can be obtained from the Marketing Division of the Institute. L
Die voorkoming en moontlike oplossings van erosie in appelboorde Erosie is vandag een van die grootste probleme betrokke by die verbouing van enige gewas. Veral hoë reënvalgebiede, soos onder meer die suidelike deel van die Vrystaat, ondervind hierdie probleem. Hier word appelboorde noord-suid aangeplant sodat bome die sonlig maksimaal kan benut. Dit veroorsaak dat bome dikwels saam met die helling geplant word, wat tot probleme soos erosie lei. 16 - LAEVELD Winter 2011
Wind Erosion Oorsake van erosie
rosie kom voor tydens die voorbereiding van die grond, omdat die grond diep vir optimale wortelen vogindringing losgemaak word. ’n Oorkruisbewerking van 600 met ‘n skeurploeg word gemaak. Appelbome word normaalweg op die rif-en-voormetode aangeplant. Waar appelbome nie op ‘n rif geplant word nie, ontstaan erosie maklik aangesien die dekgewas direk onder die boomry – ongeveer een meter wyd – doodgespuit word om kompetisie vir vog en plantvoedsel te voorkom. Die strook tussen die rye bome waar bome op die rif geplant word, word as grasafleibaan gebruik. Waar die baan nie waterpas is nie, kom erosie teen die onderkantste rif voor. Erosie en versuiptoestande kan ook ontstaan indien daar punte in die baan voorkom waar water opdam totdat die rif breek. Besproeiingspype wat skoon gespoel word op die punt van 'n boord, veroorsaak vir kort tye ‘n hoë piek van afloop. Erosie ontstaan dan op die punt van elke boomry.
Voorkoming In die somerreënvalstreke word aanbeveel dat appelboorde nie teen steiler hellings as vier persent geplant word nie. In die winterreënvalstreke word boorde teen steiler hellings aangeplant, maar die reënval in hierdie streke het
‘n baie laer intensiteit en veroorsaak nie so maklik erosie nie. Voorbereiding en geskikte dekgewasse wat reeds met sukses in die boorde gebruik word, word aangespreek. Bome moet op die rif gevestig word en ‘n kanaal of afleibaan wat waterpas in die dwarsste is, moet tussen twee rye bome gevorm word. Dekgewasse wat bo-op die rif groei, word doodgespuit met onkruiddoder, net voordat die bome gevestig word.
Kontoere Bane en paaie moet sò gekontoer wees en met gras bedek word dat dit as waterafleibane gebruik kan word sonder om beweging met implemente daaroor te beïnvloed. Die hoeveelheid water wat deur bane in boomrye, sowel as paaie gehanteer moet word, kan verminder word deur die grootte van die blok te verander. L LAEVELD Winter 2011 - 17
Games & Activities for the Family SUDOKU INTERMEDIATE
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1 1
9 4
7 6
5 4
3 3
8 1
4 3
1 2
8 4
3 9
8 9
5 Laeveld Account No.:
8 3
1 8
ACROSS: 1 - The empty pods or scale-like seed covers which are separated from the grain in the threshing and cleaning operation. 6 - The science or practice of farming 10 - The science, production and study of grapes 11 - Plant lice or green fly 12 - A destructive insect or animal that attacks crops, food, livestock DOWN: 1 - The management and preservation of natural resources for present
and future uses 2 - A prolonged period of abnormally low precipitation; a shortage of water resulting from this 3 - Interaction between two different organisms living in close physical association, typically to the advantage of both 4 - A swarm of insects that attack plants 5 - The basic, underlying framework or features of a system or organisation 7 - The process or period of gathering in crop 9 - The full amount of an agricultural or industrial produce LAEVELD Winter 2011 - 19
Flooding 2011
Possible short to long-term Impacts of the January 2011 Floods to South Africa and some of her SADC Trading Partners
he majority of agricultural systems in South Africa and Africa at large are rain fed. Rainfall is a natural phenomenon whose occurrence can be erratic, resulting in weather shocks such as droughts and floods which can have devastating impacts on the socio-economic livelihoods of the people. Floods and droughts trigger a multiplicity of negative impacts to economies relying on rain-fed agriculture. With eight out of nine South African provinces having been hit by floods in January 2011, this article explores the possible short to long-term impacts of floods to the economy of South Africa and partly to its Southern African Development Community (SADC) trading partners in agricultural produce. The floods, which were a result of constant heavy rains in a country which has become the sole breadbasket of Southern Africa with Zimbabwe, a former
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breadbasket still reeling in its political and economic challenges, claimed over a 100 lives; left 33 district municipalities declared disaster areas; thousands of houses damaged and farmers agonising from crop damage. South Africa has a dual agricultural economy comprising a well-developed commercial sector and a predominantly subsistence-oriented sector in the rural areas. Primary agriculture contributes about three percent to the gross domestic product (GDP) of South Africa whose nominal value was estimated at R667 billion for the third quarter of 20101. In addition, primary agriculture caters for about eight percent of formal employment in South Africa. However, with strong sector linkages into the economy, the agro-industrial sector comprises about seven percent of GDP. The total contribution of agriculture to the South African economy increased
the past two years and over 10 million tons in the past decade.
