Water fall spring final web

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aterfall Mall Issue 1/Spring 2016/

With one last cold burst, spring has sprung, and the new season is in full-bloom. To celebrate, Waterfall Mall has lined up a whole host of new activities, events, trends, stores and more for its customers. Especially for you, our loyal supporters, we have planned a bumper edition of our new and exclusive, Waterfall Mall News Flash. Additionally, we have a wonderful colouring competition. Get in touch with your inner artist and you could stand the chance to win one of nine Bargain Books hampers. See page 8 for details

Obriani Boutique now OPEN Do you enjoy wearing one of a kind pieces? Then visit the newly opened OBRIANI store in Waterfall Mall for their new range in men’s clothing. Shop 83B Tel: 076 303 7187 Remeber to check Obriani out at the Colour Catwalk Fashion Show.

Neon Walk for Charity 29 October

If you believe in Spring Resolutions, rather than wait for New Year... Join us for our charity Neon Walk/Run on the 29th of October. Early registration will take place in the Centre Court between 25 and 28 October. Hurry though, because the first 100 entrants will receive a free shirt and goodie bag. Registration fee: R 100 per person

Colour Catwalk Fashion Show - 22 October

Join us on the 22nd of October in the Centre Court for the first Waterfall Mall Colour Catwalk Fashion Show. Come and see the best of what our tenants have on offer this summer, so that you can be on trend every day. The show starts at 11am, so come early to secure your spot.

1 Augrabies Ave, Cashan Ext 12, Rustenburg 014 537 3600 www.waterfallmall.co.za

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