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Tech Talk: Back to School
3 Back to School Tech Ideas
Whether you're actually using technology in new ways or mimicking the use of it, here are a few ideas for getting back to school to get to know your students and for your students' parents to learn more about you and the work happening in your school.
QR Codes and Audio Recordings
Invite your parents on a back-toschool night, or a parent-teacher conference, to listen to their child and their stories. AAsk students to write a short essay about what they did this summer, or share something about themselves, or their goals for the year. Then, ask students to read their essays aloud as they record their work. Upload the recorded essays and turn them into a QR Code you can print and have parents use when you see them next. It's easier than you think with Vocaroo. Students just have to click the red record button, select save, and the QR code button appears and ready for use.. Here's a sample of what your recordings and QR Codes can look like found on Pinterest. (The stars cover students faces to show online but imagine how cute it would be for a parent to see their child holding the QR Code.)
Cell Phone/Tablet Use without the Actual Device
Since many students live in a cell phone and tablet world, take advantage of their screen time without an actual screen. Learn more about your students with these innovative worksheet ideas. Ask students to "text the teacher" and share a "summer selfie" about their time away from school.

Take a Selfie
This is a literal one—actually have your students take a selfie and then print and post them on a bulletin board inside your room. Ask students to be creative with their photo to show something about who they are or what they like to do. Then ask students to write a few things about themselves their classmates might not already know.

Looking for other tech ideas? Check out previous Tech Talk issues in the Maine Educator Online!