from R27 billion in 2001 to R36 billion in 2007 and to R68 billion in 2008. Producer prices of agricultural products increases have been 17.9 percent for 2005-2006, 24.6 percent for 2006-2007 and 14.3 percent from 2007-2008. In 2008, the producer prices of field crops rose by 22.4 percent, against an increase of 44 percent the previous year. Producer prices of horticultural products increased by 20.6 percent in 2007 compared to 2006, 5.8 percent in 2008 compared to 2007 and seven percent in 2009 compared to 20082. Maize is the largest produced field crop in South Africa and the most important source of carbohydrates in the Southern African Development Community (SADC) at large, for animal and human consumption. South Africa is the current main maize producer in the SADC region, with an average production of over 12 million tons a year for
gainst such a background, one feels compelled to speculate the effects of weather shocks in form of floods to such an economy in terms of employment, income, food security and food prices. The most immediate impact of floods is the undermining of crop production and therefore yields on the farms, both commercial and subsistence. If farm yields are affected, it means the national harvest is affected which reduces household and national food availability and ultimately agricultural income derived from crop sales. Thus poor harvests will seriously affect food security and lifestyles of the nation but particularly of those directly relying on agriculture for their income or direct food supplies. With crops destroyed by floods and lack of monetary compensation from the South African government to revive agricultural activity, it is highly likely that there will be a further surge in total farming debt which was estimated LAEVELD Winter 2011 - 21
The floods are most likely to hamper the objectives
of the Integrated Food Security and Nutrition Programme which aims to eradicate hunger, malnutrition and food insecurity in South Africa by 2015
to have increased from over R46 million in 2009 to over R54 million in 20103 as farmers borrow to revive their crop. In addition, one gets the feeling that part of the eight percent population formally employed in the agro-industry will be laid off. Thus the supply of labour in the agricultural market will rise acutely against an acute drop in the demand for agricultural labour services. Statistics released in the third Quarterly Labour Force Survey by Statistics South Africa reveal that 25 percent of the economically active population in South Africa is unemployed4. The retrenched farm laborers comprising migrants from SADC countries like Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Zambia and Malawi will have to find other options to bring food on the table thereby adding to the cumulative figure of the unemployed in the respective countries.
output. Important export destinations for South Africa’s agricultural produce in the SADC region are Botswana, Lesotho, Swaziland, Namibia, Zimbabwe and Mozambique with the last two having been the biggest regional trading partners in the 2009/2010 season. With over 10 million tons being required for the local market, it is most likely that South Africa, the breadbasket of the SADC region, will export less in the 2010/2011 season to cater for local food demands thereby posing possibilities of a worsening food insecurity situation in the SADC region. The floods are most likely to hamper the objectives of the Integrated Food Security and Nutrition Programme which aims to eradicate hunger, malnutrition and food insecurity by 2015 in South Africa and the country will most likely continue to be a net importer of food.
No doubt the loss of income by farmers whose crop was destroyed and by laid off farm workers will affect aggregate demand through decreased consumer expenditure on goods and services and reduced exports of agricultural goods due to low agricultural
Since the deregulation of the South African agricultural market in 1996, domestic prices of maize and other agricultural produce fluctuate within a range dictated by world prices, exchange rates and local production which varies substantially with erratic
22 - LAEVELD Winter 2011
Flooding 2011 weather conditions such as the floods the country recently experienced. In the face of such shocks, deficits in local produce are anticipated thereby causing the local price of the agricultural produce to rise towards import parity5. South Africa’s official average annual inflation rate was 4.3 percent for the year 2010 with the annual rate for food and non-alcoholic beverages increasing to 1.5 percent in December 2010 from 1.3 percent in November 20106.
ccording to the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO), the general global food price index rose to 215 points in December 2010, with food commodity price indices highest for sugar, oils and fats. The Cereal Price Index rose to 238 points, up 6 percent from November and as much as 39 percent from December 20097. With the prices of most of South Africa’s food products being derived from international prices and with possible food deficits owing to the recent floods, it is reasonable to assume that South Africa and its trading partners in the SADC region must brace up for an increase in food price inflation this year. Many will pray that the Rand keeps strong as it was in 2010 to shield South Africans from any possible sharp rises in global food prices. From the discussion, it is notable that the shock from the floods that hit South Africa in January 2011 could culminate
in tremors that adversely affect not only the livelihoods of those directly earning a living from agriculture but a chain of other economic activities and indicators. The tremors are likely to cross the borders of South Africa to her regional trading partners in SADC. One may however take solace in the fact that South Africa’s economy is highly diversified and has other diverse sources of income other than agriculture relative to other economies in Africa. As a result, the general level of vulnerability of the country to weather shocks such as floods may be minimal. L Author: Takura Chamuka (MSc Economics, BSc Economics, UZ) is a Cape Town based Human and Economic Development Consultant/Researcher, for NGO Pulse. References: 1. Gross Domestic Product, 3rd Quarter, Statistical Release P0441, Statistics South Africa, November 2010; 2. Statistics in this paragraph were extracted from Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Republic of South Africa, Pocket Guide 2008/09 and Pocket Guide 2009/10; 3. Trends in the Agricultural Sector 2010, Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Republic of South Africa; 4. Quarterly Labour Force Survey, Statistical Release P0211, Statistics South Africa, 3rd Quarter, October 2010; 5. Import parity refers to the international price plus transport and other cost multiplied by the exchange rate, FEWS NET Market guidance, No 1, May 2008; 6. Consumer Price Index, Statistical Release P0141, Statistics South Africa, December 2010; 7. The Global Foundation Price Monitor, FAO, 14 January 2011.
LAEVELD Winter 2011 - 23
Cash crop production in South Africa varies substantially from one region to another due to large variations in climatic conditions, such as rainfall and soil capacity. This having been said, only 15 to 20% of the total maize production area is dependent on irrigation, but about one third of the total maize crop is produced under irrigation. Irrigation farmers thus play an important role in South African production. Examples of typical irrigation farms: Farm 1: Northern Cape (NC) 1400 hectares double-cropped arable land; Large-sized, top management farm. Farm 2: Northern Cape (NC) 323 hectares double-cropped arable land; Medium-sized, average management farm. 24 - LAEVELD Winter 2011
Farm 3: Western Free State (WFS) (dominated by dry-land farming) 1700 hectare farm involved in maize production during November/December (harvested May/June); Wheat planted in June/ July (harvested November/December.) The typical farm also consists of a livestock production unit that contributes to the total turnover.
Irrigation Farming Gross margins paint a positive picture Figure 1.1.1 indicates that a typical irrigation farm in South Africa can be operated profitably, despite high input levels. High profit levels can be ascribed to the relative high yields generated, especially in corn production. The Northern Cape (NC) farms generate the highest yields, while corn yields on the Western Free State (WFS) farm under irrigation are only marginally larger than its dry-land enterprise. For the WFS farm, it can be observed that the dry-land enterprise is more profitable than its irrigation enterprise, due to lower input costs and relative high yields. Figure 1.1.1 further suggests that it does not make sense economically for the WFS farm to produce corn under irrigation. However, the WFS irrigation enterprise could provide a valuable diversification tool where high value crops can be planted instead.
Fertilizer: Farmers at disadvantage? Fertilzer inputs constitute the majority of crop establishment costs for a typical irrigation farm. The reason for the high nitrogen and potassium costs for the respective crops can be attributed to the high level of fertilizer applications and relatively high prices for these elements. The high prices of compound fertilizers in South Africa are mainly influenced by high transportation costs due to deteriorating infrastructure. The lower crop establishment costs for the
1.1.1. Yield and proďŹ tability in 2009
1.1.2. Crop establishment cost (USD/ton)
1.1.3. Nitrogen application and price (USD/ton)
dry-land enterprise can be ascribed to lower amounts of fertilizer applied. In general, considerably larger amounts of fertilizer are applied to crops under irrigation, since water is more readily available and soil capacity can be utilised to optimum levels. NC farms usually apply between 250 and 320 kg nitrogen per hectare for corn as opposed to approximately 50 to 75kg/ha by dry-land farms. The question arises as to what extent these high nitrogen applications contribute to productivity. Furthermore, Figure 1.1.3 clearly indicates that nitrogen prices differ from farm to farm. Fertilizer prices depend to LAEVELD Winter 2011 - 25
FINANCIAL FOCUS a great extent on the ability of farmers to negotiate and fix favourable prices in a timely manner before production starts. Hence, nitrogen prices received by each farmer in Figure 1.1.3 were based on the time and date when these prices were negotiated with suppliers. Lastly, high fertilizer costs should be considered against the backdrop of extremely high fertilizer prices in 2008, due to high deep sea transportation costs, availability of ship freight and also inland logistic costs. Farmers expected fertilizer prices to increase further and subsequently made rushed decisions to purchase fertilizer in anticipation. Instead, fertilizer prices decreased and some farmers subsequently owned unnecessary expensive fertilizer.
technology farming systems implemented on both NC farms, where fertilizer is applied more efficiently by means of precision farming. It should also be kept in mind that the NC farms also had very high yields. In these farms’ corn enterprises, every kilogram of nitrogen applied, generated between 45 and 49 kg of corn, as opposed to 35 kg by the WFS farm. Despite high yields, economic productivity for the NC farm is similar to that of the WFS farm due to its high nitrogen prices. 1.1.5. Water Application and Irrigation Costs
1.1.4. Nitrogen Productivity
Water productivity improved by technology
The Physical and Economic Productivity of Nitrogen Figure 1.1.4 clearly indicates that the dry-land enterprise of WFS is the most productive of all the farms. This can be explained by the high corn yields relative to the low amount of nitrogen applied. However, considering the amount of nitrogen applied and nitrogen prices received, the NC farm generates better yields when compared to the WFS farm. This can be ascribed to the high 26 - LAEVELD Winter 2011
Water application amongst the irrigation farms does not differ significantly in terms of amount of water applied (Figure 1.1.5). However, the WFS farm requires less water than its NC counterparts, since rainfall is higher in the WFS region. As a result, irrigation cost for the WFS is lower than that of NC farms for wheat production. However, ‘Farm 1’ has substantially lower irrigation cost for corn production relative to the other farms, which indicates that water is applied more efficiently in the corn enterprise of this farm. This is also confirmed by Figure 1.1.6 which represents physi-
Irrigation Farming 1.1.7. Irrigation Machinery Cost and Arable Land Rent
cal and economic water productivity. Figure 1.1.6 shows that significantly less water was applied on ‘Farm 1’, in order to obtain a yield of 1kg. The superior physical water productivity of the NC farms is especially apparent in corn production. Figure 1.1.6 further implies that for corn production ‘Farm 1’ commands a substantial economical advantage over its irrigated counterparts. This is a result of its higher yields, despite the fact that the amounts of water applied did not differ significantly. However, for wheat production, the WFS farm is more economically productive than the NC farms, since less water is needed due to considerably higher rainfall. 1.1.6. Irrigation Productivity
Irrigation machinery cost According to Figure 1.1.7, no substantial differences can be observed with respect to irrigation machinery costs. As can be expected, machinery costs for the larger NC farm are lower than its smaller counterparts. It should be noted that, based on the economies of scale argument, it was expected that the small WFS irrigation enterprise would have considerably higher irrigation machinery costs than the larger of the NC farms. This
was not the case. It should however be noted that due to higher investment in irrigation technology, it is only justified that the resultant machinery cost would be higher for the NC farms. Arable land rent – value added by irrigation Arable land rent is represented by Figure 1.1.7 and serves as a proxy for the value added to land by irrigation. A considerable difference can be observed in the land rent between the NC farms on the one hand, and the WFS farm on the other. Land rent for the NC farms is identical for both farms, whereas irrigation land in WFS is less than half the land rent for NC farms. The main reason for this trend is that irrigation is the only means for crop production in the arid NC area and demand for prime irrigation land is thus high. In contrast, the WFS area is predominantly dry-land area where demand for irrigation land is considerably lower. L Co-Authors: Stefan van Zyl of Syngenta South Africa and Divan van der Westhuizen of the Bureau for Food and Agricultural Policy (BFAP). Originally Published in agri benchmark Cash Crop Report 2010: Tel: 049 531 596 1001 E-mail:
LAEVELD Winter 2011 - 27
Family Getaways
Pilanesberg F
or the game viewing connoisseur, a trip to this 55 000 hectare Pilanesberg Game Reserve, located in the North West Province of South Africa is well worthwhile, and for the novice it's an amazing wildlife experience. This beautiful and extremely interesting park is home to a 1,3 million-yearold extinct volcano, which has created an Alkaline Ring Complex in the park. This makes for a most interesting landscape and diverse vegetation, which brings life to this geographically fascinating area. Stretching as far as the eye can see are rolling green hills, thick with vegetation, contrasted by light brown plains dotted with antelope, zebra and buffalo. The park is well-populated by all the members of the Big Five, and the interactive approach to game viewing adopted by the rangers makes sightings of these animals a common occurrence.
28 - LAEVELD Winter 2011
Giraffe, zebra and plains game are also evident in healthy populations, and travellers are sure to spot numerous antelope species roaming the bushveld. Travellers are also invited to view the magnificent game from a hot air balloon, or take a magical evening game drive. There are also many hides dotted around the park, from which hippos can be spied wallowing in the waters while crocodiles line the shores. Golden Leopard Resorts: Bakgatla The overwhelming impression which guests at this resort seem to have is that the Bakgatla Complex offers first rate accommodation, in the form of executive safari tents, chalets, caravanning and camping facilities. Bakgatla is also ideal for families with young children, as well as for those adults looking for a fun-filled getaway. Best of all, the resort offers excellent value for money. L
Pilanesberg National Park
ENTER WIN a 2-night stay at the
in the Pilanesberg National Park!
estled in the basin of an ancient volcanic crater, divided by riverine woodlands and elephant trails lies the BAKGATLA RESORT, a member of the Golden Leopard Resorts Group, and one of the most popular family resorts in the Pilanesberg National Park. Terms & Conditions 1. The competition is open to South African residents aged 21 or over, and excludes except employees of Laeveld Agrochem Magazine, their immediate families, their agents or anyone professionally connected to the relevant competition. 2. The winner will be selected randomly from correct entries, in accordance with the closing date specified. Winners will be notified in writing and the prize is not transferable. 3. Laeveld Agrochem Magazine will not be liable for any failure of receipt of entries, and takes no responsibility for any entries that are lost, delayed, illeg-
Tell us what province houses the Pilanesberg National Park, and you could win a family getaway for 4 at the Bakgatla Resort, and experience the wonders of the BIG 5 for yourself. Email your answer to:
ible, corrupted, damaged, incomplete or otherwise invalid. 4. By entering, entrants agree to be bound by these terms and conditions. Entries that do not comply with the terms and conditions are invalid. 5. Prizes are not transferable, and cash alternatives are not available. 6. The prize comprises accommodation for two adults and two children for two nights, out of season; travel, transfer and beverage costs are for the account of the entrant. 7. By entering, winners agree to their names and general locations being used for publicity purposes by Icons Magazine in any and all media.
8. Misrepresentative or fraudulent entries will invalidate an entry. The Editor's decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into. 9. Laeveld Agrochem Magazine reserves the right at any time to cancel, modify or supersede the competition (including altering prizes) if, in our sole discretion, a competition is not capable of being conducted as specified. 10. Laeveld Agrochem Magazine will not be liable for any loss or damage arising out of the winner's (or their guest's) enjoyment of the prize. 11. In the event that part of the prize needs to be cancelled there will be no equivalent value prize offered in return.
LAEVELD Winter 2011 - 29
Wat dit is en hoe dit die landbou bedryf beïnvloed
ou dat die winter in alle erns hier is, is daar ‘n paar boere wat benoude boude het, veral as ons dink aan sub-zero temperature. Ek verwys nou na ryp. As jy so tussen die boere ry en jy sien ‘n oormaat ‘second-hand’ Dunlops rondom die aartappellande dan weet jy, hierdie boere is op ‘n gereedheidsgrondslag vir die wit kristalletjies wat vroegmore uit die lug val. Dit laat my dadelik dink, weet ons regtig wat ryp werklik is en hoe word dit gevorm? Daar is ‘n hele paar mites (soos in Myth Busters). Die grootste mite is sekerlik dat ryp gevriesde dou is. Die feit is: ryp is nie dou wat gevries het nie, ook nie oppervlak water op blare wat gevries het nie. Gevriesde dou en water lyk heeltemal anders as ryp. Daar is hoofsaaklik twee tipes ryp; Swartryp en Witryp: 30 - LAEVELD Winter 2011
Swartryp, wat hoofsaaklik met redelike sterk winde en sub-zero temperature gepaard gaan. Wolke mag teenwoordig wees. Temperature daal vinnig a.g.v ‘n laag yskoue lug wat ingewaai word en nog verder afkoel deur enegieverliese. Uiteindelik daal temperature so laag dat selsap van plantselle vries en bars. Geen ys is op plante teenwoordig nie, omdat die lugvog naby die grondoppervlak te laag is. Die volgende oggend as die son begin skyn, sien ons donkergroen tot swart gekleurde plante en blare. Dit is Swartryp.
Witryp word gevorm hoofsaaklik tydens wolklose nagte en sonder wind. Temperature daal vinnig agv uitstraling vanaf die aardkors. Die aarde verloor maw energie en gevolglik koel die hoogste lug die vinnigste af en word gewoonlik so gehandhaaf.
Skade, Verlies, Herstelling Wanneer dit egter witryp, vind die omgekeerde of inversie plaas, naamlik dat die lug naaste aan die grondoppervlak die vinnigste afkoel en sub-zero temperature bereik. Indien die humiditeit hoog genoeg is sal die “ryppunt” ook relatief hoog wees, maar laer as 0ºC. Hoe laer die humiditeit (droër) hoe laer die 'ryppunt', m.a.w. laer as 0ºC. Die ‘ryppunt’ is die temperatuur wat die lug moet bereik om atmosferiese vog te laat vries (nie kondenseer). Kondensasie na water in hierdie geval, is dou. Dit wil sê witryp is die oorgaan van atmosferiese vog vanaf die gas fase (vog) direk na die vaste fase naamlik yskristalle. Yskristalle vorm in die lug, gewoonlik rondom bakteriekerne, maar word ook op plantoppervlaktes en ook grondoppervlakte gevorm. Witryp is altyd kristalle en nie gevriesde water of dou nie. Witryp kan met sneeu verglyk word. Sneeu is nie reëndruppels wat vries nie, so ook nie ryp nie. Reëndruppels wat vries is hael.
Voorkoming van Witryp met Chemikalië Yskristalle word gewoonlik gevorm om bakteriekerne in die lug of op plant– en grondoppervlaktes. Indien die aantal bakterieë verminder kan word deur bakteriedoders soos byvoorbeeld COPSTAR 120 SC op plante te spuit, sal die ryp ook ‘ligter’ wees, tot by ‘n sekere minimum temperatuur van ongeveer -2ºC. Laer as dit sal chemikalieë nie help nie. Dit is algemeen in sommige Europese lande en Amerika dat koperswamdoders gebruik word. COPSTAR is ook al veral op aartappels en sitrus in Suid-Afrika met sukses tot en met -2ºC gebruik. L Verskaf deur: Ag-Chem, 'n Suid-Afrikaanse maatskappy wat spesialiseer in die ontwikkeling en die vervaardiging van hoë gehalte agro-chemiese produkte vir die wêreld markte.
Voorkom ryp met een van Laeveld se 'Fogger' systeme. (HIERBO) Lande waar die 'Fogger' teen ryp toegepas is.
LAEVELD Winter 2011 - 31
Warm Wintersoppe Boontjiesop Bestandele: 1 kg Beeskookvleis (verkieslik skenkels met baie murg) 5 groot Uie 1 kg Suikerboontjies (oornag geweek in water) 750ml water 2 pakkies ‘Oxtail’ Sop 2 blokkies ‘Oxtail’ Aftreksel 4 sakkies Tamatiepuree 50 - 100ml Worcestershire Sous 2 eetlepels Sout Grof gemaalde Swartpeper na smaak
So maak ons: • Kook vleis, water en uie tot vleis van bene af val. Hou al die water waarin die vleis en uie gekook is. • Verwyder vleis, ontbeen en hou eenkant. • Gooi nou die boontjies en die water waarin dit geweek is in stoompot en stoomkook tot dit met vingers pap gedruk kan word (ongeveer so 15min). 32 - LAEVELD Winter 2011
• K ry nou 'n lekker groot pot wat die boontjies en die water van die vleis kan hou, asook die ontbeende vleis. • Bring tot kookpunt. • Meng al die ander bestandele saam en voeg bietjie vir bietjie die boontjies en vleis by. • Roer aanhoudend. • Kook vir 5 min en haal van warm plaat af. Bedien 4-5
Suid-Afrikaanse Kos op sy Beste
Romerige Tamatiesop Bestandele: 2 koppies gekookte tamaties ½ eetlepel fyngekapte ui 1 teelepel sout ¼ teelepel peper 'n Knippie rooipeper 2 teelepels suiker 2 eetlepels botter 2 eetlepels meelblom 1,14 l warm melk (tot net voor kookpunt gebring)
So maak ons: • Kook die tamaties, ui, sout, peper, rooipeper en suiker 15 minute lank saam. • Plaas in sif om oortollige sap weg te laat loop • Smelt die botter, roer die meelblom in en voeg die warm melk geleidelik by terwyl jy aanhoudend roer. • Voeg die tamatiemengsel geleidelik by terwyl jy nog steeds aanhoudend roer. • Bedien onmiddellik. Bedien 4-5
LAEVELD Winter 2011 - 33
Smullekker Ertjie en Ham Sop Bestandele: 3 eetlepels olyfolie 1 gekapte ui 2 gesnyde preie 2 gesnyde seldery stokkies 2 gekapte knoffelhuisies 1 pakkie gedroogde ertjies (oornag geweek in water) 1 Eisbein 6 koppies hoenderaftreksel 1 knippie sout en gemaalde peper 4 gerookte Duitse worsies, gesny So • •
• • •
maak ons: Verhit die olie en braai groente tot hulle begin sag word. Voeg die oorblywende bestanddele, bedek en prut vir 2 tot 2,5 uur, voeg meer water by as dit nodig is, of totdat ertjies versag en vleis sag is. Verwyder vleis uit sop en laat dit effens afkoel. Verwyder vel van Eisbein. Kerf vleis met 'n vurk, keer terug in die sop, voeg worsies by en kook vir 'n verdere 30 minute. Bedien met vars brood. Bedien 4-5
34 - LAEVELD Winter 2011
Potbrood Bestandele: 4 koppies meel 1 eetlepel droë gis 1 teelepel sout 1 teelepel suiker 1 koppie water 4 eetlepels olyfolie 400g gebraaide botterskorsie 200g feta kaas, gekrummel 2 takkies roosmaryn, gekap So • • •
maak ons: Meng droë bestandele in 'n bak. Voeg die water en olyfolie by. Meng tot ‘n sagte deeg en knie dan goed vir 5 minute. • Rol die deeg in 'n groot reghoek (20 x 40cm).
Suid-Afrikaanse Kos op sy Beste Mieliebrood Bestandele: 125 ml mieliemeel 2 koppies bruismeel 1 knippie sout 450 ml karringmelk 125 ml avokado olie 1 koppie cheddar kaas 1 blikkie mielie pitte • B edek met botterskorsie, feta en roosmaryn. Geur met sout. • Rol in 'n lang wors vorm, en sny in 3cm rondtes. • Rangskik rondtes in 'n gesmeerde potjie met 'n plat deksel. • Laat vir 30 minute staan, tot die deeg in grootte verdubbel. • Bak brood op 'n rooster oor matige kole. • Plaas 8-10 kole op deksel van die pot, om die bokant van die brood te kook. • Kook vir 30-35 minute of langer vir groter brode.
So • • •
maak ons: Verhit die oond tot 180ºC. Smeer 'n 23cm brood pan. Meng al die bestanddele totdat dit ‘n mengsel vorm (moet nie te veel meng nie). • Giet die mengsel in ‘n voorbereide pan en bak vir 45-60 minute of tot goudbruin en gaar.
Wenke: As jy nie 'n yster potjie het nie, kan jy gebruik maak van ‘n swaar kastrol. Die brood word dan net oor effens koeler kole gebak. Vervang botterskorsie met groente van jou keuse, bv. Spinasie, sampioene of songedroogde tamaties. Die brood kan ook in 'n koekpan teen 190˚C gebak word (45 minute).
LAEVELD Winter 2011 - 35
60 jaar al ’n
CRUISER Die Toyota Land Cruiser, nou nog stewiger, kragtiger en beter as ooit, vier vanjaar sy 60ste bestaansjaar. Vir Land Cruiser is dit nie ’n geval van rustig oud word nie. Inteendeel, die legendariese 4x4 bly een van die taaiste rygoed op vier wiele: dit het die Arktiese sirkel en Antarktika oorwin, deur woestyne en tropiese woude geploeg en alle afgeleë en woeste plekke in die wêreld deurkruis. 36 - LAEVELD Winter 2011
Toyota Land Cruiser
ie Land Cruiser se herkoms strek terug na die Toyota BJ van 1951, ’n vragmotor-gegronde model wat aanvanklik vir militere doeleindes ontwikkel is. Binne ses maande na sy bekendstelling het die BJ geskiedenis gemaak, deur die eerste voertuig te word wat die sesde bergstasie op Berg Fuji, 2 500m bo seevlak, kon bereik. Die resultaat hiervan was dat die Japanese polisiediens die model in hul vloot opgeneem het en dit het die voertuig LAEVELD Winter 2011 - 37
" Meer
as miljoen Land Cruiser modelle wêreldwyd verkoop"
se langtermyn sukses verseker. In 1954 het die nuwe Tipe 25 BJ ’n generiese naam gekry – Land Cruiser – en hierdie naam is sedertdien vir alle modelle gebruik.
edurende die jare vyftig het Toyota met ’n wêreldwye program van uitvoer en groei begin, maar gevind gevestigde markte is reeds goed deur Amerikaanse en Europese vervaardigers bedien. Dit het daartoe gelei dat Toyota hom meer op ontwikkelende lande in die Midde en Verre Ooste, Afrika en Suid-Amerika toegespits het, waar die Land Cruiser se verrigting in strawwe toetstande dit uiters gewild gemaak het. In die middel-jare sestig is die Land Cruiser konsep verfyn in antwoord op ’n Amerikaanse tendens vir meer verfynde vierwieldryf-voertuie. Die bekendstelling van die Land Cruiser stasiewareeks in 1966 – voorganger vir die
38 - LAEVELD Winter 2011
hedendaagse Land Cruiser 200 V8 – het voorsien in hierdie groeiende aanvraag. Verdere ontwikkeling het in 1985 gevolg toe Toyota die potensiaal van ’n model met die maneuvreerbaarheid en veldryvermoë van die swaardiens-reeks met die gerief en verfyndheid van die stasiewa kon kombineer. Dit het gelei tot die eerste Land Cruiser “ligte diens” model. Sedertdien het die Land Cruiser deur nog twee geslagte gevorder, in 1996 (met die bekendstelling van die Land Cruiser Prado) en in 2002, voor die bekendstelling van die huidige model in 2009. Die groter Land Cruiser 100, wat ook in 1996 bekend gestel is om die Land Cruiser 80 te vervang, is in 2008 deur die Land Cruiser 200 opgevolg. Tot op hede is meer as vyf miljoen Land Cruiser modelle in 188 verskillende lande en streke wêreldwyd verkoop.
Toyota Land Cruiser 78 Wagon
6 silinder
96kW 285Nm
teen 3 800rpm
se wringkrag vanaf 2200rpm
‘n Nuwe familie lid sluit aan
ie Land Cruiser 70-reeks, alombekend as sommige van die mees bekwame veldryvoertuie op die mark, is versterk met die bekendstelling van die Land Cruiser 78 Wagon. Die nuwe Land Cruiser 78 Wagon is reeds beskikbaar en hierdie nuweling sal aansluit by die gewilde Land Cruiser 79 Pick-Up en die Land Cruiser 76 Station Wagon. Die nuwe lid van die Land Cruiser 70-reeks sal toegerus word met die beproefde 4,2 liter 6-silinder dieselenjin. Hierdie enjin lewer 96 kW teen 3 800 rpm en 285 Nm se wringkrag vanaf 2 200 rpm. Soos in sy eweknieë sal die 78 Wagon toegerus wees met dubbele ewenaar-grendels, ’n vyfganghandratkas en vierwiel-aandryfstelsel met geharde laestrek-ratkas. Die doelgeboude aard van die 78 Wagon doen geen afbreek aan die verwagte veiligheid- en gemaksfunksies nie. Die nuweling sal toegerus wees met dubbele lugsakke, lugversorging, sentrale sluiting en ’n verstelbare stuurkolom.
Onder die harde staaldop sal die Land Cruiser 78 Wagon, soos sy broers, toegerus wees met ’n geharde leerraam-tipe onderstel met vaste asse. Die voertuig bied ook twee brandstoftenks vir ’n gesamentlike brandstofkapasiteit van 180 liter. Die Wagon is toegerus met staalvellings van 16 duim en ’n volgrootte spaarwiel. As dit by harde werk kom is daar geen twyfel in die Land Cruiser 78 se résumé en veldry-vermoë nie. Die voertuig bied ’n invalshoek van 38 grade, ’n vertrekhoek van 25 grade en ’n grondvryhoogte van 235 mm.
LAEVELD Winter 2011 - 39
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for these products
Yukon Digital Ranger ....................................................... Price R5999*
Davis Wireless Vantage Pro2 ....................................................... Price R7799*
Yukon set the standard for digital night vision, and the Digital Ranger is one of the most powerful infrared illuminators ever released on the commercial market, able to link to a television or monitor for an incredible observation experience.
This professional weather station features state-of-the-art technology at an affordable price. Included the Wireless Vantage Pro2 is the Vantage Pro2 console/receiver, Integrated Sensor Suite (ISS) and mounting hardware. The ISS includes a rain collector, temperature and humidity sensors, anemometer, a 12m anemometer cable and solar panel. The wireless range is up to 300m outdoors, while the typical range through walls, under most conditions, is 60 to 120m.
The image seen through the Digital NV Ranger 5x42 is crisp and sharp, with no blurriness or dark spots. Dual IR system coupled with 5x magnification guarantees recognition of objects at maximum observation distance, while the image brightness is comparable with Gen2 night vision scopes. With the help of a tripod, it can be used for stationary longterm viewing as well as for video recording on peripheral equipment. *Price approximate at time of going to press
40 - LAEVELD Winter 2011
By adding the WeatherLink software package to this weather station, users are able to create graphs, calculate totals and averages, as well as analyse trends. The software also includes WeatherLink data logger, which stores data even when it's not connected to a PC. L